ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 12 • 2002 • 2 OCENE IN POROČILA/RECENSIONI E RELAZIONI/REVIEWS AND REPORTS, 269-273 OCENE IN POROČILA RECENSIONI E RELAZIONI REVIEWS AND REPORTS Alessandro De Maddalena: SQUALI DELLE ACQUE ITALIANE. GUIDA SINTETICA AL RICONOSCIMENTO. IRECO, Formello, 2001, 72 pp. Alessandro De Maddalena, the Italian shark specia­ list, had a key to identification of sharks in the Italian seas published in 2001. In a neatly designed booklet, supplemented by superb author's drawings, he pre­ sented all shark species occurring in Italian waters. The main objective of the booklet is a quick identification of sharks. Initially, the author acquaints us with some basic details about the anatomy and morphology of sharks, and eventually presents the booklet's major part, the identification key. The author did not opt for a classical dichotomous key, but offers several possibilities of elimination at the same time. Here it should be stressed that the key is intended for a wide range of readers, who are immediately advised to reach for specialist works if more thorough knowledge is required. Although a dichotomous key would no doubt be more appropriate, the author's unusual approach is very transparent and indeed fulfils its purpose - a quick identification of a selected shark species. The most extensive part of the booklet is dedicated to a detailed description of separate species. Each of them is pre­ sented with an accurate drawing and, below the picture, with its basic morphological characteristics, colour features and size. There follow details about its habitat, reproduction and dietary characteristics. Each de­ scription is concluded with a few words about the species's significance for fisheries and danger to humans. After describing all sharks occurring in the Italian seas, the author presents a form to be filled if we wish to cooperate with professional organisations dealing with sharks. This is followed by photographs which, however, may be superfluous, considering that they more or less depict sharks' cadavers, which are of course of no particular use to the readers. The con­ cluding chapter deals with the used bibliography and index of terms. The manual is certainly an important contribution to the Italian ichthyological literature. The simple, nicely designed and not too extensive booklet serves as a perfect basis for the identification of sharks. And its greatest quality are indubitably the author's drawings. Lovrenc Lipej Giovanni Nikiforos: FAUNA DEL MEDITERRANEO- GUIDA COMPLETA. Giunti Gruppo Editoriale, Firenze, luglio 2002, 366 pp. Appassionato come sono del mondo marino, re- centemente ho avuto modo di acquistare un libro fresco di stampa, ossia una nuova guida alia conoscenza della fauna marina del Mediterráneo. II volume é un'opera esaustiva che comprende piu di 3.500 specie di animali che popolano il Mar Mediterráneo. Purtroppo non sono riuscito a trovare alcuna infor- mazione sull'autore di quest'opera, al quale bisogna riconoscere il mérito di aver fatto una guida veramente facile da consultare anche per gli appasionati del- l'ambiente marino meno esperti, grazie anche al fatto che la descrizione di ogni singóla specie viene ac- compagnata da un'illustrazione a colori. 269