COBISS: 1.08 Agris category code: L10 A CLASSICAL QTL SCAN SUPPORTS THE COMPLEXITY OF THE GENETIC BASIS OF COAT COLOUR IN PIG Ana I. FERNÁNDEZ Carmen RODRÍGUEZ Carmen BARRAGÁN Yolanda NUÑEZ Almudena FERNÁNDEZ Cristina ÓVILO Armand SÁNCHEZ 2, Jose Luis NOGUERA 3, Luis SILIÓ 1 ABSTRACT Although an important progress on the pig coat colour genetics has been experienced during recent years, the genetic basis of this trait has not been completely clarified. The aim of the present study was to identify chromosomal regions with effects on coat colour extension and to examine the effects of relevant colour genes in F2 pigs of a Black Iberian x Landrace experimental population. The QTL scan has allowed us to detect two genome-wide significant QTLs on SSC6 and SSC8, six chromosome-wide significant QTLs on SSC1, SSC7, SSC9, SSC12, SSC13 and SSC17 and one suggestive QTL on SSC15. In addition, MC1R, OCA2 and KIT genes have been investigated. The results point out that the KIT gene is the main responsible of the coat colour extension and MC1R also plays a major role. However, other loci seem to have significant effects on the determination of this trait. Key words: coat colour pattern / QTL / KIT / MC1R / pig 1 introduction In the processes of pig domestication and selection the coat colour patterns were crucial, providing phe-notypic patterns characteristic of breeds and varieties (Legault, 1998). Currently, the coat colour is an important trait in pig production since there are still preferences for specific colour patterns from the consumer and breeders. There isa large number of coat colours in pig, from white, such as it appears in Landrace or Large White, different shades of red and blond, as in Red Mangalitza or Red Iberian pigs, to black, as in Large Black or Black Iberian pigs. Additionally, several colour patterns can be also found, including uniform colour over the whole coat and different types of spotted and belted patterns. An important progress on the pig coat colour genetics has been experienced during recent years. In fact, several causal mutations of colour and colour pattern variants have been identified in pigs. The Melanocortin receptor 1 (MC1R), also known as Extension locus, and v-kit Hardy-Zucker- man 4 feline sarcoma viral oncogene homolog (KIT), also known as I locus, are considered the key genes of the coat colour variations. In pig, at least six different MC1R alleles have been described, which correspond to four Extension alleles: wilt type (E+), dominant black (Ed), spotted (EP) and red (e) (Kijas et al., 1998; Giuffra et al, 2000). Furthermore, six different alleles, at least, have also been identified for the KIT gene (Kijas et al., 2001; Rubin et al., 2012), which correspond to four I alleles: recessive allele (i), black spots (Ip), belt (IBe) and dominant white (I). However, several other genes participate in the colour determination (Cieslak et al., 2011). Moreover, interactions among coat colour genes have been revealed as important part in the pigmentation process of pig coat (Marklund et al., 1998, Hirooka et al., 2002). The aim of the present study was to identify the genes and causal mutations responsible of the coat colour extension in a Black Iberian x Landrace experimental population. For this purpose, a QTL scan was conducted in order to identify the chromosomal regions with effects on this trait 1 Dpto. Mejora Genética Animal. INIA, 28040, Madrid, Spain, email: 2 Departamento de Genética Animal, Centro de Investigación en Agrigenómica (CSIC-IRTA-UAB-UB), Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, Spain 3 IRTA, Genética y Mejora Animal, 25198 Lleida, Spain and subsequent analyses of underlying colour genes have been performed. 2 MATERIAL AND METHODS 2.1 ANIMALS AND COAT COLOUR Phenotypic data for coat colour extension were registered on the F2 pigs of a Black Hairless Iberian (Guady-erbas) x Landrace experimental cross (IBMAP). The phenotypes for 127 F2 pigs were scored by splitting the animal body in four parts (Fig. 1a) and applying a four-digit coding system to each of four parts (0-1-2-3). The 0 digit indicates no pigmentation (completely white), the 1 and 2 digits were used for marks or spots and the 3 digit was used for entirely pigmented (completely black or red). The sum of the four scored parts provided the final phenotypic register, ranging from 0 to 12. The phe-notype distribution across the F2 pigs (n = 127) is shown in Fig. 1b. 2.2 MARKERS GENOTYPING AND STATISTICAL ANALYSES The F2 animals, their ancestors from F1 and the parental populations, Landrace and Black Hairless Iberian (Guadyerbas) purebreds, were genotyped for 114 microsatellites and 17 SNPs distributed along autosomes. The marker information and linkage maps were used in previous studies on the same animal material (Estelle et al., 2008). The QTL scan was performed in intervals of 1 cM, testing by LR tests a full model fitting additive and dominant QTL effects besides of a gender systematic effect and a polygenic random effect versus a reduced model without QTL effects. All the statistical analyses were performed using the Qxpak v.5.2 software (Perez-Enciso and Misztal 2011). Genome and chromosome significance thresholds at 5% and 10% were calculated using the procedure described by Nezer et al. (2002). The 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the QTLs were calculated according to Mangin et al. (1994). 2.3 MC1R, OCA2 AND KIT POLYMORPHISM GENOTYPING AND ASSOCIATION ANALYSIS Polymorphisms on the MC1R (nt67insCC), OCA2 (nt2039G>C) and KIT (gene duplication-DUP1 and in-tron 17 splice mutation) genes were genotyped in the 127 F2 and ancestors according to previously reported protocols (Fernández, 2003; Fernández et al., 2006; Fontanesi et al., 2010). Association analyses were carried out using an animal model. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The experimental population analyzed in the present study, a F2 intercross between Guadyerbas and Landrace lines, constitutes a great animal material for the study of the coat colour genetic basis. The Guadyerbas strain corresponds to an ancient Iberian pig variety completely black and hairless, which has been maintained as a closed herd since 1945 at 'El Deheson del Encinar' (Oropesa, Toledo, Spain). By contrast, the Landrace lean line proceeds from a widely used European breed, characterized by its white coat colour. The cross of both pig breeds has allowed us to obtain many colour patterns. The QTL scan has allowed us to detect two genome-wide significant QTL regions on SSC6 and SSC8, six chromosome-wide significant QTL regions on SSC1, a) Finnl b) « 30 -= Ii i « O IJ t 10 m I 5 Il I..I 0 Ñr.ii r-1 S- íirr-1 ! 2 i i i T t » 10 1! Iî Final-Srort Figure 1: Phenotypic scoring for coat colour patterns in 127 F2 pigs, a) Illustration of colour pattern scoring method, b) Number of animals displaying each final phenotypic score Table 1: Significant results of the QTL scan for coat colour patterns conducted with phenotypic and genotypic data from 83 F2 pigs and their ancestors SSC Position (CI) (cM) LR P-value a (SE) d (SE) Genome wide significant QTL (5%) 6 1 (1-2) 13.69 8 60 (58-63) 82.57 Chromosome wide significant QTL (5%) 1 56 (51-58) 7.57 7 75 (72-84) 10.75 9 96 (79-124) 9.33 12 37 (29-76) 10.25 13 97 (85-112) 12.29 17 1 (1-10) 8.78 Chromosome wide suggestive QTL (10%) 15 39 (27-52) 6.93 0.22 x 10-3 <1 x 10-16 0.59 x 10-2 0.10 x 10-2 0.14 x 10-2 0.14 x 10-2 0.45 x 10-3 0.30 x 10-2 0.85 x 10-2 2.20 (0.65) 5.32 (0.46) 1.89 (0.74) -1.88 (0.68) 2.79 (0.89) -1.29 (0.63) -3.37 (0.66) -2.85(1.29) 3.19 (1.12) -2.20 (0.89) SSC7, SSC9, SSC12, SSC13 and SSC17 and one suggestive QTL region on SSC15 (Table 1). The most significant result was found on SSC8, with huge additive and dominant effects (Table 1). This region, 58-63 cM, corresponds approximately to a physical distance of 10-72 Mb, according to the microsatellites flanking the QTL region. As expected, this region includes KIT gene (43.55 Mb), considered main responsible of melanocytes survival and distribution. The second most significant QTL was identified on SSC6 and also revealed an important additive effect. This QTL maps at the beginning of the chromosome and overlaps with the MC1R gene position at 0.25 Mb. These results support the key role of both genes on determining coat colour. Interestingly, in spite of the limited number of animals, other QTL regions identified on SSC7, SSC13 and SSC17 revealed also important effects, proving the complex genetic architecture of this trait. Several of the regions here identified overlap with known colour genes. The tyrosinase-related protein 1 (TYRP1) gene codes for a melanosomal enzyme that plays a known role in mammalian pigmentation (Javerzat and Jackson, 1998), and it maps at 233.66 Mb on SSC1, close to the QTL detected on this chromosome (62-210 Mb). The microphthalmia associated transcription factor (MITF) gene codes for a transcription factor responsible for pigment cell-specific transcription of the melanogenesis enzyme genes. Moreover, it has been studied as candidate to be responsible of porcine melanoma (Bourneuf et al., 2011). This gene maps at 56.59 Mb on SSC13, also close to the QTL region on that chromosome (58-194 Mb). Finally, the Oculocutaneous albinism II (OCA2) gene, which codes for integral membrane protein involved in tyrosine transport, a precursor of melanin, has been previously associated to pigment dilution in pigs (Fernández et al., 2006). This gene maps at 63.92 Mb on SSC15, within the confidence interval of the suggestive QTL identified on this chromosome. In addition, three coat colour genes have been investigated: MC1R, OCA2 and KIT. Two MC1R alleles appear segregating in the IBMAP population: Guadyerbas pigs carry the MC1R*3 allele and Landrace carry the MC1R*6 allele (allelic discrimination was performed based on the indel: nt67insCC, MAF = 0.41). Association analysis revealed significant association of MC1R on coat colour extension (additive effect = 1.73 ± 0.55; P-value = 0.0018), showing that MC1R seems to be the responsible of the QTL effect previously detected. Even more, these results support the hypothesis that MC1R has a role not only in coat colour but also in the colour pattern determination. One of the polymorphisms identified on OCA2 gene (Fernández et al., 2006) was genotyped in the IBMAP population (nt2039G>C, MAF = 0.17). The association analysis did not show any significant association, stating that the analyzed mutation is not responsible of the suggestive QTL effect. Finally, we have analyzed two of the most relevant polymorphisms of the KIT gene (gene duplication-DUP1 and intron 17 splice mutation). Both polymorphisms appear segregating in the IBMAP population: Guadyerbas pigs carry the wild KIT allele (one copy of the gene and no mutation in intron 17), while Landrace pigs carry three different haplotypes: one copy of the gene and no mutation in intron 17, gene duplication and no mutation in intron 17, and gene duplication and mutation in intron 17. A linkage map was built with KIT gene duplication polymorphism in order to confirm its localization. The result validated KIT position between Swr110 and S0017, flanking markers of the QTL. However the determination of the haplotypes was not clear for all the individuals and association analysis could not be conducted. In fact, it has recently been published that the allelic forms of this gene are even more complex than stated up to now, three new duplications of gene segments (DUP2, 3 and 4) provide new alleles responsible of the white, belted and spotted phenotypes (Rubin et al., 2012). Further studies are being conducted in order to identify specific KIT alleles segregating in this material. The results of this study point out that the KIT gene is the main responsible of the coat colour pattern but MC1R also plays a major role in colour extension. 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