CsH U_l CO *3- O *0 O' LU CO LU 2 [!_i j— Q_ iJ-l ZD O (V5 > \W i h < Q AISO QlXlm o£CCT ziz xca * o * d VOIfOAOIS VIGfllS t 32HGD OUVUi ZARJA - THE DAWN Ho. 9 SEPTEMBER VOL. XLVI Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze Published Monthly except one combined issue, July-August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupne številke za julij-avgust 'Minual Subscription $5.00 — naročnina $5.00 letno Fcr Social members, $4.00 — za družabne članice $4.00 Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd„ Chicago, III. 60608 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, III. Ail communications for the next issue of publication must l>e in the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month. — Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rekah urednica do 1. v mesecu. Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III. 60608 Telephone Bishop 7-2014, Area Code 312 ON THE COVER: With special pride we remind our readers of the first American visit of the singers GALLUS of Celovec. They represent a minority living in the Republic of Austria, in a region inhabited by Slovenians for over a thousand years! The Gallus singers are coming to America to instill in American-Slovenians renewed interest in their beautiful land thru song! And, truly, the songs of Koroško are the most romantic, melodic and memorable of any Slovenian folk music. Their benefit tour will take them to Cleveland, Toronto and on September 1st they perform under the sponsorship of the Slovenian Women’s Union at the Mt. Assisi Academy Audi'.orium in Lemont, III. Concert time is 5 p.m. and everyone is most cordially invited to attend. Save with ST. CLAIR CLEVELAND, OHIO 813 EAST 185th ST. 26000 LAKE SHORE BLVD. 6235 ST. CLAIR AVE. 29001 CEDAR ROAD 25000 EUCLID AVE. 27801 EUCLID AVE. 6135 WILSON MILLS RD. 7481 CENTER ST., MENTOR "at St. Clair... we care" ZELE FUNERAL HOMES. I IVIC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. Off »c« 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio 361-0583 Readers, Attention: Please note that pages 13 and 20 are reversed and read them accordingly. Regrets from the printer. Bravci Zarje pozor: Prosim za potrpljenje pri čitanju strani 13 in 20, ki sta zamenjeni. Tiskarna. DATES TO REMEMBER... Sept. 1 — CONCERT by “GALLUS” of Celovec, Lemont, III., sponsored by Br. 2, Chicago. SEPT. 8 — MINNESOTA ZVEZA DAY, Br. 19, Eveleth, Minn. Sept. 8 — CORPORATE COMMUNION, Br. 100, Fontana, Cal. Sept. 9 — COOKOUT for members of Br. 73, Warrens- viHe Hgts., Ohio. SEPT. 22 — WISCONSIN STATE DAY, Br. 12, Milwaukee, Wise. OCT. 6— PENNA-NEW YORK STATE CONVENTION, Br. 96, Universal, Pa. OCT. 17 — MISC. CARD PARTY, Br. 17, West Allis, Wis., 7:45 p.m. St. Mary’s. OCT. 18 — CARD PARTY, Br. 50, Cleveland, O. OCT. 27 — 45th ANNIVERSARY, Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio OCT. 29 — CARD PARTY, Br. 14, Euclid, Ohio, Euclid Pk. Clubhouse. Nov. 24 — CONCERT AND DANCE, Dawn Choral Group, 4 p.m. Rechar Hall, Euclid, Ohio. DEC. 28 — FOURTH S. W. U. DEBUTANTE COTILLION BALL S.N.D., St. Clair, Cleveland, Ohio DEC. 28 — OHIO.-MICH. STATE CONVENTION. KAPPY BIRTHDAY IN SEPTEMBER National Officer: Sept. 1 — Barbara Rosandich, Nat'l Auditor, Ely, Minn. Branch Presidents: Sept. 1 — Anna Krager, Br. 39, Biwabik, Minn. Sept. 3 — Mary Guzzol, Br. 3, Pueblo, Colo. Sept. 7 — Freda Michelitch, Br. 103, Washington D.C. Sept. 6 — Mary Stusek, Br. 49, Willowick, Ohio Sept. 14 — Suntina Spehar, Br. 33, Duluth, Minn. Secretaries: Sppt. 2 — Joanne Ponikvar, Br. 54, Warren, Ohio Sept. 8 — Helen Skoff, Br. 46, St. Louis, Mo. Sept. 10 — Mary Dezman, Br. 12, Milwaukee, Wise. Sept. 16 — Mary Satkovich, Br. J7, Caimbrook, Pa. Sept. 10 — Louise Puchneiter, Br. 83, Crosby, Minn. Sept. 20 — J’ennie Pugely, Br. 47, Garfield Hgts., Ohio Sept. 26 — Josephine Turk, Br. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. Sept. 30 — Minka Chrnart, Br. 77, N.S. Pittsburgh, Pa. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! LISTEN TO CHICAGO'S SLOVENIAN RADIO PROGRAM! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate and Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago, III 60608 VI 7-6679 ZEFRAfVI FUNERAL HOME 194143 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Director and Embalmers CHICAGO, ILL. 60608 Virginia 7-6688 FOUR AWARDED FOR BEST \4 IIOIAMMI 0 MIRIAM LESKOVAR MARTHA KREGAR MARGARET HODNIK Our four 1974 scholarship winners have submitted tneir version of “WHAT THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION MEANS TO ME”. We wish them great success and satisfaction in their selected careers. CONGRATULATIONS! The four young women, 1974 high school graduates, v/ho will receive $250-00 each upon confirmation of their enrollment in an accredited university, college or technical institute are: Miss Miriam Noelle Leskovar from Br. No. 2; Chicago, III. Miss Martha M. Kregar from Br. No. 54; Girard, Ohio Miss Margaret Louise Hodnik from Branch No. 35; Aurora, Minn. Miss Patricia Alice Graben from Branch No. 32; Euclid, Ohio Respectfully submitted, S.W.U. Scholarship Committee Mrs. Marie Prisland, Pres. Mrs. Hermine Dicke, Sec’y. Mrs. Mary Bostian Mrs. Fanika Humar Mrs. Antonia Turek PATRICIA GRABEN “WHAT THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION MEANS TO ME”! In an age when emphasis is placed more and more on the identity of a person’s heritage, it is with pride that I say I am a member of the Slovenian Women’s Union. It has always served as a reminder of my 100 percent Slovenian ancestry. On occasions in neighborhood and high school situations, I have surprised people with information on Slovenia and the Slovenian Women’s Union, especially at the time of the Cotillion during the 16th National Convention in Chicago, when I was one of the debutantes. The Slovenian Women’s Union enforced the strength of its female membership before "Women’s Lib” became popular. Built by women for women, it stands as an example of the powerful resources we possess. Today, the once widespread idea of an American “Melting Pot” is fast becoming obsolete and the Slovenian Women's Union has supported this current mood of ethnic identity since its founding. The Scholarship Program is one way young members involve themselves in this organization and know what it means to be a Slovenian. MIRIAM LESKOVAR During the past eight years, I was associated with the Slovenian Women’s Union through Branch 32’s baton group. From participating in performances and parades, I have learned about the many aspects of my Slovenian culture. It gave me the opportunity to become a part of a group of people who love their nationality and were proud to show it. I wish to thalnk the S.W.U. for helping me to broaden my childhood experiences. The S.W.U. gave me the foundation of my Slovenian culture and encouragement to continue with something I am very proud of. One of my ambitions is to someday visit Slovenia so as to view the native people as they actually live. However, if I do not succeed, I can De thankful that I can stay in the U.S.A. and still be an active Slovenian through the Slovenian Women’s Union. PATRICIA GRABEN Today, the world changes so fast, everyone seems to find themselves searching for things to hold onto in the form of traditions and customs. To me the Slovenian Women's Union is one way that I can hold onto the past Scholarship Essays Continued;... of my parents and grandparents. They have helped to preserve the language, foods, music, and ideas of the Slovenian culture. I am grateful for the chance to do such things as participate in the making of a potica, listen to niy grandmother talk about the old country, or dance to a polka. A second reason why the Slovenian Women's Union means something to me, is because it helps me to se^ the importance of women in society in the past, present, and future. It shows that women can be leaders and make meaningful contributions in and out of the home. At the same time, it helps to foster brotherhood, love, and unity in America. MARGARET L. HODNIK A person’s nationality is a vital aspect in the format tion of his entire personality. Yet, this nationality factor has little potential to develop into a ‘heritage’ without some organized, constructive foundation. The Slovenian Women’s Union fulfills such a description. In my particular case, I find that the Slovenian Women’s Union complements my Slovenian heritage. Th,e Slovenian language is spoken in my home and Slovenian customs are observed religiously. All this has become an integral and inseparable part of me, but only through the determination and love Of my parents. However, I do not limit this heritage exclusively within my family. The Slovenian Women’s Union takes over from here. Whenever there are any major Slovenian functions in the area, one can depend upon the members of the Union to do their share, be it in baking, decorating or Organizing, in the traditional Slovenian fashion. Thus, the members are active in taking part to transmit to children and other nationalities, the p:ide and fruitfulness of the Slovenian heritage. Another aspect of the Union, proves to be the lighter side. In this conglomeration of Slovenian women, old and young, one has an excellent opportunity to exchange Slovenian recipes, to hear stories from the Slovenian culture and literature, to see handiwork from Slovenia or with a Slovenian flair, and to generally discuss items of interest and importance! The Slovenian Women’s Union provides a well-rounded, balanced program for its members to actively participate in the development of the Slovenian heritage. Through this organization it will live and thrive here in America and in our hearts. And through this organization our descendants will also have a foundation to turn to, that they too will be able to appreciate their heritage and be proud of it, not only verbally but also actively. MARTHA KREGAR Scholarship Fund Report January 1 to June 30, 1974 INCOME Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ermenc; Milwaukee $100.00 From Branch No. 3; Pueblo Olga Mesojedec, in memory of Rose Skender 5.00 Fred Gorsich, in memory of Mohor Family 2.00 Edith Nesmek, in memory of Henzel Neuberger 2.00 Rose Ursick, in memory of Gorsich Family 2.00 Frances Simonich, in memory of nusband, Joseph 2.00 Josephine Reems, in memory of Frank Reems, Jr. 2.00 Jennie Yaklich, in memory of Kapel Family 2.00 in memory of their loved ones: Branch No.. 3 Mrs. Frank Bregar 1.00 Frances DeSalvo 1.00 Mary Guzzol 1.00 Mary DeNiso 1.00 Rose Klune 1.00 Anonymous member 1.00 Anonymous member 1.00 Louise Epley; Cleveland 'in memory of Mrs. Katherine Shi mite 5.00 Mathilda Sever; Chicago in memory of her husband, John 25.00 Anna Pachak; Pueblo iin memory of Antonia Gornik; Chisholm 5.00 Ludwig and Corinne Leskovar; Chicago in memory of Anton Lenich; Eveleth 10.00 Bienoh No. 20; J'oliet in memory of Antonia Gornik; Chisholm 2.00 Katherine Yuratovac; Cleveland in memory of mother, Magda Vresk 10.00 Mary Bostian; Euclid in memory of Theresa Skur; Cleveland 5.00 Or. G. Edward Gobetz; Willioughby, Ohio 9.00 Rose Scoff; San Francisco in memory of Mary Shikonya; Ely 5.00 in memory of Anthony KastelMz; San Francisco 3.00 Emma Planinšek; Joliet in memory of Joseph Sterle, Sr. 5.00 Mary Bostian; Euclid in memory of Mary Lenich; Eveleth 5.00 Mary Bostian; Euclid in memory of Vioki Faletič; Cleveland 5.00 Ludwig and Corinne Leskovar; Chicago in memory of Vicki Faletič 5.00 Olpa Mesojedec; Pueblo in memory of Edith Moody; Pueblo 5.00 in memory of Anton and Angela Be^lay; Chicago 3.00 in memory of Frank Pechak; Pueblo 2.00 Ed Mikl'ich; Pueblo in memory of Anton and Angela Beslay; Chicago 2.00 in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Skender; Pueblo 2.00 in memory of Frank Pechnik; Pueblo 2.00 in memory of Anton and Frances Glach; Pueblo 2.00 in memory of Anton and John Pechnik; Pueblo 2.00 Ann Papesh; Joliet in memory of Michael Papesh 20.00 Emma Planinšek; Joliet in memory of Claira Puz 5.00 Josephine Erjavec, Josephine Muster, Olga Ancel; Joliet in memory of Mary Lenich; Eveleth 5.00 Marie and John Pnisland; Sheboygan in memory of Jack Jenko 5.00 Branch No. 20 Cadets; Joliiet in memory of Anton Popek; Joliet 5.00 Anna Pachak; Pueblo in memory of Mary Lenich; Chishol.n 5.00 Josephine Sumic; J'oliet in memory of Frank Kunich 5.00 Irene Carter; Chicago iin memory of her husband, William 25.00 Branch No. 20; Joliet in memory of Agnes Werbick; Fontana 5.00 Prepaid dues by Agnes Werbiok 2.00 Mary Bostian; Euclid in memory of Frank Mocilnikar 5.00 Total: $330.00 Thank you, dear contributors, for your generosity and thoughtfulness in your donations. Your financial support strengthens our scholarship program. Gratefully yours, HERMINE DICKE, Manager Scholarship Fund \\ Rounding it out" Membership Campaign At this point in time, we are four months from the conclusion of the current membership campaign. We are happy to have one state over their first goal, that is Ohio with 25 new members enrolled. Some of the ether states are nearing the first gcal and must still work a little harder. The tally is as follows, as of July 31st: State: Members in 1973: 1st Goal: Members Now: 1st Goal: 2nd Goal: OHIO-MICH. 3582 3600 ibU/ passed 3650 ILL.-IND. 1946 2000 J 970 2000 2050 MINN. 1300 1350 Jdl4 1350 1400 PENNA.-N.Y.-D.C. 1121 1150 1134 1150 1200 wise. 1060 1100 1081 1100 1150 COLO.-KANS.-MO. 711 750 724 750 800 CAL.-WASH .-ORE. 304 350 310 350 400 We are pleased that every state or group of states went up, but there is still a long way to go! Remember the prize list: Individual Cash Prizes to all: Class B, $1.00; Class A, 0.50 and Junior member, 0.25. Transfers from junior to adult classes will be counted as new member in this campaign. New member applications must be accompanied by a full year’s dues payment to the branch secretary to entitle the worker to the cash prize. All new members enrolled between Jan. 1st and Dec. 31, 1974 will be counted rn this campaign. OHIO-M1CH. has earned the first goal prize, a desk set of the state flags. They are working toward their second goal, and we are all following them. Good luck and good work! Let's all help to "round out” the odd numbers and reach for big, solid numbers this year in our membership totals! ASSESSMENTS FOR NEW MEMBERS IN THIS CAMPAIGN: C:ass A, 50 cents per month, Class B, 80 cents per month; Junior Class 10 cents per month! New membership blanks are available at your Branch Secretary's office. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dear members: Vacations are over and I hope we are all set to start getting busy again. What are you doing for your Sept., Oct., Nov., and Dec. meetings? Now is the time to decide on what would be the best to promote our organization. We know that each member who joined our wonderful S.W.U. cannot be active — but, if your program for C3ch meeting is packed with interesting features and members are notified in advance by ycur committee, you will surely have a "full house” every meeting. It’s up to the branch officers and committees to keep the ball rolling. For Christmas party and meetings we usually make a special effort and usually have a good attendance! Am I right? Now, do this for other meetings thru the year. Remember, plan ahead, have a good reporter write in our Wonderful Zarja and your members wi'll surprise you and come in large numbers. We usually read about what lovely times you have had — now remember to do the same, but IN ADVANCE! Why not try having your vice-president or some other officer who has no definite duties take over the job as program chairman. Some sort of recreation should be planned to follow each session and with different committee members, more of your members will feel involved and that’s what we want! In Ootober you have a perfect opportunity with Halloween parties, fancy dress-ups and Pfzes. So. do think along these lines and make your members participate in your meetings so you can combine work, charity and fun! I can't help but thing of the worthwhile work there is in making items for our needy. Make stuffed animals, or try the Stocking Quilt that you read about in the May issue by Hermine Dicke. Maybe you can have a "welcome quilt night” at some meeting soon and invite your members to all attend and bring their 'ittle scraps of material and threads. Our membership is slowly getting lower. Bring in a now member and this will help a lot. God is calling to Himself more and more of our elderly members. It is reaching a higher score each month. So. for each member lost, your branch should try to replace her with a new member., My wish for the "ROUNDING IT OUT CAMPAIGN” is that I will give a special award to the two hghest branches at the end of the campaign Dec. 31st. The prize will be a beautiful Infant of Prague statue dress in real robes. So, please try to enroll your friends and keep on asking around. You may be surprised to find a new member where you least expect one! The July 20-21st weekend tour to Lemont, Ml. was a success. A full bus of 45 members were very pleased with all they did and saw and made promises that we go again. Br. 2 ladies were wonderful hostesses. The weather was splendid. The Grotto of the Blessed Mother was the scene of several religious services and they were all lovely. The sleeping quarters and meals at the Baraga Ketreat House of the Franciscan Fathers were great. We were treated to delicious home oaked rolls and bread at trie Sisters for Sunday breakfast. At a short get-acquainted session after breakfast, we were able to meet several other branches, members from the various states. Specially felt honored that Mrs. Anna Pachak from Pueiblo, Colo, came all that distance to be with us. Later we met Mrs. Marie Prisland, our Founder who came in from Sheboygan. Hermine, the F'ots and Pans lady was also there from Madison, Wisconsin ana sne took a few minuter, of time to show us exactly how to go about making the Stocking Quiit I mentioned earlier. She also stated that we should promote our Scholarship Fund by using the memorial cards given to all the branches last year, and asked that members send in more recipes for her column in Zarja. So, anyone with a good recipe, ma’il it in to Hermine! The prizes were won by two of our Euclid members, and what a thrill to be able to bring them home and deliver them personally! Our ride home was pleasant especially because we haci along Fr. Frank Perkovich of Eveleth, Minn, who had been in Lemont with his Polka Mass group. Father traveled with us to Cleveland where ne spent a week talking about the Polka Mass to several of our clergymen. So, ACTIVITIES No. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. Since elsewhere in this Zarja is a further report on Zveza Day in Lemont, let us just take this space to thank the many, many members of our branch who participated in the event. All who worked, worked hard! This is usually the case! Many were generous in offering their talents as bakers, crocheters and what have you. W e were most overwhelmed with the in-volment of so many members and we are most grateful to you all. One of our members reached the age 90 in June. Mrs. Antonia Vogrich Basko is known to us as “Tončka” and aitho suffering from arthritis and the regular run of illnesses that the elderly face, she is always lovely to talk to and be with. A short visit was made to her home during her birthday week by little Kathy Gaber, her mother and this reporter, and Kathy, herself celebrating her 7th birthday, presented Mrs. Basko with her carnations. We hope she will have sunshine and happiness for many more years with us! (Photo is in Slovenian section.) They say activity breeds activity, so we are following that motto! On Sept. 1st will be the concert of the Gallus Choir from Celovec. This group will be performing at the Mt. Assisi Academy Auditorium. Our branch will sponsor this event and we are hoping that the hall will be full and the concert most successful. All proceeds will be given to the guests in support of the Slovenian minority in Austria. We will host the State Convention we may soon be hearing of it here in this area. I attended the S.W.U. Drill Team Reunion in June and it was a fine event. Everyone was happy to see one another after so many years. I'm told that this affair netted $500 which wil be given to the Slovene Home for the Aged. As this was the first combined charity effort Dy the SWU in Ohio, it was a very special one. The name of SWU Cadets will be inscribed on a bronze plaque on a wall of the hospital and always in view. At this time, the Cleveland Combined Branches recognized the good work of former National President, Toni Turek by presenting her with a beautiful engraved plaque for her long years a Nat'! Sports Director, State President of Ohio and Michigan and 12 years as Nat'J President. Happy Birthday greetings to all Sept. celebrants and to our anniversary branches. Good luck and good work ahead! The Cleveland branches are preparing to visit Pittsburgh for the Penna State Convention Oct. 6th. We’ll have a chartered bus for this affair. Those who were unable to get out anywhere this summer should take advantage of this one day excursion as you’ll really have a good time, I assure you. Remember, reservations will .\>e needed, so call me as soon as possible at IV 1-4710. It’ll be a nice day with good company. MARY BOSTIAN JOLIET'S SUMMER POLKA PARTY h piicrie call from jtiur editor oarrnne triggered a month and hair of concentrated activuy which tnutu id a itierrioraUit! bummer evening juiy kUJi. inrough tne kmuness ana cooperation or our pastor *ev. L>iuaia, uie evening was iitfluea ror success. kouowing president lemma HiamiiseKs suggestion, young nicmufais who were not vacation-uounu Were recruited to serve on tne various committees. me nospitaiity committee was made up of tmma Pianinsek and Josephine Erjavec; tickets were Handled by Agnes Lovati and Mary Minencn; publicity was taken care of by Mildred Pucel, Agnes and Judy Lovati, Marie Ancei, Msgr. Butaia, k-ather David Stalzer and Matt Verbiscei; dinner for he Minnesota bus of musicians, singers and boosters was taken care of by Pat Hgurowski, Mary Rozman and Jonita Ruth; tne hall and its decorations involved the largest number of helpers including a clean-up crew namely: members of ail committees, John Anzeic, Dorothy Koncar, Kathy Lovati, Tony Jr., Tom and Annette Mihelich, Rosanne Ruth, Marcia Fedo, Alice Ancel, Judy »»ucel, Carita Ancel, Vic Pucel, Al Lovati and Joseph Erjavec, John Jr., Paul and Ray Koncar, Andy Ancel, Lupe Reyes, Nancy Wicnienski, Joan Reddy and Mary Lou MacFarlane. The bar was in charge of Ed Ancel and Tony Mihelich aided by Fred Ruth, Rudy and Chris Pucel, Tony Kochevar, Fred Hofer, Bob Lyons, Joe Ancel, Ted Byers, Pat McGowan, and Scott Girman. The refreshment tickets were sold by Josephine Sumic, Florence Ancel and Bernice Plankar. All who helped possessed a truly generous happy spirit which contributed much to the evening's gaiety at the St. Joseph’s park hall. St. Joseph’s church overflowed with participants in. Joliet’s first Polka Mass which was a spiritual uplift and produced an indescribable happy feeling toward each other. All from near and far, who attended the Mass and dance, participated in a double feature of exceptional music and song. God bless Father Frank Perkovich, the Choraleers and Joe Cvek’s orchestra of Eveleth, Minn. OLGA ANCEL for III.-Ind. in October and this time event. It will be at the Drury Lane we expect to have 100 percent co- Dinner-Theatre on Sunday, Oct. 13th. operation from all Illinois and Indiana See your branch officers for transbranches. To make it most enjoyable portation and do attend! and attractive, our committee has set Our deepest sympathy to Irene up a most beautiful location for the (To page 7) til anliA to nna! 1aifin Anna Lustig, lllinois-lndiana State President, being honored for her devotion to SWU Organization at Branch 16 annual chicken dinner. L. to R. Anne Kompare, National Auditor, guest; Gladys Buck, secretary, Anna, and Jean Bukvich, President of Br. 16. ^V.V.VAViVAWAV.V.VAV.V.V0V.WAV,,c ^rotn the Ohio ^tate f-^resident After a few months rest, we had our meeting in June. Reports from our National President Mary Bostian and all our branches were wonderful to hear. Frances Seitz, chairman of the Cadets reunion, gave report and program., We were all excited to see the renewed interest come to light. We were very happy to attend the card party of the Dawn Choral Group — nice to see so many faces f"om different branches of Cleveland and Euclid. The acor prizes were wonderful and there were many. When ycu have so many members like they have, you are bound to have success. Mary Bostian and I really enjoyed ourselves very much. The Cadet reunion was something else. We had a nice crowd — the cadets who didn’t show up really missed something. Frances Seitz, chairman, and Ann Hočevar, both from Br. No. 50, plus all their helpers should be congratulated. This was a first again for Zveza. I hope we can do it again soon. The program was exciting, we heard from each branch. There were cadets present from Branches No. 10, 14, 15, 21, 25, 47, 49, 50. We saw movies of the 1930's Shown by Mr. Max Traven and needelss to ay, we all enjoyed them. On this occasion, we were very happy and proud to honor our past National President, Toni Turek. She was the Sports Dierctor for so many years. She and Albina Novak helped to organize the cadets of years ago. At that time, most of the travels were by streetcar — automobiles were just starting to show up, a lot of time was consumed by travel. The combined branches of Cleveland, which Toni originated, were very proud to present her with a plaque for this occasion for all her years of service to the Slovenian Women’s Union, being Sports Director President of Ohio-Michigan State and our National President 12 Rev. Claude Okorn, O. F. M. BEING CHUISTUKE J'esus says: Follow me. Take up your cross, if you want to be my disciples. Being Christlike at all times is not easy. We can say it is difficult for everyone. It is easier of we meditate here and there upon the mystical body of Christ. St. Paul to Ephisians says: There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and father of all who is over all, and works through all, and is in all. In mystical body of Christ we 3re all members. Since Christ is present in all mankind, we must endeavor to see Christ in every person. St. Cajetan who helped found an order to help the sick, spent much time in looking for the sick, especially incurables in the hospitals of Rome, tie ured to tell his followers: Brothers in our chapel U3 try to serve God by worship. In our hospitals we actuelly find him in our sick. Something like that occured to the husband of St. Elizabeth, queen of Hungary. St. Elizabeth brought to the palace a leper that she might dress his running sores <sules WELCOME, CLEVELAND’S NEW BISHOP Heartfelt greetings to the new Bishop of Cleveland, Most Rev. Hames A. Hickey (left). Zveza and its members feel particularly fortunate as he is the Fostulator of the Cause of Bishop Frederic Baraga and as such will continue to have a keen interest in bringing sainthood to the first American-Slovenian missionary, the Apostle of the Chippewas, Bishop Baraga. With Bishop Hickey on the photo is Baraga’s Successor, Charles A. Salatka, Bishop of Marquette, Mich., who honored our orgar nization by sending his personal representative, Rev. James Wolf, OFM, to our national convention in Chicago last year. ANNUAL BARAGA DAY will be Sunday, Sept. 1st at L’Anse, Mich, with an outdoor mass at the "Shrine of the Snowshoe Priest”. Rt. Rev. Msgr. M. J. Butala, pastor emeritus of St. Joseph’s parish in Joliet, III. will deliver the homily. # * * Father Gene Jakubek, S.J. gave 9 phrases for a short course in human relations. Let's follow them: 1. SPEAK TO PEOPLE. Take the initiative! If she does not say “Hi” to you, why don’t you say “Hi” to her. Maybe she is in need of a friendly word. 2. SMILE AT PEOPLE. It takes 72 muscles to frown and only 14 to smile. People like a person who’s smiling. You say that you don't feel like smiling because you have problems. Well, everybody has problems. 3. BE FRIENDLY AND HELPFUL. Do you like to have friends? Then be friendly. It takes a friend to get a friend. 4. BE INTERESTED IN OTHER PEOPLE. You won’t have friends if y»u are not 'nterested in people. 5. BE CORDIAL. Speak as though things were pleasurable to you. Be kind to people, be courteous. 6.BE GENFROUS WITH PRAISE AND CAUTIOUS WITH CRITICISM. If you can’t say anything good about a person, don’t say anything. Let’s think before we speak. Think of the good that person has done before we say a critical word. 7. BE CONSIDERATE WITH FAILINGS OF OTHERS. Be understanding. We ail are human and make mistakes. 8. BE THOUGHTFUL OF THE OPINION OF OTHERS. For every controversy there are three sides: Yours, theirs, and the truth. 9. BE ALERT TO GIVE YOUR SERVICE. The thing that counts most in anybody’s human activity is what we can do for others. 17 year old Corky (Anthony) Godec of Cleveland, member of Br. 10 with his mother, was a grand entertainer on the KLM plane from Pittsburgh to Slovenia in May. The youthful musical artist already has his own orchestra.! H e started to play accordian at the age of 4 and this fall will enroll in the Cleveland Institute of Music. He has our sincere good wishes for a great musical career. Our compliments to him and his parents for encouraging his devotion to music! M. P. of how many to plan for and make any necessary changes. Please, members, keep this date in mind. The September meeting will be held on the first Thursday, Sept. 5th, at 1:00 p.m. Let’s ail plan to be there, fresh from our vacations and ready to give a helping hand as well as bakery donations for the Convention on Sunday, September 22nd, 1974! Remember, we’re to attend the 8:45 a.m. mass if at all possible. Plan on it. Tickets are available in advance from your Secretary and I have more if any are needed. The possibility of getting at least one bowling team to represent No. 12 in the future tournaments, even if it’s just for social reasons, was brought up. Let’s all try it! The meeting ended with prayer and we all joined in a regular feast set up at a very nice table. It looked like a small banquet setting. The birthday girls who were responsible for :t were the twins, President Jo Wilhelm and Ann Meier; Jane Perko baked a strudel; Emily Ceraj baked a chocolate cake and strawberry short cake was served along with ham, bread, pickles and potato chips. Happy oirthday was sung, too. Report all sick members to Mary Evanich and try to visit the members in the nursing homes whenever you can. Hope you all had a safe and good summer and return to us for the meeting, Sept. 5th. God bless you all and keep you safe! MARY DEZMAN LETS MEET IN EVELETH ON SEPTEMBER 8th No. 19, EVELETH, MINN. Hello sisters of the S.W.U. and friends in Zarja-Land. All too much time has passed since I last sent any news to Zarja, however, now there is an urgency that drives me. The Minnesota members must all be reminded that we have a date to meet in Eveleth on September 8, 1974 for another enjoyable State convention "Zveza Day”. Our beloved Mrs. Mary Lenich who always worked so diligently for the Zveza was working on several ideas for the convention; but, as you must know by now, she has left us for her eternal rest, May God grant her peace, and with her went her ideas. This also left us with a reorgan iza-tional job on top of convention plans. Mary Menart, Jennie Zupec, Mary Lushene Charnowski and a number of others put their heads together to come up with plans for what we hope will be an enjoyable day to the best of our abilities. We will meet at the Eveleth S.N.P.J. Hall which is across the street from the side of the church, about half way down the block. There will be goodies to go with coffee as soon as you arrive, which always makes it easier to socialize. By the time you read this your respective secretaries will have tickets for you to purchase for the prizes which will be numerous and practical. The banquet will also be benefiting our annual gatherings which, measuring by our Slovenian standards, are excellent. I will write more details as soon as they are available. Since I happen to be permanent All-Slav Day chairman I take this opportunity to thank you all for attending the 25th annual All-Slav Day picnic which was held at Eveleth Veteran’s Lake Park July 21. The American Jugoslav Association of Minnesota has expanded its scholarship program and this years nine recipients were presented at the picnic. We hope you felt happy with friends offering congeniality and good fellowship. MARY T. BRANK No. 14, EUCLID, OHIO In the month of July we didn’t have a meeting but there are a few things that are interesting to report. In the month of June the Yancher family held a reunion. There were about 250 members of the family gathered together at Rechar Hall for a grand time. There are very many Yanchar ladies who belong to our Zveza — first and second generations. The Cleveland newspapers wrote a beautiful article about the reunion. On the sick list are Mimi Rezonija, Mary Kastelic and Faye Clapac. Our prayers and good wishes are with them. May they soon be on the road of recovery. Our branch had a picnic on Sunday August 18, at Sustar’s farm for all members and their families. Our Secretary, Vera Bajec, took charge of the food arrangements. We’ll report on it next month. Our Annual Card Party is to be held October 29th., 1974, at the Euclid Clubhouse. Make a note of the date and we hope to see you there. Our chairman would appreciate it if the ladies would bring their donations of groceries and door prize gifts as soon as possible. Hope you had a Healthy and Happy Summer. ANTOINETTE ZABUKOVEC Reporter No. 16, SOUTH CHICAGO At the June meeting, President Jean Bukvich conducted a formal initiation ceremony for our new members. Those present were Marilyn Arthur, Jeanette Orozd, Jean Franko, Emma Kucic, Virginia Matesevac, Dorothy Perko, Tess Perko, Mary Puterko and seM saipei am jo iptrg >|ases Xjew presented with a corsage by Jean. We were happy to see Rose Salakar attend our June meeting. She was a very active member before moving to Racine, Wisconsin. Congratulations to Anne and Thomas Ksiazek who ce'ebrated their silver wedding anniversary on June 1st. Mass was celebrated at St. George’s Church where they were married in 1949. A reception followed at the Jovial Club. The Ksiazek's have six children and one grandchild. Our wishes for improved health go to the following members who are ill. Anna Perko is in the Homestead nursing home. Elizabeth Salihar, Mary Borota and Agnes Mergole were hos-pitail patients in July. Josephine Krai, Dorothy Plebanski and Jo Dykowski are recuperating at home. At the June meeting, birthdays were celebrated by Marge Spretnjak, Ann Ksiazek and Mary Maricich. The Perkos’, Tess and Phyllis shared the Sunshine gifts. A report on cur annual chicken dinner which was held late in May was given by Alvina Sreboth. We took this occasion to honor our lllinois-Indiana State President, Anna Lustig, for her dedication and hard work not only for Branch 16 but for the entire SWU organization.. The theme of the dinner was ‘Bon Voyage’ as Anna had just decided to visit Slovenia this summer. Sylvia Spretnjak made centerpieces of an airplane and ship and a miniature suitcase which the members filled with dollar bills. It was a complete surprise to Anna. 58 ladies attended the dinner at Ingratta’s restaurant. Mary Cieslik was in charge of all the planning and it was our most successful dinner to date. Mary Brozocich and Veronica Cacija also toured Slovenia this summer. MARY CIESLIK A few weeks after our June meeting, Mary Cieslik took suddenly ill and died on July 6. Mary had a very vibrant personality and put heart and soul in all our projects. Looking back thru my reports her name is mentioned regularly. We loved to sing at our parties with Mary’s strong voice leading us. Mary’s hobby was making beautiful Christmas ornaments which she was generous in donating as prizes. The hors d’oeuvres she prepared for our Christmas parties looked too pretty to eat. The members gathered at her wake to pay their last respects. Some attended a rosary recitation in the afternoon; others were present at the Liturgical Services In the evening. Funeral services were at St. George’s Church. Josephine Blasovich, Gladys Buck, Emma Krai, Mary Priesol, Ann Springer and Sylvia Spretnjak were honorary pallbearers. At the internment at St. Mary’s cemetery, Gladys Buck read the burial rite. Mary is survived by her husband, Leonard. Our sincere sympathy is extended to him and to all the other family members., She was the daughter of Katie Triller, sister of Jean Bukvich, Edna Winters and Gloria Serapin, and niece of Katie Triller, all members of Branch 16. MARGE SPRETNJAK, Reporter No. 20, JOLIET, ILL. In the midst of the summer, several deaths have occurred among our members. From Fontana, California, our long-time member, Agnes Wer-bich passed away and was brought to Joliet for burial .She lived in Joliet DAWN CHORAL GROUP.., Salutes a great Slovenian family! Euclid, Ohio This item appeared in the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Monday morning, June 17, 1974. I thought it would be of interest to readers of our ZARJA. Such occasion is the first I have heard of among Slovenians. Large families as the Yanchar's is a rarity. SLOVENIANS ALL—AND ALL IN THE FAMILY Eighty-six years ago, Anton Janchar, 17, left his family's farm in Yugoslavia and came to Cleveland, Ohio. His five brothers and three sisters followed. Yesterday, their descendants met in the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, under the auspices of Dr. Jack Yonchar, the son one of Anton’s brothers and a Cleveland native who now lives in Los Angeles. (The family name is spelled at least four different ways.) Accompanying her father to Cleveland from the west coast was Dr. Jwelyn Yonchar. Dr. Yonchar said he started a family tree about six month ago "and finally decided it would be a good idea to see the faces behind the names." Altogether, about 400 faces showed up — four generations, from Greater Cleveland, California, New York and Minnesota. An estimated 100 relatives were missing. The Janchars are reported to be the largest Slovenian family in the United States. A resolution presented yesterday to Dr. Yonchar from Euclid city officials said the are. Bobby May, a former jungler, was his wife, Emily Fabian Mayer, a former singer and dancer and member of an organization dedicated to keeping Florenz Ziegfield’s name alive. There were Max F. Gerl, a former Euclid Ward 3 councilman, and his wife, Mary, an organizer of the affair and daughter of another of Anton’s brothers. There were a Kent State University professor, a nurse, a policeman, a nun and a priest, some doctors, some musicians. There was music and there was chicken, roast beef, a Slovenian rice dish and Slovenian Paticas and Flancate! It was a chance, as one woman from Shaker Heights put it, to see what your family looks like. With a family that size, she added, “you might find out you dated one of these people." "I’m glad It's something like this rather than a funeral all the time,” someone else said. Yanchar sisters, Mary Gerl, Albina Ticher, Vickie Lin die and Josie Stupica are all members of Branch No. 14 of the S.W.U, Mary and Albina (we call her Albie), are members of our Dawn Choral Group, as was their sister, Theresa Skur, who passed away early this year. For over 40 years Mary has been and still is the organist and choir director at St. Christine Church in Euclid, also a diligent worker for the Missions. At this writing she was occupied with taking reservations for the week-end pilgrimage to Lemont, Illinois. The combined Altar Societies of the Slovenian parishes in Greater Cleveland make this pilgrimage annually to “Marija Pomagaj”. Mary and her wonderful husband, Max, have three grown children and are grandparents of fifteen. A great love and concern for each other exists among the Yanchars and I am sure always will because as Mary told me, I quote, "our mother’s last words to us were: 'ljubite se med seboj”. God called her to her eternal rest on November 2, 1972. We are happy for the Euclid Yanch-ars that this rare occasion materialized and worked out so well. It meant a lot of writing and calling to make contacts, besides taking care of accommodations for out-of-town relatives. It was a great accomplishment. We, the Choral Group, congratulate Mary on a job well done. Dawn Choral Group Reporter, FRAN NEMANICH for the past 40 years; later spent 25 years in California. She is survived by one son and one grandaughter and was buried from St. Raymond’s Cathedral and rests at Woodlawn Cemetery, next to her husband who passed away in 1968 and a daughter, Pauline who also preceded her in death. Her sister was Mary Poldan of Chicago who also departed some years ago. Also, the manager of the well-known “Shep’s Tavern” in Rockdale, Math Sepich, passed away after several years of illness. He is survived by wife, Theresa (Erjavec), rny sister-in-law, a daughter, Marilyn Goss and 4 grandchildren (all members). He is also survived by two brothers, three sisters and many other relatives. Mr. Sepich was buried from St. Joseph’s church in Rockdale to St. Joseph Cemetery. Our member, Helen Strojin also mourns the passing of her sister, M. Bostjancich in Rockdale. Our member, Ann Kunich lost her husband, Frank, after a long illness. He was well-known here as he participated in many social activities. He is survived by wife, Anne, two daughters, 5 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren, a sister in Slovenia and other relatives. He was buried from St. Joseph's in Joliet to the parish cemetery. May all our dearly beloved departed rest in peace and to the relatives, our condolences. The Secretary of our local Bowling league for Zveza, also lost her brother, Anthony Roesel, age 81, after a brief illness. In the hospital at present are Katherine Knez, sister of our auditor, Theresa Marentich, also Catherine Zadel at St. Joe’s and Barbara Gosak at Silver Cross Hospital. Barbara broke her leg in a bicycle accident; also ill is Mary Bruck. We wish them all a speedy secovery. While visiting the Hillside Nursing Home, Olga Ancel, Millie Pucel and your reporter spent some time with our members Mary Bozich, Anna Pucel and Barbara Dragovan. They were all happy to receive visitors, Any of you members who can get away for an hour or so, please visit these sick ones as they are so happy to see any member. There are others at various homes, and those names can be obtained from Olga Ancel. At this time, the sister-in-law of Emma Planinšek, Antonia Kostelec passed away. Last year her husband, Ignac died. Our condolences to all the family. It was a perfect day for the Junior members' picnic this year held at the beautiful large garden of secretary, Olga Ancel. 78 Juniors gathered to have their annual fun. Also, mothers of our kiddies came to enjoy the day and brought prizes and other goodies. Those attending were: Emma Planinšek, Mary Mihelich, Anna Michelich, Theresa Marentich, Theresa Mihich, Eileen Plese, Ann Papesh, Dorothy Koncar, Mary i Oct. 6, 1974 beginning at 1:00 P.M. ■ , St. Januarius Church Hall, Renton, Pa. i Our State President, Mrs. Anna Trontel, our Branch 96 President, < Mrs. Paula Kokal and members invite SWU members and friends to at- < tend from far 2nd wide. ( “Urna Francka” will be oh! so happy to see you. Young Matthew t Podobnik and beloved Jake Derlink will bring their harmonike; “Foksa” > is coming all the way from Florida; and we heard that “ptičice” are > coming in full force. A grand afternoon is being planned and we are ‘ , sure you will have a good time. < So that our "kuharice” can plan, it is requested that you send < your reservations before September 15 to the writer at 3401 Clements ; Road, Plum Borough, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15239. Each branch will receive a , ' letter including directions. f Wishing each of you a very pleasant journey, Na svidenje! MARY P. KLEMENČIČ ' i zapisnikarca /«* .«fl» ■>! >■> A »A« »«U »rt« rfki A A ifa i"m rfli .r- -**- .. truly. It was a rrtce recreation for all attending. Victor Pucel, son of Millie and Rudy, won the title 3s representative for the American Legion Post 1080 and Philip Puoel graduated with honors from Knox College at Galesburg, III. Congratulations to all. JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC No. 26, PITTSBURGH, PA. Greetings to all our members, especially the sick and shut-ins. The annual luncheon and games held May 14th was a big success. The officers wish to extend their many thanks to all who donated the prizes, the workers and most of all, the worn-men who turned out to make this affair a successful one. The State Convention this fall will be at Unity, Pa., on Oct. 6th. Any members wishing to attend should notify the officers. Bus fare will be paid out of the treasury. Each member is asked to buy her own banquet ticket. Let’s have a good representation, ladies! New members added to our rolls in June were Anna Stayduhar, Nancy Simcic, Bea Kacsmar, Mary Ann Ste-fanek, Michele Kohler and Jeffrey Kearns. We lost one member by death, she is Elizabeth Tolusciak. She passed after a prolonged illness. Our sympathy goes out to her husband and children. May her soul rest in peace. Members are extended a cordial invitation to attend our first meeting after 2 months vacation on Sept. 17th which be presided by Vice-President, Blondie Jaketic. Mrs. Anna Trontel, Our president, will be enjoying a visit to Slovenia at tnis time. During these next few months until the end of the year, let’s all try to enlarge the enrollment of the Slovenian Women’s Union. Till the next time, God watch over all and bless you. HELEN CESNIK Recording Sec’y No. 32, EUCLID, OHIO Our meeting in June was short, the main topic being the trip to Lemont. Our president went thru all the procedures and we are looking forward to same. This was the first time for many of us to go to Lemont. God grant us a safe trip. July and August we had no meetings, and we enjoy these vacation months. Maybe some of our newer members don’t know that we recess during those months. The vice-president sent out get well cards to A. Godlar, Cecilia Milan and to Catherine Fedus who had a heart attack. Also, we wish a speedy recovery to Tony Kanalec from injuries in a car accident. He is the husband of Tinea. Also, our best wishes to all our shut in members and those in Nursing Homes. A safe trip to all who will be coming home now this month. Mary Pugel left June 20th for Europe. Joe and Antonia and family went to Europe visiting parents. We hope she’ll let us know all about it. All travelers are welcome to tell us about their travels in Zarja. This is more good news. Janet Jevek, daughter of Josephine, received her degree from the Mental Hygiene School of West Virginia University. Congratulations, we are happy for you! On May 29th, Rose Tekavoic passed away, our sympathy to the family. June 1st, Agnes Zagorc passed away, mother of Agnes Krivec. May their souls rest in peace. Our Sept. meeting is the 26th, one week later than usual due to doings at the hall. In closing, we hope everyone had a nice vacation, whether at home of traveling and our president gave us this thought: get more new members! Remember, ous secretary is waiting for those dues payments if you are in arrears. Please check your dues book and call her up. May God be with you all and happy birthday in September. Yours truly, ANNA TEKAVEC No. 33, DULUTH, MINN. Hello, ladies, hope all of you are having a real nice summer. Vacationing abroad were Ann and John Stru- kel who visited in Yugoslavia. Rem. Doble went to Hawaii in August. Have a good time gals. Also vacationing in California were Dorothy Rychlak, Josephine Gregorich and the Mary Ann and Jerry Rychlak family. To all who are taking vacations, take care, because we'd all like you to come back safe and sound. Dennis A. Puhl, son of Mr. & Mrs. Theodore B. Puhl, and grandson of our charter member, Mary Jaksha, was ordained to the priesthood for the Diocese of Duluth on Saturday, J’une 15, by Bishop Paul F. Anderson. The ordination ceremonies took place in Our Lady Queen of Peace Chapeil, College of St. Scholastica. The Reverend Alfred Dertsch, OBS, Dean of St. John’s Seminary, presented the candidate to the Bishop. It was a joyous occasion for family members and friends. Father Puhl was a member of St. Elizabeth Parish in his youth. Our condolences to Thyra Rukavina and Ruth Boben on the loss of their mother. Best wishes and good health to Lorretta Immerfal and Irene Black and ainy others who may be ill at this time. Congratulations to Sharon Heski and Lanny Johnson who were united in the sacrement of marriage on June 15th. Sharon is the daughter of Delores and Martin Heski. Remember to make p!ans for Sept. 8 “Minnesota Day” so if you don’t make it to the meeting and want to go, give our President, Sonny Spehar, a buzz so she can put you on the list. Also, please try to pay up your dues. Enjoy the yourselves and try to visit our sick and members in the nursing homes. MARY CHEPELNIK WEDDING CAKE BAKER We’ve heard about her work, some may have tasted it, but now we’re all seeing it, one of the beautiful Wedding Cakes baked by Mary Macek, president of Br. 55, Girard, Ohio. Mary’s reputation as fancy baker has traveled all the way to Madison, Wisconsin, the home of our Pots and Pans Columnist, Hermine Dicke who was able to get this photo. Altho Mrs. Macek won’t divulge her special recipes, she does say it takes a lot of experience and patience to whip up such a work of art. Mary has a large family '"'T ,-^with 4 children, 12 grandchildren and 4 great grandchil-’*■’ ^dten and is a busy senior citizen! Hope there’ll be lots more fancy cakes made in the Macek kitchen as time #5 goes on! No. 40, LORAIN, OHIO Greetings to all members. Hope you all had a pleasant and enjoyable summer vacation. Now with Fall and Winter approaching, we must get back to our duties. Since the Zarja was published in July and not in August, our first news iis of the June meeting. It was we 11-attended. Twenty members were entertained by Ann Delilo, Florence Rigo, Agnes Drstdensek, Ann Rozanc, Jennie Zgcns and Anna Dietrich. A happy birthday to all you ladies and thanks for the fine evening and good luncn. At this meeting was read a note of appreciation from our Mother of the Year, Sophie Pogachar. At the July meeting we did not have as many ladies but even so, an enjoyable time and fine lunch served by Antoinette Cornita, Johanna Stiglin, Angie Vojtko, Antoinette Gulich, Elaine Uehlein and Rose Slaby. Thanks to you ladies and a happy birthday to ail. Our congratulations to newlyweds Mr. & Mrs. Richard Farma-n, daughter of Mrs. Antoinette Cornita, also a good member of our branch. The bride is a graduate of Community College and the groom holds a master’s degree from Case Western University and is employed in Berea High School. We extend our heartfelt sympathies to Mrs. Rose Cerne, a very good member of many years upon the loss of her dear husband, John. He will be sadly missed by his family and friends. To all our sympathy and may his soul rest in peace. Our prayers and good wishes to all our sick members. Hoping to see a big attendance at the September meeting on the 11th. Last but not least, to all graduates, congratulations and good luck. AGNES BUCHER, Reporter 5U’&’Poffg Jv« ,mvyw CLJanJ 2)ei BJt id (or Sbec. 28tk Back to work again and this time it’s for our Debutante Ball. This will be held Dec. 28, 1974 at the St. Clair Slovenian National Home. This Home has been newly decorated for their recent 50th anniversary jnd it's really a beautiful place for a Cotillion! This Ball should be an important gala for every Slovenian family that has a young girl. We want to show them that they are our beauti- ^ ful generation that deserves to have the spotlight put on them! We are also proud of our young people and another thing, quite often, fathers never get the chance to walk their darling daughters down the aisle anymore. So, here if the opportunity for fathers of our Slovenian families ' to present their daughters. Events like this are never forgotten. Since this too, will be a big charity event, just like other organizations of ethnic grouips hold, we should get started and help out for > good causes. Just think, this will be another first for the S.W.U. and for , Cleveland —a Charity Debutante Ball with all proceeds to a worthy cause. This time, it will be the Fourth S.W.U. Cotillion, and we will do things a little differently. The young ladies who were our former debs ' in this area will form the committee to manage the whole affair. Th" past adult committee members will act as advisors and will help whenever they can. Until such committees are arranged, any information you may wish you can get by calling me at 261-2856. FRANCES SIETŽ L -*i ifa No. 95, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. Our branch is proud and happy to say that we have completed a most successful winter and spring session with all of our business tucked away for the summer. Our final meeting was highlighted with the appearance of Mary Kay Mont Pas of Indoor World and a consultant of Armstrong Cork Co. as our guest speaker. Her subject for the evening was on carpeting. I do declare that she has given our ladies a most interesting and inspiring information on carpet care and what to look for when purchasing a carpet. We thank her for it. We will have the pleasure of seeing her again ■in the fall when she will speak to our group on what is the best kind of flooring to buy. So, plan to be with us. Again, we have selected Evelyn Driscoll as our chairlady for our books project which will be held at our October 2nd. meeting. Anything Evelyn puts her hands to is bound to be successful! That is why the members select her as our Chairlady; she always does a tremendous job. After the program and brief and informal meeting we all sat back and enjoyed the goodies donated by Helen Hoff, Ann Pave and Alyce Kropel. It was nice to see Alyce again and Emma Yergovich back with us again. They are always ready to give us a helping hand. Thanks Emma! Cash donated by: ($7) Marge and Olga Krmpotich, ($2) Evelyn McNulty, Vickie Tomich, and Helen Stewart, ($1) Anna Tumpich. Again, our heartiest congratulations to Evelyn McNulty on becoming a grandmother for the eighth time. The newest addition is a girl Michele born to Rose Mary Piontek on May 28th. Our birthday celebrants for the month of August were: Rose Ballock, Rose Dosen, Ann Kompare, Ann Kuehle, Bernice Golden, Matilda Martin, Anna Nagoda, Lucille Nosich, Anna Plesha, Mildred Poropat, Genevieve Ross, Mary Zelenika, Matilda Stevens, Olga Krmpotich, Eva Mlina-rich, Emma Yergovich, Rose Winters and Evelyn McNulty. September celebrants are: Matilda Cacich, Mary Hecimovich, Mary Mate-sich, Mary F, Mundger, Mary Perko-vich (Bob), Manda Spehar, Kate Star-cevich, Anna Tumpich, Dragica Vuko-sovich, and Michalene Pujdak. Be sure to attend our September 4th. meeting and bring a guest with you. See you all then. MILDRED JAMES No. 96, UNIVERSAL, PA. (Photo on page 15) Pennsylvania Day occurred on Oct. 14, 1973 as guests of Branch 67 in Bessemer, Pa. We were all greeted by "Polka-Dot” Mary Snezic who is president of that branch and by a number of her sister-members, as we came into Croatian Hall, beautifully decorated for this festive occasion. State President Mrs. Anna Trontel welcomed everyone heartily and expressed sincere thanks for the invitation, for the reception and for the wonderful day which had been planned. Mrs. Snezic presented the Choir from St. Anthony Church who sang beautifully the "Kyrie” in Latin, Glory to the Bells, Jesus Lead the Way, the Lord’s Prayer and other selections. We could have listened to more of their renditions but we know that voices do tire; nevertheless they sang many more than originally programmed. Mrs. Mary Tomsic, Honorary State President was present and gave us advice for growth of Zveza, as did Mrs. Anna Trontel. There was discussion and reports from delegates from different branches in Pennsylvania. The Reverend Father Maloney from St. Anthony’s Church led us in prayer and likewise gave us an inspirational spiritual message to remember and to heed in days to come. After a wonderfully good dinner served by members of Branch 67, the Veseli Slovenci from Girard, Ohio entertained us with their singing and dancing. Everyone of us enjoyed the day so well that we said that w e would be glad to return to Bessemer every year! Thank you ‘Polka Dot' and all your members for such a grand time. MARY P. KLEMENČIČ, zapisnikarca No. 96, UNIVERSAL, PA. It’s nearing the time for our State Convention which will be held Sunday, Oct. 6th at Renton. We have many nice plans for the day’s program so I hope to see many of our Penna branches there. It is also the 35th Anniversary of our branch. We wiill have our efficient and excellent cooks working hard to prepare a delicious meal. You1 will also be happy, I’m sure with the event. So, please come to Renton on the first Sunday in October. Mr. & Mrs. Frank and Ančka Podobnik had a surprise party on the occasion of their 62nd wedding a rini verasry! Ančka is our member and we certainly wish them both a happy and healthy year and many more. We celebrated at the home of their daughter, Kathleen. Thanks to the family for the wonderful day. Our family mourns the loss of Lawrence Kokal, father of our member Mary Yereb and sons Lawrence John, Frank and J'oe, also a daughter in the home village of Gorenja Vas in Slovenia. The members prayed at his bier on the eve of his funeral. To the family, our deep sympathy. Greetings to all members throughout America. PAULA KOKAL No. 42, MAPLE HGTS., OHIO Summer is almost over at this writing and I hope you all have a nice season. I know there was gladness and sadness for many of you. Hope all is fine now. Our sympathy to Millie Lipnos who lost her niece. Mary Ann Filips was hospitalized with foot surgery. A new grandmother, Frances Glavic, is happy to announce that her daughter in No. Carolina had a son. She spent some time with her there. Also, our belated wedding anniversary wishes to Cilka and John Hočevar on their 40th! Mrs. Angela Perko’s grandson was married in July. September birthday gals are: Theresa Filips, Millie Lipnos, Antonia Matis, Mary Prhne, Angela Perko and my dear mother-in-law, Mary Prhne who is 94 years young! Happy returns of the day to all. We had a .lice day for our picnic July 21st at Bob’s farm. We appreciate the nice crowd. It was good to see Donna Stubljer and her family, Frances Glavic and her family, Betty Kosak’s family, Marge Lipnos family. Our singing gals, Mary Yemec, Nicho-letta Larchbacher and Mary Fink, were accompanied Dy accordianist Lou Kastelic. We had our picnic with Planina Singing Group and Al Glavic did a lot of work. It was nice of Olga Ponikvar to let us have her husband’s truck so we could bring the big articles down. Wished more of our members could have made it, as it was a perfect day! Bob and Carol Kastelic have a beautiful place. Bob took us for a hay ride, children and younger folks first and we older (ha!) people later. It was fun! Then, we had a weiner roast. Thanks, again, Bob and Carol for your place, Al Glavic, Olga and Bill Ponikvar for everything! Ladies, no bake sale this year. We are asking all members to please donate $2 to the treasury instead. We discussed this at the last meeting. I will write to you about it. Please come to our next meeting and ladies, see about your dues., See you Oct. 15th. We have a lot to talk about, so do come. MARY LOU PRHNE No. 43, MILWAUKEE, WISC. After a brief vacation, we’re back to our monthly meetings. There are only a few more this year, so let’s start the "ball a rollin!” and get some new members. Our quota hasen’t been reached. I feel certain that you can find friends or some in your family who would enjoy the benefits of belonging to our S.W.U. Speak up! Call them, be friendly, smile, be help- ful and I’m positive you will get them to join. We need and must add new, good, active members to our rolls! I have tickets for the State Convention Sept. 22 and hope we shall have a good representation from our branch. This is your chance to bring up and discuss the future of our great S.W.U. The delegates will read their reports, for your comolete attention. These conventions are very important not only as social events, but meetings are business. We have several members who have had major surgery and among them are Mary Wuky who is seriously ill, Josephine Kolar, convalescing at home now and Fanny Cerar who is still at St. Luke’s. We wish these members and all our other shut-ins, a speedy recovery. Sympathy to Esther Schnitz family whose husband passed away recently. He was an usher at St. John the Evangelist Church. May God reward him. I hope our vacationers enjoyed themselves. Donalyn and Donald Walsh are spending theirs in Canada. Mary Kiel and her husband, Eddie decided to go to the Hudson Bay Area. Beverly Frangesh came from Florida to visit her parents and relatives but will soon return to Florida to be hospitalized. Congratulations to Vickie Sporis, elected as chaplain of our Eagles Auxiliary. The Galluns also had a visitor, their daughter, Margie, the only mail clerk in Florida, who spent her vacation with them. We have several social events this month. Sept. 1st we go to Lemont for the concert cf the Gallus chorus from Celovec. Sept. 22nd iis the State Convention and we are planning a trip to "Our Lady of Snows” Shrine Sept. 28-29. Anyone interested, contact Mary Kiel, 481-8566 or myself, 481-7357 for further information. On Nov. 10th, our Annual Poultry Card Party will be held at our good old Rebernisek's Club 36. We have been very fortunate with our members in donating prizes and getting their help. Prizes of all sorts will be needed. Please help the committee to make this a great success. More discussion will be held at the Sept. 5th meeting. To all belated August ce'e-brants and September birthdays, congratulations! Be sure to attend the Sept. 5th session. You know if you attend 5 or more meetings a year you will be eligible for a gift in December. ROSE KRAEMER Sec'y PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE I. Order of Business 1. The meeting is "called to order” by the president. 2. The minutes of the preceding meeting are read by the secretary. a. May be approved as read. b. May be approved with addiitions or corrections. 3. Monthly statement of treasurer is "Received as read and filed for audit.” (Chair so states.) 4. Reports of standing committees are called for by the president. 5. Reports of special committees are called for by the president. 6. Unfinished business is next in order at the call of the chair or of the meeting. 7. New business. 8. The program:— The program is part of the meeting; the president "presides” throughout, but the program chairman makes report. 9. Adjournment. II. Duties of a President 1. To preside at all meetings. 2. Keep calm at all times. 3. Talk no more than necessary while presiding. 4. Have agenda for meeting before her and proceed in a businesslike manner. 5. Have a working knowledge of parliamentary law and a thorough understanding of the constitution and by-laws of the organization. 6. Keep a list of committees on tab'e while presiding. 7. Refrain from entering the debate of questions before the assembly. If it iis essential that this be done, the vice-president should be placed in the chair. A president is not permitted to resume the chair until after the vote has been taken on the question under discussion. 8., Extend every courtesy to the opponents of a motion, even though the motion is one that the presiding officer favois. 9. Always appear at the rostrum a few minutes before the time the meeting is to be called to order. When the time arrives, note whether a quorum is present; if so, call the meeting to order and declare "a quorum ,s present.” (From the pamphlet Issued by the League of Women Voters) desire to participate in this lovely SVent, please contact Mary Omaits. . 1 report with deep regret the passes of Bill Arneson, the husband of arie who was our Mother of the |€ar. God decided that Bill had suf-efed long enough so He called him 0rne. Our sincere condolences are of-fered to the Arneson family and are Specially extended to Marie, a most ®racious lady. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Zajc are proud §rand pa rents again, the new arrival 's named Robert Edward. Another pair happy grandparents are Mr. & Mrs. Jolln Petrich — their granddaughter ls named Coleen Marie Conley. Coleen >>as born in Hawaii as her daddy is in 'he service of his country with the ^rned Forces and is now on a tour of duty jn that beautiful flowerland. jWdma Petrich spent two weeks in ^aWaii awaiting the birth of Coleen — lt; seems grandmas just have a way of being where they are needed. Undergoing surgery at the Kraiser °sPital was sister Florence Strnad 9r>d at the Community Hospital this iSlJnimer was sister Mary Ulchar. We them both complete recovery. ^lso in the Kaiser Hospital was sister ^ry Reck. We wish to extend to her ®et well wishes ana may she be in °Ur midst in the very near future. | We have many birthday celebrants 0r the month of June, so I might just !*s Weill get started with the names: arV Ulchar, Josephine Prudich, Lu-^6 Petrich, Paye Videgar, Josephine ^uok, Mary Reck, Anna Logo, Mary rayac, Elsie Ciszak and Nettie Hren. r^Ppiness and health with many irthdays to follow is the express wish Qf Vours truly. Vacation time brough my favorite Stationer here who has come and &>ne — | am referring to my brother, course. Were I able to grant wishes, 0 the people of the world, there °Wd include good health and having a brother like the one I have the ^°°d fortune to possess, having 6arned long ago that I should not I®*'6 him for granted, realizing too, 0vv fully endowed I am to be able to C'airn him as my dear kin. ^ Just give a little thought to your father, or if you are fortunate to a sister, think about them a bit. °uidn’t it be wonderful if you could them right now? Love your family , friends for the short time we ,ave together, remember that time as fast legs and runs out in a hurry! Enjoy your summer months — have really wonderful time and if God * destines, we’ll see’ each other in Pt. Happy days to all is the desire your reporter, EDITH DRAWENEK Forest City celebrates Reports of the first “Weekend in Slovenia” ever held in Forest City, Pa. show it to have been a most rewarding and enjoyable time. The Forest City News, published by John Kameen, covered this event in their June 6th, 1974 publication which we are happy to print in part below. Gratitude to Mary J. Kameen Pres, of Br. 7 for submitting this material. In the same issue we were sorry to read of the accident suffered by our Br. 7 Secretary, Josephine Gostisha and hope that by now she’s improved and well along the road to recovery. Our compliments and congratulations to the committee in charge of Slovene Weekend for carrying out it’s most noble purpose. EDITOR # * # A weekend unmatched in area history was completed Sunday night June 2 at midnight as the last lite was extinguished at tne Browndale Firemen’s Ground. An unbelievable social and cultural experience had taken place in this area which will be remembered for years. The planning began many months ago with an idea generated by William Puntar of Vandling, who desired to honor the many of Slovenian heritage in the area. Mr. Puntar was to become the General Chairman of the festivities. The planning culminated in the celebration which formally began Saturday afternoon with the arrival of six buses, 265 people, from the Pittsburgh area. They were led, by police escort, through Forest City’s Main Street to the high school where they were dispatched to weekend lodgings. Among them were many members of SWU of the Pittsburgh area. The concert, of Saturday night at the high school, lasted 2\ hours and was attended Dy 1,100 people, an overflow crowd. 1—-my-1V " No. 105, DETROIT, MICH. Since we missed seeing our article in the June issue, we will be late in wishing our dear president, sister Pauline Adamic and her very handsome husband, J'ohn, many more years of wedded bliss. Their Golden Anniversary party was very nice and their relatives and friends enjoyed every minute of it. I hope our members will have a very, very pleasant summer. And, those of you taking trips, be careful and come back home safe and sound! a “Slovene Weekend” Arrangements for the concert were handled by Anthony O’Koren, president of the Forest City Area Ambulance, which Nas designated as the recipient of the proceeds of the weekend., Following the concert, a mass exodus developed to the Browndale Hall and picnic grounds where more Slovenian music held sway to an estimated 1,000 participants. This activity did not end until 5 a.m. Sunday morning. It then became the duty of ail I on Sunday morning to proclaim God’s blessings on the forefathers of all involved by a Slovenian Heritage Mass at 11:30 a.m. in St. Joseph Church. The Mass was oo-celebrated by the pastor, the Rev. Casimer Sulicki, native son Rev. Heriry Planinšek, and former pastor, the Rev. Richard J. Frank. The Mass was heard and witnessed by over 1,000 who overflowed the church and all surrounding properties. The choir, directed by Carl Cerar, began at 11 a.m. with Slovenian hymns and choral tributes. Following the Mass, activities moved again to the Browndale grounds where a buffet with Slovenian specialties was served to 550. During and after the buffet, the entertainers provided music for dancing and festivities continued throughout the day. The busloads of Pittsburgh guests reluctantly left their adopted home of Forest City for the return trip to the Steel City at 5:30 p.m. Slovenian-born residents of the area numbering 58, were honored guests at all weekend activities. They occupied specially reserved sections at the Concert, Mass, Buffet and Dance and were reported to have been “overwhelmed” by the kindnesses showered upon them. “Only in our communities could such a success take place,” concluded Chairman Puntar. ________________________________________I Our next meeting was to be held at the home of Fulvia Rosa in August. We hoped to see all of you there. I received a letter from our friend, Frances Seman who has moved back to Benld, Illinois from New Jersey and they are very happy in their new home. She sends her regards to all of her friends in No. 105. We wish them much naopiness and contentment in their new home. Keep well and here’s hoping well se you soon. ANN POBANZ 21 MARIE PRISLAND OH, TA SVET v Clevelandu. Razkazal nam je krasno, zgodovinsko majcpr. obleko, ki jo ta fara 'lastuje ter naročil tople pozdi% ‘ prijateljem in znancem v Clevelandu in Milwaukee. jj| prijateljic Kristine Rupnik in Josephine Remshak, nesli pozdrave njih sorodnikom, Mlinarjevim na Kropi, i/ile P*.' pa se na povabilo Gnaderjevih iz Milwaukee ustavile r^, Mikekovih v Bočni. G. Mikek je sin bivšega sheboyg^^ kega organista Franka Mikeka. Je izvrsten pevec kot lar| oil njegov oče. Gospa Mikek istotako ima lep glas. sta še dva soseda in ob vinu treh vrst, mesu, domač* Obisk Slorenijc S hčerko Hermino sva koncem meseca maja bili na dvatedenskem obisku v Sloveniji. Pridužili sva se Kollan-drovi skupini, ki se je strnila z izvrstno organizirano K & M Travel Service (John E. Matevish) iz Pittsburgha. 231 slovenskih potnikov je KLM letalo neslo na Brnik. In kako .menitno postrežbo smo imeli! Fino večerjo z "fillet mignon” in šampanjcem, pozneje pa prosto pijačo vseh vrst. Trije muzlikanti so nas neprestano zabavali, da je vedno bilo vse veselo in dobre volje. Razmere so se v petih letih, odkar sem bila v Sloveniji zadnjikrat, veliko spremenile. Ljudsko mnenje je bolj ublaženo, manj pritožb sem slišala, le radi draginje se vse pritožuje kot i mi v Ameriki. Vkljub draginji so trgovine polne kupcev, restavracije polne gostov, ljudje so čedno oblečeni, nove hiše rastejo povsod in avtomobilov je na pretek. Po mestih je bil drenj kot v New torku, čeprav se turistična sezona ni niti pričela. Statistika dokazuje, da ima avto vsak tretji Slovenec, 63% domov ima TV, 30% domov pralni stroj in 20% domov hladilnik. Ugibala sem, ali je domač zaslužek toliko višji, ali je vzrok sedajnemu izboljšanemu življenskemu standardu denar zaslužen v tujini. Prenočišča v hotelih so v ceni nižja kot v Ameriki, hrana v hotelih in restavracijah pa na isti ravni kot pri nas. Ker menda želijo, da vsak gost pri kosilu pije vino, kava in čaj na jedilnem listu niti omenjena nista. Treba je naročiti posebej. Cena: 50 centov za skodelico. Koncem meseca maja je veliko pozornost vzbujala 'Kmečka ohcet” vršeča se v Ljubljani letos že desetič. Nad 3,000 narodnih noš se je strnilo v tri kilometre dolgo parado in 14 parov se je 25 tega maja na ljubljanskem magistratu civilno poročilo poznejje pa cerkveno doma. Poročni pari so dospeli iz jugoslovanskih republik, iz Avstrije, Švice, čehoslovaške, Zapadne in Vzhodne Nemčije, Italije, Nizozemske, Avstralije In Amerike. Ljubljanski dnevnik DELO je priobčil kratke pomenke z vsakim parom ki jih bom objavila prihodnjič. Ameriški poročni par, Leslie Shook in Elizabeta Hezir iz Clarion, Pennsylvania, je bil oblečen kot za poroko v cerkvi, ostali pari so 'bili oblečeni v nošo svojega naroda. Najbolj zanimiva je menda bila noša iz Zapadne Nemčije, ker se je največ ljudi gnetlo pred nevesto, oblečeno v nošo izza časa Frederika Velikega. Vsaka nevesta ie poleg drugih daril prejela lepo postlano in okrašeno leseno zibko kot darilo mesta Ljubljane. Obiski:— V domačem kraju — Rečica ob Savinji sva s hčerko bili gost sestrične Antonije Lekše, ki tam lastuje rodni dom, v katerem živijo le v poletnem času; svoj dom imajo v Celju. Obiskale smo Prislanove, sorodnike mojega moža, Joževe, ki zdaj lastujejo mojo rodno hišico, Kosmačeve, Slatinske, Frešerje, Firberje in Jezernikove. (Gospa Jezernikova je v vojnem času bila mnogim v pomoč, zakar so ji hvaležni. V št. J'anžu smo obiskale sestri mojega moža, Jerčko in Francko, ki skrbno obdelujeta precejšno posestvo. Pri Sv. Frančišku smo se ustavile pri tamošnjemu župniku, č.g. Falešu, ki je nekaj let bil asistent pri fari Sv. Vida kruhu in kavi se je pričel prijeten koncert. Hčerko so venske pesmi, krasno podane, silno zanimale. Imela priliko videti naše ljudi v originalu slovenskega vzdušr < S hčerko in sestrično smo napravile kratek izle* v Avstrijo do Innsbrucka in v severno Italijo do Cortina Ampezzo. Hčerka je rekla: "Povsod je lepo, najlepša Pa Slovenija!” Zanimalo jo je zlasti to, da nikjjer drugje liko cerkva kot v Sloveniji, ko ima skoro vsaka mala * sica svojo ljubko, belo cerkvico, mene pa je zanimalo ^ da takoj, ko smo prestopili jugoslovansko mejo in P^, na Koroško nismo nikjer videli slovenskega napisa, prav je tukaj dom Slevencev; Nasprotno pa so v seV^tije Italiji povsod navedeni nemški napisi poleg italijans ^ Očividno je, da se Nemoi znajo dobro boriti za svojo n ^ rodnost. Pi, Pri moji edini sorodnici, že omenjeni Antoniji L®1'-. in njeni ugledni družini sva s hčerko imeli ljub in f’e"ep0 zaben obisk. Tončka je poročena s profesorjem zgodo^r ^ hčerka Majda je doktorica v celjski bolnišnici, doktor ^ tudi njen soprog Walter Gornjak; hčerka Metka je banc ^ uradnica v Ljubljani poročena prof. Zvonkom Kržičnik0 ^ Obe hčerki imata po enega otroka; Majda 13letno hč«r Barbko, Metka pa fantka Tomažeka, ki je za svoja |e ^ zelo brihten. Pismeno mi je sedemletni "student” ozria svoj pouk: “Hodim vsak dan v prvi razred. Tam se učimo matematiko, slovenščino, petje, spoznavanje narave in družbe, telovadbo in vedenje. Pri matematiki se učimo do 20 in množimo.” Tomaž Kržičnik Zrcziu dan Nad 30 .let naša organizaoija letno prireja Zvezin na prostorih ameriških slovenskih Brezjah v Lemon tu > letos slavijo zlati jubilej obstoja.. Iskreno čestitamo srčno željo za blagoslovljeno bodočnost! Na letošnji Zvezin dan, 21, julija, je bilo krasno ■ me in obilna udeležba članic iz države Illinois, iz W'sconsina, Minnesote, Indiane, in Michigana. Bi' državna predsednica, Anna Pachak, je zastopala Calof® id": Bila sem vsa srečna videti toliko čian.c, ter se pogov° z mnogimi. je- Častni posetniki so bili: Monsignor Maximilijan . zernik, rektor Slovenskega zavoda (Slovenikum) v very Rev. Alexander Atenazij, gvardiian slovenskih 0 \ Frančiškov v Ameriki; Rev., Vendelin Spendov, pozf1 „ glasbenik. (Rev. Spendov lastuje dva doktorata za 8laS Prvega mu je [»klonila De Paul univerza v Chicagu, %-gega je prejel v Rimu.) Rev. Fortunat Zorman, ure° A Je Maria; Rev. Frank Perkovich iz Eveletha v Minne*0^ organizator takozvane "Polka Mass”. S seboj je > gj moški pevski zbor in Joseph Cvek orkester. Po sv. |TV|, so pevci s spremstvom godbe podali melodije sloven^ iaj^arodnih pesmi z besedilom prilagodenem cerkvenemu jejrPravilu. Bilo je to nekaj popolnoma novega in prijetnega. O1 Pevci in godbo je iz Minnesote dospelo lepo število s^nic- — Poleg omenjenih častitih gospodov smo sre-nat 1 mnogo drugih odličnih Zvezinih prijateljev in prija-, p1 l'C' Vsem navzočim za poset najlepša zahvala, kakor ;an!, očetom Frančiškanom za prijazno gostoljubnost, či-it ^s^' podružnici pa naš poklon za dobro urejen Zvezin 'rišl^n,v Tudi ideja glavne tajnice, Fanika” Humar, kako fi-čcrT r,^no podpreti našo ZARJO, se je imenitno obnesla.— sK reJ, zahvala na vse kraje! P. KLAVDIJ OKORN, OFM: POMOČ 7» : V ApcfttiH pch. MA. Hlat-If iewich a ( ST. 3, PUEBLO, COLORADO i V najlepšem času cvetoče pomladi, je odšla od nas, J Klicana v večnost. Smrt nam je ugrabila nad vse zvesto ^&-aVko za S^Z in mn°8im dot>ro prijateljico, Mary Lenich. / 0 je za nas mnoge res žalostno sporočilo. Pok. je v kif ^enih pismih vedno pričela: "veš draga A.P. tako mi je, 1,8 * da smo v sobi skupaj in se osebno pogovarjamo med ^j.” Kdo bi bil pričakoval, da je to bil najin zadnji $ 'Srne-ni pogovor. Bolezen in žalost sta ugonobile njeno ■po vS€ zas|ujno življenje. No sedaj pa skupno z našo ne-i(i® *abno Albino v onostranstvu obujata spomine njunega f Ivanja za Zvezo. Najino prijateljstvo se je pričelo na e*inem zborovanju leta 1949. Nam starejšim članicam, J|T'e bila pok. sestra, prava prijateljica in vodnica, ki nas je rf udiia s svojim zaslužnim delom za našo Zvezo. d Odšla je od nas, toda sleherni dan so moje želje v a‘ „ °litvi k Bogu za njeno veselo večnost, katero si je zaslu-z dobrimi deli v življenju. Ostaneš mi v trajnem spo- ?.«a ■ Tinu za vedno. Tvoja zvesta prijateljica. ANNA PACHAK Prišlo mi je na misel, da bi v Zarji priobčeval zgodbe ijudi, ki so po božji milosti zopet našli pot nazaj v cerkev. Kakor nam je znano iz vsaddanjega življenja, mi sami poznamo ljudi, ki so zapustili vero, zavrgli vse, kar ima zvezo z vero in odšli v življenje ter si ga krojili po svoje. Malokdaj pa slišimo, da je kdo našel pot nazaj. To pa zato, ker je zduženo s srčnostjo in priznanjem smote. Kar je pa zelo teško. Potrebna je božja milost, da človek lahko to stori. Neka gospa pripoveduje sledečo zgodbo. V štiridesetih letih svoje šluzbe za javnost sem storila veliko stvari, ki mi prinašajo veliko zadovoljstvo. Med vsemi stvarmi pa me najbolj zadovoljuje to, da sem pomagala starješi gospe najti pot nazaj v cerkev. Zgodilo se je to za čaša ko sem bila uradnica na upravnem sodišču. Nekega jutra me je neki sodnik prosil, naj najdem varuha za neko starejšo gospo, ki se je nahajala v zavetišču za starejše ljudi. Bila je edini dedič po svojem pokojnem mozu. Ko sem pregledovala papirje, ki mi jih je dal sodnik, tern našla med njimi tudi zavarovalno polico, ki se je glasila na njeno dekliško ime. Bilo je irsko. To me je nagnilo, da sem posegla globlje v njeno zivlenje. Od moževih sorodnikov sem zvedela, da je ob poroki zapustila katoliško cerkev. To se je zgodilo nekako pred petdesetimi leti. Sorodniki so mi tudi povedali, da je ta korak vedno obžalovala. Stopila sem v zvezo s katoliškim duhovnikom, ki je imel na skrbi tisto ustanovo in ga prosila naj jo obišče in stori kar more. Duhovnik je to storil. Po več obiskih si je pridobil njeno zaupanje.. Končno ga je prosila za spoved in uredila vse potrebno. Ko je umrla smo jo pokopali s sv. maši Moj mož, ki je bil kot advokat določen od sodišča za njenega varuha in jaz sva bila edina pogrebca. Nesrečna žena je našla mir s cerkvijo in svojim Bogom. Zvezin šolninski odbor išče sponzorje slovenskim študentom na Koroškem Znano nam je šikaniranje avstrijskih Nemcev napram "asprotujejo in odrekajo narodnostne pravice zajamčene Garantira slovenski majnšini narodno, kulturno in politič °troških let se spominjam, nemškutarskih hudobij. Nas, "windische hunde”, (slovenski psi.) Dr. Richard Šuštarič, Berkeley, California, je nedav n«kaj storil za višjo izobrazbo slovenskih študentov na Pctrebni otroci, predvsem iz podeželja Slovenke Koroške, Slavnemu mestu slovenske Koroške. Dr. Šuštarič je v Zvezina glavna tajnica, ga. Fanika Humar, članica ter v pogovoru z vodilnimi osebami sprevidela, da tamo moralne podpore in zavesti, da se tudi slovenski Ameri na iz Koroške, odnosno, graduanti osnovnih šol bodo °značbo svojih teženj, mi pa bomo zanje preskrbel1 Torej, kdor se zanima za ta program, ga prijazno vni urad: 1937 West Cermak Rd. Chicago, III. 60608 Odgovornost za posredovanje med sponzorji in prosilci *ARje. Upamo, da bo naš apel našel širok odmev! Naj b'emi! Kdor bi ne želel biti direkten sponzor naj pomaga koroškim Slovencem; ob vsaki priliki jih sramotijo, jim jim od zaveznikov po zadnji vojni. Avstrijska ustava no prostost, kar pa nadutim Nemcem nič ne pomeni. Iz štajerske Slovence, so kričeč po cestah zmerjali z no pismeno apeliral na Zvezin šolninski odbor naj bi Koroškem. Upoštevani bi naj bili talentirani in pomoči ki bi želeli vstopiti v slovensko gimnazijo v Celovcu, ta namen obljubil pokloniti $400.00 kot inciativo. šolninskega odbora, je letos Koroško osebno obiskala šnji Slovenci, poleg pomoči študentom, zelo potrebujejo kanci zanje zanimamo. Imena študentov nam bodo posla-sami poslali od šolskih oblasti potrjena spričevala z sponzorje. vabimo naj se odzove in pošlje ponudbo na Zvezin gla-Zvezina glavna tajnica, ga. Humar, je radevolje sprejela Sodelovala bo tudi ga. Corinne Leskovar, urednica koroški Slovenci sprevidijo, da sočustvujemo z njih prc-z manjšim denarnim prispevkom. Za šolninski odbor Slovenke ženske zveze: Marie Prlsland, predsednica. Labor Day - Dan dela in misli o prazniku in nas ženah Delo, poreče vsaka, komu ga manjka? Res, nobeni ženi, ki izpolnjuje svoje stanovske dolžnosti, ne manjka dela. Kako pa me same cenimo svoje delo? Že večkrat sem slišala: “Saj vam pa ni treba delati, ker mož dovolj zasluži!” Ali res delamo le za gole dolarje? Ne! Delo je mnogo več. Dobro opravljeno delo je zadovoljstvo, ki ga denar n.j more dati; pomeni enakopravnost — ne tista na papirju — čutimo jo v svojem bistvu. De'o jo vir in blagor svobode posameznika, družine, naroda in človeškega rodu. Seveda ni nič narobe s plačilom za delo, ker nam odpira neštete možnosti. Potreb je bilo še vedno več, kakor sredstev zanje................. President Ford je v svojem prvem govoru v Congresu dejal, da gospodinje doma znajo boljo gospodariti, kakor strokovnjaki v vladi in bolj, kakor si strokovnjaki upajo priznati. Zakaj pa ni naš de'ež dobrega gospodarjenja vecj; v državnem gospodarstvu? Na dobri gospodinji in materi ter njenem delu sloni jedro naše družbe. Naš delež v javnem, gospodarskem in političnem svetu pa ne bo zadovoljiv, dokler bomo urile svoje sposobnosti za širši nastop le iz nuje za obstanek in ne ir veselja in zadovoljstva do dela, ki ga opravljamo. KAMPANJA ZA NOVE ČLANICE V SLOVENSKO ŽENSKO ZVEZO Odbornice vseh podružnic: Za voditeljice smo vas izbrali! Prevzemite vodstvo v tej kampanji! Rast SŽZ je v vaših okah. Potrebujemo vas vašo marljivost, vaša dejanja so nam nujno potrebna. Kmalu bo jesen in nove volitve. Ali ste upravičile naše zaupanje s svojim delom? Koliko novih članic ste vpisale? še je čas! Zadnji piknik, jesenska zabava, koncert — ljudje bodo tam. Povabite jih v naše društvo! Organizirani ljudje nekaj pomenijo, dosežejo, veljajo, so močni. Kmalu bomo slavile zlato obletnico organizacije slovenskih žena. Z dejanji pokažimo, da smo petdeset let zorele in rastle in se učile od naših izkušenih mater in babic. Prijavnice dobite pri vseh tajnicah podružnic aM neposredno \. Glavnem uradu v Chicagu. Pišite ponje! BOGLONAJ VSEM UDELEŽENCEM ROMANJA V LEMONT Na tisoče pisem smo prejele na naš poziv, ki se je srečno končal za tri dobitnike v Lemontu na doslej največjem romanju. Čudovito morje dobre volje se je pokazalo že prve dni tega obširnega vabljenja. (Razposlano je bilo devet tisoč pisem) Nimam primernih besed, s katerimi bi mogla vse doseči in reči hvala! Velika udeležba v Lemontu je bilo ponovno potrdilo za zaupanje do naših dobrih in zdrav'h ljudi. Vsak odgovor, ki smo ga prejele, je bil sprejet z veliko hvaležnostjo. Hranim vsa pisma, ker so čudovita priča, kako živo se zanimate za svoje društvo. Kritični predlogi so nam enako dragi, kakor pohvale, katere so tokrat imele večino. Prav vsem lepa hvala! KLIC K DEJANJEM Vabimo vse ljudi, ki vam je mar usoda naših bratov na Koroškem, da bi se zavzeli za izobraževanje njihovih otrok v SLOVENSKEM DUHU in jeziku. Slovenska ženska zveza pripravlja program, ki b; neprosredno dosegel stike s Korošci in nami tukaj v Ameriki. Amerika je že dolgo simbol svobode v svetu. Stfet se mora prebuditi in videti krivico, ki jo doživljajo naši Slovenci v srcu “kulturnega” sveta. Mi nismo nikomur dolžni politične obzirnosti. Ljubiti svojega brata je božja in človeška zapoved. Dvi gnimo svoj glas dragi slovenski Amerikanci! iz ponižanih Korošcev! Kdor je pripravljen sodelovati pri šolanju Koroških Otrok, naj se oglasi na naslovu: Fanika Humar, 1937 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago, III. 60608 Odbor za ta program bomo sestavili le iz vrst članov, ki bodo aktivno sodelovali. Vsem, ki se boste prijavili za to narodoljubno de!o in pomoč, bomo poslali imena priglašenih od kater' cagu, ob 10 dop. nato zborovanj,e °b 11 dop. Ob sni url bo kosilo in pre' dstava v Drury Lane Theatre v Evef' green Parku. Za vstopnice po $7.50 za kosilo i11 predstavo in za ostale Informacije, p°' kličite gl. urad, ali Vaše tajnice. Na veselo svidenje, Vam kličejo g°' stiteljice PODR. ST. 2, CHICAGO. DOPISI ŠT. 10, CLEVELAND, OHIO Drage članice: Meseca junija sm° zgubile dve članice: Agnes Zagorc in Mary Mayer. Zelo nam je hudo, kadar dobimo take žalostne novice. Tud' članice Josephine Sustarsic in Mary Korošec so zgubile soproge. Vsem Ž3’ lujočim ostalim sorodnikom naše gl°’ boko sožalje. Pok. naj počivajo v m'-ru in večna luč naj sveti vsem skU' paj! Upam, da ste se lepo imele na P°' čitnicah v juliju in augustu, ker sep' vtV' CeMitke ih rcjce CHICAGO: Naša dolgoletna zvest3 članica, MRS. ANTONIA BAŠKO VO GRIČ, je slavila 1. jun. 90 letnic® rojstva in mladinska članica KATH' GABER je v istem tednu slavila sedefl1 pomladi. Naša Tončka je še vedn° korajžna, toda zelo pogreša naše seje. ker jo muči artritis. Posebno je P°" nosna na 5 otrok, 12 vnukov, 23 pra" vnukov in v kratkem upa, da bo pryic postala pra-pra-stara mati. Bog jo živ' še mnogo let med nami! Pridite na Zvezin dan, 8. Sept. v Eveleth (Naša vadiiria Prekmurska Slovenka, GIZELLA HOZIAN, preds. društva Sv Ane, KSKJ in članica št. 2, S.Ž.Z. je napisala naslednji krasni članek v glasilu Amerikanski Slovenec dne 31. jul. 1974). “LEMOM GRIČ JE ZOPET RAZCVETEL” Tako se nam je zdelo zadnjo nedeljo ob velikem romanju Slovenske ženske Zveze. Tam je Mo gotovo nad tisoč avtomobilov. Vsako mesto za parkiranje je bilo po dvojno zavzeto. Brezštevilna glavna množica se je kar zazibala v krasni naravi. In vreme? Kdo bi mogel lepše želeti in prositi? Kakor nalašč je sijalo lepo, čisto in zlato solnce, ter pošiljalo svoje tople žarke na romarje. Še celo majhen ve-terček je vse to blažil. Krasno! Krasno! - se je slišalo po lepe: Lemontskem griču. Številni so prišli že v soboto od vseh krajev. Združili so se v molitvi in v pesmi. Lepa ljubezen in prijaznost je sijala iz vseh obrazov. S seboj so pri peljali svojo muziko, ki je tu<' spremljala pri sv. maši. Vse j bilo kakor pričarano. Marija je pa gledala na to množico s sv< jega trona in čuvala ta narod, ;'h bodrila in spominjala, da to res blagoslovljen košček zemlja, kjer se družijo Slovenci. Vse je bilo prisrčno. Sveti obredi :n procesije so se vršile kakor po navadi, samo vse jc bilo bolj veličastno z večjo množico. Starejši so bili ginjeni. Marija se lim je gotovo tudi nasmehnila, ter mehčala številna srca. Videla je tudi njihove žrtve ter jiih blagoslavljala. Nekateri kar glasno vzklikamo: čestitamo! čestitamo Slovensk Ženski Zvezi k temu krasnemu uspehu. Bog je bil z vami in Mati Marija! tembra se zopet zberemo na redne seje. Mesec julij je bil prav aktiven za Zvezo. Pevke zbora so imele lep card party, kjer se je zbralo mnogo članic in prijateljic od vsepovsod iz Clevelanda in Euclida. Z našo gl. preds. Mary Bostion smo se kar lepo zabavale. Potem smo se zbrale za Cadet Reunion. To je bilo res lepo, škoda, da niste bile vse z nami. Pred leti je imela skoro vsaka podr. kadetke — pri naši podr., so se klicale "Frances Sušel Cadets”, ker takrat so bile mlade članice bolj aktivne. Frances Seitz in Anne Hočevar od podr. št. 50 in mnoge pomočnice tudi od št. 32 cadets, so nam lepo postregle. Videle smo filme posnete pred mnogimi leti. Filme nam je kazal Max Traven. Kadetke so prišle od podr. 10, 14, 15, 21, 25, 52, 47, 49 in 50. Pred leti sta Albina Novak in Toni Turek žrtvovale mnogo ur v delu, da sta organizirale 'n spravile skupaj toliko kadetk., Takrat so šle kar na štrit kare, ker mi bilo busov in kar na razpolago, kakor danes. Ker je bila Toni Turek Sports Director in preds. Ohio-Mich. in potem naša gl. preds. 12 let, smo članice skupnih podr. darovale lepo plaketo, Ja bo imela lep spomin na tista leta. Naša gl. preds. Mary Bostian vse lepo pozdravi. Jean Križman in Carole Traven sta tudi dosti pomagale, ker pri vsaki stvari je mnogo dela in priprav. Celotni dobiček bo šel za Slovenski Dom Ostarelih na Neff Road v Clevelandu. Josephine Herter iz Doma, je tudi bila z nami in se je v naprej zahvalila za naše darilo. Res se smemo postaviti, da ima Slovenska ženska Zveza pridne delavke, ki rade darujejo in pomagajo. Postregle so nam z okusnim prigrizkom in podr. št. 50 so nam pokazale, da še znajo marširati in se postaviti kot novi Marie Prisland cadets za leto 1974. V juliju je M. Bostian preskrbela autobus članic, ki so se udeležile romanja in Zvezinega dne v Lemontu, III. Pravijo, da so se odlično zabavale. Sedaj se pripravljamo za Cotillion Ball, ki se bo vršil v decembru. Ob tisti priliki bomo tudi imele Ohio-Mich. State Convention. Upamo, da bomo imele lepo udeležbo in Vas vse že sedaj vabim, da pridete. Moja sestra, Albina Zimmerman in prijateljice Jossie Gerbeck in Theresa Zupančič, vse tri naše članice, so šle pogledati v 3taro domovino. Moja sestra, ni bila tam od leta 1920, to je 54 let. Rada bi videla, če so šs tam tiste koprive na katere je sedla, ko je bila majhna. Seveda sedaj jo dosti sprememb, toda po kmetijah je še vedno tako, kakor pred mnogimi leti. želimo jim srečno pot na obe strani in upam, da nam bodo imele dosti za poročati ko se vrnejo. Sedaj smo že v drugi polovici leta in iščem nove članice. Toliko imamo članic, zato bi bilo prav, da bi pripeljala kaj novih in vem, da je tudi dosti otrok, ki niso vpisani v naši ŠT. 19, EVELETH, MINNESOTA Naš Zvezin dan se približuje, zato ste vse članice od daleč in blizu v železnem okrožju vabljene, da se udeležite letošnjega snidenja. Ne zamudite lepe prilike, da se zopet srečate s prijatelji in znanci in v lepih pogovorih obudite spomine iz preteklih dni življenja. Vem, da vam ne bo žal, če pridete ta dan i/ Eveleth. Ob tej priliki bo zopet lepa slovenska polka maša, ko bomo v cerkvi zopet imeli priliki poslušati in peti naše prelepe domače viže, kar dvigne duha v naših srcih. Pozneje bodo oddani tudi lepi dobitki. Okorajžite se in na veselo svidenje kličemo vsem na Zvezinem Dnevu, dne 8. septembra v Evelethu, Minn. Zopet moram poročati, da je kruta usoda smrti dne 6 junija zopet posegla v naše vrste in nam iztrgala so-sestro in dolgoletno članico, Johanno Zadkovich, ki je dočakala lepo starost 85 let. Zadnje čase se je nahajala v Evelethski bolnici — Nursing home. Zapušča 3 hčere in 1 sina. Drago sestro bomo ohranile v lepem spominu. V imenu podr. preostalim naše globoko sožalje. V Virginia Nursing Home, se nahajata ses. Anna Kostelic in ses. Mary Sersha. Na bolniškem listu sta ses. Elizabeth Goričan in ses. Julia llarsich. Vse članice naše podr. jima želimo skorajšnje okrevanje, z željo, da se vidimo na prihodnji seji. MARY MENART, tajnica Zvezi. Saj je samo in dolar in 20 centov za celo leto za $100.00 zavarovanja. Prosim Vas, dajte mi malo pomagati. Želim vam vsem mnogo zdravja v bodeče in bodite vse lepo pozdravljene. SOPHIE MAGAYNA, tajnica ŠT. 14, EUCLID, OHIO Kakor veste v juliju ni bilo seje, vseeno bom nekaj napisala, ker vem, da članice rade bero, posebno če je kaj novega. Naše sosestre so šle na vse razne kraje na počitnice, nekaj jih je šlo tudi v domovino Slovenijo. Vsem želimo srečno vrnitev na svoje domove. Koncem maja smo imele v Euclidu Množica sodeljuje pri polka maši Bil je nepozabni dan za čla. naše podr. in vse fare, ko smo imeli v naši sredi odlični polka orkester z slovenskim pevskim zborom pod vodstvom župnika slovenske fare Fr. Frank Perkovičem iz Eveleth, Minn. Orkester vodi Joe Cvek tudi iz Minn. Prišli so z velikim busom in igrali pri sv. maši naše prelepe slovenske melodije. Bilo je nekai veselega in nepozabnega za nas vse, ki smo se udeležili. Zasluga velja naši tajnici Olgi Ancel, ki je organizirala ter iskrena zahvala velja našemu častnemu župniku Msgr. M J. Butala in župniku Ray Garbin, ki sta nam šla na roke, da je bilo mogoče imeti ta slavni orkestor med nami. Bila je pa tudi zasluga urednice Zarje, Corinne Leskovar, ki nam je šla na roke, da se je to uresničilo med nami. Nabito polna cerkev nam je v dokaz, da so verniki želeli kaj takega med nami, saj naša velika slov. cerkov Sv. Jožefa, ki je največja v našem mestu, je bila še premala sprejeti množico vernikov. Sv. mašo je daroval Rev. F. Per-kovich ob asistenci Msgr. Butala in župnika Rev. Garbin. Po maši je bila domača zabava v našem farnem parku. Tudi ta dvorana je bila premajhna. Ljudje so se zbrali od vsepovsod, da slišijo ta izredni orkester. Naše članice so skrbele za lačne in žejne. Ljudje sedaj sprašujejo in upajo, da se bo ta polka orkester zopet oglasil čimprej v naši fari. Res nepozabni dogodek za nas vse. Plcšče in ‘‘tape" trak V tie članice St. N so v narodnih nošah zastopale Slove,ice v Euclidski paradi Spominskega dneva. Z njimi so bili tudi harmonikarji in so se lepo postavile ter bili deležni nagrade in pohvale. tega orkestra in prelepih pesmi, med njimi tudi Angelsko češčenje, se dobi pri taj. Olgi Ancel: 723-0882, ali pri Joniti Ruth: 726-6990. Vas pozdravljam, JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC veliko mednarodno parado v počastitev padlih. Tudi mi smo imeli posebni voz pod imenom Radio Station Tony Petkovšek Polka Village. Na vozu je bilo več naših članic in harmonikarjev. Igrali so poskočne polke in spremljali lepo slovensko petje v res lepo okrašenem vozu iin vsi v narodnih nošah. Dobili smo nagrado in trofey. Pri moji nečakinji Jožici in njenemu možu Jožetu Majer so kupili zalo punčko — prvorojenko, ki bo slišala na ime Helenca. Starši matere Lojze in Helena Gril živijo v Veliki vasi Slovenija. Tako sta postala prvič stara mama in stara oče. Starši po očetovi strani sta Mr. in Mrs. Majer, ki tudi živita v Sloveniji in sta že večkrat stari oče in mati., čestitke na vse strani! Dne. 18. augusta je bil piknik na Šuštarjevi farmi za vse članice Št. 14. Obe Mary Stražišar z Kewanee in z Aerowhead so šle obiskati bolne članice v domu ostarelih na Neff Road. *** Na naši seji v augustu je bila bolj pičla udeležba, toda prosim, da odslej prihajate v večjem številu, da nas ne bodo gledali prazni stoli. V tem času je precej naših članic bolanih in te go: Molli Tomarek, Jten-nie Eržen, Mimi Režonja, Mrs. Kastelic, Mrs. Klepak, Mrs. Kušar in Mrs. Frances Medved, ki Je stalno priklenjena na posteljo. Ona res zasluži pri- znanje, saj je veliko delala pred nami za naše društvo. Hvala Ti, Frances; Bog naj Ti še vrne ljubo zdravje. Spomnile se Te bomo v naših molitvah. Vse omenjene bolnice so poslale pozdrave po naših obiskovalkah, Mary Stražišar (Arowhead) ter drugi Stražišar (Kevane). Te dve sta res pridne obiskovalke naših bolnih članic, saj vedno prihajajo zahvalne karte na vsako sejo. Club Društev bo imel dne 22. sept. čiken diner. Nadalje sporočam, da bo imela Slov. ženska Zveza RAZSTAVO na Richmond Mali dne 14. sept. Skupne podr. bodo imele drž. konvencijo dne 6, oktobra v Pittsburghu, če hoče katera iti z nami, naj pokliče predsednico: 4814710. Sporočam, da kadar je veliko darovalk, ne morem omeniti vseh imen, zato prosim, da mi oprostite in sprejmite skupno zahvalo za vsa Vaša dobra dela. V zadnjem času je umrl mož naše čla. Julie Novak. Bog mu daj v miru božjem počivati. Ostali družini pa naše sožalje. Vsem bolnim članicam pošiljamo pozdrave in želimo, da bi kmalu ozdravele. Vse še enkrat prosim, da pridete na seje. Za kart parti so listki že v prodaji. Kupite jih, predno jih zmanka. Lep pozdrav na vse strani! A. SUSTAR poročevalka ŠT. 20, JOLIET, ILLINOIS Smo v času poletnih počitnic, ko naše članice odhitijo na oddihe izven mest, na deželo in nekatere v domovino. žal tudi v tem lepem času smrt ne počiva. V Fontani, Calif, je umrla dolgoletna čla., Agnes Werbich (Jur-kas). Prepieljana je bila v Joliet za pokop iz cerkve St. Raymonda na pokopališče Wood lawn, kjer že počiva njen mož Joseph, ki je umrl 1. 1968 in hčerka Pauline, kakor tudi sestra Mary Poldan in več bratov. Zapušča sina, enega vnuka in pravnukinjo. V Jolietu je živela 40 let, nato se je preselila v Calif., kjer je živela 24 let. Naj v miru počiva.. Preostalim naše iskreno sožalje. Umrl je tudi Mathew Sepich i z Rockdale, ki ;e bil poznani vodnik gostilne “Shep’s Tavern". BiH je dobro poznan, toda zadnje čase je dolgo bolehal. Zapušča ženo Theresa Sepich, rojena Erjavec, eno hčerko in 4 vnuke (vse naše članice) ter dva brata, 3 sestre, teto ter veliko sorodstvo in številne prijatelje. Bil je član mnogih organizacij. Pokopan je bil iz cerkve Sv. Jtožefa v Rockdale na farno pokopališče. Preminul je tudi Frank Kunich, mož naše čla. Anne Kunich, Pok. je bil dalje časa v bolnišnici in za njim žalujeta tudi 2 hčere, 9 vnukov, 4 pravnukinje in sestra v domovini, kakor tudi več drugega sorodstva. Pokopan "Slovenska mat' me je rodila" in še mnoge mile viže nam bodo zapeli sinovi in hčere s Koroške zemlje, ko nas bodo razveselili s svojim obiskom tostran velike "luže” ter nam priredili koncert prelepih koroških pesmi dne 1. septembra letos v Lsmontu. Iz vsega srca ste nam dobrodos'i KOROŠKI BRATJE! Z velikimi črkami in ša večjimi dobrimi! željami vas pozdravljamo v naši sredini! Občudujemo vas, vašo zvestobo, vaše napore, da ohranjate našo svetinjo — materin jezik — na ozemlju, kjer gospodari požrešen in nasilen tujec. Že več stoletij nas hočejo zbrisati iz naše lepe slovenske zemlje, še smo tu in tam, povsod nas je in še bo! Snidemo se na drugi strani zemeljske oble, prepevamo slovenske pesmi ter si obljubljamo zvestobo, bratsko ljubezen in medsebojno pomoč. S kakšnim orožjem se upiramo potujčevanju? PESEM — dragi, je naše orožje! Vsi vemo, da ni zgolj slučaj, da so nastajale najlepše pesmi ravno na Koroškem in Primorskem, kjer je nasilje največje. Pa se požrešni sosedje bahajo s kulturo? Kdo je bolj kulturen, ali tisti, ki nad nami že stoletja vrti bič, ali tisti, ki na udarce odgovarja s pesmijo? čas je, da to povemo na ves glas, da nas bo svet slišal. Veselimo se dragi Korošci, ker pridete s pesmijo oznanjati svoje poslanstvo. Mi vsi, ki nosimo kal bratske ljubezni do vas in vašega dela, vas bomo prišli pozdravit in poslušat, da bi ob tem snidenju ponovno potrdili stari rek. ki pravi, da kri ni voda. — Vse, ki vas bodo te vrstice dosegle, vzemite si k seru naše vabilo. Pripeljite svoje družine, prijatelje in znance, da bomo res množično potrdili vezi med našimi brati in sestrami po vsem svetu. Pridite na koncert koroškega pevskega zbora, ki nosi ime slavnega slovenskega glasbenika iz 16. stoletja Jakoba Petelina Gallusa. Koncert bo ob 5. uri popoldne v Mt. Assisi šoli v Le-montu. Ravno mi, ki živimo v svobodnem svetu, moramo dati zgled solidarnosti tistim, ki se še borijo za osnovne človečanske pravice. Povejmo jim, da niso sami, da smo mi z njimi, da ljubimo zemljo, kjer je tekla zibel našim dedom, zemljo, ki jo napaja slovenski znoj in kri že dvatisoč let. čuvajte in branite nam to sveto zemljo s pesmijo in materino govorico, ki je nobena krogla do ■j°daj še ni mogla utišati. F. je bil iz farne cerkve Sv. Jožefa na župno pokopališče. Naj v miru počivajo vsi pokojni ;n naše sožalje sorodnikom. Čla. Helen Stojin je izgubila sestro M. Bostjancich na Rockdale. Bemar-dette Bluth, tajnica lokalne kegljaške lige, je tudi izgubila brata Anthony Roesel v lepi starosti 81 let. Za njim žaluje tudi več drugih sorodnikov. V bolnišnici se te dni nahajajo: Katherine Knez, sestra naše nadzornice, Therese Marentich, dalje Catherine Zadel. V Silver Cross bolnišnici se nahaja Mary Bruck in Barbara Gosak, ki si je zlomila nogo pri vožnji z biciklom ko je zadela v auto. želimo vsem našim bolnim hitrega okrevanja. Te dni leži na mrtvaškem odru Antonia Kostelec, iz Raub Str. svakinja Mrs. Emme Planinšek. Soprog pokojne, Ignac K., je umrl lansko leto. Naš otroški vsakoletni piknik, je zelo dobro izpadel in privabil 78 mladinskih članic, ki so imeli lepo razvedrilo na prijaznem vrtu naše taj. Olge Ancel. Vreme je bilo idealno in prišle so tudi starejše članice in matere, med njimi: Emma Planinšek, Mary Mihelič, Josephine Erjavec, Theresa Marentich, Eileen Plwse, Mary Kay Demick, Jo Lustick, Dorothy Koncar, Nancy Hor-wath, Anna Mihelich, Jo Sumic, Althea Un-land, Olga Ancel, Ann Papezh, Theresa Muhich, Mildred Pucel i-n Mary Ann Morgan. Bile so te matere, ki so prispevale z dobitki za mladinske članice s pecivom in drugimi dobrotami. Bilo je res lepo razvedrilo za otroke in vse navzoče. Za American Legion Post 1080 je bil imenovan kot zastopnik države v Springfieldu, Viktor Pucel, sin čla. Millie Pucel. Z odliko je tudi graduiral na Knox College, Philip Pucel v Gales-burgu, III. Naše čestitke obema, kakor vsem, ki so letos graduirali iz raznih šol. Pozdravlja, Iskrene čestitke k srebrnemu jubileju ses. Elizabeth Marie, ki je praznovala 25 letnico redovnih obljub. Sv. maša je bila v naši serkvi Sv. Jožefa in sprejem je bil v farni dvorani. Ses. Elizabeth še ima tri sestre, ena izmed njih, Marie, je .iaša čla. En brat Jožef je odvetnik v našem mestu in najmlajši Fr. Geo. Klepec je pomožni župnik pri St. Patrick cerkvi. Njen oče Joseph, je bil nekdanji urednik lista "Amerikanski Slovenec” ter gl. tajnik Dr. Sv. Družine in njena mati Marie je bila tudi ustanoviteljica dr. Sv. Cecilije št. 12. Oba sta bila zelo aktivna. Sedaj že več počivata v hladni zemlji, toda spomin na njih ne bo nikoli pozabljen, kakor tudi na starega očeta, Antona Nemanich-a, ki je bil ustanovitelj KSKJ, veliki delavec, ko se je ustanavljala naša fara in bil prvi gl. preds. KSKJ1. Naj ti narodno zavedni farani počivajo v miru :n njihov spomin ne sme biti pozabljen. Naše čla. Anna Picco in Mildred Briški sta izgubile brata Joseph Mihelich, starega komaj 59 let. Za njim žalujejo tudi 4 bratje in več drugih sorodnikov. Tudi čulik družina žaluje za soprogom in bratom, Anton Culik. Zapušča tudi sestro Mayme Atland Frances Kalcic in več nečakinj. Preminul je tudi John Kuzma za katerim žalujejo poleg ožje družine tudi več nečakinj, bratov in ostalega sorodstva. Naj vsi umrli počivajo v miru. žalujočim naše iskreno sožalje. Ker bo naša mesečna seja odslej vsako tretjo nedeljo v šolski dvorani, vabim vse članice, da pridete in se zopet snidemo za resne sklepe. Torej na svidenje. Vas pozdravljam, JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC ŠT. 25, CLEVELAND, OHIO Pošiljam odrezke v korist Zarje ter Vam želim obilo uspeha pri Vašem plemenitem delu. V resnici je vse toliko dražje, da je potrebno nekaj ukreniti. Naša mladina dobro zasluži, zato tudi lahko malo več pomagajo za napredek naše SŽZ. Če bi članice malo bolj prebrale našo Zarjo, kjer je res mnogo poučnega gradiva in z lepim branjem se bolj seznanimo z našimi slovenskimi so-sestrami, ker po malih naselbinah, so še prav posebno vesele, da se s svojimi prijateljicami snidejo in p° domače pomenijo. Se enkrat prisrčni pozdrav in poklon Vam vsem, ki se toliko trudite za napredek Zarje in Zveze. MARY KOLEGAR, predsednica Docakcala je sto pomlad! MARY SINKO, bo 101 let mlada to jesen. Menda let več ne šteje, a je vsekakor najstarejša članica Zveze, če je katera starejša od nje, naj se oglasi! ST. 38, CHISHOLM, MINNESOTA Z veseljem poročam kako smo obhajale "Mother's Day” dne 5. maja. Po sveti maši, ki je bila darovana za žive in mrtve članice, smo imele skupni zajutrek v S.N.D. ob povoljni udeležbi. Naša podpredsednica, Jennie Adamich je imela na skrbi pripraviti zajutrek, ki je bil zelo okusen. Lepa hvala, Jennie in Tvojim pomočnicam "Bog ionaj”. Po zajutreku smo imele malo programa, katerega je imela na skrbi naša zapisnikarica, Frances Bi-zal. Ja, saj pravim, ta mlade imajo izvrstne ideje. Program je prikazal starejšo generacijo in sedanjo. Bilo je res pomenljivo in počastile smo tudi najstarejšo mater, ki je bila navzoča: Frances šetina. Poklonile smo ji malo darilce. Navzoča '‘najmlajša" je biila Mrs. Jerry Samsa, ki je tudi bila deležna majhnega darilca. Toda to še ni vse; menda ni podružnice, ki bi imela STOLETNO ČLANI- CO, ki je naša MARY SINKO, ki bo, če bo božja volja v novembru 101 let stara., žal ni mogla biti z nami navzoča na seji in smo se je spomnili z majhnim darom, kakor smo rekli “ta mladi Mary Sinko”. Bog jo živi še mnogo let! Seveda tudi mena niso pozabile. Kot ustanoviteljica in dolgoletna uradnica, sem prejeila šopek rdečih rož. Lepa hvala za poklon in Bog naj Vas vse ohrani pri zdravju. Ne pozabite, drugo nedeljo v septembru bo Zvezin Dan v Eveleth. Upam, da nas bo velika udeležba iz Chis-holma, Naša seja bo prvo sredo zvečer 7:30 v S.N.D. Naj Bog vme ljubo zdravje našim bolnim sestram, posebno Anni Rupar-sich, ki je v bolnišnici v Rochester ter Mary Nosan v bolnici v Chishoimu. Pozdrav vsem! ANNA TRDAN tajnica ŠT. 25, CLEVELAND, OHIO Ko pišem te vrstice, bo počitniška doba že pri kraju. Več naših sester je šlo obiskati rojstno domovino, druge pa so se razkropile po naši državi, da se vsako po svoje nekoliko razvedri in oddahne. Tudi pri naši podr. bomo z rednimi sejami 8. septembra. Vabim vas da se seje udeležite v velikem številu, ker bomo imele mnogo novic iz počitnic. Naša tajnica, Christine, je tudi nekaj bolna, bila je za nekaj časa v bolnišnici, sedaj se zdravi na domu, toda je še vedno pod zdravniško oskrbo. Christine, želimo, da čimprej popolnoma ozdraviš in da prideš na sejo. Ravno tako je bolana tudi naša nadzornica, Jennie Feme. Tudi ona je bila v bolnice zaradi noge. Naš spoštovani g. župnik Fr. Praznik so že med nami iz bolnice. Bog in Marija naj vsem podelita ljubega zdravja, mi se bomo vas spominjale v molitvah, da boste čimprej zopet med nami. Pri naši fari kar preveč smrt kosi naše dobre rojake in farane. Pred kratkim je umrla naša nepozabna Vicki in mesec za njo je umrla njena sestra Olga. Kmalu zatem je umrl oče našega g. župnika, Frank Praznik. Umrl je tudi naš spoštovani in priljubljeni Edward Kovačič, ki je bil zelo dober za našo faro in je bil vsakemu dober pomočnik, kdor ga je vprašal za pomoč. Nenadno je umrla tudi naša dobra Frances Kaučič, ki je rada hodila na seje, posebno ko je bil “b” igra in večkrat je darovala po par dolarjev v blagajno. Umrla je tudi ses. Jennie Ceglar. Bila je tiha in mirna žena in bila je dobra plačnica članarine, čeprav ni redno hodila na seje. Bog in Marija naj sprejmeta v njihovo večno bivališče vse blage pokojne. Naj poročam kaj bolj veselega. Naša spoštovana predsednica, Mary Ko-legar je ponosna na njeno vnukinjo, ki se je dne 20. junija poročila v cerkvi Sv. Križa. Vnukinja je hčerka Mr. in Mrs. Slaub, je poročila Mr. Schultza. Obema želimo mnogo božleja blagoslova na skupni življenski poti. Želimo vsem našim bolnim članicam ljubega zdravja, posebno vsem, ki ste po zavodih. Bog Vam daj po-truplenje. Pozdravljene vso in se vidimo na seji. MARY OTONIČAR ST. 26, PITTSBURGH, PEN. Zopet je caš, da se oglasim v naši lepo urejeni Zarji. Vsa čast naši urednici Corinne. Ko bodo te vrstice prišle med nas, bo že bolj hladno, ker se bo prizližala jesen in tudi f>očitnice bodo za nami in šole bodo zopet odprte. Poletni pikniki bodo za nami in pričele se bodo prireditve po dvoranah in vas zato že sedaj opozarjam, da bomo tudi tukaj imele Penna in New York ZVEZIN DAN In gostiteljica bo podružnica št. 96 v Unity Jerome dvorani. Vabim vas, da bi se v velikem številu udeležile, če nas bo več, bo bolj veselo, saj je res lepo, da se vsaj enkrat na leto snidemo skupaj. Odbor je že na delu, da bo vse lepo pripravljeno in nas bodo lepo sprejele. Prosim, da jim sporočite do 15. sept. koliko rezervacij, da bo vedele za koliko ljudi pripraviti. Sporočite jim, da ne bo po nepotrebnem potrate, saj je vse tako drago. Iz Pittsburgha bomo imele posebni bus, zato Vas tudi prosim, da se priglasite čimprej. Pokličite našo tajnico, Mary Slaney, tel.,; 781-8886, ker jaz ne bom ta čas doma, bom pa doma za našo prireditev. Lep pozdrav vsem našim članicam in vsem bolnim pa želim ljubo zdravje. Pozdrav tudi gl. odboru. ANNA TRONTEL, pneds. ŠT. 30, AURORA, ILLINOIS LaGrange, III.: Danes bom pa pisala o moji pozabljivosti. Saj menda vsak človek kaj pozabi, kar je včasih res LEPI NAČRII ZA PENNA ZVEZIN DAN, 6. OKI. smeha vredno. Tako bom jaz opisala mojo pozabljivost. Bilo je nekega hladnega jutra, ko sem se pripravljala k zajutreku, pa sem morala obleči sveter, po zajutreku pa zopet v mojo sobo na jutranje delo in seveda nisem pozabila moje urice djati na mojo levo roko. Potem sva šle z mojo tovarišico na jutranji sprehod. Ko čez nekaj časa zopet pridem v svojo sobo, zapazim, da nimam urice na levi roki! Kje je urica, kam sem jo dala? Pogledam v škatljo, ni je; prevrnem vse predale, pregledam vse kote; urice nikjer — grem v jedilno sobo in vprašam osobje, nihče ni videl moje lepe urice; grem nazaj v mojo sobo, zopet iščem, da mi je postalo vroče in sem slekla sveter! A tedaj moje srečne oči zagledajo mojo zlato urico na desrni roki!! Rokav na svetru je bil dolg in tako zakril urico, da je nisem videla in pozabila sem, kdaj sem jo dala na desno roko. Pozabljivost prinese včasih težave, včasih pa smeh, kakor je meni in privoščim ga tudi vam! Se to: posebno sem se bala kaj bo rekel sin Herman, ki mi je to urico kupil pred mnogimi leti. Dne. 22. julija smo imeli pa zopet lep party. Zbrali smo se vsi starejši in pesmi so se vrstile ena za drugo. In Mrs. Jakush je zopet mene poklicala naj zapojem eno slovensko pesem. Okoražila sem se, ko so me druge vzpodbujale in zapela sem tisto; Slovenka sem, Slovenka sem, tako je mati d’jala, ko me je dete pestovala Zatorej dobro vem, Slovenec sem, Slovenec sem! In da ste videli kako so ploskali in Mrs. Jakush mi je se posebno zahvalila, da sem pomagala pri programu. In oako je Slovenka zopet zaživela, upam, da se ne bo zamirla! Lepo pozdravljam vse, FRANCES KRANTZ ST. 71, STRABANE, PENNSYLVANIA Vreme smo imele dolgo časa precej muhasto in mrzlo, toda sedaj nas Pa greje dobro sonce. Dne 29. maja je umrla dolgoletna članica, Mary Toplišek, ki zapušča dva sinova in 2 hčeri, ki sta naše članice, kakor tudi sinaha. Družini naše globoko sožalje. Pokojna naj počiva v hiiru božjem. Že sedaj vabim članice na sejo, ki bo dne 11. septembra. Prosim, da se Potrudite, da pridobimo kaj novih članic. Čla., Zofi Getzek se je nahajala v bolnišnici, sedaj s* zdravi doma. Njej in vsem bolnim sestram želim ljubo *dravje. Ne pozabite na sejo 11. sept. MARY TOMSIC ŠT. 96, UNIVERSAL, PENNSYLVANIA Na sejah imamo lepo udeležbo. Na dnevnem redu je bila razprava raznih stvari v korist podr., ker se biiža naša DRŽAVNA KONVENCIJA, ki bo dne 6. okt. v cerkvi St. Januarius v Renton, Ha. V načrtu imamo lep program, zato želim videti čimveč podružnic na naši 35 letnici ustanovitve. Na razpolago bodo vsakovrstne dobrote, saj imamo odlične kuharice. Sporočite, če pridete; to je prva nedelja v okt. ob eni uri. Veselo boste presenečene! V juniju so sorodniki Mr. in Mrs. Frank in Ančka Podobnik imeli surprise party v počastitev njune 62 letnice poroke. Ančka je naša čla. in smo ST. 84, BROOKLYN, NEW YORK Pri naši podr. je veliko bolanih članic in tudi jaz sem se šla zdravit v marcu v sončno Californijo. Obiskala sem žlahto v Fontani, kjer živi sestra mojega pok. moža, Mary Vidergar in Frank Vidergar. Imata 5 poročenih in eno ledično hčerko. Njihove družine so prav prijazne. Prišli so me čakati v Ontario Air, to je 60 milj od Los Angeles Airport. Svidenje po 8 letih je bilo res veselo in smo se zelo dobro imelii. Moja svakinja dela 2 dni na teden v Slovenskem domu. Ker je odlična kuharica, jo imajo gostje zelo radi. Ona napeče mnogo slovenskih slaščic in krofe, štrudeljne, krofe in potice. Gostje so v Domu zelo zadovoljni, saj je vse lepo, čisto in prijazno in zunaj po'n o cvetja ter cela meja rožmarina. Obiskale sva tudi Slovence in Slovenke, ki so v fontanskem nursing domu. Nekateri so reveži, ker si sami ne morejo pomagati, med njimi je tudi moja prijateljica Tončka Hočevar, ki me ni več spoznala, čeprav sva skupaj v šolo hodile, doma je iz Rodič pri Domžalah. Zelo dobro bi bilo, če bi imeli tudi Slovenski Nursing Home. Bog daj, da bi bila Mr. in Mrs. Alesh zdrava, da bi začela delati za nursing home. Mary me je vozila dvakrat na teden k zdravniku zaradi moje atritis v nogi. Tisti doktor mi je dal acupuncture in dobila sem 12 treatments ter mi je pomagalo, toda nc čisto. Mnogo ljudi hodi na to zdravljenje, toda jaz bi morala še nadaljevati. Nekateri se popolnoma pozdravijo, a drugim vsaj pomaga, da jim olajša bolečine. Nato sem se zopet odpeljala z letalom iz L.A. airport, kamor me je peljal Bill. Poletela sem do West Palm Beach, Florida nate Miami in potem bili vsi povabljeni na dom ses. Kathleen Podobnik, kjer je bila dobra zabava z godbo in mnogimi dobrotami. Hvala Kathleen! Dne 13. jun. se je za vedno poslovil naš sorodnik Lawrence Kokai, oče naše čla. Mary Yereb, sin Lawrence John in Frank in Jože in Ančka v Gorenji vasi v Poljanski dolini, Slovenija, članice smo šle večer pred pogrebom in molile rožni venec za pokoj njegove duše. Pok. je i>il tojen avgusta 188o v Stari Oselici nad Škofjo Loko. Družini iskreno sožalje! Pozdrav vsem odbornicam in članicam širom Amerike. Z Bogom! PAULA KOKAL v WPB, kjer me ie čakal sin Stanley z ženo Joan in vnukom Neli. Bilo je krasno vreme in bila sem utrujena ko smo dospeli do njihovega doma in 23. maja sem se zopet poslovila, ker se je poročila moja vnukinja Pat Allgaier. Moj sin živi v San Lucie Port, ki je lepo mesto, kjer živijo mnogi upokojeni poslovni ljudje. še to moram omeniti, da so naši Fontančani res veseli ljudje in imajo skoro vsaki teden kako veselico. Imajo dve dvorani; Slovenska Katoliška in dvorana Slov. Narodne Podporne Je-dnote. Imajo tudi veselo in delavno podružnico SŽZ. Udeležila sem se dveh sej in večerje. Te članice so tako pridne, da napečejo za seje in darujejo tiste, ki obhajajo svoje rojstne dneve. Lepo napredujejo. Hvala Vam, ki ste me tako lepo postregle. Elako imajo dober program društvo upokojencev in balincarji. Tam se ženske nič ne bojijo iti ven ob večerih. Vse ste mi v lepem spominu in prisrčna zahvala vsem za prijaznosti, posebno moji svakinji Maty. Mojo vnukinjo je poročil Fr. Jerome Selak, župnik slov. fare Sv. Jurija v So. Chicagu, ki je tudi poročil mojo hčerko Marion. Vem, da bosta srečna. V začetku junija pa je umrla naša čla. Barbara Rode v lepi starosti 85 let. Doma je bila iz Jarš pri Domžalah. Zapušča več sinov in hčera, ki živijo v bližini Cooperstown, N.Y. Bog ji daj v miru počivati. Družini naše sožalje. Prosim članice, pridite na sejo dne 14. septembra v soboto popoldne ob 1:30 pop., ko Vam bom poročala podrobneje o mojih potovanjih in zdravljenju. želim vsem ljubo zdravje in na svidenje 14. sept. Zadnja seja bo letos dne 14. dec. Pozdrav vsem članicam Slov. ženske Zveze. ANGELA VOJE >(KKK)00(>00OOOOv>OUOUO(X>OOOOtH)000(KH>OOUUOOVUuU Financial Report - Finančno Poročilo, June, 1974 Br. No.: Amount: Adults: Jr. R.: 80 81 12.50 15.80 13 28 — a 1 1 $110.10 180 66 83 6.70 15 — 2 254.85 407 199 84 33.00 42 2 d 3 150.80 256 128 85 — 35 1 4 11 — a 86 20.10 19 — 5 80 15 a 88 21.95 49 5 e 6 49.05 108 18 89 27.65 65 25 7 46.20 89 31 90 15.90 39 6 8 39 — 91 73.65 41 7 h 9 20 1 b 92 43.90 29 13 c 10 116.70 271 20 93 17.85 46 3 12 63.70 147 57 94 5.90 5 — 13 103 25 95 222.00 173 19 c 14 140.55 277 42 96 69.30 44 — i 15 83.65 172 6 97 6.20 14 — 16 108.70 156 67 99 4.60 13 — 17 36.20 152 103 100 33.40 46 15 19 47.80 94 11 101 25.65 32 11 20 362.50 355 112 c 102 — 36 4 21 59.80 107 45 103 — 20 14 22 15.50 15 — d 105 17.65 29 6 23 — 211 119 28 34 106 13.35 24 — 24 55.15 $5.842.80 7823 2171 25 291.35 549 131 e Remarks: Pd. in May a; Pd. to Dec. 26 68.45 120 36 69 21 32 2 b; May & June c; June & July d; May 27 28 29 43.55 9.10 28 4 e; April, May, June f; March, April g; July, August, Sept. h; May, June, July 30 1228.30 86 2 22 a 1. Income — dohodki June 1974: 31 73 Assessment: $5,842.80 32 107.95 180 62 Interest 1,099.72 33 116.90 183 137 Rent 210.00 34 19.45 35 4 Books sold 26.00 35 37 62.35 53 17 29 1 c State Tax Dep. Bonds sold 30.62 5,000.00 38 49.00 96 39 — 44 4 a Total: $12,209.14 40 57.15 105 2 Bond asset: —5,000.00 41 67.70 171 29 7,209.14 42 24.40 50 2 Total income: 43 264.75 200 109 c DISBURSEMENTS — STROSKI 45 18.50 37 11 JUNE 1974 46 13.45 31 3 Claims pd.; plačane 47 58.15 105 38 zavarovalnine: $2,050.00 49 — 27 — Salaries — plače 1,225.00 50 379.50 274 53 c Administration 1,603.00 52 34.30 54 20 Fuel & Water — kurjava, voda 133.02 54 — 49 31 F.I.C.A. Tax — Soc. Zavarov 71.70 55 29.85 54 19 Zarja J'une issue 1,719.18 56 41.25 87 7 Office Rent 75.00 57 31.85 56 15 f Office supplies 14.20 59 41.10 26 — Postage & Teleph. 37.94 61 — 5 — Accrued interest 65.26 62 — 20 — a Bowling 43.00 63 103.45 88 23 g Miscell. — razno 36.50 64 — 40 1 US Treasury Bond 10,338.75 65 — 39 20 66 30.70 52 18 17,412.55 67 47.20 67 8 Bond new asset: —10,338.75 68 37.95 58 26 * 70 — 13 1 a Total disbursement - stroški: $7,073.80 71 56.00 112 38 Income in June: $7,209.14 72 — 19 — a Disbursements: —7,073.80 73 52.35 95 56 74 26 1 Gain in June 1974: 135.34 77 18.50 39 24 FANIKA HUMAR, 79 — 36 18 a Secretary Odile M H) VechcM V zadjniih dveh mesecih je Zveza izgubila 43 zvestih članic, katere bomo vedno ohranili v blagem spominu! % /Mih# ftteincrif Dearly departed officers and members of S.W.U. are listed below. We lost 43 of our most loyal sisters. May they rest in peace! June, 1974: Katarina Rozman, 8, Steelton, Pa. Mary Ozanich, 9, Detroit, Mich. Mary Wayer, 10, C'eveland, O. Agnes Zagorc, 10, Cleveland, O. Mark J. Dezman (Jr.), 12, M