184 Documenta Praehistorica XLVI (2019) Introduction Linear Pottery Culture (hereinafter LPC) represents the oldest known culture of the Neolithic in the ter- ritory of Slovakia. It is the period of first Neolithic societies and a new form of cultural expression. The Neolithic in Central Europe is dated to the period be- tween the middle of the 6 th and the second half of the 5 th millennia, and in many regions it is associat- ed with first farmers. The LPC is characterized main- ly by a homogenous style of pottery shapes and de- coration. The region of the Middle Danube is consi- dered to be the primary region of the LPC around 5500/5400 cal BC, when its formative phase started. Development of the LPC in the territory of Slovakia as well as in the whole of Europe can be divided – on the basis of regional differences and diversity of the terrain – into the western LPC spread in south- The state of Early Linear Pottery Culture research in Slovakia Noémi Beljak Pa/inová, Tatiana Daráková Department of Archaeology, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Nitra, SK nbpazinova@ukf.sk, tanadarakova@gmail.com ABSTRACT – The article focuses on the current state of research of the first Neolithic culture in Slo- vakia. So far around 70 sites are known from Slovakia dated to the Early Linear Pottery Culture and the Early Eastern Linear Pottery Culture. Most of the sites are known only from surface collections, and in only four cases have dwellings been documented. Settlement features/pits have been discover- ed at around half the sites. Finally, we know graves from only four (and possibly five) sites. In the article we deal also with the elaboration of the Early LPC/ELPC material culture. We discuss pottery from the point of view of typology and decoration and other types of findings, such as chipped stone industry, ground and polished stones, small clay artefacts, daub, animal bones etc., are not omitted either. The goal is to evaluate the research possibilities of the Early LPC/ELPC in Slovakia. IZVLE∞EK – V ≠lanku se osredoto≠ava na trenutno stanje raziskav prve neolitske kulture na Slova∏- kem. Do danes poznamo 70 slova∏kih najdi∏≠, ki datirajo v ≠as zgodnje kulture linearno trakaste kera- mike in zgodnje vzhodne kulture linearne keramike. Ve≠ina najdi∏≠ predstavlja povr∏inske najdbe in le na ∏tirih najdi∏≠ih so bili odkriti sledovi domovanj. Naselbinske strukture/jame so bile dokumen- tirane na pribli∫no polovici najdi∏≠. Grobove poznamo iz ∏tirih, morda petih najdi∏≠. V ≠lanku pred- stavljava tudi obdelavo materialne kulture zgodnje LTK in vzhodne LTK. Lon≠enino predstavljava iz vidika tipologije in okrasa, pri ≠emer ne zanemarjava tudi druge vrste najdb, kot so kamnita orodja, polirani kamni, majhni kerami≠ni predmeti, hi∏ni lep, ∫ivalske kosti itd. Cilj preiskave je oceniti raz- iskovalni potencial zgodnje LTK in vzhodne LTK na Slova∏kem. KEY WORDS – Slovakia; Early Linear Pottery culture; settlement; material culture; current state KLJU∞NE BESEDE – Slova∏ka; zgodnja kultura linearno trakaste keramike; naselbina; materialna kul- tura; trenutno stanje Stanje raziskav zgodnje kulture linearno trakaste keramike na Slova[kem DOI> 10.4312\dp.46.12 The state of Early Linear Pottery Culture research in Slovakia 185 ing cultures from the Neolithic and Aeneolithic in Slovakia was published by Jan Eisner (1933) be- tween the world wars. It presents nine sites be- longing to the LPC– Gajary, Devínska Nová Ves, ∞ek- lís, Gocnod, Hurbanovo, Zelene≠, Borovce, Stráne, and Moravany (Eisner 1933.14–15). Later, Vojtech Budinský-Kri≠ka (1947) published a work called Slo- vakia in the Late Stone Age (in Slovak: Slovensko v mlad∏ej dobe kamennej), where he included Be∏e- ňová, Blesovce, Behynce, Lúky, Gergel’ová, Gocnod, Zelene≠, Gajary among LPC sites (Budinský-Kri≠ka 1947.56). The new ELPC sites of Lú≠ky, Oreské, Kapu∏any, Cej- kov, Michalovce, and Ko∏ice-Barca were discovered by surveys in eastern Slovakia in the 1950s (Andel 1955.148, 150; Hájek 1957). The first destructive research was carried out in 1951 at the site of Ko- ∏ice-Barca III, where a settlement of the Bükk cul- ture (Middle Neolithic) was studied; eight features with exclusively Linear Pottery finds were also un- covered. Unfortunately, only incomplete pottery data without division by features was published from the site (πi∏ka 1989.12). It was only after the discovery of Barca III type in eastern Slovakia that interest in study of the Alföld pottery increased, since similarities in their shapes and decorations were obvious (Pavúk, πi∏ka 1971. 322). The Linear Pottery from eastern Slovakia, which follows from the pottery of Barca III type, also corresponds with finds of the Alföld pottery. The difference in names is only due to geographical reasons (To≠ík 1970.74). The Michalovce-Hrádok site, where seven features were studied in 1954, is important because the col- lection of finds comprised material from the older phase of ELPC and sherds of protolinear character and from the younger phase of ELPC (πi∏ka 1989. 15). Fragmentary material of the Early ELPC was di- scovered in the 1950s at the sites of Lú≠ky and Zem- plínske Kop≠any (Pavúk, πi∏ka 1971.327; Vizdal, Paulík 1959). On the basis of results of these inves- tigations, Kop≠any was indicated as a regional group within the older phase of ELPC in the Eastern Slo- vak Lowland (πi∏ka 1989.67). Several new investigations were carried out in the western part of Slovakia at Early LPC sites in Hurba- novo (Pavol ∞aplovi≠ in 1956), Vel’ký Grob (Bohu- slav Chropovský in 1986), ∞achtice (Titus Kolník and Jozef Paulík in 1959) and, e.g., Milanovce (Juraj Pa- vúk in 1961). Such research considerably extended western Slovakia following from the settlement in the northern part of Transdanubia and/or in Lower Austria and the Eastern Linear Pottery culture (he- reinafter ELPC) in eastern Slovakia, which is part of the Alföld Linear Pottery culture (hereinafter ALPC) formed in the Upper Tisza region in the second quar- ter of the 6 th millennium BC. The genesis of the Early LPC is not unambiguous. On one hand, there are opinions which see its origin un- der influence of the Vin≠a culture from the Star≠evo culture primarily south of Balaton Lake in Transda- nubia (e.g., Pavlů 2012.95; Bánffy 2004; Bánffy, Oross 2009.223–224, 227, Tab. I; Marton, Oross 2012.233–236) or in the wider region of Transdanu- bia, western parts of Austria (primarily Lower Au- stria), and southwestern Slovakia (Lenneis 2010. 190–193). On the other hand, there is an opinion that the Early LPC started as early as the Star≠evo culture in the territory north of the Star≠evo settle- ments along the Danube as far as southwestern Slo- vakia, not in Transdanubia south of Balaton Lake (Pavúk 2014.199–207, Map 3; Pavúk, Farka∏ 2013). The greatest interest of investigators in the Early LPC/ELPC in the territory of Slovakia was in the 1970s and 1980s, and since then less and less at- tention has been paid to the culture, except for the Moravany site in the Eastern Slovak Lowland. In the article we thus deal with previously published infor- mation from domestic as well as foreign literature. Unprocessed and previously unpublished material or information passed orally was not included in the data. Mostly, brief reports occur in works informing the occurrence of finds during surface collections or rescue excavations. There are no summarizing publi- cations (except for the Early ELPC site Moravany) about sites with long-term research (e.g., sites Zem- plínske Kop≠any, Ko∏ice, Senica). The fact that most finds were obtained from multicultural sites with do- minant material from other cultures is also a deter- mining factor in identification of the Early LPC/ELPC culture. In such cases, often only a notice of occur- rence of this culture is found in the literature, with- out any further information. Research history Although the period of the Late Stone Age in Slova- kia first attracted attention as early as the 19 th cen- tury, almost no records have been preserved from those first – often amateur – researches (for more information see, e.g., Pavúk, πi∏ka 1971.320). The first systematic review of prehistoric periods includ- Noémi Beljak Pa/inová, Tatiana Daráková 186 our knowledge of the culture. The first summarizing study about the Early LPC in Slovakia or its relative chronology was elaborated by Pavúk (1962; 1980. 11). In the eastern part of Slovakia, the sites of Vel’ké Ra∏- kovce, Hutníky, Valaliky, Komárovce, Bla∫ice and Ko- ∏ice-Barca, Svetlá III (Bánesz, Lichardus 1969.204– 207) and ∞e≠ejovce (πi∏ka 1989.15) were added to the list of the Early ELPC sites. In 1975–1976, re- search continued in Ko∏ice-Barca (Budinský-Kri≠ka 1976.46–54), Bara (πi∏ka 1989.148), ∞e≠ejovce (∞a- plovi≠ et al. 1978.62–70), Vel’ké Trakany (πi∏ka 1989.170) as well as the rescue excavations in Ωbin- ce (πi∏ka 1989.178). The first study on ELPC was published by Karol Andel (1955), and then others by Jan Lichardus (1986; 1970; 1972) and in more detail by Stanislav πi∏ka (1982; 1989) and Marián Vizdal (1997a; 1997b). In western Slovakia, rescue excavations were carried out in the 1970s at the sites of Krakovany (Sedlák 1975.98), Nevidzany (Bátora 1976.25–26), ∞ataj (Pavúk 1976.177–182), Blatné (Pavúk 1978.192– 195), Komjatice (To≠ík 1978.246–272), or Cífer-Pác (Kolník 1980a.142–155; 1980b.106–111); they suc- cessfully enriched the previously known finds from the Early LPC. Since 1980, destructive research continued in east- ern Slovakia in the Ko∏ice basin at the sites of ∞e≠e- jovce (πi∏ka 1981.236–289) and Vel’ké Ra∏kovce (Bánesz 1981.23–26). In Malé Ra∏kovce (Vizdal 1988.140–141), only a surface collection was carried out with a positive result for the Early ELPC. Rescue excavations were carried out at three new sites – ∞e- l’ovce (Vizdal 1986.141), Slavkovce (Vizdal 1990. 69–170) and Zbudza (Vizdal 1986.237–238). The results of the rescue excavations at Ko∏ice-∞ervený rak site in 1980 are important; there, protolinear pottery and the middle Neolithic Tiszadob Group pot- tery was identified (Kaminská et al. 2008.83). Finds from the Ko∏ice, Galgovec site (Kaminská 1998), Slavkovce (Vizdal 1996.187–188; Skiba et al. 1996), Zalu∫ice (Vizdal 1996.186–187) and Ωdaňa (Bére∏ 1996) were added by the end of the previous centu- ry from eastern Slovakia. Also important is the site of Slavkovce, where the presence of the oldest Neo- lithic population in eastern Slovakia (the Szatmár Group) was found (Vizdal 1997a.50). New sites were also found in the last decades of the 20 th century in western Slovakia. Surface collections and rescue excavations extended the number of known sites with the Early LPC by e.g., Borovce (Sta∏∏íková-πtukovská 1988.173–190), Kátov (Dra- ho∏ová 1987.39–40), Bratislava, Mlynská ulica street (Egyházy-Jurovská, Farka∏ 1987.41), Bernolákovo (Farka∏ 1987.42), Slovenský Grob (Marková 1988. 89). New finds were obtained in the districts of Tr- nava, Senica, Nové Zámky and Nitra, however, sur- face excavations or accidental finds prevailed. Se- veral features with material were uncovered in Senec (Farka∏ 1995.5–22) or in Mojzesovo (Ruttkay 1997. 140). Material of the Early LPC was first found in the southern part of central Slovakia in Tornal’a, for- merly called πafárikovo (Kovács 1984.45), Bátka (Kovács 1982.165–168) and in the central Gran (Hron) river basin in Ladomerská Vieska (Mosný, πi∏ka 1997). While the first two sites can be attrib- uted to the ELPC, Ladomerská Vieska can be consi- dered as the northernmost site of the Early LPC in Slovakia and classified in the Bíňa phase. Since the turn of the century, only the site of Mora- vany was systematically studied in eastern Slovakia (e.g., Kaczanowska et al. 2003; Kalicki et al. 2004. 95; 2005; Kozłowski et al. 2003). Material from the ELPC was detected as part of surveys in Kendice (Horváthová 2017), Zemplín (Horváthová, Hreha 2017) and in Vel’ký πari∏ (Vizdal, Derfiňák 2006); however, most of the finds can be classified as part of the middle Neolithic Tiszadob Group. In the western part of Slovakia, surface surveys de- tected new sites in Kozárovce (Ivani≠ 2002.79–80) and Cho≠ (Bielich 2004.34), while accidental finds contributed to our knowledge of Borovce (Ver≠ík 2002.224), Dolné Kr∏kany (Ruttkayová 2004.161), and Stupava (Farka∏ 2012.7–12). Several new fea- tures were also found in Senica-Sotina (Farka∏ 2008. 57–58) and Hurbanovo-Bohatá (Březinová, Pa∫ino- vá 2011.100). Chronology of the Early LPC/ELPC in Slovakia (Table 1) The relative chronology of the Early LPC in Slovakia is first of all defined by different features and deco- ration of the surface of vessels. Quality data or stra- tified finds have been absent for a long time. The first classification of material from the Early LPC in Slovakia was done by Pavúk (1962). He divided finds from the sites in western Slovakia into two stages. The first stage was further divided into two phases: Ia and Ib. The first one was characterized by the ma- terial from Milanovce and Hurbanovo, and the sec- ond phase represented transition between the sta- The state of Early Linear Pottery Culture research in Slovakia 187 ges (Pavúk 1962.17). After the source fund had been extended, two more phases were added to the divi- sion (Pavúk 1980.8–10, 44–45), while the author himself emphasized that the classification did not present final knowledge of the development of the Early LPC; it rather presented certain moments of development (Pavúk 1980.47). Typical decoration and surface texture of the pottery were taken as a basis for a four-phase division by the eponymous sites of Nitra, Hurbanovo, Bíňa and Milanovce. In ge- neral, we can say that the Early LPC pottery con- tained a lot of organic admixture and thick-walled material prevailed. The Hurbanovo phase was char- acterized by wide cannelures which occurred also on the pottery from Bíňa, while in Milanovce this element was absent. Nail scratches which were more frequent in the first three phases with dominance in Hurbanovo (nail scratches in form of a cereal ear) and in Bíňa were also absent in the Milanovce phase. The phase of Bíňa is the best researched and docu- mented one. Its specific shape is a biconical vessel with a slightly thickened and offset rim and a dis- tinct bend on the belly (Pavúk 2004.16). The thick- walled pottery contains mainly semiglobular shapes decorated mostly with wide lines and engravings. The so-called Schlickbewurf (mud slip) is mentioned as an important chronological element. The latest development phase of the Early LPC, called Mila- novce, is characterized by a globular vessel without a distinct bend on the belly on which three perforat- ed vertical handles appear. The circumferential deco- ration is made of a wavy, often multiple grooving and a row of shallow dimples under the rims of glo- bular vessels is a new element (Pavúk 2004.18). Currently, a three-phase division of the Early LPC is accepted in Western Slovakia (Pavúk 2004.18; 2007; Pavúk, Farka∏ 2013). The first one is a forma- tive phase called Pre-Bí- ňa (including finds from the Nitra and Hurbano- vo phases). It is follow- ed by the Bíňa phase it- self with the typical bico- nical vessels and Schlick- bewurf technique appli- ed on thick-walled ves- sels. The last phase is Post-Bíňa (= Milanovce phase), which – accord- ing to Pavúk (2018) – starts the expansion of the LPC all over Europe. The ELPC has been analysed in the context of the overall evaluation of the Neolithic development in Slovakia 1 1 (Lichardus 1970; Pavúk, πi∏ka 1971; 1980) or as primary study (monograph by πi∏ka 1989). Later the pottery of the ELPC in the Eastern Slovak Lowland (sites of Malé Ra∏kovce, Slavkovce, Zbudza and Zalu∫ice) was evaluated by Marián Viz- dal (1997a.43–141), who also introduced a new scheme of the development of the ELPC in the Zem- plín region and synchronized it with the develop- ment on the territory of north-eastern Hungary and Transcarpathian Ukraine. Other authors also dealt with the culture classification (e.g., Strobel 1997) or with selected issues of the ELPC (Lichardus 1964; 1972; Kozłowski, Nowak 2010; Nowak et al. 2010; Pavúk 1994; 2004; Piatni≠ková 2010; 2015). The site of Ko∏ice-∞ervený rak, where pottery with style and technological features analogous with the Körös culture was identified, is important for the ge- nesis of the old Neolithic in Eastern Slovakia. The site belongs to the group of the northernmost sites representing the transitory period between the Kö- rös culture and the Early ELPC (Kaminská et al. 2008.90), and the site qualifies as a representative of the Méhtelek Group in the territory of Slovakia (Pavúk 2004.42–43). In the eastern territories of Slovakia the ALPC/ELPC spread to the north in its second phase. In the third and fourth phases two distinct cultural groups or units occurred, represented by the Tiszadob, Bükk and Szakálhát pottery (typical engraved ornaments), and black painted ware of the Esztár, Ra∏kovce, Pis- 1 Earlier works dealing with the Neolithic and Aeneolithic development on the territory of present-day Slovakia originally declared that the oldest Neolithic relics in east Slovakia would be the finds from Michalovce, site ‘Hradok’ (features 2 and 3). Based on these, Lichardus introduced the term ‘protolinear pottery’ into the professional literature (Lichardus 1970.75; 1972.1–15). Tab. 1. Chronological table of Early LPC/ELPC in Slovakia (remodelled after Kalicki et al. 2005). Noémi Beljak Pa/inová, Tatiana Daráková 188 colt and Lumea Noua ˘ Groups (further Piatni≠ková 2015.161–165; Raczky, Anders 2003.156–158). The ELPC development begins within so called Proto- Linear Pottery stage (the site Ko∏ice-∞ervený rak in the Ko∏ice Basin), followed by the Early ELPC Bar- ca III Group (south part of the Ko∏ice Basin) and Kop≠any Group (Eastern Slovak Lowland) in the western Tisza region (πi∏ka 1979.81–87; 1989.62– 69). After the Barca III and Kop≠any Groups, the de- velopment continued with the evolution of the Tisza- dob and Ra∏kovce Groups, and subsequently to their phases representing the late and also the final stage of the ELPC (πi∏ka 1989.129–135). The oldest Neolithic occupation on the Eastern Slo- vak Lowland is represented by the Proto-Kop≠any phase (Vizdal 1997a.43–71). It is actually a transitio- nal phase in the ELPC genesis, in which, besides the older traditions, the ceramic material is represented by elements that are typical throughout the further development, in the groups Kop≠any and Ra∏kovce. The following Kop≠any Group is defined on the basis of finds from feature 9 at the eponymous site of Zem- plínske Kop≠any, and from other sites known at that time (πi∏ka 1982.262–263; 1989.67–74). To other significant sites belong in the Eastern Slo- vak Lowland (Zemplín region) Slavkovce (Szatmár II Group) and Moravany considered as one of the earliest sites of the ELPC (e.g., Kozłowski, Nowak 2010.73–79; Kozłowski et al. 2003; Nowak et al. 2010; Vizdal 1997a.50–55, etc.). To conclude this chapter, it is necessary to mention the absolute data of Early LPC/ELPC sites in Slova- kia. Not only is there not enough such data, but the reliability of dating is also a problem, since mainly charcoal – not bones or cereals which could pro- vide more reliable data – were used for radiocarbon measuring. In general, we only have information on the ELPC. Ko∏ice-∞ervený rak belongs to the oldest known sites indicating the transition from the Kö- rös culture to the ELPC (Kaminská 2008.88). Two dates are available from the site (6190 ± 40 BP and 6520 ± 50 BP), and the second sample in particular presents 5563–5372 cal BC. Currently, the Neoli- thic settlement in Slavkovce is the oldest evidence of prehistoric farmers in the territory of eastern Slova- kia (6630±90 BP; Kozłowski, Nowak 2010.82). The data obtained from Zemplínske Kop≠any (Pavúk, πi∏- ka 1980.146) suggested the occurrence of the Early ELPC around 5491–5297 cal BC. The latest data comes from the Moravany site (28 dates refer to ELPC; Nowak et al. 2010.Tab. 7; Nowak 2015.216– 219, Tab. VII-1). The highest level of probability was associated with a period of c. 5500–5250 BC, while the lowest was connected with c. 5050/5000–4700 BC. In this case the foundation of the Moravany set- tlement was between 5600 and 5400 BC (the fixed starting point of the settlement should be at c. 5500 BC) and for the end of settlement the proposed range was 5200–5150 BC (Nowak 2015.220–228). For example the established chronology of the first stage of ALPC, i.e. the Szatmár group dated to c. 5600 BC (Domboróczki 2009; 2010). Knowledge source The Early LPC in western Slovakia has been found at approx. 39 sites, and in central Slovakia there are three sites (two of them belong to the ELPC). The Early ELPC in Eastern Slovakia has been document- ed at least at 28 sites. The finds from western and central Slovakia mainly come from surface collec- tions (60%), while other finds were at rescue ex- cavations. In the eastern part of the country, rescue excavations were carried out at more than half of the sites, while surface collections and accidental finds appear at less than a third of sites. A systema- tic research in eastern Slovakia was carried out at the site of Moravany (latest Kozłowski et al. 2015). In all, 70 sites with the Early LPC (ELPC) have been recorded in the territory of Slovakia (Fig. 1), occur- ring in 20 districts. The highest number has been re- corded in the Ko∏ice District (min. 17 sites), which is followed by Michalovce District (11 sites), with both are situated in eastern Slovakia. In western Slo- vakia, the Early LPC is mentioned nine times in the Senec District, eight times in the Nové Zámky District and seven times in the Senica District and Nitra Di- strict. In other areas, the number decreases signifi- cantly. The Early LPC/ELPC sites are mostly located on the Danubian and Eastern Slovak Lowlands. Settlements are situated in dry, warm climatic zones and dry chernozem soils predominate (in some areas sites are found on sandy subsoil). Overall, the most fer- tile sites for settlement were chosen at regular dis- tances along larger rivers and less frequently on their tributaries, in lowlands close to water sources (Tóth et al. 2011.310–312). Localization of sites does not exceed an altitude of more than 250m a.s.l. The sought natural environment was very similar in both developmental stages of the culture (Early and Late LPC), and sites were often in the same location, thus containing mixed material. The state of Early Linear Pottery Culture research in Slovakia 189 All documented sites of the Early LPC/ELPC in Slo- vakia are settlements. Burials were only document- ed in the western part of Slovakia in three cases, however they were polycultural sites also settled in the Late LPC and even later. A child skeleton burial was discovered in feature 114/86 in Bratislava, Mlyn- ská ulica Street (Egyházy-Jurovská, Farka∏ 1987. 41). Two other skeleton burials of children were do- cumented in ∞ataj (Pavúk 1976.178) and three crouched burials are mentioned in Bíňa (To≠ík 1970. 26–27). All of them represent burials at settlements. Besides, an accidental find of a skull and several bones discovered together with typical Early LPC pottery came from a private estate in Maňa, where they were discovered by the owner during the dig- ging of pits (Samuel 2001.172). It is possible that an unrecognized grave find was found in Stupava (Farka∏ 2012.7–12), where an assemblage contain- ing pottery (two vessels, sherds, adze, sandstone plate) was found by accident during construction work for a family house. The surface collection in Bátka in central Slovakia brought – besides frag- ments of the Early ELPC pottery – fragments of a hu- man skull (Kovács 1982.166). The finds suggest the possible presence of burials. Nevertheless, there has been no investigation at the site so far. The research of the Early ELPC site in Zalu∫ice in eastern Slovakia in the years 1991–1995 was enabled by low water levels in the Zemplínska πírava water reservoir. An crouching adult individual was found at a depth of 0.55m under thick daub layer (floor?) in feature 1/ 91, belonging to the Kop≠any Group (Vizdal 2005. 173). Immovable archaeological sources in the form of dwellings, settlement features (storage or waste pits, clay pits) post-holes etc. from the Early LPC are rare. Complexes of features and post-holes at the Senica- Sotina site were interpreted as possible remnants of an Early LPC house oriented NNE – SSW (Fig. 2). There, a sunken outdoor oven was also documented (Farka∏ 2009.62). A semi-sunken pithouse of a rec- tangular shape from the Early ELPC is mentioned from Zbudza (Vizdal 1986.236). Feature 3/94 (4.4m x 2.5m) with an uneven bottom (0.15–0.7m deep) and with pole pits from the site of Zalu∫ice is also considered to be a semi-sunken pithouse (Vizdal 1996.186–187). Nevertheless, it is not clear in either of the features if they had a residential function. The occurrence of possible hearths is interesting as well, Fig. 1. Sites with finds of the Early Linear Pottery culture (squares) and Early Eastern Linear Pottery cul- ture (circles) in Slovakia: 1 Bara; 2 Bátka; 3 Bernolákovo; 4 Bíňa; 5 Blatné (πtrky); 6 Bla∫ice/Bohdanov- ce; 7 Borovce; 8 Bratislava (Mlynská ulica); 9 Cífer-Pác; 10 ∞achtice; 11 ∞ataj; 12 ∞e≠ejovce (Gemerské); 13 ∞e≠ejovce (Balász); 14 ∞e≠ejovce (Rigó); 15 ∞echynce; 16 ∞el’ovce; 17 Horný Vinodol; 18 Hul; 19 Hur- banovo (Bacherov majer); 20 Hurbanovo-Bohatá; 21 Hútniky; 22 Cho≠a; 23 Jel∏ovce; 24–26 Kátlovce; 27 Kátov; 28 Komárovce; 29 Komjatice; 30 Ko∏ice (Galgovec); 31–32 Ko∏ice-Barca; 33 Ko∏ice-πaca; 34 Kozá- rovce; 35 Krakovany; 36 Kunov; 37 Ladomerská Vieska; 38 Ludanice; 39 Malé Ra∏kovce; 40 Maňa; 41 Mi- lanovce (Vel’ký Kýr); 43 Mojzesovo; 44 Moravany (Stredné Pole); 45 Nevidzany; 46 Nitra; 47 Nitra-Dolné Kr∏kany; 48 Nové Sady; 49 Plavecké Pohradie; 50 Senec; 51–52 Senica – Sotina; 53 Slavkovce (Hru∏tiny); 54 Slavkovce (Pánska Pa∫it’); 55 Slavkovce; 56 Slovenský Grob; 57 Stupava; 58 Tornal’a (πafárikovo); 59 Valaliky; 60 Vel’ké Kapu∏any; 61–62 Vel’ké Ra∏kovce; 63 Vel’ké Trakany; 64 Vel’ký Cetín; 65 Vel’ký Grob; 66 Zalu∫ice (Malé Zalu∫ice); 67 Zbudza; 68 Zemplínske Kop≠any; 69 Ωbince; 70 Ωd’aňa. Noémi Beljak Pa/inová, Tatiana Daráková 190 since there are mentions of orange soil with char- coal and traces of burning at the Early LPC site of Cífer-Pác (Kolník 1980a.143) and three Early ELPC sites – Moravany (Kaminská et al. 2004.95; Nowak 2015.45, 61, Fig. III-6), Ko∏ice-Barca (Bánesz, Li- chardus 1969.291; πi∏ka 1989.153) and ∞e≠ejovce (πi∏ka 1980.205). A separate oven situated near sun- ken features is also documented by destroyed earth remains at the settlement with protolinear pottery in Ko∏ice-∞ervený rak (πi∏ka 1989.49; Kaminská et al. 2008.83–84). The presence of various settlement features (only ra- rely characterized as storage pits or clay pits) was identified at least on half of the sites (altogether 131 features). The shapes of the features are mostly de- scribed as irregular or regularly oval, irregularly cir- cular and trapeziums. As far as their sizes are con- cerned, we can see great variance. The average size of the features reached approx. 2–3 x 1–2m and they were 0.8–1m deep. The largest features within the Early ELPC include feature 3/95 from Slavkovce (length 9m, depth 1.6–2m; Vizdal 1996.187–188), feature 3 in Ko∏ice-Barca III (3.6 x 4.55m, depth 0.3m; πi∏ka 1989.152–154), feature 3/85 in ∞el’ovce (length 4.8m; depth c. 1m; Vizdal 1986.243), and feature 9 in Zemplínske Kop≠any (10.4 x 2–2.5m, depth 0.6m; πi∏ka 1989.172). In Moravany there are five features with exceptionally large dimensions: 1/98, 2/99, 3/01, 10/01 (with hearth), 1/06 (Nowak et al. 2015.43, Figs. III-3; III-4; III-5; III-6, III-7; Fig. III-8). Their plans can roughly be described as irre- gular ovals or trapeziums, and their dimensions vary from 7 to 10m and from 4 to 5m along the longer and shorter axes, respectively. In cross-section, these features can be described as hollow-shaped. Their bottoms reached c. 0.95–1m below the ground, as much as 1.7m in the case of feature 1/06. As for the function of the features found in Moravany, the most obvious interpretations are workshops processing obsidian and other lithic raw materials. This seems particularly likely in the case of features 1/98 and 2/99 (Nowak et al. 2015.61). In the western part of the country, the largest fea- tures of the Early LPC include feature 1/86 in Ber- nolákovo (2.1 x 4.8m, depth 2,48m; Farka∏ 1987. 42), feature 76 in Hurbanovo-Bohatá (6 x 7m, depth 0.4–0.8m; Březinová, Pa∫inová 2011.26), feature 300 with oven in Cífer-Pác (4.2 x 2.2m, depth 0,9m; Kolník 1980a.143) and feature 14 in Milanovce (3.3 x 2.6m, depth 1.3m; Pavúk 1980.27, 11). It is clear by the amount of finding types document- ed at Early LPC/ELPC sites that there was pottery – the main indicator of cultural classification – present at each of them. Chipped stone industry occurred at 21 sites, ground stones and polished products were found at 17 sites. Animal bones are reliably present at 11 sites – processed bones or bone industry were present at four sites. Miniature items are mentioned 13 times and daub is only mentioned at eight sites. Material culture Pottery Recently the pottery (forms, ornamental techniques) from the Early ELPC site Moravany (Vizdal et al. 2015.85–92, 94–126, Tab. IV-7) was thoroughly ana- lysed and evaluated, while the typological develop- ment of Early ELPC pottery in the Eastern Slovak Lowland (analysed assemblages from Moravany, Ma- lé Ra∏kovce, Zálu∫ice, Slavkovce, Zbudza) was also reviewed and interpreted (Vizdal 1997a; Vizdal et al. 2015.90–94). It was proposed that the stylistic- typological categories such as proto-Kop≠any, Kop- ≠any, Ra∏kovce, etc., should tentatively be seen as pottery styles (fashions), they should not be automa- tically taken as successive phases of ELPC develop- ment in the Eastern Slovak Lowland. To the basic pot- tery forms of the ELPC belong: pots (barrel-shaped and conical pots), bowls (conical bowls, deep bul- Fig. 2. Senica-Sotina site. Documented part of a dwelling with postholes (C) and surrounding fea- tures (A feature 2/06, B feature 6/06) of the Early Linear Pottery culture in Western Slovakia (mod- ified after Farka∏ 2008.207, obr. 37.1). The state of Early Linear Pottery Culture research in Slovakia 191 bous bowls, low-thick-walled bowls/ pans), plates, pedestalled vessels/ bowls, cups and small beakers, ves- sels with neck, storage vessels (Viz- dal et al. 2015.86–88). The published pottery represents a collection of 474 fragments in the western part of Slovakia from ap- prox. 40 Early LPC sites, from which we could typologically classify 181 finds. This collection was divided in- to seven basic vessel types (or in more detail identified sub-types). Bi- conical vessels (72 specimens) were the most frequent in the collection, followed by semiglobular vessels (31 specimens). The third group – globu- lar vessels (barrel-shaped pots) – con- tained 28 specimens and the richly represented pottery forms also inclu- ded bowls (23 specimens). Other forms were less frequent – vessels on pedestals (14 specimens), pot-like vessels (five specimens), and vessels with neck (eight specimens). Division of the sites according to their location within Slovakia shows differences in the occurrence of the types of finds. We do not come ac- ross all types present in the western part of Slovakia at the sites in East- ern Slovakia, and vice versa. Biconi- cal vessels (Fig. 3) are a good exam- ple; they are completely absent in Eastern Slovakia. Vessels/bowls on pedestals are recorded in the east- ern as well as western part of the ter- ritory, although tall hollow pedestals are typical of the western territory. As for various bowls, their occurrence is mostly evenly distributed. Although, for example, tall bowls are more common in the Early LPC, bowls with low thick almost verti- cal profiles of walls (pans) and plates are recorded only in the Early ELPC. Vessels with neck and pots (semiglobular and barrel-shaped) are represented in both territories (Fig. 4). Pottery decoration Statistical evaluation of the share of ornamented ves- sels in total pottery production encounters problems posed by huge differences in its representation at particular locations and even features. This can be demonstrated by an example of sites from the East- ern Slovak Lowland. In Moravany, the share of or- namented pottery in features is less than 6%. Va- lues higher than 25% were recorded in most of the features in Zalu∫ice, while pottery from feature1/ 1988 in Malé Ra∏kovice consisted as much as 42.9% of decorated sherds (Vizdal 1997a; 1997b). For the purpose of this article we analysed in terms of decoration 873 published fragments from 53 sites (36 Early LPC sites and 17 Early ELPC sites), ex- cept from the settlement at Moravany, whose cera- mic material (6705 fragments altogether, various kinds of decoration identified on the surfaces of 356 Fig. 3. Biconical vessels of the Early Linear Pottery culture in West- ern Slovakia. 1 Hurbanovo-Bohatá (after Březinová, Pa∫inová 2011. 234, Tab. XXXII); 2 Bíňa (after Pavúk 1980.20, Abb. 7.12); 3 Bíňa (after Pavúk 1980.19, Abb. 6.4); 4 Bernolákovo (after Pavúk, Far- ka∏ 2013.219, Abb. 4.7); 5 Bíňa (after Pavúk 1980.19, Abb. 6.1); 6 Nitra (after Pavúk 1980.17, Abb. 4.2); 7 Bíňa (after Pavúk 1980.19, Abb. 6.3); 8 Hurbanovo (after Pavúk 1980.36, Abb. 17.2); 9 Bíňa (after Pavúk 1980.19, Abb. 5.2). Noémi Beljak Pa/inová, Tatiana Daráková 192 fragments – 5.3%) was recently analysed (Vizdal et al. 2015.113). Engraved decoration was applied on almost half of the analysed pottery (47%). Where the documenta- tion of the material allowed, it was possible to also identify fine (thick and thin) engraved decoration more in detail (4%) and decoration in the form of grooving (3%). Impressed decoration included short incised lines (4%), pinching (3%), impressed dim- ples – finger-tipped hollows (3%), and – in two cases in the Early LPC also circular stamps. Painted decoration was very rare and occurred ex- clusively in the ELPC in Eastern Slovakia. It used only black paint (5%), uniquely combined with en- graved decoration (Slavkovce 0.6%; Malé Ra∏kovce 3.97%). The diversity of ornamental motifs made by black painting or its combination with engraving is best illustrated by feature 1/1988 from Malé Ra∏kov- ce, where this technique was applied on 28.93% of all the sherds – 45% within ornamented artefacts (Vizdal 1997a). Appliqué (plastic) decoration in the form of knobs (breast-shaped, cylindrical, flat circular, tongue-shap- ed, etc.) which were mainly functional (of practical importance) were present on 16% of the pottery col- lection. Only on a small number of fragments (5%) were combinations of a knob and ornamentation in the form of thick engraving, scratch- es and hollows documented. Appli- qué (plastic) bands (strips) and cor- dons were present on 3–4% of pot- tery. The collection also contained very rare handles. Small clay artefacts (Fig. 5) First in this category, we must men- tion anthropomorphic figurines, in- cluding examples applied on vessels. Their presence was recorded in the Early LPC at five sites: ∞ataj (Pavúk 1970.31, Tab. VII.3a, b; 1976), Mila- novce (Pavúk 1980.10), Vel’ký Grob (To≠ík 1970.31; Pavúk 1970.31, Tab. VII.2), Vel’ké Trakany (πi∏ka 1989. 170), Cífer-Pác (Kolník 1978.129, obr. 70.1; 1980a.143). One exem- plar was discovered in Central Slo- vakia in Tornal’a (Kovács 1984.5– 6) as well as in the east in Ko∏ice- Barca III (πi∏ka 1989.154) and in Zemplínske Kop≠any (πi∏ka 1989. 174–175). We must not forget the appliqué anthropomorphic scenes on a storage vessel from the proto- Linear site of Ko∏ice-∞ervený rak (Kaminská 2008.86, Fig. 7, 8; Be- ljak Pa∫inová 2018.15). Other clay finds include various pen- dants and bracelets known from the Early ELPC. They occurred in Ko∏ice, where the inventory was comple- mented with clay pearls (Kaminská 1998.94). In Zbudza, the most nota- ble finds are a necklace comprising 24 beads, nine tooth-shaped and four Fig. 4. Globular (barrel-shaped) vessels of the Early Linear Pottery Culture (1–4) and Early Eastern Linear Pottery Culture (5–7). 1 Maňa (after Samuel 2001.297, obr. 104); 2 Senica-Sotina (Farka∏ 2008.207, obr. 37.3); 3 Hurbanovo-Bohatá (after Březinová, Pa∫i- nová 2011.256, Tab. LIV.2); 4 Bernolákovo (after Pavúk, Farka∏ 2013.219, Abb. 4.4); 5 Moravany (after Vizdal et al. 2015.130, Pl. IV-4.6); 6 Zbudza (after Vizdal 1986.342, obr. 109.2); 7 ∞el’ovce (after Vizdal 1986.361, obr. 131.2). The state of Early Linear Pottery Culture research in Slovakia 193 fang-shaped pendants. Fragments of bracelets dis- covered at this site were perforated, which suggests their possible use in a necklace (Vizdal 1986.238). Bracelets were recorded in Valaliky as well, where a fragment of a horn-shaped clay artefact also comes from (πi∏ka 1989.168). Besides the presence of clay rings, pendants also occur in Vel’ké Trakany (πi∏ka 1989.170). We can also see various types of pen- dants in ∞el’ovce (Vizdal 1986.241) and Zemplínske Kop≠any (πi∏ka 1989.174–175, Pl. 13.12). A num- ber of almost identical specimens of long, longitu- dinally drilled cylindrical pendants were found in Zalu∫ice (Vizdal 1997b.Pl. IV-49.6) and Moravany (Vizdal et al. 2015.88). Types of pottery products which suggest the pres- ence of textile production and weaver’s equipment are loom weights and spindle whorls. They were found at Early ELPC sites in Ko∏ice (Kaminská 1998. 94) and Zbudza (Vizdal 1986.238) and at Early LPC site in Bíňa (Pavúk 1980.10). Chipped stone industry This group of finds is the second most frequent group represented at the sites of the Early LPC/ELPC in Slo- vakia. Occurrence of these artefacts was document- ed in cadastral areas of 21 villages. Twelve sites were situated in the eastern part of the country, while nine come from its western part. The determining factor is that at five sites the finds come from sur- face collections or surveys. Data such as number, de- scription or types of industry are not stated for al- most quarter of the sites. From other sites, we only have partial information on the occurrence of a cer- tain number of chipped industry without further data. From the Early ELPC site Moravany a total of 5142 chipped stone artefacts have been investigated. Ap- proximately one third of the artefacts were blades and flakes, tools were about 10%, chips between 20 and 30%, and cores were no more than 5% (Kacza- nowska et al. 2015). These finds were also quantita- tively compared with other related sites (Slavkovce, Zbudza, Zalu∫ice, Zemplínske Kop≠a- ny) in the vicinity (Nowak et al. 2010.Tabs. 1, 2). The distinctive do- minance of obsidian is clear (over 80%), followed by limnoquartzites, radiolarites and hornstone. Sites of the Early ELPC in the Eastern Slovak Lowland represent three types of quantitative structure of assembla- ges: Type 1 (blades with lateral re- touch, retouched flakes, end-scrap- ers, trapezes and other microliths) – in this group belong Moravany, younger assemblages from Zalu∫ice and Kop≠any; Type 2 (retouched fla- kes, retouched blades, end-scrapers, trapezes and other microlithic forms) – represented by finds from Slavkov- ce; Type 3 (retouched blades, end- scrapers, retouched flakes, trapezes and other microlithic forms) – occurs at Zbudza and in the older phase of the settlement at Zalu∫ice (Kacza- nowska et al. 2015.173). At Morava- ny blades with lateral retouch pre- dominate, which is also typical for other sites of the ELPC in the Eastern Slovak Lowland (Slavkovce, Zbudza, Zalu∫ice, Kop≠any). On the other hand, in the Ko∏ice Basin at the site of ∞e≠ejovce (Kozłowski 1989) a somewhat higher proportion of end- scrapers than other forms with late- Fig. 5. Small clay artefacts. Anthropomorphic applied figurines of the Early Linear Pottery culture: 1 Cífer Pác (after Kolník 1980b. 296, obr. 54.1); 4 Cífer Pác (after Kolník 1980a.337, obr. 73.1). Pendants of the Early Eastern Linear Pottery culture: 2 Zbudza (af- ter Vizdal 1986.345, obr. 112.6); 3 Moravany (after Vizdal et al. 2015.140, Pl. IV-14.4); 5 Zbudza (after Vizdal 1986.345, obr. 112.5); 6 Moravany (after Vizdal et al. 2015.140, Pl. IV-14.13); 7 Zemplín- ske Kop≠any (after πi∏ka 1989.Tab. 11.10). Noémi Beljak Pa/inová, Tatiana Daráková 194 ral retouch was registered. Interesting is the disco- very of a depot of unworked obsidian concretions (34 concretions that, together, weigh 13.5kg) in feature F/1988 in the Early ELPC site Slavkovce, while the total proportion of obsidian at this site is 96.0% (Vizdal 1990.170; Kaczanowska, Kozłowski 1997). We should also mention the unusual disco- very of a notched drill from the ∞e≠ejovce site which was found during surface collection (Kaminská 1982. 142). Other finds of chipped stone industry also ap- peared during surface collections at Early ELPC sites in Bara (πi∏ka 1989), ∞el’ovce (Vizdal 1986.241), Ko∏ice-Galgovec (Budinský-Kri≠ka 1976.46–54), Ko- ∏ice-Barca (Bánesz, Lichardus 1969), Vel’ké Ra∏kov- ce (πi∏ka 1989; Bánesz 1981.23–26) and Vel’ké Tra- kany (πi∏ka 1989.170). However, their exact num- ber or raw material composition is not specified. The total minimum number of chipped stone indus- try finds of the Early LPC in the territory of West- ern Slovakia is 50. Exact amount of finds is men- tioned in Bernolákovo (43 specimens; Pavúk, Far- ka∏ 2013), Borovce (four flakes; Sta∏∏íková-πtukov- ská 1988.175) and Senec (one blade, two flakes; Far- ka∏ 1995). Certain number of chipped industry with- out further data comes from Bíňa (Pavúk 1980), Blatné (Pavúk 1978.192; 1988.5–8), Bratislava – Mlynská ulica Street (Egyházy-Jurovská, Farka∏ 1987.41), Kátov (Draho∏ová 1987.40), Mojzesovo (Ruttkay 1997.140) and Senica-Sotina (Farka∏ 2008. 57; 2009.69). Among raw materials, obsidian pre- vailed (over 80%). Ground and polished stones/artefacts The occurrence of ground and polished stones at Early LPC/ELPC sites is not common. Finds (5 axes, 16 hammerstones, 4 pounders, 20 grinding stones fragments, 12 plaquettes or flat stones, 19 fragments of pebbles) from the Moravany site in Eastern Slova- kia have been comprehensively evaluated (Kacza- nowska et al. 2015.175–179, Tab. V-8). All raw ma- terials (sandstone, chalk, quartzite, tuff, hornstone, gaize, diatomite) come from local gravels (pebbles) and/or from an area 30–50km around the Moravany site (Kaczanowska et al. 2015.178). Besides Moravany ground and polished stone arte- facts were recorded in the western part of Slovakia on at least eleven sites and in the east at another five sites (Tab. 2). Most often (nine times) adzes are mentioned closely followed by axes (seven times). Less common are grinders (three pieces), grinding plates (three pieces), chip (one piece) and grinding stones (three pieces). Except for Moravany (Kaczanowska et al. 2015. 190–196, Pl. V-11–V-17) very few displayed speci- mens from the analysed period are known. We found only three pieces from the ∞achtice site (Kol- ník, Paulík 1959.96, Tab. I.1–3) and two from Stu- pava (Farka∏ 2012.obr. 2: 1, 5). Finds from Hurba- novo-Bohatá have been specified and analysed (Bře- zinová, Pa∫inová 2011.136–140), where grinders were made from quartz fluvial pebbles, grinding plates from phillite and grinding stones from sand- stone or andesit. Osteological material and bone tools Animal bones occurred at only two sites of the Early ELPC – Vel’ké Ra∏kovce (five bones including a frag- ment of mandible; Bánesz 1981.25) and Moravany (small bones; Kaminská 2003.68–69). Within the territory of Western Slovakia (Early LPC), animal bones were present at nine sites – Senec (Farka∏ 1995.6); Senica-Sotina (Farka∏ 2008.57); Mojzesovo (Ruttkay 1997.140); Slovenský Grob (Marková 1988.89); Bernolákovo (Pavúk, Farka∏ 2013.218); ∞ataj (Pavúk 1976.178); Borovce (Sta∏∏íková-πtu- kovská 1988.174); Hurbanovo-Bohatá (Březinová, Pa∫inová 2011.150–151); Bíňa (Pavúk 1980.10). Identified animal bones from Borovce and Hurba- novo-Bohatá point to beef cattle, swine and goat/ sheep. Besides these species, game in the form of a deer bone occurred in Borovce. The rare representa- tion of osteological material depends on the proper- ties of soil at the sites, which influence the preser- vation of such material. For instance, in the Senica- Sotina site there were rather decayed and eroded bones under the related conditions, and mainly tooth enamel was detected (Farka∏ 2008.57). Processed animal bones occurred very rarely at the sites of the Early LPC. A bone spatula was only found in feature 3 in Hurbanovo-Bohatá, where there were three features with animal bones (Březinová, Pa∫i- nová 2011.167, Tab. LXIX.12). Bone tools were more frequent in Bíňa and Milanovce (Pavúk 1980. Abb. 16; To≠ík 1970.31). In Cífer-Pác a 7.5cm long perforated bear tooth was recorded in feature 300 and a bone spatula was found in feature 360 (Kol- ník 1980a.145, 333, obr. 73.2, 5). Daub Among the features of the Early LPC, daub was reli- ably detected at three sites – Hurbanovo-Bohatá (pie- ces of surface daub in feature 73; Březinová, Pa∫ino- vá 2011.104), Senica-Sotina (with imprints of wattle construction, Farka∏ 2009.62) and in Borovce (daub layer of 110 x 90 x 136cm in feature 2; Sta∏∏íková- The state of Early Linear Pottery Culture research in Slovakia 195 πtukovská 1988.174). Information on four small lumps of daub without specification comes from feature 1/93 in Senec (Farka∏ 1995.6). In the Early ELPC, a higher number of daub pie- ces or daub in form of layers occurred in Slav- kovce (Skiba et al. 1996.104–105), ∞el’ovce (Vizdal 1986.241), Ko∏ice-Barca, Svetlá III (Bá- nesz, Lichardus 1969.291) and Moravany (Ka- minská 2003.69; Nowak 2015.59–61, Fig. III- 19). On the latter site, daub appeared in a total of 16 features out of 39, while worth noting is the presence of daub lumps bearing structural imprints in features 1/98, 3/99–2000, 9/01, 4/ 02, and 7/01 (Nowak et al. 2015.61). Paleobotanical samples and results In Slovakia there are only a small number of samples with finds of grown plants from the Early LPC/ELPC (for more details see Hajnalo- vá 2007.297; 2011.142–143; Lityńska-Zajac 1997; Lityńska-Zajac et al. 2008; Moskal-del Hoyo et al. 2015). Carbonized remains come from Borovce, Moravany, Blatné and Hurbano- vo-Bohatá, imprints on daub and pottery come from Nitra-Dolné Kr∏kany, Ko∏ice-∞ervený rak, Moravany, Zálu∫ice and Slavkovce. In south- western Slovakia, we have documented einkorn wheat (Triticum monococcum), emmer (Triti- cum dicoccum) and spelt (Triticum cf. spel- ta). In Eastern Slovakia, barley (Hordeum vul- gare) and pea (Pisum sativum) are added to the einkorn wheat and emmer. Although flax (Linum usitassimum) is absent among the finds, finds of spindle whorls suggest its prob- able production. Discussion and conclusion The aim of this work was to point to the con- dition of research into the Early LPC/ELPC in the territory of Slovakia. It was preceded by col- lecting and processing of sites with relevant ar- chaeological material known from the litera- ture. It is clear from the obtained data that the first stage of Neolithic occupation in Slovakia is not often represented. Another negative is that in most cases only brief information on the oc- currence of the Early LPC/ELPC material is pub- lished without more detailed analysis, or with- out more specific data. The collection of finds from the first Neolithic culture from the territory of Slovakia represents site cultural affiliation research method amounth adze axe chip grinder grinding plate grinding stone source 1 Bernolákovo Early LPC rescue excavation not speciefied Farka[ 1987.42 2 Blatné Early LPC rescue excavation not speciefied Pavúk 1988.6 3 :achtice Early LPC surface collection 4 2 1 1 – – – Bánesz, Lichardus 1969.96< Kolník, Paulík 1959 4 :e;ejovce Early ELPC rescue excavation not specified {i[ka 1980.206 5 Hurbanovo-Bohatá Early LPC rescue excavation | – – – 1 1 1 Br ˇezinová, Pa/inová 2011.135–136 6 Kátlovce Early LPC surface collection 3 2 1 – – – – Bátora 1993.23–24 7 Kátov Early LPC surface collection 2 – 2 – – – – Draho[ová 1987.40 8 Malé Ra[kovce Early ELPC surface collection not specified Vizdal 1988.141 9 Milanovce Early LPC rescue excavation not speciefied To;ík 1970.30 10 Mojzesovo Early LPC rescue excavation not speciefied Ruttkay 1997.140 11 Senica – Sotina Early LPC systematic research 2 1 1 – – – – Pichlerová 1961.32< Farka[ 2008.57 12 Slavkovce Early ELPC trenches 2 – – – – – 2 Skiba et al. 1996.104 13 Slovensky Grob Early LPC surface collection 3 1 – – 1 1 – Marková 1988.89 14 Stupava Early LPC accidental find 2 1 – – – 1 – Farka[ 2012.9, obr. 2.1, 5 15 Valaliky Early ELPC trenches 1 – – – – 1 – {i[ka 1989.168 16 Zemplínske Kop;any Early ELPC rescue excavation 4 2 2 – – – – {i[ka 1989.171 Tab. 2. Representation of the polished stone types at Early LPC/ELPC sites in Slovakia (except the Moravany site). Noémi Beljak Pa/inová, Tatiana Daráková 196 at least 70 sites; only a few of them have been stud- ied by systematic or rescue excavations. Despite this, we cannot ignore the potential for investigation of this culture in the studied area. The initial collection which we worked with is not ideal. Part of the material was obtained during sur- face collections and surveys. However, we must also emphasize that most sites are polycultural, with younger material prevailing. The sites of Malé Ra∏- kovce (Vizdal 1988.140–141), Blatné (Pavúk 1988. 6) and Mojzesovo (Ruttkay 1970.140) are good evi- dence of the importance of surface collections from the aspect of the investigation’s further potential. Nevertheless, the number of identified features of the Early LPC/ELPC within the subsequent research was small in comparison with other periods. In the eastern part of Slovakia only three sites (Zalu∫ice, Moravany, Zemplínske Kop≠any) and in the western part five sites (Cífer-Pác, Senec-Blatné, ∞ataj, Senica, Hurbanovo-Bohatá) were investigated to a slightly greater extent, but even there the excavations most- ly covered only a small part of the estimated total area. The collecting and processing of the Early LPC/ELPC finds from Slovakia has resulted in a collection con- taining various settlement features (77%), hearths and ovens (8%), pole pits (6%), dwellings (5%), clay pits (4%) among immovable finds. As for movable finds (besides pottery which was present at all sites), chipped stone industry (39%), ground and polished stone industry (22%), and animal bones (19%) were predominant. Less than 15% of finds were small clay artefacts, daub, and bone industry. From the material culture we first focused on pot- tery. The remarkable absence of biconical vessels and vessels/bowls on tall pedestals in the eastern part of the country cannot be ignored. Globular (barrel-shaped) and semiglobular vessels/pots, just like bowls, are represented in almost identical num- bers in the Early LPC and ELPC collections. We must also take the following into consideration – only a small collection of Early LPC finds was used for typo- logy and compared with recently processed Early ELPC pottery (Vizdal 1997a; Vizdal et al. 2015). This corresponds with the information value of the finds presented in the article. The pottery material was not processed only on the basis of forms but also by de- coration. Pottery decoration points to frequent ap- plication of mainly engraved lines on almost half of decorated fragments. Impressed decoration was less frequent (13%). Painting (black paint; combination of painting and engraved lines) had a 5% share in the collection and occurred only in the eastern part of Slovakia. Appliqué (plastic) elements such as knobs, lugs, bands, cordons had an almost 25% share. In some cases perforations on the vessel bodies also occurred. After pottery, chipped stone industry was the sec- ond most frequently represented group of finds, with occurrence in the cadastral areas of 21 villages. As for raw materials, obsidian was most often used (with the related analyses better known from Early ELPC sites in the Eastern Slovak Lowland), while the range of finds included end-scrapers, retouched bla- des, flakes, cores and – rarely – lumps. Polished stones and ground stones were mentioned rarely (only at 17 sites altogether), and their exact numbers from the sites are unknown. Mainly adzes and axes were reported. Animal bones and bone in- dustry, like small clay artefacts, were only insignifi- cantly represented. However, we must point to the occurrence of anthropomorphic figurines at a min- imum of eight sites. Discovered pieces of daub are also reported from eight sites, but their occurrence specifically at the sites of Senica (Western Slovakia) and Moravany (Eastern Slovakia) is important. Twig impressions on daub lumps suggesting timber-fra- med buildings have been found at these sites. The presence of dwellings at the Early LPC settle- ments in Slovakia is minimal. The low number of identified houses is undoubtedly associated with the low amount of systematic research or with the res- cue excavations carried out over only small areas. Analogous sites in the neighbouring countries, e.g., in Austria Brunn am Gebirge II (Lenneis 2004; Stad- ler 2005), Mold bei Horn (Lenneis 2003; Hofmann, Lenneis 2017), Rosenburg im Kamptal (Lenneis 2009), Neckenmarkt und Strögen (Lenneis 2001); Vedrovice-Za dvorem (Podborský et al. 2002), Popů- vky (Bálek 2002) and Brno-Ivanovice (∞i∫mář 1998) in Moravia; or Szentgyörgyvölgy-Pityerdomb (Bánffy 2004; 2005; Bánffy, Réti 2008) and Bala- tonszárszó–Kis-Erdei dülő (Oross 2010) in central and southern Transdanubia and Dunakeszi–Székes- dülő (Horváth 2002; 2004) on the left bank of the Danube north from Budapest, show that detection of residential features is considerably complicated by their sparse distribution within settlements. An important site that can bring new knowledge about the settlements of the Early LPC culture in Western Slovakia (Zahorie region) is Senica-Sotina The state of Early Linear Pottery Culture research in Slovakia 197 (hung. Szotinafalva), where a part of a house ground plan was identified (Fig. 2; Farka∏ 2009.62). Its di- mensions and characteristics (outer pits, external hearth, orientation) are comparable to residential buildings (two houses with dimensions of 7–8.5m x 13–15m) excavated in Szentgyörgyvölgy – Pityer- domb in southern Transdanubia (Bánffy 2004.176– 177). Similarly, in Eastern Slovakia (e.g., Zbudza: Vizdal 1986; 1990; Zalu∫ice: Vizdal 1996; Moravany: No- wak et al. 2015), features whose interpretation en- courages the presence of houses were uncovered. We therefore believe that it is only a matter of time before settlements (including dwelling houses) dat- ed to Early LPC/ELPC can also be explored to an adequate extent in Slovakia. Finally, it is necessary to mention the potential of re- search in to the focal culture in the territory of cen- tral Slovakia. The Ladomerská Vieska site in the Cen- tral Gran river basin, Ωiar nad Hronom District, gives the impression that even at a distance of a minimum of 50km from the centre of the Early LPC settlement in southwestern Slovakia, it is possible to trace the evidence of settlement from the beginning of the Neolithic period. Similarly, in the eastern part of central Slovakia (the Gemer region), there are also a few surface collec- tions (Bátka and Tornal’a sites) of the Early ELPC. It is therefore necessary to monitor the presence or absence of these early finds during future research in the central part of the country, which will clarify our knowledge about the first farmers in the terri- tory of what is today Slovakia. The writing of this paper has been supported by Grant VEGA No. 2/0018/19. This work was supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency un- der the contract No. APVV-17-0063. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Andel K. 1955. 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