E. BARTONICKOVA et al.: POROUS HA/ALUMINA COMPOSITES INTENDED FOR BONE-TISSUE ENGINEERING 631–636 POROUS HA/ALUMINA COMPOSITES INTENDED FOR BONE-TISSUE ENGINEERING POROZNI HA/ALUMINIJEVI KOMPOZITI, NAMENJENI ZA NADOMESTNO UPORABO PRI KOSTNEM TKIVU Eva Bartonickova, Jan Vojtisek, Jakub Tkacz, Jaromir Porizka, Jiri Masilko, Miroslava Moncekova, Ladislav Parizek Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, Materials Research Centre, Purkynova 464/118, 612 00 Brno, Czech Republic bartonickova@fch.vutbr.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2016-07-15; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2016-11-24 doi:10.17222/mit.2016.191 Ceramic biomaterials based on hydroxyapatite (HA) or alumina have been intensively studied due to their load-bearing applications in the bone-tissue replacement/reconstruction and dental applications. Here we present a study of the preparation and properties of HA/alumina (HA/Al) composites with a targeted porosity. The HA powder used for the composite’s preparation was synthetized via a precipitation method under a variety of pH values. The resulting powders were verified with XRD, Raman and FTIR analyses. The particle size was assessed via SEM and laser diffraction. The as-prepared HA nano- powder and alumina powder (median 3 μm) were homogenously mixed having a composition of HA/Alumina = 90/10 (w/w). A suspension with 65 % mass fraction of the powders was properly mixed and, with the help of foaming agents, it was foamed in situ. The behavior under an increasing temperature was studied, using a heating microscope and dried foams were sintered under determined temperatures. The final sintered foams were examined in vitro in a synthetic body fluid, which predicted the behavior of bone implants in vivo. The behavior of the treated samples was studied with SEM. The newly formed HA composites were confronted with Ca2+ and PO43– contents in the applied body-fluid solution. Keywords: hydroxyapatite/Al2O3 composite, ceramic scaffolds, in-vitro bioactivity, SEM Kerami~ni biomateriali na osnovi hidroksiapatitov (HA) ali aluminijevega oksida so bili sistematsko preiskovani zaradi njihove najbolj{e nadomestne vloge pri nadome{~anju kostnega tkiva/rekonstrukciji in pri zobnih vsadkih. Predstavljena je {tudija priprave in lastnosti kompozitov HA / aluminijevega oksida (HA / Al) s ciljem preizkusa poroznosti. HA prah, ki se uporablja za pripravo kompozitov, smo sintetizirali po postopku obarjanja pri razli~nih pH-vrednostih. Dobljene pra{ke smo preverili z XRD-, Raman in FTIR-analizo. Velikost delcev je bila ocenjena s pomo~jo SEM in z lasersko difrakcijo. Pripravljen nanopra{ek (HA) in aluminijev oksid v prahu (median 3 μm) sta bila homogeno preme{ana v me{anico HA/aliminij 90/10 (w/w). Suspenzija s 65 masnimi % pra{kov je bila ustrezno me{ana in s pomo~jo penil spenjena in situ. Raziskovali smo obna{anje v okviru nara{~ajo~e temperature, uporabo pod ogrevanim mikroskopom in suhe pene so bile sintrane pri dolo~enih temperaturah. Kon~ne sintrane pene so bile pregledane in vitro kot sinteti~ne teko~ine, ki so napovedale obna{anje kostnih vsadkov in vivo. Obna{anje obdelanih vzorcev smo preu~evali s SEM. Pri vstavitvi oz. stiku s telesno teko~ino so bili na novo oblikovani HA v stiku z Ca2+ in vsebino PO43–. Klju~ne besede: hidroksiapatit/AI2O3 kompozit, kerami~na ogrodja, bioaktivnost in vitro, SEM 1 INTRODUCTION The load-bearing system of humans, although it is very durable, can sometimes lose a vital part due to injuries, illnesses or wear. In this case, it is necessary to replace the original tissue with suitable implants. The first attempts to replace bone tissues is dated back to the early years before Christ, but the intensive development of this research area underwent a boom in the second half of the 20th century. Nowadays, the 2nd and 3rd gene- rations of biomaterials are in progress. Hydroxyapatite belongs to biocompatible materials with osteoconductive and osteointegrating properties and exhibits chemical and physical analogies to the minerals present in human bones and teeth.1–2 Although HA exhibits excellent bio-properties, its clinical application failed due to poor mechanical properties, a long remodeling time and a relatively slow rate of osteointegration.3 So, the rein- forcement of HA become part of the research. In recent works, HA ceramics were reinforced with metals, poly- mers or toughened zirconia ceramics.4–6 A synthesis of HA at the nanoscale has been studied very often. There are many ways of how to prepare a powder with targeted properties (i.e., at least one dimen- sion under 100 nm). The wet procedures under the conventional or non-conventional conditions, especially precipitation, hydrothermal, sonochemical or microwave treatments, are used most commonly.7–9 The sol-gel technique of an HA synthesis exhibits a high level of HA-powder homogeneity; nevertheless, the secondary formed calcium oxide represents extraction and biocompatibility problems.8 The variability of the preparation of a ceramic foam is extremely wide. An in-situ foaming procedure favors scaffold-preparation procedures due to the possibility of controlling the poro- sity with an exact diameter, in comparison with the Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 4, 631–636 631 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS UDK 669.71:666.3-1:616-008.66 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 51(4)631(2017) widely used replica method using a polymeric sponge.10–11 The composite preparation was based on the same procedures. The HA matrix was reinforced with cera- mic-oxide constituents such as zirconia, titania, silica, yttria, bioglass or alumina.3,6,12–18 Alumina oxide is a cost-effective and well-accessible option for enhancing HA properties, especially the mechanical properties. The mechanical strength of a porous human bone is in a range of 2–12 MPa.19 The reported values for pure HA are in a range of 1.2–16 MPa, depending on the foaming process.20 A positive alumina contribution to the mecha- nical strength was recently reported by I. Sopyan et al.21 and L. L. Wang et al.17,22 The presented paper introduces an overall scaffold preparation based on an hydroxyapatite matrix rein- forced with an alumina-oxide addition. The physical properties and in-vitro behavior of the final porous scaffolds are presented. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART 2.1 Synthesis of the hydroxyapatite powder The hydroxyapatite powder was synthetized via a simple precipitation method from calcium nitrate (Ca(NO3)2.4H2O; puriss; LachNer; the Czech Republic) and phosphoric acid (H3PO4; puriss; Penta; Czech Re- public) precursors. The syntheses was carried out under laboratory conditions and via the reaction mechanism given in Equation (1): 10Ca(NO3)2 + 6H3PO4 + 20NH4OH   Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 + 20NH4NO3 + 18H2O (1) Aqueous solutions of precursors (Ca2+ concentration – 1.3 mol/L; PO43– concentration – 1 mol/L) were simultaneously added dropwise into an aqueous solution with a controlled pH value. The pH value was varied from 1 to 9.6 and adjusted with an addition of ammo- nium hydroxide (NH4OH; puriss; LachNer, the Czech Republic). To assess the reaction kinetics, turbidimetric measurements of the formed precipitates (2100Q Hach) combined with the reaction-yield determination were conducted. The precipitated products were centrifugally separated, washed and dried at 80 °C. The prepared powders were analyzed in the terms of phase and che- mical compositions and morphology (an EMPYREAN Panalytical diffractometer in the central focusing arrangement using Co-K radiation, the Netherlands; a FTIR spectrometer Nicolet iS50 Thermo Fisher Scien- tific, U.S.A.; and an EVO CS10 ZEISS electron micro- scope equipped with an energy-dispersive analyzer with an Oxford X-Max 80 mm2 detector in the back-scattering mode, respectively). 2.2 Scaffold fabrication and characterization The synthetized HA powder and commercial alumina powder (Nabalox 325; Nabaltec AG, Germany) were properly mixed at a HA/alumina ratio of 90:10. The aqueous suspensions containing 55 % mass fraction of the HA solid loading and 65 % mass fraction of the composite solid loading were homogenously mixed to avoid the unfavorable agglomeration. The foaming agent (Schäumungsmittel Zschimmer&Scharz GmbH & Co, Germany) was added to the prepared suspensions with a concentration of 0.25 % mass fraction. The given con- centrations of the solid loading and the foaming agent were previously experimentally determined. After the agent addition, the mixing rate of the magnetic stirrer was immediately accelerated to initialize the foaming process (up to 1000 min–1). The foamed suspensions were cast in an open aluminium-foil mould with dimen- sions of (1 × 1 × 1) cm and (2 × 2 × 2) cm for apatite- forming-ability tests and determination of the mechani- cal properties, respectively. To avoid the formation of unfavourable cracks, the drying process was carried out in several steps – at 50 °C for 4 h; 80 °C for 10 h and, finally, 105 °C for 3 h. Dried samples were demoulded and heated to 600 °C for an organic-species removal and to 1250 °C (the temperature determined with a heating microscopy analysis (EM 201 Leitz, Germany) to carry out the foam consolidation. The porosity evaluation was examined using mercury intrusion porosimetry (Pore- master Quantachrome, U.S.A.), an image analysis (Stemi 508 ZEISS, Austria; processed via ImageJ software) and Archimedes’ bulk-density determination (ISO EN 5017 2013). The mechanical properties of porous scaffolds were calculated from stress-strain curves using a univer- sal mechanical testing machine (5985C INSTRON, U.S.). 2.3 Apatite-forming-ability testing The behavior of the samples in the human body was simulated with a stability test. The samples were thoroughly immersed in a modified simulated body liquid (SBF) prepared via Kokubo’s procedure23 and soaked for (7, 14 and 28) d in an incubator chamber at 37 °C. The surfaces of the treated samples were observed E. BARTONICKOVA et al.: POROUS HA/ALUMINA COMPOSITES INTENDED FOR BONE-TISSUE ENGINEERING 632 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 4, 631–636 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 1: Turbidimetry and reaction yield as a function of pH with SEM. The concentrations of Ca2+ and PO43– in pure and treated SBFs were analyzed using ion chromato- graphy (Metrosep C4 15/4.0 Metrohm, Switzerland) and ICP-OES (Ultima 2 Jobin Yvon Technology, France). 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Hydroxyapatite characterization and in-situ foam- ing The hydroxyapatite formation was studied by means of reaction kinetics using turbidity measurements. Figure 1 describes the yield and turbidity of the reaction product as a function of pH. An increase in pH from 1 to 6 increased the turbidity values and the product yield. The maximum turbidity was reached at a pH of 4 and corresponded to the colloidal character of the nucleated and grown HA particles. After this value, the precipitated particles started to flocculate and the suspension became unstable. Large-sized particles started to agglomerate and the sediment corresponded with lower turbidity values, whereas the yield of the reaction was un- changed.8,24 The high level of agglomeration was con- firmed with a morphology analysis and laser-diffraction measurements (Figure 2). The phase purity and crys- tallinity of the prepared powders are given in Figure 3. A strong dependence of the precipitation reaction on the pH is obvious (Figure 3 and Table 1). A pH below 7 exhibits a heterogeneous system based on hydroxyapatite and monetite (ICCD 01-089-6438 and ICCD 01-070- 0359, resp.). Similar kinetics was observed in several works where a phase-pure HA powder with nanodimen- sions, but agglomerated, was also synthetized.8,25–26 Based on the results summarized above, the optimum pH of the reaction was set to 8.7. The HA powder used for the in-situ foaming was successfully and repeatedly prepared on large scale, with a 100 % phase purity and the mean agglomerate size of about 4 μm. Table 1: Phase analysis of the synthetized HA powders under different pH values pH Monetite – CaHPO4(w/%) Hydroxyapatite – Ca(PO4)3(OH) (w/%) 4.5 100 0 5.7 87 13 6.6 18 82 8.7 0 100 9,2 0 100 9.4 0 100 A significant factor for the successful foaming of the prepared suspensions was the stability of the foam E. BARTONICKOVA et al.: POROUS HA/ALUMINA COMPOSITES INTENDED FOR BONE-TISSUE ENGINEERING Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 4, 631–636 633 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 4: Foam-stability test in terms of time dependence Figure 2: Synthetized hydroxyapatite powder: a) morphology, b) par- ticle-size distribution Figure 3: Dependence of the HA-product phase purity on the pH value prepared without a ceramic powder. This stability was studied with respect to the content of the foaming agent (Figure 4) and the time to the foam structure's collapse. The 0.25 % mass-fraction content of the foaming agent was determined as the optimum value. P. Ptá~ek et al.27 recently published a paper, in which an aqueous/deter- gent-based foam was also studied in terms of the time-stability dependence and similar experimental data was observed. The sintering behavior of the pure powder and composite is shown in Figure 5. The area shrinkage was found to be 38 % for HA and 24 % for the HA/Al com- posite. The optimum sintering temperature for HA and HA/Al sintering was determined, according to the experimental data, to be 1250 °C. The consolidation of the closely packed particles seemed to be finished according to the sintering curve (Figure 5). The phase analysis of the sintered samples showed a decomposition of the HA structure to several apatite forms above the temperature of 1150 °C18 (tricalcium phosphate, trical- cium hydrogen diphosphate, tetracalcium tetraphosphate and residual HA). In the case of the HA/Al composite sample, the formation of tricalcium phosphate and the Ca-Al phase was observed. It was reported that - and -tricalcium phosphates are more biodegradable apatite forms in comparison with the HA structure28, which is closely connected with the chosen temperature of the sintering discussed above. The newly formed Ca-Al structure of the composite samples was positively iden- tified as hibonite CaAl12O19 (ICCD 01-076-0665) with a platelet hexagonal arrangement, which is shown, in detail, in Figure 6d. L.-P. Li et al.29, M. H. Ghazanfari et al.16 and B. Basar et al.30 also observed the formation of the Ca-Al phase in HA/Al composites with similar particle morphologies at temperatures of 1350, 1250 and 1100 °C, respectively. The structures of the scaffolds prepared from the pure hydroxyapatite powder and composite powder using in-situ foaming are given in Figure 6. The alumina contribution is clearly visible; the composite foam has a ball-shaped structure (Figure 6b) resulting from the foaming process, with a pore diameter of around 60 μm (obtained with the image analysis). The microstructure is apparently similar to those presented by P. Ptá~ek et al.27, where the aqueous-surfactant system was also used. On the other hand, the observed microstructures of the HA foams (Figure 6a and 6c) are more heterogeneous, having even smaller pores (of around 28 μm according to the image analysis) than the composite one. The pre- sence of hibonite was also confirmed with the EDS and SEM analysis (Figure 6d). The HA scaffolds provided significantly higher mechanical-strength values (see the embedded image in Figure 7). These findings indicate a low degree of foam consolidation due to the alumina part with a higher sintering-temperature region. Similar values of the mechanical strength and the corresponding E. BARTONICKOVA et al.: POROUS HA/ALUMINA COMPOSITES INTENDED FOR BONE-TISSUE ENGINEERING 634 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 4, 631–636 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 5: Sintering study provided with a heating microscope analysis Figure 7: Porosity determination and mechanical strength (embedded) of HA and HA/Alumina scaffolds Figure 6: Microstructures of the HA and composite scaffolds: a) HA scaffold, b) HA/Alumina scaffold, c) HA scaffold – a detail, d) hibonite structure observed in the HA/Alumina scaffold phase composition were also achieved by M. H. Ghazan- fari et al.16 The total porosities determined with Archimedes’ method were (45.9 and 63.1) % of materials theorethical density for HA and the HA/alumina composite, res- pectively. Pore-size distributions for both of the scaffolds are given in Figure 7, reflecting the effect of the alumina addition on the pore-structure evolution. The performed analysis showed a possible collapse of the HA/Al foam structure during an Hg intrusion, visible as an increasing tendency of the curve above 100 μm or the presence of significantly large pores. Figure 7 (the embedded image) shows the mechanical properties of the prepared scaffolds. The measured values are in the equipment limits, so the relative deviation is considerable. The maximum mechanical strength reached for the pure HA structure was 0.2 MPa. The expected enhancement of the alumina addition in the mechanical properties was not confirmed. The higher strength also reflected the ob- tained porosity values, i.e., the HA/alumina composites showed higher total porosities with a lower sintering degree than the pure HA ones. 3.2 In-vitro behavior – the apatite-forming ability Figures 8 and 9 summarize the in-vitro testing of the prepared scaffolds. The synthetic body fluid, prepared by T. Kokubo23, simulated the bloody-plasma environment in the human body. In Figure 8, the concentrations of the most important ion species, Ca2+, Al3+ and PO43–, are given. The pure HA scaffolds exhibited the expected behavior; the gradual consumption of both of the ions corresponded to the formation of the new HA on the scaffold surface (Figure 9). The ability of a Ca-apatite formation on the surface was frequently reported in the past.31–32 Otherwise the reactivity of the HA/Al compo- site in the SBF environment was slightly different. As could be seen from Figure 8, the PO43– ions were totally consumed within 28 d; on the other hand, the Ca2+ and Al3+ cation concentration had an increasing tendency. The newly formed phase practically covered the compo- site scaffold surfaces (Figure 9). The performed EDS analysis could not exactly distinguish between the formations of the Ca- or Al-bonded apatite structures. The probability of the formation of both phases is almost certain. X. Chatzistavrou et al.33 described the mecha- nism of the Ca-Al apatite formation on a HA/Al compo- site surface according to the reaction scheme in Equation (2), which is in good agreement with our data: Al-OH + H2PO4 2–  Al-O-PO3 – + OH– (2) 4 CONCLUSION In this work, a synthesis of the nanosized phase of a pure hydroxyapapatite powder was successfully per- formed on a large scale. Porous scaffolds based on the as-synthetized hydroxyapatite and supplied alumina powders were fabricated using the in-situ foaming process. The prepared HA scaffolds exhibited signifi- cantly better mechanical properties, with the total poro- sity of about 46 %, than the HA/Al scaffold with a porosity of about 64 %. In-vitro testing of both scaffolds confirmed an appropriate apatite-forming ability. The HA/Al composite was significantly more covered with the newly formed phase than the pure HA ones. A study of the nucleation and growth mechanism of Ca-Al apatite is in progress. 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