©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at LJUBLJANA, DECEMBER 2002 Vol. 10, No. 2: 199-201 ORFELIA GRUEVI SPEC. NOV. FROM BULGARIA (DIPTERA: SCIAROIDEA: KEROPLATIDAE) Dimitar BECHEV Department of Zoology, University of Plovdiv, 24 Tzar Assen Str., P.O. Box 276, BG-4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria, e-mail: bechev@pu.acad.bg Abstract - A new species of the genus Orfelia A. Costa from the Northern part of the Bulgarian Black Sea area is described. Key words: Diptera, Sciaroidea, Keroplatidae, new species Izvleček ORFELIA GRUEVI SPEC. NOV IZ BOLGARIJE (DIPTERA: SCIAROIDEA: KEROPLATIDAE) Opisana je nova vrsta rodu Orfelia A. Costa iz severnega dela bolgarskega črnomorskega območja. Ključne besede: Diptera, Sciaroidea, Keroplatidae, nova vrsta Orfelia gruevi spec. nov. Types: Holotype: male, Bulgaria, Varna, 9. VI. 1990 (D. Bechev) (in author's collection). Paratypes: from same locality and date, 5 males and v. Shkorpilovtzi, 8.VI.90, 1 male (in author's collection). Description (male): Length of the wing 3,5 mm. Head. Brown, with yellowish mouthparts. Antennae dark brown; scapus, pedicellum and base of first flagellar segment yellowish brown. Thorax. Mesonotum yellowish, with black setae. Pleurae yellow. 199 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unterwww.biologiezkfitftiiWliPillologica slovenica, 10 (1), 2002 Wings. Clear, yellowish, with apical part faintly clouded. Costa extends 1/3 distance from tip of R5 to Ml. Vein Sc ends before base of Rs. Halteres yellow, with dark knob. Legs. Yellow. Fore tibia slightly longer than fore basitarsus (ratio 1.0 0.94). Abdomen. Tergite I yellow brown, rest yellow with dark basal half. Genitalia - Figs 1-3. Female: Unknown. Etymology: The new species is named in honour of my colleague and friend Professor Blagoy Gruev - entomologist and biogeographist. Differential diagnosis: The new species resembles O. discoloria (Meigen) externally. It differs of the latter and from other Palaearctic species of Orfelia in having differently shaped male genitalia (see Hutson, Ackland, Kidd, 1980, Figs. 144 - 150). setae not presented; 3 - gonostyle, lateral view. 200 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at D. Bechev: Orfelia gmevi spec. nov. from Bulgaria (Diptera: Sciaroidea: Keroplatidae) Acknowledgement I thank the authorities of FSI of University of Plovdiv for financial support of my investigations. Reference Hutson, A., Ackland, D., Kidd, L., 1980: Mycetophilidae (Bolitophilinae, Ditomyiinae, Diadocidiinae, Keroplatinae, Sciophilinae and Manotinae). Hanclbk. I dent. Br.. Insects., 9 (3), 111 pp., Royal Entomological Society of London. Received / Prejeto: 19. 2. 2002 201