Adobe Systems 1 | 2014 | | | Learning Parade 2014 Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik MSc, SIAE The second version of the 'Learning Parade – days of learning communities' (LP) provided for colourful experiences in local environments, and affirmed the approach made possible for us by the European project 'EAAL 2012–2014'. More on page 3 in Slovenska Bistrica Brigita Kruder MA, Slovenska Bistrica Adult Education Centre The LP had an important impact on community life in the local environment. Around 1,800 people took advantage of the opportunity for lifelong learning in the broadest sense of the term. Other actions ran simultaneously in the town square. More on page 5 in Škofja Loka Tanja Avman, Škofja Loka Adult Education Centre The LP has enabled us to enhance the traditional festival part of LLW with a rich programme on stage and various workshops for all generations, and through the holding of a professional event. More on page 7 in Velenje Vesna Elsner, Velenje Adult Education Centre A highly important part of the LP was the exhibition 'Lighthouses of knowledge' (there were more than 1,000), which was put together by all the organisations involved in education in Velenje. More on page 8 in Koper Kristina Udovič Kocjančič, Koper Adult Education Centre Free career and adult education guidance, practical demonstrations, cooking, make-up, short computer courses, puppet making, fairy-tale telling, singing and dancing, everything – all in one day in one place. More on page 9 in Maribor Neža Bojnec Naterer, Maribor Adult Education Centre For the professional part of the LP, which took place on the afternoon of the same day at the institute’s office, a talk was given by the young Slovenian writer, director, columnist and two-time Kresnik award winner, Goran Vojnović. More on page 10 in Postojna Erika Švara, Postojna Adult Education Centre The LP was livened up by the opening of the renovated town park, where – to symbolise the Parade slogan 'Knowledge grows' – we planted a tree, for which we hope it will grow promisingly together with knowledge in our region. More on page 11 in Ljubljana Simona Šinko, Ljubljana City Library Prešeren Square was full of visitors, who followed events on the stage with broad smiles, wandered among the stands or got to make things in workshops. The responses were very positive, and at the end we heard: »See you at LP 2015«! More on page 12 The LP enriched us all Project working group at SIAE with the Ljubljana LP co-creators The project was an opportunity to take some bold steps into the unknown. For this we were greatly rewarded with warm relations with our partners, and we gained invaluable motivation for further work from the participants, at whom our efforts were aimed. Jointly, we contributed to something ground-breaking and outstanding. Contents Project successfully completed 3–4 Learning Parade 2014 5–14 Videos express more 15–17 Learning together 18–19 E-corner 19 Closing remarks 20 Published by: Slovenian Institute for Adult Education, Šmartinska 134a, 1000 Ljubljana | Editor: Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik, MSc (T: 01 5842 567, E: | Translation: Amidas, d.o.o. | Proof reading: Mateja Pečar and Ajda Turk | Design: David Fartek | Technical realisation: Franci Lajovic The Learning parade 2014 e-bulletin is one of the ‘Implementation of the renewed European Agenda for Adult Lea rning (EAAL) 2012–2014 in Slovenia’ project outcomes. It has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. The publication is available at: Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Adobe Systems Project successfully completed Implementation of the Renewed EAAL 2012–2014 has triggered events in Slovenia that are now strongly anchored in our practice. At the same time we can say with certainty that we have established numerous lasting partnerships and have motivated a great many people throughout the country to learn. European and national background The Council Resolution on a renewed European Agenda for Adult Learning (EAAL) 2012–2014 was published in 2011. It is intended for the activation of the potential of adult education, i.e. to contribute to the overcoming of the crisis, mitigating the consequences of demographic trends, and maintaining a balance between the economic and humanistic development of society. National coordinators who are responsible for the implementation of the EAAL have designed projects related to priority fields of the renewed strategy: • Making lifelong learning and mobility a reality; more >> • Improving the quality and efficiency of education and training; more >> • Promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship; more >> • Enhancing the creativity and innovation of adults and their learning environments; more >> • Improving the knowledge base on adult learning and monitoring the adult learning sector; more >> The EAAL guidelines have the character solely of recommendations due to the fact that European cooperation in the field of education is founded on the principle of subsidiarity. In Slovenia, the policy and strategy of adult education set out in the Resolution on the National Adult Education Programme (RNAEP) 2013–2020 and in individual Annual Adult Education Programmes has been formulated in a similar spirit and is harmonised with the messages of the EAAL. This applies especially to promoting the inclusion of adults in all forms of education and learning, where special attention is focused on those with less education and other vulnerable groups. In the RNAEP Slovenia set the following targets: • Raising the educational level of the population and the level of basic ability, • Increasing the employability of the active population, • Improving the scope for learning and involvement in education, and • Improving the general education of the population. Raising public awareness about the importance of adult education and lifelong learning is among activities needed for the implementation of the RNAEP. Since 1996 we have been active in this field implementing the Slovenian learning festival and other promotional approaches. Awareness raising was the key aim of the Slovenian project The Slovenian 2-year project was intended for the popularisation of the EAAL's key messages and educational policy measures at EU and national level. Above all, it was designed for awareness raising on the importance and omnipresence of adult education and lifelong learning as well as on opportunities that are available for the adult population. The role of national/project coordinator was taken by the Slovenian Institute for Adult Education (SIAE), the umbrella institution for the development of adult education. The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (MESS) contributed directly to project financing, while the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities (MLFSAEO) contributed indirectly by financially supporting basic SIAE's promotional work. Namely, project activities were related to and upgraded existing national endeavours, especially the Slovenian ‘Lifelong Learning Week’ (LLW) and the promotional campaign ‘Role models attract’. Via video-publications the topics of assuring high quality adult education to the unemployed, providing programmes for the development of basic skills and key competences in rural areas, guidance and recognition of non-formal learning and community learning have been presented. The latter was studied in detail so that the definition of a learning community was set up and tested via interviews with various stakeholders. Successfully, all envisaged project outcomes were produced: the ‘Learning Parade – days of learning communities’ in 2013 and 2014 (LP), four videos on examples of good practice, the definition of a learning community and the e-corner with information on e-learning. They are described in the following paragraphs. Activities were supported by a very complex project website filled with information and multimedia materials. Due to the fact that the project will go on, the site will be accessible in the future as well. Project achievements were presented also in the Facebook (Due to the fact that the project will go on, the site will be accessible in the future as well. Project achievements were presented also in the Facebook (Due to the fact that the project will go on, the site will be accessible in the future as well. Project achievements were presented also in the Facebook ( The project addressed all target groups, i.e. policy makers, representatives from the practical and professional spheres in adult education, the media and the general public, with special attention going to learners and the educationally disadvantaged. At some LP events learners joined in actively as ‘ambassadors of learning’, while we addressed the issue of how to achieve inclusion of vulnerable target groups mainly in expert events that accompanied the LP and at dissemination events for the aforementioned video publications. Project activities were also supported by politicians, with patronage being assumed on the national level by Slovenian President Borut Pahor, while on the local level this was provided by mayors, who at all the venues expressed support for adult education and for those who provide it in the local community. In their opening addresses to visitors they were joined by the highest representatives of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports. The final two LPs of 2014 hosted a representative of the European Commission, Dr Ramunas Kuncaitis, and representatives of the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science, Valentina Deykova, Iva Nikolova and Rossitsa Panova. Exchanges at the European level Under the aegis of the European Commission, the network of national coordinators (NCs) has regularly met and exchanged experiences of implementing projects that differ considerably in content from country to country. In 2014 we have once again taken part in a number of international events and served as disseminators of information from the European to the national and local levels, as well as the other way round. We have reported on this regularly in the e-Novičke, the SIAE monthly publication, and on the dedicated project website. The last meeting of the NCs' network was in April this year, when we reported on activities carried out and on those planned up to the expiry of the project on 31 August 2014. We were also briefed on the characteristics of the new tender, which will allow a continuation of the renewed EAAL in the period from 1 November 2014 to 30 October 2015. Currently our applications are in the verification process, and in Slovenia we hope that we can accompany the 20th anniversary of LLW in 2015 with a third Learning Parade (LP) and 21 events on the topic of promoting adult skills (so called ‘PAS events’). Results of our project were presented at two events of other national coordinators. On 20 June 2014, on the invitation of the Danish Association for Adult Education – DAEA, national coordinators of learning festivals from Ireland, the Netherlands and Slovenia took part in the seminar ‘Learning Days in Denmark – how do we move on?'. After holding the Learning Days five times, our Danish counterparts are facing the dilemma whether to continue with their efforts in spite of the low response from the widest public and other potential stakeholders. They were interested in how to engage local learning providers to a greater extent, how to create national attention, how does the economy of LLW work, which are our biggest successes and how were they achieved. On the 26 June 2014, we took part in the closing conference of the Estonian national coordinator – the Estonian Association for Adult Education (ANDRAS). The Estonians designed their project around seminars carried out in six (out of fifteen) counties with the aim to find answers to the question on how to reach people who are in greatest need of information, support and motivation for participation. In the June conference with the title 'Key to bringing adults back to the educational system lies in cooperation' we presented results of the Slovenian project with emphasis on the Learning Parade and video-production. In the first half of May the SIAE director, Andrej Sotošek MSc, attended a three-day international conference held by Scotland´s Learning Partnership entitled 'International Learning Times'. The overarching topic of the event was promotion of the renewed EAAL, so in the working groups he had the chance to explain our experiences in stimulating the population with the LLW and LP campaigns. Another opportunity for exchanging experiences was presented by the participation of the SIAE representative, Tanja Vilič Klenovšek MA, at the May seminar of the Netherlands’ NC on the topic of linking up three European instruments, the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET), the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and the approaches of evaluating non-formally and informally acquired adult knowledge and skills. She presented the results of the ESF project 'Development of literacy and determining and recognising non-formal learning 2011 to 2014' headed by the SIAE. Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik MSc, SIAE Learning Parade 2014 Two years ago a still unknown concept, now an established approach to promoting adult education and lifelong learning! The LP has inspired both old and young, and included learners and those who are wavering. It has motivated the organisers towards even greater innovation and has rewarded them with a wealth of responses. From 9 to 17 May 2014 the Learning Parade (LP) featured events at seven new locations (in Slovenska Bistrica, Škofja Loka, Velenje, Koper, Maribor, Postojna and Ljubljana) that once again enhanced the repertoire of the Lifelong Learning Week (LLW) events. Furthermore, the sequence of intensive festival activities and accompanying professional and other events drew a lot of attention from the general public, and also sparked media interest. The LPs were created jointly by their coordinators, the adult education centres from the above locations and the Ljubljana City Library, in cooperation with numerous local partners. In addition, six of last year’s LP coordinators (MOCIS Slovenj Gradec, adult education centres from Žalec, Jesenice, Murska Sobota and Novo Mesto, and KTRC Radeče) repeated their LPs in an adapted form and using their own funds. A lively pulse, colour, an abundance of curiosity, pride and hope – all this and much more could be sensed in the town squares, in nearby streets and study corners. The events are most convincingly reflected in the photo mosaics and short videos posted on the project website, the LLW FB page and the websites and FB pages of the LP coordinators. Please take a look at them, and of course read on below for presentations of individual LPs. The beginning of this year’s LP is perfectly illustrated in the words of Brigita Kruder MA, who was in charge of the first LP: 9 May 2014 – Europe Day, one of the symbols of Europe, and the LP in Slovenska Bistrica – coincidence? Of course not! The Renewed EAAL 2012–2014 represents the substantive and financial framework for the festival event that we can label with the following keywords: event in a public place, information and guidance at stands, lectures, workshops, appearances by role-model learners, professional events... All of this had one goal: raising awareness about the importance and possibilities for adult education and lifelong learning. Or put simply: »Enacting European strategies and objectives in the local environment«! Slovenska Bistrica LP Coordinating institution: Slovenska Bistrica Adult Education Centre Coordinators: Brigita Kruder MA, and Darja Kušar Slogan: 'Knowledge improves life' Highlights (more: • Round table with press conference titled 'Educational challenges in the local environment' • Fair and festival part with dance animation and performances • Accompanying events (on social networks and in local media): o 'Bistrica people talk about knowledge and learning' o 'Lost – found!' radio prize game o 'The old house speaks' – collection of photographs and memories of events in the LP building No of partners: 28 institutions, 74 informers at stands, 148 volunteers No of participants: around 1,800 Impressions: C:\Users\Brigita\Pictures\tvu\pu 8.5. 2014\IMG_8217.JPG Learning Parade as a professional event: 'Educational challenges in the local environment’ is the topic that brought together in a professional discussion, the day before the LP, stakeholders involved directly in education, local politicians, representatives of the commercial sector, and experts in various fields such as employment. The point is that only together can we contribute to Slovenska Bistrica being a place that fosters a high quality of life and work. The mayor of the municipality, Dr Ivan Žagar, who was patron of the event, put it like this: »We need a different way of thinking amongst ourselves here. We should not fear a different approach, but should take advantage of it for a positive orientation«. The director of the SIAE, Andrej Sotošek MSc, emphasised how European and national strategies can in practice contribute to the development of the local environment. The round table also enjoyed the active participation of the media, ensuring that the findings were made public. Learning Parade as a fair: The public call to companies, individuals and institutes, the organised and carefully planned promotional and media activities and the accompanying events bore fruit. The event had an important impact on community life in the local environment, since we can count it as an event that motivated as many people as for instance the Martinmas wine festival, the New Year fair and similar. The town has 6,500 inhabitants, and a full third of them took advantage of the opportunity for lifelong learning in the broadest sense of the term. Just what the atmosphere was like can be illustrated through the words of probably the oldest active participant, Mr Evald Beloglavec, who put on a suit and tie for the day, for, as he put it, »this day is a celebration day«! C:\Users\Brigita\Pictures\tvu\pu 9.5. ledinek\DSC_7143.JPG In addition to the thematically oriented stands, which used coloured balloons to pursue the concept of sub-topics for this year’s LLW, there were activities at Trg Svobode square that could be described as the ‘hidden curriculum’ of the LP. We distributed 20 book prizes among visitors who went to all the stands and filled in a coupon. The little owl, symbol of the LP, was the product that every visitor in one way or another took away with them, certainly on the promotional water bottle or fridge magnet, and the majority also took one as a product they had made themselves. More than 200 were made earlier in our Volunteer Centre, and we put them in nice boxes and distributed them to guests and visitors. To offer a good illustration of how all-embracing lifelong learning is, we chose the dance animation. The dance, as a form of learning that activates people’s movement, mental and social potential, while at the same time it is associated with ‘barriers’ (dancing in public, socialising, etc.), created an atmosphere that visitors will certainly remember. This activity was also carefully planned, adapted for different age groups of visitors and of course professionally directed. Learning Parade as an opportunity: those involved were surprised and at the same time inspired by the impact of the event, including economic, which we assess as particularly good. The representatives of the local community shared with residents their vision of how our community will develop. The media carried the event and accompanying programme beyond the boundaries of the local community, and without doubt the information reached the whole population. Even a month after the event it was still present in all the local media. Intergenerational cooperation marked the photo and video documentation of the event. Young members of journalism and photography circles from three primary and one secondary school rubbed shoulders with photographers from the University of the Third Age. The organisers used the event to promote knowledge and learning. The following actions were implemented: 'Bistrica people talk about knowledge and learning', and the radio prize game 'Lost – found'. Through various media and social networks, we sent out messages in a people-friendly way about the contribution of lifelong learning to a better life, and of course we rewarded their activity. We expanded our partner network. We marked the 55th anniversary of our institution. Today it is a modern, European-class adult education centre providing local people with comprehensive services ranging from information and guidance to education courses. 'The old house speaks' is what we called activities whereby we sought to remind inhabitants how they are linked to the building that houses our institution. The house is the oldest school building in the town, built in 1887, and there is no one from Bistrica who is not connected to it in some way. 'Knowledge improves life' – this was the slogan of our LP, and one that everyone involved truly believes in. We created an opportunity and possibility that touched a sizeable portion of local residents. And there is more to it, as was noted by Mr Roman Stegne, managing director of the company AHA Emmi: »We hope that the LP has enchanted someone and set them on the path to gaining knowledge«. Brigita Kruder MA, Slovenska Bistrica Adult Education Centre Škofja Loka LP Coordinating institution: Škofja Loka Adult Education Centre Coordinators: Petra Rozman MA and Tanja Avman Highlights: (more: • Presentation of partners at information and guidance stands • Welcome addresses and press conference • Stage performances by musicians, singers and dancers • Creative workshops for children and adults • Lecture on 'How can we learn better coexistence and cooperation?' No of partners: 20 institutions No of participants: around 1,200, 30 at the professional event Impressions: In Škofja Loka we have a long tradition of holding the ‘Knowledge Market’ in Mestni Trg square, and each year this has enhanced the LLW. Schools, societies, institutes and companies set up stands to present their activities, while students and volunteers organised workshops for children. Owing to a lack of funds we were not able to carry out an additional programme. This year, the LP has enabled us to enhance the festival part with a rich programme on stage and various workshops for all generations, and through the holding of a professional event. We chose intergenerational cooperation as the main theme. With our choice of the place and time we continued the tradition of Saturday markets in Mestni Trg, where the medieval buildings and their magnificent facades set the boundaries for lively events, while quiet corners for more in-depth work in workshops could be found just a step away – in the green municipal garden and in the entrance hall of the old vicarage. We wanted the events to be interesting for all generations, so that we could work together, get to know each other and learn from each other. This meant that in the workshops ‘Magical power of the written word’ and ‘Get over your nerves and talk’ young unemployed people mixed with and got to know pensioners. We invited grandpas and grandmas as well as grandchildren to the workshop ‘Will you tell me a fairy-tale?’, so they could all enjoy the world of fairy-tales together. The creative workshops, where more or less skilful hands produced ‘dražgoški kruhki’ cookies, felt bracelets, painted flowers and lace, gently brought together young and old people and children. In Mestni Trg square several hundred people stopped by at the stands run by 20 educational institutes and societies, and this included plenty of random passers-by who were drawn to the imaginatively arranged stands. Participants were greeted by the Mayor of Škofja Loka, Miha Ješe, and the importance, spread and diversity of lifelong learning were emphasised in the speeches given by the representative of the MESS, Ema Perme, the director of the SIAE, Andrej Sotošek MSc, and the director of our institution, Petra Rozman MA. The stage also featured appearances by all generations – pupils from three primary schools joining together in dance, young musicians and pensioners. The lively Saturday was followed by a calmer Monday, when we held the professional event. Here too, we maintained the intergenerational theme, and invited Dr Jože Ramovš from the Anton Trstenjak Institute. The lecture followed by a discussion was attended by 30 representatives of government and non-governmental organisations. We sought answers to the question of how we might learn to coexist and cooperate in better ways. This was the first meeting of such different stakeholders on this topic, and in this way we possibly took the first step on the path towards establishing an intergenerational centre in Škofja Loka. Tanja Avman, Škofja Loka Adult Education Centre Velenje LP Coordinating institution: Velenje Adult Education Centre Coordinators: Brigita Kropušek Ranzinger and Vesna Elsner Slogan: 'From seed to seed' Highlights (more: • Stage show, educational corner and children’s workshops • Book exhibitions, ‘Lighthouses of knowledge' fine art exhibition, 'Muca Copatarica' (slipper-making) Šalek artists exhibition • Opening and ceremonial planting of the Cherry Avenue • Ten workshops and incentives to visit, distribution of slippers No of partners: 18 institutions No of participants: between 3,000 and 4,000 Impressions: The Velenje Adult Education Centre staff, together with Festival Velenje and the City of Velenje (MOV), organised the first LP in Velenje on a gorgeous, sunny Saturday in May. Since we also founded the non-profit foundation ‘Fruit Forest’, and that day in Velenje was intended primarily for flowers, we decided to link all the activities of the LP – including the slogan – to seeds, plants and flowers. Our venue was bursting at the seams, for we estimate that our motto of lifelong learning was shared with around 4,000 local people. All the activities were exceptionally well attended. Visitors could take their pick of a number of stands offering workshops, where they could exchange seeds with the Society for Education on Self-sufficiency in Fruit and Vegetables, learn the importance of seeds in the diet, trends in planting flower beds, the beauty of balcony displays and various combinations in gardens. Participants got to learn about plants for wellbeing and the benefits of planting with high trelliswork. They received sunflower seeds as a gift. All these advice sessions were organised in the form of professional events. This year the City of Velenje celebrated its 55th anniversary as an urban municipality, and to mark it we planted the Cherry Avenue and put the Kajuh poem ‘Cherry Blossom’ to music. We also invited the celebrity chef Borut Jovan, who prepared for us a new Velenje sweet treat – from sunflower seeds of course. And not to forget: it was delicious! An interesting part of the LP was the exhibition of more than 1,000 ‘Lighthouses of knowledge’, which was put together by all the organisations involved in education in Velenje. Symbolically we linked together nursery schools, schools, Velenje Education Centre, the University of the Third Age, Youth Centre, Velenje Library, the Education and Training Centre and of course those attending our centre. Our associate and former director, Mirjana Šibanc, the SIAE award-winner 2013, drew the biggest lighthouse, illustrating the barriers encountered by participants on their path to victory. The exhibition spread out on the lawn by our building. People wandered contentedly among the paintings, while children playfully looked for their own artworks. Throughout the LP, performances were given on stage by dance schools and Velenje Music School. The conclusion to our LP was spiced up by boys from the Šalek Student Octet with a brief concert. Visitor responses were very positive. We are delighted that we were able to bring the LP to Velenje. And now of course we are overflowing with ideas for the coming year. We do not doubt that in the coming year we will once again receive the full support and motivation of the SIAE and the wonderful LLW team. See you in 2015! Vesna Elsner, Velenje Adult Education Centre Koper LP Coordinating institution: Koper Adult Education Centre / Universita popolare Capodistria Coordinators: Alenka Grželj and Kristina Udovič Kocjančič Highlights (more: • Presentations on stands • Workshops and guidance • Professional event 'Introduction to activities and therapy with the help of animals' • Stage show by the Studio Cantica singers No of partners: 31 institutions No of participants: around 250 Impressions: Free career and education guidance, practical demonstrations, cooking, make-up, short computer courses, puppet making, fairy-tale telling, singing and dancing… all this could be experienced by visitors to the LP organised by Koper Adult Education Centre (Koper AEC) in the city’s Taverna. The LP was intended to promote learning and education for all generations. It was an opportunity for all once again to take a first peek at various options for learning in an appealing way. For this very reason, there were presentations given by all the coastal secondary vocational schools, some primary schools and also the University of Primorska, as well as by some other providers on the coast, i.e. NGOs, societies and private individuals. They presented themselves with practical demonstrations or workshops. There were more than forty of these, and they were aimed at all generations, from the very youngest to pensioners. An important factor in deciding on education is guidance. For this very reason, all the leading regional providers of guidance for education and careers were present in one place: the Koper Guidance Centre for Children, Adolescents and Parents, the University of Primorska Career Centre, ISIO Koper Regional Guidance Centre for Adults, CIPS of the Slovenian Employment Service and the Rotunda Centre (family guidance). »We are happy that the response from schools and other organisations regarding cooperation in the LP was so good, and we could bring together in one place all these education providers. This is an opportunity for all visitors to become familiar with learning and education in a different, direct way«, said the director of our institution, Alenka Grželj. The LP on the coast contributed not just to popularising and raising awareness about the importance of learning and the many opportunities open to local people, but also to linking together providers (both formal and non-formal). We take the view that this event can be a springboard for establishing various forms of cooperation among them in the region. This was confirmed by numerous forms of encouragement among participating organisations regarding their willingness to cooperate in the future. The coastal LP was organised and coordinated by Koper AEC. In addition to the EU, part of the funds for organising the event was contributed by the Port of Koper from its 'Living with the Harbour' fund, the City of Koper and Koper AEC itself. The media sponsor of the event was Radio Capris, which provided plenty of promotion in the region. The honorary patron was the Mayor of Koper, Boris Popovič. Those present were addressed by the director of Koper AEC, by a SIAE representative, and the Deputy Mayor of Koper, Danijel Cep. He expressed the conviction that the lively response and wealth of services on offer indicate that the LP deserves to become a permanent event for the promotion of learning on the Slovenian coast. Kristina Udovič Kocjančič, Koper Adult Education Centre Maribor LP Coordinating institution: Maribor Adult Education Centre Coordinators: Irena Urankar and Neža Bojnec Naterer Slogan: 'Knowledge for all generations' Highlights (more: • Presentations by partners with stands • Welcome addresses by representatives of prominent institutions • Concert by Bilbi and performances by musicians, singers and dancers • Professional event: talk with the writer Goran Vojnović. No of partners: 25 institutions, 75 performers No of participants: around 600 Impressions: We responded gladly to the invitation from the SIAE to hold a LP in Maribor. We were motivated by pleasant memories of the national opening of LLW 2008, which we held in our city in cooperation with the SIAE. The festival part of the Parade was held in the old town centre, in Trg Svobode square, which features the National Liberation monument known as Kojak. It is situated right next to Maribor Castle, just a step away from Grajski Trg square. There is always plenty going on here, with foreign visitors and local people able to visit fairs and events, relax in one of the numerous cafes and enjoy the city’s diverse pulse. We wanted the LP to offer visitors the most diverse selection of activities possible. They could try their hand at felting, learn Esperanto, observe the sun and sunspots through a telescope, they made their own social game, tried their skills with a camera and so on. We also wanted to draw visitors through an attractive accompanying programme. This was provided first and foremost by the Maribor singer Bilbi, whose velvet voice drew in the curious. And the dancers of the Zahir troupe were a proper pleasure for the eyes. First on stage there was a flamenco dancer followed by children and women performing belly dancing. The icing on the cake was the children from the Serbian Cultural Society, who enacted the folklore scene Games from Užice. We should also point out that the LP enjoyed the patronage of the Mayor of Maribor, Dr Andrej Fištravec, who attended the event despite numerous other obligations. For the professional part of the LP, which took place on the afternoon of the same day at the institute’s office, a talk was given by the young Slovenian writer, director, columnist and two-time Kresnik award winner, Goran Vojnović. His novels 'Čefurji raus’ (‘Southerners Get Out’) and 'Jugoslavija, moja dežela’ (‘Yugoslavia, My Country’), in fact touch upon the target groups we encounter in our work – immigrants from the former Yugoslavia and migrants. We also read his works in our reading study circle. Our talk with him was a great pleasure, just like the strawberries received by the guest and members of the reading study circle. But we did not eat those ‘strawberries’, they are souvenirs like the bookmarks made by members of the handicrafts study circle. Our LP contributed to a great extent to promoting learning and the profile of LLW. Under our coordination, this year 48 providers from Maribor and the surrounding area presented themselves in 277 LLW events. Neža Bojnec Naterer, Maribor Adult Education Centre Postojna LP Coordinating institution: Postojna Adult Education Centre Coordinators: Tina Bazjako, Lea Poropat and Erika Švara Slogan: 'Knowledge grows' Highlights (more: • Round table 'Learning society that cares about nature' • Events on stands • Welcome addresses, music and dance, award presentations • Planting trees on the opening of the renovated town park No of partners: 35 institutions, 152 performers No of participants: around 1,000, 25 at the professional event Impressions: The people of Postojna and visitors from other places in the region used the LP as a special way of showing our appreciation of knowledge and education. The event, featuring a range of exhibits and performers, offered a fun and attractive way of spreading the concept of lifelong learning and prompted people towards intergenerational cooperation. The event began with the professional part – a round table where notable guests talked about the topical issue: ‘A learning society that cares about nature’. This opened up the path for consideration of how to encourage the formal and non-formal education sphere, to seek and enact effective approaches for lasting environmental protection and nature conservation, adjusted to the characteristics and requirements of the modern society. A clip of the round table is available. In the festival part of the Parade we enjoyed the cultural and entertainment programme on the stage and the colourful events on the knowledge stands. On the opening, the representatives of various institutes gave welcome addresses in public support of the LP efforts. Events on stage were then enlivened by the performers, who gave an outstanding demonstration of the wealth of knowledge and skills in our region. From the very youngest ones, who have barely entered nursery school, to those who despite the years or difficult life challenges have remained young at heart and have never stopped learning, they all garnered applause and thereby motivation for further effort and work. At the same time various organisations, societies and individuals collaborated in the presentations on stands, where through creative workshops, thematic talks and demonstrations they shared their knowledge and skills in the most direct, attractive and interactive way. Alongside the welcome address by the Mayor of Postojna municipality, Jernej Verbič, the colourful event was livened up in the middle of the afternoon by the opening of the renovated town park, where – to symbolise the LP slogan 'Knowledge Grows' – we planted a tree, for which we hope it will grow promisingly together with knowledge in our region. The event affirmed the importance and great power of cooperation among different subjects in the local community. Under the regional coordination of the Postojna AEC and the patronage of the Municipality of Postojna, we applied strong engagement and goodwill in linking together numerous actors and succeeded in holding a festival of knowledge in Postojna. For us the obvious proof that it was a success was the frequent praise and questions from visitors about whether we would be doing it again next year. Erika Švara, Postojna Adult Education Centre Ljubljana LP Coordinating institution: Ljubljana City Library (in cooperation with SIAE) Coordinators: Simona Šinko and Edita Flegar Slogan: 'Learning for life' Highlights (more: • Music, dance and sports performances on the stage and below it • Speeches and video presentations • Presentations of institutions, societies and individuals on stands • Study and creative workshops • Professional part: joint approach of Ljubljana City Library and the SIAE towards adult education in libraries for the Review of adult education on offer in Slovenia – Where to go for education? No of partners: 50 from Ljubljana and its surroundings No of participants: around 2,500 Impressions: The Ljubljana LP reflected the diversity of events in the field of lifelong learning and education in this region. Participants were inspired by the presentations on stands, stage performances and workshops. We brought together traditional and modern knowledge: on the one hand a presentation of home crafts and manual skills, folk music and folklore performances, and on the other hand modern technology, a quadrocopter, electric car, scanners, interactive learning and e-books. Participants were also inspired by the content, such as languages, computer science, technology, security, various crafts, spiritual growth and values, mathematics, music, sports and health. Learning for all generations was covered in the subjects presented. There was also a colourful collection of individuals and institutions that presented their activities: societies, public institutes, companies, independent entrepreneurs, primary, secondary and post-secondary schools, adult education centres, research and development institutions, sports and cultural societies and libraries. The opportunities presented included learning for various life situations, for work and vocations, for employment and careers and also for leisure and personal growth. Our work showed that learning for life is diverse and colourful, and we presented to participants a wide range of possibilities for becoming and remaining for ever part of the learning society. Welcome speeches were given in public support of efforts to establish lifelong learning by the Mayor and LP patron, Zoran Janković, director of MKL, Jelka Gazvoda MA, director of the SIAE, Andrej Sotošek MSc, Boštjan Zgonc of the MESS, and Ramunas Kuncaitis from the European Commission. Through the LP the participating providers of lifelong learning supplemented the mosaic of educational, promotional, information and guidance and social events within LLW 2014. Prešeren Square was full of visitors of all ages, who followed events on the stage with broad smiles, wandered among the stands or got to make things in workshops. Visitor responses were very positive. Their contented faces, inspired creative work, inquisitive looks and expressions of gratitude were the biggest reward for the effort put in by everyone who helped create the Ljubljana LP. And at the end we could hear: »See you at LP 2015«! Simona Šinko, Ljubljana City Library Other venues of the Learning Parade 2014 The concept of promoting adult education and lifelong learning through a lively, one-day festival presentation of stakeholders in the local community (with accompanying professional events and possible other activities) was already proven last year under the title 'Learning Parade 2013'. We reported on its highly successful implementation within LLW 2013 and under the coordination provided by adult education centres from Nova Gorica, Žalec, Slovenj Gradec, Jesenice, Novo Mesto and Murska Sobota, and the Radeče Culture, Tourism and Recreation Centre in the E-bulletin LP 2013. Six of last year’s seven LP coordinators decided this year to repeat the LP in their local areas, for they were in part held to this by the enthusiasm of their local partners. They used their own funds for this or held it as part of the LLW project, yet despite what was for the most part a modest plan and less money, they enjoyed a huge response from other providers of lifelong learning and from visitors. They were once again supported by mayors, while in some instances there were notable speakers from the national level. The SIAE accepted this development of events enthusiastically and offered promotional and other support to these Parades. They are presented briefly below. Slovenj Gradec, 8 May 2014: Our LP was held parallel to the national opening of LLW 2014. In the picturesque Trg Svobode square, at 11 am following the vibrations of gongs and the 'Ode to Joy', the LP was opened by the keynote speakers. The lively events ran right up until 5 pm. The colourfully arranged stands provided presentations by around twenty partners, while the stage featured performances by primary and secondary school students, participants of the Third Age University, study circles and representatives of the older generation. A special tone was given by the stories of role model learners. Around noon, following the official LP opening, participants could stroll to the Cultural Centre, venue of the LLW opening and the award presentations, and return in the afternoon. Bernarda Mori Rudolf, MOCIS Slovenj Gradec \\homer\slike-damjan2\SLIKE 2014\Parada učenja 2014\IMG_6213.JPG Žalec, 12 May 2014: Based on last year’s good experiences, we decided to hold the LP this year, too. In this way we wished to open LLW on the local level. We succeeded in gaining the collaboration of sponsors and local organisations, which presented themselves to people through song and dance, creative workshops and exhibition materials. We held it in the form of a fair at the Country Market in Žalec, which for one day changed into a meeting point of different generations through which knowledge ran in every possible direction – from older to younger, younger to young and so on. The participants were connected by the thought of Winston Churchill that »the secret to success in life lies not in doing what one loves, but in loving what one does«. We invite you to take a look at the short piece broadcast by the Savinjska television station. Mihaela Anclin, Žalec Adult Education Centre Jesenice, 14 May 2014: This year’s successful Learning Parade in Jesenice was (like before our Festival of lifelong learning 2012 and the LP 2013) based on partnership cooperation, for it included various organisations ranging from nursery schools to pensioner societies, and thereby involved all generations. More than 500 participants were involved in the LP. They made felted soap, jewellery, they did crochet and binding, tried out Nordic walking and archery, thought and didactic games and calligraphy, and enjoyed dance, singing and musical performances. The way the LP was received and the satisfaction of those involved mean we are committed to doing the LP 2015, the fourth festival of learning in Jesenice. Lea Zlodej, Jesenice Adult Education Centre Murska Sobota, 23 May 2014: On that day we opened wide the door to the courtyard at Murska Sobota Adult Education Centre, in the desire to mark the festival of lifelong learning. Our courtyard became a colourful venue for various providers of knowledge who in their activities of education or as societies, companies and other activities promote learning in communities and the empowerment of learners in various fields of life. Together, in pleasant company we learned about 18 learning stories, even more study opportunities and fine-looking products. The PLYA generation of 2013/14 captured the atmosphere on video, while the entire LP is recorded in a photo-mosaic. Alojz Sraka, Murska Sobota Adult Education Centre Radeče, 1 June 2014: After last year’s unforgettable LP in the hills above Radeče, this year we invited our fellow townspeople to the banks of the River Sava. We linked the Learning Parade to the 'Sava Day', the 'Sava Interpretive Trail Day', the 'Radeče Rafters Day' and the 'Sopota – Laško Forest Owners Society Day'. While we socialised, we observed the stacking and auctioning of logs and got to ride on a log raft on the river. We listened to a presentation of the folder marking the 120th anniversary of the death of Mauritius Scheyer, forest expert and public worker at the time of construction of the iron bridge across the Sava. The folder was created in the 'Mauritius' study circle, so a lot of attention was focused on lifelong learning, while we also enjoyed the folk singing and dancing. Marija Imperl, KTRC Radeče Novo mesto, 19 June 2014: We invited various groups of visitors who had developed their creativity to the LP 2014. We stimulated their curiosity through interesting talks and workshops, a puppet show and presentations by firefighters and first responders. We went to the treasure hunt spots, distributed and exchanged products at the ‘RIC PLAC’, opened a painting exhibition, danced together, learned some Polish with volunteers... We enhanced our professional knowledge, and the SNIO project partners together evaluated the work done. For more on the Novo Mesto LP, go to the RIC Novo Mesto website. Simona Pavlin, Novo mesto Adult Education Centre Videos express more Issuing video publications is the other strong area of activity within the EAAL project. Last year we issued three, and this year we added the last video based on the topic of learning communities and the stories of SIAE award winners. Supported by experiences obtained in making video portraits of the recipients of awards for promoting learning and knowledge and the thematic films ‘Role Models Attract’, we planned the issuing of four video publications. Through these, local and foreign audiences could see the professional achievements that were brought to life in practice and changed the lives of individuals and the wider community. The productions are subtitled in Slovenian and English. They are available on the project website and have been made in 200 copies. The contents relate to the EAAL priorities, with special emphasis on current topics of adult education in Slovenia. They present examples of cooperation and partnership between numerous stakeholders on the local level, and there is an indication of their transferability to other substantive and geographical areas. By the end of 2013 we had made three films, which are presented in more detail in the E-bulletin LP 2013. Video-production in 2013 There are opportunities! Training programmes for the unemployed Theme: providing quality adult education and other services that would enable adults, in this case the unemployed, to develop new skills and knowledge in order to respond successfully to the demands of their living and working environment; see leaflet >> Programmes: ‘Designer of textiles with elements of traditional textile heritage’, ‘Companion for the elderly’, and ‘Provider of traditional products and services’ Experts: Dr Tanja Možina and Jasmina Orešnik Cunja, SIAE Coordinator: Darijan Novak, SIAE Camera, directed and edited by: Jure Plešec, Oblikovalnik Partners: Murska Sobota Adult Education Centre, Črnomelj Institute for Education and Culture, Ajdovščina Adult Education Centre and others; they tell of the design, preparation and pilot runs of training programmes created in the ‘Development of Quality Educational Provision for the Unemployed in Selected Regions’ project. Length: 27:18 Available at: Handmade stories. Rural areas as an opportunity for the development of basic skills and key competences Theme: providing opportunities for adults to develop basic skills, knowledge and literacy; enabling intergenerational cooperation and partnerships at local level; assuring quality of adult learning supply and other services; see leaflet >> Programme: ‘Usposabljanje za življenjsko uspešnost – Izzivi podeželja’ (‘Training for Success in Life – Challenges of the Countryside’ programme) Experts: Estera Možina MA, and Manuel Kuran, SIAE Coordinator: Ajda Turk, external collaborator of SIAE Camera, directed and edited by: Jure Plešec, Oblikovalnik Partners: Posočje Development Centre (Almira Pirih MA, Patricija Rejec), and others; they tell of the implementation of the above programme in municipalities of Tolmin, Kobarid and Bovec. Length: 21:24 Available at: Guidance for learning. Educational guidance support for adults Theme: providing versatile and accessible information and guidance systems as well as validation and accreditation of non-formal and informal learning; see leaflet >> Activity: ‘Information and guidance in adult education – IGAE’ Experts: Tanja Vilič Klenovšek MA, and Andreja Dobrovoljc MA, SIAE Coordinator: Darijan Novak, SIAE Camera, directed and edited by: Jure Plešec, Oblikovalnik Partners: Novo mesto Adult Education Centre, Murska Sobota Adult Education Centre, Velenje Adult Education Centre, and others; through testimonies of IGAE counsellors, their collaborators and clients the work of the network of Slovenian adult education guidance centres is presented. Length: 22:52 Available at: New video: Hand in hand. Learning in a community for personal and common good Theme: community learning, mutual learning and interaction between individuals and communities they live and work in; social inclusion of young people, integration of immigrants with the support of the local community, and networking in rural areas by different stakeholders (citizens, municipalities, entrepreneurship centres, public institutes, societies etc.); see leaflet >> Experts: Darijan Novak, Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik MSc, Mateja Pečar, all SIAE, Slavica Borka Kucler, Ajda Turk, both external collaborators of SIAE Coordinator: Ajda Turk, external collaborator of SIAE Camera, directed and edited by: Jure Plešec, Oblikovalnik Partners: KTRC Radeče, Radovljica Adult Education Centre, Solčava Municipality, Rinka Centre, Črnomelj Institute for Education and Culture Length: 28:27 Available at: For many years we have pursued examples of good practice in Slovenia, where community learning leads to mutual learning and interaction between community and individuals who live in it. We decided to present some of them in the film ‘Hand in hand’. In its first part, we present an example of social inclusion of young people in Radovljica. These are participants of the program ‘Project Learning for Young Adults’ (PLYA) who are involved in the implementation of various projects in the local community with the support of their mentors. At the same time they develop their talents and positive self-esteem and gain a sense of acceptance. The same is true for the story of two immigrants from England who successfully integrated into the environment of Bela krajina (south-east rural part of Slovenia). There both of them learn from the majority population and in turn, the majority population learns from them. In the second part we emphasise the importance of self-care and connection with nature and among the local people. The inhabitants of the municipalities of Radeče and Solčava live this belonging to the local communities and have become a real example of learning communities. Individuals are faced with learning and other activities. Through that experience they weave everlasting ties, including a common identity. The results of their curiosity and mutual learning are evident in many carried out projects that show a shared responsibility to the wider community and the natural and cultural heritage. Total integration within the communities and the strong role of individuals who enjoy the trust of local people are features common to all represented stories. These are individuals with knowledge, will and energy who support the creation of the whole so that together they can become a learning community. Ajda Turk, external collaborator of SIAE Opportunity for premiere The Adult Education Colloquium (AEC) is the main professional event of LLW on the national level, at which experts deal with current issues in adult education. This year’s 18th AEC was defined as a milestone in the EAAL project, and was entitled 'Learning Communities – practices, concepts, potentials'. On the one hand we intended it to be the premiere screening of the film 'Hand in hand', and on the other hand we intended it as a presentation of the concept and forms in which learning communities appear. This year LLW numbered over 11,700 events, with many being held under the slogan 'Learning for life', and they shed light on four key aims of learning: acquiring knowledge, training for work, personal growth and coexistence and common creativity in the community. A lot about this is told in a short time by the video 'What at the same time...?' (in Slovenian, English subtitles). For the purposes of the AEC we changed the slogan into 'Life as learning' and in this way went beyond the concept of learning as constant preparation for life. We came up with the definition of a constant movement towards recognising and making sense, and achieving understanding and wisdom. Such a conceptualisation of learning signals the establishing of a different kind of culture, one based on a connection with various kinds of learning communities. What are learning communities? How do they appear? Why are they formed and what is their purpose? These are just some of the questions touched upon by participants at the AEC. The colloquium began with a video screening, and was followed by a round table with its authors, Slavica Borka Kucler and Ajda Turk, and some of the characters in the film, Dr Marko Pavliha, Nastja Merc and Jože Prah (see photo). Part of the presentation was about how the film was conceived, what the characteristics are of holistic education, why young people are ‘exceptional people with exceptional talents, and in what way they involve themselves in local activities. There was also talk of the importance of contact with nature and study circles as a way of connecting people in the local community. The 70 or more participants at the AEC contributed initiatives, opinions and questions that touch on learning in the community. There were then presentations of expert views on learning communities, and in the third part of the Colloquium there was a discussion of the challenges and potentials for their development. In that part we heard from the people in charge of this year’s Learning Parade, and together we established that this kind of event certainly can promote the development of learning communities. The details of the Colloquium are accessible here (in Slovenian). Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik MSc, SIAE, and Ajda Turk, external collaborator of SIAE Dissemination of video-publications Each video publication had its own premiere screening in different settings. The film ‘There are opportunities!’ was shown in February and March 2013 in local areas where the individual stories were recorded – in Črnomelj, Murska Sobota and Ajdovščina. The film ‘Handmade stories’ could first be seen by those attending the LP in Nova Gorica in May 2013. In September, on the ‘Guidance Centres Day’, a screening of the film ‘Guidance for learning’ was shown in various places around Slovenia. The final, fourth film in the collection, ‘Hand in hand’, was shown in public at the 18th Adult Education Colloquium in Ljubljana in May 2014. People warmly accepted the films and recognised their messages. Since we want to raise as much awareness as possible (among educators in the broadest sense and the general public) about the importance and universal presence of lifelong learning and about the opportunities available, we sent information about the video publications to more than 1,000 e-mail addresses (libraries, universities, societies, adult educator networks), contacted local TV stations with help from our partners and published information about the content in various media and websites. We are convinced that through moving pictures viewers can more easily identify with messages, and recognise opportunities for personal growth, work and career development and for contributing to their local or wider community. The main message of all the films could be condensed into the slogan: »Learning is an important factor for a full life, one that enriches us at all stages of life, and for all the roles an individual takes on«. We believe firmly in the message and we invite you to spread links to the films yourselves as well. If you have already looked at the films, please fill in our internet questionnaire (in Slovenian). Your opinion will serve as a direction for our future work in this field. Ajda Turk, external collaborator of SIAE Learning together LPs were also called the 'days of learning communities', since they reflect the connection and cooperation in individual areas. In the first year, the initial definition of such communities was formulated, while this year it was verified and enhanced. The LP is one opportunity for promoting learning in the community One of the goals of the project was to define a learning community. We devoted attention primarily to the issue of what the Slovenian public understands today by the term community, and we tied this understanding to learning. Based on the analysis of literature and applying particular criteria of selected cases of good LLW practices, we first made a preliminary definition with five elements that determine a community (past, future, relationships, identity, learning, initiatives/flow of ideas). You can read about the research background, which includes an analysis of three examples, two of which are examples of mixed communities and one an example of a special interest community, on the website. Preliminary definition of a learning community: A learning community is people linked to each other for a relatively long time, and among whom personal contacts have led to the development of special mutual relations in which all the people influence the decisions and rules of how the community functions. Through learning, involving informal, non-formal and formal approaches (e.g. when socialising or in school), the community finds self-fulfilment and preserves its common identity across generations. The identity of the community includes the economic aspect (economy of functioning) and non-economic aspect (solidarity, volunteering, community symbols), which must be balanced, since only in this way can responsibility to the community and to resources for its survival can be fulfilled. The common identity includes both the community past (e.g. its historical memory) and its orientation to the future (common vision). We tested out the preliminary definition and its elements in the office and in the field in the examples of the 2013 and 2014 LP and through the documentary video ‘Hand in hand’, which was made as part of this project. Testing was performed over two years at seven LP locations and the ‘Study Circles Caravan 2014’ in Novo mesto. During the selection of participant statements we selected around 200 audio recordings. The interviewees were selected at random, but the interviewers tried to include all generations, both genders and a variety of statuses, e.g. people in charge (directors of participating institutions, mayors, representatives of public or civil initiative institutions) and those without any particular institutional role (children, passers-by, interested parties). The selected interviewees were given the following questions: • What in your opinion does the word ‘community’ mean? • Does cooperation in the community reduce the individual’s autonomy or autonomy of the institution? • Where and how can one learn in the community? • Do people in Slovenia pursue ‘community learning’ more or less than neighbouring regions/countries? IMG_3199 The preliminary definition of a learning community was to some extent supplemented by the results of the field observations. We established that the majority of interviewed event participants define a community in a way similar to the definition in literature, that they see no limitation of autonomy for the individual or institution in a community, but mainly incentives and opportunities for interpersonal flow, connection and exchange of information and knowledge. Many elements of the community were confirmed (learning, flow of ideas/initiatives, time dimension), with different interviewees citing different levels of community (EU, state, school, municipality, town) and different reference points in time (former state, current state). For this very reason, it is hard to generalise about the results obtained in the field, especially if we try to confirm an individual element separately. For illustration we could offer the fact that some stated the city as a place with greater opportunities, while others ascribed this to the countryside. Statistical representativeness is not guaranteed, but the data cover the whole of Slovenia and very diverse target groups. In general it seems that women are more active in learning in the community. The LP is just one opportunity for promoting learning in the community. Among other opportunities for learning, interviewees pointed out study circles as well as an abundance of institutions such as libraries, associations, Universities of the Third Age, and fairs. Few people had any international experience, while some individuals were very exhaustive on this subject. The first attempts at work with the community and offers of community learning in the form of the LP stimulated communities to be aware of themselves and their need for community learning. This year's justification why the latter is at all necessary, as ‘to circulate useful information’, ‘to make sense of our time’, ‘to have a nice time’, was significantly complemented with the video ‘Hand in hand’, where the examples of Bela Krajina and Solčava clearly showed that mutual interest is needed, i.e. the interest of the local community and the local education provider. The example of Radeče indicates that education involves a complex integrated form of activity that connects the material and immaterial, symbolic and even intergenerational aspects (we 'donated wood', ‘we learned’; ‘we want to be whole – unique – connected – permanent’, ‘to spontaneously hand down from generation to generation’). All forms of promoting the community, developed by the SIAE (annual awards, non-formal learning in the form of study circles, LP), were seen to be very justified, and in the same time in need of systematic development and analysis since communities are dynamic structures and the context of knowledge can differ greatly (school, society, municipality). The characteristics and functioning of the community will have to be further explored in order for community learning to be offered in a way that is rational and adapted to specific local needs. The four methods of analysis resulted in the following definition of community or learning community. Final definition of a learning community: A learning community is people linked to each other for a relatively long time, and among whom personal contacts have led to the development of special mutual relations in which all the people influence the decisions and rules of how the community functions. Through learning, involving informal, non-formal and formal approaches (e.g. when socialising, in study circles or in school), the community finds self-fulfilment and preserves/builds upon/adapts to circumstances its common identity across generations. The community identity includes: • the community’s past (e.g. historical memory) and its orientation to the future (common vision); • the economic aspect (economy of functioning) and non-economic aspect (solidarity, volunteering, community symbols). These aspects must be balanced among each other, since only in this way can the responsibility of members of the community and the surrounding area to the community and resources for its survival and prosperity be fulfilled. The common identity includes both the community’s past (e.g. historical memory) and its orientation to the future (common vision). Dr Nevenka Bogataj and Mateja Pečar, SIAE E-corner Selection and publication of information on ICT supported adult education has been an accompanying project activity that lead to a rich collection of relevant links. Collection of information on e-education and learning We developed the e-corner with the aim of providing for various target groups systematically arranged and updated information on e-education as well as on substantively linked topics. The e-corner is aimed at teachers, tutors, experts for the requirements of developmental and research work, management staff in educational organisations, organisers and advisers in adult education, participants in e-education programmes and all those who are interested in modern forms of education. With the aim of including relevant web links in the area of e-education, we have monitored news from international organisations concerning e-education and distance learning. We have also regularly browsed the news on e-magazines and websites dealing with e-education and the use of modern ICTs in education. We subscribed to these sites via e-mail or Facebook. We made a selection of received information (the content of web links, including YouTube clips) and placed them in the database of web links for the e-corner. Up to the end of August 2014 a total of 530 web links had been entered and published on the e-corner. They are presented by different thematic groups and subgroups, such as: knowledge resources and web portals, international organisations, e-magazines, e-publications, glossaries and dictionaries, conferences, theoretical aspects, management, strategic aspects, business plan, economic aspects, quality, technological aspects, freely open education resources (OERs) and massive open on-line courses (MOOCs), education resources in Slovenian language, strategic and legal documents and interesting SIAE links. These include the link to the SIAE multimedia site and to the range of e-education programmes and distance learning in Slovenian adult education. Due to limited funding, for the moment the e-corner enables searching for desired web information and contacting the author of this article. Margerita Zagmajster MSc, SIAE Closing remarks The impacts of the LP 2013 and 2014 have considerably enriched the LLW and surpassed our expectations. In fourteen locations country-wide, LPs made a break-through and strongly connected partners at the local level. What now? We appreciate our joint achievements, but they are binding We may recall that in the Resolution on the renewed EAAL, adult education has been labelled the »weakest link in the chain of lifelong learning«. We believe that through our efforts in the EAAL project we have shown that this is not the case in the Slovenian profession and practice. Furthermore, through attractive events, products and inspiring stories we have highlighted achievements, pointed to opportunities and affirmed the linking role assumed by adult education providers in Slovenia in local environments as well as on the national and international levels. We believe that through our combined efforts and our established as well as innovative approaches we have addressed a large number of people. These include the so-called 'convinced' people, those participating in various forms of learning and creativity, as well as those for whom the barriers seemed insurmountable. Perhaps we encouraged them and drew them in. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who collaborated in these activities: the lead institutions of the LP in both years, the coordinators and their associates, numerous partner institutions, groups and individuals, as well as representatives of the media and all those who contributed to the success, colourfulness and reach of the LP events and to the impact and expressiveness of the video publications. Our thanks go also to those that provided funding: the European Commission, DG Education and Culture and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, and both ministries, the MESS and the MLFSAEO, for moral and financial support. The LPs clearly met with receptive responses and approval among decision-makers on the local and national levels. In their speeches they confirmed the importance of adult education and intergenerational learning in the community. They highlighted the importance of the LP coordinators and their partners for the development of the local community, and the role of the SIAE as national coordinator of the LP was noted, too. The seed has been planted in many heads and hearts... so what now? Plans for the Learning Parade 2015 The enthusiasm over the success and the certainty of the usefulness of the LP are clear evidence of the soundness of this approach to promoting adult education and lifelong learning. In the desire to include other parts of Slovenia in the new project to implement the EAAL 2014/2015 we have applied to hold a third LP. Like its predecessors, this will take place in close association with LLW 2015. The latter is expected to start on Friday 15 May with the national opening in Črnomelj. Then and over the official LLW dates, in May and June, the LP will also be held at seven new (and possibly 14 established) venues across Slovenia. This year and next year the SIAE will draft the guidelines for developmental talks with the coordinators of LLW and the LP, as well as with financial backers regarding the placement of the LP model in the conceptual and financial scheme of LLW after 2015. We invite you to keep up with all the latest news on both projects on the LLW and the project website. One more thing: last year’s LP 2013 photo mosaic, shown for the first time at the Annual Adult Education Conference 2013, this year enjoyed very imaginative responses on the local level, where coordinators used similar items to effectively document their events. They can be viewed on the websites of individual LPs. This year’s joint photo mosaic used photographs from the LP 2013 and 2014 venues to capture the colours, faces, events and more. May it inspire you to help create or visit the LP 2015! Zvonka Pangerc Pahernik MSc, head of project, with project collaborators: Erika Brenk, Nevenka Kocijančič, Darijan Novak, Mateja Pečar, Katarina Šešet, Margerita Zagmajster MSc, Dr Nevenka Bogataj, Marjetka Petelin Zadnik, all SIAE, David Fartek, Slavica Borka Kucler, Franci Lajovic Jure Plešec and Ajda Turk, external collaborators of SIAE, and many others