11 Elodea nuttalii (Planch.) H. St. John, Myosotis laxa Lehm. and Pyrus austriaca Kern., new for Slovenia, as well as other floristic records g e r g e l y K i r á l y 1 , a t t i l a M e s t e r h á z y 2 , Br a N K o B a K a N 3 1 Fő u. 127, H-9462 Völcsej, Hungary; gkiraly@emk.nyme.hu 2 Kinizsi u. 16, H-9500 Celldömölk, Hungary; zvezda@freemail.hu 3 Ravenska 3, SI-9231 Beltinci, Slovenia; branko.bakan@skavt.net Abstract: Present study discusses Elodea nuttalii, Myosotis laxa and Pyrus austriaca found as new species for the Slovenian flora. Authors describe the difficulties of the identification, occurrence and habitat characteristics of these species in the territory of Slovenia. In addition field records of further interesting taxa (Aegilops triuncialis, Artemisia verlotiorum, Crepis setosa, Fumaria officinalis subsp. wirtgenii, Senecio inaequidens) are also published. Izvleček: V pričujočem prispevku so vrste Elodea nuttalii, Myosotis laxa in Pyrus austriaca navedene kot nove za ozemlje Slovenije. Avtorji opozarjajo na težave pri identifikaciji teh vrst, obravnavajo njihovo razširjenost in značilna rastišča v vzhodnem delu Slovenije. V članku so predstavljene tudi nekateri drugi zanimivi taksoni: Aegilops triuncialis, Artemisia verlotiorum, Crepis setosa, Elodea nuttalii, Fumaria officinalis subsp. wirtgenii, Senecio inaequidens. 1 Introduction In 2007 three short field excursions were executed by the authors in the northern part of Slovenia (surroundings of Maribor and Prekmurje region). Data of three species new for Slovenia and further 5 interesting taxa are presented. The nomenclature follows the work of Ma r t i n č i č & al. (1999) and the taxa are listed in alphabetical order. Localities were described and as an estimation of geographic position, MTB grid was used. Voucher specimens collected during the field studies can be found in the private herbaria of the authors and each new species for the Slovenia flora is represented by a voucher deposited in LJU. 2 Results Aegilops triuncialis L. 9459/2 Slovenija: Štajerska, Maribor, main railway station, between the railway tracks in ruderal weed associations, accompanied by Geranium purpureum, Microrrhinum littorale, Senecio inaequidens (A. Me S t e r h á z y & G. Ki r á l y ined., 2007) In Slovenia formerly this species was known exclusively from the Adriatic Coast (NW part of Istria) (j o g a n ap. Ma r t i n č i č & al. 1999, j o g a n 2001). In Croatia (j á v o r K a 1925, ni K o l i ć 2007) is it only known from the Adriatic coast. Hladnikia 20: 11-15 (2007) 12 Artemisia verlotiorum Lamotte 9463/1 Slovenija: Prekmurje, Dokležovje, south of the settlement close to the River Mura, on the bank of a gravel-pit, a clone of about 2 m 2 (G. Ki r á l y , A. Me S t e r h á z y & B. b a K a n , ined., 2007) An adventive species originated from East Asia, which has several localities in Slovenia (see W r a B e r ap. Ma r t i n č i č 1999, j o g a n 2001), but has not been recorded in the territory of Prekmurje yet (b a K a n 2006). It also occurred in Austria (f i S c h e r & al. 2005) and Croatia (P a n d ž a & al. 2001), interestingly it has no data from Hungary so far. Crepis setosa Haller f. 9363/4 Slovenija: Prekmurje, Lipa – Beltinci, near the road, in ruderal association (B. b a K a n , ined., 2007) 9463/1 Slovenija: Prekmurje, Melinci, on the bank of a gravel-pit, west of the settlement, in dry weed association (G. Ki r á l y , A. Me S t e r h á z y & B. b a K a n , ined., 2007) From the northern part of Slovenia the only so far published records are along the Drava River (j o g a n 2001), neither b a K a n (2006) found it in the territory of Prekmurje. In W est Hungary it is a spreading weed, it exists mainly in dry ruderal associations, on stubbles. Elodea nuttalii (Planch.) H. St. John 9261/1 Slovenija: Slovenske Gorice, Muretinci and Stojnci, River Drava, south of the settlements, accompanied by E. canadensis (A. Me S t e r h á z y , ined., 2007) 9465/3 Slovenija: Prekmurje, Benica, south-east to the settlement in a distance of 2 km, along the part of the River Lendava running on the frontier, in the company of Elodea canadensis, Nuphar lutea, Potamogeton crispus, P. nodosus, P. pectinatus (G. Ki r á l y & A. Me S t e r h á z y , ined., 2007) An invasive macrophyte, which appeared in the Carpathian Basin at the beginning of the 1990s for the first time, has already displaced the formerly established E. canadensis on several localities (St e t á K 2006). E. nuttalii differs from E. canadensis in the following characteristics: the leaves are narrower (linear or linear-lanceolate) and generally strongly recurvate and curled. Sometimes the leaves of E. canadensis are narrow but never recurvate. Neither the work of Ma r t i n č i č (19 9 9) n o r j o g a n (2001) report the occurrence of E . n u t t a li i f r o m Slovenia, as well as b a K a n (2006) mentions it only with a question-mark from the territory of the country. Its discovery was expectable as it exists in Hungary along the River Mura in several localities, in ox-bows and abandoned gravel-pits. It was expected to occur also along the Slovenian part of the River Mura. The point of interests of the Slovenian localities is the simultaneous occurrence of both Elodea species in the same place, since in Hungary always only one species can be found in each locality. Possibly E. nuttalii is a newly establishing species here, and in the future may displace the other Elodea species. Fumaria officinalis L. subsp. wirtgenii (Koch) Archangeli 9459/2 Slovenija: Štajerska, Maribor, in the south-eastern slopes of Mountain „Piramida”, in the gaps of a dry stone-wall (G. Ki r á l y , A. Me S t e r h á z y & B. b a K a n , ined., 2007) ge r g e l y Ki r á l y , a t t i l a M e s t e r h á z y , Br a n K o B a K a n : Elodea nuttalii (Planch.) H. ... 13 An insufficiently known representative of the Fumaria officinalis group, whose distribution range in most of the Central European countries is not cleared up. Although in Slovenia j o g a n (2001) published only one occurrence of this species, owing to Wr a b e r ap. Ma r t i n č i č ( 1999) this data needs to be revised. The specimen collected by us in Maribor bears all the diagnostic characteristics of the subspecies (see Wr a b e r ap. Ma r t i n č i č l.c., j ä g e r & We r n e r 2002, f i S c h e r & al. 2005): the inflorescence is loose (of about 20 flowers), sepals are about 1 mm wide and the colour of the flowers is pale wine. Myosotis laxa Lehm. [syn.: M. laxa Lehm. subsp. caespitosa (C. F. Schultz) Hyl., M. caespitosa C. F. Schultz) 9463/1 Slovenija: Prekmurje, Melinci, on the shore of a gravel-pit, west of the settlement, numerous specimens, accompanied by Alopecurus aequalis, Centaurium pulchellum, Eleocharis acicularis, Mentha pulegium, Veronica scutellata (G. Ki r á l y , A. Me S t e r h á z y & B. b a K a n , ined., 2007) 9463/4 Slovenija: Prekmurje, Razkrižje, on the shore of a larger gravel-pit, abundant (B. b a K a n , ined., 2007) Biennial species belonging to the Myosotis palustris group, which differs from the other Central European representatives by its furcated calyx divided half way to base at flowering and the short (<1,5 mm) style on the fruit (f a r K a S 1999, j ä g e r & We r n e r 2002, d i c K o r é ap. f i S c h e r & al. 2005). Although the bracts situated in the lower part of the inflorescence are also considered important characteristics by several authors (i.e. Si M o n 2000), these cannot be observed in all the specimens. In s o ó (1968) swamp meadows and tall sedge communities are given as typical habitats of this species. According to our experiences in West Hungary Myosotis laxa occurs more frequently on pioneer moist surfaces (such as clayey or gravely banks), where the covering of the vegetation is low. Although it has had no data from Slovenia so far, its discovery along the Mura is not surprising, and discovery of further localities is also expected. Formerly in West Hungary it was found in several places and the closest occurrence to the Slovenian border is situated near Kerkafalva (Ká r o l y i & al. 1970). Currently about 20 localities are known, mainly to the north of Szombathely, and also along the Drava (Ki r á l y & K i r á l y 2005) and Mura River (Ki r á l y & M e s t e r h á z y ined.). In Austria (Ma u r e r 1998) it was found in South Carinthia and in Burgenland, and its presence is probable even in Styria (d i c K o r é ap. f i S c h e r & al. 2005). The sites near Melinci and Razkrižje are similar to the ones in West Hungary; furthermore it is accompanied by the same plant species. Pyrus austriaca Kern. 9163/1 Slovenija: Prekmurje, Markovci, Hrvatin breg, 360 m s. m. in orchards with mowed grass, several old trees, next to P. communis (Ki r á l y & K i r á l y 1998, G. Ki r á l y & a. Me S t e r h á z y ined., 2007) Pyrus austriaca is a taxon of hybrid origin, whose range is limited to the eastern forefront of the Alps. According to some authors (i.e. t e r P ó 1958) it is a stable hybrid of P. nivalis and P. pyraster. It can be supposed that this species is an ancient cultivated taxon, since it exists Hladnikia 20: 11-15 (2007) 14 mostly in orchards and vineyards. Its identification is difficult, as it is not separated from P. nivalis whose former data in East Austria refer to P. austriaca probably (Ki r á l y 2000). According to the identification books (Si M o n 2000, f i S c h e r & al. 2005) P. austriaca differs from P. nivalis in its glabrous style. On the bases of our field experiences in Hungary they can be identified easily also in the vegetative period. P. austriaca can be a 15(-20) m high tree (P. nivalis is not taller than 5 m) and never develops root suckers (P. nivalis, and P. × pannonica, which is its primer hybrid with P. pyraster form large polycormons). Its leaves are generally at least 4-5 cm long (in case of P. nivalis the leaves are seldom longer than 4 cm), dark green, and have yellowish felt on its lower surface (the leaves of P. nivalis are pale green, with white felt). In orchards and roadsides of West Hungary and the Őrség region P. austriaca is not rare, it is a cultural relict connected to the extensive management forms. In the neighbouring territory of Slovenia, close to Markovci it was found in 1997 (see Ki r á l y 2000), its occurrence was confirmed in the same place also in 2007. Formerly in the territory of Slovenia only P. nivalis had been recorded in two different phytogeographic regions (Ma r t i n č i č ap. Ma r t i n č i č 1999) and j o g a n (2001) reports only one locality of this species. Although ši F t a r (2005) mentions further occurrences of P. nivalis from new localities, these undoubtedly refer to P. autriaca. In the northern part of Prekmurje, where extensive traditional orchards still exist, P. austriaca occurs certanly in several places. Senecio inaequidens DC. 9459/2 Slovenija: Štajerska, Maribor, main railway station, between the tracks in ruderal weed associations, in the company of Aegilops triuncialis, Geranium purpureum, Microrrhinum littorale (A. Me S t e r h á z y & G. Ki r á l y ined., 2007) South-African species spreading in Central Europe in west–east direction, and also from the Mediterranean northwards. Although by the end of the 1990s it reached Hungary (d a n c z a & K i r á l y 2000), at the beginning only sporadic populations were established in the surroundings of Győr and Budapest. Its first occurrence in Slovenia was detected by K a l i g a r i č (1992) at the coast of the Adriatic, in the boundary of Strunjan and Podpeč. P a v l e t i ć & t r i n a J s t i ć (1994) found it around oil-containers near Koper and along the Koper – Piran – Portorož highway, while according to Wr a b e r in Ma r t i n č i č (1999) it exists in the Istrian Peninsula and the neighbouring lower mountainous area. North of these sites no record can be found on the map of j o g a n (2001). Although it has been found in further localities since then (d a K S K o b l e r ex litt.), the occurrence of Maribor represents still a limit point of its range. 3 References B a K a n , B., 2006: Slikovni pregled višjih rastlin Prekmurja. Razvojni center, Lendava, 245 pp. d a n c z a , i. & G. 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