Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! Americ*** Home ■AMCRISKi OUT VA SLOVENIAN MORim*« — Nnlionwide. over 200.000 Amprican-Slovenians VOL 101 - NO. 11 USPS 024100) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA. MARCH 18, 1999 ISSN Number 0164-do, 60C Val the ‘Polka Gal’ Now on WATJ Radio by Linda Cimperman Tew time, new location, for the ^ vibrant and vigorous talent of Northeast Ohio’s “val the Polka Gal!” Nine Until noon, every Saturday morning, val Pawlowski’s 'f»h energy polka program Wlll be heard on Chardon’s r®d'o station 1560 AM ATJ, which predominantly roadcasts to Geauga and e counties, and also ^aches parts of Cuyahoga, ^tabula, Trumbull Portage Summit Counties, as r" “ over ,he '""sylvania line, in 'tion to broadcasting 24 Per day around the r °n the Internet at VVWw-Watj.com x,Get ready for “Val the ]o0rn>ng Gal,” from 7 until ThursdaveVery Wednesday> m ^ and Friday out n ” a’ When she brings Fa, • ^erica’s Popular favorites.” alreL,y?U kn°W Val’ you tttor ^ kn°w to anticipate a Up Llng shake-up and wake-ftienHi ker entbusiastic and IiVe|. y style> featuring the can !!St and best music she keen lnd t0 get y°u UP and W^T?011 mov‘ng> with the Weekday format. ^ may not be Slovenian but Až o** č are lann f°nt Vendor from f tvorih selling fonts of rld f<» PC. These inclu< yrillic 32 typefaces at>n 28 typefaces kjreek 6 typefaces •Vpefa«s0ne °f ,,he 28 L! ^rrik • :ncludes s«mnik a '., ^ no 0< Ibr M- iAind tbe same’s 1 ASci,,Cr0S°ft’s adaptatior forp\i(American Stand chan„° ,e<^ ^formation In and ^Cented characters c include a slanted : theV0r’he C, and a do Tk 0 hakelijc’ a that v. 1 1IS mdicates b 's n.°SSibly tbe charac but Slovenian or may vl0ther two SUIT y Very Well be. -Henry St) which features memorable songs from the 30s through the 90s. W ATI’s General Manager, Al Markič, Business Manager, Florence Gragor and our family of radio announcers and staff are real excited and happy about welcoming Val Pawlowski to 1560 AM, WATJ. Among Val’s previous awards and trophies is a plaque in recognition of her contribution to polka promotion, awarded by the Polka Hall of Fame in 1997. Val says “It’s all the way with WATJ; we’re people friendly. Stop in and visit at my new radio home located at 360 Claridon-Aquilla Road. WATJ is a spacious 1,800 square feet of office space with two fully equipped broadcasting studios. Hurry, drop in for a visit. If you can’t get out, then send a card or letter to P.O. Box 776, Chardon, OH 44024, or call toll free at 1 800 946-1560, or locally 440-286-1560, or fax 440, 286-2727. All requests and dedications are welcome. Hope to see you real soon.” Val adds, “Don’t forget the donuts!” Slovenian String Concert at St. Mary’s On Friday, April 23, at 7:30 p.m., the String Orchestra from the Music School, Ljubljana Vič-Rudnik, Slovenia, will perform a concert in St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Church. This talented group of 35 young musicians, promise a very memorable concert. A free will offering will be taken at the concert._______________ Kres seeks dancers Attention parents of children in kindergarten through eighth grade: If you are interested in having your child perform in the Kres 45 anniversary performance on Saturday, September 11, please contact Nadia Domanko at (440) 944-9780 How do we ensure the future generations will be able to enjoy the delicious taste of raised doughnuts (krofe)? You show them at a young age just as the St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Slovenian School did on Saturday, Feb. 13 in the school auditorium. Teaching the traditional Slovenian culinary arts are Marie Sedmak, left, and Ann Nemec. Taking part in the Slovenian National Home’s formal reception in the newly renovated Diemer Mansion off St. Clair Ave. at Addison Road on Friday, March 5, are left to right Thomas Celestina, Slovenian Consulate in Cleveland Tone Gogala, Cleveland Councilman in )Vard 13, Joseph Cimperman, and Emilee’s Beauty Salon owner and Perry News correspondent, Emilee Jenko. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 18, 1999 2 Jim’s Journal By Jim Debevec The Ides of March have successfully passed without leaving much of an impression on folks - except if you happened to be Julius Caesar. In which case it wasn’t much of a good day. Anyhow, March is supposed to bring hints of fading winter, and with it thoughts of spring things such as lettuce, flowers and baseball. March is also famous for its winds. Here is a true story about the windy month. Returning from the Navy after the Second World War, my brother Ralph brought me a present. It was a giant kite with a big picture of a Japanese Zero warplane painted boldly across the entire surface. It was used by the Navy for target practice. The kite was a monster. It was about five feet high and weighed about 20 pounds more than me. It had to be guided by two ropes. With the double lines and the heavy kite, we had a difficult time getting it into the air. As a matter of fact, we tried for about 10 years to get that dam kite to fly, but never succeeded. Then one windy March afternoon, my pal John Turek had an idea. “Why don’t you drive the convertible with the top down, and I’ll kneel in the back seat, hold the kite up and when you get enough speed and the wind is blowing hard, I’ll let it go and we’ll watch it take off.” Well, there you are. What the heck; it sounded like a good idea to me. We went over to Humphrey’s field across from Euclid Beach Park and brought along the monster kite. The steering ropes were coiled on a rotating device on a box which my brother Bob had invented for that very purpose. John held the kite facing the back and I stepped on the gas. Sure enough, the kite took off straight up into the air for about 20 feet, changed directions and dived right back at us like a Ka-makazi dive-bomber, missed, but smashed into the field. Feeling the compilation of 10-years of frustration, we did the logical thing and walked away from the aeronautical project. We left it there. To this very day you can drive by Humphrey’s field and if you look closely you will see a big red circle sticking in the air. It’s the remnants of a canvas Japanese Zero whose flight time was zero. John and I discarded the kite strings for wedding bands, married wonderful women and lived happily ever after, often dreaming of that stupid kite that for some reason refused to fly. We meet next Thursday to reminisce about our ill-fated project. Who knows; maybe after a few drinks along with Joe Baškovič and AI Orehek, our American ingenuity will figure out how we can get a second kite off the ground before the calming breezes of summer come along and ruin our yet unfulfilled chance of redemption. * send your commiseration’s to Jim’s Journal, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103, fax: 216 431 -0628 or e mail to j im@buckeyeweb.com What we say is important... for in most cases the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. It’S CCCL To Be SLOVENIAN! Messages transmitted by your nervous system can travel at 223 miles an hour. Accordion for Sale Woman’s Accordion Coletta. Sopriani Ampliphonic. Made in Italy. Mother of Pearl. $300. - Call 440-257-7145 Your dream trip is just a Phone call away. Call 261-1050 today! 22078 Lakeshore Blvd., Euclid, Ohio 44123 travel@euclidtravel.com COLOR IT GREEN! Even Slovenians Can be IRISH Best Wishes from Jofa1 Mercina The Apple Strudel Reception By Rudy Flis I have a story for you. It happened in Germany, in the summer of 1953. Our outfit was on maneuvers, spread out all over the German countryside. I was riding in the back of the jeep, my sergeant was in front with the driver. We were traveling along a riverbank, when we stopped. The sergeant got out of the jeep and walked over to the riverbank where a woman and a very young boy were standing. Their conversation was in German. As they spoke, I couldn’t help noticing how dirty and grimy the woman and child looked to me. She told the sergeant that she, her husband and son fled from their Communist country. They lived by the riverbank and her husband was in the town trying to find work. She had the look of helplessness on her face and in her eyes. It was a look I’ve never seen before, nor will I ever forget. It was apparent hunger was no stranger to this family. We had a can of C-rations with us, which we gave to the woman. Words cannot describe the expression of delight on her face as she accepted the can of C-rations from the sergeant. She was no beggar. This young family put all they possessed in life, on the line to live in freedom. Can you understand that? They had absolutely nothing. In my way of thinking, these were people of courage and character. I also feel they had strong ties with God, or how else could they go on? But the sad side of this story is some of us not understanding their plight, referred to the refugees as “Dumb DP’s. Not kind, nor smart, was it? Why this story now? A story 45 years old? Read on. My cousin Lucy Romih, a parishioner of St. Mary’s in Collinwood, mentioned to me that Marie Dular (my Slovenian language teacher) had just celebrated her 50^ wedding anniversary. The first night of class this semester, I walked up to Marie and wished her and hers a happy fiftieth wedding anniversary. The second night of class I asked Marie “Where were you married, Marie?” Her reply was, “In Austria, in a refugee camp.” “Wow,” I thought. “I finally have met a person who experienced the hopelessness of that young woman and boy on the river camp.” It is nice to know some made it to the U.S.A. Then I asked Marie another question, “Where did you meet your husband?” She replied, “In the refugee camp.” Marie also relived hfr wedding day for me. This15 how she described that mo5' special day. “Milan went to the chapef f°r olir wedding Mass. My ^et and a friend were the nesses. After Mass we wit' vvefl1 nd back to the barracks.” ^ the reception? Their ^ ^ ding reception consisted sharing an apple strudel 'vl , their friends. At their wedding Milan and Marie Dular tf*3 ! a vow before God, and kept it. Then back at the ; racks, “their home,” to ehF some delicious strudel-you imagine you or me ing that? It was a simple wedd*3 j Mass, virtually no receptl0.^ and yet Milan and ^ar|0 Dular have managed ^ stretch it into 50 yearS marriage. In contrast, t0 some folks spend %20,0^° a wedding day and the & ^ riage lasts a year. Milan aIj£ Marie are a prime exa*11 * *^ of successfully living UP sacred commitment he God. We salute them. j And the woman q young boy on the riverhaj1^ I pray they fared as ^ Milan and Marie. . f. Happy Wedding Ann‘V|3r, sary, Milan and Marie Du ^ May the years before y continue to be blessed- Newburgh Pensioners Meet The next Newburgh-Maple Hts. Pensioners Club meeting will be on Wednesday, March 24 at noon in the Slovenian National Home, 3563 East 80th Street off Union Avenue. Our attendance prize will be $5. We will have a Memorial Mass on Sunday, April 18 at St. Lawrence Church at 10 a.m. This Mass is for all deceased members and members of the Newburgh-Maple Hts. Pensioners Club. After Mass we will have a breakfast at the Slovenian National Home on East 80th. Tickets are $6 and must he purchased no later than April 11. For tickets call Dick Galla at 440-234-9833. Our April meeting will be on Wednesday, April 28 at noon in the Slovenian National Home off Union Ave. I am Slovenian -i.eat your heart out Wanted Cooking to buy used woodworking machinery and tools. Also used ham radio ^uipment. Please respond t° AD, Attention: John Mercina. For Sale Great Restaurant 2-220 sq. ft. in high traffic °ffice medical complex Strong customer base. Low ^Ht- Excellent location. Car 1-90 and plenty o: Parking Theresa Manjas i Coldwell Banker Realt) ___^-440-979-5332 | ! w. maier DOORS ! unlimited I arage door repair and re- ] ] P aceinent. Entrance and \ | st0rm doors. Door openers j | and electrical repairs, i ah (Slovenian) Walter' l^ajer at 216 - 732-7100. ’ ] mergeney pager: 216-; 1SO6-8224. 1 Many people Oelieve the more you sleep before midnigm, tne oe! ter looking you’ll be. In ancient times, people believed it unlucky to set the left foot on the ground first on getting out of bed. Internal Medicine Toye Williams, M.D. Toye Williams, M.D. Is pleased to announce the opening of his new Internal Medicine practice in Cleveland. Dr, Williams is Board Certified in Internal Medicine and completed his residency training in Cleveland. Dr. Williams is accepting new patients age eighteen and older. He speaks fluent Spanish as a second language and welcomes Hispanic patients. S' New Patients Welcome Call for appointment (216) 431-1500 St. Clair Health Center 6407 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Dr. Williams accepts most insurance plans including Medicare. Tcaritas Physician Network BEATIFICATION OF BISHOP SLOMSEK Maribor, Slovenia September 19, 1999 His Holiness, POPE JOHN PALL II, will visit Maribor, Slovenia on September 19, 1999, for the beatification of BISHOP ANTON MABTIN SLOMSEK. Be a part of this truly once in a lifetime celebration! 1 SLOMSEK TOLB i: September 15 - 2b. 1QQQ. SLOMSEK TOVR LL: September 15-21, 1999. Then from September 22 - 29, join a tour of Budapest, Hungary-. Prague, Czech Republic; and / ienna, Austria. Call or write TODAY for more information on these tours. Call MIKE CERAR at TRAVELMAX, Inc. (800) 677-1313 or (216) 692-1700 911 East 185th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44119 FLICKINGER TIRE & AUTO COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR ON ALL MAKES 8. MODELS INCLUDING 4X4’i, LIGHT TRUCKS & MOTOR HOMES COMPUTER ALIGNMENT & BALANCE • SHOCKS • STRUTS C.V. JOINTS • RACK 8r PINION • BRAKES • EXHAUST f—^ S*,7*--2p« GOODYEAR 731-7100 LMESSSSJiffi s- 7 MannAYT 939 E. 999 St. Benefit Dinner at St. Vitus 3 f I She St. Mary Magdalene KSKJ Lodge X #162, St. Vitus KSKJ Lodge #25, St. Vitus Altar Society, and the St. Vitus Holy Name Society will cosponsor a Breaded Chicken or Pork Dinner on Sunday, March 28^ at the St. Vitus Auditorium located in Cleveland, Ohio on the corner of Norwood Road and Glass Avenue (one block south of E. 62nc* Street and St. Clair Avenue). On the menu will be a choice of breaded boneless chicken breast or roast pork with liver dumpling and noodle soup, mashed potatoes, rice, vegetable, salad, bread, dessert, and coffee, tea, or milk. Serving continues from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. - Donation is $10 for adults and $5 for children. The event will be part of the American Slovenian Catholic Union, KSKJ, Matching Funds Program. The Matching Funds will go to St. Vitus Parish and will be used for the parish seniors housing project. The Altar Society and Holy Name Society will also make a donation for this cause. For tickets and further information, call evenings at 881-9586. Tickets will also be available at the St. Vitus Rectory, members of the above organizations, and at the door. --Joseph V. Hočevar LAVRISHA Construction & Repair B UILDINGIMPRO VEMENT SER VICES 6507 St. Clair Avenue - Cleveland, Ohio 44103 216/391-0035 Best Wishes On Your Birthday Yse najbolše za vaš rojstni dan! Fr. Joseph Boznar Youll always be “golden” to us! TAX TIME IS HERE Come In or Call Us for Appointment Cleveland Accounting Service 6218 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 881-5158 J < n 3 0 1 CftC I ‘01 UOUWIAI ‘WMIAOf von AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 18, 1999 ‘America’s Polka King’ Title Stays With Frankie Yankovic By Tony Petkovšek f k "the Polka News publication reports that the JL organization Europe-America United has proclaimed, in a resolution, that the title “America’s Polka King” will be for all time associated with Frankie Yankovic to the exclusion of all others; that the title be laid to rest with the memory of Frankie Yankovic; and that this resolution shall take effect upon its adoption. The Slovenian trailblazer who was originally crowned with the title of “America’s Polka King” in a battle of the bands contest in Milwaukee in 1948: and whereas Elvis Presley will always be known and remembered as the “King of Rock and Roll,” so, too, Frankie Yankovic will always be remembered as “America’s Polka King.” Yankovic passed away on October 14, 1998 at the age of 83 and Public TV’s documentary on him will be shown once again in Cleveland on Friday, March 19 at 9 p.m. in which his nephew. Bob Kravos, will appear live with his award winning band and also his wife Ida, from Greensburg, Pennsylvania will also be interviewed. The documentary will also be telecast on Saturday, March 20 at 7 p.m. on WVIZ channel 25. Meanwhile the Grammy people at NARAS - the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences has listed Yankovic’s “Just Because Polka” on Columbia Records in the era of 1948-49 in its Music Hall of Fame. The Cleveland Free Times newspaper presented Ida Yankovic with its ethnic award of the year for Frankie’s great contributions. By the way the Awards Show XI of the Cleveland-style Polka Hall of Fame is being shown on the community channels of cable TV in Euclid, Lake county and Cleveland currently, which also includes a tribute to Yankovic that I did as chairman of the Polka Foundation. St. Clair Slovenian Home 75th Celebration Despite a snowstorm which hit the area on the weekend of Slovenian National Home’s 75^ Anniversary on March 6 and 7, there was a good turnout for the polka program on that Saturday with nine different polka groups entertaining including “Janez and Lojze,” Jeff Pecon and Lou Trebar. Sunday’s concert Program featured six of our area’s singing societies and the Kres Slovenian Folk Dancers. The hard-working Board of Directors headed by Bob Hopkins, president, also staged a reception in the “original” Slovenian Home building, built in 1875 as the Diemer Mansion, and established as the first Slovenian Home in, 1914, 10 years before the construction and opening of the block-long structure between East 64th and Addison road on St. Clair Ave. Looks like this could be a fine location for special receptions in the future, complimenting the completely refurbished largest Slovenian Home complex surrounding it. This new generation of volunteer board members has a noticeable enthusiasm in working for the cause of the Hall and we commend them for it. In Memory Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Merela of Willoughby Hills, Ohio who renewed their subscription, plus added an extra donation of $20.00 in memory of Karl and Anna Gorišek. In Memory Thanks to Danielle Avsec of Willowick, Ohio who renewed her subscription plus enclosed an extra $5.00 in memory of her wonderful husband, Ed Avsec. Al Koporc, Jr.1 Piano Technician (216)481-1104 Wanted Men’s Sloven. Folk Attire vest sz. 42; shawl; hat, large; pants, waiste 36; leg-gins; boots 12N. (216) 391-8478 Specialists in Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s HAIR SALON 5216 Wilson Mills Road 461-7989 / 461-0623 Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 18 Days - “MANY SPLENDORS OF SLOVENIA TOUR III” 0 SLOMSEK BEATIFICATION CEREMONIES IN MARIBOR 0 MEDJUGORJE plus SIGHTS ALONG THE ADRIATIC SEA 0 13 days ENJOYING THE SPLENDORS OF SLOVENIA September 6 - 23,1999 Depart: Chicago-Dubrovnik - Return: Budapest-Chicago Via LUFTHANSA AIRLINES ALL-INCLUSIVE PACKAGE, AIRFARE, COMPLETE TOUR. FIRST CLASS HOTELS S3,200 (Double Occupancy) Deposit of $200 per person will assure your reservation. Call Rudy at Priority Travel, 35 W. Wacker Dr., Suite 3450 Chicago, Illinois 60601, tel. (312) 782-7340 Fax (312) 58-9167 NORTHCOAST APPLIANCES Carpeting Starting at $6.99/yard CARPETING It} THE BIGGEST SELECTION OF Hours: RECONDITIONED APPLIANCES Monday Sunday 9 0 IN THE CLEVELAND AREA! Sales & Service 706 E. 185th Street 216-692-1333 216-486-WASH We’ll get you a better price on any NEW appliance you have seen! Chuck Service Call only $14.95 « no closing costs no application fee ■ no title cost no points ■ no appraisal cost no annual fee for first year "M If eh down higher cost debt from credit cards and unsecured lUl loans by unlocking the Ready Cash from your home -LT A equity. Get a hot rate. Plus pay no upfront costs at all and we waive the annual fee for the first year. What if you don’t have much equity in your home? The answer is our 100% home equity line of credit at an incredible rate. Either way, the interest you pay could he tax deductible (consult your tax advisor). Ask us about the line of credit that will take the chill out of your personal finances. . Telephone Loan Center 1*800 »766 »4141 FDIC Insured CHARTER ONE* BANK Ask Us. We Can Do lt.su Check out our super specials on the Internetl www.charterone.com Introductory specials apply to first six months after loan closing. Fully indexed APR (annual percentage rate) apPlieS to your account on the seventh month; for the 6.46% introductory rate option, up to 85% of the appraised value, 'esS any outstanding indebtedness, for lines $50,000 and above, the APR will be 7.75%; $25,000 to $49.999, b 25% APR: $5,000 to $24,999 8.50% APR For the 100% option (up to 100% of the appraised value, less any outstanding indebtedness) $5.000 to $100.000, introductory rate of 7 75% APR for the first six montfis and starting in the seventn month 9 50% APR current rate Variable rate, based on Wall Street Journal Prime plus a margin, may increase of decrease but in no instance exceed 16% Monthly payments of interest only required until maturity Balloon princip«1 payment at maturity or refinance, at lender's option. Annual fee of $50 waived for first year. Property insurance required Lines of Credit available only on owner-occupied homes (1-4 family). Subject to our unli®r! writing standards, which are available on request, and our property appraisal. Offer good for new line-of-cfed11 relationships only and subject to change without notice. APRs effective January 4, 1999 BREADED CHICKEN BREAST ROAST PORK DINNER 10:30 Mass Butare and Palms St. Vitus Hall Serving 11 a.nu to 1:30p.m. Adults $10.00, Children $5.00 Palm Sunday, March 28 Sponsored by St. Mary Magdalene KSKJ #162 St. Vitus Lodge KSKJ #25 St. Vitus Altar Society St. Vitus Holy Name Society Tuna-Melt Casserole If you enjoy dinner tuna-melt sandwiches, you’ll love the flavor of this. It is a warm, welcome dish any night of the week. To save time, use packaged broccoli flowerets. — Prep: 40 minutes --Tiake: 20 minutes 1 package (16 ounces) corkscrew or medium shell pasta _ * o T23C 3 cups broccoli flowerets 2 tablespoons margarine or butter 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour % teaspoon salt % teaspoon ground black pepper 4 cups reduced-fat (2%) milk 4 ounces Swiss cheese, shredded (1 cup) 1 can (12 ounces) chunk light tuna in water, drained and flaked 2 medium tomatoes, cut into %-inch thick slices 1 • - Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. In large saucepot, cook pasta in boiling salted water 5 minutes, add broccoli to pasta and cook another 5 minutes or until broccoli is tender and pasta is al dente. Drain well and return to saucepot; set aside. 2. - Meanwhile, in 3-quart saucepan, melt margarine or butter over low heat. Stir in flour, salt, and PePper until blended and cook, stirring, 1 minute. radually stir in milk; increase heat to medium-high und cook, stirring occasionally, until mixture thickens ^d boils. Boil 1 minute, stirring frequently. Remove ^aucepan from heat and stir in V2 cup cheese until Wended. 2. - Add cheese sauce and tuna to pasta and r°ccoli in saucepot; toss until evenly mixed. Transfer uuxture to shallow 3 '/2-quart casserole or 13” by 9” ss nuking dish. Arrange tomato slices on top, napping if necessary. Sprinkle with remaining ‘/2 CUP cheese. . ~ Cover baking dish with foil and bake 20 lnutes or until hot and bubbly. Makes 6 main-dish ^servings. Slovenia is New Leader I 1,1 Debt Management Republic of I Slovenia has re-the established itself as centr r.ern'er borrower from by J). ,and eastern Europe f. lnir>g the finest terms for 'ssue%^^m b°nd of any Vear r0rn reg'on this The issues f^row'ng volume of •eflects th111 Central Europe Vestor thC recovery of the r aPPetite for risk from prjCe e£'0n> although the greatly ^ access varies Peeled • issues are ex' fror^ j coming weeks kia. 11 Uania and Slova- Sj rated cVCnia’ fhe highest east 'n central and °ut'Dpr!Fr0pe’ bas narrowly Hieh^ Hungary, >ace) as d Previously set the cast European bor- J^vercome the prob- lems created by last year’s financial crisis in Russia. Slovenia launched its first 10-year Euro-denominated bond on Friday, priced at 86 basis points over the equivalent German bonds. The issue was lead-managed by Credit Suisse First Boston and Morgan Stanley Dean Witter. Slovenia is the only country from former communist east Europe with an investment grade single A credit rating from the leading international rating agencies. It is the most developed country from the region, with a GDP per capita last year of $9,921, which is already close to the level of the poorest members of the European Union. PETRIČ ^'hed Master Technician m ^i^sAutomotiue Service Foreign & Domestic General Auto Repair *«o. „ 1 (44°) 942-5130 Lakeland Blvd., Eastlake, Ohio 44095 / LOCATED IN REAR Donations Thanks to the following for their generous donations to the American Home newspaper: Mr. and Mrs. Albin Orehek, Euclid, Ohio — $10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Koren, Willoughby Hills, Ohio - $10.00 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zlatoper, Moreland Hills, Ohio - $20.00 Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Klammer, Willowick, Ohio - $20.00 Donation A big thank you to Ivan Hauptman of Richmond Heights, Ohio who sent in a $20.00 donation to the Ameriška Domovina. Donation Thank you very much to Jerry M. Watson of Zionsville, IN who renewed his subscription plus enclosed an extra $20.00 “for your excellent work.” Donation Happy Easter to All FROM AZMAN MEATS Happy Easter to All of Our Friends m I Steve Koren & Sharon Krnc Koren 1-800-377-2268 SWU Branch #101 of Garfield Hts., Ohio renewed their subscription plus enclosed an additional $20.00 for “an exceptional newspaper.” - Thank you very much for your generous donation. In Memory Thanks to Jo Sustarsic of Cleveland, Ohio who sent in a $20.00 donation in PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster memory of Rose Poprik and Antonia Sega. » RUDY’S Quality Meats, Inc. 3X7XS Vine St., Willowick 1-440-943-5490 City Chicken $*»29 Famous For Flavor Daisy Field HillllS Whole or Halves Semi-Boneless or Boneless $*•49 ^Plb Slovenian Želodec Cooked Ready To Eat or Uncooked Freak Homemade Polish Sausage Mjn> Our Own Homemade Sausage Slovenian $*^69 Smoked Homemade Blood or Rice Sausage $*•89 lb Choice Beef Standing Rib Roasts Treat Your family Order The Beat. Homemade Potica CARST-NAGY Memorials 15425 Waterloo Rd. 4S1-2237 “^ervin* the Slovenian Community.” Drive in - or Walk In BRONKO'S Drive-in Beverage 510 East 200th St. DMH Corp. Euclid, Ohio 44119 531-8844 Imported and Domestic Beer and Wine Soft Drinks - Milk - Ice - Snacks Imported Slovenian Wines Radenska Mineral Water — => We have all Ohio Lottery Games <= Open Mon. - Sat. 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sunday (No wine sold) 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Owner - David Heuer. Have You Heard HARMONIKA ŽELEZNIK from SLOVENIA? 3 OR 4 ROW AVAILABLE Gently used Melodijas with 3 or 4 row also available For more information, please write to Frank Cic, 9335 N. Citrus Lane E. Sun Lakes AZ 85248 1-602-895-8161 Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL LOCATED AT 452 E. 152 Street Phone 481-3118 Family owned and operated since 1908 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 18, 1999 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 18, 1999 In Loving Memory 1909 1999 With deep sadness in our hearts, and in complete submission to the will of our Creator, we announce the passing of our dearly beloved husband, father, brother, brother-in-law, uncle and great uncle Charles A. Terček He entered into rest on January 3, 1999 at the Slovene Home for the Aged on Neff Road. Our dear loved one was born on Oct. 17, 1909 in Cleveland, Ohio. He was the son of Luke and Johana Terček of E. 156 St. and Holmes Ave. He was the brother of Jennie Skerl, “Ursuline” Sister Mary Luke, O.S.U., Amelia Habjan and Josephine Reagan. His deceased brothers are Luke, John, and Joseph. Charlie enlisted in the military in World War II. He served in the Army Field Artillery in Germany, France and Belgium. Before leaving the military Charlie played trumpet in the 421st Army Force Services Band. He loved music and played in many orchestras and brass bands. He also played in the New York Central Railroad Company Band, where he was employed as a store clerk for 49 years. His late wife, Mary, and son Charlie are deceased. In 1975 he married Ann Hočevar and has lived in Euclid the last 23 years. Charlie was very Slovenian heritage minded and was proud to have played in the band at the opening of the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair in 1924 and the opening celebration of the Slovenian Collinwood Home in 1919. He sang all his years in St. Mary’s Slovenian choir, Glasbena Matica, and Slovan, a men’s choral group in Euclid, and his last love was with the Slovenian Society Brass Band, which is now St. Mary’s Brass Band. His fraternal lodges were St. Joseph No. 169 K.S.K.J. and Eastern Stars No. 51 A.M.L.A. He was a member of St. Mary’s Holy Name Society, St. Mary’s Senior Citizens, Euclid Pensioners, Club Ljubljana, and Holmes Avenue Pensioners. He was an alumnus of St. Mary’s School in Collinwood. Services were held on Thursday, January 7, 1999 from the Dan Cosic Funeral Home on Chardon Road. A Mass of the Resurrection was said at St. Mary’s Church on Holmes Ave., and burial followed at Calvary Cemetery. We are especially grateful to Rev. John Kumse pastor of St. Mary’s in Collinwood for celebration of the funeral Mass, his beautiful homily, and for the recitation of the rosary at the funeral home, and for prayers at gravesite. We are also grateful to Rev. Victor Tome who was the cocelebrant at the funeral Mass. - Special thanks are extended to representatives who gave farewell addresses from their groups: Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nemec - Lodge No. 169 KSKJ, Mr. Rudy Knez - St. Mary’s Choir, Cecilia Dolgan, directing the Glasbena Matica choral group, and the Holy Name Society for recitation of the Rosary. Our deepest appreciation is extended to all members of organizations, (especially the Ursuline Sisters), who came to pray in such large numbers and paid final homage to our loved one in spite of the terribly cold weather. May God bless every one of you a hundred fold for your visits, get well cards, floral pieces, Mass offerings, charitable contributions in his memory, and for the many expressions of sympathy. We thank Rudy Knez, organist and all the singers in the choir, for the beautiful singing at the funeral Mass, and to our many friends who attended the services and accompanied our beloved Charlie to his final resting place at Calvary Cemetery. Our deepest gratitude to the six men who served as pall-bearers. Our thanks to Sophie Mazi for the fine luncheon she and her staff prepared at the Euclid Society Home on Recher Avenue in Euclid. A million thanks to Dan Cosic and his staff for their countless courtesies and careful attention to all the funeral details. Lastly, we thank the Slovene Home for the Aged for the good loving care they gave to our beloved Charlie. A card of thanks was sent to all who especially remembered us and our loved one. If by chance we missed someone, please accept our apology and may this public notice serve as a special thanks to you. God saw he was getting tired And a cure was not to be, So He put his arms around him And said, “Come with Me. ” With tearful eyes, we watched him suffer And saw him fade away Although we loved him dearly We couldn 7 make him stay. A golden heart stopped beating Hard working hands to rest God broke our hearts to prove to us He only takes the very “BEST. ” Sadly missed by: Ann J. Terček - Wife Nancy Mramor and Joan Podmore, Stepdaughters Four step-granddaughters 2 step-grandsons 3 step-great-grandsons 1 step-great-granddaughter Sisters; Jennie Skerl, and Sister Mary Luke “Ursuline Sister” OSU Amelia Habjan Josephine Reagan Brother-in-law Albert Reagan Deceased: Luke Terček, John and Joseph Many nieces and nephews, and remaining relatives here and in Europe. March 18, 1999 Cleveland, Ohio Coming Events ■J Sunday, March 21 Federation of Slovenian National Homes banquet saluting honorees at Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue. Sunday, March 28 KSKJ Lodges 25 and 162, St. Vitus Altar Society and St. Vitus Holy Name Society co-sponsor Breaded Chicken or Pork Dinner in auditorium from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Donation is $10 adults and $5 children. This matching funds project will be donated to parish seniors housing project. For tickets call 881-9586 or at St. Vitus rectory. Aprils - 11 Slovenian Ski Trip to Aspen & Snowmass, Colorado $825. In Cleveland call Marjan Kosem at (440) 942- 2919; Toronto call (416) 922-1161; New York call (718) 424-2711 weeknights; anywhere else call Sue Har-bauer Lee at 1-8 8 8-453-2SKI. Sunday, April 11 Super Button Box Bash 17 at Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, Ohio from 1 to 9 p.m. Circle 2 Slovenian Junior Chorus. Saturday, April 17 Primorski Klub dinner-dance at Slovenian Nation^ Home, St. Clair, 6:30 p111 Music by Stan Mejač 0r' chestra. Donation $19. Sunday, April 18 Holmes Avenue Pension' ers Spring Dinner-Dance aI Collinwood Slovenian Home, 15810 Holmes Ave Dinner served at 2 p.m. ^ sic by Dan Peters Orch. Can Ginger Relieve Headaches? Question: I suffer from headaches and was told g'n^[ may help. I currently take anticoagulants full-time am no headache relief from Tylenol, the only over-the-countsr medicine I am allowed. Will ginger work? Does it reli{'e other types of pain, too? Answer: For centuries, ginger has been used as a re1" edy for multiple health problems. Today many peopl® u it, not only to thwart and prevent migraines, but also to relieve the pain of rheumatoid arthritis (thanks to its hdP ant>' inflammatory qualities). It is used to treat nausea, stoma aches, chest congestion and motion sickness. In laborat tests it has shown antibacterial effects, and in animal teS*s , acts as an anti-ulcer agent. It also shows strong anti-caf | activity. That’s a lot of good stuff for one spice. Enjoy ginger’s benefits in a multitude of ways.AA,tf ^ take it straight, 1/3 teaspoon at a time, two or three t*1116 day without side effects. Better yet, enjoy it in ginger ginger cookies, muffins, and cake. Use fresh ginger cooking and stir-fries. Dr. Zenon A. Klos E. 185"'Area 531-7700 — Emergencies -Dental Insurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture RePa COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E. 185 St. (between Shore Carpet & Fun Services) Congratulations to All the Honorees of the Federation of Slovenian National Homes from ^J^CLTL1 do±ic FUNERAL HOME Family Owned and Operated Because we care.. We offer our families the option of Advance Funeral Planning "llelieviiiK u burden front Ihttse U'e love. " An associate of HoineStea^el^ * Burials/Hemorial Services * Trusts Available * Traditional Services * Entombments Dan Co%U. Licenced ! unc*ral Director J^^rmplet^Tuncral Pr«vP * • Cremations I* Itemized Pricing I* Co^mmiumitv^RoomsJ^^S^^ 440-944-#400 28890 Chardon K®** Villmnthbv —nwnMfl—i amamm FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina 7i 1TI1 3 »1 r ~7; li ^3 ! ME 11 SS "™ AMERICAN IN SPIRIT SLOVENIAN FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) March 18, 1999 - Vesti iz Slovenije - Zunanji minister Boris Frlec v Washingtonu - Beseda tudi o obisku predsednika Clintona junija letos Včerajšnje Delo je objavilo poročilo nje-govega newyorskega dopisnika Vesa Stoja-nova’ ki sledi povzeto od Delo faxa, prav tako od včeraj: Slovenski zunanji minister Boris Frlec ^ bo danes (tj. 17. marca, op. ur. AD) v ashingtonu srečal z ameriško državno se-etarko Madeleine Albright. S pogovorom 0 zaključil dvodnevni obisk v ameriški Prestolnici, ki se je začel včeraj, ko se je ”aJprej srečal s Tomom Neumanom iz Ju-ovskega inštituta za nacionalno varnost, r P0’dne pa še s kongresnikom slovenskega u Jamesom Oberstarom, senatorjema tej0r®eom Voinovichem in Billom Rothom Stephenom Flanaganom, pomočnikom sveta za nacionalno varnost odgovor-^ za Srednjo Evropo. joč 3 VSC^ te^ P0S0V0r'h Je bila prevladu-sa'3 tema s^ovenska kandidatura za Nato, no StK c*en*mo Prav senatorja Roth in Voi-a Vlc vehka zagovornika, da bi Nato na nuns em vrhunskem srečanju v Washingto-n ’ . Avenijo formalno povabil k začetku POeJ'J»j O včlanitvi, hrlec K’ Alb u 01 se moral po prvotnem načrtu z Stat 1^JOVo srečati že včeraj, vendar so v sesta ,ePartrncntu tik pred zdajci prestavili Za en dan. Zaradi česar se ne ve, "tenda Znosti Zarac^' nenadnih neodložljivih obve-Hg arneriške državne sekretarke, povsem bčani 00 ^a govorice, da so Ame- t>an' Ze*° Jezn'’ ker so iz slovenskega zu-t0^ trtinistrstva pricurljale informacije o veni.ein (latumu Clintonovega obiska v Slo- javi/o ^2°’ 'n 21' ki j’11 je Ddo ob' tu .Pred tremi dnevi. Po prvotnem načr-nj]a ^ b' Albrightova Frleca uradno sezna-°biskaS načrtom Clintonovega tvackf Aveniji prav med njunim sedanjim nStonskim srečanjem.” Na slovenskem obrambnem ministrstvu ne pričakujejo letošnjega povabila za včlanitev v Nato - Vojska še ni pripravljena V torek je bila na obrambnem ministrstvu tiskovna konferenca, na katerem je beseda tekla o raznih perečih vprašanjih, med drugimi tudi o morebitni pridružitvi Slovenije Natovi zvezi. O tem je govoril Bogdan Koprivnikar, državni sekretar na ministrstvu, ki je pristojen za vojaške zadeve. Priznal je, da so možnosti, da bi bila Slovenija aprila letos na srečanju na vrhu Nato držav v Washingtonu povabljena k članstvu, zelo majhne. Pojasnil je, da med zagotavljanjem pogojev za vstop v Nato treba prilagoditi predvsem oborožene sile. Te morajo dobiti obseg in strukturo, je nadaljeval Koprivnikar, ki bosta zagotavljala ustrezno raven nacionalne obrambe in izvajanje nalog, kot jih predvideva Nato. Pripomnil je: “Vedno bolj je jasno, da na vrhu Nata v Washingtonu ne bodo razpravljali o nadaljnji širitvi. Na zasedanju se sicer lahko še marsikaj zgodi, vendar smo do tega bolj skeptični.” Srbski patriarh Pavle obiskal Slovenyo in se srečal z državnim in cerkvenim vrhom Na obisku v Sloveniji ta teden je patriarh srbske pravoslavne cerkve Pavle, ki se je v ponedeljek srečal tako s predsednikom vlade dr. Janezom Drnovškom in predsednikom Slovenije Milanom Kučanom. Prav tako je patriarha sprejel slovenski metropolit in ljubljanski nadškof dr. Franc Rode. Kot poroča torkovo Delo, so bili vsi sestanki za zaprtimi vrati, nato pa pravi poročilo: “Po sporočilih za javnost sodeč so bile glavne teme pogovorov razmere v Srbiji in na Kosovu, iskanje možnosti za miren izhod iz krize, sodelovanje med Slovenijo in Jugoslavijo, življenje slovenskih državljanov srbske narodnosti v Sloveniji in poživitev ekumenskega sodelovanja med Cerkvami. ad«jem času razne organizacije in tudi politične stranke, ki so sodelovale v demo-Uaciji in nato osamosvojitvi Slovenije praznujejo svoje desetletnice. Najnovejša med So Slovenski krščanski demokrati. Poprejšnjo sredo, 10. marca, so s slavnostno žaznamovali 10. obletnico ustanovitve. Slavnostna seja je potekala v prostorih Slo-Ke matice, kjer je bila ustanovljena predhodnica stranke, slavnostni govornik je bil "k,n Predsednik Lojze Peterle. V svoji analizi razmer na Slovenskem je Peterle de-Z3 Politično prizorišče še vedno obvladujejo stare sile, ki tudi zavirajo nekatere ne sPremembe. Kot odgovor na to stanje je obljubil: “Zato si bo SKD prizadevala Plovno strnitev političnih sil, ki ninnyo težav z razumevanjem vrednot, v katerih ln' nova Evropa pa naj gre za združevanje ali zavezujoče povezave.” Iz Clevelanda in okolice Dobrodelno kosilo— DNU pri sv. Vidu, Oltarno društvo pri tej fari in KSKJ društvi št. 25 in 162, vabijo na kosilo, ki bo na cvetno nedeljo, 28. marca, v šolski dvorani pri sv. Vidu. Serviranje bo od 11. dop. do 1.30 pop., na jedilniku bo svinjska pečenka oz. po-hane piške. Dar je $10, za otroke $5. V družabni šoli bo kosilo pripravljeno za vzeti domov oz. take-out. Čisti dobiček je namenjen gradnji stanovanjskega bloka za starejše farane. Vstopnice dobite pri članih zgoraj o-menjenih organizacij ali v dvorani na dan kosila. Vsekakor pa pridite! Sestanek— Klub upokojencev Slovenske pristave bo imel redni mesečni sestanek v sredo, 24. marca pop. ob 1.30 v Slov. domu na Holmes Ave. Seji— Podr. št. 10 SŽZ ima sejo v sredo, 24. marca, ob Ih pop., v Slov. domu na Holmes Ave. Članice lepo vabljene. Klub upokojencev v Nev-burgu-Maple Hts. ima sejo v sredo, 24. marca, ob 12. uri v Slov. narodnem domu na E. 80 St. Novi grobovi Norbert N. Skok Dne 13. marca je umrl 74 let stari Norbert N. Skok iz Northfielda, vdovec po Rose Mary, roj. Stech, oče Marylin Schcuerman, Joyce Gezymalla in Elaine Ridgway, 7-krat stari oče, 2-krat prastari oče, veteran 2. svetovne vojne. Pogreb je bil 16. marca s sv. mašo v cerkvi St. Barnabas s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Dorothy A. Jeric Umrla je Dorothy A. Jeric, rojena Haschak, mati Williama in Joan Marie Baca, 2-krat stara mati, sestra Johna. Pogreb je bil 17. marca v oskrbi Fortunovega zavoda s pokopom na Vseh svetnikov pokopališču. Victoria Klemenčič Dne 12. marca je umrla 90 let stara Victoria Klemenčič, rojena Urbančič, vdova po Franku, mati Lillian Pugel in Amy Klemenčič, 3-krat stara mati, 5-krat prastara mati, 1-krat prapra-stara mati, sestra že pok. Josepha Olge Kausek. Rose Saiovec. Ani) Mayer, Fran-(dalje ns sir. 12) Posebna priloga— Z današnjo AD prejemate tudi posebno prilogo, ki jo je pripravila Federacija slovenskih narodnih domov. Priloga obsega 32 strani, to nedeljo bo pa Federacija počastila zaslužne izbrance iz vseh sodelujočih domov in za celotno Federacijo. Družabni večer— V soboto, 10. aprila, bo družabni večer v Slov. domu na Holmes Ave., ki ga bo prirejal Tabor DSPB. Večerja bo ob 7. uri zv., sledil bo ples, igrali bodo Veseli godci. Za vstopnice, kličite ali 216-851-4961 ali 216-731-0195. (gl. str. 8) “Na tankem ledu”— Dramsko društvo Lilija vabi na predstavo veseloigre “Na tankem ledu” in sicer v nedeljo, 11. aprila pop. ob 3.30 v Slov. domu na Holmes Avenue. Darovi— Slomškov odbor se lepo zahvaljuje dobrotnikom, ki so darovali za Slomškovo beatifikacijo. Po $100: ga. Minka Slak, ga. Ana Vidergar; po $50: g. in ga. Frank Kuhelj, ga. Francka Hočevar, g. in ga. David Kushncr; $25: ga. Katica Drev. Ker bo morala Cerkev doma veliko izdatkov plačati sama, skuša odbor po svojih močeh prispevati in prosi za sodelovanje. Vsak najmanjši dar bo hvaležno sprejet. Darove bo odbor poslal škofu dr. Fim-cu Krambergerju. 95. obletnica ustanovitve— Slovenska narodna podporna jednota (SNF1) bo 9. aprila s slavnostnim banketom v Imperialu, Pa., praznovala 95. obletnico svoje ustanovitve. Slavnostna govornika bosta slovenski veleposlanik dr. Dimitrij Tupel in bivši kongresnik ter tudi bivši podpredsednik SNPJ Dennis Eckart. Čestitamo! Spominski dar— Ga. Olga Kalar, Euclid, O., je darovala $16 v pomoč našemu listu, v spomin moža Ludvika, ter dodala nekaj lepih pohvalnih besed. Naj lepša hvala! V tiskovni sklad— Josef Lah, Cleveland, O., je daroval $20 v tiskovni sklad AD. G. in ga. Joseph Rus sta darovala $20, prav tako $20 g. in ga. Frank Zalar z Richmond Hts., O. $50 je daroval Branko Pi-šorn Realty s Kirtlanda, O., $30 pa Liga slovenskih Ainerikancev v Ridgevvoodu, New Torku. Hvaia. lepa! AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $30 letno za ZDA; $35 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $40 letno (v ZD valuti) Za Slovenijo, z letalsko pošto, $160 letno SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $30 per year; Canada: $35 in U.S. currency Foreign: $40 per year U.S. or equivalent currency Slovenia: $160 per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-68X) is published weekly for $30 per year by American Home Publ. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 11 March 18, 1999 POSTNI ČAS Sposojeni komentar Spreobrnjenje - klic posamezniku in družbi Rafko Valenčič Greh in krivda, priznanje in izpoved, sprava in odpuščanje niso besede, ki bi bile današnjemu času blizu. Postale so mu tje. Čemu govoriti o grehu in krivdi, če gre za dejanja, ki po mnenju nekaterih izvirajo iz človeških danosti: iz dednih zasnov in značaja, odvisna naj bi bila od časa in kraja rojstva, od okolja in drugih življenjskih okoliščin? Ali naj se današnji človek, obremenjen s toliko skrbmi, obremenjuje še z občutkom krivde, ki mu bo grenil življenje? Ali nista priznanje slabosti - ce sploh so slabosti? - in njihova izpoved odveč, če je človek sam sebi odrečenik, če sam sebi zadošča in odrešenja sploh ne potrebuje? Čemu priznanje grešnosti pred drugim, ki je samo človek? Sprava in odpuščanje pa sta tako razvrednotena, da je o njima bolje molčati. Postala sta politični kategoriji in predmet strankarskega obračunavanja. Njun moralni in zgodovinski pomen je izbrisan. Naštevanje pomislekov bi lahko še nadaljevali; ne bi jim tako hitro prišli do kraja. Tudi ne bi bilo v prid našemu razmišljanju. Današnji Človek, veren ali neveren, živi v ozračju, ki je moralne kategorije postavilo na glavo ali pa jih je zavrglo. Toda, ali je zato človek bolj srečen in zadovoljen? Ali je v takšnem miselnem svetu in življenjskem ozračju dosegel tisto osebno in družbeno sovzvočje, za katero si prizadeva? Ali so razmerja med ljudmi res tako kakovostna, da izpolnjujejo naša pričakovanja? Podoba življenja je drugačna. Na vseh področjih je človek razpet med željami in stvarnostjo. Na moralnem področju še posebej. Ker ne zmore sprejeti samega sebe, beži v odtujenost sebi in drugemu, v zametanje življenja, v omamo in resignacijo. Strah pred življenjem mu jemlje pogum, da bi naredil odgovorne korake, se zaupal drugemu in sprejel njegovo zaupanje. Nič čudnega, če mnogi zakoni umirajo, če so starši in otroci ranjeni zaradi porušenih odnosov. Nič bolje se ne godi narodu in družbi, ki ju bremenijo nezaceljene rane vojne in povojne preteklosti. Kakor da tega še ni dovolj, se danes množijo nove krivice in nasprotja, iz katerih se rojeva še globlje nezaupanje - do političnih strank, ki vidijo le lastno korist in niso sposobne dialoga, zaradi bogatenja tistih, ki so bili že doslej privilegirani, in osiromašenja drugih, ki brez uspeha iščejo svoje pravice in poravnavo storjenih krivic. Mar naštete in druge osebne in Družabni večer društva “TABOR” DSPB CLEVELAND, O. - En teden po Veliki noči, v soboto, 10. aprila, bo Družabni večer, katerega že skozi mnogo let prireja društvo “Tabor” DSPB, ki se trudi, da bi se prikazalo delovanje slovenskih domobrancev v pravi in resnični luči. Slovenske kuharice bodo pripravile odlično večerjo, katero bodo začele servirati ob 7. uri in to kot vedno v zgornji dvorani Slovenskega doma na Holmes Avenue v Collimvoodu. Po večerji vas bo zabaval ansambel Veseli godci, edini orkester v Ameriki, ki izvaja slovenske polke in valčke v originalni zasedbi slovenske narodno zabavne glasbe. Torej, pridite v čimvečjem številu in se poveselite s prijatelji v prijetni družbi. Saj bo kot vedno nadvse prijeten večer. Vstopnice, ki so po $20 na osebo, lahko dobite v predprodaji, če pokličete tel. (216) 851-4961 ali (216) 731-0195. Odbor Ob praznovanju 75-letnice Slovenski narodni dom na St. Clair Avenue Cleveland - 7. marca 1999 CLEVELAND, O. - Pred 65. leti je Debeljakov Tine postavil na oder loški pasijon. Okoliške razmere v družbi so se v stoletjih močno spremenile in tokrat ne svetna ne cerkvena oblast ni nasprotovala uprizoritvi. Vodilna vloga v začetnem prizoru je po tradiciji pripadala Žabničanom. Tine pa je izbral Ančenka; Ančenk je bil iz Grenca. Na oder je pripeljal sklenjeno vrsto: cesarja, škofa, grofa, sodnika, grajščaka, biriča, kapucinarja in nuno, cehovskega mojstra, lovca, konjenika, kovača ter kmeta z ženo in otrokom. Ančenk je bil okostnjak. Na rami je nosil koso. Ko smo se jih nagledali, je zamolklo spregovoril: “Jaz sem grenka Smrt”. ... Predstava se je začela. Tony je vabil na oder pevce in vsako skupino predstavljal po uveljavljenem ameriškem protokolu. Vsi obstoječi » • • • > 0* zbori so prišli in s ponosom na slavje ter z zavzetostjo za slovensko pesem odpeli vsak svoj program. ,Imel sem vtis, da jih je občinstvo vsrkalo. Iz spomoina pa nisem mogel pregnati Ančenka. Spet je bil tu s koso in s svojo dolgo vrsto. Nekatere med njimi sem spoznal: Feigel, Hudovernik, Pirc, Zakrajšek, Gornik, Eršte, Debevec, Grdina, Tavčar, Oman, Zorman, Šubel, Plut, Bradach, Gorše, Lempl, Jontez, Kaferle, Šabec, Kern, Lausche, Rogelj, Grili, slejko, Zakrajškova, Turkmanova, Wapotich, Košnik, Kolarič, Zupan, Turk, Jakopič, Mauser, Resnik, Poljšak... Napolnili bodo balkon. Omogočili so nam to 75-letno slavje. Prav je, da se jih ob praznovanju spomnimo. F. K. * V narodove rane, ki preprečujejo osebno rast in delo za narodov blagor, ne potrebujejo odrešenja? Odrešenje pa izhaja iz spoznanja in priznanja, ki mu sledi obžalovanje in odpuščanje kot dar božje ljubezni, le-ta pa se izraža tudi prek človeške ljubezni in odpuščanja. V pripravi na leto 2000 je letošnje leto posvečeno Bogu, usmiljenemu Očetu. “Družbi brez očeta”, kakor jo imenujejo, želi na poseben način približati podobo dobrega in usmiljenega Očeta, pa tudi nujnosti osebnega in občestve-nega spreobrnjenja. Papež Janez Pavel II. nas je to pot opozoril na dve stvari. Prvič: Leto 1999 naj bo za verujoče leto “vrnitve v Očetovo hišo”, ki jo čudovito ponazarja prilika o izgubljenem sinu (prim. Lk 15). V tej priliki lahko vsak prepoznava sebe in človeštvo. Greh je ne samo v zavračanju božje ljubezni, marveč tudi v zanikanju lastnega dostojanstva. To spoznanje je hkrati klic k spreobrnjenju in vrnitvi, ki se porajata iz zavesti, da je božja dobrota večja od naše nezvestobe. Pristno spreobrnjenje obsega tako “negativni vidik osvoboditve od greha, kot tudi pozitivni vidik izbire dobrega" (V zarji tretjega tisočletja, 50), pri čemer ima nenadomestljivo vlogo zakrament pokore, katerega vrednost naj bi kristjani v tem letu znova odkrili. (dalje na str. 10) Ukrepi za nastanitev beguncev VJd L s Kosova V Slovenijo prihaja čedalje več ilegalnih prebežnikov iz raznih držav, med katerimi so najbolj številni Albanci s Kosova. Njihovo natančno število ni znano. Beguncev I iz južne srbske pokrajine slovenske oblasti ne vračajo, ker so na Kosovu politične razmere kritične in zlasti prebivalci albanske narodnosti v stalni življenjski nevarnosti. Zato ostajajo v Sloveniji, toda njihov status ni L jasno določen. Lk Do trideset dni po prije' )t , tju morajo prebiti v preho- . dnih domovih za tujce, P°' fej0 tem pa lahko ostajajo na L g prostosti. Mnogi med njimi poskušajo spet čez državno mejo, da bi prišli v Ital'l0 oz. Avstrijo, od koder mat' sikdo poskuša doseči kakšn0 drugo zahodno državo. Slo-venski obmejni organi lani obravnavali skoraj 50v ilegalnih prebežnikov s K°’ sova, v januarju letos pa ^ 880. Slovenska vlada je spr^0 takšnega stanja sprejela & lrva; ne ukrepe za omejevan]® nezakonitih preseljevanj-ilegalnimi prebežniki se b0 odslej ukvarjalo kar sedem ministrstev in tudi urad za priseljevanje in begunce. ‘° sebno skrb bodo nanoenm ^ nastaniti, oskrbi in šolan]u |ju beguncev s Kosova. e Kar zadeva nadzorovanj® ^ državne meje, naj povem0, °trj da so predstavniki rtumstr ^ stva za notranje zadeve S n venije in Uprave za notfa tv vcmjc m upi ave za ^ nje zadeve v Novi G0’’1 * avti zanikali trditev novogof^ 6 a ga župana Črtomirja Šp3®3 ° _______ fy> pana glede narave p°ostr^ ^ nega nadzorstva nad drZ no mejo. Italijanski helikopter. S Id f'ji, afj3’ je v nedeljo, 14. febru1 zvečer z žarometi osvetlj® arsis0 V lavi mejno območje in mat ga vznemiril, je namreč vajal nadzorstvo v sklad3 . $0' sporazumom in dobrim • it •te Inje eler tyo iz- delovanjem med slovens*^ in italijanskimi varnost ^ p organi na Goriškem, kar J k pomeni, “da bo ta na | ^ ždZ j Pr, meja spet postala zavesa”. Novi Glas, Trtf/Č'3^ 4. marcu M- %g; Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOp 5316 Fleet Ave-Cleveland, Ohio Tel. 216-641-004<» Moderni pogrebni z3v° o\»l0 Ambulanca na razp1 ioČi’ podnevi in pon« CENE NIZK® PO VAŠI ŽELJ11 Vi„ Dramsko društvo “LILIJA” uprizori veseloigro v treh dejanjih, “Na tankem ledu” v nedeljo, 11. aprila ob 3.30 popoldne v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Avenue. Vsi lepo vabljeni! e ere^eni problemi s Hrvaško Sloveniji škodujejo “Varovali bi južno mejo, a niti ne vedo, kje je” lBru«/y (Delo, 10.3.1999) lf ° nc*ci bo Sloveni >- ' Canica (Evropske) Ur )- L ahkL0 varovala juži a F schengenskega obme " I meedne *e’ kJc P°teka ° tim, ^ 1dlaloSom s slove jo | VelePoslaniki po Evr , Poudari!, direktorica ralni direkciji za odn .Cr- in noV11 ithe nt, državami (L lie Day ter tako lzorila na neurejene o< liri r. 4.1- “a n, hvidrk:0s. . U a to se m So * ro * Nna, T pnaHa JU udcležc! t hpskih ° notranjem t ^ !ga j? zadevah in šir te L Za sl°venske di VO Se« wad 2a i2 nofii tlWiacij o tehr « i. iC Da" Šajni n krat menda iz, Ju nereSek’ °b n: " «lekfr n'h zadev (j ij« »n^arna, dolg ^ l0: otrNnsue’meja in tf ^o) . sP°razum 10' >čete . Pripomnila, “1 ra: “rejene odi rid kavna °’ ko pa niti r V' Na nuirf33 ni določen Ca' L °PoL;St te8a dogo 2 ! bo :tn za ’o- lili ^ k le k 'udi no :av- L^očUo o' n° "veni]e o na ‘ji, ki Pr> pribil sa zauteva “zb £val Ha " ‘ He iZ- Ne , urnem Bruselj ni° z ’ SaJ gre ,;;-,?anJ0 mej, Ki 'J', ki irja’ S na a uiejah, ik°' fe’črtePr°blem 1 6 s Hrvai K«8rmo0b^»icc s„ : hu profef *,ij. ncr*inr» rATOl. ti atinščinc. prof- ‘T‘“teijj-a, velikega skla .. Kreg^’ icga slovenskega F 5 irof. Staneta slikaj s o mu zdaj v zaV° udi galerijo.' ^ Tudi njegovi Pr%> ■c f 'kusiio, prav n^ ^ V ipremljeni ikami: nekaj jc $ > ? 'torjev, nekaj J1 j^j ^ atino časa. Na f\ j i je ie ena ^ | • jegove mame. a,ii I „ “Na otroštvo ^ j ;pe spomine,’’ J c, uštar, ki sc )c ^ J t( i20 M Gmac>i p jega ha Dolenu" ^j žj enje je bilo i'3 f> cliku družina- s ^ ; iHalle n» :n!' nfi' i# ia! »spe ni' me-so' )flfl bče-jov« iti s nje. m irnaij :s KANADSKA DOMOVINA Zlata poroka pri Lenarčičevih v Torontu ) K s' ]6 zel*’ 0, tr^' ,dv[ % DRUŽINA - OB PRAZNOVANJU 50. OBLETNICE POROKE. s aj: sin Edward, Jože Lenarčič, vnukinja Danielle, Francka Lenarčič, vnuk Justin; v jiUjln,: vnuk Adam, vnukinja Jessica, snaha Barbara; zadaj: sin Marko, vnukinja an> snaha Monica, sin Karol, hčerka Dorothy. Odsotna snaha Fiona in zet Jamie. hLsNV °"1' • v ^ i« rs s polo’ Prijateljev T* drUŽin li je- 50. oblJeln. Praznovala i V ^ izredno CO,POroke- Č iznr, ■ °^Usno kosi 0^ tui po Želf Prazna . 0J{nsno kos bileja tega zlate) • o*-* 1 tl L^ stavra„Je. bil° v sloven« coke Linden v - ’ fronto, nato Praznov" nt0’ nato maPr r Je nadaljeva ; jtanj ^ slavIienca Nada^m pri , 1‘«,udijev; r Lenarčičevih. s« p ‘belsJj i:adanjeni Slovenija fUpnijl’ Pn listju 3' Leta 1948 Postila r„- ---- v svet « ^ •os10 Uročila k°! radi 1 I949 sta se 1. PernoV ^egiinskem t Ga’ ^ona, v lu Prvimi mnarČiČ je h dhigi Slovenkami, k PriplmeVet0Vni v°Jni Skou,. v Halifax, tawi so Valjeva, 3 1949’ tavve3 ,!316 z vlakon ’ 0ntari0. v te se v t- Pri k.,n P°sliIe kot hova adskih druž $35. mesečna pla( G. poznejeado deset bil- eje' V tistih O bi|a v v ' ustlh 'dnost anadi velik .c ^Prijeti*11 tako je lC’ ^ pr‘ • 2a vsak se jf^vetje. G =7 a. r jp —vije. G tiobi! 7P°ČUtil sreen JfPoslitev nt 'tjer je e»rai ♦ , > I > W t7„ 1950 rtFtff ca . d 19 PO; p -■ Potom sta la iz Ot 0:A Pozna Po. P'y bič anstVa se je .i ^1 pla >Q"- -. li’ in je tu ostal zaposlen vse do upokojitve. Njegova soproga Frances je pa svoj čas posvetila družini ter vzgoji štirih otrok. Ti so Edward, Karol, Marko in Dorothy. Družina Lenarčič je bila ena prvih članov Slovenskega letovišča pri Boltonu, Ontario. Tako kakor vsi ostali pionirji tega koščka slovenske zemlje v Kanadi, so tudi Lenarčičevi pričeli taboriti v šotoru, na slamnatih posteljah. Sedaj imajo ob “trajlorju” malo hišico, kjer še vedno preživljajo mnogo lepih poletnih časov. G. Lenarčič je na letovišču poznan kot “oče” in njegova vila je zgrajena na prostoru, ki je imenuje “očetovo naselje”. Svojo obljubo soprogi Francki: “bod’ moja, bod’ moja, ti bom lešnikov dal , je Jože z lahkoto izpolnjeval, saj so se pri podjetju Planter’s vendarle ukvarjali v glavnem z raznovrstnimi lešniki! “Oče” Jože še vedno z veseljem balina, se šali, de- batira in prepeva. Oba slavljenca sta namreč zelo dobra pevca. G. Jože je že v svojih mladih letih bil pevec pri šmihelskem pevskem zboru. Slovenske pesmi so prepevali tudi tiste težke čase, ko je bilo slovensko petje strogo prepovedano s strani italijanskih fašističnih okupatorjev. Sedaj se pa iz “očetovega naselja” poleg raznih slovenskih pesmi tudi večkrat sliši letoviška himna: Domovina, domovina, mili moj slovenski kraj. Bog ve, katera bo ravnina grob dejala mi nekdaj. Razume se pa, da vse to ne gre kar tako na suho. Pod zelenim javorom Jože vedno z veseljem ponuja kak kozarček ali dva vinca domačega. Draga slavljenca, v imenu vajinih prijateljev, v imenu Slovenskega letovišča, v svojem in v Elsinem imenu, vama ob tej zlati obletnici poroke iskreno čestitam in vama želimo še mnogo zdravih in veselih let skupnega življenja. Naj končam s temi besedami: Nadanjci po svetu Nadanjci doma Zavedni Slovenci Veselega Srca! Bog živi in srečno! Stane Kranjc Upokojeni nadškof dr. A. Šuštar (nadaljevanje s str. 10) bilo deset otrok in sem bil prvi od njih. Zdaj so žive še tri sestre. Imeli smo zelo dobro vzgojo. Otroških let in osnovne šole ter vsega, kar sem takrat doživel, se rad spominjam, kljub vsem težavam. Tudi na škofovske zavode, kjer sem obiskoval gimnazijo, imel zelo lepe spomine. Posebno lepi časi so bili v Rimu, kamor sem leta 1941 nepričakovano odšel na študij in tam ostal do leta 1949. Študiral sem na papeški univerzi Gregoriani. V Rimu sem bil leta 1946 posvečen v duhovnika in sem obhajal novo mašo brez mojih domačih; samo sporočil sem jim, da sem jo imel.” se spominja dr. Šuštar. Po Rimu je odšel v Švico, kjer je imel razne službe, najprej kot dušni pastir, potem kot profesor filozofije na gimnaziji, nazadnje kot profesor moralke in ravnatelj bogoslovnega semenišča v Churu. Kot škofov vikar v Churu je postaj tajnik sveta evropskih škofovskih konferenc, ki jih je približno 35. “Tako sem imel priložnost za razna srečanja po vsem svetu. Posebnega pomena je bilo ekumensko delo. V tistem času sem se tudi osebno spoznal s sedanjim ruskim patriarhom Aleksejem II., s katerim sva se potem sestala v Rusiji. Moja služba je prinesla veliko potovanj, rad sem odzval tudi na vabila za predavanja v različnih krajih. V Švici je bilo delo lepo in Švicarji so me lepo sprejeli, čeprav so drugače do tujcev bolj zadržani. Ljudje so po vojni namreč z vseh strani hoteli priti v Švico, ker ni bila vpletena vanjo. Dobil sem švicarsko državljanstvo, a sem se vedno želel vrniti domov.” (nadaljevanje in konec prihodnjič) KOLEDAR društvenih prireditev MAREC 21. - Federacija slovenskih narodnih domov prireja “Mož in žena leta” banket v SND na St. Clair Ave. 28. Kosilo pri župniji Sv. Vida s serviranjem od 11. dop. do 1. pop. Kosilo prirejajo DNU in tri KSKJ društva v korist župnije. APRIL 5. do 11. - Newyorški Slovenci organizirajo smučarski izlet v Aspen, Kolo. 10. - Tabor DSPB priredi družabni večer v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. Pričetek ob 7. uri. Po večerji ples, igrajo Veseli godci. 11. - Dramsko društvo Lilija uprizori burko v treh dejanjih “Na tankem ledu” v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. s pričetkom pop. ob 3.30. 11. - Kr. št. 2 SNPJ priredi vsakoletno polka zabavo, v SDD na Recherjevi, od 1. pop. do 9. zv. 17. - Primorski klub priredi “Primorski večer” v SND na St. Clairju. 23. - Koncert 35-članske-ga orkestra Glasbene šole Ljubljane Vič-Rudnik v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete. Pričetek ob 7.30 zv. Brezplačno. Po koncertu sprejem v šolski dvorani. 24. - Slovenska šola pri Sv. Vidu priredi materinsko proslavo, v farni dvorani, s pričetkom ob 6.30 zv. 24. - Pevski zbor Zarja ima spomladanski koncert združen z večerjo in plesom. Serviranje večerje od 5. do 6.30 zv., koncert ob 7. uri, nato ples. MAJ 19. - Slovenska šola pri Mariji Vnebovzeti priredi materinsko proslavo po sv. maši ob 10. uri. 22. - Pevski zbor Korotan poda svoj vsakoletni koncert v SND na St. Clair Ave. Pričetek ob 7. uri zv. Igra ansambel Staneta Mejača. 30. - Društvo SPB prireja spominsko sv. mašo pri Lurški Materi božji na Chardon Rd. Pričetek ob 12. uri opoldne. JUNIJ 19., 20. - Tabor DSPB priredi Spominsko proslavo, na Slovenski pristavi. JULIJ 11. - Misijonska Znam-karska Akcija ima piknik na Slovenski pristavi. Začetek s sv. mašo ob 12. uri. 25. - Slovenska šola pri Sv. Vidu prireja piknik na Slovenski pristavi. AVGUST I. - Letni piknik Kluba upokojencev Slovenske pristave. 15. - Poletni piknik župnije Marije Vnebovzete na Slovenski pristavi. Sv. maša ob 12. opoldne, sledi kosilo, za ples igrajo Veseli Godci. SEPTEMBER II. - Folklorna skupina Kres praznuje 45. obletnico v SND na St. Clair Ave. Pričetek ob 7. zv. 12. - Oltarno društvo sv. Vida priredi kosilo v dvorani sv. Vida. 26. - Društvo SPB organizira romanje k Žalostni Materi božji v Frank, Ohio. Sv. maša opoldne, druge pobožnosti ob pol treh. OKTOBER 3. - Oltarno društvo fare Marije Vnebovzete ima ko-,silo v šolski jedilnici. Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1272. Pismo dolgoletne misijonarke sr. Marija Frančišek Novak objavljam v celoti. Je izredno zanimivo in sem prepričana, da bo z veseljem čitano. Objavljen je tudi njen naslov, če se bo kdo zaželel pisati njej osebno. Dve zelo zanimivi fotografiji, ki ju je poslala sr. Frančiška, sta objavljeni desno na tej strani. Sedaj pa k pismu: 5. januarja 1999 (Jrsuline Community Regina Coeli 166 Charoen Prathet Road Chiang Mai 50000, Thailand Draga gpč. Sonja in vsi misijonski prijatelji in dobrotniki! Najprej srečno in blagoslovljeno novo leto 1999 Vam in vsem misijonskim prijateljem in dobrotnikom preko Ameriške Domovine. Pozna sem z voščili, saj smo v nedeljo tu že praznovali Gospodovo Razglašenje, veliki misijonski praznik!. Ge. Marici Lavriša sem se že zahvalila takoj po sprejemu pisma, voščil in čeka za 533 dolarjev za naše najbolj pereče misijonske potrebe. Bog tisočero povrni dobrotnikom in še posebno vam, ki nam njihove darove posredujete. V molitvi se vas vseh vsak dan hvaležno spominjam. Gpam, da ste dobro okrevali po nesreči lanskega leta? Ali nameravate spet obiskati domovino, za katero bo to leto posebno pomembno zaradi beatifikacije škofa Slomška v navzočnosti svetega očeta? To bo šele jeseni, na pragu Svetega leta 2000. Kako hitro so šla mimo leta od prve svetovne vojne, preko druge, ki je bila za domovino in za svet še bolj usodna kot prva in prav do danes, ko se bližamo tretjemu tisočletju! Kralj na Tajskem, priljubljeni Phumibol Adulyadej, bo dopolnil 72 let, to je šest krogov, ciklov življenja. Moja malenkost pa kar sedem krogov po prazniku sv. Ane julija, starost prerokinje Ane v Lukovem evangeliju. Nisem mislila, da bom sirota po očetu, ki je padel v prvi svetovni vojni, dočakala tako starost! Edini brat je padel žrtev komunistične revolucije v Kočevskem rogu 1945, uboga mama vdova pa je dočakala visoko starost 92 let in pol v Trnovem v Ljubljani. Prijatel’s Pharmacy Sf. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVLA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS Saj veste, da je v jugovzhodni Aziji zdaj velika gospodarska, finančna in še posebno moralna kriza, ki je posebno prizadela Indonezijo in tudi Malezijo. Začela pa se je na Tajskem julija 1997. Vzrok: prehiter materialni napredek in pohlepnost bogatih na ceno ubožnih... Kralj se zelo trudi, da pomaga z nasveti, uči in svari na avdiencah, po radiu in televiziji. Katoliška cerkev, dasi maloštevilna, komaj pol odstotka od 60 milijonov prebivalcev, ima svoj vpliv zlasti preko šol in vzgojnega, pa tudi socialnega dela z ubogim. Tu v Regina Coeli, v severni nekdanji prestolici Chi-angmai, je v šoli nad 2000 učenk, v domu za gorska dekleta, ki nam jih misijonarji pošljejo v vzgojo, pa 50. Te gredo v večerno šolo na faro, da se pripravijo na izpite. V Regina Coeli imamo pa dnevno sv. mašo, za katero pride priletni francoski misijonar Betharramske družbe (blizu Lurda je njihova glavna hiša) in gorska dekleta tako lepo pojejo navadno v tajščini, enkrat na teden pa v njihovem narečju. Potem jih učim verouk in popoldne angleščino, ki je obvezna in jim povzroča precej težav, nič manj ali pa še več kot tajščina, ki je tudi tako drugačna od njihovega gorskega narečja. V skupnosti Regina Coeli nas je 15: šest priletnih misijonark, dve nad 90-letni, imamo dve ljubeznivi tajski juvenistki in eno samo novinko. Molimo za naraščaj, ki se pripravlja, a je zaprek veliko. Na bližnjem katoliškem pokopališču počiva že kar osem uršulinskih sester, sedem misijonark in moja so-novinka, ki je vstopila v Mater Dei v Bangkoku in sprejela redovno formacijo na Francoskem in Angleškem prav kot jaz. Pridite kaj na obisk na Daljni Vzhod! Boste dobrodošli kot je bil spomladi I. MALI OGLASI NAPRODAJ Slovenska narodna noša, za žensko. Kličite 216-289-4667. (2x) KUPITI ŽELIM narodno nošo, za moškega. Telovnik z mero 42, šal, klobuk (velik), hlače z mero 36, gamaše, škornji 12N. Kličite 216-391-8478. (2x) Zgoraj: Sr. Frančiška fotografirana z gorskimi učenkami v prazničnih oblekah, januaija 1999. Spodaj: Druga fotografija sr. Frančiške skupaj s članicami Marijine Legije in mladim župnikom v Chianguiaiju na Tajskem. 1951 pokojni misijonski garač g. Karol Wolbang in Janez Kopač, ko sta se vračala - izgnana - iz Rdeče Kitajske, in potem veliki misijonski prijatelj Vinko Zaletel, nekdaj trnovski kaplan v Ljubljani sredi vojnih strahot, potem župnik na Koroškem in obiskovalec misijonarjev v Aziji in Afriki. Leta 1985 sva pa imeli s pokojno M. Ksaverijo Pirc obisk njenega nečaka in žene. Lani v začetku maja je bil pa tu novinar od Ognjišča Tine Mamič z nevesto. Njegov pogovor z menoj je bil objavljen v oktobrski šte-velki Ognjišča. Če Vam ta daljni obisk ne bo mogoč, pa se me spomnite, ko spet obiščete domovino, zlasti če bo to v času beatifikacije in obiska sv. očeta. Lepo se zahvalim vsem misijonskim prijateljem za molitev, darove in za Ameriško Domovino. Tako rada bi vse do kraja prebrala, pa mi vedno manjka časa. S prošnjo za molitev in obljubo hvaležne molitve Vas in vse prijatelje, dobrotnike hvaležno, božično pozdravljam Sr. Frančiška Novak Na kraju bi želela še objaviti zelo prisrčno pismo dr. Alojzija Šuštarja, ljubljanskega nadškofa v pokoju, pisano 6. januarja 1999: “Draga g. Ferjanova, iskreno se Vam zahvaljujem za Vaše pismo, ki ste mi ga pisali 16. decembra 1998, in veliki dar za Škofove zavode. Prilagam potr- dilo, ki ste ga želeli nazaj. Obenem pa Vam prilagam za vse dobrotnike pisma in še letno poročilo Megaron, da bi gali dobrotnikom. Tudi za vse vas bom opravil sv. mašo v zahvalo, da si toliko prizadevate za zbiranje darov. Želim vam obilo božjega blagoslova in vas vse prisrčno pozdravljam, dr. Alojzij Šuštar, škof v pokoju, Naslov: Štula 23, 1210 Ljubljana-Šentvid” Pa še drugič kaj o misijonarjih. Molimo drug za drugega, tako ostanemo vedno povezani v molitvi in z Bogom. Še hvaležen spomladanski pozdrav! Sonja Ferjan 79 Lunness Road Toronto, Ont. Kanada M8W 4M7 (416) 255-2519 NOVI GROBOVI (nadaljevanje s str. 7) ka in Henryja. Pogrebna sv. maša je bila 15. marca v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Darovi v pokojničin spomin Slovenskemu domu za ostarele, 18621 Neff Rd., Cleveland, OH 44119 ali župniji Marije Vnebovzete so priporočeni. Sophie Tomažič Umrla je 98 let stara Sophie Tomažič, rojena Wal-land, vdova po Antonu, mati Raymonda in Dorothy Tomažič, sestra že pok. Franka, Josepha, Johna, Mary Raddell, Matilde Mi-locik in Frances Eržen. Pogreb je bil 13. marca. Philip Močilnika*- Umrl je 77 let stari lip Mocilnikar iz &vrtla£jn. vdovec po Lillian, oče de Colman in Phyllis 1 son, 4-krat stari oče, prastari oče, brat že 2.krat pok- Helen Katchman, Ann ^ j mon in Franka. Pogre^ bil 13. marca s j P° na Vernih duš pokop1 Anna S. Muhie Umrla je 90 let topo* ališču- star9 Anna S. Muhic, Samsa, vdova po Lunderju in Franku mati Dorothy Basils, * 0,i Edwarda, Catherline ter že pok. Victorja, Rose Janowitz in 2-krat stara mati i*1 .e |;il! prastara mati. Pogreb J ^ 13. marca s pokop0 ^. Lakewood Park pokop3 r y 9. marca Je joseP|l| j Josephine J. Dne Josephine J. Turk, Yert, vdova po mati Richarda, ** jAJf1 in Joann Kelley, stara mati, 1-krat P mati. Pogreb je bil k s* ca s sv. mašo v cer P9 Felicite in pokop0 Vernih duš pokopa'* Pristanišče ^ dobro pos^l V koprskem Pr‘* af to je pri družbi tavljajo, da so vorili let°5;f januarju pretovou** ^ ■ ton blaga, kar je ■u. L kot v lanskem jaIlUtOv0f , zitivno je, da j°i kar 18,7% višji od nega in da se tu ^ slednje mesece ^ gost pomorski pr0*11 Federation of Slovenian Homes A1 American Home March, 1999 20th SPECIAL EDITION 1999 norees federation of 0Venian Homes Stanley Eržen - Collinwcod Emilee Jenko - St. Clair Joseph Okolish-Barberton Katie Kawczynski - Newb. I’ltK.U^Ar'l n«Ji»lEy, r 11VV11 11V711 ^ J s i < Kudos to Patricia Ipavec Clarke Patricia Ann Ipavec Clarke is the daughter of Charles and Ruth Ipavec and has been a life-long resident of Cleveland Heights, Ohio. Early on she became interested in participating in Slovene community events, accompanying her mother and father, who also enjoyed the Company of their Slovenian friends. Patricia’s roots in the Cleveland Slovenian community started many years before her birth. Her grandparents,Frank and Antonia Ipavec operated a tavern and restaurant on St. Clair Avenue at E. 43 Street. Then, along with her father, when he returned from service in the United States Marine Corps in World War II, a Packard agency in Euclid, Ohio, followed by operating the Double Eagle Bottling Co. just one block from the Slovenian National Home (St. Clair) at 6517 St. Clair Avenue. Patricia has always lived within the parish of St. Ann’s Catholic Church, where she received her primary education, and where she and her family are parishioners. A graduate of Beaumont High School, she then attended St. Louis University, earning a B.A. degree. Patricia had the privilege of performing with SNPJ Junior Chorus Circle 2, which gave her an opportunity to participate in Slovenian activities and other community functions. It was then that she developed an affinity and love for the beautiful Slovenian Homes, lodge halls, and summer recreational facilities that Slovenes have created. She is currently a share certificate holder in many of the Slovenian national homes. Besides attending functions at all of the member Homes of this Federation and the picnic grounds of our frater-nals, she always tries to visit Slovenian facilities in other areas in the United States and Canada. On her visit to Argentina she visited all seven of the Slovenian Homes in Buenos Aires, and made many friends in the Slovene community. Patricia’s brother, Charles Thomas Ipavec, and his two daughters, Susan and Christina, have also embraced Slovene community activities. Charles has served as an alternate trustee of the Slovenian National Home (St. Clair) for the last four years, and for the monthly raffle, held the last Wednesday of each month, he can be found serving behind the bar and welcoming all of the patrons. Susan started with SNPJ Circle 2 in 1990 and is still a member. She is in the ninth grade at Beaumont High School. Christina also started with Circle 2 in 1990, but is now on a sabbatical due to her commitment to participate in many productions of the Heights Youth Theater. Patricia’s father, Charles F. Jpavec, is the last of the founders of The Federation of Slovenian National Homes. He has devoted much time, on a pro bono basis, to assist the Homes, the fraternal and social organizations, and also the Republic of Slovenia, in various legal and business consultations. Her mother, Ruth E. Ipavec, has always encouraged the entire family in all of their activities, and especially their Slovenian community activities. Her father’s family is primarily in Slovenia, with groups in the United States, Canada, Australia, and Argentina. She has met all of her thirty cousins, including the two who live in Australia when they visited Cleveland. She hopes to visit them in Australia in the near future. During her five visits to Slovenia she spent many delightful days with her cousins and their children, and also renewed her relationships with the many native Slo-nians she met throughout (Continued on page 3) I Joe Petrie Jr. Is Man of theYear The Federation of Slovenian National Homes has bestowed upon another fellow Slovenian its annual service award to Joseph F. Petrie, Jr., an activist in the community who has joined many of his peers to perpetuate the heritage and culture of the Slovenian nationality throughout the metropolitan area of Cleveland. Hands on determination and spirit have been an example to those who he has joined to promote the attributes of ethnic nationality. His whole life has been fueled by many individuals, sustaining the drive to serve the cause, to learn, and to cherish the relationships, a gift most valued by him. A meaningful experience focused all these qualities, during his term as president of the Federation of Slovenian National Homes, as he welcomed Milan Kučan. the newly elected President of the Republic of Slovenia, at a breakfast meeting with local city representatives and fellow Slovenians. A second generation member of the Petrie family, Joseph Gasper Frank Petrie, Jr., son ot Mary Frances (nee Mlakar) and Joseph Louis Petrie, was born in Cleveland, Ohio, had his beginnings in the heart of the industrial area of the Slovenian community, on E. 67 Street and St. Clair Avenue. The entire Mlakar and Petrie families were parishioners of St. Vitus Catholic Church. Residing in the St. Clair community, Joe began his education at the parish school, never realizing as he traveled back and forth from school, past the Slovenian National Home, that he would one day have connections to the Home and the Slovenian community. After the birth of his sister, Jo-Ann Marie, the family migrated to the suburbs, moving to the city of Euclid, where‘his mother’s family, the Mlakars, originally resided in the early twenties. It was a new beginning, yet the same ethnic environment surrounded their new home on North Vine. At the west end of the street was what was then called the American Jugoslav Center, now known as the Slovenian Society Home. An industrial area was to the east, this in addition to that old familiar, friendly sound of the train whistle that had followed them from the St. Clair area. Joe continued his education at the new parish school of St. Christine, where he is currently a parishioner for 47 years, then on to St. Joseph High School until 1962. Later he began working at Zagar, Inc. as a stock clerk, working his way up to the sales engineering department as sales order coordinator. After a few years, he began JOSEPH F. PETRIČ JR. employment at TRW, InCj Valve Division, in the fad01^ engineering department aS. blueprint and routing d*str bution clerk, an inventor controller, and then aS planner/buyer for the plat*1' During his years in the vV'0lg force, he continued part'11 education in business c°uf:_ at Kent State University ^ tension School, Cleve'3^ State University, and c° ^ pany-related educati011^ courses and seminars 1° P chasing and quality contr° ' ■ Currently, Joe is an e*e'^|ie full time officer with ^ American Mutual Life ^ ^ ciation (AMLA), a Slovel11 fraternal benefit s°c domiciled in the StateseC. Ohio. He is serving his ‘ Sect6 co^; 0' jety of ond four year term as tary/Treasurer, after pleting the last two yearS the retiring secretary. Joe has two loves: his and his artistic talent his mother and grandh*1^ ^ Caspar Mlakar, who ^ self-employed painter j, paper hanger, whose s painted floral ceiling deSl (Continued on page ^ y 3 i' y a k |6 :s (- ,d r al r- id ie 0' jfl ty of C' e- O' of i fO1 l(> 3 Jl' id' ;flS Clarke (Continued from page 2) the years. Each trip was a beautiful experience. In 1984 Patricia was elected to the board of trustees of the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue. She was given the assignment to be a representative to the Federation of Slovenian National Homes, serving two-year lerms each as Second Vice President, First Vice President, and President. During her administration a-s president, the Federation vvai> successful in admitting the Slovenian Independent Society Home of Barberton. Dhio, as a member. She is novv completing another year as Second Vice President. F01 the past fourteen years she has participated in the Presentation of the Slovene of the Year Awards Banquet Program. Knowing the importance of having young Slovenians as ■ttember of our fratemals. her tour daughters, Elizabeth, atricia, Katherine, and annon, have all been enrolled in AMLA’s Cerkniško ezero No. 59, KSKJ Our J;ady of Fatima No. 255, and Spartans No. 576, as is ®Ur Slovene Woman of the ■ear 1999 And the Beat Goes on CONGRA TULA TIONS, MOMMY Patricia A. Ipavec Clarke, Woman of the Year 1999 Patricia Wagner and Elizabeth Sutheland Clarke Circle Number 2 S.N.P.J. Cecilia V. Dolgan, Director Leading Our Children Into the 21st Century _________■ ____________________ Elizabeth and Shannon hav ’ lned Circle 2, as will Katl r,tle next year and Shanno e year after, to follow i a ^ footsteps of their mothe •p* C0lisins. Her husbanc oxvnsend, a native of New v^rt> Rhode Island, has bee sJV helpful and under vot 'n® 'n lhe ^r116 shc de *s to the Slovenian apct'vities. Dm-o'0'3 *las heen very sup S,0v1Ve °E the Friends of tin a|| ^nian National Home ii rajSi r)tile organization’s firm her activities. Througl man!115,15^31'01131 cHbrts anr Phshed6'116'11, she accom cess f 3 eontribution in ex lars f° seven thousand doi- G,-the renovation of tin si0n -1 Cllrtain on the occa- niversarv1C f!'1 weddinS a>t- 10^3 - ot her parents ir °ntinuecl on page 4» Congratulations and Best Wishes Slovenian Man of the Year 1999 JOSEPH F. PETRIČ And AH Honorees The Ipavec Clarke Family Congratulations and Best Wishes Slovenian Woman of the Year 1999 Patricia A. Ipavec Clarke Love, Your Good Friends, Gaye G. Weigand Wendy N. Weigand Susan M. Weigand Kristen E. Weigand Kathryn A. Weigand JOHN C A R R O L L_U N I V E R S I T Y_ THE J S 8 u.t T • O N I .V~€ RSITY IN CLEVELAND ANN L. DOLGAN JANE L. HOWARTH MARY L. HOWARTH ALLISON A. LIKAR Congratulations and Best Wishes Slovenian Woman of the Year 1999 Patricia A. Ipavec Clarke, Love, Ginnene Bucci Shamrocks and Sheillelaghs We’re tippin’ our hat to you, It’s a great day for the Irish and the Slovenians, too! Marie Lavelle LoPresti (Ursuline Grad ’42) Patricia Ann LoPresti Frances LoPresti Koral 5t.Ann CATHOLIC CHURCH Congratulations and Best Wishes Slovenian woman of the Year 1999 Patricia A. Ipavec Clarke Alumni - Parishioner - Congratulations and Best Wishes PATRICIA A. IPAVEC CLARKE Slovenian Woman of the Year 1999 Irene Parker Sean and Lizbeth Parker Gallop . jsp Saint Louis 'HP' University Congratulations Alumni Slovenian Woman of the year 1999 PATRICIA A. IPAVEC CLARKE p 7 r > s ,, rLUEKATION SECTION, MARCH, 1999 To Our Mommy The Slovenian Woman of the Year 1999 PATRICIA A. IPAVEC CLARKE THE QUARTET Elizabeth, Patricia, Katherine, Shannon, and Daddy, too!!! Clarke (Continued from page 3) She now encourages everyone to make a contribution to “Friends” in the current drive to raise funds for the extensive renovations being undertaken by the Home. She still has fond memories of the day that the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair celebrated its 50th anniversary. In the parade she carried the heavy musical staff identifying SNPJ Circle 2 for what seemed like miles and miles down St. Clair Avenue on a cold day in March at the tender age of twelve. Patricia is a lifetime member of the Friends of the Slovenian National Home, St. Clair Ave., and the Polka Hall of Fame. She is also a member of the Slovenian Cultural Gardens, the Slovenian American Heritage Foundation, St. Louis University Alumni Association, Beaumont Alumni Association and the Gesu Women's Guild. Marija Pomagaj Our Lady of Brezje Pray for us Congratulations and Best Wishes to Our Aunt and Sister Patricia A. Ipavec Clarke Slovenian Woman of the Year 1999 WE LOVE TOfI, Susan Erica Ipavec Christina Patricia Ipavec Charles T. Ipavec IPAVEC Frank 1893 - 1962 Antonia 1896 - 1983 In Loving Memory V Blag Spomin In liebevolle Erinnerung WAGNER Alfred 1893 Louise 1896 1962 1974 Parents - Grandparents - Great-Grandparents Charles F. and Ruth W. Ipavec Charles T. Ipavec Susan Erica and Christina Patricia Ipavec Townsend S. and Patricia A. Ipavec Clarke Elizabeth Sutherland and Patricia Wagner Katherine Townsend and Shannon Bryan Clarke Congratulations and Best Wishes to Our Daughter Patricia A. Ipavec Clarke Slovenian Woman of the Year 1999 Mom and Dad __Ruth and Charles Ipavec Congratulations and Best Wishes to Slovenian Woman of the Year 1999 Patricia A. Ipavec Clarke Santino Family Ann, Bill, Patrick, Brian, Daniel and the entire Cleary clan Federation Updates 1998 MARCH, 1998 The 39th annual dinner and 37th annual Slovenes of the Year awards banquet sponsored by the Federation of Slovenian National Homes was held at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio, where the Slovenian community honored eleven women and men from the various Slovenian National Homes throughout the northeastern Ohio area. {Historian 's Footnote: This is the Federation’s thirty-ninth annual dinner and the thirty-seventh annual year that recognition is awarded to a main honoree; this noted for a better perspective of historical fact from actual Federation meeting minutes.) The West Park Slovenian Joe Petrie (Continued from page 2) graced many area homes. His mother assisted and had studied interior decorating at a local trade school. Joe’s talent was encouraged in grade school at St. Christine and continued at St. Joe’s, with numerous awards won in the Regional National Scholastic Art Competition in Cleveland and in New York, in the Cleveland Catholic May Show, in the Cleveland Advertising Club Ad Contest, and in the Newman Art Contest. One of his silk screen designs, titled “Wise Men,” was selected as a cornerstone piece for the beginning of a religious art exhibit at the Jesuit Retreat House in Parma, Ohio. Joe attended part-time study at the Cleveland Institute of Art and the Cooper School of Art. His talent has been used in various projects in the Slovenian community, from record album covers for SNPJ Circle 2 and Zarja Singing Society, to stage designs for concerts, musicals and operettas, special souvenir booklets, and the layout and design of Zarja Singing Society’s “Two Traditional Slovenian Customs”. Also, he contributes his talent for the annual awards banquet of the Federation. He enjoys bonsai and has designed a natural landscape environment around his entire residence. The dedicated membership of the Slovenian Society Home has shown Joe, during his own thirty-nine years of membership, the meaning of what love is in every Slovenian. Their time, talent, and monetary donations were made and shared with everyone. The common bond, our (Continued on page 6) Home, located on W. 130 St. in Cleveland, was the 1998 host Home; coordinating arrangements were Home representatives Joseph Lach, Ruth Lach, Theresa Krisby, and the members of the Board of Directors. The Federation’s annual meeting took place on Tuesday evening, March 24, 1998 at the Slovenian Workmen’s Home on Waterloo Rd. in Cleveland. President Patricia A. Ipavec Clarke presided over the meeting, which was called to order at 8:05 p.m. after a light buffet prepared and served by the Home’s Ladies Auxiliary. President Pat Ipavec Clarke complimented the host Home for the excellent cooperation received for the 1998 annual Awards banquet. The delicious home-style dinner was enjoyed by over 500 attendees and was prepared by Julia Zalar and her staff. Again, our banquet decorations continue to enhance this event and have been tastefully executed to achieve an ambiance fitting the occasion by Mary Blatnik and Joseph F. Petrie, Jr. We thank them for their many years of artistic service. Mrs. Clarke expressed her personal appreciation to fellow officers and representatives for their spirit of cooperation and team efforts during her two terms of office. Patricia Ipavec Clarke was the third woman to have been elected president, serving two consecutive terms. Roll call and bimonthly reports followed from the Slovenian Home representatives, with comments of satisfaction about the banquet. The last order of business for the evening was the election of the new roster of officers for 1998: President, (Continued on page C9) When Irish Eyes are Smiling All The World is Bright and Gay, in the Lilt of Irish Laughter You Can Hear Tracy Healy Say, “Congratulations Patricia A. Ipavec Clarke Slovenian Woman of the Year 1999 and AH of the Honorees.” Congratulations Slovenian Woman of the Year 1999 Patricia A. Ipavec Clarke and AH Honorees Beaumont School 3301 N. Park Blvd. Cleveland Hts., OH 44118 AS AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH, 1999 Joe Petrie r (Continued from page 5) Slovenian heritage, kept people together working for one thing, the perpetuation of the Home on Recher Avenue in Euclid. The Executive Secretary of the Federation of Slovenian Homes, Charles Ipavec, stated during a Federation meeting that “it does not matter how much an individual contributes to a Slovenian Home, as long as what has been contributed has helped the continuation of that Home for another day, another week, another year, or for that lifetime.” This devotion motivated Joe. He treasures the many insights which have guided him through the years serving on the board of directors as a house chairman, audit chairman, vice president, and president. His personal contributions and hands on experience touched every part of the Home’s operation and physical structure, especially the planters and welcome sign greeting the patrons, and the last project being the renovation design of the upper hall. He was honored by his Home in 1975 as its Man of the Year recipient. The meaning of ethnic heritage was reinforced by his membership in various organizations within the Home, such as: the dramatic club Naša Zvezda; Slovan Men’s Chorus; the Musical Arts Associations, Klub Društev, charter member and president of Friends of Slovenian (Continued on page 10) CONGRA TULA TIONS AND BEST WISHES TO ALL HONOREES ! Joseph F. Petrie, Jr. Federation Historian We re Ms Near As Your Phone" 486- 4343 or FLO- WERS / Terri Jarem Big Bouquet ^FLORIST N 480 East 200 Street • Euclid, Ohio 44119 Congratulations! Joseph F. Petrie, Jr. Federation Slovenian Man of the Year Knights of Columbus IMMACULATA COUNCIL 3767 Officers and Brother Knights CONGRATUALTIONS! THIRD DEGREE KNIGHT Joseph F. Petrie, Jr. Federation Slovenian Man of the Year Pro- Life Memorial Pancake Breakfast Sunday, May 2,1999 - 9:30A.M. TO 1:30 P.M. St. Christine Church, 222nd St., Euclid, OH Congratulations! i Joseph F. Petrie, Jr. 1999 Federation Man of the Year from Mary C. Jackson Judith Ann Kifer Congratulations ! Joseph F. Petrie, Jr. Federation Man of the Year SSilPKfc 4RI. from the parish community oi St. Christine Church 840 East 222nd Street, Euclid, Ohio 44123 " remembering the past, celebrating the present, preparing for the future. Established in 1925 In Memory of Joseph Louis Petrie Margaret Mismas Petrie Grandparents Joseph Louis Petrie Mary Frances Mlakar Petrie Parents Gasper Mlakar Mary Vidic Mlakar Grandparents John Petrie Uncle Frank Germ Uncle Dorothy Veronica Petrie Harting Stanley Harting Aun‘4 Unc'° Lillian Mlakar Pianecki Aunt Anthony D'Amico with loving thoughts of you..., Your Family Uncle K CHEERS! harry Annie, Ethel Esther Congratulations Best Wishes Man of the Year 1999 harry brule SWU Branch #14 Officers and Members CONGRATULATIONS To all the HONOREES from Slovenian Singing Society ZARJA Join us in song, Rehearsals 7:00 P.M. every Wednesday, at the Slovenian Society Home 20713 Recher Avenue, Euclid, Ohio 44119 The Slovenian Pensioners Club of Euclid, Ohio Sends Congratulations to All Honorees ESPECIALLY Our Own Honoree - Harry Brule President - Dorothy Lamm Vice President - Frank Kalamasz Rec. Secretary - Patricia Habat Treasurer - Mary Sterle Fin. & Membership Sec’y. - Marion E. Bocian CONGRA TULA TIONS HARRY Slovenian Society Home 1999 Board of Directors and Members To the 1999 Slovenes of the Year Congratulations and Best Wishes George Knaus “Just A Little Bit Better” George Knaus Real Estate, Inc. 819 East 185,h Street Cleveland, Ohio 44119 ___________216-481-9300___________ Congratulations! We’re Proud of You, Circle 2 Alumna and Slovenian Woman of the Year PATRICIA IPAVEC CLARKE Slovenian Junior Chorus -SNPJ Circle 2 - Euclid, Ohio AMLA Lodge No. 6 Slovenski Dom Congratulates Our Lodge President Joseph F. Petrie, Jr. Federation Slovenian Man of the Year FROM LODGE OFFICERS and MEMBERSHIP Man of the Year HARRY BRULE Slovenian Society Home Jackie & Teeny Ulle Ruth & Frank Korelec Matt Zabukovec Jennie Mramor John Yakos John Goryance Chris Hammond Bill Kovach Greg Minniear Sharon Durdella John & Anna Adams Joe Wojtila Phil Yan Sr. Lou Lozar Ray Kosten Josie Arko Dorothy & Henry Kapel Steve & Shirley Valencie Stan Erzen AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH, 1999 AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH, 1999 Euclid Taps Harry Brule Harry Brule was bom on August 23, 1917 in the Col-linwobd area, near the Commodore Theatre. He was the youngest son of Mary (Laur-ich) and Joseph Brule. He had two brothers, both of whom are now deceased: Joseph and Frank. Harry’s grandparents, Joseph and Mary Trotar, emigrated to America from Žužemberk, Slovenia, in the early 1900’s. His mother followed them to America in 1910, at the early age of 14. At the tender age of four, Harry’s mother and father separated and he was sent to live with his grandparents, the Trotars, who lived at E. 200 St. and Miller Ave. At that time, Euclid was only a village and had sandstone sidewalks, but no paved streets. Harry recalls losing several shoes in the depths of the mud after a spring rain. His last name really was spelled Brule, but when his parents registered him for school, the registrar mistook the “c” for an “e” and so all his records were listed under the name of Harry Brule. Neither Harry nor his parents ever corrected this mistake, and so Harry kept that name. He never knew any English as a young child, but was versed in both German and Slovenian. He attended Roosevelt Elementary School and many times had to wear a sign saying “Dummy” because he could not speak English. To this day, Harry understands the Slovenian language, but cannot speak it. He also attended Memorial Elementary School, where more than 175 children and some adults lost their lives in a tragic fire in 1908. From there he went on to Collin-wood High School. Because he moved back and forth from his grandparents’ home to his mother’s, he lost too many days in school and so was held back several grades. As a young boy, Harry and his brothers attended the Sokols for about six months, which was run by Lou Azelli. Harry quit school when in the 9th grade and at age 16 went to work to help his mother pay the mortgage on the house. His mother worked various odd jobs to make ends meet. At one time she was employed as a laborer for the railroad. She married again, to Jim Kusar. Harry worked for a time as a caddie at Manikiki golf course. When he was 17, he tried to enlist in the C.C.C. (Civilian Conservation Corps). This was a program begun by President Roosevelt to help relieve the unemployment problem in the United States. You had to be 18 in order to sign up, so Harry lied about his age. He worked in the CCC for over a year, in Jack-son, Ohio, in the southern part of the state. The Corps reforested various areas, fought soil erosion, and built a few roads. After about a year, when he was about to be promoted to be a group leader, his mother wrote to him stating that there were two jobs waiting for him back in Cleveland. Harry left the CCC and applied for the first job; he did not get it because a person had to be at least 21. He applied for the second job, and again the age requirement was at least 21. In 1935, he decided he would join the Navy, but his mother talked him out of it. Harry and a friend then applied for a job at Chase, Brass & Copper on Babbitt Road, but there were over 200 applicants also applying. Harry again lied about his age and this time was hired. Just during this time the Social Security Act beqame effective and Harry feared his real age would be discovered and he would lose his job for lying about his age. But the government stepped in and issued an edict that the new Social Security Act would not affect a person’s job status however he got the job. Harry played a prominent part in the organization of the union at Chase, Brass & Copper Co. He is a charter member of the union, known as Club 1228. As World War II was raging in Europe, Harry got married to Marie Mervar at St. Jerome Church. They were married by Father Hammer. Fr. Hammer knew Harry because he was his caddie many times at the golf course. Harry and Marie did not have any children until after the war. They moved to the St. Clair area, around E. 67 St. Although Harry attended some affairs and dances at the St. Clair Slovenian National Home, he always returned to the Waterloo Workmen’s Home, because he felt that was more home to him. In fact, it was like his second home. On December 7, 1941, Harry, his wife and another couple were dining out at Chin’s Chinese Restaurant when a news flash came on the radio describing the HARRY BRULE Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. All four were so upset they had to leave and return home. The very next day Harry told his wife that he was going to enlist in the service. She was not too happy about this and said that if he enlisted, she would divorce him. The draft board called his number fourteen months later. During those fourteen months many of his friends who had children were being called up. Harry had no children and yet was not called. He would visit the draft board on a regular basis and ask that they draft him. After boot camp at the San Diego Marine Base, every man had a choice of where he wanted to be assigned. Harry wanted to become a paratrooper. But again he was turned down. No married men were assigned in the amphibious corps, the radar corps, or as paratroopers. He had to take a test prior to making his choice. He scored 115 with only a 9th grade education. This surprised the sergeant, who stated that a score of 110 was required to enter officer’s school. Slovenian Society Home Recher Ave. Euclid Congratulations to Harry and All Honorees Officers and Members Ladies Auxiliary Congratulations to All Honorees! James A. Slapnik, Jr. FIoORKT 650 E. 185 St. Cleveland 531-7887 Bridal Bouquets, Funeral Wreaths Cut Flowers Harry recalled that when he was in the CCC the cooks were never hungry. So he opted to become a cook and was assigned to the 1st Marine Air Wing. Even in junior (Continued on page 11) Congratulations Joseph F. Petrie, Jr. Man of the Year Love, Bob and Dorothy Lamm Častitike and Congratulations Patricia Ipavec Clarke Živio, Slovenci -Here’s to You! The Dolgans Cecilia, Bob, Ann and Bob Willoughby Hills, 01«°, 4 Best Wishes and Continued Success to Joe Petrie Circle 2 SNPJ Cecilia Dolgan, Direct Agnes Turk, Assistant Director_ Congratulation* To Our Harry Bruk and All Honorees Progressive Slovene Wort1611 of America Officers and menib^ of Circle 3 . Best Wishes to All On Your AW*i For The Year 1999 Euclid L Slovenia*1 1 Men’s I ClubJ Congratulation Stan Erze** •TOUR frirhi^ at Recher Club Ro<**£ Congratulations FEDERATION WOMAN OF THE YEAR 'Ptihm 0lmk ST. CLAIR WOMAN OF THE YEAR Smilee Qe*t6a V SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME BOARD OF DIRECTORS 6409 St. (?6xin rtue*tue £ ^HiiCee Jch^o ISfflCElh , and the erry Home Staff c°ngratulations ^ from all your friends at SMi's 'Restaurant 6106 St. Clair Avenue (216) 431-1126 fteitWCbhefr [ u. tmUe^TmUo-^ 'l,c>iHtxn/ of the/ Year ^ Think; Your Great!! Von/čr Nancy ei^PNIK florist St. Clair Avenue «16) 431-1126 Congratulations Emilee Jenko Woman of the Year James A. Slapnik Jr. Florist Mas« Street-MS!« : Congratulations and Best Wishes H Woman of the Vear I ■ Patricia Ipavec-Clarhe Stella Rupe & Barbara Strumbly JJest fishes £niilee Jtenlio Iv’omnn of the yew Frank & Lena Siewiorek Congratulations Emilee Jenko Women of the Year Josephine R. Kapla TO MY GOOD FRIEND TmiCee BEST WISHES WOMAN OF THE YEAR your JriencC, JACenka 'Bairas Congratulations I Emilee Jenko Woman of the Year i 1 J ko for yoctr Isoy evlty ©odioett ior? Ir vol t enrid f^ri^ndsfiip Corgrevtctl evtions C3^r>iz: ©rodnic Congratulations Woman of the Year & All Honorees Sde&ya ‘Dtuy (^otupuitaCatuutč. £(*tčCee Bella Donna Creations 18604 Lake Shore Blvd. Euclid, Ohio 44119 (216) 481-5250 Azman Quality Meats 654 East 185th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44119 (216) 481-0826 Sdl A^Wtance /lytttut AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH. 1W9 Joe Petrie (Continued from page 6) Society Home, Inc.; a coor- dinator of the annual men’s golf tournament, and a board liaison to the reorganized Ladies Auxiliary. Also, as a member of the Zarja Singing Society, he had the opportunity during 1976 to participate in the chorus’s three week concert tour in Slove- nia. He holds membership in the following fraternal lodges: AFU Napredek No. 132; SNPJ Loyalites 156; AMLA Slovenski Dorn No. 6, currently serving for the past thirteen years; and a Third Degree Knight of Immacu-ate Council 3767 of the Knights of Columbus. Joe participated in the Slovenian community as a member of the United Slovenian Society, the Cleveland-Ljubljana Sister Cities Committee, a trustee of the Slovene Home for the Aged, a board member of the Slovenian American Heritage Foundation, a recording secretary of the Alliance of Slovenian Americans, a representative on the United Americans for Slovenia ad hoc committee, served on the Cleveland Bishop Baraga Days ad hoc committee, coordinating banquet decorations for the fiftieth annual meeting of the Bishop Baraga Association, and participated as a lector in the special liturgy celebration at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist on the occasion of Bishop Baraga Days representing St. Vitus Church, and especially as a representative and officer of the Federation of Slovenian National Homes, serving two consecutive terms as corresponding secretary, 2nd vice president. 1st vice president, executive secretary, president, and currently as cohistorian and coordinator of the special tabloid edition, now in its twentieth year. His efforts assisted Charles Ipavec to initiate and confirm new membership of the Slovene Center in Barberton, Ohio. During his officer term as president, he encouraged tie Federation to sponsor a pimic held at St. Joseph's Faim on White Road that Congratulations to ALL HONOR EES! SINCE ISOS ‘FOUR GENERATIONS OF THE ZELE FAMILY” Zele Funeral Home, Inc. LICENSED FUNERAL DIRECTORS: Richard J. Zele — Louis F. Zele Louis E. Zele — Sutton J. Girod 452 East 152nd Street -481-3118 — CLEVELAND, OHIO Family Owned and Operated since 1908 — In time of Need — We are here to help you. proved profitable and, more importantly, fostered teamwork and build community among the Slovenians. This spirit of serving first touched him at the parish community of St. Christine Church in Euclid, when he approached the assistant pastor. Reverend Pizmo.t, with a suggestion on how he would design decorations for the newly dedicated church for the season of Christmas. With the help of his family and relatives, hand-cut material was assembled into twelve poinsettia sprays measuring twenty feet by four foot sections, encircling the perimeter of the church sanctuary, plus other seasonal floral plants. It has been thirty years since that (Continued on page 1 h Congratulations Emilee Jenko | STELLA VOKAC Congratulations EmileeJenko Frank Farone, Friend Commm *»sp Em Jenko ca« Officers Al Km ti: Jose Cora IU MX LA VORITE HAIRDRESSER CONGRATULATIONS EMILEE IMJLiS We Love You, Aunt Emilee Woman of the Year Jerry, Jeannine, Michael Mck& Ashley Rovanšek Best Wishes Emilee Jenko Woman of the Year Anthony F. Smrekar ©£st Wishes CmiljZčJčnko Woman o/ the Vear Bud tloover Care Taker - l>N1i fp' M MkJedii Woman of tk p. ^Matt 'Sakk ==?' u- Snulee fat&a "Peuditte Sewfic UaMsssS?—** - *if-** — - • • =-_%• =.v^j Smilee A Good Friend and A Loyal Slovenian *7ewufr & £s an appointed cim pCr to Jhe parish Finan- Usher °Unc'*' serves as 30 day 1 ^reeter at t*ie ^un‘ 111601 her of the Holy a.m. Mass. He is anie Society Nv'th decorations and ^isteef—‘Cty and recentl>' an usher at the Served „ c as ?charist r Jhe p. Congress held at center CVl'*an^ Convention karieri« sP°nsored by the ^°cietvC c t^le Ho,y Name ceSe * ot Jhe Cleveland dio- Com mentary nring lif c ^any facets of shiPs building relation- h,- ’ eari ' their love, sharing their values, and sharing their Catholic faith that has centered my life. Each facet has strengthened the core of my beliefs. I will always cherish and remember my parents for this, especially on this day. My sister, Jo-Ann Marie, has also experienced these traits and has been supportive and helpful in many projects, and I thank her. To the Federation of Slove- nian National Homes: You have honored my father’s name and our entire family and relatives. This award has placed me among many highly profiled individuals from the Slovenian community, and in the annals of the Federation forever. I gra- ciously thank you. It is also an honor to co-share this award 'with Patricia Ipavec Clarke, Woman of the Year, and all the 1999 Slovenian Home honorees. Congratulations, for on this special day we celebrate together—and God bless each of you! Harry Brule (Continued from page 8J high school he signed up for cooking classes because he was always hungry and they got to eat what they cooked. So he was sent to school to learn to become a cook in the service. When he finished his schooling he was sent to Pendelton Air Base in Honolulu. From there he was shipped to Midway Island, where he had a close call and almost lost his life due to the error of our own servicemen. He was crossing the airstrip and was daydreaming about home and didn’t pay attention. The planes were coming in and one pilot came in on the wrong runway right at Harry. At the last moment the pilot saw him and took off again. The second close call came in the Philippines. Our pilots would practice attacking, but were supposed to put the lock on their guns. One pilot for- "ands servi ,n8 the got to do this and as Harry ning experiences,^ vVVaS about to enter the galley, endeavors, and he was grazed'in the head by a bullet. The bullet ended up in the heel of a shoe under a bed in the barracks. After three years of service community, all "'ben ^JtS ear>y beginnings 'Uto t:y f,arents brought me world by sharing in the Marines, Harry was honorably discharged and returned home. His wife had several miscarriages in subsequent years, however, and Diane remains his only child. He was married to Marie for 14 years, until she died of cancer. In 1942, Harry was hired at Addressograph-Multigraph Co. and was employed there for over 40 years. He was active in the machinist’s union there. In 1956, he married for a second time, to Mary Legan. She and her husband and Harry and his wife knew each other for many years. They often went our together. When Mary’s husband died and so did Harry’s, they began to date and eventually married. Mary had daugher named Irene, who became his stepdaughter. Harry owned some property in Chesterland and began building homes there. He, his wife, daughter and stepdaughter lived there for only a month or so. Mary did not like being so far away from the city and so they moved back to the Euclid area. The Slovenian Society Home then became their second home. The family participated in the various activities at the hall. Mary began having various problems with her heart, and after four heart surgeries she passed away. Her illness kept Harry from being more active in the various ethnic lodges to which he belonged. He retired from Addressograph-Multigraph in 1982; he began there in October 1942. Organizations to which he belongs include: Euclid Democratic Club; Club Ljubljana; AMLA, SNPJ Lodge 158 Loyalites; Senior Citizen’s Coalition; Slovenian Pensioners Club of Euclid, and serving as representative to the Federation of Slovenian Pensioners Club (he also serves as an auditor for the Federation), and he has been a certificate holder at the Slovenian Society Home for many years. Harry’s daughter Diane graduated from Kent State University with a degree in Education and has taught in the Euclid school system. Although she was married, she had no children. She -adopted a boy named David, who had some learning disabilities, and now works for the county with children who have learning disabilities. Stepdaughter Irene studied nursing at Mt. Sinai and also worked at this hospital. Harry is very active in the Slovenian Pensioners Club of Euclid and has been reading the eulogies for our deceased members for the last twelve years. He can be seen at most of the activities held at Recher Hall and attends most of the Slovenian affairs throughout the community. He was never able to participate in these events earlier in his life because he worked nights. The illnesses of both of his wives also kept him from being more active. Harry Brule gives his all to every club to which he belongs; you can count on him to lend a helping hand at the many club activities. He has contributed countless hours for the good and welfare of the various groups. He offers his heartfelt thanks to the members of the Slovenian Society Home for bestowing this honor upon him. AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH, 1999 AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH, 1999 Joseph E. Okolish Bowled Perfect Game in Barberton JOSEPH E. OKOLISH One could say that Joseph E. Okolish—the Barberton Slovene Center Man of the Year—had a lust for life. A gifted athlete, he was an outstanding golfer and bowler andwas the first person to have bowled a 300 game at the Slovene Center Lanes. But his interests covered a wider area, including history, dance and theater, and an abiding love for the Slovenian language and culture. Sadly, he passed away on November 22, 1998 following a lengthy battle with cancer—a battle in which he demonstrated great personal courage and determination and his deep commitment to family, relatives and friends. He was 76 years old. Mr.Okolish was born November 20, 1922 in Barberton, one of five children of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Okolish. Two older brothers—Tony and Frank—are deceased. Sister Margaret (Johr) Nai-zer and brother Robert (Kathleen) reside in Barberton. He graduated from Barberton High School in 1940 and shortly thereafter joined the U.S. Army. He participated in the landing in Normandy and in the Battle of the Bulge, where he received the Bronze Star for valor. In 1946, he married Helen Rose Satina and together they raised two children—Larry and Carolyn. Larry fondly remembers his father’s love of the theater. “When we were still quite young, he took us to New York to see a Broadway play. It left an indelible impression on both of us—something we have never forgotten. A deeply religious and quiet-spoken man, Mr. Okolish respected all cultures and was a strong supporter of universal social justice. He was well read and especially enjoyed the history of the Civil War and World War II. He made three trips to Slovenia, the most recent being this past June, when he spent two weeks visiting relatives and touring the country. Among the highlights of the trip was a visit to the Pleterje Carthusian Monastery and a climb to the top of Snežnik Mountain, this despite his illness. He kept a meticulous diary of the trip, so that his children and grandchildren would better understand the people, beauty and culture of Slovenia. Mr. Okolish represented the best of his Slovenian heritage—dedication to family and friends and his church, and an abiding love for Slovenia. He, along with his parents, Anton and Jennie, and his sister and brothers, was always diligent in maintaining their cultural heritage. Mr. Okolish made sure his children were exposed to their heritage, especially at family gatherings. This is a tradition that continues today within his family. Mr. Okolish was a member of Barberton Sacred Heart Church; KSKJ Lodge 110; AFU St. Martin’s Lodge 44; and the Knights of Columbus Lodge 1617. In addition to his wife and children, he leaves eight grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Mr. Okolish was employed at the Pittsburgh Plate & Glass Company (PPG) before joining the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company in 1951, where he was employed for the next 37 years as a pipefitter. It was during those years that he developed an interest in folk dance. He became associated with the Akron-Barberton Folk Dancers and the Akron Tamburitza Ensemble, performing at various cultural events, nursing homes and malls. That association continued until his untimely death. At the same time, Mr. Okolish played a prominent role at the Slovene Center, where he was a member of the Slovenian Independent Society Home for most of his life. He attended most meetings and was a member of the Marketing Committee, where he contributed ideas for improving the lodge’s various business operations. He was among the organizers and a determined and dedicated ticket seller for a series of dinners recognizing the special contributions of lodge members. “Dad especially enjoyed visiting members and reminiscing about old times in Barberton,” Larry says. In 1959, Mr. Okolish’s wife unexpectedly died. Six years later he married the former Helen Janos. The couple had a daughter, Lisa. Helen had two children—William and Jeannie—from a previous marriage. Barberton Slovene Pensioners Club Congratulates the late Joseph E. Okolish Slovene Center Man of the Year < v Officers and Members of the I Slovenian Independent Society Home Owners and Operators of the Barberton Slovene Cent®' Congratulate All Honorees and the late JOSEPH E. OKOLISH s Slovene Center Man of the Year His unselfish dedication and service to the ^°C j and the Slovene Center will long be remcmbe Congratulations All Honored Cleveland Federation S.N.PJ. Lodges Family Fun Day - July 4,1999 at S.N.PJ Recreation Farm on Heath R IBM 731-7100 «• E. 995 SI. U“c BiV^ ^— N R . WAirRAVE 'A----------- I am Stanley Erzen and I am 93 years old. I was bom June 19, 1905 in a part of Austria-Hungary that became Yugoslavia in 1918, after World War I. My mother, brother, sister and I came to America on October 27, 1913. We resided on Addison Rd. in the St. Clair Slovenian community and l went to East Madison school until the 6th grade, after which I went to East High on Wade Park Avenue. After a few months we moved to the Collinwood area and so I went to Collin-wood High. We moved in May and so I went to Collin-wood only until the next month, June. At the age of 15 and while in the seventh grade, I quit school and two days later took a job at Kuhlman Street Car Co., in their wood mill. I belong to Loyalites Lodge 158 of SNPJ and Kras Lodge 8 of AMLA; I am also a parishioner at St. Mary’s Church on Holmes Ave. I am a member for 46 years of the Lodge 15 of the Fraternal Order of Police Associates, which I serve currently as a trustee. Also, I am now a member of the board of directors of the Collinwood Slovenian Home on Holmes Avenue, and have also served many times in years past. I was present at the grand opening of the hall in August, 1924. Over the years I have donated many hours of volunteer work for my neighbors and friends, and I continue to help at Škufca Trophies a few hours a day. I wish to thank everyone who was instrumental in having me elected to be the Slovenian Man of the Year for 1999 for the Collinwood Slovenian Home on Holmes Avenue. Škufca Trophies, Inc. 216-481-1700 Fax 216-481-1701 Free Delivery - Large Orders Trophies, Awards, Plaques “All Categories” 762 East 185th St. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Winnie & Wm. Kanowski Congratulations to Stan Erzen from Mark Debevc Congratulations Stan Erzen John and Alba Plut B1 Collinwood Slovenian Home Patron Ads Evelyn Pipoly Mike Pipoly Matt Zabukovec Memory Mitzi Zabukovec Ann Dagg Tony Cvelbar Joe & Sally Stavanja Frank & Florence Urankar Arky & A1 Martin Frank Ferra Charlotte Ferra Stephanie Segulin Dolores Dobida John Kozlevchar Mary Okicki Don & Dorothy Gorjup Frank & Eleanor Zernic Fran & Matt Kajfez Mary Blatnik Cathy & Bonnie Blatnik Milan & Marie Dular Jim Krann Megan Motts Zrim Tony & Kay Moze Hank & Vicki Skarbez Marie Rotar Josephine Turner A1 Strukel Ann Lemmo Jean Bezek Myra Jerkič Eleanor Koporc Mary Žnidaršič Margarite Saletal Ivan Kosmar Skippy Vesel Tom Urankar Charlene Urankar Jennie Mramor Joyce Segulin Mike Segulin Joe Smolič Ray & Carol Mikolič Adolph & Dee Kocin Malcom John Liutkus Anna Kozinski Casimer Kozinski Mary Podlogar Carl & Jennie Schultz Gus Petelinkar Alice & Philip Yan Ed & Rose Lah Alba & John Plutt Gene & Marie March Ann Terček Dee Dee Grace Vida Zak Joe Krann Dominic & Val Cekada Edward & Louise Fujda Helen Tomazic Andy & Grace Mihovec Lou Koenig John & Helen Kozlevchar Pete & Terry Knezevic Joe & Virginia Markovich Joe & Frances Klemenčič Beatrice Jerkič Lillian Perez Ann Kovach Mr. & Mrs. Ed Kocin Congratulations to Stan Erzen (loiic »»»»>■»»0 <«««««« FUNERAL HOME COMPLETE FUNERAL PRE-PLANNING SPACIOUS LUNCHEON ROOMS AVAILABLE FOR FAMILY -USE AFTER SERVICES • Burials / Memorial Services • Cremations • Trusts Available • Itemized Pricing • Traditional Services • Community • Entombments Rooms Available Northeast Ohio's Finest Funeral Facility 944-8400 28890 Chardon Road • Willoughby Hills Funeral Home Congratulations to Stan Erzen 21900 Euclid Avenue Between Chardon and E. 222 St. Euclid, Ohio 44117 481-5277 AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH, 1999 AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH, 1999 £ook , IVIAH^n, iyyy 14 Workmen's Chooses Celeste Frollo Looking at what she has done and the hours and energy she has given to volunteer work, Celeste Frollo still does not see it as being all that much. And while she is honored to be the Woman of the Year from the Slovenian Workmen’s Home, to be honest, doing anything less with her life would have left her feeling unfulfilled. “Looking back over my life, it seems like I have always been involved in something,” she says. The oldest of the four chil-S dren of Bill and Louise Kozely, Celeste started her first job at age 13 working behind the soda fountain at Standard Drug. She was a freshman at Collinwood High School, where she would watch a classmate named George Voinovich eventually become mayor of Cleveland, then governor and a senator from Ohio. Celeste’s goals in life were not as lofty as those of the one-time president of her class—though she will admit that having her 45th class reunion at the governor’s mansion in Columbus was pretty cool. Instead, the shy but diligent woman who likes to read and cook worked mostly behind the scenes, never leaving the Collinwood school district. Celeste has been president of the Slovenian Workmen’s Home since 1996. Before that, she was vice president for three years and a trustee since 1990. She has chaired or co-chaired many activities at SWH as well, including the bimonthly raffles, the hall rental agency, and shareholder file keeping. She is also vice president of AMLA’s Lodge Kras No. 8, past president of the SWH ladies auxiliary, corresponding secretary for the Federa- tion of Slovenian National Homes, and a member of SNPJ No. 147 lodge Vodnikov Venec, PSWA Ciicle 1, Slovenian Women’s Union Branch 14, Waterloo Pensioners, Holmes Avenue Pensioners, and the Waterloo Balina Club. She has also worked at the SWH Friday fish fry for the past 10 years. Her Slovenian heritage has always been a source of pride for Celeste. But it was not until 1990, when her children were grown and off on their own, that she became deeply active in the Cleveland-area Slovenian community. Until then, most of her time was spent with and around her own family. “I’ve made wonderful friends since I’ve become actively involved at SWH. Compared to what many of these people do, 1 am a rank amateur in the area of volunteerism,” she comments. (Continued on page 5) Slovenian Workmen's Home Enjoyed A Very Good 1998 The annual meeting or tne certificate holders of the Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Road, was held January 24, 1999. Celeste Frollo was nominated and then elected to chair the meeting. Thanks to the efforts of the board of trustees and the Ladies’ Auxiliary, the hall showed a profit in all areas. Hall rentals showed a tremendous gain, this due to the efforts of Celeste Frollo and Ken Kleinhenz, Sr. Many hours are spent in showing and booking the hall. Celeste' and Ken are available on Mondays from 7 to 9 p.m., and on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to l p.m. The bimonthly raffles and spaghetti dinners, chaired by Vice President Dorothy Gorjup, were very successful. Dorothy thanked everyone for their help and cooperation, especially Martha Meg-lich, who chairs our very successful bake sale. In addition to the board, the following friends are there to assist in any way: Adolph & Josie Kapla, John Maurich, Sophie Matuch, Martha Meg-lich, and Jeanne Urbancek. ^ The main fund raiser for 1999 will be the gala New Year’s Eve celebration; it is now in the planning stage. House Committee Chairman, along with his crew of Joe Frollo, Al Marinch, Al Meglich, Fred Nevar, Ralph Urbancek, and Harold Volpe devote many volunteer hours to repairs and various projects. Ralph has great carpen- try skills and is willing to put them to good use in tackling any project. Thanks, Ralph, for all the improvements you have made. Due to the diligent efforts and financial expertise of Ken Kleinhenz, along with a very generous donation from the Ladies’ Auxiliary, the loans from SNPJ and AMLA that were taken out in 1993 to purchase the property, have now been paid in full. Pat Nevar, President of the Ladies Auxiliary, indicated they had a very good year. She thanked the ladies who volunteer for the Friday Fish Frys, as well as the public for its continued support. This is a big undertaking and Pat and Fred Nevar need to be recognized for their comparative shopping, which entails many hours and has contributed greatly to the profits. Major improvements included the upgrading of the rest rooms, paving of the parking lot, new lights installed in the parking area, and a new alarm system. We would also like to thank all the people for their gener- ous donations throughout the year. A sizeable donation from a trust fund set up by the late Josephine Turkman was greatly appreciated. This money was used toward the purchase of a new copy machine. The Woman of the Year from SWH is our own very dedicated president, Celeste Frollo. Under Celeste’s leadership, the-hall has flourished and many improvements and changes for the better have been made. Congratulations, Celeste, you are truly deserving of this award! To all the 1998 board members: Millie Bradač, Celeste Frollo, Joe Frollo, Eleanor Godec, Don Gorjup, Dorothy Gorjup, Ken Kleinhenz, Al Marinch, Grace Marinch, Al Meglich, Fred Nevar, Pat Nevar, Joyce Plemel, Ralph Urbancek, and Harold Volpe - thanks for the many hours, hard work and cooperation. These 15 members will serve on the 1999 board, as well as JoAnn Heinz, who is an alternate. Grace Marinch Recording Secretary Vdkmdi, -SINCE 1M1- WELW - 1330 AM Simulcasting Daily 3-5 pm / Sat. 12-2 (KOLLANDER POLKA TOUR HEADQUARTERS) 971 East 185th Street • Cleveland, Ohio 44119 TONY PETKOVŠEK • COHOST-JOEY TOMSICK • Featuring-ALICE KUHAR DUKE MARSIC PATTY SLUGA (216) 481-TONY (8669) or KOLLANDER (216) 692-1000 CELESTE FROLLO ConratuCations to the 1999 Slovenian 9\4en ‘Hrometi of the ‘Year (From the and Q CELESTE FROLLO SNPJ Lodge #147. Vodnikou Venec Memben ^Ur p* F*rmCniC Date is Sunday' June 27th at the SNPJ Wcath Road for our 19th Annual Arts & Craft Show & Picnic Fred Ziwich Orch JOIN US I19ratulations to the Honorees f-ficens and Membens of Lodge V Boj #f3 S.N.PJ. Jennie Gorjanc, President Al Meglich, Vice President at Hahat, Recording Secretary Mimi Struna, Treasurer Auditor */Iartha Meglich Secretary fS' '^nn Wagner, Louisa Jartz Hrovat, Fran Mauric Pnognessiue Slovene Women of America. Cincle #1 CongrafuFafe Members CeFeste FroFFo - Woman of Year - SWH Rose Bradack - Woman of Year - Fairporf P.S.W.A #1 meets the first Thursday at 7 P.M each month at the SWH Waterloo Rd. This is your Invitation to join us! CongrafuFafions fo tfetedte "pialta - TVom&h 'fyean. - ‘S'utdaiA - 'fyecw, - 'paaifuvU from PROGRESSIVE SLOVENE WOMEN OF AMERICA - NATIONAL BOARD Publishers of Treasured Slovenian and International Recipes To Order write: PSWA Cookbook 15335 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland, OH 44110__ AMLA Lodge 8 KRAS CongrafuFafes @ele4te 'p'lollo - ‘TVomuui tyean. - 0 on‘Vice 'Pieciclettt Sta« &nfe« - "TKa« tyean, - ^olluuMod Oun TJlent&en. for their dedication to our Slovenian Homes Congratulations To All Honorees for 1999 from Jadvian Singing Society Join Us FALL CONCERT/DANCE Saturday, November 13,1999 Fred Ziwich Orchersta Slovenian Workmen's Home 15335 Waterloo Road CONGRATULATION To All Honorees for 1999 & WATERLOO HOME HONOREE CELESTE FROLLO SNPJ CLEVELAND ATHLETIC LEAGUE Pres, - Don Gorjup V. Pres. - Sophie Matuch Fin. Secy. - Dorothy Gorjup Rec. Sec. - Edna KJeinhenz Auditors - Linda Stroth, Dolores Dobida & Grace Marinch Congratulations To All Honorees American Federation of Slovenian Senior Citizens Join Us At Our Picnic August 18,1999 - SNPJ Farm Heath Road - Kirtland, Ohio B5 AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH, 1999 AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH, 1999 Ladies Auxiliary of the Slovenian Workmen’s Home 15335 Waterloo Rd. 216 - 481-5378 We Serve Fish Fries every Friday 11:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. TAKE OUT ORDERS A VAILABLE Celeste Frollo S.W.H Woman of the Year and All Honorees Congratulations to Modern Crusaders No. 45 AMLA Congratulations to Celeste Frollo Pres. - Tony Sturm Vice-Pres. - Jane Novak Financial Secretary - Millie Bradač Treasurer - Frank Minello Recording Secretary - Josephine Minello Auditors: Frank O’Hara Julie Sadar - Elsie O’Hara Congratulations to ALL HONOREES! ‘FOUR GENERATIONS OF THE ZELE FAMILY” Zele Funeral Home, Inc. LICENSED FUNERAL DIRECTORS: Richard J. Zele — Louis F. Zele Louis E. Zele — Sutton J. Girod 452 East 152nd Street 216 - 481-3118 CLEVELAND, OHIO -Family Owned and Operated since 1908 — In time of Need — We are here to help you. Fraternal Greetings and Congratulations! To All Honorees and especially to our Members Federation Man of the Year 1999 JOSEPH F. PETRIČ, JR., LODGE NO.06 Federation Woman of the Year 1999 PATRICIA A. IPAVEC CLARKE, LODGE NO.59 HARRY H. BRULE, LODGE NO. 01 EMILEE J. JENKO, LODGE NO.04 STAN J. ERZEN, LODGE NO. 08 CELESTRE FROLLO, LODGE NO.08 KATHLEEN A. KAWCZYNSKI, LODGE NO.20 ROSE BRADACK, LODGE NO.30 From The Board of Directors, Lodge Officers, and Membership of the AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION ,f» TMe 19424 South Waterloo Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44119-5^ Telephone: 216-531-1900 Fax: 216-531 A Fratamat Insurance Society originally incorporated in the State of W as the Slovanska Dobrodelna Zvexa. »mated with the National Fraternal Congress of America and the Ohio Fraternal Con4r^ | Natlom Ll CONGRATULATIONS CELESTE FROLLO and the Honorees for your many years o/ service to Friends, Family, and Community Sincerely, Everen Securities Frank Jay Zak Vice President NoRfheasč Cleveland LfCCLe League 216-692-2255 S&iouup t£e /tyout& t6e @ol£i*uvoo<{ /he , ; j 7777 Orlando Baking Company (2l6i -if-. ,rand Avenue . Cleveland, Ohio 44014 1'1872.800-362-5504 . FAX (216) 391-3469 1999 Patrons from Slovenian Workmen’s Home Evelyn Pipoly Michael Pipoly Eleanor Godec Matt & Fran Kajfez Milan & Marie Dular Jerry & Joan Pike Jo Ann Heinz Ellen Downer Hank & Vicki Skarbez A1 & Martha Meglich Mimi Struna Ray & Eleanore Lonchar Ray & Emmy Durn Dee De Grace Vida Zak A1 & Grace Marinch Don & Dorothy Gorjup A. Herpak Fred & Pat Nevar Joyce Plemel Kenneth & Edna Kleinhenz Pauline Debevec Ralph & Jean Urbancek Steve & Shirley Valencie In Memory of Leo & Cecelia Wolf Betty Rotar Sophie Matuch Angie Batulewick Frank & Elsie O’Hara Fred & Jean Skolaris Sylvia Wagoner Mickey & Carrie Miklaucic Jean Samsa Congratulations to All Honorees! Lodge 126 SNPJ A1 Marinch, Pres. Grace Marinch, V. Pres. E. Sumrada, Secy-Treas. Jane Eilerson, Rec. Sec. Auditors: Ann Lukane Lud Lukane Congratulations and Best Wishes Man and Woman of the Year Lodge 604 Utopians President Barb Grzincic V-Pres. Helen Sumrada Sec.: Gerri Trebets Treasurer: Marty Koren Auditors: Ed Lipovec, Ed Koren, Fran Ogoreuc Congratulations Honorees! From Lodge #614 Strugglers Cleveland, Ohio See you at our Picnic July 18 SNPJ Farm Kirtland, Ohio Music by Harry Faint Revue Congratulations to Celeste Frollo And All Honorees SNPJ Farm Board Be a Friend of the Farm Don’t be left behind in ‘99’ May 9 - Mother’s Day Dinner May 16 - Pancake & Sausage Breakfast May 23 - Chicken Barbeque May 30-Farm Board 10946 Heath Road - Kirtland, O. 943-1191 - 1-440-256-3423 CONGRA TULA TIONS HONOREES! TERRY L. STRANKE Atto r n ey-At-Law 18975 Villaview, Suite 8 Cleveland, OH 44119 Phone: (216) 692-1172 Fax (216) 692-0823 Lake Shore Insurance Agency "For All Your Insurance Needs " Auto, Home, Commercial Life & Health 735 Beta Drive Cleveland, Ohio 44143 Dan Wajahn Bill Rodgers 440-446-1600 C > > 1999 Board of Trustees Celeste Frollo, President Millie Bradač, Financial Sec. Grace Marinch, Rec. Sec’y-Eleanor Godec, Sunshine Fred Nevar, Audit Joyce Plemel, Trustee Ken Kleinhenz, Sr, Trustee Dorothy Gorjup, Trustee Al Meglich, Vice Pres, & Audit Pat Nevar, Treasurer Don Gorjup, House Chmn & Audit Ralph Urbancek, Audit Al Marinch, Trustee Harold Volpe, Trustee Joe Frollo, Trustee Joann Heinz, Alternate Fish Fry Every Friday Halls & Meeting Rooms 11:30 AM tilt 8 PM Available to Rent Take Outs Available Call for Appointment Rental Hours Monday 7 - 9 PM Saturday 10 AM -1 PM NEW YEAR’S EVE GALA - DEC. 31, 1999 AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH, 1999 AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH, 1999 f SO SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME CO. PRIVATE CLUB OPERATORS OF Slovenian East 80th Lanes 3563 East 80th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44105 641-9664 883-2963 Extends CONGRATULATIONS and BEST WISHES TO all of the HONOREES for MAN and WOMAN OF THE YEAR Especially to Our Own Kathleen (Katie) Kawczynski 1999 Board of Directors Anthony Mannion - President Albin Resnik — Vice President Anna Mae Mannion - Secretary Treasurer Anna Mae Kostura - Recording Secretary Ruth Ross - Auditor Florence Mirtel - Auditor William Mannion — Director Alice Arko - Honorary Member Sunday, May 23,1999 -Woman of the Year Testimonial Dinner Honoring Katie Kawczynski Donation: $15.00 — Music 'OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MOTHER’S DAY BREAKFAST Sunday, May 9,1999 Donation $6.00 adults; children under 8 = $3.00 Best Wishes Katie LOVE, Eleanor, Judy & Chris Grozdanik and Lois Sever Congratulations to All Honorees from (fotenitty Any And All Occasions Katie 1-440-852-9216 / Jean 1-440-526-8658 Congratulations to Newburgh’s Slovenian Woman of the Year “KATIE” Nordonia Hills Travelling Knights A1 Terabasse CONGRA TULA TIONS! James A. SLAPNIK, JR. FLORIST 650 East 185lh Street Cleveland, Ohio 44119 216- 531-7807 AMLA Newburgh Lodges Lodge Mir No. 10 AMLA President, Louis F. Boldin Secretarv, Josephine Boldin Treasurer Lodge Bled No. 20 AMLA President, James Mannion Secretary, Anna Mae Mannion Treasurer Ruth Ross Lodge Kraljica Miru No. 24 AMLA President, Anna Perko Secretary-Treasurer, Rose Mary Pozarelli In the spirit of togetherness, join the above lodges at the Annual A.M.L.A. NEWBURGH DAY at the A.M.L.A. Recreation Center in Painesville, Ohio on SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1999 with Polka Mass at 4 p.m. - Music Until 8 p.m. - Lake Erie Button Box Members and Officers of St. Lawrence Lodge 63 K.S.K.J. offer their felicitations to each honoree of the respective Slovenian National Homes, with an added personal acknowledgement to our Slovenian Woman of the Year from Slovenian E. 80th National Home — Katie Kawczynski Officers of St. Lawrence Lodge 63 KSft-J Joseph L. Fortuna — President Isabelle Godec — Vice President Nancy Fahey - Secretary-Treasurer Mary Ann Sray —Recording Secretary Auditors: Tony Lausche, Olga Sray, Jean Fortuna Kevin Ostrowski: Youth Athletic Director Jean & Joe Fortuna and Family and the Staff of the Fortuna Funeral Home Offer their sincerest congratulations to all the Honorees of the respective Slovenian National Homes, with heartfelt thanks to a' the Board of Directors of the Homes for the,r continued efforts to make this recognition possible. Licensed Staff Joseph L. Fortuna John J. Fortuna James R. Trzaska Mary Ann (Fortuna) Trzaska Slovenian-East 80 LaneS 3563 East 80th St. A FRIENDLY PLACE TO BOWL OPEN HOWLING Sat. & Sun. / - 5 /?■'"• For Moonlight Bowling Parties call 883-2963 FOOD - PRIZES - BOWLING SATURDAY NIGHTS ONLY The one & only Slovenian owned Alleys in the area' KATHLEEN KAWCZYNSKI East 80th Salutes Katie Kawczynski Kathleen Ann (Man awezynski was born < t0 Proud ps and Anna Mae Katie is ,rish b°!enian- She has Sh°thers and three si the' cWulS raised to aPPrc cultures of both o and0"3111*65' She was 0hio ra'Sed in Cleve EW„!"e"ded St. Law, W«a, d7ary SCht %n ''ti from Tra, L, June> 19' Ct? from Hoi iJr..Sch°°l in Jun, Kaf ersity for M^^ed at th iCho0| o,throU8ho dairy ' She workc l«i^s0nCts and Parted! Dairy- In Dividing for uivisu Mn8 t0 ft s,0tl of Q B°ard of the "0rk^ her genera, her way ^nagerPr'p t0 t'6r sister I, erinfi ft J an a Ic* n T<- A rose is a rose is a rose. It is, unless the Rose is a Brad-ack. The Rose is a Slovenian Woman of the Year, being recognized as such by the Fairport American-Slovenian Club. This year’s honoree has been a driving force in the Club for some three decades. “Rose has served on the board of directors as an auditor and contributed much time and energy to it. Her greatest contribution over the years, however, has been twofold—one as a leader and guardian of our kitchen facility and, perhaps even more importantly, her pen-chant for telling-it-like-it-is when it came to the betterment of our organization,” President Sajn says. She had refused the board’s efforts to recognize her contributions to the Club in past years. “We didn’t ask this year,” said Sajn, “we just said we were going to do it and if she didn’t show up she would miss the party.” Rose served on the board of directors for several years as an auditor and, in addition, took control of kitchen activities for various events. Then, in the mid-eighties, she got heavily involved in preparing the Friday night fish fries, which were such a success. That was an ongoing effort that lasted almost a decade. Although she has “retired for about the third time” Fairport Slovenian Club - Patrons - Stan and Poppy Modic John Kutie Lee & Mary Ann Jackopin The Butskos Frank and Dolores Sajn Vicki & Dick Joe Meglen Charles & Josephine Kapel Dolly Nemura Charles Hadden John & Wilma Kovaly Lloyd Cross John and Audia Prezioso Matt and Babi Zalar Tony & Mitzi Mahne Herman Kapel Ann & Joe Barbish Jack & Irene Kovach Melissa, Don & Brenden Croft Barbara Thorne Jan Hagy Steve & Marge Latch Thelma Coradi Anne Cecelic ROSE BRADACK from her board and kitchen pitch in when an event is duties, she is still ready to taking place, serving and Congratulations to All Honorees ^PEARSON TROPHY & SALES 32433 VINE ST. WILLOWICK, OH 44095 TROPHIES - PLAQUES - MEDALS RIBBONS - GAVELS CUSTOM & PRACTICAL AWARDS ADVERTISING SPECIALTIES 24 HR. ENGRAVING SERVICE AVAILABLE MON & THUR. 10AM ■ 8PM TUES. WED FRI. 10AM - 6PM SAT. 10AM - 5PM PHONE 440-585-0170 FAX 440-585-1530 ESTABLISHED 1973 Congratulations to ALL Our 1999 Honorees! Tlw Country of my Ifaols REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA iwuninuy oj my Cashen R-Mix & Builders’ Supplies Borders: Italy Hungary Croatia and the Adriatic Sea Bosnay MADISON, OHIO Climate Range: Central Florida north thru Tennesee and Kentucky and west to Colorado’s highest mountains. providing baked goods. Her dedication to getting involved in and preserving her Slovenian heritage is not limited to her Club activities. She is also active in Grand River Valley Lodge 30 of AMLA, having only recently given up hei long-held post (Continued or page 4) Congratulations Rose Bradack Fairport’s Slovenian of the Year Thanks for caring, for being a friend Poppy and Stan Modic Congratulations Rose M. Bradack Fairport Slovenian Club Woman of the Year from Don & Roseanne Dusa Family Congratulations Rose Bradack American Slovenian Club5 Woman of the Year The C. Merkd & Son’s Co., Congratulations Rose M. Bradack Fairport Woman of the Year Value Decorating Inc< 12156 Chilicothe Rd., Chesterland, Ohio 44026 440-729-7004 Frank and Ann Skomrock ^ Photography and FrameCenter C ongi adulations lo All llonoric' *Noedle art •Custom matting •Posters •Corns •ANDMORK Award Winning Photograph * High School Senior * Families, Children Weddings and m0*6" Owned and operated by -Ron Kotar and Bob Kunesh Located at 36495 Vine St., Willoughby Call 953-1600for more information S Congratulations - Fairport Woman of the Year Rose Brad3 and All Honorees 7743 Doty Rd. — Madison, Ohio 44057 rChalet IVCBonne, Producer of Fine Wines The Debevc Famil Tony, Rose, Tony and Beth Ž 440 - 466-3485 i !L_ 1 :k j's ib % ‘S ” 'm, C°ngrat ul at ion s und Best Wishes to Stoveuiau NVomon the Year ^ose Bradack Frank & •^Dolores Šajn Congratulations °nd Best Wishes to R°se M. Bradack Slovenian Woman of the Year from barren and j^ean Fabian Congratulations jWe Bradack >°rt Slovenian Club 0,nan of the Year from Mary Jo & s^Pny Bertone Bwulations Slovenian '»nan of the Year 0se Bradack airPort>s Woman ofthe Year v from °cks Farm ^ Garden 10935 ChiHicothe Rd. ki &Rt.306 Tom'111’ °hio 44026 Tom &tiE‘Sie R°Ck 4 * Marilyn Rock ^■256-3630 °nSratulations j0.86 bradack a,rPort Woman the Year ^airport °lkateers 8udon Box k C,ub S?"r‘Harbor,°hio In Memoriam | STAN BRADACK 1912-1987 Fairport Slovenian Club’s 1993 Man of the Year My Husband of the Year for Eternity We miss him so -Loving Wife Rose Bradack Congratulations to All Honorees Fairport Woman of the Year ROSE BRADACK FROM The American Slovenian Club Fairport Harbor, Ohio Board of Directors John Grzely - President Stan Modic - Vice President Lou Grzely - Treas. - Fin. Sec’y. Ann Barbish - Recording Sec’y. Jean Fabian - Head Auditor Frank Sajn - Auditor Joe Meglen - Auditor Sgt.-at-Arms - Warren Fabian Matt Zalar Congratulations Rose Bradack American Slovenian Club’s Woman of the Year FROM Grand River Valley Lodge 30 - AMLA President - Stan Modic Vice President - Rudy Schumer Secretary - Carol Satej Treasurer - Tony Satej Recording Secretary - Warren Fabian Auditors: Lee Jackopin, Anne Willoughby, Ted Antolik Fraternal Affairs: Jan Tilsky, Kathy Gasi Congratulations to All the Winners of The 1999 Slovenes of the Year from Al Markič and Staff of WATJ 1560 AM Home of Veeeemp Pouas Now You Can Hear Us On Your Computer. Log on to Our Web Page http//www.watj .com For the Best Big Band, Popular Favorites, Show Tunes and Weekend Polkas We’re the Station Just Around the Corner and All Around the World Congratulations Congratulations AUNT ROSE and Best Wishes Fairport’s Fairport Slovenian Club’s Woman of the Year Slovenian Woman of the Year! Rose Bradack From Allen & Marie Tony & Carol Sluga & Family Satej Congratulations Rose Bradack - 1999 - American Slovenian Club Woman of the Year In Memory of Louis & Mary Grzely and Kristina & Tony Mahne From Jean and Louis Grzely Katie and JohnGrzely Mitzie and Tony Mahne Congratulations and Best Wishes Slovenian Woman of the Year ROSE BRADACK Club Honoree, and AH Honorees FROM Spear-Mulqueeny Funeral Home 667 Mentor Ave. 312 Eagle St. Painesville, OH 44077 Fairport Harbor, OH 44077 357-7514 Jim and Arlene Mulqueeny & son Jay __________PERSONALIZED SER VICE Fairport Slovenian Retirees Club 1999 Congratulations Rose Bradack American Slovenian Woman ofthe Year President - Frank Minello Vice President: Esther Podboy Treasurer - Ray Gobec Recording Secretary - Anne Pureber Auditors - Elsie O’Hara, Tony Sturm, Frank Vovko Entertainment - Grace Marinch Sgt.-at-Arms - JeanUrbancek Sunshine - Helen Sturm, Betty Kozar AMERICAN HOME. FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH 1999 i iwn, in/\K.^n, iyyy :4 Covering the balinca courts highlight a at Fairport Slovenian Club banner year r | Ihe year of the cover-up. That is how one A could characterize activity at the American-Slovenian Club in Fairport. A project discussed for many years was finally undertaken and completed; the balina courts at the Club were covered thus allowing play except for the severest of rain storms. Board member John Grzely drew up the plans, supplied the trencher, and headed up the project. He was assisted by Joe Meglen, another board member. The work was all volunteered by both regular and social members of the Club that showed up weekend after weekend until the job was done. The project was financed by donations from various organizations, including Andy Cashen, Madison building material supplier, who donated concrete. A fee has been added to the balina summer league participants which will defray the entire cost of the material. “It was truly heartwarming to see so many of the members, both regular and many social, show up week after week,” John Grzely told the Board. Several times Andy Pillar headed up a group to prepare spaghetti lunches for the workers. “It was just like the old days when the founders were toiling to build the Club rooms back in the 1950s,” Grzely said. The idea of covered courts already paid dividends. Following completion of the traditional summer balina league sponsored by the Club which sees balina competition nightly, a second, eight-team league ran through the Fall. “It got a little chilly a couple of nights,” says Lou Grzely, financial secretary who initiated the abbreviated league, “but it wasn’t bad and everyone seemed to have a good time.” About the same time Frank Sajn, Club president, headed up a major renovation at the rental home on the Club grounds. It included a complete repainting of the inside, refinishing of the kitchen, and other repairs. The year before, a new roof was put on the house and new windows will be included in the current renovation. In the past year, other improvements have been accomplished by the Board. A new beer cooler was purchased for the bar room. Two new refrigerators have been installed. Most recent improvement included the installation of another aircleaning system to reduce the amount of smoke in the Club room. New carpeting was also installed in the Club rooms. In addition, arrangements are underway to expand the parking area to accommodate more cars. “All these improvements are made possible by the continued support and vol-unteerism of the members and the ever-increasing patronage of the bar room. Our membership continues to grow and we are doing better than at any time in the past,” says Frank Sajn. Perpetuate the reality: Slovenians are Special. Rose Bradack (Continued from page 2) as chief auditor. She can always be found working the Lodge's Memorial Day Polka Bash picnic at the AMLA Recreation Center. Rose is also a member of Circle 1 of the Progressive Slovene Women of America at the Waterloo Slovenian Home and very active in its holiday potica baking project. She is also a member of the Fairport Slovenian Club Pensioners Club and the Pen-sioners Club of fi, Mary Church in Mentor. She has been a member of St. Mary Church in Mentor for some 55 years and worked in its school cafeteria for more than ton j-ccua. Always active, it was a job she took after she retired from Reliance Electric & Engineering Co. in 1983, where she worked for about ten years. Rose was born in Cleveland, one of eight children, to Frank and Gertrude Dusa. She is the only one who survives. She attended Nottingham and St. Jerome grade schools, Oliver Hazard Perry Junior High, and Jane Ad-dams Vocational School. She married Stanley Bradack June 24, 1939. They were married for 48 years before he passed away. In ,! 1943, the couple moved to Mentor, where she still lives on Plains Road. Rose and Stan were childless, but chose to raise a nephew, Donald Dusa. whose mother had died when he was five years old. Don was graduated from Mentor High School in 1950, joined the Air Force and served in Korea. He went on to earn a master’s degree in aeronautical engineering by attending John Carroll University and Wayne University in Michigan. He married in 1956. The couple had seven children and 11 grandchildren. They live in Cincinnati. “I love them all, but 1 muct »ai«11 that at age 83 sometimes I get my fill of children, chuckles Rose. She still thinks of '‘the lovely three weeks Stan and 1 spent in Slovenia. I’d love to go back again, but I will not fly anymore,” she says. Although she is “retired from active participation at the Club, she never misses an event and can be seen ofto11 still helping out in the kitchen, always ready to g*ve a helping hand. Gn Sunday5 she can often be seen sitting in the comer with other old-timers engaged in a friendly game of pinochle. She al5° still enjoys crocheting. Congratulations Emilee Jenko St. Clair Woman of the Year (AMLA St. Anne Lodge No. 4 President) and Joe Petrie 1999 Man of the Year (AMLA Secretary-Treasurer) and All Other Honorees AMLA St. Anne Lodge #4 h j Congratulations Frank Doc & Mary Gradišek Congratulations Frank Tony & Katy Zalar Congratulations Frank Fritz & Fran Pavlovčič Congratulations Frank Lee and Ray Pavlovčič Congratulations and Best Wishes ^rank Renusi Ruth Shook & ^°nnie Knepper C°ngr atulations Renusi ^ Little Buckeye Sl|e & Dale °n8t'at illations to all the ^°norees ions to ^4 Pp/e Man ra»kR enusi 0ltten’s biliary Sl k°rain Home Congratulations Frank Mary and Joan Rahotina Congratulations, Frank Lorain Slovenian Club Man of the Year Tom’s Country Place Complete Catering Anywhere since 1959 Hail Accommodating Over 800 3442 Stoney Ridge Rd. Avon, Ohio 44011 (440) 934-4553 GO BUCKS! Congratulations Frank Renusi Margie & Joe Yuricich Congratulations FRANK Steve & Mary Ann Matesick Mary Matesick -Mark Verib Stephanie Zegarac and Danny, Joey, Bobby, Paul & Katie Congratulations Frank Renusi for all you do for the Lorain Slovenian Home Board of Directors Ruth Shook - Actg. Pres. Linda Sekular, Fin. Sec’y* Helen Urbas, Rec. Sec’y. John Schrenk, House Dorothy Brletic Frank Renusi, Entertainment Kathy Janosik Bonnie Knepper Donna Snyder Jim Muzek Bill Brletic, Adv. Congratulations, Frank For Service to the Lorain Slovenian Home and Being a Friend Bill & Dorothy Brletic Congratulations and Best Wishes FRANK RENUSI Lorain Slovenian Home Man of the Year Jim & Audrey Yurman Congratulations Frank Renusi Lorain Slovenian Club Honoree Jim Muzek and Donna Snyder Congratulations and Best Wishes Frank Renusi Lorain Slovenian Home Man of the Year Steve & Lori Docs Frances Yurman Congratulations Frank Renusi Lorain Slovenian Club Man of the Year Entertaining is His business Linda and Helen Sekular CONGRA TULA TIONS AND BEST WISHES FRANK RENUSI for a Job Well Done Helen Urbas Thanks, Lorain for the Honor YOUR HONOREE FRANK RENUSI AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH, 1999 Lorain Gets Frank Frank Renusi was born in Cleveland, Ohio, on December 8, 1931, the son of Frank and Catherine Renusi. He has a sister, Mary Ann Matesick, nieces Mary Matesick and Stephany Zegarac, and also three grand-nephews and one grand-niece. Frank joined the Board of Directors of the Lorain Slovenian Home in 1987 and has been a conscientious, hardworking and committed member ever since. He has served as chairman of our Entertainment Committee since 1988. He contacts and negotiates contracts with musical groups for our affairs. He also prepares a calendar of events every year, setting dates for steak dinner dances, jam sessions, Jazz on Pearl, the annual picnic, the annual Nile at the Races, annual clambake, annual steak dinner and barnyard, and the annual Christmas dinner. It is a total of sixteen events, for 15 of which he must negotiate contracts with musical groups. In addition, he arranges seating and sets up the club-room and the ballroom for these events. He arranges for the printing of tickets and programs and does all the publicity for these events. Frank is of Austro-Hungarian descent and grew up in a family that loved Slovenian style accordion music. He plays the accordion for our Young Slovenian Dancers and for the annual picnic at SS. Cyril & Methodius Church in Lorain. Frank lived on W. 41 St., off Lorain Avenue, in Cleveland. He and his family moved to Avon in 1944. He graduated from Avon High School in 1949. He was involved in fast pitch softball and basketball in Elyria and Lorain leagues from 1950 to 1964. He coached football for 13 years and basketball for 15 years at St. Mary’s School in Avon. He served in the U.S. Navy in 1956-1957. He played on the Navy softball team that won the Norfolk Naval District championship, and he also played in the All-Service finals. Frank was employed by Ridge Tool Co. 1954-1958, before and after his military service. He then worked for the U.S. Postal Service from 1958 until he retired in 1993. Frank is a member of St. Mary’s Church in Avon; is an usher at Sunday mass, and is a member of the church’s Holy Name Society. He is a past president of the Senior Catholic Youth Organization and served on its board through the 1980’s. He is a member of the Lorain AM-VETS Post #47. Frank is personable, pleasant, always keeps his cool, and is a valuable member of the Lorain Slovenian Home. FRANK RENUSI He is very deserving of this honor. Lorain Slovenian Home Celebrates Diamond Year We celebrated the 75th anniversary of our Lorain Slovenian Home on October 24, 1998, with a lovely dinner dance - pleasant people, delicious food and good music. The speakers were the Mayor of Lorain, Joseph Koziura, Anthony Mannion, President of the Federation of Slovenian Homes, and also Charles Ipavec, Legal Counsel to the Federation. The decorations were beautiful and everyone enjoyed the affair. All members of the Board of Directors were involved in preparations for the event, as were the Women’s Auxiliary and many volunteers. We were very pleased with the success of the event. With steak dinner dances, weekly fish fries, jam sessions, Jazz on Pearl, annual clambake, annual Nite at the Races, annual picnic and the annual Christmas dinner dance, the Board sponsors 16 events a year. This keeps us well occupied. Board members also serve as hosts at the fish fries, and also as cashiers. Most of our affairs are very well attended. Our fish fry dinners are very well attended, and we are gaining the reputation of having the best fish in town. Our fish fry supervisor, Joan Rogers, and her crew do a very good job. Our club manager, Sue Kos-co, does a great job sponsoring several dinners throughout the year; has hot dogs and beer nights, and taco nights. She also sponsors a Slovenian Golf League. Sue has been able to draw in a younger group of social members. trance to the building, new windows were installed in the ballroom, and also new drapes. The ballroom and surrounding areas were painted. So, on the whole, we did fairly well in 1998. Another 75 years? Well, that’s a big question! JOSEPH TOMAZIC West Park Hall Has A Good Joe I was born in Cleveland, Ohio on January 3, 1942. My father Joe was bom in Cleveland and my mother Sarah was born in Croatia. I have two sisters: Beverly, the oldest, and my little sister, Joan. When I was young, my father would take me to the Slovenian hall. He played cards and drank, while I would eat pig’s feet and play games. I remember the balina court outside the hall. 1 belonged to the SDZ (now AMLA) lodge and remember the pig roasts at Puritas Springs Park. I went to all the Christmas parties, where we got popcorn balls and candy canes at the hall. My mother Sarah and my aunts, Anna Kosak, Mary Mismas, and Cecil Katherin, would cater weddings at the hall and also have fish frys on Friday nights. They were very good cooks and we would get the leftovers. I went to Annunciation School for grade school and graduated from John Marshall High School in June, 1960. While I was in hig*1 school, I worked at Konk0.v Hardware, owned by ^ and Helen Konkoy. Evcfl night when I went home the winter, Helen’s mother’ Grandma Kozely, used t0 give me a glass of hot cW^' mon wine. She said it waS cold outside and this vvoi'l warm me up. •ked After I graduated, I wot ^ in a shop for eight was in the National from 1963 to 1969. In ^ opened my own busineSS' right next door to Hardware. It was called J°e a*' Sunoco, Joe’s Amoco, now it is Joe’s Automoti''6, I have sponsored 111 WeSt bowling leagues at the 130 Recreation, owned ^ Helen Hosta. Also man)/ the teams of the West 130 ,ears Tri League. During my f ^ here I have put many k'ds^ work. I have been hero ^ thirty years and don’t plan leaving- :c Jr Joseph R. Tomaži Our Women’s Auxiliary is always very supportive by holding strudel and other bake sales during the year to raise funds which are used to purchase equipment and supplies for the kitchen, and to assist in paying for larger purchases. Along with the usual repairs, we have installed a new door at the main en- Best of Luck To Our West Park Slovenian Home’s Honoree Joe Tomazic and All Honorees from The Ladies Auxiliary of West Park Slovenian Home President: Joan Cifranic Congratulations . Frank Renusi Angeline Voytj^ Patron ads Lorain Slovenia" Home i la r Joseph & AgneS Serazin Rose DeLeonardis Agnes Tomazin Kathy & Louis« Janosik John Schrenk Jack Tomazic ^ Michael & Alice R*1^ Louis & Elean<>r _____Kamnikar^^1 ‘V By losing present time, we lose all time. FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOMES Apple Raisin-Bread Pudding 2 cups milk 2 tablespoons sugar 3 eggs 6 slices raisin bread, cubed 2 medium-sized C0°king apples, peeled, C0^d, and diced h teaspoon ground Clnnamon ^ teaspoon ground ^otnieg - Preheat oven to 325°f. Gr baki irease 10” by 6’ mg dish. In medium-*fe<3 b°wl, with wire ^sk or fork, beat milk, §ar, and eggs until well cu^d; stir in bread aPP*es> cinnamon, ^nutmeg. k.," ^0ur into prepared lng dish. Bake 1 hour refUnt^ Set' ^erve hot or 11 lat« g>rate to serve c°ld ! 6 servings. C°ngratulations to All Honorees! The ^merican Home f^blishing Co. 117 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland Tabloid Wewspapers -^431-0628 Matron ads for . °e Tomazic °f the Year ^rew Discenzo T.athy Berger Jin, r?*88 Tay,or ^ Mary Chesnik čolnar vhe Plumber Aik lr£*n*a Sanker ^ Koracin Do“»» Ohman b4lI»a Sesak Žnidarčič O^rsteck Joe & peresa Kr«by ® ^ Buth Lach ^gePeresutti Congratulations to Honoree Joe Tomazic Joe & Ruth Lach Steve & Theresa Krisby WEST PARK Button Box Club c/o Mimi Stibil Apt. 309 10200 Ridgewood Dr. Parma Hts., OH 44130 Music Director: Andy Pixel President: Ella Samanich Vice President: Mimi Stibil Finance: Rudy Pivik Auditor: Frank Baluch We Still Have Cassette Tapes “1st Time Around” — $6.00 Call Mimi Stibil 1 - 440 - 843-8727 Congratulations to West Park Honoree Joe Tomazic GENERAL AUTO REPAIRS • DISC BRAKE SERVICE EXHAUST SYSTEM & AIR CONDITIONING SERVICE JOE’S AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE TIRES • BATTERIES • ACCESSORIES TOWING & SNOW PLOWING 4700 WEST 130TH STREET JOE TOMAZIC CLEVELAND, OHIO 44135 PHONE 251-8782 Congratulations to West Park Honoree Joe Tomazic DON • BILL • AL FRANK • JACK 4343 WEST 130th STREET CLEVELAND, OHIO 44135 (216) 941-4488 FAX 941-5004 Congratulations to Cousin Joe from John & Karen Mismas and Family Congratulations to West Park Honoree Joe Tomazic HAPPY TIMERS BUTTON BOX CLUB New Cassette Tapes $10 c/o Music Director Larry Zaletel 957 Meadview Dr. Seven Hills OH 44131 1 - 216 - 520-1531 Congratulations to West Park Honoree Joe Tomazic DJC AUTO PARTS 4382 W. 130th St. Cleveland, Ohio (216) 251-3659 Daviil • Complete Carliuivtor Rebuilding • Complete Machine Shop Service ■ Free Deliver) To Business Accounts • Qualilv Paris at Competitive Prices Mike Tom Congratulations to West Park Honoree Joe Tomazic KWNCR TOWING (216) 529-3320 Local / Long Distance 15316 Brookpark Road 24 Hour Towing Cleveland, Ohio 44135 Wheel Lift / Flat Bed C' AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH, 1999 AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH, 1999 Congratulations, Joe Tomazic from Bob & Marian Royer Congratulations to West Park Honoree Joe Tomazic VETS INC. 4629 West 130,h Cleveland, OH 44133 216 - 251-9604 Congratulations to West Park Honoree Joe Tomazic Witfiam Isaac Insurance Agency, Inc. BILL ISAAC (216)524-5588 FAX (216) 524-3512 6505 ROCKSIDE ROAD, SUITE 300 • INDEPENDENCE, OHIO 44131 CONGRA TULA TIONS TO HONOREE, Joe Tomazic (Bur cffian of IRq Sfear WEST PARK SLOVENIAN HOME BOARD OF DIRECTORS Katie (Continued from page 1) Federation of Slovenian National Homes. Katie’s brother, Anthony (Tony) Mannion, was the Man of the Year for the hall and is currently president of the Federation. Her aunt, Ruth Ross, also was a Woman of the Year for the hall. Katie is proud to be able to follow in their footsteps. She tries to instill this same feeling of pride in her own children. SONNY’S AUTO SALES INC FOR A WHOLESALE PRICE CALL 216-267-1199 216-215-3900 CELL PHONE 216-749-8865 PAGER ALL CARS CLEAN • RUN GOOD 4742 W 130th Street Cleveland. Ohio 44135 FAX 216-267-6632 We Past Honorees of West Park Slovenian Home: Albina Capek Eleanor Cham Ray Hosta Rudy Jaksa George Kitko Helen Konkoy Joseph H. Each Ruth A. Each John Mismas Joe Peresutti Marie Pivik Rudy Pivik Robert Royer Congratulate All Our New Honorees Congratulations to West Park Honoree Joe Tomazic R & C AUTO SALES INC. 4749 WEST 130TH ST USED CARS AND TRUCKS CLEVELAND,OH 44135 DOMESTIC AND IMPORTS LEO BEVELAQUA SALES MANAGER PHONE : 216-362-1699 FAX : 216-267-1102 CONGRA TULA TIONS To ALL Honorees! K.S.K.J. Lodge #172 Congratulations, Joe from Dr. and Mrs. Mario Pavicic OFFICE HOURS BY APPOINTMENT MARIO PAVICIC, D.D.S 4682 WEST I 30TH STREET CLEVELAND, OHIO 44135 TELEPHONE (21 6) 941 -5373 ! F ti th li: N, W ^Vi Ifi ca Pa 1() U- cai *ai vir T fili P0| Hi, 'ioi ba Piet 8ra| K Plec V I'll« Of tl Mr. V V (Continued from A5) Anthony Mannion, Slovenian National Home. E. 80th; 1st Vice President, Robert A. Hopkins, Slovenian National Home, St. Clair; 2nd Vice President. Patricia Ipavec Clarke, Slovenian National Home, St. Clair; Executive Secretary, Charles F. Ipavec Slovenian National Home. Clair; Financial Secretary, •lean Fabian, with Lou Grzely (proxy). American Slovene Club, Fairport; Recording ecretary. Helen Urbas, °rain Slovenian Club, Inc.; Corresponding Secretary, mi, ^ oiyvenior; Workmen's Rd., Waterloo. Auditors: Edward Gabro-n ’ dependent Slovenian R0me5 Barberton; Robert °yer, West Park Slovenian 0t11e, Anna Mae Mannion. 0venian National Home. E an ^lewlJurgh- Histori-| s'Joseph F. Petrie. Jr., Slo-c|n,lan Society Home, Eu-nj ’ ar,d John Habat, Slove-^°c-> Home of Collin-: od; Ella Samanich, Histo- sor" r,meritusi Legal Adv>-j ‘larles F. Ipavec. All 0v,1C?rS Were sworn in by paries F. Ipavec. APRIL, 1998 Easter Fed • ^reet*ngs from the lionarw011 °f Slovenian Na" tkg Nomes were placed in lishj Al*erican Home Pub-lit)!;1?® Company’s special “''"•ay issue. 1998 Che PeHo ^atio deratlon °f Slovenian Nth f3* ^0rnes participated W°rid e^ow Slovenians the lOQth 0Ver t0 celobrate the can T,anniversary of Ameri-Pany’s°me P>u^)l'sl1'ng Com-100thS establishment. The Was v°lume - 26th issue, cated Sp>ec‘al edition dedi-tai^d ^ People who sus-vida 1 C Arneriška Domo-Che p , ^liate eraNon and its af-p0rted t!11embers have sup-"ith th IS Week*y newspap llh th newspape S f”e sPecial tabloid edi t^e annual award (hrou h and events hel eXistenc°Ut ^1e many years c "'as n|Ce' A special greetin ll'eiP0ratCCd 'n. this com 8ratUlaf IVe issue- Con O1'0"! to jim ani 'Pedjg e Debevec for you ^°Pies eveera^C ^lovenia BER’1998 r,ays meeUn nat'0nal Barag: Slanu 8 t0ok Place ir 0t this S °n the 5th and 6tl no s month. * An ad WaS chaired b Jaa>es V. Debt ^ Polisher, ncan Homw d co 'S ( Home Pul; -Pany. The 198 Federation Updates 1998 Federation Woman of the Year, Julia Zalar, catered the formal banquet of over five hundred guests at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue. Former Federation Man of the Year, Most Rev. A. Edward Pevec. Auxiliary Bishop of Cleveland, cocelebrated Mass with Dr. Franc Rode. Archbishop of Ljubljana, and fellow area Slovenian priests at St. Vitus Church, and with Most Rev. Anthony M. Pilla, Bishop of Cleveland, at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist. Federation Historian Joseph F. Petrie, Jr. was the banquet decorator and served as a lector for the liturgy at the cathedral. The Greater Cleveland Knights of Columbus Luncheon Club jointly honored Bishop Pevec and Most Rev. A. James Quinn as “Catholic Man of the Year" at Lander-haven in Mayfield Hts., on September 30. The Federation of Slovenian National Homes was instrumental for initiating contacts with the former government officials of Slovenia, Yugoslavia, to establish a Consulate in Cleveland. They were successful with their negotiations and many bridges of relationships were built. After the motherland became known as the Republic of Slovenia, a local retired Cleveland State University Professor of Economics was named as Flonorqry Consul of Slovenia in Cleveland. This was Dr. Karl B. Bonutti, a stranger to no one. Dr. Bonutti served the community well, as well as the Republic of Slovenia. His diplomatic expertise was recognized by government officials in Slovenia and he was summoned to that country. Confirmation followed shortly thereafter that Dr. Bonutti was appointed as Ambassador of Slovenia to the Vatican. His nomination was accepted by Pope John Paul II. We are veD’ happy about this appointment because we have a friend in Rome, one of our community’s distinguished fellow Slovenians. OCTOBER, 1998 October 14 was a sad day for all polka lovers. Frank Yankovic, long reigning Polka King, expired at his home in New Port Richey, Florida. He was 83. Mr. Yankovic was the 1969 Federation Man of the Year. Flis love of polka music and its promotion world wide will live forever in the hearts of everyone his happy music touched Frank came home to Cleveland, where his interment took place. National and local news media covered the funeral, which took place at St. Mary of the Assumption Church on Holmes Avenue in the Collinwood area.. Frank, we will never forget you - Just Because! On Saturday evening, October 24. the Lorain Slovenian Club, located at 3114 Pear! Avenue in Lorain, celebrated its 75th anniversary with a gala dinner dance attended by more than 250 members, friends and representatives of the Federation. Helen UYnas. a director of the Home and longtime recording secretary of the Federation, thanked everyone for their support. NOVEMBER, 1998 The Federation purchased tickets to Tony. Petkovsek’s Thanksgiving Polka Party ’98, as well as did the member Homes. We are very grateful to Tony for his media coverage and attendance at many events held at various Homes during the year, especially the personal coverage of the annual Federation banquet and interviews of the main honorees. DECEMBER, 1998 The Federation promoted and participated in a reception sponsored by Cleveland State University for Slovenian artists Ivan and Irene Jurjevič, who specialize in Slovene folk painting on glass. Their exhibit was called Windows to Heaven and was open from December 4 to 19, 1998. An invitation was received from the Slovenian American Heritage Foundation to attend the St. Nicholas feast celebration at Borromeo Seminary with Most Rev. A. Edward Pevec. The Federation made a $100 donation to the bishop’s recommended Food Shelter charity, and its representatives participated in the Mass and reception that followed. Traditional Slovene Christmas carols were sung by the Glasbena Matica chorus to a gathering of more than 300 people. Past President Patricia A. Ipavec Clarke, her husband Townsend, and their children, along with grandparents Charles and Ruth Ipavec represented the Federation. Other representatives attended and gave organizational and personal offerings, too. The Federation placed its annual Christmas season greetings to the community as well as its affiliate mem bers in the American Home publication. At the close of every year, we gather for our annual Christmas party. It was hosted by President Anthony Mannion at the Newburgh Slovenian National Home No. 2 on E. 80 Street, where an enjoyable holiday supper celebrating the season was had, and the 1999 class of honorees for Slovenians of the Year was introduced. The following individuals were introduced that evening: Federation Woman of the Year - Patricia Ipavec Clarke; Federation Man of the Year - Joseph F. Petrie. Jr.; West Park - Joseph R. Tomazic, Jr.; East 80th -Katie Kawczynski; St. Clair - Emilee J. Jenko; Slovenian Society Home, Recher Ave. -Harry H. Brule; Slovenian Workmen’s Home, Waterloo - Celeste Frollo; Lorain -Frank Renusi; Fairport Harbor - Rose Bradack; Collinwood — Stanley J. Erzen; Barberton - Joseph Okolish. A standing ovation w'as given to all the honorees. Before the conclusion of the festivities, the annual Christmas collection to the Slovene Home for the Aged began. This is done in lieu of a holiday gift exchange, which has been the traditional practice, with a matching gift amount from the Federation. JANUARY, 1999 On January 6, George V. Voinovich, 1974 Federation Man of the Year, was sworn in as a United States Senator from Ohio by Vice President A1 Gore in the Senate Chamber of the United States Capitol. The only other Slovenian in the past who was Slovenian was Frank J. Lausche, who like Voinovich was a former Cleveland Mayor and Ohio Governor. Federation Past President Patricia Ipavec Clarke and Executive Secretary Charles Ipavec attended the ceremony along with Tony Petkovšek, 1967 Federation Man of the Year, and Joey Tomsick, a previous award honoree. They were joined by other well wishers from the Slovenian community. Congratulations, Senator Voinovich! Every year for the past 19 years, including this edition, the Federation has coordinated the talents of writing and salesmanship of advertising space for the Special Edition tabloid, which updates the history of each Slovenian Home and Honoree of their choice. Many hours are exhausted in composition exploiting the volunteer hours which have helped to save by now mil- C9 FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOMES lions of dollar for our Slovenian Homes, plus the many organizations, individuals, and the business community who support and believe in our institutions by purchasing the various size ads expressing best regards to all. We must not forget the team effort of the American home staff, who labCT laying out the columns of copy and ads to achieve a quality product for the Federation of Slovenian National Homes to be proud of, and acknowledge the coordination of details to all editors from each Home with Madeline and James V. Debevec and Federation Historian Joseph F. Petrie, Jr. Please, if you do not have a subscription to the American Home, why not sign up today and give your support to the best Slovenian weekly in town. Don’t forget to patronize our advertisers; they support us annually in this edition. We acknowledge the media for coverage of this important event, especially, on the radio: Tony Petkovšek, Ed Bucar, and Paul Lavrisha; the newspaper coverage: Our Voice (AMLA), Glasilo (KSKJ), Prosveta (SNPJ), plus the local newspapers in the metropolitan communities of Cleveland. Before concluding, we acknowledge the host Home of this 1999 banquet: the Slovenian Home Society of Collinwood. Let us pause for a moment and remember all of our dear members who have gone before us and who have left behind their individual marks of accomplishment, which have sustained their respective Slovenian Homes during their time on earth. It is a legacy for future generations who will do the same through the example of sacrifice and belief in these institutions called Slovenian National Homes. Another episode has been written and another episode begun to record the endless story about the Federation of Slovenian National Homes and the Slovenian people. Na svidenje! It’s 6001L To Be SLOVENIAN! AMERICAN HOME, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCI-1, 1999 \MFRI( AN HOME FEIXERA FION SFA TION, MARCH W9 Newburgh's Big 80th The germ of the idea to have a HOME actually started in 1917. A meeting chaired by Joseph Blatnik was held May 27, 1917 at Mike Piute's hall on E. 81 Street. The purpose was to discuss the need for a hall to served the people in the fastgrowing community of NEWBURGH. Many residents of Newburgh, along with representatives of several fraternal lodges, were present at that first meeting. The group decided to act. A vote was taken in favor of building a new hall. The first bcsrd of directors was elected to spearhead the movement. The first board included John Lekan, president; John Andolsek, secretary; Joseph Vercek, treasurer; and Jacob Resnik, recording secretary. No time was wasted in getting the ball rolling. A name was selected: SLOVENSKI NARODNI DOM. Incorporation papers were filed on July 24 and the first certificates were issued by November 16, 1917. The first shareholders meeting was held in January of 1918 and an official board of directors was elected. A year later, in January of 1919, land was purchased at the present site, 3563 E. 80 Street. The cornerstone was placed on October 19, 1919, and the sponsors christening the building were Jacob Jan-cher (“boter”) and Mary Kužnik (“botra”). What a dream these founders had. And with hard work their dream became a reality! The “Eightieth Anniversary Celebration will be the weekend of November 5, 6 and 7 (Friday, Saturday and Sunday). This will be a great celebration in Newburgh! • The year 1998 was a year to behold. The task of surviving was overwhelming. The board of directors, along with the many volunteers, worked very hard at keeping the Home alive. A great many dinners were held in the Clubroom, all of them very well attended. 50-50 raffles, a daily pay-off lottery held three times a year, rummage sales, polka bashes, Mother’s Day breakfast, Woman of the Year, Clambake, all were necessary and helped defray the costs of maintaining the Home. The bowling alley leagues are down. Moonlight bowling events are held by the Club itself, by AMLA Lodge 20, Laurentian Athletic Club, and several families have parties and bowling. United Parcel Service has several functions throughout the year utilizing the bowling lanes and clubroom. The Youth Bowling League is held on Saturday mornings. Katie Kawczynski, our Lady of the Year for 1999, is secretary of the league. In fact, you wiii tind our Slovenian Lady of the Year along with her five daughters volunteering their services at all of the special events that are held throughout the year. The youngsters feel very much at home and consider the hall their NASH. As young as they are. they have many fond memories. Too bad it won’t be available to them as they become adults. Katie really deserves the honor of being Newburgh’s Slovenian Woman of the Year. How proud her grandparents Tony and Anna Pelko would be of Katie, just as her family is, including her aunts and uncles and cousins. The rentals of the Hall are very good. They include weddings, anniversaries, birthday parties, dances, after proms, etc. These revenues really are a tremendous help. • This January sadness again struck our home. Josephine (Vercek) Sever passed away after a long illness. Josephine (Sophie) was a very staunch supporter of the Nash. She and her sister Eleanor and cousin Hattie were known as the “Birdie” ladies, as they made the best Birdies (Slovenian: Ptičke) around. These were made for picnics, bowling tournaments, parties, bake sales - they were everywhere. Mrs. Sever (I always called her that) working in the kitchen at the Nash catering many, many functions. She never could say NO and she never tired. And after working in the kitchen, you would always see her having a dance or two. Mrs. Sever was a former member of the board of directors, along with her husband Frank and their daughters Sienna and Lois. All of the Sever family were on the board at one time or another. We know that Mrs. Sever is up in the beyond reunited with her friends and loved ones, organizing something, FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOMES and looking down on us and praying for us. Hvala lepa. Sophie. Also in January tragedy struck the Nash itself. During the cold blizzard of January 4, 1999, a pipe burst in the main hall and caused much water damage to the main hall floor and to the downstairs bowling alleys. Bids are out now and we’re waiting for the final evaluation from the insurance company. It is a great problem - what a way to start off the new year! Our next FISH FRY will be March 26, next Friday, in the clubroom. Music will be by Wayne Tomsic. Serving will be from 5:30 to 8:00. Walleye or Shrimp or Pierogies. The donation is $7.00. For reservations, call 341-6136. Following events are: POLKA BASH Sunday, Mav 2 Mother’s Day Breakfast Sunday, May 9 Slovenian Woman of the Year Sunday, May 23 Rummage Sale, July 6, 7 and 8 Night at the Races September 11 Clambake Sunday, October 24 Eightieth on E. SO^1 November 5, 6 and 7 We have many other events throughout the year; keep watching the American Home and listening to Tony Petkovšek. See you on Sunday, March 21, at the Federation of Slovenian National Homes annual banquet honoring the Federation’s Slovenian Man of the Year Joseph F. Petrie, Jr. and the Slovenian Woman of the Year Patricia Ipavec Clarke. Two very deserving people. Also the honorees from all of the halls, who are very important to their respective institutions. Congratulations to each and every one of them! The Slovenian Home is your Home away from home. When was your last visit Home? Na svidenje, Anna Mae Mannion Designs of Plečnik resurface in Slov. by Michael Z. Wise Progresive Architecture March, 1994 The late Slovenian architect who insoired Post-Modernists a decade ago emerges as a symbol for his newly independent homeland. Nearly half a century after Yugoslav Communists shelved architect Jože Plečnik’s plan for a cone-shaped Slovene parliament, the bizarre design has been resurrected - on paper, at least. The image of his monumental building now adorns Slovenian postage stamps and appears in section on banknotes issued by the tiny country that broke with the rest of Yugoslavia in 1991. Meanwhile, when Slovenian diplomats moved into a new consulate in midtown Manhattan this past September, they sought a distinctive way of decorating the reception area. Two Plečnik-designed lamp-posts taken from one of his newly restored bridges in the Slovene capital of Ljubljana provided the solution. The symbolic attention being accorded Plečnik in the two-year-old independent state represents a rare convergence of culture and politics; a posthumous triumph for an eccentric figure who sought to use the beauty and grandeur of architecture to instill in his countrymen a sense of their own dignity. The Slovenes’ rediscovery of Plečnik follows a series of exhibitions of his work that have traveled through Western Europe and the United States over the last decade. A student of the Viennese fin-de-slčcle master Otto Wagner, Plečnik emerged to forge his own idiom based on deep knowledge of the classical past. The architect’s model of the parliament, dubbed by Plečnik a “Cathedral of Freedom,” has become the centerpiece of the new Architectural Museum of Slovenia in Ljubljana. “The rediscovery of his plans for a Slovene parliament became a symbol for a common Slovene home,” said Culture Minister Sergij Pelhan in an interview. Several of Plečnik’s buildings in Ljubljana have recently been restored, including the Three Bridges at the heart of the city and Zale, the complex of 14 funeral chapels built alongside the main cerneter' and entered through a Pr0 pyleum recalling Palladio. Mavor Jože Strgar says t e city plans to construct covered bridge over the Lju jantca kwz, -----------Ji*^ ,n Plečnik’s designs, next year_ In 1947 Plečnik designed' ^ parliament building to h°u* the National Assembly Slovenia, then part of munist Yugoslavia. , The design found some ^ mirers, but according t0 current vice president ot Slovene National Asser'l.ose Lev Kreft, such a grand' ^ structure would have alar^ federalist leader Marshal ! and the Slovene leader5 shrank from foll°'vl |{ through. A more *lUlI'{I| building in white and 6{ marble, with bronze scU^Ljj|t of workers and socialist re murals, was built in 195 • Plečnik died in ^ g lamenting that he was * a into the dusk,” replaced * new generation of Mod who admired the prcV international style. . # “They wanted to hide f ample,” Peter Krečič, ^^ of the architectural muS said of the Comm authorities. “But young^ ^ pie were curious a^°-.(-ted work. Because he was rel^ a he became even more legend.” ^ When independence ,£ achieved after a 10-daY against Yugoslav e rgs< forces, an unofficial co ^ j,, of emigre Slovenes r^1 ^ June, 1991 and urged tn ^ moment had arrived ^ parliament building realized. ,, sa^: “The idea still liveS’ ficjali Krečič. But Slovenian ^1 give little sign that ' f{(il I become a reality ami budgetary restraints-Culture Minister Fe the existing parliamc1' ^ Slovenia’s needs at p'v sent. "Our primary c° ¥ that Plečnik’s build»™ ol,( preserved as Parj*fifj heritage,” he said. ^ gests that perhaps it tH really matter vvhcI t cone-topped parlian1 looms over Ljubljan l£) should not turn >' .jof1' Tower of Babel Mth^ ambitions and pain- Thanks to PadJC f formerly o/ submitting this CULTURE A Way of Life at Slovenian Homes The Singing Society Jadran is a long valued member of the cultural family at the Slovenian Workmen’s Home on Waterloo Road. BUTTON BOXERS like the ones from Lorain (left) and Fairport (bottom left) are regular performers at area Slovenian Homes. The Lorain Slovenian Accordionists Assn, holds an annual jam session each spring, in addition to appearing throughout western Ohio and eastern Pennsylvania. The Fairport Ensemble, formerly known as the Fair-port Button Box Players, recently cut its first album and performs at the Faiport American-Slovenian Club every other Thursday. It also appears each Wednesday at the Swiss Haus in Madison. Other Slovenian Home button box groups include the Holmes Avenue Buttonaires from Collinwood; the Maple Heights Button Box Club; the West Park Button Box Players; and the newly-formed Euclid Slovenian Society Home Button Box Players. Pay the Homes a visit soon and enjoy the music of the button boxers. At the Slovenian Society Home, Cecelia Valencie Dolgan, one of the most popular Slovenian-American singers, is a regular guest with her SNPJ Circle 2 Youth Choir. The group recently performed in Florida and hold its annual concert at the Euclid Home Cecelia is pictured performing at a benefit for the Slovene Home for the Aged. AMERICAN HOME FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH 1999 In Memory of Born Nov. 14,1895 Senator Frank J. Lausche America’s Greatest Slovenian An Inspiration to All! The Frances and Jane S. Lausche Foundation