20/48 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 13. 05. 2012 6. VELIKONOČNA NEDELJA Materinski dan 6th SUNDAY OF EASTER Mother's Day Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail gregory_sdb@cogeco.ca Web page www.carantha.net Hall rentals 905-518-6159 VESZ.NIK Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church BITI ENO MED SEBOJ Prejšnjo nedeljo nam je Jezus govoril: »Jaz sem vinska trta, vi mladike.« Vsakdo je ena mladika na veliki trti, ki je Kristus, zatorej je vsak vernik eno s Kristusom. Danes pa nas Jezus opominja, naj bomo tudi med seboj eno. Vedno znova nas ta misel preseneča, kako da je bližnji tako pomemben, naravnost usoden, saj ne verujemo v soseda, znanca, krhkega človeka, temveč v mogočnega Boga. Toda »ljubiti Boga« je lahko zelo zelo poceni: le lepe besede, prijetna čustva, ki nič ne stanejo. Zato mora naša ljubezen skozi preizkus: ljubiti bližnjega, ne nekega oddaljenega, marveč prav tega in prav s takšnimi pomanjkljivostmi in napakami. Zakaj Jezus zahteva ljubezen do bližnjega? Ker je sam v bližnjem. Približal se je in vstopil v sočloveka. Krstusovo življenje ni le v meni, temveč v vsaki somladiki. Oba živita od istega »soka« in se krepita drug ob drugem. Zato mora biti med nama enotnost, povezanost, ljubezen. Ljubezen pa mora biti dejavna. Apostol Pavel pravi: »Kaj pomaga bratje moji, če imam vso vednost in vse znanje, ljubezni pa bi ne imel - mi vse to nič ne koristi.« Mnogi so iz ljubezni do Kristusa darovali svoje življenje za druge. Jezus ne zahteva, da bi morali dati vsi kristjani življenje za druge, ampak pomeni dati svoje duševne sposobnosti na razpolago drugim tako, da bi bilo »dati življenje za svoje prijatelje« višek našega nenehnega izgorevanja v dobro svojih prijateljev. V takšnem nenehnem izgorevanju za dobro svojih prijateljev nam je zgled svetnik pater Leopold Mandič. Čutil je, da mora storiti nekaj velikega na področju krščanske ljubezni in edinosti, zato je večji del življenja preživel v spovednid. Pri vratih njegove spovednice se je vedno zgrinjala množica spovedancev. Čakali so ure in ure, polni koprnenja, da bi padli k njegovim nogam in slišali njegove besede odpuščanja. Tako je vlival mir v srca svojih vernih, prinašal mir po dolinah in brez dvoma je p. Leopold Mandič tudi klic k prizadevanju za razumevanje in ljubezen med narodi. 4f L. lit Dru Mm V soboto, 5. maja 2012 je Slovensko društvo »LIPA PARK« iz St. Catharinesa praznovalo 45 letnico obstoja. Na praznovanju se je zbralo okrog 200 ljudi. Po bogati večerji je pester kuturni program vodila Francka Seljak. Matere so prejele nageljček kot predokus materinskega dneva. FRANCKA SELJAK Voditeljica programa Sunday's Readings 6th Sunday of Easter First Reading Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48 Peter goes to the house of Cornelius, and barriers of race and religion fall down. Second Reading 1 John 4:7-10 The love of God is the most powerful thing in the world. Gospel John 15:9-17 The force and the power of God's love come down to us through Jesus Christ. 'God shows no partiality. Illustration The English comedian Michael Mclntyre was passing through passport control at Dublin airport with his wife and children, en route to do a show in the Irish capital. Mclntyre is an observational comedian, who picks up on human speech patterns and behaviors quickly, and reflects these patterns in his act. His performance is very much like a mirror on ourselves, compelling us to laugh at our own idiosyncrasies. As he approached the man at passport control in Dublin, the man smiled and said to him, "Hello there, what's the story?" Mclntyre was fascinated by this turn of phrase. The man wanted to know who Mclntyre was and where he was coming from, and the phrase he used was "what's the story?" Mclntyre thought the language brilliant, even if it was strange to his ears, and he used the incident in his show. Mclntyre said, "l turned to my wife and said, 'Darling, this man wants a story from us, some form of narrative, before he will let us into the country. Have you any little stories we can tell him?'" lt was gentle and endearing humor, rejoicing in the distinctive way of using the English language. And yet, for all its comicality, the phrase is apt and "spot on." The man at passport control does indeed want to know who you are and where you are coming from. What's the story? Gospel Teaching When Peter came to the house of the Roman soldier Cornelius, two worlds met, and two stories had to be told. Peter told Cornelius and his household about a vision he had had about all kinds of I food that he was invited to eat. This vision was a lesson to him to embrace people of other faiths and none. Cornelius, in his turn, told a story of a vision he had had, urging him, an important soldier of the great Roman Empire and a pagan, to invite a poor Jewish man - a certain man called Simon, known also as Peter - to his house and to listen to him. When Peter arrived, Cornelius went down on his knees, such was his humility and his readiness to listen to whatever God would say to him through this man. Peter lifted him up and, going into the house as equals, they gathered the household; and Peter told them another story, the story of Jesus. As this story was being told, the Holy Spirit descended on the gathered people, and it was clear that the gift of faith was being bestowed on them; and so they were baptised, and became part of the same family, the family of the faith. The two separate and different stories, the story of the Roman soldier and the story of the Galilean fisherman, became one story, the story of the disciples of Jesus Christ. Peter was to define this experience in his famous words, "God shows no partiality. Rather, in every nation whoever fears him and acts uprightly is acceptable to him." For Peter, this trip to the house of Cornelius was a turning point in his life. Barriers and divisions began to come down. Prejudices began to dissolve. God is the God of all people. It can take us a long time to learn that lesson. Application As we grow up from childhood to adult years, we become aware of the many labels that we carry, labels that not only distinguish us from one another, but that so often divide us from one another - labels of nationality, race, religion, color and creed. Added to these labels are the stories, the back histories of hatred and wars and discrimination. These stories can poison our minds against people who are different from us, and we can find ourselves part of hatreds that we do not even understand. The label and the history are ingested and take root in us as prejudice and bias. The story of Jesus teaches us that the commandment to love one another is stronger than our tendency to destroy one another. Even the most hardened soldier admits that after war, you have to sit down and talk to your enemy. Jesus offers us another way. His story says, "Love your enemies and do good to those who treat you badly." As disciples of the Lord, we are part of this story. In celebrating the Eucharist, we ask the question again and again - what's the story? And the Lord answers: "love one another as I love you." Papež Benedikt XVI. je podpisal odlok o razglasitvi junaških kreposti Božjega služabnika Friderika Ireneja Barage Objavljeno v Vatikanu: 10.05. 2012 Papež Benedikt XVI. je v četrtek, 10. maja 2012 v avdienco sprejel prefekta Kongregacije za zadeve svetnikov kardinala Angela Amata SDB in dovolil objavo odlokov o junaških krepostih Božjega služabnika Friderika Ireneja Barage, škofa v kraju Marquette v ZDA. Slika: Božji služabnik Friderik Irenej Baraga -Muzej krščanstva na Slovenskem MARQUETTE: Roman Catholic leaders in the Upper Peninsula say a 19th century Slovenian missionary bishop has been declared "venerable" by the Vatican. The designation means Frederic Baraga has been recognized for a life of heroic virtue. It's the first step in the process toward sainthood. Bishop Alexander Sample of the Marquette Diocese said Thursday he's "thrilled beyond words." The diocese now plans to move Baraga's remains to a special chapel in St. Peter Cathedral in Marquette. Baraga is known as the "snowshoe priest." He spent 23 years among Chippewa (and other) Indians and settlers and became the Marquette Diocese's first bishop in 1857. He died in 1868. He translated the Bible into the Chippewa language. If a posthumous miracle is credited to Baraga, he'll be declared "Blessed." Another miracle would make him eligible to be declared a saint by the Pope. Obvestila - Announcements PEVSKI ZBOR Pevske vaje za mešani pevski zbor bodo v četrtek po večerni maši. Vadimo za prvo obhajilo in birmo, ki bo 27. maja ob 10:00 a.m. CWL - KZZ After more than one year of encouraging our members to accept executive positions we have finally succeeded in making some changes. Heidy Novak as President Elect(a one year term) and Angela Kobe as Vice President( 2 year term) have graciously accepted these positions. We sincerely thank these ladies for their willingness to take on these responsibilities on behalf of our League. We are most grateful to Teresa Sarjas for all her dedication and hard work over the past 3 terms as our Vice President. We will continue to call upon Teresa for the expertise she has acquired after more than 40 years of her involvement with our League. Our new executive Initiation Mass will be held Wednesday, June 6th at 7 pm. To all our mothers as we honour you on your special day, may God bless you and "Happy Mother's Day!!!" SLOVENSKA ŠOLA - SLOVENIAN SCHOOL GARAGE SALE - Slovenska šola bo imela »Garage Sale« v soboto, 2. junija na cerkvenem parkirišču. Če imate doma kakšne reči (hišne stvari, slike, knjige, oblačila, igrače, itd.) katerih bi se radi znebili vas prosimo, da jih prispevate v ta namen in jih prinesete v razred za odrom. Vsaki dan od ponedeljka 28. maja do petka 1 junija od 7 P.M.do 8:30 P.M. bo ena od učiteljic v šoli, da prevzame vaše prispevke. Hvala za vašo dobro voljo pri sodelovanju! GARAGE SALE - The Slovenian School will be holding a »Garage Sale« on Saturday, June 2nd on the church parking lot. Should you have anything that you no longer need and want to get rid of (household items, clothing, books, pictures, chairs, tables, toys, etc.) please do not throw them away. Donate them to our Garage Sale. You can bring your donations to Slovenian School from Monday, May 28th to Friday, June 1st between 7 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. At least one of the teachers will be in the school each day at that time to accept your donations. We thank you in advance for your cooperation and support. SLOVENIA CREDIT UNION Slovenia Credit www.sloveniacu.ca Union would like to remind all members of our summer office hours. All SCU offices will be closed Saturdays starting May 19th, 2012 until after the Labour Day weekend. For further information consult our website at www.sloveniacu.ca Thank you for your valued membership and have an enjoyable summer. GENERALNO ČIŠČENJE CERKVE_ Generalno čiščenje cerkve bo v sredo, 16. maja 2012 z začetkom ob 9:00 a.m. Lansko leto je generalno čiščenje izpadlo, zato moramo letos počistit stvari, ki se ob tedenskem čiščenju ne morejo. Čiščenje organizira in vodi Slomškovo oltarno društvo. Rabimo tudi moške roke. SLOVENSKI DAN 2012-prevoz z avtobusom The 2012 - Slovenski Dan / Slovenian Day Celebration and Picnic will be held on June 24th at Club Triglav in London, Ontario. For this special occasion, Društvo sv. Jožefa / St. Joseph Society is chartering a bus for the day. The coach will depart from St. Gregory the Great Parking lot 9:00 AM sharp and return, leaving London at 7:00 PM. Cost of the coach and admission ticket to the park is $35 per person. Reservations with payment may be made by contacting Frank Erzar at 905-643 -0285. PRVO SVETO OBHAJILO in SVETA BIRMA -FIRST COMMUNION & CONFIRMATION Letos bomo obhajali praznik prvega svetega obhajila in svete birme v nedeljo, 27. MAJA 2012 ob 10:00 a.m. Ta dan bo samo ena sveta maša, ki jo bo vodil hamiltonski škof prečastiti DOUGLAS CROSBY, O.M.I. Sveto mašo, če bo dopuščalo vreme, bomo začeli pri kipu Marije pomočnice in se tam posvetili Mariji, potem pa v procesiji odlšli v cerkev, kjer bo slovesna sveta maša. THE SLOVENIAN CANADIAN SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION_ /T^ The Slovenian Canadian ^^ Scholarship Foundation is hold- % ing its Annual Golf Tournament ^^^ on Saturday, May 26th at Rock-way Glen Golf Course followed by the Banquet at Lipa Park. Cost is $125. per person and includes golf, cart, prizes, breakfast - krofi and coffee, light lunch and dinner. All funds raised go to the support of our youth. Come and participate in a fun day! Contacts: Karl Ferko: 905-578-5890, Jerry Ponikvar: 905-333-5813 or Teresa Zupancic: 905-664-6013. We appreciate your support and participation for a good cause! 2012 Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation Awards: All youth of Slovenian background in the Ham-ilton/Wentworth, Halton and Niagara Regions entering college or university or whose studies are in progress are encouraged to apply. Successful recipients will be recognized with a scholarship or bursary and will be honoured at the SCSF Annual Banquet to be held at BLED Hall, Beamsville on Saturday, October 20th. Applications are available in the rack at the back of the Church. Any inquiries may be directed to Teresa Zupancic: 905-664-6013, Karl Ferko: 905578-5890 or Jerry Ponikvar: 905-333-5813. Jožica in Gizela pridno sadita rože pri Mariji. OD 13. 05. 2012 DO 20. 05. 2012 svete maše - masses Masses Monday-Friday 7:00 p.m., Saturday 8:15 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. 6. VELIKONOČNA NEDELJA 13. Maj Fatimska Mati Božja za žive in rajne župljane f Jožica in Jože Gerič f Blaž Čulig f Tončka Demšar MATERINSKI DAN 9:30 a.m. Sin Joe Gerič 11:00 a.m. Žena Olga in hči Janet Družini Demšar in Scarcelli 12:30 p.m. ŽUPNIJSKA DVORANA Ponedeljek - Monday f Helena Žižek 7:00 p.m. Hčerka z družino 14. Maj ff M. Mlinarič in Cecilia Naci in Ana Krampač Bonifacij, mučenec ff starši, bratje in družine Marija Horvat z družino Torek - Tuesday ff sorodniki in prijatelji 8:15 a.m. Vera in Štefan Gonza 15. Maj V čast Rožnovenski Materi Božji I. Roža živega rožnega venca Zofija (Sonja), muč. Za zdravje Ludvik Hull z družino Sreda - Wednesday f Marija Ipavec, obl. 7.00 p.m. Hči in sin 16. Maj f Slavko Štern Štefka in Dave Ullhorn Janez Nepomuk, duh-m f Franc Drvarič Aranka Dundek Četrtek- Thursday f Marija Vučko (Montreal) 7:00 p.m. Marija Glavač 17. Maj ff Družina Krampač Naci in Ana Krampač Jošt puščavnik ff Družina Zelko Matilda Bratuž Petek - Friday f Jožef Pust Sestrična Marija Lovšin (SLO) 18. Maj f Štefka Rihar Frank in Elizabeth Gimpelj Erik, krnlj f Janez Kosednar Ludvik Hull z družino po namenu 8:15 a.m. n.n. Sobota - Saturday ff iz družine Babič 5:30 p.m. Monika 19. Maj ff Sidonia in Marija Zrim, obl. Mož z družino Urban I., papež ff Martin in Marija Ternar Družina Gabor f Slavko Štern Zena z družino 7. VELIKONOČNA + za Ž^ in j, župjane _ „ „ .. f Rudi Kerec, obl. 9:30 a.m. Vera z družino f Francka in Gašper Karlin 11:00 a.m. Sestra 2°. Maj f Slavko Rožič Frank Novak (jospoaov vnebonoa rajni člani društva SAVA 12:00Noon SAVA - BRESLAV svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian -11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. 111 poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation don bosco (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971.