URADNO GLASILO. ‘ ^ SLOVENSKE ZENSKE ZVEZE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S- UNION Slovenian Women’s Union at the Nation’s Capital HIGHLIGHTS OF OUR TRIP TO WASHINGTON D.C. Not often does the opportunity arise for a trip such as this, but 117 ladies of the Slovenian Women’s Union took it enthusiastically and made it into a never-to-be-forgotten excursion. The three bus-loads of us, riding merrily along the beautiful Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania tollways, traveled without a care in the world — enjoying every sight along the way. The perfect weather and blossoming countryside gave us the feeling of spring which we kept all during the trip — even on the way home when the discomfort of the never-ending bus-ride should have made us weary. The most memorable stop on the way was at Gettysburg, Pa., where we visited the famous battlefield and cemetery which is a shrine to the Civil War dead and one of the largest military cemeteries in the world. Our bus drivers did their best to give us a full tour in the limited time we had. Washington, that beautiful city of white marble buildings and wide avenues was at the end of our journey. Fxcited and happy, we alighted from the buses to be met by our distinguished Washingtonians, Senator Frank J. Lausche of Ohio and Congressman John A. Blatnik of Minnesota and a number of our Slovenians who have responsible jobs in various governmental departments such as the U.S. Information Agency, State Dept, and also, the Library of Congress. Professor of Economics at Georgetown Univ., Dr. Cyril Zebot and his wife also honored us by coming. It was a happy evening for everyone, but especially for me since I had misgivings about the plan to have a “potica reception” for our guests that night only because we were late in arriving and it was the last weekend of the Congressional Faster recess when no one was expected to be in Washington. As it turned out, the reception and the potica was excellent and our ladies had the thrill of being greeted by their most respected Senator and Congressman and of meeting a dozen charming gentlemen who had waited an hour and a half for our arrival. Saturday morning’s thrill came with the surprise entrance of Senator Lausche at the hotel coffee shop Please turn ...... SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA V AMERIKI Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, lil. Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, lil. Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State oj Illinois. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 d državi Illinois. MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN ZARJA — THE DAWN Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Zenske Zveze v Ameriki Published monthly — Izhaja vsak mesec Annual Subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually - Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, III. Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Editorial Office: 1937 W. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO 8, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do S v mesecu. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION (Continued) where he spent two hours with us, just visiting. He left just in time to make a flight for Cleveland where he had a speaking engagement that evening. We toured the White House that morning and wondered at the crowds of tourists standing in block-long lines to see the sights in Washington. It was the busiest tourist week in that city. Congressman Blatnik’s invitation for us to meet him at the U.S. Capitol for a personal tour was accepted with pleasure, and we didn’t waste a moment’s time getting there after our White House visit. He and his secretary, Mr. Lud Andolsek of Chisholm met us at the entrance to the House of Representatives and escourted the whole group right into the chamber. Our ladies gladly accepted the invitation to be seated as we had had a busy morning, but, it wasn't until we were all in place that the Congressman told us we were the first such group to be given this privilege — actually to be seated in the House of Representatives itself. I know all of us were thrilled beyond words at his sincere greeting. Our President, Toni Tanko had shaky legs when he had her sit in the Speaker’s chair, but she found the right words to express thanks on behalf of all of us, for his generous and kind hospitality. The visit was capped with luncheon at the House Office Building where we enjoyed the same menu eaten by our distinguished lawmakers. Bidding adieu was a lengthy process since many ladies wanted to take a picture with him for remembrance. We toured Arlington National Cemetery that afternoon and enjoyed the view of beautiful pink dogwood orchards and blooming azaleas growing everywhere. The changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier left us amazed at the discipline of the solidiers who stand guard night and day at that hallowed spot. Dinner at a night club proved to be a very entertaining hour spent in relaxation that Saturday night. We all were a little tired and anxious to rest before our Sun-day sight-seeing, so many retired early._______________ UNITED STATES SENATE Washington, D. C. , , May 1962 Dear Mrs. Leskovar: I merely write to tell you how deeply I enjoyed our meeting last Friday night and especially the breakfast assembly while the members of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America visited Washington. It gave me an opportunity to meet with many dear friends of my childhood neighborhood of Cleveland. To top it all, at the morning breakfast gathering I was given a potica prepared by Mrs. Otoničar. For a brief time the potica was lost, it looked as if it were going to disarrange the entire tour—with great joy, however, it was finally located and given to me. I wrote a card to Mrs. Otoničar expressing my gratitude and great relief that the trip was not marred through the failure to find the potica. With persona] regards and best wishes, I remain Sincerely yours, Frank J. Lausche. AT THE NATION’S CAPITAL The National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception is the largest Catholic church in the U.S. We attended Holy Mass there at 8 a.m. on Sunday, followed by breakfast at the cafeteria and we got in a little shopping, too. We boarded our buses for the Franciscan Monastery which was our second destination that morning. The tour through the catacombs and church was very inspiring to all. We spent an hour’s rest at the hotel at lunchtime before visiting the National Gallery of Art and the Smithsonian Institute where the main attractions for us were the Hall of First Ladies, showing the garb of our Presidents’ wives on wax figures made to resemble them and the Space Bldg. where the capsule of our first Astronaut, Alan Shepard, is on display. A sudden downpour dampened us a little and it was just enough to encourage us to start for home. We left Washington a few hours earlier than anticipated, but, I think everyone was willing to go because we had had such a busy schedule for two days. Before leaving Washington, I had the pleasure of being interviewed on Voice of America for broadcast direct to Slovenia. I know I spoke for all our travelers in expressing the pride we all felt in visiting our nation’s capital and in viewing so many historic places which we might not have seen if it were not for the S.W.U. excursion. In the group were many older mothers and grandmothers who knew of these places only through references made at home by their children in school. It really was not only a sightseeing trip, but, a pilgrimage to the birthplace of our nation’s heritage. We rode home in all moods — sometimes praying, sometimes singing, sometimes joking and sometimes in silence. Besides the 92 members from Cleveland, who arrived home early Monday morning, there was a nice group from Joliet and also from Milwaukee and Chicago. We traveled till noon on Monday, amazed at all we had seen and done in only four days. Corinne Leskovar Congress of the United States House of Representatives Washington, D. C. Dear Corinne: I was not only delighted to see your wonderful group of Slovene women in Washington, but It was truly a moving and heartfelt experience to be able to show those wonderful women our House of Representatives, and other historic parts of the Capitol. My, how I admired the wonderful spirit of the group, especially the older “mothers”, for I know that many of them got very little rest or sleep on their long trip and they were tired, but they certainly do not show it. On the contrary, their earnest and wholehearted eagerness and the deep respect with which they looked forward to visiting the White House, the Capitol, and other historical spots in Washington was certainly something to see. 1 hope that by now you, and all the others are rested and settled down back home, after what I am sure was a very informative and inspiring visit to your nation's Capital. With heartfelt warmest regards to all, Most sincerely, John A. Blatnik, M. C. ZARJA ^DAWN OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA XXXIV — No. 6 JUNE, 1962 LETO XXXIV — ŠT. 6 Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. VT HE Catholic Church glories in the use of the term “father”. The head of the Church is called Holy E/H Father. We address our priests as “father". The father of the human family is also most highly respected by the Church. She is well aware that all fatherhood is of God. She is also mindful of the fact that the human father is the likeness of God, the Father of all creation. The authority which the father wields is a reflection of the authority of God. In the matter of providence there is an intimate bond between the fatherhood of God and the fatherhood of man. Both look ahead to see what the future holds and to cope with it. The Eternal Father provides for the whole future. An earthly father provides for that little portion of the future which concerns those under his care. It is a serious thing for him to take charge of the lives of the others. It requires courage to undertake the nourishment of their bodies, the cultivation of their minds, the training of their wills and the development of their characters, that they may live well on earth and merit eternal life. One of the rewards of fatherhood is the complete Father Is God’s Representative confidence which young children have in their father. Their absolute reliance upon him increases his devotedness to them. His very devotion, however, may lead to their misunderstanding of him. They live in the present, while he is preoccupied with the future, planning and struggling that they may not go hungry, and especially that they may not fail when they face the battle of life. As the father strains every faculty in the struggle, his children may think that he is indifferent to them or uninterested or impatient. They may even compare him unfavorably with other fathers, who have achieved greater success as measured in terms of clothes and cars and houses. The sensible father does not crave praise or gratitude from his children. He does not respect a return in the form of financial support or compensation. He is amply rewarded, when he sees in the good lives of his children, the success of his efforts. He is most happy, when he observes them doing for their children what he did for them. Though good fathers do not seek recompense, they are pleased with the expressions of appreciation. Father’s day is an ideal time to tell father by word or gift of our love and gratitude. It is also a reminder to help him if he be in need, and to honor him always as God's representative. Our President s m ontkly Alessage Pennsylvania State day will be held in Strabane, June 17. All Cleveland ladies that would like to go and make this one day trip contact Vicki Faletič or Ella Starin. Fare on the Greyhound bus will be nominal for round trip. Put in your reservations immediately! Last year we had two buses when we went to Pittsburgh, Pa., and every one had a good time and promised to go again. July 18th, is the date set for the Canada trip. This trip will cost around $100.00 round trip. This will include the train fare, Hotel, all sightseeing, visiting 7 shrines at Montreal and Quebec. Reservations should be in by July 1st. For more information please contact Vicki Faletič at 107C E. 72 St. Phone En. 1-4019 or Ella Starin, 17814 Dille- wood Rd, Phone Iv. 1-6248. I attended the 35th. anniversary of Br. No. 10 and the Ohio Mich-State Convention on April 1st. Also representing our Union Supreme Secretary, Albina Novak who's appearance and interesting remarks are a great asset to our Union. Also present were Auditor Vicki Faletič with her big smile (and loved by everyone), and State President, EUa Starin who also is doing a wonderful job in her office. Out of State guests for the meeting were State President of Pennsylvania Mary Tomsic who brought along fifteen members and members from Lorain and Conneaut. Present at the Banquet were over 400 guests. Congratulations again, Br. 10! (See photos on pg. 107.) To all who are taking a trip either in ihe States or to Europe take good care in traveling and I wish you a very safe and hapy journey. Toni Tanko WE HONOR OUR MOTHERS-OF-THE-YEAR HELEN TIBJASH Št. 18, Cleveland, Ohio. Naša častna mati leta ses. Helen Tibjash, 16318 Huntmere, je prišla v Ameriko kot 17 letno dekle. Naselila se je v clevelandski slov. metropoli in tam ostala vse življenje. Rodila se je v Pod- grajah pri Ilirski Bistrici, v Trnovem je hodila v samostansko šolo. Ima dva sinova in pet vnukov in vnukinj. Najstarejši sin ji je žal umrl leta 1937. Kljub svoji ohromelosti, še vedno zelo rada hekla, kolikor more, ker co ji je v razvedrilo in kratek čas. Za Zvezo je dosti storila, dokler je bila bolj zdrava. — Bog jo živi in ji daj moči, da bi voljno prenašala težko bolezen. Vse članice ji čestitamo ter ji želimo vse najboljše. No. 49, Noble, O. Mrs. Virginia Bi-sak, 28642 Forest Rd., Willowick, O. represents the members of Br. 49 in this issue. (Sorry it arrived too late for the May edition. Edit.) She was born in Sharksburg, Pa., 57 years ago and is a widow twice. Her family consists of 5 children), Helen, John and Paul were born of her first mar- VIRGINIA BISAK riage and Martha and Joe of the second. She herself is a member for 18 years. Mrs. Bisak works for General Electric Corp. and has been with this firm for 18 years also. As her picture shows, she is a happy homemaker and proud of her lovely kitchen. God’s blessing on her and all our mothers! FINAL RESULTS OF THE MIDWEST BOWLING TOURNEY 26th Annual Classic held at Chicago, III., April 7-8, 1962 This year there was an entry of 32 teams and we were most honored by the visit of seven bowlers of Bi-wabik, Minn. The girls were able to come through the cooperation of their sister members of Br. 39 who helped them raise funds to make the trip. We are hoping to return the trip back to them sometime in the future! The committee is considering having tourney locations voted by the bowlers themselves — so, we may get up to Minnesota yet! Chicago team entry for the Midwest tournament led with 16 teams; Joliet brought in 5 teams and West Allis participated with 4 teams under the supervision of our new director, Marion Marolt. Milwaukee also had a team, La Salle had 3 teams and Oglesby 2 teams. All these towns brought in doubles and singles entries as well. These teams plus the one from Biwabik brought the total to 32. Winners of the tournament were the Zefran Funeral Home team. Congratulations to my teammates! I extend heartiest thanks to all the bowlers for their wonderful spirit and cooperation and to the members of Br. 2 for all their help in making this tourney so successful. The trip to Canada, July 18 to 23, is now complete and the last reservation date is June 25th. The amount of $75.00 must accompany your reservations, please. No passengers will be considered after that date because of sleeping accomodations which we have reserved in advance. All details have been printed in previous issues of Zarja. I hope to be hearing from all our members from across the land. Please note that the quoted price is from Chicago. Write for more information, or call Virginia 7-6688. Liz Zefran, 1941 W. Cermak Road, Chicago 8, 111. ACTIVITIES No 2, Chicago, III. We, too, had a lovely May meeting, with the accent on Mothers! Our short, but sweet program, delighted the large attendance of members present. The meeting dealt with the trip to Canada, which takes place on July 18th led by Eliz. Zefran. Many of our members are planning on taking this trip, as the descriptions of it are so fascinating. There was a report given by yours truly on our April trip to Washington, which was very successful. The members enjoyed hearing about our many adventures. Mother of the Year, Mary Koren, was presented a small gift from the branch and all the members heartily congratulated her. She is a very gentle and humble person. After the dessert luncheon, we showed old-time movies — some dating back to the 15th anniversary of the branch, 20 years ago. Everyone enjoyed seeing themselves as they looked then. Next meeting is June 14th. See you at St. Stephen’s Lower Hall, 8 p. m. Corinne Leskovar No. 3, Pueblo, Colo. As I scanned over the May issue, I thought what a nice tribute to our Slovenian mothers. Our sincere congratulations to them all. At our May meeting, we honored our mothers, especially, Mother of the Year, Gertrude Muhic. She was presented a beautiful framed picture of the Blessed Virgin Mary for which she was deeply thankful and moved to tears. Even my small gift was cheerfully accepted. We members were all happy that she was with us, because we know she is of fragile health. After the meeting, we enjoyed a delicious luncheon. I am happy to announce that our state convention will take place at Crested Butte, with the ladies of Br. no. 92 as hostesses. The date has not been set, however, it will be in the month of July. Branch 92 invites all our members, from far and near, to join them for this day. I, too, hope you will all plan on attending. This will be a very enjoyable trip for us — and you won’t be sorry you went along. Crested Butte is 200 miles from Pueblo and it will be a beautiful trip through the mountains. The cost of the bus trip will be $5.75 and for reservations, contact yours truly or Francis Simonich, our secretary. Death has visited us again and in three days we had three funerals! Sister, Anna Prijatel lost her husband, for which we extend deepest sympathy to her. Our Sister, Cecilia Bradish, was called to her eternal reward on Easter Sunday. She was found dead in her home, where she lived alone. Another sister, Barbara Petrie, left her world of suffering after a long illness. For all our deceased, we pray God will grant them eternal peace and our sympathy to the bereaved families. There will not be any meetings during the months of July and August, so, happy vacations to you all. Our June 6th meeting will be an important one with election of our delegate to the state convention as the main business. See you then. God bless you all. A. Pachak No. 17, West Allis, Wise. There was no February meeting due to a severe snowstorm but a few braved the elements of winter and there was just an impromptu discussion. Our March meeting was very well attended, and we had the installation of officers and made plans to attend the Bowling Tournament with a char- tered bus. We also discussed plans for going to Lemont, 111., on July 15th “Zveza Day”, so if any members and friends are interested in going, will they please call the president or the secretary. Before closing our meeting, we presented Mrs. Josephine Schloser, our past president, with a gift of purse and luggage in appreciation for her many years of faithful and loyal service to our branch. The membership unanimously voted her the title of Honorary President of No. 17. We sincerely hope that she will continue in good health and happiness in the years to come. In regard to our bowling tournament, we had 4 teams entered and 7 women participating in the singles and doubles on Saturday when we even brought along our own cheering section, our secretary, Marie Floryan and my son, Ray Anthony. Mary Križan had her husband cheering on the sidelines. Sunday we had a wonderful time at the alleys, on the bus, and everyone enjoyed the trip and the eventful day. Our deepest sympathy is extended to Mrs. Frances Potočar and family on the loss of their husband and father, Louis. May God grant him eternal rest! On our sick list we had Gertrude Pugel and Marie Floryan. A speedy recovery to you both and get well wishes to all our ailing members. Marion Marolt No. 19, Eveleth, Minn. Many thanks to all the members who attended our May meeting and to those who helped with the table arangements, gifts and the program with which we honored the Mother-of-the-Year, Mrs. Johanna Zadkovich and all the mothers of the branch. It was a lovely party. There will be no meeting in June and July. Please attend our August meeting. No doubt we will have many important things to talk about and especially about the coming Minnesota Day which will take place in Gilbert, Sept. 9th. On May 5th we attended the wedding of our granddaughter Mary Ann Duller at St. Stephen’s church in Chicago. Mary Ann’s father Fire Captain Ed Duller was killed in service some years ago when a burning wall collapsed on him. So, for this occasion she asked her grandpa, Tony Lenich, to be her escort in church. (Picture is on page 109. We had a delightful time in Chicago. With regards to all. Mary Lenich, Sec’y No. 20, Joliet, III. Our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ignatius Strojin of Rockdale who celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. Mrs. Helen Strojin is our member for a long time. May they have many more years of enjoyable life. Our condolences to Mrs. Agnes Koerber whose brother, William Stukel, from Hickory St., passed a-way recently. Beside Agnes he is sur- vived by two brothers. He was buried from St. Joseph church and laid at rest in the parish cemetery. Our heartiest congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Frank Muster who have become grandparents to twin girls, daughters of Mr. & Mrs. Francis Muster. They now have a lovely family of five, four girls and a boy. Congratulations to the grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Fedo and Mr. & Mrs. Frank Koncar of the arrival of the first daughter in the family of Mr. & Mrs. John Koncar who already have four boys. Mrs. Dorothy Koncar is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Frank Fedo. Congratulations also to greatgrand-ma, Mrs. Emma Planinšek and grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Fred Hofer whose daughter and granddaughter Mrs. Karen Albert, gave birth to a son. May all the babies grow to be strong and healthy and the pride of their parents, grandparents and great-grandma. We wish the parents many happy hours with their children. After the April meeting, colored movies were shown taken by the Erjavec family on their trip last year. This was the second series of movies, and pictures shown were of Italy, Rapallo, Pisa, Padua, Rome, Terenca, Venezia and Trieste. In the Yugoslav movies, pictures were shown from St. Vid at Stična, Muljava, Ivančna Gorica, Škofljice and Ljubljana. Also Škofja Loka, the Nuns’ Cloister of the Ursulines, picnic at Postojna on July 4th, various churches, parades in Ljubljana, also Koper, Pula. Portorož, Piran, Opatija, Poreč, Zagreb, Belo-grad and many other beautiful cities. The showing was well-attended. The movies were accompanied by songs and melodies representing various customs and countries, taken in charge by Ronald Erjavec. Convalescing in the hospital is our member, Mrs. Mary Laurioh, who is confined there several months. Also ill are Mrs. Frances Koncar and Mrs. Apolonija Lockner who is convalescing at present at home. The trip to Washington, D. C., under the direction of our secretary, Miss Frances Gaspich, was a total success from Joliet, as 19 ladies attended this tour from here. Many favorable comments were made of this wonderful trip, and we are all happy they were pleased with their tour. The members of br. 20 extend their good wishes to our founder and past president and now honoary president, Mrs. Marie Prisland, who will celebrate her birthday June 21st. May she live many more years among us in health and contentment. Last year on June 21st, on the feast of St. Aloysious, we were at the Vatican, where we saw the Holy Father and at this time we prayed for the health of Mrs. Prisland and our members and friends. Since no more meetings will be held this summer, members are asked to call me or the secretary, Frances Gaspich, 619 N. Nicholson, for news or reporting a sick member, etc. In this manner I will be able to report our local happenings in our branch in the Zarja. With best wishes to all, Josephine Erjavec No. 20, Joliet, III. The bowling season for this league is coming to a close. Competition is running high between three teams for first and second place in team standing. With only one night of bowling remaining it would be unwise to make any predictions. We will await the fall of the last pin. During the past month we have had good performance by some of the lower average bowlers. Lodene Hayes (125 average) came up with a high game of 216, Sophie Stiglich 19G, Therese Trishner 179 and from our better average bowlers Marje Waj-chert 195 and Ann Stefanich 201. In the high series area we have Ann Stefanich 521. Evelyn Gregory 530 and Marje Wajchert 518. The girls have added excitement to the game by making their spares when needed. Vicki Bernickas picked up the 3-10 as did Mary Nahas twice, Therese Pav-nica the 5-6-1, Mary Gaspich 5-10, and one of our faithful subs, Ann Savol picked up a neat 3-7-8. We have them going up and down the ladder also with Bernice Susk’s 139-164-139; Edith Rosenquist 156-137-156; Mary Kay Spelich 114-121-128 and 160-113-160; Jo Sumic 123-108-123; Jo Goron 133-135-137; Ann Papesh 154-166-154; Mary Nahas 129-130-131. Trophies to the winning team will be awarded at the banquet at Bruns Restaurant in suburban New Lenox. The next article will give all the details and the announcement of the winner. Agnes Koerber No. 21, Cleveland. Ohio. We all enjoyed our annual Mother’s Day Pot-Luck dinner with each member bringing something good to eat. It was wonderful to see all those home made pastries and salads, sausage and other goodies. I’m sure no calories were counted that evening. Our Mother of the Year, Mrs. Anne Pelcic was guest of honor. She certainly is worthy and deserving of that honor. She received a beautiful orchid corsage from the members and was presented by Mrs. Cecilia Brodnik. A beautiful decorated cake was made and donated by Mrs. Mary Nosan. I wish to thank our hostesses, Mary Nosan and P&uline Friedel most sincerely and to all the ladies who worked so hard in the kitchen, serving and preparing. Also to the members who donated so generously to the Pot-Luck dinner and brought gifts for our door prizes and games. Cash donated by Marie Pivik and Anne Vuk, each $2 and Anne Zamon, $1. Many, many thanks to Mary Hosta who donated the beautiful Inr fant of Jesus statue. There’s also rejoicing in the home of Mrs. Mary Vehar who welcomed her first granddaughter, Gina Marie. Also, Mrs. Anne Klun recently became a granddaughter for the 8th time. Congratulations to the babies, mothers and grandmas. The husband of Marie Hosta, one of our faithful members who recently had a serious operation, is convalescing at home. God bless you, Tony, and keep you in the best of health! The winners of the benefit drawing were: 1st prize, Infant of Jesus to Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Tratnik, 12418 Kir-ton Ave., 2nd prize, Electric clock, Miss Betty Kmet; 3rd prize, Handmade Pillowslips, Barbie Madey; DATES TO REMEMBER June 2—Bake Sale, Br. 56, Hibbing, Minn. June 5—Luncheon and Card Party, Br. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa., Slov. Hall, 7 p. m. June 8—25th Anniversary Dinner, Br. 83. Crosby, Minn. June 10—Picnic, Br. 14, at Lopp’s Farm, Geneva, Ohio June 10—Mother’s Day Party & meeting, Br. 47, 2 p. m. June 16 — Excursion to Europe via Alitalia Jet June 17-—Penna. Zveza Day, Br. 104, Meadowlands, Pa. June 28 — Card Party, Br. 55, Girard, O. July 15 — Lemont Zveza Day, Br. 2, Lemont, 111. July 18-23 Excursion to St. Ann De Beaupre, Canada August 19 Excursion to Hawaii Sept. 30—Bazaar & Baking Demonstration, Combined Cleveland Branches, Cleveland, Ohio Oct. 28—Miscellaneous Card Party, Br. 17, West Allis, HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN JUNE Supreme Officer; June 21—Marie Prisland, Founder and Honorary President, Sheboygan, Wise. Branch Presidents: June 4—Shirley Rose, Br. 62, Conneaut, Ohio June 13—Nettie Strukel, Br. 18, Cleveland, Ohio June 13—Mary Vidmar, Br. 78, Leadville, Colo. June 28—Pauline Stampfel, Br. 25, Cleveland, Ohio MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! GOD BLESS YOU, DADS! Our good families revere their fathers always, and, especially on Father’s Day, we find the time and opportunity to tell them so. Happy Fathers Day on June 17th to all our Dads, real and spiritual on earth and in heaven! Ely’s Dawn Club Completes 27th Successful Year The Dawn Club, Ely, Minn. The officers and delegates to our last convention in Ely, will remember the friendly service and help received from the Dawn Club, an auxiliary of Branch 23. I was very much impressed by the activities of this Club and asked for their history. Later, Mrs. Barbara Rosandich, State president for Minnesota contributed more valuable information. The Dawn (Zarja) Club, was organized May 15, 1935 with 30 charter members. Katherine Kapash was a temporary chairman until Frances Marinšek was elected as the first president of the Club. The goal of the newly organized club was, and still is: To further sociability and friendship; To be of service in all activities sponsored by the branch and the Slovenian Women’s Union. To help promote civic and cultural activities in the city of Ely. Only those members belonging to Branch No. 23, who are under 40 years of age, are admitted into the club. The meetings are held every month followed with a program and refreshments. Dues are 15 cents a month. Some of their past and present activities are as follows: — The Club was in charge of the Heart Fund Drive in the city of Ely and collected over $1,000.00. — Was active in the Air Defense program until a Radar station was built. — Donates services each week to the Ely hospital. — Sends get-well cards to members of the branch and the Club who are ill at home, and a vase and a rose to those in the hospital. — For those who passed away, a spiritual bouquet is offered. — They donate to American Red Cross, Polio Fund, Girl Scouts, etc. — Hold anniversary banquet in May, and a Christmas party with exchange of gifts. — An annual Valentine party is held with exchange of handkerchiefs. — Their treasury is increased by selling candy and Christmas napkins. The present officers of the Dawn Club are: Barbara Brenan, President Mary Shikonja, Secretary Emma Pucel, Vice-president Rose Pucel, Treasurer No officer can serve more than 2 years. The Club has 45 members to date. From the above history we can see the wonderful work this Club is performing. It would be a great boost to every branch and of much benefit and prestige to our Zveza if other branches would organize similar clubs. To Ely’s Dawn Club we extend our sincere compliments on a job well done, with best wishes for a successful and bright future. Marie Prisland ELY, MINNESOTA DAWN CLUB 4th prize, Bottle of Cheer, Judy Bo-char and 5th prize, Bottle of Cheer, K. Burke. Once again, we would like to remind all members that there will be no meetings in July and August. A happy birthday to all those celebrating this month, Stella Dancull, Sec’y No. 23, Ely, Minn. Our branch has sad news to report for the month of April. Our president, Mrs. Mary Je-rich, charter member of Br. 23, passed away on April 2. She died at the clinic while going on examination. She was ill for a short time and is survived by 4 daughters and 2 sons, all married. Just last week, her youngest daughter, who resided in Chicago, died after a long illness. Mrs. Katherine Slogar is a sister of Mrs. Jerich. Our deepest sympathy to the family. May her soul rest in peace. At our Jan. meeting, it was decided to remember our ill and invalid members at Easter with a basket of fruit and candy. On Good Friday, Mrs. Slogar, Mary Stubler and I drove to Virginia to the Pioneer Infirmary to visit our ill members confined there, namely, Mrs. Mary Stubler, Mrs. M. Gotchnik and Mrs. Mary Zbasnik; then, we went to Virginia Municipal Hospital to see Mrs. Johanna Somrak. At Ely we visited Mrs. Frances Seliškar and Mrs. Ursula Golob. We hope and pray that God will ease their suffering and grant them speedy recovery. Now that the vacation season is around the corner. I hope you will have a wonderful time as well as a safe one. Fraternally yours, Mary Shikonya No. 24, LaSalle, III. Even with the improved weather conditions, our meeting was not too well attended. Because of this, the committee felt obliged to make some decisions, a-mong them, that there will be no meetings in June, July and August and secondly, that our branch will try to organize a group for Lemont Zveza Day this year. All those interested should contact the president or me. Please do not wait until the last day. We hope to have enough to fill a bus — the fare will be very reason- able; that is, Sunday, July 15th. A reminder to all delinquent members — please send in your dues at once, because the treasury is not big enough to pay for those who are in arears. Our members who are ill are Paula Vidrilc and Ana Oklejsen. We wish them speedy recoveries. We extend our deepest sympathy to member, Antonia Gregorič, who lost her son, Anton, so unexpectedly. To his wife and family, our condolences. May he rest In peace. Angela Strukel, Sec’y Seated, left to right: Mary Slubler, Frances Colarich, Ann Rose, Rose Pucel Treasurer, Barbara Brennan President, Amelia Mainer and Emma Pucel. Back row, left to right: Mary Pucel, Molly Supancich, Katherine Merhar, Stephanie Vranesich, Mary Shikonya Secretary, Mary Zgonc, Mary Skufca, Mary Evanish, Mary Starkovich, Angela Godec, Rose Lobe, Christine Grahek, Mary Skradski and Molly Richards. Members not pictured are: Barbara Rosandich, Pauline PiShler, Ann Benko, Mary Knapp, Frances Zakrajšek, Mary Vidmar, Jeanette Vidmar, Mary Tolyon, Julia Zgonc, Margaret Skubitz, Julia Russ, Frances James, Ann Levar, Mary Jamnik, Rose Ferderber, Pauline Ferderber, Louise Seliga, Angela Kosir, Margaret Pecha, Angela Erchul, Margaret Preshiren, Ann Miklausich, Pauline Polyner, and Florence Markovich. VICKI’S JOTTINGS ... No. 25, Cleveland, Ohio — June, the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It seems that every month of the year has a pleasant significance of something blessed. Whether it’s the weather or honoring our favorite saint Life is very interesting and beautiful especially if we look with beauty and love at things around us. In the next issue we shall know who will reign as queen of branch No. 25. Being queen I believe is a secret desire of most of our fair sex. Imagine how grand it would be if all our ladies wore a queen’s robe and a shiny crown. Sort of makes one feel pretty good. Branch No. 25 sure would shine. No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. At the April meeting, 21 members were present. Discussion was held regarding our luncheon and card party and also the trip to Meadowlands to celebrate Zveza Day, June 17th. After the meeting, games were played and coffee and cake was served. Condolences are sent to Josephine Seles who lost her husband on April 21st. May his soul rest in peace. Once again, we would like to remind you all that there will be no meetings in July or August, so, ladies, try and come to the June meeting. Hope all the members enjoy the summer months and may God bless you all. Ann Frankovic, Sec’y No. 32, Euclid, Ohio. It was gratifying to see so many happy faces at our Mother’s Day meeting on May 1st. Following the usual business meeting, we all sat down to a nicely set table of goodies donated by Molly Gregorc, Catherine Golinar, Theresa Potokar, Theresa Popovič and Barbara Baron. Mary Penrod and Theresa Popovič also made sloppy joe sandwiches. We sang Happy Birthday to Catherine Golinar. Our two new members, Anna Telisman and Zora Jankowski were lucky recipients of a gift. Pauline Vrh, Angela Yarm, Angela Barkovich, Josephine Femec, Molly Gregorič, Antonia Karaba, Frances Klun, Anna Chinchar, Mary Cercek, Mary Ercul, Mary Noda, Mary Zele and Mary Drenik, all donated to the Birthday Club. Our congratulations to Catherine Drenik who is a grandmother 25 times and a great-grandmother for the very first time! Until you hear from us again, best wishes for health and happiness. Lillian Vehovec No. 34, Soudan, Minn. Our meeting two days after Easter was held in our new parish hall in the basement of our new St. Martin’s Church which was dedicated on Sunday March 18th by Bishop Francis Schenk of Duluth. We had a good tournout for the meeting which was presided over by Mrs. John Pahula in the absence of Mrs. Edward Dragavon. Mrs. Dragavon Summary of trip to Washington: Tremendous! A city filled with historical monuments, beauty nourished and accomplished by sweat and sacrifice of our forefathers and good citizens of our United States. We enjoyed it with quietness and a great respect. The clear sunny days we had seemed in agreement of our happy visit. Sport side: The ladies and children’s bowling season is over for now but next fall will show greater and better teams for the good ole S.W.U. organization. In the meantime stay happy. Vicki Faletič tendered her resignation as president by letter, and in her place Mrs. Pahula was unanimously elected president. Mrs. William Vollendorf replaces Mrs. Pahula as vice-president. Mrs. Dragavon will continue to be active in the Branch, but could not act as president. Mrs. Mary Pahula informed all members of the letter received from the President of SWU that each each member pay 25 cents a year into the “Zarja” special fund. It was agreed that this assessment will be piad by each member at the next meeting in May. Plans were also made that the May meeting will be in the nature of an “outside” dinner and after some discussion, Mrs. Louis Chiabotti was named to take care ot' arangements and these would be published in the local weekly paper to infonn the members. Following the business meeting the members played “500” and the prize winners were Mrs. Tony Planton, Mrs. Mary Pahula, Mrs. Joseph Skala and Mrs. Joseph Jamnick. The evening was concluded with a delicious luncheon served by the hostesses, Mmes. Michael Musich and John Tekautz. Mrs. Anthony F. Yapel, No. 39, Biwabik, Minn. Welcome to our new member, Kathryn Kukar who was just signed up! Our trip to Chicago for the Bowling Tourney was just grand. We shall never forget how wonderful everyone was whom we met. First of all, we want to thank Elizabeth Zefrani, her husband and son, for taking us under their wing. They were just grand, and had to haul us around in. their big cars. They took us to the lovely Motel and saw that we had good accommodations and when it was time, they picked us up and deposited us at the alleys. They worried about us like their own family. Thanks, again, Liz, you're a grand gal! We were greeted by Albina and Corinne — that always makes one feel at home, to meet your old friends again. It was so nice to see some of the members I had met on previous conventions who came down to watch us bowl. All in all, it’s a small world! We got home tired but happy. Hope we can do it again next year. God bless you all! Angeline Karish No. 42, Maple Hgts., Ohio. “June is bustin’ out all over” in our fair city and what a beautiful sight to behold. I can always remember the late Ivan Zorman exclaiming over Maple Hgts. in the spring. He told me once that as many years as he had been coming to our town he still always looked forward to this special treat as he turned his auto off Broadway into Miller Ave., and passed beneath the canopy of blooming maples. These balmy days you will see most of our members working in their yards in which they all take great pride, and well they should, too. “Better Homes and Gardens” has nothing on us from the results to be seen around our streets. It is very gratifying to look about us and recognize familiar scenes in these rapidly changing times Although we are all swept up by progress and development, the things we hold dear to our hearts remain ever dearer because they are unchanged. Within the deeply sentimental Slovene heart this is even more so. As long as we have the Perko’s, Vrcek’s, Kastelic’s, Legan’s, Hrovat’s, Hocevar’s, Lipnos’s, Stavec’s and all the other pioneers working so diligently to make this community the pillar it is, who cares when we reach the moon or anything else? As we go to press, word reaches me that “Tonka” Kastelic has joined the ranks of new grandmothers. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Kastelic presented her with grandchild No. 10, a boy born on April 25th. A new member to our SŽZ is Marie Matis, daughter of president Antonia. Welcome to the family, Marie, now we should never want for entertaiment with such an accomplished accordianist in our midst. If there are any June brides or graduates in the families of our Zveza members, congrats to all! Many members said they did not attend the April meeting because they forgot all about it. Please, ladies, check in the Zarja for time and date of our meetings, or better still, mark it on your calendar where you can’t miss it. Our next meeting will be June 27th, at 7:30 p. m. Bowling is over now and the kids are home from school so you have no excuse for not attending. See you at the meeting! Come on, gals, what do you say? Will you be there? Lillian Sadowski No. 46, St. Louis, Mo. Our Communion and Breakfast was well attended. Thanks to Mmes. Dolenz, An-cel, Hozjak, Moenningman, Ruzicka, Skoff. Faith, Staker, Gartner, Pisoni and Thompson for donation for break- fast of cakes, poticas and bakery delicacies. If any one else brought anything I don’t have the name, I’m sorry. So, thanks to all who brought cakes and bakery goods for breakfast. Our Mother’s Day party will be well-attended, according to reservations I have on hand. Since we are going to a new place I hope every one will like the food and the atmosphere. I am glad Mary Gregory is getting along so well now. She is going to church a-gain and uses only one crutch. So keep up the good work. My cousin, Eda Webb, is moving to Washington, D. C. in July. Her husband is in the Coast Guard. She and both of her daughters are members of our branch. I am sorry to report the loss of one of our older members, Mary Krpan. The ladies made a nice showing for the rosary for our deceased member. May she rest in peace. Pallbearers were: Margaret Dolenz, Theresa Ga-brian, Ann Johnson, Marie Gartner, Antonette Faith and Marie Golobic. Since my last article arrived too late for the May issue, I would like to say the step-father of our member Ann Ponder passed away on April 1. Three years after the death of his wife, and our member, Ann Peters. May they both rest in peace! How about coming to some of the meetings again now, Ann. You don’t have anything to tie you down now. Its been a long time you know. Also Mary Kelly, show up once in a while Nobody knows who you are. The next meeting will be on June 10th at my house 6427 Woodbine Ct. at 2 p. m. So everybody come. It will be something special. Marie Thompson, Sec’y No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. Our April meeting was an exciting one — talk was all about our trip to Washington, D. C. — and, about our White Elephant Sale in May and our trip to Strabane for Penna State Day, June 17th Talked about the 25c contribution toward our magazine to meet the rising cost and this was agreeable to all — all understood and actually it was no surprise since everything else has gone up. Oh, we have such a nice bunch of girls! They are all easy to get along with and I love being with them and working for the good of our branch. Our next meeting we expect will be important with initiation of our new members; we had nine more to make the goal! Ann Dekleva tried so hard to help us and she enrolled many new members. Today she brought in Anna Tusek. We hope Mrs. Tusek will enjoy being one of us and to our good worker, Ann, we say, may God bless you! We all express our deepest sympathy to Josephine Seeley on the loss of her sister. It was good to have Sophie Kaplan back on the job after her illness. On April 1st, many of us attended the 35th anniversary of Br. 10. I want to congratulate them on this occasion and compliment them on the nice crowd they had and the delicious food. We all enjoyed ourselves. Bless you all! Mary Bostian No. 54, Warren, Ohio. Members of our branch had a lovely turn-out last night, when we held our annual Mother’s Day banquet and honored our mothers, especially Mother of the Year, Mary Ponikvar. We met at the Ali Baba for dinner and were ushered into a beautiful room with purple and white appointments. The candlelit tables were very welcoming and our dinner consisted of an enormous array of food from their famous smorgasbord, all of which was delicious. After dinner, prayers were said for the sick and adieu was extended to member, Mrs. Petrovich, who is leaving to make her new home in California. Then came the highlight of the evening, when our Mother of the Year was presented a lovely corsage and the deep thanks of the members for her many years of service to the branch. She was the first secretary and has for many years served in various positions. Mary is the mother of two sons and the grandmother of seven. She also is my mother-in-law, for which I am very lucky! Many door prizes were distributed and a social hour followed to end the lovely evening. Joanne Ponikvar, Rec. Sec’y. No. 55, Girard, Ohio. April 4Ui was well-attended. Our Mother-Daughter Banquet plans were completed with great expectations by all of us. Committees in charge were slated as: Mrs. Nancy Dombrosky,, chairman and her aids, Mmes. Anna Marie Ra-cick, Anna Babich, Bea Matozzewski, Miss Christine Crnic and Mrs. Jerry Westhart. Our Card Party on June 28th is next on the schedule of events. Mrs. Theresa Lozier is chairman of the party to be held at the Slovenian Home and Mrs. Louise Hill is co-chairman. Tickets have been distributed and anyone overlooked is kindly asked to contact the president. Each member is expected to buy one and sell as many as possible to friends. Donations were promised, so you folks that were unable to attend the past meetings kindly bring your donations to be used for prizes. Bring them to the June meeting or to my home. And, we hope you are all planning to attend the Card Party as it will be a nice affair. It is reported that Mrs. Prances Serca had an accident and broke her heel bone. We are sorry to hear that, Frances, and send our best wishes for a speedy recovery. No one else was reported sick, which is good news. Now, to all, my good sisters who pay their dues for the whole year: please take note that there is an increase of 25c per year for our monthly organ, Zarja. I would appreciate it if you make this payment in the near future. The meeting closed with prayer led by the president and hot chocolate was served by Mmes. Anna Kalan and Mary Nigut. The mystery prize was taken by Margaret TJmeck and prizes at games went to Mmes. Louise Hill and Mary Nigut. So long til next month. Mary Ann Mehalco, Sec’y. No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. Our April meeting was very well-attended. We draped the charter for Mrs. Helen Dolinich, who passed away last March. She was a lovable person and everyone enjoyed her friendship. She was a member of the branch for many years; surviving are two sons, Joe and John and three daughters, Margaret, Helen and Mary. May she rest in peace and our sympathy to the breaved family. The meeting was otherwise very short, because we had a pleasant surprise in store for the members. Mrs Harry Wold, a ceramics teacher, demonstrated the different phases in making ceramics. Ann Satovich, Mary Drobnik and yours truly, who are her pupils, assisted her during the demonstration. There were many beautiful ceramics given away. Mrs. Frances Orasnilt won the door prize. At our May meeting, we had a splendid turn-out. Yours truly was the honored guest of the evening for being chosen the branch’s Mother-of-the-Year. Mary Meadows, our secretary opened the meeting by leading n the recitation of the rosary for the intentions of all our mothers. Mary Drobnik, (treasurer), presented me with a beautiful corsage done up in red roses and lilies of the valley. Ann Satovich, (pres.) also presented me with a lovely wallet. Ann read a poem in English about “Mother” and Mary Meadows read one in Slovenian. Then, all the members joined in singing some of our favorite Slovenian songs. A very delicious lunch was served and the table was beautifully decorated with a centerpiece of a pink snap dragons, yellow shasta daisies and white baby mums. The candelabra had yellow tapers that graced the table elegantly. Ann Satovich poured. Music was played during lunch by the Starliners orchestra. Hostesses for the evening were: Mary Puhek, Margaret Shelko, Mary Babich, Rose Cliernugal, Mary Gruden, Ann Selvo, Caroline Kozina and Jessie Bunetta. Thanks girls, for everything. You did a wonderful job! I also want to thank all the members who came to the party given in my honor. Thanks to the branch for the lovely remembrances and to the Starliners for their cheerful music. I shall cherish this day always! After the refreshments and music, the members played games. Winners were: Mmes. Olga Tometie and Mary Drobnik (canasta), Laura Golob and Myrtle Simmons (500) and Mrs. Win. Mainarich and Eliz. Draskovich (B.) Our deepest sympathy to Elizabeth Gaige who lost her beloved husband, Leslie. May he rest in peace! To our sick members, Mmes. Rose Maras, Mary Novak, and Gladys Klaysmet, God’s speed for a rapid recovery. Fran Puhek No. 57, Niles, Ohio. Now that warm weather is here, we are getting a larger attendance at the meetings — just keep on coming, ladies, we do have a nice time. While in Oakmont, Pa., I had the pleasure of meeting and talking with Ann Flisek, president of Br. No. 91, and also, to some of the members. We had a nice chat. Welcome to our new member, Helen Martiniak. On the sick list is Mary Davorich and Frances Kosance. Wishes to both for a speedy recovery. Wedding bells rang for Barbara Hribar and John F. Popovich, married May 19th. The bride is the daughter of our Frances Hribar. We’d like to wish a happy birthday to all those having their day this month. Mary Moler No. 66, Canon City, Colo. Hello everyone! Once again it’s “springtime in the Rockies” and it’s beautiful here! Our branch lost a very good-standing member, Mary Jermance, who passed away April 4th. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the family. May you all enjoy health, happiness and pleasant summer outings. Have fun. Cecile Adamic No. 73, Warrensville Hgts, Ohio. Greetings! The wonderful weather have been waiting for is finally here. Our April meeting was held at the home of Josephine Turk with an average attendance. The anniversary Mass held at St. Jude’s church was attended by, Annette, Madaline and Kay Yuratovac, Germaine and Catherine Papež, L. Liska, S. Goga, Leona and Louise Epley, N. Kainec, Patsy and S. Mauer, E. Sklenicka, A. Yager, A. Statuta, H. J. Dušek, M. Rivacuk, E. Eble, F. Duale, R. Spremalli, E. Calkins, E. Svette, S. Kunka, C. Quel-la, M. Boryska, V. Fortuna, J. Turk, B. Bayruss, S. Chase, L. Lubanovich, J. Nowak, G. Dusek and A. Walters. A thank-you is extended to all of these ladies. May God bless you! We send our get well wishes to Ann Yager, Estelle Ozog, Florence Duale, Sophie Goga, Nettie Kainec, Virginia Lee Kinka and Ann Yager’s husband, Frank. Congratulations to Leona Sue Epley, 11th grader at Hoban High School who made the National Honor Society and was elected Secretary of her Sodality. JoAnn Turk is graduating from Hoban High School this June. Congratulations to one of our junior members, Sally Kunka, on her engagement to Len Politowski. The couple is planning a June wedding. Our deepest sympathy to the Kainec family, the Nosse family and the Cherosky family on the loss of their loved ones. While in Arizona, Ann Yager and her husband visited our member, Louise Berndston. Mary Turk and her husband are vacationing in Florida. We wish you all the fun Florida has to offer. Plans were made for future entertainment at our meetings. The May meeting was a pot-luck dinner and a cosmetic party afterwards. We encourage all our members to attend the June meeting. An enjoyable evening is guaranteed. Happy birthday to all our members celebrating. Joyce Braham, Rec. Sec’y No. 89, Oglesby, III. One of the highlights of the year is the annual Mother’s Day dinner which was held this year at the Garzanelli Supper Club. The attendance was excellent as was the food. It was good to see so many of our members there dressed in their lovely spring clothes. It’s wonderful to have so many older mothers out eating someone else’s cooking! They did seem to enjoy it in spite of some of the special diets many must follow. Mrs. Mary Svazich was honored as the Mother-of-the-Year and Mrs. Betty Piotrowski as best worker of the year. They were presented with corsages. To our sick and aged members, who were in our thoughts that night, we hope you are all able to attend our future meetings. Mary Kernz No. 95, So. Chicago, III. Despite the chilly winds and steady rain, May blossomed not only in the women’s hats, but with enthusiastic members in an unusually good attendance at the meeting. Members gathered to watch the ceremony and crowning of our Mother-of-the-Year, Mary Simunic, who was crowned with a tiara of roses and as is our tradition, outgoing Mother, Cvita Chorich, received a beautiful corsage. The next highlight was the awarding of four prizes from our books. The first prize, a spray and steam iron went to Barbara Vučkov; 2nd prize, a twin, casserole to Helen Golich; 3rd prize, mixing bowls to Theresa Butcher and 4th prize, a platter, to Olga Krmpotic. Hearty congratulations to all winners. Our three faithful supporters, Rose Ballock, Helen Nowicke and Victoria Tomich were the first to sell six books each. May their good deeds be an inspiration to us all ... an encouragement to do likewise, at least to the extent of taking extra books. We thank you most heartily for your continued generosity. As I look back to my report on those working hard to prepare the books for this project, I mentioned Evelyn Driscoll, Mildred Poropat and yours truly — but, I feel our husbands should be included, for Bill Driscoll, John Poropat and Cyril R. James have earned the right to be recognized. I am happy to report also that the total proceeds raised came to $302 — a substantial increase over amounts earned in previous years. To Mary Barcevac and Marge Rozich, for their time and effort in serving the refreshments and to the following who donated goodies which we enjoyed, our sincere thanks: M. Barcevac, C. Chorich, M. Innis, M Jurko, A. Kompare (a prize also), M. Krmop-tic, T. Martin, A. Nagoda (a prize also), M. Rozich, L. Svalina, V. Tomich and yours truly. Cash donated by A. Jovanovich, M. Poropat, B. Sambol and M. Sambol. For all this I am most grateful. God bless you all! We were honored to have a guest, Catherine Fogel, of California. It was a pleasure to renew acquaintances with her. We also welcomed a new member, Mary Margaret Faron. Most of you realize that our monthly magazine Zarja, with is expenditures has risen; our branch will gladly pay the extra 25c per member each year. Mary Perkovich has promised to show movies of her travels in the near future. Birthdays will be observed by the following in June: A. Cavlovich, M. Hutnich, K. Jakovich, M. Kostecka, M. Kozul, A. Kropel, M. Mazar, M. Rezek, A. Ross, M. Sarich, A. Starcevich, V. Tomich and A. Zemlich. Receiving congratulations on the birth of a son, James, born April 2nd is our member, Lucille Nosich and husband, Stanley. The following members have been hospitalized and are now on the mend: Johanna Malcich, Frances Ma-tanovich, Mary Pavelich and Mary Perkovich of 9G18 Houston ave., who is presently at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., undergoing surgery. I am sorry to hear that Margaret Innis was severely burned when a pan of hot grease spilled on. her. A speedy recovery to Marge and to all our shut-ins. Belated condolences to Rose Dosen on the loss of her husband. One last item, we are looking for a large attendance at our final meeting before vacation time, that is, June 6th at 7:30 p. m. Please attend! Mildred James, Pres. No. 100, Fontana, Calif. Each month as I approoach our Zveza meeting place at the KSKJ Hall, I hesitate at the door and wonder how many of our members are present within. Then, as I step into the building, there they are, all those lovely ladies, smiling, chatting and laughing. It kinda gives me a warm feeling and a pleasant sense of belonging to such a friendly group and the thought crosses my mind that there are so many other Slovenian women here in Fontana who are missing out on such com- panionahip. Let us make an effort to contact these ladies and invite them to join our branch. Fontana has a large Slovenian population and if we make a sincere plea, I am sure we can double our memberishp and have double enjoyment in the process. At this writing, our successful rummage sale is history, but, it shall not go into the past without a word of thanks to all members who cooperated so willingly. Really now, didn’t we have a lot of fun? And, what else did we have on the agenda? What else but a pot luck dinner in honor of our Mother-of-the Year, chat gracious and lovely lady, Mrs. Christine Filips. We will have a later report on this event — but, I’m sure that a full compliment of members joins me in extending a verbal tribute to Mrs. Filips as a truly deserving mother. At this poinc, I inject a prayer for all mothers, living or deceased. God bless them. In the April issue, Branch No. 13 printed a gentle barb chiding her sister branches for not attending their Zveza Day celebration which will be in Sept. Gals, you do your sister branch “to the south” an injustice, as we have several members planning to spend that day with you and your humble reporter is counted among them, o.k? We wish a speedy recovery to Mrs. Frank Reich and to all members who are ill. At the close of our meeting, calories and coffee were both donated and served by Gertrude Ruppert and Mary Železnikar; thanks ladies, it was very thoughtful of you. Our sympathy is extended to Mary Vidergar on the loss of her brother. Our little dynamo. Dorothy Petrich, wishes to thank all the members for cheir excellent attendance and promptness at the past meetings; so, let’s keep her happy by our appearance at all future gatherings Bless you, one and all, see you next month, God willing. Edith Drawenek MARIE PRISLAND: .m r Hjjj-a ’ . .. .■ h ., 1 . w-.iirf. ':!l ui. Kii.l An No. 105, Detroit, Mich. We had a lovely meeting at Mrs. Ann McGee’s home and were very warmly welcomed there by our hostess. A lovely luncheon was prepared for us. Thanks, Ann, for all your wonderful hospitality. Next month, let’s get together in a larger number. Alice Kocjan has invited us to her home. Thanks to you, Alice, for inviting us. Altho the month of May is behind us, we can always remember our Mothers in thoughts and prayers. “A ray of sunshine; a burst of light — a comforting word in the darkest night — a kind word spoken, soft and low — there is nothing letter, this I know. A heart that beats; so full of life — a mouth that never speaks of strife — eyes that talk; a mind so clear — a wonderful soul, that is ever dear — add this and more, there is no other — God granted me, the perfect mother. Rose Jamnik and »AS**™1* According to the newspaper reports, our president, Mr. Kennedy, is a man who enjoys a good hamburger. He also enjoys wine, both in cooking and served with his meals. From my files I selected 2 recipes for hamburgers made with wine. Good Hamburgers (Serves 4) Ingredients: 1 pound ground beef Vi cup red table wine 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 1 tablespoon grated onion 1 teaspoon salt Va teaspoon pepper hamburger buns or toast Mix beef, wine, parsley, onion, salt and pepper. Shape lightly into four nice patties. Broil or saute In butter or bacon drippings until done as desired. Serve between halves of buttered hamburger buns, or on toast, with whatever relishes you like. Surprise Burgers (Serves 6) Ingredients: 1 pound ground beef 1 large onion, chopped 1 small clove garlic; chopped or put through garlic press % green pepper, chopped 2 tablespoons bacon drippings or butter 2 tablespoon flour % cup red table wine % cup catsup % cup grated Cheddar cheese 1 cup chopped pimento-stuffed olives 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper to taste 6 hamburger buns Saute beef, onion, garlic and green pepper in bacon drippings until meat is no longer red, stirring with a fork so that meat is separated into bits. Sprinkle flour over meat and blend well. Add wine and catsup; cook, stirring constantly, until mixture boils and thickens. Remove from heat. Add cheese, olives, Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper. Cut a thin slice from the top of each bun and hollow out insides; fill with meat mixture (about % cup per bun); replace tops. Place in a baking pan; cover with a lid or aluminum foil and bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees F.) for 30 minutes. Good with cole slaw and potato chips. These also can be prepared ahead of time, * * * Mrs. Ann Podgoršek, a hardworking secretary of branch 33 in Duluth, and the president of the Supreme Auditing Board, takes much interest in this column. She contributed several of her well-known recipes. The first is published today: Chocolate Fudge Ingredients: 2 squares chocolate V2 can canned evaporated milk 2 cups sugar V3 cup white syrup 3 tablespoons butter or oleo 1 tsp. vanilla % cup walnuts, broken Mix chocolate, milk, sugar, syrup and butter. Mix well. Place over slow heat and stir until completely melted. Let boil without stirring until a drop forms a soft ball in cold water. Remove from fire, add vanilla and beat until thick. Add walnuts and continue beating until it stays in shape when dropped from the spoon. Pour into buttered 8”x8” pan and cut in squares. TIPS Cleaning kitchen a 11 d bathroom walls: Prepare one gallon warm water, add 1 cup of ammonia, J/2 cup vinegar and 14 cup baking soda. This solution will nicely clean the most greased walls. * * »I« Rinse water from milk bottles will make house plants healthy and vigorous. * * * WEDDING INVITATIONS Invitations are send out one month before the wedding. It is extremely poor taste for a bride’s parents to send out wedding invitations to persons who scarcely know the family and are not acquainted with the bridegroom and his family. Budget for the Bride You’ve heard the old saying “Two can live more cheaply than one." Well, a family of two may not be able to eat for less money than one. but they can have a lower food budget than two single persons. Young homemakers are interested in pleasing their new husbands by making ordinary foods more interest^ ing — and in staying within their food budget. Yet they also are looking for the simple menus with easy recipes and short cuts in time of preparation. There are may helpful guides. The food ads in the newspapers are excellent for good food shopping. Take advantage of the “specials” or Leaders,” which are advertised by most markets to attract you into their store. These are featured foods sold at near cost, but usually of the same quality as foods sold by other markets at higher prices. Consultants A future bride’s best consultant is her mother. Ask her help and profit from her valuable experience. Marie Prisland: Petnajstega junija lanskega leta je preteklo petdeset let, odkar je pri Opatiji v Jugoslaviji odprla samostojno, zasebno zdravniško prakso za splošne bolezni prva slovenska žena — zdravnica Eleonora Jenko — Grojerjeva. Rodila se je v Ljubljani 15. febr. 1879, kot hči dr. Ludvika Jenka, ki je bil ljubljanski rojak in prvi klinično izobraženi zdravnik za očesne bolezni in njegovi ženi Terezini roj. Lenčetovi. Že v predšolski dobi je deklica kazala izrazito zanimanje in veselje za stvari, ki so dale slutiti, da jo bodo vodile k zdravniški dejavnosti. V tistih časih je bil zdravniški poklic in tozadevni študij dovoljen le moškim slušateljem na univerzah v Avstriji. Za deklice v Sloveniji in na Hrvaškem tedaj še ni bilo posebnih gimnazij, ker so vladajoči krogi menili, da dekleta niso dovolj inteligentna za višjo izobrazbo. Kakor danes, je bilo tudi v mladosti te izvanredno ambicijozne in nadarjene mladenke, še več deklet, ki so si želele postati kaj več, a jim vrata gimnazije niso bila odprta. Hvala Bogu, da so danes vsi taki staromodni predsodki izginili in ženskam je ves svet odprt. Menda so samo trije poklici, katerih ženske danes še neopravljalo, kar nas gotovo ne vznemirja. Uršulinjski samostan je vodil zunanjo in notranjo šolo v poslopjih, ki so se držala uršulinske cerkve. V notranjo šolo so pohajale dekleta, ki so živele pri svojih starših in gojenke, ki so stanovale v samostanu. Nune učiteljice so imele najboljše kvalifikacije in šola je imela jako dober sloves. Tudi Eleonora je obiskovala ta zavod potem pa je nadaljevala svoje učenje na ruskem dekliškem liceju v Črni Gori v Cetinju, kjer je graduirala z odliko. Gojenke, ki so matuirale na tem zavodu, so imele pravico študirati na raznih univerzah v Srbiji in v Rusiji in to si je želela doraščajoča Eleonora Jenko. V desetletjih okoli preloma 1!). in 20. stoletja je bila univerza v Petersburgu, sedanjem Leningradu, eno najslo-vitejših vseučilišč v Evropi. Zlasti medicinska fakulteta in kemijski institut sta zaslovela po svojih učenjakih, ki so tam delovali. V Rusiji so imela dekleta že v 19. stoletju dovoljen vstop za študije na gimnazijah in univerzah. Dovolj je bilo nadarjenih učenk, ki so z lahkoto sledile enakim študijam, kakor fantje. Obe skupini so poučevali isti profesorji. Ta vest je še bolj utrdila mlado Eleonoro v njenem sklepu, da pojde v Rusijo, in to iz razloga, ker žene takrat še niso imele v Avstriji dostop k medicinskim študijam. S svojo razumno in ljubečo materjo se je leta 1898, napotila v tedanjo metropolo največje slovanske države, v današnji Leningrad. Cirilica in ruščina ji ni delala posebnih težav, ker jo je njen oče poučeval doma še predno je stopila v šolo. Na osmi gimnaziji je položila dopolnilni maturitetni izpit iz latinščine. Vpisala se je na filozofsko fakulteto. Dva semestra je na prirodoslovnem oddelku študirala vede, ki so ji naslednje leto prav prišle pri študiju medicine. Kot inozemka je morala čakati predno je bila sprejeta na medicinsko fakulteto. Ta čas je vestno porabila s študijami, ki so v zvezi z medicino. Za časa rusko — japonske vojne je izbruhnila prva revolucija, vsled katere je morala prekiniti svoje študije. Vojne razmere so tudi to učenko težko prizadele posebno, še ko je zbolela za legarjem. Vsled teh nesreč je izgubila dve leti predno je mogla dovršiti vse predpisane študije in položiti teoritične in praktične rigoroze. Po prestani klinični praksi je promovirala z odliko 18. marca 1907. V Petersburgu ali Petrogradu je prakticirala na raznih klinikah in kasneje je obiskovala tudi tečaje za zdravnike v metropolah centralne Evrope. V času rusko- japonske vojne je kot medicinka prakticirala kot voditeljica ženskega otroškega oddelka vojaškega sanatorija pri Moskvi. V Ljubljani je v letih 1907 in 1908 ordinirala na kirurškem oddelku pri tedanjem primariju dr. Šlajmerju. Po svoji poroki z zdravnikom in kirurgom Friderikom Groyerjem je ta podjetna gospa skupno s svojim možem izvrševala svoj poklic na ozemlju Čehoslovaške. Po preselitvi v Jugoslavijo sta oba kot zdravnika delovala v O-patiji in na kastavskem področju, kjer je bilo mešano slovensko in hrvaško prebivalstvo. Tam se je zdravnica Eleonora Jenko — Groyer posebno posvečala tuberkuloznim bolnikom in otroškim boleznim. Po potrebi je zastopala tudi zdravnike bolniške blagajne. Januvarja 1915. leta se je naselila v svojem rojstnem mestu Ljubljani. Tam je kot zasebna zdravnica na splošne bolezni neumorno delovala do svoje smrti 21. junija 1959. Med. prvo svetovno vojno je prevzela službo okrožne zdravnice za Grosuplje in okolico. Pred drugo svetovno vojno je bila več let nastavlijena pri Pokojninskem zavodu v Ljubljani. Razun v svoji zdravniški praksi je bila ta gospa tudi na drugih poljih široko razgledana. Bila je še posebno nadarjena za znanje jezikov, ki so ji omogočili zbližanje raznih oseb s katerimi je prišla skupaj med študijami in pozneje med izvrševanjem svojega poklica. Od modernih jezikov je obvladala srbohrvaščino, ruščino, češčino, nemščino, francoščino In italijanščino. Ljubila je godbo, a bila je preobložena, da bi bila nadaljevala z godbo. Ta zaslužna slovenska zdravnica ni iskala ne slave, ne priznanja sveta, pač pa notranje zadoščenje, da zvesto služi in skrbno svojemu vzvišenemu in plemenitemu poklicu. Prvega maja 1959 je praznovala 52 letnico zdravniškega poklica in dva meseca nato je 21. junija 1959 v Ljubljani umrla na hipno popolni oslabelosti srca. Vest o njeni smrti je globoko zadela njene pacijente, posebno ženske, katerim je bila ne samo zdravnica ampak tudi svetovalka v raznih zadevali življenja. Ohranimo tej plemeniti slovenski ženi. prvi slovenski zdravnici blag spomin: * * * Za Očetov Dan, ki ga ta mesec praznujemo, vsem našim očetom in starim očetom iz srca želimo zdravja in zadovoljnosti; da bi svoj god veselo praznovali v ljubem krogu svojih družin, ter da bi jim bilo naklonjeno še mnogo srečnih let! Moj Oče Zdaj pri Križu svetem čaka dan — Vstajenja! V jamo je hodil štirideset let, kopat rudo in zemeljske zaklade. Zapuščal rano jutro je zunajni svet, podajal se v globino, med srebrne sklade. Vračal se domov upadel je in bled, brez izraza bile so oči in lica. Od globine temne bil je ves prevzet, nikdar mu v lice prišla ni rdečica. Dan za dnem in vedno ista pesem! Z doma v jamo, iz jame spet na svetlo; bila pomlad, Zima ali jesen— let delovanih se lep venec je nateklo. Končno vendar leta so potekla, konec bilo štirideset let trpljenja. Toda, glej, ko mir bi moral vživati, se ura njemu je iztekla. Zdaj pri Križu svetem čaka dan — Vstajenja! J.K. ZVEZINI USTANOVITELJICI IN ČASTNI PREDSEDNICI, ge. Marie Prisland iskrene čestitke k njenemu rojstnemu dnevu 21. junija. Naj jo Bog ohrani še mnogo let v zdravju in sreči! P. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. OCE JE GLAVA DRUŽINE ELO redko, če sploh kdaj se zavedamo velikega pomena, ki jo igra vloga očeta v družini. Večinoma viu&ct uctJLct v uiuzam. v ctmunici nam je mož in oče podlaga smešenja in zadnja oseba, ki se je spomnimo. In vendar je po božji postavi Kristusov namestnik v krščanski družini. To tudi sledi iz četrte božje zapovedi, ki pravi: Spoštuj očeta in mater . . . Očeta imenuje na prvem mestu. Njemu je dana pravica in oblast. Četrte božja zapoved je tista, ki nalaga otrokom, da sledijo ukazom svojih staršev. Četudi hoče človek vse postaviti na glavo danes, je četrta božja zapoved še obvezna. Ko je Bog postavljal četrto božjo zapoved, je s tem hotel reči, da ni važno ali so starši bogati ali revni, učeni ali preprosti, ljubeznivi ali strogi, ali polni slabosti in pomanjklivosti. Tudi ni važno če so grešni ali morda celo moralno zašli. Bog zhteva spoštovanje starsev še vedno in povsod. Tudi nevredna mati ali zločinski oče še vedno nosita sijaj od Boga dane roditeljske časti. Tako je čutil tisti mož, ki je na ulici srečal ujetnike. Hitro je pristopil k enemu iz med njih in mu je poljubil roko. Nadzornik, ki je vodil ujetnike, ga je takoj ostro prijel: “Kaj pa delaš”. “Ujetniku poljubljaš roko.” “Seveda, ujetniku”, odvrne mladi mož, “ali ta ujetnik je moj oče.” Povrnimo čast možu, ki ga imenujemo oče in veliko stvari bo drugače izgledalo v življenju. Poseben božji blagoslov je navezan na četrto božjo zapoved in velja tistim otrokom, ki cenijo in spoštujejo svoje starše. Spoštovanje do staršev pa se ne pokaže samo v besedi ampak še bolj v dejanju. Nekateri otroci so se po svoji sposobnosti povspeli do položaja, do premoženja, do ugleda. To pa jim je velikokrat vzrok, da svoje starše omalovažujejo, ali celo zaničujejo ker tega nimajo. Očitajo jim nevednost, slabosti, se nad njimi jezijo, pohujšujejo, se jih sramujejo ali celo zataje. Starši so jim nadležni in bi se jih rabi znebili, posebno se če so bolni ali oslabeli zaradi starosti. O takih pravi sv. pismo: Preklet bodi, kdor ne spoštuje svojega očeta in svoje matere in vse ljudstvo naj reče: Amen. Zares huda obsodba. V Grimovih pravljicah beremo zgodbo o očetu, ki je živel pri svojem poročenem sinu. Onemogel je in roka se mu je močno tresla. Zgodilo se je, da je večkrat umazal mizni prt, ko je stresel jed zaradi tresoče se roke. Sinova žena je to gledala vedno bolj in bolj z nejevoljo. Končno je imela dovolj. Odkazala je staremu očetu poseben prostor pri peči. Nič več ni smel jesti pri mizi. “Tako bo prt ostal čist”, je rekla snaha. Sin ni rekel ničesar. Bal se je prepira v hiši. Tako je oče jedel sam zase. Ker se mu je še vedno tresla roka, mu je ob neki priliki padel krožnik na tla in se razbil. Snaha je bila zelo jezna in mu je pri prihodnjem kosilu dala leseno skodelico z besedami: “obnašajte se kot žival zato vas bomo tudi postregli kot žival.” Sin je bil žalosten ali ni rekel ničesar. Zakonca sta pa imela enega otroka. Po neki večerji sta ga videla, da je vzel kos lesa in ga začel izdelavati. Vprašala sta ga kaj neki napravil. Odgovoril je: “Leseno skodelico za vaju dva, da hosta jedla iz nje ko bosta ostarela. Zakonca sta spogledala. Sram jih je bilo. Žal jima je bilo, da sta napravila, kar sta napravila. Drugi dan je bil oče zopet pri družinski mizi. Ob dnevu očetov se spomnimo svojega očeta. Imejmo srce zanj. Vrnimo mu vsaj malo za ves trud, ki ga je imel z nami. DOPISI Članstvu v naznanje! Št. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Ker bo drugo nedeljo meseca junija, ko bi se morala vršiti naša redna seja, nova maša v naši fari, bo seja podružnice preložena na prihodnjo nedeljo popoldne 17. junija. Članice so prijazno vabljene, da se te seje udeležijo, ki je zadnja pred počitnicami. Meseca julija in avgusta ne bo seje. Pozdravi ja, Odbor 35 LETNICA ODLIČNO USPELA Na naslednji strani so slikce s ohijske konvencije posnete po gl. preds. Antonia Tanko. Gornja slika v sredi je od Mrs. Mary Urbas in drž. preds. Elle Starin in pod to sliko so gl. odbornice: Faletič Tanko, Novak, Tomšič in Starin. Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. V majski Zarji so bile res lepo počaščene naše slovenske matere. Vsa čast jim! 2. maja smo na seji počastile našo zaslužno mater Gertrude Muhič. Podr. ji je podarila krasno sliko Matere Božje v okviru. Sestra Muhič je bila do solz ginjena in tudi moj skromni dar je hvaležno sprejela. Vse smo bile vesele, da je bila z nami navzoča, ker je zelo rahlega zdravja. Po seji je bil serviran okusni prigrizek. Vesela sporočam, da bo naša drž. konvencija v Crested Butte, Colo. Podr. št. 92 je prevzela nalogo, da bo naša gostiteljica. Točni datum še ni določen, toda bo meseca julija. Podr. št. 92 vabi vse članice od blizu in daleč, da se gotovo udeležijo te važne konvencije. To bo tudi zabaven izlet in jamčim, da ne bo nobeni žal, ki bo šla z nami. To mesto je oddaljeno 200 mili od nas. Vožnja bo krasna med hribi in vodoslapi. To je tudi znano letovišče za ribolov. Cena vožnje na obe strani bo $5.75 z Št. 10, Cleveland, O. Na aprilovi seji je bila prav lepa udeležba, da bi jih le vsak mesec toliko prišlo. Vse so bile zelo zadovoljne z uspehom proslave 35 letnice. Točni podatki in računi bodo predloženi na prihodnji seji. Tajnica nam je mogla dati samo približne račune in vse so bile vesele, da naš trud ni bil zastonj. — Ob tej se želim v imenu odbora prisrčno zahvaliti vsem, ki so tako pridno pomagale k odličnemu uspehu. Posebna zahvala velja našim pridnim kuharicam in njihovim pomočnicam, ki busom in za rezervacijo pokličite A. Pachak in Frances Simonich. — Smrt se vedno oglaša. V Z dnevih smo i-meli kar 3 pogrebe. Ses. Ana Prijatelj žaluje za soprogom, dočakal je lepo starost. Enako tudi soses. Cecilia Bradish, ki je umrla na Veliko noč. Našli so jo mrtvo na tleh, ker je sama živela v hiši. Barbara Petrič se je rešila bolezni. Večkrat sem opazovala ko so ji umetno dajali kri in vse je voljno prenašala. Vsem pokojnim naj bo večni domek hladan in ostanejo nam v trajnem spominu. V juliju in augustu ne bomo imele sej. Želim vsem vesele počitnice in vse vabim na sejo G. junija, da vse uredimo glede drž. konvencije in izvolimo delegatinjo, ki bo zastopala našo podr. — May God bless you all! A. Pachak so vse tako okusno pripravile in to vse brezplačno. Enako lepa zahvala vsem, ki so nastopale na odru in pripravile tako lep program, ki so: g. Jože Sežun in soproga Jožica, S. P. Potočnik, mladi Jerry Spilar in Ga. Ko-kel in njene hčerke Mary in Zinka, ki so skupno tako lepo zapeli, posebno tisti ‘'Svet Angel Gospodov ...” s čemer se je otvoril večer. Vsa dvorana je skupno prepevala in vse je spremljal g. Jože Sežun na kitaro. On je kakor ustvarjen za to. — Še enkrat vsem iskrena zahvala in božji blagoslov. Naše članice, ki so se udeležile izleta v Washington, so se vse prav lepo pohvalile, da so se imele imenitno, vse jim je šlo lepo po sreči, celo vreme jim je bilo naklonjeno. — K podr. je pristopila Geraldine Čebular. “A hearty welcome!” V blagajno so darovale: J. Shults, F. Cermely in Helen Moze. Prav lepa hvala vsem! Bolane so naslednje: našo častno preds. M. Urbas muči bolezen že dalje časa. F. Salmich je prestala operacijo in se sedaj zdravi na domu. A. Zabukovec muči revmatizem. Naša re-diteljica J. Koren je tudi zbolela. Vsem tem in drugim, za katere ne vem, želimo hitro okrevanje, da bi se kmalu vrnile med nas. — Prav lepe pozdrave pošiljam vsem članicam in prijateljem SŽZ. Antonia Repic J«,. ..Cleveland, Ohio L 2g. Cleveland. Ohio ZAPISNIK PO-LETNE SEJE GL. ODBORNIC S.Ž.Z. v gl. uradu, 26. 27. Pol-letna seja odbora Direktoric se je pričela v pon-deljek dne 26. februarja, 19G2 v Glavnem uradu v Chicagu, 111., ob pol deseti uri dopoldne. Prisotne so bile naslednje direktorice: Predsednice Antonia Tanko, ustanoviteljica Marie Prisland, tajnica Albina Novak, blagajničarka Josephine Železnikar in nadzornice Anne Podgoršek, Victoria Faletič in Frances Gaspich. Prva točka dnevnega reda je bila pregled poslovnih knjig. Po zaklučku pregleda, je bil obisk Metropolitan Banke in pregled depozitov v varovalnem predelu (Safe deposit box). Vse investicije so bile najdene v redu, kakor poročano v tajniškem poročilu. Nadzornice so izrazile svoje zadoščenje, da so bile vse finančne zadeve najdene v najlepšem redu. Popoldne so direktorice nadaljevale sejo s čitanjem poročil. (Računi in Poročila so bila priobčena v angleškem jeziku v zadnji izdaji Zarje.) PREDLOGI IN SKLEPI Predsednica se zahvali vsem direktoricam in odbornicam za njihovo vestno delo v preteklosti in za podana poročila, ki kažejo delovanje podružnic. Posebno jo veseli, ko čita v Zarji, da tudi manjše podr. delujejo za napredek organizacije in se trudijo za pridobitev članic in vsesplošno aktivnost. Direktorica Vicki Faletič predlaga, da bi pri pošiljanju poštS članicam prilepili na pismo slikce kakega patrona zaščitnika, kar naj služilo kot spomin članstva v Zvezi. Tajnica A. Novak tudi priporoča, da bi Zveza naročila pogrebne spominske plakete, ki bi naj služile, kadar je smrtni pri podr. Lepo izdelan emblem na belem lesenem ščitu bi bil najbolj primeren ter bi služil spominu preminule sestre. Tajnica je pooblaščena, da naroči znamke ter pogrebne plakete v manjšem številu za začetek. Po razpravi direktorice odločijo, da bi slikca praškega Jezusčka, bila najbolj primerna.. Bližnji izlet SŽZ v Washington, D. C. je bil podrobno obravnavan. Mrs. Tanko je voditeljica skupine iz Clevelanda, med katerimi bo Mrs. Faletič častna gostinja kot zmagovalka v kampanjskem tekmovanju. Iz Chicaga bo organizirala skupino ses. Zefran. Urednica Corinne Leskovar svetuje, da bi ob priliki obiska prestolnice povabili na čajanko kongresnike iz krajev, kjer bo več izletnic, nadalje, da bi zaprosili za audijenco pri predsednikovi ženi Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy. Vse se strinjajo in urednica je pooblaščena, da uredi vse potrebno. Mrs. Tanko nadaljuje razgovor o potovanju in opiše evropsko turo, ki bo pod njenim vodstvom in sicer z ladjo dne 26. maja ter z jet letalom pod vodstvom Mrs. Novak, 16. junija. Direktorice priporočajo udeležbo pri obeh potovanjih. „ Predsednica bo poročala o potovanju v Zarji ter napravila bo tudi slike, ki bo na razpolago za sestanke in druge priložnosti. Tajnica izjavi, da bo poslovanje gl. urada potekalo nemoteno ter, da se bo po par tednih vrnila. Clevelandske podr. naznanijo bazar in sejem, ki bo 30. sept. v Clev. Direktorica Faletič poroča o mladinski kegljaški Ligi v Clevelandu vsako soboto popoldne. Mrs. Pauline Vegal je tajnica Lige in zelo sposobna voditeljica. Na polletni seji v augustu bo direktorica ženskih aktivnosti, Mrs. Zefran podala podrobno poročilo o stanju kegljaških in športnih aktivnosti, s predlogi za razširitev iste v jeseni. V vrsto mladinskih aktivnosti je potrebno omeniti, da se 70 mladinskih članov skupnih Clev. podružnic uči “Baton Twirling in Marching.” Skupina bo lahko nastopala ob raznih prireditvah kar bo Zvezi v ponos. Nova učiteljica bo imela skupino izvežbano že v jeseni. Problem certifikatov članic ter starostne meje, se je podrobno razpravljal. Sklenjeno je, da so vedno dovoljeni prestopi članic v razred B do 57 leta. Članic razr. A se sprejemajo do 50 leta. Direktorica Faletič vpraša, ali je mogoče izdati police, ki bi se plačale v 20 ali 30 letih. Tajnica Novak pojasni, da ni dovolj rezerve, zaradi tako februarja, 1962 male članarine, da bi pričele s plačanimi policami. Ko članica doseže 75 let starosti, plačuje samo smrtninski asesment, a ko doseže 80 let, ne plača ničesar. To je samo po sebi že zadostna pomoč članici, poleg tega prejema Zarjo mesečno. Sedaj se vse te ugodnosti dajejo članicam v upanju, da zvišanje stroškov ne bo povzročilo kake spremembe. Tudi se predlaga, da bi se priporočalo prestop mladinskih članov v razred B, ki jim nudi višjo zavarovalnino $300 in dodatno $50, če so bili člani v mladinskem oddelku vsaj 10 let. Tudi se priporoča, da bi odbornice podružnic vedno priporočala razred B za nove članice in za prestople mladinske člane. Odbornice morejo storiti, da prikažejo ugodnosti, katere nudi Zveza. Direktorica Marie Prisland čita pismo zahvale biv. Zvezinega duhovnega svetovalca, Fr. Mathew Kebe, ki se zahvali za čestitke ob svoji 50 letnici. Mrs. Prisland poroča, da bo podr. v Sheboyganu imela skupno prireditev za mladinske in odrasle članice za Materinski dan, mesto Božičnice. Tudi druge se strinjajo, da bi morda kazalo zaradi premnogih božičnic, mesto istih imeti skupne prireditve ob drugih priložnostih, kakor za Valentinov dan, Veliko noč, ali Materinski dan. Direktorice sklenejo, da so podr. upravičene do istega prispevka, 25tf na otroka, ki se udeleži, katere-koll izmed omenjenih prireditev, toda samo enkrat na leto. Državne konvencije, ki se bodo vršile to leto vključuje Drž. konvencijo za Wis., ki bo v Willardu. Gl. odbor bo zastopala ustanoviteljica, Mrs. Prisland ter Marie Floryan, gl. podpredsednica iz West Allis, Wis. Uradna zastopnica na ohijski drž. konvenciji bo taj. Novak. Minil, konvencija bo 9. sept. in 111. v Jolietu. Zastopstva za te konvencije se bodo določila na seji v augustu. Direktorica Mrs. Prisland čita pismo Slovenian -Re-search Center ter poroča, da je napisala potrebne podatke za zgodovino SŽZ za omenjeno knjigo o zgodovini slov. organizacij v Ameriki. Mrs. Prisland tudi priporoča, da bi članice pisale svojim kongresnikom in senatorjem, da izglašuje pomoč starejšim državljanom. Direktorice se strinjajo in priporočajo, da se temu zakonu da čimveč podpore. Mrs. Prisland opiše zvestobo in naklonjenost drž. preds. Mrs. Anne Pachak iz Puebla, katero pohvali, ker vsako leto pokloni svojo plača v šolninski sklad. Direktorice izrazijo svojo zahvalnost ses. Pachak. Predsednica pohvali kolono v Zarji pod naslovom ‘‘Pots and Pans”, katero piše Mrs. Prisland, kar članice rade čitajo. V manjših izdajah Zarje bo kolona “Piskri in Kastrole” imela dve koloni. Tajnica in urednica pojasnita sporočilo tiskarne o podražitvi v benediktinski tiskarni. Tajnica povabi Rev. Charles Kolek, O.S.B. in g. Emila Petrika, ki pojasnita razne možnosti in cene. Po daljšem razgovoru, je bil dosežen sporazum, da bo Zveza se nadalje tiskala Zarjo v tej tiskarni, toda zalogo papirja bo kupila Zveza direktno pri čemer se bo celotni strošek nekoliko zmanšal. Nadaljni popoldan uporabijo direktorice v razpravljanju o načinu kritja dodatnih stroškov tiska. Končno so sklenile, da bodo vprašale vsako članico, da doplača 2