AnnaleS AnaCi za istrsl(e in mediteransl^e študije ftnnaCi di Studi istriani e mediterranei ftnnaCs for lstran and ftiediterranean Studies 25/'01 Annales, Ser. hist. nat., 11, 2001, 2 (25), pp. 147-328 + 1-26, Koper 2001 ISSN 1408-533X v »»m TU' 1 mvÀwBEA 1 ■ * 1 f' ¿ti ■ " ■ HS' m . . 4 'J* ' Z) r > : »k'IL UDK 5 ftnad za istrske. in mecfiterans/(e študije Annaii di Studi istriani e mediterranei Anna(s for Istran and Mediterranean Studies 25/'01 UDK 5 Annales, Ser. hist. nat., 11, 2001, 2 (25), pp. 147-328 + 1-26, Koper 2001 « 7 u Bani Koper ISSN 1408-533X 9 . . „„„ JK4 9771408534039 UDK 5 ISSN 1408-533X Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei Annals for Sstran and Mediterranean Studies series historia naturalis, 11, 2001, 2 KOPER 2001 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. nat. • 11 • 2001 • 2 (25) Anali za istrske in mediteranske Študije - Annali di Studi istriani e mecliterranei - Annais for istran and Mediterranean Studies Ann, Ser. hist, nat., 11, 2001, 2 (25) ISSN 14G8-533X UDK 5 Letnik 11, leto 2001, številka 2 (25) UREDNIŠKI ODBOR/ dr. Darko Darovec, dr. Jakov Dulčič (CRO), dr. Serena Fonda COMITATO DI REDAZIONE/ Umani (iT), clr. Huw Griffiths (UK), dr. Mitja Kaligarič, BOARD OF EDITORS: dr. Andrej Kranjc, dr. Boris Krystufek, dr. Tom Levanič, dr. Lovrenc Lipe/, dr. Alenka Malej, dr. Patricija Mozetič, dr. Darko Ogrin, dr. Livio Poidini (IT), dr. Ehud Spanier (ISR), dr. Michael Stachowitsch (A), dr. Davorin Tome, Salvator Žitko, dr. Tone Wraber Glavni u re d n i k/fter/a tto re Capo/Managing Editor: dr. Darko Darovec Odgovorni urednik naravoslovja/ Redattore responsabite per le scienze naturali/ dr. Lovrenc Lipej Natural Science Editor: Vredmca/Redattrice/Editor: dr. Patricija Mozetič Lektorji/Supervisione/Language editors: Henrik C iglic (angl./sl.), dr. Huw Griffiths (angl.) Prevaja Ici/Trac/uffon/ Transla (o rs: Henrik Ciglič (angl./sl), Martina Orlando Bonaca (si./it.) Ob\ikova\ec/Progetto grafico/Graphic design: Dušan Podgornik Prelom/Composizione/Typesetting: Franc Čuden - Medit d.o.o. Tisk/Stampa/Print: Grafis trade d.o.o. lzda\aXe\ja/Editori/Published by: Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko/5oc/efa storica del Litorale © - Znanstveno raziskovalno središče Republike Slovenije, Koper/Centro di ricerche scientifiche della Repubblica di Slovenia, Ca pod is tria/Scien ce and Research Centre of the Republic of Slovenia, Koper © Za izdajateija/Per gli Editori/ Publishers represented by: Salvator Žitko, dr. Darko Darovec Sedež uredništva/ Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Republike Slovenije, Koper Sede della redazione/ SI-6000 Koper/Capodistria, Garibaldijeva/V/a Garibaldi, 18, Address of Editorial Board: p.p. /P.O.Box 61 2, tel.: ++386 5 6126-000, fax 6271-321; e-mail:, internet; Ponatis člankov in slik je mogoč samo z dovoljenjem uredništva in navedbo vira. Redakcija te številke je bila zaključena 1. decembra 2001 Sofinancirajo/Supporto finanziario/ Ministrstvo za šolstvo, znanost in šport Republike Slovenije, Financially supported by:. Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Slovenije, Mestna občina Koper, Občina Izola, Občina Piran ter drugi sponzorji. Annales - series historia nat ura i is izhaja dvakrat letno. Annales - series historia et sociologi a izhaja dvakrat letno. Letna naročnina za obe seriji je 7000 SIT, maloprodajna cena tega zvezka je 2500 SIT. Nenaročenih rokopisov in drugega gradiva ne vračamo. Rokopise in naročnino sprejemamo na sedežu uredništva. Rokopise lahko pošiljate tudi članom uredništva. Naklada/Tirafura/C/rcu/af/on; 800 izvodov Revija Annales series historia natural is je vključena v naslednje podatkovne baze: Zoological Record (UK), Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA). ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. nal. - 11 - 2001 • 2 {25) Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije - Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei - Annals for Istran and Mediterranean Studies {JDK 5 Letnik 11, Koper 2001, številka (2) 25 iSSN 1408-S33X VSEBINA / INDICE GENERALE/CONTENTS EKOLOGIJA IN BIOLOGIJA MORJA ECO LOG IA E BIOLOGIA MARINA MARINE ECOLOGY AND BIOLOGY Martina Orlando Bonaca A survey of the introduced non-indigenous species in the Northern Adriatic Sea ...................... 149 Pregled vnosov tujerodnih vrst i/ severni Jadran Marin Miletic, Paola Bottos, Daniela Sciolis, Roberta Capon, Silvia Vanzo, Eiisabetta Pizzul & Mario Specchi First observations at the artificial reef submerged on the sandbank of Santa Croce {Trieste, Italy)......................................................... 159 Prve ugotovitve, opažene ob umetnem podvodnem grebenu na peščeni plitvini v bližini Križa (Trst, Italija) Raffaella De Min, Bojan Marčeta & Ennio Vio Moiluscht rinvenuti nei corso di una campagna sperimentafe di pešca a strascico in Adriatico ....... 169 Favna mehkužcev, ulovljena med eksperimentalnim vzorčenjem s kočo v jadranskem morju IHTlOLOGijA rrnoLOGiA ICHTHYOLOGY Mario Marconi & Alessandro De Maddalena On the capture of a young Porbeagle, Lamna nasus (Bonnaterre, 1788), in the Western Adriatic Sea ............................................. 179 0 mladem atlantskem skušolovcu Lamna nasus (Bonnaterre, 1783), ujetem v zahodnem jadra nu Marco Zuffa, Alen Soldo & Tiziano Storai Preliminary observations on abnormal abundance of Cetorhinus maximus (Gunnerus, 1 765} in Middle and Northern Adriatic Sea ........... 185 Prve ugotovitve o nenavadno pogostem pojavljanju morskega psa orjaka Cetorhinus maximus (Gunnerus, 1765) v srednjem in severnem Jadranu Alessandro De Maddalena, Marco Zuffa, Lovrenc Lipej & Antonio Celona An analysis of the photographic evidences of the largest Great White Sharks Carcharodon carcharías (Linnaeus, 1758), captured in the Mediterranean Sea with considerations about the maximum size of the species .......................... 193 Analiza fotografij največjih belih morskih volkov Carcharodon carcharías (Linnaeus, 1758), ujetih v Sredozemskem morju Cristina Castellano, Gianna Visintin & Roberto Odorico L'ittiofauna delía Riserva naturale marina di Miramare (Golfo di Trieste, Aito Adriático) ........... 207 Ihtiofavna v Naravnem rezervatu Miramare (Tržaški zaliv, severni Jadran) VARSTVO NARAVE TUTELA DELL'AMBIENTE NATURE CONSERVATION Lidija Globevnik, Andrej Sovine & Mitja Kaligarič Desertification processes in the adjacent Mediterranean mountains (Brkini and Čičarija, SW Slovenia) ........................................................ 219 Dezertifikacijski procesi v robnih sredozemskih gorovjih (Brkini in Čičarija, JZ Slovenija) Andrej Sovine Opportunities for New Ramsar Sites: Experiences of a Territorially Small Country.......... 233 Možnosti za nove Ramsarske lokalitete: izkušnje ozemeljsko majhne države Valentina Turk & Branko Potočnik Pollution hot spots and sensitive areas along the Slovenian coast ............................................... 239 Žarišča onesnaženja in občutljiva območja vzdolž obale Republike Slovenije Andrej Sovine Sečoveljske soline v mednarodnem naravovarstvenem kontekstu ................................. 253 Sečovlje salt-pans in the international conservationist context ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. -11- 2001 • 2 (25) Anaii za istrske in mediteranske študije - Annali d i Studi istriani e med i terra net - Annals for Istran and Mediterranean Studies ORNITOLOG ÍJA ORNITOLOGIA ORNITHOLOGY Luca Bembich Prime nidificazioni di Gabbiano reale mediterráneo (Larus cachinnans michahellis) sul Carso ............................................................... 263 Prvo gnezdenje rumenonogega galeba Larus cachinnans michahellis na Krasu DELO NAŠIH ZAVODOV IN DRUŠTEV ATTIVITÀ DEI NOSTRIISTITUTI E DELLE NOSTRE SOCIETÀ ACTIVITIES BY OUR INSTITUTIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS Alessandro De Maddaiena: The Mediterranean Shark Sportfishery Program ................................... 315 Sredozemski program športnega ribolova na morske pse Iztok Geister Prva gnezditev sabljarke (Recurvirostra avosetta) v Sloveniji............................................... 267 The first confirmed breeding by the avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta) in Slovenia Davorin Tome Nekaj o značilnostih avifavne Pivških jezer........... 271 Some characteristics of the avifauna of Pivka intermittent lakes FLORA Mitja Kaligarič Nova segetalna združba iz zveze Caucalidion lappulae Tx. 50 iz severozahodne Istre (Slovenija) ............................. 279 A new segetal association (alliance Caucalidion lappulae Tx. 50) from North-Western part of Istra (Slovenia) Nejc jogan Ali je Ruppia cirrhosa (Petagna) Grande edini slovenski predstavnik tega rodu? ...........................289 Is Ruppia cirrhosa (Petagna) Grande the only Slovene representative of the genus? MISCELLANEA Robert Turk: Projekt ALAS - Vse o soli (ECOS-OUVERTURE 1998-2001).......................... 316 Project ALAS - All About Salt, (ECOS-OUVERTURE 1998-2001) Tamara Lah: 40 let Nacionalnega Inštituta za biologijo........................................................... 316 40 years of the National Institute of Biology Boris Krystufek: Raziskovalna delavnica "Vzorci in procesi v biodiverziteti Balkana", Koper, 25.-28. septembra 2001 ............................. 318 Exploratory Workshop "Pattern and Process in Balkan biodiversity" Koper, 25h - 28h September 2001 OCENE RECENSION! REWIEWS Claudio Pericin: Fiori e piante dell'fstria distribuiti per ambiente. Atti, Centro di ricerche storiche Rovigno (Tone Wraber) ............. 320 Claudio Battelli: Priročnik za spoznavanje morske flore Tržaškega zaliva. Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo, 2000. 170 str. (Nejc Jogan) ................................... 321 Rajko Pavlovec Numuliti iz apnenčevega turbidita pri Fiesi (Slovenija) ................................................ 29S Nummulitids from calcareous turbidite at Eiesa, Slovenia Kazalo k slikam na ovitku ..................................... 324 Index to pictures on the cover Navodila avtorjem ................................................ 325 Instructions to authors ........................................... 327 Jakov Dulčič Grgur Eiučič - svestrani prirodoslovac (1829-1911) .......................................................... 307 Grgur Bučič.....a famous naturalist (1829-1911) ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. -11- 2001 • 2 (25) Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije - Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei - Annals for Istran and Mediterranean Studies SU PLEME NT/S U PPL EM ENTO/SUPPLEME NT KAZALO LETNiKOV 1-10 INDICE DELLE ANNATE 1-10 INDEX TO VOLUMES 1-10 Laura Chersicola BIBLIOGRAFIJA..................................................... 2 BIBLIOGRAFIA BIBLIOGRAPHY Razprave ............................................................... 2 Studi Studies Poročila in ocene .................................................. 20 Re!a z ion i e recensioni Reports and reviews In memoriam, obletnice........................................ 21 In memoriam, anniversari In memoriam, anniversaries Zapisi in polemike................................................. 16 Note e polemic he Notes end polemics Delo zavodov in društev ....................................... 17 Attività deglî istituti e delle società Activities by institutions and associations IMENSKO KAZALO .............................................. 21 INDICE PER AUTORE INDEX TO AUTHORS RAZVRSTITEV PO UNIVERZALNI DECIMALNI KLASIFIKACIJI (UDK) ............................................ 24 INDICE IN BASE ALLA CLASSIFICAZIONE DECIMALE UNIVERSALE (CDU) UNIVERSAL DECIMAL CLASSIFICA TION (UDQ VSEBINA - Letnik11 INDICE GENERALE - Annata 11 CONTENTS - Volume 11 EKOLOGIJA IN BIOLOGIJA MORJA ECOLOGIA E BIOLOGIA MARINA MARINE ECOLOGY AND BIOLOGY ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 11 ■ 2001 ■ 2 (25) review article UDC 574.5(262.3-1 7) received: 15. 10. 2001 A SURVEY OF THE INTRODUCED NON-INDIGENOUS SPECIES IN THE NORTHERN ADRIATIC SEA Martina ORLANDO BONACA National Institute of Biology, Marine Biology Station, Sl-6330 Piran, FornaCe 41 ABSTRACT A synthesis of non-indigenous species being introduced to the northern Adriatic Sea, based on literature records and unpublished information, is given. Thirty-five introduced species were recorded, twenty-six animals and nine algae. The majority of them have been introduced with vessels, for aquaculture purposes (also as accompanying species) or through the Suez Cam}I (the so-called Lessepslan migrants). The fate of these species is unpredictable not only in the northern Adriatic, but in the entire Mediterranean Sea. Key words: non-indigenous species, introduction, northern Adriatic Sea RESOCONTO DELLE INTRODUZIONI Dl SPECIE NON-INDIGENE NELL'ADRIATICO SETTENTRIONALE SINTESI L'articolo rtporta un resoconfo delle introduzioni di specie marine non-indigene nellAdriático settentrionale, basa to su dati di letíeratura ed informazioni non ancora pubblicate. In totale è stata regístrala la presenza di tren-tacinque specie alioctone, ventisei delle quali appartenenti al regno animale e nove a quello vegetale. La maggio■■ ranza di esse è stata introdotta con le navi, importata per la maricoltura (con rispettive specie accompagnatrici) o attraverso il Canale di Suez (migrant/ Lessepsíani). La sorte di tali specie appare imprevedibile non solo net-I'Adriático settentrionale, ma nell'intern bacino Mediterráneo. Paróte chiave: specie non-indigene, introduzioni, Adriático settentrionale 149 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. nat. • 11 • 2001 • 1 (23) Martina ORLANDO BONACA: A SURVEY OF THE INTRODUCED NONMNOIGENOUS SPECIES ..., 149-1S8 INTRODUCTION The introduction of species to habitats outside their native ranges is a growing problem due to the unexpected impacts these species might cause on indigenous species and ecosystems (Nolan, 1994; Gollasch & Leppakoski, 1999). Nowadays, it is quite impossible to predict how a species wilt behave when it is introduced into a new environment. Because of this unpredictability every effort should be made to prevent or at least to monitor the introduction of species from an ecosystem into another (VerlaqLie, 2001). Marine non-indigenous species (also called introduced, non-native, alien, or exotic organisms) are mostly transported intentionally for aquaculture purposes or unintentionally with marine traffic (Zibrowius, 1994; Gollasch & Leppakoski, 1999). Ships provide habitats for a large variety of organisms due to their transport of ballast water, sediments in ballast tanks and hull fouling (Gollasch & Leppakoski, 1999). Compared to the substantial body of knowledge gathered on terrestrial species introductions, data on the dynamics of marine species introduction remain very scarce. Relatively comprehensive inventories of marine flora and fauna are too recent for us to be able to identify in them the species that were probably introduced, without the risk of error being unacceptably high. Often, the authors of inventories have not specified that certain mentioned species were probably introduced, mostly because they feel that this assumption is too hypothetical (Ribera & Boudouresque, 1995). in the northern Adriatic Sea, only a minor research about the presence of non-native species has been carried out (De Min & Vio, 1998), but scientists have recorded cases of introductions of non-indigenous species that could badly affect local ecosystems. - However, some information about non-indigenous species in this area is known from the reports by Lipej (2000), Lipej & Makovec (2000), Lipej eta/. (2000) and Orlando (2001). David (1999) provided a review of the existing regulations for the accidental introduction of species with ballast waters. The aim of this paper is to compile the checklist of non-indigenous marine animals and algae found in the northern Adriatic Sea. Data were collected from different sources such as bibliographical references and scientific citations, information available at specific web sites, and information obtained by other researchers and naturalists. MODALiTY OF INTRODUCTION OF SPECIES According to Boalch (1994), introductions of non-indigenous species can be divided into natural introductions (which may be temporary or permanent), accidental introductions by man (brought in with other or- ganisms, by ships or other vectors or brought in for research or commerce and subsequently escaping), or purposeful introductions. Natural introduction (like in the Mediterranean the natural invasion of species through the Straits of Gibraltar) are frequently the result of local changes in environmental conditions, so that a species normally occurring outside the considered area can extend its range and move into it. These types of introductions do not appear to be harmful. Accidental introductions are much more numerous. The most ancient vector of species introduction is certainly the transportation on the ships' hulls of fixed (fouling) or non-fixed (clinging) species (Ribera & Boudouresque, 1995). Fouling concerns small-sized species and large species whose fife history includes a microscopic stage. Since 1972, antifouling paints of ships have generally contained the highly toxic, tributyltin (TBT) (Gollasch & Leppakoski, 1999). This substance has considerably reduced the number of fouling organisms, but in some areas, like harbors or shipyards, the accumulation of the TBT prevents the reproduction of several gastropod species and also some algae seem to be affected (Gollasch & Leppakoski, 1999). Therefore, in the beginning of the 1990s the use of TBT was banned for boats smaller than 25 m (Gollasch & Leppakoski, 1999). Carlton & Geller (1993) note that ballast water is the least selective means of transportation of species from the ecological and taxonomic points of view, and it is a vector that has no equivalent on land- The survival time in ballast water for some species may exceed 18 days (Salt, 1992), so that many of these organisms are still alive after their intercontinental voyage at the time of deba Hasting. Many scientists who are using marine non-native species fail to take the elementary precautions required to prevent the escape of these organisms from their cultures, e.g. some laboratories dispose through their own direct outfalls sites for seawater. The survival capacity of such species in fresh water is also poorly known (Ribera & Boudouresque, 1995). Some economically important alien species have been introduced intentionally for aquaculture purposes, with consequent accidental introduction of accompanying species (Zibrowius, 1994; Ribera & Boudouresque, 1995; Gollasch & Leppakoski, 1999). With a few exceptions, the importation, sale and possession of marine species are not subject to any specific regulations. Some companies offer in their catalogues also the invasive marine algae Cauierpa taxifofia and Sargassum muticum (Ribera & Boudouresque, 1995). The migration of the Red Sea species through the Suez Canal has added by far the greatest number of newcomers in the Mediterranean Sea. With the inauguration of the Suez Canal in 1869, a remarkable faunal and floral movement started. Hundreds of species are still traversing the canal and settling in the Mediterra- 150 ANNALIES • Ser. hist. nat. -11- 2001 • 2 (25) Mariina ORLANDO BONACA: A survey OF the INTRODUCED NON-INDIGENOUS SPECIES ..., 149-1S8 nean in a process caiied "Lessepsian migration", after Ferdinand Marie de Lesseps, the French engineer who built the canal (Gaiil, 1994). There are four successive phases in the introduction of a species (Ribera & Boudouresque, 1995), first of all the arrival of a few specimens of an exotic species that does not automatically imply its naturalization. During the settlement phase, the species constitute populations of individuals bom in situ. This- phase may results in a naturalization of the species. Once naturalized, the introduced species starts the expansion phase, trying to occupy the whole biotope and the whole of the geographical range to which it may have access. The persistence phase, the last one, may takes two forms: the decline followed by stabilisation at a lower level than the maximum attained during the expansion phase, or a plateau close to the maximum attained. A species is considered introduced when it has satisfied many criteria (Ribera & Boudouresque, 1995). The most important are that the species is new iri the area in question and that there is a geographical discontinuity between its new station and the species' known range (Ribera & Boudouresque, 1995). INTRODUCED FAUNA According to the available data, twenty-six non-indigenous animal species are known to occur in the northern Adriatic Sea (Tab. 1). The increase of marine traffic between the Mediterranean Sea and the Far East that has followed the opening of the Suez Canal, and the import, of Indo-Pacific Mollusca for aquaculture purposes, have facilitated the diffusion in the northern Adriatic Sea of twelve exotic species (De Min & Vio, 1998). According to De Min & Vio (1998), the chemical-physical conditions such as those of some subtropical or tropical estuary areas have promoted the colonization of seven non-native species (Rapana venosa (Fig. 1), Bursatella leachii, Scapharca inae.quiva.lvis, Muscuiista senhousia, Xenostrobus secures, Tapes philippinarum, Crassostrea gigas) and of five occasional, too (Strombus decorus, Brachydontes pharaonis, Perna picta, Pinctada radiata, Saccostrea commercialis (the reproduction of this species in the Venice Lagoon has failed))- A tropical species of Nudibranchia (Gastropoda) Halgerda sp. has been found at the southern tip of Cres island (Quamero archipelago) at the end of July 1988, which is also the first record of any Halgerda species in the Mediterranean (Turk, 2000). The author supposes that the most probable vector of introduction for this species is ballast water. There are also some records about the presence of exotic Decapoda (Crustacea) in the northern Adriatic Sea (CIESM, 2000): Callinectes danae, Callinectes sapi-dus, Dyspanopeus sayi and Rhitbropanopeus harrisii. Fig. 1/Sl. t: Rapana venosa. (Pboto/Foto: T. Makovec) In 1987, the Copepoda (Crustacea) Acartia tonsa was recorded for the first time in the northern Adriatic in the Lagoon of Scardovari (Occhipinti, 2000). Since then it has supplanted the native congeneric Acartia margalefi in the Venice Lagoon and in the Po River Delta (Occhipinti, 2000). The circumtropical barnacle Balanus trigonus (Crustacea) was probably introduced as a fouling organism, and was first recorded in the Adriatic Sea near Trieste (Relini, 1968). In Croatian coastal waters it has been found near Rovinj and Pula (Igtd, 1982) and in the Ri-jeka Bay (Zavodrtik, 1998; Zavodnik & Kovacic, 2000). in the coastal wetlands of the northern Adriatic the fish Gambusia affinis has been found, introduced in relation to the problems with mosquitoes (Leiner et al., 1995, MarCeta, 1999). Because of their aggressive behaviour, mosquilofish may negatively affect populations of small native fish through predation and competition (Nico & Fuller, 2000). Fig. 2/Si. 2: Ficopomatus enigmaticus. (Photo/Foto: T. Makovec) 151 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. 11 • 2001 • 2 (25) Martina ORLANDO 80NACA: A SURVEY OF THE INTRODUCED NON-INDIGENOUS SPECIES ..., Vf9-158 In the Sečovlje Salina Landscape Padi, the Poly-chaeta Ficopomatus enigmaticus (Fig. 2) (Avein, 1984) was recorded. This species originates from the Southern Hemisphere and it has probably been introduced on ships' hulls and commercial mollusc shells (Thorp, 2000). In 1995, the Siphonophora (Hydrozoa) Muggiaea atlantica, a representative of the Atlantic fauna, was found for the first time in the Adriatic Sea off Dubrovnik (Gamulin & Kršinič, 2000). The species arrived to the northern Adriatic in 1996, reached a high density in July 1997, followed by its mass extinction a month later (Gamulin & Kršinič, 2000). Other introduced species in the northern Adriatic Sea are (Cognetii, 1994; Occhipinti Ambrogi, 1994): the Am-phipoda (Crustacea) Echinogammarus pungentoides, the Isopoda (Crustacea) Paraceneis sculpta, the Bryozoa Tri-cellaria inopinata, and the Gastropoda Littorina saxatilis. The data presented in the paper of Arbulla ef al. (2000) was not taken in consideration, because there were a lot of uncertainties regarding the non-native species. Tab. 1: Non-indigenous fauna in the northern Adriatic Sea. Tab. 1: Tujerodna favna v severnem Jadranu. INTRODUCED FLORA Nine species of introduced macrophytes are known from the northern Adriatic Sea (Tab. 2). Nowadays, the most notorious introduced alga in the whole Mediterranean 5ea is the tropical alga Caulerpa taxifolia (Fig. 3), which has been displayed over the last fifteen years in tropical aquaria at the Oceanographic Museum in Monaco. Its accidental introduction into the natural environment dates from 1984 (Meinesz & Hesse, 1991). The first record of the alga in the Adriatic Sea was in Stari Grad Bay (Hvar island, Croatia) in the summer of 1994 (Zuljevic & AntoliC, 1998). Few months later divers spotted the alga in Malinska, Island of Krk (2uljevi<; & Antolic, 1998). The third and last recording was in October 1996 on the northwest side of Dolin Island in the Barbat Channel (2uljevic & Antolic, 1998). It was estimated that the alga had been brought into the areas of the Stari Grad Bay and Malinska Harbour in 1991 and into the Barbat Channel in 1995 (Span et al., 1998; iuljeviC & Antolid, 1998). The site in Malinska was only partially eradicated while the site in the Barbat Channel was eradicated in total (Zuljevic & Antolic, 1998). Taxa Class Origin Vccfor First record Source Acartia tonsa Crustacea )ixlo-Pacific aquaculture 1987 Occhipinti (2000) Balaiws trigonus Crustacea Circumtropica! shipping 1968 Zsvodnik (1998) Brachydontes pharaonis Bivalvia Indo-Pacific Lessepsiars introduction 1996 De Min & Vio (19%) Barsatella leachii Gastropoda Circumtropical Lessepssars introduction 1986 De Mirs & Vio (1998) Callinectes danae Crustacea Western Atlantic ? 1981 CIESM(2000) Catlinectes sapidus Crustacea Western Atlantic ballast waters 1949 CIESM (2000! Crassostrea gigas Bivalvia Japan aquacuiture 1969 De Min & Vio (1998) Dyspanopeus sayi Crustacea N-W Atlantic ballast waters 1992 CIESM (2000) Echinogammarus pungeri- Crustacea / aquacuiture ? Cognetti (1994) Ficopomatus enigmaticus Polychaela Australia ? ? A vein (1984) Gamhusia affinis Osteichthyes Central America purposeful introduction 1936 Leiner etal. (1995) Malgenia sp. Gastropoda Indo-Pacific ballast waters 1988 Turk (2000) Littorina saxatilis Gastropoda Atlantic ? 1792 Occhipinti Ambrogi (1994) Muggiaea atlantica Hydrozoa Atlantic ? 1996 Gamulin & Kršinič (2000) Musculista senhousia Bivalvia fndo-Pacific Lessepsian introduction 1986 De Min & Vio (1998) Paraceneis scutpla Crustacea ? ? ? Cognetti (1994) Per na pie ta Bivalvia Atlantic shipping 1996 De Min & Vio (1998! Pinctada radíala Bivalvia fndo-Pacific Lessepsian introduction 1996 De Min & Vio (1998! Raparía venosa Gastropoda japan shipping 1973 De Min & Vio (1998) Rhithropanopeus harrisii Crustacea N-W Atlantic ballast waters 1994 CIESM (2000! Saccostrea commerciatis Bivalvia Australia aquacuiture 1980 De Min & Vio (1998} Scapharca inaequivalvis Bivalvia fndo-Pacific ballast waters 1969 De Min & Vio (1998) Strombus decoms Gastropoda Indian Ocean shipping 1996 De Min & Vio (1998) Tapes phiiippinamrn Bivalvia fndo-Pacific aquacuiture 1983 De Min & Vio (1998) Trice! tari a inopinata Bryozoa fndo-Pacific ? 1982 Occhipinti Ambrogi (1994) Xenostrobus sea/r/s Bivaivia Australia shipping 1992 De Min & Vio (1998! 152 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nai. • 11 2001 • 2 (25) Martina ORLANDO BONACA: A SURVEY Of THE INTRODUCED NON.lNDiC.EWUS SPECIES .... i'(9-1 58 Fig. 3/SI. 3: Caulerpa taxifolia. (Photo/Foto: M. Richter) The non-indigenous red alga Asparagopsis armata was recorded for the first time in the northern Adriatic, in Slovenian coastal waters, in 1991 (M. Richter, pers. comm.), but only the tetrasporophyte - Faikenbergia ru-folanosa phase (Fig. 4). Six years later the gametophyte plants were recorded in Croatian waters near Senj (M. Richter, pers. comm.). This species originates from Australia and/or possibly New Zealand and it was introduced to the Mediterranean Sea unintentionally with oysters (Ribera & Boudouresque, 1 995). In 1995, the red algae Bonnemaisonia hamifera was found in Slovenian coastal waters, but only the filamentous tetrasporophyte ■■■ Trailiiella "pink cotton wool" phase (M. Richter, pers. comm.) (Fig. 5). This species originates in the Pacific and was probably introduced with shellfish from Japan (Tittley, 2000). The green alga Ulva scandinavica (originating from Sweden and Norway) was recorded for the very first time in the coastal waters of Slovenia in September 1998 (Battel!i &Tan, 1998). It was also the first record of this species in the Adriatic Sea. Before that, U. scandinavica was recorded in the Mediterranean Sea only on the west and south coast of Italy (Battelli & Tan, 1998). Fig. 4/57. 4: Asparagopsis armata - Faikenbergia rufola-nosa phase. (Photo/Foto: M. Richter) Fig. 5/ SI. 5: Bonnemaisonia hamifera - Trailiiella phase (Photo/Foto: M. Richter) The presence of Codium fragile subsp. tomentosoi-des in the northern Adriatic Sea was noticed for the first time in 1992 (Munda, 1992). Its presence in Slovenian coastal waters was confirmed many times (Munda, 1993; Battelli & Vukovic 1995; Battelli, 1996). This species (Fig. 6) originated in the Pacific Ocean around japan. It spread remotely either as an associated unintentional introduction attached to shellfish as oysters, attached to ships' hulls or as spores in ballast tanks. In the Mediterranean Sea it was reported for the first time in French waters in 1950, and subsequently appeared at both near and distant sites, with no apparent link with either the direction of the currents or the distance (Fig. 7) (Ribera & Boudouresque, 1995). The invasive seaweeds Undaria pinnatifida, Sargas-sum muticum and Antitharnnion pectinatum have been recorded in the Venice Lagoon (Curiel et al., 1994; 1995; 1996; 1998). The brown seaweed Sargassum muticum (Fig. 8) was first introduced into France along with Crassostrea gigas in the late 1960s (Critchley et al., 1983). The subsequently rapid expansion of the alga has led to a dramatic increase in the number of permanent 153 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. ■ 11 ■ 2001 • 2 (25) Martina ORLAfvD© BONACA: A SURVEY OF THE ¡NTROOUCEO NON-ÏNDIGÏNOUS SPECIES ..., 145-158 Fig. 6/SI. 6: Codiurn fragile. (Photo/Foto: M. Richter) populations along the European Atlantic coast and in the western Mediterranean. Also the introduction of Un-daria pinnatifida and Antithamnion pectinatum in European waters was caused by the importation of the Japanese oyster in mariculture (Rueness, 1989). All these species have quickly colonized the hard substrata in the Venice Lagoon, competing with indigenous species, and the lack of potential predators in the colonized area (such as sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus) probably enhances their spread. According to several authors, manual eradication may be ineffectual, due to their efficient reproduction mechanisms and preliminary data showed quick recolonization of the area (Curie! etal., 1998). Recently, another aiga from the genus Sorocarpus has been reported for the Venice Lagoon, which is also the first record in the Mediterranean (Curie! et al., 1999). The authors have not made any hypotheses about the origin and the period of arrival of the settlement, due to the lack of knowledge of its distribution in the lagoon area. CONCLUSIONS Although the northern Adriatic Sea is just a small portion of the Mediterranean marine realm, it has been certainly affected by the invasion of non-indigenous species. These organisms have been introduced mostly by shipping, through the Suez Canal or for aquaculture purposes. Twenty-six introduced animals and nine algae have been recorded to date. It is quite reasonable to expect that the list will be expanded in the near future. Fig. 7: Chronology of the expansion ofCodium fragile in the Mediterranean (modified from Ribera, 1994). Si. 7: Kronologija širjenja vrste Codium fragile v Sredozemlju (dopolnjeno po Riberi, 1994). 154 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. 11 2001 • 2 (25) Msriiiw ORLANDO BONACA: A SURVEY OF THE INTRODUCED NON-INDIGENOUS SPECIES „., 149-158 Tab. 2: Non-indigenous flora in the northern Adriatic Sea. Tab. 2: Tujerodna flora v severnem Jadranu. Taxa Division Origin Vector First record Source Antithamnion pectinatum Rhodophyta Japan aquacuiture 1994 Curie! etat, (1996) Asparagopsis armsta Rhodophyta Australia Gibraltar 1991 Richter (oral, comm.) Bonnemaisonia hamifera Rhodophyta Pacific Gibraltar 1995 Richter (oral, comm.) Caulerpa tax i folia Chlorophyta Pan tropical aquarium 1994 ZuijeviC & AntoiiC (1998) Codiurn fragile subsp. tomentosoides Chlorophyta Pacific Ocean Gibraltar 1992 Murida (1992) Sargassum muticum Phaeophyta japan aquacuiture 1992 Curie! etal. (1995) Sorocarpus sp. Phaeophyta ? ? 1996 Curiel etal. (1999) Ulva scandinavica Chlorophyta 5 we dsn ? 1998 Sattel Ii & Tan (1998) Undaria pinnatifida Phaeophyta Japan aquacuiture 1992 Curie! etal. (1994) As the future of the introduced species in the whole Mediterranean Sea is unpredictable, it would be necessary to start an international collaborative program to survey the rate of invasion and to develop a global data bank on introduced species and receptive habitats. It would also be proper to set up an international monitoring programme of ballast waters. The exchange of ballast water as far as possible from the coast is nowadays believed to be the most reliable method to minimise the risk of transfer of unwanted organisms (Gol-iasch & Leppakoski, 1999). But if not accompanied with a proper enforcement of existing national and international legislations (above all the articles concerning the transfer of living marine organisms), even the best research and monitoring programs shall have little chance to control and minimize the introduction of potentially harmful marine non-indigenous species. Nowadays, the current legislations appear very inadequate and insufficient (De Klemm, 1994; Veriaque, 2001). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to thank Asst. Prof. Dr. Lovrenc Lipej for his advice and help during the preparation of the paper, Marjan Richter for his information and photos. Dr. Alek-sander Vukovic for sharing with me his knowledge, Ti-homlr Makovec for his photos and technical help, and Vladimir Semetic for his help in the search for the literature. Fig. 8/Sl. 8: Sargassum muticum. (Photo/Foto: At. Richter) 155 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 11 • 2001 • 2 (25) Martina ORLANDO BONACA. A SURVEY Of THE INTRODUCED NON-INDIGENOUS SPECIES ..., 149-158 PREGLED VNOSOV TUJERODNIH VRST V SEVERNI JADRAN Martina ORLANDO BONACA Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo, Morska biološka postaja, SI-6330 Piran, Fornače 41 POVZETEK Avtorica podaja pregled zabeleženih vnosov tujerodnih vrst v severnem Jadranu, temelječem na bibliografskih zapisih ter Se ne objavljenih podatkih. Na tem območju je bilo opaženih petintrideset, alohtonih vrst, od tega devet alg in šestindvajset živali. Med algami je najbolj znana eksotična vrsta Caulerpa taxifolia, ki je bila v severnem Jadranu prvič opažena leta i 994. Mehkužci so najpogosteje vnešene živali. Tujerodni morski organizmi se na več načinov nenehno širijo po svetu in tako prihajajo tudi v severno-jadranske vode. Plovba je najpomembnejši vnosni vektor. Strokovnjaki menijo, da so balastne vode z ekološkega in taksonom-skega vidika najmanj selektiven način prenosa organizmov. Plovila prevažajo organizme tudi na svojem trupu in dnu. Eksotični organizmi vstopajo v Sredozemsko morje tudi skozi Sueški prekop, ki je bil zgrajen leta 1869. Tretji zelo pomembni vir vnosa tujerodnih vrst pa je marikultura. japonsko ostrigo (Crassostrea gigas) so prvič uvozili v Evropo v šestdesetih letih in nehote z njo pripeljali tudi nekatere vrste alg, kot sta Sargassum muticum in Undaria pin-natifida, ki se zelo hitro širita na trdih podlagah Beneške lagune. Strokovnjaki se s tujerodnimi vrstami premalo časa ukvarjajo, da bi lahko natančno ocenili njihov vpliv na novo okolje. Večina teh vrst kmalu pogine, tiste, ki pa preživijo, lahko povzročijo ogromno škodo. Da do takih posledic v severnem Jadranu ne bi nikoli prišlo, bi bilo treba izboljšati obstoječo zakonodajo ter temeljito in kontinuirano nadzorovati vse možne vire vnosa tujerodnih vrst. Ključne besede: tujerodne vrste, vnos, severni Jadran REFERENCES Arbulla, D., N. Pugliese & B. Colonello (2000): Ostra-codi peritidali dell'area di S. Bartolomeo (Muggia, Italia). Hydrores Information, 20, 78-84. Avčin, A. (1984): Vodno življenje v Sečoveljskih solinah. 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Croce sandbank from March 1999 to October 2000 reflect typical situation In the Gulf of Trieste, in accordance with the data collected by Specchi & fami-ani (1976), Mosetti (1988), Aleffi eta/. (1992). In the period from December 1999 to the end of March 2000, a ■high value of oxygen content was observed (in compliance with the falling temperatures) as well as a rather ■'increased salinity, which is typical of the winter months -in the Gulf of Trieste. The high transparency of the water column during the winter months is due to the small contribution of sediment from the rivers Isonzo and Ti- Fig. 4: Mesozooplankton (ind/rn) sampled at the artificial reef during 1999-2000. St. 4: Gostota mezozooplanktona (ind/m3) na območju umetnega podvodnega grebena v obdobju 1999-2000. mavo (with the smallest capacities in this particular period) and to the reduced presence of plankton in the colder months. The structure of the mesozooplanktonic community confirms the description presented by several authors (Specchi etal., 1979; Fonda Umani etal., 1983-84) both from qualitative and quantitative points of view. Sampled ichthyopianktonic fraction constituted of eggs belonging to 24 species, mainly represented by the eggs of two pelagic species, Sardina pilchardus and En-graulis encrasicolus, which are, however of less interest as far as colonizing of the artificial reef is concerned. Eggs belonging to Diplodus annularis, D. vulgaris, Oblada meianura, Ctenolabrus rupestris, Serranus scriba, Blennius pavo are more important for the potential colonization of the site. The same can be said of the larval stages. The study of the ichthyoplankton can give a useful indication on the efficiency of the reef area as a "nursery" site. It is important to notice the abundant presence of larval stages of natural rock reef species such as Diplodus annularis, Serranus scriba etc. that are going to colonize the artificial reef site giving rise to a new fish community. According to the fishing catch data, more species were sampled at the artificial reef than at the control site. At both stations, the most abundant species was Squilla mantis. At the reef, an exclusive presence of some economically important species was noted, such as Scorpaena porcus, Dicentrarchus labrax and Umbrina cirrosa. The above data is confirmed by the Shannon-Weaver index that evidences a greater overall value for the artificial reef site (H'=0.9Q) in comparison with the control site (H'=0.81). in this respect, the results obtained during these first study stages seem to be encouraging, bearing in mind that the pyramidal structures was submerged in 1999. The fished biomass is in compliance with the expectations of a maximum in the summer and a minimum in the winter. In fact it is known that the nearshore fish communities of the northern Adriatic are characterized by seasonal variations, as most of the fish species move offshore to deep waters in the winter months to avoid the low coastal water temperatures. The amount of fished biomass with 100 m long trammel net was clearly smaller at the artificial reef than that obtained at the control site. These data are in contrast to those obtained by several authors (Bohnsack & Sutherland, 1985; Ar-culeo et a!., 1990; Fabi & Fiorentini, 1994) who reported higher catch rates at the artificial reef than at the control site. The reason for small catch rates at the artificial reef could be, in the present study, the short time passed from the reef deployment and the lack of the visual census data. Different authors (Harmelin-Vivien & Francour, 1992; Relini etal., 1995; Francour, 1999) reported that trammel net fishing and visual census present the same fish community differently. The trammel 165 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 11 • 2001 • 2 (25) Marin MIltTiC el ill.: FIRST OBSERVATIONS AT THE ARTIFICIAL REEF SUBMERGED ON THE SANDBANK OFF SANTA CROCE (TRIESTE, ITALY), 159-168 0 SEE F 9 CONTROL EiTE Fig. 5: Seasonal composition of fishing catch data at the artificial reef and at the control site. SI. 5: Podatki o sezonski strukturi ulova rib> rakov in mehkužcev na območju umetnega podvodnega grebena in na referenčni postaji. Tab. 5: Shannon-Weaver index of diversity at the artificial reefand at the control site Tab. 5: Shannon-Weaverjev diverzitetni indeks na območju umetnega podvodnega grebena in na referenčni postaji. MONTH CONTROL SITE REEF DEC'99 1.30 1.59 JAN'00 0.00 1.21 FEB'00 0.00 1.39 j MAR'00 0.00 0.00 APR'00 1.26 0.00 MAY'OO 0.43 0.64 JUN'00 1.17 O.SO JUL'00 1.04 1.42 AUG'00 0.62 0.00 SEP'00 1.67 1.04 OCTOO 1.23 1.28 NOVOO 0.99 1.72 MEAN 0.81 0.90 j UKLEF Fig. 6: Monthly fishing yield by 100 m trammel net at the artificial reef and at the control site. SI. 6: Mesečni ribolovni izkoristek po vleku s 100 m povlečno mrežo na območju umetnega podvodnega grebena in na referenčni postaji. 166 ANNALES . Ser. hist. nat. -11- 2001 - 2 (25) Marín M¡LET!(Í e! ai: FÍRST OBSERVATIONS AT THE ARTIFICIA!. REEF SUBMERGED ON THE SANDBANK OFF SANTA CROCE (TRIESTE, ÍTAI.Y), ! 59-168 net fishing coiiects more species of the sandy-muddy habitat, while visual census better estimates fast swimming species and some cryptic fish species, such as Conger conger or Scorpaena scrofa. In conclusion, bearing in mind that the artificial reef structures were installed in April 1999, the results seem to be encouraging. An increase in biodiversity was indeed noted in the reef area which, together with a rea- sonably expected increase in biomass, may in time bring positive consequences in the entire ecosystem of the Gulf of Trieste. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was carried out with financial support of Interreg Ii - Department of Biology, University of Trieste. PRVE UGOTOVITVE, OPAŽENE OB UMETNEM PODVODNEM GREBENU NA PEŠČEN! PLITVINI V BLIŽIN! KRIŽA (TRST, ITALIJA) Marin MILETIČ, Paola BOTTOS, Daniela $CiQUSr Roberta CAPON, Silvia VANZO, Elisabetta PIZZUL & Mario SPECCHI Department of Biology, University of Trieste, IT-34127 Trieste, Via Weiss 2 POVZETEK Na lokaciji umetnega podvodnega grebena, potopljenega na peščeno plitvino v bližini Križa (45° 42' 02" N - 13" 37' 24" E), so avtorji pričuječega članka med marcem i 999 in oktobrom 2000 mesečno opravljali raziskave o ke-mijsko-fizikalnih parametrih vodnega stolpca, ihtioplanktonskih in mezozooplanktonskih skupnostih, ribjih skupnosti in strukturi populacij različnih vrst. Poleti so ribjo planktonsko skupnost sestavljale predvsem ličinke šparov, zobčastih ostrižev in babic, pozimi pa ličinke bokoplut. Mezozooplanktonsko skupnost so sestavljali v glavnem ceponožci, razen poleti, ko so prevladovale morske bolhe. Glede na podatke o ribjem ulovu je bilo več vrst vzorčenih na umetnem morskem grebenu kot na kontrolni lokaciji. Ključne besede: umetni podvodni greben, Tržaški zaliv, kemijsko-fizikaini parametri, podatki o ujetem zooplanktonu REFERENCES Aieffi, F., G. O re J, D. De! Piero & E. Vio (1992): Oxygen conditions in the Gulf of Trieste (High Adriatic). In: Vollenweider,R. A., R. Marchetti & R. Viviani (eds.): Marine Coastal Eutrophication, pp. 431-440. Arculeo, Mv G. Bombace, G. D'anna & S. Raggto (1990): Evaluation of the fishing yields from a protected and unprotected coastal area of NW Sicily. FAO Fish-Rep., 428, 70-83. Bohnsack, j. A. & D. L. Sutherland (1985): Artificial reef research: a review with recommendations for future priorities. Bull. Mar. Sci., 37, 11-39. Bombace, G. (1987): ¡niziative di protezione e valoriz-zazione della fascia costiera mediante barriere artificial! a fini multipli. Atti LIX Riunione S.I.P.S., Genova, pp. ¡201-233. Bombace, G. (1994): Le barriere artificials nelia gestione della fascia costiera italiana. In: Atti del corivegno di Loano per la difesa del mare S.I.B.M., 1 -14. Fabi, G. & L. Fiorentini (1994): Comparison between an artificial reef and a control site in the Adriatic sea: analysis of four years of monitoring. Bull. Mar. Sci., 55(2-3), 538-558. Fonda Umani, S., M. Specchi, A. Malej & A. Benovii (1983-84): Cinque baie dell 'Adriático: fa loro comunitá zooplanctonica. Nova Thalassia, 6(suppl.), 37-44. Francour, P. (1999): A critical review of adult and juvenile fish sampling techniques in Posidonia oceanica seagrass beds. Naturalista sicil., 23 (suppl.), 33-57. Grove, R. S. & C. J. Sonu (1991): Artificial Habitat Technology in the World- Today and Tomorrow, japan-U-S. Symp. on Artificial Habitats, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 3-10. Harmeiin-Vivien, M. & P. Francour (1992): Trawling or visual census? Methodological bias in the assessment of fish populations in seagrass beds. P.S.Z.N.Í. Mar. Ecoi., 13(1), 41-51. Mosetti, F. (1988): Condizioni idrotogiche della Costiera triestina. Hydrores, 6, 29-38. 167 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. 11 - 2001 • 2 (25) Marin MILETIC' el -ii: FIRST OBSERVATIONS AT THE ARTIFICIAL REEF SUBMERGED ON THE SANDBANK OFF SANTA CROCE (TRIESTE, ITALY), 139-168 Relini, Gv M. Relini & G. Torchia (1995): La barriera artificíale di Loano. Biol. Mar. Medit., 2(1), 21-64. Specchi, M. & L, Famiani (1976): Alcune osservazioni idrologiche in una stazione del Golfo di Trieste. Archo Oceanogr. Limnol,, 18(3), 255-264. Specchi, M. & L. Furlan (1974): Les oeufs de l'Anchois (Engraulis encrasicolus} et de la sardina (Sardina p¡¡-chardus) dans le Golfe de Trieste. Note preliminaire. Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit., 22(9), p. 1 59- Specchi, M., G. Vaili, L. Vesselli, N. Franchi & M. Princi (1979): Distribuzione del plancton ne! Vallone di Mug-gia (Golfo di Trieste), Boll. Soc. Adriat. Sei,, 63, 27-37. Stravisi, F. (1988): Caratteristicne oceanografiche de! Golfo di Trieste, Parco Marino di Miramare. Hydrores, 6, 39-45. Vinzi, E., & A. Bussani (2000): Risultati del monitorag-gio del le caratteristiebe termoaline in una stazione pres-so la Riserva di Miramare (Trieste) nel periodo 1997-2000. Hydrores, 20, 85-102. 168 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. 11 • 2001 ■ 2 (25) review article UDC 594{262.3):574.5 ricevuto: 16. 11. 2001 MOLLUSCHI RiNVENUTI NEE CORSO DI UNA CAMPAGNA SPERIMENTALE Di PESCA A STRASCICO ÍN ADRIATICO Raffaella DE MIN & Ennio VIO Dipartimento di Bioiogia, Universiia degli Studi di Trieste, IT-34"¡77 Trieste, Via L. Giorgieri 10 Bojan MARČETA National institute of fira!ogy, SM000 Ljubljana, Večna pot 111 SÍNTESI ¡n questo lavoro viene preseniata una lista di 74 specie di rnolluschi rinvenuti durante la Campagna MEDÍTS (giugno i 995 e i 996) sulla Pesca a Strascico nel Mare Adriático. Per ogni specie é stata ripoitata la biocenosi preferenziale in modo da avere un'idea di quale possa essere /'habitat delle stazioni di raccolta. Successivamente sono stati confronta ti i dati da noi oüenuti con quelli di pubblicazioni precedenti, inerenti il bentbos e la geología dell'area studiata, che hanno confermato le nostre ipotesi. Tutto ció sottolinea una volta di piú come anche i solí rnolluschi, ed in particolar modo i bivalvi, possano daré informazioni precise sulla sedimentologla di una determínala area. Parole chiave: Adriático, Mollusca, pesca a strascico, biocenosi molluscs collected with trawl in the adriatic sea ABSTRACT In this work a list of 74 species of molluscs which have been found during Cruise MEDITS (june 1995 and 1996) connected with the Trawling in Adriatic Sea, is presented. For every species the preferential biocoenosis has been reported to have an . idea about the habitat of the picking stations. Then our data have been compared with those of previous publications about benthos and geology of studied area, and they have confirmed our suppositions. All this underlines one more time as also the only molluscs, and particularly the bivalves, can give exact information about the sedimentology of a determined area. Key words; Adriatic, molluscs, trawl, biocoenosis 169 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. 11 2001 • 2 (25) Raffaella DE MÍN ei ¿L'MOLIUSCHS RINVENUTl NEL CORSO DI UNA CAMPAGNA S PERI MENTALE DI PESCA A STR ASCI CO IN ADRIATICO, 169-176 INTRODUZIONE In questo lavoro vengono presentad alcuni dati inerenti la malacofauna de! Mare Adriático raccoîti ne! mese di giugno degli anni 1995 e 1996, durante alcuni campionamenti sperimentali condotti neil'ambito délia Campagna internazionaíe sulla Pesca a Slrascico in Mediterráneo (MEDITS, 1995). Taie campagna è stata reaiizzata con i fínanziamenti délia Commissione Europea (DG XIV), delf'IEO per ia Spagna, dell'IFREMER e délia Collettività territoriale délia Corsica per la Francia, del Ministero per le Risorse Forestal!, Agricole e Alimentan (D.G. pesca e acquicoltura) per l'Italia e del NCMR per la Grecia. Le prime indagini, riguardanti i popolamenti ben-tonici clell'Adriático Settentrionale e Centrale, risaigoho al 1949, quando Vatova (1949) prese in esame l'endo- fauna e ia biomassa dt quest'area. Per quanto riguarda ia pešca, i dati iniziali qualitativ} e quantitativ! sono stati riportati da Karlovac (1959), che analizz.ö i campioni raccolti durante Ia crociera con Ia nave "Hvar". A questi studi preliminari sul benthos dell'Adriatico, hanno fatto seguito diverse pubblicazioni, tra cui quelle di Gamulin-Bricia (1962, 1969, 1974), Scaccini (1967), Zavodnik (1971), Alvisi er al„ (1978), CoSantoni et al., (1980), Orel ef al. (1987) e Šimunovič (1997). In questa breve nota vengono elencati i moÜuschi rinvenuti tra il materiale raccolto con Ia rete a strascico trainata dal motopeschereccio "Elisa Guidotti", inoitre si correiano le specie determinate alle biocenosi bento-niche preferenziali, per avere ulteriori informazioni o conferme sui cliversi tipi sedimentari ed habitat, dei fondi mobili dell'Adriatico. ÍS10) (HR) SEDiMENT DISTRIBUTION j Sabbiis COSïicrâ X, '/j '^riL'OMj ; fungo sanioso 5yfcfcni íltjUI lo» r£iïli,1 Sabbiit reSkta ] I i I i 11 f] Fango ¡Mg(il0!.r>c aT-il^ ^nr.nL.. ] ' J. J r- r. I .;■, i,-; L- uLui:r-,,mni , bipgîniïhc ¡r.-' : ■"■[ Sabbi? ÇD^pr, - Arp'll: Fig. I: La distribuzione dei sedimenti deii'Alto e Medio Adriático. SI. 1: Razporeditev sed t men to v v severnem in srednjem jadranu. 170 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. nat. • 11 - 2001 • 2 (25) Raffestla DE MIN ci st.: MOLLUSCHI RINVENUTI NEt CORSO DI UNA CAMPAGNA SPERIMENTALE DI PESCA A STRASCICO IN ADRIATICO, lfi na katerih so bila opravljena eksperimentalna vzorčenja i kočo. Campione N° Profondità (m) Data 43 24 12/06/95 ¡44 1 2/06/95 ■45 12/06/95 47 92 1 3/06/95 48 227 1 3/06/95 50 226 14/06/95 ¡52 186 14/06/95 [.53 167 15/06/95 j.54 116 15/06/95 55 92 15/06/95 .58 19 19/06/95 59 21 19/06/95 /60 38 19/06/95 61 21 19/06/95 62 100 20/06/95 .63 25 20/06/95 j .66 30 21/06/95 67 54 21/06/95 69 45 21/06/95 70 34 22/06/95 71 41 22/06/95 72 32 22/06/95 ! 73 42 22/06/95 74 56 26/06/95 ¡75 24 27/06/95 76 30 27/06/95 ! 116 148 03/06/96 TI 9 142 03/06/96 12: 247 04/06/96 ¡124 106 04/06/96 M ■'. 2001 off S. Benedetto del Tronto), the specimen was showing gillrakers perfectly developed and apparently functional (S. Giacoia, pers. comm.). This case, together with similar capture of a basking shark with functional gillrakers that was made off Baleares islands on February 3R) 1985 {Gallego & Alemany, 1985), could suggest that the loss of such organs during the winter season is not obligatory as suggested (Compagno, 1984). This morphological aspect could have a relevant importance on the knowledge of the shark's feeding behaviour, as some authors presumed that during the period without gillrakers, the basking shark could develop a lethargic behaviour (Eifis, 1983; Mojetta, 1997) or change its diet (Lipej etai., 2000). 188 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 11 ■ 2001 • 2 (25) Marco ZUFFA Tab. 1: Most interesting cases of white sharks reaching or exceeding 6 metres in length reported in previous literature Tab. 1 -.Najzanimivejši podatki o belih morskih volkovih, za katere so v literaturi navedli, da so merili 6 ali več metrov. DATE LOCATION SEX REPORTED LENGTH (cm) SOURCE NOTES February 1839 Civitanova, Italy ca. 600 Bonaparte (1 839), Metaxà (1839), Vinciguerra (1885-1892), De Maddalena (2000b). Estimated to be 602 cm TL on the basis of the largest vertebra (De Maddalena, 1998). 1886 Piombino, itaiy - 800-1000 Biagi (1995) 1945 Cojimar, Cuba F 640.8 Bigelow & Schroeder (1948), Guitar-Manday & Milera (1974) Length contested by Randall (1987). 16 March 1954 Carnogli, Italy F 700 Tortonese (1965) Length contested by Fergusson (1996). 19 June 1961 Ganzirri, Sicily, Itaiy F > 600 Celona (2001) Estimated to be ca. 640 cm long (Celona, 2001). 9 March 1965 Ganzirri, Sicily, Italy 620 Berdar & Riccobono (1986), Celona etal. (2001) Flypothesised to be measured over the curve of (he body; estimated about 560 cm TOT from photograph (Celona etal., 2001). 18 September 1979 Callipoli, Italy M 620 Piccinno & Piccinno (1979) 1982 Dakar, Senega! > 800 TL Barrull & Mate (2001) Not accurately measured. 4 August 1983 Alberton, Prince Edward Island, Canada F 609.6 Mollet etal. (1996) Never measured (Ellis & McCosker, 1991). 17 January 1987 Gansbaai, South Africa F 567-600 cm TOT Gottfried etal. (1996), Mollet etal. (1996) Never measured (De Maddalena etal., 2002). 1 April 1987 Kangaroo Island, Australia F > 690 jury (1987), Cappo (1998), Mollet etal. (1996) Never measured. 17 April 1987 Filfla, Malta F 714 cm TOT Abefa (1989) Reported length doubtful (Mollet etal., 1996). Estimated to be 520-550 cm (Fergusson, 1998). 16 July 1996 Maiindi, Kenya F ca. 640 Cliff et ai. (2000) Estimated 570 cm TLn from vertebral size (Cliff etal., 2000). cussion section instead of in the Material and Methods section. The lengths of the specimens investigated were not clearly reported as measured accurately and following precise standards, such as those indicated in scientific literal'ure (see Compagno, 1984 and Mollet et al, 1996), and as in some cases the size reported are merely declared estimates, we believed it necessary to revise the reported data. In almost all cases even weights were reported in the sources, but it is never clearly specified whether the specimen was really weighed or merely estimated (as it is often likely) and in which condition (whole, gutted, beheaded or other). Moreover, it should be taken into consideration that it is not suitable to estimate the total length from the weight without consider- MATERIALS AND METHODS We examined the photographic evidences of the largest specimens collected in the Italian Great White Shark Data Bank (Banca Dati Italiana Squalo Bianco), a program of data collection on the presence of C. carcharías in the Mediterranean Sea instigated in 1996. For every case examined, we searched for all available information, looking for ail related bibliographical sources, trying to contact eyewitnesses and al! other persons that were able to furnish us with new and unpublished details or unknown photographs of the specimens we are dealing with in our study. We considered it more useful and clear to include the so reconstructed reports of the captures in the Results and Dis- 195 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 11 - 2001 • 2 (25) Aiessandns DE MADDALENA el si: AN ANALYSIS OF THE PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCES OF THE LARGEST GREAT WHITE SHARKS, ..., 133-206 TOT TLn Fig. 1: Measurements of the white shark Carcharodon carcharías (Linnaeus, 1758) used in this work, based on Compagno (1984) and Mollei et al. (1996): total length with caudal fin in depressed position (TOT), total length with caudal fin in natural position (TLn), pre-caudal length (PRC), prepelvic length (PP2), pre-first dorsal length (PD1), prepelvic-prepectoral space (PP2-PP1). (Drawing: A. De Maddalena) SI. 1: Mere belega morskega volka Carcharodon carcharías (Linné, 1758), uporabljene v tem delu na osnovi Compagna (1984) in Molleta ct al. (1996): celotna iztegnjena dolžina (TOT), celotna dolžina v naravni legi (TLn), predrepna dolžina (PRC), dolžina do trebušne plavuti (PP2), dolžina do korena prsne plavuti (PD1), razdalja od začetka prsne plavuti do začetka trebušne plavuti (PP2-PP1). (Risba: A. De Maddalena) ing the girth of the body (Casey & Pratt, 1985), but precise girth was never reported by the sources. For these reasons we commented on the weight reported only in a few cases. The model of a white shark preserved in the Museum of Zoology in Lausanne, Switzerland, is a mould reconstructed via casts from the original body of the specimen caught in Séte, France, on 1 3l!"' October 1 956: this is the largest white shark specimen whose complete morphometries (made following Compagno, 1984} are available world-wide (De Maddalena et al.r 2002). Considering that the size of this specimen is very close to 6 metres (583 cm TOT, 565 cm TLn and 458 cm PRC), its measures can be utilised as a useful reference to effect precise estimates of the size of other specimens within 5-7 metres length range (Tab. 2). For every specimen we estimated three lengths (from Compagno, 1984 and Mollet et a/., 1996): the total length with the caudal fin in the depressed position (TOT), which is also the maximum length, the total length with the caudal fin in the natural position (TLn), and the precaudal length (PRC) (Fig. 1). To effect the es- timates we proceeded as follows. First of all we chose a reference of the valuable size, as is the height of a man (estimated by comparison with other persons near him) very close to the shark. On this basis we then estimated the length of a segment of the shark that was in the photo not or just slightly distorted by the perspective, choosing the most suitable one from the parameters indicated by Compagno (1984), depending on the case: the prepelvic length (PP2), the pre-first dorsal length (PD1), the space between the origin of the pectoral and the origin of the pelvic fin, corresponding to the difference between prepelvic length and prepectoral length (we called it the prepelvic-prepectoral space, and we indicated it as PP2-PP1) (Fig. 1), Finally we made a ratio between this partial length to the same partial length of the Lausanne specimen reported in De Maddalena et al. (2002), and thus obtained the three lengths TOT, TLn and PRC (Tab. 2). The problems encountered at the moment when an accurate estimate of the size of a large white shark from photographic evidences was effected were several. Greater difficulties occurred due to the following factors: a) position of the photographer not exactly lateral in respect to the shark; b) distance subject-photographer much too short; c) excessive closeness of the subject to the edges of the field of vision; d) difficulties in the evaluation of the size of the reference; e) different distances between shark and photographer and between reference and photographer; f) the smaller the segment of the shark that can be correctly estimated, the greater the possibility of an error. All these factors made it impossible to use, in this work, the numerous photos collected in the Italian Great White Shark Data Bank, and thus included herewith only some of those that seem suitable for this kind of study. The necessity to choose correctly the longer segment not distorted by the perspective for the estimate has emerged clearly. We saw that the prepectoral length (PP1) could be noticeably deformed and shortened when the shark was suspended in vertical position. Namely, the reference has to be large, such as the entire height of a man or at least a large part of him, and it has to be placed exactly on the same plane as the shark: that is particularly important when a close-up was made. Evaluating the height of the man by comparison with other persons in proximity, we also considered that in some cases, being very old photos, the mean height of the persons had to be somewhat smaller than today. All the estimates of the men's height indicated herewith include the heels of their shoes and hats, if present. The estimates presented herewith are not the maximum sizes possible for these specimens, but are the sizes that, in our opinion, are closer to the real ones. 196 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. 11 2001 • 2 (25) Aiessandra DE MADDALENA el si.: an ANALYSIS OF THE PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCES Of THE LARGEST GREAT WHITE SHARKS,193-206 Tab. 2: Relations between the dimensions used in this study, obtained from morphometric data reported in De Maddalena el a/. (2002) of the 583 cm TOT white shark Carcharodon cardiarias kept in the Museum of Zoology in Lausanne. Tab. 2: Razmerja med dimenzijami, uporabljenimi v tej študiji na osnovi morfometričnih podatkov, ki so jih predstavili De Maddalena et al. (2002) o 583 cm dolgem (celotna iztegnjena dolžina) belem morskem volku Carcharodon carcharías, razstavljenem v lausannskem Zoološkem muzeju. MEASUREMENTS TOT TLn PRC TOT - total length (caudal fin in depressed position) 100.00% 103.19% 1 27.29% TLn - total length (caudal fin in natural position) 96.91% 100.00% 123.36% PRC - precaudal length 78.56% 81.06% 100.00% PD1 - pre-flrst dorsal length 37.74% 38.94% 48.03% PP2 - prepefvic length 56.60% 58.41% 72.05% PP2-PP1 - prepelvic-prepectoral space 31.73% 32.74% 40.39% RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Procida, Italy, June 1924 in mid-June 1924, a iarge white shark was caught near Procida (Italy) with the tuna-trap (commonly called "tonnara" in Italian) "Simeone". In Anonymous (1924), where It is erroneously identified as a porbeagle Lamna nasus, it is said to measure ca. 6 m, with a weight of almost 12 q. The source also features a photo of the shark (Fig. 2), where it is visible in whole, even if the body is not in a straight position. In any case, this caused no problem in the estimate of its length. The problems are the rather bad quality of the reproduced picture at our disposal and the fact that none of the several persons present on the photo, even if very close to the shark, can be seen in full (with the exception of the child sitting on the shark which, however, is not particularly fit for use); con-squently the references turned out to be not accurate Tig. 2: Specimen caught off Procida (Italy) in June 1924. (Photo: from "La Domenica del Corriere" 15th june 1924) SI. 2: Primerek, ujet v bližini Procide (Italija) junija 1924. (Foto: iz časnika "La Domenica del Corriere" 15. ¡unija 1924) enough. To make an estimate we took, as reference, the visible part of the man holding the shark's caudal fin. Assuming that he was 175 cm tall, the shark's TOT was estimated at 507 cm, corresponding to 491 cm TLn and 398 cm PRC. Enfola, Isola d'Elba, Italy, August 12"' 1938 During the night of August 12'" 1938, a white shark was caught with a small tuna-trap (tonnara) belonging to the Ridi brothers at Enfola, Isola d'Elba (Thyrrenian Sea, Italy). Killed with harpoons and rifles, the shark was then towed to land, where, in its stomach, 2 dolphins were found. The shark was cut in pieces, carried to Florence and its meat sold at the market, ft seems that the same specimen had been sighted a little earlier in the same area feeding on dolphins and tunas. The specimen is reported in Anonymous (1938), and afterwards cited in De Maddalena (1999) and probably in Fergusson (1996) (where it is reported without precise capture location and it is said to be probably a female). Anonymous (1938) state that it was ca. 6 m long, its girth exceeding 4 m, and weighing 1800 kg. Fergusson (1996) reported a total length of over 510 cm. Two photographs of this specimen appear in Anonymous (1938) and in De Maddalena (1999) (Fig. 3), but these are not easily applicable to produce an accurate estimate. We had the chance to examine another photograph (Fig. 4), evidently taken only some seconds after the one reproduced in De Maddalena (1999), and from side. We assumed as reference the visible part of the girl on the left, close to the shark's snout, who appears to be almost on the plane of the animal. The same girl is well visible on the photo that appears in De Maddalena (1999), and we assumed her height to be 170 cm. We estimated the PP2 at 338 cm, corresponding to 597 cm TOT, 579 cm TLn, 469 cm PRC. We calculated that if the girl's height was 175 instead of 170 cm (and this is surely possible by comparison with the heights of other persons) the shark's length would increase to 613 197 ANNALES • Ser. hist. fiat. • 11 • 2001 • 2 (25) Fig. 3: Specimen caught off Enfola, Isola d'Elba (Italy), on August 12th 1938. (Photo: courtesy of A. Zanoli) SI. 3: Primerek, ujet v bližini Enfole, (sola d'Elba (Italija), 12. avgusta 1938. (Foto: z dovoljenjem A. Za~ nolija) cm TOT, 594 cm TLn, 482 cm PRC. We noted that, according to Mol Set & Cailliet (1996), our estimates agreed with the weight reported by Anonymous (1938). Ganzirri, Sicily, Italy, June 19°' 1961 In 1961, a great female white shark was captured off Ganzirri, Sicily (Italy). It was June 19"': the specimen was harpooned offshore by the fisherman Domenico Sorrenti from his boat, at 12 o'clock. The shark was estimated to be about 640 cm long and weighing about 1500 kg; in its stomach a large dolphin cut in two parts was found (Celona, 2001). A photo of this specimen appears in Celona (2001) (Fig. 5). The shark is not shown in full, but the position from which the picture was taken, exactly laterally from it, and the closeness of the shark and the people on the Fig. 5: Specimen caught off Ganzirri, Sicily (Italy), on June 19 1961. (Photo: courtesy of D. Sorrenti) SI. 5: Primerek, ujet nedaleč od Ganzirrija na Siciliji (Italija) 19. junija 1961. (Foto: z dovoljenjem D. Sorrentij a) Fig. 4: Specimen caught off Enfola, Isola d'Elba (Italy), on August 12"' 1938. (Photo: courtesy of A. Zanoli) SI. 4: Primerek, ujet v bližini Enfole, Isola d'Elba (Italija), 12. avgusta 1938. (Foto: z dovoljenjem A. Za-nolija) photo allowed us to make a very good length estimate. We chose as reference the man wearing a white shirt and short pants located very close to the shark's snout and on the same plane. We assumed its height to be 170 cm. We estimated the PP2 to be 377 cm, corresponding to 666 cm TOT, 645 cm Tin, 523 cm PRC. Piran, Slovenia, October 22M 1963 On October 22"'' 1963, a large white shark was caught off Saivore in the Gulf of Piran (Slovenia and Croatia) (Fig. 6). It approached a fishing boat belonging to tire Delamaris fish processing company, while fishermen were turning in their nets, and was killed with 23 rifle shots. Its stomach contained a dolphin weighing about 200 kg. This case has been reported by BoSnjak & Lipej (1992-1993), Lipej (1993-1994), De Maddalena (2000a), and Soldo & jardas (2001). One of the authors (L. Lipej) interviewed a fisherman who had at that time been on board the fishing boat, and the latter declared that the shark must had been about 6 m long and weighing about 1100 kg (BoSnjak & Lipej, 1992-1993; Lipej, 1993-1994), while the focal newspaper "Primorske novice" indicated it to be 4 m long and weighing ca. 700 kg (Anonymous, 1963). Photos of the specimen have been published in Bošnjak & Lipej (1992-1993) and Lipej (1993-1994): unfortunately these pictures cannot be used for an accurate estimate of the specimen's size on the basis of the people appearing near the shark. One of the authors (L. Lipej) eventually went to the Izola harbour to examine the precise place where the shark had been photographed after its landing. The blocks of cement of the harbour paving have sides measuring from 45 to 50 cm. On the two photos of this specimen, there are almost exactly 10 blocks in line from the shark's snout to the 198 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. -IT- 2001 ■ 2 (25) Aleswndro DE MA DO A LENA el al.: AN ANALYSIS OF THE PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCES OF THE LARGEST GREAT WHITE SHARKS, 193-206 Fig, 0: Specimen caught off Piran (Slovenia) on October 22ml 1963. (Photo: L. L'tpej's archive) SI. 6: Primerek, ujet v bližini Pirana (Slovenija) 22. oktobra 1963. (Foto: Arhiv L. Lipeja) apex of the upper iobe of its caudal fin. Considering that the shark is even in a slightly curved position (its axis being not perpendicular to the parallel lines of the paving), its length was estimated at 477-530 cm Tin, corresponding to 492-547 cm TOT, 387-430 cm PRC. Due to the 5 cm difference in the reference's size, no precise estimate could be made. We also noted that, according to Mollet & Caiiliet (1996), our estimates agreed with the approximate weight reported by the fisherman. {sola !a Formica, Isoie Egadi, Italy, May 1974 The capture of a female white shark took place on a May 1974 morning with the tuna trap (tonnara) off Isola la Formica (Italy). At that time, the chief of this tuna-trap called "rais" in Sicilian, was Michele Grimaudo. Nitto Minneo, the diver who worked as inspector of the tuna-trap nets, examined the shark underwater when already dead with its head trapped in the net. The man extracted all the teeth form the large shark's mouth and eventually distributed them among the men working on board the tuna-trap (N. Minneo, pers. comm.). This case has been reported by Anonymous (1974) and Fergusson (1996). Anonymous (1974) erroneously indicated the capture location to be the near the island of Favignana, where another important tuna-trap was Fig. 7: Specimen caught off Isola la Formica, Isole Egadi (Italy), in May 1974. (Photo: A. De Maddalena's archive) SI. 7: Primerek, ujet v bližini otoka Isola la Formica, otočje Egadi (Italija), maja leta 1974. (Foto: Arhiv A. De Maddalene) located. In Fergusson (1996), the specimen is cited three times, but every time with some minor differences, in its stomach were found a goat (Capra hircus), plastic bottles and plastic bags. The length was reported by Anonymous (1974) to be "almost 7 m", while Fergusson (1996) indicated it to be ca. 520-530 cm. The weight reported by Anonymous (1974) corresponds to 1500 kg, and this author also stated that the weight of the liver exceeded 300 kg. Nitto Minneo reported its total length at 620-640 cm and specified that this measurement had been taken several times by the "rais", the fishermen and also by some tourists, when the shark was exposed to the curiosity of the people, as always when a large shark was captured with the tuna-trap. Mr. Minneo, too, reported that the shark weighed 2400-2600 kg. In his opinion, this specimen was probably the largest ever caught by tuna-traps off la Formica and Favignana. Moreover, even Gioac-chino Cataldo, the "rais" of the Favignana tuna-trap, recalled the length of "640 cm, about 6 metres". A good photo of the specimen is published in Anonymous (1974) (Fig. 7). For the estimate we chose, as reference, the man with a cap on his head and standing to the right of the man with his foot on the shark's head: since the two men are very close, even the one chosen as reference has to be very close to the shark. Presuming that the man was 175 cm tall, the PP2 was estimated at 336 cm, corresponding to 594 cm TOT, 575 cm TLn, 466 cm PRC. Filfla, Malta, April 17Ih 1987 A large female white shark was caught in the morning of April 17"' 1987 in the waters off Filfla, Malta, by 199 ANNALES • Ser. hist nat. • 11 2001 • 2 (25) Atessandco DE MADOALENA d nI.: AN ANALYSIS OF THE PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCES OF THE LARGEST GREAT WHITE SHARKS, ..., 593-206 | Fig. 8: Specimen caught off Filfla (Malta) on April 17"' 1987. (Photo: J. Gullaumier) SI. 8: Primerek, ujet nedaleč od Filfle (Malta) 17. aprila 1987. (Foto: j. Gullaumier) fishermen Alfredo Cutajar and Vince D'Amato. The catch took place 3 miles off Blue Grotto, south of Filfla. The shark was caught with a fixed surface long-line belonging to Mr. D'Amato, but the line snapped and got entangled with a line belonging to Mr. Cutajar, who eventually landed the shark. The latter was taken to Wied-lz-Zurrieq, but since it was too heavy for the harbour winch, it was landed in Marsaxlokk. In its stomach a whole 220 cm blue shark, Prionace glauca, a 250 cm dolphin of unidentified species and bitten in two (or three according to some other sources), a marine turtle, Caretta caretta, having a 60 cm diameter carapace, and a plastic bag containing garbage were found (it is not known whether the lengths were originally taken in cm or in feet, and other sources reported the following sizes of these contents: blue shark 6 feet - 183 cm, dolphin 8 feet - 244 cm, marine turtle 2 feet - 61 cm). In the evening the shark was taken to Zurrieq and kept in a large garage. A day later (Apri I 18"') it was taken to the Val letta fish market. The jaws were preserved by John Abela and exhibited in the Museum of History and Culture on Gozo Island. The case was reported and discussed by several authors (Abela, 1989; Ellis & McCosker, 1991; Mollet et al., 1996; Fergusson, 1996; Fergusson, 1998; De Mad-dalena, 1999; Fergusson et al., 2000; De Maddalena, 2001). Unfortunately no fisheries officer measured the shark (M. Darmanin, pers. comm.). Abela (1989) reported to have measured accurately the shark's total length in a straight line (as TOT, according to Fergusson, 1998), measuring 714 cm, and he also specified a weight of 2730 kg. In a letter that the shark's capturer, Alfredo Cutajar, wrote in May 1991 to Mr. Giuliano Chiocca, it was stated that it was 723 cm long and weighing 2880 kg. A few years after, in the mid-1990s, Alfredo Cutajar and John Abela were interviewed for the Jeremy Taylor's documentary i!jaws in the Med": here Mr. Cutajar reported a length of 2.3 feet (701 cm) for this specimen, while Abela confirmed that be had accurately measured the shark twice while lying flat on the floor; apparently it was 23 feet 5 inches (714 cm) long. Recently, in 2001, Mr. Cutajar stated to have estimated the shark as being 23 feet (701 cm) long on the basis of the length of the pick-up truck on to which it was placed with its caudal fin hanging out (this statement clearly indicates that he did not measure the shark's length); moreover he declared that an approximate weight of 3 t was estimated on the basis of the shark's individual parts cut up and sold at the fishmarket (M. Darmanin, pers. comm.). Mollet et al. (1996) wrote, on the basis of discordant testimonies by John Abela, that Abela did not measure the shark's length but only estimated it. Fergusson (1998) stated that this shark's length was in the 520-550 cm TL range: he reached this conclusion after examining the photograph of this specimen taken by photographer John Gullaumier and published by the Maltese newspaper "In-Nazzjon-Taghna" (Anonymous, 1987), based also on the judgement by a forensic investigator who analysed the picture on the request of the BBC Natural History Unit. Some time after, Fergusson et al. (2000) again confirmed this estimate, stating that this specimen was no longer than 550 cm TL. This length agrees with the size reported by Anonymous (1987) who reported the shark's weight at 1.5 t and its length at "about 18 feet" (549 cm). According to Fergusson (1998), in an interview given by Abela to the BBC, he admitted that "he may have made a mistake in taking the measurement". Recently, in 2001, Abela reconfirmed the 714 cm total length, but added that he had taken the shark's measure with a rope which he eventually measured (M. Darmanin, pers. comm.). However, the "about 18 feet" length reported by Anonymous (1987) was not measured but merely estimated (A. Buttigieg, pers. comm.), and the same may be said of the 1.5 t weight reported by the same source (Anonymous, pers. comm.). 200 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 11 • 2001 ■ 2 (25) Atoandro DE MADDAIENA et ¿¡/.: AN ANALYSIS OF THE PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCES OF THE LARGEST GREAT WHITE SHARKS, ..., 193-206 Figs. 9, 10: Specimen caught off Filfla (Malta) on April 17"' 1987. (Photo: A. De Madclalena's archive) SI. 9, 10: Primerek, ujet nedaleč od FUfle (Malta) 17. aprila 1987. (Foto: Arhiv A. De Maddalene) in the end, it was not possible to find anyone else that measured the shark, so it seems certain that John Abeia was effectively the only person to have done it. We were able to collect testimonies of three eyewitnesses thai had seen the shark. Mr. Alex Buttigieg, a person that asked to remain anonymous, and the fisheries officer Mr. Grezzju Grech. None of them had a chance to measure the shark (the anonymous witness went to the Valletta fish market early in the morning with a camera and measuring tape only a minute before the shark was cut up, but had no permission to take photos or measurements). Alex Buttigieg and the anonymous witness declared to have estimated the shark's length to be conspicuously less than the 714 cm TOT reported by John Abela, but larger than the 520-550 cm TL estimated by Fergusson (1998) and Fergusson et a!. (2000). i he anonymous eyewitness estimated the length at approximately "18,5-19,5 feet" (564-594 cm) or "close to 20 feet" (610 cm), made at a distance of about 12 feet, when the shark was placed on the floor at the Valletta fishmarket. Alex Buttigieg estimated it to be "less than 20 feet" (610 cm), from a distance of about 20 rn. Mr. Grezzju Grech, who was present when the shark was landed, affirmed that in his opinion it is possible that the specimen was 7 m long (M. Darmanin, pers. comm.). The several requests for more information about this case made recently by one of the authors (A.D.) to John Abela remained unanswered, but we have had some replies to our questions from him via Mr. Michael Darmanin, Senior Fisheries Officer at Malta Centre for Fisheries Sciences (Department of Fisheries and Aquacul-ture, Fort San Lucjan, Marsaxlokk): this last information, together with those from Mr. Buttigieg and the anonymous witness, helped us to reconstruct the entire story as reported herewith. There are many photographs of this specimen, but most of them simply cannot be used for a reasonably good estimate to be made; the ample photographic evidence as far as this specimen is concerned demonstrates how much can be distorted as well as difficult to evaluate the size of a large specimen if photo is not taken adequately. For the reasons exposed in the Materials and Methods section, photos as the one showing the head of the shark suspended in vertical position with the 201 ANNAIES • Ser. hist. nat. 11 • 2001 • 2 (25) Alessandro DE MADDALENA eta/.: AN ANALYSIS OF THE PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCES OF THE LARGEST GREAT WHITE SHARKS,..., 193-206 hand of a man placed near the axis of the pectoral fin (see Abela, 1989 or Ellis & McCosker, 1991) are totally unacceptable to produce a size estimate. After a careful selection of many photos (including several unpublished ones by John Cullaumier and other sources), we chose three photos to evaluate the length of this specimen. The first, taken by John Cullaumier, is very similar to the one on the basis of which Fergusson (1998) estimated the 11 at 520-550 cm (Fig. 8). The photo is a close-up, and both the head and the caudal part are clearly distorted by the perspective, so we chose to estimate the prepel-vic-prepectora! space, PP2-PP1, that is also on the same level of the person chosen as reference (the man with his hand raised and tartan shirt, and on the same plane as the shark). Assuming that the man was 175 cm tall, the PP2-PP1 would be 216 cm, which corresponds to 681 cm TOT, 660 cm Tin and 535 cm PRC. Two other photos (Figs. 9, 10) were also taken into consideration that were taken from a longer distance, and for this reason can be quite suitable for an estimate to be made. In these cases, too, we estimated the PP2-PP1, since the head was in a strongly unnatural position, in both of these, we chose as reference the man with glasses and a rope in his hand, located on the same plane as the shark and, on the basis of his total height, assumed to be 175 cm, we calculated bis visible partial height. For the first of these two photos (Fig. 9) we estimated the PP2-PP1 at 215 cm, corresponding to 678 cm TOT, 657 cm TLn, 532 cm PRC. For the second photo Fig. 11: Specimen caught off Sete (France,! on fanuary 9 1991. (Photo: R. de Ncuville) SI. 11: Primerek, ujet blizu Seteja (Francija) 9. januarja 1991. (Foto: R. de Neuville) (Fig. 10), the PP2-PP1 was estimated at 212 cm, corresponding to 668 cm TOT, 647 cm TLn, 525 cm PRC. The high proximity of the three estimates obtained {668-681 cm TOT) appears to be a solid confirmation of the accuracy of the result. We also noted that, according to Mollet. & Cailliet (1996), our estimates agreed with the weights reported by Mr. Abela and Mr. Cutajar. Therefore we concluded that there were no sufficient reasons to totally refute the 714 cm TOT indicated by John Abela. if he made an error measuring the shark, and we think it possible considering the way he measured the shark and in view of the results obtained by our study, the true shark's TOT was certainly not conspicuously shorter (33-46 cm by our estimates) than the one reported by him. According to our estimates and to the observations by 5 eyewitnesses (Abela, Cutajar, Grech, Buttigieg, Anonymous), the 520-550 cm TL indicated by Fergusson (1998) and Fergusson el ai. (2000) is not acceptable. Sete, France, January 911' 1991 A female white shark was caught on January 9l" 1991 off Sete, France. This specimen was bought by a wholesale fishmonger in Sete, offered for sale in the Rungis market, and bought by a supermarket in Montargis (Anonymous, 1991; Quignard & Raibaut, 1993; Seret, 1996; De Maddalena ef a/., 2001), It was reported by Anonymous (1991) as being 6 m long, by Seret (1996) and Fergusson (1996) as about 4.5 m long. The photograph published in Anonymous (1991). The same photo (Fig. 11) has been used here to produce a more precise estimate (after the photograph made by today already deceased Raymond de Neuville it has been impossible to find any other photographs or a better reproduction of the same). The interpretation of the picture is particularly difficult, not only due to the position of the animal, but also because of the proximity of the photographer to the subject and the strong deformation given by the perspective. The persons cannot be used directly as references, since none of them is on the same plane as the shark; for this reason it has been necessary to project in perspective on the plane of the shark the man located on the left to be used as reference. We assumed that he was 175 cm high and estimated the PRC at 464 cm, corresponding to 591 cm TOT, 572 cm TLn. Considering even the particular position of the body of the specimen, we validated this estimate on the basis of PD1: we estimate it to be 222 cm, corresponding to 588 cm TOT, 570 cm TLn, 462 cm PRC. These last results strongly confirm those previous obtained. 202 ANNALES . Ser. hist. nat. 11 • 2001 • 2 (25) Ales«ridro DE MAODAlf NA et si: AN ANALYSIS OF THE PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCES OF THE LARGEST GREAT WHITE SHARKS, ..., 19:i-206 Tab. 3: Estimates of the white shark lengths (in centimetres) obtained through examination of photographic evidences. Tab. 3: Ocene dolžin (v centimetrih) primerkov belih morskih volkov m osnovi preučevanih fotografij. DATE LOCATION TOT TLn PRC June 1924 Procida, Italy 507 491 398 12 August 1938 Enfola, Isola d'Elba, Italy 597-613 579-594 469-482 19 June 1961 Ganzirri, Sicily, Italy 666 645 523 22 October 1963 Piran, Slovenia 492-547 477-530 387-430 May 1974 Isola la Formica, Isole Egadt, Italy 594 575 466 17 April 1987 Fiffla, Malta 668-681 647-660 525-535 9 January 1991 Sète, France 591 572 464 CONCLUSIONS Of the 7 examined specimens, 5 were estimated to measure over 590 cm TOT (Tab. 3). Of these, at least two (Malta 1987 and Ganzirri 1961) greatly exceed 600 cm, both in TOT and in Tin. These two specimens could even be the largest ever recorded world-wide. But we should also consider the most solid cases of other possibly larger specimens reported until today. These are the following three. The discussed specimen caught off Kangaroo island, Australia, in May 1987 and reported to be over 7 m in length, but never measured (Jury, 1987; Cappo, 1998; Mollet et al., 1996), The only photographic evidences known to us (published in jury, 1987 and Ellis & McCo-sker, 1991) show the head only, cut at the level of the second gill slit, and a pectoral fin, but this picture, for the position of the photographer and of the reference, cannot be considered useful for a reliable estimate. Mike Cappo reported that Peter Riseley (the fisherman that caught the .shark} measured the head length from first gill slit to be .53 inches (135 cm) (H. Mollet, pers. comm.), almost ■surely as PG1 (prebranchial length); Mollet et ai. (1996) reported this PG1 as "estimated value". On the basis of the Lausanne specimen, 135 cm PG1 corresponds to 645 cm TOT, 625 cm TLn, 507 cm PRC. About the specimen caught in 1945 off Castillo de Cojimar, Cuba, that was reported to be 640 cm in length (Bigelow & Schroeder, 1948; Guitart-Manday & Milera, 1974}, the contestation of this case presented in Randall (1987) is not acceptable, since it is based on wrong assumptions. in fact we noticed that: a) the preserved vertebra was not necessarily the largest of the vertebral column, and therefore it could not be used to obtain the precise length of the specimen, b} in general it has came out that the size of the largest anterior tooth of the upper jaw cannot be considered as a sufficiently reliable index of the length of a large white shark, c) the girth of the body (and consequently the height of the body at the level of the first dorsal fin) shows wide variation from specimen to specimen, and depending even on the state of preservation of the specimen, thus it is impossible to use it to estimate the length of the shark. In the end we believe that there is no reason to refute the 640 cm length reported for this specimen by the source. The only doubt remains about the fact that it is unknown whether this measure was taken as TOT, TLn or in another way. In the end let us refer to the enormous specimen cited in Barrull & Mate (2001), reported by Dr. juan Antonio Moreno. The shark was caught in 1982 off Dakar, Senegal. Dr. Moreno eyewitnessed the landing of the specimen, but he did not get the permission to measure the shark with a ruler, nor to take photographs. Dr. Moreno estimated its total length at over 800 cm: he reached this conclusion measuring it as TLn, twice, with its feet, jaws of this specimen were sold to an American customer for 1000 U.S. dollars (J. A. Moreno, pers. comm.). Although the measure reported cannot be regarded as accurate, considering the unusual way it was taken (this is the reason why Dr. Moreno never published a report on this specimen), this case is undoubtedly of a special interest, being the only in which a so large specimen was examined by an ichthyologist and specialist in the. study of sharks. With this work we believe to have definitively demonstrated that C. carcharías can, in rare and exceptional cases, exceed 6 meters in length, reaching at least 640-660 cm TOT and very probably even more. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Very special thanks to all the people that offered their help in collecting data, photographs and general information for this work: Alex Buttigieg, an anonymous Maltese friend, Michael Darmanin, Anthony Gruppetta, John Gullaumier, Gildo Gavanelli, Giuliano Chiocca, juan Antonio Moreno, Guy Oliver, Henry Mollet, Nitto Mi n neo, Gioacchtno Cataido, Henri Cappetta, Alen Soldo, Alberto Zanoli and Jean Attard. We also thank three referees for their helpful comments. A particular thanks from Alessandro De Maddalena goes to Alessan-dra 8aldi. 203 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. ■ 11 • 2001 • 2 (25) Alessandro DEMADDALENA cía/.: AN ANALYSIS OF THE PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCES OF THE LARGEST GREAT WHITE S El ARKS,.... 193-206 analiza fotografij največjih belih morskih volkov CARCHARODON CARCHARIAS (linné, 1758), ujetih v sredozemskem morju Alessandro DEMAOOALENA Italian Great White Shark Data Bank {Banca Dati italiana Squab Bianco), íT-20145 Milano, via l. Aríosto 4 E-mail; Marco ZUFFA Museo Archeologico 'luigí Donini", IT-4G064 Ozzano dell'Emilia, via Prunaro 5 Lovrenc LIPEJ Morska biološka postaja, Nacionalni institut, za biologijo, SI-6330 Piran, Fornače 41 E-mail: Antonio CELONA Aquastudio Research Institute, IT-98121 Messina, via Trapani & POVZETEK Avtorji pričujočega članka so analizirali fotografije največjih belih morskih volkov Carcharodon carcharías, ujetih v Sredozemskem morju in glede na obstoječo literaturo dolgih blizu 6 metrov ali celo več. Preučili so 7 primerkov in ocenili njihovo TOT (celotna iztegnjena dolžina), TLn (celotna dolžina v naravni legi) in PRC (pre-drepna dolžina), in sicer na osnovi mer, ki so jih predstavili De Maddalena et al. (2001) o 583 cm (TOT) dolgem primerku, razstavljenem v lausannskem Zoološkem muzeju. Celotne iztegnjene dolžine teh belih morskih volkov so: 507 cm (Procida, Italija, junij 1924), 597 cm (Enfola, Isola d'Elba, Italija, 12. avgust 1938), 666 cm (Ganzirri, Sicilija,, Italija, 19. junij 1961), 492-547 cm (Piran, Slovenija, 22. oktober 1963), 594 cm (Favignana, hole Egadi, Italija, maj 1974), 668-681 cm (Filfla, Malta, 17. april 1987), 591 cm (Séte, Francija, 9. januar 1991). Pet primerkov je torej merilo v dolžino več kot 590 cm, in vsaj dva od njih (Ganzirri 1961 in Malta 1987) Sta temeljito presegala dolžino 6 m tako kar zadeva TOT kot TLn. Sicer pa bi ta dva primerka lahko bila največja, kar so jih kdaj ujeli na svetu. Avtorji obravnavajo tudi nekaj otipljivejših primerov drugih belih morskih volkov teh dolžin (Kangaroo Island, Avstralija, 1987; Castillo de Cojimar, Kuba, 1945; Dakar, Senegal, 1982) in zaključujejo, da jeC. carcharías lahko dolg najmanj 640-660 cm (TOT), a da je po vsej verjetnosti še daljši. 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California Fish and Game, 73(3), 163-168. Seret B. (1996): Le grand requin blanc. Apnea, hors serie, 7, 52-60. Soldo, A. & l. Jardas (2001): Large sharks in the Eastern Adriatic. Cybium, (in press). Tortonese, E. (1965): I Pesci e i Cetacei del Mar Ligure. Mario Bozzi, Genova. Vinciguerra, D. (1885-1892): Guida del Museo di Zoología délia R. Université di Roma. Fauna locale. Specie animali délia provincia di Roma esistenti nella nuova collezione. Parte 111. Pesci. Istituto di Zoologia délia Reale Université di Roma. 206 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 11 • 2001 • 2 (25) saggio scientific» originale UDC 502.72(262.3-1 7}:591.9 ricevuto: 30. 10. 2001 L'ITTIOFAUNA DEILA RiSERVA NATURALE MARINA Di MIRAMARE (GOLFO DI TRIESTE, ALTO ADRIATICO) Cristina CASTELLARIN, Gianna VIStNTIN & Roberto ODORÍCO Riserva Naturaie Marina di Miramare, ^T-34014 Trieste, V. le Miramare, 349 SINTESI La Riserva Naturaie Marina di Miramare (Golfo di Trieste, Alto Adriático) recentemente ha istituito un centro di raccolta e archiviazione di informazioni denominato Osserva torio de! Li tora le (O.d.L) L' O.d.L. collega i dati storici con le informazioni biologiche e chimico-fisiche raccolte durante attivitá di monitoraggio sul campo. Dagli studi effet.tuati sino ad ora, la RNMM risulta essere un importante sito di conservazione relativamente alia presenza di specie di Osteitti endemiche a limitato range di distribuzione geográfica ed inoltre l'importanza biologica é sottollneata daI fatto che la maggior parte delle specie completano ¡I loro ciclo riproduttivo entro l'area protetta. Parole chiave: ittiofauna, biodiversitá, Riserva naturaie Marina di Miramare (TS), Osservatorio del Litorale the ichthyofauna of miramare nature reserve (gulf of trieste, northern adriatic) ABSTRACT In Miramare Nature Reserve near Trieste (Gulf of Trieste, Northern Adriatic), a special data collection centre called Littoral Observatory (O.d.L. - Osservatorio del Litorale) was opened recently, its main objective being integration of the older data with the new biological and physical-chemical records within the framework of the field monitoring of the quality of the sea. On the basis of the research carried out so far, it has become clear that in view of the endemic teleost species with limited geographical range occurring there, the Miramare Nature Resetve is certainly a very important protected area, particularly due to the fact that the majority of fish species reproduce and develop within this protected area. Key words: ichthyofauna, biodiversity, Miramare Nature Reserve, Littoral Observatory 207 ANNALES • Ser. bist. nat. ■ 11 • 2001 • 2 (25) Cristina CASTEIL AR IN er ai: L'ITTIOFAUNA DF.U.A RISFRVA NATURALE MARINA Oi MIRAMARE (GOLFO OI TRIESTE, ALTO ADRIATICO), 207-216 INTRODUZIONF La Riserva Naturale Marina di Miramare (RNMM) (Golfo di Trieste, Alto Adriático) ha un'estensione totale di 121 ettari che rientrano irt un range batimetrico compreso tra 0 e 20 metri. Recentemente ha istítuíto un centro di raccolta e archiviazione di informazioni deno-minato Osservatorio del Litorale (O.d.L). L' O.d.L. è un centro di raccolta dati che si basa su! confronto spaziale e temporale di informazioni raccoite nel corso di attività scientifiche condotte principalmente ali'intemo della Riserva Marina - quale stazione preferenziale di rílievi e studi rappresentativi deli'ambiente marino •■» e nel Golfo di Trieste per un costante confronto tra aree protette ed aree antropizzate. Tale verifica permette di acquisire un aggiornamento della situazione ambiéntate ed un cor-retto inquadramento dell'area tutélala con ¡'ambiente circostante. L' O.d.L. collega i dati storici con le informazioni raccoite durante attività di monitoraggio su! campo (censimentí visuali, controlli su stazioni fisse, micro-prelievi, video-transetti) e quanto acquisito dall'attività di raccolta dati chimico-fisici (boa oceanógrafica con sonda profilante, mini termometri, campagne océano-grafiche). il Data Base (D.B.) rappresenta il supporte informa-tico atto all'archiviazione delle diverse informazioni raccoite (sistematiche, biologiche, ecologiche, ecc.). L'interrogazione del D.B. consente di ottenere delle risposte inerenti la distribuzione, la biología e l'ecologia delle specie nella RNMM. e nel Golfo di Trieste. II Golfo di Trieste risulta un sito estremamente importante per la sua posizione geográfica, la sua centenaria tradizione scientifica in campo marino e la tipología degli ambienti marini che negli anni hanno subito important! modificazioni (Odorico & Bressan, 1333). Talr modificazioni non sempre vanno ricondotte ail 'attività dell'uomo, ma anche a variazioni meteo -climatiche (Stravisi et al., 1996; DulfiiCefa/., 1999). MATERIALE E METODJ li monitoraggio biologico utilizzato all'intemo dell'area tutélala è il "visual census". Si tratta di una técnica non invasiva di monitoraggio delle specie ittiche (Har-melin-Vivien & Francour, 1992; Francour et al., 1999) consistente nella determinazione e conteggio delle stesse da parte di operatori muniti di semplice lavagna o di videocamera subacquea. ll monitoraggio viene eseguito mensilmente lungo transetti fissi che intendono rappresentare le principal i tipologie della Riserva. Perianto si snodano paralíela-mente alia scogliera di Miramare (due transetti orizzon-tali a 5 m, due transetti superficial i a 1,5 m), ma anche parallelamente alia zona del Bagno ducale con un transetto ad una profondità dî 3 metri ed un altro a 0,50 fig. 1: ll Promontorio di Miramare con la scogliera lungo la quale si effettuano le osservazioni mediante visual census. Altri transetti costieri sono localizzati nella zona sabbiosa antistante il porticciolo e nella zona del Bagno ducale. (Foto: R. Odorico) SI. 1: Obrežni del rezervata pri Miramaru s pe če v jem, kjer so bila opravljena opazovalna vzorčevanja. Drugi obrežni transekti so locirani na peščenem predelu pred mandračem in v predelu Bagno ducale. (Foto: R, Odorico) m finalizzato esclusivamente afle specie a distribuzione superficiale (Blenniidae). I transetti relativi ad una stazione vengono sovente raccordati da brevi transetti perpendicolari agli stessi onde verificare e correggere eventual i spostamenti e movimenti della comunitá it-tica. Nel le aree di osservazione come scogli isolati o in particolare nella Barriera di Miramare (aree a lunghezza ridotta), che vengono utilizzate a corredo nella raccolta dei dati, non é stato ritenuto valido il transetto lineare, ma i'utilizzo di un sistema fisso di osservazione. Un operatore all'occorrenza si posiziona nelle stazioni fisse di osservazione e provvede alia raccolta dei dati. Nel percorrere i transetti viene mantenuta una velo-cita costante di osservazione e viene adeguata al tipo di raccolta dati. Per il percorso dei transetto píü impe-gnativo in quanto finalizzato all'osservazione delle specie bentoniche di piccole dimensioni si puó arrivare ai 5m/min. A titoio esempl¡(¡cativo, l'operazione che negli anni e stata ottimizzafa per la scogliera di Miramare consiste in una serie di transetti lineari lunghi 50 m ad una profonditá di 1,5 m e 5m. Ciascuno percorso a due velocitá per trarre maggiori informazioni e dopo oppor-tuno intervallo di tempo (15 min) per non turbare le mi-sure successive. Le modalita utilizzate sono confermate anche da ricerche bibliografiche specifiche (D'Anna et al., 1999; Vacchi & La Mesa, 1999). Ne! corso degli anni '90 sono state definite le specie piu rappresentative della popolazione di scogliera del Promontorio di Miramare (Fig. 1) desunte dai dati relativi ai transetti della scogliera 208 ANNALE5 • Ser. hist. nat. ■ 11 - 2001 ■ 2 (25) Crislma CASTFLIARIN et st : L'ITTiOFAUNA DELLA RISFRVA NATURAEE MARiNA DI MIRAMARE (GOLFO Di TRIESTE, ALTO ADRIATICO), 207-21 6 Tab. 1: La tabella ¡Ilustra le principali specie ittiche avvistate nei transetti di Scogliera nel corso del 2000. I valori da 1 a 0 rappresentano lo stato di aggregaziane degli individui: + : singoli avvistamenti /individuo casuale/ banco casuale; 1 : singoli avvistamenti/ individuo solitario; 2 : fino a 5 individui soli tari lungo il transetto; 3 ; frequenti individui solitari lungo il transetto; 4 : gruppi (5-15 individui); 5 : banchi (15-30 individui), 6 : grossi banchi (piú di 30 individui). Tab. 1: Tabela prikazuje glavne vrste rib, opažene na transektih ob pečevju v letu 2000. Vrednosti od 1 do 6 ponazarjajo različne stopnje združevanja osebkov: +: posamezna opažanja/naključni osebek/naključna jata; 2: do 5 posameznih osebkov vzdolž transekta; 3: pogosti posamezni osebki vzdolž transekta; 4: skupine (5-15 osebkov), 5: jate (15-30 osebkov), 6: velike jate (več kot 30 osebkov). Specie «en feb mar „•»P...... maR lug ago set ott nov die Atherina hepseíus - - 6 5 6 6 6 - 6 6 6 At heriría boyeri - - 6 6 6 6 6 G 6 6 6 6 Spicara maena - - - - 4 4 4 1 - - - Mupil cephahjs - - - 6 <"> 6 6 - Mu ¡ius barbatus - - - - 1 ] 3 3 4 - - Dicentrarchus labrax - 1 1 3 4 4 4 4 4 + + Diplodus puntazzo - - - - - 4 3 3 3 3 - j Dentex dentex - - - + -!■ + 2 + + - - 1 Diplodus annularis - - - - 4 3 4 3 3 3 - - | Diplodus sargus - - 4 3 4 3 4 3 - - Diplodus vulgaris - - - - - 1 3 4 1 1 - Oblada me/a n ora - - - 4 5 5 5 1 1 - - i Spa rus aura tus - - - - - 4 5 4 4 4 4 - ¡ Lipopbrys adriaticus - - - 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 - Lipopbrys canevaí - - + 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 - Lipophrys dalmatinus - 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 Parablennius gattorugine - + + •f- \ 2 2 3 3 3 - 3 Parablennius incógnitos - + 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 - Upophtys nigriceps - - + - - + i 1 t 1 - Parablennius pavo - + 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Parablennius rouxi - - + 2 2 1 í 1 I 1 1 Parablennius sanguinolentus - - - 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 3 3 Aidablennius sphinx - - 1 1 1 1 1 + + + 4 . Parablennius tentacularís - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Parablennius zvonimiri - - + I 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 Conger conger - - 1 1 J 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 Gobi us auratus + -t + + + •t' -i -t- + + •i- Gobius bucchichii - ■f - 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Gobius cruenta tus - - - 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 - Cobius cobitis - - - + 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Gobius paga nel!us - - - - - 1 1 - - Zebrus zebrus - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Symphodus cinereus - - - - - 1 i I 1 1 + - Symphodus meditenarmus - - - 1 2 2 2 2 1 - Symphodus rnelops - - - 5 n 2 2 2 2 2 - Symphodus oceliatus - - - - 1 1 2 2 - - Symphodus roissali - - - - - 2 2 2 2 2 - - Symphodus rostra tus - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 - Symphodus tinea - + + 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Labrus merula 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Chromis chromis - - + 4 4 4 5 S 5 5 4 1 Sciaena umbra - - - 4 4 6 6 6 6 - - _Scorpaena porcus + 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - Scorpaena scrofa - - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - Serranus hepatus 1 - 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ^Serranus scriba 1 1 + 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 Sarpa satpa - - - S '5 5 6 6 6 - - Sportdyliosoma cantharus - - - - ~ - + - - - Tripterygion tripteronotus - - + 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 ' 2 1 J'ripterygion de!a i si - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■ 'I . 1 203 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. nai. 11 2001 • 2 (25) Cristina CASÍELLARiN et ai.; UITTIOF AUNA DEILA RISERVA NATURALE MARINA Dl MIR AMARE (GOLFO Ol TRIESTE, ALTO ADRIATICO), 207-2! 6 (4 transettí) ed a quefií della zona del Bagno Ducaíe. Per gran parte delle specie rilevate e stato definito il periodo di comparsa stagíonaíe, presenza massíma ed il suc-cessivo abbandono di questa stazione di osservazione. L'unione dei dati relativi a piü transettí, 8 nelPambito delle batimetriche piü superficial! (utilizzando la metódica del transetto lineare) e 2 punti fissi nella zona profonda (barriera artificíale posta a 150 metri dalla scogliera ad una profondita di 17 m) rappresentano il quadro piü completo possibíle di una zona estrema-mente diversíficata. I.'acquisizione di una serie storica desunta da transettí, peraltro confermata da osservazioni ripetute nel tempo, permetterá di formulare uíteriori important! valutazioni sulle comunitá ittiche per determinare eventual! cambiamenti in seguito alPecce-zionalitá delle ultime annate. Per evidenziare l'importanza della Riserva rispetto all'Adriatico si é utiliz-zato un Índice di Ricchezza Specifica (IRS) dato dal rapporto tra le specie di ogni singóla Famiglia presente in Riserva, con le specie totali adriaticbe: IRS = S-1/Ln„ N S é il numero di specie per famiglia nella RNMM, N e il numero tota le di specie in Adriático. I dati vengono raccoltí ed analizzati correlando tra loro i diversi ambití di studio. Alio stato attuale nell'ag-giornamento e lettura del database, particolare attenzi-one e rivolta a specie ed associazioni vulnerabili, definite secondo la List of endangered species and associations, elabórala dall'UNLP nel corso del Meeting of experts on habitats (AA.VV., 1998), in cui le risorse biolo-giche del Mediterráneo sono state suddivise in base a cri-teri di raritá, vuinerabilitá, diffusione, ecc. Tali criteri sonó stati vagliati dai rappresentanti scientific! di tutti gli stati rivieraschi del bacino del Mediterráneo e si étentata una stesura obiettiva dei criteri di importanza di specie ed associazioni con una particolare attenzione al Mediterráneo Orientals e particolari regioni biogeografiche. RISULTATI E DISCUSSIONE Nel corso del 2000 sono state definite alcune procedure standard per metiere a confronto i transettí di Miramare (Tab. 1) con altri ambienti del Golfo di Trieste. Barriere artificia!i sperimentali ed afferrature al largo presentí nel Golfo di Trieste (Odorico & Costan-tini, 2001), scogliere costiere che costituiscono important elementi di aggregazione ittica sono state inserite in particolari indagini e ríferite, oltre che alia scogliera di Miramare, anche alia barriera di ripopolamento sita all'interno del comprensorio protetto. Nelia tabella 2 vengono confróntate le situazioni costa-largo dell'am-bito protetto di Miramare (Tab. 2). I valori da 1 a 5 s'íntendono relativi al numero di osservazioni efficaci per le singóle specie secondo ií seguente riferimento: 1: da 1% a 10% specie osservata su totale giornate di campionamento, 2: da 10% a 25% specie osservata su totale giornate di campionamento, 3: da 25% a 50% specie osservata su totale giornate di campionamento, 4: da 50% a 75% specie osservata su totale giornate di campionamento, 5: da 75% a 100% specie osservata su totale giornate di campionamento. Nell'anno 2000 il totale delle giornate di campionamento ritenute ¡doñee al campionamento sono risultate 48. II dato qualitativo (presenza-assenza) riferíto a 4 stazioni nel Golfo di Trieste (Tab. 3) è stato anch'esso integrato da considerazioni suf grado di diffusione di certe specie espresso in numero di avvistamenti su! totale delle osservazioni secondo la scaía ordinata da 1 a 5. Taíi osservazioni effettuate secondo íe tecniche del visual census più ídonee (De Gerolamo et ai, 1998; Odorico & Costantini, 2001; Verginella, 2001) sono state rilevate nel corso deíí'estate ed in period! ben precisi della gíomata, ripetuti net corso dei diversi censimenti, onde evitare le eventual! ínterferenze do-vute ai rítmi fisíologíci e varíaziom ambiental!. Si è posta particolare attenzione alla classe degli Osteittí. Grazie ai censimenti effettuati sono state Identifícate 37 famiglie per un totale di 101 specie. Le specie di Osteittí present! in RNMM, sono state confróntate con gli Osteittí dell'Adriatico e del Mediterráneo (Tab. 4). Al fine di evidenziare maggiorment.e il concetto di bto-diversité sono state prese tn considerazione le sole famiglie presentí nella RNMM. Si è vol uto metiere in relazione ¡1 numero di specie per famiglia presentí nella RNMM, rispetto alie specie deííe medesíme famiglie presentí in Adriático ed in Mediterráneo. Dal gráfico (Fig. 2) è possibíle osservare che la Famiglia più rappresentativa ¡n Mediterráneo è quella dei Gobidi. in Mediterráneo risultano censite 66 specie di Gobidi, in Adriático 35 e nella Riserva 11. Nella RNMM rispetto al bacino adriatico e mediterráneo assumono particolare importanza le famiglie BSenniidae, Labridae e Sparidae. Per quanto riguarda i Blennídi, in Mediterráneo sono presentí 25 specie, in Adriatico 16 ed in Riserva 14; i Labridi certsití in Mediterráneo sono 23, in Adriatico 18 ed in Riserva 9; infine gli Sparídi in Mediterráneo risultano essere 23, in Adriatico 19 ed in Riserva 12. La diversité specifica all'interno delle famiglie sopra-citate puô essere utiiizzata come criterio ecologico nella defínizione ded'area come sito di conservazione (Med-maravis, 1995). L'indice ha identificato che le Famiglie numéricamente più rappresentative sono: Blenniidae, Labridae, Sparidae, ed evidenzia inoltre l'importanza dei Gobidi presentí in Riserva rispetto aile specie presentí in Adriatico (Tab. 5). Un'analisi accurata ha messo inoltre in luce la presenza di alcune specie endemiche (Tab. 6) che tendono ad evidenziare l'importanza della RNMM quale sito di conservazione biologica in ámbito adriatico e più ampiarnente in Mediterráneo. 210 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. -It- 2001 • 2 (25) Crislina CASTELLARIN ifl ai: L-ITTiOFAUNA DEUA RISERVA NATURA1E MARINA Dl MIRAMARE {GOl.FO Dl TRI J] STE, AlTO AORiATICO), 20V-21R Tab. 2: Con fronto tra costa e largo in prossimita del promontorio di Mi rama re, Gli asterischi evidenziano specie pešca te neila zona di Grignano. Le sigle corrispondono agli ambienti in cui sono avvistate: SR - permanentemente a contatto con fondale roccioso, NEC ~ specie comunque avvistata in prossimita' della scogliera, 55 - specie tipicalmente in fondale sabbioso, FR - tipicamente in zona fangbi det largo. Tab. 2: Primerjava ibtiofavne na obrežnem območju in na odprtem morju pri Miramaru. Zvezdice označujejo vrste, ulovljene na območju Grignana. Kratice ustrezajo okolju, v katerem so bile vrste opažene: SR - vrste v stalnem stiku s skalnatim dnom, NEC - vrste ob pečevju, SS ~ vrste, značilne za peščeno dno in FR ~ vrste, značilne za muljevito dno odprtega morja. P ' Specie famigiie Arrib Pescati costa largo fAtherina hepsetus Atherinidae NEC * 3 2 I Behne be/one Belonldae NEC * 3 Lipopbrvs adriaticus Blenniidae SR 4 L 5 Lipopbrys dalmatinus Blenniidae SR 4 Parablennius gattorugine Blenniidae SR n 4 Parablennius incogmtus Blenniidae SR 3 4 Parablennius rouxi Blenniidae SR 4 Tripterygiori delaisi Tripterygiidae SR 4 4 Tripterygion tripteronotus Tripterygikiae 5R 4 5 Parabiennius terilacuiaris Blenniidae SR S 3 Licbia amia Cara rigid ae NEC * -t- 1 Tra churus trachuivs Carangidae NEC T Serióla dumerili Carangidae NEC + 1 Spicara maena maena Cen traca nthidae SR * 3 3 Spicara maena fiexuosa Centracanthidae SR * 2 1 Conger confer Congridae FR t 3 i Boods boops Sparidae SR * 1 8 oops salpx Sparidae SR S Ca idropsarui rn edite Gadidae FR L 1 Micromesistius potassou Gadidae FR Metiangius meriangius Gadidae FK * Trisopterus minutas cape/am.« Gadidae FR + 1 Lepadogaster Sep. lepadogaster Gobiesocidae SR 2 Cobius cobitis Gobiidae SR 3 Cobius cruentatus Gobikíae SR * 3 3 Cobius iom Gobiidae SS * 3 Symphodus cinéreas Labri dae SR 2 Symphodus tinca Labridae SR 5 5 Symphodus ocellatus labridae SR 4 2 Symphodus roissali LaSri'dae SR 2 3 Lophíus piscatorias Lopliidae FR * + Liza aura ta Mugiíidae NEC * 5 Mugií cephalus Mugiüdae NEC * 5 ! Mullos barba tus Muiíidae SS * 3 Chromis chromís Pomacentridae SR 5 2 Platíchthys flesus i ta i ¡cus Pteuronectíidae SS * 2 Sciaena umbrs Scíaeriidae SR i 5 3 Scomber scombrus Scombri dae NfC * Scomber i aponíais Scombridae NEC * Dicentrarchus labrax Serranidae NEC * 5 4 Serranas hepatus Serranidae SR £ 4 5 Serian us ser iba Serranidae SR 4 Poly prion americanum Serranidae SR Scorpaena porcus Serranidae 5R ~' 2 2 í'hrynorliombus unimaculalvs Both idas SR i Solea kleinli Soleidae SS 1 Solea impar S ole id a e SS 1 Solea vulgaris Soleidae SS 1 Solea lascaris Soleidae SS 1 Diplcdus puntazxo Sparidae NEC * 4 3 Dipbdus annularis Spa ridse NEC 4 4 DiplócTus sargus Sparidae NEC * 4 5 Uiplodus vulgaris Sparidae NEC 3 5 Lithognathus mormyrus Sparidae NEC * 2 1 Pagellus erythrinus Sparidae NÍÍC * 2 Dentex dentex Sparidae NEC » 2 1 Sparus aura tus Spa ridae NEC * 5 3 Oblada niela nura Sparidae NEC * 4 2 | Hipixicampus hippocampus Syngnathidae SS 2 Hippocampus ramulosus Syngrtaíhidae SS 2 SyngnaiTius acus SynRnathidae SS 2 2 frigia lyra Trigiidae FR idgta lucerna Trigiidae FR * Zeus faber Zeidae FR * 211 ANIMALES • Ser. his!, nat. ■ 11 • 2001 ■ 2 (25) Cristina CAS T til [.AKEN el ai: L'JTTIOFAÍJ NA DEÜA RI5ERVA NATURALE MARINA DI MI RAM ARE (COLEO DI TRIESTE, ALTO ADRIATICO), Z07-21S Tab. 3: Confronto delte communitá ittiche ¡n aree al largo caratterizzate da strutture "ad oasi" in mezzo a substrato molle: Miramare - harriera di ripopolamento; Dosso di S.ta Croce - transetti sulle piramidi e sul relitto: strutture sperímentali - siti di ripopolamento sotto alie mitticolture; piramidi LBM - piramidi presso i Filtri d'Aurisina. Tab. 3: Primerjava med ribjimi združbami v "oazah trše podlage" na muljevitem dnu odprtega morja: Miramare -umetni podvodni greben; Dosso di Sania Croce - fransekti na piramidah in na razbitini; eksperimentalne strukture - postaje za repopulacijo pod gojišči školjk; piramide ustanove Laboratorio di biología marina (LBM) pri Nabrežini (Aurisina). Pisces Famigüe Miramare Dosso di S. Croce Strutture sperímentali Piramidi IBM Atherina hepsetus Aíherinidae 2 3 2 Belone belone BeSonidae 1 1 Lipophrys adriaticus Biermiídae 5 1 1 Lipophrys dalivatinus Blenniidae 5 3 2 1 Parablennius gattorugine Blenniidae 4 2 3 Parablennius incógnitos Bienniidae 4 3 3 2 Parablennius rouxi Bienniidae 3 Tripterygion clelaisi Tripterygiidae 4 1 Tripterygion tripteronotus Ijigterygjidae 5 1 1 Parablennius tentacularis Bienniidae 3 2 3 2 Lichia amia Carangidae 1 Serióla diimerili Carang¡dae__ 1 1 Spicara maena maena Centracanthidae 3 4 3 Spicara maena fiexuosa Centracanthidae 1 1 Conger conger Congridae 5 1 Boopshoops Sparidae 2 8oops sal pa Sparidae 3 Caidropsarus medilerraneus Gadidae 2 3 2 ! Micromesistius potassou Gadidae 4 Merlangius merlangius Gadidae 2 Trisopterus minutas capebnus Gadidae 2 Lepadogaster lep. lepadogaster Gobiesoctdae 'I 2 Cobius cobitís Gobiidae 2 3 Gobius cruéntalas Gobiidae 3 2 2 Gobius jozo Gobiidae S 5 1 Symphodus cinereus Labridae 3 2 Symphodus tinca Labridae 5 5 3 Symphodus ocellatus Labridae 2 3 2 1 Symphodus roissali Labridae 3 2 4 Lophius piscatorias lophidae 1 Liza aurata Mugilidae 1 Mugit cephalus Mugilidae 1 2 Mullus harbatus Mullidae 1 Chromis chromis Poroacentridae 2 3 3 2 Platlchthys desús iialicus Pleurorseüiiciae 1 Sciaena umbra Sciaentdae 3 Dicentrarchus labrax Serranidae 4 2 3 2 Serranus hepatus Serranidae 5 5 1 2 Serranas scriba Serranidae 2 3 Scorpaena porcus Serranidae 2 2 Phrynorhombus unimaculalus Bothidae 1 1 Solea impar SoSeidae Solea vulgaris Soíeidae 1 Solea lascaris Soleidae 2 Dipiodus puntazzo Sparidae 3 2 Diplodus annularis Sparidae 4 3 3 Dipiodus sargas Sparidae 5 4 Diplodus vulgaris Sparidae 5 3 2 Lithognalhus morrnyrus Sparidae ] Pagellus erythrinus Sparidae 1 Dentex dentex Sparidae 1 1 Sj^arus aura tus Sparidae 3 2 3 Oblada me/artura Spa ridae 2 3 2 3 Hippocampus hippocampus Syn^nathidae 3 Hippocampus ramulosus Syngnathidae .3 Syngnalhus acus Syngnaíhidae 2 1 Trigta lyra Triglidae 1 'frigia lucerna Trigíidae 1 212 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. nat. - 11 2001 • 2 (25) Crisi™ CASTE LIAR IN e; oi: L'lTTIOFAUNA DELIA RISERVA NATURALE MARINA DI MIRAMARE (OOLFO Ol TRIESTE, ALTO ADRIATICO», 207-21 & Fig. 2: Distribuzione detle specie di Osteitti nelle diverse famiglie in RNMM, Adriático e Mediterráneo. Si. 2: Razširjenost kostnic iz različnih družin na območju naravnega rezervata Miramare, v jadranskem morju in v Sredozemskem morju. Deile 116 specie endemiche del Mediterráneo, 16 '. sono presents in RNMM (Tab. 6), di queste cinque ap-partengono aiía famigüa dei Blenniidi, quattro alia ■famiglia dei Gobidi e due alia famiglia dei Labridi. Per quanto rtgtiarda le specie endemiche adriatiche, solo ■una é presente in Riserva e precisamente Platichthys ' flesus italicus Gunther, 1862. A questo proposito é ■ necessario fare una precisazione. Studi genetici recenti ■(Berrebi, 1988), definiscono I'esistenza di tre sottospecie .appartenenti al genere Platichthys: Platichthys flesus ■luscus Pallas, 1814, P. flesus italicus Gunther, 1862, P. flesus flesus Linnaeus, 1758. Secondo Tortonese (1971), le sottospecie P. flesus -italicus Gunther, 1862 e P. flesus luscus Pallas, 1814, sarebbero invece in sinonimia (Vanzo etal, 1998). L'analisi biogeografica (Fred], 1974; Whitehead et a!., 1984-1986; Froese & Pauly, 1998) ha evidenziato che la Riserva é sito di protezione di cinque specie a iimitato range di distribuzione geografica. Queste sono .■ localizzate in Simitati distretti del Mediterráneo ed in Adriático sono limítate al bacino settentrionale e talora ■ centrale. Le specie a iimitato range di distribuzione biogeografica sono: Platichthys flesus italicus (Pleuronectidae) ■endemico dell'Alto Adriático; Svngnathus tenuirostris ■ (Syngnathidae) {¡n accordo con Bombace, 1990) localiz- Tab. 4: Confrontitra Osteitti presentí a Riserva Naturale Marina di Miramare (RNMM), Adriático e Mediterráneo. Tab. 4: Primerjava med kostnicami, ugotovljenimi v naravnem rezervatu Miramare (RNMM), v jadranskem morju in Sredozemskem morju. RNMM Adriático ] Mediterráneo Oed i ne 13 24 1" 25 tamiplia 37 97 i 134 Genere 65 273 ! 364 ipecie tot 361 j 580 Tab. 5: Indice di Ricchezza Specifica (IRS). Tab. 5: Indeks specifične pestrosti vrst (IRS). Famiglia RNMM Adriático 1RS AnguïîTklâë 1 1 0,00 Atherinidae 2 2 0,18 ßeionidae 1 3 0,00 Bienniidae SolTiTcTáe 14 t 16 _. 2,37 0,00 Callionymidae I 6 0,00 Caranpidae 4 11 0,55 Centhracanthida'e 2 4 0,1 a Centhrolopliidae 1 3 0,00 Gugeidae 4 4 0,55 CongiT3ae 1 3 0,00 Coiyphaenidae 1 I 0,00 Engraulidae 1 1 0,00 Gadidae 3 11 0,37 Gobidae 11 35 1,83 Gobiesocidae 2 5 0,18 l.abridae 9 ' 1(! 1,46 Lophikiae 1 2 0,00 Luvaridae 1 1 0,00 Munillidae 2 6 0,18 Mullidae 2 2 0,18 Percichthydae 1 2 0,00 Pleuronectidae 1 1 0,00 Poroacentridae 1 1 0,00 Salmonidae 1 1 0,00 Sciaenidae 1 3 0,00 Scömßriclaä 1 9 0,00 Scorphaenidae 2 8 0,18 S erran id ae 3 11 0,37 Soleidae 2 10 0,18 Späntlai 12 19 2,01 Stromaetidae 1 1 0,00 Syngnathidae 4 10 0,55 Trachinídae 1 4 0,00 TrígR3ae , 9 0,00 Trachypterídae 1 2 0,00 Tripterypjidae 3 3 0,37 zato in Alto Adriático, nel Mar Ñero e nella regione. centro-occídentale del Mediterráneo; Lipophrys adriatí-cus (Blenrtiidae) localizzato in Alto e Medio Adriático, Mar Ñero e nella regione Nord-Occidentale del Mediterráneo; Pomatoschistus quagga (Gobiidae) che si distribuisce in Mediterráneo Occidentale e in Adriático settentrionale e centrale; Trypterigion melanurus (Trip-terygiidae) di cui moito probabilrnente è presente la 213 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. 11 ■ 2001 ■ 2 (25) Crisíina CASTEÜ.ARIN ei «iL'I'iTTiOFAUNA DELLA RISERVA NATURALE MARINA DI MIRAMARE {GOLFO DI TRIESTE, ALTO ADRIATICO), 207-2Î6 sottospecie T. m. minor che si di sir ¡bu i see in fait i in Francia, mar Tirreno, Sicilia Orientale, Adriático e mar Egeo, a differenza deü'altra sottospecie; T. rn. melanurus che invece si trova alie Isole Baleari, nel sud délia Sardegna, Algeria, Tunisia, Israefe, Líbano, Cipro e a sud délia Turchia (Whitehead et al., 1984-1986). L'analisi video ha messo in evidenza ía presenza nel período estivo e precisamente da gíugno a setiembre di indívidui di taglia piccola appartenenti alie specie Diplodus annularis, Diplodus vulgaris e Oblada rnela-nura (Sparidae), molto proba bi! mente di un anno di età. Le ricerche bibliografiche ed í monitoraggi effettuati all'interno délia Riserva tendono a sottolineare ¡'eievata "diversité tassonornica", vista la presenza di numeróse specie di osteitti appartenenti alie famiglie elencate precedentemente. Ricerche bibliografiche (Tortonese, 1971; Fredj, 1974; Whitehead et al., 1984-1986; Froese & Pauiy, 1998) hanno evidenziato che il 46,5% ciel le specie analizzate depone uova demersalí. A questa categoría appartengono le famiglie aventí l'Indice di Ricchezza Specifica più elevato; questo denota l'importanza della Riserva relativamente all'ecologia ed alia biología riproduttíva di questí anímali. La particoiarità del Golfo di Trieste e conseguente-mente della RNMM, è di estendersi entro il range batímetrico dei 20 metri, questo fattore è strettamente assocíato alia localizzazíone di specie che tendono a distribuirsi entro batimetriche di limitata profondità, è il caso infatti dei Blenniidí, e di numeróse specie di Labridi e Sparidí. La RNMM, risulta essere un sito fondamentale all'ecologia ed alia bioiogia riproduttíva dei Blenníidi, pesci territoriali che costruíscono i loro nidi tra cíottoli e rocce nel ¡a zona intertidale dove depongono le uova. I Labridi vivono tra gis scogli, sui bassi fondi algosi, presentano sia uova pelagíche che demersalí; durante il periodo ríproduttivo la preponderanza delle specie presenta uno 5piccato ístínto territoriale, dovuto alia stra-tegia riproduttíva, che consiste nella preparazione dei nidi da parte dei maschi ad eccezione di S. tinca, che attacca le uova nelle piante acquatiche. L'abbondanzs deglí Sparídi è probabilmente íegata al sottíle equilibrio trofico che persiste entro un'area protetta ed al fatto che la RNMM è una probabife area di "recruitment" per questa famíglía di Osteitti, il tutto è evidenziato dalla massíccia presenza in Riserva di índíviduí di piccole dimensíoní nel periodo estivo, ovvero post rlproduitívo. In cortclusione sí puô afferma re che, limitatamente agí i 5tudi effettuati sino ad ora, la RNMM risulta essere un importante sito di conservazione relativamente alia presenza di specíe di Osteitti endemiche a ¡imitato range di distribuzione geográfica ed ínoifre i'importanza bíologica è sottolineata dal fatto che la maggior parte delle specíe completarlo il loro ciclo ríproduttivo entro I'a re a protetta. La prima stesura di una check-list relativa ad altre stazioni rísponde all'esígenza di rapportare la stazione di Míramare alia dinamica dei Golfo di Trieste. In tale contesto risulta evidente la disparité (quantitative e quaiitativa) negli avvisíamenti effettuati neiíe stazioni di Míramare con la situazione all'estemo del comprensorio protetto. Appare evidente che l'indispensable confronto risulterà maggiormente significativo all'intensificarsi di un'attività standardizzata anche negli altri siti. I Familia Specie Di s L MW AD ME MN n c. s n C S n c s Blennídae Lipophrys adriaticus MLD * * Upophrys dalmatinus M * * * * * L igojihr^ nigricejJS M . * * * * Parablennius zvonimiri M * * * * * Aidsbtennius sphynx M « * « * * t * * Gobiidae Zebras zebras M * * * + ♦ Zosterisessor oph. ioœpha lus M * * * * * Pomataschistus quagga MLD * * ¥ Cobius fallax M * * * * * * * l.abridae Symphodus rostraius M + * » + * * * * Sgmphodus ocellatus M + * * * * * * * Pieuronectšdae Platichtivys flesus italiens NA * I Sparidae Diplodus sargas M * * * + s 4 * * * ¡ Syngnathídae Jgngnathus tenu iros tris MLD * * * Trypterífiion mehnurus mldI * i Ttypterigion íripteronottts M * * * * * * Tab. 6: Sedici specie endemiche mediterranee tróvate a Miramare e loro distribuzione nel Mediterráneo (Dist. -distribuzione, MLD - Specie endemica del Mediterráneo a limitata distribuzione geográfica, M - specie endemica del Mediterráneo, NA - specie endemica dell' Alto Adriático, M W - Mediterráneo Occidentale, AD - Adriático, ME - Mediterráneo Orientale, MN - Mar Ñero, n - nord, c - centro, s - sud). Tab. 6: Podatki o 16 vrstah sredozemskih endemičnih rib, ki so bile ugotovljene na obravnavanem območju in njihova razširjenost (Dist. - razširjenost, MLD - sredozemski endemit z omejeno geografsko razširjenostjo, M -sredozemski endemit, NA - endemit severnega Jadrana, MW - zahodni Mediteran, AD - /adran, ME - vzhodni Mediteran in MN - Črno morje, n - severni del, c - osrednji del, s - južni del). 214 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. - 11 • 2001 • 2 (25) CrisSina CASTEUARIN ef nI.: LTTTtOfAUNA DELLA R1SERVA NATUKALE MARiNA DI MIRAMARE (GOIFO Df TRIESTE, ALTO ADRIATICO), 207-2-16 IHTIOFAVNA V NARAVNEM REZERVATU MiRAMARE (TRŽAŠKI ZALIV, SEVERNI JADRAN) Cristina CA5TELLARIN, Cianna VISINTIN & Roberto ODORICO Riserva Nsturale Marina d i Miramare, (T-34014 Trieste, V. le Miramare, 349 POVZETEK V Naravnem rezervatu Miramare pri Trstu (Tržaški zaliv, severni Jadranj smo pred kratkim odprli poseben center za zbiranje in arhiviranje podatkov. Namen centra, ki smo ga imenovali Obalni observatorij (O.d.L - Osservatorio del Litorale), je povezovanje starejših podatkov z novejšimi biološkimi in fizikalno-kemijskimi podatki v okviru spremljanja kakovosti morja na terenu. V tem prispevku podajamo rezultate o obrežni ihtiofavni na območju naravnega rezervata, ki smo jih dobili z uporabo različnih tehnik in metod. Poseben poudarek smo dali tudi pregledu ihtiofavne, ki se zadržuje na umetnih podvodnih grebenih in razbitinah. Na podlagi dosedanjih raziskav se je izkazalo, da je Naravni rezervat Miramare glede na pojavljanje endemičnih rib kostnic z omejeno geografsko razširjenostjo zelo pomembno območje. Še posebej pa je pomembno, da se večina ribjih vrst razmnožuje in razvije znotraj zavarovanega območja. Od 116 endemičnih vrst rib v Sredozemlju jih kar 16 naseljuje območje v Naravnem rezervatu Miramare. Ena od teh, Platichthys flesus italicus Gunther, 1862, je tudi endemit severnega jadrana. Ključne besede: ihtiofavna, blodi verz iteta, Naravni rezervat Miramare, obalni observatorij 8I8LIOC RAFIA AA.VV. (1998); Criteria for the evaluation of the conservation interest of Mediterranean habitat types and proposal of rating. UNEP MED WG. 149/1-7 Hyeres meeting of experts. Berrebi, P. (1988): Genetique des populations marines: ■le modele ,!Flet" (Platichthys flesus L. 1758, Téléostéen, Pleuronectidé). These pour le grade de Docteur d'Etat Mention Sciences Bombace, G. (1990): Distribuzione dell'ittiofauna e ■fisionomía di pesca del Mediterráneo. Oebalia, 16 :(suppl. 1), 169-184. D'Anna, G,, R. Lipari, F, Badalamenti & A, Cutitta (1999): Questions arising from the use of visual census techniques in natural and artificial habitats. Naturalista Siciliano, XXÍI1 (suppl.), 187-204. De Geroiamo, M., S. Stefanni, C. Mazzoldi & R. Odorico (1998): Effetti délia totale proibizione délia pesca su! popolamento iltíco deí Parco Marino di Miramare: analisi preliminare. Roll. Mus. Civ. St. Nat, Ve-nezia. DulCic, J., B. Grbec & L. Lipej (1999): Information on the Adriatic ichthyofauna - effect of water warming? Acta Adriat., 40 (2), 33-43. Francour, P., C. Liret & E. Harvey (1999): Comparison of fish abbundance estimates made by remote underwater video and visual census. Naturalista Siciliano, XXIII (suppl.), 155-168. Fredj, G. (1974): Stockage et exploitation des données en écologie marine. Considérations biogeographiques sur le peuplement bentique de la Méditerranée. Mem. Inst. Ocean. Monaco, 7, 88 pp. Froese, R. & D. Pauiy (1998): FishBase 1998. Concepts, design and data sources. ICLARM, EC, FAO. International Center for Living Aquatic Resource Management, Philippines. Harmelrn-Vivien, M. L. & P. Francour (1992): Trawling or Visual Census? Methodological Bias in the Assessment of Fish Population in Seagrass Beds. Marine Ecology, 13(1), 41-51. Medmaravis (1995): Convenzione di Alghero (1995) sulla biodiversità costîera e marina del Mediterráneo. Biodiversity. Alghero, gennato 1995. Odorico, R. & G. Bressan (1993): Prime osservazioni d'impatto ambiéntale su fanerogame marine nella Riserva marina di Miramare. Atti XXIV Congresso S.l.B.M. Odorico, R. & M. Costantini (2001): Linea 2.a. 12: Valutazione del la pescosità in zone ad elevata ag-gregazione îttica. Shoreline Soc. Coop, per Azienda Spec i a le Aries - CCIAA di Trieste, progetto Pilota sulla gestione delle zone di pesca L.R. 11/98. 215 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. nat. 11 2001 • 2 (25) Cristina CASTELLARtN eO/.:t.'JTTIOFAUNA DELLA RISERVA NATUKALE MARINA Di MIRAMARE {GOLFO Di TRIESTE, ALTO ADR i ATI CO), 207-216 Stravisi, F, R. Odorico & M. Bussani (1996): Registrazione autornatica délia temperatura del mare ne! Parco marino di Miramare. Hydrores, Xlll(14), 33-41 Tortonese, E. (1971): I Pfeuronettiformi del le coste romene del mar Nero in reíazione alie faune affini viventi nel Mediterráneo. Ann. Mus. Civ. Nat. Genova, 78, 322-352. Vartzo, S., M. Mariani, C. Castellarin & M. Specchi (1998): Struttura di popolazione délia passera Platichthys flesus ¡taíicus Gunther, 1862 del mare Adriático settentvionale. Quaderni ETP, p. 99-102. Verginelía, L. (2001): Tecniche di Visual Census: Dispensa per ii corso di riíevamento degli stock ittíci. Azienda Specials Aries - CCIAA di Trieste, progetto Pilota sulla gestione delle zone di pesca L.R. 11/98-Vacdhi, M. & G. La Mesa (1999): Fish visual census in in ¡tallan marine protected area: experiences and perspectives. Naturalista Siciliano, XXIII (suppl.), 105-121. Whitehead, P. J. P., M.-L. Bauchot, J.-C. Hureau, J. Nielsen & E. Tortonese (eds.) (1984-1986): Fishes of the Norh-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean. UNESCO, Paris, I {1984), II (1986), III (1986). 216 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. -IT- 2001 • 2 (25) origina! scientific paper UDC 502/504:574.4(497.4-14) received: 14. 12. 2001 DESERTIFICATION PROCESSES ¡N THE ADJACENT MEDITERRANEAN HILLY REGION (BRKINi AND CICARIJA) Lidija GLOBEVN1K Water Management Institute, Si-1000 Ljubljana, Hajdvihova 28 Andrej SOVINC Science arid Research Centre of the Republic of Slovenia Koper, institute of Biodiversity Studies, SI-6000 Koper, Garibaldijeva 18 Mit/a KAUGARIC University of Maribor, Pedagogical Faculty, S1-2000 Maribor, KoroSka 160 Science and Research Centre of the Republic of Slovenia Koper, institute of Biodiversity Studies, Si-6000 Koper, Garibaldijeva 18 E-mail: ABSTRACT The hilly region of Brkini and Cióarija (NW Slovenia) is situated along the line that divides the Mediterranean part of Slovenia from its more continental part. The changes in its socio-economic conditions, particularly in land-use, as well as its depopulation .processes and afforestation have in the last two hunderd years had a strong impact on the structure of bird and plant species of the area, in spite of all these changes, however, the marginal Mediterranean area of Brkinl and Ci£arija still have a great value in respect of biodiversity and especially regarding the number of endemic and threatened species, as well as species that in this area reach the edge of their range. Key words: Mediterranean, flora, vegetation, forest, avifauna, sustainable development, nature conservation, desertification process! di desertificazione nelle montagne mediterranee limitantl {brkini £ cicerja, slovenia sud-occidentale) SINTESI La zona di Brkini e della Ciceria (Slovenia sud-occidentale) funge da area limitante tra le parti mediterránea e continental della Siovenia. I cambiamenti delle condizioni socio-economiche (soprattutto quelli nell'utilizzo del suolo e i processi di depopolazione) nonché il rimboschiirsento dell'area negli ultimi duecento anni, hanno influenzato la struttura e la composizione di uccelii, piante ed associazioni vegetali, Nonostante tali cambiamenti, l'area mediterránea limitante di Brkini e della Ciceria mantiene un valore particolare in termini di biodiversitá, in particolare in mérito al numero di specie endemiche, minacciate, o specie che in quest'area raggiungono i! limite del l'area le di estensione. Nell'area mediterránea limitante, con fattori climatici discreti, i I potenziale natura le di rigenerazione risulta maggiore che nel Mediterráneo centra le. Alcunl dei processi di desertificazione, come ad esempio ¡'erosione, gli incendi boschivi e le attivita antropogenlche tradizionali (es. I'agricoltura) si rivelano nec.essari e bramati per il mantenimento di alcune specie strettamente specializzate. L'abbandpno delle attivita di utilizzo del suolo, l'allargamento boschivo e i processi di depopolazione influenzano lo sviluppo socio-economico del!'are¿\, l'aspetto naturale e le particolaritá floristiche e faunistiche della zona. Parole chiave: Mediterráneo, flora, vegetazione, bosco, uccelii, utilizzo durevole, tutela dell'ambiente, desertificazione 219 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 11 ■ 2001 • 2 (25) Lidija GIOBEVNIK et air. DESERTIFICATION PROCESSES ÍN THE ADJACENT MEDITERRANEAN HILLY REGION [BRKINI AND ČIČARiJA). 219-232 INTRODUCTION F.dges and transitional geographical regions have an important role in the study of the changes occurring in our environment. Through analyses of the past human involvement in nature phenomena and the socioeconomic characteristics, ecosystem parameters such as vulnerability, recoverability and predictabiiity can be defined and recommendations for sustainable management proposed. On the basis of the study of the northernmost part of the Mediterranean bordering mountainous range in Siovenia we present a description of the boundary state of the Mediterranean basin environment. Climate in the research area, also described as adjacent Mediterranean hilly regions, is not as extreme as in typical Mediterranean mountainous areas, so the interference between nature and humans and disturbances due to inappropriate management of the area have different consequences on ecological and socio-economic stability. The objectives of the study are thus to give a fair evidence of the past and present the state of the ecological and socio-economical conditions of the Slovenian Mediterranean mountainous region, to identify the relationships between human and natural influences on the region's degradation of natural resources, to assess the future desertification trends, and to propose measures for sustainable management of the area. METHODS The first land-use data were provided by the Austrian Monarchy, whose cartographers divided the Monarchy into cadastral communities and established land-use and ownership data base through maps (1:28B0) and tables (KoroJec, 1978). The first land-use table data for cadastral units in the research area {Fig. 1) are available for the end of the 18'1' century (Obmocna geodetska uprava Koper, 1 995a). They have been mostly renewed at the beginning of the 20"' century and in the 60's Fig. 1: Geographical position of the research area. SI. 1: Geogra fski položaj raziskovanega območja. (Republiška geodetska uprava, 1994; Območna geodetska uprava Koper, 1995b). The National Institute of Agriculture has recently carried out a land-use census for cadastral units (Republiška geodetska uprava, Zavod RS za statistiko, 1983), interpreted from aerial photography (Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije, 1995). The two historic maps from 1780 in scale 1: 28,000 (Rajšp & Trpin, 1997) and 1900 in scale 1: 33,000 {retrieved from a private archive; Korošec, 1995), give the oldest geographical information on forest cover. For the 20"! century, some ample cartographic material is at hand (Korošec, 1995): the Italian army map from 1929, the first Yugoslav Army map from 1955, and the latest national topographic maps on scales of 1: 5,000, 1: 25,000 and 1: 50,000. In the analysis, data on forest cover extension, digitalised from maps on a scale of 1: 50,000 (Vodnogospodarski inštitut, 1993) are used. Most data on climate are available from 19S1 (Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Hidrometeorološki zavod RS, 1988a, 1988b, 1995a, 1995b), on hydrology from 1971 (Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Hidrometeorološki zavod RS, 1998). Data on demography and socio-economy have been compiled from the national statistical data sources (Zvezni zavod za statistiko, 1953, 1961, 1971, Zavod RS za statistiko, 1981, 1984, 1991) and other studies (Vilfan, 1953; Sav-nik, 1968; Valenčič, 1984, 1989, 1994; Bik, 1994; Orožen etal., 1995). Geographical descriptions of the area (Vilfan, 1953; Melik, 1960; Savnik, 1968; Roglič, 1987) as well as geological (Zvezni geološki zavod, 1975), climatoiogi-cal, penological (Stepančič ef a!,, 1980; Vodnogospodarski inštitut, 1990, Zavod za pogozdovanje in melioracijo krasa Sežana, 1990, 1992, 1993a, 1993b), hydrologies! (Vodnogospodarski inštitut, 1987), floris-tio'vegetational (Kaligarič, 1992a, 1992b), historical (Kos, 1953; Vilfan, 1953; Melik, 1960; Valenčič, 1989; Darovec, 1992) and socio-economic data were collected, integrated and analysed (Globevnik eta!., 1996). Cartographic material, national cadastral data and land-use data were georeferenced and integrated into geographical information system. Analysis of land-use and forest cover characteristics was made for four different units of the research area, i.e. Čičarija SW, Čičarija NE, Brkini W and Brkini E {see figure 2). Comparison of historical data and current state of the environment was also made to show degradation or improvement of human and natural resources in the area. For the period from 1800 to 1995, land-use characteristics were defined and demographic/economic description of the area made. Flora and vegetation types are described for the three vegetation subunits in the Čičarija area [Kraški rob (Karst Edge, subunit la), Kraška planota with Mt. Slavnik (Karst plateau with Mt. Slavnik, subunit 1b), Matarsko podolje {subunit 1c)} and for the Brkini area (subunit 2). Refer- GEOGRAPHICAL ENTITIES OF THE RESEARCH AREA Leaer.rt- i£a rijq .C" vyyyi research acou ■v'" MstearDlaqlcaS slDticp. iin Taadu - - - Nc -'or c boii r.iia i y b Kyirologkal stolid^ 'J t f>odc3 A Mt. Sldvnik (5026m) 220 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 11 • 2001 • 2 (25) l.rdija GLOBEVN1K el ni: DESERTIFICATION PROCESSES IN THE ADJACENT MEDITERRANEAN HIU.Y REGION Í8RKÍNI AND CiCARiJA), 2T9-232 ence map for the vegetation su bun its is shown in figure 2. The importance of the vegetation (flora) of the areas is described with the use of natural value parameters, such as endemic species (E), rare species (R), endangered species (En), species in their range border (BA) and special indicator species (SI). The ornithofauna was chosen as the main ecological indicator. Basic information on the avifauna of the area was collected through available data from literature (Vallo, 1885; Skornik et al,, 1990; Tome, 1991, 1992; Geister, 1995; Sovinc, 1995) and some field excursions. The recent as well as historic data on birds were collected for the period of some last 200 years. Study area The research area is part of the Dinaric mountain range bordering the Adriatic Sea on its eastern side. It is ■divided into two subregions, CiCarija and Srkini. Brkini is a border region of the Mediterranean water catchment basin to the Slack Sea water basin and is a kind of transitional area between the Mediterranean geo-region and the inland. It is also a buffer zone for the Mediterranean to Central Europe with interesting nature and social indicators of both. Brkini (233.75 km2) is a hilly, rural area with well-developed water network. The area of Brkini was further divided into Srkini West and Brkini East. From Brkini to the coast spreads a karst region of the iittorai NW edge of the Dinaric range (108.9 km3) ■named Cicarija with the highest peak of Mt. Slavnik (1028 m). The region (Matarsko podolje) between Brkini and Cicarija is a flat area, with the main transit road between Rijeka (Croatia) and Trieste. For a more de-failed analyses, CiCarija was further divided into two subareas, i.e. Cicarija South-West (Ci century Habsburgs). After 1516 (Austrian-Venetian war), Istra was divided by two political rulers, the Habsburgs and Venice. The period of Napoleonic Wars changed the political organisation of the area. With the French victory at Wagram (1809), the Habsburgs had to cede the Carinthia, Carniola, Istra and Gorizia provinces to Napoleon. Istra was returned to Austria in 1813 after declaring war to France. Until 1918, Brkini and Cicarija administratively belonged to Austria. Such political regime lasted until 1919/20, when the Istran part of the Habsburg Monarchy became part of Italy. During the Second World War, the Italian Army surrendered, and from 1943 to 1945 this area was under German military rule. After the war, i.e. from 1945 to 1954, the area was under Yugoslav military administration. With the international agreement in 1954, the area became part of Yugoslavia. 5ince 1991, when Yugoslavia ceased to exist, this area has belonged to the Republic of Slovenia. The estimated number of inhabitants is shown in table 1. Tab. 1: Estimated number of inhabitants until 1850. Tab. 1: Ocenjeno število prebivalcev do leta 1850. Year 0 AD 500 AD 1000 AD 1350 AD 1400 AD 1600 AD 1850 AD Estimated No, h 500 of inhabitants | 2000 3500 11000 10500 8400 16200 Socio-economic status of the people and householdses There are 68 villages in Brkini. They are situated on flat hill slopes. In the narrow and steep valleys abandoned watermills and sawmills can be seen. In the CiCarija area (108.9 krnJ), there are only 8 villages. The tables present some basic statistics of the socioeconomic character. Year 1869 1880 1900 1910 1931 1948 1953 1961 1966 1971 1981 1991 No. of inhabitants BRKINI 13987 14403 14898 14795 13444 12177 11479 9708 9105 8419 7727 7469 CICARIjA 2218 2481 2647 2616 2662 1961 1799 1535 1381 1223 1011 874 Population density BRKINI 59.8 61.6 63.7 63.3 57.5 52.1 49.1 41.5 38.9 36.0 33.1 32.0 CICARIJA 20.4 22.8 24.3 24.0 24.4 18.0 16.5 14.1 12.7 11.2 9.3 8.0 Tab. 3: Social structure of inhabitants. Tab. 3: Socialna struktura prebivalstva. Sex structure Age structure Education: over 15 years Male Fem. 0-14 years 14-65 years over 65 years Ageing Index Without elem. sch. Flemen. school High school Univers. College BRKINI 49.8% 50.2% 17.9% 64.7% 1 7.4% 97 35.2% 27.9% 33.6% 3.2% CICARIJA 51.1% 48.9% 14.2% 60.5% 25.3% 178 51.2% 1 5.8% 31.2% 1.8% SLOVENIA 48.5% 51.5% " 20,6% 65.5% 10.9% 53 1 7.3% 30.3% 43.4% 8.9% Ageing Index = (No. of inh. over 65 years/No. of children up to 15 years}* 100 Tab. 2: Number of inhabitants and population density (per km2} (Slovenia in 1991-98). Tab. 2: Število prebivalcev in gostota prebivalstva (na km2) (Slovenija v letih 1991-98). 222 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. 11 • 2001 • 2 (25) Lidija GLOBEVNIK eta!.: DESER'nffCATiON PROCESSES !N THE ADJACENT MEDITERRANEAN HILLY REGION (BRKINI AND Č7ČAIŽIJA), 259-232 Tab. 4: Percentage of employed people per sectors of employment. Tab. 4: Odstotek zaposlenih po posameznih sektorjih zaposlovanja. Employed Primary sector Secondary sector Tertiary sector Quartary sector Day migration of employed inhab. (% of the employed) BRKINI 44.7% 24.2% 47.7% 19.7% 8.4% 59.7% GCARIjA 36.3% 19.2% 38.3% 31% 11.5% 72.8% SLOVENIA 40.9% 15% 44.2% 22.4% 17.9% 55.3% Primary Sector: Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery; Secondary Sector: Industry, Minery, Watermanagement, Craft; Tertiary Sector: Transportation, Marketing, Tourism, Hotel-Restaurant-Pub facilities, Municipal infrastructure; Quartary Sector: Education, Science, Culture, Medical & Social Care Tab. 5: Number of households with/without farming for 1981 and 1991. Tab. 5: Število gospodinjstev, ki so se leta 1981 in 1991 ukvarjala s kmetovanjem ali pa ne. 1981 1981 1981 1991 1991 1991 No. househo. No. househo. with agricu!ture{%) No. househo. without agriculture(%) No. househo. No. househo. with agriculture(%) No. househo. without agriculture(%) BRK1NÍ 2,369 71.2 28.8 2,465 51.9 48.1 ČIČARUA 295 74.2 25.8 280 54.0 55.0 SLOVENIA 6,487 49.5 50.5 640,195 24.5 75.5 Tab. 6: Number of livestock for 1971, 1981, 1991 (source: Institute of Agriculture of the Republic of Slovenia, 1995). Tab. 6: Število glav živine za leta 1971, 1981 in 1991 (vir: Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije, 1995). 1971 (sum: 9255) 1981 (sum: 7220) 1991 (sum: 5047) cattle pigs sheep horses cattle pigs sheep horses cattle pigs sheep horses BRKINI W (38 villages) 2223 985 150 163 1540 824 198 71 1138 167 121 23 BRKINI E (32 villages) 2557 1967 138 520 1995 1205 45 266 1961 1196 54 263 CiCARIjA (7 villages) 381 156 10 5 323 103 249 1 158 41 24 1 Sum 5161 3108 298 688 4258 2132 492 338 3257 1304 199 287 Infrastructure The central road passing through Matarsko podolje is also a transit road between Trieste and Rijeka. In the 70's, the "Brkini hill ridge road" was built, but it was too late for the severe depopulation rate of that time. The Brkini water supply system was built in the 80's, but there are still 21 villages without drinking water in West Brkini and in the entire CiCarija. Regular water supply is guaranteed only along Matarsko podolje. The system for waste removal has also been partially solved. Ail of the villages have been recently given waste containers. There are still 65 wild dump sites in the test area. Sewage system has been built only for the major settlements (Kozina-Hrpelje and Podgrad). Economic and social activities in the area The test area has only one urban centre, i.e. Koz-ina/Hrpelje, where all vital socio-economic activities are held. The town is the administrative centre of the Hrpelje/Kozina county with 4,163 (1991) inhabitants (NE part, of CiCarija, southern part of West Brkini and Matarsko podolje). There are an elementary school (350 children in the county), children day care centre, health/social centre, county administrative offices, banking and trading posts with traffic/transportation facilities. There is only one more elementary school in the county, i.e. at Materija. In East Brkini, there is a school at Podgrad. Children go to school also to llirska Bistrica and Divaca (both outside Brkini). Industry has developed in few centres, i.e. at Podgrad, Mrpelje, Cradisce, Koz ma, Hrpelje, Materija. In Cicarija, there is no industry, no schools, and no food stores. Inhabitants migrate every day either to Matarsko podolje or to the Koper region. Land-use In table 7, today's land-use characteristics of the Brkini and CiCarija area (divided into SW and NE part) are presented. Land-use changes from 1800 to 1995 are presented in table 8. 223 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. nat. 11 2001 ■ 2 (25) Lidija GLOBfiVNIK of ai:, DESERTIFICATION PROCESSES IN THE ADJACENT MEPiTERRANEAN HiLLY REGION (BRKINI AND ČIČAKIJA), 219-232 Tab. 7: Land-use in 199S. Tab. 7: Raba tal v letu 1995. ČIČARIJA SW ČIČARIJA NE BRKINI No. cadastral units 5 12 35 Total area of cadastral units 5530 ha 13211 ha 16437 ha Unproductive Fields, gardens Grassland (meadows, pastures) Orchards, vineyards Agric. land under overgrowing process (not fully developed forest) Developed forest 111 (2%) 183.1 ha (3.3%) 2138.0 ha (38.7%) 7.0 ha (0.1%) 1,291.6 ha (23.4%) 1797.3 ha (32.5%) 264.2 (2%) 333.7 ha (2.5%) 3090.2 ha (23.4%) 27.5 ha (0.2%) 6763.7 ha (51.2%) 2731.7 ha (20.7%) 657.5 ha (4%) 1448.4 ha (8.8%) 3674.1 ha (22.4%) 364.9 ha (2.2%) 3273.4 ha (19.9%) 7018.7 ha (46.7%) Forest area (sum) 55.9% 71.9 % 66.6% Tab. 8: Historical view of land-use in % of the area (numbers in parenthesis for subareas). Tab. 8: Zgodovinski pogled na rabo prostora v % raziskovanem območju (s številkami za podobmočja v oklepajih). Land-use (%) 1800 1900 1930 1955 1975 1995 BRKINI F: 233.8 km2 unproductive (3;5) 4% (3;5) 4% (3;5) 4% (3;5) 4% (3;5) 4% fields, orchards (15;19) 17% 16% 14% 10% 10% (West, East) {West, East) grassland -meadows -pastures 69% (16;20) 18% (54;48) 51% 50% 46% 25% 21% 43% 21% (West, East) (West, East) forest- cadastral -maps (12;8) 10% (28;14) 15% (30;19) 24% (43;20) 30% 36%- 43% 67% ČIČARIJA F: 108.9 km Li n productive (2;2) 2% (2 ;2) 2% (2;2) 2% (2;2) 2% (2;2) 2% fields, orchards, (8,i0) 9% 5% 3% (3;3) 3% (SW, NE) (SW, NE) grassland -meadows -pastures 81% (5;9) 7% (81;65) 74% 70% 5% 65% 53% {39;23) 32% (SW, NE) (SW, NE) forest- cadastral -maps (4,T 4) 8% (4;16) 9% (19;30) 14% (14;25) 9% 25% 42% 63% The socio-economic potential of the research area is not favourable. The area that has had a rural character for centuries is losing its cultural and landscape identity. People do not subsist on local natural resources, but mostly depend on the national economic processes. The abandoning of farming has been noticeable mainly in the last few decades, though the processes of depopulation, which began already in the previous century, reached their peak during the world economic crisis (1930) but became more moderate after WWII. The population density today is one third of the Slovene average in Brkini, but less then one tenth in Cifarija. Age and education structure of the population in Brkini and Čičarija is far under the Slovenian average, especially in Čičarija. The communities that have reached the national level are those along the main road, with administrative, transportation or industrial centres (Hrpelje, Podgrad and Gradišče). The percentage of the people employed in Brkini exceeds the Slovenian average, while the percentage of those in Čičarija is smaller. Day migration is by far greater than the Slovenian average in Čičarija. People go to work mainly to the coast and to the main centres in Matarsko podolje and Ilirska Bis-trica. At the beginning of the eighties, three quarters of the households cultivated the land, today a little more than 224 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. 11 • 2001 • 2 (25) Lidija GLOBEVNIK el it:. DESERTIFICATION PROCESSES IN THE ADJACENT MEDITERRANEAN HILLY REGION (.BRKINI AND ČIČ ARI j A), 219-232 half are still sustaining their farms, but the economic revenue from agricultural products concerns just one quarter of them. The number of persons in one farm-household is smaller than the Slovenian average. The trend of abandoning farming has been strong due to the reconstruction of the socio-economic profile of the rural society: employment, depopulation and abandoning livestock raising. Traditionally, the farm character of households in the area is changing to the non-farm character. Young people tend to move to larger urban centres. If they stay in the area, they do not engage in farming. The number of households with income from agriculture is under the national average. In Čičarija, the non-agricultural income has almost completely pre-' vailed, in Brkini, the income situation in farm house-' holds follows that in Slovenia, as well as the structural change of farming recently. There are some villages that are different, in the Tatre community, 90% of farms do . not get any income through farming, in Gradišče 86,7%. ' The number of cattle decreased by 60% in Čičarija in the 1971-1991 period, by 50% in Brkini West, and by 77% in Brkini East. Livestock has been an important source of income for the people in Brkini, but in the last thirty years the number of livestock decreased by more than half. The same is true for the number of pigs and this clearly shows that people have lost their interest in farming. The abandonment of intensive sheep raising and the decrease in cattle numbers corresponds with the intensive overgrowing processes that started four decades ago. General conclusion is that the area still has rural character with small farms, although they have lost their basic productive function. The age and education structures of the people do not favour land cultivation in the future development of the area. The sex structure of the population shows that the area cannot easily support regeneration of the human potential. Water The land-use changes, predominantly overgrowing of pastures and meadows in the Brkini area, may have in turn changed the hydrological regime (Giobevnik, 1999). To test this possibility, we made a hydrological analysis of the river Padež, which collects water from the Brkini central area (watershed area 41.6 km2). The minima! discharge in the 1958-1994 period is 0.010 m3/s, yearly average 1.03 m3/s. The highest measured peak was 74.5 m3/s. Linear trends of the annual average and maximum peak discharges are negative (y = -0.QG94 x +1.2059, y - -0.6521 x +40.166), whereas the trend of minimum peak discharges is slightly positive (y = 0.001 x+0.0283). The trend of annual precipitation quantities is negative (Tatre: y = -13.626 x +1778). The trend analysis of frequency of appearance reveals that the number of days of drought water flow (0.0 - 0.125 m3/s} is decreasing, but that the number of days with discharges between 0.125 to 0.50 m3/s is increasing. Duration of higher water flows {0.5 - 20.0 m3/s) is decreasing. The reason might be the forest cover expansion in the last 30 years (from 40% to 70% of the area), where water storage capacity and use is higher than in grassland areas. We may thus conclude that water is distributed more equally over the year today as it was decades ago. There are less drought days and less days with high water peaks. Water pollution risk is high in the entire area, moreover, drinking water supply for all Slovenian coast regions is under high risk due to the highly fissured area of the karst (Kranjc et al., 1991). Water of the Reka river is also under risk of pollution, due to the uncontrolled waste water seepage into the river, wild dump sites and residuals of the past chemical pollution in the river bottom (KogovSek, 1988). The ecological state of underground habitats (karst caves) is degraded and vulnerable as well (Giobevnik et a!., 1996). 179 S ■ FOffEST COVER 7~71 ČIČARIJA HXI HRKINi Land-use, Brkini ijnpfod. forest grassland Fig. 3: Changes in land use (forest, arable, grassland and other areas) and characteristics bird species of cultural landscape (1795-1995). SI, 3: Spremembe v rabi tal (delež gozda, obdelanih, travniških in drugih površin) ter značilnih ptičjih vrst kulturne krajine (1795-1995). Flora and vegetation cover Flora and vegetation types are given in table 9 for the Kraški rob (Čičarija, subunit 1 a), Karst plateau, Mt. Slavnik and Matafsko podolje (Čičarija, subunits 1b and 1c) and Brkini (unit 2). 225 ANNALES - Ser. hist. nat. ■ 1! • 2001 ■ 2 (25) Lidija GLQBEVNIK «fa/.: DESERTIFSCATION PROCESSES IN THE. ADJACENT MEDITERRANEAN HIUY RECION tBRKINl AND OČARIIA), 219-232 Tab, 9: List ofplant species ofspecial value. Tab. 9: Seznam florističnih vrst posebne vrednosti. ¿lCARI)Ä7subunit la CICARIJA, subunit 1h, 1c BRKINI, unit 2 (1) Quercus ¡iex - R, En, BA, Si Phyliirea latifolia - R, En, BA Laurus nobilis - R, En, BA Pistacia terebinthus - R, Si Smilax aspera - R, BA, SI Rubia peregrina - R, BA, SI (2) Cleistogenes serótina -R Onobrychis arenaria torn-masinii - R, En Trigonella gíadiata - R, BA Teucrium flavum - R, BA Hyssopus officinalis - R (3) Quercus ilex - R, E, BA Moehringia tommasinii -R, En, E, SI Sedum maximum - SI Teucrium flavum ~ Rf BA Campanula pyramidalis -SI Cephalaria leucantha - R, Si Sempervivum tectorum -SI Iris illyrica - SI (4) Genista sericea - SI Athamantha turbith - SI Scorzonera austríaca - SI Ruta divaricata - SI Iris illyrica - En, SI Globularia cordifolia - SI Daphne alpina - SI (1) jurinea mollis - R, SI Gentiana lútea symphiandra - R, En, SI Narcissus radiiflorus - SI Linum narbonense.....SI Laserpitium siler - SI Lilium carniolicum -R, En, Sí Aspbodelus albus - SI Eryngium amethystinum - SI Satureja subspicata liburnica - SI Gentiana tergestina - E Stipa eriocaulis - SI Echinops ritro rutenicus - R, SI Centaurea rupestris - SI Carex humilis - SI Serratula radiata - SI, R, BA Pulsatilla montana - SI Crepis chondrilloides - SI Astragalus carniolicus - R, SI, E Pedicularis frederici-augusti - R, E, E, BA Iris errerhiza - (Kojnik locus class.) - R, E (2) Serratula lycopifolia - R, E, SI (IUCN Globally threatened species in Europe). Scorzonera viilosa - SI, Knautia illyrica - SI Senecio lanatus - En, Senecio doronicum - R Gladiolus illyricus - R, En, Scorzonera hispanica - R, Nepeta pannonica - R Danthonia alpina SI, (3) Helleborus multifidus istriacus - SI, E Quercus pubescens - SI, Sorbus domestica ■ (4) Helleborus multifidus istriacus - SI, E, Digitalis laevigata - SI, R, BA Paeonia officinalis - S!, Ostrya carpinifolia - (5) Fagus sylvatica - S,Sesleria autumnalis - SI (6) Fagus sylvatica - Si, Lamium orvala - Si, Hacquetia epípactis ■■ Si, Vicia oroboides - SI, Dentaria spec. - 51, Epimedium alpinum - Si R SI (1) Quercus petraea - Si Melarnpyrum vulgatum - SI Castanea sativa - SI Quercus cerris - SI (2) Fagus sylvatica - SI, Luzula albida - SI Quercus petraea - SI, Carstanea sativa - SI (3) Carpinus betufus ■■ SI, Ornithogallum pyrenaicum - SI, Gaianthus nivalis - an example of carpinental mesophilous species Melittis meli5ophyllum - an example of submediterranean thermo-philous species Lamium orvala - an example of non-acid illiric species (4) Anacamptis pyramidalis - SI, Linum flavum, SI, R, Nepeta pannonica - R (5) Arrhenatberum efatius. (S!) (6) Gladiolus illyricus (SA) As Čičarija and Brkini spread along the border of the Mediterranean area and Central Europe, they constitute a kind of a climate border. This implies specific vegetation cover. Climax vegetation is not evergreen but deciduous thermophilous vegetation. Oak, black beech and beech forest includes in its bottom layer (herb vegetation) many Mediterranean species, which are giving this area its Mediterranean character. This type of vegetation is called sub-Mediterranean. In Čičarija and Brkini, different profiles of this environment are followed. The vegetational particulation of this relatively small territory is large and distinct due to human/nature interference, such as forest cutting and changing landscape to mosaic structure of dry meadows, stony pastures and bush fences. The contrasts in the areas of Brkini and Čičarija resemble natural factors (Čičarija: warm climate, low precipitation, limestone substratum, Brkini: harsh climate, high precipitation, flysch substratum) and diverse land-use (Čičarija: small population density, pastures, jBrkink greater population density, livestock agronomy, agriculture) as explained in previous chapters. The natural value indexes (NVI), such as endemity, rarity, threat status and species on the border of the range (E, R, En, 8A), show that Kraški rob with Kraška planota, Mt. Slavnik and Matarsko podolje are of great natural importance. There are 16 plant species at Kraški rob and 26 at Kraška planota reported as important. Some species have more than one value of natural importance. In Brkini, there are 2 rare species (national level). Because the area exerts a strong continental climatic influence, there are numerous miscellaneous 226 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. 11 2001 - 2 (25) Lfclija CLOSEVNIK el si: DESERTIFICATION PROCESSES ¡N THE ADJACENT MEDITERRANEAN HILLY REGION fSRKÎNt AND CitfARIJAt, 219-3.32 vegetation communities of lllyrian, Central-European and sub-Mediterranean character. The area acts as an important buffer zone between the inland and the Adriatic. The natural value importance corresponds with the percentage of grassland area. This fact is further discussed in the following chapters. Forest The forest exploitation began in the Neolithic, but the forests had not been overexploited until the Roman times. Due to the extensive use of wood, clear cutting {ship building and deforestation for grazing), the karst area became bare in the Middle Ages. It stayed deforested until the previous century. The forest of Brkini was also overexploited by farmers and wood traders (Glo-bevnik et al., 1996). Probably the land has never been completely bare, but the percentage of the forest cover has fallen under 10% in the Middle and New Ages. In the mid-twentieth, an extensive afforestation programme began with the black pine (Pinus nigra), which is a nonindigenous species, but was best suited to the ecological conditions there. In the 20!h century, some large spruce plantations were introduced to Brkini due to their important economic value. The non-deciduous forest is nonindigenous in the area. At the beginning of the 19th century, less than 10% of the area was covered with forests in Cifiarija and less than 20% in Brkini. The use of forest as an energy source was very intensive. The majority of land had been cleared in the past and used for grazing at the end of the 19lh century. The extensive overgrowing began in the first decades of the 20,h century, following the depopulation trends. The extreme progression of the forest landscape is characteristic of the last two decades due to the changes in the socioeconomic conditions in Slovenia and to the different life style. Today the forest landscape is typical of almost 70% of Brkini and more than 60% of CiCarija. Ownership characteristics Most of the forest cover in Brkini area is private, but the opposite is true of the karst Gicarija. Cicarija is traditionally scarcely populated area, the forest has never been economically interesting due to unfavourable ecological conditions. These are the reasons why the state owns the majority of the forest land. Ecological state of forest communities Past distinctive management practices in the forest have led to the vulnerable ecological conditions of the forest today (Cehovin, 1992). There are many different development stages of areas under forest cover, such as young forest cover, pole forest cover, trunk forest cover, coppice forest cover, bush cover, plantage forest cover (Zavod za pogozdovanje in melioracijo krasa Sežana, 1990, 1992, 1993a, 1993b). In Brkini, the forest is mostly coppice and bush forest. The coppice forest is old, ecologically unstable and very susceptible to severe climatologic events. In Čičarija, the bush and poles forest cover spread with pine plantation islands. There is almost 11% of the entire area covered with non-deciduous forest (17% of forest cover), whereas on the karst plateau 50% of the forest is black pine. Avifauna Altogether, 8 of the so-called dry-grassland species were typical of the study area. Melanocorypha calandra, Calandre!la brachydactyla, Oenanthe oenanthe and O. hispanica have become extinct (or nearly so) in the period of intensive afforestation with pine and changes in land-use and agricultural practices. The remaining four dry grasslands species are also declining. The most important fact is that it was only in this sub-Mediterranean region of Slovenia that these dry grassland species have had suitable conditions needed for their survival. For some of them (M. calandra, C. brachydactyla, O. his-panica), this region was, of course, also on the northernmost edge of their breeding range (Harrison, 1982). After the period of dominating dry grasslands, the so-called traditional cultural landscape has become typical of the study area, still offering conditions for some dry grassland species, but at the same time very attractive for another group of endangered birds. These are species favouring mixture of grasslands, small fields and scattered settlements in a mosaic manner. Typical representatives are: Upupa epops, Otus scops, Circaeetus gallicus, Lullula arbórea, Hippolais polyglotta, Emberiza spp., etc. The historic data for the last decades of the 19,i! century (dominating traditional cultural landscape) have shown that the abundance of the traditional cultural landscape species was much higher than nowadays. Besides the great decline of almost all those species, at least 3 species have become extinct (or nearly so). For two of them, namely Sylvia hortensis and Emberiza melanocephala, the study area was the only breeding area for this region and on the edge of their global range. The main reasons for ¡he disappearance of these species and large decline in the populations of other "cultural landscape" species is the overgrowing of the area. On the other hand, a comparison of the historic data shows that the number of species as well as populations of some woodland species have dramatically increased within the last 200 years. Among them, the following species could be outlined: Dendrocopus major, Dryo-copus martius, Certhia brachydactyla, Sitta europaea, Pa rus a ter, Pa rus pa I ust ris, Pa rus cristatus, Regulus regulus, Turdus philomelos, Erithacus rubecula (Schia-vuzzi, 1883). Some of these species, Regulus regulus, 227 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. 11 • 2001 • 2 (25) Lidija GLOBEVNSK el >iL: DESERTIFICATION PROCESSES IN THE ADJACENT MEDITERRANEAN HILLY REGION {BRKINt AND OČARI1A), 213-232 RESEARCH AREA PROFILE WITH SUB-UNITS ( see Figure 2) Č1ČAMJA 20 15 10 5 0 NUMBER OF FIOMSTIC SPECIES OF SPECIAL NATURAL VALUE M S Endemie j B Endangered ] S Areal Border | O Kare j jam, lb 2 Sub Units (Dišim« ft™ (he Coast NUMBER OF BIRD SPECIES OF SPECIAL NATURAL VALUE G Mo. of Speeles U Rhu: ESThreoiencd ORange sdgp (5 Population 1BD0 1300 1995 1600 1900 1995 NUMBER OF INHABITANTS, ČJČARIJA (J0S.9 km!) 16000 14000 ■ 12000 10000 8GOQ 6000 «00 2«« 0 NUMBER OF INHABITANTS, BRKINI (131.8 kml) Fig. 4: Floristic and bird natural value index along the research area as per land-use and population census. SI. 4: Indeks naravne vrednosti florističnih in ptičjih vrst vzdolž profila razskovanega območja glede na rabo taI in popis prebivalstva. 228 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. 11 2001 • 2 (25) Lidija GIOBEVNIK er ah DESERTIFICATION PROCESSES !N THE ADJACENT MEDITERRANEAN HIllY REGION (BRKINI AND ČliARIJA), 219-232 Parus ater, Parus cristatus (Geister, 1994), have inhabited the study area oniy after the period of intensive afforestation with pine. The great majority of these "newcomers" are not endangered species (IUCN, 1994; Tucker & Heath, 1994). CONCLUSIONS The area was aimost deserted two hundred years ago, due to the extensive exploitation of natural resources by humans that had started in the Middle Ages. When man began to artificially afforestate the area with introduced species (mostly black pine) at the end of the 19l1' century, the economic value of natural resources (wood production) began to increase and erosion declined. After some time, the spreading of black pine continued in a natural way. The depopulation processes, which started at the beginning of the 20'1' century, consequently caused additional overgrowing of the agricultural land. The benefit of this recovering process for the natural value of the area is questionable. With the increase of overgrown land and related changes in land-use (Fig. 3), the proportion of dry grassland and cultural landscape species in relation to woodland bird species has changed. Nowadays, the number and abundance of forest species is higher (they constitute almost 40% of the selected characteristic bird species from the area), while 200 years ago this percentage was lower, reaching only 16%. Though the number of bird species and their population have increased, the "quality of species" decreased. Highly sensitive and specialised birds, especially dry grassland and cultural landscape species (Tucker et al., 1991; Marčeta, 1993; Bračko ef a/., 1994), are decreasing or have even become extinct and replaced by more common, mainly woodland species. The special natural value, the species endemity, threat status, rarity or biogeographical particularities (species on their range edge) show that Kraški rob, with its Kraška planota, Mt. Slavnik and Matarsko podolje, is of a great natural importance. There are 16 plant species on Kraški rob and 26 on Kraška planota with high natural value index (NVl). In the Brkini area, there are 2 species that are rare at the national level. The same counts for the bird species. On the Kraški rob, there are almost 80 different bird species of special natural value (NVl 140), 40 on Kraška planota with Mt. Slavnik (NVl 100) and 35 in Brkini (NVl 60). The area is of a special conservation value as it includes the northernmost edge of the global range of many Mediterranean species. Populations on their range edge are of special importance for their global survival. The described natural character of the area is also supported by human activities that in fact sustain ecological conditions for many flora and bird species. Due to the socio-economic reasons, such as recent depopulation and decline in traditional agriculture, degradation of cultural landscape is present in the area. Once traditional farm character of households in the area is changing to the post-industriai/non-farm character that implies land-use changes. Pastures are being abandoned in Cicarija and meadows, orchards and more remote fields in Brksns. The rate of overgrowing processes by bush, pioneer tree species and aggressive nonindige-nous tree species (progression of forest, regression of cultivated land) is high, which is also discussed herewith (Cehovin, 1992; Kosicek, 1993). The forest in Brkini is degraded due to the prolonged exploitation practices in the past. The sociological potential, sex, age and education structures of the people of Brkini and Cicarija are not in favour of progress, though the depopulation almost stopped {Globevrtik et a!., 1996). The development potential is concentrated along the main, central road in Matarsko podoije, where industrial, marketing, educational, social and cultural centres of the area are concentrated. Details regarding flora, bird natural value, land-use and population are shown in Fig. 4. Uncultivated areas exposed to erosion (bare substratum and solid limestone rocks) constitute an extremely important habitat for wildlife. Desertification phenomena, such as erosion and wildfires, are therefore desired to a certain degree. Erosion (water, wind), wildfires, slow regeneration of the substratum in connection with dry and warm climate on the limestone basis generate conditions for some highly ecologically specialised species, once commonly distributed over the research area. Without regular maintenance (grazing, moving) and possible managed nature reserves, the future of these important habitats is uncertain. We conclude that desertification processes, shown as land abandonment, overgrowing and human resources decline, have had, in general, impacts on the socio-economic development of the area, landscape character and on the wildlife and habitats. Recommendations for sustainable development On the basis of our study, the following general recommendation for sustainable development are proposed; (a) to initiate modern farm products market network, (b) to support traditional fruit production (apple, plum) in Brkini, (c) to support sustainable sheep breeding in Cicarija, (d) to organise better employment opportunities for no-farmers, (e) to prevent further abandoning of agricultural land, (f) keep remote pastures and fields to sustain natural and landscape diversity), (g) to follow sustainable forest management measures (diverse structure, non-leaf picking, indigenous species...), (h) to promote clean environment (keep waste dumping under control, solid waste and waste water neutralisation, modern concept industry/manufacture), (i) to develop programmes to support sustainable use of natural resources (soft tourism, bio-agriculture, traditional craft), 229 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. 11- 2001 • 2 (25) Lidiji) GLOfif'VNiK elal.: DESERTIFICATION PROCESSES IN THE ADJACENT MEDITERRANEAN HILLY REGION (BRKINI AND OCaRIJA), 219-232 (j) to protect natural monuments and nature conserva- within the region, and (k)to promote the entire area as a tion important areas and declare more nature reserves landscape protected area. DEZERTiFiKACijSKi PROCES! V ROBNEM SREDOZEMSKEM HRIBOVJU (BRKINI iN ČIČARIJA, JZ SLOVENijA) Lidija GLOBEVNIK Vodnogospodarski inštitut, 51-1000 Ljubijana, Hajdrihova 28 Andrej SOVINC Znanstveno raziskovalno središče Republike Slovenije Koper, inštitut za Študije, SI-6000 Koper, Garibaltfijeva 18 Mitja KALIGAR1Č Pedagoška fakulteta, Univerza v Mariboru, Si-2000 Maribor, Koroška 160 Znanstveno raziskovalno središče Republike Slovenije Koper, Inštitut za biodiverzitetne študije, SI-6000 Koper, Garibaldijeva 13 E-mail: POVZETEK Območje Brkinov in Čičarije (JZ Slovenija) leži na ločnici med sredozemskim in celinskim delom Slovenije. Zaradi sprememb v socio-ekonomskib razmerah (predvsem sprememb v rabi tal in depopulacijskih procesov) in pogozdovanja območja v zadnjih dvesto letih sta se med drugim spremenila tudi vrstna sestava in zastopanost ptic, združb in rastlinskih vrst. Kljub tem spremembam ima robno sredozemsko območje Brkinov in Čičarije še vedno posebno vrednost v pogledu biodiverzitete, predvsem po številu endemičnih, ogroženih vrst ali pa vrst, ki tu dosežejo rob areala razširjenosti. Na robnem sredozemskem območju z zmernimi klimatskimi dejavniki je naravni regeneracijski potencial višji kot v osrednjem Sredozemlju. Nekateri dezertifikacijski procesi, kot npr. erozija in gozdni požari pa tudi tradicionalne človekove dejavnosti (npr. kmetijstvo), so potrebni in zaželeni za obstoj nekaterih ozko specializiranih vrst. Opuščanje rabe tal, zaraščanje z gozdom in depopulacijski procesi vplivajo na socio-ekonomski razvoj območja, krajinsko sliko ter floristične in favnistične posebnosti območja. Ključne besede: Sredozemlje, flora, vegetacija, gozd, ptice, trajnost na raba, varstvo narave, dezertifikacija REFERENCES Bile, J. (1994): Krajopisje, Čičarija in pa Čiči. Bistriški zapisi, 4/1994, 17-19. Bračko, F., A. Sovine, P. Tronlelj & M. 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Beograd. 232 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. -11- 2001 • 2 (25) review article UDC 502.7(497.4)(252.6) received: 12. 11. 2001 OPPORTUNITIES FOR NEW RAMSAR SITES: EXPERIENCES OF A TERRITORIALLY SMALL COUNTRY Andrej SOVINC Institute of Biodiversity Studies, Science and Research Centre of the Republic of Slovenia Koper, SI-6000 Koper, Garibaldijeva 18 E-mail: ABSTRACT Rivers and their riparian systems play an extremely important role as eeo-corridors by providing a network of interconnected habitats. The idea is to designate as Ramsar Sites clusters of small wetlands within catchments, to ensure that the hydrologicai conditions needed to sustain the ecological character of each of these wetlands are maintained. Another opportunity for including wetlands on the Ramsar List is provided by man-made water reservoirs. While evaluating such reservoirs for inclusion on the Ramsar List, the river sections between the reservoirs should be considered as they are important daily or seasonal corridors for waterfowl, and they provide feeding and breeding habitats for waterfowl. Key words: wetlands, river corridors, reservoirs, Ramsar Convention, nature conservation, Slovenia OPPORTUNITA PER NUOVE ZONE RAMSAR: ESPERiENZE Di UNA TERRITORIALMENTE PICCOLA NAZIONE SINTESI Nell'articolo vengono discusse due possibilita di includere ambienti umidi nella Lista delle zone umide d'im-portanza intemazionale. I flumi e i loro sistemi rivieraschl ricoprono I'estremamente importante ruolo di eco-corridoi, fornendo una rete d i habitat interconnessi. L'autore presenta I'Idea di deslgnare come zone Ramsar gruppi di piccole aree umide all'interno di bacini di raccolta, al fine di assicurare che le condlzioni idrotogiche nec.essarie a sostenere il carattere ecologico di ciascuna di esse vengano mantenute. Un'altra oppoitunita di includere ambienti umidi nella Lista Ramsar e fornita dai bacini di riserva acquiferi artificiali. Nella valutazione di tali serbatoi, al fine di includerli nella L ista Ramsar, i tratti di flume compresi tra di essi dovrebbero venir presi in considerazione in quanto importanti corridoi giornaliert o stagionali per gli uccelll acquatici, fungenti da siti di riproduzione e di alimentazi-one per tali volatili. Parole chiave: zone umide, corridoi fluviali, bacini di riserva, Convenzione di Ramsar, tutela dell'ambiente, Slovenia 233 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 11 • 2001 • 2 (25) Andrej SOVINC; OPPORTUNITIES FOR NEW RAMSAR SITES: EXPERIENCES OF A TERRITORIALLY SMALL COUNTRY, 233-23« INTRODUCTION The first obligation of any Contracting Party to the Ramsar Convention is the designation of at least one wetland for inclusion on the List of Wetlands of International Importance. Consequently, the contracting party is obliged to maintain the ecological character of this site. The designating of a site for inclusion on the Ramsar List is not only an obligation, it is also a great privilege. The Ramsar Convention recognizes ail wetlands as valuable although, some are more important to conserve than others. Article 2.2 of the Convention states that only internationally significant wetlands in terms of ecology, botany, zoology, limnology or hydrology shouid be selected for the List. A wetland is identified as internationally important if it meets at least one of the Ramsar criteria given below (Hails, 1996; Ramsar Convention Bureau, 1997): a) Criteria for representative or unique wetlands; b) General criteria based on plants or animals; c) Specific criteria based on waterfowl; d) Specific criteria based on fish. The criteria in group (c) are based on "measurable tools" for identification of internationally important wetlands. Following the principles for waterfowl for example, a wetland is considered internationally important if it regularly supports 20,000 individuals, or 1% of the biogeographical population of certain species or subspecies of waterfowl. These measures are considered the most objective, and thus enable inclusion of wetlands on the Ramsar List. Paragraph 10, of the Brisbane Conference of Parties (COP) Resolution VI.4, calls upon Contracting Parties to use waterfowl population estimates, and 1% thresholds as a basis for site designation in the succeeding triennia (Ramsar Convention Bureau, 1996). Although these are the most objective criteria, measures based on population estimates and 1% thresholds are often difficult to apply. This fact is particularly relevant for territorially small countries. It is difficult to imagine that a small country such as Slovenia, with a surface area of 20,000 km3 (an area comparable to the Parapol Valley Ramsar Site in the Russian Federation), where wetlands represent less than 1,000 km2 (approximately 4% of the territory) could hold 1% of the Eastern European population of one waterfowl species. Consequently, meeting the afore mentioned population criteria in a country where the surface area of the two largest water bodies does not exceed 3.6 km2 each, and where natural wetlands comprise only 20 km2 is difficult, if not impossible. Furthermore, the surface area of the Republic of Slovenia is less than 1% of the whole biogeographical region. Although other norms for the designation of Wetlands of International Importance are equally important and relevant, the above criteria are mainly used to illustrate the importance of protecting wetlands at the national level, and to stimulate the consideration of new possibilities for the designation of Ramsar sites. However, the ultimate goal for a country should not be to merely include as many wetlands as possible in the Ramsar list. Every wetland, whether on the Ramsar List or not, is important for the conservation of a country's biodiversity. There are numerous ways to conserve wetland values. WETLANDS OF INTERNATIONAL IMPORTANCE: OPPORTUNITIES FOR DESIGNATION As previously mentioned, all standards for the designation of Wetlands of International importance are equally important and relevant. Following the Ramsar criteria, two proposals for the inclusion of wetlands to the Ramsar List in a territorially small country will be presented and illustrated in the following two case studies (Figs. 1, 3). Case Study 1: Wetland clusters in the Lower Posavje Region, and in the lowlands of the Sava, Krfca and Sotla rivers In recent years, several ornithological surveys have been carried out in the middle reaches of the Sava River, and at the confluences of its tributaries, the Krka and Sotla rivers in Eastern Slovenia, Survey results indicate that the area, known as the Lower Posavje region, can be considered as one of the most important wetlands in Slovenia. Although various human interventions, notorious irrigation schemes in particular, have reduced the surface area of the former wetland to narrow but well preserved strips along the three rivers. Greatly reduced, the wetlands today consist of a flood- Fig. 1: Position of the proposed duster of wetlands along the 5a va river (Jovsi, Dobrava, Vrbina) and proposed boundaries for a cluster Ramsar Site. SI. 1: Lega predlagane skupinice mokrišč vzdolž Save (I o vsi, Dobrava, Vrbina) in meje predlagane ramsarske lokalitete. 234 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. nal. • 11 ■ 2001 • 2 (25) Andrej SOVINC: OPPORTUNITIES FOR NEW RAMS AR SITES: EXPCRItNCES OF A TERRITORIALLY SMALL COUNTRY, 233-238 plain of oak forest (Dobrava) and a relatively extensive alluvial plain that includes wet grasslands (Jovsi), the Vrbina forest and gravel pits. Each locality covers an area of about 5 km2. jovsi is the only one of the three wetlands protected at the national level. It is designated as a nature reserve, corresponding to ¡UCN protected area management category iV. Currently, none of the three areas have international protection status. The Dobrava and Vrbina forests may have difficulties qualifying under any of the Ramsar criteria. The Dobrava forest, for example, is one of the two last floodplain forests in this part of Slovenia, but smaller, less representative and supporting fewer rare, vulnerable, or endangered species than the nearby Krakovski gozd {Fig. 2). All three areas need protection at the national level. Moreover, all of them require at least some management activities to maintain their current ecological character. The questions therefore are: Would it be feasible to propose designation of a cluster of the three wetlands as one Ramsar site and, Can such a cluster of wetlands meet any of the Ramsar Criteria? All the above mentioned wetlands are within the same catchment. Without considering a larger part of the watershed the ecological character of individual sites will be difficult to preserve. Designating a Ramsar site over a larger territory than covered by the individual wetlands could provide a useful instrument for prevention of major threats to the hydrological regime of the catchment (i.e. changes in groundwater flows). Additionally, designation of a nature reserve would prevent direct negative activities such as drainage. The conservation value of a cluster of wetlands along the three rivers can be regarded as an important eco-corridor, a unique unit consisting of different ecosystems. The cluster of wetlands can easily comply with Ramsar criteria based on representative or unique wetlands and general criteria based on plants or animals, whereas the separate areas would not By summing up the numbers of waterfowl present at the site during migration or wintering periods, the area comes close to meeting the specific waterfowl measures. !n this context, it is particularly important to underline the conservation value of several small gravel pits scattered throughout the floodplain. These areas are used as breeding and feeding areas for several bird species. The gravel pits in the Vrbina forest comprise one of the most important breeding area for Sand Martins (Riparia riparia) in Slovenia. Moreover, (in our country) the only natural breeding sites of this species are preserved along the Sava River and within the cluster area under consideration. Cumulative numbers of migratory and wintering waterfowl, especially grebes (Podicipedidae), cormorants (Phaiacrocoracidae), herons (Ardeidae), ducks (Anatidae) and waders are extremely high in this area. Fig. 2: Krakovski gozd is a part of the proposed cluster Ramsar site along the confluence of the Sava, Krka and Sotla Rivers. (Photo: A. Sovine) SI. 2: Krakovski gozd je sestavni del predlaganega območja za Ramsarsko lokaliteto ob sotočju Save, Krke in Sotle- (Foto: A. Sovine) To conclude: although Ramsar designation is not a protected area management category (meaning it does not require special management prescriptions), it can provide an effective general protection for a cluster of separate wetlands in the same catchment area. Such a cluster can also comply with the Ramsar criteria for designation of the Wetlands of International Importance. A cluster of wetlands can link different ecosystems as well as similar habitat types scattered over a large area. A good example of the benefits of cluster designation is illustrated by the group of gravel pits discussed above, which have proven to be extremely important wetland habitats, despite their artificial origin. 235 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. ■ 11 - 2001 ■ 2 (25) Andrej SOVINC: OPPORTUNITIES FOR NEW RAMSAR SITES: EXPERIENCES OF A TERRITORIALLY SMALL COUNTRY. 233-23R Case study 2: Proposal for extension of the Ramsar site to the river section in-between the two separate wetlands: the Drava River between the Ptuj and Ormož reservoirs The Drava is the largest river in Slovenia. Sadly, due to numerous past interventions, the river and its flood-plain are ranked as one of the most degraded watercourses in the country. Since beginning of the 20!l' century, several hydroelectric power plants have been constructed on the river. The large reservoirs associated with the power plants, their channels and canals, have destroyed the rich riverine ecosystems. Important breeding areas of waterfowl species, such as the globally endangered Ferruginous Drick (Aythya nyroca), the last breeding pairs of Stone-Curlews (Burhinus oedicne-mus) in Slovenia and one of the few breeding colonies of Little Terns (Sterna albifrons) were once found in the riparian zone. It is controversial that the main factor contributing to the extinction of the above mentioned endangered species, are the large reservoirs which usurp the natural floodplains. It is these same reservoirs that have become the most important areas for migratory and wintering waterfowl in Slovenia (Fig. 4). During migration, the high turnover of certain waterfowl species is very impressive. Up to 10,000 Black Terns (Chlidonias niger) and up to 100 Ospreys (Pan-dion haHaetus) can be observed on the reservoirs during spring migration (Stumberger, 1995). Up to 167 Honey Buzzards (Pernis apivorus) were counted in a few hours during one such migration (Božič, 1992). The international importance of the Drava River and its major reservoirs is especially remarkable dcsring the wintering period. Bean and White-Fronted Geese (Anser f,abalis, A. albifrons), Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos), T.ufted Ducks (Aythya fuligula), Coldeneyes (Bucephala clangula) and Goosanders (Mergus merganser) reach or very nearly reach the 1% thresholds of their bioregional wintering Fig. 3: Extension of the boundaries for the proposed Ramsar Site to the river section between the two major reservoirs (Ptuj and Ormož fakes) on the Drava river. SI. 3: Podaljšanje meja predlagane ramsarske lokalitete do rečnega odseka med dvema glavnima akumulacijskima jezeroma (Ptujskim in Ormoškim) na reki Dravi. populations (Sovinc, 1994; Stumberger, 1995). The vast majority of these birds have been counted on the two major reservoirs at Ptuj and at Ormoz. Despite the extraordinarily high numbers of wintering waterfowl on these two reservoirs, the conservation value of the river section between them has somehow been neglected. Detailed ornithological surveys carried out in recent years (Stumberger, 1995; BraCko, 1997) have pointed out the importance of the floodplain area between the two reservoirs, especially as breeding habitat for certain species. Between 1980 and 1996, out of 234 species recorded, 88 were breeding in this area (Braiko, 1997). it is also one of the very few breeding areas for species such as the Black-Headed Gull (Larus ridibundus), and the Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) In Slovenia. The following birds are among the species reaching more than 10% of the national breeding population: Little Grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis), Tufted Duck (Aythya fuligula), Little Ringed Plover (Charadrius dubius), Common Sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos) (Stumberger, 1995). Due to steep concrete banks and deep water, large reservoirs provide very limited breeding opportunities for waterfowl. This situation could be effectively improved by the construction of artificial islands and shallow water areas. The river reach between the Ptuj and Ormoz reservoirs, plays an important role as a breeding area for waterfowl and other animal species. As a daily and seasonal corridor, and a feeding area for the birds, it is of extremely high ecological value. It has kept this function in spite of the fact that human activities and interventions [e.g. lowering of the ground water tables and extraction of water for hydropower needs) have badly damaged the riverine ecosystems. Fig. 4: Along the former river bed of the Drava River between Ptuj and Ormož reservoirs remains of the oxbows are still present (Photo: A. Sovinc) SI.4: Ob stari dravski strugi med akumulacijama Ptuj in Ormož še najdemo ostanke nekdanjih mrtvic. (Foto: A. Sovinc) 236 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 11 • 2001 • 2 (25) Anetrej SOVINC: OPPORTUNITIES FOR NEW RAMSAR SITES: EXPERIENCES OF A TERRITORIALLY SMALL COUNTRY, 233-23B Presently, this reach of the Drava River has no protection at the national level. The area consists of highly urbanized and intensive agricultural Sands. For this reason, it may be difficult to achieve protection of this section at the national level, since some restrictions in land use could be required. Therefore, the proposal to include this area adjacent to the river along with Ptuj and Ormož lakes to the Ramsar List could provide the minimum protection necessary to prevent further deterioration of the area. CONCLUSIONS A cluster of wetlands, often comprised of different wetland habitats in the same catchment area, can provide an excellent opportunity for small countries to include sites on Ramsar's List of Wetlands of International Importance. Using the cluster approach, we can extend the boundaries of proposed or existing 'point' Ramsar Sites on one river to intermediate river sections. This has been proposed for a reach of the Drava River between the two major reservoirs where waterfowl concentrate. Such river sections are important migration corridors and provide feeding and breeding grounds for birds and other animal species. Clustering wetlands and designating artificial reservoirs could be interesting for countries with small territories and small, scattered wetlands seeking to designate sites to the Ramsar List. Designation as a Ramsar Site provides the necessary protection for a cluster of wetlands or the narrow riparian ecosystems between separate, but protected reservoirs. Such a désignation is especially important in cases where the protection of wetlands is difficult to achieve at the local level, because it would require new restrictions in land-use. It is often the case that protection at the national or lower levels is easier to achieve after a wetland has been recognized as an internationally important site. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would tike to thank Dr Gordana Beltram and Robert Boljesic, members of the Slovenian National Ramsar Committee, for their valuable comments and help in preparation of the article. MOŽNOSTI ZA NOVE RAMSARSKE LOKALITETE: IZKUŠNJE OZEMELJSKO MAJHNE DRŽAVE Andrej SOVINC institut Zei biodiverzitetne študije, Znanstveno raziskovalno središče Republike Slovenije Koper, SI-6000 Koper, Garibaldijeva 18 £~mail: POVZETEK Ozemeljsko majhne države so pogosto omejene z možnostjo razglasitve novih mokrišč mednarodnega pomena po merilih Ramsarske konvencije, saj je zaradi manjše površine države manjše tudi število mokrišč. V prispevku sta prikazani dve možnosti za uvrščanje mokrišč na seznam mokrišč mednarodnega pomena, ki sta še posebej zanimivi za ozemeljsko majhne države pri pripravi seznama potencialnih novih ramsarskih lokalitet. Rečni odseki in mokrišča vzdolž rek in potokov ponujajo možnosti za uporabo predlaganih možnosti. V okviru tipov mokrišč, ki jih vključuje Ramsarska konvencija, so tudi reke in obrečna mokrišča. To so izredno pomembni eko-koridorji, posamezna mokrišča pa tvorijo omrežje medsebojno povezanih habitatov in vmesnih postajališč. Pogosto posamezno takšno mokrišče ne izpolnjuje meril za razglasitev mednarodno pomembnega mokrišča, če pa je več manjših mokrišč povezanih v skupek, ustrezajo vsaj enemu izmed štirih skupin ramsarskih meril (merilo rastlinske in živalske diverzitete, merilo ogroženih ali endemičnih vrst, ali merilo ptičjih ali ribjih populacij; Hails, 1996). Po tem predlogu naj bi podpirali razglasitev ramsarskih lokalitet, povezanih v skupke na skupnem povodju. S tem bi pripomogli tudi k celovitemu pristopu ohranjanja ekološkega značaja posameznih mokrišč v skupku. Naslednji predlog za uvrščanje mokrišč na ramsarski seznam pa se kaže v razglasitvi umetnih rečnih akumulacij. Posamezne velike akumulacije že izpolnjujejo ramsarska merila glede na velikost populacije prezimujočih, golečih se ali selečih se vodnih ptic. V drugih primerih pa je izpolnitev teh meril možna le, če sta najmanj dve akumulaciji na isti reki obravnavani kot ena lokaliteta. Pri obravnavanju takih primerov je nujno treba upoštevati tudi vlogo, ki jo imajo rečni odseki med akumulacijami. To so namreč pomembni dnevni ali sezonski koridorji za vodne ptice. Še pomembnejša je njihova vloga prehranjevališča in gnezdišča za vodne, ptice, saj ponavadi teh tipov habitatov ni na velikih akumulacijah z. globoko vodo in strmimi brežinami. Predlagana ramsarska lokaliteta naj torej poleg vodne akumulacije vključuje še rečne odseke nad in pod akumulacijo. Ključne besede: mokrišča, rečni koridorji, vodne akumulacije, Ramsarska konvencija, varstvo narave, Slovenija 237 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. ■ 11 • 2001 • 2 (25) Andrej SOVINC: OPPORTUNITIES FOR NEW RAMSAR SITES: EXPERIENCES OF A TERR [TORI ALI Y SMALL COUNTRY, 233-238 REFERENCES Božič, L. (1992): Spomladanski prelet sršenarjev Pernis apivorus prek Maribora. Acrocephalus, 54, 144-145. Bračko, F. (1997): Ontološki atlas Drave od Maribora do Ptuja (1989-1992). Acrocephalus, 82, 57-97. Hails, A. j. (ed.) (1996): Wetlands, Biodiversity and the Ramsar Convention: the Roie of Wetlands in the Conservation and Wise Use of Biodiversity. Ramsar Convention Bureau, Giand, Switzerland. Ramsar Convention Bureau (1996): Proceedings of the 6,h Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties, Brisbane, Australia, 19-27 March 1996. Ramsar Convention Bureau, Gland, Switzerland. Ramsar Convention Bureau (1997): The Ramsar Convention Manual: a Guide to the Convention of Wetlands (Ramsar, Iran, 1971). 2nd Edition. Ramsar Convention Bureau, Gland, Switzerland. Sovine, A. (1994): Zimski ornitološki atias Slovenije (The Atlas of Wintering Birds in Slovenia). Tehniška za- lozba Slovenije, Ljubljana, 456 str. Starnberger, B. (1995): Drava med Mariborom in SrediSčem ob Dravi - področje konflikta med varstvom narave in razvojno politiko. Acrocephalus, 68-69-70, 3- 43. 238 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 11 • 2001 • 2 (25) original scientific paper UDC 504.064(262.3-17) received: 10. 12. 2001 POLLUTION HOT SPOTS AND SENSITIVE AREAS ALONG THE SLOVENIAN COAST Valentina TURK Marine Biology Station, National Institute of Biology, SI-6330 Piran, Fornače 41 Branko POTOČNIK Public Municipal Enterprise of Koper, Si-6000 Koper, Ul. 15. maja 4 ABSTRACT Pollution hot spots and sensitive areas on the Mediterranean coast of Slovenia were identified according to recent data and UNEP/WHO guidelines. The Bays of Koper and Piran have been considered sensitive areas, since they can be affected by polluted waters of the Gulf of Trieste as well as by land-based sources of pollution along the Slovenian coast The inner part of the Bay of Koper is receiving effluents from the municipal wastewater treatment plant and individual industries and agglomerations along the Riiana and BadaSevica rivers. Domestic and agricultural discharges into the inner paii of the Bay of Piran by the Dragonja river, tourism and intensive aquac.ulture reduce the quality of the water and may cause local changes in the marine ecosystem. Key words: pollution of coastal waters, wastewater disposal, wastewater treatment, loads, pollution hot spots, sensitive areas, Gulf of Trieste, Adriatic Sea, Mediterranean Sea AREE CRITICHE E AREE SENSIBILI ALL'INQUINAMENTO NELL'AREA COSTIERA DELLA SLOVENIA SINTESi Uno dei maggíori problemi ¡nerenti le acque internazionali comprende il degrado delle risorse acquifere e degli habitat nelle zone marine e costiere, causato da una gestione non appropriata. Nell'articolo vengono presentate le aree critiche e le aree sensibili all'inquiriamento sitúate sulla costa slovena, identifícate grazie a dati recenti e alie direttive UNEP/WHO. Gii autori ciassificano le baie di Capodistría e Pirano come aree sensibili, in quanto possono venir condizionate da acque inquínate provenienti dal Golfo di Trieste come da fonti di inquinamento sitúate sulla costa slovena. La parte centrale della baia di Capodistría riceve effluenti dall'impianto di depurazione delle acque di scaríco municipalI eda singóle industrie ecl agglomerati situad in prossimitá dei fiumi Risano e Cornalunga. Tramite il fiume Dragogna, invece, scaríchi domestíci e agricoli arrivano alia parte centrale della baia di Pirano, dove la qualitá deü'acqua viene ridotta puré dalle attivitá turistiche ed acquacokurati, che sono dunque fonte di disturbo per gli ecosisterni marini. Parole chiave: inquinamento delle acque costiere, smaltimento delle acque di scarico, trattamento delle acque di scarico, aree critiche, aree sensibili, Golfo di Trieste, mare Adriático, Mediterráneo 239 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 11 • 2001 • 2 (25) V.ifenüna TURK, Branko POTOČNIK: POLLUTION HOT SPOTS AND SENSITIVE AREAS ALONG THE SLOVENIAN COAST, 239-252 INTRODUCTION Human activities all around the semi-enclosed Mediterranean Sea produce, in a long term, a strong environmental impact in the form of coastal and marine degradation and a heightened risk of more serious damage. About one third of the Mediterranean population lives within 50 km of coastaline. Urban, industrial developments and agriculture are resulting in mounting pressures on already hard-pressed area. International efforts to protect the Mediterranean Sea resulted in adoption of the Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) (1975), Barcelona convention (1976) and related protocols by all Mediterranean countries. Marine pollution control was the initial subject of high priority activities of MAP, requiring a harmonized regional policy and strategy. The Coordinating Unit of MAP in Athens with its six Regional Activity Centers around the Mediterranean has carried out numerous studies in order to assess the environmental problems. The overview of the data and information regarding the state of the Mediterranean Sea is presented in the State of the Marine and Coastal Environment in the Mediterranean Region (UNÉP 1989, 1996). The assessment of main problems and past experience confirmed that sectorial approach to mitigation of coastal pollution has to be replaced by integral coastal zone planning and management. A targeted Strategic Action Program for the Mediterranean Sea (SAP MED) was prepared to address pollution from land-based activities and approved in 1996 (UNEP, 1999). One step of the program was identification and assessment of problems and causes including pollution "hot spots" and "sensitive areas". By definition, pollution hot spots are point sources on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea which potentially affect human health, ecosystems, biodiversity, sustainability or economy in a significant manner. They are the main points where high levels of pollution loads originating from domestic or industrial sources are being discharged (UNEP/WHO, 1999). Hot spots are also coastal areas where the coastal marine environment is subject to pollution from one or more point or diffuse sources on the coast of the Mediterranean which potentially have significant impact (UNEP/WHO, 1999). The estuaries and coastal waters of natural or socioeconomic value are considered sensitive "if they are at higher risk to suffer negative impacts from human activities". Natural characteristics may determine the vulnerability of a coastal system, human activities determine the level of risk, hence planned development may increase the risk of environment degradation. Both vulnerability and risk contribute to the sensitivity of a particular area or system in the context of this assessment (UNEP/WHO, 1999). Slovenia has been involved in the Long-term Pollu- tion Monitoring and Research in the Mediterranean Sea (MED POL) since 1976. The overview of activities of Slovenian institutions within the framework of MED POL Pbase I and MED POL Phase ll and data concerning the state of chemical and sanitary pollution of the marine environment in the southeastern part of the Gulf of Trieste was presented in UNEP (1988) and IAEA/UNEP reports (1993), as well as in yearly reports and numerous other publications. Within monitoring programs, contamination of selected organisms and surface sediments by heavy metais (Kosta et al., 1978; Tusnik & Planine, 1988; Planine et al., 1993), organochlorine pesticides (Salihough et al., 1980), anion detergents (Gorenc et al., 1993), contamination by TBT and other compounds used in antifouling paints (Tolosa et al., 1996) were studied in the eastern part of the Gulf of Trieste. More recently the composition, distribution and the sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the water column, sediments and organisms were investigated along the Slovenian coast (Bajt, 2000) and throughout the Gulf of Trieste (Notar et al., 2001). Among heavy metais, mercury distribution and biogeochemistry have been studied as critical contaminant in the Gulf of Trieste in the last few years (Cove!I i et al., 1999; Horvat ef a/., 1999; Hines etal., 2000). Marine eutrophication has been described as one of the major effects of anthropogenic activities and is particularly evident in marine waters with limited water exchange such as the Adriatic Sea. Anthropogenic nutrient contribution to the increasing coastal marine pollution and eutrophication was studied In the Gulf of Trieste already in the early seventies (Štirn, 1971; Št i rn ef al., 1974). Different concepts and aspects of natural or cultural eutrophication have been published In the last few decades (UNESCO, 1988; Stirn, 1993). However, there is a great diversity of phenomena considered as the symptoms of marine eutrophication, and they are still poorly understood (EEA, 2001). The treatment and disposal of sewage is a problem in populated coastal areas. The main sources of potential pollutants, including those of fresh water inflows and emissions to the whole Gulf of Trieste, were presented by Olivotti ef al. (1986a, b). Anthropogenic impacts on small stratified estuary was studied in the Ri2ana estuary (Faganeli et al., 1984, 1988; Faganeli & Turk, 1989; Turk & Faganeli, 1990), as well as the distribution of pollutants and impact of diluted wastewaters discharged into the inner part of the Bay of Koper (Lenarčič, 1980; Turk et al., 1982). Annual inputs of some pollutant fluxes from land-based sources of pollution based on the results of five year monitoring (1983-88) were estimated by Tušnik et al. (1989). in the seventies and eighties, several studies examined the impact of untreated sewage on ecosystems (Malej et al., 1979; Fanuko, 1984; Vukovič, 1994), and the impact of the underwater sewage outfall in the Bay of Piran (Avčin ef a!., 1979; Malej, 1980; Faganeli, 240 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 11 2001 • 2 (25) V.-ilcn!™ TURK. Branko POTOČNIK: POLLUTION HOT SPOTS AND SENSITIVE AREAS ALONG THE SLOVENIAN COAST. 2Vj-2n2 Fig.1: Sampling locations of the main pollution hot spots in the inner part of the Bay of Koper (WWTP Koper -wastewater treatment plant Koper, the river Rižana and the river BadaSevica). (Photo: Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia) SI. 1: Prikaz vzorčevalnih mest žariščnih točk onesnaženja v notranjosti Koprskega zaliva (WWTP Koper - čistilna naprava Koper, reka Rižana in reka BadaSevica). (Foto: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Geodetska uprava Republike Slovenije) 241 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 11 ■ 2001 • 2 (25) V.iiciKin.i TURK, fSsvsnko E'OTOCNSK: POi [ U TH >.v HOT SPOTS AND SENSITIVE AREAS Ai.O.S!C THE SLOVENIAN COAST. 2OT2>2 Fig. 2: Sampling locations of the main sources of pollution in the inner part of the Bay of Piran (WWTP Piran -wastewater treatment plant Piran, the river Drnica and the river Dragonja). (Photo: Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia) St. 2: Prikaz vzorčevalnih mest žariščnih točk onesnaženja v notranjosti Piranskega zaliva (WWTP Piran - čistilna naprava Piran, reka Drnica in reka Dragonja). (Foto: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Geodetska uprava Republike Slovenije) 242 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. 11 2001 • 2 (25) Valentina TURK, Branko POTOČNIK: POLLUTION HOT SPOTS AND SENSiTIVii AREAS ALONG THE SLOVENIAN COAST, 239-252 1982). Recently, more studies examined the distribution of the ffuorometric signal in the wastewater near-field around the diffusers of Piran wastewater treatment plant (Maiačič & Vukovič, 1997) and different nutrients were analysed in relation to microbiological indicators (Mozetič et a/., 1999). in this paper, review of the existing fist of hot spots and sensitive areas for Slovenia determined in MAP Technical Reports Series No. 124 (UNEP/WHO, 1999) were presented according to recent data on discharges from coastal cities or urban coastal agglomerates and from main industries discharging directly into the sea. The report summarizes evaluation of the impacts of priority hot spots within criteria on transboudary effects (UNliP, 1997). CHARACTER!STJCS OF SLOVENIAN COASTAL WATERS Slovenian transitional and coastal waters are considered an ecological unit within the Gulf of Trieste, the northernmost part of the Adriatic Sea with an approx. surface area of 600 km2 and volume of about 9.5 km3. The Gulf is a shallow (max depths 20-25 m) marine basin, influenced by freshwater inflow, bottom sediment resuspension and increasing pollution. The Guif is significantly affected by the genera) anticlockwise circulation pattern of the Adriatic Sea that brings southern oli-gotrophic waters. The seasonal variation of water circulation is moreover controlled by fluctuations of the freshwater inflow. Average inflow from the northwestern part is about 120 m3/s with peaks higher than 1000 m3/s (Naudin ef a/., 1999). The general anticlockwise circulation pattern in the Guif of Trieste is modulated by local winds, tidal currents, density currents and inertial effects (Stravisi & Cristiani, 1986; Maiačič, 1991). Characteristic of the gulf are large temperature (6-26°C) and salinity amplitudes (32-38.5 PSU ■in the surface layer, 36-39 PSU in the bottom water). The density stratification in the water column starts in spring and intensifies until the late summer, which is often associated with hypoxia/anoxia in bottom waters (Faganefi ef a/., 1985; Malej & Maiačič, 1995). The physical properties of the Gulf of Trieste affect the chemistry and dynamics of the biology of the system (see Malone et al. (1999) and Hopkins et al. (1999) for review and references). Slovenia is a country with a total surface area of 20,255 km2. Its coastline along the Adriatic Sea is 46.6 km in length. Along most of the length a very narrow belt with flysch cliffs and solitary lime rocks prevail between the flat-bottomed valleys of the Ri2ana and Dragonja rivers. The coastal area can be subdivided into two parts: the deeper part of the Gulf of Trieste, which is widely open to the rest of the Northern Adriatic, and the second part comprising small shallow bays (the Bay of Koper, the Bay of Strunjan, and the Bay of Piran), which have similar origins but different pollution loading. MATERIAL AND METHODS identification of pollution hot spots Pollution hot spots were identified on the basis of analyses of available data, adequate questioners and UNEP/WHO guidelines dealing with municipal discharges from coastal cities or urban agglomerates and main industrial sources discharging directly into the sea (UNEP/WHO, 1999): - for municipal discharges: data on permanent population and average seasonal increase, major industries, existence of sewage treatment plan, wastewater flow, type of treatment before discharge, total wastewater discharge, type and location of discharge, pollution loads at the discharge point and quality of the receiving environment; - for industrial discharges: type of industry, data on industrial wastewater treatment (type), way of discharge, wastewater quantity, quality and pollution loads at point of discharge and estimation of pollution loads discharged into receiving waters. Sampling stations Monitoring of loads was carried out at the outlet of sewage from urban agglomerations in Izola (Izola outlet - 45°32.33 N, I3°39.75 E), at the outlets of wastewater treatment plant in Piran (WWTP Piran - 45°31.17 N, 13°34.20 E) and Koper (WWTP Koper - 45°33.60 N, 13°45.08 E), and at the outlet of industrial effluents discharged by the fish canning industry "Delamaris" in Izola (DELAMARIS - 45°32.50 N, 13°39.85 E). Monitoring of contaminants in hot spot areas was carried out at the rivers Rizana (45°33.40 N, 13°45.47 E), RadaSevica (Semedelski kanal) (45°32.20 N, 13°43.67 E), Drnica (45°28.65 N, 13°37.00 E.) and Dragonja (45°27.92 N, 13°36.93 E). Station locations are shown in figures 1 and 2. Sampling of effluents and river waters were carried out seasonally during the year 2000 (Turk etal, 2000). Evaluation of pollution hot spots The quality of wastewater and receiving environment were determined according to regular measurement of parameters such as biological and chemical oxygen demand (BOD3, COD), nutrients (total nitrogen - TotN, total phosphorous - TotP), total suspended material (TSS), detergent (Det), heavy metals (mercury ~ Hg, cadmium - Cd, lead - Pb, zinc - Zn, copper Cu, nickel - Ni) and microorganisms (faecal coliforms - EC). Data from the monitoring activities for the year 2000 were 243 ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. na!. 11 2001 ■ 2 (25) Valentina TURK, Branko POTOČNIK; POLLUTION HOT SPOTS AND SENSITIVE AREAS ALONG THE SLOVENIAN COAST, 239-252 collected and analyzed (Turk et a!., 2000). Pollution loads at the discharge point were calculated according to yearly mean concentration for each parameter and data on the flow capacity of the pumps at the sewage treatment plants for the year 2.000 (Turk ei a!., 2000), or total river flows (HMZ/MOP, 1999, 2000). To show the severity of each of the effects on the identified hot spots, a ranking system from 1-6 (1-no effect; 6-extreme effects) was prepared using the criteria with effects on public health, drinking water quality, recreation, other beneficial uses (transportation, sport activities, aquaculture), aquatic life (including biodiversity), economical and welfare (including marine resources of economic value) (UNEPAVHO, 1999). RESULTS Human pressure and pollution sources The coastal area has been exposed to strong development pressure shown in the rapid growth of population, town planning and development of business sectors (traffic, trade, tourism, processing activities, agriculture). The coastal region extends over the territory of three municipalities (Koper, Izola and Piran) with an area of 384 km2 (about 1.7% of the total national territory) and with a population of slightly over 80,000 people (about 4% of the total population in Slovenia) (Tab. 1). The population density of the area (232 inhabitants/km2) is more than twice the national average (98 inhabitants/km2). The most of the coastal population (> 80%) lives within the 1.5 km wide strip. The population growth is slightly higher in the coastal region than at the national level, but in the last decade (in the 90's) the population growth stagnated (0.1% increase). Tab. 1: Population and tourist overnight stays with percentage of average seasonal increase in the coastal region in the year 2000*. Tab. I: Število prebivalcev in nočitev turistov z odstotki sezonske rasti v obalni regiji v letu 2000*. Area (km2) Population Population (%) served by municipal sewer system Number of total overnight stays Average seasonal increase (3 months) Koper 311.2 48,251 57 239,000 5.4% | Izola 28.6 14,590 80 222,818 1 6.6% Piran 44.4 1 7,440 86 1,306,454 81.4% 'Statistical yearbook of the Statistical Office of the R' Stavenia (2000) The principal industries in coastal region include metal manufacturing, production of chemicals and food industry. Economic development caused regression in agriculture activities that now mainly include wine, fruit and olive growing, and vegetable cultivation. Because of good inland transport connections, the Port of Koper has become the most important export-import port in Central Europe and is increasing its activities every year. The Port of Koper handles about 10 million tons of cargo per year (over 1,500,000 tons of oil and oil products and over 100,000 tons of chemicals and inflammable liquids). At the Port of Koper, there is a general cargo terminal (coffee, metal, paper, fruits and vegetables, cotton, textiles), a RO-RO and car terminal, a timber terminai, a terminal for iron and coal, a liquid cargo terminal (chemicals, phosphoric acid, vegetable oil, Latex), a terminal for fertilizers and other bulk cargoes, and a silos for cereals and oilseeds, aluminum). The oil terminal is operated by OMV-ISTRABENZ - Instalacije d.o.o. The main sources of pollution in the port are tank cleaning, inadequate drains, volatile emissions and general spillage during the emptying of hoses. Preliminary estimation of organic loads from industries represents 22,550 PE (population equivalent.) (individual loads have been calculated where data were available) (Tab. 2). Tab. 2: Estimates of pollution load (PE - population equivalent) from industries along the Slovenian coastline. Tab. 2: Ocena obremenitev slovenske Obale (PE - populacijski ekvivalent) z industrijskimi odplakami. Contribution from Load in PE Delamaris 7,000 Ladjedelnica.....shipyard 100 Mehano 200 Argo 100 Droga 1,800 Erigomar 800 Hospital 1300 Cimos - Koper 500 To mo s 800 Intereuropa 250 Kemiplas & Poiisinteza 2,500 | Luka Koper 2,000 j Vina Koper 6,500 j Industry total 22,550 The sea is also used for bathing and recreation (including sports like sailing, wind surfing, rowing), fishing and mariculture: along the Slovenian coastline 29 registered beaches are located; 244 ANNALES • Ser. hist nat. 11 2001 • 2 (25) Valentina TURK, Branko POTOČNIK: POLLUTION HOT SPOTS AND SENSITIVE AREAS ALONG THE SLOVENIAN COAST, «9-252 - fishing (about 2000 tons/y) and mariculture (shellfish: annual production about 50 tons; fish: annual production is about 100 tons (Marceta, 1997; Statistical yearbook of the Statistical Office of the R Slovenia 2000); - transportation - in addition to the Port of Koper there are three marinas (in Portorož, izóla and Koper) (Novak et a!., 1998). A two-fold increase in moorings and yachting harbors in the last 10 years (from 898 to 1618) indicates the growth of "yachting" tourism (Statistical yearbook of the Statistical Office of the R Slovenia 2000). Main loads and hot spots The Rižana river receives mainly untreated urban and industrial wastewater from the town of Koper and inland agglomerations along the river. The combined sewer system (which also collects storm waters) is connected to a mechanical wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), with total yearly effluent about 4.7x1 o' mYyear. About 34% of the wastewater is from indus-try/enterprises/pubiic sector; 66% is household wastewater, The sewage effluent is discharged into the estuary of the Rižana river. The system also collects effluents from the following industries: VINA KOPER wine production (combined sanitary and technological effluents, pretreatment); C1MOS car industry (combined sanitary and technological effluents, pretreatment); l&l bus service (combined sanitary and technological effluents, pretreatment); IN'TEREUROPA, AVTO PLUS, CESTNO podjetje, SGP, TOMOS, car washing, lacquering, electroplating (combined sanitary and technological effluents, pretreatment); Port of Koper, washing containers, trucks, cars, store-house (combined sanitary and technological effluents, pretreatment). There are also some industries with direct discharge into the Rižana river: KEMiPLAS, chemical industry (combined sanitary and technological effluents, pretreatment), INSTALACIJE (combined sanitary and technological effluents, biological treatment), and LAMA -metal manufacturing (combined sanitary and technological effluents, biological treatment). The expected organic load from industries in the Koper Municipality is around 1 2,550 PE (Tab. 2). The sewage of the community of fzola is collected in a treatment basin and discharged without treatment into the sea about 300 m from the shore, with a flow rate of about 3.5x103 m3/day. In addition, there are several small outlets discharging directly into the sea and discharge from the DELAMARIS fish-cannery pre-treatment plant (discharge rate 82,000 m3/year). The system collects effluents from the following industries: LADJEDELNICA shipyard, pretreatment, some activities in the dock - wastes directly into the sea; City HOSPITAL, DROGA - food processing, MEHANO - toy factory, other small enterprises. Expected organic load from industries in izola is app. 10,000 PE (Tab. 2). The sewage system in the community of Piran has a central sewage treatment plant with a capacity of 30,000 PE and total yearly effluent about 2.7x10° mVyear. After mechanical treatment (screening, sand and grease removal, sedimentation), the sewage water is discharged into the sea, through two submarine pipes, 3450 m and 3600 m from the shore, with diffusers at the end. No industry is connected to the wastewater treatment plant. Tab. 3: Present and future loads (PE) on wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) and the Izola '$ pumping station*. Tab. 3: Trenutne in pričakovane obremenitve (PE) čistilnih naprav in črpališča v Izoli*. Present Present Future Future Existing winter summer winter summer treatment load load load load capacity WWTP Koper 31,569 34,686 52,490 58,605 WWTP for 50,000 PE WWTP Piran 14,953 27,101 17,780 32,980 WWTP for 30,000 PE Izola outlet 19,575 23,195 22,330 29,530 none ""Future loads on wastewater treatment plants estimated on the base of demographic industrial and tourism development. 'PriCakovane obrememtve eist.iinih naprav ocenjene na osnovi deinografskih kazalcev, razvoja induslrije in turizma. Some present and future preliminary individual loads on wastewater treatment plants Koper and Piran as well as on izola outlet have been calculated separately for summer and winter, since summer loads are higher due to the increase of tourist population (Tab. 3). Future loads on wastewater treatment plants have been estimated by contribution of potential future connections to VVWTP-s. These potential factors are population, industrial and tourism development. A net 0.5% population increase per year has been estimated according to the review of Demographic analyses. The contribution to the wastewater treatment plants of pollution originating from the industries is based on figures from the report as performed by IE! Engineering (1999), the pilot testing project in izola performed by RIO-TEHNA (1991), and the future policies concerning the connection of industrial wastewater to the public wastewater treatment plants. 245 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. ■ 11 • 2001 • 2 (25) Valentina TURK, Branko POTOČNIK: POLLUTION HOT SPOTS ANO SENSITIVE AREA5 ALONG THE SLOVENIAN COAST, 239-25? Assessment of the pollution levei Estimated yearly freshwater input into the Gulf of Trieste from the Slovenian coast is 206x10'm5. The total quantity of urban and industrial wastewaters is 11x10" m3/year, taking account that the existing flow measurements contain rain water as well as intrusion seawater. The gross fluxes of some pollutants have been estimated for the entire region according to the available data of mean annual concentration and flow rates. The estimated yearly input from the wastewater treatment plants Koper and Piran, and Izoia outlets is presented in tables 4a and 4b and for rivers in tables Sa and 5b. The RiZana and BadaSevica rivers are the main pollution hot spots according to data and criteria of severity of effects on public health, drinking water quality, recreation, other beneficial uses (transportation, sport activities, aquaculture), and aquatic life (including biodiversity). For the inner part of the Bay of Koper the pollution loads were estimated from data collected at the sampling stations at both rivers, and at the outlet of primary treated sewage of the WWTP Koper. The estimated gross flux for suspended solids is 1281 t/y, for nitrogen 710 t/y, for phosphorous 23 t/y (Tabs. 4a, 5a), and for heavy metals, such as nickel 2.7 t/y, zinc 2.2 t/y, copper 1.0 t/y and 0.7 t/y for lead (Tabs. 4b, 5b). Both hot spots having mixed sources of pollution account for 56% of total BODs load and 63% for COD. Much lower inputs were estimated for the Bay of Piran for total suspended solids 322 t/y, for total nitrogen 153 t/y, for total phosphorous 9.3 t/y, 0.14 t/y for nickel, 0.6 t/y for zinc, 0.38 t/y for copper and 0.13 t/y for lead (Tabs. 4, 5). Sites of biological and ecological value Various economic activities have developed over roughly 80 % of Slovenia's coastline, leaving only about 8 km (20 %) of the coast in its natural state. It is obvious that even on these few kilometers we can not speak of true naturalness since there are numerous indirect and direct impacts from various human activities due to sewage and industrial outlets, traffic and other activities on the urbanized part of the coastal area. Direct impacts on the remaining parts of the natural coastline are derived mainly from tourism (leisure boat traffic, anchoring), fishing and collecting mussels. Salt-pans, flysch cliffs and solitary lime rocks are important littoral ecosystems in terms of biodiversity. The list of landscape parks, nature reserves, and nature monuments of great importance needing protection for their natura! assets and biological diversity is presented in table 6 (Turk & Odorico, 1993; Turk & Vukovic, 1994; Turk, 1999), Tab. 4a: The gross flux of some pollutants estimated on the effluent data for the year 2000, Tab. 4a: Celoten vnos nekaterih polutantov, ocenjen na osnovi meritev odpadnih voda v letu 2000. Loads Flow rate(m3/y) Pollutants COD BODs TotN Tot P TS S FC* Det (t/y) (t/y) (t/y) (t/y) (t/y) {No./t 00 ml) (t/y) WWTP Koper 4.7 X 10" 2054 583 126 14.6 662 6.3 X 105 12.4 WWTP Piran 2.7 X 106 594 ■ 270 92 8.1 270 1.4 X 107 5.4 IZOLA 3.1 X 106 1976 641 88 16.2 641 2.4 X 10? 5.1 DELAMARIS 8.2 X 10" 399 16 15 2.0 91 0.3 Total 1.1 X 107 5023 1658 321 40.9 1664 23.2 * mean concentration of seasonal measurements * srednja koncentracija sezonskih meritev Tab. 4b: The gross flux of selected heavy metals estimated from seasonal measurements of effluents during the year 2000. Tab. 4b: Celoten vnos izbranih težkih kovin, ocenjen na osnovi sezonskih meritev odpadnih voda v letu 2000. Loads Heavy metals Hg Cd Pb Zn Cu Ni |2o S 40 4 S 7 28 30 [iš 2S[l0 30 3? M¡20 59 25 25 25 •0 3S 35 41 s j r> 39 30 ¡5 25 20 32 20 40 12 15 20 15 17 TOS 1 Površ. pop. ploskve (m2) S [S [l(J 30 5 50 10 S S Kij 5 io(io 10 !0 S 5 S 5 5 5 5 !0 S 10 5 1 2 5 5 10 10 10 10 10 20 10 10 5 5 a 10 at) 42 ¡Pokrovnost (%) 60j60¡60 sa 40 70 70 40 70 -¡oMl! ÔDIZS 80 40 40 70 80 50 4Ü 30 70 60 60 60 40pQ 60 70 40 60 60 SO 20 40 60 BO 30 80 70 41 1 Zaporedna številka popisa 1 j 2 j3 i 5 6 ? 8 9 Hill J 12 S3 14 3 5 ¡6 37 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27126 23 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 ¡Značilne vrste združbe (characteristics! species of the association) GALIO TRICORNUTI-RANUNCULETUM ARVENSIS assoc. nova Vi [Galium tricornutum 3 2 2 i 11 1 2 2 2 1 2 4 4 3 4 4 ¡4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 1 4 2 1 4 1 4 Ranunculus arvensis ! 2 2 ' 11 1 4 4- 4 4 1 2 ! * 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 ■Í 3 2 1 4. 4 4 :n Consolida regalis 3 2 *[- + 4 1 4 3 3 + 2 1 2 4 1 4- 3 2 Z 2 + 3 * 4- 2 2 1 2 IH Bifora radians + 2\. 2 < - 2 • 3 2 4 ! 4 1 4 4 II |Značilrse vrste zveze (characteristics! species of the alliance) CAUCALiPiQN LAPPULAE Tx. 50 SAjuga chamaepytis 4 1 4 4 4 4 + 4 4. 4 4 4 1! ¡Lefíousia speculum-veneris + 4 1 4 4. 4 1 4 1 1 „L : IVaccaria pyramidalis 4 2 3 t 3 4 1 2 ¡Lathyrus aphaca 4 4 iAnihirrhinum minus 4 4 4 Utbosperrnum arvense + * 4 i i i.egousia liybrida 4 4 4 Adonis flammea / cortiana 1 4 ! Melampyrum arvense 4 4 j jstachys annua 1 i Bupleurum rotunciifolium - Ij Kickxia spuria --- — 4 4- t Ancbusa azurea 4 — í ( Sherardia arvensis —" .l. Standi x pecten-vencris — 4 4 . i 1 iMyagrum perfoliatum 4 — - 1 Lathyrus tuberosus 3 1 [Značilne vrste reda (characteristics! species of the order) CENTAURETAI.IA CYAN'] (Tx. 37) Tx., Lohm. & Prsg. 50 Bilderdyckia convolvo!us 4 4 * 4 4 4 4 4 2. 4 4 1 4 4 4 2 2 1 1 1 I + 2 4 1 4 4- 4 2 3 + 4 3 3 1¡V Papaver rhoeas + 4 î 4 * 4 4 1 4 S 1 4 t 4 4 4 4 4 3 + 2 4 4 4 2 + 4' 4 4ijV Vicia sativa 4- 4 4 + 4 * t 1 „. 1 4 1 + 3 1 4 1 + + 4 2 4 2 iii Avena barbata 4 4 4 2 2 ? 4 *> ! 4 2 4 I 2 4 4 3 4 4 1(1 Atbemis arvensis 4 4 1 + 1 1 1 î 4 4 4 2 3 2 4 4 3 2 4 2 iii jAgrostemroa sitbago 4 3 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 3 2 2 4 4 ¡ii Rapistrum rugosum r 4 4 7. 4 4 4 4 4 4 il lEuphorbia falcata 4 4 ! 4 ■v 4 + 4 4 4 -i ii Sinapis arvensis 3 4 3 4 ii Vicia varia 4 4 4 4 2 + 4 4 4 1! iLolium teinuientiim f 4 4 4 4 1 1 I Vicia hirsuta 4 Viola arvensis 4 : Vicia peregrina 4 1 Značilne vrste razreda (characteristics! species of the class) 5TELLARIETEA MEDIAE (Br. - Bl. 32) Tx. , Lohm. & Prsg. 50 I [Anagallis arvensis 1 4 ¿ t 1 ♦ 4 1 2 1 4 4 t 4 3 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 1 4 t 1 1 iv Chenogodjum album 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 I 4 4 II iCirsium arvense * + 4- 4 4 4 4 4 4 II 1 Veronica persica * 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 Fumaria officinalis Mercuriaiis annua -- 4 1 Polygonum persicaria 4 4 —i i T Diplotaxis muralis Picris ecliioicles 4 4 t i Anthyrrhinum orontium Lacluca serriola 4 4 5orschus arvensis 4 i Sonchus oleraceus 4 4 4 i Stellaria media • h i i i Biomus tectorum i. Conyza canadensis 4 Sorghum halepense Euphorbia platyphyilos 282 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 11 • 2001 • 2 (25) Mitja KAL ¡CARS C: NOVA SEGETALNA ZDUZSA IZ ZVEZ? CAUCAUOION MPPIJUETX. 50 IZ SEVEROZAHODNE ISTRE !S LOVEN ff A), 279-288 Značilne vrste razreda (characteristical species of the class) ARTEM Galium agar i ne Daucus carota SSETI ^.VULGAßiSJ^itn,.^ X, in Tx. SO ero Görs 66 Pastinaca sativa Cef in the minor Melilotos officinalis Reseda lútea Picris hieracioides Erigeron annus Cichorium inlybus Linaria vulgaris Meliiotus albus I]™ Menina arvensis Agropyron repens Convoivoius arvensis Medicado lupuiina Med i c ago_sativa_ Lolium mulíiflorutn Arenaria scrpyil ¡folia Plantasojanceolata Trííoii lím pratense ¡Galeopsis ladanum loíiitm rigidum Med ¡cago faI cata Rubus fruticosus aggr. !3ÍH 15 17 10 13 tt i 13 14 t non eselude la possibiiitá di un suo ritrovamento nell'area presa in considerazione. Parole chiave: Ruppia cirrbosa, Ruppia marítima, chiave per la determinazione, Slovenia pregledni članek prejeto: 5. 9. 2001 289 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 11 • 2001 • 2 (25) Nejc )QGAN: AH It' RUPPIA CIRRHOSA (PETAGNA) GRANDE EDINI SLOVENSKI PREDSTAVNIK TEGA RODU?, 285-232 podlagi omenjenih del in preizkušen ter modificiran med revizijo herbarijskega materiala): 1 Listi okoli 0,5 mm široki, večinoma koničasti ali z nepravilno nazobčanim vrhom, listne nožnice niso napihnjene, cvetenje protogino (?), pod vodo, oprašitev večinoma avtogamna, cvetni klas 1-2 mm dolg, prašnice 0,5-1 mm dolge, pelodna zrna okoli 60 pm dolga, pecelj socvetja ob zrelosti plodov nikoli polžasto zvit, (0,5) 1-3 (5) cm dolg, največ dvakrat daljši od najdaljših pecljev plodov, plodovi 2-2,8 mm dolgi, zelo asimetrični, skorajda polmesečasti, zoženi v okoli 0,5 mm dolg kljunec, 2n=20 (40?); tudi v somornici, na bolj blatnih tleh. R. marítima L. — Listi 0,5-1 mm široki, večinoma z zaokroženim do prisekanim ± pravilno drobno nazobčanim vrhom,-cvetenje protandrično, nad vodo, oprašitev alogamna, cvetni klas 3-4 mm dolg, prašnice 1-2 mm dolge, pelodna zrna okoli 80 pm dolga, pecelj socvetja ob zrelosti plodov večinoma razločno polžasto zvit, 4-30 (70) cm dolg, mnogokrat daljši od pecljev plodov/ plodovi 2,7-3,4 mm dolgi, približno simetrični, jajčasti,-zoženi v 0,5-1 mm dolg kljunec; 2n=40 (60?); dobro prenaša visoke koncentracije soli, uspeva lahko v globlji vodi kot druga vrsta; na bolj peščenih tleh. R. cirrhosa (Petagna) Grande- UVOD Rupija (Ruppia) je rod, na katerega v Sloveniji ne naletimo ravno vsak dan, saj njegovi predstavniki uspevajo le v obmorskih predelih, kjer pa se v plitvih bazenih in jarkih s somomico lahko pojavljajo kar množično. Celinski botaniki zatorej to rastlino - zaradi razmeroma redkih srečanj z njo - kar pridno nabiramo in tako sem pred kakima dvema letoma med nabiranjem materiala v Strunjanu postal pozoren na dolge, spira lasto ukrivljene plodne peclje, za katere sem vedel, da so značilni za vrsto R. cirrhosa, ki dotedaj za Slovenijo še ni bila navedena (SI. 1). RAZLIKOVANJE VRST V RODU RUPPIA S pomočjo različne tuje določevalne literature (Casper & Krausch, 1980; Dandy, 1980; Sell & Murrell, 1996) sem nabrani material kasneje lahko tudi nedvomno določi! za R. cirrhosa, ko pa sem želel material primerjati tudi s herbarijskim materialom iz svojega lastnega herbarija in iz herbarija Ljubljanske univerze (LjU), sem presenečeno ugotovil, da v resnici ves na ozemlju Slovenije nabrani material pripada "novoodkriti" vrsti R. cirrhosa - polžasti rupiji. Poglejmo si, kakšne so razlike med obema omenjenima vrstama (ključ je sestavljen na Si. l/Fig. 1: Ruppia cirrhosa (Petagna) Grande. 290 ANNALES • Ser. hist nat. • 11 • 2001 • 2 (25) N'ejc iOCAN: All IE RUPI'IA CtRRHOSA (PETAGNA) GRANDE EDINI SLOVENSKI PREDSTAVNIK TEGA RODU?, 209-232 |N KAKO JE PRIŠLO DO TE NENAVADNE SITUACIJE V SLOVENSKI FLORISTIČNI VEDNOSTI? Obmorsko rupijo (R. maritime L. -R. rostellata Koch, ■=/?. maritima var. rostrata Agardh.) navaja Hayek (1933) za Kvarner, iz neposredne soseščine Slovenije pa je znanih nekaj navedb s Tržaške obale (Marcheselti, 1896-97, sub R. rostellata!), kjer naj bi bila tudi edina vrsta tega rodu z nedavno potrjenim uspevanjem (Pol-dini, 1991). Na podlagi Pospšchalove navedbe (Pospi-chai, 1897) o uspevanju pri Devinu jo ima Mayer (1952) navedeno tudi za slovensko (etnično!) ozemlje pod imenom R. maritima var. rostrata. Očitno se kasnejši avtorji, ki so obravnavali pojavljanje tega rodu na območju Slovenije, s problematiko varietet, ki jih omenja še Mayer, niso ubadali, in tako se od prve izdaje Male flore Slovenije dalje (Ravnik, 1969) navaja za Slovenijo preprosto "R. maritima L.". Že omenjena revizija herba-rijskega materiala v herbanju LjU in avtorjevem her-bariju ter terensko delo v zadnjih nekaj letih pa sta pokazala, da za zdaj ta vrsta (pojmovana v ožjem smislu) na ozemlju današnje Slovenije še ni bila najdena. Glede na njeno siceršnjo razširjenost pa jo lahko pričakujemo tudi na slovenski obali, kjer bi morati biti pozorni predvsem na brakične vode ob izlivih rek in potokov ter v jezeru v Fiesi. Starejši viri, ki razlikujejo med obema taksonoma rupije, navajajo z jadranske obale tudi več rastišč pol-žaste rupije (R. cirrhosa (Petagna) Grande, = R. maritima auct, non L., ~ R. spira I is L. ex. Dum.), za območje današnje Slovenije pa Pospichal {ibid.) sploh navaja izključno ta takson, ki ga sicer imenuje R. maritima, a iz omembe druge vrste pod imenom R. rostellata in iz opisa ("...peduncoli fruttiferi molto lunghi ravvolti a spira alta base...", ibid.: 516) je jasno, da je imel v mislih polžasto rupijo. Marchesetti (1896-97) vrst ne razlikuje. Tudi revizija herbarijskega materiala, nabranega v Se-čoveljskih in Strunjanskih solinah ter v opuščenih solinah v Luciji, je v vseh primerih potrdila, da gre pri nas le za pojavljanje polžaste rupije. Površen odnos slovenskih botanikov druge polovice dvajsetega stoletja clo rupije, na katerega sem opozoril že v komentarju k prvi obravnavani vrsti, je opazen v več florističnih delih. Površno in celo napačno je ta rod predstavljen v prvih dveh izdajah Male flore Slovenije (Ravnik, 1969, 1984). Tu je rupija obravnavana kot "sladkovodna rastlina", ki raste v "stoječih vodah in mlakah", steblo naj bi imela "10 do 15 cm visoko" in "plodove oble"; ti so predstavljeni s sliko, ki pa niti približno ni podobna rupiji v fazi zrelosti plodov. Žal je obravnava tega rodu tudi v tretji izdaji Male flore Slovenije (Turk, 1999) skorajda dobesedno povzeta, le slika je nadomeščena z novo, ki je v resnici podobna plodeči obmorski rupiji. Tudi VVraber & Skobeme (1989) in kasneje Kaligarič (1990), ki so se ukvarjali z naravovarstveno problematiko rupije, niso opazili, da se pri nas pojavlja pravzaprav polžasta rupija in ne obmorska, kot navajajo. IS RUPPIA CIRRHOSA (PETAGNA) GRANDE THE ONLY SLOVENE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE GENUS? Nejc jOGAN Department of Biology, Faculty of Biotechnology, $1-1000 Ljubljana, VeCna pot 111 E-mail; E-mail: nejc. SUMMARY The paper deals with the problem of occurrence of the genus Ruppia in the territory of Slovenia. After the revision of herbarium material and field sampling, the occurrence of R, cirrhosa has only been confirmed, for which the name R. maritima was misapplied by Slovene authors of the 2"" half of the 20h century. Despite the fact that the "real" R. maritima has not been recorded in the discussed territory as yet, its occurrence here is not improbable. Key words; Ruppia cirrhosa, Ruppia maritima, key for determination, Slovenia 291 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. -11. 2001 • 2 (25) NejeJOGAN: AU JE RUI'PIA CIRRHOSA (PETACNA; GRANDE EDINj SLOVENSKI PREDSTAVNIK TEGA RODU?, 289-M2 LITERATURA Casper, S. }. & H.-D. Krausch (1980): Stisswasserfjora von Mitteleuropa 23. Pteridophyta und Anthophyta, 1. Teil: Lycopodiaceae bis Orchidaceae. G. Fisher Veriag, Jena, Stuttgart, 403 pp. Dandy, J. E. (1980): Ruppia L. in: Tutin, T. G. et a!. (eds.): Flora Europaea 5. CUP, Cambridge, p. 11. Hayek, A. (1933): Prodromus Florae peninsuiae Baica-nicae 3. Berlin, 472 pp. Kaligarič, M. 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V: Martinčič, A., T. Wraber, V. Ravnik, N. Jogan, A. Podobnik, B. Türk & B. Vreš (ur.): Mala flora Slovenije. Tehniška založba Slovenije, Ljubljana, str. 631. Wraber, T. & P. Skoberne (1989): Rdeči seznam ogroženih praprotnic in semenk SR Slovenije. Varstvo narave, 14-15, 9-428. 292 MISCELLANEA T ANNALES • Ser. hist, na t. ■ 11 • 2001 • 2 (25) izvirni znanstveni članek UDK 56.02:551.781(497.4 Fiesa) prejeto: 14. 9. 2001 NUMULIT1 IZ APNENČEVEGA TURBIDITA PRI FIES! (SLOVENIJA) Rajko PAVLOVEC Oddelek za geologijo, NaravoslovnotehniSka fakulteta, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Aškerčeva 2 IZVLEČEK Pri Fiesi nedaleč od Pirana ob slovenski obali so v delu srednjelutecijskega apnenčevega turbidita številni numuliti. Večina pripada vrsti Nummulites millecaput, nekateri so tej vrsti podobni in bi jih ob boljšem materialu kazalo opisati kot novo vrsto ali podvrsto. Podane so pripombe k opisom numulitov iz različnih dežel. Ključne besede: foraminifere, fiiš, eocen, Siovenija NUMMULíTí NELLA TORBIDITE CALCAREA Di FIESSO (SLOVENIA) SINTESI Nella torbidite calcarea medio-eocenica delta localitá di Fiesso, situata sulla costa slovena, sono stati trovad numerosi nummuliti. La maggioranza di questi appartiene alia specie Nummulites millecaput. I. 'autore suppone che, a vendo a disposizione materíale mlgtlore, altri esemplarí assomiglianti a tale specie potrebbero venir descritti come nuova specie o sottospecie. Nell'articolo vengono commentate le descrizioni di nummuliti provenienti da varíe nazion i. Parole ehrave: foraminiferí, flysch, eocene, Slovenia 295 ANNALES • Ser. hist nat. 11 2001 • 2 (25) Rafko PAVLOVEC: NUMULITI ¡2 APNENČEVEGA TURBIDiTA PRI FIESI (SLOVENIJA), 295-:i06 UVOD V slovenskem delu Dinaridov je zelo veliko numu-litin tako v apnencih kot v flišnih plasteh. Nekatera nahajališča so posebej zanimiva predvsem zaradi načina naslajanja. Eno taksnih je tudi ob jadranski obali pri Fiesi blizu Pirana (SI. 1). V spodnjem delu apnenčevega turbidita je izredno veliko numulitov (SI. 2) in mnogo manj drugih fosilov. Ta plast se vleče od Pirana mimo Fiese proti Strunjanu ter naprej proti Izoli, kjer množina numulitov pojenjuje. Preučevali smo numulite v tej plasti in skušali razložiti, zakaj je samo v enem horizontu toliko te favne. F1ESA Apnenčev turbid it je dobro viden med Fieso, Stru-njanom in Izolo. Zlasti v spodnjem delu je poln numulitov. Prevladujejo megalosferične oblike vrste Num-mulites millecaput Boubee (Pavlovec, 1963, 1969). Drugi numuliti so redki. V kamricah je pogosto limonit Horizont z numuliti je skoraj monospecifičen. Poleg numulitov je največ diskociklin, redke so asiline, precej je drobcev litotamnij, nekaj je dentalijev, še redkeje je opazili bodice morskih ježkov in drobce nekaterih drugih nedoločljivih fosilov. V spodnji!) 10-15 cm apnenčevega turbidita so številne dobro ohranjene hišice nEimulitov. Ponekod je večina hišic položena glede na potek plasti pod kotom 45°, dmgod so hišice skoraj vzporedne s plastmi. Nad tem horizontom se dokaj hitro začenja 10-15 cm debel horizont, v katerem je polno bolj ali manj zdrobljenih ali skoraj zmletih manjših delcev numulitnih hišic. Vse to kaže na rahlo razporejanje delcev po velikosti med sedimentacijo. Navzgor postaja sediment še bolj drob-nozrnat, menjavajo se apnenčevi deli s tankimi peščenimi vložki. Sedimentološko in paleontoioško sta obravnavani fliš preučevala predvsem s pomočjo nanoplank-tona Pavšič in Peckmann (1996). Horizont s številnimi numuliti ("lower limestone turbidite") sta postavila v srednji eocen blizLi sredine biocone NP 16 (str. 126). Tolikšna množica numulitnih hišic kaže na prenašanje s tokovi ali manjšimi plazovi. Material je prihaja! iz tistega dela karbonatne platforme, kjer je bilo polno predstavnikov vrste Nummulites millecaput in je bilo morda od tam večje nanašanje s platforme samo v nekaterih obdobjih (Pavlovec, 1982). Ugotovljeno je tudi bilo, da kažejo tokovnice v turbiditnem delu Hiša pri Fiesi drugo smer kot orientacija večine numulitnih hišic (Pavlovec, 1969). To pomeni, da je kamninski material prihajal od drugod kot numulitne hišice. Brez dvoma je bilo na platformi še veliko drugih organizmov, ki jih je v flišnih plasteh pri Fiesi malo. Bogata nahajališča z Nummulites millecaput in drugimi nEimulitinami, rdečimi algami, koralami, morskimi ježki, školjkami, polži in še drugimi fosili so pri Gra- čišču med Pazinom in Pičnom pa tudi drugod v Istri. Nahajališče pri Gračišču uvrščajo v mla/si del futecija (Hagn et al., 1979). V teh nahajališčih je veliko A in 8 oblik, hišice imajo pogoste anomalije (Pavlovec, 197Gb). Si. 1: Položaj nahajališč pri Fiesi ob slovenski obali. Fig.1: Localities at Fiesa on the Slovenian coast. Numuliti iz Fiese Iz apnenčevega turbidita pri Fiesi je bilo pregledano večje število numulitnih hišic megalosferične generacije (Tab. 1). Nabrane so bile v naslednjih nahajališčih: Fiesa 1: ob obali blizu Fiese Fiesa 2; ob obali med Fieso in . Pacugom, okrog .300 m pred Pacugom Fiesa 3: ob obali med Fieso in Pacugom, okrog 200 m pred Pacugom Fiesa 4: ob obali okrog 100 m od Pacuga proti Strunjanu Pri številčnih podatkih v spodnji tabeli so uporabljene naslednje oznake: Dm = premer hišice v milimetrih / the test diameter in mm R = polmer hišice v milimetrih/ the test radius in mm W = število zavojev / whorl number M = premer melagosfere v milimetrih / protoconch in mm SI, S2, S3, S4 = število sept v prvem, drugem, tretjem in četrtem zavoju / number of septa in the first, second, third and forth whorl Tab. 1: Številčni podatki za vrsto Nummulites millecaput, oblika A. Tab. 1: Numeric data for species Nummulites millecaput, form A. 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DEVETAK, Dušan Deleproctophyila a ust ra Its (Fabricius, 1787) in Istria and Quarnero (Neuroptera: Ascalaphidae). Deleproctophyila austral is (Fabricius, 1787) v Istri in Kvarnerju (Neuroptera: Ascalaphidae). Letn. 5, št. 7 (1995), str. 193-197. 37. DEVETAK, Dušan Genus Macronemurus Costa, 1855 in the northwestern part of the Balkan Peninsula (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). Rod Macronemurus Costa, 1855 v severozahodnem delu Balkanskega polotoka (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). Letn. 7, št. 11 (1997), str. 203-208. Ilustr. 38. DEVETAK, Dušan Palpares libelluloides (Linnaeus, 1764) In the northwestern part of the Balkan Peninsula (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). Volkec PaIpares libelluloides (Linnaeus, 1764) v severozahodnem delu Balkanskega polotoka (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae). Letn. 6, št. 9 (1996), str. 211-216. Ilustr. 39. DOBRUSKINA, Inna A., Bogdan Jurkovsek & Tea Kolar-Jurkovšek Upper Cretaceous flora of Slovenia. Zgornjekredna flora Slovenije. Letn. 9, st 2-17 (1999), str. 243-256. 40. DOLENEC, Tadej, Davorin Medakovič & Sonja Lojen The influence of marine anoxia on precipitation of Mytilus galloprovincialis shell carbonate in the coastal zone of the Rovinj bay (Northern Adriatic). Vpliv morske anoksije na izločanje karbonata v lupinicah školjke Mytilus galloprovincialis iz priobalnega dela Rovinjskega zaliva (severni Jadran). Letn. 10, št. 1=19 (2000), str. 55-60. 41. DULČ1Č, Jakov Age and growth studies on fishes in Croatian fisheries science. Študije o starosti in rasti rib v hrvaški ihtiološki znanosti. Letn. 9, št. 2*17 (1999), str. 233-236. 4 ANNALES • Ser, hist, nat • 11 - 2001 ■ 2 (25) SU PL EMENT-SU PPL EME NTO-S U PPL EM ENT 42. DULČIČ, Jakov, Armin Paliaoro & Miro Kraljevič Occurrence of bluefish, Pomatomus saltator (Linnaeus, 1766), and butterfish, Stromateus fiatola (Linnaeus, 1758), juveniles in the eastern central Adriatic. Pojavljanje mladic skakavke Pomatomus saitator (Linné, 1766) in fige Stromateus fiatola (Linné, 1766) v vzhodnem srednjem Jadranu. Letn. 10, št. 1 =19 (2000), str. 19-22. 43. DULČIČ, Jakov The diet of larval sardine, Sardina pilchardus (Waibaum, 1792) in the eastern central Adriatic. Prehranjevanje larv mediteranske su rde le Sardina pilchardus (Waibaum) v vzhodnem srednjem jadranu. Letn- 9, št. 1 5 (1999), str. 9-14. 44. DULČIČ, Jakov Early life history stages of family Centrolophidae in the eastern Adriatic. Zgodnji razvojni stadij rib iz družine Centrolophidae v vzhodnem Jadranu. Letn. 9, Št. 2=17 (1999), str. 223-228. 45. DULČIČ, Jakov Early life history stages of family Scombridae in the eastern Adriatic. Zgodnje razvojne stopnje družine Scombridae v vzhodnem jadranu. Letn. 6, St. 9 (1996), str. 9-36. Jlustr. 46. DULČIČ, Jakov Early life history stages of the family Carangidae in the Eastern Adriatic. Zgodnji razvojni stadiji rib iz družine Carangidae v vzhodnem jadranu. Letn. 8, št. 13 (1998), str. 55-64. Ilustr. 47. DULČJČ, Jakov Effects of environmental changes on early stages and reproduction of anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus I..) in the Adriatic Sea. Posledica sprememb v morskem okolju na začetne razvojne stopnje in razmnoževanje inčuna Engraulis encrasicolus L. v jadranskem morju. Letn. 7, št. 11 (1997), str. 259-270. 48. DULČIČ, Jakov & Ante Šimunovic Dr. fra jure Radič - botamčar, malakolog i ekolog (1920-1990). Dr. fra jure Radič - botanist, malacologist and ecologist (1920-1990). Letn. 10, št. 1=19 (2000), str. 121-124. 49. DULČIČ, Jakov Food and feeding habits of the damselfish Chromis chromis (Teieostei: Pomacentridae) in the eastern Adriatic. Hrana in prehranjevalne navade črnikov Chromis chromis (Teieostei: Pomacentridae) v vzhodnem Jadranu. Letn. 6, št. 9 (1996), str. 31-36. Ilustr, 50. DULČJČ, Jakov, Frano Kršinič, Miro Kraljevič & Armin Paliaoro Occurrence of fingerlings of grey triggerfish, Batistes carolinensis Gmeiin, 1789 (Pisces: Balistidae), in the eastern Adriatic. Pojavljanje mladic balestre Balistes carolinensis Gmeiin, 1789 (Pisces: Balistidae) v vzhodnem jadranskem morju. Letn. 7, št. 11 (1 997), str. 271 -276. Ilustr. 51. DULČIČ, Jakov Infection of sardine eggs by a parasitic dinofiagellate Ichthyodinium chabelardi Hoilande and Cachon, 1952 in Croatian waters. Ikre sardel v hrvaških vodah okužene z zajedalskim oklepnim bičkarjem Ichthyodinium chabelardi Hoilande in Cachon, 1952 Letn. 8, št. 13 (1998), str. 15-18. Ilustr. 52. DULČIČ, Jakov, Ivan Jardas & Ivo Kačič New records of the early life history stages of louvar, Luvarus imperialis Rafinesque, 1810, from the eastern Adriatic. Novi zapisi o zgodnji razvojni stopnji petetinke, Luvarus imperialis, Rafinesque, 1810, iz vzhodnega Jadrana. Letn. 9, št. 1-15 (1999), str. 3-8. Ilustr. 53. DULČIČ, Jakov Regional growth differences in sardine (Sardina pilchardus Walb.) larvae from (strian and Dalmatian coasts. Regionalne razlike rasti larv mediteranske sardete (Sardina pilchardus Walb.) med obrežnimi istrskimi in dalmatinskimi vodami. Letn. 5, št. 7 (1995), str. 55-60. Ilustr. 54. DULČJČ, Jakov Spawning of the anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus (L.), in the Northern Adriatic Sea in 1989, the year of intensive blooms. Drstenje inčuna Engraulis encrasicolus (L.) v severnem jadranu v letu 1989 - letu intenzivnega cvetenja. Letn. 5, št. 7 (1995), str, 51-54. Ilustr. 55. DULČJČ, Jakov Spiridion Brusina - zoolog i paleontolog (1845-1908). Spiridion Brusina - zoologist and paleontologist (1845-1908). Letn. 10, št. 1=19 (2000), str. 99-104. ANNALES ■ Ser. hist. oat. • 11 • 2001 • 2 (25) S U P LLME NT-S U PPL EMENTO-s U PPL EM ENT 56. DULČIČ, Jakov Znanstveni rad akademika prof. dr. Tonka Šoljana -hrvatskog i svjetskog ihtiologa (1907-1980). Scientific work of the academician Prof. Dr. Tonko Šoljan - Croatian and world ichthyologist (1907-1980). Letn. 10, št. 2=21 (2000), Str. 323-330. 57. EMRIČ, Vanja Macroinvertebrate fauna associated with natural populations of mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarc, 1819) in Lim channel, Istra. Nevretenčarska makrofavna v povezavi z naravnimi populacijami užitne klapavice (Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819) v Limskem kanalu (Istra). Letn. 6, št. 9 (1996), str. 67-72.. 58. FAVRETTO, Dario Le rupi dell'lstria montana fra scienza e mito. The Rocks of Northern ¡stria (Slovenia) between Science and Myth. Letn. 2, St. 2 (1992), str. 25-30. Ilustr. 59. FIEDLER, Ulricli & Ehud Spanier Occurrence of larvae of Scyllarus arctus (Crustacea, Decapoda, Scyllaridae) inthe Eastern Mediterranean -preliminary results. Pojavljanje larv raka Scyllarus arctus (Crustacea, Decapoda, Scyllaridae) v vzhodnem Sredozemlju -predhodni rezultati. Letn. 9, št. 2=17 (1999), str. 153-157. 60. FLANDER, Vesna, Borut Vrišer & Aleksander Vukovič Mesečno naseljevanje bentoške favne na predhodno zamrznjenih morskih sedimentih: preliminarno poročilo. Monthly repopulation of benthic fauna on temporarily frozen sediments - a preliminary report, Letn. 6, št. 9 (1996), str. 79-86. ilustr. 61. FONDA, Ugo Umetni podvodni grebeni - ena izmed možnosti za vzdrževanje biotske raznovrstnosti v slovenskem morju. Artificial sunken reefs - a possible way to sustain biotic diversity in the Slovene part of the Adriatic Sea. Letn. 6, št. 9 (1996), str. 2.31-234. ilustr. 62. GALLE, Laszio Contribution to the ant fauna of Slovenia with special reference to the Submediterranean and Eudinaric regions. Prispevek k slovenski mravljinčji favni s posebnim poudarkom na submediteranskem in evdinarskem območju. Letn. 7, št. 1 1 (1997), str. 209-214. ilustr. 63. GAMS, Ivan Analiza imen za obalno regijo. Analysis of Names for the Coastal Region. Letn. 1, št. 1 (1991), str. 7-12. 64. GAMS, Ivan Spremenljivi pomen Krasa za krasoslovje med razvojem pojma kras. The Changing Meaning of the Term "karst". Letn. 4, št. 4 (1994), str. 135-142. 65. GEISTER, Iztok Gnezdilke popogoriščnega habitata na Petrinjskem Krasu. Breeding birds of a post-conflagrated habitat in the Petrinje Karst. Letn. 9, št. 2=17 (1999), str. 299-302. 66. GEISTER, Iztok Nekaj o kačjih pastirjih okrog Škocjanske luže. Something on Dragonflies around the Škocjanska luža (the Škocjan swamp). Letn. 1, št. 1 (1991), str. 47-50. 67. GEISTER, Iztok Območno vedenje brškinke Clsticola junctdis (Rafinesque 1810) v različnih stadijih gnezdenja. Regional Behaviour of O$tk;o\a juncidis (Rafinesque 1810) in Different Stages of Nesting. Letn. 3, št. 3 (1993), str. 21-28. 68. GEISTER, Iztok Odonatna favna Fiese trideset let kasneje. Odonatous Fauna ofFiesa Thirty Years After. Letn. 3, št. 3 (1993), str. 37-44. 69. GEISTER, Iztok Porazdelitev srpične trstnice (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) in rakarja (A. arundinaceus) v slovenskem Primorju. Distribution of the Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus and the Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus in the Slovene Littoral. Letn. 8, št. 13 (1998), str. 95-100. Ilustr. 70. GEISTER, Iztok & Henrik Ctglič Ptice otoka Srak a ne Vele v creško-lošinjskem arhipelagu. Birds of Srakane Vele in the Cres-Lošinj Archipelago. Letn. 7, št. 11 (1997), str. 73-84. 71. GEISTER, Iztok Slovenska ornitologija na pragu tretjega tisočletja. Slovene ornithology on the threshold of the third millennium. Letn. 7, št. 1 1 (1997), str. 59-64. 6 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 11 - 2001 • 2 (25) Sij PL EME NT-S UPPt E M E NTO-S U PPLEM E NT 72. CEISTER, Iztok Usoda črnoglavega strnada Emberiza melanocephala v Slovenskem Prirnorju. La sorte dello zigolo capinero (Emberiza melanocephala Scopoii) nel Litorale sloveno. Letn. 5, št. 7 (1995), str. 71-76. Ilustr. 73. GENERO, Fulvio La presenza del grifone (Gyps fulvusj sulle Alpi Giulie. Pojavljanje beloglavega jastreba (Gyps fulvus) v julijskih Alpah. Letn. 5, št. 7 (1995), str. 95-102. Ilustr. 74. GENERO, Fulvio ll progetto dt reintroduzione del Gipeto (Gypaetus barbatus) sulle Alpi. Projekt reintrodukcije brkatega sera (Gypaetus barbatus) vAipah. Letn. 6, št. 9 (1996), str. 235-244. Ilustr. 75. GENERO, Fulvio & Fabio Perco La storia del grifone A1. Zgodba beloglavega jastreba AL Letn. 5, št. 7 (1995), str. 103-106. Ilustr. 76. GJERKEŠ, Miran Bledi vrtnik (Hippolais pallida) v Istri. Olivaceus M/arWer (Hippolais pallida) in Istra. Letn. 8, št. 13 (1998), str. 91-94. Ilustr. 77. GLOBEVN1K, Lidija Analiza sprememb rabe tal, hidrološkega režima in erozijskih procesov v porečju Dragonje. Analysis of the changes in land-use, water regime and erosion processes in the Dragonja river catchment. Letn. 9, št. 1=15 (1999), str. 51-62. ilustr. 78. GODEC, Boštjan, Boris Koruza, Barbara Ambrožič-Turk & Viijanka Vesei Postopek pridobivanja certificiranega sadilnega materiala oljke (Olea europaea L.). Procedure for the acquisition of certified oliva (Olea europaea L.) planting material. Letn. 9, št. 2=17 (1999), str. 47-52. 79. GOGALA, Andrej & Matija Gogaia Stenice (Heteroptera) Kraškega roba. The Bugs (Heteroptera) of the Karst Edge. Letn. 4, št. 4(1994), Str. 37-42. 80. GRIFFITHS, Huw I. & Anton Brancelj Preliminary list of freshwater Ostracoda (Crustacea) from Slovenia. Preliminarni seznam vrst sladkovodnih dvoklopnikov (Ostracoda: Crustacea) iz Slovenije. letn. 6, št. 9 (1996), str. 201-210. Ilustr. 81. GROŠELJ, Aija Mokrišča kot sestavni del zelenega sistema na Obali. Wetlands as a Part of the Green System of the Littoral. Letn. 4, št. 4 (1994), str. 113-128. Ilustr. 82. GUI DOLINI, Laura & Olimpia Coppeilotti Krupa Protists from caves: preliminary data on populations of the !'Covoio della guerra", Berici hills (Vicenza, Italy). Jamski enoceličarji: predhodne raziskave o njihovih populacijah v kraški jami "Covolo detla Guerra" v hribovju Berici (Vicenza, Italija). Letn. 9, št. 1=15 (1999), str. 73-80. Ilustr. 83. HORVAT, Bogdan Vodne muhe poplesovalke (Diptera: Empididae) Slovenskega primorja in Istre. Dancing Water Flies (Diptera: Empididae) of Slovenian Littoral and Istria. Letn. 4, št. 4 (1994), str. 31-36. Üustr. 84. HUDOKLIN, Andrej Letna dinamika pojavljanja podkovnjakov (Rhinolophus spp.) v nekaterih jamah na Dolenjskem. Annual dynamics of the occurrence of horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus spp.) in some caves of Dolenjska. Letn. 9, št 2=17 (1999), str. 323-328. 85. IRŠIČ, Danica, Mitja Kaligarič & Brigita Kruder Stopnja poznavanja dreves in grmov v osnovni šoli. Primary school pupil's knowledge of trees and bushes. Letn. 10, št. 2=21 (200@¿pstr. 309-316. 86. JARNJAK, Marjan Okoljevarstvena problematika Škocjanskega zatoka. Environmental complexity of the Škocjan inlet nature reserve. Letn. 6, št. 9=3 (1996), str. 253-258. Ilustr. 87. JOGAN, Jernej Morske trave slovenskega dela Jadrana. Sea-grasses of the Slovenian Part of the Adriatic. Letn. 4, št. 4 (1994), str. 77-82. Ilustr. 88. JOGAN, Neje & Janja Plazar Lonicera japónica Thunb. - nova naturalizirana vrsta slovenske flore. Lonicera japónica Thunb, - new naturalized plant species in Slovenian flora. Letn. 8, št. 13 (1998), Str. 125-128. Ilustr. 89. JOGAN, Neje Razširjenost medvejk (Spiraea spp.) v Sloveniji. Distribution of brideworts (Spiraea spp.) in Slovenia. Letn. 10, št. 1=19 (2000), str. 81-90. 7 ANNALES'- Ser. hist. nat. ■ 11 • 2001 • 2 (25) S UPLEME NT-S U PPl EM E N TO-S U PPi. EM E NT 90. JURKOVŠEK, Bogdan, Tea Koiar-Jurkovšek & Bojan Ogorelec Geologija avtocestnega odseka Divača - Kozina. Geology of the Divača-Kozina motorway section (Kras, Slovenia). Letn. 7, št. It (1997), str. 161-186. Ilustr. 91. JURKOVŠEK, Bogdan & Tea Koiar-Jurkovšek Zgornjekredni skat Rhinobatos iz lipiške formacije pri Dobravljah (Tržaško-komenska planota, Slovenija). La razza delgenere Rhinobatos del Cretaceo superiore nella formazione d i Lipizza dei dintorni di Dobra vije (Altopiano Trieste - Komen, Slovenia). Letn. 5, št. 7 (1995), str. 161-170. Ilustr. 92. KALIGARiČ, Mitja Asociacija Gen isto sericeae - Seslerietum juncifoltae Poldini 80 (združba svilnate košeničnice in ozkolistne vilovine) v Sloveniji. The Association Genisto sericae-Seslerietum juncifoliae Poldini 80 in Slovenia. Letn. 4, št. 4 (1994), str. 83-86. 93. KALIGARIČ, Mitja Botanični in naravovarstveni pomen travnikov združbe Danthonio-Scorzoneretum villosae Ht. & H-ič (56)58 nad Rakitovcem v Čičarijl (jugozahodna Slovenija). Botanical and nature conservation meaning of the meadows belonging to the community Danthonio-Scorzoneretum villosae Ht. & H-ič (56)58 above Rakitovec (southwestern Slovenia). Letn. 7, št. 11 (1997), str. 33-38. Ilustr. 94. KALIGARIČ, Mitja Carlina acanthifolia subsp. utzka (Hacq.) Meusel & Kastner v Sloveniji. Carlina acanthifolia subsp. utzka (Hacq.) Meusel & Kastner in Slovenia. Letn. 7, št. 1 1 (1997), str. 43-46. Ilustr. 95. KALIGARIČ, Mitja Prispevek k poznavanju razširjenosti orhidej (Orchidaceae) Slovenske Istre. The Distribution of Orchids (Orchidaceae) in Slovene lstria:A contribution to knowledge of the subject. Letn. 1, št. 1 (1991), str. 33-40. 96. KALIGARIČ, Mitja & Andraž Čarni Travniki na Krasu in v Istri se zaraščajo. I prati del Carso e dell'lstria si inselvano. Letn. 1, št. 1 (1991), str. 41-46. 97. KALIGARJČ, Mitja Vegetacija plevelov v vinogradih Koprskega primorja. Weeds in the Vineyards of the Koper Littoral. Letn. 2, št. 2 (1992), str. 39-52. 98. KARAJJČ, Alije & Boris Krystufek Favna sesalcev (Mammalia) Brkinov. The mammal Tauna (Mammalia) in the area of Brkini, Slovenia. Letn. 9, št. 1 =15 (1999), str. 101-110. Ilustr. 99. KNEZ, Martin Pomen in vloga lezik pri makroskopskih raziskavah karbonatnih kamnin, v katerih so oblikovani freatični kanali. Importanza e ruolo dei giunti di stratificazione nelle ricerche macroscopiche delle rocce carbonatiche attraversate da canali freatici. Letn. 5, št. 7 (1995), str. 127-130. Ilustr. 100. KNEZ, Martin Prehod karbonatnih kamnin v klastične pri Košani. The Transition from Carbonate Minerals into Clastica! Sediments at Košana. Letn. 4, št 4 (1994), str. 173-182. 101. KNEZ, Martin Vpliv lezik na speleogenetski razvoj vzhodnega dela Škocjanskih jam. Impact of bedding-planes on the speleogenetic development of the entrance part of the Skocjan Caves. Letn. 6, št. 9 (1996), str. 89-94. Ilustr. 102. KOGOVŠEK, Janja Izlitja nevarnih snovi ogrožajo kraško vodo: onesnaženje Rižane oktobra 1994 zaradi izlitja plinskega olja ob prometni nesreči pri Obrovu. La fuoriuscita di sostanze pericolose minaccia le acque del carso - L'inquinamento del Risano nelTottobre del 1994 causato da una fuoriuscita di gasolio dovuta ad un incidente stradale nei pressi di Obrov. Letn. 5, št 7(1995), str. 141-148. Ilustr. 103. KOGOVŠEK, Janja Kako smetišča ogrožajo kakovost kraške vode. How rubbish dumps have imperilled the quality ofkarst water. Letn. 6, št 9 (1996), str. 111-114. Ilustr. 104. KOGOVŠEK, Janja Podrobno spremljanje kvalitete vode, odtekajoče z avtoceste in njen vpliv na kraško vodo. Monitoraggio dettagliato delta qualita dell'acqua di de-flusso dell'autostrada e suo impatto sull'acqua carsica. Letn, 5, št. 7 (1995), str. 149-154. ilustr. 105. KOGOVŠEK, Janja Prenikajoča voda v jamah primorskega krasa. The Percolating Water in the Caves of the Karst in Primorsko. Letn. 4, št. 4 (1994), str. 149-154. Ilustr. 8 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. ■ 11 - 2001 • 2 (25) S U P L£M E NT-SU PPL EM ENTO -SU PPL E MENT 106. KOGOVŠEK, Janja Ugotavljanje načina pretakanja in prenosa snovi s sledilnim poskusom v naravnih razmerah. How to determine the way of percolation and transport of substances by water tracing test in natural conditions, Letn. 10, št. 1=19 (2000), str. 133-142. 107. KRANJC, Andrej Karstology and speleology in Slovenia; from the history of karst and cave science to their perspectives. O krasoslovju in speleologiji v Sloveniji (o zgodovini vede o krasu in jamah ter o njunih perspektivah. Letn. 7, št. 11 (1997), str. 95-102. 108. KRANJC, Andrej O imenu in zgodovini pokrajine Kras. On the Name and History of the Kras Region. Letn. 4, št. 4 (1994), str. 131-134. Ilustr. 109. KRANJC, Andrej Prispevek k imenoslovju Škocjanskih jam. A contribution to the onomastics of the Škocjan caves. Letn. 4, št. 4 (1994), str. 187-192. Ilustr. 110. KREVS, Marko Pogled s Slavnika na Koprsko primorje. The View of the Koper Littoral from Slavnik. Letn. 4, št. 4 (1994), str. 7-14. Ilustr. 111. KRUŠN1K, Ciril & Marjana Hasenbichel Vertikalna razporeditev invertebratov v Osapski reki: L Mikroinvertebrati. Distribuzione veiiicale dei mîcroinveitebrati nel Rio Ospo. letn. 5, Št. 7 (1995), str. 199-204. Ilustr. 112. KRUŠNIK, Ciril & Mojca Korošec Vertikalna razporeditev invertebratov v Osapski reki: li. Makroinvertebrati. Distribuzione verticale dei macroinvertebrati nel Rio Ospo. Letn. 5, št. 7 (1995), str. 205-214. Ilustr. 113. KRVŠTUFEK, Boris & Lovrenc Lipej Kiti (Cetacea) v severnem Jadranu. Whales (Cetacea) in Northern Adriatic. Letn. 3, št. 3 (1993), str. 9-20. Ilustr. 114. KRVŠTUFEK, Boris & Andrej Hudoklin Netopirji na prezimovališčih v Sloveniji v letih 1994-1996. Bats in hibernaculas of Slovenia 1994 -1996. Letn. 9, št. 2=17 (1999), str. 315-322. 115. KRYSTUFEK, Boris & Davorin Tome Unexpected record of pygmy white-toothed shrew S uncus etruscus in Central Slovenia (Insectívora, Mammalia). Nepričakovana najdba etruščanske rovke Suncus etruscus v osrednji Sloveniji (Insectívora, Mammalia), Letn. 7, št. 11 (1997), str. 215-218. Ilustr. 116. KUNAVER, Jurij & Darko Ogrin Spodmoli v stenah kraškega roba. The Notches in the Walls of the Karst Edge. Letn. 3, št. 3 (1993), str. 61-66. Ilustr. 117. LEINER, Srečko, Meta Povž & Milorad Mrakovčič Freshwater fish in Istrian Peninsula. Sladkovodne ribe istrskega polotoka. Letn. 5, št. 7 (1995), str. 21 5-222. Ilustr. 118. LENAZ, Davide 87Sr/36Sr isotopic characterisation of dolina soils and flysch rocks from Trieste area (NE Italy). ^Sr^Sr izotopska karakterizacija prsti dolin in fliših plasti iz okolice Trsta (SV Italija). Letn. 9, št. 2=1 7 (1999), str. 239-242. 119. LENAZ, Davide & Licia Billiato La pirite nelle arenarie del Bacino Giulio. Pirit v peščenjakih iz Julijskega bazena. 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MOZETIČ, Patricija, Marina Cabrini, Sara Čok & Alfred Beran Temporal distribution of Alexandrium spp. in the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic). Časovna porazdelitev vrst iz rodu Alexandrium v Tržaškem zalivu (severni Jadran). Letn. 7, št 11 (1997), str. 225-230. Ilustr. 141. MOZETIČ, Patricija, Valentina Turk & Alenka Malej Nutrient-enrichment effect on plankton composition. VpHv vnosa hranilnih snovi na sestavo planktonske združbe. Letn. 8, št. 13 (1998), str. 31-42. Ilustr. 142. MOZETIČ, Patricija, Vlado Malačič & Valentina Turk Ecological characteristics of seawater influenced by sewage outfall. Ekološke značilnosti obalnega morja v bližini podvodnega kanalizacijskega izpusta. Letn, 9, št. 2=17 (1999), str. 1 77-1 89. 143. MRŠiČ, Narcis Dvojnonoge (Diplopoda) Koprskega primorja in sosednjih območij. Diplopoda of the Koper Littoral and the Neighbouring Regions. Letn. 4, št. 4 (1994), str. 15-30. Ilustr. 144. 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(avtor) 5 Battelli, Claudio 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 237, 238 Bearzi, Giovanni 11 Beltram, C.ordana 239, 299 Bembicb, Luca 12 Benussi, Enrico 12,13 Beran, Alfred 140 Berden, Maja 14 Bettoso, Nicola 2 Ríliiato, Licia 119 Brancdj, Anton 15, 16, 80, 240 Bressan, Guido 151 Briceij, Mitja 266 Brizzi, Giuüo 1 7 Bučar-Mikiavčič, Milena 18, 19, 20 Butinar, Bojan 18, 19, 20 Cabrini, Marina 140 Caffau, Mauro 21,22 Cardinal!, Stefano 168 Celona, Antonio 23 Cerkvenik, T. 5 Cetinič, Perica 24 Cigiič, Henrik 70 Coppelfottí, Olimpia 25 Coppellotti-Krupa, Olimpia 82 Cunja, Sebastjan 225 21 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. -11- 2001 • 2 (25) S UPLEME nt-SUPP!. EMEN TO-S U PPL E M £ NT Čaiija, Darinka 18,19,20 Čarni, Andraž 26, 27, 96 Čeihar, Tanja 28, 241 Čermelj, Branko 147, 242, 243, 244 Česnik, Janja 221 Čok, Lucija 245 Čok, Sara 140, 169 Dakskobier, Igor 29 David, Matej 30 De Maddaiena, Alessandro 31, 32, 246, 247 De Min, Raffaelia 33, 34, 35, 207 Del Negro, Paola 168 Deveta k, Dušan 36, 37, 38, 217 Dobruskina, Inna A. 39 Doienec, Tadej 40 Drinovec, Matjaž (avtor) 221 Dulčic, Jakov 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 222, 226, 300, 301 Dukič, Dušanka (avtor) 221 Emrič, Vanja 57 Faganeli, Jadran 146,147 Favretto, Dario 58 Fiedler, Ulrich 59 Flander Putrle, Vesna 248 Flander, Vesna 60 Fonda, Ugo 61 Fonda-Umani, Serena (avtor) 169 Foriani, Fiavio 223, 224 Fuchs, Alexander 184 Galeotti, Paolo 13 Galle, Laszlo 62 Gams, Ivan 63 Gariboldi, Armando 13 Geister, Iztok 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72 Genero, Fulvio 73, 74, 75 Ghirardelli, Lia Angela 194 Gjerkeš, Miran 76, 1 22, 1 23 Glavaš, Goran 225 Globevnik, Lidija 77 Godec, Boštjan 78 Gogaia, Andrej 79 Gogala, Matija 79 Golob, Terezija 158 Gombač, Katja 229 Goriup, Francesca 3,17 Gorjanc, Nataša 16 Griffiths, Huw 1. 80 Gril, G. (avtor) 5 Grošelj, Aija 81 Gruber, Jürgen 144, 145 Grum, Aleksander 249 Guidolini, Laura 82 Hajna, Nadja Zupan - glej Zupan Hajna, Nadja Harris, Roger P. 250 Hasenbichel, Marjana 111 Horvat, Bogdan 83 Elottinger, lukas 251 Hrvatin, Aleksander 221 Hudoklin, Andrej 84, 114 Iršič, Danica 85 jakomin, V. 5 Jardas, Ivan 52, 226 jarnjak, Marjan 86 jereb, Taja 221 jogan, Jernej 87 jogan, Nejc 88, 89 Juraga, Andreja 221 jurkovšek, Bogdan 39, 90, 91, 157 Jurkovšek, Tea Kolar - glej Kolar-Jurkovšek, Tea Kačič, Ivo (avtor) 52 Kaligarič, Mitja 85, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 1 60, 227, 252,303, 304, 305 51, Karajič, Afije 98 Kleva, Dag 253, 254 Kieva-Švageij, Danijela 306 Knez, Martin 99, 100, 101, 255, 256, 257 Koba!, Andrej (avtor) 233 Kogovšek, Janja 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 258 Kolar-Jurkovšek, Tea 39, 90, 91, 307 Korošec, Mojca 112 Koruza, Boris 78 Korže, Ana Vovk - glej Vovk-Korže, Ana Košir, Uroš 276 Kraljevič, Miro 42, 50 Kranjc, Andrej 107, 108, 109, 259, 260, 261, 262, 308, 309 Krevs, Marko 110 Kristan, Katarina 263 Kristan, Mojca 228 Kršinič, Frano 50 Kruder, Brigita 85 Krupa, Olimpia Coppelletti - glej Coppelfotti-Krupa, Olimpia Krušnik, Ciril 111,112 Kryštufek, Boris 1, 98, 113, 114, 115, 264, 310 Kunaver, Jurij 116 Lah, Tamara 265 Landri, Paola 17 Langus, Alenka 229 Leiner, Srečko 117 Lenaz, Davide 118, 119 Levanič, Tom 120 Lipe j, Lovrenc. 113, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 193, 311,312 Lipovec, Neža 221 Lojen, Sonja 40 Makovec, Tihomir 125,126,127, 193 Malačič, Vlado 128, 129,142, 230 Malej, Alenka 129, 141, 250, 266, 267, 268, 270 Marčeta, Bojan 1.30, 131 Marinček, Lojze 132, 133 Marinčič, Stanko 134 22 ANNALES • Ser. hist, nat, 11 • 2001 • 2 (25) S UPttMENT -SUPPL EM E NTO ■ S UPPl EMEN'T Martincic, Barbara 170 Martini, Fabrizio 135, 136 Di Martino, Vincenzo 1 37 Masio, Miha 233 Mazaiin, Domen 221 Medakovič, Davorin 40 Mibelič, Darja 325 Mihevc, Andrej 138 Mikiavčič, Milena Bučar-glej Bučar-Miklavčič, Milena Mikuž, Vasja 139 Mišic, Miha 146,147 Mlakar, Andrej 156 Mlakar, Manca Plazar - glej Plazar Mlakar, Manca Mozetič, Patricija 140, 141, 142, 195, 270, 271 Mrakovčič, Milorad 117 Mršič, Narcis 143 Notarbartolo di Sciara, Giuseppe 11 Novak, Tone 144, 145 Ogoreiec, Bojan 90, 146, 147 Ogrin, Darko 116, 148, 149, 150 Ogrinc, Nives 276 Okretič, N. 5 Orel, Giuliano 17 Orlando, Martina 126, 151, 272, 313 Pallaoro, Armin 42, 50 Paviovec, Rajko 139,152 Pavšlč, Jernej 153 Peckrnann, jorn 153 Pečar, Nataša 233 Perco, Fablo 75 Pertot, Marina 135, 136, 154 Petelin, Boris 273 Petrič, Metka 155, 274, 275 Piccinni, Ester 25 Pipan, Primož 276 Pisko, Edi 225 Pišot, Rado 231 Planine, Griša 232 Plazar Mlakar, Manca 156 Plazar, Janja 88 Pleničar, Mario 157 Plestenjak, Anamarija 158 Polak, Slavko 159, 277, 278 Poldini, Livio 160,161 Povž, Meta 117 Pribac, Anja 233 Protopsalti, loanna 22 Pugiiese, D. 5 Putrle, Vesna Flander - glej Flander, Vesna Rajtmajer, Dolfe 162 Rama ni, Paulo 168 Richter, Marjan 121 Rihter, D. 5 Rinelli, Paola 164 Rubinič, Borut 165, 166, 167 Sabec, Marta 168 Salvi, Christinamaria 169,170 Sdrigotti, Eiisabetta 171 Serdinšek, David 233 Shaw, Trevor R. 172, 173, 174 Simčič, Ingrid 1 52 Slabe, Tadej 175, 7 76, 177, 178, 279, 280 Slana, Ljuba 145 Soldo, Aien 24, 125, 179 Sovine, Andrej 180,181,234,281 Spangenberg, Jorge F. 182 Spanier, Ehud 59 Spano, Nun2icaria 164 Stachowitsch, Michael 183,184,282 Stancaneili, Bessy 137 Stelzl, Michael 217 Surina, Boštjan 185 Svetina, Vanja 283 Sebela, Stanka 186, 187, 188, 189, 284 Sere, Dare 190 Šile, Urban 132 Šimunovič, Ante 48 Šiško, Milijan 16 Škornik, iztok 191, 192, 193, 235, 285, 286, 314, 315, 316, 317 Škornik, Sonja 287, 288 Šparica, Marko 134 Štirn, ¡ože 194 Švageij, Barbara 195,289,318 Švageij, Boris 290 Švageij, Danijela Kleva - glej Kleva-Švagelj, Danijela Tan, lan H. 10 Tarman, Kazimir 319 Tavzes, Branka 263 Terzič, Senka 195 Tome, Davorin 115, 196, 320, 321, 322, 323 Tome, Staša 197,198,291 Tonello, B. (avtor) 5 Trontelj, Peter 199, 292 Tunis, Giorgio 134 Turk, Barbara Ambrožič - glej Ambrožič Turk, Barbara Turk, Robert 200, 201, 283, 293, 326 Turk, Tom 202,203 Turk, Valentina 141, 142, 294 Uchman, Alfred 134 Udovič, Marko 204 Umani, Serena Fonda - glej Fonda-Umani, Serena Ustno, Roberta 25 Vesel, Vjljanka 78,205 Vidmar, Barbara 206 Vincoletto, R. 5 Vio, Ennio 33, 34, 207 Vitek, Emst 208 Vives, Pere Tomas 236 Vovk-Korže, Ana 209 Vrišer, Borut 60, 210, 2T1, 212, 213, 214, 215 Vukovič, Aleksander 9, 14, 60, 210, 295 23 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 11 ■ 2001 • 2 (25) ' ~ ~ sUPLEMENT-SUPrUMENTO-SUPPLEMCN'T Weiker, Chiara 171 Wraber, Tone 208, 216 Zadnik, Marjefka 221 Zei, Miroslav 327 Zelenko, Katja 217 Zuccareilo, Vincenzo 3 Zupan Hajna, Nadja 218, 219, 220, 296, 297 Žiža, Va Iter 125, 126, 298 Župančič, Matej 324 RAZVRSTITEV PO UNIVERZALNI DECIMALNI KLASIFIKACIJI (UDK) INDICE IN BASE ALLA CLASSIFICAZIONE DECIMALE UNiVERSALE (CDU) UNIVERSAL DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION (UDC) 050 PERIODIKA PERIODICI PERIODICALS 302, 304, 306, 310, 318, 322 06 KORPORACIJE. DRUŠTVA. ZBOROVANJA. RAZSTAVE. MUZEJI ORGANIZZAZIONl. SOCIETÀ. CONVEGNI. MOSTRE. M USE I ORGANISATIONS. SOCIETIES. CONVENTIONS. EXHIBITIONS. MUSEUMS 245, 246, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 254, 255, 257, 258, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 2.67, 269, 270, 272, 273, 274, 276, 278, 280, 281, 282, 283, 285, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 293, 295, 296, 297, 298, 317 37 VZGOJA. ŠOLSTVO. IZOBRAŽEVANJE EDUCAZIONE. SCUOLE. ISTRUZIONE EDUCATION. SCHOOL SYSTEM 162,231,237,256,271, 279, 284 502/504 EKOLOGIJA ECOLOGIA ECOLOGY 28, 61, 81, 86, 102, 103, 104, 148, 163, 181, 191, 200, 201, 206, 209, 234, 235, 236, 233, 239, 241, 244, 253, 266, 277, 292, 294, 299, 311, 320 53 FIZIKA FISICA PHYSICS 225 54 KEMIJA CHIMICA CHEMISTRY 242, 243 547.912 OGLJIKOVODIKI IDROCARBURI HYDROCARBONS 4 547.915 MAŠČOBE. OLJA. LiPOIDI GRASS!. OLIl. LIPIDI EATS. OILS. LIPIDS 18, 19, 20, 158, 182 55 GEOLOGIJA IN SORODNE VEDE GEOLOGIA GEOLOGY AND COGNATE SCIENCES 118, 146, 147, 188, 307 551.1/.4 SPLOŠNA GEOLOGIJA GEOLOGIA GENERALE GENERAL GEOLOGY 106, 128, 153, 155, 229 551.44 SPELEOLOGIJA SPELEOLOGIA SPELEOLOGY 15, 82, 99, 101, 105, 107, 116, 138, 175, 176, 177, 178, 186, 187, 189, 218, 219, 220, 259, 275, 308, 309 551.7 HISTORIČNA GEOLOGIJA GEOLOGIA PREISTORICA HISTORICAL GEOLOGY 21, 39,90, 134 552 PETROGRAFIA, NAUK O KAMNINAH PETROGRAFIA PETROGRAPHY 100, 119 56 PALEONTOLOGIJA PALEONTOLOGIA PALAEONTOLOGY 22,157, 224 562/569 SISTEMATIČNA PALEOZOOLOCIJA PALEOZOOLOGIA SISTEMATICA SYSTEMATICAL PALAEOZOOLOGY 79, 91, 139, 152 24 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nai. ■ 11 • 2001 • 2 (25) SU PL EME NT-S U P PL EM ENTQ-S U PPLEM E N T 574 SPLOŠNA EKOLOGIJA. HIDROBIOLOGIJA. BIOGEOGRAFIJA. BIOCENOLOCIJA ECOLOGIA GENERALE. ¡DROBtOLOGIA. BIOGEOGRAFIA. BIOCENOLOGIA GENERAL ECOLOGY. HYDROBIOLOGY. BtOGEOGRAPHY. BfOCENOLOGY 40, 77, 96, 129, 141, 142, 168, 169, 194, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 248, 286 574.9 BIOGEOGRAFIJA NASPLOH. GEOGRAFSKA RAZPOREDITEV ORGANIZMOV BIOGEOGRAFIA GENERALE. DISTRIBUZIONE GEOGRAFICA DEI ORGANISMI GENERAL BI OGEO GRAPH Y. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF ORGANISMS 30, 193, 312, 313, 314, 315 581.5 EKOLOGIJA RASTLIN. RASTLINA IN OKOLJE FITOECOL OGIA PLANTECOLOGY 26, 92, 97, 195 581.9 RASTLINSKA GEOGRAFIJA FITOGEOGRAFIA PHYTOGEOGRAPHY 29, 88, 133, 7 35, 161 582 SISTEMATSKA BOTANIKA BOTANICA SISTEMATICA SYSTEMATIC BOTANY 58, 85, 89, 132, 136, 151, 154, 160, 203, 208, 216, 227 591,1 ŽIVALSKA FIZIOLOGIJA FISIOLOGIA ANIMALE ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY 203 591.5 ŽIVLJENJE ŽIVALI. EKOLOGIJA. ŽIVAL IN OKOLjE LA VITA DEGLI ANIMALE ECOLOGIA ANIMAL LIFE. ECOLOGY, ANIMALS AND TFIEIR ENVIRONMENT 3, 140, 183, 185, 196, 300 59T.9 ZOOGEOGRAFIA. FAVNA ZOOGEOGRAFIA. FAUNA ZOOGEOGRAPHY. FAUNA 60, 69, 76 592 NEVRETENČARJI AVERTEBRATI INVERTEBRATES 111,112 593.1 PRAŽI VALI PROTOZOI PROTOZOANS 16 593.17 MIGETALKARJI CILIATI CILIA TES 25 5S2.2/.3 ALGE ALGHE ALGAE 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 171 582.5 KRITOSEMENKE ANGIOSPERME ANGIOSPERMS 27 582.52/.S9 ENOKALIČNICE MONOCOTILEDONl MONOCOTYLEDONS 14, 87, 93, 95 582.9 ZRASLOVENČNICE SIMPETALI SYMPETALIDAE 94 594 MEHKUŽCI MOLLUSCHI MOLUSKS 33, 34, 35, 57, 130, 137, 202, 207 594.1 ŠKOLJKE I BIVALVl BIVALVES 2, 170 595 ČLENARJI. ČLENONOŽCI ARTROPODI ARTHROPODS 59, 80, 143, 144, 145, 164 595.7 ŽUŽELKE JNSETTI INSECTS 36, 37, 38, 62, 66, 68, 83, 217 59 ZOOLOGIJA ZOOLOGIA ZOOLOGY 226, 240, 301, 319 595.796 MRAVLJE FORMICHE ANTS 62 2.5 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 11 - 2001 • 2 (25) SU PL E M ÇNT-S UPPL EM E NÏO-S U PPL EM E NT 597 RIBE. IHTIOLOGIJA PESO. ITTfOLOCIA FISH. ICHTHYOLOGY 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 117, 121 598.1 PLAZILCI RETTILI REPTILES 197, 198, 316 598.2 PTIČI UCCELLI BIRDS 12, 65, 67, 70, 71, 72, 127, 131, 165, 180, 190, 192, 221,232,323,321 598.3 MOČVJRNJKI LIMICOLI WADERS 166, 199 598.88 SOVE STRIGIFORMI OWLS 5, 13, 122, 123 598.9 UJEDE RAPACI RAPTORS 73, 74, 75, 124, 167 599 SESALCI MAMMIFERI MAMMALS 98,115 599.4 PRHUTARJI (NETOPIRJI) CHIROTTERi BATS 84, 114 599.5 RIBAKI, KITI IN DELFINI CETACEI CETACEANS 11, 113,228 599.74 ZVERI CARNIVORI CARNIVORES 1, 159 599.745 PLAVUTONOŽCI PINNIPEDI PINNIPEDS 23, 31, 32, 125, 126, 179, 247 63 GOZDARSTVO. KMETIJSTVO. RIBIŠTVO ECONOMIA FORESTALE. A GRICOL TURA. PESCA FORESTRY. AGRICULTURE. FISHERIES 204, 222, 268 634 ARBOR1KULTURA. SPLOŠNA HORT1KULTURA ARBORICOLTURA. ORTICOLTURA GENERALE ARBORICULTURE. GENERAL HORTICULTURE 78, 1 20, 205 639.4 GOJENJE MEHKUŽCEV AQUACOLTURA DE! MOLLUSCHI MOLL USKAQUACUL TURE 17 71/72 PROSTORSKO UREJANJE. URBANIZEM. ARHITEKTURA. VARSTVO SPOMENIKOV URBANESIMO. ARCHITETTURA. CONSERVAZIONE DEI BENI CULTURALI SPATIAL PLANNING. URBANISM. ARCHITECTURE. CULTURAL HERITAGE CONSERVATION 156 80/81 JEZIKOSLOVJE LINGÜISTICA LINGUISTICS 63, 64, 108, 109 902 ARHEOLOGIJA ARCHEOLOGIA ARCHAEOLOGY 324 913 REGIONALNA GEOGRAFIJA NA SPLOH GEOGRAFIA REGIONALE REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY 110, 149, 150 929 BIOGRAFSKE IN SORODNE ŠTUDIJE BIOGRAFIE BIOGRAPHICAL AND COGNATE STUDIES 24, 48, 55, 56, 1 72, 1 73, 1 74, 223, 230, 238, 303, 305, 325, 326, 327 26 ANNALES • Ser. hist. mat. -11 • 2001 Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije - Annaii di Studi istriani e med i terra ne i - Annals for Istran and Mediterranean Studies Letnik 11, Koper 2001 VSEBINA / INDICE GENERALE/CONTENTS IHTIOLOCIJA ITTIOLOGIA ICHTHYOLOGY Joan Barrull & Isabel Mate Presence of the Great White Shark, Carcharodon carcharlas {Linnaeus, 1758) in the Catalonian Sea (NW Mediterranean): Review and discussion of records, and notes about its ecology.................. 3 Pojavljanje belega morskega volka Carcharodon carcharías (Linnaeus, 1758) v Katalonskem morju (SZ Sredozemlje): pregled zapisov in beležke o njegovi ekologiji Antonio Celona, Nicola Donato & Alessandro De Maddaiena In relation to the captures of a great white shark, Carcharodon carcharías (Linnaeus, 1758), and a shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrhinchus Rafinesque, 1809, in the Messina Strait ............'........................ 13 V zvezi z ujetjem belega morskega volka Carcharodon carcharías (Linnaeus, 1758) in atlantskega maka Isurus oxyrhinchus Rafinesque, 1809 v Messinskem prelivu Aiessandro De Maddaiena & Luigi Piscitelli Morphometries of neonate velvet belly, Etmopterus spinax {Linnaeus, 1758) ...................... 17 Morfometrija novoskotenih črnih trnežev Etmopterus spinax (Linnaeus, 1758) Joan Barrull & Isabel Mate First confirmed record of angular roughshark Oxynotus centrina (Linnaeus, 1758) prédation on shark egg case of small-spotted catshark Scyliorhinus canícula (Linnaeus, 1758) in Mediterranean waters ............................................ 23 Prvi potrjeni primer oplenjenega jajčnega ovoja morske mačke Scyliorhinus canícula (Linnaeus, 1758) v trebuhu morskega prašiča Oxynotus centrina (Linnaeus, 1758) v Sredozemskem morju Suzana Šumer, Srečko Leiner & Meta Povž Marble trout (Salmo marmoratus) and bullhead (Cottus gobio) in two Slovene rivers (Adriatic Sea Basin) ............................................... 29 Soška postrv (Salmo marmoratus) in glavač (Cottus gobio.) v dveh slovenskih rekah severnojadranskega povodja Jakov Dulčič & Armin Pallaoro Some new data on Xyrichthys novacula (Linnaeus, 1758) and Sparisoma (Euscarus) cretense (Linnaeus, 1758) from the Eastern Adriatic............................. 35 Nekaj novih podatkov o vrstah Xyrichthys novacula (Linnaeus, 1758) in Sparisoma (Euscarus) cretense (Linnaeus, 1758) iz vzhodnega Jadrana EKOLOGIJA MORJA ECOLOG1A MARINA MARINE ECOLOGY Alenka Malej, Boris Petelin & Branko Čermelj Quantification of mucilage-associated suspended matter in the Gulf of Trieste (Adriatic Sea) ............. 43 Ovrednotenje količine sluzi v Tržaškem zalivu (Jadransko morje) Valentina Turk, Patricija Mozetič & Alenka Malej Seasonal variability in phytoplankton and bacterio-plankton distribution in the semi-enclosed temperate Gulf (Gulf of Trieste, Adriatic Sea) ........ 53 Sezonska razporeditev fitoplanktona in bakterioplanktona v polzaprtem zalivu (Tržaški zaliv, Jadransko morje) Nives Kovač, Borut Vrišer & Branko Čermelj Impacts of net cage fish farm on sedimentary biogeochemical and meiofaunal properties of the Gulf of Trieste ............................................. 65 Vplivi gojenja rib na meiofavno terbiogeo-kemične lastnosti sedimenta Tržaškega zaliva Borut Vrišer: Meiofavna izolske luke pred graditvijo marine in po njej: ponovljena raziskava - preliminarni rezultati ........................... 75 Meiofauna of the Izola harbour area 8 years after the new marina was completed: A repeated investigation - preliminary results VARSTVO NARAVE TU TE L A DELL 'AMBIENTE NA TURE CONSER V A TlON Gvido Piasevoli & Vlatka Ščetarič Eleonora's Falcon (Falco eleonorae, Gene 1839) in Croatia: Range, threats and the proposal of action and management plan ............................ 81 Sredozemski sokol (Falco eleonorae, Gene 1839) na Hrvaškem: njegova razširjenost, ogroženost in predlog za akcijski načrt in načrt upravljanja ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 11 • 2001 Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije - Annati di Studi isiriani e mediterranei - Annals (or Istran and Mediterranean Studies Andrej Sovine Zavarovana območja kot orodje za ohranjanje biodiverzitete v Sredozemlju ................................. 87 Protected areas as an instrument for the conservation of biodiversity in the Mediterranean Gregor Kovačič Pokrajinska ogroženost in ukrepi za zaščito kraškega izvira Bistrica .......................................... 93 The environmental vulnerability of the Bistrica karst spring and suggested measures for its protection MISCELLANEA Irena Rot-Nikčevič, Vesna Sidorovska, Georg Džukič & Miloš L. Kalezič Sexual size dimorphism and life history traits of two European spadefoot toads (Pelobates fuse us and P. syriacus) in aliopatry and sympatry......................................................... 107 Velikostne razlike med spoloma in življenjske značilnosti dveh evropskih česnovk (Pelobates fuscus in P. syriacus) v alopatriji in simpatriji Tone Novak & Tatjana Čelik Scientific life and work of Narcis Mršič (1951-1997) ...................................... 121 Znanstveno življenje In delo Narcisa Mršiča (1951-1997) DELO NAŠIH ZAVODOV IN DRUŠTEV ATTIVITÀ DEl NOSTRl ISTI TU T! E DRLE NOS TRE SOCIETÀ ACTIVITIES BYOUR INSTITUTIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS Jadran Faganeli & Milena Horvat: Živo srebro v območju Idrije in severnega Jadrana .................. 131 Davorin Tome: 3. mednarodni kongres "Ekologija tn varstvo evropskih gozdnih sov"......... 137 OCENE RECENSIONS REVIEWS Colla A., Constantini M., Gherdol S., Odorico R., Orioio G., Pisa G., Poidini L-, Spoto M., Utmar P,, Verginella L., Vidali M. & G. Visintin: Fra terra e mare. Gli ambienti marini e costieri del Friuli - Venezia Gtulia (Martina Orlando)............. 138 Katalog izobraževalnih vsebin {Dag Kleva) ........... 139 Atlante degli uccelli svernanti in Campania (Iztok Geister) ................................. 140 Nova ornitološka revija: Ornithologia Algirica (iztok Geister) ......................................... 140 Kazalo k slikam na ovitku ..................................... 141 Index to pictures on the cover Navodila avtorjem ................................................ 142 Instructions to authors......................................................................................144 EKOLOGIJA IN BIOLOGIJA MORJA ECOLOGIA E BIOLOGI A MARINA MARINE ECOLOGY AND BIOLOGY Martina Orlando Bonaca A survey of the introduced non-indigenous species in the Northern Adriatic Sea...................... 149 Pregled vnosov tujerodnih vrst v severni jadrati Marin Miletič, Paola Bottos, Daniela Sciolis, Roberta Capon, Silvia Vanzo, Elisabetfa Pizzul & Mario Specchi First observations at the artificial reef submerged at the sandbank on Santa Croce (Trieste, Italy)......................................................... 159 Prve ugotovitve, opažene ob umetnem podvodnem grebenu na peščeni plitvini v bližini Križa (Trst, Italija) Raffaella De Min, Bojan Marčeta & Ennio Vio Molluschi rinvenuti ne! corso di una campagna sperimentale di pešca a strascico in Adriatico ....... 169 Favna mehkužcev, ulovljena med eksperimentalnim vzorčenjem s kočo v jadranskem morju (HTIOLOGIJA ITTIOLOGIA ICHTHYOLOGY Mario Marconi & Alessandro De Maddalena On the capture of a young Porbeagle, Lamna nasus (Bonnaterre, 1788), in the Western Adriatic Sea............................................. 179 O mladem atlantskem skušolovcu Lamna nasus iBonnaterre, 1788), ujetem v zahodnem jadranu ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. -11- 2001 Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije - Annali di Studi istriani e merJiterranej - Annals for 1st ran and Mediterranean Studies Marco Zuffa, Alen Soldo & Tiziano Storai Preliminary observations on abnormal abundance of Cetorhinus maximus (Gunnerus, 1765) in Middle and Northern Adriatic Sea .........- 185 Prve ugotovitve o nenavadno pogostem pojavljanju morskega psa orjaka Cetorhinus maximus (C un ne rus, 1765) v srednjem in severnem jadranu Alessandro De Maddalena, Marco Zuffa, Lovrenc Lipej & Antonio Celona An analysis of the photographic evidences of the largest Great White Sharks Carcharodon carcharías (Linnaeus, 1758), captured in the Mediterranean Sea with considerations about the maximum size of the species ........................... 193 Analiza fotografij največjih belih morskih volkov Carcharodon carcharías (Linnaeus, 1758), ujetih v Sredozemskem morju Cristina CasteJlarin, Gianna Visintin & Roberto Odorico L'ittiofauna della Riserva naturale marina di Miramare (Golfo di Trieste, Alto Adriático) ............ 207 Ihtiofavna v Naravnem rezervatu Miramare (Tržaški zaliv, severni jadranj VARSTVO NARAVE TUTELA DELL 'AMBIENTE NATURE CONSERVATION Lidija Globevnik, Andrej Sovine & Mitja Kaligarič Desertification processes in the adjacent Mediterranean mountains (Brkini and Čičarija, SW Slovenia) ......................................................... 219 Dezertifikacijski procesi v robnih sredozemskih gorovjih (Brkini in Čičarija, jZ Slovenija) Andrej Sovine Opportunities for New Ramsar Sites: Experiences of a Territorially Small Country .......... 233 Možnosti za nove Ramsarske bkalitete: izkušnje ozemeljsko majhne države Valentina Turk & Branko Potočnik Pollution hot spots and sensitive areas along the Slovenian coast ............................................... 239 Žarišča onesnaženja in občutljiva območja vzdolž obale Republike Slovenije Andrej Sovine Sečoveljske soline v mednarodnem naravovarstvenem kontekstu ................................. 253 Sečovlje salt-pans in the international conservationist context ORNITOLOGIA ORNITOLOGIA / ORNITHOLOGY Luca Bembich Prime nidtficaztoni cli Gabbiano reale mediterráneo (Larus cachinnans michahellis) suI Carso .... 263 Prvo gnezdenje rumenonogega galeba Larus cachinnans michahellis rta Krasu iztok Geister Prva gnezditev sabljarke (Recurvirostra avosetta) v Sloveniji .............................................. 267 The first confirmed breeding by the avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta) in Slovenia Davorin Tome Nekaj o značilnostih avífavne Pivških jezer .......... 271 Some characteristics of the avifauna of Pivka intermittent lakes FLORA Mitja Kaligarič Nova segetalna združba iz zveze Caucalidion lappulae Tx. 50 iz severozahodne Istre (Slovenija) 279 A new segetal association (alliance Caucalidion lappulae Tx. 50) from North-Western part of Istra (Slovenia) Neje logan Ali je Ruppia cirrbosa (Petagna) Grande edini slovenski predstavnik tega rodu? ...........................289 Is Ruppia cirrhosa (Petagna) Grande the only Slovene representative of the genus? MISCELLANEA Rajko Pavlovec Numuliti iz apnenčevega turbidita pri Fiesi (Slovenija)................................................ 295 Nummulitids from calcareous turbidite at Fiesa, Slovenia Jakov Dulčtč Grgur Bučič - svestrani prirodoslovac (1829-1911) .......................................................... 307 Grgur Bučič - a famous naturalist (1829-1911) DELO NAŠIH ZAVODOV IN DRUŠTEV ATTIVITÁ DEI NOSTRIISTITUTI £ DELLE NOSTRE SOCIETÁ ACTIVITIES BY OUR INSTITUTIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS Alessandro De Maddalena: The Mediterranean Shark Sportfishery Program ................................... 315 Sredozemski program športnega ribolova na morske pse ANNALES • Ser. Hist. nat. - 11 2001 Anali za istrske »rt mediteranske študije - Annsii di Studi istriani e mediterranei - Ann