ISSN 2590-9770 The Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematics 2 (2019) #P1.04 (Also available at Optimal orientations of strong products of paths Tjaša Paj Erker University of Maribor, FME, Smetanova 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia Received 9 March 2018, accepted 13 July 2018, published online 8 August 2018 Abstract Let diammin(G) denote the minimum diameter of a strong orientation of G and let G  H denote the strong product of graphs G and H . In this paper we prove that diammin(Pm  Pn) = diam(Pm  Pn) for m,n ≥ 5, m 6= n, and diammin(Pm  Pn) = diam(Pm  Pn) + 1 for m,n ≥ 5, m = n. We also prove that diammin(G  H) ≤ max {diammin(G),diammin(H)} for any connected bridgeless graphs G and H . Keywords: Diameter, strong orientation, strong product. Math. Subj. Class.: 05C12, 05C76 1 Introduction Let D = (V (D), A(D)) be a directed graph. If (u, v) ∈ A(D), we write u → v. A uv-path is a directed path u = u1u2 . . . un = v from a vertex u to a vertex v. The length of the path u = u1u2 . . . un = v is n− 1. If every vertex in D is reachable from every other vertex in D, we say that directed graph D is strong (there is a directed uv-path in D for every u, v ∈ V (D)). The distance from u to v is the length of a shortest directed uv-path in D, denoted by distD(u, v). The greatest distance among all pairs of vertices in D is the diameter of D, so diam(D) = max{distD(u, v) | u, v ∈ V (D)}. Note that the distance of two vertices u, v in undirected graph G, distG(u, v), is the length of a shortest undirected uv-path in G and the greatest distance between any two vertices in G is the diameter of G, denoted by diam(G). Let G be an undirected graph. An orientation of G is a digraph D obtained from G by assigning to each edge in G a direction. Let D(G) denote the family of all strong orientations of G. In [9] it is proved that every connected bridgeless graph admits a strong orientation. We define the minimum diameter of a strong orientation of G as diammin(G) = min{diam(D) | D ∈ D(G)}. E-mail address: (Tjaša Paj Erker) cb This work is licensed under 2 Art Discrete Appl. Math. 2 (2019) #P1.04 The parameter diammin(G) was studied by many authors, because it is important from theoretical and practical points of view, as an application in traffic control problems. Ori- entations of graphs can be viewed as arrangements of one-way streets, if G is thought of as the system of two-way streets in a city, and we want to make every street in the city one-way and still get from every point to every other point (see [9, 10]). For every bridgeless connected graph G of radius r it was shown, see [1], that diammin(G) ≤ 2r2+2r. There were also some determined values of the minimum diame- ter of a strong orientation of the Cartesian product of graphs. For Cartesian product of two paths it was proved that diammin(Pm Pn) = diam(Pm Pn), for m ≥ 3 and n ≥ 6, see [5]. In [8] it was proved that diammin(Cm Cn) = diam(Cm Cn) for m,n ≥ 6. In [7] Koh and Tay proved that diammin(T1 T2) = diam(T1 T2) for trees T1 and T2 with diameters at least 4. They also studied the diameter of orientations of Km Kn, Km Pn, Pm Cn and Km Cn (see [4, 5, 6]). In [3], the upper bound for the strong radius and the strong diameter of Cartesian prod- uct of graphs are determined. In this article we consider the minimum diameter of strong orientations of strong prod- ucts of graphs. The strong product of graphs G and H is the graph, denoted by GH , with the vertex set V (G H) = V (G) × V (H) where two distinct vertices (u, v) and (u′, v′) are adjacent in GH if and only if uu′ ∈ E(G) and v = v′, or u = u′ and vv′ ∈ E(H), or uu′ ∈ E(G) and vv′ ∈ E(H). For v ∈ V (H) we define the G-layer Gv: Gv = {(u, v) | u ∈ V (G)} . Analogously we define H-layers. In the next section we prove that diammin(PmPn) = diam(PmPn), for m,n ≥ 5, m 6= n and that diammin(Pm  Pn) = diam(Pm  Pn) + 1, for m,n ≥ 5, m = n. 2 Orientations of Pm  Pn In [7] Koh and Tay proved that diammin(Pm Pn) = diam(Pm Pn), for m ≥ 5 and n ≥ 5. We use some of their notations. So we will define four sections of V (Pm  Pn) and two basic orientations of Ps Pt, where s, t ≥ 3, similarly as it was introduced in [7]. For m,n ≥ 5 we define (i) Southwest Section SW = { (i, j) | 1 ≤ i ≤ ⌈ m 2 ⌉ , 1 ≤ j ≤ ⌈ n 2 ⌉} ; (ii) Northwest Section NW = { (i, j) | 1 ≤ i ≤ ⌈ m 2 ⌉ , ⌈ n+1 2 ⌉ ≤ j ≤ n } ; (iii) Southeast Section SE = { (i, j) | ⌈ m+1 2 ⌉ ≤ i ≤ m, 1 ≤ j ≤ ⌈ n 2 ⌉} ; (iv) Northeast Section NE = { (i, j) | ⌈ m+1 2 ⌉ ≤ i ≤ m, ⌈ n+1 2 ⌉ ≤ j ≤ n } . We define two basic orientations of Ps  Pt, where s, t ≥ 3: if s ≤ t, we define the orientation F1 of Ps  Pt as: (i) For 1 ≤ i ≤ s− 1 and 2 ≤ j ≤ t, (i, j)→ (i+ 1, j − 1); (ii) For 1 ≤ i ≤ s − 1 and 1 ≤ j ≤ t − 1, (i + 1, j + 1) → (i, j) if j − i ≥ t − s and (i, j)→ (i+ 1, j + 1) if j − i < t− s; (iii) For 1 ≤ i ≤ s− 1 and 2 ≤ j ≤ t, (i, j)→ (i, j − 1); (iv) For 1 ≤ j ≤ t− 1, (s, j)→ (s, j + 1); T. Paj Erker: Optimal orientations of strong products of paths 3 (v) For 1 ≤ i ≤ s− 1 and 1 ≤ j ≤ t− 1, (i, j)→ (i+ 1, j); (vi) For 2 ≤ i ≤ s, (i, t)→ (i− 1, t); and if s > t, we define the orientation F2 of Ps  Pt as: (i) For 2 ≤ i ≤ s and 1 ≤ j ≤ t− 1, (i, j)→ (i− 1, j + 1); (ii) For 1 ≤ i ≤ s and 1 ≤ j ≤ t, (i + 1, j + 1) → (i, j) if i − j ≥ s − t and (i, j)→ (i+ 1, j + 1) if i− j < s− t; (iii) For 1 ≤ i ≤ s− 1 and 1 ≤ j ≤ t− 1, (i, j)→ (i, j + 1); (iv) For 2 ≤ j ≤ t, (s, j)→ (s, j − 1); (v) For 2 ≤ i ≤ s and 1 ≤ j ≤ t− 1, (i, j)→ (i− 1, j); (vi) For 1 ≤ i ≤ s− 1, (i, t)→ (i+ 1, t). The orientation F1 of P3  P4 and the orientation F2 of P4  P3 is shown in Figure 1. F1 (s, t) F2 (s, t) Figure 1: Orientations F1 and F2. Observation 2.1. If s < t, for any (i, j) ∈ V (F1), distF1((i, j), (s, t− 1)) ≤ t− 2. Proof. Let (i, j) ∈ V (F1). We shall consider four cases. (i) If j 6= t and j ≥ i+t−s−1, then (i, j)→ (i+1, j)→ · · · → (j−(t−s)+1, j)→ (j− (t− s)+ 2, j+1)→ · · · → (s, t− 1) is a path of length at most s− 1 ≤ t− 2. (ii) If j 6= t and j < i+ t− s− 1, then (i, j)→ (i+1, j+1)→ · · · → (s, j+ s− i)→ (s, j + s− i+ 1)→ · · · → (s, t− 1) is a path of length at most t− 2. (iii) If j = t and i 6= s, then (i, t)→ (i+ 1, t− 1)→ (i+ 2, t− 1)→ · · · → (s, t− 1) is a path of length at most s− 1 ≤ t− 2. (iv) If j = t and i = s, then (s, t) → (s − 1, t − 1) → (s, t − 1) is a path of length two. Observation 2.2. If s < t, for any (i, j) ∈ V (F1), distF1((i, j), (s, t)) ≤ t− 1. Proof. Since (s, t− 1)→ (s, t), the claim follows by Observation 2.1: distF1((i, j), (s, t)) = distF1((i, j), (s, t− 1)) + 1 ≤ s− 1 + 1 ≤ t− 1. Observation 2.3. If s < t, for any (i, j) ∈ V (F1), distF1((s− 1, t), (i, j)) ≤ t− 1. 4 Art Discrete Appl. Math. 2 (2019) #P1.04 Proof. Let (i, j) ∈ V (F1). We shall consider four cases. (i) If i 6= s and j > i+ t− s, then (s− 1, t)→ (s− 2, t)→ · · · → (i+ (t− j), t)→ (i+ (t− j)− 1, t− 1)→ · · · → (i, j) is a path of length at most s− 2 ≤ t− 2. (ii) If i 6= s and j ≤ i+ t− s, then (s−1, t)→ (s−1, t−1)→ (s−2, t−2)→ · · · → (i, i+ t− s)→ (i, i+ t− s− 1)→ · · · → (i, j) is a path of length at most t− 1. (iii) If i = s and j 6= t, (s − 1, t) → (s − 1, t − 1) → (s − 1, t − 2) → · · · → (s− 1, j + 1)→ (s, j) is a path of length at most t− 1. (iv) If i = s and j = t, then (s− 1, t)→ (s, t− 1)→ (s, t) is a path of length two. Observation 2.4. If s < t, for any (i, j) ∈ V (F1), distF1((s, t), (i, j)) ≤ t− 1. Proof. Since (s, t)→ (s−1, t) and (s, t)→ (s−1, t−1), the proof is similar as the proof of Observation 2.3. Observation 2.5. If s = t, for any (i, j) ∈ V (F1), distF1((i, j), (s, s)) ≤ s. Proof. Let (i, j) ∈ V (F1). We shall consider three cases. (i) If j 6= t and j ≥ i−1, then (i, j)→ (i+1, j)→ · · · → (j+1, j)→ (j+2, j+1)→ · · · → (s, s− 1)→ (s, s) is a path of length at most s. (ii) If j 6= t and j < i − 1, then (i, j) → (i + 1, j + 1) → · · · → (s, j + s − i) → (s, j + s− i+ 1)→ · · · → (s, s) is a path of length at most s− 1. (iii) If j = s and i 6= s, then (i, s)→ (i+1, s−1)→ (i+2, s−1)→ · · · → (s, s−1)→ (s, s) is a path of length at most s. Observation 2.6. If s = t, for any (i, j) ∈ V (F1), distF1((s, s), (i, j)) ≤ s− 1. Proof. Let (i, j) ∈ V (F1). We shall consider three cases. (i) If i 6= s and j > i, then (s, s) → (s − 1, s) → · · · → (i + (s − j), s) → (i+ (s− j)− 1, t− 1)→ . . .→ (i, j) is a path of length at most s− 1. (ii) If i 6= s and j ≤ i, then (s, s) → (s − 1, s − 1) → · · · → (i, i) → (i, i − 1) → . . .→ (i, j) is a path of length at most s− 1. (iii) If i = s and j 6= s − 1, (s, s) → (s − 1, s − 1) → (s − 1, s − 2) → · · · → (s− 1, j + 1)→ (s, j) is a path of length at most s− 1. (iv) If i = s and j = s− 1, then (s, s)→ (s− 1, s− 1)→ (s, s− 1) is a path of length two. Similarly as above, we can prove next Observations 2.7–2.10. Observation 2.7. If s > t, for any (i, j) ∈ V (F2), distF2((s, t− 1), (i, j)) ≤ s− 1. Observation 2.8. If s > t, for any (i, j) ∈ V (F2), distF2((s, t), (i, j)) ≤ s− 1. Observation 2.9. If s > t, for any (i, j) ∈ V (F2), distF2((i, j), (s− 1, t)) ≤ s− 2. Observation 2.10. If s > t, for any (i, j) ∈ V (F2), distF2((i, j), (s, t)) ≤ s− 1. T. Paj Erker: Optimal orientations of strong products of paths 5 In [7], Koh and Tay also introduced a key-vertex v ∈ V (F ) of digraph F . Let F ∈ D(Ps  Pt). We say that a vertex v ∈ V (F ) is a key-vertex of F if distF (u, v) ≤ max {t, s} and distF (v, u) ≤ max {t, s} for all u ∈ V (F ). Note that (s, t) is a key-vertex of F1 and of F2. Analogously as F1 and F2, we define 6 other isomorphic orientations Fi, 3 ≤ i ≤ 8 of Ps  Pt as shown in Figures 2 and 3. F1 F4 F5 F8 Figure 2: Orientations F1, F4, F5 and F8. Obviously vertices denoted by black dots in Figures 2 and 3 are key-vertices of Fi for i = 1, . . . , 8 (similar arguments as in Observations 2.1–2.6). Lemma 2.11. Let m,n ≥ 5, m 6= n and m,n ≡ 1 (mod 2). Then diammin(Pm  Pn) ≤ max {m− 1, n− 1} . Proof. Let m < n. We define the orientation D of Pm  Pn by F1, F4, F5 and F8: (a) orient the section NW as F4; (b) orient the section NE as F8; (c) orient the section SW as F1; (d) orient the section SE as F5. As an illustration, the orientation of P5  P7 is shown in Figure 4. The vertex z = (m+12 , n+1 2 ) is the key-vertex of each Fi, for i = 1, 4, 5, 8. For any u, v ∈ V (D), distD(u, v) ≤ distD(u, z) + distD(z, v). 6 Art Discrete Appl. Math. 2 (2019) #P1.04 F2 F3 F7 F6 Figure 3: Orientations F2, F3, F6 and F7. Since distD(u, z) ≤ n−12 and distD(z, v) ≤ n−1 2 (similarly as in Observation 2.2 and Observation 2.4), we have distD(u, v) ≤ n− 1 2 + n− 1 2 = n− 1. If m > n we define the orientation D of Pm  Pn by F2, F3, F6 and F7. Similarly as above, we have distD(u, v) ≤ distD(u, z) + distD(z, v) ≤ m− 1 2 + m− 1 2 = m− 1 (see Observation 2.10 and Observation 2.8). Lemma 2.12. Let m,n ≥ 6, m 6= n and m,n ≡ 0 (mod 2). Then diammin(Pm  Pn) ≤ max {m− 1, n− 1} . Proof. Let m < n. Denote z1 = (m2 , n 2 ), z4 = ( m 2 , n 2 + 1), z5 = ( m 2 + 1, n 2 ) and z8 = ( m 2 + 1, n 2 + 1). We define the orientation D of Pm  Pn by F1, F4, F5 and F8 as follows: (a) orient the section NW as F4; (b) orient the section NE as F8; (c) orient the section SW as F1; (d) orient the section SE as F5; (e) Orient z1 → (m2 −1, n 2+1), ( m 2 +1, n 2−1)→ z1, z4 → ( m 2 −1, n 2 ), ( m 2 +1, n 2+2)→ z4, z5 → (m2 + 2, n 2 + 1), ( m 2 , n 2 − 1) → z5, z8 → ( m 2 + 2, n 2 ), ( m 2 , n 2 + 2) → z8, and orient all other edges arbitrarily. T. Paj Erker: Optimal orientations of strong products of paths 7 1 m+12 m 1 n+1 2 n F1 F4 F5 F8 Figure 4: The orientation D of P5  P7. F1 z1 F4 z4 F5 z5 F8 z8 1 m 2 m 2 + 1 m 1 n 2 n 2 + 1 n Figure 5: The orientation D of P6  P8. 8 Art Discrete Appl. Math. 2 (2019) #P1.04 The orientation D is shown in Figure 5. Note that vertices z1, z4, z5 and z8 are key-vertices of Fi, for i = 1, 4, 5, 8. Let u, v ∈ V (D). We claim that distD(u, v) ≤ n− 1. There are four cases. (i) If u and v are in the same section, then we have distD(u, v) ≤ distD(u, zi) + distD(zi, v) ≤ n 2 − 1 + n 2 − 1 = n− 2 as in Observation 2.2 and Observation 2.4. (ii) If u ∈ NW and v ∈ SW, then (see Observation 2.2 and Observation 2.3): distD(u, v) ≤ distD(u, z4) + distD ( z4, ( m 2 − 1, n 2 ) ) + distD ( (m2 − 1, n 2 ), v ) ≤ n 2 − 1 + 1 + n 2 − 1 = n− 1. The argument is similar if u ∈ SW and v ∈ NW, or u ∈ NE and v ∈ SE, or u ∈ SE and v ∈ NE. (iii) If u ∈ SW and v ∈ SE, then the claim follows from Observation 2.1 and Observation 2.4, similarly as above. Also, if u ∈ SE and v ∈ SW, or u ∈ NW and v ∈ NE, or u ∈ NE and v ∈ NW, then the argument is analogous. (iv) If u ∈ SW and v ∈ NE, then (see Observation 2.1 and Observation 2.3) we have distD(u, v) ≤ distD ( u, (m2 , n 2 − 1) ) + distD ( (m2 , n 2 − 1), z5 ) + + distD ( z5, ( m 2 + 2, n 2 + 1) ) + distD ( (m2 + 2, n 2 + 1), v ) ≤ n 2 − 2 + 1 + 1 + n 2 − 1 = n− 1. The argument is similar for u ∈ NE and v ∈ SW, or u ∈ NW and v ∈ SE, or u ∈ SE and v ∈ NW. Analogously if m > n, we have distD(u, v) ≤ m− 1 for any u, v ∈ V (D). Lemma 2.13. Let m ≥ 5, n ≥ 6, m ≡ 1 (mod 2) and n ≡ 0 (mod 2). Then diammin(Pm  Pn) ≤ max {m− 1, n− 1} . (2.1) Proof. Let m < n. Denote z1 = (m+12 , n 2 ) and z4 = ( m+1 2 , n 2 + 1). We define the orientation D of Pm  Pn by F1, F4, F5 and F8 as follows: (a) orient the section NW as F4; (b) orient the section NE as F8; (c) orient the section SW as F1; (d) orient the section SE as F5; (e) orient z4 → (m+12 − 1, n 2 ), z1 → z4, z4 → ( m+1 2 + 1, n 2 ), and orient all other edges arbitrarily. The orientation D is shown in Figure 6. Note that vertex z1 is a key-vertex of F1 and F5 and that vertex z4 is a key-vertex of F4 and F8. T. Paj Erker: Optimal orientations of strong products of paths 9 F1 z1 F4 z4 F8 1 m 2 m 1 n 2 n 2 + 1 n Figure 6: The orientation D of P5  P8. Let u, v ∈ V (D). There are three cases. (i) If u ∈ NW ∪NE and v ∈ NW ∪NE, then we have distD(u, v) ≤ distD(u, z4) + distD(z4, v) ≤ n 2 − 1 + n 2 − 1 = n− 2 (see Observation 2.2 and Observation 2.4). The case that {u, v} ⊆ SW ∪ SE is similar. (ii) If u ∈ SW∪SE and v ∈ NW∪NE, then (see Observation 2.2 and Observation 2.4): distD(u, v) ≤ distD(u, z1) + distD(z1, z4) + distD(z4, v) ≤ n 2 − 1 + 1 + n 2 − 1 = n− 1. (iii) If u ∈ NW ∪NE and v ∈ SW, then from Observation 2.2 and Observation 2.3: distD(u, v) ≤ distD(u, z4) + distD ( z4, ( m+1 2 − 1, n 2 )) + + distD (( m+1 2 − 1, n 2 ) , v ) ≤ n 2 − 1 + 1 + n 2 − 1 = n− 1. The case that u ∈ NW ∪NE and v ∈ SE is similar. Let m > n. Denote z2 = (m+12 , n 2 ) and z3 = ( m+1 2 , n 2 + 1). We define the orientation D of Pm  Pn by F2, F3, F6 and F7 as follows: (a) orient the section NW as F3; 10 Art Discrete Appl. Math. 2 (2019) #P1.04 (b) orient the section NE as F7; (c) orient the section SW as F2; (d) orient the section SE as F6; (e) orient (m+12 −1, n 2 )→ z3, z3 → z2, ( m+1 2 +1, n 2 )→ z3 and all other edges oriented arbitrarily. The rest of the proof is analogously as above. Note that if m ≥ 5 and n ≥ 6, m ≡ 0 (mod 2) and n ≡ 1 (mod 2), we also have (2.1). Lemma 2.14. Let m ≥ 5, m ≡ 1 (mod 2). Then diammin(Pm  Pm) ≤ m. Proof. Denote z = (m+12 , m+1 2 ). We define the orientation D of Pm  Pm by F1, F4, F5 and F8 as follows: (a) orient the section NW as F4; (b) orient the section NE as F8; (c) orient the section SW as F1; (d) orient the section SE as F5. Note that z is a key-vertex of Fi, for i = 1, 4, 5, 8. For any u, v ∈ D we have distD(u, v) ≤ distD(u, z) + distD(z, v) ≤ m+ 1 2 + m− 1 2 = m as in Observation 2.5 and Observation 2.6. Lemma 2.15. Let m ≥ 6, m ≡ 0 (mod 2). Then diammin(Pm  Pm) ≤ m. Proof. The proof is similarly as the proof of Lemma 2.12 (it follows from Observations 2.1, 2.3, 2.5 and 2.6). In [2], it is proved that if (u, v) and (u′, v′) are vertices of a strong product GH , then distGH((u, v), (u ′, v′)) = max{distG(u, u′),distH(v, v′)}. Since diam(Pm) = m − 1, we get diam(Pm  Pn) = max{m − 1, n − 1}. Since diam(Pm  Pn) = distPmPm((1, 1), (m,m)) = m − 1 and there is only one path from (1, 1) to (m,m) in Pm  Pm possessing the length m− 1, it follows that distD((1, 1), (m,m)) > m− 1 or distD ((m,m), (1, 1)) > m− 1 for any D ∈ D(Pm  Pn). To combine these two observations with Lemmas 2.11–2.15, we obtain the following theorem: T. Paj Erker: Optimal orientations of strong products of paths 11 Theorem 2.16. If m,n ≥ 5, then diammin(Pm  Pn) = { diam(Pm  Pn), if m 6= n; diam(Pm  Pn) + 1, if m = n. At the end of this section, we give the bounds of diammin(Pn  Pm) for m < 5. From Figure 7, we see that n − 1 ≤ diammin(Pn  P2) = n for n > 2, n − 1 ≤ diammin(Pn  P3) = n for n > 3 and n− 1 ≤ diammin(Pn  P4) = n+ 1 for n > 4. · · · · · · · · · Pn Pn Pn P2 P3 P4 Figure 7: Orientations of Pn  P2, Pn  P3 and Pn  P4. 3 Strong orientation of graphs In this section we shall prove the next theorem. Theorem 3.1. Let G and H be connected bridgeless graphs. Then diammin(GH) ≤ max{diammin(G),diammin(H)}. Proof. Let DG be a strong orientation of G such that diam(DG) = diammin(G) = d1 and let DH be a strong orientation of H such that diam(DH) = diammin(H) = d2. We define the orientation DGH of GH as: (a) Every edge with endvertices in layers Gv , v ∈ V (H) gets the orientation DG. (b) Every edge with endvertices in layers Hu, u ∈ V (G) gets the orientation DH . (c) If u→ u′ in G and v → v′ in H , then (u, v)→ (u′, v′), all other edges are oriented arbitrarily. 12 Art Discrete Appl. Math. 2 (2019) #P1.04 We have to prove that for every pair of vertices (u, v), (u′, v′) in G  H there is a directed path P from (u, v) to (u′, v′) in DGH , such that the length of P is at most max {d1, d2}. If (u, v) and (u′, v) are vertices in the same G-layer or if (u, v) and (u, v′) are vertices in the same H-layer, then there is a directed path from (u, v) to (u′, v) in DGH of length at most d1 or a directed path from (u, v) to (u, v′) of length at most d2. Now let (u, v) and (u′, v′) be arbitrary vertices in DGH . There is a directed path u = u1u2 . . . um = u ′ in G of length at most d1 and there is a directed path v = v1v2 . . . vn = v′ in H of length at most d2. Without loss of generality we can assume m ≥ n. We have (u, v)→ (u2, v2)→ (u3, v3)→ · · · → (un, vn)→ (un+1, vn)→ · · · → (um, vn) = (u′, v′) is a path of length at most d1. Since diammin(C3) = 2 and diammin(C3  C3) = 2, the bound is tight. References [1] V. Chvátal and C. 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