Larisa VRHUNC NA ROBU TIŠINE za ansambel / for ensemble Marina Cvetajeva (prevod Tone Pavček, zbirka Lirika) Iz cikla UČENEC Vsa veličastnost trobent ‐je samo šepetanje trav ‐pred teboj. Vsa veličastnost neviht ‐je samo ščebetanje ptic ‐pred teboj. Vsa veličastnost kril ‐je samo trepetanje vek ‐pred teboj. 23. april 1921 Legenda Partitura v C (le piccolo je transponiran). B μ četrt tona dol / gor. Predznaki veljajo za ves takt razen pri četrt tonih (velja za vsako noto posebej). Dodanih je nekaj opozorilnih predznakov. - - - - postopna sprememba načina igre. tr~ ~ ~ poltonski triler. ~ ~ ~ ~ barvni triler (1/4 tona ali manj). ¬ zrak / dušena struna / meh - vedno zvok kot dih brez višine. pihala air tone zelo sapast ton z določeno višino. T + æ zelo hiter tremolo med obema višinama. M multifonik, ki vsebuje označeno višino. harm gliss F (rog ) zveneč alikvotni niz. gliss. z ustnicami (= portamento; neprekinjena počasna sprememba višine - razen kjer je posebej označeno "fingered (= s prsti)" ). harmonika gliss.: zelo počasno spuščanje tipke. T + æ zelo hiter tremolo med obema višinama. klavir # začetek: tremolo med vedno istima dvema strunama (f-g) z glasbenimi vilicami, roko premikamo gor / dol po struni; spreminjanje mesta dotika vilice s struno povzroči glissando. · zadušiti označeno struno z desno roko, igrati na klaviaturi z levo roko. ¿ pizz. - trzniti struno s prstom. zaključek: kot na začetku - z glasbeno vilico ista dejavnost; tokrat zraven še postaviti litrski kozarec za vlaganje na igrane strune in ga premikati (z rahlim pritiskom) gor in dol vzdolž strun, prav tako glasbene vilice (izogibati se vzporednemu gibanju). godala pont. = sul ponticello; tasto = sul tasto; c.l.b.= col legno battuto; ric. = ricochet. pressure (scratch) zelo močan pritisk loka, rezultat je škripajoč zvok brez določene višine. Glissandi naj bodo vedno majhni in počasni, razen pri pizz. ali ric., kjer naj bodo hitri in veliki. * ric. (t.58) IV. struna c.l.b - nič žime, samo les; neprestano majhni gliss.; igrati z zgornjim delom loka, neprekinjeno odskakovanjez akcenti v označenem ritmu (lahko je improviziran na enak način). Hitrost odskokov naj bo približno enaka tolkalom. vla začetek: rahli dotiki IV. strune na poljubnih mestih (ambitus cμ -e). Rezultat so zvoki kot dihanje na različnih višinah (struno zadušimo) in ne zveneči flaggeoleti. Performance notes Score in C (only piccolo is transposed). B μ quarter-tones down / up. Accidentals are valid for the whole measure except in the case of quarter-tone (valid only for the note). Some cautionary accidentals are added. - - - - gradual change of playing mode. tr~ ~ ~ half-tone trill. ~ ~ ~ ~ timbral trill (1/4 tone or less). ¬ air / muted string / bellows - always breath-like sound with no pitch. woodwinds air tone tone of very breathy quality with definite pitch. T + æ very fast tremolo between the two pitches. M multiphonic including indicated pitch. harm gliss F (horn ) sounding harmonic series. gliss. with lips (= portamento; continuous slow pitch bend - except where "fingered" is specified). accordeon gliss.: releasing the key very slowly. T + æ very fast tremolo between the two pitches. piano # beginning: oscillate (tremolo) with a tuning fork between the same two strings (f-g) while moving the hand up / down along the string; changing the place of touch produces a glissando. · mute the indicated string with the right hand, play on the keyboard with the left hand. ¿ pizz. - pluck the string with a finger. ending: as in the begining - do the same action with the tuning fork; this time place a one liter jar on the strings played and move it (with light pressure) up and down along the strings as well as the tuning fork - avoid paralel motion. strings pont. = sul ponticello; tasto = sul tasto; c.l.b.= col legno battuto; ric. = ricochet. pressure (scratch) very strong pressure of the bow, the result is scratchy sound without exact pitch. The glissandi should always be small and slow except by pizz. or ric. where they should be fast and wide. * ric. (m.58) IVth string c.l.b - no hair, only wood; permanent small gliss.; play with the upper part of the bow, continuous bouncing with accents in the given rhythm (can be imprvised in the proposed manner). The bouncing speed should be similar to the percussion. vla beginning: light random touches of the IVth string (within cμ -e). The result should be breath-like sounds of different pitch (the string is muted) not the sounding harmonics. Lista tolkal / Percussion list Percussion I /Crotales/ metal _œcardboard œ œœœ œœœ œ œ œœ _ _œ œœœ====================== =================== œ œ 4 Cow bells 4 Woodblocks Vibra slap Suspended cymbal Snare drum Maracas * 6 boxes Percussion II /Vibraphone/ metal _œ cardboard œ œœœ œ œ œœ ============================= _ œ Guiro Slide whistle Vibra slap Suspended cymbal * 6 boxes * različne manjše škatle, 3 kovinske (od čaja ali podobne manjše) in 3 kartonske (ali lesene ali steklenice) different smaller boxes, 3 metallic (tea or other smaller) and 3 cardboard (or wood or bottles) Postavitev / Position*popolnoma odstraniti pokrov klavirja; pihala sedijo za klavirjem take off thepiano lid completely; the woodwinds sit behind the piano Ob. Cl. Hn. Bsn. *Pno. Vla. Acc. Perc.1 Perc.2 Picc. Eb Cl. Vln.1 Vc.1 Vc.2 Vln.2 B.Cl. A.Fl. Conductor Na robu tišine Larisa Vrhunc q»¶™ (2007) Piccolo &c∑∑∑ ∑ ∑ Clarinet in Eb&c∑∑∑ ∑ ∑ 4 Woodblocks & 4 Cowbells pletilke / knitting needles pressure Violin 1 quasipCello 1 Oboe &c Clarinet in Bb&c &c Horn in F Bassoon ?c z vilicami gor in dol med označenima strunama - spreminjati mesto dotika strun with the tuning fork up and down between the indicated strings - change the position of contact with the strings Piano *P P ° sempre z nohtom po mehu with the nail on the bellows key noise - poljubne tipke (bele in črne) Accordion F -random keys (white and black) dotiki IV. strune na poljubnih mestih znotraj ambitusa (legato) random touches of string IV within the ambitus (legato) Viola Bc Alto Flute &c ?c Bass Clarinet Vibraphone pletilke / knitting needles (do t. 28 / until m. 28) Percussion 2 & c Violin 2 &c Cello 2 ?c *vsi instrumenti naj zvenijo enako tiho - generalna dinamika je zelo nežna, krhka / © LVTC2007 all the instruments should sound equally quiet - the overall dynamic level is very gentle, fragile 6 7 Picc. & fltz. 3 air tone Eb Cl. &∑∑ ∑ ∑‰Ó Perc. 1 5 tasto Vln. 1 pont. * vsi glissandi naj bodo jasno slišni, vendar ne preglasni / all the glissandi should be clearly audible but not too loud Vibra slap Cow bell Wood block Vibra slap Perc. 1 legato sempre harm. gliss. C fingered legato sempre fingered +singing +petje Pno. handles of soft Susp. cymbal vibra mallets œ. Perc. 2 Vibra slap Susp. cymbal Susp. cymbal (handles of soft n Vibraphone Vibra slap æ @ vibra mallets) (s počasnim spuščanjem tipke slowly lifting the key) * Acc. zveni oktavo višje kot zapisano (t. 46-75) / sounds octave higher than written (m. 46-75) legato sempre legato sempre pletilke / knitting needles 3 kovinske (čaj...) & 3 kartonaste (ali drugo) škatle različnih višin 3 metallic (tea...) & 3 cardboard (or other) boxes of different pitch Perc. 1 3 simile3 33 Vln. simile 3 kovinske (čaj...) & 3 kartonaste (ali drugo) škatle različnih višin 3 3 metallic (tea...) & 3 cardboard (or other) boxes of different pitch *c.l.b sempre - v označenem ritmu / rhythm indicated; hitrost odbojev ca. 32-tinke / bouncing speed ca 32-nds; počasen / slow gliss. sempre - ambitus do ca 5 nad odprto struno / within ca 5th above the open string; samo les, nič žime / only wood, no hair; sprememba loka na 1-2 dobi / bow change every 1-2 beats vilice - kot na začetku (do t. 93: med najbližjima dvema višinama, med katerima so strune malo bolj narazen - da je več prostora za tremolo) tuning fork - as in the beginning (until m. 93: between the nearest two pitches whose strings are somewhat further apart - to have more space for the tremolo) *P klavir naj zveni enako glasno kot godala / the piano should sound equally loud as the strings (s počasnim spuščanjem tipke ? slowly lifting the key) j Snare drum - snares on Susp. cymbal opraskniti z ročajem / scrape with the handle teeth on reed poco gliss. sempre slow wire brush Susp. cymbal Pno. & ? ˙b π Vse note na klaviaturi igrati z levo roko, strune dušiti z desno, v kateri ves čas držimo tudi vilice. Kozarec lahko ostane na strunah, premika ga leva roka. / Play all the notes on the keyboard with the left hand, mute the strings with the right hand, which also constantly holds the tuning fork. The jar can remain on the strings, it is moved by the left hand. z vilicami kot na začetku + kozarec na strunah - premikati vilice in kozarec vzdolžno po strunah with the tuning fork as in the beginning + jar - move the tuning fork and the jar along the strings gliss. -čim počasnejši -as slow as possible gliss. -čim počasnejši -as slow as possible œb gliss. -čim počasnejši -as slow as possible wb gliss. -čim počasnejši -as slow as possible soft mallets œb (Vibraphone) Picc. Eb Cl. Perc. 1 Vln. 1 Vc. 203 Whistle tones 37 dušene note lahko s pedalom, normalne secco / muted notes can be played with the pedal, normal ones secco 5 Ó Œ‰ * œ u.c. secco π ¥ ® ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑