Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home newspaper 100 Years of Service American Home V°l- 101, No. 19 Nationwide, over 200.000 American Slovenians \USPS 024100) u SLOV/Ef ■HBHHHHHBBHHHHHHHIL AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 13, 199y WNVAVfflf tmm 4-68X 60C Lost in America Only to be Found in Slovenia By Patricia Walsh T'T 7"hat was I going to do? My husband * v suddenly passed j^ay in July, 1992; 1 had ad 2 surgeries; finished my •ssertation for my doctorate ’n psychology; sold our °me, quit my job, and m°ved east. It was now the spring of 995 and I needed a break, ravel? Yes, time to gaze out train windows and get a u°ld of the big picture again. > ha - Europe once again uud I was looking forward to A thought arose strongly: J'' * *'e in Europe why not 0°k for grandma and 8randpa’s birthplace? So I egan talking to my mother, aunts, uncles and cous-lnSi Did anyone still have information about their j0nieland? Yes! My cousin had my grandmother’s QSsP°rt. However, my Aunt . U and cousin Barbara ved.to find the places -anj) Gottschee, and Janeži °n current maps with no success. j “How should I proceed?” pondered. Since Slovenia |/S Part of the Austro-ngrian Empire when my andpargH18 emigrated) j tionfV^ ^ at th£ Na' •jn Library in Vienna. nearb C*'rected me 1:0 the He ^ Globe Museum, maj!a very helPful y°ung t0 °mPared the old maps Goh e. new and found that Kranj ,7 WaS Kodevje; nia j course, was Slove-Janežj tllen believed that and 1 k ^ac* t0 a street K0&, h°Use "umber in Cevje. I sdol11181 also mention that knew C 110 SIoveman and f°r Hv'elL? little German mv f ln8 Purposes. To mrtune anH beneflt uiany c,lu‘,e and speak D°V.enian Pe°Ple do Gern\aifnhellSi’ °r at least’ Slove„ ’ besides their native ded to r Kočevje, I de- - t0 f,rst visit the ceme- eide Janez " s' There I met 40 year, • man of ab°ut bad 'n a8e’ 'vhose father bindnessTf^ died' What dr°ve me /°Und in him- He ° an 0,der ceme- Where I Would more likely find the family names. But we found none. So I asked, “Janez, is there a street Janeži here?” “No,” he replied. After a moment of disappointment, I went on with, “Let me show you something,” and I produced the photocopy of my grandmother’s passport. “Ah,” he said, “Kranj is Slovenia; yes, Gottschee is Kočevje, but here it means the county or overall area, not the city; and Janeži is a village. We must get a map.” Again, fortune was on my side - the local bookstore was not yet closed for the day. We looked at a map of the Ribnica area and there I spotted Janeži - a pinpoint on the map, but big as the sun to my eyes at that moment. I could not have been more excited and Janez was happy for me. Yes! There was Janeži, up the mountain from Sodražica. On Monday, in a visit to the Archbishop’s Archive in Ljubljana, I found the baptismal records of both my grandparents and their siblings. My grandfather was born in Kržeti, a neighboring village to Janeži. Ah-ha, that made sense as he used to chase my grandmother up the apple trees. My excitement was growing and I rented a car. After a couple of wrong turns and communicating by way of pointing to where I wanted to go on the map, 1 found Kržeti and Janeži. Wow! 1 was thrilled! In Kržeti I told a woman in German that my grandfather was Franc Kerže, and she immediately ushered me into someone’s house, a Franc Kerže I presumed. Again, what kindness - he and his wife invited me to eat soup with them. But I could not speak Slovenian so I had no way to really communicate. I thanked them and continued on my way. Just a bit down the road I spied the sign Janeži. I more easily found the house numbers than in Kržeti and #4 -oh, a tiny disappointment because the house had been rebuilt. But there was an old barn behind it; so I got out of the car and was ready to take a camera shot, when the ladies of the village began coming out of their homes to see that stranger in a car. Among them was dear Gisela, who spoke German. I asked, “Is there anyone living here who is related to Magdalena Gomik?” (my great-great aunt -1 knew that Magdalena would be known because she is buried in the nearby cemetery and had an extraordinary life). When Gisela said “Yes,” I could hardly believe it and asked again, making sure that she was not confusing her with someone else. The other ladies then went to get Kristina. Little 5’3” Kristina came to me and said, “Katarina Gomik, Calumet, Minnesota.” I was overwhelmed - that was my grandmother! (Continued on page 4) New Subscription Campaign is Overwhelming Success; 'A price offer extended The campaign to enroll new American Home subscribers for one-half the usual price, is an overwhelming success. So far, we have added 38 new subscribers. Our goal had been 30. We thank the anonymous donor who has paid the American Home $15 for each of the first 30 new subscribers. And we thank all the new readers and those who gave thoughtful American Home newspaper gifts. The campaign has gone so well, we have decided to continue to honor any new $15 subscription we receive until May 31st. Send $15 for each NEW subscription to American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103, or fax it to (216)361-4088. Thank, you everyone and we hope all new readers will enjoy reading the American Home and acquire a stronger appreciation of their Slovenian heritage. _ ‘Smile’ is Theme for JTO Record Party There will be a lot of smiling faces in the crowd at the Slovenian Society Home at 20713 Recher Avenue in Euclid Ohio on Thursday, May 27th, but nobody will have a bigger smile than bandleader Joey Tomsick. He will be premiering his new album with that same title, “Smile,” a long-awaited polka project. To get everyone in a happy musical spirit that night will be many headliners besides the J.T.O. - the Joey Tomsick Recording Orchestra. On the bandstand will be the Jeff Pecon Orchestra featuring Lou Tre-bar, plus the Magic Buttons accordion group. The Happy Timers Button Boxers will perform in the bar-annex. And there will not be anyone more welcome to the Slovenian Home show than the affable Polish , superstar from Chicago, Eddie Bla-zonezyk. He will perform his famous “Pretty Polish Blue Eyes” which is on the J.T.O. album. Adding to the show will be the youthful dancers of the Slovenian group “Kres,” doing a few Cleveland-style songs from “Smile.” The Smile album kept engineers Gary Rhamy of Peppermint Productions (Youngstown) and Joey T’s brother, Kenny at Tomsick Brothers Productions (Euclid) smiling right along. In addition to the brand new 15-cut CD and cassette, a “Best of the Joey Tomsick Orchestra” CD and cassette will also be available and on sale at special premier rates on May 27th. Kollander World Travel, Joey’s base on E. 185th Street, Cleveland, will have a special booth with information on Joey Tomsick’s tour to Switzerland and the Oktoberfest; Jeff Pecon’s tour to Ireland; and Eddie Blazonczyk’s Cruise 2000 featuring in part, Joe Fedor-chak, who will all be in attendance on May 27th. Joey Tomsick is sponsoring this exciting premier with the cooperation of the board members of the Slovenian Society Home. Doors open and music begins at 5 p.m.; good food (come early for the light lunches and delicious sandwiches), and, all the usual liquid refreshments, too. Make an evening of it. Actual show-time is set for 7:30 p.m. Admission to the Recher Hall main auditorium for the Tomsick polka premiere is only $5; so join Joey and the gang and wear a smile. --Tony Petkovšek AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 13, 1999 2 Jim’s Journal By Jim Debevec Congratulations to our Cleveland Councilman Mighty Joe Cimperman who was featured on the front cover of Sunday Magazine of the Cleveland Plain Dealer last week. A lengthy feature article was titled, “What Makes Joe Run?” If you know Joe, the title is no exaggeration. Joe is always on the go. Our freshman Councilman is proud of his Slovenian heritage and his Catholic religion. He says, “I look like my dad, but everything inside of me is my Mom.” His mother, Majda, taught him to surround himself with culture and fight for the rights of the average citizen. I remember Majda; she was also very active. She used to attend every book author’s luncheon in downtown Cleveland. On one occasion, my wife, Madeline went with her to hear a talk given by the famous singer Dinah Shore. Majda walked up to her and proclaimed loudly and dramatically, with her arms flying, “Dinah, I’d like you to meet our Slovenian Barbara Walters,” and pointed to Madeline. Madeline and Dinah were both somewhat astonished but managed to say, “How do you do?” In the article there are some great quotes about Joe. My favorites are by Aggie Haskin, executive director of the West Side Catholic Center where Joe worked for two years. She said, “Joe steps off cliffs and expects to fly.” Joe is truly the voice of his constituents. * Last Saturday morning, May 8, Madeline and I joined fellow members of AMLA to view the IMAX movie, “Everest,” at a special showing at the Great Lakes Science Center in Cleveland, next to the new Browns football stadium west of E. 9th St. on the shores of Lake Erie. The photography was awesome, breathtaking, and yet beautiful. At the beginning there were a few scenes that were so overwhelming and realistic I had to shut my eyes for fear of falling off one of those mountain cliffs of Mount Everest, located next to China and Nepal. There were also some thrilling scenes as the mountain climbers crossed deep gorges over a number of flimsy aluminum ladders strung together with rope. It was really scary. The amazing fact about the movie is that it was filmed at the same time the “Adventure Consultants Guided Expedition” group headed by Rob Hall of New Zealand also were attempting an assault on Everest’s summit. Unfortunately when some of Rob Hall’s team members were near the top of the world’s highest mountain on May 10, a sudden storm hit, stranding and disorienting climbers resulting in eight deaths. The IMAX/-IWERKS expedition headed by David Breashears of the United States, played a major role in rescuing members of Rob Hall’s climbers. Right now, a movie about Alaska is playing, but AMLA had asked for and received the special showing of Everest for their members, given at a discount price. It was three years almost exactly, since the Adventure Consultant’s tragedy. On Monday morning. May 10, Matt Lauer, co-host of NBC “Today Show” was at the base of Mount Everest to Rutumn Get-B-Way Cruise 4-day cruise, Sept. 12-16, 1999 New York to Halifau Carnival Triumph $999 pp* Ocean uiem cabin $899 pp* Inside cabin ‘Includes cruise, airfare from Cleueland, taxes, gratilties, airport transfers, and shore excursion. Based on double occupancy. Space is limited. Call 216-261-1050 today! trauel@euciidtrauel.com EUCLID^^^\ 22078 Lakeshore Blud. Euclid, Ohio 44123 ——_ Riding the Klobase Express By Rudy Flis I feel like a “Pony Express Rider.” No, I don’t deliver mail. What I have been delivering this past week or so is “klobase.” In the old days, the Pony Express riders never gave their mail pouch up until they had reached their destination, and a waiting person was given the mail sack. I do the same thing with my klobase, personal delivery. Before I continue, I must ask you a question. I live about 15 miles west of where the America Domovina is published. If the Pony Express was in service today, how long do you think it would be until I received my Ameriška Domovinah The past two weeks my paper has arrived on Wednesday, six days in our U.S. Post Office system. It took The Central Overland Pony Express Company (or commonly called “Pony”), seven days to deliver the mail from St. Louis, Missouri to California (2,000 miles) by horse. Why does it take our modern technological system almost the same amount of time to bring the mail 15 miles? Any ideas? Yes, Buffalo Bill where are you now that we need you? Anyhow, let’s try to enjoy the klobasa. On May 1st my grandson Mikey celebrated his birthday by making his First Communion. The double celebration was a great success, as family and food came together. The 10 pounds of klobase made sure the gathering was in good taste. This past Thursday, I left early for Butler, PA to call on an important customer. In my trunk, in a cooler, was klobase; six pounds of it. As my car sped on the turnpike and U.S. 422 to Butler, PA and my customer, the workers were poised with grill, sauerkraut and buns, waiting for the Klobasa Kid from Cleveland with his precious cargo. In their parking lot getting out of my car, I could hear the growling stomachs of the workers as the “Slovenian Tube Steaks” were quickly dispatched to the waiting grill. No mention was made of my printing product, which the company uses. But the klobase? The comments heard were, “The Best,” “The Greatest.” “The tastiest.” And my customer? His stomach is the happiest. Yesterday we had another party to celebrate my granddaughter Stephanie’s “First Communion.” And again, family and food got together and again it was in good taste because of the klobase. I did my job, and a good job because of the klobase, which isa hit at all of the happy family functions. No more parties for a week or two. This week will be a quiet week at our home, but we will be spending one day with some friends of the klobase family. You kno^ them. Rice and blood sausage. Therese, Monica and I will consume these delicious morsels of our heritage this coming Wednesday. Thanks Lord for all your blessings, ^ please give us peace in Serbia. interview people who took part in the dramatic rescue and the surviving members of Rob Hall’s mountain climbers. The entire story of the ill-fated climb is written in a book called “Into Thin Air” by Jon Krakauer, a magazine writer, who was a member of Rob Hall’s team. I had read the book some months ago and it made my viewing of “Everest” so much more enjoyable. I heartily recommend the book; it will give a whole new perspective on the many dangers of mountain climbing. Congratulations to AMLA on their very timely, informative and entertaining family outing. By the way, after the movie, we met and chatted with a large number of American Home subscribers who said they also enjoyed the film. Goes to show: class will tell. And Slovenians are classy people. — Alas, Majda Cimperman would have been proud of us all! Comments to: Jim’s Journal, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103; Fax: (216) 361-4088; or e-mail: jim@buckeyeweb.com it’s eoot To Be SLOVENIAN! American Home The newspaper the elite meet to read. Tomatoes: The Passion Fruit Of Legends by Elizabeth Pivonka, Ph.D., R.D. President, Product for Better Health Foundation (NAPS)—A new twist to an old love kindles passions of culinary art without the traditional limitations. The French called I it "The Apple of ■ Love,” the Germans ^►^■“The Apple of Par-adise;” but today, tomatoes provide a PP catalyst for healthy 09 eating. An American Elizabeth Pivonka native, tomatoes ------------ were originally cultivated by Aztecs and Incas as early as 700 AD, and introduced to Europeans during 16th century explorations. Today, scientists discovered many new health benefits nestled within the tomato—nature’s very own fast food. Tomatoes are naturally rich in vitamin C, and are a good source of potassium, vitamin A, and iron. Studies show tomatoes contain powerful antioxidants that help reduce the risk of some types of cancer and other diseases such as heart attack and stroke. Tomatoes contain the cancer fighting antioxidants known as lycopene. Lycopenes are released more rapidly when the tomato is heated with a little oil. Tomatoes also contain carotenoids, a group of compounds, beta carotene included, that gives tomatoes their bright, distinctive color. Antioxidants act to suppress free radicals that are toxic molecules contributing to the development of chronic diseases associated with aging such as cancer, heart disease, and cataracts. The onslaught of cancer is dependent upon many factors. Eating a diet low in fat and high in fruits and vegetables helps to reduce the risk of these diseases. Tomatoes are low in fat, contain no saturated fat, or cholesterol, and are a great way to get your 5 A Day. Nutritionist and other health professionals have long advocated the cancer preventative benefits of a diet high in fruits and vegetables. Now, healthier living just got easier. Spice up your life with tantalizing tomatoes in all colors and sizes for sauces, snacks and dips. Fresh, ripe tomatoes are nature’s own health food, so enjoy the red, robust flavor today. Roasted Shallots, Tomatoes« and Arugula Salad Serves 4 j The combination of roaS^\a shallots, tomatoes, and aru8u j brings together a harmonious an, warm assortment of flavors o'1 textures. Serve this salad us entree or first course. 6 medium shallots, peeled« cut into fourths 1/2 cup olive oil 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar , 1 tablespoon Dijon musta1" salt 4 medium firm, ripe .. tomatoes, cut into foul1* 1 cup arugula leaves, washed and dried Peppercorn mix, freshly ground 40° 1. Preheat oven to degrees. 0f 2. Pour 2 tablespoon^j olive oil over the shallot® ^ place in baking dish-until charred, about 20 utes. Remove from oven set aside. .-e- 3. Whisk the balsamic v> ^ gar with the Dijon mxtS.r,iflg Gradually add the rema1 j) olive oil and whisk ** gei creamy. Salt to taste an aside. ho^^ 4. In a medium salad combine the roasted sha tomatoes, and the arugul®- j*. with the oil and vinegar jje ture until well coated. ,s. with peppercorn mix and 5. Divide salad on 4 >n^'e »t ual salad plates and ser room temperature. For more information, ^ 0y and vegetable recipes, look ^ to website at www.5aday.co,n- receive free 5 A Day recipe ^ei send a self-addressed, ® getter envelope to: Produce for giin6' Health Foundation, 530 stone Road, Suite 101, *v’ ton, DE 19808. Starting Over in Cleveland in 1950’s WORKING IN THE FACTORIES By Anton Žakelj; translated and edited by John Žakelj (Continued from last week) Friday, July 28,1950 This morning I officially quit my five week job at Z&W. The personnel direc-tor asked me why I hadn’t asked for easier work. He said, You could have been a ^achine operator, you know English better than the oth-ers ” I answered him, “You jnean so I could earn even less?” He asked me to refer other workers to him, but I l°ld him 1 wouldn’t wish that “n my worst enemies. So I eft and went to buy an Ameriška Domovina. In the afternoon, I took ne streetcar to Euclid Beach Jgn the bus to E. 200th st, en walked all the way to E. 0- far from Lake Shore Blvd. ^ the shop, I did the Rattle work as yesterday until :30 after which 1 drilled 0 es in housings for hy-pumps. Monday, July 31,1950 a 1 s so hot in our attic Partment that I slept very ^0rly last night. It’s as if j , VVere inside an oven, cried until 1 a.m. T“®sday, August 1, 1950 see r'S rnorning 1 went to cgq ev- Joe Godina at the Wh0eSt our foreman, Al, A|ty1S back from vacation. I IT,e to tell everyone to corne work at have S Sh°p- He said’ “We Tone”11011811 Work for eve' Qr'day’ August 4, 1950 RafkQr ^r'ends Milica and C]evQ, Zonta moved to eveland from a farm Plentv *1' Tlle farm has In .? WorR» but no pay. first b- 6 skoP’ I made my r'8ht tu rn'stake- I drilled ?ai holdsnf the Steel jig he driHjn 116 Plece 1 sh°uld Saturda8v * ^ »Ti August 5, 1950 frotr/ j5,ister Julka writes Mother r°V?nia that my after nC,nl ^ ‘ camD rLmonths in a labor finally free ip. -p. **'” in a labor authorities never said why there. they sent him one in tne snoj Tuesday, August 8, 1950 At the shop, I was smoothing out rough welds on some pieces of metal. Foreman Al Sebold looked at me and asked why I was stopping so often. He tried it himself and had to do the same thing. Finally he just threw the piece away. “Bad welding,” he said in German. Although the foreman has been harassing me, I’m happy because I got a check for $7.71. Friday, August 11,1950 Al gave me 120 steel pieces to drill and asked if I had enough. I got them done at 10:30 p.m. He asked me to come back tomorrow morning, Saturday, at 7 a.m. Saturday, August 12,1950 After five hours of sleep, I went to work. I asked Al how many pieces a good worker would have done in the time that I did 120 last night. “A good worker would have done 30,” he said. “Why don’t you work slower?” In the evening we watched television at Hace’s. They were mostly interested in their granddaughter, who was on a dance program. Sunday, August 13,1950 Albin Klamer brought me a half a gallon of wine to thank me for getting him a job at Risher’s. Monday, August 14,1950 Mike Jereten and another man came with me to work today. They both got jobs. Tuesday, August 15,1950 Frank Šega started working with us. He is a quick learner and good at smoothing out the rough welds. Wednesday, August 16 It’s very hot today, and it’s Johnny’s second birthday. I bought 6 bottles of Coca-Cola for 25 cents. “Uncle” Brežic and the Lamovec family wrote to Johnny from Wisconsin, and each sent him a dollar. Cilka bought him an ice cream, and he was very happy. Thursday, August 17 It was so hot that everyone in the shop was dripping The workers in Risher’s shop. Mr. Risher is in the middle, prof. Ovsenik stands behind him, foreman Al Sebold crouches on the left, Roman Švajger on the right. with sweat, even those who sit while they work. Some of the workers cut off their sleeves and pulled their pants up to their knees to get at least some air on their skin. The thermometer said it was 100°F. Frank Lorber and his son Božo got jobs with us. Frank did poorly on his medical exam, but Bill hired him, on the condition that his son work with us. His son is a trained machinist. Back in Slovenia, Frank had studied to be a teacher, but became the manager of a factory that made stockings. After the war, the communists at first confined him to a labor camp, and then let him go. I met him in a refugee camp in Austria. I knew him as a hard worker and ready to take on any job. Monday, August 21,1950 I received my second full paycheck for 14 days: $105.02. Saturday, August 26,1950 I paid $23 for packages of food to be sent to my brothers Ciril and Stanko. Back home in Slovenia, there are still shortages. I visited Jerry Zupan and wished him a happy birthday. He just bought a “new” car (his first) for $140. (To Be Continued) Resolve to find thyself; and to know that he who finds himself, loses his misery. iTFT AUTO REPAIR ON ALL MAKES 8« MODELS ^LUDing 4X4’j, LIGHT TRUCKS & MOTOR HOMES COcMv^TER ALIGNMENT & BALANCE • SHOCKS • STRUTS tr^ Y- j°INTS • RACK & PINION • BRAKES • EXHAUST GOODYEAR 731-7100 j MLLBOVE "A" 939 E. 222 St. LAVRISHA Construction & Repair BUILDING IMPROVEMENT SERVICES 6507 St. Clair Avenue - Cleveland, Ohio 44103 216/391-0035 Drive in - or Walk In |3RONKO!S Prive-in Beverage 510 East 200th St. DMH Corp. Euclid, Ohio 44119 531-8844 Imported and Domestic Beer and Wine Soft Drinks - Milk - Ice - Snacks Imported Slovenian Wines Radenska Mineral Water -=> We have all Ohio Lottery Games <= Open Mon. - Sat. 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sunday (No wine sold) 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Owner - David Heuer The HOLY LAND ivlt/i Fr. Frank Godin! ri VrePaHnq /or the Great Jubilee of2000 H p Join Fr. Godicon a 9-day journey as he travels once U again to the Holy Land, in the footsteps of Christ. November 7-15, 1999 Bethlehem, Galilee, Nazareth, Jerusalem, Cana, The Dead Sea, Jordan River, Mount of Olives Packaee Includes: Airline Flight from your city ♦ 1st Class Hotels throughout ♦ Brea/fasts & Dinners ♦ Daily Sightseeing ♦ Mass with Fr. Godic every day Kollander World Travel www.kollandcr-travcl.coin 1-800-800-5981 or (216)692-1000 Vdkmdn -SINCE 1961- WELW - 1330 AM Simulcasting Daily 3-5 pm / Sat. 12-2 (KOLLANDER POLKA TOUR HEADQUARTERS) 971 East 185th Street * Cleveland, Ohio 44119 TONY PETKOVŠEK • CO HOST- JOEY TOMSICK * Featuring-ALICE KUHAR DUKE MARSK PATTY SLUGA (216) 481-TONY (8669) or KOLLANDER (216) 692-1000 m D IŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 13, 1999 4 Slovenian Cultural Garden O) 03 03 CO 2 z > o s o Q >co cc UJ < Needs Clean-up Helpers rrihe Slovenian Cultural Garden Association JL continues to move forward and the latest news is that the landscape will also be changing. Even though there is still some serious issues concerning the garden’s infrastructure, the land-scaping can begin in areas not critical to these improvements. The Association has retained a local Cleveland landscape architect who will begin working in the garden in the coming months. The Slovenian-American landscaper will first pull out all the old shrubbery and plants that are no longer healthy and begin to prepare the soil for new plantings. “We can all be very excited about these upcoming improvements to the garden,” said chairman Mary Ann Vogel, at a recent association’s board meeting. Spirea hedges will border the courtyard, the lower am phitheater area (lower court), the north square and at the entranceway. Myrtle ground-cover and colorful flowers will also be planted in these areas. However, before work can begin, the garden needs to be cleaned of its winter debris. The SCGA has planned a GARDEN CLEAN-UP for Saturday, May 15 beginning at 9 a.m. Interested volunteers should meet Association members at the garden located on East Boulevard just south of St. Clair Avenue in Cleveland’s Rockefeller Park area. Parking is available on the side streets and on the east side of the street. Volunteers are also asked to bring their own tools and gloves. We hope to see as many people as possible.. After all, more hands make for lighter work. See us on the Internet. We now have our own website at http://mnbbs.org/KRPAN News from Joann Birsa Enclosed is a check in the amount of $40.00 for subscription renewal plus a $10.00 donation. Our winter was mild and dry and now there is lots of rain, just when the outside work needs to be done. We remain in close contact with Fr. Leopold Mi-helich now living in Maribor, Slovenia. At age 92 he is still alert and happy with his family. Please remember all the good people in Colorado in light of the immense tragedy that has occurred in our community. We didn’t know any of the victims, but our youngest daughter, Vicki, did; her boyfriend is a Columbine graduate; and she works with some Columbine students. -Joann Birsa and Family Lakewood, CO It’s COOL To Be SLOVENIAN! Found in Slovenia... Korotan Concert a Tribute to Bishop Anton Slomšek A n evening in May, a / \ gentle breeze send--Z. Iking the soft fragrance of spring flowers in the air. An evening in May, a time to enjoy the beautiful melodies sung by Korotan at our concert on Saturday, May 22, at 7 p.m. in the Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Avenue. The new and old members of Korotan have been diligently practicing songs for our upcoming concert under the direction and tutelage of our new director, John Srsen. Our program will be a potpourri of nostalgic “narodne” favorites, “Koroške,” a tribute to Bishop A. Martin Slomšek, and a few surprises. Make plans to attend a benefit 50-50 split raffle presented by Mary Podlogar and Alba Plutt, also known as “Friends of St. Mary’s,” and co-sponsored by St. Helen’s Lodge #193 KSKJ. The raffle will be held on Friday, June 4 at 6:30 p.m. at the Collinwood Slovenian Home. All proceeds will be used to purchase a protective canopy for the side entrance of the church. Parishioners find this door most convenient, and have long wanted some protection from bad weather. Since St. Helen’s Lodge calls St. Mary’s its home base, we are happy to cosponsor this event to receive We cordially invite the readers of the Ameriška Domovina - English and Slovenian sections, to join us. Tickets for the concert are available from the members of Korotan. You may reserve tickets or a table by calling 216-692-2469 after 5 p.m., or by leaving a message on voice mail and we will return your call. Price of ticket is $10 for adults. Children under age 14 will be admitted without charge. Seating for the concert will be at tables and in the balcony. Refreshments will be available before, at intermission, and after the concert. —Cvetka (Terry) Rihtar Matching Funds from the KSKJ. Tickets are only $10 and admit two. Sandwiches and liquid refreshments, along with pretzels and chips, are included in the price. Music will also be provided for your pleasure. Call Alba Plutt: 216-486-6453; or Mary Podlogar: 216-486-6424; or Ann Grosel: 216-226-4774; or Marie Dular: 216-851-7972 for tickets or more information. If you are unable to attend and would still like to participate, donations will be gratefully accepted. -Marie Dular (Continued from page 1) My life has not been the same since that day. Kristina is my mother’s first cousin. She and her brother Ivan still have the family farm - my grandmother’s birthplace. The house is no longer #4 but rather #11, and it is as it was when my grandmother grew up. Janeži is absolutely beautiful. I spent only about 3 or 4 hours with Kristina and Ivan that day. They knew no English and I, no Slovenian (we spoke as best we could in German), but the warmth expressed between us was unmistakable. When I left that day, I knew that without doubt I would return. I was back in Pennsylvania in August 1995 to finish my post-doctoral clinical hours and to obtain my psychologist’s license. All was done in 1997. My chance to return to Slovenia loomed before me. I found out about classes for learning Slovenian as a second language given by the University of Ljubljana I completed the course in June 1998. Slovenian is indeed difficult, but worth the effort. Today I know relatives from all sides of my family. I have Slovenian friends and am continuing to study the language. I’ve been back in the USA since December 2, 1998, but am returning to Slovenia on May 14^. How long will I be there? There is no telling. I am now blessed with two countries, and two sets of family and friends. It is indeed wonderful to be found again. St. Mary’s Begins Canopy Campaign ST. MARY S CLEVELAND - PRISTAVA EXPRESS Monday, May 31 Dust off those bikes Pump up the tires It's time for Father Kumse to blaze a trail to Slovenska Pristava Riders should meet at St. Mary's Church at 8:15am or in front of Denny's Restaurant across from Borromeo at 9:00am Of It m Father Kumse 216-761-7740 Phil Hrvatin phrvatin@yahoo.com It: The Baltimore oriole was named for Lord Baltimore, who 9oV ,he the colony of Maryland. The bird’s orange and black feathers were t same colors as Lord Baltimore’s coat of arms. PERKIN’S RESTAURANT ea te 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster Independent and Catered Living Village A RETIREMENT COMMUNITY • Private garden apartments • Housekeeping • Planned activities • Transportation • 24 hr. Emergency Pull Cord • Free Laundry Facilities • Nutritious Meals • No endowment or entrance fee Call us today for a lunch andldur 25900 Euclid Avenue Euclid, Ohio 44132 261-8383 Slovenia renews bid to join NATO ^JtyJeffrey Ulbrich PIRAN, Slovenia - On “ne28, 1991 - one day into wenia’s 10-day war of “dependence - Maj. Joze ^an swiped a Gazelle heli-,°Pter’ defected from the u8oslav armed forces and into Slovenian history, t “lively founding this J'ng nation’s tiny air Today, high in the Slove- lan Alps where the slopes wear a mantle of spring l?w> t*le 32nd Mountain ,'fde Proudly displays its r"ess to defend the '»aieland And here, on the brilliant Ctws of p'ran Bay on 0fthedrStlC Sea’the fla8shiP Slovenian navy - in- l the only ship of the 50- Ksio ’•mile All eaders ^ATo.’ jjns^S ''^I6 land of moun- )venian navy - parols Postage-stamp country’s eoastline. this, say Slovenia’s ■s available to CndA f°rest’ snuSgled laly Austria and Croatia, rom tJd Hungary, emerged and Hu ia Jhe shattered Yugosla- Ns:s>8 years °ld> i )tegrat ■ nS more than tc 'He6 l lnt° Westerr ailli ’ where Slovenia’s 2 ea|)y 'nhabitants feel the) Herl' ' That mean; lp in NATO anc U„i°„. \Vo ne situation ir ec°ming increas- Neo: 2-5120 ingly ugly, threatening de-stabilization of the entire Balkan region the need is pressing. “We are fully aware we can’t survive alone, or defend ourselves alone,” said Foreign Minister Boris Frlec. “We are continuing our endeavors to convince NATO we are reliable, dependable, trustworthy and capable allies.” President Clinton plans to visit Slovenia in June after attending the annual summit of industrialized democracies in Cologne, Germany. When NATO decided at a summit in Madrid, Spain, two years ago to expand by three, to 19, taking in Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic, Slovenia lost out by a whisker, caught in an intramural political debate that had little to do with its readiness and everything to do with NATO in-fighting. The Alliance convened again in Washington the end of April and Slovenia tried again for entrance into NATO. The time was not ripe. Not for Slovenia or anybody else. Indications are the United States and its allies want to digest the latest enlargement first. Slovenians know this, but it didn’t dampen their ardor. “We wish to integrate into the world of democratic values on which NATO is Fax (440) 602-5124 zELE & ZELE CO., L.P.A. PONALD ZELE & SCOTT J. ZELE Attorneyiat Law iuH3Pdaza s°uth 35(3 Curtis Blvd. Eastlake, Ohio 44095 AATJ 1560 AM y°vv v of Veecenp Polkas °u Can Hear Us On Your Computer. Cog on to Our Web Page http//www.watj .com F°r the Best Big Band, F°pular Favorites, Show Tunes and Weekend Polkas Station Just Around the Comer and AU Around the World based,” said President Milan Kucan. Noted Brig. Gen. Alojz Jehart, deputy chief of staff of the Slovenian armed forces, “We are a buffer zone between stable Europe and unstable Europe. So we want to be inside the stable European organizations.” In fact, Slovenia’s 60,000 member armed forces will get smaller to 40,000, only 12.000 of whom will be active-duty troops. What it does plan to do is increase its defense spending from 1.74 percent of gross domestic product this year about $300 million, to 2.3 percent of GDP by 2003. By comparison, American defense spending in 1998 was 3.4 percent of GDP. Slovenian might, unsurprisingly, is not much: 11 helicopters and six fixed-wing aircraft in the air force; 90 Russian-made tanks, 53 armored personnel carriers and 36 howitzers in the army; one ship in the navy. The air force would like combat helicopters and fighter aircraft, like American F-16s. NATO’s rationale for enlargement, however, is less a matter of adding military punch than widening Europe’s zone of stability. Slovenia is about the size of Massachusetts. It is surrounded by Italy, Austria, Hungary and Croatia. The Slovenian landscape stretches from the Adriatic Sea to the Italian Alps. About half its territory is covered by forests. The parliament has 90 directly elected deputies. The last parliamentary elections, in December 1996, led to a center-left coalition government of Liberal Democrats and the Slovenian People’s Party, supported by three other minor parties. Ties to Cleveland: About 45.000 Slovenian-Americans live in the Cleveland area. Around 12,500 live in the area’s largest Slovenian enclave in Ward 13 on Cleveland’s near East Side. The main religion is Roman Catholic with small Protestant, Muslim and Jewish communities —The Plain Dealer What do you call a butcher’s dance? A meatball. The most massive band ever assembled consisted of 20,100 players in Oslo, Norway. Devotional to Our Lady of Brezje On Sunday, May 23 at 7:30 p.m. everyone is invited to meet at the Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine on Chardon Road in Euclid, Ohio for our annual May devotions in honor of Our Lady of Brezje, Patroness of Slovenia. This devotional is being sponsored by the Ohio Federation of KSKJ Lodges. It is anticipated that various Slovenian clergy will be joining us to participate in the devotional. The liturgical program is being planned by Father Joseph Božnar, pastor of St. Vitus Church in Cleveland. The prayer service will include the recitation of the Rosary in conjunction with a candlelight procession. Benediction, and the singing of the Slovenian Litanies to the Blessed Virgin Mary at the grotto. --Joseph V. Hočevar, Federation President 5 Dr. Zenon A. Klos E. 185"' Area 531-7700 — Emergencies -Dental Insurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises — Same Day Denture Repair COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E. 185 St. (between Shore Carpet & Fun Services) MARK PETR1C Certified Master Technician Petrie's Automotive Service Foreign & Domestic General Auto Repair 1 (440) 942-5130 33430 Lakeland Blvd., Eastlake, Ohio 44095 / LOCATED IN REAR | Internal Medicine Toye Williams, M.D. Toye Williams, M.D. is pleased to announce the opening of his new Internal Medicine practice in Cleveland. Dr. Williams is Board Certified in Internal Medicine and completed his residency training in Cleveland. Dr. Willems is accepting new patients age eighteen and older. He speaks fluent Spanish as a second language and welcomes Hispanic patients. New Patients Welcome Call for appointment (216) 431-1500 St. Clair Health Center 6407 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Dr. Williams accepts most insurance plans including Medicare. IfcARiTAS Physician Network AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 13, 1999 6 Zarja presents highly entertaining concert g V ^ast and present ^ merged into one on ^ JL Saturday, April 24^ ^ at the Slovenian Home in < Euclid, 'Ohio, when the 2 Singing Society Zarja pre- < sented its highly entertaining > and laugh-provoking skit, J SLAMNATI VDOVEC or, O The Grass Widower. ^ This skit was originally ,§5 written and presented in jr 1938 and was translated, 2 revised and directed by Ed < Ozanich along with Douglas Elersich who provided musical arrangements and direction. This program was dedicated to the memory of past president Edwin Polšak and member Irma Pryately, both of whom passed away during the early planning stages of this production. The two Ed’s, Polšak and Ozanich, came up with the idea for this skit several months ago. Ed Polšak provided the English lyrics to two of the musical numbers before his illness overcame him. Sophie Elersich then stepped in and completed the translations. Zarja is to be commended for its steadfast loyalty to the founder of the organization, Leo Polšak, to his son Edwin who carried on throughout his life, and to its devotion to the perpetuation of our Slovenian heritage despite adversities... and there were many during the past year. President Jim Kozel, in his introductory greeting, made note of the fact that all through Zarja’s history there has been a Polšak present at each of its musical performances, and this day was no exception. In the audience were Ed’s son Jim, wife Terry, and daughter Sandy. Through them the presence of Ed and his dad, Leo Polšak, was touchingly sensed. Irma was also there in spirit as her daughter Pat Buchner, who has an engaging smile very similar to her mom’s, served as head hostess to the guests, as she has in the past. Also present was Irma’s husband Rudy, children, grandchildren and many relatives. Zarja was also saddened in recent days at the passing of Frank Fatur, former member and husband of Jennie Fatur. In spite of her sorrow, Jennie appeared in the program and her family was also present. In the final weeks of rehearsal for the program, Millie Wojtilla, piano accompanist, fell ill and was hospitalized. Zarja wishes a speedy recovery to Millie. Get well wishes also go to member Marian Bocian, and to John Toth, husband of member Rosemary Toth. The show must go on in spite of unforeseen and unwelcome circumstances and -- go on it did. Zarja’s multitalented Doug Elersich stepped in and took Millie’s place as piano accompanist along with accordionists Steve Valencie and Jim Kozel. From then on it was upbeat all the way. The Grass Widowers left their wives at home, and came into the gostilna (tavern) with lustful roving eyes for the beautiful ladies present ... until one of the wives showed up. The audience enjoyed it tremendously and a “laugh-track” wasn’t needed to instigate laughter. It was a great day to leave the cares of the world behind and just enjoy a few hours among friends. —Jennie Mramor St. Clair Pensioners Club News Recently, in talking with our member Josephine Petrovič who had been a member of Glasbena Matica Chorus during the years that Anton Schubel directed them, and in our conversation, we both agreed that Cecilia Dolgan’s “lOOth Anniversary of Slovenian Maestro Anton Schubel” article published in the April 22nd issue of the American Home was an excellent presentation of Schubel both as an endearing individual and a maestro of all things musical. Josephine recalled that in 1950 while selecting a cast for the opera La Traviata, Mr. Schubel gave her the principal soprano role of Violetta and Edward Kenik the principal tenor role of Alfredo. The opera was a great success as were all of the other operatic performances. The operetta La Traviata, with the same cast, was repeated in 1951 and again in 1952. Both Edward Kenik and Josephine Petrovič are members of our St. Clair Pensioners Club. During the above conversation, Josephine Petrovič told me that at the time of Schubel’s death she was inspired to write a poetic tribute in his memory. I was impressed with the reading and convinced her that she should submit it to the American Home paper for publication. It was accepted and was published under the title “The Blessed Baton.” I might mention here that Josephine is scheduled for knee surgery on or about May IS1*1. May she have a successful operation and a quick recovery. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you, Josephine. Speaking of surgery, about two weeks ago I talked to Robert Booth, who is now at home convalescing from hip surgery and he tells me that he is doing well, getting around the house, but still with the aid of a walker. When improved, and prior to undergoing knee surgery, he hopes to visit his wife, Jennie, who is currently residing at the Blue Bell Health Care Home in Texas. Member Ann Stefančič had some minor but troublesome foot surgery taken care of. She is now at home but still under doctor’s care. We hope to see her soon at our meetings. Our congratulations to our members A1 and Agnes Koporc. They are the proud grandparents of Bethany Koporc, daughter of Albert and Suzanne Koporc. Bethany will be graduating 4^ in her class at Collinwood High School this month. Her achievements and recogni- tions are primarily in the scholastic field and extends into athletics, etc. Bethany has received a scholarship from the Kiwanis Club of Cleveland, and plans to attend Lakeland Community College. Our congratulations go out not only to her grandparents but also to all of her family members whom I am sure must have given her their support and encouragement. May you be successful in reaching your desired goal, Bethany. It was so nice to learn that member Christine Ujcich was the winner of a cruise trip for two to the Bahamas recently. Her companion was her daughter. Chris tells that it was a fantastic trip. They stopped at a number of islands. Onboard ship they had plenty to eat, plenty of entertainment, and relaxation. Said she never dreamt that she would experience anything like it. It couldn’t happen to a nicer person. The “Lucky Pick” day is near. The drawing will be held at our May meeting, Thursday, May 20th. Meeting is scheduled to begin at our usual fime, 1 p.m. Will see you there. Note: If you have not made your returns yet... ! please do so before the | meeting. | —Stanley J. Frank L .Coming Events Sunday, May 16 St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Slovenian School Mother’s Day Play after 10 a.m. Mass. Sunday, May 16 St. Christine Church (Euclid, Ohio) Pastoral Council’s Parish Community Monthly Dinner from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. $4 adults; $2 children. Saturday, May 22 Korotan Concert, 7 p.m. Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland. Admission $10. Tickets call 216-692-2469 after 5 p.m. Children under 14 admitted free of charge. Stan Mejac Orchestra plays for dancing. Sunday, May 23 Ohio KSKJ lodges sponsors devotions to Marija Pomagaj at 7:30 p.m. at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine off Chardon Road in Euclid, Ohio. Sunday, May 23 Slovenian National Home, 3563 E. 80* St., 1999 Slovenian Woman of the Year Dinner/Dance honoring Katie Kawczynski. Dinner at 2 p.m. Music by Wayne Tomsic 4-7 p.m. donation $15. Tickets call 341-6136, or 883-2963. Monday, May 31 (Spominski Dan) Memorial Day picnic sponsored by Slovenian Cultural Society (Triglav) at Triglav Park in Wind Lake. Wis. Friday, June 4 St. Mary’s Church (Collinwood) 50/50 split raffle for benefit of the Awning Fund. Tickets are $10 each good for two people and a sandwich; only 200 sold. For tickets call Alba Plutt 486-6453 or Mary Podlogar 486-6424. --------------------------- Sunday, June 13 i St. Mary’s (Collinwood) i Slovenian School Annual! Picnic. Mass at 12:30. Sunday, June 27 Ohio KSKJ Picnic Slovenska Pristava. Dance t(1 music of Joey Tomsick. Sunday, June 27 Slovenian Cultural Soflj ety (Triglav) of Milwaul sponsors First Picnic Triglav Park in Wind Wisconsin. Wednesday, July ^ Holmes Avenue PenS'' ers Picnic at St. Jos«! Farm on White Rd. noon 6 p.m. Refreshments ^ sandwiches available. MuslC by Fred Ziwich, plus 'f session. Free admiss'011 i Everyone welcome. Sunday, July 25 Mission Picnic spons° by Slovenian Cultural Socl ( ety at Triglav Park in ^in Lake, Wisconsin. Sunday, August 15 St. Mary’s (Collin"'0': Summer Picnic at Slov®115 Pristava. Mass at 12 n^’ dinners, entertainment. ^ sic by Veseli Godci. Wednesday, Aug- ^ I Federation of Aflicrl ' Slovenian Senior Citijj Clubs Annual Picnic at Farm, Heath Rd. Dinnerat p.m., dancing * “Rhythmaires.” Dinner admission $10. AdflJ^g only $3. For tickets. al members or call Ra^^ 216-731-9569. !> \ j i-vooy. Sunday, Aug-22 Second Picnic of!,10„n‘' nian Cultural Society ). Milwaukee at Triglav in Wind Lake, Wis. Sept. 4-5 }i ( Bishop Baraga |, Escanaba, Michigan. .A The Blessed Baton The maestro was directing His last, final encore... Tapped his baton for attention Upon the Golden Door. It opened wide, and Heaven’s Chorus Stood with musical score... Angel voices blending sweeter than before. Now cherubim and seraphim Respond to his direction As we remember with a poignant, deep affection His heritage in musical echoes so nobly left behind" His vibrant spirit uplifting The hesitant heart and mind. We sing the songs of our father, His gift to the Slovenian heart. We sing them andante pianissimo... He was its counterpart. ,) n, tc i re II !r Pc tli, ! Pr II '28 'oi I'll Prj I *t. Cli, Sqi IS And high in god’s blue heaven A lady is saying to another, “May I present my son to you, O dear and blessed Mother. ” Then Our Lady will recall A little church with joy Where first she heard in sweet duet Mama Schubel and a little boy. nso^ Sod' [5 \VO<^) /efl^8 noo11' W 18 .erica" iti#5 • SN?1 sr a* l ^ t Rev. Mirko Žerjav etemar ^‘rko Zerjav, 79, a Salesian priest, entered into because o^"^6^68^’ April 28, 19"- Heart failure was near Linhi^0 WaS t*1C Pastor t*le Rudnik historical church bratej.. S’ Slovenia- A year ago, the deceased had cele-p 'S 50 Anniversary in the priesthood. Vs RCr Mlrko traveled extensively. He visited his cousins, fourcwT6’ and Henry and Frank Zupančič in Cleveland on ^ccasions. 1,6 ^lon^HCatl°n WaS Performing sleight-of-hand tricks and Voyedh- t0 tHe Professional Magicians of the World. He bin, frip S art of conjuring to gravitate the young people to Rev^ 'gious teaching- wbile vl •Ze^aV was an eloquent homilist and his sermons, ^J-g ^t. Vitus in Cleveland, were always most inter-fjis d hls voice resonated throughout the church. Met0(j 8Urvivors include his brothers Rado, Srečko, Ciril and IV 5wihT brothers preceded him in death: Stanko, Drago, Vaj lavko, all of Slovenia. Fr. Mirko also had many Mayth°Stly 'n the northern Ohio locality. V e rest in peace; he was an exemplary priest in all Notices VnhEPH Bozic S.3' ^ster? ,Bozic’ 77> of h'Sresiri d’ died May 10 at A Mr. ?nce- . Jj ^ in thp2^ lived and grew >bor St Clair Avenue ° be^ore moving in 1956. He ?'IIPor8°','Chan'Pion Steel [j g 'n Orwell, Ohio in i| pjj i th°2^ died^’ Dorothy (nee ! I?6 Vher"1 l991' He was riede|> and fu f Steve> Ann kVhh dthe ‘ate Frank. i i .■ i i Vand u bteve’ Ann D Vnds the late Frank. 2D88aC°sicreFCeiVed at The ^0:%: k 'v3 - - !i NerlannHlem >CeJ' Burial Church, in All FRANK STANISA Frank Stanisa, 97, of Geneva, Ohio, died suddenly Wednesday, May 5, 1999 at Meridia Hillcrest Hospital. Mr. Stanisa was born near Novo Mesto, Slovenia and came to the United States in 1949. He was a resident of Geneva for 41 years where he had a grape farm. Mr. Stanisa was the father of Frank, Marija, John, Josie Comely, Sylvester, and the following deceased; Louis, Joseph, Stefan, and Ivana. His wife, Ivana (nee Stanisa) died in 1970. Grandfather of 12 and great-grandfather of five; uncle to many nieces and nephews in Slovenia. Services were held Saturday, May 8 at St. Mary’s Church (Holmes Ave.), and burial in All Souls Cemetery. Arrangements by the Dan Cosic Funeral Home. e Funeral Home Memorial chapel located at reel Phone 481-3118 Qtftily I1VIIC ‘♦Ol ----operated since 1908 Informative I continue to thoroughly enjoy and appreciate reading the Ameriška Domovina. It’s informative, broad and open-minded in content and covers a wide selection of topics. --Violet Ruparcich Pittsburgh, PA Euclid Beach Memories The article about Euclid Beach really touched my heart. It brought back so many memories - especially about kids. What a memory you have. —Bea Zimmerman Euclid, Ohio Donation A big thank you to John and Joe Hočevar of Cleveland who donated $25.00 to the Ameriška Domovina. Donation A Big Thank You to Mrs. Vincent Globokar of Cleveland, Ohio who renewed her subscription plus added an additional $25.00 donation. Donation A Big Thank you to Felix and Helen Gaser of Richmond Heights, Ohio who renewed their subscription to Ameriška Domovina plus added a $20.00 donation. Donation A Big Thank You to Michael Rutar of Lorain, Ohio who renewed his subscription to American Home plus added an extra $20.00 donation. In Memory Thanks to Stanley and Maria Vlasic who donated $50.00 to the Ameriška Domovina in memory of mother, Mary Pecharich. In Memory A big Thank You to the Paul Andolsek family of Willoughby Hills, Ohio, who donated $50.00 to the Ameriška Domovina in memory of Mary Andolsek. CARST-NAGf Memorials 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 “Serving the Slovenian Community.” In Memory Thanks to Genevieve Bohinc of Mayfield Heights, Ohio who renewed her subscription plus enclosed an additional $25.00, for “Remembering and missing my husband Jerry; Mom and Dad Zulich, and my sisters Frances and Josephine Grdina. In Memory Thanks to Mrs. Anne Golop of Willowick, Ohio who renewed her subscription plus enclosed an additional $10.00 in memory of her husband, Rudolph Golop. In Memory Enclosed is a check for $50.00 of which $30.00 is for renewal of my subscription, and the balance is a donation in memory of my dear husband, Joseph Zele, Jr. —Edith Zele Richmond Heights, Ohio In Loving Memory Of Our Beloved Wife, Mother and sister 5,h Anniversary > ' / /, Mollie Postotnik (Died May 4, 1994) In our hearts your memory Lingers, Sweetly, tender, fond and true. There is not a day, dear wife and mother. That we do not think of you. Sadly missed by: Husband: Dan J. Children: Mollie K. and Dan T. Sisters and Brothers in Indianapolis, IN Ciggies Can Make You Gray If the threat of lung cancer, emphysema, and heart disease can’t convince smokers to quit, maybe this will: A study of 600 people in England found that smokers were 400 percent more likely to have gray hair than their nonsmoking counterparts. Al Koporc, Jr. Piano Technician (216) 481-1104 432-1114 Aim's Dressmaking and Alterations Tues.-Sat.: 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. (Same Ddy ServičeJ Weddings, Special Occas 'ns 6027 St. Clair Ave., Cleve. In Loving Memory Of the 17*** Anniversary ■Mmmm Hitk:,. Katherine Podržaj who passed away on May 15, 1982. No one knows how rpuch we ' miss you. No one knows the bitter pain we have suffered. Since we lost you life has never been the same. In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true. There is not a day, dear mother. That we do not think of you. Sadly missed by: Daughter: Janet Krivacic Sons: John and Edward Podržaj Daughter-in-law Dorothy Podržaj Grandchildren and Great-grandchildren Cleveland, Ohio, May 13, 1999 Golub Funeral Homes 4703 Superior Ave. - 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. - 391-0357 - Karla Golub Sodnicar and Emil J. Golub 'Z Suburban Facilities Available S "Service To Render A More Perfect Tribute ” © Since 1905 CUHA Fuitettf Home A Distinguished Nome in... FUNERAL SERVICE ?YN -I Tvjinrx MENTOR AVE SECOND M i SPABIDING I ^ wi: Charles R. Davis John R. Vaughan Mitchell W. Babcock Ihistf m Network of Family Owned.. Funeral Homes 4154 CLARK AVE. WILLOUGHBY, OH. 942-1122 7 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 13, 1999 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MAY 13, 1999 8 Brezje, the Pride of Slovenia “Of the handful of beauties that the Creator scattered over Slovenia, ” much fell on Brezje. (Continued From Last Week), On October 5, 1988 Pope John Paul II proclaimed this sanctuary a minor basilica, stating in the proclamation: “Above all, we wish for everyone in the world to recognize the benevolence of the great Mother; therefore we believe that we must listen to the requests with which the Ljubljana archbishop recently expressed the collective desire of the clergy and the people when he asked our Holy See to grant the mentioned church the honorary title of Basilica Minor. We therefore confirm the judgement of the congregation for holy service that on the basis of its mandate today pronounced upon this matter, and from the fullness of our apostolic authority with this letter forever exalt the sanctuary consecrated to the blessed Virgin Mary Our Help to Basilica Minor.” Mary’s blessed image from Brezje was the patron of the solemn thanksgiving celebration of 1250^ anniversary of Christianity among the Slovenians at the Mass led by Pope John Paul II on May 18, 1996, at the hippodrome in Stožice in Ljubljana. A day earlier during his pastoral visit to Slovenia, the Pope visited Brezje and the Queen of Slovenes and exhorted her people to preserve their faith, hope, and love. The blessed image was accompanied throughout its journey by its guardians, the Franciscan brothers from Brezje. On her way to Ljubljana, Mary visited 23 parishes and two monasteries, and on the return journey stopped in six parishes. On Sunday, November 24, 1996, on the holiday of Christ the King, Archbishop and Metropolitan Dr. Alojzij Šuštar blessed the statue of Pope John Paul II in the square in front of the basilica, the work of sculptor Stane Kolman, in the presence of the Papal Nuncio in Slovenia Monsignor Edmond Farhat, Bishop Monsignor Metod Pirih from Koper, Deputy Dr. Jožef Smej from Maribor, many priests, monks, and nuns, pious believers, and high representatives from the political, diplomatic, cultural, and economic life of Slovenia as a sign of grateful memory and in honor of his visit in Slovenia. On the occasion. Cardinal Angelo Sodano sent the following telegram at the Pope’s request to the people of Slovenia: “For the unveiling of the statue representing His Holiness before the sanctuary of Mary Our Help in Brezje, the Holy Father, present in spirit, sends his best wishes and cherishes the realization of the artistic preservation of the memory of his visit to this sanctuary of Mary. At the same time, he hopes that this memorial event will invigorate all your generous resolution for evangelical witness and also that your genuine piety toward the Mother of God will grow. He therefore sends all Franciscans, believers, and all those present, his apostolic blessing.” In the life of a Slovene Christian, the words “Mary, help us” expresses the embodiment of the Catholic faith in a Slovenian way. Pope John Paul II, the successor of St. Peter, pronounced and recorded these words as a dowry on the threshold of the third millennium for us and for the coming generations who will declare their faith in God and their love for Mary in this beautiful church below Mount Triglav. Mary Our Help from Brezje is the Mother and queen of our faith. —Father Ciril Božic Slovenija Correction Editor, I am writing to thank Edward for contacting you regarding the omission of my name from my grandpa’s (Harry Brule) history as Man of the Year in Euclid. Though what was written is true, I am interested in the Slovenian history and culture, I must say that I am not, indeed 16, but 26. Also I do look quite young. —Cindy Schmenk South Euclid, Ohio Donation Thanks to the lovely artist Doris Sadar of Willoughby Hills, Ohio who renewed her subscription plus enclosed an additional $20.00 donation. Marija Pomagaj Our Lady of Brezje Pray for us Special Thanks Many thanks to Ljudmila Lekan of Cleveland, Ohio for payment of $160.00 for Special Air Mail Postage of the Ameriška Domovina for a Slovenian missionary in Africa. House Cleaner East side resident seeking a person to clean our home on a part time basis. We have no children or pets. Must have transportation and some English speaking ability. Please contact during the day (440) 424-0058 extension 115 or evenings at (216) 595-0005. JENKO’S ELECTRICAL SERVICE Old & New Wiring New Fuse boxes no Job Too Small Seniors Discount Insured 481-7432 (2nd & 4*1| week x) WCSB 89.3 EM,' Slovenian program, Songs and Melodies from beautiful Slovenia “Pesmi in melodije iz naše lepe Slovenije” Radio hours Sun. 9-JO am. & Wed. 6-7'pm. RDC Director Ed Mejač Tel/Fax (440) 953 -1709 2405 Somrack Drive, W illoughby Hills, Ohio 44094 INTERNET# WWW.WCSB.ORG J Specialists in Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s HAIR SALON 5216 Wilson Mills Road 461-7989 / 461-0623 Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 Mihevc Scholarship Seminar Set St. Vitus parish in Cleveland will have an information workshop on the Joseph and Antonia Mihevc Scholarship Endowment Trust of St. Vitus (i.e., Mihevc Grant Program) on Sunday, May 23 in the social room of the parish auditorium, 6111 Glass Avenue. The workshop will be held immediately after the 9 a.m. Mass at St. Vitus Church. An overview and details of the program will be provided at the workshop. The Mihevc Grant Program provides financial and merit based grants for registered parishioners only of St. Vitus Parish who are or will attend a tuition paying school from grades 9 through 13. The Mihevc Grant program was established in April 1989 by the late Mr. Edward Mihevc in memory of his deceased parents. Since 1990 the Mihevc Grant Program has provided approximately $200,000 in approved applications. The workshop will take about 35-45 minutes. For Rent Modern 3 room apt., next to Slovene Home for the Aged, off Neff Rd. - Phone: 216-531-5754 or 440-951-3087. (X) Wilke Hardware Josephine (Zaman) Wilke Jack Zaman Paints, glass Housewares, Plumbing, Electrical Supplies, Garden Supplies Screens and Storms Repaired 809 E. 222nd St. Euclid, Ohio 44123 RE 1-7070 j Flower "| i Power ! Lawn and Gardening ! ! Seasonal planting & ! trimming, pruning. ! i All types of seasonal ! work. Spring ! cleaning. Patio plants ! and shrines. Call Michael J. Mivsek [ (216)361-9909 for appointment. in varstvu okolja. ^da i? nj'h 0Pišem0 le najbolj bistvene : r e: SDS vztraja na uvedbi dvokro- tyld PogjVa Ve^inskega volilnega sistema, sicer spreiti volilce k bojkotu volitev; ustavne vlade tll°e, ki bi poenostavile imenovanje V°litev nezauPn'co vtadi in razpis predčasnih %em:t.SDS podpira; komunistični režim je ce jjj d l^n° in trajno kršil človekove pravi-'n ,orTeljne SV0^0^'ne’ politično, pravno dktepg a n° odgovornost za vse totalitarne °ntunističnega režima pa nosi vod- stvo komunistične partije Slovenije; SDS je proti predlagani obliki privatizacije bank, predlaga certifikatno razdelitev in uvedbo hranilnic; reformo pokojninskega sistema SDS podpira, poudarjajo pa, da podpirajo le enakomerno razdelitev bremena reforme med že upokojenimi in zaposlenimi.” Na kongresu so delegati odobrili mesto častnega predsednika stranke in to je postal Jože Pučnik. Izvoljen je bil izvršilni odbor SDS, katerega člani so: Ivo Hvalica, Miha Brejc, Milan Zver, Anton Jeglič, Branko Grims, Pavel Rupar, Jože Jerovšek, Anton Krkovič in Franc Jazbec. Delegacija državnega zbora obiskala Slovence v Avstraliji V nedeljo se bo končal -obisk delegacije komisije za odnose s Slovenci v zamejstvu in po svetu v Avstraliji. Delegacijo sestavljajo predsednik komisije Marijan Schiffrer, podpredsednik Davorin Terčon ter člana Samo Bevk in Zoran Lešnik (vsi, razen Lešnika, so lani obiskali rojake v ZDA). Med obiskom se delegacija srečuje s predstavniki avstralske slovenske skupnosti, delegacijo je spremljal pa tudi predsednik parlamentarne skupine prijateljstva z Avstralijo Ciril Pucko. Delegacija si ogleduje slovenske ustanove se je udeležila slavnostne seje Avstralsko-slovenske konference Svetovnega slovenskega kongresa. Lanski realni izvoz večji za 8,5 odstotka Slovenski statistični urad sporoča, da je bil lanski izvoz v primerjavi s predlanskim realno večji za 8,5 odstotka, uvoz pa za 10,9 odstotka. Podatki so pa začasni, in se bodo končne številke šele izvedele. Tečaj tolarja se je v zadnjih tednih ostal bistveno nespremenjen. Po tečajnici Banke Slovenije včeraj je bil: $1US=178,6 SLT. ^Vih •baja, OD, PREDVIDENIH 1600 ALBANSKIH BEGUNCEV - V nedeljo, 2. *a*ske dn 'vKVen^a Pl'vo skupino albanskih beguncev. Letalo makedonske le- ll0,na zsT*2 1° ^v*°'mPex Je pristalo na brniškem letališču s 115 Albanci. Gre veči-Se> kot je”1 ?do,etn'ke in ženske, vsaka od slednjih obdana s kopico otrok, ki so nii»hi je P°ro«lo v Delu, krčevito držali materinega krila. Najmlajši med ^ (žena ' 0trok’ r°jen dan pred poletom v Ljubljano, najstarejša pa zakonski 0d*°čitvi vlldSl0VenSka držav,janka> stara 80 ,et)- Vseh skuPai naj bi Slovenija po •bo žačasno * potrditvi parlamenta sprejela 1600, begunci pa naj bi dobili satu3 še k;~- P0,eg uradno ad»brenih 1600 beguncev, naj bo imela Slove-/Naz Hop- 2500 legalnih beguncev. Stanje beguncev v Makedoniji je opisal , kedonjij 'h**’ Podsekretar v ministrstvu za notranje zadeve, takole: “Razmere v tabčn0 vedep° ^a^astr°falne. Evidenc po begunskih taboriščih ni, in če ne bi na-e •» P« koga gremo in kje je, nam vse skupaj ne bi uspelo.” Iz Clevelanda in okolice Korotanov koncert— Koncert bo v soboto, 22. maja, zv. ob 7h v SND na St. Clairju. Vstopnice imajo člani, dobile se bodo pri vhodu na večer koncerta, za rezervacijo miz pa pokličite Cvetko Rihtar na (216) 692-2469. Več v dopisih na str. 10 in 11 ter v oglasu na str. 11. Molitve za zdravje— V ponedeljek, 17. maja, ob 7. uri zvečer, bo imela MZA v cerkvi Marije Vne-bovzete pete litanije in blagoslov, kjer bodo člani in članice prosili za zdravje Rudija Kneza, ki je bil pred dobrom tednom v nesreči. Tudi pri AD želimo g. Knezu hitrega okrevanja. Novi grobovi Frank Staniša V sredo, 12. maja, zvečer ob 10.30 je v Meridia Hillcrest bolnišnici umrl 97 let stari Frank Staniša, rojen v bližini Novega mesta, Slovenija, v ZDA prišel L 1949, Zadnjih 41 let pa je živel v Genevi, vdovec po 1. 1970 umrli Ivani, roj. Staniša, oče Franka, Marije, Johna, Josie Comely, Sylvestra ter že pok. Louisa, Josepha, Stefana in Ivane, 12-krat stari oče, 5-krat prastari oče, v Sloveniji pa zapušča številne nečake in nečakinje. Pogreb je bil 8. maja v oskrbi Co-sicevega zavoda na 28890 Chardon Rd. s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Mary J. Princ Včeraj je v Gateway Health Care Center umrla 91 let stara Mary J. Princ, rojena v Clevelandu in živela na E. 155 St. celih 85 let, sestra že pok. Frances, nečakinja Sylvije Praust, Bernadette Missman in Edith Kakal, zaposlena kot tajnica pri Metropolitan Insurance Co. do svoje upokojitve, članica Oltarnega društva in Alumni Assoc, pri župniji Marije Vnebovzete, SŽZ št. 10 in KSKJ št. 169. Pogreb bo v soboto, 15. maja, iz Želetovega zavoda zj. ob 8.45, v cerkev Marije Vnebovzete ob 9.30, od tam pa na pokopališče Vernih duš. Ure kropljenja bodo jutri, v petek od 2. do 7.30 zv. Darovi v pokojničin spomin St. Mary Church Endowment Fund bodo s hvaležnostjo sprejeti. (dalje na str. 16) Letni občni zbor jutri— Slovenski dom za ostarele ima jutri zvečer letni občni zbor in to v SDD na Waterloo Rd. Registriranje se prične ob 7h, sam občni zbor pa ob 7.30. Pravico do glasovanja imajo tisti, ki so domu darovali v zadnjem letu najmanj $25. Občni zbor je pa odprt javnosti. Pristavskim upokojencem— Vsem, ki so se prijavili za izlet na farmo Malabar, sporočajo, da je izlet v torek, 18. maja. Odhod iz parkališča Slov. doma na Holmes Ave. bo ob 8. uri zj. Vrnitev bo zvečer ob 7.30. Bodite pravočasni! Kampanja lepo uspela— Ponudba za enoletni popust naročnine za AD je zelo lepo uspela. V upravi so se odločili, da bodo to kampanjo podaljšali do 31. maja. Tako je naročnina na AD za nove naročnike za eno leto le $15. Vabljeni ste— Ohijska federacija KSKJ vabi vse vernike na letno češčenje Brezjanske Marije Pomagaj v nedeljo, 23. maja, ob 7.30 zvečer pri svetišču Lurške Marije na Chardon Rd. v Euclidu. Rev. Mirko Žerjav umrl— V Sloveniji je 28. aprila umrl 79 let stari duhovnik Mirko Žerjav, ki je bil tudi izjemno spreten čarovnik in razveselil med drugim tudi rojake v ZDA. Zapušča predvsem v severnem Ohiu več sorodnikov. Več (in foto) na str. 7. R.I.P. Zahvala— Najlepše se zahvalimo ge. Ljudmili Lekan iz Clevelanda, ki je krila enoletno letalsko pošto za pošiljanje AD slovenskemu misijonarju. Spominski dar— Ga. Vlasta Scancar, Cleveland, O., je poklonila $14 v podporo našemu listu, v spomin moža dr. Martina. Iskrena hvala. V tiskovni sklad— Ob poravnavi kar treh naročnin je g. John Leskovec iz Kirtlanda, O. dodal $60 za tiskovni sklad. Ob poravnavi naročnine sta g. Ivan in ga. Pavla Hauptman poklonila $20 v podporo listu. $20 je daroval tudi g. Matt Plečnik z Willoughby Hillsa, O., kot je tudi Ivy Tominec iz Miami, Fla. Vsem se za njih naklonjenost in pomoč najlepše zahvalimo. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $30 letno za ZDA; $35 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $40 letno (v ZD valuti) Za Slovenijo, z letalsko pošto, $160 letno SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $30 per year; Canada: $35 in U.S. currency Foreign: $40 per year U.S. or equivalent currency Slovenia: $160 per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-68X) is published weekly for $30 per year by American Home Publ. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 19 May 13, 1999 Dialog v spoštovanju zgodovine in prava Stališče Svetega sedeža do reševanja kosovskega vprašanja Po nakladi najmočnejši italijanski katoliški tednik Famiglia Cristiana (1.100.000 izvodov) je v 15. številki objavil pogovor s tajnikom za odnose z državami pri vatikanskem državnem tajništvu nadškofom Jeanom-Louisom Tauranom. V njem visoki vatikanski diplomat govori o vojni v ZRJ in na Kosovu ter o prizadevanjih vatikanske diplomacije za mir na tem zgodovinsko posebej “občutljivem” delu Balkana. Za to oziroma vsaj za prekinitev Natovih napadov in notranjih obračunavanj na Kosovu v času katoliškega in pravoslavnega praznovanja velike noči, se je nadškof Tauran na pobudo papeža Janeza Pavla II. celo podal v Beograd, od koder pa se je vrnil brez doseženega namena. Na ZRJ in na Kosovo so tudi na oba praznika padale bombe. Nadškof Tauran v pogovoru najprej poudarja, da v stališču Svetega sedeža do reševanja krize na Balkanu (v ZRJ in na Kosovu) ne vidi nikakršne spremembe, kot so nekateri površinski opazovalci napačno sklepali v zadnjem času. Na doktrinalni ravni je to stališče takšno, kakršnega učijo in izražajo drugi vatikanski vesoljni cerkveni zbor, cerkveno učiteljstvo in katekizem katoliške Cerkve. Ta načela je skušal Sveti sedež uporabljati tudi v praksi, čeprav to ni bilo lahko in se mu jih zmeraj tudi ni posrečilo uresničiti. V primeru Balkana je Sveti sedež vedno spodbujal, naj bi politična vprašanja rešili z dialogom v spoštovanju zgodovine in prava; pri tem pa priznaval dolžnost človekoljubnega posredovanja, kajti nobena država nima pravice kršiti človekovih pravic in se pri tem skrivati za načelom suverenosti. Pri tem gre za pomemben razvoj, ki ga je mednarodno pravo naredilo v zadnjih letih. V primeru Kosova je prišlo do pospešene diplomatske dejavnosti, ki je trajala več mesecev in je imela namen urediti vprašanje odnosov med ZRJ in Kosovom, vendar je bil konec, žal, negativen. Odgovorni politiki so presodili, da je po izčrpanju vseh diplomatskih sredstev preostala samo sila, s katero je mogoče uveljaviti rešitev za sožitje ljudi na Kosovu. Odgovornost za takšno odločitev nosijo tisti, ki so odločili, da je najprimernejša. Sveti sedež se je z njo seznanil in skušal pomagati pri premisleku o posledicah, ki izvirajo iz nje za prebivalce “spornega območja”. Vprašanje posledic terapije, s katero želimo poraziti zlo, je vedno zelo občutljivo, je sklenil prvi del pogovora nadškof Tauran. V drugem delu nato razlaga, kaj za Sveti sedež pomeni izraz upoštevanje “prava in zgodovine" pri iskanju rešitve iz Korotan nam pripravlja koncert CLEVELAND, O. - Pevski zbor Korotan nas zopet kliče in vabi na svoj pomladanski koncert. Upam, da Korotan-cev ne bomo razočarali, ampak bomo napolnili dvorano Slovenskega narodnega doma na St. Clair Avenue v soboto, 22. maja, ob 7. uri zvečer. Pesem je za nas Slovence družabnica, ki nas spremlja od zibeli do groba. V veselju in žalosti v samoti in veseli družbi, vedno nam prihaja od srca ali pa ji prisluhnemo in čutimo s človekom, narodom, ali rodno domovino, ki jih pesem opeva. Pesem ni nastala sama od sebe, ampak je privrela iz čuteče človeške duše. Korotan poznamo že dolgo vrsto let, saj sega začetek zbora v jesen 1951, ko je dr. Metod Milač zbral mlade fante, katerim so se pridružila tudi dekleta, da bi s pesmijo bili povezani med seboj in z rojaki tu v Ameriki, kot z rodno domovino. Slovenski pesmi se je posvetil Korotan iz ljubezni do naroda in dežele, ki so jo vseskozi opevali. O, kako draga nam je bila ta pesen, ki je bila kot dragocen zaklad, ki smo ga prinesli v to novo deželo. Veliko truda so vložili pevovodje in številni pevci, ki so se vrstili vsa ta leta. Naj omenim le pevovodje, ki so bili utrip srca Korotana skozi dolgo vrsto let. Prvi, ustanovni pevovodja je bil dr. Metod Milač, drugi, že pokojni g. Lado Lempelj, tretji, g. ing. Franček Gorenšek, četrti, g. Rudi Knez, peti pa se nam bo predstavil na letošnjem koncertu, in ki ga vsi dobro poznamo kot zelo požrtvovalnega in nadarjenega g. Janeza Sršena. Vrstili so se pevovodje in pevci, pesem in ljubezen pa je ostala ista. Že pokojni pesnik Marjan Jakopič je za Korotan napisal pesem - Ne umri nam pesem-. Ta pesem je kot molitev in prošnja Bogu, naj se presaja, raste in živi v srcih mladega rodu. Nam je dana možnost, da podpiramo s svojo prisotnostjo na koncertu tiste, ki se trudijo in to našo pesem negujejo, da bi nam pripravili nekaj uric potrebnega razvedrila in užitka. Naš veliki škof - Slovenec za vse čase - Anton Martin Slomšek, ki bo letos prištet med blažene, je napisal veliko pesmi, med njimi tudi “Preljubo veselje, oj kje si doma.” Tudi nam je zastavljeno to vprašanje, kje in kakšno veselje kdo išče? Rezervirajmo soboto, 22. maja, za koncert, ki bo ob 7h zvečer v SND na St. Clairju, in povabimo prijatelje in znance, da se nam pridružijo na skupno praznovanje slovenske pesmi. Po koncertu pa bo za ples in zabavo igral priljubljeni orkester Staneta Mejača. Na svidenje na koncertu! - Prijatelj Korotana Spominska sv. maša tudi letos pri Lurški Materi Božji na Chardon CLEVELAND, O. - Ta vsakoletna maša bo v nedeljo, 30. maja, ob 12. uri - opoldne. Daroval jo bo č.g. dr. Pavel Krajnik. Rd. v Euclidu Mesec maj, najlepši mesec v letu, ko se vse prebuja po zimskem spanju. Vsa narava je v bujnem cvetju, kot bi hotela pose- kosovske krize. To pomeni, da je treba upoštevati dejstvo, da Srbija vztraja pri zgodovinskih dejstvih, na katerih stoji njena narodna istovetnost in so ukoreninjena; po drugi strani pa je treba prav tako upoštevati dejstvo, da na Kosovu živi večinoma albansko prebivalstvo. Ker je Kosovo del evropske celine, je potrebno iskati rešitve v okviru pravne dediščine, značilne za evropsko izročilo, ki temelji na demokraciji, spoštovanju človekovih pravic in svobodnem pretoku oseb in dobrin. Pri tem je na voljo vrsta dokumentov Sveta Evrope in . Konference za varnost in sodelovanje v Evropi (KVSE), ki jih je podpisala tudi ZRJ. Rešitve za sožitje ljudi na Kosovu se morajo navdihovati prav pri teh virih. Nadškof Tauran je govoril tudi o vprašanju tako imenovanega “človekoljubnega koridorja”, ki ga je papež večkrat omenil. Težava te zamisli je ta, da bi bilo potrebno določiti natančne pogoje za vzpostavitev tega koridorja, kot so na primer: ustavitev vojaških operacij in etničnega čiščenja s strani srbske vojske, ustavitev Natovih bombardiranj, vrnitev beguncev in izgnancev s pomočjo človekoljubnih organizacij; pogoj za vse to pa je tudi navzočnost mednarodnih sil, ki bi zagotavljale zaupanje z vseh strani. Vse to bi zahtevalo določeno medsebojno popuščanje, kar pa zaenkrat še ni dozorelo. Pri vsem tem je jasno dejstvo, da Sveti sedež zahteva mirno in demokratično reševanje kosovske krize s srbske in mednarodne strani. DRUŽINA, 9. V. 1999 bej počastiti Božjo Mater Marijo, kateri je ta mesec posvečen. Vsako jutro, še pred sončnim vzhodom, se razlega ptičje petje, kot da bi se med seboj kosali, kateri bo lepše zapel. Vsa narava se veseli življenja. In... Ali je mogoče, da se nam v teh najlepših dnevih vsako leto vrača spomin na najstrašnejše dni, ki so^ se dogajali prav ob tem času v Sloveniji, pred 54 leti? Mladi fantje in možje, v najlepših letih, polni upanj3 in življenja, tako strti, mu čeni in zasramovani, padaj0 drug za drugim v brezna | Kočevskega Roga in Tena rij ter v nešteta druga, P° celi Sloveniji razpeta mn° žična grobišča. Kajn, kje J£ tvoj brat Abel? Še dane* je isti odgovor, kot je 1 pred 54 leti: Kaj to mene briga? Sem mar jaz njeg°v | varuh? • * SV- Spomnimo se pri teJ maši žrtev komunistične re volucije: Vaških stražar)6^’ : Domobrancev, Četnikov, 1 vseh civilnih žrtev, ki s, umrli pod partizanski® kroglami. Spomnimo se di vseh slovenskih fant0, | ki so kot ameriški V°J padli v boju proti isteI11 na : Pa sovražniku - komunistu, Koreji in v Vietnamu- ^ tudi vseh tistih, ki s° svoji zaslepljenosti izvr^e'_ : vsa ta grozodejstva, se SP . mnimo, da bi že s^°r_ j spoznali svojo velik0 P greho in jo obžalovali ^ tako pripomogli k ki jo slovenski narod zelo potrebuje. | Letos mineva 50 let’ stoletja, odkar so pN6 je skupine slovenskih j guncev, prav v tem ^ ' cu, prišle iz begunski borišč v Avstriji v ko. Vsak izmed nas je -3 ral imeti svojega sp°nZ Brez sponzorja bi n6. jo j tu, kjer smo našli sv° ^ [ in blagostanje, da sm° 0 gli znova začeti n°rl*Lših življenje. Večina te^ ,,|0 k I sponzorjev je že ( Bogu po večno plaCI . svojo dobrotljivost i° vZ-1 tj c, ki so nam ga lZT*oStj° li. Z globoko hvale .g, se jih spomnimo in Poročimo njihove duše škemu Očetu. ,0 tU' Kot vsako leto, d0 ^ di letos molitve 03 $ j pališču Vernih duš z s0-naše prijatelje, znaIlC^ h1 rodnike in dobrota' ,flCl i sicer ob 3.30 P°P „1^ j pod vodstvom č.g- g j j fare Sv. Vida d°ze^3 $ I narja. Lepo vas va*51^|cŽ't{ j se, če le mogoče, u ^ obeh spominskih P° p. sti. Za odbor: rijatel’s PharI^S,J lair & E. 68 St. JA.IAMO TIJU1/D1^aV LAČUN POMOČI jjj; »HIO - AID FOH - PEVSKI ZBOR KOROTAN CLEVELAND, OHIO, U.S.A. KONCERT PEVSKEGA ZBORA KOROTAN Pevovodja: g. Janez Sršen v soboto, 22. maja, ob 7. uri zvečer v Slovenskem Narodnem Domu na St. Clair Ave. Po koncertu zabava in ples Igra ansambel Staneta Mejača VSI LEPO VABLJENI! ^Vsk' gbor KOROTAN se pripravlja na koncert Spet bomo imeli en lep večer ^redno se mi zdi napisati par misli za to svetlo noč. f et°d Milač, ki je prvi krotil “Molojce”, je napisal eno od Kr raV 0 Pomembnem srednjeveškem skladatelju Gallusu iz nJske. Ta Ribničan, svetovljan, je svoja glasbena dela na^0n'ral 'n podpisoval v latinščini. To je bilo takrat v ‘in obenem znak ugleda. Iz spoštovanja do tradicije &oru 'Ste9a ^et;e*'na> nas Je današnji Metodov naslednik pri i ^lač sPet uvedel v ta jezik. Začeli smo z a - alleluia. Sem rePetent v zboru in čutim podobnost s koncerti pod -evo taktirko in letošnjo vsebino pesmi, izbranih za na- l^lj, Pole9 tega nas John pouči kako zaokrožiti usta in , ° odpreti. Vedno me dobi, če pri kakšni osminki csta* sem ^rtev etnične9a čiščenja na njjr^ U Ves čas, dokler nisem dobil prvega popkarja. Z 5 Serri urezaval vrbove piščali. Preljubo veselje, o kje si? tebj ldpSrni'*0 *Una klec*a’ bleda luna in okrogla luna sloh, k Ijen ^Cern vzdihe svoje: ah ter eh in uh in oh, je oprede-jo očit^ v Pomladni čas. V okoliški naravi se že opaža-Kad' 2na^ zaljubljenosti in prebujanja življenja. QregQrar Zora se čez gore” je Vodopivčeva koračnica na izraža Ci^eV° Pesern “Dneva nam pripelji žar”. V njej pesnik Piikrjt u°^0 'n nar°dovo željo po svobodi. Način izpovedi je Vj Cr 50 verz' s^ozi avstrijsko cenzuro. Ko smo Slo-^di *et' ta ideal dosegli, je takratni pevovodja s^adb0 GZ poto^> da je besedilo prekratko za samostojno 9o kjtj^ ^regorčičevim verzom smo takrat dodali svojo dru-pres0cjit ’ -i0 zdaj poje Korotan. Sami se prepričajte ter pUdi ^ Ce Smo usPelL 0cj^’ to pišem, v tukajšnji Metro bolnišnici. Na Se . a na romanje sem mu voščil srečno pot. Zarti-sliŠa|. ^ Za Pesrn' letošnjega koncerta, ki jih zdaj ne bo ^Pored Serh |e Q esrni se seveda nadaljuje. Z gornjimi primeri let°Šnji J0-1' na vsebine, ki jo je zbor pripravil za probie nCert’ ^ 22. maja, ob prvem ščipu lune. k Sv°je t' S'v°Vens* °- ^ r°jakov iz N Aspgjj4 smučarski Vz ’ Kolorado, Pen .Prišleka od/ ^da namreč pn '"fisti o nied smi b;everne Am, .e^, dokazov Po ! Svetovno. ^ega i Stični ana Pajboij eta je Aspt i"1 sPon aZeljeno S1 ,e*i J ‘n° središče 0btJao0d°llni Roari 'Vn ,S smučišči 2 8oo2atera je c fi pl010- in drug ^$te„ V °b robu S* šteje -d Satih °8atih ^ 2ato, Vp Cena , JVp 5tJev V.eč kot tet Žal’ kra ^ed rrr > "I'"« zabav; Varnimi jfi j vai, ? ^spen r jfČ JO' jel’ VJ’ kl jih Pofc p°nedel >0 pri] ^r?nVer ■ Yr,_,rnc C& »as i« >da ; NO Nrac Tor( Pije Use. N1 ki p0 6 • Va, V Floride po eden ali dva. Celotno je bilo 113 smučarjev in spremljevalcev. Naložili smo se na avtobuse v živžavu razgovorov s starimi in novimi prijatelji ter krenili proti mestu Aspen potom 1-70, ki se vije po soteski reke Kolorado in katerega del so gradili celih trideset let. Avtocesto smo zapustili v mestu Glenwood Springs, ki je svetovno znano po toplicah. Šofer je dobil direktivo, da se ne ustavljamo, sicer bi morda izgubili polovico starejših smučarjev. Kot prejšnja leta, smo tudi letos imeli idealne vremenske razmere. Sonce nas je opekal kot na plaži na Ažurni obali, in le spomladanski veter v višavah 12 tisoč čevljev nam je preprečil smučanje v kratkih hlačah. Kreme vseh vrst in moči smo si mazali po vseh soncu dostopnih delih, sicer bi ogoreli kot rak v vreli vodi. Vsako leto je nekdo prekorajžen in ogori kot žerjavica. MALI OGLASI Restavracija - Slovenska last - išče osebo s prijaznim odnosom do strank. Govoriti mora slovensko. Kličite 486-5545 (18-21) Do smučišča Snowmass, ki je del Aspen konglome-racije, in je dvanajst milj od mesta Aspen, nas je vozil avtobus. Jutranja pot nam je služila za popolno prebujanje, za pregled o-preme, za organiziranje žepov in samega sebe. Prvi dnevi na smučišču namreč zahtevajo prilagoditev telesa na tehnično pravilne kretnje, ponovno ugotovitev, da določene mišice še vedno obstojajo, kot tudi komunikacijsko vez, da se nepokorni deli telesa zopet u-porabijo. Redkejši zračni sloji pri dveh miljah nadmorske višine doprinesejo k globokemu dihanju, za dobavo kisika, kar utruja telo, predvsem nas starejše. Prvi dnevi smučanja predstavljajo resno delo. Široke planjave na smučišču Snowmass, lepote gora na horizontu, idealni sončni dan in občutek, da je telo končno v ritmu in dinamiki te varajo, da pozabiš na druge ljudi na terenu in tako brezskrbno zavijaš levo in desno, okoli dreves, hitro kot blisk se teren spreminja pred tabo. Tako sta dva brata smučala po hribu okoli drevesa, eden od leve in drugi od desne strani. Nenadoma treščita drug v drugega in vse je v snežnem oblaku. Trenutno je teren poln smučarske opreme in last- nika ne vesta, kaj se je zgodilo. K sreči je samo eden skupil udarec na ramo in rebra. Po večjih poizkusih sta si porazdelila opremo. Na splošno nas je Aspen presenetil s prijaznostjo u-službencev, v mestu kot na smučišču. Pri raznih vzpenjačah in na avtobusni postaji servirajo smučarjem pijačo, bodisi vroč jabolčni sok ali kako drugo pijačo, in prigrizek v obliki piškotov in podobno in to s smehljajem na obrazu. Kot vsako leto smo se tudi letos pomerili na dirkalni progi, tkim. “Nastar”. Dvakrat se zapodiš po strmini in daš vse od sebe, da bi čim preje prišel do cilja. Včasih damo toliko od sebe, da je treba opremo in sebe pobirat. Letos nas je kar precej dalo vse od sebe, smo pa v drugem teku vseeno zaslužili zlate, srebrne, bronaste in časovne kolajne. Tekmovalo nas je 75, starih in mladih, žensk in moških. Nagrade za prva tri mesta za moške in ženske je darovala Barbara Bulc, ki predstavlja podjetje Krka-New York. Hvala lepa, Barbara! (dalje na str. 14) “NASTAR” rezultati v veleslalomu Aspen/Snowmass, 8. aprila 1999 Najboljši od dveh tekov in starost tekmovalca odloči kakovost medalje. Rezultati vseh 75 tekmovalcev niso objavljeni. Skupni čas obeh tekov brez vpliva starosti celic odloči plasiranje. Najbolj zanimivi del tekmovanja so seveda padci nekaterih tekmovalcev, ki pa žal ne morejo biti opisani do živih podrobnosti, in nobeden ni vnaprej povedal, kdaj bo kdo padel, da bi ga ali njo lahko slikali. Taki so pač smučaiji! Ženske: 1. Nataša Šmonig, Wash., D.C.... 25.02+24.58=49.60 sek. 2. Luann Hallock, N.Y........... 25.47+25.44=50.91 sek. 3. Viki Kamin, N.Y.............. 25.84+25.73=51.57 sek. Moški: 1. Jordan Jan, N.Y.............. 23.85+24.24=48.09 sek. 2. Andy Stajan, Toronto, Kan.... 23.78+24.51=48.29 sek. 3. Greg Sodja, Syracuse, N.Y.... 24.20+24.11=48.31 sek. Mladi krščanski demokrati (MKD) Ljubljana Kongres MKD: izvoljeno novo vodstvo; za združitev SKD in SLS v krščansko-ljudsko stranko “Včeraj (8. maja, op. ur. AD; to sporočilo za javnost je bil pripravljen 9. maja) - pozno popoldne se je v Grosupljem končal 5. redni kongres Mladih krščanskih demokratov, ki so se ga udeležili predstavniki občinskih odborov MKD, dosedanje vodstvo MKD, kot gostje pa tudi predstavniki vodstva SKD. Na kongresu so delegati pregledali delo v preteklem mandatnem obdobju, dopolnili in spremenili statut podmladka ter spregovorili o delu in nalogah MKD v prihodnjem mandatu. Večina pobud prisotnih pa se je nanašala na nujnost začetka procesa tesnejšega sodelovanja z Mladimi SLS in kasneje tudi oblikovanja enotnega podmladka združene desnosredinske stranke. Oba podmladka naj bi tako pri tem procesu sledila materinskima strankama in bila hkrati v koraku s časom, v katerem se vse skupaj dogaja. Soglasno je bila sprejeta tudi resolucija o združevanju med SKD in SLS, v kateri pozdravljamo začetek pogovorov med vodstvoma obeh strank. Združitev sorodnih desnosredinskih političnih sil je namreč, po našem mnenju, nujna za razvoj mlade slovenske države in poglabljanje demokratičnih političnih vrednot. MKD opozarja, da bi bila nadaljnja razdeljenost desnosredinske politične scene škodljiva, saj se s tem le omogočža nadaljevanje vladavine postkomuni- V LJUBEČ SPOMIN EMIL M. ČERNE katerega je Bog poklical k sebi 15. maja 1995. Pri Bogu se zdaj raduješ, k nam na zemljo pogleduješ, mi pa prosimo Boga, da se v nebesih snidemo. Žalujoča družina, v Sloveniji: žena Nada, hčerka in sin ter vnuki in sestra Marija Žalujoči prijatelji: Lojzka Feguš; Hinko in Marija Zupančič; Janez in Mar|ja Zupan; Angela Bolha Cleveland, O., 13. maja 1999. stičnih sil, ki preprečujejo uveljavitev resničnih družbenih sprememb in Slovenije ne želijo pripeljati v družino evropskih narodov. Zato pozivamo vse odgovorne, da si prizadevajo za strnitev moči obeh strank, katerih usmeritev temelji na vrednotah, iz katerih je po vojni nastala nova demokratična Evropa, katere del mora nedvomno biti tudi Slovenija. MKD se obvezuje, da bo sotril vse, kar je v njegovi moči, da bi prišlo do združitve slovenskega desnosredinskega političnega prostora in posledično do oblikovanja krščansko-ljud-ske stranke, ki bi na političnem prizorišču postala stranka relativne večine in ki bi ponujala odgovore na številne izzive, s katerimi se bo morala soočiti slovenska država. Sicer pa je bilo na tem kongresu izvoljeno tudi novo. vodstvo MKD. Predsednik je postal Valentin Haj-dinjak (Ljubljana), podpredsednik Mitja Katavič (Koper), glavni tajnik Robert Ilc (Ljubljana), predsednica Sveta MKD pa je Petra Žiher (Gorišnica).” Skupna izjava... (nadaljevanje s str. 12) ryja s hrvaško in slovensko delegacijo ni zaslužil večje pozornosti. Nemara zato, kot v komentarju namiguje provladni Vjesnik, ker so ob Perryjevem posredovanju v Piranskem zalivu “najnovejši zapleti s Sveto Gero (Trdinovim vrhom) potisnjeni v senco”. Tako namreč Hrvatje razumejo slovenske odmeve na nedavno odločitev hrvaške vlade, ki je vojaški objekt na Trdinovem vrhu (Sveti Geri), “50 metrov znotraj hrvaškega ozemlja”, dodelila hrvaški planinski zvezi. Uradni Zagreb namreč motita razlagi slovenskega obrambnega ministrstva, da bodo slovenski vojaki ostali na Trdinovem vrhu, kjer varujejo le vojaški objekt in ne mejo, in zunanjega ministrstva, češ da se bo Trdinov vrh “urejal v sklopu pogajanj o celoviti rešitvi meje”. V hrvaških javnih občilih so ob skopem poročilu iz Washingtona po prvem sestanku Williama Perryja z obema delegacijama sicer poudarili, da njegovo misijo na Slovenskem podpirajo vse parlamentarne stranke - razen SNS Zmaga Jelinčiča. ■ Mnogi udeleženci smučarskega izleta v Aspen-Snowmass so tudi obiskali prijatelj3 Staneta Gerdin in ženo Friedo, ki živita v bližnjem Carbondalu, Colorado. Nastal je , ta posnetek. Pryeten obisk opisuje Metod Ilc v svojem dopisu v današnji AD. Smučarski izlet (nadaljevanje s str. 13) V upravi smučišča Snow-mass je naš rojak Victor Gerdin, sin Staneta in Friede Gerdin. Victor je tudi član PSIA Demo Team. (PSIA = Professional Ski Instructors of America) Victor nas je popeljal na dele gore, kjer mi sami nismo imeli interesa smučati. Vsi smo imeli občutek, da smo smučali vsaj stopnjo više v njegovi prisotnosti. Smo ponosni, da je naš rojak dosegel to častno mesto, posebno še, ker je nedavno z nami poučeval kot član šole pri tedanjem smučišču Mount Chalet, v Clevelandu. V četrtek zvečer smo stari znanci in tudi mladi obiskali Staneta in Friedo Gerdin na njihovem domu v Carbondale. Njihov dom leži ob reki Crystal, v ozadju pa nad njimi kraljuje čez 13 tisoč čevljev visoka gora, ki naj se imenuje Gerdinova gora, ker sem pravo ime pozabil. Lep spomin in opomba na naše gore. Tekom večera smo obujali spomine in zapeli ducat narodnih v radost nas vseh. Aktivnosti mlajših in njihovih nočnih potepanj ni tu nič opisano. Prvič, ker nas ne povabijo zraven, in drugič, ker so naša ostarela telesa potrebna več počitka - pa tudi zato, da so tarokisti imeli dovolj konkurence pri večernih igrah! Lepi časi hitro minejo. Naš smučarski izlet v Aspen je iztekel prehitro. Prišli in odšli smo zdravi. Padci so bili na splošno milostljivi. Hvala Bogu. Skoro bi pozabil na srake. Kadar pridemo, nas hitro opazi in pozdravi. Verjetno zato, ker je ptič že gmotno opazovan. V bodoče se oborožimo še z “reš-petinom”. Ivanu Kaminu, njegovi družini, in vsem, ki so doprinesli k uspehu izleta, gre zahvala nas vseh. Bogu hvala za tak vztrajen trud in uspeh. Na svidenje v Whistler Mountain v Britanski Kolumbiji, Kanada. Metod Ilc William Perry že maja v Ljubija11' Ljubljana (Delo, 8. maja) - William Perry, post61 dnik - - ■ • - - " • bo med Slovenijo in Hrvaško pri določanju morske meje, ^ obiskal Ljubljano in Zagreb konec maja, je na popold3^ tiskovni konferenci izjavil zunanji minister Boris Frlee informativnem sestanke slovenske in hrvaške še ni o’0-cm6' prvem, gacije z ameriškim posrednikom v Washingtonu goče govoriti o smeri iskanja dogovora, vendar Frlec nja poseganje po predlogih “zunaj konvencionalnih r®*1 Na Delovo vprašanje, kolikšen bi bil pomen mor6 ^ slovenske zavrnitve Perryjevega mnenja, je Frlec odg°v ^ da upa, da se to ne bo zgodilo. Na vprašanje, kdaj naJ , ameriški posrednik podal svoj odgovor, pa je minis*61^ vrnil, da Hrvaška že drsi v predvolilno obdobje im Je mogoč neobremenjen dialog le še maja. ^ Vladi v Ljubljani in Zagrebu se sami in v danih ^ datih ne moreta dogovoriti o poteku meje v 1’'raDuf0j|i zalivu, zato sta se za neobvezno, svetovalno mnenje o na nekdanjega ameriškega sekretarja za obrambo Wi Perryja. Profesor na univerzi Stanford, ki je sprejel P .|v( dniško vlogo ob soglasju State Departmenta, je P0„ ,„r ^ polno upoštevanje slovenskih stališč, je včeraj dejalSi do mednarodnih voda. Po ,e ^°se - menil, da Slovenija ne more biti prikrajšana ministrovem mnenju j“ jotev3' nje dogovarjanje pokazalo, da se vprašanj ni možno - j, ti po običajni poti, zato je treba poseči bodisi po re ^ so ki vključujejo veliko politične volje, bodisi po ^'"h neortodoksne. takih, ^ y, Bolno i tužno sječanje 6. obljetnice smrti na voljenog i dragog i nikad zaboravnog ni prež ŽaUe,,0g supruga. MIHO BUČKOVIC stisnuo svoje mile i drage oči 18. Mrtfa 1993- ne b Prošle su dragi več 6 teške i tužne godine; tuge i velike praznine, pune gorkih suza, k°je.e js1 ne prestaju teči. Tuga i bol za tobom, dragi^ iic |JKcai«iju icil* 1 Ugd 1 Ulil Zu lUIMJilij ** kao i onog dana, kada sem te izgubila. Sve ^r0i» s tobom, dragi. Sva moja radost, milost, sreča. nek • Ana Počivaj, dragi, u miru božjem. Svjetlost vjec ^ sveti. Bog predragi nek te primi. Srce P11^ srel' own. picuid^i iiciv ic pilim. theši nada da jedan put čemo biti opet skup kad čas življenja nam postane vječni. Tvoja za uvjek tužna soproga, Marija i ostala rodbina. Bučk<>v Cleveland, Ohio, 13. maja 1999. K ■ Sv V A sli b. S|( c«, ,Stj lo Hj Pr; Se Cl, St», i" 'o s s s Kanadska Domovina “Primorskem večeru” v Clevelandu to0n°N’ °nt- ~ v sob°-v ’ .7- aPrila- so se v Slona V™ naro^neiT> domu j Sr.v ' pa>rju v Clevelandu 3,1 kanadski in ameriški skJ51*1’ doma s Primor-, a- Bil je vsakoletni oJ°rski večer”, ki ga škfp'Zlra Slovensko ameri-landurim°rSki k'Ub V Cleve- Sl>i0veče2rt b°8ati in °kU' 2abi>vni 2 ’ V‘PaVSk' kapljid’ k« «eta orkestra Sta- je’ .. “pa . eiača, harmonikašev C*anpn ^ash’C iz okraja 'c' in .ln^ton v Pennsilvaniji, ut: \ijevskc^kvartcta ome' šitev’’ ■ebi«16 jfil Dl rednik kil to aak° reoemo, da je Ijiv ve^nkratcn >n nepozab- mčeno, veselico je 5? Primorski klub 'v 5f Pre leta 1954 ^ V. bePDa fa mordca dr. Sam ^ I,3’ k' je zaslovel fl J ^dMUVCI Naj; H^ov in televizijske V ,anke “The Fugi- ll*:^ da"' v ncdc|j0- %orCi ’ Srno sc kanadski V Ptaš Ude*eždi slovenske J%eet„V žuPn*j> Marije % . na Holmes i ^ti ° ie bilo videti in S ko so lepo 3tl°VePščinjtVC in prošnje v I t^kim ’ Cetudi z malce ^vcne„, nf8lasoni- Potjo »•^eval(fa Zb°ra Jc krasno 'c»o v tej krasni, aku- lo '° izreri J krasni’ aku- C je V derkVi’ Žal°St' Pr \ ’iudi , dejStvo’ da Je ^Pih ui . edno manj in 0Dr, °pi vedno več. Se poldnc . vSe tisto nedeljo so K^ianda''DSkupinc " ^ Pa(]e 1 onnsilvanije in k0;h:rečaic °b oku-^Sev m slovenskih %"V«e„S!;h,hannoni-i." S1 PridružV i SC k tudj ^Zl1 s klanne,-C'^tia E01 Kodarin iz kSč Jo ?ntario' Fantjc !taciia . tretja slovenska ko lc,ie- Na rZlJO s,ovonske C ittenuje^Hje. ka-Pre’ je nJlhovo dru- S’ft0t°sto aryl Valenčič S haVeOC,Sovoril: <*We Ven. a dny special wf "“W ■ dy. i c accept gUess that we ZGORAJ: Primorski Slovenci iz Kanade so se udeležili sv. maše pri Mariji Vnebovzeti na Holmes Ave. v nedeljo, 18. aprila. SPODAJ: Po maši so se podali v Sterletovo restavracijo na E. 55 cesti in se očitno kar dobro imeli. Na spodpji fotografiji sta harmonikaša Daryl in Frank J. Valenčič iz Pennsylvanye, pridružil se jima je klarinetist Edi Kodarin iz Hamiltona, Ontario. are društvo vseh Slovencev.” Našo skupino in zabavno avtobusno potovanje iz Toronta in Hamiltona je vodil Jože Kanalec, predsednik primorskega društva Simon Gregorčič. Med potovanjem je Edi Kodarin izpraznil vse svoje žepe, natlačene z gorečimi šalami,, predsednik Kanalec pa vse steklenice, napolnjene z dobro kapljico. Naše gospe so postregle z raznovrstnim domačim prigrizkom. Primorski fantje pa z zabavnim petjem. Ob vstopu v ZDA so nas Amerikanci vprašali, kam potujemo in za koliko časa? Odgovorili smo: To attend the Slovenian banquet in Cleveland. Prijazna uslužbenka, je rekla: “Have! a safe trip and enjoy your-1 selves.” Ob vrnitvi in vstopu nazaj v Kanado pa ni bilo videti nobenega kanadskega uslužbenca na meji. Na to je naš šofer izstopil iz avtobusa in odšel v pisarno. Ob vrnitvi na avtobus je dejal: “They asked me who do I have on the bus? I said: a full bus of singing Slovenians. Customs told me, OK, go ahead.” Nihče ni prišel ven iz pisarne, niti da bi na avtobus sploh pogledal. Potovanja in srečanja primorskih Slovencev v Ameriki in Kanadi se vrstijo že mnogo let, in upam, da se bo ta lepa povezava Slovenk in Slovencev nadaljevala še dolgo v naglo prihajajočem tisočletju. Stane Kranjc Kanadski slovenski kongres nadaljuje s svojim delom TORONTO, Ont. - Nov odbor Kanadskega slovenskega kongresa (KSK) se je po zelo uspelem občnem zboru zbral 14. aprila na prvo redno sejo z namenom oblikovati nov odbor in predvsem uskladiti delo za letošnje poslovno leto. Soglasno je bil sprejet predlog Jožeta Kastelica, da naj ostane odbor v istem sestavu kot je bil preteklo leto, samo, da se v izvršni odbor pridružita dr. Janez Vintar (zadolžen za arhivsko dejavnost in šolstvo) in ing. Tony Horvat (zadolžen za programsko dejavnost). Izvršni odbor sestavljajo prof. Jerry Ponikvar, predsednik sveta KSK; dr. France Habjan, predsednik izvršnega odbora; podpredsednika dr. Stane Bah in Carl Vegelj (komunikacije); Jožica Vegelj, tajnica; Stane Kranjc, blagajnik in povezovalec z drugimi organizacijami; in že omenjena dr. Janez Vintar in ing. Tony Horvat. Svet KSK sestavljajo: dr. Srečko Pregelj, Jože Kastelic, Rev. V. Batič, Ciril Soršak, dr. Anton Kačinik, Frank Osredkar, ing. Franc Rihar. Naj ob tej priliki omenimo, da se je prva razvojna stopnja programa med univerzama v Mariboru in McMaster University uspešno zaključila in da sta se profesorici iz Hamiltona Tamara Horton (B.A., MSW) in Eleanor Horton (B.A., B.Sc.N) nadvse zadovoljni vrnili. Po enotedenskem razgovoru v Mariboru s predstavniki Visoke zdravstvene šole in mariborske univerze, so soglasno prišli do zaključka, da se druga razvojna stopnja lahko prične že s 30. avgustom, ko bosta prišla v Hamilton dve višji medicinski sestri iz Maribora na 13-tedenski tečaj. Takoj ko sta se vrnili omenjeni profesorici, se je prof. Jerry Ponikvar z njima in s predstojnico Mohawk College’ Kate Kemp sestal in med štiriurnim pogovorom so oblikovali študijski program, ki bo obsegal akademsko in praktično gerontološko dejavnost. Glavni namen druge razvojne stopnje je, da bosta predstavnici iz Maribora sposobni sodelovati pri uresničitvi načrtovanega in sprejetega programa na sedežu Mohawk College. Velja pa ne tem mestu poudariti, da je omenjena programska zasnova KSK našla v Ljubljani v Uradu za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu veliko razumevanje in še več dobre volje, tu predvsem v osebi državne sekretarke Mihaele Logar. V tem uradu se zavedajo, da bo imel ta program veliko pomembnost ne samo za Visoko zdravstveno šolo v Mariboru, temveč tudi za nadaljnji razvoj gerontologi-je po starostnih domovih v Sloveniji. Kanadski slovenski kongres bo imel v drugi razvojni stopnji na skrbi vzporeditvene dejavnosti. Na seji je bilo tudi soglasno sklenjeno, da bo KSK dejavno sodeloval s SSK-RS pri organizaciji srečanja slovenskih gospodarstvenikov iz zamejstva in po svetu, ki bo letos jeseni v Sloveniji. Organizacijo sodelovanja je prevzel Stane Kranjc, dr. Tone Kačinik pa bo s SSK sodeloval pri organizaciji ponovnega srečanja slovenskih zdravnikov, ki bo septembra letos na Ptuju. Dr. Janez Vintar, zadolžen za zbiranje slovenskega arhiva prvih slovenskih naseljencev v Kanadi, naslavlja prošnjo na. vse tiste, ki so v posesti kakršnegakoli dokumenta, slike ali zapisa, da mu te posredujejo na naslov KSK v Torontu. Predsedniku parlamentarne komisije za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu Marjanu Schiffrerju je KSK odgovoril na pismo glede osnutka zakona za Slovence po svetu brez slovenskega državljanstva in se o predlogu tudi povoljno izjavil. KSK je svoje pomisleke že predhodno posredoval komisiji, ki je oblikovala zakonski predlog, in katere je tudi dobrohotno sprejela. KSK bo skušal ustreči želji mariborskim zdravnikom, ki se zanimajo za uporabljene zdravstvene a-parate iz ontarijski bolnišnic, katere nameravajo zapreti. Prošnja je bila že odposlana na ministrstvo za zdravstvo. KSK bo tudi sodeloval pri organizaciji gmotne pomoči misijonarju Danilu Lisjaku iz Ruande. Pomoč organizira slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija v Hamiltonu (koordinatorja Jožice Vegelj in Stane Kranjc). (dalje na str. 16) Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1280. Starejši bralci Ameriške Domovine se gotovo še spomnite, da je v Iranu delovala s. Cecilija Rode. Oglasila se je svoji sošolki Zalki Likozarjevi in med drugim tudi opisala svoje potovanje v Albanijo. Piše: “Draga Zalka! Ko sem se vrnila iz Albanije, sem našla Tvoje pismo z darom. Najlepša hvala, sem takoj oddala za begunce. Bila sem v Albaniji, da sem nesla pomoč sestram, ki delajo in pomagajo beguncem. Obiskala sem vse tri hiše, ki jih imamo v Albaniji, bila med begunci, malo pomagala; en dan sem rezala kruh, drugi lupila krompir in čebulo. Videla sem, da se v tej revni deželi dobi kar vsega, le denar moraš imeti. Ko sem bila tam, je sestra kupila 500 modrocev (penaste), a praktične. Koliko poniževanja so pretrpeli ti ljudje, ko so jih izganjali iz svojih hiš. Na meji so jim vzeli vse dokumente, jih strgali in sežgali. Tablice na avtu so jim odtrgali, da tako ne pripadajo nikomur. Vse se mi je znova predstavilo, kar smo mi prestali. Me usmiljenke imamo na Kosovem šest postojank. Sestre doma s Kosovega delajo po župnijah, poučujejo verouk, pomagajo ubogim v ambulantah. To so albanska dekleta, ki so se naučile slovensko, da so se lahko vzgajale v noviciatu in potem delale z našimi slovenskimi sestrami. Vseh albanskih sester je 44. Veliko trpimo z njimi te dni, kajti njihovi domači so bili izgnani iz njih domov v begunstvo... Lepo Te pozdravljam, v molitvi pred Marijo se Vas vseh spominjam, Tvoja Francka, s. Cecilija.” Po cerkvah so bile zanjo nedeljo nabirke za begunce s Kosova, če pa se še kdo oglasi s svojim darom, bomo poslali s. Ceciliji, da bo oddala naprej. S. Cecilija je rodna sestra ljubljanskega nadškofa dr. Franca Rodeta in se nahaja v Parizu z nalogo, da skrbi za sestre, ki delujejo v vzhodni Evropi. Oglasila se je karmeličanka s. Emanuela Frančiška Mari Celestinovi z vrsticami, kako so preživele veliko noč: “... Pri nas v samostanu smo še vedno v velikonočnem razpoloženju. Pri Bogu smo - pri Jezusu smo in srečne smo. Seveda vsaka ima pa svoj križ, ki jo oblikuje in si nabira zasluženje za mnogo duš. Za praznike sem imela veliko dela. Pri nas imamo vse obrede velikega tedna in velikonočna vigilija se začne ob 11. uri zvečer. Vstajenjsko procesijo smo imele ob pol dveh zjutraj. Tako, v Sori, Bog najprej vstane. Aleluja! Procesijo imamo po samostanskem hodniku v klavzuri. Nekaj po drugi uri imamo v obednici velikonočno voščilo in potem zajtrk: potičko, čaj, hren in še kakšne sladke dobrote. Ob pol treh gremo spat. Ob treh pa že v farni cerkvi na vso moč zvoni, ker ob štirih je vstajenjska procesija. Vsa fara pa ve, da smo šle me sestre spat, kajti, ko smo še me prepevale je fara spala in ko so oni z možnarji streljali, smo se me pokrile čez glavo in do sedmih spale. Tako, Bog nas ima rad in me Njega. Bodite srčno pozdravljeni, Vaša hvaležna s. Emauela Frančiška.” Kar zanimivo življenje imajo te sestre, ki so odšle iz sveta, svoje življenje pa oddale v božje roke, da bi reševale duše, ki se ne menijo za Boga in ne za duhovno življenje. Spomnimo se jih v naših molitvah, da bi ostale zveste svoji obljubi, da bodo le v Bogu iskale srečo in Ga iskreno ljubile. Lepo prosim, spomnite se tudi našega sodelavca Rudija Kneza, ki je bil v nesreči na romanju v Jeruzalemu. Pridružite se nam, ko prosimo svetniškega kandidata Friderika Baraga za ozdravljenje in srečno vrnitev med nas. Marica Lavriša 1004 Dillewood Rd., Cleveland, OH 44119 CERKEV NA TATRAH OBNAVLJAJO. Pred mesecem dni - 15. aprila _ sm0 Tu ie it objavili poročilo o obnavljanju cerkve na Tatrah. Odziv, kot slišimo, je bil dober, objavljen posnetek, ki kaže projekt v celoti. Za več informacij in za pošiljanje darov _ vedno sodeluje ga. Vera Udovič, 1718 Drenik Dr., Wickliffe, OH 44092-1510. P°navlJ^ tudi, da je ga. Udovič predlagala, naj bodo čeki na njeno ime, ob koncu nabirke imena darovalcev objavljena v tem listu. Njena telefonska številka je: 440-944-8007. KOLEDAR društvenih prireditev MAJ 16. - Slovenska šola pri Mariji Vnebovzeti priredi materinsko proslavo po sv. maši ob 10. uri. 22. - Pevski zbor Korotan poda svoj vsakoletni koncert v SND na St. Clair Ave. Pričetek ob 7. uri zv. Igra ansambel Staneta Mejača. 30. - Društvo SPB prireja spominsko sv. mašo pri Lurški Materi božji na Chardon Rd. Pričetek ob 12. uri opoldne. 31. SKD Triglav, Milwaukee, prireja Spominski dan piknik na Parku Triglav. 11. - Misijonska Znam-karska Akcija ima piknik na Slovenski pristavi. Začetek s sv. mašo ob 12. uri. 14. - Klub upokojencev na Holmes Ave. ima piknik na farmi VFW na White Rd., od 12. do 6. zv. 18. - Veselica župnije Sv. Vida. 25. - MZA Milwaukee prireja Misijonski piknik, na Triglavskem parku. 25. - Slovenska šola pri Sv. Vidu prireja piknik na Slovenski pristavi. AVGUST 18. - Federacija skih upokojenskih ^ ima letni piknik n3 jd farmi na Heath Rd- ob Ih pop., sledi pik3*^' 1. - Letni piknik Kluba upokojencev Slovenske pristave. 22. - SKD Trigl3V' waukee, priredi drugi P1 na Triglavskem parku. 28. - Pevski zbof * tan priredi vrtno vese ic Slovenski pristavi. ^aw6j igra ansambel Staneta ča. NOVI GROBOM (nadaljevanje s str- ^ Jennie Ivana Vidr'*1 .. i# Dne 6. maja Je 89 let stara Jennie \4 Sl«' Vidrih, rojena Jereb ^ ^ JUNIJ 6. - Otvoritev Slovenske pristave. 19., 20. - Tabor DSPB priredi Spominsko proslavo, na Slovenski pristavi. 27. -- Piknik Ohijske federacije KSKJ društev. 27. - SKD Triglav, Milwaukee, ima svoj prvi piknik na Triglavskem parku. 8. - Veselica Primorskega kluba. 15. .- Poletni piknik župnije Marije Vnebovzete na Slovenski pristavi. Sv. maša ob 12. opoldne, sledi kosilo, za ples igrajo Veseli Godci. veniji, v ZDA priš'3 žino pred 86 leti- ■ jpi'j leta živela v slovensk1^ |, pnosti St. Clair, bil3 ^ 1988 aktivna * sv. Vidu, od 1. 1^41 J> pokojitve 1. 1974 3^ i in vodila grocerij0 v# 61 St. in Bonna Av®:’ ^ m3P va po Antonu, JULIJ 3. - Piknik Balincarskega kluba SP. Progressive Slovene Women of America proudly offers the Fourth Edition of Joseph L. Treasured Slovenian and FORTUNA International Recipes POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. Name Cleveland, Ohio Tel. 216-641-0046 Address Moderni pogrebni zavod. City/State/Zip Ambulanca na razpolago Number ordered ($15.00 + $3. S/H each book) podnevi in ponoči. (in U.S. Dollars) Make checks payable to “PSWA COOKBOOK” Mail CENE NIZKE 15335 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland, OH 44110 PO VAŠI ŽELJI! Kanadski slovenski kongres (KSK) (nadaljevanje s str. 15) Na seji je bil tudi soglasno sprejet predlog, da se pošlje predsedniku kanadske vlade izjavo glede pomoči brezdomcem iz Kosova in da se skuša čimpreje ustvariti mir na Kosovu. Izjavo pripravita prof. Jerry Ponikvar ter dr. F. Habjan. Dr. Tone Kačinik in dr. F. Habjan bosta pripravila seznam slovenskih zdravnikov v Kanadi in istega odposlala potem odboru, ki pripravlja srečanje slovenskih zdravnikov po svetu in iz Slovenije. KSK ima v teku zelo važen projekt, ki je povezan s svetovnimi organizacijami. Ko bomo izvedeli za izid, ga bomo tudi objavili in to v bližnji prihodnosti. F.H. dred Vidrih in P1 sestra Frcd-a in 6(ji • nnart. Pogrebni ° Oj bili 8. maja v Akf°0 Joseph Boz'c ^ / Dne 10. maja je jem domu V Ches umrl 77 let stari. ^ Božic, ki je v mlaj1 M živel v naselbini jj) j leta 1956 pa se Pr p() Chesterland, v(J<)VC)uv 1991 umrli Vor^ h Pozy, Z3nj žalTnn ^ Steve in sestra _ Pj del, brat Frank jc zaposlen do tve 1. 1984 prl f Steel and Forge ■ v i 1 oskrbi ] O. Pogreb bo Co^ tek, v oskrm ^ zavoda s sv. ma lOh v cerkvi St. ^0f Chesterlandu — kop: na Vernih duš P^Q Ure kropljenja ^ ^ A pop. od 2. d0 7. do 9.