Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! Serving American Slovenians for 110 years Vol. 110, No. 6 American Home Ameriška Domovina' SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER USPS 024100 ISSN Number 0164-68X AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 20, 2008 Phone:(216)431-0628 $1 QQ E-mail: ahD@buckeveweb.net ^ v Slovenian Easter Customs, Traditions by Kornelija Ajlec This Is Slovenia Easter is upon us again. This holiday in Slovenia has many colorful traditions and customs dating centuries into the past. On Palm Sunday at the beginning of Holy Week, bunches of spring greenery are blessed. This custom is not only observed in Slovenia, but also in other European countries. The Christian custom of gathering bundles dates to the 9th century, and probably derives from a custom known throughout the pagan medieval Europe. In those days people used bundles from sacred plants - trees, bushes, herbs or flowers - as protection against lightning and other threatening weather. They hoped to improve plant growth and fertility, as well as drive away evil forces and disease. These bundles, of different shapes and sizes, are known by different names in different parts of Slovenia. In the Primorska region it is called “presence,” in Istra “fašine,” around the parts surrounding Slovenjgrtadec and in the Dravska Valley they call it “snop,” in Gorenjska “be-ganica,” in Dolenjska it is known as “žegen,” in Bela Krajina “drenek,” and in Notranjska it is referred to as “butarica.” These bundles are made with various types of foliage: In Istria, olive branches, the top parts of which have been stripped of leaves, are braided with other olive branches. The end result is reminiscent of a palm tree. Some people carve little roosters out of fig or elder piths and adorn their combs with red cloth. In Bloke the weaving of bundles is taken very seriously. In order to constitute a proper bundle it must contain as many as 14 “items,” a one-year-old hazel twig, and one branch of each of the following: cherry, pear, apple, plum, dogwood, a juniper twig, thistle, and hasclwort, ivy, an olive branch and a potato or two in the middle. In other towns in Slovenia they also use oranges, lemons, apples, different types of ribbons and the like. The most special of all bundles is the “Ljubljana Bundle.” There is not much greenery in it. Customarily it consists simply of a spray of juniper branches, a twig from a box tree or a cypress. Placed in the middle are wood chips, dyed in various colors and skillfully curled and plaited. Customarily they are white, blue and red, and sometimes other colors. These Ljubljana bundles are renown abroad for being the only bundles of their kind. The easiest way to acquire them is to go to Ljubljana’s flower market, near the Cathedral. After they have been blessed, the bundles can serve various purposes. In the Prekmurje region it is customary to go around the homestead, leaving a part of the bundle in the fields; another part is reserved for the bee hives, and yet another part is left on the roof. In the Gorenjska region, after the blessing, the bundles are propped up against fruit trees. In the countryside bundles are status symbols. The bigger and the more lavishly decorated the bundle, the more esteemed is the family that made it. The belief that one should not work in the field on Good Friday used to be held virtually everywhere. This was supposed to render the land infertile. This day remains a strict day of fasting. In some areas the fast continues on Saturday. Until recently a special “fast dish” was eaten on Holy Saturday, which was intended to remind people of the times of severe hunger which plagued Camiola in 1529. This dish is called Aleluja and was made from turnip peelings. As late as 1944 on Good Friday and Holy Saturday, stallholders at Ljubljana open market were still selling Aleluja soaked in vinegar. (Continued on page 2) ti'la Jfxt C*T 018*01 q*****1******* ** * «>**« 5-DIG IT 44081 Marian mcmahon 3933 OHIO ST PERRY OH 44081-9562 Mass Lector Vickie Liptak with sons Andrew and Michael are dressed in Slovenian National Costume in front of St. Mary’s Church on Saturday, Feb. 2, 2008 at the church Anniversary Mass with Bishop Richard Lennon as Main Celebrant. Concelebrants were Pastor, Rev. John M. Kumse, Rev. Stephen M. Spisak, in Residence, and Deacon Rev. Mr. David S. Kushner. _____________________(Photo by PHIL HRVATIN) Early Easter This Year Have you noticed how early Easter is this year? Easter is always the Ist Sunday after the lsl full moon after the Spring Equinox (which is March 20). This dating of Easter is based on the lunar calendar that Hebrew people used to identify Passover, which is why it moves around on our Roman calendar. Easter can actually be one day earlier (March 22), but that is rare. Here’s the interesting facts. This year is the earliest Easter any of us will ever see the rest of our lives. And only the most elderly have ever seen it this early (95 years old or above). And none will ever see it a day earlier The next time Easter will be this early (March 23) will be in 2228 (220 years from now). The last time it was this early was 1913. The next time it will be a day earlier, March 22 will be in 2285 (277 years from now). The last time it was on March 22 was in 1818. Thanks to Agnes Koporc for this information. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 20, 2008 2 AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike: $35 letno Kanada - $3.00 na izvod po redni pošti (ZD valuta) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (ZD valuta) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States: $35 per year Canada: $3 per issue in U.S. currency (1st class mail) Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published twice a month for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 6 March 20, 2008 St. Mary’s pastor, Rev. John Kumse, blesses Easter food (Photo by JO ANN KAIFESH) Blessing of Easter Food An Eastern European tradition, including Slovenian, that has become quite popular in most parishes in the United States is the blessing of Easter food on Holy Saturday. In the traditional food basket for Easter are certain foods. Easter bread or potica is symbolic of Jesus, the true bread of life. It is usually a round loaf symbolic of the crown of thorns. Sausage is a sign of God’s favor and generosity. Horseradish is symbolic of the nails that pierced the hands and feet of Jesus during His bitter passion. Eggs are a sign of resurrection and new life. Salt, necessary for flavor, is a reminder of our Christian duty to help one another. Wine is blessed as a reminder of the moderation that Christians should have in all things. Ham and other meat is a sign of the great joy and abundance of Easter and God’s mercy to us. Butter, often shaped into a figure of a lamb or small cross, reminds us of the goodness of God that we should find in all things. If you have not yet made th blessing of Easter food a part of your family’s holiday celebration, why not begin this year? St. Mary’s (Collinwood) and St. Vitus pastors bless Easter food on Holy Saturday afternoon, at 1 and 3 p.m., St. Christine church at 2 and 5. The power of a man’s virtue should not be measured by his special efforts, but by his ordinary doing. -Dave Kushner Slovenian Easter Customs... (Continued from page 1) On Holy Saturday in most Slovenian towns people bless their Easter meals. Already in the second half of the 17,h century the procedure of the blessing ceremony was described by Valvasor. Ham, potica (a typical Slovenian cake), horseradish and five Easter eggs were taken to church for blessing. This remains traditional Easter food to this day. Blessed and colored eggs are a long-lasting tradition of the Slovenes. Their first mention dates back to 1393. This is when a document was written in a former Dominican nunnery in Radlje stating that on Holy Saturday eggs were to be distributed to all the nuns. It is evident from their Slovenian names, which are still in use, that the original Easter eggs were red. The words pirth and remenica (Used in the Prekmurje region) derive from the words meaning “red.” Slovenian colored eggs, also called pisanice or pisanke (in the Bela Krajina region) are among the most beautiful in Europe. Pisanice and remenice are typical of the Slovenian east in their characteristic geometrical and stylized forms. On the other hand, Easter eggs in the Primorska and Gorenjska region feature mostly nature motifs, usually flowers and plants. In the painting of pisanice special wooden instruments are used. On one end there is a hollow holding the wax. When the eggs are dyed, the dye does not adhere to the waxed surfaces. In former times, only natural dyes were used. The red dye was made from a Brazil wood decoction, the brown from onion skins, the yellow from saffron and barberry root, while the black dye was obtained from oak and alder bark. The dyed and decorated eggs were usually also rubbed with salt-pork skin in order to give them a nice shine. Traditionally, Slovenian boys received the most beautiful pisanice from their sweethearts, as red was deemed the color of love. While Easter Sunday is a day for solemn contemplation and staying at home, Easter Monday is a day of relaxation. On this day it is customary to go visiting, hiking, or celebrating. People from Ljubljana used to go to places like Posavje, Stepanja Vas, and Šmarna Gora in the Gorenjska Region, the chosen destinations were local inns, but they were not supposed to be too close to home. They used to celebrate a special holiday in Ljubljana. It was called Jabolčna Ka-nonada and it took place in Turška jama, a gravel pit located behind the former St. Christopher’s church in Bežigrad, the location of today’s Navje Cemetery. This custom was connected to the victory over the Turks in 1584 after they had set up camp in the pit and pillaged the outskirts of Ljubljana. The first mention of Jabolčna Kanonada dates to the beginning of the 19th century, but it was especially lively at the end of this same century. Standing in for the Turks, a crowd of young boys gathered and was “bombarded” by Ljubljana citizens throwing fruit, Zarja presents “Slamnati Udovec” on Saturday, April 26 at the Slovenian Society Home in Euclid, Ohio. The story Slamnati Udovec (The Grass Widower), takes place in an off the beaten path Gostilna (tavern) owned and operated by Stefanček, who is, to put it mildly, frugal. As an example, he tells his sole employee Vinko, when a customer leaves, and there is wine in the glass, pour it back in the bottle so that it can be re-sold. Well, his employee Vinko is also a piece of work not too energetic, does everything he’s told to do, but slowly. The story begins as Stefanček greets his nieces Sonja and Ida who just came for a short visit, and as the girls leave to go to their room, Vinko rushes in, all excited, says a bus just arrived, and the people are all coming here. Stefanček says never before have I seen so many people in my gostilna, I’ll make lots of money. “Vinko get everything ready.” At this point Kokosar, a dealer in chickens, geese, and ducks, enters, looks around, and thinks to himself, “This is where I’m supposed to meet Lisjak. I un- Easter eggs, sweets and the like. This caused the boys to fight among themselves for the snacks. This custom disappeared after the pit was filled, in order to expand St. Christopher’s Cemetery, now the resting place of Slovenia’s greatest intellectuals. Changing the old wardrobe for the new on Easter Monday was also an old custom. Easter celebrations used to extend into the week after Easter Monday. This week was called Easter Week or the Octave of Easter. On Low Sunday which was also called mala velika noč (the Little Easter) Easter festivities came to an end. derstand he’s a real swinger. I’ve also heard there are some good looking girls in this village. Nobody here knows me. All I need is a valid excuse to my wife, as to why I’m late.” Lisjak enters the gostilna and greets Kokosar who says, “This place is pretty quiet. I don’t think there will be any partying today. Wish I was home with my wife.” In response, Lisjak says, “I understand, why don’t you stay here overnight; I’ll take care of the female companionship. We’ll drink, dance and have a good time.” Kokosar agrees, but says it must be kept secret. Pity me if my wife ever finds out. (To Be Continued) A family-style dinner will be served from 5 - 6:30 p.m. Program is at 7 p.m,, dancing to the Jeff Pecon Orchestra after the performance. Tickets are obtainable from Zarja members, or at the Polka Hall of Fame, 605 E. 222 St., or by calling (216) 531-5542, or (440) 257-2740 for a donation of $23 per person; $10 for children under 10. $10 at the door for dancing only. —Jim Kozel PATRIA IMPORT STORE 794 E. 185 St., Cleveland We import various Slovenian good quality wines, mineral water (Radenska), all kinds of cookies or candies, plus a large selection of audio musical cassettes & CDs from Slovenia, herbal teas, etc. STOP IN AND VISIT US SOON. Ask for Suzi (216) 531-6720 Zarja Concert ‘Slamnati Udovec’ at Euclid Hall This and that from Emilee by EMILEE JENKO A blessed Easter Season to one and all. Belated February birthdays to Rich Zele and Bob Mills, two great guys and they are a plus for our area. Thanks, guys, you are tops. Thinking of you Gert Menart... You take itpocas. Got a Happy Birthday card from Albina Cendol who is a resident of Gateway. She never forgets me, and her sister Ann Golop never forgets me. Thanks so much. Well wishes to Mimi Struna who spent some time in the hospital. She is a faithful volunteer at the Waterloo Fish Fries. Speedy recovery. We want to see your smiling face at your post. To Micki Okelson for remembering me on my birthday. Hope to see you soon. A very nice surprise from Plano, Texas. Dorothy Fortuna Swank sent me a beautiful Valentine. Stay in touch. Mimi Stibil is busy making more rosaries. How good of her to distribute them to all. Soon they will be displayed all over the world. Thanks for your generosity. God be with you always. New resident who was a loyal and valuable volunteer to the Slovene Home for the Aged is Frances Kovac. She was very helpful at my bingo stint during the months of June, July, and August. Since we are on the subject of bingo, my group will be starting again this year. Come join us. We have a lot of fun. Councilman Joe Cimperman (Cleveland Ward 13) and wife, Nora, are infant anticipating. Best wishes and love from kin and friends, especially yours truly. I attended the Immaculate Conception Church raffle Feb. 17 at the Slovenian National Home. Dinner was prepared by Maria Bencun and staff. Very tasty. My dinner companions were very enjoyable and chatty. To Joe Sheliga from Sheliga Drug. Many thanks for the sweet and delish treat you gave to the St. Clair Pensioners at our February meeting. You are blessed many fold. Thanks from all. Deepest sympathies to the family of Lillian Novak who passed away in February. She and husband, Ray, were in Tulsa for the funeral of Ray’s brother, Norbert. Arrangements were by Zele Funeral Home. God be with you. A good friend Fran Jakomin passed away. She was a past member of the mother’s club at St. Vitus Church. She is survived by son Gary. The arrangement at Zak Funeral Home on St. Clair Avenue. Rest in peace, Fran. The passing of Julie Sadar was a shock to many. Her beloved husband, Frank, is left without a loving partner. Surviving are two sons and her many friends. Love and blessings. Belated birthday greetings to Bcmie Sajovec, who resides at St. Vitus Village. Get well wishes to Juliet Slapnik, who also resides at St. Vitus Village. Speedy recovery. Did you read the article in A.H. about Lindsay Heckman, granddaughter of Jack and Mary Skulich, long-time owners of Pat’s Deli on St. Clair Avenue. It was a great neighborhood place to get together, and so friendly and chatty, and safe. Lindsay, we wish you much luck with all your talents. The Cleveland Accounting Service has closed on St. Clair and moved. Check the location on the St. Clair store building for their new address. To all the volunteers at the SHA. A big thank you from all of us who visit with the residents. The volunteers are very friendly and helpful to the residents and the visitors. Thanks a bunch. Happy Birthday greetings to Lefty Bell from wife Marie and all the gang that congregates at Shelli’s on St. Clair Avenue. Živio March birthday celebrants: Lisa March Cicha, Ed Arhar, Debbie Vcgh, Michael and Nicholas Rovanšek, Maria Lamanna, Rev. Fr. Jos. Boznar, Cynthia Vidmar, Heather Davidson who re- m Slovenian Women’s Union of America SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION Financially assisting students since 1949 Applications are available - Donations welcomed http://www.swua.org or 1.815.727.1926 sides in New York, and Frankie Mullec. Best wishes to one and all. Get well wishes to Elsie Zalar who is now in rehab. A speedy recovery for you. You are in our thoughts and prayers. I watched the Oscars. It was a ho-hum-blah affair. The gowns were nothing to shout about and the hair-do’s were so-so. Didn’t know much about the stars, and the M.C. was a complete stranger and wasn’t with it. The Slovene Home for the Aged is a friendly establishments. The volunteers are considerate and very domač (homey). They are so giving to the residents and make them feel like they are in their own home. I spend some time with the residents and they love to chat about anything and everything: children, your social life, and they just like to chit-chat. Stop by and say hi. Saturday Mass is very uplifting. You feel so close to everything. Get well wishes to Don Slapnik who has spent some time in the hospital. Wishes for a speedy recovery. Congratulations to Jean Somrack who was elected President on the Board of the Collinwood Slovenian Home. Good luck. Deepest sympathies to the family of Johnny Vadnal who passed away on Feb. 24. He was a well known musician for many years. He will be missed, but his music will carry on. His fans will remember him for many years. I will close now with this thought: Children are the sweet peas in the garden of life. More quips from Channel 22. What did the porcupine say to the cactus? Is that you, mommy? What did the judge say when the skunk entered the court room? “Odor in the court.” Until the next time... Luv ya. -Emilee I Feel Sloveni* Senior Joke 3 Bill, a 70-year-old wealthy widower, shows up at Slovenska Pristava with a breathtaking, beautiful 25-year-old blonde who knocks everyone’s socks off with her youthful appeal and outright charm while hanging over Bill’s arm and listening intently to his every word. His friends at Pristava are all amazed. They comer him and ask, “Bill, how did you get the beautiful girlfriend?” Bill replies, “Girlfriend? She’s my wife.” They’re impressed. One says, “So, how did you persuade her to marry you?” “I lied about my age.” His friends say, “What do you mean? Did you tell her you’re only 50?” “No, I told her I was 95.” -Phil Hrvatin Joke If sea gulls are called seagulls, then what are they called when they fly over a bay? - a bagel? -Phil Hrvatin John Srsen provides the guitar accompaniment for the St. Vitus Slovenian School students who vocally entertain the residents of the Slovene Home for the Aged on Saturday, Feb. 2. (Photo by VONNIE MRVA) John Srsen leads the St. Vitus Slovenian School students in singing some songs at the Slovene Home for the Aged on Saturday, Feb. 2, 2008. (Photo by VONNIE MRVA) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 20, 2008 4 ‘Figaro’ Gets Special Treatment at MAC §________by Peter Jacobi_______ ° FEB. 25 - Indiana Univer-K sity Jacobs School of Music ož - Strange that promotional ^ material for this year’s Arts „ Week, devoted to the theme ^ “Politics and the Arts,” > makes no thematic mention O of what’s playing at the Mu-O sical Arts Center. The bill of Q fare there happens to be “The Marriage of Figaro,” in >1/5 an adroit production by IU ^ Opera Theater. ^ The story of Figaro, as first ^ told in a theater trilogy by Beaumarchais, has often been referred to as the first shot of the French Revolution, a comedy that dug bit-ingly into class warfare, surely a sample of “Politics and the Arts,” dating way back to the 18th century. Granted, Lorenzo da Ponte, the librettist of the opera that’s called “The Marriage of Figaro,” Mozart’s timeless masterpiece, toned down its political aspects so that the Austrian emperor, Joseph II, could be seduced into allowing the opera to be performed. But political this musical comedy of manners and morals was and continues to be. And that from the opening moments when servants, the valet Figaro and the maid Susanna, deal with the precarious nature of their marriage, specifically the closeness of residential quarters to their master, Count Al-maviva, he of the roving eyes and desire to revive a nobleman’s right to bed a servant’s bride. Ultimately, the count’s plans are thwarted by those he would victimize. Mozart glorified it with a tune-after-tune score, one that also expresses indelibly the characters’ emotions. And true, when all is sung and done, how singers and orchestra have accomplished their musical duties counts for more than what’s transpired plot-wise. The musical “how” counted for much on Friday and Saturday evenings as a pair of casts tackled a work as difficult to perform as it is easy to listen to. They had the right mentor. Guest conductor Will Crutchfield, music director of the Caramoor International Festival, is a specialist in vocal music from the 18th and early 19lh centuries. He had his singers in a Mozart zone, breathing and emitting style. In the pit, meanwhile, the Chamber Orchestra was setting the tone, right on through to the harpsichordist, Julius Abrahams. All were maintaining a fleet pace, too. Crutchfield’s approach to Mozart is swift, thereby allowing for restoration of oft-dropped pages from the score and also causing slowed-down dramatic moments to stand out even more strikingly than they otherwise might. The singers had a sensitive stage director to guide them through the plot: Michael Ehrman, most recently here for last fall’s revival of “Susannah.” Ehrman followed tradition, with here and there a welcome twist to amuse or startle. Robert O’Hearn’s atmospheric sets, first used in 2001, and now allied with Michael Schwandt’s evocative lighting, provided pleasing work space for the performers. But again, most important in a Mozart opera is what happens musically. The orchestra nobly, fluidly did its share. On stage, the singers, thanks to training and Maestro Crutchfield, served the music honorably, some of them even better than that. Among the standouts were Sian Davies (on Friday night) and Elizabeth Baldwin (Saturday) as the lonely Countess Almaviva. Davies’ voice of full-bodies cream and Baldwin’s of somewhat lighter and yet still creamy cream fully reflected the heartache embodied in their music. The two Figaros, baritones Aubrey Allicock and Thomas Florio, were splendidly resonant and dramatically lively. One couldn’t complain about the vocal agility exhibited by either of Figaro’s beloved Susannas, sopranos Jacqueline Brecheen or Valerie Vinzant, although Brecheen contributed a touch more glow in her tonal production. The trouser role of the hormonal teen Cherubino received sufficient comedic awkwardness and vocal agility from Angela Brower and Kira McGirr. From among the well-cast singers, one should give special mention to the two Marcellinas, Amanda Russo and Ursula Kuhar, and to Saturday’s Don Basilio, Carmund Wite. Ursula Kuhar of Powell, OH, doctoral candidate at Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Bogomir Kuhar, and niece of Stane, Luke, and Frančišek Kuhar. IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 446 East 152nd St. Cleveland, OH 44110 216-486-1105 “Wishing my patients and their families a very HAPPY EASTER!" Anton J. Ogrinc, D.D.S. Family Dentistry/Preventive Dentistry • MAYFIELD VILLAGE 6551 Wilson Mills Rd., Suit 103 1-440-473-1920 Ursula Kuhar as Marcellinas St. Christine Church 840 E. 222 St. Euclid, Ohio Holy Week Schedule Palm Sunday Weather permitting, all are encouraged to gather outside the church prior to the beginning of Mass and join our procession as we commemorate Jesus' entry into Jerusalem. Masses: Saturday..........................4 p.m. Sunday..........................9&11 a.m. Tuesday Confessions.....................9 - 9:30 a.m. Wednesday Confessions.....................7 - 7:30 p.m. Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper...............7:30 p.m. Good Friday Solemn Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion .12 p.m. Stations of the Cross .............3:00 p.m. Holy Saturday Food Blessing.................2 p.m. & 5 p.m. Easter Vigil Mass .................8:30 p.m. Easter Sunday Mass......................................9 a.m. Mass - Bishop Pevec, celebrant...........11 a.m. Our Blessed Land — Slovenia John Srsen conducts the Korotan singers including Metka Zalar, left, and Tončka Sršen at the concert in Celje. (Continued from last issue) by MIRA KOSEM Revival. Following its 10lh anniversary celebrations Korotan did not relent. For a short while the choir was directed by Mr. Lado Lempl, a gifted and very demanding musician. But after a year or so, he succumbed to a vicious illness. Now came the longest period of our activities under the direction of Franček Gorcnšek an experienced musician and himself an excellent tenor. Metod Milač and Pavle Borštnik gave us “Our Blessed Land;” Gorenšek, in his turn, prepared for us “Naša Pesem” (Our Song) to the lyrics of Marjan Jakopič. These two creations are now Korotan’s treasure. Aside from this significant work, expressing our love for Slovenian songs and our Slovenian homeland, Gorenšek also arranged a number of other songs to create the treasury to which we keep returning. Rudy Knez also sacrificed for Korotan a prolonged period of work and effort. It was under his leadership that Korotan for the first time visited our homeland on the occasion of Pope John Paul’s visit to Slovenia. But the time came when “new blood” had to be provided for Korotan. It was God himself who gave Janez Sršen the inspiration and courage to take on one more choir. And now, after some 10 years God still provides him with strength, love and success. It was his youth that brought me back to Korotan, together with many more singers of the second and third generation, bringing a true hope for the future. Soon after Sršen took over, Korotan received an invitation to join Slovenian church choirs on the occasion of the Pope’s visit to Maribor, where he beatified Bishop Anton Martin Slomšek. I remember saying to (my husband) Marjan that I would like to go to Maribor. It turned out he himself had plans for business travel to Europe at about the same time and so, he, too, could be present in Maribor at the time of the festivities. So he made a quick decision and added: “But if I go there, I shall also sing with you.” We declared this decision of his only half in jest as a “Slomšek miracle.” It was then that Marjan made up his mind to be a singer and once he made up his mind about anything, there was nothing that could stop him. He became an enthusiastic, active member of Korotan. As for the rest: to be - even temporarily - included into a three thousand singers choir, represented an indescribable experience for all of us. The Pope’s visit inspired us with spirit that cannot be explained. Under Sršen’s leadership we also experienced our “golden anniversary” and again the administrative committee suggested “something special.” We searched the “treasury” and it was obvious that “Our Blessed Land” and “Our Song” were the two creations most suited for the occasion. We invited many former singers and also many new ones, high school students. They responded in an impressive number. Like Milač before him. Sršen, too, found the musicians for the orchestra among his friends and acquaintances. Among them, Joško Štepec, a gifted and enthusiastic violinist made a special impression upon Metod Milač, the composer. The concert itself made us proud. The orchestra performed flawlessly Milač’s very demanding cantata and we, the singers had no trouble following it, even though we had only one rehearsal with them beforehand. Korotan in Slovenia The invitation to participate in the celebration of 60th anniversary of Slovenian exodus and postwar massacres, was of great significance for Korotan. Many among the older singers were refugees themselves, others wanted to learn more about this tragedy that befell their parents. And all of us considered this commemorative visit to our homeland, as something of great spiritual value, a spiritual compensation of sorts for all the injustices we suffered after the war and revolution albeit in different forms. This would be our return to a free and independent Slovenia. We were invited to participate by “Slovenija v Svetu,” an organization of former refugees and their descendants. Also participating at the solemnities was Prime Minister Janez Janša. So it was with enthusiasm that we accepted the invitation. There was no doubt as to the selection of songs which we would present to the Slovenian public: we had two of them, presenting our very soul and our hopes: the two creations, produced among us and embraced as our own: Our Blessed Land and Our Song. We were also invited to sing at the solemn Mass, signifying the formal beginning of the commemoration. We rehearsed through May and June in an oppressive heat, but all of us persisted, for we had a very significant goal. Most of our singers arrived in Slovenia at the end of June, which made it possible for us to sing at the memorial celebration at Teharje and at the memorial Mass in Kočevski Rog, the two main locations of mass-murders. It was there that the victims had to strip and leave everything of value. Then they were taken atop the hell, slaughtered and thrown into abandoned mine shafts. Mar-jan’s brother Lojzi, then 19, was among them. We were all terrified at the thought of such inhuman cruelty. It seems to me, that in those moments, Marjan came to understand his brother as a person, a human being, worthy of human dignity. Finally, the day of celebration arrived: the first Sunday in July. In the morning we had a rehearsal at Cankar’s Hall with individual members of orchestra, chosen to accompany us in Our Blessed Land cantata. The rehearsal did not go well. It was obvious that members of the orchestra saw their scores for the first time. At the solemn services later on, crowded at the choir area of the Ljubljana cathedral, then under repair, we nevertheless felt honored and we sang full of sanctifying spirit. I thought that for sure (Continued on page 6) The monument at the site of Teharje mass grave, with Korotan members approaching for the commemorative service. Korotan Concert Saturday, April 19 Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland - 7 p.m. _____• Stane Mejač Orchestra • Donation $12.00 • AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 20, 2008 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 20, 2008 6 Our Blessed Land Slovenia (Continued from page 5) Coming Events the choir never before sustained 57 singers, but despite a sparse space, the atmosphere was very enlightening. But the homily by Bishop Uran was the highlight of it all, especially his firm assertion: “The first shot fired by the Partisans was not meant for the victim alone, but for Slovenes.” And then: “The worst tragedy followed after the war when thousands of our men and boys were slaughtered without due process and are still resting in countless caves and precipices across our land. But God provided witnesses who brought the world the truth.” True, three of these witnesses are our acquaintances; the late Frank Dejak, Milan Zajec and France Kozina of Niagara Falls. Metka Dejak, the widow of the late France Dejak, one of the mass grave survivors, was among us, following the paths of the martyrs. After refreshments at the Diocese palace, we walked to Cankar’s hall for the main celebration. We were all very apprehensive because of the unsuccessful morning rehearsal, but we still hoped for satisfactory results, as we intended to show the public something different, something we call our own. Still apprehensive, we gathered on the stage, but they positioned us towards the middle, leaving a number of “voices” far behind. The orchestra, on the other hand, was positioned before the stage, too far from the singers. So, our time came. We first performed “Our song,” the Gorenšek - Jakopič composition. It went rather well: Dr. Ivan Vomberger provided a very effective piano accompaniment and we were also very proud of Milan Gorenšek, the son of the composer, delivering his tenor part with a beautiful, clear voice. Also participating in the choir were Gorenšek’s other son, Thomas, now Korotan’s President, and Milan’s daughter, Anelise. We took a deep breath after “Our Song,” but we all knew, that “Our Blessed Land,” was still to be performed. And then the time came. But the same dissonance soon emerged from the orchestra as during the rehearsal, affecting our disposition very much. Mar-jan’s recital, (the reconciliation part of the poem) remained ineffective, as he was hoarse and too far from the public. We really wanted to present Slovenia with something special, but luck would not allow it. At the end, we felt somewhat defeated for not achieving our goal, for which the composer and the director also hoped. I myself was looking towards this time as a visit to a mother, who would greet us with open arms and take us into her bosom. But I came to the conclusion that the Slovenes back in the homeland, cannot really feel what we feel. And how could they? They were not “transplanted onto foreign soil,” as Jakopič says in his poem. All of us were forced to live under the specific circumstances. Were we not “transplanted,” our culture creators would never have produced the treasury that is uniquely ours. This is why we shall for- Special guided tours from The Cleveland Museum of Art to Cleveland's large Slovenian community. The Cleveland Museum of Art (CMA) will offer three tours of its exhibition. Arms and Armor from Imperial Austria, given in Slovenian by Aleksandra Carapella. Aleksandra, bom in Ljubljana, Slovenia, is a Mellon Fellow with the museum’s conservation department. The Slovenian tours are from 3-4 p.m. on Tuesday, March 18; Tuesday, April 15; and Tuesday, May 20. The Cleveland Museum of Art, is located at 11150 East Blvd. Group meets in the North Lobby of the museum. Tickets are required. Call 1-888-CMA-0033 for details. Arms and Armor from Imperial Austria focuses upon the history of the Austrian state of Styria between 1500 and 1650 when it was under threat from the advancing Ottoman Turks. At the heart of the story is a broad selection of loans from the collection of the Lan-deszenghaus (regional armory) in Graz, the capital of Styria. This armory, still intact, was one of a series of armories established by the early Habsburg Family in the 16th Former astronaut Dr. Ron Sega, wife, Annie, and two sons have moved back to Colorado. He resigned his position in Washington, DC as Under Secretary of the Air Force and is now professor of Systems Engineering and Vice President for Applied Research for the Colorado State University Research Foundation. ever treasure the 10tn anniversary of Korotan for it was then that “Our Blessed Land” realized its greatest success. Here, in the world that is now our home. The “land beyond the sea,” our Homeland, however, shall forever remain an essential part of our souls. P.S. - As a reminder, let me add that after the formal celebrations Korotan also performed in Celje and Kranj to great satisfaction of the attending public. Radio “Ognjišče” made a very effective recording of our concert in Kranj. Most of our singers agree this is the best recording of Korotan’s singing, ever. (To Be Continued) century throughout Central Europe for defensive purposes against the Turkish expansion. At the height, the armory housed 180,000 pieces; today it contains 30,000 pieces including some of the finest surviving examples of arms and armor in Europe. The exhibition, presenting more than 200 works from the armory, will additionally examine the role of arms and armor in a historical context, both as highly-decorated art objects, and as functional weaponry or protection for its wearer. Other aspects of the history of the period explored are warfare, tournaments, and armor as fashion. Tickets for “Arms and Armor from Imperial Austria” can be purchased at the Box Office, by calling 1-888-CMA-0033 or online at www.ClevelandArt.org. Hours are Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 a.m. until 9 p.m. Closed on Mondays. CMA members and children under 5-years-old enter free. $15 for adults, $10 for seniors 65 and over, $10 for children (6-18 years). Students with college ID are $10 and CWRU students are $3. He and his wife, Annie, and two sons will be living in Ft. Collins, 60 miles north of Denver. Son Jack is in kindergarten and Matt goes to pre-school. Our great-grandson Anthony Mace is attending Colorado Springs branch of Colorado State University. It is the same school where Ron began his career. --Jean Sega Wadsworth, OH Every Friday in Lent Lenten Fish Fries at Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave. Every Friday in Lent Lenten Fish Fries at Slovenian Workmen’s Home 15335 Waterloo Rd., and all Fridays in Lent. Serving 11:30 a.m. until 8 p.m. Dine in or take outs available. Thursday, March 20 Social in Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland. Doors open at 6 p.m. For information call (216) 481-5378. Tuesday, March 25 St. Vitus Catholic War Vets Post 1655 Reverse Raffle in Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave. Wednesday, March 26 Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Monthly Social in main hall. Doors open 6 p.m. Music and refreshments. Saturday, March 29 Primorski Klub Dinner-Dance at Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave. March 30 thru April 5 Slovenian Ski Trip 2008 to Sun Valley, Idaho. $1299. For information call John Kamin (718) 424-2771. Sunday, April 6 Super Button Box Bash 26 from 1 to 9 p.m., Slovenian Junior Chorus concert at 3 p.m. at Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio. Friday, April 11 Radio Slovenia from Ljubljana will host an evening of music and fun in St. Mary’s parish hall. Ansambel “Veseli Svatje” will entertain. Events of the evening will be recorded and broadcast in Slovenia. The group will then travel to St. Catharine’s and Toronto. Sunday, April 13 Prekmurske Koline (Krvavice, pork roast, homemade repa), at Slovenian Catholic Center, Le-mont, IL. Proceeds to renovation of Holy Cross Church in Crenšovci, Slovenia. Tickets $20 adults. Tel.(630) 243-0670 for reservations. Friday, April 18 Night at the Races at Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., in joint effort with St. Vitus Slovenian School. Saturday, April 19 Korotan Concert, Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland. Saturday, April 26 Zarja Concert, Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, Ohio. “Slamnati vdovec” (The Grass Widower). Dinner 5 p.m., Program: 7 p.m. Dancing to Jeff Pccon Orchestra at 8 p.m. For tickets ($23) donation, visit Polka Hall of Fame, or call (216) 531-5542 or at the door. Wednesday, April 30 Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Monthly Social in main hall. Doors open 6 p.m. Music and refreshments. Sunday, May 18 St. Vitus Slovenian School graduation, during 10:30 a.m. Mass in church. Sunday, May 18 Maksim Gaspari Print “Mother Slovenia” will be raffled off at a special event in the Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave. Tickets $10; or 3 for $25. Sunday, May 25 St. Vitus Catholic War Vets Post 1655 Memorial Mass, 9 a.m. in St. Vitus Church. Wednesday, May 28 Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Monthly Social in main hall. Doors open 6 p.m. Music and refreshments. Sunday, June 8 St. Mary’s Slovenian School annual picnic at Slovenska Pristava in Harpersfield. Lunch served after Mass. Veseli Godci will provide music. All are cordially invited. Sat., Sun., June 21-22 St. Clair Rifle and Hunting Club celebrates 80th anniversary Steak Roast. Wednesday, June 25 Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Monthly Social in main hall. Doors open 6 p.m. Music and refreshments. July 20 St. Vitus parish Summer Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, July 27 St. Vitus Slovenian School annual summer picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Wednesday, July 30 Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Monthly Social in main hall. Doors open 6 p.m. Music and refreshments. Sunday, Aug. 17 St. Mary’s (Coll.) Summer Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Wednesday, Aug. 27 Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Monthly Social in main hall. Doors open 6 p.m. Music and refreshments. Saturday, Sept. 27 Sausage Festival at SNPJ Farm in Kirtland, Ohio sponsored by National Cleveland Style Polka Hall of Fame. Saturday, Oct. 25 Štajerski-Prekmurski Klub Martinovanje, 50lh anniversary celebration. Dinner-Dance at Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland. Sunday, Nov. 2 Annual Zarja Fall Concert, Recher Hall, Euclid, OH. Special Slovenian Art Tour Astronaut Ron Sega in Colorado Death Notices JANEZ PODGORELEC Janez Podgorelec, age 59 of Kirtland. Son of the late Janez and Frančiška Podgorelec; beloved brother of Marija (Tony) Kadivec, Margaret (Zivko) Odorcic, Angela (partner Sue Kavas) Podgorelec of TX and the following of Slovenia: Mirko (Jelica), Darija (Milorad) Erceg and Marta Podgorelec. Dear nephew of Angela and Matija Kavas. Cherished uncle of many nieces and nephews. Funeral Mass was at 10 a.m. Saturday, March 8, 2008 at St. Vitus Church. Interment All Souls Cemetery. Family received friends at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Rd. (between Bishop Rd. and Rt. 91), Willoughby Hills on Friday, March 7 from 3-8 p.m. PAULINE PIWOWAR Pauline Piwowar (nee Penko), age 87, of Kirtland. Beloved wife of George; loving mother of Patricia (Douglas) Brannon, Janet (Randall) Wright and Carol (Drew) Metcalf; cherished grandmother of nine; dear sister of Mildred Smatana and the late Mary Zupančič and Jennie Finotti; aunt to many nieces and nephews. Family suggests memorial donations in her name to the Hospice of the Western Reserve, 300 E. 185 St., Cleveland, OH 44119. Mass of Christian Burial was at 1 p.m., Saturday, March 8, 2008 at St. Anselm Church. Interment All Souls Cemetery. Family received friends at The Brickman Bros. Funeral Home, 37433 Euclid Ave., Willoughby on Friday from 4-8 p.m. LILLIAN F, ANDOLEK Lillian F. Andolek (nee Klun), age 88. Dear wife of Stanley (deceased); loving mother of Leonard, Donald (Carol) and Judy (Frank) Ilcin; grandmother of Daniel and Julie Andolek and Megan Weltman; sister of Alice Vidmar, Josephine Hobart, Irene Petrovič and Thomas Klun (all deceased); aunt and great-aunt of many. Friends were received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Wednesday, March 5 from 4-8 p.m. where services were held on Thursday at 9:15 a.m., and at St. William Church at 10 a.m. Private interment at All Souls Cemetery. Donations to the charity of your choice in her memory would be deeply appreciated by the family. In Memory Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gruber, Jr., of Geneva, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $25.00 donation in memory of Joseph Kristanc Sr. and Jr., and $25.00 in memory of Ray Gruber, Sr. In Memory Thanks to Ann Cooke of Lake City, Florida who renewed her subscription and added a $10.00 donation in memory of her parents, Frank and Anna Godlar. In Memory Thanks to Helen Sturm of Lyndhurst, OH who paid for a memoriam plus donated $20.00 in memory of her husband, Tony Sturm. In Memory Thanks to Maria Curk of Barberton, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $32.00 donation in memory of her husband, Vinko and the Kojnik family. In Memory Thanks to Barbara Za-harewicz of Eastlake, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $32.00 donation in memory of her parents, Fran and Joseph Ne-manich who were both very active in fraternal and church events. Barbara writes, “I miss my Mom and Dad so very much and your newspaper rekindles wonderful memories of their involvement in the Slovenian community. Thanks for the memories.” In Memory Thanks to Slavica Črnic of Cleveland, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $27.00 donation in memory of her husband, Slavica Črnic. Donation Thanks to Jerry M. Watson of Zionsville, Indiana who renewed his subscription and added a $20.00 donation. Jerry writes, “Thanks for everything you are doing to keep the Slovenian newspaper alive.” Donation Thanks to Joseph and Linda Zevnik of Highland Heights, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $25.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Dan and Magda T. (Kogovšek) Valerian of Willoughby Hills, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $25.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Anna Lekan of Cleveland, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $22.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Josef and Irena Rus of Willoughby Hills, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $22.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Julia Zalar of Richmond Heights, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $22.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Maria K. Heckaman of Shaker Heights, Ohio who sent in a gift subscription and added a $29.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Maria and Frank Vegel of Seven Hills, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $7.00 donation. In Loving Memory Margaret A. Rebel Born July 1,1929 Died April 1, 2001 Fill not your hearts with pain and sorrow, but remember me in every tomorrow. Remember the joy, the laughter, the smiles, I’ve only gone to rest awhile. Although my leaving causes pain and grief, my going has eased my hurt and given me relief. As long as I have the love of each of you, I can live my life in the hearts of all of you Marion (Roy) - husband (dec.) Margie (daughter) Mike (son) Marianne (daughter-in-law) Matt and Danny (grandsons) Donation Thanks to Dr. Edward and Milena Gobetz of Willoughby Hills, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $35.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Natalia Stojanov of Tequesta, FL who renewed her subscription and added a $32.00 donation. Donation Thanks to John E. Tegel of Wood Dale, IL who renewed his subscription and added a $32.00 donation. John writes, “I am very happy to continue my subscription to Ameriška Domovina, started by my parents Joseph and Angela Tegel many years ago. In Loving Memory of the 5th Anniversary Albert J. Koporc Jan. 27,1916-March 28, 2003 If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane We'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again. Loved and missed by: Wife: Agnes Daughters: Alice and Allyne Son and family: Albert - wife, Sue granddaughters Amanda and Bethany Donation Thanks to Frank Lovšin of Euclid, Ohio who renewed his subscription and added a $17.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Madeleine and Dr. Adolph Žnidaršič of Euclid, OH who renewed their subscription and added a $32.00 donation. They write, “Thanks for all your service to the Slovenian community. We really enjoy the paper.” Love never dies as long as there is someone who remembers. In Loving Memory Of the 2500 s W S < Cleveland Ward 13 Councilman, Joe Cimperman, left was the main speaker at the Slovenian American Heritage Foundation lecture on March 11 at the Slovenian Home in Euclid, Ohio. At right is Consul General of Slovenia, Dr. Zvone Žigon, and in the center is his administrative assistant, Johanna Bajc. ________________________________(Photo by PHIL HRVATIN Medical Research in Slovenia 1970 - 1980 Joe Snyder’s by JOE SNYDER Not being an avid movie fan, I do hear at times conversations about some current flicks that are hits at the local cinema theaters. When the theme of this recent movie, “The Bucket List” was presented at our usual biweekly breakfast for the Newburgh Buddies, food for thought was eminent. So, I went around the table of eight to inquire what feats or daring things anyone wanted to do before they kick it (the bucket). Our of eight 70-plus or minus years of age, nobody responded with anything that struck them as something they yearned to do with their remaining years. This was also repeated when I met with 10 of my ’54 classmates from Cathedral Latin. Nobody wanted to go white water rafting as Lou Holtz had on his wish list, speed around on an oval track with a souped-up hot rod, ride down the Grand Canyon on a mule, take a ride in a hot air balloon, play golf at the Doral, visit every state in the union, shake hands with the president, have an audience with the pope, or parachute out of an airplane. Many of my friends have done some of these things, but at our respective ages, they just pass on the new adventures. So, the question was posed to me. I would like to throw out the first . pitch at an Indians baseball game. Without focusing only on myself, most of my wishes have to do with my immortal soul as with my family and extended family’s future. I would like to be around to see my grandchildren grow up to be good solid citizens and live in a peaceful world. I had various goals in my life, most of which were fulfilled. I was on the Atlantic and Pacific oceans before I wed. I received a degree. I composed an article that was published in a technical ‘Bucket List’ journal. I wrote articles for the American Home. I owned my own company. I received a patent for an invention. I have been in all 50 states, I crossed the equator. I saw the Grand Canyon, Plymouth Rock, rode on the Mackinaw Bridge and the Sunshine Skyway Bridge. I saw plays on Broadway in New York, gambled in Las Vegas and had five holes-in-one. I played Santa Claus at many functions. I pitched at Brookside Stadium. I played the Doral. I shook hands with Bob Feller, Jackie Gleason, and George H. W. Bush. I once kissed a female judge. I sang in a duet on stage in Tombstone, Arizona. I walked out on the ocean floor at the Bay of Fundy. I climbed Diamond Head peak in Oahu, Hawaii. I went down in a deep sea outfit in southern Ohio. I won table tennis tournaments at Fenn College, aboard a cruise ship in Acapulco, Mexico. I was a scratch golfer for a couple of years. One year I had a 200 bowling average. I captained championship intramural basketball teams in high school and in college. Most of these feats happened by mere chance. Now I look back on what else there is to attempt besides the regular daily routine mixed with travel, vacations, do volunteer work and participate in fraternal events. In the near future I hope to conjure up some innate cravings that are suitable for a septuagenarian. Stay tuned. TO READERS: Send in your ‘Bucket List’ to American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103, e-mail ahp@buckeveweb.net Growing older is merely a matter of feeling your corns rather than your oats. by Richard A. Terselic Countries recovering from the ravages of World War II faced the task of improving the living conditions of their citizens and accelerating economic development. The “Cold War” powers of Russia and the US used food and development aid to influence to which side contested countries leaned. During the 1950s, both sides tried to influence Yugoslavia. Joseph (Tito) Broz expertly plied the competing sides. An early problem facing Tito was a severe food shortage. At the time, the United States was blessed with a surplus of agricultural products. In 1954 the US Congress passed Public Law 480 (PL 480), The Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act. It authorized the gifting, or sale, of agricultural products, under flexible terms, including repayment through the conduct of scientific work within the beneficiary countries. That is, the US could credit the value of such work, provided the subjects were of interest to the US. Scarce foreign exchange credits could be saved, and the salaries of already employed persons could be credited toward debt repayment. US Government agencies were informed of the opportunity to collaborate in the PL 480 beneficiary countries in ongoing scientific activities, or to propose new projects. Some beneficiary countries were reluctant to agree to such collaboration in order to delay repayment of their debts, betting they would eventually be forgiven. Yugoslavia, which had a well developed medical/scientific establishment, seized upon the opportunity. Among the US agencies that participated in collaborative projects in Yugoslavia was the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). FDA Collaboration in Medical/Scientific Projects in Yugoslavia FDA identified a number of projects of interest, related to its food, veterinary medicine and human drugs regulatory programs. Project related costs would be fully paid for out of PL 480 funds, including the travel for FDA staff to oversee projects. The only cost to the Agency was the salaries of participating staff. Collaboration implied that the parties to the agreements were equal partners. Once an agreement was signed, the U.S. project staff could seek to influence the course of projects, but short of withdrawing or raising concerns to a political level, they could not direct changes. FDA became involved with several projects, including three medical research projects related to oral contraceptive safety. The first oral contraceptives were approved in the US during the 1960s. Questions remained regarding their safety under conditions of long term use that could not be answered during the initial approval process. The early formulations of these drugs contained. high doses of synthetic estrogen and progestogen, and evidence of serious side effects, such as strokes, had already been observed during the early post marketing period. Concern existed regarding adverse effects related to long term use of the high dose products. Yugoslavia operated a socialized health care system, including an active population control program. Limiting population growth was judged important to accelerating economic development. Oral contraceptives were being dispensed to large numbers of women through maternal clinics and other health care facilities. Abortions were encouraged and mechanical contraceptive devices were also provided. The government of Yugoslavia shared FDA’s concern regarding the potential long term adverse effects of oral contraceptive use and was interested in research that might shed light on the subject. The first project in which FDA participated was conducted in Slovenia, involving the study of cervical cell changes, from dysplasia to invasive carcinoma. The second, conducted in Croatia, studied the influence of changes in biochemical parameters. The third, conducted in Bosnia, also dealt with cervical cell changes. (To Be Continued) Happy tatter SHELLI'S RESTAURANT 6106 St. Clair Avenue (216) 431-1126 Take Out Available Easter Plants - Corsages - Fruit Baskets EASTER BASKETS - Bunnies Louis Slapnik & Son 6102 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland Phone: 431-1126 City Wide and Suburb Delivery A Most Happy and Joyous Easter to All! J/tom lAe lExetuteve (Som/niliev, Slovenian American Heritage Foundation Slovensko Ameriški Kulturni Svet Roster of Organizations ------------ ---------- Imenik slovenskih društev FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOMES President: Anthony Mannion; 1st Vice President: Edward Gabrosek; 2nd Vice President: Steve Zalar; Financial Secretary: Lou Grzely; Corresponding/Recording Secretary: Michelle Bartunek; Executive Secretary: Patricia Ipavec Clarke. Auditors are Anna Mae Mannion and Evelyn Pipoly. The Federation promotes the preservation of Slovenian culture and language through its eight Slovenian Homes in Northeast Ohio. SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME 6409 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, OH 44103 (216) 361-5115 President Emeritus: Edward Kenik; President: Robert A. Hopkins; Vice President: Richard Godic; Recording Secretary: Sylvia Plymesser; Business Secretary: Geraldine Hopkins; Treasurer: Alex Spinos; Board Members: Joanne Fordyce, Lawrence Hočevar, Michelle Perme, David Hočevar, Deborah Davidson, Clare Miller, Ronald Godic, Marjanca Hočevar, Dennis J. Bucar, Shelli March, Dale Lunder, Michael D. Japel, Jeff Zabukovec, John Leonard, and Heather Davidson. Alternates: Charles T. Ipavec, Zoeann Zak Mitchell, Nick Vertos-nik, and Antonia Zagar. COLLIN WOOD SLOVENIAN HOME President: Evelyn Pipoly; Vice President: John Hozjan; Treasurer/Financial Secretary: Joyce Segulin; Recording Secretary: Jennie Tuma; Corresponding Secretary: Karen Richard. Auditors: Michael Pipoly, Jim Krann, Rich Zgrabik. Alternate: Arlene Martin. House Committee: Rich Zgrabik, Chairman, John Hozjan, Tom Urankar, and other directors as needed. Directors: Ann Dagg, Jane Hozjan, Mary P:odlogar, Steve Richard. SLOVENIAN WORKMEN’S HOME 15335 Waterloo Road Cleveland, OH 44110 President: Gerri Trebets; Vice President and Aux. Liaison: Dorothy Gorjup; Financial Secretary: Celeste Frollo, 17621 Crestland Rd., Cleveland, OH 44119; Vice President: Tom Čebular; Treasurer: Cynthia A. Čebular; Rec. Sec., Sunshine: Eleanor Godec, 28967 Sherbrook, Wickliffe, OH 44092 (440) 944-3281; Properties, Rental and Membership: Ken Kleinhenz; Rentals and Bar Chair: Gordon Luce; Audit., Mem. and Marketing: Pat Nevar; Audit, Bar and Marketing: Ken Zalar; Marketing, Audit: Kathy Hlad; Donations: Nancy Vasilko; Aux. President: June Slapnik; Balinca Pres.: Brian Polantz. SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME 3563 East SO"1 Street (216) 883-2963 President: Tony Mannion; Vice-President: Albin Resnik; Secretary-Treasurer: Anna Mae Mannion; Recording Secretary: Anna Mae Kostura; House Committee: William Mannion; Auditor: Olga Dorchak; Directors: Dorothy bishop, Florence Mirtel. SLOVENIAN SOCIETY HOME Euclid, Ohio President: Richard Tomsic; Vice President: Frank Korelec; Secretary: Donna Helmecy; Treasurer: Debbie Brazalovics; Recording Secretary: Kathy Gipson; Audit: Fran Schmidt; Audit, House Committee: Bob ■lohns; Audit, Sunshine: Dawn Kotnik; Clubroom Liaison: Karen O’Donnell; House Committee: Jim Sevier, Henry Kapel. First Alternate: Debbie Galasky; 2nd Alternate: Steffie Segulin; 3rd Alternate: Tom Ashcroft; 4 Alternate: Lori Russell. WEST PARK SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME 4583 W. 130 St. Cleveland, OH 44135 President: Chuck Gove; Vice President: Marie Pivik; Treasurer and Recording Sec.: Michelle Bartunik; Finance: Rudy Pivik; Hance Official: Marie Pivik; Auditors: Theresa Lach, Al. Zdolshck, Bill Zmrazck.. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA National Officers 2003 - 2007 President: Kathleen Ferrante; Vice President: Betty Ann Kolesari; Secretary: Bonnie Pohar Prokup; Treasurer: Jonita Ruth; Scholarship Director: Mary Turvey; Auditors: Beverly Menart, Denise Bartlett, Nancy Henkel; Zarja Editor: Debbie Pohar; Design Director: Bonnie Pohar Prokup; Consulting Editor: Corinne Leskovar. Special Projects Director: Mary Lou Voelk. Meetings: SWUA Home Office, 431 No. Chicago St., Joliet, IL 60432. Tel (815) 727-1926. LOŽKA DOLINA President; Charles Zgonc; Vice President: John Tclich; Secretary/Treasurer: Louis Zig-mund; Auditors; Matt Zabukovec, Frank Sech-nick, Albin Lipoid. Meetings April and September. ST. CLAIR PENSIONERS CLUB 6409 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, OH 44103 President: Sylvia Plymesser (216) 391-9453; Vice President: Emilee Jenko; Recording Secretary: Marcie Mills; Financial Secretary: Lawrence Hočevar, 1364 E. 43 St., Cleveland, OH 44103; Sunshine: Ann Rose Clemence; Auditors: Danny Reiger, Emilee Jenko; Tony Baznik; Tour Coordinator: Jeanette Ruminski. Meetings held on the third Thursday of each month at 1 p.m., in the Kenik Room of the St. Clair Slovenian National Home. EUCLID PENSIONERS President: Lori Sierputowski; Vice President: Jackie Ulle; Recording Secretary/- Reporter: Carolyn Janezich; Treasurer: Elsie Frank; Financial Secretary/Membership: Lillian Pugel; Auditors: Frank Sadar, Chairman, Stana Grill, Frank Sechnick, and Alternate: Lillian Dombrowski; Sgt.-at-Arms: Henry Pugel; Sunshine Lady: Doris Pokopac; Tour Organizer: Mimi Stibil. Meetings held first Wednesday of each month at 1 p.m. in the lower hall of Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio. - New members are welcome HOLMES AVENUE PENSIONERS President: John Kovelan; Vice President: Matt Zabukovec; Secretary: Jennie Tuma; Treasurer: Bill Zabukovec; Corresponding Secretary: Helen Kozlevchar; Sgt.-at-Arms: Fran Kajfez; Audit Comm: John Spilar, Hank Skarbez. Meetings the second Wednesday of each month at 12:30 in the Collinwood Slovenian Home. WATERLOO BALINCA CLUB Co-Presidents: Brian Polantz, Oliver Markon; Vice President: Ray Polantz; Secretary: Eleanor Godec; Treasurer: Marilyn Vidmar; Auditors: Mark Vesel, Vi Rupena, Jean Zdanowicz. WATERLOO PENSIONERS CLUB President: Pat Nevar; Vice President: Eileen Markusic; Recording Secretary: Grace Marinch; Treasurer: Dorothy Gorjup; Auditors: Eleanor Godec, Helen Joca, Frank Sadar. Meetings held every 2nd Tuesday of each month at I p.m. at Waterloo Hall. HOLMES AVENUE PENSIONERS President: John Kovelan; Vice President: Matt Zabukovec; Secretary: Jennie Tuma; Treasurer: Bill Zabukovec; Sgt.-at-Arms: Fran Kajfez; Asst. Treasurer: Ann Beckert. Meetings the second Wednesday of each month at 12:30 in the Collinwood Slovenian Home. ST. CLAIR RIFLE AND HUNTING CLUB President: Richard Beck; Vice President: Ed Ujcich; Financial Secretary: Lonny Beck; Recording Secretary: Robert Sierputowski. SLOVENIAN GENEALOGY SOC. INTERNATIONAL INC. OHIO CHAPTER President: Ed Oshaben; Vice President: John Jaros; Secretary: Kathy Dillon; Treasurer: Loretta Pretzius. Meetings: Second Tuesday of March, May, September, and November, 7 p.m. at Recher Hall, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, OH 44119. - Join us for interesting, informative meetings about your Slovenian heritage. KLUB UPOKOJENCEV SLOVENSKA PRISTAVA Predsednik: Ivan Jakomin; Podpredsednika: Zdravko Novak in Charles Lončar; Tajnica: Martina Štepec, 1958 Brushview Dr., Richmond Hts., OH 44143, Tel: (440) 944-0016; Blagajničarka: Andreja Novak; Zapisnikar: Frank Urankar; Nadzorni Odbor: Edi Veider, Ani Rak; Odborniki: August Dragar, Julka Zalar, Marija Kocjan, Mary Vrhovnik, Slavka Intihar, Tone Štepec, Tončka Urankar, Ida Oreh, Poldi Bojc, Ivan Zupančič, Jože Radisek, Joži Rus. FOLKLORNA SKUPINA KRES President: Anna Gaser; Vice President: Paul Rozman; Secretary: Kati Kmetich; Treasurer: Stephen Baznik; Senior Representative: Paul Sedmak; Junior Representative: Jennifer Kmetich; Sophomore Representative: Holly Melnick; Freshman Representative: Erika Družina. FAIRPORT SLOVENIAN RETIREES CLUB President: Tony Satej; A. President: Rudy Schumer; Treasurer: Carol Satej; Rec. Secretary: Lee Jackopin; Auditors Jo Gomik, Jo Minnell, Sgt.-at-Arms: Alice Martinčič; Ticket Sales: Dorothy Nemure. GLASBENA MATICA President: Steve Royer; 1st Vice President: Lori Sierputowski; 2nd Vice President: Paul Zimperman; Secretary: Colleen Royer; Treasurer: Dan Hrvatin Next concert at the Slovenian National Home, St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, will be on Saturday, Nov. 17. PEVSKI ZBOR KOROTAN Predsednik: Tomaž Gorenšek; Podpredsednik: Frank Rihtar, Podpredsednica: Mary Ann Vogel; Tajnica: Viktorija Zalar, 2886 Istra Lane, Willoughby Hills, OH 44092-1430 Tel. 440-943-3844; Blagajnik: Ed Cup; Nadzorni Odbor: Mira Kosem, Zdravko Novak. Odborniki: Kati Cup, Martina Jakomin, Sonja Kolarič, Lojze Lončar, Silva Lončar, Frank Lovšin; Andeja Novak, Maruša Pogačnik - arhivarka in svetovalka. SLOVENIAN SINGING SOCIETY ZARJA President: Richard Tomsic; 1!' Vice President: Jim Kozel; 2nd Vice President: Joe Bradač; Secretary: Kathy Matas; Treasurer: Barbara Elersich; Director: Doug Elersich. Rehearsals are held every Wednesday 7-9 p.m on the stage at the Slovenian Spciety Home, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, OH. For more information call (216) 481-1379 or (440) 257-2540. SLOVENSKA PISARNA Predsednik: Fr. Jože Boznar, podpredsed-nik-blagajnik in upravnik pisarne: Felix Gasar. nadzorni odbor: Viktor Tomince in Frank Šega. Tajnica in zapisnikarca: Zalka Likozar; književni referent: Mara Cerar Hull; od-bomiki(ce): Milka Odar, Ivanka Vidmar in Vida Oblak. Seje so po potrebi, v prostorih siovcnsicc pisarna na 6104 Lausche Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. Telefonska številka: 216—361-03—; fax številka: 216-361-0300. Pisarna je odprta ob sobotah od 10.00 do 12.00 ure in nedeljah od 9.30 do 21. ure. SLOVENIAN JUNIOR CHORUS Youth Circle 2 SNPJ President: Coleen Frank; Vice Pres.: Kristy Zivkovich; Rec. Secy: Elizabeth Penko-Suk; Att. Secy: Anthony Culkar; Treas: Ashley Russ; Historian: Samantha Volpe. Circle Director: Cecilia Dolgan; Asst. Circle Director: Agnes Turk; Music Director: Shirley Stall; Rehearsals: Thurs. 7 to 8:30 p.m., Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, Ohio. Next program: Slovenian Junior Chorus, Circle 2 Super Button Box Bash 25, Sun., April 1-12 bands; 1 to 9 pm., both halls, Concert: 3 p.m., Slovenian Soc. Home, Recher Ave., Euclid, OH Fall Concert: Sun., Nov. 11-3 p.m., Slovenian Junior Chorus, Circle 2 SNPJ, Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, OH. CATHOLIC MISSION AID Cleveland, Ohio Predsednica: Marica Lavriša, Podpredsednica: Helena Gorše, Blagajničarka: Mary Zupančič, 2100 Country Club Dr., Wickliffe, OH 44092 in Marjanca Tominc, 470 Snavely Rd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143 (216)382-7139. Članstvo: Ani, Rudi Knez, Nežka, Viktor Tominec, Ani Nemec, Tončka Lamovec, Ivanka Tominec, Urši Štepec, Zofk Kosem, Mary Vrhovnik, Tončka Urankar, Lovro Rozman, Mari Miklavčič. KLUB LJUBLJANA Meetings held the last Tuesday of the month, 1 p.m., at Slovenian Society Hall, 10713 Recher Ave., Euclid. President: Ann Bauha; Financial Secretary and Treasurer: Stephanie Segulin (216) 451-1876; Recording Secretary: Louise Trunkley. Auditors are Ceil Zinder and Louise Trunkley. Bartenders: Frank Sadar and Frank Skoda. SLOVENIAN SOCIETY HOME LADIES AUXILIARY 20713 Recher Ave. Euclid, OH 44119 President: Jackie Ulle; Vice President: Marilyn Lazzarra; Recording Secretary; Val Korošic; Treasurer: Kathy Hlad; Auditors: Ann Adams, Norma Hrvatin, and Ruth Korelec. ST. MARY’S HOLY NAME SOCIETY Spiritual Director: Rev. John Kumse; President: Florian Osredkar; Vice President: Victor Nemec; Treasurer: William Kozak. OLTARNO DRUŠTVO FARE SV. MARIJE VNEBOVZETE Duhovni vodja: Rev. John M. Kumse; predsednica: Ani Nemec; podpredsednica: Nežka Cerer; blagajničarka: Mary Tomionc, 470 Snavely Rd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143, Tel: (216) 382-7139; tajnica: Marica Lavriša; zaisnikarica: Mari Celestina; nadzornice: Tončka Urankar, Mary Podlogar, Maria Frank; zastavonošina: Maria Frank. Skupno sv. obhajilo vsako prvo nedeljo v mesecu pri sv. mašo ob 10. dop. Is1 dan popoldne ob 1.30 ura molitve, po blagoslovu pa weja v sobi za sestanke v šoli. ST. MARY’S COURT No. 1640 CATHOLIC ORDER OF FORESTERS Spiritual Director: Rev. John Kumse; High Court Trustee: Alan Spilar; Chief Ranger and St. Ct. Tr. Kathleen Spilar; Vice Chief Ranger: Mary L. Daley; Secretary: Jennie Jesek; Financial Secretary: John Spilar; Treasurer: Vicki Skarbez; Trustees: Gerry White, Hank Skarbez, Alan Spilar; General Agent: Dick Kuhar, Phone (440) 838-1889; Youth Director: Kathy Spilar (216) 289-3814; Past Chief Ranger: Alan Spilar. Meetings every 4,h Wednesday of second month: Jan, March, May, July, Sept, Nov. in St. Mary’s school (meeting room), 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland, OH 44110. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 20, 2008 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 20, 2008 SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION I Branch #14, Euclid, Ohio President: - Secretary / Treasurer: Diane Varney; Vice President - Recording Secretary: Pat (Habat) Budzilek; Auditors: Stana Grill, Antoinette Zabukovec; Reporter: Alice Kuhar; Sunshine: Diane Varney; Banner Lady: Josephine Kastigar. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION Branch #47 President: Olga A. Dorchak, 404 Dartmouth Trail, Sagamore Hills, OH 44067; Secretary: Elsie M. Spellacy (330) 699-0031); Vice President: Ann Harsh; Auditors: Kathleen Ferrante, Elsie Lavrenčič; Zarja Reporter: Katherine Wallace, 393 Minnie Ct., Akron, OH 44311. Meetings held the 2nd Sunday, March, September, and November at Maple Hts. Library. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION Branch 50 President: Rose Mary Toth; Vice President: Cookie (Catherine) Maxin; Treasurer: Frances Kajfez; Rec. Secy.: Jo Wutchiett; Dawn Reporter: Ann Tomsick; Auditors: Louise Troglia, Lillian Homer. Meetings held 3rd Wednesday of March, April, May, June, September, October, November, December at the Euclid Public Library, at 1 p.m. ST. VITUS ALUMNI President: Danny Reiger: Vice President: Josephine Perpar; Recording Secretary: Dan-iella Avsec; Treasurer: F. Raymond Gobec; Corresponding Sec’y.: Daniella Avsec; Sgt.-at-Arms: Louis Shenk; Trustee: Joseph Zelle. Meetings, 7 p.m., on the first Thursdays of January, April, July, and October in the Social Room of St. Vitus School. Dues are $5 per year. Officers are nominated in October and sworn into office in January. CATHOLIC WAR VETERANS ST. VITUS POST 1655 Commander: Robert Mills Sr.; First Vice Commander: Dan Reiger; Second Vice Commander: Thomas Kirk; Third Vice Commander: Frances Eme Jr.; Adjutant: Michael Blau; Treasurer: John Kirk; Historian: Anthony Grdina; Welfare Officer: William Lipoid: Judge Advocate: Michael Blau; Officer of the Day: Ronald Genovese; One-Year Trustee: Anthony Baznik: Two-Year Trustee: Albin Orehek; Three-Year Trustee: Joseph Baškovič; House Chairman: Richard Mott; Liaison Officer: Robert Mills Sr.; Chaplains: Rev. Bishop A. Edward Pevec, Rev. Joseph Boznar, Rev. Richard Evans, Rev. William Jerse, Rev. Victor Cimperman, Rev. Thomas Gallagher. ST. VITUS ALTAR SOCIETY Spiritual Director: Fr. Joseph P. Božnar; President: Ivanka Matič. English Recording Secretary: Marija Košir; Secretary: Helena Perčič; Treasurer: Neva Avzlahar. Monthly corporate communion on the lsl Sunday of the month at the 10:30 a.m. Mass followed by meeting in the St. Vitus Village Slovenian Room. Every Thursday, Holy Hour at 4 p.m., followed by the 4:30 Mass. NEWBURGH-MAPLE HTS. PENSIONERS CLUB President: Art Zanutic; Vice President: Florence Mirtel; Financial Secretary: Olga Dorchak (330) 468-7989; Recording Secretary: Clara Hrovat; membership/Sunshine: Olga Sray; Auditors: Tony Kaplan, Kay Yuratovac, Frank Hrovat. Meetings held 4th Wednesday of each month at 12:00 noon. SLOVENIAN CULTURAL SOCIETY TRIGLAV Spiritual Director: Rev. Dr. Jože Gole; President: Craig Frohna; Vice-President: Jake Modic; Treasurer: Carmen Strmšek; Recording Secretary: Elisabeth Gordon; Corresponding Secretary: Helenca Frohna; Park Manager: Charlie Strmšek; Auditing Committee: Anne Sagadin, Vicky Schneider, Tom Smolič. Activities: May 28: Memorial Day Remembrance June 24lh: Prvi Piknik July 22nd: Mission Picnic August 19lh: Drugi Picnic Sept. 16th: Vinska Trgatev Dec. 2nd: Sveti Miklavž SLOVENIAN AMERICAN PRIMORSKI CLUB President: Mejak Joakin; Vice Pres.: Milavec Aldo; Treasurer: Ramšak Silva; Secretary: Stropnik Angela. Board Members: Grdina Srečko, Grdina Mary, Jenko Joseph Jr., Manjas Danilo, Milavec Sabina, Mejak Brigita, Ramšak Joseph, Sedmak Kristjan, Udovič Vera. Board of Review: Grdina Srečko, Milavec Sabina, Manjas Danilo. BELOKRANJSKI KLUB President: Rezka Smuk; Vice President: Rudy Benedejčič; Secretary: Nenca Cerer, 101 Win Drive, Willowick, OH 44095; Recording Secretary: Nežka Golobic; Treasurer: Alenka Winslett; Stock Master: Brian Winslett; Auditors: Mark Blanchard, Mimi Blanchard, Frank Smuk. ŠTAJERSKI-PREKMURSKI KLUB President: Mimi Kozina Cupar; Vice-President: John Kozina; Treasurer: John Cupar; Secretary: Majda Zorman. Odbor: Tonica Simičak, Martina Simičak, Mimi Kozina, Rezka Zelko, Kristina Ferlinc, Ančka Leben, Frank Fujs, Paul Skale, Silvia Pišom, Branko Pišom, Koloman Weindor-fer. Sat., Oct. 25 -- 50lh Anniversary celebration dinner-dance at Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair, Cleveland, Ohio. SLOVENIAN AMERICAN HERITAGE FOUNDATION President: Anthony W. Hiti; Vice President: Dr. Alexander Ukmar; Secretary: Joan Chermely; Treasurer: Dana Leonard; At-Large: August B. Pust, Dr. Rudolph M. Susel, Ann M. Opeka; Past Presidents: Dr. Karl B. Bonutti, Frederick E. Križman, Esq., Hon. August Pryatel, Dr. Vladimir J. Rus, Edmund J. Turk, Esq., Joyce Ann Hribar, Esq. SLOVENE HOME FOR THE AGED BOARD OF TRUSTEES President: Robert Klancher; Vice President: Phil Hrvatin; Treasurer: Celeste Frollo; Secretary: Vera Marsic. Trustees: Chris Chermely, Doug Elersich, Rudy Kozan, Florence Luce, Dale Luzar, Joe Miskulin, Milan Ribic, Richard Tomsic, Agnes Turk Scott Zele. Honorary Trustee: Ronald Zele; Administrator: Jeffrey S. Sas, LNHA. FEDERATION OF AMERICAN SLOVENIAN SENIOR CITIZENS President: Olga Dorchak; Vice President: Larry Hočevar; Treasurer: Pat Nevar; Secretary: Matt Zabukovec; Auditors: Dorothy Gorjup, Grace Marinch, and Frank Sadar. SLOVENIAN AMERICAN NATIONAL ART GUILD President: Johrt Stredk; Viqc President: Patricia A. Habat; Ssccrctary: Jeannie Somrak; Treasurer: Lillian Bratina; Auditor: Ann Opeka; Heritage: Doris Sadar; Membership and Circulation: Carol Maruszak; Newsletter: Patricia A. Habat. Meetings held the third Monday of the month at 7 p.m. at Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio. AMERICAN SLOVENE CLUB President: Gene Drobnič; Vice-President: Emilee Jenko; Secretary: Terry Hočevar; Cor-res. Sec’y.: Emilee Jenko; Treasurer: Agnes Koporc. Meetings: 4 times a year. LILIJA Predsednik: Peter Dragar; Podpredsednik: Matija Grdadolnik; Podpredsednik: Srečo Gascr; Tajnik: Zdenka Zakrajšek, 10740 Angela Dr., Kirtland, OH 44094; Zapisnikar: Frank Hren; Blagajnišar-ka: Marija Marsic; Programski odbor: Matija Grdadolnik, Srešo Gaser, Peter Dragar, Zdenka Zakrajšek, Mojca Slak, Ivan Hauptman, Ivan Jakomin. Oderski mojster: Slavko Štepec, Kuhinja: Ani Nemec, Julka Zalar; Točaja: Rudi Hren, Tone Štepec; Reditelji: Jože Tomc, Ivan Tomc, Lojze Zupančič; Športni referent: Matija Grdadolnik; Nadzorni odbor: Marija Tominc, Frank Zalar Ml., Štefka Smolič SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION Branch 25 President: Frances M. Gazvoda; Vice President: Josephine Perpar; Sunshine Lady: Albina Pozelnik; Recording Secretary: Emilee Jenko; Treasurer: Ann R. Clemence; Auditor: Emilee Jenko. D.S.P.B. Vestnik President: Viktor Tominec; Tajnik: Anton Oblak; Blagajnik: Frank Šega; Odbornika: Stane Vidmar in Lojze Drobnič. Društvo prireja v mesecu maju spominsko sv. mašo in obisk pokopališča v mesecuav-gustu spominsko romanje za vse žrtve komunizma, nacizma in fašizma. ST. VITUS LODGE No. 25 KSKJ President: Joseph V. Hočevar, Vice President: Joseph Baškovič; Recording Secretary: Financial Secretary: John C. Turek (216) 531-0230; Treasurer: Al Orehek; Athletic Director: Ralph Prawdzik; Auditors: Marty Turek, Brian Fabo, Norb Zak. Sgt.-at-Arms: Tony Baznik. ST. JOSEPH LODGE No. 169 KSKJ Spiritual Director: Rev. John Kumse; President: Phil Hrvatin; Vice President: Sandi Green; Financial Secretary: Anne Nemec, 708 E. 159 St., Cleveland, OH 44110, (216) 541-7243; Treasurer: Catherine Clack; Recording Secretary: Laura Miller; Youth & Athletic Director: John Nemec; Auditors: Jennie Tuma, John Hozjan, and Evelyn Pipoly Meetings are held the third Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the club room of the Collinwood Slovenian Home (Holmes Ave.). New members (up to age 90) are always welcome. For information on life insurance and annuities call licensed agents John Nemec (216) 541-7243 or Sandi Green (440) 946-2500. CHRIST THE KING LODGE No. 226 KSKJ President: Joseph Rigler; Vice President: Ray Zak; Sec./Treasurer: Erika Kurbos, 1875 Braebum Park Dr., Euclid, OH 44117 (216) 383-1212; Recording Sec.: Rosemarie Zupančič; Auditors: Johbn Zupančič, Nicole Mihalič, Charles Potenga; Athletic/Youth Director: Ron Zak; Spiritual Advisor: Rev. Joseph Boznar; Sergeant-at-Arms: Robert McDonough; Activities Director: Judy Ryan; Assistant to Activities Youth Director: Caitlin Mihalič. OUR LADY OF FATIMA Lodge No. 255 KSKJ Spiritual Advisor: Rev. John Kumse; President: Robert A. Schulz; Vice President: Jackie Hanks; Secretary-Treasurer: Connie Schulz, 5495 C. Sierra Dr., Willoughby, OH 44094-3513, Tel: (440) 944-2015; Auditors: Larry Duggan, Donna Duggan; Athletic Director: Darlene Schulz. Meetings held the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at Secretary/Treasurer’s home. CATHOLIC ORDER OF FORESTERS BARAGA COURT 1317 Spiritual Director: Rev. Joseph P. Boznar; Chief Ranger: Robert W. Mills Sr.; Past Chief Ranger: Dr. Anthony F. Spcch; Vice Chief Ranger: Anthony Baznik; Recording Secretary: Frank Sraj; Financial Secretary: Angelo W. Vogrig, 17220 Tarymore Rd., Cleveland, OH 44119, Ph: 531-2662; Treasurer: Howard Eckert. Trustees: Anthony Baznik, Howard Eckert, Robert W. Mills Sr.; Youth Director: Angelo W. Vorig; Field Rep. Richard Kuhar (Ph. 838-18890. Meetings held the 2nd Friday of the month. Call Fin. Sec. for meeting location. BALINCARSKI CLUB SLOVENSKA PRISTAVE Časni Pred.: Felix Breznikar; Predsednik; Lojze Mohar; Pod. Pred.: Janez Švigelj; Taj-Blag: Tone Škerl. Odborniki: Ani Breznikar, Mici Mohar, Tončka Švigelj, Tone Vogel, Janez in Rezka Breznikar, Vera Žnidaršič, Marija Vrhovnik, Lojze in Angelca Debeljak, Tončka Berkopcc, Zdenka Kavčič. Nadzorni odbor: Lojze Hribar, Vionko Vrhovnik. SLOVENIAN INDEPENDENT SOCIETY HOME 70 - 14"1 Street NW, Barberton, 44203 President: Edward Gabrosek; Vice President: Frank Smrdel; Recording-Secretary: Yvonne Simons; Secretary-Treasurer: Regina Bartram; Trustees: Bob Hauser, Kevin Otanicar, John Steiner; Administrative Board: Kenny Betts and David Stump. Meetings arc held at 1 p.m., the third Sunday of each month September thru May. SKOVENSKE PRISTAVE Predsednik: Milan Ribic; Podpredsedhik: Metod Ilc; Podpredsednica/Tajnica: Metka Zalar; Tajnica / Camp: Ani Sterle; Zapisnikarica: MaryAnn Vogel. Odbornice / Odborniki: Jože Cerer, Tony Cerer, Jr., Tony Champa, Peter Domanko, Sonia Domanko, Frank Ferkulj, Gregor Frank, Larry Frank, Jože Grčar, Pavel Intihar, Teresa Kosem, Benjamin Košir, Michael Košir, Verena Krištof, Stanley Krulc, Jr., Emie Luzar, Irena Mazi, Joakin Mejak, Stane Mrva, Jože Novak, Filip Oreh, David Osenar, Branko Pisom, Andrej Ribic, Valentin Ribic, Mike Rus, Ron Rus, Stane Rus, Steve Saylor, Ferdo Sečnik, Edi Sedmak, Kristjan Sedmak, Vid Sleme, Tom Štepec, Martin Tominc, Edi Veider, Frank Vidmar, Frank Zalar, Jr., Elizabeta Žalik, Joe Žnidaršič, Tomaž Žnidaršič, Ivan Zupančič. Nadzorni odbor: Viktor Kmetic, John Sršen, Frank Zalar, Jr. Razsodišče: Jože Košir, Tom Štepec, Frank Uranksar. Pravni svetovalec: Tomaž Lobe. ST. ANNE’S LODGE #4 AMLA President: Emilee Jenko; Is' Vice President: Madeline Debevec; 2nd Vice President: Stane Kuhar; Treasurer: Dolores Krause; Recording Secretary: Louis Zigmund; lsl Auditor: Dorothy Stanonik, Second Auditor: David Stanonik. LODGE 6 SLOVENSKI DOM AMLA President: Joe Petrie, Vice President: Wally Frank; Secretary-Treasurer: Janice Verch; Recording Secretary: Lillian Pugel; Audit Chmn.: Theresa Aveni; Auditors: Elsie Frank, Dorothy Lamm. LODGE KRAS No. 8 AMLA President: Celeste Frollo; Vice President: Vida Zak; Secretary-Treasurer: Anton Lavrisha, 1076 E. 176 St. (216) 531-3413, meti@,aol.com; Recording Secretary: Sophie Matuch. Meetings held the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m., at Slovenian Home on Holmes Avenue in Cleveland, except July and August. AMLA LODGE CLEVELAND, No. 9 President: Robert Menart; 1st Vice President: Albert Amigoni; Secretary-Treasurer: Patricia Amigoni, 21051 Arbor Ave., Euclid, OH 44123. Recording Sec’y.: Gertrude Menart; Auditing Chmn: Gertrude Menart, Auditor: Ana Mihclich; F.A.C. Coordinator: Gertrude Menart; F.A.C. Jr. Coordinator: Robert Menart; Lodge Reporter: Albert Amigoni. Lodge meetings first Sunday of month at AMLA Home Office at 11 a.m. LODGE No. 12 RIBNICA AMLA President: James E. Czeck; Vice President: Vincent F. Ilacqua; Secretary-Treasurer: Carole Czeck; Recording Secretary: Gina Ilacqua; President, Audit Com.: Jaime Lončar; 1st Auditor: Lillian Bratina; 2nd Auditor: Philip J. Yan, Sr.; F.A.C. Coordinator: Vince Ilacqua; Lodge Reporter: Carole Czeck/James Czeck; Lodge Contact: Carole Czeck. Meetings held Sunday, Feb. 25, May 20, Sept. 16, and Nov. 18 at 1:30 p.m., at 988 Talmade Age. (Sec. Home), except Dec. Annual Meeting. ST. MARY’S SENIORS Spiritual Director: Rev. John Kumse; President: Zora Kocin; Vice President: Elsie Jacobs; Secretary: Mary Zimperman; Treasurer: John Spilar. Meetings are held every lsl Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. in St. Mary’s School. For particulars and membership call Zora Kocin at (216) 289-0467. LADIES AUXILIARY SNPJ FARM President: Sophie Matuch; Vice president: Grace Marinch; Secretary: Gcrri Trebets; Treasurer: Barbara Elersich; Auditors: Eleanor Godec, Dorothy Gorjup, Helen Sumrada. FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS024100) Thursday, March 20, 2008 - Vesti iz Slovenije - V Slovenci odkrivajo vedno več primerov gospodarskega kriminala - Vlada pridobiva na priljubljenost V zadnjem času je pravosodje v državi zelo aktivno pri razkrivanju več in več primerov finančnih škandalov. Delovanje policije, tožilstva in sodišč so zaradi suma kaznivih dejanj, ki naj bi jih povzročili direktorji treh največjih gradbenih podjetij, poimenovali mediji kot afero Čista lopata. Največje razsežnosti ima finančna in nepremičninska družba Orion, ki je poslovala tako, da je od stranke v zameno za posojilo najprej kupila nepremičnino, potem pa jo je s plačili na obroke prodala nazaj kupcu, vendar je na njej pridržala lastninsko pravico. Ko kupec ni več plačeval obrokov, je Orion uveljavil svojo lastninsko pravico. Za Orionom naj bi stali nekateri politiki iz nekdanje LDS. Zadeve so bile vodene tako, da je bilo pravno vse čisto. Družba je zdaj v stečaju, upniki pa so pripravili za 21 milijonov evrov zahtevkov. Ko višji državni tožilec Boštjan Penko ni hotel pregnati družbo, ker ni mogel najti krivcev ali znakov kriminala, je posredovala generalna državna tožilka Barbara Brezigar in ga odstavila. Dne 26. februarja so kriminalisti v Mariboru izvedli obsežno akcijo, v kateri so na območju celotne Slovenije ugotavljali primere utaje davkov in pranja denarja. Aretirali so Rada Snežiča, enega najbogatejših Slovencev. Vse te akcije so prinesle vladi več podpore s strani javnosti. Pregon tkim. “taj-kunov”, oseb, ki so v nekaj letih izredno obogateli na sumljive načine, so povečale podporo vladi. Vlada je tudi podvzela s svojo parlamentarno večino nekaj drugih akcij. Nova sta npr. zakona o otroških vrtcih in pravicah delavcev do deleža dobička v podjetjih. Po zakonu o otroških vrtcih bodo stroški, ki jih za varstvo otrok plačujejo starši, občut- no znižani. Zakona sta bila v javnosti kar pozitivno sprejeta. S 1. marcem je nastala v Sloveniji še ena nova politična stranka. Ta se imenuje Lipa in je nastala iz odpadnikov Slovenske nacionalne stranke. Stranko vodi Sašo Peče. Odnosi s Hrvaško še bolj zapleteni Hrvaška si je na območju reke Dragonje prilastila več zemljišč, ki so v lasti Sklada kmetijskih zemljišč in gozdov Slovenije. Hrvati jemljejo zemljo tudi ob meji v Prekmurju. Tam so namreč na slovenskem ozemlju postavili mejne kamne, ki nosijo napis Hrvaška. Zaplete še vedno poskušajo reševati z izmenjavanjem diplomatskih not med Ljubljano in Zagrebom, a ti nič ne prispevajo k rešitvam, prej obratno. Denarne nagrade potrebne za zaposlitev v Slovenski vojski, ker drugače zanimapja ni V Slovenski vojski že nekaj časa ugotavljajo neugodna gibanja, saj je več tistih pripadnikov, ki jo zapuščajo, kot pa interesentov za službo v njej. Vojska je namreč profesionalna. Trenutno pa primanjkuje okoli 800 pripadnikov SV. Tako bodo odslej podeljevali posebne denarne nagrade tistim, ki bodo sklenili delovno razmerje v vojski. Če bodo pogodbo podpisali za pet let, bodo dobili nagrado v višini ene povprečne slovenske bruto plače. Kar pet povprečno bruto plač pa bodo prejeli vojaki, ki bodo sklenili ali pa podaljšali pogodbo za najmanj 10 let. Čebelarstvo najbolj razvito v celotni EU Podatki kažejo, da je pridobivanje medu v Sloveniji najbolj razvito v celotni evropski povezavi glede na skupno število prebivalcev. Čebelari okoli 7.000 Slovencev, ki imajo več kot 150 tisoč čebeljih družin, pridelajo pa okoli dva tisoč ton visokokakovostnega medu letno. Predsednik Danilo Turk se srečal s slovenskimi škofi - Ob is-letnici delovanja Slovenske škofovske konference se je predsednik države Danilo Turk srečal s škofi v Vili Podrožnik in to 26. februarja. Na srečanju je Turk izpostavil vlogo Cerkve pri ohraiuaiuu etičnih vrednot, predsednik SŠK ljubljanski nadškof in metropolit Alojz Uran pa je dejal, da sta družina in izobraževalni proces temelj za oblikovanje vrednot posameznika in družbe. Predsednik države je poudaril, da je ločenost Cerkve od države, ki je zapisano v ustavi, osnova za odprt dialog med njima. Koprski škof Metod Pirih je govoril o določenih primerih dobrega sodelovanja med Cerkvijo in lokalnimi skupnostmi pri obnovi sakralnih objektov. Turk je poudaril tudi pomen Trubarjevega leta. Srečanja so se udeležili vsi škofje ordinary! in nekateri pomožni škofje. Udeležiti se ga nista mogla le ljubljanski pomožni škof Anton Jamnik in koprski pomožn.i škof Jury Bizjak. Obe strani sta izrazili žefjo za nadafjiye sodelovaiye in dialog. Vsem našim zvestim naročnikom, bralkam in bralcem povsod po Združenih državah in Kanadi ter po vsem svetu in še vsem našim dopisnikom in drugim sodelavcem želimo vsi pri Ameriški Domovini vesele Velikonočne praznike! Iz Clevelanda in okolice Pomladanski banket— Ameriško slovenski Primorski klub vabi na svoj vsakoletni pomladanski banket, ki bo v soboto, 29. marca, v SND na St. Clair Ave. Večerja se je pričela servirati ob 6. uri zvečer, za ples in zabavo bo igral ansambel Staneta Mejača. Za vstopnice, pokličite Kristino Sedmak na 216-383-7091. Vsi res lepo vabljeni! Obisk— V torek, 1. aprila, bo na obisku med nami dr. Kajetan Gantar iz Ljubljane. Slovensko-ameriški svet vabi na srečanje z njim, ki se bo pričel ob 7. uri zvečer v St. Vitus Village na Lau-schetovi cesti. Javnost je vabljena, dr. Gantar je slavist in prevajalec. Več v dopisu na str. 20. Novi grobovi Janez Podgorelec Kot žrtev prometne nesreče je umrl 59 let stari Janez Podgorelec iz Kirtlan-da, sin že pok. Janeza in Frančiške Podgorelec, brat Marije Kadivec, Margaret Odorčič, Angele, v Sloveniji pa Mirkota, Darije Erceg in Marte. Pogreb je bil 8. marca s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Rudolph A. Mismas Umrl je 85 let stari Rudolph A. Mismas, vdovec po Marion, roj. DeCapua, oče Elaine Hočevar, Patricije Lepa in Jamesa, 9-krat stari oče, brat Edwarda, Bernarda, Mary Ann Zaitz, Daniela ter že pok. Josepha, Ralpha, Al-a in Lucy, veteran 2. svetovne vojne, služil je v ameriški vojski. Pogreb je bil 15. marca s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Jeroma s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Anna Jerse Umrla je 93 let stara Anna Jerse, rojena Globočnik, vdova po Johnu, mati Leanne Fialko in Linde (dalje na str. 24) Orožje iz stare Avstrye— Cleveland Museum of Art sporoča, da ima razstavo o orožju iz stare Avstrije. Posebnost tu je, da je trenutno pri muzeju Slovenka Aleksandra Carapella iz Ljubljane, ki bo v torek, 15. aprila oziroma v torek, 20. maja, vodila ogled te razstave in to v slovenščini. Potrebne so vstopnice. Če se zanimate, pokličite 1-888-CMA-0033 za podrobnosti. Za odraslo osebo je cena $15, za upokojence 65 let in več $10 kakor tudi za otroke. Muzej se nahaja na 11150 East Blvd. Seminar za učitefjef-ice)— Ta bo v Sloveniji od 3. do 13. avgusta za učiteljice in učitelje slovenskega jezika in kulture. Rok za prijavo je 30. april. Podrobnosti boste našli v sporočilu za javnost na str. 20. Pozitiven do Clevelanda— Mestni svetnik Joe Cimperman, ki med drugim v svoji vardi predstavlja tudi St. Clairsko okolico, je bil o razvoju mesta kar pozitiven, ko je govoril na večeru Slovenian American Heritage Foundation 11. marca v SDD na Recherjevi. Udeležba je bila velika in tudi navdušena. O neuspeli kampanji za kongres zoper Dennisa Kucinicha je rekel, da si je vsaj veliko naučil. Dvakrat v aprilu— Naš list bo zopet izšel 10. in 24. aprila. Naši dobrotniki— G. Joe in ga. Jožica Majer, Mentor, O., sta darovala $29 v podporo našemu listu. Ga. Helen Sturm, Lyndhurst, O., je darovala $20, v spomin moža Tonyja. Natalia Stojanov, Tequesta, Fla., je darovala $32. John E. Tegel, Wood Dale, 111., je tudi daroval $32. Ga. Slavica Črnic, Cleveland, je darovala $27, spomin moža Antona. G. in ga. Ray Gruber, Geneva, O., sta darovala $25 v spomin Josepha Kristanc st. in ml. ter $25 v spomin dr. Ray Gruberja st. Hvala vsem! MIRA KOSEM POZDRAVLJENA ZEMLJA Sporočilo o obisku v Clevelandu dr. Kajetana Gantarja iz Ljubljane II. del Preporod Po deseti obletnici, pevski zbor Korotan ni zaspal; po kratki dobi glasbeno nadarjenega, toda zahtevnega La-dota Lemplja, ki je trajala samo kako leto, ko je podlegel bolezni in umrl, je sledila najdaljša doba pod vodstvom izkušenega glasbenika in izvrstnega tenorista Frančka Gorenška. Metod Milač nam je s Pavletom Borštnikom zapustil Pozdravljeno Zemljo, Franček Go-renšek pa nam je podaril Našo pesem, ki jo je uglasbil na besedilo pesnika Marjana Jakopiča. Ti dve deli sta Korotanov zaklad. Poleg tega pomembnega dela, ki izraža našo ljubezen do slovenske pesmi in domovine, je Gorenšek prestavljal in prirejal še mnogo pesmi, ki so sedaj zakladnica, v katero se letno vračamo. Tudi Rudi Knez je daroval Korotanu lepo dobo in veliko truda. Pod njegovim vodstvom je Korotan tudi prvič obiskal matično domovino in ob priliki prvega papeževega obiska v neodvisni Sloveniji. Nastopil je čas, ko je Korotan nujno rabil “novo kri”. Sam Bog je moral dati Janezu Sršenu navdih, da je imel moči še za en zbor. In res mu sedaj daje moči, veselja in uspeha že skoraj deset let. Njegova mladost me je zvabila nazaj h Korotanu, zvabila pa je še lepo skupino druge generacije in tretje, kar nam daje up za prihodnost. Kmalu po Sršenovem prevzemu Korotana, je prišlo povabilo, da sodelujemo s slovenskimi cerkvenimi zbori ob papeževem obisku v Mariboru ob proglasitvi škofa Antona Martina Slomška blaženim. Spominjam se, da sem možu Marjanu omenila, da bi šla rada v Maribor. V načrtih je blio, da bo on sam prav ta čas službeno potoval v Evropo, tako, da bi bil lahko v Mariboru prisoten tudi on. Na hitro se je odločil in rekel: “Če smo šel tja, bom pa tudi pel z vami.” To odločitev smo na pol resno oklicali za “Slomškov čudež”. In res, takrat je spoznal, kako je ljubil petje in kadar je Marjan nekaj vzljubil, ga ni bilo mogoče ustaviti. Postal je navdušen, aktiven Korotanec. Biti del tri tisoč članskega zbora je bilo za nas vse posebno doživetje. Papežev obisk pa nas je prevzel z duhom, ki se ga ne da razlagati. Pod Sršenovim vodstvom smo dočakali tudi zlati jubilej in spet je odbor predlagal, da se pripravi za ta jubilej nekaj posebnega. Šli smo v Korotanovo zakladnico in očitno je bilo, da sta najbolj primerni deli za ta častni jubilej Pozdravljena Zemlja in Naša pesem. Povabili smo nekdanje pevce, ki so se v lepem številu odzvali, pa tudi nove pevce-srednješolce. Sršen je nabral člane orkestra, kot nekdaj Milač, med svojimi znanci. Posebno pozornost je žel štirinajstletni Joško Štepec; nadarjen, navdušen violinist, ki je na skladatelja Milača naredil nepozaben vtis. Koncert je bil vsem v ponos, orkester je zahtevno Milačevo kantato izvedel dovršeno in pevci smo mu zlahka sledili, čeprav smo imeli samo eno vajo z njimi. Pozdravljena Zemlja v Sloveniji Povabilo pevskega zbora Korotan na sodelovanje ob šestdeseti obletnici begunstva in povojnih pomorov je bilo nam Koro-tancem največjega pomena. Mnogi starejši Koro-tanci so bili begunci, drugi smo se želeli bolj seznaniti s to žalostno dobo kot otroci beguncev. Vsi smo iskali v tem komemorativnem obisku naše domovine nekaj duhovno pomembnega, nekako zadoščenje za krivice, ki smo jihi zaradi vojne in revolucije trpeli na različne načine. To naj bi bil naš povratek v neodvisno Slovenijo. Za sodelovanje na proslavi nas je zaprosila organizacija Slovenija v svetu. Na tej spominski slavnosti je sodeloval tudi premier Janez Janša. Z navdušenjem smo sprejeli povabilo. Za izbiro pesmi, s katerimi bi se predstavili slovenski javnosti, ni bilo niti malega pomisleka, saj smo imeli dve pesmi, ki sta totalno predstavljali našo dušo, naša upanja. To sta deli, ki sta bili ustvarjeni tu med nami: Pozdravljena Zemlja in Naša pesem. Vabljeni smo bili tudi, da pojemo pri slovesni sv. maši, ki je bila formalen začetek spominskih slovesnosti. Vaje smo imeli v najhujši vročini, toda vsi smo se potrpežljivo trudili, saj smo imeli pred seboj tako pomemben cilj. Večina pevcev je prispela v Slovenijo zadnje dni v juniju, tako, da smo lahko sodelovali pri spominskem programu v Teharjah in peli pri spominski sv. maši v Kočevskem Rogu. Na obeh krajih množičnih pokoljev je bilo nadvse ganljivo. Za Marjana še posebej, ko smo se s Teharij peljali z avtobusom v Hrastnik, izstopili pri kapelici in šli do velikega kozolca “toplarja”, kjer so se morale žrtve sleči, odložiti vse, kar jim je bilo drago in kreniti na greben hriba, kjer so jih pobili in nato zmetali v rove rudnika. Med njimi je bil Marjanov brat Lojzi, ki je bil takrat star devetnajst let. Vse nas je ta nečloveška krutost hudo prizadela. Zdelo se mi je, da je takrat Marjan spoznal svojega brata kot človeka, kot osebo, ki bi bila kot tisoči drugih žrtev, vredna človeškega dostojanstva. Slednjič smo dočakali slavnostni dan: prvo nedeljo v juliju. Dopoldan smo imeli vaje v Cankarjevem domu s posameznimi člani Ljubljanske filharmonije, ki so tvorili orkester, potreben za spremljavo kantate Pozdravljena Zemlja. Vaja ni šla dobro. Čutilo se je, da so člani orkestra prvič videli note. Pri slavnostnem bogoslužju smo se počutili počaščene in res prevzeti z duhom svetosti peli, natrpani na kor ljubljanske stolnice, ki je bil takrat v popravilu. Ta kor gotovo ni nikdarj preje držal 57 pevcev. Čudili smo se. kako Je majhen, toda vzdušje je bilo nadvse veličastno. Najmočnejši vtis pa je naredila pridiga nadškofa Urana. Nepozaben je bil njegov stavek: “Prvi parti-(dalje na str. 21) CLEVELAND, O. - Slovensko-ameriški svet obvešča slovensko javnost v Clevelandu in okolici, da se bo 1. aprila letos med nami mudil akademski profesor in publicist, slavist in prevajalec dr. Kajetan Gantar iz Ljubljane. Clevelandski Slovenci se bomo z njim srečali na ta dan, torej v torek, 1. aprila, v prostorih Slovenske vasi sv. Vida (St. Vitus Village), na Lauschetovi cesti, ob 7. uri zvečer. Vabimo vse, ki se zanimate za ohranjevanje slovenskega jezika v Ameriki in za bogato kulturo materinščine, da se nam pridružite na ta večer. Prisluhnili bomo dr. Gantarjevim besedam o slovenščini in še kaj. Ob koncu se bomo lahko z njim še pogovorili, saj imamo tudi enake probleme, kot jih imajo v domovini, kjer drugi jeziki in izrazi izpodrivajo naše lastne “klene” slovenske besede, kot se v pogovorih o rabi slovenščine radi izražajo slavisti. Torej nasvidenje v torek, 1. aprila, v St. Vitus Village na Lauschetovi cesti. mh Sporočilo za javnost... Za učiteljice in učitelje slovenskega jezika in kulture Generalni konzulat RS v Clevelandu sporoča: Urad Vlade RS za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu ter Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport bosta v sodelovanju z Zavodom RS za šolstvo tudi v letu 2008 pripravila in financirala strokovno izpopolnjevanje za učiteljice in učitelje slovenskega jezika in kulture ter drugih predmetov v slovenskem jeziku iz ZDA in Kanade. Seminar bo potekal v času od 3. do 13. avgusta 2008 v Ljubljani z okolico. Predvideno število vseh udeležencev je od 12 do 18 oseb. Izpolnjen obrazec, ki ga dobite na Generalnem konzulatu, naj kandidati pošljejo na naslov Urad Vlade RS za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu. Železna cesta 14, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija. Prijavo je potrebno poslati tudi v elektronski obliki na naslov: urad.slovenci@gov.si. Rok za prijavo je 30. april 2008. Prednost imajo kandidati, ki se tovrstnega seminarja še niso udeležili in nameravajo nadaljevati s poučevanjem. Financerja bosta krila stroške letalskega prevoza v ekonomskem razredu v višini 90% sredstev ter nastanitev v Sloveniji v času seminarja. Letalske vozovnice naj si udeleženci poskrbijo sami, Urad pa jim bo denarna sredstva za kritje tega stroška nakazal preko Generalnega konzulata po zaključku seminarja. V spomin pete obletnice moža in očeta JOŽE CENDOL Pet let te zemlja krije, tvoje truplo v grobu spi, ni za nas miru pokoja, od kar te več med nami ni. Žalujoča žena Mimi, sin Jože in ostali. Dr. Karel Bonutti / Njegov prostor in čas POZDRA VLJENA ZEMLJA Osemdesetletnica nekdanjega veleposlanika (Nadaljevanjesstr.20 Trst [Novi glas, 6. ma-ca 2008) - Dr. Karla Bo-nuttija se tokrat spominjamo v zvezi z življenjskim jubilejem, ki ga je praznoval 3. februarja 2008. Mariborski Večer je 17. nov. lani objavil dve strani dolg intervju, v katerem je dr. Bonutti označen kot "deček furlanskega priimka in trdnega slovenskega duha, ki je skusil begunsko usodo, se uveljavil tudi v tujem svetu in so po koncu zanimive kariere vrnil domov”. Naš list je o njegovi življenjski poti že pisal ob drugih priložnostih, zato je v tem članku samo nakazana. Čeprav to ni običajni intervju, smo jubilanta prosili, da spregovori tudi sam. Nekdanji slovenski veleposlanik v Vatikanu (od leta 1998 do 2002), profesor na Univerzi v Clevelandu, vsestransko angažiran kulturni delavec in duša premnogih pobud med ameriškimi rojaki in zdaj v domovini, se je rodil v Bukovici na robu Vipavske doline nedaleč od Gorice. Šolal se je najprej v Gorici, tu maturiral, in nato na Univerzi v Fri-burgu v Švici, kjer je konča, študij političnih in ekonomskih ved. Iz Švice sta s soprogo Hermino Rijavec odšla v Združene države Amerike in se naselila v Clevelandu. Tu se jima je rodilo šest otrok. Bonuttijeve vezi z domovino se niso nikdar pretrgale. Naj v zvezi s tem navedemo samo dva primera. Neprecenljiv je delež doktorja Bonuttija pri nastajanju Katoliškega doma v Gorici, saj je v Clevelandu sprožil in nadvse zavzeto vodil nabiralno akcijo za zgraditev gori-škega doma. Zanjo je pridobil lepo število veljavnih slovenskih osebnosti v zdomstvu in osnoval poseben ameriški odbor. Vse to je opisano tudi v zborniku Naš kulturni hram in njegovi graditelji (Goriška Mohorjeva družba 2007). Od leta 1985 je občasno predaval na Ekonomski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani, predaval pa je tudi v Kranju in Mariboru. Zdaj živi ob slovensko-italijanski meji med Kostanjevico in Panovcem v Sloveniji in Rafutom na tej (tj. italijanski) strani. Kakor je povedal v omenjenem intervjuju, se je vrnil v Slovenijo, ker je zdaj demokratična neodvisna država, čeprav sta z ženo daleč od otrok, vnukov in pravnukov, vendar se pogosto obiskujejo, kar še krepi njihovo slovenstvo, saj so vsi tudi slovenski državljani. Dr. K. Bonuttiju smo postavili tri vprašanja. Prvo se tiče škofa Gregorija Rožmana, ki ga je dobro poznal in z njim v ameriški dobi tudi sodeloval. “Tako kot so se med vojno k njemu zatekali ogroženi Slovenci vseh barv, tako je vsa begunska skupnost, ne le duhovniki ljubljanske škofije, v njem imela edinega človeka, ki je resnično pomagal po svojih močeh in znanstvih. Za nas begunce ni bil le ljubljanski škof. V svoji podpori ni delal razlike med Štajerci, Korošci, Kranjci in Primorci. Kot koroški Slovenec se je dobro zavedal pomena obstoja slovenske manjšine v Italiji. V najtežjem povojnem času, ko so bili goriški Slovenci, povezani s Cerkvijo, prepuščeni samim sebi, brez finančne podpore, so v škofu Rožmanu imeli iskrenega prijatelja in podpornika. Akcijo za gradnjo Katoliškega doma v Gorici leta 1952 ni le podprl s tem, da je sprejel pokroviteljstvo nabiralne akcije v Ameriki in sam finančno pomagal, ampak je po končani uspešni akciji, ko je šlo za odplačevanje kratkoročnega posojila, sam poskrbel za mašne intencije, s katerimi so goriški duhovniki odplačevali obstoječi dolg.” Naš jubilant se zadnja leta veliko ukvarja z ustanovitvijo evropske univerze v goriškem prostoru. S to svojo zamislijo je seznanil pomembne posameznike in ustanove na slovenski in na italijanski strani, od civilnih do cerkvenih. Leta 2004 se je ob vstopu Slovenije v Evropsko unijo o tem v Gorici pogovarjal tudi s takratnim predsednikom komisije Romanom Prodijem. “Mislim, da v Evropski uniji ni regije, ki bi bila toliko trpela zaradi grozot prve svetovne vojne, fašističnega raznarodovanja, medvojnega in povojnega trpljenja vsa leta, ko Je Goriška postala mejnik med komunističnim vzhodom in demokratičnim zahodom. Zato se mi zdi primerno, da vodstvo Evropske unije nudi tej deželi posebno pozornost. Dalj-noročno je obstoj Evropske unije odvisen od “ev- (dalje na str. 23) zanski strel ni bil sprožen proti okupatorju, ampak proti Slovencem”, in še: “Najhujša tragedija pa se je zgodila po končani vojni, ko so bili tisoči naših mož in fantov brez sodbe in dokaza krivde pomorjeni in počivajo v brezštevilnih breznih in jamah širom slovenske zemlje. Bog je poskrbel za priče, ki so posredovale resnico svetu.” Res je, trije od teh prič so nam znanci: pokojni Franci Dejak, Milan Zajec in France Kozina (Niagara Falls). Metka Dejak, žena pokojnega rešenca iz Roga, je z nami hodila Po poteh mučencev. Po okrepčilu v Škofijskem domu smo odšli v Cankarjev dom, kjer se je vršila glavna spominska slavnost. Skrbelo nas je zaradi neuspešne vaje dopoldan, toda vseeno smo upali v dober izid, saj bi slovenski javnosti predstavili nekaj prav našega. Zaskrbljeni smo se razvrstili na oder. Postavili pa so nas na sredo globine, tako, da je polovica glasov ostala zadaj. Orkester je bil pred odrom, vse predaleč od zbora. Prišel je naš čas. Najprej smo peli Gorenšek-Jakopičevo Našo pesem. Čeprav nas je skrbelo, je šlo kar dobro; dr. Ivan Vombergar nas je spretno spremljal na klavirju. Izredno smo bili ponosni, da je bil solist sin skladatelja Gorenška - Milan Gorenšek, ki je s čistim tenorjem krasno podal svoj solo. Pokojnega skladatelja sta v zboru zastopala tudi drugi sin, Tomaž, sedanji Korotanov predsednik, in Milanova hčerka Annelise. Po Naši pesmi smo se malo oddahnili, zavedali pa smo se, da nas še čaka kantata z orkestrom. Sledila je Pozdravljena Zemlja. V orkestru se je ponovila ista disonanca kot na vajah in to je vplivalo na naše razpoloženje. Marjanova recitacija (spravni del pesmi) ni prišla do izraza, ker je bil prehlajen in predaleč v ozadju. Želeli smo Sloveniji podariti najboljše kar smo zmogli, toda s Pozdravljeno Zemljo nismo imeli sreče. Ob koncu smo se čutili nekako poražene, ker nismo dosegli zaželjenega cilja, za katerega sta se toliko prizadevala skladatelj in dirigent. Upala sem, da bo obisk domovine, obisk matere, ki nas bo z odprtimi ro-^ kami pričakala, da pridemo v njen objem. Spoznala pa sem, da matični Slovenci ne morejo čutiti tistega, kar mi čutimo. In kako naj tudi razumejo! Oni niso bili “v tuje presajeni” kot poje v Naši pesmi Jakopič. Nehote smo oboji živeli življenje pod danimi pogoji. Gledano pozitivno: če ne bi bili me “v tuje presajeni”, bi naši kulturniki ne ustvarili zakladnice, ki je prav naša. Zato bomo ohranili zlati jubilej pevskega zbora Korotana v naj lepšem spominu, saj je takrat Pozdravljena Zemlja dosegla uspeh tu v tujini, ki je sedaj naš dom. Domovina, “tam za morjem", pa nam ostaja nepozabni del našega bitja. P.S. - Naj omenim, da smo Korotanci podali po formalnih slovesnostih še koncert v Celju in tudi v Kranju, v zadovoljstvu javnosti in pevcem. Koncert v Kranju je izvrstno posnel Radio Ognjišče. Večina pevcev se strinja, da je to najboljši posnetek cele Korotanove dobe. (SE NADALJUJE) Z Ameriško Domovino pokrivamo slovenski svet Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS *** \ e/isU^ Saturdays 9-I0pm Cleveland Public Radio WCPN 90.3 FN Tony Ovsenik: 31731 Miller Ave. Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44092 Phone: 1-440-944-2538 e-mail: tony.ovsenik@sbcglobal.net CONTRIBUTOR TO: RADIO OGNJISCE-LJUBLJANA feilr ur rni MEJAČ UsOj Drailiu Pesmi ... inMelodije wcsssur« NnJdW 9't0am Sredi 6,7 pm iz Naše l epe Slovenije 2403 Scan rack Drive Wlllou^.ITHllUraH44Cn4 RaJfpfcj Družina Cinvbltd 440-911-1709 it i/r« v-r»: www.wcih.nig Prijatelju v trajen spomin WILLOUGHBY HILLS, O. - V nedeljo, 24. februarja, se je razširila žalostna vest, da je nepričakovano po tridnevnem bivanju v Euclid bolnišnici po volji našega večnega Očeta zaključil tozemsko življenje ljubeč in skrben družinski mož, oče in stari oče, v Clevelandu in okolici na splošno poznan, spoštovan in mnogim rojakom dober in iskren prijatelj ALOJZ DROBNIČ. Prijatelj Lojze - tako smo klicali - je zagledal luč sveta 2. julija 1928 v družini globoko vernih staršev Franca in Justine Drobnič, od katerih je za življenje prejel veliko mero ljubezni in dobro krščansko vzgojo, ki mu je bila podlaga in vodilo. Imel je štiri brate Ludvika, Jožeta, Franca in Mirkota ter sestro Justino. To je bila tipična verna podeželska družina pred drugo svetovno vojno. Narod je bil moralno zdrav, na deželi je vladalo veliko medsebojno prijateljstvo, kar pa se je na žalost med vojno in po vojni zelo spremenilo in to po zaslugi maloštevilnih rdečih tovarišev komunistov, ki so v največji stiski naroda začeli načrtno in to že veliko pred ustanovitvijo vaških straž s terorjem in pobijanjem številnih vodilnih in ugle- dnih rojakov nasprotnikov popolnoma zgrešene komunistične ideologije. Ker je prijatelj Lojze bil vzgojen na krščanskih vrednotah, se je uprl komunističnemu terorju in se je po svoji vesti zelo mlad pridružil svojima bratoma Jožetu in Francu in postal domobranec, da brani vero in dom pred zločinci komunistične partije, katere edini namen je bil polastiti si po vojni popolno oblast. Za svoje prepričanje je plačal visoko ceno. Po dvomesečnem stradanju in negotovosti v taborišču Teharje, ki so mu pustile vse življenje poškodbo, je bil kot mladoleten odpuščen v negotovo bodočnost. Pripovedoval mi je, da je veliko njegovih sozapornikov izgubilo življenje na poti proti domu. Brata Jože in France, kot Lojze sta bila od Angležev iz Koroške vrnjena v roke komunistom, in z njima tisoči pravih naro-dnozavednih rodoljubov. Kaj se je z njimi zgodilo po koncu druge svetovne vojne že dolgo ni več tajnost. Do sedaj je dognanih širom naše stare domovine že več kot 500 morišč. Kdo so bili sponzorji za te masovne zločine že dolga leta ni več nobena tajnost. Nisem imel namena omenjati še danes za mnoge od nas še vedno boleče in trpljenja polne čase, a med te prav gotovo spada pokojni prijatelj Lojze, ki je bil srčno dober človek. Navkljub vsem krivicam in trpljenju, ki ga je preživel vseh petdesetih letih najinega prijateljstva, nisem nikoli slišal ali opazil, da bi do kogar koli imel osebno sovraštvo. Bil je moj in mnogim našim rojakom iskren prijatelj, tudi če se njegov bližnji ni ujemal z njegovim mišljenjem. Z drugo besedo, bil je po srcu pravi “demokrat” in to sem podpisani zelo cenil. Bil je človek srčne kulture in pripravljen delati dobro, kjer koli je bilo to mogoče. Osebno niti malo nisem pričakoval, da nas bo prijatelj Lojze tako nepričakovano zapustil in zato me je njegov odhod v večnost zelo prizadel. Da je bil Lojze zelo spoštovan in priljubljen med številnimi prijatelji, je pokazal velik obisk v Cosičevem pogrebnem zavodu. In - 28. februarja - s številno udeležbo v cerkvi Karmelske Matere božje v Wickliffu, Ohio, kjer je župnik McCafferty ob somaševanju č.g. župnika Marije Vnebovzete Janeza Kumšeta opravil sv. mašo zadušnico in V blag spomin OB 59. OBLETNICI, ODKAR JE V GOSPODU PREMINUL NAŠ LJUBLJENI OČE IN STARI OČE Louis Cimperman Izdihnil je svojo plemenito dušo dne 22. marca 1949. H grobu Vašem, dragi oče, v duhu danes spet hitimo; ni drugače nam mogoče, blag na Vas imamo spomin. Žalujoči: hčerka: Rose snaha: Mary vnuki in vnukinje Cleveland, Ohio, 20. marca 2008. molitve za pokoj Lojzetove duše. Po maši smo prijatelja v velikem številu pospremili na pokopališče Vernih duš na Char-donu, kjer smo se po molitvi župnika od prijatelja poslovili še s slovensko pesmijo. Dragi prijatelj Lojze, nenadoma si nas zapustil. Zahvalim se Ti za tvoje iskreno in dolgolet- no prijateljstvo. Srčno Ti želim srečno večnost pri Očetu, ki si mu bil zvest vse življenje. Ostal mi boš za vedno v najlepšem spominu. Družini prijatelja moje in naše družine, iskreno sožalje! Gospod Bog, podari mu večni mir in pokoj! To Ti iskreno želi tvoj dolgoletni prijatelj, France Šega V ljubeč spomin ob deseti obletnici smrti dragega moža, očeta in starega ata Jože Likozar umrl 28. marca 1998 Deset let je že minilo odkar si prestopil prag večnega življenja. Lepi spomini nate nas vedno spremljajo in povezujejo, ko tudi mi romamo proti Večnemu Cilju. Tam bomo zopet vsi združeni. Počivaj v božji ljubezni! žalujoči: žena Zalka, sin Martin (Sally), hčerka Kati Cup (Edward) in Paulina Rudmann (Matthew) z družinami ter sorodniki v Ameriki in Sloveniji. Slovensko veleposlaništvo na Internetu Za bralce v slovenskem jeziku je internetni naslov za veleposlaništvo: washington.embassy.si Za bralce v angleškem jeziku je naslov: washington.embassy. si/en V zahvalo in spomin 1936 2008 Z žalostjo v srcu naznanjamo prijateljem in znancem, da je po hudi bolezni dobri Bog poklical k sebi našo ljubo mamo, dobro sestro in teto ALOJZIJO RUTAR roj. KRANJC Previdena z zakramenti svete vere je na svojem domu mirno v Gospodu zaspala 19. januarja 2008. Pokojna je bila rojena 15. junija 1936 v vasi Drežnica na Slovenskem Primorju. V Ameriko je prišla leta 1964. Poročila se je z Jožetom Rutarjem (zdaj že pokojni). Do svoje upokojitve je bila zaposlena v tovarni Bailey Control. Čutimo prijetno dolžnost, da na tem mestu izrečemo zahvalo vsem, ki so pokojni Lojzki ob pjeni bolezni in smrti kakorkoli izkazali svojo naklonjenost in nam v teh težkih dneh stali ob strani. Najprej smo dolžni našo iskreno zahvalo župniku fare sv. Vida preč. g. Jožetu Božnarju za vso naklonjenost in podeljene sv. zakramente, za molitev sv. rožnega venca v pogrebnem zavodu, za opravljeno pogrebno sveto mašo ter obrede in molitve na pokopališču. Lepo se zahva^ujemo organistu cerkve sv. Vida za spremljavo pogrebne sv. maše in za lepo petje. Zelo smo hvaležni vsem prijateljem in znancem, ki so v velikem številu prišli v pogrebni zavod poslovit se od naše pokojne in ob krsti molili za njen pokoj. Najlepša hvala vsem za velikodušne darove za sv. maše ter druge dobrodelne namene. Iskrena hvala tudi vsem za darovano lepo cvetje. Hvaležni smo slovenski oddaji “Pesmi in melodije iz naše lepe Slovenije” pod vodstvom g. Edija Mejača za objavo pjene smrti in slovensko žalostinko. Iskrena hvala vsem, ki so se udeležili pogrebne svete maše in pogreba na pokopališču Vernih duš. Hvala lepa tudi vsem nosilcem krste. Zahvaljujemo se Cosicevemu pogrebnemu zavodu za vso naklonjenost in lepo vodstvo pogreba. Razposlali smo zahvalne kartice. Če smo koga prezrli naj nam oprosti in naj tu izrečena zahvala velja predvsem njemu. Ti pa, predraga mama in dobra sestra in teta, počivaj v miru in naj ti dobri Bog poplača z večno srečo, v kateri se bomo spet nekoč združili. Tvoji žalujoči: Sin: Danny Sestri: Lili Sivec in Marta Bizjak (v Sloveniji) Nečaki in nečakinje ter ostalo sorodstvo Dnevno življenje, vzgoja in kultura v begunskih taboriščih begunskih Slovencev \/ Celovcu so predstavili knjigo, ki je doslej edino znanstveno delo, ki celostno poučuje delo in življenje beguncev iz Slovenije v letih 1945 - 1950 v Avstriji. Celovec - Slovenski narodopisni inštitut Urban Jarnik in Krščanska kulturna zveza sta pred nedavnim vabila na predstavitev knjige, ki je naletela že na predstavitvi sami na veliko zanimanja. Avtorica Rozina Švent, ki je zaposlena v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici v Ljubljani - kjer je zadolžena za zbiranje in urejanje izseljenskega in zamejskega slovenskega tiska je napisala obsežno delo o življenju in delu slovenskih beguncev pred komunizmom, ki so maja 1945 zapustili Slovenijo., skupno jih je bilo okoli 20.000. Britanci so jih namestili v begunskih taboriščih. Na osnovi številnih pisnih in ustnih virov je Rozina Švent popisala del Slovencev, ki so bili v tujini od leta 1945, večina se je izselila v čezoceanske države. Z anketami je rekonstruirala dnevno življenje v taboriščih, veliko pa je tudi potovala po Koroškem in z osebnimi pogovori zbirala podatke. Gradivo je našla tudi v Nadškofoijskem arhivu, veliko gradiva pa je nedostopnega. Življenje v taborišču V Avstriji je bilo šest taborišč s 6.000 slovenskimi begunci, med njimi je bilo veliko duhovnikov in inteligence. Svoj študije je znanstvenica osvetlila s štirih vidikov: z vidika nastani- tve, higienskega stanja, prehrane in uprave, delo pa predstavlja tudi demografsko statistiko beguncev. Največje taborišče je bilo pri Špitalu ob Dravi. V Vetrinju je bilo vojaško in civilno taborišče, nadaljnja taborišča so bila v Peggezu pri Lienzu, Šentvidu ob Glini in Bistrici na Dravi/Kellerberg ter v Liechtensteinu pri Judenburgu. V lesenih mestih, ki so imela funkcijo civilnega življenja, se je razvijalo razgibano življenje. Avtorica je orisala vzgojo in izobraževanje, versko življenje ter kulturno delovanje: ustanavljali so gledališke skupine, taboriščno knjižnico, pripravljali razstave in bralne večere, se urili v glasbeni dejavnosti. Prav na kulturnem področju so se slovenski begunci vključevali v življenje koroških Slovencev, predvsem duhovniki, salezijanci, ki so imeli svoje središče na Kamenu. Tisti begunci, ki so ostali na Koroškem, so pripomogli k temu, da se je slovenstvo bolj utrdilo. Rozina Švent se posveča tudi problemu repatriacije beguncev in preseljevanju beguncev v nova naselitvena središča. Delo je bogata osnova s številnimi podatki vseh vrst. Predstavitev Janko Zerzer, ki je predstavil knjigo in avtorico, je delo označil za zelo pomembno, saj prikazuje prispevek slovenskih beguncev in njihovo vključevanje v življenje koroških Slovencev. Na predstavitvi knjige so spregovorili tudi številni nekdanji begunci, ki so prišli na Koroško, o svojih doživetjih in izkušnjah. O avtorici Avtorica knjige Rozina Švent je študirala zgodovino in sociologijo. V svoji magistrski nalogi se je (dalje na str. 24) Osemdesetletnica (nadaljevanje s str. 21) ropeizacije miselnosti”, ki na eni strani pospešuje narodnostne značilnosti, istočasno pa vcepi v šolskih programih nujnost pospeševanja skupnih vrednot in splošnih gospodarskih, političnih in socialnih ciljev. Nikjer drugje v Evropi se ne stika toliko narodnosti kot v tej deželi s slovanskim, latinskim in germanskim zaledjem. Zato je goriško okolje idealno za empirično razglabljanje in izvedbo pedagoških programov, ki pos- pešujejo evropsko združevalno miselnost. Goriška nudi konkretne pogoje za ustanovitev mednarodne univerze Evropske unije na meji med Gorico in Novo Gorico, s programi, ki bi pospeševali združitev raznoličnih elementov evropskih narodnosti: multikulturnosti, verstev (od protestantske, pravoslavne in katoliške teologije do muslimanskega verstva), zgodovine evropskih narodov itd. Sedaj, ko so odpadle državne meje, dajejo naravni pogoji goriškega okolja možnost novega razmaha, ki ni bil mogoč vse od rimskih časov. S to pobudo lahko dežela, ki je bila v preteklosti središče nenehnih konfliktov, postane središče povezovalnih naporov evropske skupnosti.” Ker smo v teh dneh ob Drnovškovi smrti veliko brali in slišali o tem velikem slovenskem državniku, smo za nekaj misli o njem prosili tudi dr. Bonuttija. “O pokojnem predsedniku Drnovšku je bilo že veliko napisanega. Rekel bi skoraj, da ni kaj dodati. In vendar je bil, kolikor mi je znano, spregledan eden od njegovih važnih posegov v večletno nerešeno vprašanje in zavlačevanje podpisa pravnega sporazuma med Svetim sedežem in Slovenijo. Brez njegovega posega bi sporazum čakal še leta. Ko je prišel zadnjič na uradni obisk v Vatikan, ni izrazil želje, da bi se srečal s papežem Janezom Pavlom II., češ da je bilo že veliko avdienc slovenskih predstavnikov s sv. očetom, zato ni želel obremenjevati bolnega papeža. Zadovoljil se je s srečanjem s takratnim državnim tajnikom Svetega sedeža, kardinalom So-danom. Zahrbtna bolezen ga je sčasoma privedla do spoznanja o minljivosti človeškega življenja in nesmrtnosti človeškega duha. Zato so mu bili zadnja leta odveč slovesni nastopi in priznanja. Kot je rekel, je to, kar bogati življenje na zemlji, skrb in pomoč do ljudi v stiski.” Slavljencu hvala za njegovo pričevanje in naše iskrene čestitke! LB ...Rad bi prodal svojo NEPREMIČNINO V SLOVENIJI, ampak kako ? Mi vam bomo pomagati) da prodate svojo nepremičnino * Zemlja-parcela, hiša, stanovanjc • Apartma, kmetija, počitniška hiša Pokličite nas, pošljite fax ali c mail £ Imamo družinsko tradicijo PALAČA NEPREMIČNINE d,o>o. Ul. 6. Junija 12A Sl-1295 Ivančna Gorica GSM: 00386 41 56 00 68 Tcl/fax: 00386 1 78 78 040 c mail: palaca@siol.nct MMŠ/fš/h® a Final Expense Plan that we could afford! The SimPlus plan provides for up to $25,000 of level final expense insurance and level premiums. There are no medical exams to qualify. Simply answera few questions with one of our representatives, Call 1-800-843-5755 today and receive your FREE Personal Health Record. 7 used to jet o 1099 for my Bank CD, until / found KSKJ AMJICAM SIOrtUAM CaHiGUC 44/ Their Fixed Annuities helped my money grow tax-deferred and even gave me options 301 would never outlive my , money. With rates as high as 5-40%*, KSKJ Life was the right choice. Call 1-800-THE-KSKJ for an agent near youl •PtaU cumrteeafcr W mertm on ■ ?•»*»» ptan. **#» rr*t d-Mn*a irihoutnotw. Demokracija Tedenska revija Demokracija! Približajte si domovino svojih prednikov! Želite na 74 straneh izvedeti, kaj se dogaja v Sloveniji, zamejstvu in med Slovenci po svetu? Naročite revijo Demokracija! Z njo bo Slovenija prišla v vaš dom. Demokracija razkriva preteklost, opisue in analizira sedanjost. Mesečna naročnina na revijo, ki vključuje tudi letalsko poštnino, ie 23.66 USD. Revijo lahko naročite po elektronski pošti: narocnine@demokraciia.si ali na telefon: + 386 1 230 06 66. Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1619. Prav lepa nedelja, sončna, kar pomladanska, je bila 2. marca, ko je bilo kosilo Misijonske Znamkarske Akcije. Tudi v dvorani župnije Marije Vnebovzete je bilo pomladansko. Iskrena hvala vsem vam v kuhinji, ki ste nosile težo dneva pod skrbnim vodstvom Julke za dobro hrano in vso skrbno postrežbo vsem postrežnicam. Hvala naši novi blagajničarki, ki je vse skrbno zabeležila. Hvala prodajalkam pri ročnem delu, mačku v Žaklju, zajčku in pecivu. Hvala vsem gospodinjam za prinešeno pecivo. Hvala vsem za vse pokupljeno, posebno otrokom, ki so z velikim veseljem vse odnesli staršem. Hvala vsem pri skrbi, da ne bi nihče trpel žeje med nami. Hvala vsem za vso pomoč, za vse pokupljeno in darovano. Hvala cvetličarni Big Bouquet (Terry Jarem) za cvetje, katero je krasilo mize v dvorani, kot tudi Ameriški Domovini za vse objavljeno o našem kosilu. Hvala tudi Ediju Mejač in Tonetu Ovsenik za vabila po radijskih valovih. Naj vam vsem Nebeški Oče, ki vse vidi in ve, s kakšnim veseljem je bilo vse pripravljeno, delano in sodelovano, poplača s svojim blagoslovom, misijonarjem pa da zdravje in moči za njihovo težko delo. Dohodki pri kosilu: Kosil° ............................. $ 4018.00 Peciv° ............................... 193.50 Bara ....................................... 240.60 Ročna dela ............................. 122.00 Maček v žakjju ........................... 145.75 Zajček - Jelly Beans ...................... 21.00 Dohodki - skupaj $ 4,740.85 Izdatki pri kosilu: Kuhinja ................................. $ 770.OO Razno ................................ 390.00 Vino ....................................... 30.00 Izdatki - skupaj $ 1,190.00 Dohodki ............................ $ 4740.85 Izdatki ............................ $ H90.00 Čisti dohodek pri kosilu: $ 3,550.85 Darovi: $ 13,864.00 Skupno čistega pri kosilu: $ 17,414.85 V Nepozaben Spomin Ob deseti obletnici, odkar nas je zapustil naš predragi ata, stari ata, brat in stric Viktor Kmetič in odšel k Vsemogočnemu 22. marca 1998 Kako naša srca pogrešajo mehkobo Tvojih besedi. Pogrešajo moč ljubezni tvoje, Pogrešajo nasmejani žar oči. V dragocenih spominih si med nami, mi v mislih smo pri tebL.počivaj v Božjem miru nad zvezdami. Tvoji žalujoči: Hčerka: Metka Sinova: Vic, Tomaž Zet: Frank Snahi: Ani, Michelle Vnuki: Franci (Abby), Viki, Tomaž Vnukinje: Viktorija, Monika, Jennifer, Kati, Nadia V Sloveniji: Bratje: Ivan, Stanko, Ludvik z družinami Sestre: Pepca, Lojzka, Slavka z družinami ter ostalo sorodstvo. 20. marca 2008 Dobrotniki ob misiijonskem kosilu: I P- Hauptman ($1000 za Stično, $1000 za vse) $2000; Z. Kosem (za Karmel-Sora $500, za vse $1000) $1500: N.N. (I.P.) $1100; dr. in ga. Meršol $1000; N.N. (J.S.) $1000; M. Celestina (T.C. za Karmel-Sora $100, za vse $100, M.C. za s. Praprotnik $150, za Rev. Tomazin $100, Karmel-Sora $100, za vse $100) $650; F. Hren $700; A. Hren $500; N.N. $500; R.V. Kolarič $500; KSKJ $360; F.H. Gaser $300; M. Kosem (za V. Kos) $300; N.N. $270; J. Miller (za B. Kavčič) $200; MZA (bogosl.) $200; F. Merela $200; N. Avžlahar $200; L. Sivec $200; Alojzija Rutar (za sv. maše $50, za vse $150) $200; K. Jereb (v spomin +Jože Turk $50, za vse $100) $150; A. Cupar (za sv. maše pok. Cupar, Petrovčič, Sinček $50, za vse $100) $150. Po $100: I. Košir; R.A. Knez; N.N.; A.H. Gorše; F. Šega; M.S. Grdadolnik; M.F. Štrancar (za Rev. Opeka); V.R. Zadnikar; R.M. Lekšan; M.B. Pavlovčič (v spomin R. Menart); A. Dragar; Mr. Drobnič (za sv. maše +L. Drobnič). A. Vogel (v spomin žene) $60; M. Stropnik $60. Po $50: M. Ribič; F.A. Kurbos; M. Stanonik; A.M. Štepec; M. Vodišek (za Rev. Tomažin); M.I. Tominec; M. Cugelj; M. Ovnič (v spomin +D. Žitnik); J. Kuhel; L. Plečnik; M. Mohar (v spomin +D. Žitnik, F. Kovačič, L. Drobnič) $60; F. Kristanc $40; V. Jakomin $40; M. Vrhovnik $30; M.M. Dular $26; M. Doman-ko $25. Po $20: J. Balažič; F. Vasle; E. Veider; I. Volčjak; S. Hribar $10; M. Žakelj $10. Zopet je dobro delo končano. Naj bo vse v Božjo čast in našim bližnjim v korist. Hvala vsem za vso dobroto in Bog z vami! Prav lep misijonski pozdrav vam vsem, ki berete te vrstice! Marica Lavriša 1004 Dillewood Rd. Cleveland, OH 44119 Novi grobovi (NADALJEVANJE s str. 19) Benner, 7-krat stara mati, 9-krat prastara mati, sestra Julije Hokavar in Louise Ogrinc (obe že pok.). Pogreb je bil 17. marca v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda, kjer so bili pogrebni obre- V BLAG SPOMIN OB 35. OBLETNICI SMRTI NAŠEGA DRAGEGA OČETA IN TASTA Joseph Štrancar ki je v Gospodu zaspal 26. marca 1973 Petintrideset let je že minilo, odkar Te več med nami ni, toda ljubeč spomin na Te, dragi, ostal bo nam do konca naših dni. Lahka naj Te zemlja krije, spavaj mimo in sladko, luč nebeška naj Ti sije, mir in pokoj naj Ti bo. Hčerka Maryz družino ter ostalo sorodstvo. Cleveland, Collinwood, Ohio 20. marca 2008. di, s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Joe M. Zakrajšek Umrl je 91 let stari Joe M. Zakrajšek, oče Josepha in Jamesa, brat Mary Zimmerman in Franka Zak, ve- Begunska taborišča (nadaljevanje s str. 23) posvetila Publicistični dejavnosti slovenske emigracije po drugi svetovni vojni, v devetdesetih letih, ko se je spet več govorilo o “begunskem vprašanju”, pa se je poglobila proučevanju zgodovine povojnih slovenskih beguncev v Avstriji. Leta 2006 )e uspešno obranila disertacijo “Življenje Slovencev v begunskih taboriščih na avstrijskem Koroškem po drugi svetovni vojni: 1945 -1950”. O KNJIGI Slovenski begunci v Avstriji 1945—1950. Avtorica: Rozina Švent. Edicija: Migracije 13 Inštitut za slovensko Izseljenstvo ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana 2007 ISBN: 978-961-254-025-8 NOVICE, Celovec 29. februar 2008 A VE MARIA Verski mesečnik izdajajo v Lemontu. Naslov je: Ave Maria Printery, 14246 Main St., P.O. Box 608, Lemont, IL 60439-0608. ' Letna naročnina je za ZDA $20, izven ZDA pa.$25. teran 2. svetovne vojne, v kateri je služil v ameriški mornarici, zaposlen 36 let, do svoje upokojitve, pri eu-clidskem šolskem sistemu. Pogreb je bil 12. marca v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete in pokopom na Sv. Križa pokopališču. Edward W. Lipovec Umrl je 83 let stari Edward W. Lipovec, mož Virginije, roj. Sedar, oče Linde M. in Edwarda A., 1-krat stari oče, brat Josepha, Rudyja, Josephine Tomsich, Helen Luzar, Carolyn Mic-kich ter že pok. Mary Lipovec in Julije Quade. Pogreb je bil 6. marca s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Marije Magdalene s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Lillian F. Andolek Umrla je 88 let stara Lillian F. Andolek, rojena Klun, vdova po Stanleyju, mati Leonarda, Donalda in Judy Ilcin, 3-krat stara mati, sestra Alice Vidmar, Josephine Hobart, Irene Petrovič in Thomasa (vsi že pok.). Pogreb je bil 6. marca v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Viljema in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. V SPOMIN ob deveti obletnici, odkar si odšel v večno življenje 24. marca 1999 MARKO SFILIGOJ V duhu smo združeni. Žalujoči: Žena: Heda Sinovi: Marko, Martin in Anton Snahe: Laura, Kathy in Jeannie Vnuka: Michael in Marko Vnukinje: Heidi, Kayla, Lia in Maria Sestra: Meta, in ostalo sorodstvo v Sloveniji.