1. POSTNA NEDELJA 1ST SUNDAY OF LENT SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 8/54 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 18. 2. 2018 Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 TEL.: 905-561-5971 FAX: 905-561-5109 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ stgregoryhamilton.ca WEB PAGE www.carantha.com HALL RENTALS CELL: 905-518-6159 E-MAIL hallrental@ stgregoryhamilton.ca VESTNIK Prišla je polnost časov Božji Duh je Jezusa takoj po krstu, ko se je spustil nadenj in ga napolnil s seboj, vodil v pusto, divjo gričevnato pokrajino severozahodno od Jerihe. Puščava je kraj odpovedi in samote, daleč od ljudi in mestnega vrveža, pa obenem kraj miru in bližine Boga. Namen tega bivanja v samoti - svetopisemski izraz štirideset dni pomeni daljšo dobo - je bil priprava na začetek javnega delovanja. Po eni strani je bilo doživljanje puščave odpoved sleherni udobnosti, celo hrani, navzočnost divjih zveri, ki bi utegnile biti nevarne, in neprestani poskusi satana, da bi Jezusa speljal v nezvestobo Očetu in njegovemu odrešenjskemu načrtu. Po drugi strani pa je bil to čas prisrčnih pogovorov z Očetom. V njih je dobival Jezus navdihe in navodila pa tudi moč za delo, ki ga je čakalo. Po končani duhovni pripravi so mu angeli postregli, da se je telesno okrepil za nadaljnjo pot. Obenem so ti Božji sli s svojo navzočnostjo oznanili Jezusovo zmago nad satanom. Ko pa je dal Herod Antipa Janeza Krstnika vreči v ječo, se je odpravil proč od Jeruzalema in farizejev na sever, v svojo ožjo domovino Galilejo. Gosto poseljena severozahodna obala Genezareškega jezera je postala glavno prizorišče njegovega delovanja. Njegovo poglavitno delo je bilo sporočanje ljudem, da se je začela v zgodovini odnosov med Bogom in človeštvom nova doba, čas posebne Božje ljubezni. V njem, v Jezusu, je prišel Bog na zemljo, po njem deli svetu Božjo resnico in Božje življenje. Svojim besedam je dajal Jezus neizpodbit-no veljavo s svojim brezgrešnim življenjem pa tudi z ozdravljanjem bolnikov in obsedencev. »Čas se je dopolnil.« Starozavezni preroki so v Božjem imenu napovedovali čas, ko bo Bog sklenil novo zavezo, prijateljsko pogodbo z ljudmi. Zdaj je ta trenutek prišel. »Božje kraljestvo se je približalo.« To Božje kraljestvo ni zemljepisna oznaka, ozemlje, označeno z mejami, ampak posebno dogajanje, čas, ko bo Bog naklanjal ljudem odpuščanje in posvečenje, čas popolnega gospostva Boga. Celotno Jezusovo delovanje bo razodevalo te Božje odnose do ljudi. »Spreobrnite se!« Spremenite svoje mišljenje! Postavite spet Boga v središče svojega bivanja! Obrnite se na svoji poti od greha k Bogu! Imejte se spet za Božjo stvar in dajte se mu popolnoma na voljo! Odvrnite se od zagledanosti vase, od zlobe in krivic in prenovite svoja srca, da bodo čista in ponižna! »Verujte evangeliju!« Spreobrnjenje srca in vera Božji besedi, oboje je med seboj tesno povezano: spreobrnjenje je potrebno, da je človek zmožen verovati, in vera Božji besedi je potrebna, da se je človek sposoben spreobrniti. Vera ni samo razumsko dojemanje Božjih resnic, je veliko več: je samopredaja Bogu, prežetost srca z Bogom. Tudi danes se oznanja veselo Božje sporočilo, da obstaja za človeka prihodnost in rešitev. Oboje prihaja samo od Boga po Kristusu. (Der grosse Sonntagsschott) 82 | VESTNIK 2018 84 | VESTNIK 2018 86 | VESTNIK 2018 88 | VESTNIK 2018 90 | VESTNIK 2018 92 | VESTNIK 2018 94 | VESTNIK 2018 96 | VESTNIK 2018 MAŠA PRI DRUŠTVU TRIGLAV - LONDON V nedeljo, 11. februarja, smo imeli mašo samo v Londonu, ob 4:00 p.m. v cerkvi St. John the Divine. Ker je gospod Kelly iz Toronta zbolel, ni mogel priti v Hamilton, zato sem sam imel enajsto mašo, potem pa je bilo prekasno, da bi šel še k društvu Sava v Breslau. Mašo smo prestavili na 18. februar. Vreme je bilo precej zimsko, med dežjem in zmrzaljo, je bilo še precej snega. Zbralo se nas je malo manj, vendar smo lepo obhajali sveto mašo po maši pa je vse čakala še vroča kava in pecivo - za to poskrbijo naše vrle žene. Hvala vsem, ki pripomorete, da se srečujemo in ohranjamo skupnost. VESTNIK 2018 | 83 VESTNIK 2018 | 85 VESTNIK 2018 | 87 VESTNIK 2018 | 89 VESTNIK 2018 | 91 VESTNIK 2018 | 93 VESTNIK 2018 | 95 PUSTOVANJE PRI SV. GREGORIJU VELIKEM V HAMILTONU. Pustovanje ima v naši župniji že dolgoletno tradicijo, zato jo skušamo obdržati in zadnja leta se je dogajanje okrog pusto-vanja kar popestrilo in imamo večji obisk kot nekaj let nazaj. Zahvala gre drugi generaciji in jihovim otrokom, da je bilo tudi letos veliko mask in živahnega vrveža mladih. Tokrat sta glavnino organizacije prevzeli Mary Ann Demšar in Sidonia Poppa, ostali člani župnijskega sveta pa so pomagali vsak po svojih močeh in sposobnostih. Tudi naš »redni ansambel« SLO-BEAT je že v petek popoldne začel s postavitvijo instrumentov in elektonskih naprav, kablov, LED luči itd., Popoldne sta Mary Ann in Sidonia krasili, Tony Horvat pripravljal vse v baru in Nancy v kuhinji, da je bilo vse na red za soboto. Praznovanje se je začelo v soboto po večerni maši, ko je tudi iz kuhinje že dišalo po zlatorumenih krofih in dobri pustni večerji. Kljub slabemu vremenu, zunaj je na drobno snežilo, temperature so bile kar pod ničlo, se večina tudi tega ni ustrašila. Počasi se je dvorana polnila in skupaj z delavci in ansamblom nas je bilo čez 130. Ansambel SLO-BEAT je navdušil publiko z izvirno glasbeno predstavo. Mnogi so se znašli na plesišču. Med samim programom pa so bile ocenjene tudi najboljše maske v treh skupinah: prva je bila do 7 let starosti, druga do 13 let in tretja skupina od 14 naprej. Poleg nagrad so nagrajenci prejeli tudi »diplomo« s svojo sliko na njej. Ves večer pa je bila na razpolago dobra večerja, pijača in krofi. Prijetno razpoloženje je trajalo tja do poznih večernih ur. Še enkrat hvala vsem, ki so pomagali, da je bilo prijetno razpoloženje. 1st Place: David Horvat 2nd Place: Anna Marie Horvat 3rd Place: Alexandra Novak The youngest group 1st Place: Brandon Leite 2nd Place: Mindy Potte & Peter Bartlett 3rd Place: Linda Novak 3rd Place: Linda Novak Busy to count votes Pustovanje 2018 was an evening of many cos-tumes, friends, dance and food. This fun tradition of dressing up and dancing the night away could not even be stopped by all the snow that fell last week-end. Everyone was enthu-siastic, and spirits were high! With over 100 guests in attendance, even with the snow, we had 34 guests participate in costume; it is clear that at our parish, we enjoy the traditions and culture of our parents and grandparents. Seeing our children have so much fun must be an indication that our efforts are certainly worthwhile. To all who worked dili-gently organizing this event and ensuring all the details were taken care of, we thank you! A special thank you to Sidonia Poppa and Mary Ann Demšar who took on the task of lead organizers for this event. Also - a shout out goes to "SLO-BEAT" who always manage to provide the perfect blend of music to entertain all of us at this annual event and of course Fr. Drago for all his behind the scenes help! To everyone who had a hand in making our Pusto-vanje event a success, Thank You! Heidy Novak KULTURNI PRAZNIK PRI DRUŠTVU SAVA V Nedeljo, 11. februarja 2018, smo v društvu Sava praznovali Prešernov dan, največji slovesnki kulturni praznik. Kljub slabemu vremenu, se nas je udeležilo lepo število članov in prijateljev društva, več kot 60 se nas je zbralo. Pričeli smo z odličnim kosilom, ki nam ga je pripravila naša kuharica Christina Schal s svojo ekipo. Naša mladina nas je lepo postre-gla, za kar se njim iskreno zahvaljujemo. Nadaljevali smo s kulturnim programom. Vodila sta ga Magdalena Razpotnik in predsednik Walter Jurman. V programu so nastopili: Magdalena Razpotnik je naredila kratek uvod in prestavitev praznika. Sledila je recitacija Marije Prilesnik: Elegija svojim rojakom. Franc Celan je recitiral še Prešernovo: O Vrba. Enkratno nam je dve pesmi zapela-Ariana Riedl (By the Sea & How far I will go). Ariana je iz druge generacije in je bivša učenka Slovovenske šole Sava. Čestitamo Ariani za tako lep nastop in ji želimo obilo uspeha na njeni glasbeni in dramski poti. Veselo razpoloženje je v dvorani popestril Peter Kralj na diatonični harmoniki. Na koncu programa je predsednik društva Save ,Walter Jurman, skupaj s člani odbora podelil posebna priznanja dolgoletnim članom in odbornikom za njihovo delo in podporo društvu. Priznanja so prejeli: Kristina Balkovec, Brad Coles, Mike Durant, Steve Ivancic, Jurij Kobetič, Rafael Kobetič, Andy Nessner in Lojze Prilesnik. Iskrene čestitke vsem prejmnikom in se priporočamo za vašo pomoč v prihodnje. Za veselo popoldne in ples sta nam zaigrala Peter Kralj in Jože Razpotnik. Na plesišče sta privabila mlade in starejše. Najlepša hvala za izredno glasbo. Iskrena hvala vsem obiskovalcem, naši kujinji za odlično kosilo, vsem tistim, ki ste vse pripravili in vsem, ki ste marljivo delali za uspešen dan. Preživeli smo res lepo zabavno popoldne in enkraten kulturni praznik. Marija Prilesnik DRUŠTVO SAVA - BRESLAU To nedeljo, 18. februarja, je ob 1:00h popoldne slovenska sveta maša v društvu Sava. Prosimo, da to sporočite še drugim v svoji okolici. Društvo Sava Vas vabi na PUB NIGHT v četrtek , 22. februarja, od 5:00h do 9:00h zvečer. Nudimo vam domačo slovensko hrano, igre, olimpiado na velikem ekranu in glasbo za vesel in zabavni večer. Pridružite se nam! Društvo Sava, v nedeljo 4. marca 2018, vabi vse članice, člane in mladino na letni občni zbor in informacije o delovanju društva. Brezplačno kosilo se začne točno ob 1:00h popoldan. Na sestanku občnega zbora bomo spregovorili o delovanju društva, predstavili finančno poslovanje in se pogovorili o načrtih za prihodnjost. Vabimo Vas, da se v čim večjem številu udeležite občnega zbora in tako podprete društvo in svoje odbornike. SAVA CLUB is inviting all of you to come and join us for great food and evening of fun music and friendship; OUR PUB NIGHTS ARE BACK. More on the Flyer. This month, Pub Night is on Thursday, February 22nd from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Everyone welcome!! Sava - Mass: Just a friendly reminder today, Sunday, February 18th is Slovenian Mass at 1:00pm. Please inform others. Thank you. 1ST SUNDAY OF LENT Response: Your paths, Lord, are love and faithfulness for those who keep your covenant. First Reading Genesis 9:8-15 God gives us the rainbow as a sign of God’s everlasting covenant with humankind. Second Reading 1 Peter 3:18-22 God’s will is to save us all. Baptism is God’s pledge to us of this desire. Gospel Mark 1:12-15 After being tempted in the wilderness by Satan, Jesus begins his proclamation of the Good News from God. “‘The time has come’ he said ‘and the king-dom of God is close at hand.’” Illustration At the age of twenty, Christopher Knight head-ed off into the lakes and forests of Maine in the north-east of the USA. He just left the keys in his car and disappeared. For the next twenty-seven years he lived a life of total solitude, conversing with no one. He found a secluded spot that no hikers or hunters came near and made that his base. For food and equipment he stole from the cabins people owned as their country getaways. He was so meticu-lous in his planning that it was only after a thousand or more thefts and all those years that the police eventually caught up with him. As with other people who had chosen such solitude in the past, he found that being completely on his own increased his perception. But the tricky thing was that when he applied this perception to himself he had lost his identity. There was no audi-ence, no one to perform for. He became irrelevant as the dividing line between himself and the forest seemed to dissolve. His desires dropped away. He did not even have a name. Put romantically, he was completely free. As Thomas Merton put it, “The true solitary does not seek himself, but loses himself.” Needless to say, numbers of journalists wanted to interview Knight once he was captured. He even got offers of marriage. Eventually one journalist did get access to him and asked whether there was some great insight revealed to him in the wild. Knight thought for a while and then replied: “Get enough sleep.” Gospel Teaching Mark begins his Gospel with a flurry of witness-es to the truth of Jesus and his mission among us. His account of Jesus in the wilderness is very suc-cinct in comparison with the other Gospel accounts. There are no details of the individual temptations Jesus undergoes. There is a sense of urgency and power. The Spirit, who has descended on him in the form of a dove at his baptism, immediately drives him into the wilderness. This desert is not just a place of individual testing. It is where the wild beasts hold sway. It is where the battle takes place between the powers of good and evil. Jesus is not left alone in this warfare, for he has the protective shield of the angels. Throughout his public life of preaching and healing, Jesus will appear as a strong and active person, very much in charge of his destiny. At the end of his life, once Judas has handed him over to his executioners, he will be once again in the wilder-ness, and he will be totally passive as he is cursed and maltreated by his persecutors. As he begins his public career, we gain a hint of this possibility, as he begins his proclamation at the very point his precur-sor John, another witness, has been arrested. Jesus now becomes his own witness. The time has come for all the prophecies to be fulfilled. God through Jesus is once again asserting authority in the world. Application We live out the battle between good and evil against the wider landscape of our world and socie-ty. We also fight the same battle within ourselves. Living among others we have a multitude of distrac-tions, and the battle gets displaced into blaming others and being hurt by their actions. In solitude we learn to identify the true sources of evil both in ourselves and in our world. Modelling ourselves on Jesus, we also hope that we get angelic support. Our capacity to deal with the complexity of sin and evil is much strengthened by the way solitude also leads to the diminution in the importance of our self. As we become more insignificant we become more free to focus directly on what needs changing, again either in ourselves or in our outer world. We are less afraid, less anxious, less sensitive to our own needs and more attuned to the real needs of others. The journey into the wilderness with its experi-ence of solitude begins our Lenten journey. It equips us to repent and believe the Good News and to pro-claim the kingdom of God in our own lives. Fasting, almsgiving and prayer are the three practices we are advised to use as we attempt this mixture of purifi-cation and growth in ourselves. They are not ends in themselves but the means whereby we become more open to the life of the Spirit working in and through us. VOCATION OFFICE - DIOCESE OF HAMILTON The Vocation Office’s new issue of the Re-flection series is out! This issue features a mes-sage from our Vocation Director, Father Mi-chael King, and a message from 24 of our 25 seminarians. Please visit the Vocation Website, www.HamiltonVocations.com, to view it. Pope Francis: Lenten Message "Because of the increase of iniquity, the love of many will grow cold” (Mt 24:12) Once again, the Pasch of the Lord draws near! In our preparation for Easter, God in his providence offers us each year the sea-son of Lent as a “sacramental sign of our conversion”. Lent summons us, and ena-bles us, to come back to the Lord whole-heartedly and in every aspect of our life. With this message, I would like again this year to help the entire Church experi-ence this time of grace anew, with joy and in truth. I will take my cue from the words of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew: “Because of the increase of iniquity, the love of many will grow cold” (24:12). These words appear in Christ’s preach-ing about the end of time. They were spo-ken in Jerusalem, on the Mount of Olives, where the Lord’s passion would begin. In reply to a question of the disciples, Jesus foretells a great tribulation and describes a situation in which the community of believ-ers might well find itself: amid great trials, false prophets would lead people astray and the love that is the core of the Gospel would grow cold in the hearts of many. OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS PEVSKE VAJE V četrtek, 22. februarja, so pevske vaje za župnijski mešani pevski zbor in sicer po večerni maši. Practice for English choir is on Wednesdays after 7:00 p.m. evening Mass. New members always welcomed. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI . 17-19. februar: Slovenski park - Family day Long Weekend. . 4. marec-nedelja: St. Gregory the Great - CWL BAZAAR - Mass 10:00 a.m. . 4. marec-nedelja: St. Joseph's Society - AGM meeting 11:00 a.m. . 4. marec: Triglav - London, koline . 4. marec-nedelja: Bled - Dan žena - National Women's Day Banquet . 4. marec-nedelja: Sava - MGM meeting at 1:00 p.m. - Light lunch . 6. marec-torek: Lipa park - General meeting at 5:30 p.m., Complimentary Dinner, Election of new Executive at 6:30 p.m. . 11. marec-nedelja: St. Gregory the Great - Občni zbor ob 3:00 p.m. . 11. marec-nedelja: Triglav - Annual Membership Meeting . 18. marec-nedelja: Društvo sv. Jožefa - Banket; Maša ob 10:00 a.m. GIFT BEARERS - DAROVE PRINAŠAJO . 18. feb., 9:30 a.m.: Magda Uduč & daughter . 25. feb. 9:30 a.m.: Eva Erzetič, Jožica Vegelj . 4. marec 10:00 a.m.: Gonza Vera . 11. marec 9:30 a.m.: Maks in Jožica Pavličič CWL - KŽZ - BAZAAR 2018 Preparations for our March 4th CWL Bazaar are in full swing. Here are some updates and requests. Blue Lottery tickets continue to be sold at Sunday masses. Please return tickets and monies collected as soon as possible. Luncheon tickets will now also be sold at Sunday Masses. Advance tickets are $15 and tickets for chil-dren between 4-10 are $5. Reservation contact num-bers include Gospa T. Sarjaš at 905-560-1218 and Mrs. P. Gosgnach at 905-304-8719. We ask that reser-vations for lunch are made by February 27th. This will greatly assist our kitchen staff. Limited numbers of tickets will be available at the door. Donations to our penny sale, raffle, and children's centre are most welcome. They can be dropped off in the upper hall on Friday, March 2nd from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. or on Saturday morning, March 3rd. At other times you can give your donation to Father Drago. The Children's Centre is in particular need of new/gently used stuffed animals. You can drop them off in a box that will be placed in the church foyer by February 8th. Pecivo/baked goods will be accepted early on the morning of the bazaar. We recognize and value your culinary and baking talents. We thank you, our parishioners, for your ongoing support, generosity and contributions. Proceeds from our bazaar go to our parish and community. DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA - OBVESTILA St. Joseph Society 2018 membership is now due. The new membership Convenor is To-ny Ferko and he will be available at Sunday Mass to accept our $15 membership fee and issue your card. New members are welcome! St. Joseph Society Annual Meet-ing will be held on March 4th at 11:00 a.m. following Mass at the Villa. Coffee & “krofi” will be served! All members are invited to attend. We are seeking at least two new members to serve on the Board. It is not a big time consum-ing job however it is a very rewarding experience. For information, contact any members of the Board. Annual St. Joseph’s Banquet will be held Sunday, March 18th. Further details will be announced! ZAHVALA - THANK YOU Ob pogrebu moža Jožeta, se žena Olga Hanc zahvaljuje vsem, ki ste se od njega poslovili v Donald Brown Funeral home, se udeležili svete maše v župnijski cerkvi sv. Gregorija Velikega in ga pospremili na zadnjo pot na pokopališče Our Lady of the Angels. Hvala za vse izraze sožalja, za molitev rožnega venca, za darovane svete maše, cvetje in darove namesto cvetja. Hvala gospodu župniku za opravljeno slovesno mašo, vsem, ki ste nosili krsto in pevkam za lepo petje. Prav tako hvala Amaliji za okusno kosilo in vsem, ki ste prinesli pecivo in vrtanke. Hvala vsem, ki ste pomagali Mirku Zorku in Jožetu Prši pri pripravi dvorane in v baru. - Hvaležna žena Olga, hčerki Irene in Rose z družinama. DRUŠTVO SAVA - BRESLAU Danes, 18. februarja 2018 ob 1:00 p.m. se bo sveta maša darovala v Breslavu pri društvu Sava. Sveta maša je za vse pokojne člnane društva in : - za † Frank Čagran in starše in za pokojne iz družine Janežič po namenu Marije Čagran; - za †† starše: Antonijo in Alojza Prilesnik in pokojne iz družine Fabjan: Marijo, Viktorja in obletnica za brata Vikija po namenu Marije Prilesnik. DAROVI - DONATIONS V spomin na pokojnega Jožeta Hanc je Marija Škerget darovala $40 za gradbeni sklad. Namesto cvetja na grob pokojne Terese Drvarič je Marija Korošec z družino darovala $100 za gradbeni sklad. Ob obisku iz Slovenije smo dobili dar za gradbeni sklad $100. Hvala vsem za vaš dar. Bog vam povrni. SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday: 8:00 A.M., Tuesday to Friday: 7:00 P.M., Saturday: 8:00 A.M. and 5:30 P.M. (Slovenian); Sunday: 9:30 A.M. (Slovenian), 11:00 A.M. (English); From Long weekend in July to the Long weekend of the September Sunday Mass is only at 10:00 A.M. (Slovenian-English) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. DON BOSCO INDOORS: 1. Genealogy Displays: Family Trees, Power Points, Pictures, Your ances-try, Slovenski Park ancestry 2. Slovenski Park Family Album: Get your family photo taken - indoors or outdoors 3. Bar Service 4. Food available: Kranjska Klobasa, Roast Pig, Potatoes, Salad, Bread 5. Free Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Cotton Candy, Pecivo 8. Arts and Crafts 7. Balinca OUTDOORS: (depends on the weather) 1. Ice skating 2. Ice hockey / Ball hockey 3. Tobogganing 4. Snowman building contest 5. Angel making contest 6. Scavenger hunt. 7. Fire pit for roasting marshmallows Please rsvp your “Family” team for the Scavenger Hunt - group of 2 or 4 PRIZES for 1st & 2nd place teams. Wildcard 3rd Prize If you already have a Family Tree, please bring for display We welcome any pecivo/cookies donations Lot will be plowed and accessible… rain or shine /snow or sleet SLOVENSKI PARK - PROGRAM FOR FAMILY DAY Sunday, February 18, Starting at 1:00 p.m. 1. POSTNA NEDELJA 18. FEBRUAR Flavijan, škof †† † †† Za žive in rajne župljane Pavla in Rudi Levstek Ciril Kovačič Pokojni člani društva SAVA 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 1:00 P.M. Družina Udovč Družina Mes Maša - Sava - Breslau PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 19. FEBRUAR Bonifacij, škof † † Jože Sernel Ludvik Prevec 8:00 A.M. Žena in otroci Žena in otroka TOREK - TUESDAY 20. FEBRUAR Frančišek in Jacinta †† † Pokojni iz družine Rajbar Franc Raduha 7:00 P.M. Družina Gergyek Društvo sv. Jožefa (1) SREDA - WEDNESDAY 21. FEBRUAR Peter Damiani, šk-uč. †† Po namenu Marija in Alojz Joželj 7:00 P.M. Ana Tadič Sonja Langenfus ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 22. FEBRUAR Sedež apostola Petra † †† Francka Pust Franc in Jožefa Majzelj, obl. 7:00 P.M. Družina Pust Franc z družino PETEK - FRIDAY 23. FEBRUAR Polikarp, škof-mučenec †† †† †† † † KRIŽEV POT Verona in Štefan Prša, obl. Verona in Štefan Prša, obl. Verona in Štefan prša, obl. Izidor Zabukovec Marija Mes 6:30 P.M. 7:00 P.M. Station of the Cross Cecilija Sobočan Joe in Kathy Prša Olga in Viktor Glavač Žena Mary Hči Amalija z družino SOBOTA SATURDAY 24. FEBRUAR Matija, apostol Kvatre †† † † †† † † Za duhovne poklice Pavel in Paul Richard Novak Patricia O'Biran Matija Vlašič Marija in Alojz Mes Joe Hanc Jakob Karl Muhič, Jr. 9:15 A.M. 5:30 P.M. n.n. Jožica Novak z družino Francka Cestnik z družino Žena in otroci Družina Mes Cecilija Sobočan Starši in sestra 2. POSTNA NEDELJA 25. FEBRUAR Alojzij in Kalist, muč. †† † Za žive in rajne župljane Martin in Matija Zelko, obl. Franc Raduha 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. Marija in Toni Franc Joe in Kathy Prša SVETE MAŠE - MASSES Od 18. 2. 2018 do 25. 2. 2018