7. VELIKONOCNA NEDELJA VNEBOHOD 7TH SUNDAY OF EASTER ASCENTION SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 20/54 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 13. 5. 2018 Fr. Drago Gacnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 TEL.: 905-561-5971 FAX: 905-561-5109 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ stgregoryhamilton.ca WEB PAGE www.carantha.com HALL RENTALS CELL: 905-518-6159 E-MAIL hallrental@ stgregoryhamilton.ca VESTNIK Jezus odhaja k svojemu Ocetu Med velikoduhovniško molitvijo Jezus prosi Oceta za svoje ucence. Pri molitvi je navedel tri razloge, zakaj moli posebej zanje: 1. Na svetu bodo ostali sami, brez njega: Oce naj jih ohrani v veri vanj, v Oceta, in v obcestvu z njim, da bodo tudi med seboj edini, kakor sta med seboj zedinjena Oce in Sin. Dokler je bil on z njimi, jih je varoval v izpovedovanju vere v Oceta. Obvaroval jih je in nobeden izmed njih se ni pogubil, razen Juda Iškarijota, ki zavestno odklanja luc in cigar življenje zato vodi v pogubljenje. Jezus zdaj odhaja k Ocetu. Nje bo v veri obvaroval Oce. To jim Jezus zagotavlja. To zato, da bodo imeli v sebi veselje, ki prihaja iz Ocetove ljubezni in iz zveze z njim. Tega veselja ne bodo vec izgubili. 2. Svet jih bo sovražil: Jezus je ucencem razodel vse, kar mu je Oce narocil, predvsem sebe. Svet pa jih je zasovražil, ker verujejo vanj. S tem namrec dokazujejo, da niso od sveta, kakor on ni od sveta: ne mislijo in ne živijo po njegovih navadah in ukazih. Nasprotno, Jezus jim je izrocil Božjo resnico, ki je povsem nasprotna od evangelija sveta, da jo bodo svetu oznanili. Jezus ne prosi Oceta, naj ucence vzame iz sveta, saj morajo prav temu svetu oznaniti evangelij, ampak naj jih obvaruje zla. Oce naj jih dokoncno posveti s svojo resnico: nerazdružno naj jih povezuje s seboj prek Božjega razodetja, saj je to resnica sama: na sebi ima nekaj Božjega, zato ljudi posvecuje. 3. Postati morajo sveti: Kot je Oce Jezusa, ko ga je poslal na svet, mazilil s Svetim Duhom, tako morajo biti posveceni tudi apostoli, ki so bili prav tako poslani v svet. Posvecenje jih bo naredilo sposobne za pricevanje za Jezusa. On se svobodno zanje daruje, da bi bili tudi oni posveceni in sposobni oznanjati evangelij z vsem svojim življenjem in delovanjem, prav do muceniške smrti, ce bo treba. Obenem pa prosi zanje pri Ocetu: »Sveti Oce, ohrani v svojem imenu te, ki si mi jih dali« Ohrani v njih delo odrešenja in polnost veselja, saj bodo sicer omagali sredi sveta zavracanja, teme in celo sovraštva. (L. Bratina). 234 | VESTNIK 2018 236 | VESTNIK 2018 238 | VESTNIK 2018 240 | VESTNIK 2018 242 | VESTNIK 2018 244 | VESTNIK 2018 VESTNIK 2018 | 235 VESTNIK 2018 | 237 VESTNIK 2018 | 239 VESTNIK 2018 | 241 VESTNIK 2018 | 243 SLOVENSKI NARODNI DOM SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME DAN ODPRTIH VRAT V ponedeljek, 21. maja 2018 Spored: od 1:00 do. 6:00 ure RAZSTAVA: Rocna dela, spominki Keramicni in kristalni izdelki in drugo iz Slovenije JEDILNI LIST IN PIJACA: Na žaru peceni odojek in jagnjetina Domace pecivo in sveže peceni jabolcni zavitek Alkoholne in brealkoholne pijace, kava KULTURNI PROGRAM: Plesne skupine Harmonikarji Živa glasba: Golden Keys 4:30 - 8:00 p.m. Srecajte se z AMASADORJEM LIPA PARKA 2018 Kate Emond CLANI IN CLANICE DRUŠTVA: ] Odbor društva Lipa Park se priporoca za pecivo - prinesite ga v Lipa Park v ponedeljek zjutraj. Hvala! ] Prav tako se priporocamo za spominke, rocna dela in vse, kar bi lahko obogatilo našo razstavo! SLOVENSKI DAN 2018 Bo v soboto, 23. junija, pri sv. Gregoriju Velikem v Hamiltonu, 125 Centennial Pkwy N. MOTHERS'S DAY PRI DRUŠTVU BLED V nedeljo, 6. maja 2018, so pri društvu Bled slavili Materinski dan. Dvorana se je, skoraj zadnji trenutek, kar dobro napolnila, v kuhinji so hiteli s pripravo kosila, ki je bilo napovedano za eno uro popoldne. Mamice in dekleta so ob vhodu prejele nageljcek iz rok Franka Patricka Gimplja. Strežniki so hitro postregli dobro in okusno kosilo, ki ga je pripravila Elizabeth Gimpelj s pomocniki. Po kosilu je predsednik društva, Frank Gimpelj Jr. napovedal program. Za to priliko je povabil Cynthio Konopka, ki je z ucenci iz svoje glasbene šole pripravila program klasicne glasbe ob treh violinah, klavirju in dveh solistkah. Bogat izbor raznovrstne klasicne glasbe je navdušil vse navzoce in tako obogateni smo se razšli na svoje domove. Hvala vsem, ki ste prirpavili lepo praznovanje materisnkega dne. Main celebrant: The Most Reverend Anthony F. Tonnos, D. D. Bishop Emeritus of Hamilton Parents, please contact Fr. Drago or teachers at Slovenian School for the forms to fill out if you want your child to receive one of the Sacraments at St. Gregory the Great Parish. FIRST COMMUNION & CONFIRMATION MAY 27, 2018 MASS at 10:00 a.m. Bled Planica Social Club Cordially invites you all to FATHER’S DAY PICNIC June 10, 2018 Mass 1:00 p.m. FEATURING FROM SLOVENIA MLADI KORENJAKI Illustration Make it unique; make it simple; make it con-cise; make it positive; and make it timeless. Those are five pieces of classic advice from brand mar-keteers for making a tagline for a product stand out from the crowd. In a busy marketplace for products and services, it is important to have a recognisable, relevant, short and punchy catchphrase that can fix in the minds of consumers. Love them or loathe them, brand taglines stick in our minds. Whether we like it or not, perhaps we have to recognise and acknowledge that such slo-gans are cleverly crafted. Using the above five prin-ciples, they keep particular brands in the forefront of our minds when we go to the shops. Perhaps we can all learn something from such principles. Gospel Teaching At his ascension, Jesus, prior to departing to return to the Father, gives a short instruc-tion to his disciples about what their mission is. His brief words are to the point, and he makes it clear what they are to do. They are to continue his work of preaching. They are to demon-strate, just as he did, the immediacy of the kingdom of God in the midst of all. In response to this proclamation and its associated signs, they are then to unite all peo-ples to him through baptism. There is no ambiguity in what Jesus’ mandate is to the disciples and, in turn, to the Church. There can be no mistaking the call to go out to the whole world. In fact, the Good News of liber-ation through Christ is to be preached to “all creation”. This message is to reverberate throughout the uni-verse. It is Good News, not just for humanity, but for the whole of the earth and beyond, which awaits its renewal and unification with the heavenly realm. Jesus’ command, therefore, is unique, simple, concise, posi-tive and timeless. It is important to note that the account of the ascension in the Acts of the Apostles helps us to under-stand the necessary dynamism behind this new mis-sionary tagline for the Church. Jesus, while being our hope in heaven, promises the gift of the Spirit. The out-pouring of the Holy Spirit will bring alive this mandate, breathing energy into the Church so that she can sail forward with an ever-renewed fervour, through good waters and bad. This same Spirit, as Paul tells the Ephe- sians, will keep us enlightened and deepening in our perception of the mystery we are called to serve so passionately. That, surely, will help us to understand in new and varied ways what we are commissioned to go out and do. Such Spirit-filled in-sight will give us new and exciting vision. Application As we well know, Christianity is not a product or service to be traded. However, it does have distinctive features in common with business that many can recognise. It’s all about the way we present ourselves. For example, just as a commercial product needs to sell itself, the word of God has many unique, simple, concise, positive and timeless pas-sages, which give an insight into the heart of our faith. We only have to think of the command, “Do to others what you would want them to do to you,” or to reflect on Jesus’ desire for us when he says, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full,” to understand that. Jesus’ call today, “Go out to the whole world; proclaim the Good News to all crea-tion,” is one such instantly recognisa-ble piece of scripture, which sums up who we are. This punchy, Spirit-filled message is the impetus for the Church’s missionary dynamism. Heeding these words, we are all called to be outward-looking and have our eyes open for new opportu- nities. Hopefully, through this message, others may come to see our desire to open our arms wide to all. Communication is at the heart of the Gospel. Spreading the message, or evangelising, is something we all have a responsibility for. With Christ, our head and founder, seated at the right hand of the Father, ready to support our every considered initiative, perhaps we can learn something from the marketeers. Keeping the message close to our hearts, we can be careful to make sure that it is transmit-ted in ever new, current and exciting ways. Allowing the Spirit to enlighten our hearts and minds, we can explore new ways for the Good News to be proclaimed to all creation. THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD Response: God has gone up with a shout, the Lord with the sound of a trumpet. First Reading Acts 1:1-11 Prior to his ascension, Jesus promises the apostles that they will be his witnesses when the Spirit comes upon them. Second Reading Ephesians 1:17-23 Paul prays that we may be filled with hope as we are enlightened to understand the full rich mystery of Christ. Gospel Mark 16:15-20 Jesus sends the apostles out to proclaim the Good News and promises that signs will accompany them. “Go out to the whole world; proclaim the Good News to all creation.” OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS PEVSKE VAJE V cetrtek, 17. maja so po vecerni maši pevske vaje za župnijski mešani pevski zbor. Zbor bo pel pri maši na materinski dan. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI . 13. maj-nedelja: St. Gregory the Great - Mass at 10:00 a.m., Mother's Day by Slovenska šola . 18. do 21. maj: Slovenski Park celebrations. Camping, Dance Party; Mass with Procession, Mary Crowning - Sunday, May 20 at 1:00 p.m. . 21. maj-ponedeljek: Lipa Park - Open House, Folk Arts Picnic . 27. maj-nedelja: St. Gregory the Great - Mass at 10:00 a.m. - First Communion and Confirmation - Bishop Anthony Tonnos, D.D. . 3. junij-nedelja: St. Gregory the Great - Mass at 10:00 a.m. & Procession of Corpus Christi . 3. junij-nedelja: Triglav-Hall - Mass at 2:00 p.m. & Procession of Corpus Christi . 9. junij-sobota: Slovenski Park - Golf Tournament 1:00 p.m. and Dinner . 10. junij-nedelja: Bled Planica Social Club 13 - Mass & 1:00 p.m. - Father's Day - Ansambel Mladi korenjaki . 10 junij-nedelja: ob 1:30 p.m. je v KATEDRALI-BAZILIKI maša za vse pare, ki obhajajo oblet-nice porok - mašo vodi škof Douglas Crosby . 23. junij-sobota: St. Gregory the Great - SLOVENSKI DAN. Mass at 10:30 a.m., Lunch, 2:00 p.m. Cultural program, . 29. junij-2.julij: Slovenski park - Long Weekend Events. Sunday & 1:00 p.m Mass GIFT BEARERS - DAROVE PRINAŠAJO . 13. maj 10:00 a.m.: Marina Štefanec in Elizabeth Raduha . 20. maj 9:30 a.m.: Družina Groznik . 27. maj 10:00 a.m.: Družina Davis . 3. junij 10:00 a.m.: Eva Erzetic in Jožica Vegelj MESEC MAJ Za »Long Weekend« se bo najvec dogajalo v Slovenskem parku, kjer bo v nedeljo ob 1:00 p.m. tudi maša, procesija sv. Rešnjega Telesa in Krvi in majniško kronanje Marije. Zadnjo nedeljo v maju pa je, kot že vsa zadnja leta, lepa slovesnost v naši župniji. Kar nekaj mladih bo pristopilo k svetemu obhajilu, drugi bodo prejeli, po rokah škofa Tonnosa, zakrament birme. Maša bo ob 10:00 a.m. SLOMŠKOVO OLTARNO DRUŠTVO V soboto, 5. maja, po vecerni maši so se clanice zbrale na letnem sestanku. Ker sedaj nimajo vec mesecnih srecanj, pa se dobimo vsako leto prvo soboto v mesecu maju. Pogovorili smo se o stanju na racunu, o delu in se družili v klepetu ob dobrotah, ki so jih pripravile. Oltarno društvo je tudi letos placalo za rože za pred župnišcem, pri kipu Marije Pomocnice in semena za vrt, skupno $503.00. Hvala! SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday: 8:00 A.M., Tuesday to Friday: 7:00 P.M., Saturday: 8:00 A.M. and 5:30 P.M. (Slovenian); Sunday: 9:30 A.M. (Slovenian), 11:00 A.M. (English); From Long weekend in July to the Long weekend of the September Sunday Mass is only at 10:00 A.M. (Slovenian-English) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporocite, ce je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obišcemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. DON BOSCO ZLATA POROKA V soboto, 5. maja 2018 sta zakonca, Zlatko in Marija BERKOVIC, obhajala 50 letnico zakonskega življenja. Pri vecerni sveti maši sta se skupaj z najbližjimi, Bogu zahvalila za vse, kar sta v teh letih doživela; obenem smo jima podelili božji blagoslov, da bi ju Bog še naprej ohranjal zdrava in srecna. 7. VELIKONOCNA NEDELJA THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD 13. MAJ Fatimska Mati Božja †† † † †† †† Za žive in rajne župljane Pokojni iz družine Babic Franc Raduha Rudi Kerec, obl. Alojz in Agata Kocmut Jože in Francka Pust Mother's Day Program - Hall 10:00 A.M. 11:30 A.M. Družina Gašpar Marina Štefanec Družina Maric Hci Elizabeth Gimpelj Agnes Pust Slovenian School PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 14. MAJ, Bonifacij, muc. † Vera Staniša 8:00 A.M. Pepca Hapke TOREK - TUESDAY 15. MAJ Zorija (Sonja), mucenka † †† † Vida Šerc Bratje Malevic in Oberman Elizabeth Ferko 7:00 P.M. Brat Martin Malevic z druž. Martin Malevic z družino Družina Pinter SREDA - WEDNESDAY 16. MAJ Janez Nepomuk, duh-mu †† † †† Po namenu (16/28) Brata in sestre Jože Hanc Sorodniki iz družine Šemen 7:00 P.M. Ana Tadic Jožica Novak Družina Šemen Družina Šemen CETRTEK - THURSDAY 17. MAJ, Jošt, pušcavnik †† † Pokojni iz družine Zelko Marija Granic 7:00 P.M. Matilda Bratuž Mary Hanc (Frank) PETEK - FRIDAY 18. MAJ Erik, kralj † † † Nives Hodnik V cast Mater Božji v zahvalo Jože Hanc Jože Vuk (Kuma) 7:00 P.M. Manja Erzetic Ignac in Marija Horvat z dr. Ignac in Marija Horvat z dr. Ignac in Marija Horvat z dr. SOBOTA SATURDAY 19. MAJ Urban I., papež Peter, papež †† †† † † † † Po namenu Pokojni iz družine Sobocan Štefan Zadravec in Jože Kociper Terezija Hajdinjak Jože Hanc Jože Hanc Franc Raduha 8:00 A.M. 5:30 P.M. N.N. Marija Hocevar Terezija Zadravec Mary Hanc & Family Mary Hanc & Family Martin in Regina Nedelko Martin in Regina Nedelko BINKOŠTNA NEDELJA PENTECOST SUNDAY 20. MAJ Bernardin, duhovnik † † † † †† Za žive in rajne župljane Kristina Kolar Ivan Sobocan, obl. Paul Richard Novak, obl. Henryk MAŠA in PROCESIJA Janko in Veronika Broz (Slov. Park) 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 1:00 P.M. Družina Groznik Žena Cecilija z družino Helen Špiler Janiak Family SLOVENSKI PARK Družina Kuzma SVETE MAŠE - MASSES od 13. 5. 2018 do 20. 5. 2018