IMFM Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics Jadranska 19, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Preprint series Vol. 48 (2010), 1123 ISSN 2232-2094 ACYCLIC EDGE COLORING OF PLANAR GRAPHS WITH A COLORS David Hudak FrantiSek KardoS Borut Luzar Roman Sotak Riste Skrekovski Ljubljana, August 04, 2010 o c^ o < CO c^ o CSI Acyclic edge coloring of planar graphs with A colors David Hudak* Frantisek Kardos* Borut LuZar* Roman Sotak Riste Skrekovski* July 20, 2010 Abstract An acyclic edge coloring of a graph is a proper edge coloring without bichromatic cycles. In 1978, it was conjectured that A(G) + 2 colors suffice for an acyclic edge coloring of every graph G [6]. The conjecture has been verified for several classes of graphs, however, the best known upper bound for as special class as planar graphs are, is A +12 [2]. In this paper, we study simple planar graphs which need only A(G) colors for an acyclic edge coloring. We show that a planar graph with girth g and maximum degree A admits such acyclic edge coloring if g > 12, or g > 8 and A > 4, or g > 7 and A > 5, or g > 6 and A > 6, or g > 5 and A > 10. Our results improve some previously known bounds. CO Keywords: Acyclic edge coloring, Planar graph, Discharging method C^ 1 Introduction An acyclic edge coloring of a graph G is a proper edge coloring with an additional condition that any pair of colors induces a linear forest (an acyclic graph with maximum degree two); in other words, there are no bichromatic cycles in G. The least number x'a(G) of colors for which G admits an acyclic edge coloring is called acyclic chromatic index;. Since graphs with parallel edges do not admit acyclic edge colorings, in this paper we consider only simple graphs. The acyclic coloring was first introduced for vertices of graphs by Griinbaum [8] and has been later extended to edges. Since acyclic edge coloring is also proper, we have the inequality x(G)' < x'a(G) for every graph G. It is well known that the chromatic index of graphs is at least A(G) and at most A(G) + 1, what was proved by Vizing [13]. For an acyclic chromatic index a similar bound is believed to be true. ""Institute of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Pavol Jozef Safarik University, Kosice, Slovakia. Supported in part by bilateral project SK-SI-0007-08 between Slovakia and Slovenia, by VVGS grant No. 617-B (I-10-032-00) (D. Hudak), and by Slovak Research and Development Agency under contract No. APVV-0007-07 (F. Kardos and R. Sotak). ^Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Operation part financed by the European Union, European Social Fund. ^Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana. Partially supported by Ministry of Science and Technology of Slovenia, Research Program P1-0297. Conjecture 1 ([6, 1]). For every graph G it holds that A(G) < xa < A(G) + 2 . C^ An analysis of cycles in graphs is a hard task, thus it is not surprising that the best known upper bound for an acyclic chromatic index is 16A(G), which has been proved by Molloy and Reed [10]. However, Conjecture 1 has been verified for several classes of graphs. The first result is due to Burnstein [5], who proved that every graph with maximum degree 4 has an acyclic vertex coloring with 5 colors. Since the maximum degree of a line graph L(G) of a subcubic graph G is at most 4, and since an acyclic edge coloring of a graph G is in fact an acyclic vertex coloring of L(G), it follows that for every subcubic graph G, we have x!a(G) < 5 = A + 2. Note that x!a(G) < 3 if A(G) = 2. Furthermore, in [1] Conjecture 1 has been proved for almost all d-regular graphs and for all d-regular graphs with girth at least cA(G) log A(G), where c is a constant. Recently, Basavaraju and Chandran [3] proved that the conjecture also holds for complete bipartite graphs Kp,p, where p is an odd prime. Since 2008, the acyclic edge coloring of planar graphs has received a lot of attention. Fiedorowicz, Haluszczak, and Narayanan [7] proved that x'a(G) < 2A(G) +29 for every planar graph G, and if the girth of G is at least 4, the bound reduces to A + 6. In the same year, Sun and Wu [12] verified Conjecture 1 for planar graphs without k-cycles, where k € {4, 5, 6, 7, 8}, and planar graphs without 4- and 5-cycles in which no two 3-cycles share a vertex. In 2009, Hou et al. [9] improved the bound for planar graphs to max{2A(G) — 2, A + 22}. They also studied planar graphs with specified girth and maximum degree. They showed the following theorem. C^ 1. x'a(G) < A + 2 if g > 5; 2. x'a(G) < A + 1 if g > 7; 2 00 CSI CD CD W U a CD Theorem 1 ([9]). Let G be a planar graph with maximum degree A and girth g. Then 3- xa(G) = A if g > 16 and A > 3. £ CO Moreover, they proved that A + 1 color suffice for an acyclic edge coloring of a CO series-parallel graph G. Cohen, Havet, and Miiller [11] proved another bound for acyclic chromatic index of planar graphs. They showed that x'a(G) < A(G) + 25. They also posed the following conjecture. Uh Conjecture 2 ([11]). There exists an integer A for which every planar graph G with maximum degree A(G) > A admits an acyclic edge coloring with A(G) colors. This is an analogue to the conjecture of Vizing [13] which says that all planar graphs with maximum degree at least 6 are A-edge colorable. The upper bound for acyclic chromatic index of planar graphs has been recently improved by Basavaraju and Chandran [3]. They proved that x'a(G) < A + 12 for every planar graph G. Furthermore, the bounds for planar graphs with specified girth were improved by Yu, Hou, Liu, Liu, and Xu [14]. They proved the two theorems below. Theorem 2 ([14]). Let G be a planar graph with girth g and maximum degree A. Then x'a(G) < A + 1 if at least one of the conditions below holds: 1. g > 6, or o o 4J m M < CO 0 o 1 CO ^ CO CO CO CD $H CD CO $H a CD Jh 2. g > 5 and A > 11. Theorem 3 ([14]). Let G be a planar graph with girth g and maximum degree A. Then Xa(G) = A if at least one of the conditions below holds: 1. A > 4 and g > 12, or 2. A > 5 and g > 10, or 3. A > 6 and g > 8, or 4. A > 12 and g > 7. Finally, in 2010 Borowiecki and Fiedorowicz [4] verified Conjecture 1 for planar graphs with girth at least 5. They also showed that x'a(G) < A(G) + 1 for every planar graph G with girth at least 6, which improves the previous result of Hou et al. [9]. In this paper we studied the acyclic edge colorings of planar graphs with A(G) colors and improved several previous results. Our results are the following. Theorem 4. Let G be a planar graph with girth g and maximum degree A. Then Xa(G) = A if one of the following conditions holds: 1. A > 3 and g > 12, or 2. A > 4 and g > 8, or 3. A > 5 and g > 7, or 4. A > 6 and g > 6, or 5. A > 10 and g > 5. In Table 1 we present the best known bounds for planar graphs. Our results are marked with an asterisk. A(G) 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 3 A + 12 4 A + 6 5 A + 2 A* A + 1 6 A + 1 A* 9(G) 7 A* A 8 A* A 10 A 12 A* A 16 A Table 1: Overview of known and new results. In the paper we use the standard notation. The degree of a vertex v (the size of a face f) is denoted by d(v) (resp. d(f)). A vertex with degree k (at least k, at most k) is called a k-vertex (a > k-vertex, a < k-vertex, respectively). The neighbor u of degree k of a vertex v is called a k-neighbor of v. Given an edge coloring p of G, we say that the color a is free at the vertex v if there is no edge incident to v colored with color a. On the other hand, a color a is used at v if there is some edge incident with v which is colored by a. A path induced by colors a and b is called an {a,b}-path. 2 Proof of Theorem 4. We prove each claim of Theorem 4 separately. In all proofs we assume that there exists a minimal counterexample G to the claim and show that it cannot exist by studying ^ its properties. First, we show that certain configurations cannot occur in the minimal counterexample. Then we assign charge to the vertices and faces of G. Using Euler's formula we compute that the total charge is negative. However, by redistributing the charge among vertices and faces, we show that it is nonnegative, reaching a contradiction. Hence, the minimal counterexample G does not exist. This approach is the well known discharging method which remains the only technique for proving the Four Color Theorem. CO 2 2.1 Reducible configurations CO First, we prove some general properties of the minimal counterexample G. Throughout this section, we assume that the girth of G is at least 5 and the maximum degree of G is A > 3. Claim 1. Minimum degree of G is at least 2. Proof. Let v be a vertex of degree 1 in G. Then the graph G = G — v is not a counterexample, thus it has an acyclic edge coloring using at most A colors. This coloring can obviously be extended to a desired coloring of G, what is a contradiction with the assumption of G being a counterexample. □ (N From now on we may assume that there are no 1-vertices in G. Claim 2. Let v be a vertex of degree k in G, let d1, d2,. .. ,dk be the degrees of the neighbors of v. Then Y di > A + k. i=1 Proof. Let v be a k-vertex in G with neighbors v1, v2,..., vk of degrees d1, d2,..., dk such that d1 + d2 + ■ ■ ■ + dk < A + k — 1. Let ( be an acyclic edge coloring of G — v using at most A colors. There are di — 1 colors used at vi, i = 1,2,..., k. Since (d1 — 1) + (d2 — 1) + ■ ■ ■ + (dk — 1) < A — 1, there is a color, say c1, which is not used at any vi, i = 1,2,..., k. We color the edge vv1 with this color. For the edge vvi (2 < i < k) we use any color ci which does not appear on edges vv1, vv2,... ,vvi-1 and which is not used at vi, vi+1,... ,vk. There are at most k i — 1 + (di — 1) + ■ ■ ■ + (dk — 1) < ^(dj — 1) < A — 1 j=1 • i forbidden colors, hence, such color ci exists. It is clear that we obtained a proper a coloring of G using at most A colors. To conclude the proof it suffices to prove that no bichromatic cycle could have arisen. Let vvi and vvj be a part of a cycle colored with colors ci and cj, 1 < i < j < k. Then the color ci must be used at vj, a contradiction with the choice of c,-. □ As a special case of Claim 2 we get the following statement: i—l Claim 3. There is no 2-vertex v in G incident with vertices vi and v2 such that d(vi) + d(v2) < A + 1. CO 2 O £ CO CO CO CD CD CO Consider the graph H induced by 2-vertices of G. Let vertices isolated in H be white, let the other 2-vertices be black. The previous claim immediately implies: Claim 4. There is no path of at least 3 black vertices in G. Moreover, each black 2-vertex is adjacent to a A-vertex. It means that H consists of (isolated) white vertices and (isolated) pairs of black vertices. More detailed analysis yields: ~ Claim 5. Every vertex in G has at most one black 2-neighbor. CO Proof. Suppose a vertex v has two black 2-neighbors vi and v2 in G. Let ui be the neighbor of vi distinct from v; let ei = vv, fi = vu, i = 1, 2. Let fi be the edge incident with ui distinct from f, i = 1,2. See Figure 1 for illustration. f 2 f 2 e2 ei /-n f 1 ^ fi f2 f2 ^ e2 ei fi^ f 2 ^ 1 ^ 2 1 ^ ^ 1 2 ^ 3 ^ 1 2 ^ 3 ^ 1 O Figure 1: Reducing a vertex v with two black 2-neighbors. 1 Let ^ be an acyclic edge coloring of G = G — fi using at most A colors. We may assume that ^(ei) = 1 and <^(e2) = 2. If ^>(fi) = 1, we can extend ^ to an acyclic edge coloring of G easily. Hence, we may assume p>(f[) = 1. We may set ^(fi) = 2, unless there is a {1,2}-path in G' from vi to ui. If this is the case, we have ^>(f2) = 1 and (p(f2) = 2. Now we recolor the edges in the following way: we set ^(fi) = 3, ^(ei) = 2, <^(e2) = 1, <^(f2) = 3. It can be easily checked that no bichromatic cycle has been created. □ 2.1.1 Neighborhood of A-vertices We say that vertices u and v are subadjacent, if there is a 2-vertex adjacent to both u and v. Claim 6. Let v be a A-vertex subadjacent to a vertex u in G. Then the number of 2-neighbors of v is at most d(u). Proof. If d(u) = A there is nothing to prove, so we may assume that d(u) = k < A. Suppose the number of 2-neighbors of v is at least k + 1. Let vi, v2,..., vk+i be 2-neighbors of v; let ui be the neighbor of vi different from v, let ei = vvi and fi = vu, i = 1,2,..., k + 1. Assume u = ui. See Figure 2 for illustration. Let be an acyclic edge coloring of G' = G — fi using at most A colors. Let 1,2,..., k — 1 be the colors used at u. If ^(ei) ^ {1,2,..., k — 1}, we color fi with any color free at u distinct from ^(ei). This is always possible, since u has only k — 1 < A — 1 colored edges. It is clear that we obtain an acyclic edge coloring of G using at most A colors. Hence, we may assume that ^(ei) = 1. o o 4J m M < CO 0 o 1 CO ^ CO CO Figure 2: Reducing a A-vertex v subadjacent to a k-vertex u and having at least k + 1 2-neighbors. Consider now the colors of e2, ..., &k+\. At most k—1 of them are from {2,..., k — 1}. hence, there are (at least) two edges colored with colors free at u. Without loss of generality we may assume that ^>(ek) = k and ^>(ek+i) = k + 1. If (fk) = ^(fk+i) = 1. Moreover, we may assume that in the subgraph G'1k of G' induced by the edges of colors 1 and k the vertices v1 and u are the endvertices of the same {1,k}-path, another such path starts in vk. In this case we set ^>(ek) = k + 1 and ^(ek+1) = k. Clearly, we obtain an acyclic edge coloring of G'. Now, in G'1k the {1,k}-path from u ends in vk, hence, we can set 10. Every planar graph with girth at least 5 and maximum degree 1 at most A admits an acyclic edge coloring with A colors. Let G be a minimal counterexample to Lemma 5 with respect to the number of edges. U a CD U 2.2.1 Discharging rules w(v) = 3d(v) — 10 for each vertex v of G; w(f) = 2d(f) — 10 for each face f of G. Let the initial charge be set as follows: 00 Using Euler's formula and handshaking lemma we can derive that the sum of the 2 charge in whole graph is negative: £ w(v) + £ w(f) = 3 ■ £ d(v) — 10 ■ |V| +2 ■ £ d(f) — 10 ■ |F| = vev f eF vev feF = 3 ■ 2 ■ |E| — 10 ■ |V| +2 ■ 2 ■ |E| — 10 ■ |F| = 10 ■ (|E| — |V| — |F|) = —20. It is clear that all the faces have nonnegative charge since g > 5. Vertices of degree at least 4 have positive charge, 3-vertices have charge —1 and 2-vertices have charge —4. We move the negative charge from 2-vertices and 3-vertices according to the following rules: HH (R1) Let v be a 2-vertex with neighbors v1 and v2. Let d = d(v1) < d(v2). (R1a) If d < 3, then v sends no charge to v1 and —4 of charge to v2. (Rib) If d = 4, then v sends —^ of charge to v\ and —^ of charge to v2. (Rlc) If 5 < d < 9, then v sends — iddZ_li °f charge to v\ and —jzj °f charge to v2. (R1d) If d > 9, then v sends —2 of charge both to v1 and v2. (R2) Let v be a 3-vertex with neighbors v1, v2, and v3. Let d(v1) < d(v2) < d(v3). Then v sends —1 of charge to v3. Notice that for 5 < d < 9 we have '^Err < 2 < fri and that for d = 9 rules (Rlc) and (R1d) coincide. Observe that by Claim 3 in (R1a) we have d(v2) > A —1 > 9 > 3 > d(vi) and in (R1b) we have d(v2) > A — 2 > 8 > 4 = d(v2). In (R1c), if d(v1) = d(v2), we choose v1 arbitrarily. To make the proof complete we need to show that after the discharging rules are applied, the charge of all vertices is nonnegative. Observe that all 2-vertices send all their negative charge to their neighbors, moreover, only vertices of degree at least 4 receive some negative charge from 2-vertices. Similarly, all 3-vertices send all their negative charge to some of their neighbors. By Claim 2 for each 3-vertex v with neighbors v1, v2, and v3 such that d(v1) < d(v2) < d(v3) we have d1 + d2 + d3 > A + 3 > 13. Therefore, d(v3) > 5 and only vertices of degree at least 5 receive some negative charge from 3-vertices. Let v be a 4-vertex. Its initial charge is 2. By (Rib) it only receives — ^ of charge from each 2-neighbor, hence, its charge is at least 2 — 4 • 3 > 0. C^ 2.2.2 Vertices of degree A Let v be a A-vertex. Its initial charge is 3A — 10. It receives at most —1 of charge from each 3-neighbor, thus if it has no 2-neighbor its charge is at least 3A — 10 — A, which is clearly positive. Assume v has some 2-neighbors. It means it is subadjacent to some vertices; let k be the minimum degree of a vertex subadjacent to v. Then by Claim 6 the number of 2-neighbors of v is at most k. Let k < 3. Then v has at most three 2-neighbors which send at most —4 of charge to v by (R1a)-(R1d). The charge of v is at least 3A — 10 — 3 ■ 4 — (A — 3) = 2A — 19 which is positive since A > 10. i Let k = 4. Then v has at most four 2-neighbors which send at most — ^ of charge to v by (Rlb)-(Rld). The charge of v is at least 3A - 10 - 4 • \ - (A - 4) = 2A - 20 which is nonnegative since A > 10. Let 5 < k < 9. Then each 2-neighbor of v sends at most —fzr °f charge to v by (R1c) or (R1d). The number of 2-neighbors of v is at most k, thus the charge of v is at least k + 7 8k 8 3A — 10 — k ■ j—1 - (A - k) = 2A - 10 - = 2A - 18 - k — 1 v y k — 1 k — 1 This is nonnegative since k — 1 > 4 and A > 10. Let k > 10. Then each 2-neighbor of v sends —2 of charge to v. Then the charge of v is at least 3A — 10 — k ■ 2 — (A — k) = 2A — 10 — k. This is nonnegative since A > 10 and k < A. CD • i 2.2.3 Other vertices of degree at least 5 Let v be a d-vertex, 5 < d < A. Its initial charge is 3d — 10. It receives at most —1 of charge from each 3-neighbor, thus if it has no 2-neighbor its charge is at least 3d —10 — d, which is clearly nonnegative for d > 5. Assume v has some 2-neighbors. It means it is subadjacent to some vertices; let k be the minimum degree of a vertex subadjacent a to v. By Claim 4 we have k > 3. By Claim 3 for each subadjacent vertex u we have d(uj) > A + 2 — d. Therefore, k > A + 2 — d, thus, d > A + 2 — k. Recall that by Claim 7 the number of 2-neighbors of v is at most d + k — A — 1 = k — 1 — (A — d) < k — 2. Now, consider several cases regarding k: If k = 3, then d > A — 1 > 9, moreover, v has one 2-neighbor. The charge of v is at least 3d — 10 — 4 — (d — 1) = 2d — 13 which is positive for d > 9. If k = 4, then d > A — 2 > 8, moreover, v has at most two 2-neighbors. The charge of v is at least 3d — 10 — 2 • ^ — (d — 2) = 2d — 15 which is positive for d > 8. 2 2 CSI CO CO u cu If 5 < k < 8 and k < d, then each 2-neighbor of v sends at most — f^-j- of charge to v by (R1c) or (R1d). So the charge of v is at least ,, , A , k + 7,a ,. 2(kd — 9k — 5d + 4A + 9) 3d - 10 - (d + k - A - 1) • —- - (A + 1 - k) = -i-—--> 2(kd- 9k - 5d + 49) _ 2[(k - 5)(d - 9) + 4] - i ~ ATTL ' This is nonnegative since k — 5 > 0 and d — 9 > —4. If 9 < k and k < d, then each 2-neighbor of v sends —2 of charge to v by (R1d). 00 Then the charge of v is at least 3d — 10 — (d + k — A — 1) ■ 2 — (A + 1 — k) = d — 9 + A — k. This is nonnegative since d > 9 and k < A. If 5 < fc and d < k, then each 2-neighbor of v sends — idjZl\ of charge to v by (Rlc). By Claim 8 the number of 2-neighbors of v is at most d — 1. The charge of v is at least 3d - 10 - (d - 1) • - 1 = 0. d — 1 o Since all the vertices of G have nonnegative charge, we obtain a contradiction which completes the proof. C^ 00 2.3 Planar graphs with girth 6 Lemma 6. Let A > 6. Every planar graph with girth at least 6 and maximum degree at most A admits an acyclic edge coloring with A colors. Suppose G is a minimal counterexample to Lemma 6. 2.3.1 Discharging rules Let the initial charge be set as follows: • w(v) = 2d(v) — 6 for each vertex v of G; • w(f) = d(f) — 6 for each face f of G. By Euler's formula we have that the sum of charges of vertices and faces is —12. It is clear that since g > 6 all the faces have nonnegative charge. Vertices of degree at least 4 have positive charge, 3-vertices have no charge and 2-vertices have charge —2. We redistribute the charge among vertices by the following rules: (R3) Let v be a 2-vertex with neighbors v i and v2 such that d(v i) < d(v2). £ (R3a) If d(v i) < 3, then v sends —2 of charge to v2. (R3b) If d(v i) = 4 and d(v2) = 4, then v sends —1 of charge to both v i and v2. (R3c) If d(vi) = 4 and d(v2) > 5, then v sends —| of charge to v\ and —| of charge to v2. (R3d) If d(v i) > 5, then v sends —1 of charge to both v i and v2. It is easy to see that 2-vertices send all their negative charge to their neighbors. Since A > 6, by Claim 3 for each 2-vertex with neighbors with degrees d1 and d2 we have d1 + d2 > A + 2 > 8, therefore, only vertices of degree at least 4 can receive negative charge. Hence, 3-vertices neither send nor receive any charge, so they retain chargeless. m 2 oo 2.3.2 4-vertices Let v be a 4-vertex in G. Its initial charge is 2. If it has no 2-neighbors, its charge does not change. By Claim 3 it cannot be subadjacent to a 3-vertex. If it is subadjacent to a 4-vertex, by Claim 7 the number of 2-neighbors of v is at most 4 + 4 — A — 1 = 7 — A < 1, hence, it has only one 2-neighbor from which it receives —1 of charge by (R3b). Its final charge is (at least) 2 — 1 = 1. If it is only subadjacent to vertices of degree at least five, it can have at most three 2-neighbors by Claim 8. By (R3c) it receives — f of charge from each 2-neighbor, hence, its charge is at least 2 — 3 • | =0. 2.3.3 5-vertices Let v be a 5-vertex in G. Its initial charge is 4. If it has no 2-neighbors, its charge does not change. By Claim 4 it cannot have a black 2-neighbor. Hence, it can only be subadjacent to > 3-vertices. If it is subadjacent to a 3-vertex or a 4-vertex, then by Claim 7 it can have at most two 2-neighbors, hence its charge is at least 4 — 2 ■ 2 > 0. If it is not subadjacent to any 3- or 4-vertex, then by Claim 8 it can have at most four 2-neighbors, which send —1 of charge each by (R3d); the charge of v is at least 4 — 4 ■ 1 > 0. 2.3.4 Other vertices (N Let v be a d-vertex, where d > 6. Its initial charge is 2d — 6 > 6. If it has no 2-neighbors, it does not receive any negative charge. Suppose v has some 2-neighbors; let k be a minimum degree of a vertex subadjacent to v. CO If k < 3, then by Claims 6 and 7 the vertex v has at most three 2-neighbors, and CO each has sent at most —2 of charge. Hence, the charge of v is nonnegative. If k = 4, then v has at most four 2-neighbors, and each has sent at most —§ of charge. Hence, the charge of v is at least 6 — 4 • | = | > 0. If k > 5, then v receives at most —1 of charge from each neighbor, hence its charge is at least 2d — 6 — d = d — 6 > 0. All the vertices of G have nonnegative charge, a contradiction which establishes the lemma. • i 2.4 Planar graphs with girth 7 Lemma 7. Let A > 5. Every planar graph with girth at least 7 and maximum degree at most A admits an acyclic edge coloring with A colors. If A > 6, then the statement follows from Lemma 6. Therefore, we may assume that A = 5 and A(G) < 5. Suppose G is a minimal counterexample to Lemma 7. 2 CO CD 2.4.1 Discharging rules Let the initial charge be set as follows: • w(v) = 5d(v) — 14 for each vertex v of G; • w(f) = 2d(f) — 14 for each face f of G. By Euler's formula we have that the sum of charges of vertices and faces is —28. It is clear that since g > 7 all the faces have nonnegative charge. Vertices of degree 5 have charge 11, vertices of degree 4 have charge 6, vertices of degree 3 have charge 1, and vertices of degree 2 have charge —4. We redistribute the charge among vertices by the following rules: (R4) Let v be a 2-vertex with neighbors v1 and v2 such that d(v1) < d(v2). (R4a) If d(v1) = 2, then v sends 0 of charge to v1 and —4 of charge to v2. 00 (R4b) If d(vi) = 3, then v sends —| of charge to v\ and —^ of charge to v2. (R4c) If d(v1) > 4, then v sends —2 of charge both to v1 and v2. i—l Since A = 5, by Claim 3 for each 2-vertex with neighbors with degrees d1 and d2 we have d1 + d2 > A + 2 = 7. It is easy to see that 2-vertices send all their negative charge to their neighbors of degree at least 3. 2.4.2 3-vertices Let v be a 3-vertex in G. Its initial charge is 1. By (R4b) it receives — | of charge from each its 2-neighbor, hence its charge is at least 1 — 3 • = 0. cn 2.4.3 4-vertices Let v be a 4-vertex in G. Its initial charge is 6. If it has no 2-neighbors, its charge does not change. By Claim 3 it cannot be subadjacent to a 2-vertex. If it is subadjacent to a 3-vertex, by Claim 7 the number of 2-neighbors of v is at most 3 + 4 — A — 1 = 1, hence, it has only one 2-neighbor from which it receives —-y of charge by (R4b). Its charge is clearly nonnegative. If v is not subadjacent to any < 3-vertex, then by Claim 8 it can have at most three 2-neighbors, from which it receives —2 of charge by (R4c). Its charge is (at least) 6 — 3 ■ 2 = 0. 2.4.4 5-vertices Let v be a 5-vertex in G. Its initial charge is 11. If it has no 2-neighbors, its charge does not change. If v is subadjacent to a 2-vertex, then by Claim 6 it has at most two 2-neighbors, which send at most —4 of charge each. The charge of v is at least 11 — 2 ■ 4 = 3 > 0. If v is not subadjacent to any 2-vertex and v is subadjacent to a 3-vertex, by Claim 6 it has at most three 2-neighbors, which send at most — ^ of charge each. The charge of v is at least 11 — 3 • ^ = 0. If v is not subadjacent to any < 3-vertex, then all its 2-neighbors send —2 of charge by (R4c); the charge of v is at least 11 — 5 ■ 2 = 1 > 0. All the vertices of G have nonnegative charge, a contradiction which establishes the lemma. 2.5 Planar graphs with girth 8 o 4J m 2 00 0 o 1 00 £ CO CO Lemma 8. Let A > 4. Every planar graph with girth at least 8 and maximum degree at most A admits an acyclic edge coloring with A colors. If A > 5, then the statement follows from Lemma 7. Therefore, we may assume that A = 4 and A(G) < 4. Suppose G is a minimal counterexample to Lemma 8. Before setting discharging rules, we prove several additional properties of G. 2.5.1 More reducible configurations Let a 3-vertex with two 2-neighbors be blue. We focus on the neighborhood of blue vertices. Claim 9. Each blue 3-vertex is subadjacent to two 4-vertices. Proof. Let v be a blue 3-vertex with 2-neighbors v 1 and v2; let ui be the neighbor of vi distinct from v, i = 1, 2. If d(ui) < 3, then by Claim 7 there are at most d(v) + d(ui) - A - 1 < 3 + 3 - 4 - 1 = 1 2-vertices adjacent, to v in G, however, both v\ and v2 are 2-vertices, a contradiction. □ Claim 10. Each blue 3-vertex is adjacent to a 4-vertex. Proof. Let v be a blue 3-vertex with neighbors v 1, v2, v3. Let d(v 1) = 2, d(v2) = 2, d(v3) = 3; let ei = vvi, i = 1,2,3. Let fi be the edge incident with vi different from ei, i = 1,2. Let f3, f4 be edges incident with v3 different from e3. Let G' be the graph obtained from G by deletion of the edges e1, e2, and e3. Let ^ be an acyclic edge coloring of G' using at most 4 colors. Consider the colors of f1, f2, f3, and f4. We distinguish all possible cases up to symmetry and permutation of colors. See Figure 4 for illustration. Let <^(f1) = = 1. If 1 / |^(f3),^(f4)}, then we set <^(e1) = ^3) and ^>(e2) = <^(f4); for the edge e3 we use the fourth color. If 1 = <^(f3), then we set ^(e1) = <^(f4); for the edges e2 and e3 we use the othe two colors. Now, we may assume that ^(f1) = 1 and <^(f2) = 2. Let the four edges f1, f2, f3, and f4 be colored by four colors, say <^(f3) = 3, <^(f4) = 4. Then we set ^(e1) = 2, ^(e2) = 3, and ^3) = 1. Let the four edges f1, f2, f3, and f4 be colored by three colors, say <^(f3) = 1, ^(f4) = 3. Then we set ^(e1) = 2, ^>(e2) = 3, and <^(e3) = 4. Let the four edges f1, f2, f3, and f4 be colored by two colors, say <^(f3) = 1, ^>(f4) = 2. Then we set ^(e1) = 2, <^(e2) = 3, and ^>(e3) = 4. CO CD Jh CD CO u a CD U Figure 4: Reducing a 3-vertex with neighbors of degrees 2, 2, 3, respectively. It is easy to see that ^ is now an acyclic edge coloring of G using at most 4 colors, a contradiction. □ Claim 11. Let v be a 4-vertex subadjacent to two 3-vertices. Then the number of 2-neighbors of v is two. Proof. Let v be a 4-vertex subadjacent to u\, u2, u3 such that d(u\) = d(u2) = 3. Let vi be the common neighbor of v and u^ i = 1, 2, 3. Let v4 be the other neighbor of v. Let ei = vvj, i = 1,2,3,4, fi = v^, i = 1,2,3. See Figure 5 for illustration. Let p be an acyclic edge coloring of G' = G — f using at most 4 colors. Assume p(e i) = 1. There are two colors free at u1. If 1 is free at ui, then we use the other free color for f1 to extend p to an acyclic edge coloring of G. Hence, we may assume that 1 is used at u1. Let 3 and 4 be the colors free at u1. We can use the color 3 (or 4) for f1 unless we introduce a bichromatic cycle. Therefore, we may assume that in G', there is a {1,3}-path from v1 to u1 and also a {1,4}-path from v1 from u1 . Consider the color of e2. Suppose first that p(e2) = 3. Since there is a {1,3}-path from v1 to u1, we have p(f2) = 1 and we know that 3 is used at u2. Hence, there is a color c € {2, 4} free at u2. In this case we set p(e1) = 3, p(f1) = 4, p(e2) = 1, and p(f2) = c, see Figure 5(a). It is easy to see that no bichromatic cycle arises. We can use the same argument if p(e2) = 4. Hence, we may assume that p(e2) = 2; without loss of generality let p(e3) = 3 and p(e4) = 4. Then p(f3) = 1. Consider the color of f2. Suppose first that p(f2) = 1. In this case, we set p(f1) = 3, p(e1) = 2, and p(e2) = 1. It is easy to see that no bichromatic cycle is created, since the {2,3}-path containing v1 ends at v3, the {1,2}-path and {1,3}-path containing v2 ends at v1, and {1,4}-path containing v2 ends at u1, see Figure 5(b). Finally, suppose that p(f2) = 1. Then there is a color, say c = 1, free at u2. In this case, we set p(f1) = 3, p(e1) = 2, p(e2) = 1, and p(f2) = c, see Figure 5(c). Again, no bichromatic cycle arises. □ CSI 2 00 CSI o CSI I £ CD ■ i u 2.5.2 Discharging rules CO Let the initial charge be set as follows: • w(v) = 3d(v) — 8 for each vertex v of G; • w(f) = d(f) — 8 for each face f of G. By Euler's formula we have that the sum of charges of vertices and faces is —16. It is clear that since g > 8 all the faces have nonnegative charge. Vertices of degree 4 have charge 4, vertices of degree 3 have charge 1, and vertices of degree 2 have charge —2. We redistribute the charge among vertices by the following rules: (R5a) Each white 2-vertex divides its charge (—2) equally among its two neighbors. (R5b) Each black 2-vertex sends all its charge (—2) to the neighbor which is not a 2-vertex. After this phase all 2-vertices have charge 0. However, some other vertices can have become negative. Consider a 3-vertex v in G. Its initial charge is 1. By Claim 3 it cannot have a black 2-neighbor. By Claim 8 it can have at most two (white) 2-neighbors. If v has at most one 2-neighbor, then it receives at most —1 of charge, so its charge is at least 0. Thus, only 3-vertices with precisely two 2-neighbors - blue 3-vertices - have negative charge. O 4J m M < CO 0 o 1 CO ^ CO CO (a) Ifa Ifa © © 2 Te3 2 2 Tea 2 Xfi ^ ei A e2 — Kfi ^ ei A e2 (ui^—(vi) ——(v )—— V2)-— 0. However, if has at most three white 2-neighbors, its charge is at least 1. Let 4-vertices with four 2-neighbors be called red. Observe that by Claim 6 a red 4-vertex cannot be subadjacent to a < 3-vertex, hence, each red 4-vertex is subadjacent to four 4-vertices. (R7) Each 4-vertex v divides all its charge equally to the four faces it is incident with. Now all vertices have nonnegative charge. Some of the negative charge can have been moved from blue 3-vertices to faces. On the other hand, observe that each face receives at. least. | of charge from each incident. 4-vertex which is not. red. 2.5.3 Big faces Let. / be a. face of size k. Its initial charge is k — 8; it. receives — | or — | of charge from each blue 3-vertex it is incident with. Let v1,..., vk be the vertices incident with f in a cyclic order. Let v\ be a blue 3-vertex which sends — \ of charge to /. According to (R6), we may assume ) = 4 and d(v2) = 2, and d(ui) = 2, where ui is the neighbor of v1 not incident with f. By Claim 9 we have d(v3) = 4. It means there is a facial path of length 3 beginning and ending in a 4-vertex, containing the blue 3-vertex v1. Let v\ be a blue 3-vertex which sends — ^ of charge to /. According to (R6), we may assume d(vk) = d(v2) = 2. Again, by Claim 9 we have d(vk-1) = d(v3) = 4. It means there is a facial path of length 4 beginning and ending in a 4-vertex, containing the blue vertex v1. Altogether, there can be at most | blue vertices incident, with /. The charge of / is at least k- = which is nonnegative for k > 10. 2.5.4 9-faces Let f be a 9-face. Its initial charge is 9 — 8 = 1. If it is incident with at most two blue 3-vert.ices, its charge is at least 1 — 2 • 1 =0. Therefore we may assume it is incident, with three blue 3-vertices. This can only happen if all the three blue 3-vertices are contained in paths of length 3. Hence, they send 3 • (—|) of charge to /, and so the final charge of f is clearly nonnegative. o £ CO CO 2.5.5 8-faces Let f be an 8-face. Its initial charge is 0. If it is incident with no blue 3-vertices, it does not receive negative charge. Let. / have received — | of charge from a blue 3-vertex v\] let. vg be a 4-vertex, t;2 be a white 2-vertex and let v3 be a 4-vertex. Since the 4-vertex v8 is adjacent to a 3-vertex vi, it. is not. red; by (R7) it. sends at least. \ of charge to /. The charge of / is at. least. 4 + i = o- Let. / have received — ^ of charge from a blue 3-vertex v\] let. vg and v2 be white 2-vertices and let v7 and v3 be 4-vertices. Since v3 and v7 are subadjacent to a 3-vertex vi, they are not. red; by (R7) the vertices v3 and vj send at. least. \ of charge to /. The charge of / is at least. — | + 2 • | = 0. Let. / have received — \ of charge from two blue 3-vert.ices. There are five possibilities for their position up to symmetry, see Figure 6, the first five images. In all thee cases there are at least two 4-vertices which are not red (recall that a red 4-vertex cannot be adjacent, or subadjacent. to a < 3-vertex); hence they send at. least. | of charge to / each. It means the charge of f is nonnegative. CD Figure 6: Possible positions of blue vertices incident with an 8-face. Empty circles represent white 2-vertices, full circles represent 4-vertices, light grey circles represent blue 3-vertices, dark grey circles represent unspecified vertices. 'J- a Let. / have received — ^ of charge from a blue 3-vertex v\ and — | of charge from another blue 3-vertex. There are two possibilities for its position up to symmetry, see Figure 6, the last two images. In both cases there are three 4-vertices which send at least. \ of charge to /, hence, its charge is nonnegative. Let / have received — ^ of charge from two blue 3-vert.ices v\ and V5. Then v4, v6, v8 are white 2-vertices and v3 and v7 are 4-vertices. The 4-vertex v3 is subadjacent to two 3-vertices v1 and v5, thus by Claim 11 it is not subadjacent to any other vertex. Hence, it only receives —2 of charge from its 2-neighbors by (R5a), and then it sends i of charge to all incident faces by (R7). Since the same holds for v7, the face f receives ^ of charge from both v3 and vj, thus its charge in nonnegative. All the vertices and faces of G have nonnegative charge, a contradiction which establishes the lemma. 2.6 Planar graphs with girth 12 Lemma 9. Let A > 3. Every planar graph with girth at least 12 and maximum degree at most A admits an acyclic edge coloring with A colors. C^ o o CSI I CD u CU If A > 4, then the statement follows from Lemma 8. Therefore, we may assume that A = 3 and A(G) < 3. Suppose G is a minimal counterexample to Lemma 9. Before setting discharging rules, we prove one more structural property of G. Claim 12. There is no path v1v2v3v4v5v6v7 with degrees 2,2,3,2,3,2,2 in G. Proof. Let v1v2v3v4v5v6v7 be a path with degrees 2,2,3,2,3,2,2 in G. Let e» = vivi+1, i = 1,...,6; let eo be the edge incident with v1 distinct from e1, let e7 be the edge incident with v7 distinct from e6; let f3 (resp. f5) be the edge incident with v3 (resp. v5) distinct from e2 and e3 (resp. e4 and e5). Since we assume g > 12 all considered edges are pairwise distinct. Let be an acyclic edge coloring of G' = G — e1 using colors 1,2,3. Let <^(e2) = 1, ^>(e3) = 2, <^(f3) = 3. We may assume <^(e0) = 1, otherwise we can extend the coloring easily. We also may assume ^>(e4) = 1, otherwise we can set ^(e1) = 2. See Figure 7(a) for illustration. Let Gj be a subgraph of G' induced by edges colored i and j, {i, j} C {1,2,3}. If v1 and v2 are not endvertices of the same path in G13, we set ^(e1) = 3. Hence, we may assume there is a {1,3}-path from v1 to v2 in G'. If v1 and v2 are not endvertices of one path in G12, we set ^(e1) = 2. Hence, we may assume there is a {1,2}-path from v1 to v2 in G'. We set ^(e1) = 3, ^>(e2) = 2 and ^>(e3) = 1. Now the edges e3 and e4 both have color 1. We now look at the end of the {1, 2}-path from v1 to v2: • Let ^>(e5) = 2, ) = 1, and <^(e7) = 2. Then <^(f5) = 3. In this case we recolor the path in the following way: ^>(e4) = 2, ^>(e5) = 1, and ) = 3, see Figure 7(b). • Let <^(f5) = 2. Then <^(e5) = 3. If ^>(e7) = 2, then we set <^(e4) = 3, <^(e5) = 1, and ) = 2, see Figure 7(c). If <^(e7) = 2, then we set ^>(e4) = 3, <^(e5) = 1, and ^(e6) = 3, see Figure 7(d). CO It can be checked easily that in all the cases no bichromatic cycle can arise. □ 2.6.1 Discharging rules & Let the initial charge be set as follows: w(v) = 4d(v) — 10 for each vertex v of G; w(f) = d(f) — 10 for each face f of G. f5 f5 o o 4J m M < CO 0 o 1 CO ^ CO CO (a) f3 f3 13 13 (b) 3 f5 3 f5 CO CD $H CD CO $H a CD Jh f3 13 f3 13 12 (c) 12 f3 3 13 13 12 12 (d) 13 13 Figure 7: Reducing a path with degrees 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 2. By Euler's formula we have that the sum of charges of vertices and faces is —20. It is clear that vertices of degree 3 have charge 2, vertices of degree 2 have charge —2. We redistribute the charge from vertices to faces by the following rules: (R8a) Each 2-vertex sends —1 of charge to each face it is incident with. (R8b) Each 3-vertex sends | of charge to each face it is incident, with. It is clear that all vertices have zero final charge. It suffices to consider how the charge is distributed among the faces. Let f be a face of size d. By Claims 4 and 5 among any five consecutive vertices incident with f at least two are 3-vertices and at most three are 2-vertices. The charge of / is therefore at least d —10 + ^ • | — = ^ —10 which is nonnegative for d > 15. Let f be a face of size d, d < 14. If it is incident with at least six 3-vertices, its charge is at least d — 10 + 6 • | — (d — 6) • 1 = 0. Assume / is incident, with (at most.) five 3-vertices. By Claim 5 there are at most two pairs of black 2-vertices incident with f. Since g > 12, there are at least seven 2-vertices incident with f. Hence d = 12, there are two pairs of black 2-vertices and three other white 2-vertices. But then there must be a reducible configuration from Claim 12 in G, a contradiction. 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