av tor j i 201 gality and legitimacy and legal culture. Author of the monograph Free­ dom of Expression (2007). Member of the Slovenian Constitutional Law Association’s managing board. Initiator, co­ founder and managing editor of REVUS­ European Constitutionality Review. Author of the Nations In Transit Report for Slovenia, 2006, Freedom House. Co­ founder and president of the Club Revus –Centre for Studies of European Democra­ cy and Constitutionality. As research associate he is above all responsible for the promotion of the legal and policy studies in the field of mental he­ alth and he is the Head of the Centre for Combined Science and Deve­ lopment, with the key purpose to establish and develop one single, combi­ ned, interdisciplinary science. Danijela Lahe Asis. mag. Danijela Lahe je zaposlena na Oddelku za sociologijo Filozof­ ske fakultete Univerze v Mariboru. Njeno raziskovalno in strokovno delo se nanaša predvsem na preučevanje področja družine in socialne geronto­ logije. Je avtorica in soavtorica strokovnih in znanstvenih prispevkov, ob­ javljenih v domačih in tujih publikacijah. danijela.lahe@um.si Asis. mag. Danijela Lahe works at the Department od Sociology (Faculty of Arts) at the University of Maribor. Her research and professional work is mainly focused on examining family and social gerontology. She is an author and co­ aurhor of various scientific articles published in national and international scientific publications. danijela.lahe@um.si Jana Goriup Jana Goriup, red. prof., univerzitetna učiteljica in predavateljica za soci­ ologijo družine in sociologijo vzgoje in izobraževanja ter socialno geron­ tologijo na FF in sociologijo zdravja in bolezni na FZV UM; raziskoval­ ka navedenih področij, soavtorica monografij in avtorica znanstvenih ter strokovnih člankov. jana.goriup@guest.um.si Jana Goriup, university teacher and lecturer of Sociology of the family, and the Sociology of education and Social gerontology and Sociology at health and diseases on Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Health Sciences University of Maribor; researcher in listed areas, co­ author of the mono­ graphs and the author of the scientific and professional articles. jana.gori­ up@guest.um.si Ana Šmidhofer Ana Šmidhofer je magistrirala in doktorirala na Oddelku za pedagogiko Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Mariboru. Raziskuje vplive nekaterih fi­ lozofskih tokov (personalizma, filozofske antropologije, fenomenologije itd.) na slovensko pedagoško misel med obema svetovnima vojnama.