Rgzprove in grgdivo liub1jono 1999 , sl. 34 5 UVODNIK Veseli nas, da smo koncno uspeli uresniCiti prizadevanja, da bosta v letniku 1999 izsli dye stevilki Razprav in grad iva, ki jih kot svojo znanstveno revijo in hkrati osrednjo slovensko revijo na podrocju etnicnih in manjsinskih studij izda- ja Institut za narodnostna vpraSanja. Tokrat je pred varni posebna tematska stevilka, ki pomeni pomembno izdajo zgodovinskih virov 0 vlogi slovenskih izse\jencev v Zdruienih ameriskih driavah v procesu osamosvajanja Republike Siovenije. Uvodna studija prof. dr. Matjaia KlemenCica predstavlja, kako so slovenski izse\jenci v ZOA poskusali vplivati na javno mnenje in na posamezne nosilce ameriSke notranje in zunanje politike, da bi v procesu osamosvajanja Siovenije priznali njeno samostojnost in neodvisnost. Prizadevanja in delovanje izseljencev v tern casu kaiejo, kako je v pre\omnih trenutkih mogoCa precejsn- ja enotnost v izseljenski skupnosti in sozvocje te skupnosti z interesi in prizade- vanji _stare domovine,1( Ta objava zgodovinskih virov je rezultat ciljnega razisko- valnega projekta, ki ga je sofinanciralo Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve. Gradivo je za objavo pripravil nosilec projekta dr. Matjai Klemencic v sode\ovanju z raziskovalcem Instituta za narodnostna vprasanja Samom Kristenom. Poleg tega je v tej stevilki objavljena tudi bibliografija nekdanjega direktorja Instituta za narodnostna vprasanja dr. Janko Jerija, ki je pred nedavnim slavil svojo sedemdesetletnico. V njegovem bogatem opusu kaze zlasti omeniti proucevanje problematike slovenske manjsine v Italiji, londonskega memoran- duma in odnosov med Republiko Italijo takratno jugoslovansko federacijo. Z objavo te bibliografije smo zaceli uresnicevati nas nacn, da bi postopoma objav- iii tudi bibliografije drugih pomembnejsih slovenskih znanstvenikov, ki so bili sodelavci Instituta za narodnostna vprasanja. Ta prizadevanja obenem pomeni- jo ze tudi zacetek obe\eZevanja jubileja instituta, ki bo leta 2000 praznoval petinsedemdeset let svojega obstoja. dr. Mitja Zagar 6 Introduction INTRODUCTION We are pleased that our endeavours to publish two issues of Razprave in gradivo/Treatises and Documents per year have finally been successful in 1999. The journal is published by the Institute for Ethnic Studies as its scientific jour- nal, being at the same time the central Slovene journal in the field of ethnic and minority studies. The present issue is a special topic issue, representing an important edition of historical sources concerning the role of Slovene emi- grants in the United States of America during the process of struggle for inde- pendence of the Republic of Slovenia. The introductory article by Dr. Matjaz Klemencic presents the ways in which Slovene emigrants in the USA attempted to influence the public opinion, as well as individual personalities with impor- tant functions in American domestic and foreign affairs, to grant Slovenia its autonomy and independence. The emigrants' endeavours and activities at that time prove that at crucial moments considerable unity is possible within the emigrant community, together with its accord with the interests and efforts of the »old country'. The pUblishing of these historical sources is the result of the target research project co-financed by the Ministry for Internal Affairs. The materials have been prepared for publishing by Dr. Matjaz KlemenCic, in co- operation with Samo Kristen, the research fellow at the Institute for Ethnic Studies. Apart from these materials, the present issue also brings the bibliography of the one-time director of the Institute for Ethnic Studies, Dr. Janko Jeri, on the occasion of his recently celebrated seventieth anniversary. Within his rich opus, particularly worth mentioning are the study of issues concerning the Slovene minority in italy, the London Memorandum, and the relations between the Italian Republic and the then Yugoslav federation. With the publishing of this bibliography we are beginning to fulfil our plan to gradually publish bibliogra- phies of other important Slovene scientists who have once co-operated with the Institute for Ethnic Studies. These endeavours are at the same time an introduc- tion to the celebration of the Institute's jubilee in 2000, when the 75th anniver- sary of its foundation will take place. Dr. Mitja Zagar