110 Tanja Petrovič 1 AI and Empathy: The Possibility of Reciprocal Human-Robot Empathic Interaction (HRI) – Some Experiences from Socially Assistive Robots (SARs) in Elderly Care Abstract: Empathy is a vital part of human relationships. It re- mains a challenging concept with inconsistent measurement tools, yet widely accepted as an important factor for interpersonal inter - actions in healthcare. With robot development novel types of rela - tionship emerge. The key question is whether there is a possibility of the existence of empathic Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), as a reciprocal quality of human empathy vs. artificial empathy. Further - more, we aim to discover its specificities, with regard to a substan- tial eeriness in this domain. Socially Assistive Robots (SARs), designed for Aged-Care Set- tings, face an increased usage due to a pressing need for care for the elderly in a modern society. Because we as humans tend to regularly establish relationships and anthropomorphise objects, among them also robots, a wide range of challenges arise. Discuss- ing empathy in HRI requires a shift in human perspective, as only scarce traces of the concept are detected. While a key perspective on empathy is caring for the other person, empathy in HRI does have a conceptual potential. The paper challenges the anthropo- 1 Tanja Petrovič (MPhil) is a doctoral student of Humanities at AMEU – ISH. / Mag. Tanja Petrovič je doktorska študentka na študiju Humanis- tika, AMEU – ISH. E-pošta: tanjapet682@gmail.com. Monitor ISH (2021), XXIII/1, 110–134 Izvirni znanstveni članek Original scientific article 111 AI and Empathy: The possibility of reciprocal Human-Robot Empathic Interaction (HRI) – some experiences from Socially Assistive Robots (SARs) in Aged-Care centric attempt to define empathic and ethical benchmark for HRI, with a request to exclude our own negative personal and societal aspects from programing an algorithm, when dealing with human vulnerability and rights. Key Words: Empathy, HRI, Artificial Empathy, Socially Assistive Robots (SARs), Elderly Care, Artificial Carers, Ethics Umetna inteligenca in empatija: možnosti recipročne empatične interakcije med človekom in robotom - neka- tere izkušnje z roboti za oskrbo starejših Izvleček: Empatija je vitalen del medčloveških odnosov. Čeprav ostaja raziskovalni izziv zaradi nekonsistentnega merjenja in od- sotnosti skupne definicije, je široko sprejeta kot ključen dejavnik medosebnih odnosov v zdravstvu. Z razvojem robotike so se po- javili novi tipi razmerij. Bistveno vprašanje je, ali obstajajo mož - nosti vznika empatične interakcije med človekom in robotom kot recipročne kvalitete v pogojih, ko se srečata človeška empatija in umetna empatija pri robotu, ob upoštevanju občutka znatnega ne- lagodja človeka pri interakciji z algoritmom. Roboti za oskrbo (SAR) starostnikov se hitro razvijajo zaradi ve- likih tovrstnih potreb v moderni družbi. Ker ljudje venomer tvorimo medosebne odnose in lepimo naše lastnosti na objekte, tudi robote, se pri tem zastavlja več vprašanj. Raziskovanje empatije pri interak- ciji med človekom in robotom zahteva človekovo sposobnost spre- membe lastne perspektive, saj je možno najti le redke sledi resnične- ga, celovitega empatičnega odnosa glede na medosebno interakcijo. Ker empatija vključuje skrb za drugega, menimo, da je v skrbi robota za starejšega drugega možno zaslediti njen konceptualni potencial. Nadalje v članku problematiziramo antropocentričen poskus defini- ranja empatičnega in etičnega standarda za interakcijo med člove- 112 Tanja Petrovič kom in robotom, ter v tem oziru pozivamo k izključitvi številnih ne- gativnih osebnih in družbenih vidikov iz programiranja algoritma, ki se bo soočal s človeško ranljivostjo in pravicami. Ključne besede: empatija, interakcija med človekom in robotom, umetna empatija, roboti za oskrbo, oskrba starejših, umetni skrbni- ki, etika »A computer would deserve to be called intelligent if it could de- ceive a human into believing that it was human.« (Turing 2021) “One day ladies will take their computers for walks in the park and tell each other, „My little computer said such a funny thing this morning“.« (Turing 2021) Introduction Empathy is considered predominantly as a phenomenon of inter - personal, human to human connection. By origin, it stems from the Aesthetic tradition from the beginning of the 20 th Century. The- odor Lipps, a German philosopher and aesthetician, fundamen- tally refers to it as a »projection of oneself into the object of per - ception.« (Encyclopedia Britannica 2021, Wispé 1987). Empathy as »feeling into« an artistic object in its initial stage, and notably into fictional characters in film and literature latter on, is however, still an important aspect nowadays. Nevertheless, a current perspective on empathy, particularly in Healthcare and behavioural sciences, installs it as an integral part of interpersonal relationships. Having in mind the possibility concerning a relationship of a human with an object, which is a robot, exposes the concept of empathy to a novel type of relation, switching from core intersubjectivity into other forms of connections, as well as it challenges an idea of its prospects and a possible role of empathy within. 113 AI and Empathy: The possibility of reciprocal Human-Robot Empathic Interaction (HRI) – some experiences from Socially Assistive Robots (SARs) in Aged-Care As a type of social emotion, it contributes to the feeling of inclu- sion into a certain social group (Asada 2015), which is among the fundamental human needs. With its important, evolutionary roots (de Waal 2008, Schultz 2019) it has got significant implications for the functioning of an individual in the society for centuries. Succes- sful human bonding is linked to a feeling of acceptance, warmth, affiliation and safety. Empathy can result in pro-social behaviour (Batson 1991). On the contrary, its shadow aspects evoke the pos- sibility of anti-social behaviour, which could result in an unhelpful or hostile attitude, a sensation of happiness seeing someone suffe- ring, e.g. »Schadenfreude« (Gonzalez-Liencresa et al. 2013). Failing to control an inflow of our own emotions (personal distress), we could turn our face away from the person in need, thus alleviating our own suffering in the first row (Coplan 2011, Kupfer 2018). A wide range of phenomena are related to empathy. Accord- ing to recent research findings we attempt to distinguish among them, although they are at least slightly interconnected and possibly occur during interactions interchangeably. Sympathy is a form of emotional contagion on a basic level with quicker, automatic, unconscious processes of sharing other‘s emotions, such as sadness, joy, love. It typically leads to a feeling of one- ness in the emotional situation, and to an immersion into the feeling or emotion of another person. On the contrary, empathy maintains clear self–other differentiation 2 and is grounded on 2 De Waal explains self-other differentiation as the developmental pro- cess in light of ethology, animal studies (de Wall 2008). Self-other dis- crimination span increases from mere emotional contagion, through affective empathy, further with cognitive empathy and compassion. Dif- ference between I and you increases with diminished role of emotion and unconscious elements (lower level) in favour of cognitive and conscious (higher-level), on the scale. (Asada 2015, 43). 114 Tanja Petrovič affect-sharing (Decety in Meltzoff 2011, 68), but it also involves higher cognitive processes (Klimecki in Singer, 2013). Com- passion results from empathising with a positive outcome for the person in need. It is considered as an active principle in an attempt to alleviate the suffering of the others. In Healthcare, compassion is better valued than empathy. 3 Due to the lack of a common definition framework for empathy, which is partly result of an interdisciplinary approach to the phe- nomenon from different scientific fields, empathy is rather defined as an umbrella term, and encompasses a wide range of other expe- riences, for instance: sharing feelings, beliefs, thoughts, and emo- tions of the others, caring for them, perspective-taking, immitation, mirroring, social bonding, and others (Coplan 2011). Empathy is embodied. A flagship of research is conducted on social cognition in the human brain. Empathy for pain (Singer et al. 2004), empathy for touch, as well as its sub-components, namely its cognitive and affective route, which are functioning as two distinct systems of empathy in the brain (Shamay-Tsoory et al. 2009), are part of re- cent findings in social neuroscience. Discovery of mirror neurons in some animals, initially in ventral premotor and parietal corti- ces of macaque monkey (Gallese et al. 1996), and subsequently in human brain, contributed fundamentally to the field of empathy and philosophical thought in the end of 20 th Century. 4 In focus of 3 In Healthcare, empathy sometimes does not have a positive connotation due to its shadow side and neutrality (empathy as gathering information about the other human, without taking action to help the person in need). 4 Discovery of Mirror Neuron System (MNS) at the beginning of 90s (a discovery of motor neurons that fire when we observe action of the other person as well as when we perform action by ourselves), had a significant influence on numerous disciplines, a cognitive science, philosophy, psy - chology, ethology, and also literature. (Fadigga in Rizzolati 2014). »The MNS seems closely related to motor mimicry because it recognizes an 115 AI and Empathy: The possibility of reciprocal Human-Robot Empathic Interaction (HRI) – some experiences from Socially Assistive Robots (SARs) in Aged-Care contemporary and future empathy research (Shamay-Tsoory in Lamm 2018) are psychopathologies, where empathy deficit can be expressed as a behavioural problem of biological and/or situation- al origin. However, measuring empathy, which is a fluent category is an ambiguous attempt. It depends on numerous scales, measuring individual differences, based on subjective assessments, yet often self- assessments. Most widely used are the Jefferson scale, with its subscales for Medical and Healthcare professions (Jefferson Scale 2021), the Davis‘ Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) (Davis 1980) and the Empathy Quotient (EQ) (Baron-Cohen in Wheel- wright 2004). Scales can be used alongside functional Magnetic Resonance for human brain imaging (fMRI). For the assessment of patient‘s satisfaction with received empathy from their practi- tioner, the wide spread measure is the Consultation and Relational Empathy Measure (CARE) (Mercer et al. 2004). Empathy basically enables a bridge into the inner world of the other person, and it can be approached from two different sides, as a process or as a result. Predominant theories of empathy come from the fields of Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind (Schm- etkamp 2020), and include Mirror Neurons or Resonance Theory (Gallese 2001), the Theory Theory (Fodor 1987, Gopnik in Wellman 1994), Simulation Theory (de Vignemont in Jacob 2012, Goldman 2006, 2011; Stueber 2006), Direct Perception Theory (Zahavi 2011), Interaction Theory (Gallagher 2008, 2017) and Narrativity Theo- ry (Gallagher in Hutto 2008), or a combination of some of them. action performed by another and produces the same action, which is re- ferred to as motor resonance that could induce emotional contagion. Fur - thermore, this relates to self-other discrimination, action understanding, joint attention, imitation, and theory of mind.« (Asada 2015, 44). Mirror neurons are a basis for immitiation process (and learning). 116 Tanja Petrovič Additionally, from the neuroscientific perspective, a fundamental division of empathy into its cognitive and affective route in the brain has been discovered recently (Shamay-Tsoory et al. 2009). 5 Nevertheless, there‘s no strict dichotomy of emotional vs. cogni- tive (Pessoa 2013), as different brain area are functionaly ovelap- ping (Thirioux et al. 2014, 288-289). In an attempt to apply an universal theory on empathy, ethol- ogists Frans de Waal and Stephanie Preston introduced a layered approach, starting from basic, core component, the so-called emo- tional contagion, up to the more external layers, involving higher cognitive processes in a similar structure to a Russian doll 6 (Pres- ton in de Wall 2002). Frederique de Vignemont and Tania Singer, on the other hand, proposed a contextual, an appraisal approach, and emphasized isomorphism of emotion sharing (De Vignemont in Singer 2006). Isomorphism condition requires, that the empa - thizer and the target are in at least similar affective state, although there is still an ongoing debate whether this is a neccesary precon- dition for empathy or not (Goldman 2011, Coplan 2011). Artificial Empathy (AE) In pursuit to predict human inner state throughout observation of person‘s behaviour, posture, facial expressions and speech by the robot, 7 we are talking about artificial empathy. It indicates a robot 5 Shamay-Tsoory and colleagues found that »/…/patients with lessions in ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC) exhibits deficits in CE /cognitive empathy/ and theory of mind (ToM) while patients with lesions in the infe- rior frontal gyrus (IFG) show impaired EE /emotional empathy/ and emo- tional recognition.« (Asada 2015, 45) (Shamay-Tsoory et al. 2009). 6 Russian doll is worldwide known as »Matryoshka«. 7 Jeremy Howick distinguishes two types: care-bots and chat-bots (How - ick 2021, 457). Care-bots can even provide cognitive behavioural therapy for some psychiatric disorders. They are called artificial carers. 117 AI and Empathy: The possibility of reciprocal Human-Robot Empathic Interaction (HRI) – some experiences from Socially Assistive Robots (SARs) in Aged-Care trying to empathize with a human in an artificial, programed way. For instance, a care robot would try to grasp information on wheth- er its user, an older adult, is satisfied or shows negative emotions toward a machine. Computational challenges arise from a complex, yet not clear - ly defined nature of empathy. 8 There are currently two main ap- proaches to the computational modelling of the phenomenon in artificial agents (Yalcin in DiPaola 2019, 4): • Categorical – based on two empathy mechanisms, i.e. low- and high-level, • Dimensional – based on empathy as multidimensional system. AE is developed within the field of affective 9 and cognitive de- velopmental robotics (Asada 2015), following findings from social neuroscience and developmental psychology. Theoretical mod- els are implemented in artificial agents in two main ways, as a top-down approach (theory-driven), or as a bottom-up (data-driv - en), or a hybrid approach which is a mixture of both (Yalcin in DiPaola 2019, 14-17). Two theories on human empathy are of spe- cial interest to the robot developers of the top-down approach. One is the Russian doll evolutionary model of empathy (de Waal 2007), and the second one, de Vignemont and Singer‘s appraisal 8 Generally, we refer to it as a multifaceted nature of empathy. »/…/ the manifold facets of empathy are explored in neuroscience from simple emotional contagion to higher cognitive perspective-taking, and a dis- tinct neural network of empathy comprises both phylogenetically older limbic structures and neocortical brain areas. These suggest that emo- tional contagion is mainly based on phylogenetically older limbic struc- tures, while higher cognitive perspective-taking is based on neocortical brain areas.« (Asada 2015, 42). Empathy encompasses both emotional and cognitive aspects, which is a great challenge for computing. 9 »Affective computing research has focused on emotion recognition.« (Yalcin in DiPaola 2019, 11). 118 Tanja Petrovič model (de Vignemont in Singer 2006) (Yalcin in Di Paola 2019). Bottom-up models on the other hand, try to build an extensive database of human empathic elements, such as variations of fa - cial expressions, recordings of group interactions, classification of empathic behaviour etc. A robot, equipped with information in form of data imput could respond toward human in a (partly) empathic way. As these attempts are still in their initial phase, current models often fail to encompass a broad spectrum of hu- man empathic behaviour. Most AI research addresses empathy as a binary category, either as an empathic or as a non-empathic behaviour, but fail to represent it in a broader spectrum (Yalcin in DiPaola 2019, 2) with possible oscillations, which are a result of numerous factors (Singer in Lamm 2009). As an umbrella term, empathy encircles a wide range of ele- ments, also negative ones. For computational purposes it is, howe- ver, important to clarify the definition of empathy, and to exclude its negative aspects in order to achieve an appropriate empathic outcome. A wide definition of empathy includes negative aspects (envy, »Schadenfreude«). A narrow definition »/.../is simply the ability to form an embodied representation of another‘s emotional state while simultaneously being aware of the causal mechanism that included emotional state.« (Asada 2015, 42). The underlying principle is self-other distinction, when the empathizer is always aware of his own body with an interoceptive awareness, and the ability to represent the other‘s inner world in his mind at the same time (Asada 2015, 45). Technology builds artificial empathy, obviously lacking funda - mental human characteristic, i.e. consciousness. Empathy without the latter, is defective or incomplete at least in an abstract, philo- 119 AI and Empathy: The possibility of reciprocal Human-Robot Empathic Interaction (HRI) – some experiences from Socially Assistive Robots (SARs) in Aged-Care sophical level. 10 Self-other distinction, a cornerstone for empathy, 11 and its differentiation from sympathy and compassion, is futile or even non-existent without self-consciousness. From this perspec- tive, we cannot talk about empathy in algorithm at all. 12 Jeremy Howick, however suggests to take more pragmatic approach, by applying an Empathy Turing Test for Care- and Chat-robots (How - ick 2021, 458). The version of the original Touring Test, which tests human communication with a robot, 13 specifically for empathy purpose would have to alter the Test‘s central questioning into whether a human user could distinguish between empathy re- ceived from an artificial carer vs. human carer. Slightly modified CARE measure might be an appropriate tool. Proposed perspec- tive by Howick indicates, that we alternatively concentrate on the favourable empathic result, felt by a human user, i.e. a better inner state and well-being of the user when empathising either with a robot or with a human carer. If an older adult feels content and is 10 Empathy is distinguished from sympathy in terms of self-other differ - entiation. »Unlike emotional contagion that does not require reasoning about the cause of aroused emotions in others, both EE /emotional em- pathy/ and CE /cognitive empathy/ require distinction between one‘s own and other‘s mental states and forms of representation of one‘s own embodied emotions« (Asada 2015, 42). 11 Self-other awareness and sense of agency are fundamental to empathy. Agency is ability to recognize yourself as an independent agent of ac- tions and emotions. (Decety in Meltzoff 2011, 73). 12 Another argument for impossibility or at least difficulty of empathizing with robots comes from Phenomenology. In order to experience others‘ phenomenal experiences through direct, intersubjective interation, we must have face-to-face, intercorporeal encounters. Robots do not feel an- ything, have no emotions, no subjective experience. »That said, from a phenomenological perspective, it seems difficult to empathize with ro- bots.« (Schmetkamp 2020, 888). 13 The goal of Turing Test is to find out, through a series of questions, if we communicate with a human or a robot. (Oppy in Dowe 2021). 120 Tanja Petrovič able to empathize with an artificial carer, central aim of empathy is thus achieved. But not all robots are programed to be empathic. Nevertheless, numerous deficiencies still persist in this notion, in- cluding ethical obstacles, such as deception about the true nature of the machine, personal data and human rights protection etc. In an attempt to empathize with robots, 14 humans should, how - ever, be able to take their perspective, and »put ourselves into their shoes«. Thus, to experience what it is like to be a robot, with a plas- tic-metallic body and a programmed mind. 15 »We might simulate what we would do if we were in their situation and then project our experience on them. Or, in direct encounters, we might be able to interactively perceive their actions.« (Schmetkamp 2020, 887). Robots have a computational mind and seemingly lack emotions. But taking into account interconnection of emotional and cogni- tive aspect in human, in our functioning in a complex social en- vironment, as proposed by de Soussa (de Soussa 1987) and Mar - tha Nussbaum (Nussbaum 2001) they might also have some sort of artificial emotional elements. Robots do not possess ability of self-awareness, but are able to detect, monitor and asses their en- vironment, and share it with a human in a daily interaction. Fur - thermore, a machine does not have its own »personal narrative«, 16 14 »But what kind of empathy is at stake here? Do we mirror robot›s expec- tations? Do we interpret and predict their behaviour? Or do we empathize in a more phenomenological, interactive way?« (Schmetkamp 2020, 885). 15 With a similar dilema, of the one expressed by Nagel in famous anti-re- ductionistic question »What is it like to be a bat?« (Nagel 1974) (Schm- etkamp 2020, 890). 16 Concept of narrative is important in empathy. In philosophy, the other is given by a narrative and it is important for understanding other minds. Daniel D. Hutto proposed a Narrative Practice Hypothesis (Hutto 2008). Personal narrative, a story of the patient (his illness) is part of empathic interaction in Healthcare. 121 AI and Empathy: The possibility of reciprocal Human-Robot Empathic Interaction (HRI) – some experiences from Socially Assistive Robots (SARs) in Aged-Care since its personal story is a story of a creation by its developer. On the other hand, it possesses a shared history of interaction with a human which increases over time. Understanding a robot in an empathic way, means simply being sensitive to what happens to it. A study on empathy for pain in case of a robot (Cross et al. 2018) tested the possibility of empathic and emotional responding of human when robot »experiences pain or pleasure«. The study did not show any evidence for human empathic responses in short- term interaction with a robot, but raised a question on what might happen in longer term. For the moment, we cannot speak of a full range of human empathic behaviour toward a robot, as we know it from our intersubjective experience, but rather about its elements, certainly in a different perspective. Additionally, results of other studies confirm that when testing attitude toward robot‘s abuse, torture, or damage caused by human, or when robots »seems suffering«, many people do intuitively em- pathize with them, but less than with a human in a similar situation (Suzuki et al. 2015, Rosenthal et al. 2013, Darling 2015). We also tend to treat robots differently than other household machines (Coeck- elbergh 2018). Ethical approach to treating robots might include extended Kantian animal ethics (if we mistreat animals/robots we are not humane, good persons) and virtue ethics (mistreatment of a robot is not a virtue, but vice). We refer to a robot as if it was a hu- man, a quasi other (Coeckelbergh 2018, 144-147). Discussing the ro- bot ethics, Mark Coeckelbergh proposes socio-relational approach, in which object and subject are not separate entities, but rather »mu- tually interdependent and mutually constituting« (Coeckelbergh 2018, 149). Interestingly, interactions of a subject with an object re- veal many characteristics about the subject. Through relationship with a robot we show and discover our own human side. In case of a pet robot (cat, dog), people start to care about it, thus showing their 122 Tanja Petrovič human caring abilities and attachment capacities. Important factor for making a caring »narrative«, is an appropriate language formu- lation in which we express our empathy (Coeckelbergh 2018, 151). 17 Empathy and Socially Assistive Robots (SARs) in Aged-care Artificial Intelligence (AI) 18 shows significant developmental poten- tial in medicine and patient-centred Healthcare. 19 By finding patterns in large data bases at a record speed, it significantly contributes to setting or confirming the correct diagnosis and can provide an invalu- able assistence to a technically skilled doctor in this process. 20 Or, it is present as a sophisticated tool in the field of surgery and others. The technology is not replacing human, at least not in the moment, but it does complement certain human tasks. Some researchers claim that AI potentially increases doctor‘s empathic capacity with probably more time available for the patient (Ostherr 2020). With new technol- ogies novel types of care and relationship might appear. 21 17 »Searle (Searle 1995) argued that we give social meaning to objects by using language, in particular by so-called »status functions« (Coeckel- bergh 2018, 152). 18 AI is defined as a mathematical algorithm, processed by computers that »have an ability to learn« from data, mostly in form of deep learn- ing and machine learning. There is no single product called AI, and this naming reffers to a range of algorithms with human-like capabilities in computing (Zweig et al. 2018, Ostherr 2020). 19 Promisses of AI are greater efficiency, effectiveness and more person- alized medicine. By technical improvements, more time is expected to be available for a trust relationship with patient, and to more humane care, empathic and compassionate (Kerasidou 2019, Ostherr 2020). 20 AI might find better rational sollutions than doctor. If this is true would patients still trust the doctor‘s opinion and adhere to proposed treat- ment? (Kerasidou 2019). 21 AI is expected to replace trust to doctor with certainty about care, lead- ing from trust relationship to assistive partnership (Bauchat et al. 2016) in the Healthcare (Kerasidou 2019). 123 AI and Empathy: The possibility of reciprocal Human-Robot Empathic Interaction (HRI) – some experiences from Socially Assistive Robots (SARs) in Aged-Care In providing care to elderly, artificial intelligence has been ex- panding in the field of social robotics, and specifically in develop- ing socially assistive robots (SARs). SARs provide assistance to elderly people through social interaction. Robot development has been recently accelerated due to growing discrepancy between the pressing need for care and the lack of formal and informal carers resources, their daily work load full of routine tasks, overall over-bur - den and a plead for more quality free time. One of the positive sides of the algorithm is meeting expectation of the care market to ensure more free time for carers, in favour of more time for important tasks, and to provide extra time for closer communication among people (Ostherr 2020). Discussions on consequences of using SARs, a part- ly autonomuos machines with social characteristics, 22 are part and parcel of research interest, focused on carers, developers, and other stakeholders in the care market. Moreover, the end user‘s needs and opinion, should be taken into the account as well, especially in case of elderly people with their specific needs and requirements. Researchers from KU Leuven – University of Leuven, Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law, conducted several studies on exis- ting pool of research, on how care robots can be used in residential Aged-care settings, with aim to give voice to older adults, who must be heard and respected from the ethical and legal point of view, and particularly in terms of ensuring human rights. Results of their meta-studies (Vandemeulebroucke et al. 2018a, 2018b) and a focus group study (Vandemeulebroucke et al. 2019) revealed, among other facts, that multi-functional robots are less favoured than specialized 22 Focus of this paper is on HRI, in case of SAR in residential settings, because this type robots and HRI reveal crucial elements for empathy re- search in the context of care and dealing with human vulnerability. Cer - tainly, interactions with other robots and in other circumstances could bring different views on empathy. 124 Tanja Petrovič one, and that older people want a technically reliable machine with female voice, whom they can control (retained sense of agency), 23 and who have »good manners«. This means that a robot should ask permission before entering a bathroom for instance, hence it does not harm user‘s feelings and their sense of intimacy (Vandemeu- lebroucke et al. 2018a, 162). SAR should be autonomuous, but at the same time under control of human. »The user-SAR relationship was regarded as a boss-employee relationship, with the user – the older adult – being the boss.« (Vandemeulebroucke et al. 2018a, 160). Anthropomorphisation of a robot, reflects our natural tendency to attribute human-like features to objects (Schmetkamp 2020, Vande- meulebroucke et al. 2018a, 162), but can lead also to over-emotiona - lizing, i.e. sentimentalizing care robots (Vandemeulebroucke et al. 2018b, 23). A robot that resembles a human in its appearance and shows certain elements of human communication and social skills is more likely to be accepted (Schmetcamp 2020). On the other hand, there are several ethical concerns, among which are fear of decep- tion (uncanny valley problem), 24 extensive emotional attachment to a robot, reduced respect for person‘s authority, dignity and vulnera - bility, lack of spontaneity, speech problems, manipulation, stigma, surveillance, and others (Vandemeulebroucke et al. 2018a, 161; Van- demeulebroucke et al. 2018b). Interestingly, what the user‘s of SAR mostly missed, was a human touch. Relying on study of Tineke A. Abma et al. (Abma et al. 2010), researchers from KU Leuven, Tijs Vandemeulebroucke, professor Chris Gastmans and others empha - zised that in building of a robot, there should always be a »democra - 23 Trust to machine is dependent on feeling of (technical) safety and sense of agency. (Vandemeulebroucke et al. 2018a, 158-161). 24 The uncanny valley theory was introduced by Japanese engineer Ma - sahiro Mori and indicates feeling of eeriness when confronting reality with some technical imperfections (Stein in Ohler 2017). 125 AI and Empathy: The possibility of reciprocal Human-Robot Empathic Interaction (HRI) – some experiences from Socially Assistive Robots (SARs) in Aged-Care tic space« for an open, inclusive interaction among all stakeholders involved in Aged-care, thus overcoming barriers and sharing com- mon vocabulary (Vandemeulebroucke et al. 2018, 164). If we want to empathize with robots, we are confronted with a question of reciprocity as a important constitutive element of our relations. Caring for older people with cognitive decline and oth- er health deteriorations, generates increasingly asymmetric rela - tionship situations, which could contribute to extreme pressure on a human to human relationship. For example, a person with de- mentia enters into interaction with their carer as a progressively weaker partner, since their active contribution to the quality of re- lationship diminishes rapidly, while their demand for care grows. Similarly, a human connection with a machine is subject to asym- metry per definitionem, but in a different way. Machines do not have any subjective experience, emotions, beliefs, moral reason- ing, consciousness, and empathy, in a way we would expect it from a human being. In terms of artificial empathy development, a ro- bot‘s capacity to express emotions to interact in an socially pleas- ant way, is important for reciprocal empathic understanding, espe- cially in the Healthcare where such features are highly needed. 25 Caring for someone is an empathic and compassionate act. It is an expression of love, devotion and connection between the care receiver and the caregiver. In formal care, caring is a professional duty, that should not lack empathic dimension. Amy Coplan defines empathy also as »caring about someone else« (Coplan 2011, 4). »Ca - ring about« and »caring for« are »/…/ two fundamental, interrela - 25 Opponents such as Bert Baumgartner and Astrid Weiss, claim that emotions are not directly relevant in HRI (Baumgartner in Weiss 2014 ). They argue that also human carers could have a negative, unprofessional behaviour towards care receiver, such as intolerance, negligence, inap- propriate expressions etc. 126 Tanja Petrovič ted dimensions of care, reciprocal one and a technical-instrumental one.« (Vandemeulebroucke et al. 2018b, 22). Care relationship would be disrupted, if SAR would replace human carer, and as such a rela - tionship cannot be reciprocal, but unidirectional and focused solely on technical aspects. In care, values such as empathy, compassion, respect for dignity etc., are reciprocal in nature. Several authors, 26 referred to by Vandemeulebroucke et al., however, reject an idea of reciprocal HRI (Vandemeulebroucke et al. 2018b, 22). Conclusion In the future, robots will be increasingly sophisticated, autono- mous artificial agents with additional social skills, thus being more able to weave a net of relations with human, hopefully with an em- pathic supplement. This might not be in a classical form, as we understand it today from our interpersonal interaction. From a di- fferent angle, though, having extended our tolerance for empathy definition framework, we can speak of reciprocal empathizing with robot as a concept, and about their possibility of expressing some elements of »deep« empathy toward a human, in a very limited way. Possibly, alongside with augmented artificial consciousness and other necessary future technological advancements, that wo- uld certainly have to meet several ethical and legal requirements. Although some traces of empathy can be detected in HRI, we can- not speak of a true reciprocal empathic relationship between older adult and a robot (SAR) within contemporary reality in Aged-care. In this context, »deep« empathy is currently somewhat »shallow«. Alan Turing allegedly said, that machines think differently, and for a human to recognize this ability and call it intelligent, is a chal- lenging task (Turing 2021). Analogous, this might be true for artifi- 26 Coeckelbergh, Parks, Vallor, Vanlaere in Van Ooteghem. 127 AI and Empathy: The possibility of reciprocal Human-Robot Empathic Interaction (HRI) – some experiences from Socially Assistive Robots (SARs) in Aged-Care cial empathy, as an emergent quality of a machine. Relationship with an algorithm reflects human features and bond-making capacities, in the first place. It is our mirror. As such, it might also reflect our own shadow side, our aggression, intolerance, hatreds, greed, rac- ism, sexual assault ... and also negative aspects of empathy. Should our society, that caused a destruction of an ingenious mind of one of its greatest allies during the WWII, saving thousands of lives, Alan Turing, just because of his different sexual orientation, be entrusted to be set as an ethical and empathic benchmark for a robot develop- ment, without a thorough critical reflection? 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