90 Kratki prispevki / Short Communications A short review of the status of Bonnelli’s Eagle Hieraaetus fasciatus in Bulgaria Kratek pregled statusa kraguljega orla Hieraaetus fasciatus v Bolgariji Stoyan Ch. Nikolov1, Bojidar Ivanov2, Petar Iankov3 & Jean-Louis Dambiermont4 1 Central Laboratory of General Ecology (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), 2 Gagarin Str., BG−1113 Sofia, Bulgaria, e−mail: nikolov100yan@abv.bg 2 Institute of Zoiology, 1 bul. Tzar Osvoboditel, BG−1000 Sofia, Bulgaria, e−mail: bai_bobo@yahoo.com 3 Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds/ BirdLife Bulgaria, BG−1111 Sofia, P.O. Box 50, Bulgaria, e−mail: petar.iankov@gmail.com 4 5A Their des malades, B−4500, Belgium, e−mail: jean-louis.dambiermont@skynet.be The Bonnelli’s Eagle is rather rare in Bulgaria with breeding population estimated at one to three pairs for the 1996 − 2002 period (BirdLife International 2004) and one possible breeding pair for 2004 (Nankinov et al. 2004). There have been seven published localities of the species so far and only one nest found in the country (Simeonov et al. 1990). Present below are three observations of Bonnelli’s Eagle in the region of Madjarovo town in the Eastern Rhodopes. On 3 May 2003 two adult birds were observed flying together and taking liberties with one another in the region of Madjarovo town (UTM MG01). On 25 May 2005 a 3y Bonnelli’s Eagle was observed soaring at about 2 km north of Madjarovo town. The bird flew away in north-eastern direction. Second 3y Bonnelli’s Eagle was observed near the dam of the Studen Kladenetz Reservoir (UTM LG80) flying to the east along the Arda River at about 120 m height at 12.02 h on 21 May 2006. The bird was in transitional plumage with reddish-brown underbody and under wing-covers beginning to develop under wing black bar and dark trailing tail band (Svensson et al. 2000). It is probable that the Bonnelli’s Eagle breeds in the area of Madjarovo town because the landscape there corresponds a lot to the habitat preferred by the species: arid, sparsely vegetated mountainous areas, with foothills, river valleys, gorges and steep cliffs (Real et al. 1997). Povzetek Avtorji podajajo nove podatke o pojavljanju kraguljega orla v letih 2003, 2005 in 2006 v bli`ini mesta Madjarovo v vzhodnih Rodopih (UTM MG01; Bolgarija), kjer je mo`na tudi gnezditev. References BirdLife International (2004): Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. – BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12, Cambridge, UK. Nankinov, D. et al. (2004): Breeding totals of the ornitho- fauna in Bulgaria. – Green Balkans, Plovdiv. Real, J., Palma, L. & Rocamora, G. (1997): Bonnelli’s Eagle Hieraaetus fasciatus In: Hagemeijer, E.J.W. & Blair M.J. (eds.). The EBCC Atlas of European breeding birds: their distribution and abundance. – T & AD Poyser, London;. Simeonov, S., Michev, T. & Nankinov, D. (1990): Fauna of Bulgaria. Vol. 20, Aves, Part I. – BAS, Sofia. Svensson, L., Grant, P., Mullarney, K. & Zetterström, D. (2000): The most complete guide to the birds of Britain and Europe. – HarperCollins Publishers, London. Arrived / Prispelo: 23.6.2006 Accepted / Sprejeto: 5.10.2006