K« 1 DOMOVINA AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY AMERICAN HOME SLOVENIAN MORNING DAILY NEWSPAPER NO. 261 CLEVELAND, OHIO, SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 6, 1937 LETO XL — VOL. XL, Sodnik Lausche na javni pozornici !< i'fi & iKongresman Sweeney je pa'pri zadnjih županskih volitvah ustrelil še drugega, mnogo večjega političnega kozla. Kot bomba je namreč padlo med demokrate v Clevelandu pismo, katero je napisal v Washingtonu Joseph Keenan, pomožni generalni zvezni pravdnik. On kot demokrat je pisal republikancu Burtonu pismo, v katerem Keenan do neba Dovzdiguje Burtona in ga priporoča v ponovno izvolitev. Burton kot lokav politik, je to silno izkoristil, češ: glejte, v Washingtonu me priporočajo! Dotično pismo je Burtonu dobilo najmanj 10,000 glasov, katere je zgubil demokrat Mc-Williams. In čujte, da je Keenan dobil službo v Washingtonu je bilo vzrok le priporočilo — Sweeneya. Sweeney je oriporočil republikanca Keenana za službo, da je lahko demokratu McWilliamsu zasadil nož v hrbet! * * >'.• Ne bo manjkalo dosti, pa bomo dobili v letu 1938 v Clevelandu — Italijana za župana. In sicer bo kandidat, kot :e to zatrjuje v zakulisnih političnih krogih, nihče drugi kot George deMaioribus, councilman in sedanji predsednik mestne zbornice, katerega je spravil v ta urad trmasti — demokrat, councilman Reed. Republikanci so imeli 16 glasov v mestni zbornici, republikanci tudi 16. Reed je tudi demokrat, toda ' neodvisen." On je glasoval za deMaiori-busa in mu pomagal do predsedništva mestne zbornice. In sinko, kot ga imenujejo Italijani, deMaioribus, je mnenja, da če je LaGuardia lahko postal župan v New Yorku, zakaj on ne bi kandidiral za župana v Clevelandu? Sodeč po rezultatih zadnjih volitev, ko je bil izvoljen proti-delavski župan Burton, je vse mogoče. Burton se bo ozrl višje, do go-vernerja, do senatorja, mogoče do perdsedništva, in bo tako pripravil prostor Italijanu, ameriškemu državljanu deMaio-ribusu. Spomnite se na te vrstice, spravite jih in čez eno leto boste rekli: Da, prav smo napisali. :Jc »Js »;« 'Slovenci v Clevelandu smo danes že tako močni, da si privoščimo kar po dva slovenska kandidata v nekaterih okrajih. Tako sta v 10. vardi kandidirala dva Slovenca, potem ko sta porazila vse "ameriške kandidate." Enako je bilo tudi v 23. vardi, kjer sta kandidirala dva Slovenca. V vsakem slučaju je bil izvoljen boljši mož, Pucel in Novak. William Kennick, poraženi kandidat v 23. vardi, je še v nedeljo pred volitvami javno po radiu govoril, da "Ameriška Domovina" hudobno laže. Ali ga naj tožimo za to? Rekel je, da mu ne pustimo na naših shodih govoriti. Kennick je ?e pri vsakem našem shodu govoril, in pri zadnjem celo — -15 minut, več kot pet drugih kandidatov skupaj. Toda tudi o političnih mrtvih je najbolje — molčati. Blagor mu, kdor se spočije! Sli «S >;t Najnovejša politična vest med nami je: Anton Vehovec, councilman v 32. vardi, je brl izvoljen s tako ogromno večino, da je dobil največ glasov izmed vseh 33 councilmanov v Clevelandu. Socialisti so se iz njega dosledno norčevali, loda Vehovec je pokazal, da ima zaupanje naroda, kajti tisti 5ad je najboljši, katerega ose pikajo. — In ali veste, da bo Mr. Vehovec čez; dve leti najbrž kandidat za župana v Eu-clidu? Tudi o tem bomo še govorili in pisali! t-».......... —...... | Kaj pravite! ...—.—.—.—.—.—.—»—•—•—•—•— •—•—•—•—•—•—>—.—>.—«—.— Zakaj so zdaj po 23. vardi kljuke hišnih vrat tako obrisane n čiste? No, dobro jih je obrisal večni kandidat, ki'jih je s tako :hto pritiskal tiste dni pred volitvami. Vendar se ne poroča, da ji bila kaka kljuka odlomljena. * ♦ * V Euclidu nekateri mislijo, da smo v sredini črne Afrike, tjer vzame novica mesec dni, da pride naokrog. V Euclidu so lamree še v sredo ponoči avtomobilske trobente naznanjale, da je nI izvoljen nev župan, čeprav je to že vsak vedel v torek večer. Volitve so pri kraju in žal, da nismo mogli izvoliti demokratskega župana. Naš Tone Vehovec se močno postavi, ker si je z malo mujo priboril lepo zmago. Volivni rezultati kažejo, da Slovenec ostane le Slovenec, kadar se gre za svojega rojaka. Večina onih, ki niso zadovoljni pred volitvami, na dan volitev puste predsodke doma in stopijo v vo-livno kočo ter oddajo svoj glas-J po tihem klicu narodne zaved-nosti. Tako je tudi prav. Da nismo izvolili demokratskega kandidata McWilliamsa za župana se mi zdi, da smo sami demokratje temu krivi. 23. varda bi nam lahko bila za najboljši zgled, kako so tam taktično in mi netaktično postopali. Ne krivim volivcev, ampak vodstvo stranke, ki je dopuščalo, ker mesto, da bi se ob primarnih volitvah bolj brigali za županskega kandidata in pustili councilmanske kandidate, da si sami pomagajo, pa se je ravne obratno delalo. V efekt pride prislovica, ki pravi: Kjer se dva kregata, tretji dobiček vleče. Bogvedi ali bomo vnaprej bolj previdni in če se bomo iz preteklih napak kaj drugega naučili ? Jubilejna proslava V nedeljo praznuje društvo Kras št. 8 SDZ srebrno jubilejno proslavo. Društveni in veselični odbor nam obetata prirediti nekaj izrednega in k dnevu primeren program. Ob 3. uri prične slavnost brez vstopnine v avditoriju ter se zvečer nadaljuje z banketom in plesom v zgornji in spodnji dvorani Slovenskega doma na Holmes Ave. Izbran program jamči, da bo dvorana polna posetnikov, kakor tudi naša duša sladkosti duševnega užitka. Posetimo "Kra-šovce," ker oni radi vrnejo, kadar imajo druga društva prireditve. Izredna prireditev Organizacija Jugoslovanskega kulturnega vrta priredi v soboto v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. slikovno predstavo, ples in prosto zabavo. Mr. Anton Grdina se je izrazil sledeče: "Jugoslovanski kulturni vrt je v ponos našega naroda dokončan. Plačali smo že velike vsote, toda sedaj, ko smo zasadili drago grmičje na vrtu in okrog vrta, nam primanjkuje nekaj stotakov, katere moramo dobiti, da plačamo račune. Če se bodo rojaki pozivu odzvali, bomo lahko in v kratkem času rekli: Jugoslovanski kulturni vrt je sto odstotno plačan in naša neomejena narodna last." Upajoč, da naši rojaki razumejo narodno akcijo, zato se bodo pozivu odzvali v najlspšem številu. Potujoče zdravje Lodi Mandel, naš slovenski lekarnar na Waterloo Rd., pripoveduje: "Dobil sem v izvršitev zdravniški predpis, katerega zdravnik je v Ljubljani, paci-jent v Kanadi "in zdravila pa v Mandelnovi lekarni. Evropa, Kanada, U. S. so reprezentirane v bolezni in zdravju našega rojaka, ki je priseljenec v Kanadi. Zdravilo je bilo z vso natančnostjo izgotovljeno in odposlano na pacijentov naslov." Zopet lepo priznanje slovenski lekarni. Pospravlja pridelke Krist Mandel, poznani in dolgoletni trgovec na Waterloo RcL pridno pospravlja svoje pridelke na svoji farmi v Perry, Ohio. Pred par dnevi se je oglasil v dobro idoči trgovini in obljubil, da se v kratkem zopet vrne v trgovske posle in prepusti farmo zimskemu izpočitku. Sin Christ Mandel ml. spretno vodi hardware trgovino v splošno ljudsko zadovoljnost. Izmučen pionir Mr. Darovec, po rojstvu in srcu dobrovoljen Dolenjec, la-stuje hišo na 19114 Shawnee Ave., je na noge ohromel pred trinajstimi leti in od tega časa je v bolnem stanju. Kljub svoji veliki nesreči je bil do nedolgo vedno dobro razpoložen ter zainteresiran v dnevne dogodke. V Ameriki se nahaja blizu pol stoletja. V mladosti in skozi do ohromelosti je vedno trpel in se mučil za svoj obstanek. Sedaj mesec nazaj pa so mu pričele moči pešati in vedno vedro lice usihati. Neštetokrat je rad ponavljal, da je vseskozi in prvo-letni naročnik na Ameriško Domovino. Pri obisku se je izrazil: "Sedaj, ko ne morem več Ameriške Domovine čitati, šele čutim, kako sem močno oslabel Vsak dan mi je bila v tolažbo in razvedrilo. Moja dobra ženica poleg mene močno trpi in z vso potrpežljivostjo nosi mojo nesrečo. Da nimam tako dobre žene, bi me že zdavnej krila ameriška zemlja. Vedno se bojim, da tudi ona omaga in ž njo vsa moja opora v nesrečnih dnevih." Mr. Darovec je kljub svojemu težkemu položaju dočakal starost 72 let in naša iskrena želja bi bila, da se mu zdravje povrne in ž njim dobra beseda, ki joje vedno imel za naše podjetje. J. P. prominentnih oseb. Končno nastopi oktet društva Modern Crusaders št. 45 SDZ. Zatem se nadaljuje s prosto zabavo in morda tudi poskusimo pomagat pevcem. Seveda ne bo manjkalo ječmenovca in tudi Martinovega bomo malo krstili. Kakor vidite, bo torej obilne zabave, čisti preostanek se porabi za novo bandero, katero upamo dobiti kmalu po novem letu. člani društva sv. Imena so vedno pripravljeni pomagati fa-ri pri vseh prireditvah. Upamo, da nas farani ne pozabijo sedaj, ko mi potrebujemo pomoči. Torej v nedeljo vsi v šolsko dvorano šole sv. Vida na lepo zabavo. Odbor. črički vas vabimo Iz Euclida "Škrjanček" je zopet tu in sicer zato, da se malo pohvalim, kako smo se imenitno zabavali J naHallowe'en partyu, ki smo ga škrjančki priredili. Vse je bilo prav izvrstno, posebno vinerice, ki so bile dar našega velikega | dobrotnika, g. Ferdo Jazbeca, j ki ima mesnico na Bliss Rd. Če ! bi zmerili vse'vinerce, kar smo I jih že snedli škrjančki, ki nam I jih je podaril g. Jazbec, bi gotovo merile od tukaj pa do Chi-caga. Prav lepa hvala, Mr. Jazbec ! Hvala tudi našim godcem, bratom Prudič in S. Jelenič. Najlepša hvala naši tajnici, go-spej L. Jadrič, katera se veliko trudi z nami. Občinstvo in naše starše pa prosim in vabim že sedaj na ! božičnico, katero bomo škrjan- ! čki tudi letos priredili. Miklavž i nam je obljubil, da bo tudi letos 1 prišel z zelo velikim tovorom, j Torej le pripravite se! škrjanček in Vijolica. Cleveland (Newburg), O. — čiri-čiri. . . pod brajdo se glasi; čiri-čiri . . . hej! grozdje že zori . . . Spet bomo prepevali mi črički v nedeljo 7. novembra v S. N. Domu na 80. cesti. Peli vam bomo lepe pesmice, nekaj narodnih in tudi nove, ki jih je zložil naš neumorni pevovodja, g. Ivan Zorman, ki se zelo trudi z nami, da bi bil naš koncert bolj uspešen. , j Oh, to bo koncert! Pridite vsi, mladi, stari in vsi, ki ljubite slovensko pesem. Zelo me veseli, da imamo še en mladinski zbor v Maple Heightsu. Pravi se jim "Kraljički." Vabimo jih na naš koncert in mi jim povrnemo, ko bodo oni priredili koncert. Prav prijazno vabim tudi sosedne Kanarčke. Na svidenje v nedeljo večer v Newburgu. čriček. Collinwqodsko okrožje kulturnega vrta Danes, v soboto večer, se bodo kazale slike v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. v korist kulturnega vrta. Vabi se vse občinstvo brez razlike. Slike so krasne. Mr. A- Grdina ima vedno kaj lepega v zalogi. Za kvo-der vstopnine boste videli slike iz starega kraja. Ako se ne motim se bo kazal tudi pogreb knezoškofa Jegliča. Dalje boste videli slike naših deklet, ki spadajo k vežbalnim krožkom SŽZ. Ako hočete lepega duševnega užitka, pa pridite v dvorano Slovenskega doma danes zvečer. Ne bo vam žal. Zraven boste pa imeli zavest, da ste tudi vi nekaj pripomogli k našemu krasnemu kulturnemu vrtu. Na svidenje danes zvečer. Z collin-woodsko okrožje: K. vzete, se ju bomo vedno spominjali v naših molitvah. Vidva pa, Father Virant in Father Kužnik, prosita Boga za nas, da se enkrat skupaj snidemo v večnem življenju. Odbor dram. društva. Jesenska zabava Cleveland, O. — Lepi jesenski dnevi nas vabijo ven v naravo. Listje je sedaj v vseh lepih barvah, ki se spreminjajo ko piha oster veter. Farmarji spravljajo svoje pridelke in se pripravljajo za zimo. Tako se bomo tudi mi pripravili za zimo prihodnjo nedeljo 7. novembra v šoli sv. Vida. Društvo Najsvetejšega Imena v fari sv. Vida priredi svojo letno jesensko zabavo ali Fall Festival to nedeljo. Kaj vse se bo dobilo za malenkostno vsoto 50 centov? Naj« prvo dobite večerjo s klobasami in zeljem. Večerja se bo servi-rala od 6. ure do 9:30 ure v prvem nadstropju. Od 8. ure naprej igra Jackie Zorcev orkester za ples v glavni dvorani. Polke in valčki se bodo kar naprej menjali, da vas bodo kar pete srbele. Ob 10. uri se začne prireditev na odru. Naj prvo zapojeta Stanley Martinčič ip Mrs. Molly Frank skupno par lepih pesmi. Potem nastopita Vidy in Whitey v komičnem prizoru. Sedaj pa prideta brata Gornik, ki zaigrata na orglicah. Potem nastopita Bob Burns in Martha Raye, ki bosta mimikala več Razno iz Collinwooda Dramsko društvo pri fari Marije Vnebovzete v Collinwoodu se pripravlja na slovesno blagoslovitev slik naših rajnih gospodov: Victor J. Viranta in Lud-wiga A. Kužnika. Naša pomožna župnika sta se mladim toliko priljubila, da je to dramsko društvo sklenilo postaviti jima spomenik v cerkvi za njiju trud in delo, katerega sta storila za našo faro. Odbor te slovesnosti naznanja, da bo v nedeljo 7. novembra ob treh popoldne slovesna blagoslovitev slik. Naš cerkveni zbor Ilirija zapoje nekaj lepih pesmi, potem bosta dva govora; enega bo imel Rev. M. Slaje v slovenskem jeziku, drugega pa Rev. J. Matun v angleškem. Končno bo pa blagoslov z Najsvetejšim. Vsi prijatelji in vsi, kateri ste poznali gg. Viranta in Kužnika, ste prijazno vabljeni, da se udeležite te slavnosti, da s tem izkažete zadnjo čast tema gospodoma za trudapolno delo, katerega sta storila za nas. Posebno mladini naj ostaneta v trajnem spominu, katero sta navajala k lepemu in čednostnemu življenju. Mi, farani Marije Vnebo- Pionirju za 50-letnico Cleveland (Collinwood), O. — Prav danes je petdeset let, kar praznuje naš pionir, naš spoštovani in daleč znani Mr. John Perko 50-letnico, kar je kot zastaven, krepak fant zapustil dragi domači krov, drago domačo vas Kuželovci pri Fužini na Dolenjskem. Z 22 leti so je napotil v tujino, v daljno Ameriko iskat sreče, iskat kruha. Vseh drugih 22 takratnih sopotnikov že krije hladna ameriška zemlja, a Vi ste, hvala Bogu, doživeli poinirsko čast, doživeli veliki dan petdesetletnice. Dovolite, da Vam za ta dan, katerega praznujete še dokaj trden v krogu ljubljene svoje soproge in blage hčerke Fannie, izrazim v Ameriški Domovini svoje čestitke v imenu vseh Vaših dragih dobrih prijateljev in številnih znancev ter Vam zakličem: Na mnoga še leta! Vem, da imate v Vaši kroniki zarisano mnogo težkega, bridkega, ko ste se borili za kruh, za svoj dom. Pa vesela sem, da Vam lahko danes gratuliram in zakličem: čast Vam, ki ste celih petdeset let stali pod našo katoliško in narodno zastavo, delovali na katoliški listi. Petdeset let ste dan tu doživeli, pionirsko čast danes Vam prva časti, vam, vaši zakličemo srčno veseli : še petdeset let naj vas Oče živi! Marija Kurnik. Jako zmerne cene Vsak je lahko zagotovljen, ako vpraša za našo postrežbo, da mu ni treba biti v skrbeh radi vprašanja stroškov. Naša postrežba je osnovana na jako zmernih cenah in stroški co vedno kontrolirani od onih, ki naročajo pogreb. August F. Svetek POGREBNI ZAVOD 478 E. 152nd St. KEnmore 2016 Mary Carlisle, filmska igralka, v lepem perzijskem kožuhu. -—o- PODPIRAJTE SLOVENSKE TRGOVCE "GIVE ONCE FOR 100 NEEDS" VABILO NA igro Sn veselico katero priredi društvo sv. Marije Magdalene št. 162 R. S. H. J. V K N A U S O Vl DVORANI V NEDELJO 7. NOVEMBRA 1937 ob 7:30 zvečer Vstopnina 2 51 TREBAR ORKESTER Članstvo ter prijatelji in znanci ste vljudno vabljeni, da posetite to našo prireditev. Dobro postrežbo in večer užitka se vam jamči. K obilni udeležbi vas vabi ODBOR. Vabilo na PLESNO VESELICO katero priredi KLUB SLOVENSKIH VDOV V SOBOTO 6. NOVEMBRA V KNAUSOVI DVORANI i Vstopnina 256 GODBA: GERM ORKESTER 1.1 pi HAMBURG-AMERICAN UNEJ NORTH GERMAN LLOYD! Uiovrij PODPIRAJTE SLOVENSKE TRGOVCE! FR. MIHčIč CAFE 7202 ST. CLAIR AVENUE Night Club 6% pivo, vino, žganje in dober prigrizek. Se priporočamo za obisk. Odprto do 2:30 zjutraj GREJTE SVOJE HIŠE-URADE-PRODAJALNE ZA $6.00 NA MESEC (GARANTIRANO) S POLNIM PREZRAČEVALNIM SISTEMOM CIRKULACIJO ZRAKA, KONTROLO TERMOSTATA. VLAŽNIM ZRAKOM, BREZ VSAKEGA SMRADU, PREČIŠČENIM ZRAKOM FAMOZNI C0R0AIRE Žge plin ali olje . . . Segreje 10,000 kubičnih čevljev prostornine . . . Vprašajte vašega kontraktorja. za gretje ali pokličite ANDREWS & M00RE COROZONE RAZPECEVALCI 7700 Carnegie Ave. HEnderson 5105 - 5106 Frank Klemenčič 1051 ADDISON ROAD Barvar in dekorator HEnderson 7757 Norwood Sweet Shoppe Mrs. Frances KraSovic 6201 St. Clair Ave. (zraven Norwood gledališča) NAJFINEJŠI CANDY. SLADOLED .............................II........... j ZA DOBRO PLUMBINGO j IN GRETJE POKLIČITE Naročite se na dnevnik "Ameriška Domovina I A. J. Budnick & C0. j = PLUMBING & HEATING | 6707 St. Clair Ave. = Tel. HEnderson 3289 | 976 E. 250th St. i Res. KEnmore 0238-M : 11 n 1111 n 11111»i n 11»11111 »t i j i" in 11111 m 11 ZaOna zakoala Vsem državljanom v 23. vardi, ki so v tako častnem številu pripomogli k moji zopetni izvolitvi v mestno zbornico, se podpisani kar najbolj iskreno zahvaljuje. Zagotavljam vam, da bom vedno deloval za interese 23. varde. Pojdimo vsi skupaj na delo in skušajmo, da bo 23. varda najbolj vzorna v mestu. Še enkrat iskrena zahvala vsem državljanom, zlasti pa pomočnikom in pomočnicam tekom volitev in kampanje. Skušal bom izkazati se vrednega vašega zaupanja. idilii lU. llcOak COUNCILMAN 23. VARDE Cimperman Coal Co. 1261 Marquette Ave HEnderson 3113 DOBER PREMOG in TOČNA POSTREŽBA Se priporočamo p. J. CIMPERMAN J. J. FRERICKS Poskusiti morate Šivati na tem stroju, da se boste prepričali, kako lepo šiva. Cena $49.50 in več Prihranite pri Norwood Appliance & Furniture Co. 6104 St. Clair Ave. ENdicott 3634 Odprto zvečer rw i nnpAl.1 f • KRASNO DARILO Z VSAKIM /AM lira S NAKUPOM OBLEKE, POVRŠNIKA £i flu 1 v 11J • ALI SUKNJE Kupite od prodajalca na debelo NAKUPOVANJE ZA GOTOV DENAR! RAZPRODAJA po TOVARNIŠKIH cenah! OBLEKE - SUKNJE - POVRŠNIKI OBLEKE IN MLADENIČE SUKNJE SRNJAKOVA VEČERJA bo servirana pri nas v soboto popoldne in zvečer. Nekaj izredno okusnega! Pri nas dobite tudi vedno sveže pivo in razne likerje. Se toplo priporoča JOSEPH IIIK CAFE 6220 St. Clair Ave. POČASNO TRGOVANJE NAM JE OMOGOČILO NAKUP TEH SUKENJ. NE SKRBITE RADI VISOKIH CEN. MI VAM PRIHRANIMO MNOGO DOLARJEV MI DAMO PRIHRANKE VAM NEKAJ JAKO IZBRANIH OBLEK—$13 DEŠKE OBLEKE 67 SUKENJ $ «9 5 tako hJ| nizke $#••95 ^■flT posebna ■fll zaloga hitite DOKLER SO V ZALOGI OHIO CLOTHING CO. poprej PUBLIC CLOTHES Vogra! 63rd St. nasproti kopališča 6301-3 St. Clair Ave. KRIŽEM PO JUTROVEM P« n«nlk*n UTtralka E. Ivi "Molči!" se je zadri Halef nad njim. "Prerok je zapovedal svojim vernikom, da morajo vdano nositi svojo usodo, ker je zapisano v knjigi življenja. Včeraj sem bral v knjigi življenja, da boŠ dobil danes basto-nado in ker sem tudi sam veren sin preroka, bom poskrbel, da se bo ta lepi in hvalevredni kismet izpolnil nad teboj. Položita ga na trebuh, ako ga vobče ima! In trdno ga držita!" Očko in Omar sta točno ubogala. Strumiški oblastnik je sicer napenjal vse moči, da bi se izmuznil svojemu kismetu, pa nič ni pomagalo. Tovariša sta imela krepke pesti in mišičaste roke, trdno sta ga prijela in držala. Tem huje pa je vpil ko-dža baša. Priznam, da mi Halefovo po-čenjanje ni bilo simpatično. Tako tepežkanje ni po mojem okusu. Pa tudi varno ni bilo, kar je nameraval. Tujci smo bili in domačinov je bilo vse polno krog nas. Nismo še vedeli, ali bodo mirno gledali, kako bo Halef vihtel bič nad njihovim zapov Fourth Ye Annual F alte jp Festival Have you ever been to a festival where the elves of autumn are darting in and out, painting the leaves with the golden hues and reddish tints? To a festival where good eats and smacking refreshments abound? To a festival where one can dance to his heart's content? To a festival ■where one can see a grand floor show? To a festival that guarantees a splendid time for all?—That's the kind of festival you will attend tomorrow when you come to the Fourth Annual Fall Festival of the Holy Name Society. Tomorrow night come the hour we have awaited. Just a last reminder of the schedule of events. -Eats will be served on the first floor only between' 6 and 9:30 p. m. The floor show will start promptly at 10. Dancing With Jackie Zorc in the rostrum will begin at 8. Refreshments, of course, will .be available at all times. Tickets may be still bought from members for 50c; they will also be sold at the door. Note to workers: Please report not later than 5:30 p. m. Monthly Meeting Father O'Donnell's talk on his mission experiences in China will feature Tuesday's regular monthly meeting of the St. Vitus Holy Name. Society. To this meeting not only are the regular members cordially invited, but an invitation is also extended. to the juniors and to all men of the parish. The Society meets at 8 p. m. In the church hall. Late returns on the Fall Festival tickets should be made to Charles Winters at the meeting. Immediately after the meeting the ping pong finals will be held. Pairings for the evening are: 1. Furlan vs. W. Tome. 2. E. Ogrinc vs. S. Schuster. 3. V. Cimperman vs. Doc Opaskar. They will play best out of three. The winner of match one will play the winner of match two, and the winner of this set will play the winner of match three, best out of five for the championship. Attention, Members! Members are asked to make complete returns on festival tickets to Charles Winters Sunday evening. "My M other-in-Law" With one feather already in its hat this season, namely that of the successful performance of "Črnošolec," the St. Vitus Dramatic Guild in pointing to its next appearance in public. On Nov. 18 and 19 an English play, the 3-act matrimonial mix-up "My Mother-in-Law," will be presented in the school auditorium. The entire drama deals with the matrimonial, troubles of the Armstrong family in a small town of the middle west. All the entanglements that result from a mother-in-law's visit are smoothed out to the satisfaction of everyone. Tickets are 35c, and may be obtained from members in advance. After the performances there will be dancing to the Mlinar Boys* music. Junior Journal Hark Ye, boys of St. Christine, St, Lawrence and St. Mary! Inter Slovene parish basketball competition—how does that sound? Well it really could be made into a reality very easily with just a bit of cooperation. The winter months which are just around the corner bring us the basketball season. So let's get into action all you basketball enthusiasts from Newburg, Collinwood and Euclid! You boys that are interested in this proposed Junior Holy Name basketball league, what do you say? You bring it up at your next meeting. St. Vitus Juniors, don't forget that interesting and educational movies will be shown at our meeting this Thursday. Important things will be discussed at this meeting so be sure to attend, and; let me remind you to encourage your Junior friends to come. Also don't forget the senior open meeting Tuesday evening, November 9, and hear Father O'Donnell speak on China.—Junior Member. A meeting of the Junior Holy Name members will be held Thursday, November 11th, in the St. Vitus Auditorium. Anton Martincic, our acting chairman has promised us a movie. From what I hear, I judge the movie will be very interesting. Plans for the winter sessions and recreation will also be discussed. So come one and come all, let's make it a perfect attendance.—The Spirit of the Holy Name. , Orel Club News Orel's monthly meeting is to be held Thursday night,' November 11. Every member should attend as important plans are to be discussed. To hear of these plans come to the meeting'. Refreshments will be served. Dancing will be held. Let us make it the biggest meeting of the year. lightful time. Besides turkeys we will have other fowl on display such as chickens and ducks. Other types of entertainment will be had; refreshments will be served throughout the evening. So remember that date, Tuesday night, November 23, ten days before Thanksgiving. Place: St. Vitus Church basement. Dance Tonight! Yes, tonight's the night of the "Lucky 25 Dance." The S. L. U. No. 25 Drill Team invites you all to come to the Twilight Ballroom at 8 p. m. today. We assure you of a great time tonight. Special cocktail, usual drinks, hamburgs and hot dogs will be served. Also a special novelty dance will be held with a, prize for the iucky couple. Make new friends and bring along your old pals, as we expect to see faces from the Newburg, Collinwood and Nottingham districts. —MEMBER. Open Letter The play "črnošolec" is over, and I must say it was a success. The audience, on both evenings, was enthusiastic in its praise both of the play as well as the players. Personally, I must say that I have been very well satisfied with you who took part. I am proud of you and I am firmly convinced that in our cooperative endeavor we shall yet succeed in the field of dramatics, provided, you will persevere. I was very much pleased to see at this performance the exceptional number of young people, which is indicative of increased interest among them for the higher type of entertainment and for the language of their parents. So much higher are my hopes for a capacity young audience on the occasion of the English play, scheduled for the evenings of the 18th and 19th of November. "My Mother-in-Law," a three-act comedy, is full of interest and comical situations. On this occasion I cordially invite all those interested in Slovenian and English dramatics to join our "Sveto-vidski oder," St. Vitus Theatre Guild. REV. MATT. JAGER. St. Vitus Theatre Guild when he thus philosophized. Our stage does not quite equal the proportions of the world, but the ability exhibited there—from merits a world-wide audience. The most recent play "Črnošolec" proves my egotistical statement. An objective criticism, I have no doubt, likewise corresponds with mine. Yes, indeed, that performance certainly gives the young Slovenians in, out, and about the Theatre Guild something to be proud of. The audience enjoyed the scene on the stage—but behind the scenes the actors and stage-hands had their fun. Stanley/ Martincic, "Janez," baffled scientists by cultivating a most fascinating "cookie duster" in one minute! Just cosmetics. When all was quiet, a great metallic tumult pierced the stillness. "What fell?" some one queried. "Lawrence Ogrinc," was the response. He may be a man of iron, but portraying "Kalin" he expressed the subtle sentiments of an artist truly. Some people turn entirely gray over night—but Stanley Frank did exactly that in two- shakes of a lamb's tail. His resemblance to Msgr. Hribar was so keen that we all treated him with due respect. Ann Luzar—the lovely "Cilka" was kept busy keeping cleptomaniacs out of her floral bouquet. , If you had seen Mary Lah ride her bike the day after, you would never believe that she was the same individual who portrayed "Katra," an old rheumatic woman. Incidentally, she was the youngest in the cast. Behind the canvas her sister Sophie was seen meditating quietly. You see, she had to get in the mood to die in the next act. Mary Mo-dic was kept busy and out of mischief by having to change costumes numerous times. When first he saw Jacob Zigon as "Jernac," the revenging- accomplice, a stage-hand took him for a coal miner. Imagine! Another old lady, "Malovka," brought to life by Jean Tome, kept wishing she had a book of directions to simplify the job of getting in and out of an old-time gown. We even had a fortune-teller in our midst—Bertha Gregorac, incognito who had to spend most of her time in demolishing the work of the make-up man.' Michael Kolar had a job on his hands convincing us in the wings that he is completely sane. As Miha Orešnik he h$d to act "sidetracked" in the performance. .Dan Fostotnik, "Pavel," the character for which the play is entitled, was on the stage almost constantly. He should reveail the secret of his remarkable memorizing powers—then some of us might be able to improve our I.Q.'s. Cartoonists can no longer confine mouse-phobia to women. And it's all Vicky Tome's fault. Upon being told that a friend had put the animal into his coat pocket, he jumped upon a chair holding his coat at arm's length and produced the loudest "E-ee-e-k!" I ever heard. But all his energy did not produce the mouse. Ironic enough. Then the other Vicky—Vicky Cimperman was on hand—stagecrafting and betimes catering to the temperaments of the actors. The young man who gave the audience no time to work up their blood pressure while waiting for the next act was Joe Zelle, our profficient curtain-puller and stagecrafter. Grateful appreciation goes to Mrs. Brancel and Mrs. Marinko, the two prompters. Without them, who knows what would have happened. Memory, it is said, is a funny contraption which refuses to work at the most disconcerting times. . Yes, another play goes on — suspense, humor, pathos, all enveloped there—behind the scenes. Well that play "Črnošolec" is over now, a credit to Anton Medved, its author; to the St. Vitus Theatre Guild and to Rev. Father Jager who so ably directed the cast.—"Jo." For our guests we have prepared an extraordinary program. Be sure to come. We need more true Sodal-ists, and are extending you this opportunity. Make the most of it! Don't forget, November 9 in the Study Club at 8:30 p. m. * * » All Around Town DIOCESAN SODALITY UNION The Diocesan Sodality Union held its annual Communion at the Nativity church this past Sunday. Rev. Father Bork, our. head Moderator, delivered a striking portrayal of Christ the King. It was a real Sodality Sunday. Our attendant members were delighted at the treatment they received at Nativity! The Sodalists there served a delicious breakfast and everybody sang lustily! There was a wonderful turnout—it is estimated that well over 300 Sodalists of the Diocese of Cleveland participated. Here's to a bigger and better Sodality! You can certainly leave it to OUR LADY to keep it up! * * * YLS COMMUNION The Young Ladies' Sodality will receive Holy Communion at the 8 a. m. Mass this Sunday. All the girls of the parish are invited to receive with them. Ilirija Sharps and Flats THANKS We take this opportunity to thank the editor of this page and the fellow columnist for their welcoming bits inserted in their columns. ANENT OUR NOV. 21 CONCERT , Our program on November 21, 1937 will differ somewhat from our previous programs which have had an inclination toward the more informal line of entertainment. Twelve songs will be presented by the men's, women's and mixed choruses, ending up with a short comic operetta interpreted by Messrs. Rakar and Charles Tercek. A special invitation is extended to our younger gtoups of people. The old trite excuse, and of which they should be ashamed, of not understanding the meaning of the songs is a very poor one indeed. Very few operatic arias are sung in the English language; and as to the attendance at such lecitals, one has only to refer to the daily newspapers. One of the main features of the program is the "himna Ilirije" a cantata for mixed voices, composed especially for our choir by a contemporary composer, Ciril Pregely of Celje, Slovenija. In this hymn the composer calls upon his fellowmen to have the song of freedom ring from their hearts; to fear no one; and although an ocean separates us from that homeland may it never be forgotten. He continues to plead that we may never forget to the end of cur days that land from which our ancestors came; to be ever proud of the country of which many of us have never seen but yet seem so bound to it. Quite a few of our featured friends namely "Tičica gozdna" and "Petelinčkova ženitev"—a ditty concerning a rooster and his bride, a beautiful white hen. The fly acted as maid of lienor. The mosquito was the toastmaster. As they celebrated, the fly meets with a tragic ending. — "Vrabček," tor be performed by the mixed chorus, tells of the trials and tribulations of the poor sparrow who steals and begs for his food, for which he is rebuked by our friend the swallow. He heeds not, and has an equally tragic ending when he falls into a trap at the garden gate.— This is just a brief summary of some of the songs. AND SO FORTH . . . Postlude: The memorial services held Tuesday evening honoring all the deceased members of our parish were truly touching. At a recent lecture the speaker commente«} on the funeral Mass celebrated for a friend of his. He went on to say that the music and prayers at this funeral made a thing of beauty out of such a sorrowful event. It takes others not as familiar with our services to point out to us the many beautiful portions of our religion. . . . New members continue to attend our rehearsals, this time we present Mr. L. Habjan and Miss D. Sever. We bid thee welcome! . . . The choir is cooperating with other groups in the presentation of the plaques which are to be dedicated to the Rev. Fathers Virant and Kuznik tomorrow afternoon. h-«—» « .—.....—.......—•—•—. . .—.—.—.—•—i-J« SI. Mary's Spectator and Commentator • • • • • • • • • • —» • o • • • • • ......• • k Turkey Give-A-Way Only 17 days are left to the great annual Orel Turkey Give-A-Way. We must not forget this important date which is Tuesday night, November 23. We are certain that everyone will be pleased, for just looking at a dozen or more turkeys strutting around in a colorful background is a feast to one's eyes. It makes us wish that we could own such a bird for our Thanksgiving dinner. Remember that under our plan it is possible to own such a bird. Come down that evening and enjoy a de- "Črnošolec" a Success Last week we predicted that "Črnošolec" (Seminarian) would be the best play yet produced by our young men and women of the St. Vitus Dramatic Guild. And it was the finest play in every respect. From the very start to the final dramatic end the play ran smoothly and evenly, delighting the crowded audience. Even Father Jager, towards the middle of the action, bega nto look about in a very pleased manner and admitted that the action was certainly good. And when he does that it must be good, for his standards are very high. The actors and actresses themselves got into the spirit of the drama , weeks ago. From this one and that one we learned that they had full confidence in their ability and were certain that the play would be very successful. And if the audience could have seen the hours and hours of monotonous rehearsing, the repeated scenes into the late hours of the night, it would not wonder at the marvelous performance. Even during the play, those who were behind the stage can vouch, how Father Jager was there giving his enthusiasm and spirit into the actors and actresses. And these responded- with the result that a life-like and truly sincere portrayal of the Seminarian resulted. Some' of the actors even received applause after their performance on the stage, and that is rare. But the spectators were so pleased by their acting that they involuntarily applauded. Yes! Who will soon forget the tottering old pastor given by Stan Frank; or Kalin that carefree and humorous student-artist impersonated by Larry Ogrinc; or the forceful and strange Janez by Stan Martincic; or Danny Postotnik's sterling performance as the seminarian or Miohael Kolar's portrayal of the insane father; or Jack Zigon as the stentorian-voiced villanous traitor? Lovely Ann Luzar displayed all the gaiety, wit, and song of the heroine sympathizing with her brother-seminarian and yet bringing Janez to his knees. Sophie Lach had the difficult role of Rozalka and presented a masterpiece in the death-scene. Bertha Gregorac, that dark eyed gypsy fortune-teller, charmed everyone including the stage hands! Mary Lach was highly complimented in her part of the seminarian's mother. Mary Modic was superb as the rich girl chasing after the seminarian. And Jean Tome in her brief scene brought the women to laughter when they saw themselves enacted on the stage. Father Jager deserves his share of credit for the success and fine performance of the play. His untiring zeal and effort in producing this drama in Slovenian with an entire cast of young men and women born in this country is amazing. Our hats off to the entire personnel. The St. Vitus Dramatic Guild takes this opportunity to thank all its actors, actresses, the director, ushers, and stage hands. The stage technicians included Victor Cimperman, Joseph Zelle, and Victor Tome with Stanley Frank giving a helping hand. And last but not least the Guild wishes to thank the audience. —F. J. Dedication of Plaques Tomorrow The memorial plaques of the Rev. Fathers Victor J. Virant and Ludwig Kuznik shall be formally dedicated tomorrow afternoon at special services to be held at St. Mary's Church at 3 p. m. Musical numbers by the Ilirija Choir and eBnediction of the Blessed Sacrament shall be part of the formal dedication and blessing of the plaques. The words of tribute shall be offered by Rev. Joseph Matun and Rev. Milan Slaje of Lorain, Ohio, both of whom formerly served this parish as assistant pastors. All friends of these young priests are earnestly re-uested and invited to swell the numbers who shall participate in the dedication ceremonies. Guild Gems The play that has been heralded as the comedy riot of the age "Oh Clarrisa" is on schedule for performance next Sunday, November 14 and the ducats are going fast. Be sure and reserve yours for it shall be a real hit. The east of characters which shall be given and caricatured next week by brief notes includes some delightful persons, for instance Swami B'Hami, the prophet from India; O'Reilly, the copper; the book-collecting aristocrat and his "new-crase" wife, who stumbles upon a new religion of "Love is All," which she sponsors. The outcome of the various peculiar angles that arise out of the doings of the family shall make you roar over and over. More next week. . RESERVE YOUR TICKETS NOW FOR "OH CLARRISA." Station YLS OPEN HOUSE The YLS of St. Mary's (Collinwood) will hold OPEN HOUSE on Tuesday evening, Nov. 9 in the Study Club Room. All girls of the parish are cordially invited to attend._ There are hundreds of indulgenced prayers and devotions. Sodalists and members of numerous confraternities can gain a wealth of indulgences. The Sodality of the Blessed Virgin was founded originally for students and was afterward extended to all classes of the faithful. Its object is to sanctify its own members by prayer and the reception of the sacraments, and to assist others by example, conversation and charitable deeds. Wherever it is established in a parish and properly conducted with regular monthly meetings, it creates a spiritual atmosphere, increases faith and piety, fosters a spirit of study, and trains the members to Christian helpfulness and self-denial. It is thus a powerful influence in a solid Christian education and in the formation of a sterling character. A girl who is a faithful and zealous sodalist will become a leader for good and develop into a model Christian woman. Various countries, places, trades and occupations are placed under the protection of patron saints, and each Christian at Baptism receives the name of a saint. The patron of the universal Church is St. Joseph. The United States is under the patronage of the Immaculate Conception. Every true child of the Church should have a tender and. constant devotion to the Mother of God, and not let a day pass without recommending himself to her protection. Her influence with God is all-powerful, and her faithful clients will never be deserted. Through her all blessings come to us. So you see it is truly a great privilege to belong to her special clan Every girl should strive to enter this glorious Sodality. You can derive such an abundance of special favors. We, the Sodalists of St. Mary's, are preparing a special programme for the 9th of November. We delight in calling it an OPEN HOUSE. All are cordially invited to come down and see just how our Sodality is functioning.___ Silhouette Dance Saturday, November 13th, the Jugoslav (Slovene) Club will have a novelty dance, called "Silhouette Dance" at Knaus' Hall, St. Clair Ave. at E. 62nd St. Admission tickets can be bought in advance from the following members: Mrs. Frank Vegel, Mary Skoda, Mrs. May Jarc, Rose Milavec, Eleanore Cerne, Josephine Modic. — Come and enjoy a nice evening! -O- "The Late Christopher Bean" The Euclid Central Juniors are to present a play "The Late Christopher Bean" at Euclid Central High School Friday evening, November 12, 1937. Admission is only 25c. The following will take part: Jeane Loomis, Betty Mandelkorn, Helen Shelton, Carol Smidt, Rose Weber, Carl Stinson, Ed. Murn, Don Pempin and Bob Offen-hauser. Following is a synopsis of the play: A painter named Christopher Bean had died in a New England village leaving only a few dirty canvases to pay the doctor for his efforts to heal. It was a mild surprise to Dr. Hag-gett and his family when an old friend of Bean's dropped in and paid Bean's old bill, and only took away a couple of pictures as mementos. It was a bigger surprise when another old friend of Bean's turned up on a similar errand, and the biggest of all when a great New York art critic arrived to pay his respects to the memory of the dead artist. It was overwhelming when they learned that Christopher's daubs were worth a fortune—and how they scurried to find them. There was one in the chicken coop and the daughter of the house had painted some flowers on the back of another, and Abby, the servant girl, had a portrait of herself in her room. A mad scramble ensues with Abby in the thick of it. And always in the scramble, the effect on the characters of those involved is uppermost, always there is the flurry and distress of minds under the turmoil of action; always through it is the lovable simplicity of Abby, to whom Christopher was an unmercenary memory of distant happiness. This comedy is well-worth seeing and Slovenians in Euclid are cordially invited. -0- A Trip to the Mediterranean WE PLAV THE GASH OUSE11 POLECATS" TOPAV. IT'S GONNA BE A TOUGH GAME. Behind the Scenes "The world is a stage and we are the actors in it." Willie Shakespeare must have been thinking about our WE'LL WALK OVER THER.E OKI RAILROAD AVE, SO WE CAN GET ALL DUSTy. r by DORIS MARIE BIRTIC (Continuation.) The taps! Where was I? For a moment I couldn't place myself, and then,—oh yes, I was on the S.S. Exo-chorda on my way to the Mediteran-ean and the bellboy was playing the taps through the corridors in an effort to wake up the passengers, glanced at my watch—7:30 a. m. My baggage was there in the middle of the room, a constant reminder of the unpacking I would have to do. With a hasty resolve to get it over with as soon as possible I reached down to the floor for my bedroom slippers, but instead picked up my diary that had slipped out of my hands when I had fallen asleep while writing the night before. I could see just how my fingers had relaxed for the pen had trailed off first into illegible scribbling and finally into a mere wavy line to the edge of the page. I found my pen, then jumped out of bed, took a shower, and had just finished dressing when again the "music" of the bellboy's gong filled the hallway. It was time for breakfast, and although I could have had it brought to my room, I preferred eating in the dining salon. The breakfast menu was very cheery in appearance. It pictured three sea gulls flying above the ocean with sunrays extending from behind a beautiful cloud, all done up in bright colors. The steward brought me the day's news bulletin printed through the courtesy of the Associated Press Radio News Service, while the waiter filled my order. After breakfast, some of the passengers who were sitting at my table and I made a tour of the ship. First we went to the sports deck. Being a'sports fiend, I was more than delighted to find playing equipment for shuffleboard, deck quoits, shoe quoits, ping pong, and deck tennis.— And a lovely swimming pool! It seemed too godd to be true. The water looked very enticing, but we decided we had better first get acquainted with our ship so we went down to the promenade deck, looked into the beautiful lounge, the spacious reception hall, and then went down to the lowest deck which is reserved for the personnel. Here we found, in a temporary stall, what appeared to be two lovely cows and one spirited bull. The chief steward then invited us to have a look at the ship's immaculate kitchens. There we saw the chefs in crisp white uniforms busily preparing the next meal. Next we were taken to the storerooms where we saw their huge supply of provisions, large amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables, and the giant refrigerators in which the meat was kept. A little later, the Chief Engineer took a party of us through the engine rooms to see what makes the ship go. The huge amount of machinery, all running smoothly under competent engineers, was something to be marveled. If any of us had any qualms about safety on the sea, I am sure they were quickly forgotten when we saw how systematic everything was. We returned to the deck and I was asked to participate in a game of ping pong, but the thought of trunks, still unpacked, was haunting me, and I went to my stateroom to follow the old adage. "Duty before pleasure." (To be continued.) , -O- THE OLD SWIMMIN' HOLE , The old swimmin' hole, where the gang- used to stroll On hot summer days to keep cool, No more is beguiling, but lined with white tiling, Is now known as purity pool. The frogs and the lizzards don't flirt with your gizzards, The tadpoles no more run amuck; The old place is wormless, disgustingly germless * . To swim in it costs half a buck! > No more do the crickets and bugs from the thickets Nip in our splashing demesne. Our old pool is Grecian and slightly f Venetian; The ceiling is aquamarine. The water is heated and properly treated, The turtles and snails are tabooed— But bring back those gay days—Uto-, pian play days When Skinny and I swam there nude! —Selected. -O- GIVING AND RECEIVING Take two workers in an organization. One limits his giving by the wages he is paid. He insists on being paid instantly for what he does. That shows he is a man of limited! imagination and intelligence. The other is a natural giver. His philosophy of life compels him to make himself useful. He knows that if he takes care of other people's problems they will be forced to take care of him for their own selfish purpose, if for no other. The giver is given much. Nature abhors a vacuum. The giver -is always trying to empty himself. Nature refuses to allovfr that to happen. The more he gives, the more he is given.—J.T.lvt. in "Shining Lines." --O—- Wit should be the salt of conversation, not the meat.—Hazlitt. • * * The plesantest things in the world are pleasant thoughts, and the great art of life is to have as many of them as possible.—Montaigne. "GIVE ONCE FOR 100 NEEDS" TUXEDO RENTAL EE For Weddings and other Formal S S Occasions I (ntornife I | ^rtbln gT CLAIR AVK j= Dance—Glide-Sing with singers of Independent "ZARJA" SUNDAY, NOV. 14 at Slovenian Auditorium 6417 St. Clair Ave. Time 8:00 P. M. Admission 35c YANKOVICH'S ORCHESTRA m^nttU Satu* given by The Jugoslav (Slovene) Club Saturday, November 13,1937 AT KNAUS' HALL St. Clair Ave. and E. 62nd St.