Scientific paper Syntheses, Crystal Structures and Thermal Behaviour of Novel L-Alanine Halogenide Compounds Michel Fleck,a'* Christian Lengauer,a Ladislav Bohatyb and Ekkehart Tillmannsa a Institut für Mineralogie und Kristallographie, Universität Wien, Althanstr. 14, A-1090 Vienna, Austria b Institut für Kristallographie, Universität zu Köln, Zülpicher Str. 49b, D-50674 Cologne, Germany * Corresponding author: E-mail: Received: 02-04-2008 Dedicated to the memory of Professor Ljubo Golic Abstract Two new L-alanine compounds (alanine alaninium triiodide (1), s.g. P2j2j2j, a = 8.366(2) À, b = 8.912(2) À, c = 41.889(8) À and alanine Sra2 3H2O (2), s.g. P21, a = 8.540(2) À, b = 7.1^7(1) À, c = 8.769(2) À, ß = 95.02(3)°) have been prepared and characterised by X-ray single crystal analysis. The crystal structure of (1) features the presence of two independent molecules of alanine, alaninium and triiodide, respectively, in the asymmetric unit, with a very strong hydrogen bond between the carboxylate groups of alanine and alaninium. Compound (2) is composed of infinite zig-zag chains of [SrO7Cl]-polyhedra, with alanine molecules and chloride ions in the interstices. By the study of the thermal behaviour of (1) via thermogravimetry and temperature resolved X-ray powder diffraction it was found that the compound is stable up to approx. 363 K and that the thermal expansion along c is only about 1/3 compared to a and b. Keywords: Alanine, crystal structure, amino-acid, coordination compounds, thermal properties 1. Introduction The chemical flexibility of amino acids is the main reason for the large variety of compounds resulting from reactions of amino acids with inorganic salts, acids or hydroxides. In the past, we have systematically investigated such compounds of glycine1'2 (and references 'herein). Here the neutral glycine molecule as a constituent of crystal structures with inorganic salts usually adapts the zwitterionic form, with the dissociated carboxyl group and protonated amino group. However, glycine can also act as cationic (glycinium) or anionic (glycinate) constituent in corresponding systems. In addition, degrees of conformational flexibility concerning a rotation of the carboxyl group around the C-C-bond increase the variety of crystal structures in this large family of compounds. We have now focused on compounds of L-alanine as the smallest possible chiral amino acid, CH3NH2 CHCOOH or its zwitterionic form, CH3(NH3)+CH(COO)-(Fig. 1). The chirality of L-alanine enforces non-centrosym-metry of crystal structures of its compounds. This is an important aspect in addition to the above mentioned chemical and conformational flexibility (both of which are valid for alanine as well) for the search for new non-centrosymmetrical materials with certain desired physical properties, such as in the field of non-linear optics.3 Considering the chemistry, a very large number of inorganic alanine, alaninium or alaninate compounds (further abbreviated as alaH for CH3NH2CHCOOH, alaH2 for CH3(NH3)+CHC00H and ala for CH3NH2CHCOO-, respectively) is conceivable. A search through the crystallo-graphic data banks (CSD4, PC-PDF5) revealed over 280 alanine compounds. However, in most of these substances alanine is combined with other organic molecules. Only 33 compounds of alaH, alaH2 or ala with inorganic materials, including racemates, were found,. As expected, most of the DL-alanine compounds are centrosymmetric, only one of them is non-centrosymmetrical: DL-alaH CdCl26, as well as DL-alanine7 itself. In this work, we present the crystal structures of two new alanine halogenide species, L-alanine alaninium triiodide, (alaH)(alaH2)l3 (1), s.g. P212121 and L-alanine SrCl^ ■ 3H2O, (alaH) SrCl^ ■ 3H2O (2), s.g. P21. of L-alanine and SrQ2 2H2O with stoichiometric mixture of the constituents (1:1) in colourless crystals in size of up to a few millimeters. Hs-^J-C-H, H 32 '43 H 31 33 Figure 1. Alanine as the smallest chiral amino acid in its zwitteri-onic form (left), numbering scheme used throughout this work. In (1), atoms from different moieties are labelled a,b,c,d. 2. Experimental 2. 1. Syntheses The crystals of (alaH)(alaH2)I3 (1) were obtained at room temperature by slow evaporation of an aqueous solutions of L-alanine with a surplus of dilute hydroiodic acid. A partial decomposition of the hydroiodic acid during the crystallisation period of several weeks yielded the triiodide anions as constituents of (1). (alaH) SrCl2 ■ 3H2O (2) crystallised at room temperature from an aqueous solution 2. 2. Structure Determination and Refinement Single-crystal X-ray intensity data of the title compounds were collected at 293 K on a Nonius Kappa dif-fractometer with CCD area detector, using Mo ^a-radia-tion (À = 0.71073 À). The intensity data were processed with the Nonius programme suite DENZO-SMN7 and corrected for Lorentz, polarisation, background and absorption effects.9 The crystal structures were determined by automatic Patterson method and subsequent Fourier and difference Fourier syntheses, followed by full-matrix least-squares refinements on F2.10 In (2), the hydrogen atoms could be located from the difference Fourier map. In the case of (1), the location of the hydrogen atoms was not straightforward (because of the presence of heavy iodine atoms). However, each of the linear triiodide anions I3- needs a positive alaninium group in the structure. Non-H atoms were treated anisotropically, H atoms isotropically and unrestrained. The refinements converged at ^-values of 0.019 and 0.028. Crystal data, details of the measurements and the refinements are given in Table 1. Further details of the crys- Table 1. Crystal data and details of the intensity measurements and structure refinements for compounds (1) and (2). (1) (alaH)(alaH2)I3 (2) (alaH)SrCl2-3H2O Formula C6H15I3N204 C3H13Cl2NO5Sr Mr 559.90 301.66 Habitus, colour Prism, purple Prism, colourless Crystal size, mm3 0.2 X 0.2 X 0.1 0.14 X 0.08 X 0.08 Crystal system Orthorhombic Monoclinic Space group P212121 P21 a, À 8.366(2) 8.540(2) b, À 8.912(2) 7.1670(10) c, À 41.889(2) 8.769(2) ß, deg - 95.02(3) V, À3 3123.2(12) 534.7(2) Z 8 2 Temperature, K 293 293 Đcalc, g cm-3 2.382 1.874 ^(MoKa), cm-1 6.004 5.529 F(000), e 2048 300 hklrange ±11, ±12, ±59 -11/12, -8/10, ±12 Refl. Measured 28863 2687 Refl. Unique 9442 2628 ^int 0.0287 0.000 Refined Parameters 393 162 R(F) (for Fo>4o(Fo)) 0.0276 0.0190 wR(F2) (all reflections) 0.0528 0.0491 Flack parameter11 -0.009(18) 0.008(5) GooF (F2) 1.019 1.038 Residue max / min, e À-3 0.69 / -0.77 0.44 / -0.59 Table 2. Selected intramolecular distances [À], angles and torsion angles [°] of the alanine moities for compounds (1) and (2). Different moieties within (1) are labelled a, b, c, and d. Distances C1-O1 C1-O2 C1-C2 C2-C3 C2-N4 (1)a 1.270(4) 1.221(4) 1.518(4) 1.508(7) 1.484(4) (1)b 1.280(4) 1.224(4) 1.512(5) 1.513(6) 1.489(5) (1)c 1.275(4) 1.229(4) 1.518(4) 1.522(5) 1.494(4) (1)d 1.279(4) 1.219(4) 1.522(5) 1.503(6) 1.488(5) (2) 1.253(3) 1.257(3) 1.522(2) 1.523(3) 1.486(3) Angles O1-C1-O2 C1-C2-C3 C1-C2-N4 C3-C2-N4 O2-C1-C2-N4 (1)a 126.6(3) 112.6(4) 109.3(3) 109.9(3) -171.4(3) (1)b 125.9(3) 109.9(3) 107.9(3) 109.9(3) -166.0(3) (1)c 126.7(3) 110.4(3) 108.7(3) 110.6(3) 166.1(3) (1)d 126.0(3) 110(2) 108.0(3) 110.7(4) -179.0(3) (2) 124.1(2) 109.2(2) 110.1(2) 109.9(2) 156.7(2) Table 3. Sr-O-distances [À] and calculated bond-valence sums of the cations for compound (2). Compound (2) Sr-O1w 2.521(2) 0.336 Sr-O1 2.593(2) 0.277 Sr-O2w 2.602(2) 0.270 Sr-O2 2.604(2) 0.269 Sr-O2 2.613(2) 0.262 Sr-O3w 2.686(2) 0.215 Sr-O1 2.849(2) 0.139 Sr-Cl 12.8910(9) 0.334 mean 2.67 2.10 v.u. Table 4. Hydrogen bonds in compounds (1) and (2). D-H-A d(D-H) 1 d(H"-A) d(D"A)