origina! scientific paper UDK 597.5(262.3-17) SPAWNING OF THE ANCHOVY , ENGRAULIS ENCRAStCOLUS (L) , IN THE NORTHERN ADRIATIC SEA IN 1989, THE YEAR O F INTENSIVE BLOOMS Jakov DULČiČ PhD., fisheries biologist, institute of Oceanography and Fisheries - Split, 21000 Split, Šei. I. Meštroviča 63, CR O dr., ribiški bioiog, !OR, 21000 Split, Set. i. Meštrovida 63, CR O ABSTRACT The main spawning area of the Adriatic anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) is the shallow Northern Adriatic. In 1989, an unusually low anchovy egg production, a considerable mortality of larvae, and an unusual location of spawning centers in the limited areas were recorded in the Northern Adriatic. Since the major part of the Northern Adriatic was covered by the phytoplankton and benthic diatoms blooms, gelatinous aggregates and "marine snow" during the peak of the spawning season, it is speculated that they caused the observed anomalies in the reproduc­tion of this fish. Key words: anchovy, spawning, Northern Adriatic, blooms Ključne besede: inčun, drstenje, Severni Jadran, cvetenje INTRODUCTION The severe bloom events began to decrease in 1990. Since these two phenomena coincided both spatially Long-term estimates of the anchovy, Engraulis en-and temporally, the spawning of the anchovy in the crasicolus, biomass in the Adriatic showed a continuous Noithern Adriatic during the 1989 spawning season was decrease since 1978 (Regner etal., 1985; Quick, 1993; analyzed in order to determine whether a connection DuiCid & Cetink, 1993). The anchovy stock almost between the blooms and anchovy reproduction exists. collapsed during the years 1986-1989, Since the sardine stock increased in the same period (Vucetk & Alegria-MATERIAL AN D METHODS Hernandez, 1987), this phenomenon couid not be at­tributed to overfishing. Curing the same period, exce-Plankton material was collected at 14 stations in the sive summer blooms of phytoplankton and benthic dia-Northern Adriatic during R/V three cruises carried out in toms became regular events in the Adriatic Sea. The June 13-14, July 6-7 and July 24-25 (R/V "Vila Velebita", surface affected by the blooms (Marchetti et al., 1988; Nansen plankton net, diameter 80 cm, vertical tow 0.5 Todini & Bizzari, 1988; Filipk, 1990; Deggobis et al, m/s), and at 20 stations in August 15-18 (R/V "Vila 1991), large quantities of gelatinous (mucilaginous) Velebita" and "Bios", Nansen net and Bongo-20 plank-material (Deggobis et al., 1991; Rinaldt et al., 1990; ton net, two cylindres of 20 cm diameter, oblique tow, Cabrini et al., 1992; Deggobis et al., 1995) and "marine 1.5 to 2 knots). Both nets were of 250 |im meshes. At snow" (including flocks, strings and small clouds) each station, data on temperature and salinity from the (Fonda-Umani etal., 1989; Fanuko & Turk, 1990; Deg­surface to the bottom were collected by CTD probe at 1 gobis et al., 1991; Deggobis et al., 1995) was increasing m intervals. from year to year, particularly in the shallow Northern The anchovy plankton i c stages were separated from Adriatic and along the Italian coast up to the peninsula the samples, eggs were classified into five developmen­of Gargano, corresponding precisely to the spawning tal stages, yolk-sac larvae into three length groups, and season and the main reproductive areas of the anchovy. larvae into length groups of 2 mm. instantaneous mor­ ;••<<•,• DUlCC : SPAWNING C f TH i ANCHOVY, SNCSAUU S ENCRASICOLUS