Bled Workshops in Physics Vol. 10, No. 1 P. 6 Renormalization and universality of NN interactions in Chiral Quark and Soliton Models * E. Ruiz Arrióla and A. Calle Cordón Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear, Universidad de Granada, E-18071 Granada, Spain Abstract. We use renormalization as a tool to extract universal features of the NN interaction in quark and soliton nucleon models, having the same long distance behaviour but different short distance components. While fine tuning conditions in the models make difficult to fit NN data, the introduction of suitable renormalization conditions supresses the short distance sensitivity. Departures from universality are equivalent to extracting information on the model nucleon structure. 1 Introduction The meson exchange picture has played a key role in the development of Nuclear Physics [1,2]. However, the traditional difficulty has been a practical need to rely on short distance information which is hardly accessible directly but becomes relevant when nucleons are placed off-shell. From a theoretical point of view this is unsatisfactory since one must face uncertainties not necessarily linked to our deficient knowledge at long distances and which are difficult to quantify. On the other hand, the purely field theoretical derivation yields potentials which present short distance singularities, thereby generating ambiguities even in the case of the widely used One Boson Exchange (OBE) potential. Consider, for instance, the venerable One Pion Exchange (OPE) NN —> NN potential which for r = 0 reads Vnn.nnM = Ti ■ ■ a2Wln(r) + Ti ■ T2S12W-|n(r) , (1) where the tensor operator S12 = 3ct1 ■ %ct2 ■ % — ct1 ■ ct2 has been introduced and W^(t) =^%NYo(m7tr) , w|«(r) = ^%^Y2(m7tr). (2) 3 4n 3 4n Here Y0(x) = e-x/x and Y2(x) = e-x/x(1 + 3/x + 3/x2) and fnNN = mngnNN/ (2Mn); fnNN/(4n) = 0.07388 for g„NN = 13.08. As we see, the OPE potential presents a 1 /r3 singularity, but it can be handled unambiguously mathematically and with successful deuteron phenomenology [3]. Nonetheless, the standard way out to avoid the singularities in this and the more general OBE case is to implement vertex functions for the meson-baryon-baryon coupling (mAB) in the OBE * Talk delivered by E. Ruiz Arriola potentials. This correspondins to a folding in coordinate space which in momentum space becomes the multiplicative replacement VmABÎqH VmAB(q) [jmAB^2)]' (3) where q2 = qO — q2 is the 4-momentum. Standard choices are to take form factors of the mono-pole [1] and exponential [2] parameterizations pmon 1 mNN (q2 ) = A2 m A2 CN N(q2) = exp q2 m A2 (4) fulfilling the normalization condition rmNN(m2) = 1. Due to an extreme fine-tuning of the interaction, mainly in the 1 So channel, OBE potential models have traditionally needed a too large 9o>nn to overcome the mid range attraction implying one of the largest 40%) SU(3) violations known to date. In our recent works [4-9] we discuss how this problem may be circumvented with the help of renormalization ideas which upon imposing short distance insensitivity sidestep the fine tuning problem and allow natural SU(3) values to be adopted in such a way that form factors and heavy mesons play a more marginal role. Contrarily to what one might naively think, renormalization reduces the short distance dependence provided, of course, removing the cut-off and the imposed renormalization conditions are mutually compatible operations. Of course, the extended character of the nucleon as a composite and bound state of three quarks has motivated the use of microscopic models of the nucleon to provide an understanding of the short range interaction besides describing hadronic spectroscopy; quark or soliton models endow the nucleon with its finite size and incorporate basic requirements from the Pauli principle at the quark level or as dictated by the equivalent topology [10-13]. While much effort has been invested into determining the short range interactions, there is a plethora of models and related approximations; it is not obvious what features of the model are being actually tested. In fact, NN studies set the most stringent nucleon size oscillator constant value bN = 0.518fm [13] from S-waves and deuteron properties which otherwise could be in a wider range bN = 0.4 — 0.6fm. This shows that quark models also suffer from a fine tuning problem. In this contribution we wish to focus on the common and universal patterns of the various approaches and to show how these fine tunings can be reduced to a set of renormalization conditions. 2 q 2 The relevant scales From a fundamental point of view the NN interaction should be obtained as a natural solution of the 6-q system. However, in order to describe the NN interaction it is far more convenient to study two 3-q clusters with nucleon quantum numbers, a procedure also applied in recent lattice QCD investigations of the nuclear force [14,15]. NN scattering in the elastic region corresponds to resolve distances about the minimal de Broglie wavelength associated to the first inelastic pion production threshold, NN —> NNn, and corresponds to take 2ECM = 2MN + mn yielding pcm = a/ux^Mn = 360MeV which means Amin - 1 /^Mn = 0.5fm. This scale is smaller than 1 n and 2n exchange (TPE) with Compton wavelengths 1.4 and 0.7fm respectively. Other length scales in the problem are comparable and even shorter namely 1) Nucleon size, 2) Correlated meson exchanges and 3) Quark exchange effects. All these effects are of similar range and, to some extent, redundant. In a quark model the constituent quark mass is related to the Nucleon and vector meson masses through Mq = MN/Nc = MV/2 which for Nc = 3 colours gives the estimate Mq = 310 — 375MeV. Exchange effects due to e.g. One-Gluon-Exchange are ~ e-2Mq r since they correspond to the probability of finding a quark in the opposite baryon. This follows from complete Vector Meson Dominance (for a review see e.g. [16]), which for the isoscalar baryon density, Pb (r), and assuming independent particle motion yields d3 xeiqx(N|pB (x)|N) = 4n i i Mw drr2|fr(r)|2j0(qr) - (5) MV + q2 suggesting a spectroscopic factor ^(r) ~ e at large distances. As we have said and we will discuss below these effects are somewhat marginal but if they ought to become visible they should reflect the correct asymptotic behaviour. In the constituent quark model the CM motion can be easily extracted assuming harmonic oscillator wave functions, ^(r) ~ e-b2t2/2 [10,11,13] which yield Gaussian form factors falling off much faster than the experimental ones. Skyrme models without vector mesons yield instead topological Baryon densities pB (r) ~ e-3mnT/r7[12] corresponding to the outer pion cloud contributions which are longest range but pressumably yield only a fraction of the radius. In any case quark-exchange looks very much like direct vector meson exchange potential which is ~ e-MvT. 3 Chiral quark soliton model Most high precision NN potentials providing x2/DOF < 1 need to incorporate universally the One-Pion-Exchange (OPE) potential (including charge symme- try breaking effects) while the shorter range is described by many and not so similarly looking interactions [17]. This is probably a confirmation that chiral symmetry is spontaneously broken at longer distances than confinement, since hadronization has already taken place. It also suggests that in a quark model aiming at describing NN interactions the pion must be effectively included. Chi-ral quark models accomplish this explicitly under the assumption that confinement is not crucial for the binding of n, N and A. Pure quark models including confinement or not have to face in addition the problem of recovering the pion from quark-gluon dynamics. In between, hybrid models have become practical and popular [10,11,13]. As mentioned, all these scales around the confinement scale are mixed up. Because these effects are least understood and trigger side effects such as spurious colour Van der Waals forces arising from Hidden color singlet states [88]a states [18,19] in the (presumably doubtful) adiabatic approximation, we will cavalierly ignore the difficulties by remaining in a regime where confinement is not expected to play a role and stay with standard chiral quark models. While both the constituent chiral quark model and the Skyrme soliton model look very disparate the Chiral Quark Soliton Model embeds both models in the small and the large soliton limit respectively 1. We analyze the intuitive non-relativistic chiral quark model (NRCQM) explicitly and comment on the soliton case where similar patterns emerge. The comparison stresses common aspects of the quark soliton model pictures which could be true features of QCD. While the long distance universality between both NRCQM and Skyrme soliton model NN calculations may appear somewhat surprising this is actually so because in a large Nc framework both models are just different realizations of the contracted spin-flavour symmetry [23]. 4 The non-relativistic chiral quark model To fix ideas it is instructive to consider the chiral-quark model which corresponds to the Gell-Mann-Levy sigma model Lagrangean at the quark level [24] (the nonlinear version suggested in Ref. [25] will be discussed below), £ = q(ij8-g7tqq(ff + iY5T-7t))q + - [(9^ct)2 + (9^7r)2] -U(ct,tt) (6) where U(a,n) = A2(ct2 + n2 — v2)2/8 — f^m^a is the standard Mexican hat potential implementing both spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry as well as PCAC yielding the Goldberger-Treiman relation Mq = gnqqfn = g2qqfn at the constituent quark level. When this model is interpreted from a gradient expansion of the NJL model quarks are regarded as valence quarks whereas kinetic meson terms arise from the polarization of the Dirac sea and m2 = 4Mqq + m^, which for Mq = MN/3 = MV/2 yields m2 = 650 — 770MeV. In the heavy constituent quarks limit the model implies 1 n and 1 a exchange potentials, Vlq ' (r) qq Vlq ' (r) = g 4M2 q d3p J2n)3 ,ipr (aq • p)(aq' • p) 52 + m2 qq nqq d3p ,ip r_ 1 g nqq 4n (2n)3 p2 + m2 whence baryon properties can be obtained by solving the Hamiltonian (7) H = Z i=1 p? 2MC + Mq P2 + Y_ v(*i - xi) = 2m + NcMi + Hint ; i oo, reducing to just OPE. The results for the phase shifts in the lowest partial waves are presented in Fig. 1. Note the bad 1 So phase. To improve on this the long distance OPE transition potential is taken Vab;cd (R) = (tab • Tcd M Cab • CCD AB;CD(R) + [Si2]ab;cd [W|n]AB;CD (R)} , (18) where the tensor term is defined as S12 = 3(cab • R)(ctcd • R) — 4 4 = 4A © 20S © 20M, © 20M2. Due to colour antisymmetry only the symmetric state survives which spin-isospin, (S,T), decomposition is20s = (7, 7) © (f, §) = N © A yielding N - A degeneracy. Since Ma — MN is large at nuclear scales, one might still treat the Nucleon quartet N = (p T,P T,n i) as the fundamental rep. of the old Wigner-Hund SU(4) symmetry which implies spin independence, in particular that Vi So (r) = VsS, (r) at all distances suggesting that phases 6i So (p) = 6sSl (p) in contradiction to data (see e.g. Fig. 1). The amazing finding of Ref. [6] was that assuming identical potentials Vi So (r) = VsSl (r) for r > rc —> 0 one has pcot6is (p =-c pcotSsg (p =-1 23 0 ai So C (p)+ D(p) 1 asS, C (p) + D(p) where the functions A(p), B(p), C(p) and D(p) are identical in both channels, but the experimentally different scattering lengths a,So = —23.74fm and a3S, = 3 Molecular methods used in the Skyrme model [36,37,12] are replaced by evaluating model form factor yielding regularized Meson Exchange potentials [38] where the only remnant of the model is in the meson-form factors. 5.42fm yield quite different phase shifts with a fairly good agreement. Thus, Wigner symmetry is broken by very short distance effects and hence corresponds to a long distance symmetry (a symmetry broken only by counterterms). Moreover, large Nc [23] suggests that Wigner symmetry holds only for even L, a fact verified by phase shift sum rules [6]. In Refs. [7,8] we analyze further the relation to the old Serber symmetry which follows from vanishing P-waves in S = 1 channels, showing how old nuclear symmetries are unveiled by coarse graining the NN interaction via the Vlowk framework [42] and with testable implications for Skyrme forces in mean field calculations [43]. The chiral quark model is supposedly an approximate non-perturbative description, but perturbative gluons may be introduced by standard minimal coupling [13], id —^ id + gAa ■ Aj/2 with Aj the N2 — 1 Gell-Mann colour matrices. A source of SU(4) breaking is the contact one gluon exchange which yields spin-colour chromo-magnetic interactions (Sij is the tensor operator), i(rr)__-_Sf ij 4mimjrij ij (24) breaking the A — N degeneracy. This short distance terms break also the 1 S° and 3S1 degeneracy of the NN system providing an understanding of the long distance character of Wigner symmetry. Taking the Wigner symmetric zero energy state and perturbing around it, the previous argument suggests that 1 /as S1 — 1 /ai So = 0(Ma — Mn ) with a computable coefficient. 8 Conclusions Chiral Quark and Soliton models while quite different in appearance provide some universal behaviour regarding NN interactions. If the asymptotic potentials coincide, the main differences in describing the scattering data are due to a few low energy constants which in some cases are subjected to extreme fine tuning of the model parameters. The success of the model at finite energy is mainly reduced to reproducing these low energy parameters. One of us (E.R.A.) warmly thanks M. Rosina, B. Golli and S. Sirca for the invitation and D. R. Entem, F. Fernandez, M. Pavon Valderrama and J. L. Goity for discussions. 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