ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT BRITISH - UNITED STATES ZONE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOLUME VI No. 23 - 21 August 1953 Published by the A. M. G. F. T. T. under the Authority of the Commander British • United States Forces, Free Territory of Trieste. La Edltoriale Librarla S. p. A., Trieste • 1953 A.M.G. OFFICIAL GAZETTE PUBLICATION : on 1st, 11th and 2)st of each month. (In the month of January it is published only on 11th and 21st, whereas in the month of December it is published also on 31st). Edition „bis“ (Civil Insertions) on 1st and 15th of each month. PRICE : one copy, 60 Lire. SALE: Office of the Zone President, „Eeonomato“, „Prefettura“ Palace, 2nd floor, room 60, daily from 10.00 hrs to 12.00 hrs. SUBSCRIPTIONS: only half-yearly; subscriptions are accepted at the Directorate of Legal Affairs, Public Works Building, Via del Teatro Romano N° 17, room N° 10 groundfloor. a) for the three bound versions of the Gazette................ 3.240.— Lire b) for one version only, either English, Italian or Slovene... 1.080.— Lire c) for one copy of „bis“ issues (civil insertions) either in Italian or in Slovene ..................................... 720.— Lire Payment through postal order or bank-check to the name of „Gazzetta G.M.A., Prefettura di Trieste“. INSERTIONS: must be drawn up on 200 Lire stamp-paper or on stamp-like paper for those which, pursuant to law provisions, enjoy the privilege of exemption from stamp-duty. Price of insertions : 7 Lire for each word or figure excluding punctuation. Payment through bank-check to the name of “Gazzetta G.M.A., Prefettura di Trieste“, Presentation of insertions : Directorate of Legal Affairs, A.M.G., Public Works Building, Via del Teatro Romano N° 17, groundfloor, room N° 10 ; Tel. 83-33, 78-88, ext. 76, daily from 09.00 hrs to 12.30 hrs and from 15.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs, excluding Wednesdays and Saturdays afternoon. NOTE : Insertions must be presented five days and notices for the convening of Meetings three Working days prior to the date of publication of the Gazette. Complaints or researches concerning insertions must always refer to the number of the insertion concerned which corresponds to that of the receipt issued. GAZETTE OFFICE: A.M.G. Headquarters, Room N° 196. Telephone: 29701, 29794 ext. 110; daily from 09.00 hrs to 12.30 hrs and from 15.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs, excluding Wednesdays and Saturdays afternoon. CORRESPONDENCE: Directorate of Legal Affairs, Gazette Office, A.M.G., Trieste. ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT British - United States Zone-Free Territory of Trieste Order No. Ill EXAMINATION FOR PROCURATORS LEGALE FOR 1953 "WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to make provision for examinations for qualifying as Procurators Legale for the year 1953 in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-XJnited States Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone“), NOW, THEREFORE, I, BERNICE M. McFADTEN, Major General, Acting Zone Commander, ORDER: ARTICLE I ANNOUNCEMENT OF EXAMINATIONS AND DATES OF WRITTEN TESTS Section 1. — Examinations for qualifying as Procuratore Legale, Court of Appeal of Trieste, are hereby announced open to all qualified candidates residing in the Zone. Section 2. — Written tests will be held at 0900 hours on the following dates at such place in Trieste as the Examining Commission shall appoint: 27 November 1953 — Substantive Civil and Administrative Law; 28 November 1953 — Civil and Penal Procedure. ARTICLE II APPLICATIONS FOR ADMISSION Section 1. ■—- Applications for admission, addressed to the Examining Commission, Court of Appeal, Trieste, must be lodged not later than 30 September 1953. Section 2. — Admission tax will be lire 1.600. ARTICLE III CONFIRMATION OR MODIFICATION OF' PRECEDING PROVISIONS Section 1. — The provisions of Order No. 65, dated 24 January 1946 shall remain in effect as regards the present examinations in so far as they are not ¡incompatible with this Order. Section 2. — The provisions of Article I, Seotions 1 and 3 of Order No. 7o, dated 13 February 1946, shall remain in effect as regards the examinations provided for by the present Order. EXAMINING COMMISSION The Examining Commission shall be appointed by a successive Administrative Order. ARTICLE V EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 13th day of August 1953. H. R. EMERY Colonel GS Chief of Staff for BERNICE M. McFADYEN Major General Ref. : LD/A/531126 Acting Zone Commander Notice No. 51 MINIMUM WAGES FOR PERSONNEL EMPLOYED BY KEEPERS OF COFFEE-HOUSES BARS AND SIMILAR SHOPS NOTICE is hereby given that the .Minimum Wages Arbitration Board established pursuant to Order No. 63 dated 1 December 1947, has issued in respect of personnel employed by keepers of coffee-houses, bars and similar shops, not members of category associations or not subject to collective contracts the following Award : LODO: ARTICOLO 1 L’efficacia del lodo pubblicato con l’avviso No. 54 sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale di data 21 agosto 1952, si intende prorogata sino al 31 maggio 1954, con l’aggiunta indicata nell’articolo che segue. ARTICOLO 2 Alle modalità per la corresponsione della gratificazione natalizia, prevista nei lodi arbitrali precedenti, che il presente lodo richiama in vigore, va aggiunta la clausola seguente : „Nel caso di inizio o di cessazione del rapporto di lavoro nel corso delTanno, verranno corrisposti tanti dodicesimi della gratificazione natalizia, quanti saranno stati i mesi di servizio compiuti. Frazioni di mese superiori a quindici giorni, varranno a tali effetti per mese intero“. Sarà considerata legittima una richiesta di revisione del presente lodo in data anteriore a quella prevista all’art. 1, solamente nel caso in cui avesse a subire delle modificazioni il trat. tamento economico del personale disciplinato dal contratto collettivo di categoria. Letto, confermato e sottoscritto Trieste, 24 giugno 1953. Il Presidente : I Componenti : I Consulenti tecnici Ratificato : 24 luglio 1953 Sgd. : W. LEVITIJS V/Capo Dipartimento del Lavoro Dated at TRIESTE, this llth day of August 1953. Sgd. Walter LE VITUS „ Natale ACERBI „ Francesco DEGRASSI „ Livio NOVELLI „ Ferruccio GRATTON „ Nicolò PASE „ Giovanni POLI Ref.: LDIC/53148 Dr. Eng. E. de PETRIS Chief, Department of Labour Notice No, 52 MINIMUM WAGES FOR PERSONNEL EMPLOYED BY INN AND RESTAURANT KEEPERS NOTICE is hereby given that the Minimum Wages Arbitration Board established pursuant to Order No. 63 dated 1 December 1947 has issued in respect of personnel employed by inn cmd restaurant keepers not members of category associations or not subject to collective labor contracts, the following Award : LODO: ARTICOLO UNICO L’efficacia del lodo pubblicato con l’avviso n. 44 sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale di data 21 luglio 1952, si intende prorogata sino al 31 maggio 1954. Sarà considerata legittima una richiesta di revisione di data anteriore alla precedente, solamente, in caso di modificazioni del trattamento economico applicato ai lavoratori disciplinati dal relativo contratto di categoria. Letto, confermato e sottoscritto Trieste, 25 giugno 1953. Il Presidente: Sgd. Walter LEVITTJS I Componenti : - „ Felice MEZZARI „ Natale ACERBI „ Livio NOVELLI Ferruccio GRATTON I Consulenti tecnici : M Nicolò PASE „ Egidio FIJRLAN Ratificato : 24 luglio 1953 Sgd. : W. LEVITUS V/Capo Dipartimento del Lavoro Dated at TRIESTE, this llth day of August 1953. Dr. Eng. E. de PETRIS Ref. : LD/CI53I49 Chief, Department of Labour Notice No. 53 MINIMUM WAGES FOR WORKERS IN THE EMPLOY OF MASTER TAILORS- HANDICRAFTSMEN NOTICE is hereby given that the Minimum Wages Arbitration Board established pursuant to Order No. 63 dated 1 December 1947 has issued in respect of workers in the employ of master tailors-handicraftsmen, not members of category associations or not subject to collective contracts, the following Award: L 0 D 0: ARTICOLO UNICO L’efficacia del lodo pubblicato con l’avviso n. 55 sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale di data 21 agosto 1952, si intende prorogata sino al 31 maggio 1954. Sarà considerata legittima ima richiesta di revisione di data anteriore a quella prevista al comma précédente, solamente nel caso di modificazioni nel trattamento economico del personale disciplinato dal relativo contratto di categoria. Letto, confermato e sottoscritto Trieste, 26 giugno 1953. Ratificato : 24 luglio 1953 Sgd. : Avv. W. LEVITUS V/Capo Dipartimento del Lavoro Il Presidente : I Componenti i I Consulenti tecnici : Sgd. Walter LEVITUS „ Bruno PERENTIN „ Pietro ROZZA „ Ferruccio GRATTON „ Livio NOVELLI „ Egidio FURLAN „ Giovanni POLI Dated at TRIESTE, this llth day of August 1953. Ref. : LD/C/53/50 Dr. Eng. E. de PETRIS Chief, Department of Labour Notice No. 54 MINIMUM WAGES FOR PERSONNEL EMPLOYED BY KNITTED GOODS ARTISAN- WORKSHOPS NOTICE is hereby given that the Minimum Wages Arbitration Board, constituted 'pursuant to Order No. 63 dated 1 December 1917, has issued in respect of personnel employed by knitted goods artisan-workshops not members of category associations or not subject to collective contracts, the following Award: L OD 0: ARTICOLO UNICO L’efficacia del lodo pubblicato sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale di data 21 agosto 1952 con l’avviso n. 60, si intende prorogata sino al 31 maggio 1954. Sarà considerata legittima una richiesta di revisione di data anteriore a quella prevista nel comma precedente, solamente nel caso di modificazioni del trattamento economico goduto dal personale disciplinato dal relativo contratto di categoria. Letto, confermato e sottoscritto Trieste, 27 giugno 1953. Il Presidente : Sgd. I Componenti : „ I Consulenti tecnici : Walter LEVITUS Anna Maria NICOLETTI Bruno PERENTIN Livio NOVELLI Guido BORZAGHINI Egidio FURLAN Giovanni d’ ELIA Ratificato : 24 luglio 1953 Sgd. : W. LEVITUS V/Capo Dipartimento del Lavoro Dr. Eng. E. de PETRIS Ref. : LDfCI53f51 Chief, Department of Labour Notice No. 55 MINIMUM WAGES FOR PERSONNEL EMPLOYED BY ELECTRIC LAMP AND LUMINOUS TUBES FACTORIES Notice is hereby given that the Minimum Wages Arbitration Board, constituted pursuant to Order No. 63 dated 1 December 1917, has issued in respect of personnel employed by electric lamp and luminous tubes factories, not member of category associations or not subject to collective contracts, the following Award: LODO: L’efficacia del lodo pubblicato con l’avviso No. 15 sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale di data 1° marzo 1953, si intende prorogata sino al 31 maggio 1954. Sarà considerata legittima una richiesta di revisione in data anteriore a quella prevista al comma precedente, solamente nel caso di modificazione del trattamento economico previsto per i lavoratori disciplinati dal contratto collettivo di categoria. Letto, confermato e sottoscritto Trieste, 30 giugno 1953. Il Presidente : I Componenti : I Consulenti tecnici : Ratificato : 24 luglio 1953 Sgd. : W. LEVITUS V/Capo Dipartimento del Lavoro Dated at TRIESTE, this llth day of August 1953. Eef. : LD/C/53/52 . Walter LEVITUS Artuor FONDA Bruno MARI Paolo ROSSETTI Guido BORZAGHINI Giovanni POLI Nicolò PASE Dr. Eng. E. de PETRIS Chief, Department of Labour CONTENTS Order No. Ill' Examination for Procuratore Legale for 1953.................... 365 Notice No. 51 Minimum wages for personnel employed by keepers of coffee-houses bars and similar shops .......................................................... 366 No. 52 Minimum wages for personnel employed by inn and restaurant keepers.. .. 367 No. 53 Minimum wages for workers in the employ of master tailors-handieraftsmen 368 No. 54 Minimum wages for personnel employed by knitted goods artisan-workshops 369 No. 55 Minimum wages for personnel employed by electric lamp and luminous tubes factories ......................................................................369