7 DRUŽBOSLOVNE RAZPRAVE/Social Science Forum, XXXIX (2023), 104 Drage bralke, dragi bralci! Pred vami je decembrska in torej zadnja številka 39. letnika revije Družboslov- ne razprave, ki je obenem tudi zaključna izdaja pod sedanjo uredniško ekipo in pripadajočim uredniškim odborom. Dinamično, pestro in produktivno leto 2023 sva urednici namreč začeli kot tretje zaporedno leto uredniškega mandata, ki se s tukajšnjim naborom prispevkom tudi izteka. A ko sva pred meseci preštevali, kaj vse je zaznamovalo zadnje triletje, in ugotovili, da bi za uresničitev vseh pr- votnih in tudi novonastalih načrtov potrebovali bistveno več časa, kot ga je bilo na voljo, sva nepričakovano prejeli prijazno povabilo predsedstva Slovenskega sociološkega društva, naj raje »še malo ostaneva«. Zdaj torej razmišljamo o možnosti podaljšanja mandata do konca leta 2025, ko se obenem izteče tudi mandat sedanjemu predsedstvu društva. Naj se zato na začetku tega uvodnika in pred razkrivanjem podrobnih načrtov za prihodnost – ti bodo prišli na vrsto v uvodnikih v naslednjih številkah – za izraženo zaupanje ob zaključku opravljenega dela zahvaliva prejšnjemu in sedanjemu vodstvu Slovenskega sociološkega društva, prav tako pa tudi vsem avtoricam in avtorjem, gostujočim urednicam in urednikom, recenzentom in re- cenzentkam ter bralkam in bralcem revije – brez vašega zaupanja, prispevkov, konstruktivnih razprav in večplastne podpore Družboslovne razprave ne bi bile tam, kjer so sedaj. Uspeh in prepoznavnost revije namreč vidiva kot rezultat sodelovanja širše akademske skupnosti in pozitivnih kolegialnih odzivov. Izzivov na prehojeni poti namreč sploh ni bilo malo. Po prenovi spletne in grafične podobe ter prevodu naslova revije v angleščino v letu 2021 in sprejemu politike ravnanja z raziskovalnimi podatki v letu 2022 smo tudi v zadnjem letu uvedli nekaj pomembnih formalnih posodobitev. V začetku leta 2023 smo najavili možnost obravnave krajših znanstvenih prispevkov, spremembe pa vnesli tudi na področje politike recenziranja znanstvenih monografij: novi urednik recenzij knjig Rok Smrdelj je namreč temeljito prenovil navodila za pisanje recenzij knjig, ki so odslej dostopna tudi na naši spletni strani, in sicer tako v slovenščini kot v angleščini. Od konca leta 2022 namreč omogočamo in spodbujamo pisanje recenzij knjig v angleščini – doslej smo objavili dve, eno leta 2022 in eno leta 2023. V letu 2023 smo uredili tri številke revije, od tega je ena tematska. 102., 103. in 104. številka Družboslovnih razprav kumulativno obsegajo 16 (15 izvirnih in 1 pregledni) znanstvenih člankov ter 9 recenzij znanstvenih monografij. Statistika je na prvi pogled sicer zelo podobna tisti iz leta 2022 (14 izvirnih in 2 pregledna znanstvena članka ter 9 recenzij monografij), velja pa omeniti, da je leta 2023 8 DRUŽBOSLOVNE RAZPRAVE/Social Science Forum, XXXIX (2023), 103 UVOD kar 12 člankov napisanih v angleščini. Leta 2022 je bilo razmerje med jeziko- ma objav drugačno, saj so zaradi vsebinskih specifik dveh tematskih številk, ki sta nastali na podlagi temeljnih raziskovalnih projektov, izrazito usmerjenih v slovenski prostor, občutno prevladovali članki v slovenščini. Ob tem želimo izpostaviti, da si v uredništvu ne prizadevamo za popoln prehod na pisanje v angleščini, saj se zavedamo pomena revije za razvoj slo- venske terminologije na področju družboslovja in humanistike. Jezikovna politika Družboslovnih razprav odraža to dvojnost: že pri načrtovanju tematskih številk kot tudi pri obravnavi člankov, pripravljenih za objavo v rednih, netematskih šte- vilkah, poskušamo upoštevati raznolike okoliščine, ki vplivajo na avtorjevo_ičino odločitev za objavo v slovenščini oziroma angleščini. Nenazadnje se v uredništvu strinjamo, da so aktualne znanstvene razprave v slovenščini izjemnega pomena za družbenokulturni razvoj ter razvoj znanosti in stroke. Obenem pa Družbo- slovne razprave razumemo kot pomemben most, ki lahko slovensko znanstveno skupnost povezuje s širšo, mednarodno akademsko sfero in obratno. V letu 2023 smo sprva načrtovali dve tematski številki, a smo se zaradi številnih zunanjih okoliščin, ki so močno posegle v uredniški proces, naknadno odločili za drugačen redosled. Dvig prepoznavnosti revije je namreč s seboj prinesel tudi nepričakovan porast prispevkov, predlogov tematskih številk in drugih idej s strani širše znanstvene skupnosti, ki na eni strani vsaj posredno govori o po- trebi po vidnosti znanstvene produkcije tudi v Družboslovnih razpravah, hkrati pa izjemno obremeni možnosti za sprotno delo kadrovsko in številčno skromne uredniške ekipe, ki brez izjeme temelji na prostovoljstvu in skrbi za skupno dobro. Posledično načrtujemo tudi prenovo sedanje politike tematskih številk in novih priložnostnih izdaj, kar bo ena od uredniških prioritet v letu 2024. 39. letnik DR/SSF tako zaključujemo z edino letošnjo tematsko številko, sprva napovedano za september. Sklop, h kateremu so prispevali Marjan Hočevar, Primož Medved, Samo Pavlin, Matjaž Uršič in Domen Žalac, osvetljuje aktualne razprave na področju prostorske sociologije ter večplastnost razmerja med oko- ljem, naravo in družbo. Številka obsega štiri izvirne in en pregledni znanstveni članek v angleščini; v kratkem uvodniku jih podrobneje predstavi gostujoči urednik Marjan Hočevar. Poleg tematskega sklopa v 104. številki Družboslovnih razprav objavljamo študijo Aleša Črniča in Barbare Brečko o percepciji vegetarijanstva in veganstva v Sloveniji. Avtorja na podlagi odgovorov udeležencev raziskave Slovensko javno mnenje iz leta 2019 (SJM 2019-1) predstavita motive vegetarijancev in veganov za svoje prehranske izbire ter osnovne demografske značilnosti te populacije. Nato podrobno razčlenita prevladujoče skeptičen odnos do vege- tarijanstva in veganstva kot izrazito manjšinske izbire med splošno populacijo, 9 DRUŽBOSLOVNE RAZPRAVE/Social Science Forum, XXXIX (2023), 104 INTRODUCTION katere prehranske prakse vključujejo uživanje mesa. Članek ponuja pomemben uvodni pregled v nacionalnem kontekstu prve podatkovne baze, narejene na reprezentativnem vzorcu respondentov. 104. številko Družboslovnih razprav sklepamo z blokom štirih recenzij znanstvenih monografij. Tokratni blok obsega premislek Iča Vidmarja o prevodu monografije gvajanskega marksističnega zgodovinarja Walterja Rodnejay z naslovom Kako je Evropa podrazvila Afriko; refleksijo Monike Kalin Golob o prvi monografiji Jasne Mikić Ljubi Spol in jezik; analizo zbornika Nadzor migracij na Slovenskem od liberalizma do socializma (ur. Aleksej Kalc) izpod peresa Tjaše Turnšek ter razpravo Tine Kogovšek o delu Karla H. Müllerja in Nika Toša Na- proti novim oblikam družboslovja: družboslovne raziskave v kontekstu Znanosti 2.0 in družb tveganja, RISC. Vabljeni k branju! Natalija Majsova in Tanja Oblak Črnič, sourednici Družboslovnih razprav 10 DRUŽBOSLOVNE RAZPRAVE/Social Science Forum, XXXIX (2023), 103 UVOD Dear readers! Before you is the December – and thus final – issue of volume 39 of Social Science Forum. This was also the last issue to be produced by the current edito- rial team and editorial board. Namely, as editors, we entered 2023 – which turned out to be a dynamic, unpredictable and productive year – knowing that our 3-year journey would be ending with the December issue. A few months ago, while considering everything that has happened in and marked the past three years, we realised that we would have needed quite a bit more time to complete all of our initial plans, and deal with the newer ones that emerged during the course of our mandate. Unexpectedly, this was precisely when the leadership of the Slovenian Sociological Association kindly invited us to “stay on a little longer”. We are now considering the possibility of extending our mandate until the end of 2025, to coincide with the end of the current President’s term in office. Therefore, at the start of this editorial and before revealing any detailed future plans – this will be the subject of the editorials to come – we wish to thank the previous and current leadership of the Slovenian Sociological Association for their trust in our work, as well as all the authors, guest editors, reviewers, and readers of Social Science Forum. Put simply, without your trust, contributions, constructive discussions, and multi-layered support, Social Science Forum would not be where it is today. We are convinced the collaboration of the wider aca- demic community and positive peer feedback are key ingredients of the journal’s growing visibility and success. There have been quite a few challenges along the way. Following the updating of the website and graphic design together with the translation of the name of the journal into English in 2021, and the adoption of a policy on Research Data Management in 2022, a number of significant formal updates were also made during 2023. At the beginning of the year, short scientific contributions were introduced as a new format for submissions, while our book review section was considerably revamped with the new book review editor, Rok Smrdelj, revising the guidelines for book review authors. These guidelines are now also available on our website in both Slovenian and English. We have encouraged book review submissions in English since 2022 and will continue to do so. To date, two book reviews in English have been published, one in 2022 and the other in 2023. Three issues of Social Science Forum were published in 2023, one of them thematic. Altogether, issues 102, 103 and 104 contain 16 (15 original and 1 review) scientific articles and 9 book reviews. At first glance, the statistics ap- pear very similar to those for 2022 (14 original and 2 review scientific articles, 11 DRUŽBOSLOVNE RAZPRAVE/Social Science Forum, XXXIX (2023), 104 INTRODUCTION 9 book reviews). Still, it is worth noting that 12 of the articles published in 2023 are in English. In 2022, the Slovenian:English ratio was markedly different due to the particular topics covered by the two special issues, which emerged from basic research projects with a strong Slovenian focus and called for publications in the Slovenian language. At the same time, this change should not be interpreted as a step towards English-only publications. The editorial team is well aware of the journal’s im- portance for the development of Slovenian terminology in the social sciences and humanities. Social Science Forum’s language policy reflects this duality: whether planning special issues or considering articles for publication in regular, non-thematic issues, we do our best to account for the diverse circumstances that may influence an author’s preference for writing in Slovenian or English. Finally, the editorial board agrees that maintaining Slovenian as a language in current scientific discourse is of extraordinary value for general socio-cultural develop- ment as well as to expert and scientific progress. We see Social Science Forum as simultaneously being an important bridge that can connect the Slovenian scientific community with the broader, international academic sphere and vice versa. Two special issues were originally planned to be published in 2023, but ex- ternal circumstances heavily interfered with the editorial process, pushing us to eventually alter some plans. One consequence of the journal’s growing visibility has been an unexpected surge in submissions, special issue proposals, and other ideas from the wider scientific community. On one hand, this indirectly testifies to the contributors’ apparently increasing need to showcase their articles in Social Science Forum. On the other hand, it also adds pressure to the modestly staffed and small editorial team, who are all volunteers. This means that considering different options for reviewing and updating our policy on special issues and new special editions will a priority of the editorial team in 2024. Meanwhile, volume 39 of DR/SSF concludes with this year’s only special issue (originally scheduled for September). The issue features contributions by Marjan Hočevar, Primož Medved, Samo Pavlin, Matjaž Uršič and Domen Žalac, who highlight and analyse some of the current debates in the field of sociology of space and interrogate the multifaceted relationship between environment, nature and society. The issue comprises four original and one review scientific articles in English, which are introduced in more detail by guest editor Marjan Hočevar in a separate editorial. Alongside the thematic section, the 104th issue of Social Science Forum fea- tures a research article by Aleš Črnič and Barbara Brečko on the perception of vegetarianism and veganism in Slovenia. Based on responses from participants 12 DRUŽBOSLOVNE RAZPRAVE/Social Science Forum, XXXIX (2023), 103 UVOD in the 2019 Slovenian Public Opinion Survey (SJM 2019-1), the authors present what motivates vegetarians and vegans in their dietary choices and the basic demographic characteristics of this population. They then critically assess and segment the prevalent sceptical attitude to vegetarianism and veganism as a distinct minority choice among the general population in Slovenia, whose dietary practices include the consumption of meat. The paper provides a nationally sig- nificant introductory overview of the first such dataset based on a representative sample of respondents. This issue of Social Science Forum concludes with a set of four book reviews. This time, the block contains reviews of texts published in Slovenian: Ičo Vidmar’s reflection on the Slovenian translation of the Guyanese Marxist historian Wal- ter Rodney’s monograph How Europe Underdeveloped Africa; Monika Kalin Golob’s review of Jasna Mikić Ljubi’s first book, Gender and Language; Tjaša Turnšek’s analysis of Aleksej Kalc’s edited volume Migration Control in Slovenia from Liberalism to Socialism, and Tina Kogovšek’s review of Karl H. Müller and Niko Toš’ book Towards New Forms of Social Science: Social Science Research in the Context of Science 2.0 and Risk Societies, RISC. We wish you a pleasant read! Natalija Majsova and Tanja Oblak Črnič, co-editors of Social Science Forum