it,sly n; Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 16/53 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 16. 4. 2017 VELIKA NOC Gospodovo vstajenje EASTER SUNDAY Resurrection of the Lord Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Tel.: 905-561-5971 Fax: 905-561-5109 E-mail gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail hallrental@ Zveličar naš je vstal iz groba, vesel prepevaj, o kristjan! Premagana je vsa hudoba, rešenja tvojega je dan. Potrta je prekla oblast, zapoj kristjan, hvaležno čast! Aleluja, aleluja, aleluja! 2. O smrt, kje zdaj je zmaga tvoja in tvoje ostro želo, kje? Veselo upa duša moja, življenja tvojega je dan. Moj Jezus je od mrtvih vstal, kraljestvo smrti dokončal. Aleluja, aleluja, aleluja! 3. O sreče, dan, o dan veseli, ki ga naredil je Gospod! Da hvalo večno bi mu peli, odrešen je človeški rod. Odprt stoji nam paradiž in vrata vanj je sveti križ. Aleluja, aleluja, aleluja! 4. Iz groba grehov, duša, vstani v življenje novo z Jezusom. Odrešena srčno se brani premaganim sovražnikom. V ljubezni sveti zvesta stoj, Zveličarju hvaležno poj. Aleluja, aleluja, aleluja! V živi veri, da Vstali Jezus drži svojo obljubo: »Jaz sem z vami vse dni!« Vam želimo blagoslovljene velikonočne praznike. MICIKI JE TREBA MOZS Veseloigra v izvedbi mladih iz Doma sv. Jožefa nad Celjem Mladi sodelujejo tudi pri maši, pred igro in druženju s pesmijo in glasbo po igri Župnijski banket, v nedeljo, 23. aprila 2017 V dvorani župnije sv. Gregorija Velikega v Hamiltonu Masa - Mass @ 10:00 a.m. Kosilo - Dinner: 11:30 a.m. Veseloigra: »Miciki je treba moža« Prijavite se pri Tereziji Sarjaš - 905-560-1218 186 | VESTNIK 2017 cvetna nedelja pri sv. gregoriju Kljub temu, da je bila letos cvetna nedelja precej pozno, pa o kakšnem zelenju zunaj še ni bilo veliko videti. Vsak pa se je znašel po svoje in vedno se najde tudi nekaj zimzelenega in tudi cvetočega. Kot je tu navada, začnemo obred v dvorani, kjer smo blagoslovili zelenje, potem pa se v procesiji napotili v cerkev. Pri maši je pel mešani pevski zbor, dirigiral je John Horvat, na orglah pa Carl Vegelj. Poročilo trpljenja so prebrali po vlogah: Ivan Antolin, Mirko Zorko, župnik in Frank Novak. Pri enajsti maši, ki jo je vodil Fr. Kelly, pa so začeli kar v cerkvenem preddverju in nato šli v cerkev. Pri maši je pel angleški zbor pod vodstvom Ivana Mertuka. Hvala vsem sodelavcem pri bogoslužju. VESTNIK 2017 j 187 CVETNA NEDELJA PRI DRUŠTVU SALA Slike povedo vse ... Na koncu so praznovali še Vladotov 80-ti življenjski ljubilej. 188 | VESTNIK 2017 CVETNA NEDELJA pri društvu TRIGLAV v Londonu - Maša je v cerkvi St. John the Divine A LITTLE HISTORY on the SLOVENIAN GOLF TOURNAMENT The first Slovenian Golf Tournament was held in Kirkland Lake where second generation Slovenians gathered together to play some golf and enjoy a social after their day on the course. After several such tournaments, John Stark and a number of his friends decided to create a trophy which would honour their first generation parents who emigrated from Slovenia. The trophy depicts a shovel and pick and commemorates the hard work of their fathers who worked so hard in the Gold Mines. Many of the second generation pursued post-secondary school studies and because of the lack of work in their profession and job specialities moved to southern Ontario and in particular to the Golden Horseshoe. As a result the trophy lay dormant until our northern friends donated it to the Slovenian Scholarship Foundation for their annual fund raiser Golf Tournament. The Slovenian Scholarship Foundation was established in 1997 to encourage our young people to pursue post-secondary college and university education and to continue to take pride in their Slovenian heritage. By supporting or young people financially in their studies, when they need it most and to recognize them for their accomplishments, the SCSF Board believes, that in time, they will pick up the torch and be our future leaders. Karl Ferko, president Jerry Ponikvar, past president Please join us this year for the "last" Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Golf Tournament When: Saturday, May 28th, 2017 Where: Rockway Glen & Estate Winery Golf Course Time: Registration at 10:00 a.m. Tee-Off 1:30 a.m. Cost per person: $150 Includes golf, cart, door prize, coffee & donut breakfast, hot dog/hamburger & beverage lunch, dinner at Lipa Park. All funds raised go towards the support of our Slovenian youth bursary and scholarship awards program. Dinner only is $25. For information contact: Karl Ferko 905-578-5890 or Teresa Zupančič 905- 664-6013 Registration forms are located on the shelves at the back of the church 190 | VESTNIK 2017 VESTNIK 2017 j 191 EASTER SUNDAY Response: This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad. First Reading Acts 10:34. 37-43 Peter preaches the good news: God has raised Jesus to life. Second Reading Colossians 3:1-4 We have been brought to true life with Christ. Our life is now hidden in him. Gospel John 20:1-9 Mary Magdalene discovers the empty tomb. The beloved disciple sees and believes. "They have taken the Lord out of the tomb and we don't know where they have put him." Illustration In 1922, archaeologist Howard Carter and his crew discovered the virtually intact tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamen, who reigned in Egypt sometime in the fourteenth century BC. Over time, the tomb had been lost to human memory, and so when it was finally discovered, not only did the tomb still contain the majority of the fabulous grave goods with which the pharaoh had been buried, but his own mortal remains were also still undisturbed. Those treasures have toured the world, fuelling our fascination with Egyptology and the search for the archaeological riches with which these mummies were buried. In 2015-16, archaeologists returned to Tutankhamen's tomb. Using new techniques, they employed radar to look for evidence of undiscovered rooms hidden deep within the tomb - with the tantalising possi- bility of locating the burial chamber of the legendary Queen Nefertiti. However, King Tufs tomb continues to throw up mysteries. Some archaeologists now claim that the civil authorities are deliberately conspiring to suppress all new evidence of an undiscovered chamber. Perhaps King Tut's tomb has not yet yielded all its secrets. Gospel Teaching The mystery of Jesus' empty tomb has continued to fascinate throughout the centuries. Mary Magdalene is the first to discover that it is empty. She naturally assumes that someone must have removed his body - that is what she tells Peter and the "other disciple", whom tradition names as John. When they get to the tomb, John hesitates. He stands on the threshold of the tomb. He sees the evidence, but, almost like a good archaeologist, is reluctant to enter and disturb the scene. Peter typically goes straight in and also sees the evidence, though we are not told what he makes of it. However, when John symbolically crosses the threshold of the tomb, something happens within him. Even without seeing the risen Jesus, it suddenly makes sense for him: he sees and he believes. It's not the risen Lord that he sees, just the clues of his resurrec- 192 | VESTNIK 2017 tion. Mary had seen those same clues and naturally assumed the body had been taken away - it's only when she actually meets the risen Lord that she comes to believe. But John is able to intuit this awesome truth simply from the fact of the empty tomb, from the fragments of Jesus' burial cloths - and also surely from the fragments of his memory of Jesus' teaching on the resurrection from the dead. Application They have taken my Lord and I don't know where they have taken him." Mary is every woman, every man. There are inevitably times in our life when we feel the desolation of loss - loss of loved ones, loss of hope, even loss of faith, when the Lord himself does indeed seem to have been taken away from us. But these early stories of the resurrection speak to us of the dynamics of how we come to faith. Peter sees the empty tomb, but says nothing. He needs more time, more experience before he can come to full faith. But he remains open to the possibility. John is able to cross the threshold of faith by holding his sense of loss and his experience of the emptiness of the tomb on the one hand, and bringing it into connection with his memory of the Lord on the other. That surely is what happens to us in prayer, especially during times of pain and grief: our experience of loss coupled with our "memory" of the Lord as we come to him in prayer somehow leads us to deeper faith. John sees nothing except hints and signs, but this is enough to lead him to believe. Mary sees the emptiness and goes on searching. It is her persevering love of the Lord that leads her to be the first to encounter him in person, when she hears Jesus speak her name and he then sends her as the apostle to the apostles, to bring them the news of his resurrection. An empty tomb is not proof of resurrection. Religious scholars may argue over it, like archaeolo- gists quarrelling over King Tut's tomb, but our faith does not rest on physical proof. "The life you have is hidden with Christ in God," Paul tells the Colossians. It's not in the tomb that we will find the proof we seek. The resurrection - our encounter with the risen Lord - can actually only happen within the hidden chamber of our own hearts. That is where we meet him today - in our searching, in our prayer, in our pain and in our persevering love. praznik božjega usmiljenja Gospod Jezus želi, da praznik božjega usmiljenja praznujemo na prvo nedeljo po veliki noči, kar kaže na tesno zvezo med velikonočno skriv -nostjo odrešenja in tem praz-nikom. Bogoslužje tega dne najpopolneje slavi Boga v skrivnosti njegovega usmil-jenja. Praznik usmiljenja ne sme biti le dan posebnega češčenja Boga v skrivnosti usmiljenja, temveč mora biti za vse ljudi, posebej za velike milosti, če so skladne z božjo voljo. Največja obljubo je povezal s svetim obhajilom, ki ga prejmemo na ta dan - to je obljuba »popolnega odpuščanja krivde in kazni«, oziroma obljuba take milosti, kakor jo prejmemo samo pri zakramentu svetega krsta. Veličina praznika je tudi v tem, da lahko vsi, celo tisti, ki se šele ta dan spreobrnejo, izprosijo velike milosti, če so skladne z božjo voljo. »Želim, da bi bil praznik usmiljenja pribežališče in zavetje vsem, posebej ubogim grešnikom. Na ta dan so odprte globine mojega usmiljenja; na ljudi, ki se približajo izviru mojega usmiljenja, izlivam celo morje milosti. Oseba, ki pristopi k spovedi (lahko že pred Veliko nočjo) in k svetemu obhajilu, prejme popolno odpuščanje krivde in kazni. Ta dan so odprte vse božje pretočnice, po katerih tečejo milosti; naj se nihče ne boji približati se mi, čeprav bi bili njegovi grehi rdeči kakor škrlat« (699). VESTNIK 2017 j 193 Obvestila - Announcements pevske vaje Naslednje pevske vaje za mešani zbor bodo v četrtek, 20. aprila po večerni maši. Zbor bo pel v mesecu maju, za materinski dan in prvo obhajilo. dogodki v bližnji prihodnosti - 23. april: Sv. Gregorij Veliki - Spomladanski banket - maša ob 10:00 a.m. - po kosilu: veseloigra (dramska skupina iz Slovenije - Celja) - 14. maj: Slovenska šola - maša ob 10:00 a.m. - po maši Materinski dan - Mother's Day - 21. maj: Slovenski park - maša ob 1:00 p.m. - 28. maj: Sv. Gregorij Veliki - Prvo sveto obhajilo - First Communion - maša ob 10:00 a.m. gift bearers - darove prinašata ♦ 16. april, 9:30 a.m.: Karol in Milka Ferko ♦ 23. april, 10:00 a.m.: Stanko in Jožica Vegelj ♦ 30. april, 9:30 a.m.: Tony Ferko & Family cooking session_ On Saturday, May 13, 2017, we will be holding our next cooking session. The recipe we will be demonstrating will be announced next week, however, we wanted to let everyone know of the date so that you can check your calendars to see if you are available. See you in the Kitchen! cwl - kžz: mass on April 26_ Our Catholic Women's League will celebrate the feast day of our patroness with an Our Lady of Good Counsel mass on April 26 at 7:00 pm. We will be initiating new members and awarding service award pins. Those in the ceremony will be contacted. We will 194 | VESTNIK 2017 host a small congratulations reception following mass. We extend an invitation to all our members and parish family to come and help us celebrate this special mass. Please consider joining us! Villa Slovenia There are one bedroom unit openings now available at Villa Slovenia. If you have an interest in a unit, please contact Jerry Ponikvar @ tel. 905-333-5813. darovi - donations_ Za rože so SOD darovali: - $100 - Jože in Marija Magdič - $50 - Ignac in Marija Horvat - $50 - Manja erzetič Hvala za vse vaše darove. spomladanski banket - veseloigra Danes teden, na belo nedeljo 23. aprila, bomo imeli Spomladanski banket. Sveta maša bo samo ob 10:00h. V nedeljo bomo imeli goste iz Slovenije in sicer skupino mladih iz Doma sv. Jožefa v Celju. Okrog 20 mladih, pod vodstvom gospoda Jožeta Planinška, lazarista, bo gostovalo v Kanadi in v Ameriki. Pripravljen imajo zelo bogat kulturni in duhovni program. Mladi bodo peli že pri maši in še potem med kosilom. Po kosilu pa bodo na odru zaigrali veseloigro: »Miciki je treba moža«. Igra je dolga uro in pol. Vabljeni, da se udeležite banketa in doživite nekaj lepega in prijetnega. Nimamo vedno priložnosti, da bi imeli tako »imenitne« mlade goste. - Za banket se prijavite Tereziji Sarjaš, 905-560-1218 ali oddajte prijavnico v cerkvi, skupaj z nedeljsko kuverto. pokojni - funeral_ V sredo, 12. aprila 2017, je odšel h Gospodu po večno plačilo našr faran KOROŠEC IGNAC. Januarja je praznoval svoj 90 rojstni dan, z ženo pa sta obhajala 61 let poroke. Od pokojnega se boste lahko poslovili v četrtek 20. aprila med 2. in 4. uro in med 7. in 9. uro zvečer. Molitve bodo ob 3:30 popoldne. Pogrebna sveta maša bo v naši župnijski cerkvi v petek, 21. aprila ob 10:00 dopoldne, nato pa pogreb na slovenskem delu pokopališča Gate of Heaven. Iskreno sožalje ženi Mariji, otrokoma Franku in Bernadine z družinami in vsem sorodnikom. Pokojni Ignac pa naj uživa večni mir in pokoj. voščila_ Gospod Drago, tebi in vsej ekipi pri sv. Gregoriju voščim lepe in duhovno bogate velikonočne praznike. Naj bodo uspešna in blagoslovljena vsa prizadevanja, tudi v petek popoldne delo slovenske šole. - Vse lepo pozdravljam, B. Kolar movie: »The Case of Christ« We came across what should be an excellent movie called "The Case for Christ". This movie is not playing at all cinemas, however, right now it is playing in Burlington. This movie is based on the true story of an award-winning journalist who, working to disprove the newfound Christian faith of his wife, begins chasing down the biggest story of all time... with unexpected, life-altering results. The journalist was interviewed and said he felt faith was pulling his family away from him so he went on a quest to prove there is no god, and found quite the opposite. Being the Easter season, we just thought we'd bring this movie to your attention should anyone be interested in going to see it! velika noč_ Postni čas se je iztekel, začenjamo velikonočno praznovanje. Rad bi se zahvalil vsem, ki ste sodelovali pri pripravi vseh praznovanj: tako pevcem, ki so sodelovali pri obredih, Johnu in Carlu za vodenje in spremljanje; prav tako angleškemu zboru in voditelju Ivanu Mertuku. Bogoslužje brez petja bi bilo zelo revno. Hvala delilcema obhajila, ki sta pomagala tudi pri ministriran-ju, kadar ni bilo mlajših. Hvala vsem bralcem, beril, pasiona, prošenj ... Hvala vsem, ki redno pobirate nedeljsko nabirko. Hvala vsem, ki prihajate in skrbite, da je naš bogoslužni prostor čist in urejen. Hvala še posebej gospe Olgi, ki vedno z novimi idejami okrasi cerkev, tako za cvetno nedeljo kot tudi za Veliko noč. Hvala vsem, ki prinašate darove pri nedeljskih mašah. Hvala tudi vsem bolnim in trpečim, ki molite za našo skupnost in darujete svoje trpljenje. Bog vam povrni in poplača z večnimi darovi. Lepo je biti v skupnosti, kjer se sodeluje, pomaga, gradi in s tem daje dober zgled tudi mlajšim generacijam, da bodo tudi oni z veseljem stopili na to pot. svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - slovenska / in i\r Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti /baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke/ marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v don bosco bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest -please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. VESTNIK 2017 j 195 Od 16. 4. 2017 Do 23. 4. 2017 svete maše - masses VELIKA NOČ EASTER SUNDAY 16. April Za žive in rajne župljane ff Marija in Tomaž Grebene ff Pokojni iz družine Krašovec f Peter Mravak, obl. 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Lojze in Peter Grebenc Lucija in Jakob Truden Jakob in Lucija Truden Ponedeljek-Monday 17. April Velikonočni ponedeljek f Štefan Hozjan, obl. f Franc Pelcar, obl. 7:00 p.m. Družina Hozjan Družini Pelcar & Dube Torek - Tuesday 18. April Evzebij, škof ff Anka in Marica 8:00 a.m. Družina Sreda - Wednesday 19. April ft Jožefa in Franc Majzelj 7:00 p.m. Sin Franc z družino Leon XI., papež Četrtek - Thursday 20. April ff Ivan in Ana Šemen, obl. 7:00 p.m. Sin Ivan z družino Teotim, škof Petek-Friday t ^c Korošec 10:00 a.m. Pogrebna maša 21 April ' ,. , . f Florian Miklavčič 7:00 p.m. Družina Antolin Anzelm, sk.-cerk.uc. „ Po namenu Ana Tadic Sobota Saturday 22. Apr i l Aleksandra, mučenka Hugo, opat f Ana Zorčič, obl. f Ferko Elizabeth, obl. ff Peter Mihalič in family ft Anton Benkovič and family ff Irma in Štefan Gerič ff Marija in Jožef Zelko 8:00 p.m. Jožica Vegelj z družino 5:30 p.m. Marti in Kathy Simončič Mary Mihalič Mary Mihalič Ivan in Ana Kirec Hči Roza Bela nedelja Božjega usmiljenja Divine Mercy Sunday 23. Apr i l Jurij, mučenec Za žive in rajne župljane ff Matila in August Berkovič f Barbara Car f Gizela Čurič (Montreal) Spomladanski - Spring Banquet 10:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. Sin Zlatko Hči Marija Berkovič z družino Gizella in Štefan Ray Župnijska dvorana 196 | VESTNIK 2017