REGISTER OF TERRITORIAL UNITS-ROTE AND EVIDENCE OF HOUSE NUMBERS-EHIŠ a TEH BASIS FOR SPATIAL DATA DETERMINATION AND PRESENTATION Božena Lipej dipl.inž. geod. AVTORSKI IZVLEČEK Evidenci ROTE in EHIŠ, ki ju v sodelovanju vodita geodetska služba in Zavod SR Slovenije za statistiko, predstavljata podlago za izgradnjo registra prostorskih enot. Geokodirani podatki in decentralizacija računalniških obdelav v občinah bodo prispevali k višji stopnji obdelav in večji uporabnosti zajetih podatkov. Tudi v SFR Jugoslaviji se vzpostavljajo konceptualne zasnove geografskih informacijskih sistemov (GIS) oziroma projekta GIZIS, kjer predstavljajo geokodirane baze podatkov FIOTE-ja in EHIS-a pionirski korak k realizaciji slovenskega oziroma jugoslovanskega projekta. AUTHOR'S ABSTRACT Merging and further development of the ROTE and EHIŠ into Register of Spatial Units wi/1 contribute - with geocodes and gradua/ decentralization of computer processing of these data in communes - to a higher leve/ of data processing and to greater appfication of data col/ection. The ROTE and EHIŠ geocoded data are the first step towards creating GIS respectively G/ZIS (Geographical and Land Registration lnformation System) in Slovenia and Yugos/avia. 1. INTRODUCTION In the Socialist Republik of Slovenia, one of the six republics of the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia, the geodetic ser- vice e.g. the geodetic activity in its broader sense covers in the field of data collecting, processing, storing and presenting moslly on maps. It is also in charge of some records; trough locating data in space it joins various spatial analyses. In the pastthe main function of the geodetic service was the cadastral one; yet with new tasks it is gaining importance and it is - especially in Slovenia - joning the Social lnformalion Sys- tem, environment and physical planning, recording of changes and interventions in the environment; and also the field of social reproduction. The Statistical Office of Socialist Republic of Slovenia performs activities connected with the functioning of the Social lnformation System, E.g. it performs tasks connected with statistical data collecting and analys- ing, with organizing and managing joint registers, statistical and other dalabases and tasks concerning slalistical research implementation. As a result of an extensive research work in lhe field of spatial information syslems (Banovec et al. 1973, 1975, 1977) and data territorialization (Podobnikar 1974, Berlot et al. 1977) there are the beginnings of setting up the Register of Territorial Units - ROTE and Evidence of House Numbers - EHIŠ in the late 1970's and early 1980's (Svetik 1978). The main organization in charge was the Republican Surveying and Mapping Ad- ministration of Slovenia, which - in coopera- tion with the Statistical Office of Socialist Republic of Slovenia - methodologically and professionally directed in communal surveying and mapping administrations, which were the main task performers in communes. Thus set up lhe ROTE and EHIŠ have served as a basis for the preparation and realization of the census of population in 1981 and have nowadays a significanl 175 176 Geodetski vestnik 4/1989 role in the economic and social develop- ment. 2. BASIC ROTEAND OF THE The ROTE (Lipej et al. 1988) manages and maintains boundaries of recorded territorial unit areas, surfaces, codes, names and their centroids. The ROTE consists of car- tographic representations, computer- managed databases and documentation. The ROTE manages data concerned with the following basic territorial units: census circle, statistical circle, settlement, cadastral commune, local community and commune along with supplementary territorials units: polis, postal districts, local districts and other. Territorial units are determined by: territory, surface (except supplementary ter- ritorial units), code, name (except census and stalistical circle) and co-ordinates of the centroid (except supplementary territorial units). The EHIŠ (Lipej et al. 1988) manages and maintains data about streets and house numbers and their belonging to a particular territorial unit within settlements. The EHIŠ consists of cartographic representations, computer-managed databases and documentation. House numbers are deter- m ined for all residental and business premises in permanent ortemporary use. In the digitalization phase all buildings with a house number get co-ordinates of centroids in the gravitation centre of an individual building. Codes and names are determined for streets. In Slovenia there were at the end of 1988 (Statistične informacije 1989): 13 193 cen- sus circles, 7 915 statistical circles, 5 946 settlements, 2 694 cadastral communes, 1 214 local communities; 275 local districts; 438 521 house numbers and 8 747 streets. For communes, communal surveying and mapping administrations manage and maintain the following: basic (on 1 :5 000, exceptionally on 1 :1 O 000 scale) and collec- tive (on 1 :25 000 scale, common for the comunity) ROTE carthographic repre- sentations; cartographic representations of supplementary territorial units (on various scales); basic (on 1 :5 000, exceptionaly on 1 :10 000 scale) EHIŠ cartographic repre- sentations; digitized data of territorial units boundaries for commune level; centroids of buildings with a house number, and ROTE and EHIŠ documentation. Within Slovenia the Republican Surveying and Mapping Ad- ministration manages and maintains collec- tive (on 1:25000 scale) and generalized (on 1 :50 000, 1:250000, 1:400000, 1 :1 000 000 scale) ROTE cartographic representations, centroids of territorial units, digitized data of boundaries of territorial units for the republic level and the ROTE documenta- tion. The computer-managed and main- tained ROTE and EHIŠ records for the republic Slovenia and for communes is per- formed by the Statistical Office of Socialist Republic of Slovenia, whereas for com- munes alone also other qualified organiza- tions may do it. In this way the ROTE e.g. EHIŠ records are computer-processed in nine slovene communes. In connection with both records there is also a house numbers determination and allocation performed by communal surveying and mapping ad- ministrations; and the naming of settle- ments and streets with streets markins, where they contribute professional support. The ROTE and EHIŠ have managed to com- bine cooperation and harmonized work of two great systems: the geodetic and the statistical one. By means of spatial units geometry of administrative, functional and other character, the geodetic service is con- nected with data from professional ad- ministrative sphere; through data location it has made aggregation and distribution of wanted data possible. For the statistics the possibility of cartographic representation and visualization of spatially-oriented results of analytical processing meant a qualitative asset and a new dimension in statistical data transfer into social sphere. 3. UNKS AMONG JOINT REGISTERS IN COMMUNES AND IN THE REPUBUC Slovenia has set joint registers on the republic and commune levels. They repre- sent basic multi-international databases of the Social lnformation System. On com- mune level the following records are managed and maintained: The Register of 177 EM 178 Geodetski vestnik 4/1989 role in the economic and social develop- ment. 2. BASIC FIOTEAND OF THE The ROTE (Lipej et al. 1988) manages and maintains boundaries of recorded territorial unit areas, surfaces, codes, names and their centroids. The ROTE consists of car- tographic representations, computer- managed databases and documentation. The ROTE manages data concemed with the following basic territorial units: census circle, statistical circle, settlement, cadastral commune, local community and commune along with supplementary territorials units: polis, postal districts, local districts and other. Territorial units are determined by: territory, surface (except supplenientary ter- ritorial units), code, name (except census and statistical circle) and co-ordinates of the centroid (except supplementary territorial units). The EHIŠ (Lipej et al. 1988) manages and maintains data about streets and house numbers and their belonging to a particular territorial unit within settlements. The EHIŠ consists of cartographic representations, computer-managed databases and documentation. House numbers are deter- m ined for ali residental and business premises in permanent ortemporary use. In the digitalization phase ali buildings with a house number get co-ordinates of centroids in the gravitation centre of an individual building. Codes and names are determined for streets. In Slovenia there were at the end of 1988 (Statistične informacije 1989): 13 193 cen- sus circles, 7 915 statistical circles, 5 946 settlements, 2 694 cadastral communes, 1 214 local communities; 275 local districts; 438 521 house numbers and 8 747 streets. For communes, communal surveying and mapping administrations manage and maintain the following: basic (on 1 :5 000, exceptionally on 1 :1 O 000 scale) and collec- tive (on 1 :25 000 scale, common for the comunity) ROTE carthographic repre- sentations; cartographic representations of supplementary territorial units (on various scales); basic (on 1 :5 000, exceptionaly on 1 :10 000 scale) EHIŠ cartographic repre- sentations; digitized data of territorial units boundaries for commune level; centroids of buildings with a house number, and ROTE and EHIŠ documentation. Within Slovenia the Republican Surveying and Mapping Ad- ministration manages and maintains collec- tive (on 1 :25 000 scale) and generalized (on 1 :50 000, 1 :250 000, 1 :400 000, 1 :1 000 000 scale) ROTE cartographic representations, centroids of territorial units, digitized data of boundaries of territorial units for the republic level and the ROTE documenta- tion. The computer-managed and main- tained ROTE and EHIŠ records for the republic Slovenia and for communes is per- formed by the Statistical Office of Socialist Republic of Slovenia, whereas for com- munes alone also other qualified organiza- tions may do it. In this way the ROTE e.g. EHIŠ records are computer-processed in nine slovene communes. In connection with both records there is also a house numbers determination and allocation performed by communal surveying and mapping ad- ministrations; and the naming of settle- ments and streets with streets markins, where they contribute professional support. The ROTE and EHIŠ have managed to com- bine cooperation and harmonized work of two great systems: the geodetic and the statistical one. By means of spatial units geometry of administrative, functional and other character, the geodetic service is con- nected with data from professional ad- ministrative sphere; through data location it has made aggregation and distribution of wanted data possible. For the statistics the possibility of cartographic representation and visualization of spatially-oriented results of analytical processing meant a qualitative asset and a new dimension in statistical data transfer into social sphere. l. UNKS AMONG JOINT REGISTEFIS IN COMMUNES AND IN THE REPUBLIC Slovenia has set joint registers on the republic and commune levels. They repre- sent basic multi-intemational databases of the Social lnformation System. On com- m u ne level the following records are managed and maintained: The Register of 177 178 Geodetski vestnik 4/1989 Resident Population, ROTE, EHIŠ and Register of Private Craft Estabishements. Forthe Slove ne territory the Statistical Office of Socialist Republic of Slovenia manages and maintains: The Central Register of Population, Central Register of Organiza- tions and Communities (e.g. Register of Enterprises and their Establishements), RTE (ROTE), EHIŠ and Register of Private Craft Establishements for SR Slovenia. Unique identifications form the basis for mutual linking of joint registers (Djordjevi6 1986): The Personal Registration Number, Registration Number, Standard Code of Territorial Unit and House Number. Unique identifications will enable economic and uniform defining of register units and a pos- sibility of linking data from other records. The EHIŠ is connected with the Register of Residental Population, e.g. with the Central Register of,Poeulation; the connection be- tween the EHIS and Register of Organiza- tions and Communities is in its early phase of realization. The connection of the EHIŠ with the Registers of Private Craft Estab- lishements and with the Register of Private Craft Establishements for SR Slovenia is planned. 4. PAESENT AND FUTURE DEVELOPE- MENT OF ROTE AND EHIŠ In communes comunal (e.g. municipal) in- formation systems are in the phase of being set up. They will connect data of communal administrative agencies and services such as: Communal Surveying and Mapping Ad- m in istrations, Internat Affairs with the Register Office, Tax Office, National Defence Office, Personal Service, Commit- tee for Environment and Physical Planning and Economy, and various Self-managing Communities of lnterest (Health Service, So- cial Welfare ... ) and others. Communal sur- veying and mapping administrations join these systems with the EHIŠ data, e.g. with a house number, its belonging street and settlement, which is connected with the ad- dress of an inhabitant from the Register of Resident Population, Horizontal connec- tions among data in several systems will be created to uniform immediate use of data from the original source of maintained data. In the same way also other data from the ROTE and EHIŠ could be taken over from the other systems; the backup data would show the correctness and mutual adjust- ment of the compared data. Preparations for software to support manag- ing and maintaining of ROTE and EHIŠ in communes on personal computers are made. This will result in decentralization of computer processing and it will enable their grater applications. Dataprocessing in com- munes has certain adventages as to central- ized dataprocessing at the Statistical Office of Socialist Republic of Slovenia, such as shorter response tirne, dataprocessing on site apart from central system and greater adjustment and functionality of the system. The verical data flow will enable to connect data of the communal surveying and map- ping administrations with those of the Republican Surveying and Mapping Ad- ministration and the Statistical Office of Socialst Republic of Slovenia. Thus the ROTE and EHIŠ data will be connected with data from other joint registers and with field agencies and organizations data for other activities (forestry, agriculture, traffic, rail- roads, water works ... ). Since 1983, a project is going on to digitize territorial units boundaries and centroids of buildings with house numbers on the basis of ROTE and EHIŠ data on cartographic representations on 1 :5 000 (exceptionaly 1 :1 O 000 scale) (Lipej 1987). Co-ordinates of boundary points forterritorial units contours and centroids of buildings with house num- bers are set in the Gauss-Krueger co-or- dinates system. Altogether there are already digitized 60% recorded territorial units boundaries from the ROTE and 60% centroids of buildings with a house number from EHIŠ in 35 communes, which cover 52% of ali Slovene territory. There is a plan to digitize territorial units' boundaries and centroids with house numbers for alt other communes till 1990. This will enable processing and presentation of the results of the 1991 census of population with thematic cartography. The co-ordinates of centroids ali basic territorial units are also determinated. Territorial units' boundaries contours, co-or- dinates presented, their centroids and 179 Bokna Liptj Yugostavta Rcpuhlican survcying and mappiog 180 ROTE ANDEHIŠ-THE BASIS FOR SPATIAL DATA DETERMINA;~~~~to;.iJft~T';:_t10NLjubljana JOINT REGISTERS of SR Slovenia ROTE EHIŠ l.\•h INTERNATIONAL CARTOGRAPHIC CONFERENCE (ICA) '89 - BUDAPEST Geodetski vestnik 4/1989 !k,kna Lipq Yugoslavia . ~cpu~licun furvcying aml mapping ROTE AND EHIŠ: THE BASIS FOR SPATIAL DATA DETERMINA~1~~',',.'_!:ft 0r11.~fg'~T1"f-ioNLjubljana 1-1•• INTERNATIONAL CARTOGRAPHIC CONFERENCE (ICA) '89 • BUDAPEST 181 centroids of buildings with a house number represent geocoded databases. This form the basis for co-ordinate connection data and information presentation bound to ter- ritorial space division. Attached to space units and house numbers in co-ordinate form there will be also - next to geodetic data and statistics - adequatly adjusted data from agriculture, forestry, waterworks and supp- ly, planning and others. Merging and further development of the ROTE and EHIŠ into the Register of Spatial Units (Lipej 1988) will contribute - with geocodes and gradual decentralization of computer processing of these data in com- munes - to a higher level of data processing and to greater application of data collection. Because of their uniformity, the geocodes represent (Zakrajšek 1988) ideal iden- tificators of other data and serve for verifica- ti on of space position accuracy; data unchangibility in tirne anbles record keep- ing of changes ol characteristics of other entities in various tirne intersections (for set- t le me nts, local communities, ... ). The geocoded data are a quality asset to linking and data transfer in communities and in the republic and for various data processing, syntheses, analyses, and projections in the framework of the Social lnformation System. The software for managing and main- tainance of the Register oi Spatial Units, which is beeing prepared (Rozman 1985- 1988), is adopted for personal computers. It enables mathematical operations with ter- ritorial units, which are presented by a point, chain and areal: area calculations, neigh- bouring territorial units retrieval, addresing determination and graphics: territorial units field sheets, determination and window field sheets, gaining attribute information from the graphical one, the ROTE and EHIŠ data linkeage with data from other registers and records with field sheets in a form of thematic maps. In fact, the Register of Spa- tial Units represents a certain area of infor- m atio n system application, it is multi-intential and is either directly or in- directly accesible to various users. In other Yugoslav republics and autono- mous provinces the first phase is going on - to establish a similar system in this calen- dar year to be able to join the 1991 census of population of higher quality, 5. ORIEIIITATiOIII TOWARDS GEOGRAPHICAl IIIIFORMATIOIII SYS· TEMS According to one definition, Geographical lnformation System (GIS) (Borrough 1987) is the powerful set of tools for spatial data collecting, storing, retrieving at will, analys- ing, displying and distributing. It is com- puter-aided information system which anables users (Chorley 1988) a rapid and simple access to large data qualities, mutual linking, analysing anda data modelling and evaluating of variant suggestions with a possibility of various forms of outputs such as plans, graphs, diagrams, lists and other statistical interpretations. The broad scheme of GIS enables its multi-intent ap- plication (Tomlison 1987, Chorley 1988) in planning, management, administration, public services, agriculture, forestry, land use, environmental monitoring, defence and security systems, transport, civil en- gineering, mineral exploitation, property and land parcel data and others. Yugoslavia has not come far, yet. The Geo- graphical and Land Registration lnforma- tion System (GIZIS) (lnfosistem 1988) project, which should establish databases of geocoded data in Yugoslavia, is stili in its conceptual scheme. But lirst data in records and registers have to be adequatly read- justed and partly reorganized to be used in these systems. The ROTE and EHIŠ geocoded data are only the first step towards creating GIS in Slovenia and Yugoslavia. To achieve this the republic and communes must obtain hardware and sottware; they must reinforce additionally educate professional staff. IS. CO!IIClUSION In Slovenia, the geodetic service (the Republican and individually Communal and Mapping Administrations) in connec- tion with the Statistical Office of Socialist Republic of Slovenia have set up the ROTE and EHIŠ records. In the first phase they were updated in classical form. As the basis ol the Register of Spatial Units they are 182 Geodetski vestnik 4/1989 linked with other joint registers and databases in communes and in the republic. Territorial units and buildings with a house number represent - due to their uniform space location determination - the basis for spatial determination of various REFERENCES subjects in the Social lnformation System. The creation of geocoded databases for these records means a pioneer achieve- ment in Slovenia e.g. Yugoslavia towards the realization of the planned project GIZIS e.g. GIS. BANOVEC, T. et al., 1973,1975, 1977, Prostorski informacijski sistem Slovenije l., II., III., faza, Inštitut Geodetskega zavoda SRS, Ljubljana. 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ZAKRAJŠEK, F., 1988, Geo-topološke podatkovne strukture, Informacijski sistem za planiranje in urejanje prostora, Urbanistični inštitut SR Slovenije, Ljubljana, 11-12. 183