Sclerosing and granulomatous lesions SCLEROSING AND GRANULOMATOUS SKIN LESIONS IN BORRELIA BURGDORFERI INFECTION F. Breier, B. Schmidt, B. Crowe, G. Stanek and E. Aberer ABSTRACT The pathogenetic linkage between Bo1Telia burgdo,feri and the cutaneous manifestations of Lyme Borreliosis, i.e. erythema migrans, borrelial lymphocytoma and acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans is well established. Moreover, in three other dermatoses - circumscribed scleroderma, lichen sclerosus et atrophicus and granuloma annulare - laboratory findings indicated that these diseases might be associated with a Bo1Telia burgdo,feri infection. In particular, cellular or humoral immune responses to Bo1Telia burgdo,feri, as measured by lymphocyte proliferation tests or by immunoblot investigations, respectively, were detected in some circumscribed scleroderma patients. In sporadic cases Bo1Telia burgdo,feri was even isolated from lesional skin of patients with circumscribed scleroderma or granuloma annulare. Recently developed molecular biological techniques provide tools to detect Bo1Telia burgdo,feri-DNA in severa! tissues and body fluids. Particularly the excretion of bo1Telia-DNA in the urine, detected by PCR, was proven to be a useful and reliable laboratory parameter far the clinical correlation of disease activity in erythema migrans and acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans. Therefare, we investigated the excretion of Bo1Telia burgdo,feri-DNA in the urine of patients with circumscribed scleroderma, lichen sclerosus et atrophicus and granuloma annulare by amplification of a 276 bp flagellin gene segment using a nested PCR technique. Surprisingly, PCR was positive in 61 % of patients with circumscribed scleroderma, 68% of patients with lichen scleroses et atrophicus and 61 % of patients with granuloma annulare. These data provide evidence far the presence of a systemic Bo1Telia burgdo,feri infection in a subset of patients with these dermatoses and open up a field to develop new concepts in the treatment of these patients. KEY WORDS Bo1Telia burgdo,feri, circumscribed sclerodenna, lichen sclerosus et atrophicus, granuloma annulare, immunoblot-investigation, cellular immune response, polymerase chain reaction, urine INTRODUCTION The clinical spectrum of systemic and localized manifestations of Lyme Borreliosis (LB) increases steadily but has not yet been defined precisely. acta dermatovenerologica A.P.A. Vol 5, 96, No 3-4 Beside the classical cutaneous manifestations of LB, erythema migrans (EM), borrelial lymphocytoma (BL) and acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans (ACA), further dermatoses, such as circumscribed scleroderma (morphea) (CS), lichen sclerosus et atrophicus (LSA) 117 Sclerosing and granulomatous lesions and granuloma annulare (GA) have been linked to a Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb) infection (1,2). Upon staining with anti-Bb polyclonal antibodies, borrelia- Iike organisms were detected in the skin in these three dermatoses by immunoperoxidase methods (3,4). Cultivation of Bb was reported in sporadic cases of CS and GA (2,5). In earlier studies 30 patients with different types of CS were tested for serum antibodies against Bb determined by ELISA and Westernblot analysis (1,6). Bb B 31 sensu stricto was used as an antigen for SDS-electrophoresis. Forty-six percent of CS patients were IgG seropositive based on ELISA. W esternblot examinations confirmed the ELISA results in 10 out of 25 patients showing an antibody profile which can also be seen in the course of LB. The Bb seropositive patients could mostly be associated with a symmetric-plaque and linear-systemized type of morphea. In further experiments, the cellular immune response to Bb was investigated (7). When isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells from CS patients were incubated with Bb, genospecies garinii (Bg), proliferation of these cells was induced in 11 (5 seropositive and 6 seronegative) out of 39 patients. More recently, molecular biological techniques, such as PCR, made the detection of Bb-DNA in the skin and body fluids possible (8,9). As demon- strated in severa! studies, Bb organisms have a high affinity to the urine bladder tissue and Bb-antigens and DNA are secreted in the urine during the course of LB (10-12). In this paper we focuse on the correlation between different in vitro methods for laboratory diagnosis of Bb infection in CS, LSA, and GA. The data presented bere were partly published previously (1,7,13,14) and are reviewed in this paper. MATERIALS AND METHODS LYMPHOCYTE TRANSFORMATION TESTS AND IMMUNOBLOTS IN PATIENTS WITH CIRCUM- SCRIBED SCLERODERMA In a first series of experiments lymphocyte trans- formation tests (LTT) were performed in 39 patients with different types of CS as previously described (7) . In brief, 105 peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients were incubated with 106 Bg organisms for 5 days. Eighteen hours before harvesting, 3H thymidine was added and its uptake by mononuclear cells measured in a liquid scintillation counter. The counts were expressed as distintegrations per minute 118 and a stimulation index (SI) was calculated. Control experiments were carried out in 6 healthy individuals, 16 patients with non-LB-associated skin diseases and in patients with EM and ACA. lgG-immunoblots in patients with morphea '''C '''' ' '' .. ~ II! .,. .., ,,,,, """' .... ..... ... ...... "" "' 189 kd ~ 60 kd f lag 39kd i OspC Fig. l. JgG-immunoblots of sera from 18 patients with circumscribed scleroderma. Right lane: Molecular weight standards; C: Control serum of an acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans patient. Arrows at the top indicate the patient's sera with positive lymphocyte transformation tests; arrows at the bottom indicate positive immunoblots in lymphocyte transf ormation test positive patients. Curved line s indicate paired sera taken from circumscribed scleroderma patients before and after antibiotic treatment. Immunoblot (surfblot, IDEA Scientific Company, Minneapolis, MN, U.S.A.) (IB) studies were performed from sera of 18 patients with CS (unpublished data). In 3 of these patients samples before and after treatment were examined. Paired samples were examined for LTT and 1B studies in 14 patients. A membrane fraction of Bb, genospecies afzelii (Ba ), was applied on a SDS - polyacrylamid acta dermatovenerologica A.P.A. Vol 5, 96, No 3-4 Sclerosing and granulomatous lesions electrophoresis gel. After separation, proteins were transferred to nitrocellulose membranes. The patients' sera, in a dilution of 1:250 for IgG and 1:10 for IgM detection, were applied to these strips and the bound antibodies detected by alkaline phosphatase conjugated goat anti-human immunoglobulin G or M. To determine relevant antigens, sera obtained from patients with the acute, disseminated and chronic phase of LB as well as from patients with ACA and healthy blood donors were also tested ( data not shown). Based on the statistical evaluation of the results obtained from patients and healthy blood donors seropositivity criteria of four or more reacting bands for IgG and three or more bands for IgM were established. PCR INVESTIGATIONS IN PATIENTS WITH CIR- CUMSCRIBED SCLERODERMA, LICHEN SCLE- ROSUS ET ATROPHICUS AND GRANULOMA ANNULARE In a further series of experiments the urine excretion of Bb-DNA was investigated in 63 patients, 31 with CS , 19 with LSA and 13 patients with GA (unpublished data). By means of a nested PCR, a 276 bp flagellar gene sequence of Bb-DNA was amplified as previously described (9). In addition, antibodies against Bb were investigated in the sera of these 63 patients by ELISA (7). CULTURE OF BORRELIA BURGDORFERI IN PATIENTS WITH CIRCUMSCRIBED SCLERO- DERMA AND LICHEN SCLEROSUS ET ATRO- PHICUS Punch biopsies (4mm) were taken from the expanding border of CS or LSA skin lesions and cultured in a Barbour-Stoenner-Kelly medium (6). RESULTS CORRELATION OF POSITIVE LYMPHOCYTE TRANSFORMATION TESTS AND IMMUNO- BLOTS IN PATIENTS WITH CIRCUMSCRIBED SCLERODERMA Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 11 out of 39 patients (28%) showed an elevated SI when exposed to Bb antigens as compared to samples of healthy control persons. 4-20 bands were detected in blots of CS patients, whereas IBs presented more than 20 bands in ACA. IBs were positive in 13 out of 18 CS serum samples (72% ), in 3 patients for both IgM and IgG, in 9 patients for IgG and in 1 patient for IgM antibodies only. In 3 patients 2 samples were examined before and after treatment with almost identical bands. Seven out of 14 patients (50%) where LTTs and IBs were performed simultaneously, revealed positive results in both test systems (Figs. 1,2). The type of CS in these patients belonged to a symmetric-plaque type. Moreover, 4 patients were positive in LTTs and 3 in IBs only. NESTED PCR FOR DETECTION OF BORRELIA BURGDORFERI FLAGELLIN-GENE FRAGMENTS AND SEROLOGICAL FINDINGS AS DETERMI- NED BY ELISA IN PATIENTS WITH CIRCUM- SCRIBED SCLERODERMA, LICHEN SCLEROSUS ET ATROPHICUS AND GRANULOMA ANNUIARE Whereas in patients with EM, the early phase of LB, borrelia-DNA is excreted in the urine in about Table. Culture of Borrelia burgdorferi from skin biopsies of patients with circumscribed scleroderma and lichen sclerosus et atrophicus. Pat. Sex Diagnoš,is Clinical , Type Borrelia genospecies 1 49 M cs1 linear-systemized B. burgdorferi sensu lato 2 45 M cs1 linear-systemized B. afzelii 3 55 M cs1 symmetric-plaque B. afzelii 4 69 F LSA2 symmetric-plaque B.afzelii and gential area 1 = circumscribed scleroderma 2 = lichen sclerosus et atrophicus acta dermatovenerologica A.P.A. Vol 5, 96, No 3-4 119 Sclerosing and granulomatous lesions 90% (9), 19 out of 31 (61 % ) patients with CS were positive by PCR. Four of these patients were also seropositive, whereas 3 other patients were seropositive but negative in their urine PCR. In 9 patients no Bb-specific laboratory data could be evaluated. LSA patients tested PCR positive in 13/19 ( 68% ), 7 out of these 13 patients were also seropositive, 1 additional patient was seropositive but PCR-negative. In GA borrelia-DNA excretion was detectable in 8/13 (61 % ) patients; only one of these patients was also seropositive. lgM-immunoblots in patients with morphea ' 'c fffY f ff • kd kd flag 39kd OspC Fig. 2. IgM-immunoblots of sera from 18 patients with circumscribed scleroderma. Right lane: Molecular weight standards; C: Control serum of an acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans patient. Arrows at the top indicate the patient's sera with positive lymphocyte transformation tests; arrows at the bottom indicate positive immunoblots in lymphocyte transformation test positive patients. Cwved lines indicate paired sera taken from circumscribed scleroderma patients before and after antibiotic treatment. 120 CULTURE OF BORRELIA BURGDORFERI IN PATIENTS WITH CIRCUMSCRIBED SCLERO- DERMA AND LICHEN SCLEROSUS ET ATRO- PHICUS As previously published, Bb was cultivated from a patient with a linear-systemized type of CS (6). This borrelia isolate was identified as Bb by immunofluo- rescence-methods using monoclonal antibodies, but could not be further typed. In following culture trials Bb, genospecies Ba as identified by serotyping with monoclonal antibodies and by PCR-methods (7), could be isolated from two further CS and one LSA patient (unpublished data, see Table). DISCUSSION The etiology of certain dermatoses affecting the connective tissue, such as CS, LSA and GA, is still unknown. CS, which can be induced by drugs, mechanical and immunological factors, involves the dermis, subcutaneous fat and fascia leading to fibrosis of collagenous tissue (15). LSA is also a disease of unknown origin. It can be observed in genital and extragenital skin (16). The coexistence of CS and LSA in several patients favours the assumption that both conditions may be caused or triggered by analogous agents. Many reports have focused on their possible relationship to a Bb infection, however, contradicting data was published (1,17). Based on serological and molecular biological studies, suspected borrelia-induced CS and LSA have only been reported in European countries (18,19,20) . The association with a Bb infection was more likely to be observed in the symmetric-plaque and linear-systemized type of morphea as evaluated by IB and LIT investigations (1,7). In recent studies patients with atrophodermia Pasini-Pierini, the atrophic variant of CS, were mostly seronegative but showed positive LIT and positive Bb-DNA in their urine in single cases (7, unpublished data) . When comparing laboratory data of patients with different types of CS showing humoral or cellular immunity to Bb, 7 out of 14 patients (50%) were positive in both tests. Whereas LTTs are not performed routinely, IB-investigations are well esta- blished for the diagnosis of LB. Similar to serological testing, however, the standardization of methods as well as the standardization of interpreting results have not yet been achieved. The main reason for this fact is the heterogeneity of borrelia strains and the variety of antigen expression which is elicited in the different manifestations of LB (21). Currently, acta dermatovenerologica A.P.A. Vol 5, 96, No 3-4 Sclerosing and granulomatous lesions the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are developing criteria for interpretation of Western blot results (22). Isolation of Bb from affected tissue is the most characteristic evidence and proof of infection. Three cases have been published so far where Bb was cultivated from a skin biopsy of CS. According to the clinical aspect, one patient was suffering from a linear-systemized type of CS (6), the two other reported patients from a large, partly symmetric- plaque type of CS, one of which with coexisting LSA (5). It is interesting to note that in our studies, a further culture-positive patient showed a linear-systemized type of CS, one patient a symmetric- plaque type on the trunk and an additional patient symmetric patches of LSA on the trunk. These findings, together with the high excretion rate of Bb-DNA in the urine, and the improvement of CS and LSA in some patients due to betalactam antibotics, underline the pathogenetic role of Bb in a subset of patients. GA was said to be caused by mechanical, auto- immune and metabolic factors (23-25). In addition, infectious agents, such as viruses, were reported as pathogens. The development of GA was also observed after insect bites (23). In the literature Bb was isolated from a GA skin lesion of a patient with a history of a tick bite, arthralgias, fatigue, headache and seroconversion during the course of the disease (2). The isolated strain was of the Osp A serotype 2 (Ba) (26). Intravenous treatment with ceftriaxone resulted in a remission of the clinical symtoms and also of GA 5 months after treatment. In our study a high percentage of patients with GA (61 % ) showed Bb-DNA excretion in the urine. An association with arthralgias, and a tick or insect bite was also reported by PCR-positive patients. In summary, we have shown that various laboratory data point to a Bb infection in a considerable number of patients with CS, LSA and GA In the future, more sensitive laboratory studies are needed to confirm these findings and to explore the under- standing of pathogenetic linkages between Bb and sclerosing and granulomatous dermatoses. REFERENCES l. Aberer E, Klade H, Stanek G, Gebhart W. 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AUTHORS' ADDRESSES 122 Friedrich Breier, MD, Department of Dermatology, Division of General Dermatology, University of Vienna Medical School, Wahringer Giirtel 19-20, A-1090 Vienna, Austria Bruno Schmidt, MD, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Dermato-Venerological Serodiagnosis, Lainz Municipal Hospital, Wolkersbergenstrasse 1, A-1130 Vienna, Austria Brian Crowe, PhD, Immuno AG, UferstraBe 15, A-2304 Orth, Austria Gerold Stanek, professor, MD, Hygiene Institute, University of Vienna Medical School, Kinderspitalgasse 15, A-1090 Vienna, Austria Elisabeth Aberer, ass.-professor, MD, Department of Dermatology and Venerology, University of Graz, Auenbruggerplatz 8, A-8036 Graz, Austria acta dennatovenerologica A.P.A. Vol 5, 96, No 3-4