Oft /Od« NO. 99 Ameriška Domovina AM€RICAN !N SPIRIT TORC5GN IN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVcN I AN Serving Chicago, Milwaukee, Waukegan, Duluth, Joliet, San Francisco, MORNING N6WSPAPSR Pittsburgh, New York, Toronto, Montreal, Lethbridge, Winnipeg Dwiver, Indianapolis, Florida, Phoenix, Ely, Pueblo, BockSpring* CLEVELAND, OHIO, FRIDAY MORNING. JUNE 30, 1978 LETO LXXX — voL LXXX OB DKEVU NEODVISNOSTI 1978 Letos 4. julija bo preteklo 202 leti, odkar je bila podpisana in objavljena Izjava neodvisnosti ZDA in v njej navedeni razlogi 2a to, pa tudi temeljna načela, na katerih je zrastla in se ohranja naša republika. V Izjavi je poudarjeno: Te resnice smatramo za samoumevne, da so vsi ljudje ustvar-leni enaki, da jih je Stvarnik obdaril z določenimi neodtujljivimi Pravicami, da so med temi življenje, svoboda in pravica iskati srečc... da so za varovanje teh pravic vzpostavljene med ljudiid Gade, katerih pravična oblast izhaja iz privoljenja vladanih... 113 katerih stoji naša svoboda, pa tudi naše blagostanje! Novi grobovi Crawford zanika krivdo "PI^YDA" Ž! OBSODILA “ AMERIŠKA POROČEVALCA Luka Mudrovcic Zastopnik Interna tional V Beach Manor negovališču je Harvester v Moskvi, ki so umrl 54 let stari Luka Mudrov- f ! ga prijeli in nato pustili v varstvo poslanika ZDA, zanika vsako krivdo. MOSKVA, ZSSR. — Francis cic, brat Marthe Buvas (Vancouver, Can.), prijatelj Olge Va-| lencic. Pogreb bo iz Zakrajške- vega pogrebnega zaveda v po- j Crawford 37 te, stari . nedeljek ob 9., v cerkev sv. Vida , , T , , • n , , , w .ruk zastopstva International ob 9.30, nato na pokopališče! Vernih duš. Kropljenje samo v ponedeljek od 8. zjutraj do po- IM bodo razširile ^Sovino s Sovjelijo Jugoslavija sodefuja pri pomaži Zahoda Zanihlp PARIZ, Fr. — Zambija je po- ------- membna država osrednje, črne hočejo Z novo trgovin-i Afrike z zmerno vlado, katere sfco pogodbo doseči čini i predsednik Kenneth Kaunda so-Stalnejšo in enakoraernej-1 deluje pri iskanju mirne rešit-Šo prodajo Žita. ve rodezijske krize, pa tudi pri- KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Polje- bajajoče krize v Namibiji in v delski tajnik Bob Bergland je'sami Južni Afriki. Ta afriška dejal tu, da imajo ZDA željo in država se je znašla v finančnih težavah, ko so padle cene bakra in kositra, ki predstavljata glavno izvozno blago in 'ji prinašata devize. j I Da bi Zambijo rešile pred finančnim polomom in njemu sledečimi zmedami in nemiri, so se zahodne države odločile, da ji pomagajo. Njim se je pridružila tudi Jugoslavija, četudi sama ni brez finančnih težav, ker hoče ohraniti vpliv med neuvrščenimi državami Afrike. Načrt ze rešitev zambijske finančne stiske so obravnavali ta teden na posebni konferenci v Parizu, ki se jo je udeležilo 10 zahodnih držav in SFR Jugoslavija. fiarnen razširiti svojo trgovino s Sovjetsko zvezo. Pri pogajanjih 2 njo za nov trgovinski dogovor ° Washington vztrajal na določnih pogojih. ZDA so od leta 1972 prodale ovjetski zvezi vsako leto veli-e količine žita, ko ta sama tega redn° ne pridela v zadostnih ko-'cinah. Po sedaj veljavnem dogovoru mora Sovjetska zveza kupiti letno v ZDA najmanj niilijonov ton žita, če pa hoče 0 količino povečati preko 8 mi-1j°nov ton, mora za to dobiti Pčje pristanek ZDA. Washington hoče s posebnim ogovorom o prodaji in dobavi 2l.ta Sovjetski zvezi preprečiti nihanje cen žita, kot ga je svet poživel v letih 1972-1977. Isto-casna slaba žitna letina je cehe ^ kratki dobi več kot podvojila, k° Pa so bile naslednje letine °gatej£e so cene padle tako, da č farmarji v ZDA začeli trditi, a pri teh ne pokrijejo s pridel-'»m niti stroškov. Castro spet predložil Sestanek s Carterjem Washington, d.c. — Fidei astro je; v teku dveh tednov Vakrat predložil sestanek s Predsednikom ZDA J. Carter-s~m- tak sestanek naj bi Ca-‘ 'č Povabil Carter. a je na prvi tak poziv Ca- Hek 0d§0voril’ da ^ kil sesta-r »S ^astrom zanj “neprime-^en v sedanjem času. Na po-°vni poziv Castra za sestanek č odgovoril Carterjev tiskovni j^inik, da se ni nič dogodilo, kar 1 moglo Carterjevo zadevno iz-^.od preteklega tedna spre- greba. Denison Suladie Umrl je 69 let stari Denison Suladie, vdovec po pok. Agnes, roj. Marsik, oče Denisona Jr., Wande, Wayne-a, 2-krat stari očem brat Elmerja in Earla. Pogreb bo iz Zakraj škovega pogrebnega zavoda jutri, v soboto na Whitehaven pokopališče. Kristina Smole V Barbertonu, Ohio, je 1. junija umrla 85 let stara Kristina Smole, rojena v Doljni vasi pri Rudniku pod Ljubljano, žena Harvester Company v Moskvi, je bil prijet in obtožen nezakonitega ravnanja z devizami. Ko so ga sovjetske oblasti v sporazumu z vlado ZDA izpustile iz zapora in ga prepustile v varstvo poslanika ZDA v Moskvi, je izjavil, da ni zakrivil tega, kar ga sovjetske oblasti dolže. Prijeli so ga sredi dneva, ko se je peljal v avtu s svojo zaročenko in ga s silo odpeljali v zapor. Obtožili so ga menjavanja deviz na črni borzi. Po izpustitvi iz zapora je na tiskovni konferenci v poslaništvu ZDA F. J. Crawford dejal, da “ne razume in morda ne bo Franka, mati Lewisa T., Franka j nikdar razumel, zakaj so ga dr-G. in Christine, sestra Ivana in žali v zaporu tekom preiskave”. Ivane (v Slov.), 8-krat stara in 7-krat prastara mati. Bila je članica Društva Srce Marije, Glavno glasilo Komunistične partije Pravda je včeraj v obsežnem članku proglasilo obtožena ameriška poročevalca kriva obrekovanja pet dni pred začetkom sodne razprave proti njima. novo delovno pogodbo MOSKVA, ZSSR. — Komunistični svet ima res svoje last- ^ vj ■■ ■ ■ no pravosodstvo, močno različ- r OSjSfjl $8 POCfUJŠlJO Z§ no od onega v zahodnem demo- I kratičnem svetu. Kljub vsemu je običaj, da javna občila počakajo na uradno sodbo sodišča, četudi v času razprave redno podpirajo obtožbo. Moskovska Pravda, glavno glasilo Komunistične partije Sovjetske zveze, je tokrat ubrala doslej neobičajno pot, da je ameriška časopisna poročevalca razglasila za kriva Dodal je, da so z njim postopali “zadovoljivo”. Crawford, ki je bil v sprem- Oltarnega društva pri fari stu dveh direktorjev Internati-Presv. Srca in SŽZ. Pogreb je onal Harvester, je rekel novi-bil iz Hahn pogrebnega zavoda narjem: “Jaz odločno izjavljam, v cerkev Presv. Srca, nato pa na da sem nedolžen v vsem, kar mo pokopališče Sv. Križa. obtožujejo!” V bojih v Angoli padlo ELO odklonila večjo število Kubancev Somalijci so izvršili smrtna kazen nad Kubanci MOGADISCHU, Som. — Zastopnik Zahodnosomalijske o-svobodilne fronte S. Husein Halle je dejal, da so vse ujete Kubance postavili pred ljudsko sodišče, ki jih je obsodilo, in so nato nad njimi izrečeno sodbo izvršili. “Ko je ljudstvo videlo Kubance klati nedolžne žene in otroke, je bilo tako jezno, da ni bilo nobene izbire,” je izjavil Haile. Dejal je, da je bilo ujetih Kubancev “manj kot 100”. Passman nride pred sodišče WASHINGTON, D.C. — Bivši kongresnik Otto Passman, demokrat iz Louisiane, ki je grozil, da bo napravil samomor, če ga bodo gnali pred sodišče v zvezi s korejskimi podkupovanji, je bil spoznan za duševno sposobnega za sodno razpravo. Na svoj 78. rojstni dan so O. Passmanu, ki je bil 30 let v p w Kongresu, vzeli prstne odtise, retežno jasno z možnostjo ga fotografirali, pa ga nato iz- jas- pustili na osebni bond. Sodna t &nenski prerok , —^ jasno z možne ^aj<-vnih neviht. Večji del Ver' n soParne3Še s povečano razprava proti njemu se bo za- j £ tri OSti O I'Wa'trT t - -iv« r _ 1 _ 1 O 4 , , 1 ■! 4 h /-v X /41 n A r\ Zastopnik gverilcev je dejal, da so ti v boju uničili 50 kubanskih vojakov in ujeli štiri kubanske častnike. LONDON, Vel. Brit. — Zastopnik Narodne zveze za popolno neodvisnost Angole, ki z okoli 10,000 oboroženih gverilcev nadzira del južne in vzhodne Angole, je izjavil, da so pred dvemi tedni v Angoli začeli s podporo letal in helikopterjev obsežno ofenzivo proti1 gverilskim s'/im. V njej naj bi sodelovalo okoli 5,000 kubanskih vojakov, nekako eno četrtino vseh v Angoli. Pretekli teden je zastopnik Narodne zveze za popolno osvoboditev Angole tu izjavil, da so obfclbu Izraela Mednarodna delavska organizacija se odmika politiki, da bi privabila ZDA nazaj v svojo sredo. ŽENEVA, Šv. — ILO — Mednarodna delavska organizacija, je odklonila resolucijo, ki sta jo predložili Sirija in Libija. Resolucija dolži in obsoja Izrael zapostavljanja Arabcev v zasedenih področjih in rasizma. Odklonitev resolucije kaže, da so se v ILO začeli zavedati, da jim metanje v mednarodno politiko več škoduje kot koristi. Poraz resolucije pomeni močan udarec arabskim državam, ki- so v preteklosti vselej skušale uporabiti mednarodne organizacije in ustanove za napa- orotivladne gverilske sile uniči- de W obsojanja Izraela. ZDA so prav zaradi preveh- !e pretekli teden v bojih 50 kubanskih vojakov in ujele štiri kubanske častnike. Skupno naj kega mešanja v politiko ILO lani zapustile. Izjavile so, da se bi bili gverilci, kot je trdil Tony bodo vrnile, kadar se bo ta med Fernandes, ujeli okoli 600 sovražnih vojakov, ostale pa prisilili k umiku. Gverilci Narodne zveze so baje porušili štiri mostove, da bi zadržali vladno ofenzivo in orekinili železniško progo, ki vodi iz Rodezije do morja. Glavni boji bi se naj vršili v južnih pokrajinah Cunene in Cuando Cubango. Fernandes je dejal, da bodo ujeti kubanski častniki po zaslišanju stavljeni pred vojno sodišče in ustreljeni, slično kot je bilo v zadnjih letih ustreljenih “najmanj 25 drugih ujetih Kubancev”. V maju 1.7 bilijona primanjkljaja WASHINGTON, D.C. — Zvezna vlada je imela v preteklem narodna ustanova vrnila k svojim glavnim nalogam in tem posvetila ves svoj napor, opustila pa mešanje v izrazito politična vprašanja. Odklonitev arabske resolucije z obsodbo Izraela naj bi pokazala. da gre ILO v zahtevano smer. Njeni vodniki b i radi imeli ZDA čim preje spet v svoji sredi, ker so te, dokler so bile članice ILO, krile nad eno četrtino vseh njenih rednih izdatkov. Sedanja kolektivna delovna pogodb« bo potekla 20. julija in oblasti računajo z možnostjo poštnega štrajka. WASHINGTON, D.C. — Unija poštnih uslužbencev hoče kar pet dni pred začetkom sod- i imeti novo kolektivno delovno ne razprave proti njima. | pogodbo za dve leti. Zahteva Preteklo sredo sta bila poro- 15% višje plače in še povišanje čevalca Craig R. Whitney od plač na temelju porasta cen. Be-New York Times-a in Harold la hiša bi rada omejila poviša-D. Piper od Baltimore Sun ura- .nie cen na 5-5' ■ kot sredstvo za dne obtožena obrekovanja sov-!za , Gospodinje lepo prosimo za pecivo, ter se že vnaprej iskre-j no zahvalimo za pomoč. čunano tudi kosilo v Marietti. Nas vse pa naj preveva mi-1 Na svidenje 13. julija ob dveh sel: Bog me čaka, kliče me in (popoldne! svodu,. .sam brez semena v čevljih sedal na klopi in raaiT-išijal ter ugibati o skrivne etily.življenja. '.. Na to klcpco sredi Ridge-\v;cda je k meni prečesto pri-sedle Piovževa Mici iz Grobelj in mi je zastavljala svoja vpra-šc.aja o njenem življenju, bila je osemdesetletnica. Na njena vprašanja in njene tolike “zakaj” ji zmerom nisem znal dati odgovora, da bi jo zadovoljil. V ■NEW YORK, N.Y. — Dan letošnjem kresnem, večeru ona zadnje sobote v letošnjem juniju ž,g ve vsak odgovor na svoj vsak je bil v ozračju lep tudi v našem J “zakaj”? Pred tednom dni smo Misijonske Znamkarske Akcije 'mestu. In to je bil dan sv. Jane- jo pokopali, pod staro cerkvijo pri Mariji za Krstnika. Dan, ko se nam j Za tretjo junijsko nedeljo je Vnebovzeti. Vsi člani, prijatelji (prevesi. Dan, ko db svojem zma-jfoji napovedan prvi piknik naših in sotrudniki ste iskreno vabi j e- gedavju zgublja bitko. Noč je faranov, da bi se zbrali v Mohan- ‘že spet na s vejem pohodu., Ven-(gic State Parku. Pa sem mislil, dar premagana bo spet v božič- da bo tudi pri deseti slovenski ni noči Za nas vse je to stalni ‘ udeležba slaba, seveda ni-i krogotok; ki je brez konca in kakor ne tako slaba kot pri prvi kraja, a naše človeško življenje (cb osmih, ko sem bil samcat v se v njem enkrat začenja ip tudi j cerkvi. Zato sem upal, da sem skenča. Zato poznamo rojstvo (niiašok poslcvenil, a župnik oče in smrt 'življenja; mladost in'BicbaTcl rni jo je bral kar po - are ‘ ' j anigleško. Pp tej maši mi je celp Opazovanja nas vodijo do ugo-: organist Franjo govoril, danos tc.vitve, da bi bilo skoraj goegpo, j t oim sam ha koru. Vsi so že postavljati trditev: samo- mia-j ppli V park,, čeprav je bila v ecoi je lepa! ozračjii še vremengka negoto- Tep dan, z lepim razpoloženjem v pogovorih in igrah, toda kar brez petja. Le Kle-ziinov posnemovalec je poustvarjal slovenske pesmi, katere je pel ljubljanski Slovenski oktet. Za mene to ni bila grehota, ampak lepota in prijetnost. Kako bo na četrto zadnjo junijsko' nedeljo, sem, že napovedal v prejšnjem srenjsko-farnem sestavku. V soseščini pri Sv. Križu, ki ima čudovit prostor za razna prirejanja, se je na Ligino pobudo odvijal Slovenski festival, na katerega slo nas mnogi vabili. Predvsem pa nas je nanj zvabila zavest narodne skupnosti. Franku Vojski, ki se mi je v petek zvečer ponudil za voznika, sem naročil, da se dobiva na Osmi pri prvi maši. Želel sem videti č.g. Janeza Grila, ki nam bo kaplanova! v času naših farnih dni. Ko je vstopil v cerkev, sem jaz bil že na svojem mestu in mi je podaj roko, rekoč: I am . . . Zasmejal sem se mu in po slovensko povedal, kdo sem. A po imenu me je že poznal, ker je prebral prejšnji večer, kaj sem mu v tolažbo povedal za njegov prvi kaplanski nastop med njujorškiml Slovenci. Vendar to mašo je bral župnik oče Richard. Gospod Janez pa se je vsedel med prazne klopi in družbo delal vernikoma Franku in Tonetu. Oče Richard je bral mašo v slovenskem jeziku. Lepo doživetje poslovenjenja osme maše. In prav tokrat je bilo tako primerno, ko je bila oltarna miza pokrita z novim prtom, v katerega so všiti narodni ornamenti, a prt je prinesel č. g. Janez. Za našo cerkvico sta ga izdelali sestri našega požrtvovalnega farana Antona Babnika. Vprav ganjen sem, bil, ko sem se spomnil, da sem se z njima pogovarjal na lanskem farnem pikniku. Takrat sem dejal, kako bi si želel, da bi naša cerkvica imela oltarni prt z narodnimi motivi. Takrat sem jima obljubil poslati mero našega oltarja. In na to obljubo sem se večkrat spomnil; a je nisem nikdar izvršil. Pravo- ganotje me je včeraj praprotnega Prevzek>> ko sem stal pred oltarjem, odetim s prtom moje želje. V svojem imenu in v imenu vseh njujorških Slovencev, ne samb faranov sv. Cirila se zahvaljujem sestrama Babmkove-ga Toneta, ki živita v Ljubljani, in kateri nista pozabili na mojo željo in svojo- obljubo. Jaz pa sem ob tem postal njun zadolženi grešnik! Po tej maši smo se trije odpeljali k sv. Križu v Fairfield, kjer smo doživeli lep slovenski narodni dan, ki je bil sončen in bogat za naše narodno čustvovanje. Koliko skrivnostnih semen je padlo v naše duše in naša srca in koliko c-d njih bo za zmeraj v nas vzklilo in nas prerodilo, obogatilo in poplemenitilo? Skrivnostna kresna vprašanja, ki so vredna našega globljega razmišljanja v vseh prihodnjih dneh. Tony Osovnik CLEVELAND, O. — Klub slovenskih upokojencev za sen-klersko okrožje vabi vse svoje člane in prijatelje na sestanek v juliju. Ta se ne bo vršil tretji, ampak drugi četrtek, 13. julija, v spodnji dvorani Slovenskega narodnega doma na St. Clair ju. Na sestanku bomo pobirali Oglašajte v Ameriški Domovini! S tem boste pomagali sebi in svojemu slovenskemu listu! Obleki -starih ljudi povedo, da je tudi starost za mnoge lepa. če je njih narava trdna in zdrava. popoldne na dan sv, Janeza Veri. Se pgt minut pred deseto jeza udeležbo pri tej maši slabo kazalo. A zgodil se 'je mali eu-j dež. Naši “pikn-ikaši” so se de- j Na Slovensko pristavo 'Krstnika sem ugc-tavli al to ob 'orijave"za*7zlet vldarimto^(O- 'C^,q farfks Avenije Pavlic govorili, da bodo odšli na piknik 1 Z zupimkcm očetom Riphajv z Osme po masi pri slovenskem dom sem jo obiskal. Župnik j: sv. Grilu. In zdi se mi, ta je to Kt , „ , „„ o* m • • 3® hkrati nesel sveti kruh -ri lepo, in tako naj bi se vsakc- Narodnega doma na-ri. Clairju. cibh,ajilo Tako si je namreč za krati zgodilo. In tako je bilo na to nedeljo tudi v naši cerkvici hio), ki bo v sredo, 26. julija. Odhod ob sedmih zjutraj izpred lepo, čeprav ni bila čisto pese- Vsak član mora hkrati s pri-L dan z,magcg!av'lja želela. Tudi javo plačati prevoz $15.25. Ce {ng pri,ha;ja V6Č k s1q_ :ne bo dosti članov, sprejemamo |'venskemu sv. Cirilu, a' nanj jo deda. Lepoto ji je dalo tudi tudi nečlane, za te znaša pr:- j vege toliko dogodkov, veselih in' sp e Vek 3 dolarje več. V Marietti si bomo ogledali tovarno steklenic in se vozili po reki Ohio. žalostnih, da si zdaj v svojih viuioldh letih želi, da jo slovenska cerkvica cd časa do časa obišče po svojem predstavniku prepevanje. Zlasti obhajilna .pesem j-e bila lepo zapeta z mojstr-K o spremljavo orgel in orgelskim rolom. Udeležba je bila povečana z Opozarjam, da je v ceni vra-j— župniku njujorških Sloven-.udeležbo obiskovalcev iz Cleve-! Zemljevid kaže pot na Slo cev. j lands, ko so prišli Kaminov! in ! vensko pristavo iz Clevelands Antonija Pavke' je. enkrat, vo- tako tudi- povešali krog naše-1 P° avtocesti U.S. 90 do izhoda menda kar skorajda petdeset let, ga omizja v;parku, kamor smo 534 pri Genevi in nato dalje dc /UMI ut, im-uv /uvuuu tega mora za našo nuacuno ZgOCto- 5ei- me caita, iuice me m ipopoiane: menda kar skorajda petdeset let.! ga omizja v; parku, kamor smo 534 p vina vreti iz nas. če mladi ne bodo čutili, da iz tega ži- vabi, naj se pridružim širjenju | Frank Capuder, tajnik | živela v naj večji _ njujerški slo-: se pdpeljaU na piknik. Bil je cilja! ^ J&MKKFjKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 30, 1978 Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 404. O. Jože Cukale se zahvaljuje.. - 1- marca 1977 je poslal “v roke g. Karla Wolbanga, C. M., Majhno zahvalo za dragocene darove zdomske Slovenije Cerkvi v Bengaliji. BLAGOSLOVI, Gospod, množ sloi venski h misijcnarj ev od Buenos Airesa v Argentini do New Yicrka, Cččo in Ulincisa ter minnesotskih edinic velike in dobre Amerike, ki praznuje 200 letnico svobode, goni do Velikih jezer do kanadskega Toronta in Ot-tawe. Slovenske roke po Evropi in Ameriki dišijo od Tvojega bogastva, ki ga tabo dobrosrčno delijo zidarjem Tvoje Cerkve. . 'dj> Gospod, zdravja, moči, luči svojo posebno tolažbo tistim, i potrpežljivo čakajo pred okni vank, s čeki v rokah in z veliko zeljo, da bi se obenem z božjimi Arami, odprla vrata milijonom, ^vstop v Tvoje kraljestvo vsem trojim bratom, in sestram, ki e iščejo in Te še niso našli. Ti ^ kako vesel sem, da raste ^Užina Tvojih delavcev iz dneva v dan. ^osebno pa Te prosim, povrni ^°jim apostolam po Quincyju, nicagu, Jolietu, v Clevelandu, P'a še sodelavcem po Trstu, Go-Rimu in Ljubljani. Glej, vi g am svoje roke v zahvalo eb!i tudi v imenu Tistega, ki f° ^nn prehitro omahnile roke — 0iyanpurskega Poderžaja — za svetišče z vtisi slovenskih rok, J počiva kakor veliki labod sre-1 bengalskih poljan in naposled a laboda, ki se je spustil ob v aUrapuikurskem kanalu, ki pri-^Aje, da si Ti gospod Lepota, . °1 r°ta in Prioujočnost. Ohrani «aMed vse slovensko in ben-a sko božje ljudstvo v svojen sijonsikem zaletu, ki je znamenje Tvoje navzočnosti. Drži v tej navezavi, dokler se Pripeljemo ali priromamo do nivojih vrat in vstopimo v Tvoje Vore z veselo misijonsko himno a Ustih in v srcu: TEBE BOGA HVALIMO, Tebi Gospodu NAJ P0JE VISA ZEMLJA. duhovni voditelj MZA, g. Wol-bang. S temeljem je rastlo upanje in obratno. V zameno za izginulih 45.000 rupij, nam je prinesel iz Rima naš generalni vikar več kot dvakrat toliko, to je $14.000. Spet sem srečal p. Poderžaja, ki mi je prišepnil kot star politik! Ali veste, da je navada tukaj pri nas, da z darovi, ki jih prejemate, pokrivajo dolgove vaših prednikov? . . .! Veste, glede tistih 45.000 pa,’ malo se je odkašljal, pomežiknil, pa nič besed, le robec je potegnil iz žepa in si je prav simbolično obrisal nos, čeprav ni bilo sledu prehlada ... Tukaj pa se prične prava drama. Arhitekt jezuit, s svojim uradom v Bangalorju, je prišel na obisk v Kaiirapukur. Menda bi spet rad slišal moje zgodbe iz dobe revolucije, ki sem mu jih večkrat drobil gori v Biharju, ko sva bila v tretji probaciji. Njegove umetnine slovijo od bi-harskega RamcMija, preko Dur-gapurj a do nas, pa so salomonsko drage stavbe. Napravil mi je ^ Postu, na nedeljo ^aetare’, Ki je veselo — postna nedelja itlrgiji, 29-ega marca, se bo stavil pri nas kardinal Lovrenc Caohy, D.J., obšel novo sve-s Ce sv. Antona, vstopil vanj svojimi, duhovniki in verniki r Poklical nanj božji blagoslov, CerlfOStane ta kra-> ‘Rrtojatra’, kev božjepotnikov. Nedelja jj lla duhovnikov ne bb mnogo, v©'- °?0 zaPosien|i- Pričakujemo ^iCje število redovnic in mno-°kor kami-ionov iz Kalkute in Ulol •+Ce’-da s sv,°-iim prihodom in lb0j-1 Vl;i0 blagoslovijo prostore u;C. e riužbe. Tudi bratje pro-u a,utje bodo zraven in tudi letom so (motike in eSr£tjani- Vsi 30 vabljeni na kumenski shod. Udariiraj pred enim ki dl. p,rvi ‘kodali’ Aipi) in 20 mladih ljudi je preše ni v —i— je vedel, ker °ra Zaae|td iu dvigati tempo. So sestre “ em pripevalo. Kako Udare hiinu-i Za^®tek. Nikomur da l!0’ S!amf0 župnik cerk ' ze odkupile staro prekS[mo -1° ze Kta rabili Kalku+-dneVa tudi za šolo. V bekai u ',e ddo torei že naloženo j Par w apitala- A teSa je bilo že, ^ ftciZclj. Uilo. ^3- škofiji se je pa'zatak-Roder^lnid 80 ra^Uni in potrdila Sbiehnn'1 vSv Je Pomenljivo na-v®da h’ CeS ^ škofijska na- in vtabn vzamej° tam, kjer je akne-jo tja, kjer ni . PteploJ/16 nekai čisto prostega, dvoje načrtov in zastonj, a cenitvijo, ki bi se jo celo angelci ustrašili. Z Alahom svo jih potegnila iz starih, zaprašenih škofijskih predalov. Pred 4 leti bi me stalo samo $30.000, danes Pa, oj oj! Kaj če bi prišpičil tiste lepe stvari za kako tretjino? Takrat je brat Vidmar praznoval, v 30 km oddaljenem Bar-rackpurju, svojo 75 letnico, pa je še zmerom gradil v tistem kolegiju in prav poceni zgradil sobice za škofe cele Indije. Nekdo mi je povedal, da je prihranil kolegiju vsaj $20.000. Svoji k svojim. Odšel sem k Vidmarju na obisk. S tistimi načrti sva šla h arhitektu BairnesU, ki je izdelal prenovljeni načrt, bolj primeren za misijonarje z manjšimi žepi. Nova skica je bila še lepša od Stefensonove, predvsem pa cenejša. Tudi ta bila v kvadratu, z izsekanim sekstantom za vhod izpod stolpa, kjer so bile zunanje stene projektirane v bogato raz- Federation of American Slovenian Pensioners .Clubs, Cleveland, O. 15.00 Theresa Teskac, Clev.,, O. 2.00 Florijan Bevec, Wash.,, D.C. 2.00 Frank Sepin, Clev., 0_ 5.00 Anna Jachikov, Jamesburg, N.J. 2.00 Družina Miodrag Savernik iz Euclida, O., v spomin umrlega Ernesta Zupana 10.00 Mrs. John Langerholc, Johnstown, Pa. 1.00 Mr. Lawrence Frank, Euclid, O. 1.00 K. Martinac, Chicago, 111. 1.00 Mr. Frank Jeraj, Burlington, Ont, Can. 10.00 Mr. Joseph Likozar, Highland Hts.r O. 1.00 Dr. Antonia Rozman, Riverside, 111. 2.00 Bogomil Avsec, Mississauga, Ont., Canada 3.00 Vsem iskrena hvala! MALI OGLASI Naznanilo odprtja Johnston Drug Store 625 E. 20!) St., Euclid, Ohio 486-2744 Od pon. do petka 9.30 do 6.30 v soboto od 9.30 do 5.30 v sredo in nedeljo zaprto S tem oglasom dobite pri vsakem receptu $1 popusta. II VAŽNO, KAKŠNI MAM OGLASI Hiša naprodaj Lastnik prodaja zidano hišo z 8 sobami, kolonialno v Eucli-du, 3 spalnice, jedilnica, vsa podkletena, priključena garaža za 2 avta, mirna predmestna okolica. Srednjih 50. Kličite tel. 731-0522. (98,99) FOR SALE Portable Underwood typewriter, like new $40; Wringer Maytag Washer $25, Lawn roller $5; Poll fence digger $3. Call 432-0963 (98-99) V bližini Lakeland in Neff Rd. Prostor za urade — takoj na razpolago, 500, 675, lOOi do 4,000 kv. čevljev, 500 kv. čevljev opremljeno. Izvrsten dovoz na 1-90 in 1-271! 261-6211 j. Dallos (Th.-Fr-x) Bungalov naprodaj Zidan bungalov s 3 spalnicami veliko kuhinjo, družinsko sobo, verando, razvedrilnico, kaminom, razdeljeno kletjo, zidano garažo za 2 avta in pdl ter vrtom je ugodno naprodaj. Kličite po o. pop. tel. 692-0678. ___________________________(99) Novi zidani ranči V Willowicku nedaleč od Lak. Shore Blvd. so v gradnji novi zi dani ranči s 3 spalnicami, v ce loti podkletni. Kličite za poja> nila UPSON REALTY CO. UMLA <8i E. 260 SL 731-107* Odprto od 9. do 9. Stanovanje oddajo Štirisobno stanovanje zgoraj oddajo družini z ne več kot 2 otrokoma na 698 E. 159 St. (92-99) Joins Petri® ?83 E. I8S Odprto v torek, četrtek In petek od 8. do 6. ure, v sredo od 8. do 1. ure, v soboto od 8. do 4 ure. Zaprto v ponedeljek 481-3465 GRADIM, POPRAVLJAM, BARVAM Gradim prizidke, nove garaže, izvršujem popravila in ple __o______ skam. Delo dobro in po ugodni vite slope, ki Objemajo množico ceni- MARIJAN PUHELJ 850 E. 256 St., Euclid telefon 731-2644 (96, 98, 99,102,103) Hiša naprodaj Z aluminijem opažena hiša, s 3 spalnicami in veliko kuhinjo j je naprodaj v okolici St. Clair (Avenue. Kličite tel. 531-2948 popoldne. (98,99) V najem oddajo oken, kar je posebno važno zaradi svetlobe in vroče klime. Električnega toka še vedno pogrešamo; odvisni smo od dinama domače proizvodnje. Takrat je prišla pomlad nad bengalske poljane. Vzela nam je Poderžaja, ki je ravno dokončava! svojega laboda Kalyanpurju. Brat Vidmar se je moral podvreči dvojni opera ciji in spet sem ostal sam. Bernes ni verjel, da se mi mudi, pa je odšel na počitnice, zato sva nadaljevala s kontraktorjem po pičlih navodilih, ki nama jih jel štiri sobe pustil. Naročil nama je, da za-Lu.,™ . radi močvirnatega terena potre- brez otrok tajemu „a moč trdne temelje it , j Kličite 361-0566 zvitega jekla. Monsun je že1 pričel tepsti vročo zemljo, ko smo dokončavall plint. šest me-1 Sobe oddajo v najem secev počitka je bilo odrejeno j Pet sob, na novo prepleskano, Vidmarju, a ga je upanje, da J zgoraj, oddajo družini brez pozida ■ božji hram takorekoč(otrok. Kličite 361-0566. vrglo s postelje na okope.. (Ko-j (97-99) nec prihodnjič). Rev. Charles A. Wolbang, C.M 131 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ontario Canada MIN 3J7 Enostanovanjska' s 3 spalnicami, modernizirana, preproge, vsa podkletena, bakrene vodne Cevi, garaža za 2 avta, lep kot, $14,500. Dvostanovanjska, 5-4, klet, bakrene vodne cevi, z aluminijem opažena, $13,000. Dvostanovanjska, 5-5, z garažami na E. 67 St. blizu St. Clair Ave. Dvostanovanjska, 7-5, 2 trgovini, garaž, blizu sv. Vida, delno zidana. Kličite za ogled. (FX) A.M.D. REALTY 6311 St. Clair Ave. 432-13221 (x-F) V blag spomin ob osmi obletnici, odkar je umrla ■ draga žena in mama Sedaj so vsa znamenja Zodiaka lahko Vaša srečna zvezda v novi Ohio Instant Lottery, Lucky Stars! Vi lahko dobite do $10,000 trenutno. Ali veliko nagrado $1,000 na teden za vse življenje. Celo Vaš nezadeti listek Vas lahko napravi za dobitnika v Weekly TV Jackpot. Vsak teden si 100 dobitnikov deli vrsto nagrad, ki vključujejo avte, gotovino, TV in gospodinjske naprave. Tako torej ujemite Vaše Lucky Stars nove Ohio Instant Lottery. t° the Stale O^'Ohio’sGeneraf F^andSibuted forlhe^enefit ol all Ohioans in such areas as education, mental health and other human services. AD #233-R Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. 641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI na novo preple- družini (97-99) ljudstva’5 Prepr0Stte hLc vašega škof. ‘a tmi j® svetoval nad-lo?> ,rp ce naberem za katedra-nasmf/\-je Va3a stvar’, se je ji hud,e kovine so izdelani mo-Ali ni e’. raztreseni po svetu. Svetu P1 Gospod raztresel slavo? da OZnanjajo po Njegovo Skf vto?erground' to je P>'va W L erMj’ Get>er in Slap- Za tem o v'*6 pos^a P,rvi obrok eiMie $2000.00. Kmalu za •le poslala enako vsoto VOLTAGE CONVERTERS for foreign travel all over the world. Za vaš brivski aparat, likalnik, vdihalnik in prenosni sušilnik. Pošiljamo po vseh ZDA in Kanadi. BRODNIK BROS. 16015 Waterloo Rd. Cleveland, Ohio 44110 (96-99) V Tiskovni sklad AD so zadnjič darovali: John Pieman, Clev., O. $5.00 Frank Štrukelj, Clev., O. 4.00 Frank Ponikvar, Warren, O., v spomin pok. sina 5.00 A. Tisev, Milwaukee, Wis. 2.0ojpsekb P° želji garaža. Kličite I. Kraljic, Elk River, Minn. 7.00^4-0989 po 4. uri popoldne. Blaž Vavpetič, Madison, O. 2.001 (96-101) M TrShte M-,EIm1urs wn- 1 lastnik prodaja M. Coffelt, Milwaukee, Wis. 2.00 L o w™ i mu- ut Frances Stegu, Clev,, O. 2.25 fP«.level hišo blizu Cecilia Goles, Clev., O. 2 00 | " fle ln e^upovalnega Janez Krebelj, Clev., O. 2.00Za P°laSnlla “7 9V A. Brandsperger, Clev., O. 1.00 _______________ Vera Zupan, Clev., O. (v spo- j V najem oddajo min pok. moža Ernesta) 30.00 Pet velikih sob, na novo pre-Ahton Lavrisa, Clev., O. (v pleskanih. Kličite 481-9305. TONYKRISTAVNIK P A A wr\ , a CVETLICE ZA POROKE POGREBE IN VSE DRUGE PRILIK! • Brezplačna dostava po vsem mestu * Brzojavna dostava po vsem svetu FTJ) STARC ORAL Inc. c 6131 St. Clair Are. Telefon podnevi: 431-6474 Dom: 1164 Norwood Rd. Telefon ponoči EX 1-5078 hno tako blizu vas kot vaš telefon Telephone: 944-8436 Poletje je tu! Najboljši cas za barvanje vaših hiš! Preglejte vaše domove in pokličite nas za brezplačen proračun. Smo strokovnjaki! Sanitas in papiranje. Nameščamo nove žlebove. R & D SAUSAGE COMPANY 15714 WATERLOO ROAD CLEVELAND, OHIO 44110 PREKAJENO MESO — MESO ZA ZMRZOVALNIKE Na debelo in na drobno Posebne cene pri velikih nakupih BILL IN ANGELA RATAJC, LAST. 692-1832 ■ KNIFIC SIRVIC imamu 23. apr. 1903 - 5. julija 1970 Leto za letom se v večnost izliva, težke ločitve spomin se budi; V NAJEM oddam 3-sobno neopremljeno stanovanje s kopalnico pošteni j do Tebe pa vedno je živa, nCoVtl w/-» ___ vsem našem življenju kot lučka | gori. 320 East ISEih Slrsef Cleveland, Ohio 44119 "ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS" 481-7540 spomin pok. E. Zupana) 10.00 (96-99) ZAKRAJŠEK FUNERAL MHE GO. Tel.: ENdicott 1-311» 6018 St. Clair Av®. Žalujoči: Mož: Frank Otroci in svakinja Jožefa. Geneva, Ohio, 30. junija 1978. IZ SLOVENIJE Gramofonske plošče • Knjige • Radenska voda • Zdravilni čaj Spominčki • časopisje • Vage na kilograme • Semena • Strojčki za valjanje in rezanje testa TIVOLI ENTERPRISES INC. 6419 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, O. _________431-5298 GRDINA FUNERAL HOMES 1053 East 62 St. 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 431-2088 531-6300 GRDINA FURNITURE STORE 15301 Waterloo Road 531-1235 Stanovanje v najem j Stanovanje oddajo Lepo 5-sobno stanovanje, Petsobno stanovanje zgoraj, 'oddajo na E 52 St. Kličite 391- oddajo družini brez otrok in 15592. „ (27, 30 jun) brez živali. Kličite tel. 391-0575. Oerwinski Ifosis figsslav llimaii iiglts Sp@te§iia§! At a special breakfast meet-1 ing held in Washington June j 21, Congressman Ed Derwinski j (R., 4th, 111.) presented author j Mihailo Mihailov, the leading j human rights dissident in Yugo-, A N N O U N CIN G REOPENING of JGKNSTGfS BR«S STORE 625 E, 200 St., Euclid, Ohio — 486-2744 — Mon. thru Fri. 8:30 to 6:30. Closed on Wed. and Sun. Sat. 8:30 to 5:30 SLOVENIAN STUDIES AWARD AT KENT Ey Dr. Ed Gobetz j and was an active member of Mark Sfiligoj, the son of Mr. I the Slovenian Dramatic Society and Mrs. Marko Sfiligoj of South “Lilija” which — let us under- Euclid, was the recipient of. the Slovenian Studies Award 1978 at the May 14th Honors Day Program at Kent State University. The award, which was established several years ago by KSU Foundation and The Slovenian Research Center of America, Inc., was presented to Mark by KSU President, Dr. Brage Golding, in a magnificent public ceremony, attended by thousands of students, relatives, professors, journalists, and friends. An article about Mark and his photo appeared in The Cleveland Press and in several other newspapers which highlighted Mark’s accomplisments, as well as the unique opportunities for Slovenian Studies at Kent State University — the only univeG sity in America which offers a series of six Slovenian language and literature courses, as well score — continues : to present excellent dramas and comedies up to the present day. A very talented actor, Mark also appeared in the role of Bcssanio, together with America’s: famous Shake ppe are an star Morris Carnovsky, at the JCC Theater in 1973. .Mark, who is graduating this year from KSU School of Journalism, has already developed an impressive journalistic career which includes a stint as general assignment writer and editor of Soap Bubble Magazine and writer for SCENE Magazine. Like many other talented and heritage-con-scaicuB Slovenian Americans, Mark is also an associate of the Slovenski Ameriški Institute — The Slovenian Research Center of America, Inc., to which he donates his time and talents as translator and writer. Other recent recipients of Slo- Gleveland, Ohio — Come to the annual 1978 St. Vitus Church Homecoming Carnival and Street Fair, which will be held as opportunities for the study of t venian -Studies Award at Kent from Thursday, July 13 to Sun-several other Slovenian subjects, [State University are: ■Richard''J Andre Days! Italy Salens Play Host lo "Cancer EuS-A-Tbn' Andre Duval Beauty Salons will play host to the “Cancer Cut-A-Thon” on Sunday, July 9, 1978. Beginning at 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. more than 115 expert hair-s'tylists will pick up their scissors at eleven Andre Duval locations. A lovely fashion haircut and Hts. SOUTHGATE/5399 Warrens-ville Ctr. Rd., Maple Hts. 29470 Lake Shore glvd., Wil-lowiek, O. PAIli, LATO WN MALL/7541 Ridgewood Dr., Parma Hts. SOUTHLAND/6383 West 130 St., Parma Hts. WE5TGATE/10570 Center style can be yours for a mini- Ridge Rd., Rocky River mum donation of $3.00 All proceeds will benefit the American Cancer Society. This event is open to women and men of all ages. Appointments are not necessary. The following Andre Duval Beauty Salons will participate; EASTGATE MALL/4044 SOM Center Rd., Mayfield Hts. SEVERANCE SHOPPING MENTOR CITY PL^ZA/Men-tor, Ohio SHEFFIELD CENTER/Lo-rain, Ohio CHAPEL HILL MALL/Ak-ron, Ohio > 2673 W. Market St, Akron, O. Special guests and entertainment will be at the shops throughout the day. For further infomnation you may , call the MALL/3640 Mayfield Rd., Cleve. Cancer Society at 241-1177. Mm HtoMiiiisg including theses and doctoral dissertations on Slovenian topics in several fields. of specialization. Kent is also the first; univer-' sity in America to offer an annual Slovenian Studies Award, designed to stimulate serious interest and conscientious work in the field of Slovenian Studies. Although Mark was born in America, he has an outstanding mastery of the Slovenian language and has for two years taught beginning and more ,ad-vanned Slovenian language courses as tutor in KSU Critical Languages Program. He has also completed, with excellent success, a 5-credit Honors Course in Slovenian American history, culture, and contributions. “We are very proud of Mark’s accomplishments, not only in Slovenian Studies, but also .in other areas,” said Prof. Edward Gcbetz, who had been instru-mental in starting Slovenian Studies at Kent and at several other universities and schools. Born in Cleveland, Mark attended the Saturday Slovenian Language School at -St. ,Vitus, Hiabse, a third-generation Slovenian American from Cleveland who completed five courses of Slovenian language, received a Citation fro the Ohio Senate, and is now. one of the youngest TV producers in Akron; Ina Hil-linger, an exceptionally talented linguist and student of architecture and vice president of the Angel Flight Club, from Willo-wkk; James Scherbaok, a promising young Slovenian Ameircan poet from Euclid; and Joe Valencie, a genuine young, artist, with a Master’s Degree form KSU School of Fine Arts, a well known young singer and actor, and together with Mark, a former Slovenian language tutor at Kent, from Cleveland, who is currently employed as Curator’s assistant at the Western Reserve Histccioal Society. Joe .also translated one of the short ktories for the recently published Anthology of Slovenian American literature — with 60 reproductions of Slovenian eth- day, July 16. The event will be held on Glass Ave., on the school grounds and in the Auditorium, E. 62nd and St. Clair, rain or shine. The carnival will be opened each evening at seven, and on Saturday we’ul have Slovenian fresh or smoked sausage add, saurkraut dinners from 5,:00 p.m. on. On Sunday afternoon, ..a dinner wbil be sewed in the Auditorium fretmTUOO .am. •You.wiil have a chcace. of.Road Beef,or Chicken dkraers. Take o.ut orders will he .available for ^Friday, Saturday- >acid SurMay ^dinners. -Sandwiches of . Ml Bundy will be available ever:r day. -Kro Sunday all afternoon and even- fe (Slovenian raised dougnm is) ing with a children’s matinee from 2 to 5. The prices for children during the matinee will be reduced. Strolling musicians will be at the .carnival in the evenings. Scotty,. the dorm...will,be there with goodies. an,d dun for the youngsters. For the hungry we will have delicious food on the menu. Pizza will be featured on Thursday. A Fish Fry or Stuffed Cabbage (pigs in the blanket) dinners will be served in the Social room from 5:00 pm. Friday. to ail ether winners of these unique: awards! '• Congratulations also to their parents and to all Slovenian organizations, schools. nic art by nationally and inter- and other programs'-which have nationally known Slovenian eth-: helped in the development! of nic artists. ! these young, talc anted, and Congratulations to Mark and promising Slovenian Americans! will .aim. -be uvaihide, on Thurs- -day, Friday and Saturday. Thrilling rides -will be furnished by -Sun Valleys Enterprises on the street on Glass) Avenue. Gorgeous stands and games will also be there, as. usual, as well as refreshments-of all Muds. This v/ill be a chance to- see your' old friends and former parishioners at this annual Family Homecoming and Street Fair. Free off-the-street parking will be available for patrons, at the large Cleveland Trust Bank parking lot on E. 60th and St. Clair. Our St. Vitus School is among the largest and best in our Cleveland diocese and very expensive to maintain. All proceeds of our. annual Homecoming will be slavia, to Members of Congress so that he could report to them on the internal conditions within that country. Mr. Mihailov has spent 12 years in Yugoslav jails, serving three different terms imposed by the Tito Government. “Mr. Mihailov is the leading spokesman for the application or fundamental human rights in Yugoslavia and has been especially prominent in calling for freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and the establishment of a multi-party political system,” Derwinski said. “For his views he has been repeatedly, harassed by Yugoslav authorities and subjected to jail sentences.” “The human rights issue is of special concern to many Members of Congress, and the President’s attention to it has created interest and controversy. Mr. Mihailov has charged that the Yugoslav government has not abided by the intent and spirit of the Helsinki Accords despite being the host for a recent conference on the subject that dealt with furtherance of the Helsinki Agreement,” Derwinski pointed out. Mihailov is on a tour of the United States. The Yugoslav government hoped that he would remain in exile, but he insists that he will return to bis homeland to continue his battle for human .rights. $1.00 off on each new prescription with this ad. «ui)iuiii[iiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiniii;iimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiini!iiiiiiiiiiiiniimiiiiiiii;iii]i))ii]iiimiiiii| 1113 4 SONS J FUNERAL HM 21900 EUCLID AVE. 481-5277 Between Chardon & Kast 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio TREAT YOURSELF TO A REAL SLOVENIAN MEAL! Stop in and see Lojzka and Tončka at... SLOVENIAN VILLAGE RESTAURANT 6415 St. Clair Ave (Slov. Nat. Home Bldg) Serving: I Wed .......... Chicken Paprikash and Dumplings Thurs ............. Kidney Stew and Dumplings Fri ................. Fish Fry; Golaž and Polenta Every day: Wienerschnitzel; Soup of the Day 1 Daily: 9 am-7 pm Sat. 10 am-5 pm g iimmini&HiimiumiiEiiisuHiisuiiiimisiimimiiEiiiihiiihiiimiiinniiHmgiiHiiiHHl ZEU RflEIM HIES MEMORIAL CHAPEL 452 E, 152nd Street Phone 481-3118 ADDISON ROAD CHAPEL 6302 St. Clair Avenue Phene: 361-0583 Mi smo vedno pripravljeni z najboljšo postrežbo 1 s I •-j 3 = nilUilissimimiuiniHSiluisigiisHtiiHiMeuuuHutMumtilinHiimmiainmiuHninoiii In Nevlje- parish you were born. In this church you were baptized. Here each1 Sunday you received God’s word. With the beautiful singing you enthused all hearts for Jesus and Mary. Far .away: you,refugeed by. unfortunate fate; To your beloved home you cannot find a free return For which your .heart is so homesick. 1 bat.is the; highlight of your immense suffer ing. * This sadness you arc offering daily to God lire golden rubir.s for eternity you are collecting. There you will find all puzzles of this lire resolved. You will recognize God’s mystery, .which will lead , you into. paradise. He came from a family of 14 children. Under Austrian Imperium. he bad to wear a soldiers uniform apd serve seven years including World War I iron: 1914-1918 on the battlefields of Russia • and Italy. During the ruling of King Alexander,'be was in 1832 arrested and confined in Ljubljana and Maribor; but in spite of this persecution, he .we:: office in the election as a candidate of the Slovene People Party in his heme town.. In the yugkming of World War II in 1911 he was arrested as a Mayor of Kamnik by German Secret Police, jailed and transported to.Serbia. His estate was confiscated. 'After the war, in 1945, it was nationalize:: and Nande,- true Ao-God .and country, ■ was forced to flee and seek refuge again. I Where already our deceased relatives are praying for all of us. That God will show us His mercy And after death receive us to Him To enjoy peace through long eternity in Him. - (Written in 1854. i He later became a citizen of the USA and he. always had confidence in victory ci “Human rights and honest economic regulation;;, for all people in the world.” used for the school and parish j j as a whole. TONČKA ČEBUL — siwer MARA CERAR — niece and her FAMILY OTHER RELATIVES Cleveland, Ohio, Kamnik, Slovenia, j5t. Michael by. hleihury. Cermihia t, 8 t] h t Cl f< tl 0] ll Cl cc St tf. in OUR NEWS your ethnic forum ||||Jj||| the latest news and views H TTi MfcfTT-s fite44*dfz&f3eb * WEEKLY * YOUR VIEWS James V. Debevec, Editor AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA,. JUNE 30, 1978 DISTURBED ^*'i0r: stand cf the Slovenian paper, disturbs me to read the re- backed by the editor and the “r>eS Father Eoznar's article owner and publisher as well. It tough is Enough”. It disturbs Is inconceivable that the publi-?.8 because the replies are mis- sher, who has given the editor the point. | full freedom of operation, would Enough” was a clear rejec- disavow all knowledge of the 1011 of the cultural exchange editor’s actions when coritraver- idea. The' arguments presented sion would be more to his liking. ather Boznar as an explana- 1 If the editor cf AD, with all % F. J'Wi Were sound and to the'point. the delegated authority, believed ‘ ny of the AD readers voiced he was in need of moral support an. r *0't'a* s’JFPlCi:rt and expressed cf the subscribers to help him »relation for Father Boznar’s fcrmulate his opiinion, it seems eVe^ative. The opposition, how- perfectly logical to me, that he ^ _> Prefers to circumvent the scilicited cpinion of those only g lc principles which Father j who might oonceivaMy disagree oznar laid dowm so well and .with his stand. Cultural ex-ds energy in discussions, | change movement at that time . er cor not Father Boznar J was already in progress and it tg, right and authority to j would serve no purpose to ask 4,-^ S Si^anJ and whether or not the supporters of the exchange, i 'eiaS|k:a Dcmlovina acted in the i what the official reaction cf the r^t of the maioritv cf ^ AD ^adership. ' JIM DEBEVEC m ANSWER In answer to Mr. Likozar: Thank masthead, “American in Spirit, in foreign aid, we bet someone you good friend Joseph Likozar Foreign in Language Only.” [over there would take notice. for your thought provoking letter. We know of your diligent ^toricMiy, Ameriška Domo- a Was always defending and .-----------------j . opagatirtg Chrisitian ideals.! ti,ves of organizations. I do not should be in that regard. iPecipM who were summoned to the first meeting by the editor, were indeed mostly representa- ^'a^er vvas editorializing t)ic ^ ^’^ose lines under the aus-eveeS la'e James Debevec 111 times, when right mind-ess was neither populor nor after unless the A.D. is allowed in Slovenia — thereby conveying to anyone interested that a e. It is only right that [ express the feelings of a large gain. 0ur loss. It was thrilling Carter invited the President eood Portion of the Slovenian to read where 18 people were of Yugoslavia to a conference, P0PulaLlon not support the delude myself to be someone of importance, I did net represent any organization but have responded to the invitation be-nciLiiei pupuiui jxwj. cause I was sure that I could ^ i;3 only right that i express c; .present editor of AD should [n,umber 'of AD subscribers with ^ cm the tradition which: w'hcm I have had contacts. I J "3d- Pression> and you won’t find it Vietnam War _ an outward, ed into my head, it is the end Im anE othar Sloveman news- sign of dissatisfaction, never justifies the means. This PaPel anyw ere. The main pro];!ieTn 0f your is basic logic to which the Ca- Freedom and justice ” ProteSt’ however> was the tim“ tholic Church adheres. ^™°m ,aija JustlceT ing _ ibecause it hurt a lot of I That s what we believe in. If . x Truth speaks for itself and the Yugoslav government won’t1 in'aocent Pe0Ple- ^/vAe11 known cannot be refuted. A meeting let the American Home news- arid ^sP^table Slovenians had was held to gain support for paper in their country, maybe EUL money and reputation into editorial policy for Ameriška they are not for freedom and brin§fn'S Slovenian culture here. Domovina and the owner-pub- justice, fisher was not invited I But the group was already here! nor Has anyone told the United A better wa^ would have been but was rather - States President, Jimmy Carter, !t& say we 11 b°ycott Performan about this? He’s preaching “Hu- ces next year and forever informed; ignored. We are happy to read you man Rights.” Freedom of the were “important enough to be press is an inalienable human™ Slovenia thereby convey-invited.” We were not. Your right. THE AMERICAN SLOVENE A TRIBUTE TO OURS — THEIRS or THEIRS You left your families, you left your friends, you left your fields and trees; Yea left your homes and birthplace, and you voyaged across the seas. Tou arrived with almost nothing, except desires to succeed; You hoped and planned, worked and prayed, and you sowed the precious seed. To our parents — theirs or theirs — we stand here and salute you; kou earned your right to be here and no one can refute you lou thank God you made it safely, as you stand upon these shores; When things aren’t right, you join the fights and help to win our wars. You build your homes, you build the churches, you work with ail your might; You grow the vines, you make your wines, and dance all through the night. You ve had your share of hardships, and yen have your share of gripes; Sail you choose to pledge allegiance to this country’s stars and stripes. LOUSY GRAMMAR ^ito: becaenj°y reading your paper opa Use d provides me with the V artamty to read articles ti0p eri in Slovenian. In addi-is J ! all<>ws me to know what SW0lnS 0n back home in the Veja e^an community in Cle-lity While the overall qua- Thank you for your attention (sic) Sincerely, Maximilian B. Gorenšek Princeton, New Jersey :js * :i: PUBLISHER’S NOTE: —Thank you for your letter pointing out all our mistakes. As given a vote. It was further in Washington, D.C. Instead 0fiactivity. So, forewarned, if amazing to see that the results Slovenians fighting Slovenians, i*bey stid want 10 §° abead and of your deliberations were car- why don’t we pursue as our ab-jbrb^ a SrouP here, they do so. ried out and the said editorials jective someone who can do a‘' lheir own financial risk. S^ofSuush “the - - — - ^ Vou mentioned my fathers V/e understand tne main is-iHome will remember the fact name. We wonder if anyone sue of Father Boznar’s letter [that we do have a free and in- would have dared humiliate him to be whether or not the Ame-! dependent newspaper, _ and the way we were. rican Home is allowed inside j will work and pray that it will ^ We love to see Americans of, Yugoslavia. If the U.S. govern-be allowed to be acepted wher-Slovenian background perform ment told the socialists it could ever free citizens dwell, in cultural programs. And, we go out and build its own power | Joe, have a nice vacation, believe in the motto of our plants and cut out $16 billion'too! y°u eai'ued your right to be here and no one can refute you. Strsuglls m Unity Srp ^°ur PaPer is excellent, As you probably know, the aw ah’aid to say that it is not English section of the American is p .free from mistakes. This Home is a labor of love. We’ve ^-ish Ucular]y true of the En- been editor for six years now ?ou ^anguage section, which and have never received a cent % publish every Friday. I am for cur efforts. The trust, re-l-Ut 0111 Perfect, yet I can’t help spect and criticism the Slove-ticies °tlCe that some of the ar- nian community have thrust k^ic are full of glaring gram- upon us has been reward en- errors: ough for our services. ^he v r ■ 3 sev'^ J’ issue con' J When we started, there were !!Ues “pe^a^eXa™P^es- The ar- nq contributing writers. Now Be (sic) there are 32. ; iessills ©f If, Syr Dear Editor, areas where cur interests coin- Oi!feSIB©SS HŠ¥@ 8118^ As President of the Slovenian-'' tide. The SAFIF does not believe T American Heritage Foundation,! that the promotion of Slovenian Jesuits °r the June 28, I wish to make a few remarks l culture and heritage is the Give-Away ot the St. Clair Busi-i:n response to a letter which | province of any single organi- ness Association: appeared in the Ameriška Do-Ration or individual. Our view With freedom of choice you choose your spot — to form this great melting pot. help ever 1.978 Mary Sustarsic, movina English section on June i on this matter can be summed ^2a;0C' 16, 1978. {up as: the more Slovenian Amer- ‘ ‘ ^ • rt lean activity the better! In unity' $25.00 — Stan J. Erzen—22561 Chardon Rd. S»i5Proud to ^Cert’’ by Jane Kaplan', acked Hali Sees Planina None of Ihese interesting peo-■ t pQ J" ’ by Joseph Gornick, lde receive a penny x.or vvriting. rha?S the worst offenders. Tliey do 30 out of the goodness Sop structure is awkward. fbeir heart to let the lest of Sentences are incomplete, fne w’orld knovv what is going ^^tes Pr°Per subjects or* pre- on in their Slovenian commu-and syntax is atrocious nity-d6s. q^Uc both of these arti- * hppat.er aidacles with serious ws Weuld have if there were no What a dull and boring paper bon latical „ flaws include, Writers. It would be just as bor- ■'bacU m" Cebular Is 89”, and. jng if fhe authors sat at home Cert jw, 1:5 °venci Circle 77 Con T ftlay 6”. ^....................- —.....................................ev The werk carried on by the SAHF is intended solely to promote the Slovenian heritage in the United States. It was on this basis that the SAHF qualified for tax-evempt status from the Internal Revenue Service. Our membership comprises a wide spectrum of individuals and organizations, reflecting a broad divergence of views. Thus, the SAHF recently sponsored the evening of Slovenian poetry at Cleveland State University and this coming October 28 its annual Slovenski Večer will honor former Senator Frank J. Lau-sche. The Heritage Foundation played an important role in having the new State Office Building under construction, in downtown Cleveland named the there is strength. Given these objectives, accordingly, the SAHF has never ! $15.09 E. 66 St. Thus you re amongst the finest people this country’s seen; You bless us with our heritage — THE AMEBIC AT SLOVENE. Copyright 1978 John Kausek -------o--—---- Memo: From Madeline John (son-in-law) who have five girls. Elaine Mayer and Jim (son-in-law) have one son and one daughter. Faye Star-Madeline man's son Jerry J. Clapacs and Martha also have one son and Debevec a dau§hter- Cn June 18th all the Mayers sought to impose any ban or! otherwise interfere with the M54 E. 36 S t. jUiis weekend at Slovenska Pri- wiork carried on by ether indi-' $15.00 — Frank Culovic, 6402 Aa-va farm in Geneva, Ohio. A viduals or organizations. Frederick E. Križman --------o------ New Subscribers This week: and wrote about the good times Lausche Building and places they traveled in Iq emu I ‘ ’'bat you won’t think their imagination, but had pre6umptja.us for sug- ery comma in its proper place, krx r 'S ^18, ’ Membership in the SAFIF is open to any perron who wishes to join, or apy organization. We weilcome all. There are regularly but I believe that During those six years, some-of yw paper would thing must have clicked, the mi. iiic.rc are reB.a,ii.v 'N if you would proof- readership to the Engli.h sec- £ShcVkd olMb°“s COrrbPt the articles lion has quadrupled. bUntinc We love the articles from our . of officers. There .is considerable rotatioh cf persons holding of- hi: tess, }U]d the e I lat,y, flee. The financial reports of the Y your readers be- •f,hG0rS would not be beautiful, and they all write ^ mS^t o' fight " WOuia exerciss from the heart. We look forward that they apC2;pt the statement I an editor. If ne- to receiving their work (and of purpC5e on which the SAHF ani sure that you it is work) every week and ept , : a Slovenian college would be lost without them, wpo find, rests, and cf which the first point is: “To foster and support would be qualified The good Lord has given each e^c.ng Slovenian Americans"the person a ■talent. Some to put awareness, knowledge and:: ap-a few dollars cemmas in correotly, some to predation of their cultural heri-oriticize, others to create a mag- tagq and ethnic identity.” t°§ to riead’ and would be will 80 vf:65P John Vovko — 1146 $15.00' — Agnes Mistruck — | Slovenian Days will be held £nd Stannans celebrated Fath- ei s Day at their estate in Newbury (called Willon Acres). Varian Ave. [huge gathering of Slovenians’ ^ $10.00 — Louis Godec, 6619 fr°m a11 over America will con- . mfPJ®ye®!i Advisory Commit-Edna Ave. [verge July 1 and 2 at the beau- ] fW ,h“S!op"e H°™ l1'« $10.00 — Anne Pethia, S55 t‘-ful picnic grounds. IjX F! T"!’ ,Ghl°’ 'vliI mi. i , held a bake sale to benefit resi- f n 7 r " 110J, g0F.tlm,eS begm July 1 vents of the Home. The event I $10.00 — Gary -turner, 1194 with a cultural program at 7 , t ^ , Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Modic, E. 71 St. Ip.rn. to be followed by dancing v..r. ‘ '°“ay (i n7{# . w Frank Miidavic, Seattle r, 76 st 1 Sextrt P , jt Vvlli take Place at 'die Wa- W-arhington j $10.00 - Betty Millin, 4550 On Sunday there will h- a Jcscph ivcvar, Markham, On-'Aurora N.W., Canton, O. [Mass at U a.m. and dinner from terko Kd člet red Ohio “jA nSS-ar tfr-id Ohio ‘ ^ A parade wili |a^SeM:^S"Shio EblS KOnMn' re“Wtheny daC T 77“; On sale wiH L delicious Angela Marinko, Cleveland, Special Sellers Awards: „rf !,n,, o ,, n^n|' '“altural plain bread, raisin bread, corn Ohio $25.00 — Stan Majer g, u the L‘S' and Cana‘ ,nead> and krofe> among other MSZv5»“*redc“id, * * * “Shn See, Cleveland, Ohio “ 88Jf8 £ Richer and Frin.ce, Eucad, Qur sincere thanks to all the . .Faye C and Charles F Star CZ°‘ Ann is president of Ohio 0,.,„r;7nj:nn., _r! ivo 5 , ^a"fs 1 * .star- active Branch 50 of the Slove- Raymond A Horvat Crert gprs who re prartouslv^coonG-a ZZ Z ■ ewbury’ 0bl0 wil1 be nian Women’s Union of Ame-Hill 111. ° gravjOUmly goo^a celebrating- their third anniver- rica._Chuck the t-iptUpH Hn. Lawrence Frank Ei’djd Ohio''e ' ^ ^Qyeno H(We for.sftry. They recently returned rer is t- 'o Canada |mg cicitets o the give-away. tne Vadnal band, and have al- The recipients were: _ _ ! ready signed up for the Nash- 1-t i.nika Zulic Painting ^ ville, Tenn. Thanksgiving week- Roc Dushaj, Cleveland, Ohio Fredrick E. Križman, Euclid Ohio Happy Reading! ------o-----— a member of numerous singing groups, among them Glasbena Matica and Slovan. Saefai- wen by Pauline Skrabec, Cleve- end. land, Ohio. j Faye and znd $156.00 Paul i rental, have just become grandparents Cleveland, Ohio. for the 15th time. Charles Star- 3rd — Basket of Cheer- — man II cf Detroit | Shalom to Sieve and Alice Gpalich who are ending a week Chailes Starman long tour of Israel. ■'« * £ Happy Birthday July 13th to Aima Lazar, Treasurer of the . , , , Mich., have _Jlun 1L r '-F un -n, ** ~*~i» v*»Sv enmu.- iueinuy. I he oioveniap. Women s Un- Mary Lou Prhne, Maple Hts., made it tx^sible with n «!rm Lnw. r.i' C" provides a valuable God bless all our writers, each c . bityi L° dle Slovenian com- and every one!!!!!!!:!!! James V. Debevec zrdion, we seek to work with at St. Vitus social room. Friends other Slovenian groups in those are welcome. Kathy Guist Corresponding Sec. j Charles F. Starman Sr. has a daughter Joanne Meyer and is always working behind the scenes of the Home, and volun- (CoDtmueu oa Pace 6) BB v __L_ AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA JUNE 30, 1078 MEMO FROM MADELINE (Continued from page 5) A speedy recovery to Rudy teering many hours of her time Klemenčič of Richmond Hts., to various clubs and organize- Ohio. ; tions, such as the Waterloo * * * Home Auxiliary, and ladies Happy Birthday to the follow- j groups as the Waterloo Circle ing residents of the Slovene! who aid the Home for the Aged. Home for tiie Aged celebrating! * * their birthday in July: A 50-year reunion is plannect July for the 1928 graduates of St. 2 — Mary Sušnik Vitus School. Contact Ann Kern 4 — Margaret Bregar SISTEi PHILOSJEEH 3S1-8478 or Mary Pangonis at the American Home (431-0628) for more information. ❖ ❖ ❖ The Slovene Home For Thei Aged Auxiliary for Father’s j Day, donated a work bench forj male residents of the Home. Also, they have paid for 4 — Louise Klemen 8 — Frances Kcrencic 13 -— Margaret Grosel 15 — Frances Prelc 26 — Anna Malovec Jimmy Howard of Pierce Products, Inc., 1390 E. 49 St., is the a sell-appointed Horticulturist re- flag pole and flag to be install- sponsible for much of the greened during an upcoming cere- ery ancj flower beds brightening mony. The flag will brightly fly the St. Clair business area, fiom in front of tne Home. I Mr. Howard joins the Mystery Ihey also donated $1200 'V\/oman who keeps the south-worth of physical therapy equip- west corner of Addison and St. nient for the residents. j Clair Ave. always spotless and Mr. Joseph Melaher who can Trinity High .School giadua- always be counted on to get kited 141 studenis last rriday. Volved for the betterment and \ aledictonan was Leslie Zak, safety of the community, and salutatorian was Laurie Thank you all! Hočevar. j * * * At Erieview Catnolic rugn Walter and Sophie Majer School, Mary Ann rink was ("Slovenians) have opened a Valedictorian and Carol Hova- shaklee health foods center at ■nee was Phi Beta Kappa win- sl809 vine Street in Willowick, r.er in ceremonies also held Fri- Ohio c’a^- - They sell organic cleaners, food supplements, and beautyHts.; and Olga Malovrh, Mrs. Bubnich of the St. Clair -Mg. Call 843-3838 or 2.68-9100 ^rs- (Carolyn) Joseph Markel, Ave. area visited her sen Mario, for further information on their Mr3 (^ita^ oharles Summsrhill 44, of Tacoma, Wash., who is in exceiient products. Vecerans Hospital. He has been > % :!: .,. in the hospital since the Viet-| other slovenians starting out nam War. He nas a wife and in business include Kon and four children and has made the Carol Pagon who this week Army his career. He has been opened a MR_ HERO food take. m America 25 years.^ ^out store at 37091 Chardon Rd. T ‘ 1 (across from the Richmond Hts. Joe Skrabec, Joe Valencie and Hospital). They are open Mon Sister Philomeen Sister Mary Plhilomeen, S.N.D. will celebrate her golden anniversary as a Sister of Notre Dame on Sunday, July 23, with a Mass at 2 o’clock at the Notre Dame Educatioonal Center in Chardon, Ohio. The Mass will be followed by a reception for relatives and friends. As Mary Malovrh, Sister attended St. Vitus parochial school and Notre Dame Academy. Upon graduation she entered the order of the Sisters of Notre Dame. A few years later Sister was assigned to St. Vitus as a teacher for eight years. Presently she is teaching at St. Mary School. Chardon, Ohio. Sister Mary Philomeen has five living sisters: Mrs. Frances Susa of Circfeville, O.; Mrs. (Louise) Peter Kristofoo of Gar- Florence Unetich will study at day thru Saturday 10, a m to the University in Ljubljana for several weeks. ail of Euclid. Sister recalls how her father insisted that she learn to read and write in the Slovenian tongue. Every evening she was expected to read to him aloud a paragraph or two from none other than the “Ameriška Domovina.” Being bidingual paid off. She could and did read all , . , the “Mohorjeve Bukve” that, l a m. and Sunday 10 a.m. until her diad subscribed for. ■ .. ^ ., midmght I Sister Mary Philomeen SND . , I They feature Jumbo subs’ _____________ A speedy recovery to Jose-Mmi Sub3; Mixed Meat Com- phme Terček of Holmes Ave., bos> Salad3; Hot Butter Steaks,! KiXgar'tenb’LS;/ o£frmsT ^ "•""j SaB*8 ^ 1 Mary’s School is now a resident j' c“u 944.5600 for pllone orders!' «* at St. Augustine Manor, and is Ron,s mcm aJ uncle are ^-tional Homes proudly an-receiving daily physical the- M Pagon and Wili Giiha of ™unces ^at f Plcmc ' D“ner ' rapy. Euclid, Ohio. Dance will take place on Satur- Visitors welcome! ^ j^ay» JUiy 1, 1918, on the SNPJ •a * * T1 J Farm, on Heath Road, the net , . Happy z5th anniversary to j n i • i . Joseph,,,e Siewiorek, 1017 E, D„„iclla aiid Edward Lsec FA A Ja J 64th St, celebrated her 60th on ,jlln,, 25) cf cleveland ohio to fl'e Federation of Slove- June 18. , man National Homes Scholar- * * * i Their son Mark and his wife ship Fund. Best Wishes to Mrs. Josephine Presented witk a Total cost - Dinner and Ad- Zorman, 1051 Addison Rd., who ^ vacation to Disney and. mission _ $5m , . , , ’ , Mark, a member of “The ¥/dd -p, ■ f was in auro accident recently. , Dinner will be served from ,. , , Cherry’ (popular recording rock “Alarsfilp Ulmer* s sifiisi Igrejfe se sam 1 fiarafiiiga ilafa Na videz dragocen zaklad je sedaj zelo dosegljiv! Sijajen kot posamezen kos ali skupaj kot oslepljujoče soglasje, zapestnica 12.95, 15” verižica. 19.95, uhani 19.95. Nekaj posebnega iz oddelka finih dragotin 87 v pritličju v mestu in v vseh podružnicah. Kupujte v mestu v petek od 10 do 6., v podružnicah do 9.30, v Shefieldu do 9. Dajemo in zamenjujemo Eagle znamke. She is recuperating at home, . . with a neck brace. No fault of *"£?»- ™ W«™* ,there: hers. ^ ❖ DISTURBED (Continued from page 5) ^ The main issue was and re- jha,, unit.: the notes to the edi- j miain.3 “exchange”, the act of .or take a«ic,jheir apprcaca, we • giving and receiving reciproeal-shall forever dxeuss a. problem,, jy_ jf (be Yilgcslav government and solve ncithimg. The issue is j biaG no desire to recognize what ne t the firut, nor the subsequent j immigraLcn bad conitriibuted to ■meejj-.g, but tne underlying j Elcvenaan cuiture, then we stand principle cf the editorials, name- empty handed and cannot enter j They all had a great time! ;it if. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bruce Orandy of Fairview Park announce the engagement of their daughter, Susan Elizabeth, to Jeffrey H. Zupančič, sen of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zupančič of Euclid. Miss Grandy is a 1975 graduate of Fairview Park High School and attended the College of Wooster. She is at pre- plan on attending! sent working at Fairview Gene- * * St. Vitus Homecoming Carnival will be held from Thursday, July 13 to Sunday, July IS, 1978. The event will be held on Glass Ave,, on the school grounds and in the Auditorium, E. 62 St. and St. Clair Ave., rain or shine. ly, the 100% reciprocity of cul-tu.’al exchange. Hardly eny'body will deny, 4.00 o’clock p.m. to 6:00 o’clock'*-'-'- aCi our concerts, plays and p.m., and music, for dancing,10-mmemorations, amateurish as will be provided by the Joe Lu- ^key may kA are very much a zar Orchestra from 7:00 o’clock Part of 0 ^ ™tt'iral endeavor, p.m. to 11:00 o’clock p.m. The value of therje Performances _______ .........__ is in the re-cits and not in the idefogical affiliation of the spon-' bo p,.-;u R jn Pristava. A fun-filled family fare | The latter; is used, never-, will be awaiting you! thefess, by the Yugoslav govern-; ____ rnent to determine whether or not a cultural performance is' worthy of mention in their pa- I into an exchange program. If j in ,spate of this fact, the pressure I to keep the exchange channels | open persists, it must be for reasons which are refined to a much greater extent then we are led to believe. The offering is a Trojan Horse indeed. Let us not Oiifgf and Olevslan^ Ire low Sisters .st A unique and exciting excange linking the metrop tan areas of Cleveland and. % cinnati was announced today by Cuyahoga County C° . missicner George V. Voinori of Cleveland, and State ™e. William L. Malllory, Majorl Floor Leader, of Cincinnati' ^ Previewed as the ‘‘CleveD^ ,, Qincdnnati Sister Cities the mini-vacation package is ^ ! signed to bring Cincinnatian3 ^ j Cleveland and Clevelander^ POOR MAN’S BEEF STROGANOFF 214 lbs. beef 1 can each of cream of mush- Cincinnati to set first-hand Baraga Bays in Marquette, Michigan will be duly 29 and 30. If. you wish to make the Circle your calendar now and Hip with the Cleveland group, please make jour reservations as soon as possible. Call St. ral Hospital. { The Slovenian National Art Mary’s Rectory, 761-7740. Her fiance is a 1973 graduate Guild will display their arts and, * * * of St. Joseph’s High School and crafts June 24 and July 1 at the| Wishing everyone a safe, a 1977 graduate of the College Outdoor Chalet Dubonne, in healthy and happy summer va- of Wooster. He is in the sales Madison. (Debevc Winery). cation. Lord willing T will see department of Euclid, Ins. in To get there you take Inter- you in two weeks. Meanwhile Solon. state Route SO east to Ohio State don’t hesitate to send your news A fall wedding is planned. ^ Route 528 south to 7743 Doty items to the American Home, Congratulations! i Rd. ,6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, * * ! For information call Molly Ohio 44103. Be proud you are a Get well wishes to Rudy Ko- Raab, 681-2992. 'Slovenian, and let us share kal of Eveleth, Minnesota. He is * * * your experiences and news tne author of “Wilderness Wit” Circle your calendar and set items with our readers — not and donated the proceeds of the aside Saturday, July 1, and Sun- only in the United States and books to The Slovene Home for day, July 2, and plan on attend- Canada, but throughout the en-the Aged, Cleveland, Ohio. ing Slovenian Bays at Slovenska tire world. destroy the guardwalls room, 1 can,cream of celery and their respective “sister city >■ ** 'll can of cream of onion. 'to offer. It represents the ^ Joseph Likozar } Cut beef into strips. Blend ( ardent effort by leaders of 13 recog111' MARIO ON WCLZ jwell and bake as desired. I metropolitan areas to 1 and promote the rich and dN6'" 1 - FRUIT SHERBET 28 oz. (or 24) soda pop Mario Kavcic is back on the pens. This kind of discrimination airwayS again. He will he About 1 cun fruit (same leaves- no room for commumca- Froadcasti^g onJp ^dio sta. flaVor) tion. If we strive to preserve Slo-venian heritage in America! *“ then let us first, look for it in 1 America. It would he cf interest | to hear which of the two it is I better to subsidize and .preserve; commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Oton Zupančič, performed by a group j from Yugoslavia at : Cleveland j 1 State University, or a commem-) ! oration of the 100th anniversary j July of the birth of Ivah Cankar, | July performed by the American j July boom offspring of the survivors j July of the bloody revolution of, July World War II. tion WCLZ 95.5 FM (Fine Arts in. Terminal Tower) starting Sunday, July 9. His program will be heard every Sunday from 5 a.m. to 7 a.m. and will feature music of Slovenia. * 1 coltures of the two cities. 1 Voinovich, a Republican: ! Mallory, a Democrat, serve gather in the Ohio House seV“ dt°'l er«1 1 can Eagle brand milk Mix altogether. Put in freezer. Now you have sherbet. ; years ago. Both share a cone1 sbiP I for improving the relation- ^ i between Cleveland and C’rlC > ’ nati, while at the same 4 ^ „ 'bolstering the local travel a' Faye Clapacs Starman tc1Jri m indu3tries. ^ Newbury, Ohio, Glasbena Matisa MGITiSM TIME “Here are two great Amer1' Is of c 1 Kostanjevica 3 Slovenj Gradec 4 Škofja Loka 7 Ilirska Bistrica 8 Trieste — Franc Prešeren Hall ' cities on opposite ends same state relatively I to what the other has to .g j The American Home News- in teams of entertainment, paper will not be published be-.ant®, recreation and econom1^ , tween July 3 and July IS. | stated Voinovich. “The Sist t j We are taking a two week Cities Tour represents the firJ vacation, the two years. same as the last tlP1 real opportunity to bridge. ^ gap, to forge a genuine Hope you have a nice vaca- ship, and sharing between tion, too! two ciitifesJ’ f £aiEnaKB®aEnEHanBaEEaHSaani2H3Sa:gSffiHHsaHHIEaaSBHEaKEH®ffiS8£aa®Eg*nfflH®BraBnn*nHCHHHMBBHH*nBHBB«MnS0HE®HRaHHEHnfflS»He»E»E13aSEaHB3rjaaaHaiHiBSHH*BHHBBHHBHBSHBBnSnEHQBEaa»H8a**>> GOME TO ST. VITUS CHURCH HGMEOOMMG F SHEET FAIR - Olass $m3 and lorwoad Hd, JULY 13 to JULY l@i Thurs., Fri., Sat, from 1 pm SUNDAY from 12 NOON HIDES - GAMES - 0 rasa« 01? “ Kmk Sal© Thsirs^ FVS„ SaS. in IndiSoriHm ,,, BBBBBBBBBBBflBflBBBaBflaBBflBflBBBBESBHBBBEflflBBEIflasaHEBHII3Bi3BB!i:BBSBBaBBBBS.IBClBBHBBBBBflaBBBBflBRBBBBBBBflBBBBBBflBHBBBBBflBaBKBBBaBBaBBBflEgiBBBBBaB!ilBaaflBBBBBBBBBaEBBBailiaaBBflBBBBBBflBBBBBBaBBBBfl>a CM R Frs, i iua, Sausages, Hamburgers, Wieners Fish Fry or Stuffed Cabbage - 5 pm - Slovenian Fresh or Smoked Sausage and Sauer ICraui Pinner from 0 pm