28. DECEMBER 2006 28 DECEMBER 2006 št./No 208 3 NACIONALNI RAČUNI NATIONAL ACCOUNTS št./No 2 TABELI PONUDBE IN PORABE, SLOVENIJA 2003 SUPPLY AND USE TABLES, SLOVENIA, 2003 Tabeli ponudbe in porabe sta del sistema input-output tabel, ki je sestavni del nacionalnih računov. V teh tabelah so podrobneje razčlenjeni račun proizvodov in storitev, račun proizvodnje ter račun oblikovanja dohodkov v sistemu nacionalnih računov. Supply and use tables are a part of the input-output system, which is an integral part of national accounts. They present a breakdown of goods and services account, production account and generation of income account in the system of national accounts. To so matrike, ki podrobno opisujejo domač proizvodni proces in transakcije proizvodov domačega gospodarstva. Prikazujejo strukturo proizvodnje, proizvodnih stroškov in dohodke, ustvarjene v proizvodnem procesu, tokove proizvodov in storitev, proizvedenih v okviru domačega gospodarstva, ter tokove proizvodov in storitev s tujino. Supply and use tables are matrices describing the domestic production process and transactions in products of the domestic economy in great detail. They show the structure of production, costs of production and incomes generated in the process of production, flows of goods and services produced within the domestic economy and flows of goods and services with the rest of the world. Tabeli ponudbe in porabe sta izhodišče sistema in podlaga za izdelavo simetričnih input-output tabel. Tabele se uporabljajo za analitične in različne statistične namene. Supply and use tables are the starting point of the system and a basis for the construction of a symmetric input-output table. The tables are used for analytical and various statistical purposes. V tej izdaji statističnih informacij objavljamo tabeli ponudbe in porabe za leto 2003. Prejšnji tabeli sta bili izdelani za leto 2002. V skladu z metodologijo Evropskega sistema računov (ESR 1995) in zahtevami za posredovanje podatkov Eurostatu tabeli izdelujemo vsako leto. In this issue of Rapid Reports we are publishing supply and use tables for 2003. Previous tables were prepared for 2002. According to the methodology of the European System of Accounts (ESA 1995) and to the requirements for the transmission of statistical data to Eurostat, the tables are compiled every year. Statistične informacije, št. 208/2006 2 Rapid Reports No 208/2006 1. Tabela ponudbe v osnovnih cenah s prehodom v cene kupcev, Slovenia 2003, tekoče cene, mio SIT Supply table at basic prices, including transformation into purchasers' prices, Slovenia 2003, current prices, mio SIT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 A B CA CB DA DB DC DD DE DF DG DH DI DJ DK DL DM SKD / NACE Rev.1 Dejavnosti / Industries CPA Proizvodi / Products Km eti jst vo , lo v, go zd ar stv o Ag ric ult ur e, hu nti ng an d f or es try Ri biš tvo Fis hin g Pr ido biv an je en er ge tsk ih su ro vin Mi nin g a nd qu ar ryi ng of en er gy pr od uc ing ma ter ial s Pr ido biv an je ru d i n k am nin , r az en en er ge tsk ih Mi nin g a nd qu ar ryi ng ex ce pt en er gy pr od uc ing m ate ria ls Pr oiz vo dn ja hr an e, pij ač , to ba čn ih izd . Ma nu fac tur e o f fo od pr od uc ts; be ve ra ge s an d t ob ac co Pr oiz vo dn ja tek sti lij; te ks tiln ih, kr zn en ih izd . Ma nu fac tur e o f te xti les an d t ex tile pr od uc ts Pr oiz vo dn ja us nja , u sn jen ih izd . Ma nu fac tur e o f le ath er an d l ea the r p ro du cts Ob de lav a i n p re de lav a l es a Ma nu fac tur e o f w oo d a nd w oo d p ro du cts Pr oiz vo dn ja vla kn in, pa pir ja; za lož niš tvo , tis ka rst vo Ma nu fac tur e o f p ulp , p ap er an d p ap er pr od uc ts; pu bli sh ing an d p rin tin g Pr oiz vo dn ja ko ks a, na ftn ih de riv ., jed rsk eg a g or iva Ma nu fac tur e o f c ok e, re fin ed pe tro leu m pr od uc ts an d n uc lea r f ue l Pr oiz vo dn ja ke mi ka lij, ke mi čn ih izd ., um etn ih vl. Ma nu fac tur e o f c he mi ca ls, ch em ica l pr od uc ts an d m an -m ad e f ibr es Pr oiz vo dn ja izd . iz gu me in pl as tič nih m as Ma nu fac tur e o f r ub be r a nd pl as tic pr od uc ts Pr oiz vo dn ja dr . n ek ov ins kih m ine ra lni h i zd . Ma nu fac tur e o f o the r n on -m eta llic m ine ra l pr od uc ts Pr oiz vo dn ja ko vin in ko vin sk ih izd . Ma nu fac tur e o f b as ic me tal s a nd fa br ica ted me tal pr od uc ts Pr oiz vo dn ja str oje v i n n ap ra v Ma nu fac tur e o f m ac hin er y a nd eq uip me nt n.e .c. Pr oiz vo dn ja ele ktr ičn e, op tič ne op re me Ma nu fac tur e o f e lec tric al an d o pti ca l eq uip me nt Pr oiz vo dn ja vo zil in pl ov il Ma nu fac tur e o f tr an sp or t e qu ipm en t 1 A Kmetijski, lovski in gozdarski proizvodi in storitve Products of agriculture, hunting and forestry 241.272 0 0 0 4.346 0 0 587 0 0 12 0 0 0 10 0 0 2 B Ribe in drug ribiški ulov, storitve za ribištvo Fish 0 1.816 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 CA Premog in lignit; šota; surova nafta in zemeljski plin; uranova in torijeva ruda Coal and lignite; peat; crude petroleum and natural gas; uranium and thorium 0 0 31.269 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 CB Rude in kamnine Metal ores and other mining and quarrying products 0 0 0 13.981 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 5.475 0 0 0 0 5 DA Hrana, pijače, tobačni izdelki Food products, beverages and tobacco 40.551 113 0 0 415.208 0 2.284 210 13 0 16.215 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 DB Tekstil, tekstilni in krzneni izdelki, oblačila Textiles and textile products 0 0 0 0 1.233 265.081 14.903 0 95 0 7 538 0 219 0 0 182 7 DC Usnje, obutev in usnjeni izdelki Leather and leather products 0 0 0 0 0 16 57.734 0 0 0 6 0 0 710 0 0 0 8 DD Les, leseni, plutovinasti, pletarski izdelki (razen pohištva) Wood and wood products 2.505 0 0 0 0 5 392 113.383 298 0 1 7.631 54 474 0 984 0 9 DE Vlaknine, papir in papirni izdelki; založniške in tiskarske storitve Pulp, paper and paper products; recorded media; printing services 129 0 0 0 0 1.177 3.162 692 270.639 0 3.318 3 285 0 0 2.306 289 10 DF Koks, naftni derivati, jedrsko gorivo Coke, refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 672 2.928 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 DG Kemikalije, kemični izdelki in umetna vlakna Chemicals, chemical products and man-made fibres 0 0 0 417 2.005 1.469 0 0 8 3.076 411.929 888 1.852 2.719 0 62 0 12 DH Izdelki iz gume in plastičnih mas Rubber and plastic products 0 0 0 0 6 647 963 4.805 587 3 7.346 184.040 900 5.000 3.969 3.966 1.614 13 DI Drugi nekovinski mineralni izdelki Other non metallic mineral products 0 0 0 1.036 0 0 0 0 67 0 5.127 4.109 128.988 3.779 0 1.878 0 14 DJ Kovine in kovinski izdelki Basic metals and fabricated metal products 0 0 0 0 0 102 232 375 0 0 10.923 5.741 726 564.665 22.987 7.643 8.698 15 DK Strojne naprave in oprema Machinery and equipment n.e.c. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 217 0 1.503 0 54.949 371.241 27.463 2.127 16 DL Električna in optična oprema Electrical and optical equipment 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 62 0 0 0 892 509 10.531 9.124 412.837 0 17 DM Vozila in plovila Transport equipment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.384 0 9.830 1.317 455 312.303 18 DN Pohištvo; drugi izdelki; reciklaža Other manufactured goods n.e.c. 0 0 0 0 0 2.982 164 6.627 0 0 1.684 32.127 0 6.639 51 1.780 5.870 19 E Električna energija, plin, para, voda Electrical energy, gas, steam and hot water 0 0 0 0 128 222 0 0 314 6 160 0 11 1.635 476 39 0 20 F Gradbeništvo Construction work 424 0 1.739 204 4 28 0 1.735 75 0 215 706 7.741 3.672 2.732 0 0 21 G Prodaja, popravila motornih vozil in izdelkov široke porabe Wholesale and retail trade services; repair services of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods 6.667 279 64 195 10.264 14.091 5.127 2.864 6.916 298 10.839 6.082 3.737 8.241 7.812 27.720 12.533 22 H Gostinske storitve Hotel and restaurant services 1.059 0 0 0 742 320 0 162 55 0 874 12 63 4.152 230 117 18 23 I Prometne, telekomunikacijske storitve Transport, storage and communication services 815 12 0 1.092 205 19 0 97 246 0 393 0 62 116 2 16 1.517 24 J Storitve finančnega posredništva Financial intermediation services 45 0 0 5 65 7 0 0 20 0 0 3 0 1.037 49 22 0 25 K Poslovanje z nepremičninami, dajanje v najem in poslovne storitve Real estate, renting and business services 895 6 441 100 2.272 477 43 395 6.765 81 1.380 412 303 2.595 999 7.508 714 26 L Storitve javne uprave, obrambe in obveznega socialnega zavarovanja Public administration and defence services; compulsory social security services 0 0 0 0 0 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 27 M Storitve izobraževanja Education services 11 0 16 0 0 5 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 N Storitve zdravstvenega in socialnega varstva Health and social work services 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 O Druge javne, skupne in osebne storitve Other community, social and personal services 51 0 0 0 16 56 0 0 548 0 239 10 0 67 162 66 1.842 30 P Zasebna gospodinjstva z zaposlenim osebjem Private households with employed persons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Skupaj proizvodnja Total output 294.424 2.226 33.529 17.030 436.494 286.737 85.004 131.994 286.658 4.365 473.599 248.081 150.706 681.054 421.161 494.862 347.707 CIF/FOB prilagoditev CIF/FOB adjustment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nakupi rezidentov v tujini Purchases of residents abroad 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Skupaj Total 294.424 2.226 33.529 17.030 436.494 286.737 85.004 131.994 286.658 4.365 473.599 248.081 150.706 681.054 421.161 494.862 347.707 Statistične informacije, št. 208/2006 Rapid Reports No 208/2006 3 1. Tabela ponudbe v osnovnih cenah s prehodom v cene kupcev, Slovenia 2003, tekoče cene, mio SIT (nadaljevanje) Supply table at basic prices, including transformation into purchasers' prices, Slovenia 2003, current prices, mio SIT (continued) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 DN E F G H I J K L M N O P Pr oiz vo dn ja po hiš tva , d r. pr ed . d ej. , re cik laž a Ma nu fac tur ing n. e.c . Os krb a z el ek trik o, pli no m, vo do El ec tric ity , g as an d w ate r s up ply Gr ad be niš tvo Co ns tru cti on Tr go vin a; po pr av ila m ot. vo zil in iz de lko v šir ok e p or ab e W ho les ale an d r eta il tr ad e; rep air of m oto r v eh icle s, mo tor cy cle s a nd pe rso na l a nd ho us eh old go od s Go sti ns tvo Ho tel s a nd re sta ur an ts Pr om et, sk lad išč en je in zv ez e Tr an sp or t, s tor ag e a nd co mm un ica tio n Fin an čn o p os re dn išt vo Fin an cia l in ter me dia tio n Ne pr em ičn ine , n aje m, po slo vn e s tor . Re al es tat e, re nti ng an d b us ine ss ac tiv itie s Ja vn a u pr av a, ob ra mb a, ob ve zn o so cia lno za va ro v. Pu bli c a dm ini str ati on an d d efe nc e; co mp uls or y s oc ial se cu rity Izo br až ev an je Ed uc ati on Zd ra vs tvo , s oc ial no va rst vo He alt h a nd so cia l w or k Dr ug e j av ne , s ku pn e i n o se bn e s tor itv e Ot he r c om mu nit y, so cia l a nd pe rso na l se rvi ce ac tiv itie s Za se bn a g os po din jst va z za po sle nim os eb jem Pr iva te ho us eh old s w ith em plo ye d p er so ns Sk up aj pr oiz vo dn ja To tal ou tpu t Uv oz c. i.f. Im po rts c. i.f. CI F/ FO B pr ila go dit ev C. i.f. /f.o .b. ad jus tm en t Sk up aj po nu db a v os no vn ih ce na h To tal su pp ly at ba sic pr ice s Tr go vs ke in tr an sp or tne m ar že Tr ad e a nd tr an sp or t m ar gin s Da vk i m inu s s ub ve nc ije na pr oiz vo de Ta xe s l es s s ub sid ies on pr od uc ts Sk up aj po nu db a v ce na h k up ce v To tal su pp ly at pu rch as er s' pr ice s 0 261 63 18.758 0 0 0 347 350 835 629 1.446 0 268.916 69.423 0 338.339 65.453 4.286 408.078 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.818 1.520 0 3.338 3.138 351 6.827 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31.281 39.520 0 70.801 12.207 3.524 86.532 0 0 10.297 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29.756 13.171 0 42.927 4.163 713 47.803 0 0 0 6.807 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 481.424 136.970 0 618.394 296.829 124.856 1.040.079 974 0 0 448 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 283.680 155.467 0 439.147 84.327 34.995 558.469 0 0 0 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 58.581 81.213 0 139.794 25.884 11.862 177.540 9.623 0 0 280 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 135.630 43.789 0 179.419 3.760 1.061 184.240 407 0 0 5.999 0 0 0 6.961 0 60 0 318 0 295.745 98.769 0 394.514 45.985 11.258 451.757 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.600 159.685 0 163.285 76.676 187.176 427.137 0 711 19 840 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 425.995 373.060 0 799.055 76.350 29.177 904.582 999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 214.845 116.483 0 331.328 24.954 2.147 358.429 2.295 0 28.498 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 175.777 72.129 0 247.906 53.002 4.353 305.261 1.749 0 2.199 15 0 0 0 1.144 0 0 0 0 0 627.199 382.946 0 1.010.145 75.269 5.317 1.090.731 0 588 497 30 0 0 0 2.792 0 0 0 0 0 461.407 319.185 0 780.592 74.086 16.809 871.487 125 79 0 48 0 4.250 0 5.713 0 0 0 0 0 444.176 353.714 0 797.890 82.232 22.338 902.460 0 0 0 34 0 1.083 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 328.406 386.927 0 715.333 95.160 65.612 876.105 175.053 0 0 274 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77 0 233.328 66.341 0 299.669 37.361 20.572 357.602 6 274.853 0 36 0 0 0 88 0 0 0 2.395 0 280.369 27.420 0 307.789 0 21.575 329.364 245 12.626 992.303 8.207 0 5.697 0 27.080 0 23 0 2.085 0 1.067.541 16.872 0 1.084.413 0 59.458 1.143.871 6.389 1.674 14.193 1.006.720 6.153 13.316 1.492 44.061 73 2.193 1.721 8.234 0 1.229.948 13.897 0 1.243.845 -1.083.307 14.925 175.463 87 258 3.028 21.404 229.161 4.380 0 1.186 0 4.415 8.943 8.102 0 288.768 21.893 0 310.661 0 28.252 338.913 427 584 3.730 14.361 508 801.069 0 1.072 0 215 15 1.209 0 827.782 138.735 -102.774 863.743 -53.529 17.467 827.681 418 62 2.549 1.520 12 10.854 369.785 442 271 203 126 0 0 387.495 20.625 -5.409 402.711 0 10.724 413.435 349 2.619 5.828 48.090 2.004 27.203 1.597 1.206.706 242 10.536 2.831 13.958 0 1.347.349 117.350 0 1.464.699 0 38.415 1.503.114 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 254 523.532 16 74 17 0 524.004 4.209 0 528.213 0 0 528.213 0 0 0 64 177 164 0 2.505 2 354.029 320 15 0 357.320 2.248 0 359.568 0 3.672 363.240 0 0 0 0 1.713 0 0 623 0 3.030 383.365 0 0 388.731 0 0 388.731 0 734 389.465 199 12.774 2.197 625 4.054 70 0 4.846 15 547 2.049 287.506 0 317.939 9.771 0 327.710 0 23.313 351.023 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.336 1.336 0 0 1.336 0 0 1.336 199.345 307.089 1.065.401 1.134.677 243.865 868.086 372.874 1.305.820 524.485 376.102 400.073 325.362 1.336 11.520.146 3.243.332 -108.183 14.655.295 0 764.942 15.420.237 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -108.183 108.183 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 116.144 0 116.144 0 0 116.144 199.345 307.089 1.065.401 1.134.677 243.865 868.086 372.874 1.305.820 524.485 376.102 400.073 325.362 1.336 11.520.146 3.251.293 0 14.771.439 0 764.942 15.536.381 Statistične informacije, št. 208/2006 4 Rapid Reports No 208/2006 2. Tabela porabe v cenah kupcev, Slovenija 2003, tekoče cene, mio SIT Use table at purchasers' prices, Slovenia 2003, current prices, mio SIT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 A B CA CB DA DB DC DD DE DF DG DH DI DJ DK DL DM SKD / NACE Rev.1 Dejavnosti / Industries CPA Proizvodi / Products Km eti jst vo , lo v, go zd ar stv o Ag ric ult ur e, hu nti ng an d f or es try Ri biš tvo Fis hin g Pr ido biv an je en er ge tsk ih su ro vin Mi nin g a nd qu ar ryi ng of en er gy pr od uc ing ma ter ial s Pr ido biv an je ru d i n k am nin , r az en en er ge tsk ih Mi nin g a nd qu ar ryi ng ex ce pt en er gy pr od uc ing m ate ria ls Pr oiz vo dn ja hr an e, pij ač , to ba čn ih izd . Ma nu fac tur e o f fo od pr od uc ts; be ve ra ge s an d t ob ac co Pr oiz vo dn ja tek sti lij; te ks tiln ih, kr zn en ih izd . Ma nu fac tur e o f te xti les an d t ex tile pr od uc ts Pr oiz vo dn ja us nja , u sn jen ih izd . Ma nu fac tur e o f le ath er an d l ea the r p ro du cts Ob de lav a i n p re de lav a l es a Ma nu fac tur e o f w oo d a nd w oo d p ro du cts Pr oiz vo dn ja vla kn in, pa pir ja; za lož niš tvo , tis ka rst vo Ma nu fac tur e o f p ulp , p ap er an d p ap er pr od uc ts; pu bli sh ing an d p rin tin g Pr oiz vo dn ja ko ks a, na ftn ih de riv ., jed rsk eg a g or iva Ma nu fac tur e o f c ok e, re fin ed pe tro leu m pr od uc ts an d n uc lea r f ue l Pr oiz vo dn ja ke mi ka lij, ke mi čn ih izd ., um etn ih vl. Ma nu fac tur e o f c he mi ca ls, ch em ica l pr od uc ts an d m an -m ad e f ibr es Pr oiz vo dn ja izd . iz gu me in pl as tič nih m as Ma nu fac tur e o f r ub be r a nd pl as tic pr od uc ts Pr oiz vo dn ja dr . n ek ov ins kih m ine ra lni h i zd . Ma nu fac tur e o f o the r n on -m eta llic m ine ra l pr od uc ts Pr oiz vo dn ja ko vin in ko vin sk ih izd . Ma nu fac tur e o f b as ic me tal s a nd fa br ica ted me tal pr od uc ts Pr oiz vo dn ja str oje v i n n ap ra v Ma nu fac tur e o f m ac hin er y a nd eq uip me nt n.e .c. Pr oiz vo dn ja ele ktr ičn e, op tič ne op re me Ma nu fac tur e o f e lec tric al an d o pti ca l eq uip me nt Pr oiz vo dn ja vo zil in pl ov il Ma nu fac tur e o f tr an sp or t e qu ipm en t 1 A Kmetijski, lovski in gozdarski proizvodi in storitve Products of agriculture, hunting and forestry 70.570 51 0 7 82.181 3.246 6.274 14.823 47 0 375 8.653 217 679 126 776 1 2 B Ribe in drug ribiški ulov, storitve za ribištvo Fish 7 64 0 0 553 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 3 CA Premog in lignit; šota; surova nafta in zemeljski plin; uranova in torijeva ruda Coal and lignite; peat; crude petroleum and natural gas; uranium and thorium 304 0 14 2 705 321 437 477 6.716 1.206 1.422 264 1.990 4.840 254 200 105 4 CB Rude in kamnine Metal ores and other mining and quarrying products 464 4 294 1.731 215 1 0 9 0 0 4.747 6 7.182 1.441 14 599 0 5 DA Hrana, pijače, tobačni izdelki Food products, beverages and tobacco 25.849 303 32 104 113.898 1.014 111 1.078 899 0 3.565 690 693 4.555 1.388 1.267 105 6 DB Tekstil, tekstilni in krzneni izdelki, oblačila Textiles and textile products 1.378 6 296 134 697 164.554 1.724 383 1.371 15 1.805 12.218 879 2.462 2.180 2.340 4.520 7 DC Usnje, obutev in usnjeni izdelki Leather and leather products 290 2 127 59 480 688 36.653 962 217 4 393 5.198 524 937 1.232 541 323 8 DD Les, leseni, plutovinasti, pletarski izdelki (razen pohištva) Wood and wood products 3.096 6 408 40 332 197 112 28.246 4.564 0 1.349 4.751 1.234 2.795 543 702 1.132 9 DE Vlaknine, papir in papirni izdelki; založniške in tiskarske storitve Pulp, paper and paper products; recorded media; printing services 3.069 53 149 335 13.357 2.140 598 2.033 105.526 12 15.406 2.537 2.331 4.290 5.390 8.106 1.629 10 DF Koks, naftni derivati, jedrsko gorivo Coke, refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel 15.691 94 295 1.238 5.761 2.036 601 2.231 4.745 747 3.480 1.975 6.681 7.113 3.082 3.964 1.464 11 DG Kemikalije, kemični izdelki in umetna vlakna Chemicals, chemical products and man-made fibres 9.011 3 124 428 4.792 5.063 6.906 5.371 11.760 1.156 141.722 46.502 2.738 6.664 11.164 5.111 1.129 12 DH Izdelki iz gume in plastičnih mas Rubber and plastic products 382 5 233 58 11.915 581 2.119 1.743 1.516 0 8.535 30.914 1.233 4.063 16.311 31.624 53.278 13 DI Drugi nekovinski mineralni izdelki Other non metallic mineral products 763 0 852 406 4.357 67 0 2.469 145 0 4.615 2.827 34.200 7.175 11.967 4.739 2.326 14 DJ Kovine in kovinski izdelki Basic metals and fabricated metal products 1.279 14 2.666 380 7.173 2.201 1.855 6.078 3.082 0 17.581 10.921 4.497 307.901 97.190 71.154 44.664 15 DK Strojne naprave in oprema Machinery and equipment n.e.c. 4.938 9 2.600 553 3.263 1.817 720 1.303 2.721 7 2.306 4.543 2.094 15.533 46.761 5.688 4.610 16 DL Električna in optična oprema Electrical and optical equipment 193 0 163 44 614 369 0 397 879 0 1.085 510 1.647 7.195 48.885 142.277 23.170 17 DM Vozila in plovila Transport equipment 596 16 0 29 107 6 16 138 16 0 69 1.979 122 596 1.555 3.043 129.830 18 DN Pohištvo; drugi izdelki; reciklaža Other manufactured goods n.e.c. 45 7 10 1 251 101 141 100 100 0 97 96 30 9.295 76 113 345 19 E Električna energija, plin, para, voda Electrical energy, gas, steam and hot water 2.051 20 1.269 719 5.119 3.755 865 3.560 5.063 14 8.668 5.304 6.379 23.220 5.392 3.893 2.492 20 F Gradbeništvo Construction work 3.651 3 1.031 791 1.257 43 4 1.500 555 0 1.041 393 3.899 1.824 666 1.929 78 21 G Prodaja, popravila motornih vozil in izdelkov široke porabe Wholesale and retail trade services; repair services of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods 3.477 172 79 114 2.822 824 635 1.370 4.395 8 4.192 2.597 944 3.239 1.301 4.622 614 22 H Gostinske storitve Hotel and restaurant services 777 17 43 70 1.708 504 231 779 1.572 9 2.107 958 450 4.013 1.676 1.999 160 23 I Prometne, telekomunikacijske storitve Transport, storage and communication services 3.603 39 200 1.713 12.208 5.891 1.496 4.231 12.137 146 13.524 6.284 5.670 18.515 12.712 12.304 7.194 24 J Storitve finančnega posredništva Financial intermediation services 2.277 57 768 289 4.393 3.298 910 2.154 3.543 39 6.426 3.364 2.251 8.647 5.423 6.344 1.950 25 K Poslovanje z nepremičninami, dajanje v najem in poslovne storitve Real estate, renting and business services 9.099 128 2.097 653 21.272 7.123 2.069 5.290 18.442 56 31.407 12.163 3.776 17.772 13.562 19.809 9.930 26 L Storitve javne uprave, obrambe in obveznega socialnega zavarovanja Public administration and defence services; compulsory social security services 301 9 42 91 762 177 68 154 674 0 533 423 290 747 900 1.243 129 27 M Storitve izobraževanja Education services 131 8 71 14 498 366 91 180 294 0 412 436 95 572 495 715 144 28 N Storitve zdravstvenega in socialnega varstva Health and social work services 2.474 6 69 12 576 108 27 109 173 1 1.346 128 83 672 317 299 128 29 O Druge javne, skupne in osebne storitve Other community, social and personal services 867 71 200 34 1.410 635 126 355 1.038 5 2.026 1.088 398 1.789 917 1.381 788 30 P Zasebna gospodinjstva z zaposlenim osebjem Private households with employed persons 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Skupaj vmesna potrošnja / končna potrošnja Total intermediate consumption / final consumption 166.633 1.167 14.132 10.049 302.676 207.126 64.789 87.523 192.190 3.425 280.234 167.722 92.527 468.544 291.479 336.793 292.238 Nakupi rezidentov v tujini Purchases of residents abroad 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nakupi nerezidentov na domačem trgu Purchases of non-residents at home 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Skupaj Total 166.633 1.167 14.132 10.049 302.676 207.126 64.789 87.523 192.190 3.425 280.234 167.722 92.527 468.544 291.479 336.793 292.238 Sredstva za zaposlene Compensation of employees 32.463 581 21.159 3.411 77.588 65.660 18.906 31.516 60.349 1.006 85.854 43.396 32.600 131.100 84.946 108.471 36.671 Drugi neto davki na proizvodnjo Other net taxes on production -8.530 -6 -4.807 -18 10.198 385 323 870 4.194 117 5.606 1.457 1.921 4.326 2.470 3.287 1.999 Poraba stalnega kapitala Consumption of fixed capital 35.681 204 4.271 1.533 26.525 10.917 2.887 7.587 18.358 194 28.515 14.366 10.946 36.540 21.056 23.027 11.353 Poslovni presežek, neto Operating surplus, net 68.177 280 -1.226 2.055 19.507 2.649 -1.901 4.498 11.567 -377 73.390 21.140 12.712 40.544 21.210 23.284 5.446 Dodana vrednost v osnovnih cenah Total value added at basic prices 127.791 1.059 19.397 6.981 133.818 79.611 20.215 44.471 94.468 940 193.365 80.359 58.179 212.510 129.682 158.069 55.469 Proizvodnja v osnovnih cenah Total output at basic prices 294.424 2.226 33.529 17.030 436.494 286.737 85.004 131.994 286.658 4.365 473.599 248.081 150.706 681.054 421.161 494.862 347.707 Statistične informacije, št. 208/2006 Rapid Reports No 208/2006 5 2. Tabela porabe v cenah kupcev, Slovenija 2003, tekoče cene, mio SIT (nadaljevanje) Use table at purchasers' prices, Slovenia 2003, current prices, mio SIT (continued) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 DN E F G H I J K L M N O P Pr oiz vo dn ja po hiš tva , d r. pr ed . d ej. , re cik laž a Ma nu fac tur ing n. e.c . Os krb a z el ek trik o, pli no m, vo do El ec tric ity , g as an d w ate r s up ply Gr ad be niš tvo Co ns tru cti on Tr go vin a; po pr av ila m ot. vo zil in iz de lko v šir ok e p or ab e W ho les ale an d r eta il tr ad e; rep air of m oto r v eh icle s, mo tor cy cle s a nd pe rso na l a nd ho us eh old go od s Go sti ns tvo Ho tel s a nd re sta ur an ts Pr om et, sk lad išč en je in zv ez e Tr an sp or t, s tor ag e a nd co mm un ica tio n Fin an čn o p os re dn išt vo Fin an cia l in ter me dia tio n Ne pr em ičn ine , n aje m, po slo vn e s tor . Re al es tat e, re nti ng an d b us ine ss ac tiv itie s Ja vn a u pr av a, ob ra mb a, ob ve zn o so cia lno za va ro v. Pu bli c a dm ini str ati on an d d efe nc e; co mp uls or y s oc ial se cu rity Izo br až ev an je Ed uc ati on Zd ra vs tvo , s oc ial no va rst vo He alt h a nd so cia l w or k Dr ug e j av ne , s ku pn e i n o se bn e s tor itv e Ot he r c om mu nit y, so cia l a nd pe rso na l se rvi ce ac tiv itie s Za se bn a g os po din jst va z za po sle nim os eb jem Pr iva te ho us eh old s w ith em plo ye d p er so ns Sk up aj vm es na po tro šn ja To tal in ter me dia te co ns um pti on Izd atk i z a k on čn o p otr oš njo go sp od inj ste v Fin al co ns um pti on ex pe nd itu re by ho us eh old s Izd atk i z a k on čn o p otr oš njo N PI SG Fin al co ns um pti on ex pe nd itu re by N PI SH Izd atk i z a k on čn o p otr oš njo dr ža ve Fin al co ns um pti on ex pe nd itu re by go ve rn me nt Br uto in ve sti cij e v os no vn a s re ds tva in dr ag oc en os ti Gr os s f ixe d c ap ita l fo rm ati on an d v alu ab les Sp re me mb a z alo g Ch an ge s i n i nv en tor ies Izv oz f.o .b. Ex po rts f.o .b. Sk up aj ko nč na po ra ba To tal fin al us e Sk up aj po ra ba To tal us e 2.330 82 2.436 18.369 15.767 1.000 75 4.725 1.657 2.996 2.313 964 0 240.740 149.600 182 365 6.210 -747 11.728 167.338 408.078 0 0 0 252 742 0 0 130 6 58 43 597 0 2.463 4.029 293 0 0 0 42 4.364 6.827 101 55.484 2.398 471 63 3.324 0 2.658 6 440 662 164 0 85.028 824 0 0 0 646 34 1.504 86.532 830 1.080 25.226 106 189 180 0 1.182 62 70 115 1.053 0 46.800 987 0 0 0 -2.323 2.339 1.003 47.803 2.075 729 17.410 42.511 59.985 8.483 512 12.747 1.510 14.331 11.341 3.337 0 330.522 605.555 0 0 0 12.510 91.492 709.557 1.040.079 7.293 1.852 6.142 12.120 1.335 3.318 3.471 5.619 3.020 1.795 4.896 2.034 0 249.857 173.979 0 883 0 -292 134.042 308.612 558.469 5.283 484 1.962 2.450 271 611 351 1.270 292 387 497 423 0 62.911 64.039 0 0 0 10.513 40.077 114.629 177.540 29.476 312 16.479 1.632 37 303 1.288 2.193 9 147 239 559 0 102.181 2.301 0 0 0 3.248 76.510 82.059 184.240 4.291 1.983 5.701 16.587 1.764 5.085 6.065 19.356 16.676 7.282 4.482 9.311 0 265.544 67.675 2 55 0 1.225 117.256 186.213 451.757 2.629 19.608 31.435 12.763 2.712 64.615 1.313 13.327 4.880 3.289 3.515 3.660 0 224.944 206.372 0 0 0 -6.657 2.478 202.193 427.137 5.812 863 16.687 3.901 1.063 1.663 26 7.241 2.651 2.241 47.695 4.236 0 353.723 115.266 0 60.723 0 7.106 367.764 550.859 904.582 3.812 904 9.202 11.146 156 3.409 156 7.469 1 124 399 275 0 201.563 6.088 0 0 0 12.098 138.680 156.866 358.429 5.390 1.218 116.254 1.526 557 708 8 11.236 62 781 360 1.559 0 216.567 12.378 0 0 0 7.510 68.806 88.694 305.261 18.814 7.114 79.669 17.496 1.105 2.570 1.327 22.717 498 1.123 1.361 1.690 0 734.120 11.621 0 0 20.736 6.045 318.209 356.611 1.090.731 1.735 3.789 17.937 2.612 928 3.388 2 6.433 19.142 260 552 837 0 157.081 55.330 0 0 243.979 16.534 398.563 714.406 871.487 1.136 15.651 50.021 12.983 445 2.315 4.274 21.778 269 663 10.587 830 0 348.380 62.477 0 10.012 160.363 4.338 316.890 554.080 902.460 296 343 6.382 21.180 209 11.119 113 1.786 18.053 184 496 3.211 0 201.490 215.213 0 0 130.049 -6.898 336.251 674.615 876.105 9.885 68 242 898 240 78 148 1.211 969 464 352 1.129 0 26.492 95.340 0 0 32.521 -6.747 209.996 331.110 357.602 4.752 18.919 7.978 17.581 6.106 7.838 1.728 11.413 3.692 4.630 5.545 5.946 0 173.911 122.108 0 0 0 0 33.345 155.453 329.364 380 4.363 253.003 8.396 1.061 5.786 3.577 83.482 14.731 2.922 3.352 3.371 0 403.089 5.031 0 0 697.747 21.404 16.600 740.782 1.143.871 2.042 1.261 11.840 27.861 840 23.710 1.105 8.391 2.024 813 900 4.907 0 117.099 35.327 0 0 0 0 23.037 58.364 175.463 861 1.047 11.332 14.127 1.318 15.493 7.370 16.703 6.771 6.312 3.580 5.361 0 107.348 226.947 27 4.591 0 0 0 231.565 338.913 7.083 2.434 21.097 55.986 3.292 215.738 3.934 22.524 12.828 4.306 3.592 11.798 0 482.479 168.009 0 3.533 0 0 173.660 345.202 827.681 3.004 5.648 16.523 39.878 4.681 16.682 55.178 24.870 21.993 1.072 2.149 9.841 0 253.652 148.488 34 737 0 0 10.524 159.783 413.435 7.656 10.344 36.674 181.136 17.457 68.575 54.729 187.805 48.290 22.892 19.088 49.890 0 879.184 468.259 163 20.265 60.184 0 75.059 623.930 1.503.114 170 415 5.439 8.824 765 36.217 318 5.828 5.126 688 505 1.613 0 72.451 20.189 1.089 433.495 0 0 989 455.762 528.213 211 448 934 2.690 316 1.339 1.470 4.579 1.637 3.400 2.672 1.654 0 25.872 42.883 2.375 291.533 0 0 577 337.368 363.240 306 287 1.249 1.012 572 1.287 167 878 119 470 10.698 365 0 23.938 78.969 9.299 277.259 0 0 0 365.527 389.465 498 2.504 3.444 6.170 2.807 2.515 1.737 7.484 3.897 3.620 5.631 28.684 0 82.119 165.454 61.327 35.677 2.065 0 4.381 268.904 351.023 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.336 0 0 0 0 0 1.336 1.336 128.151 159.234 775.096 542.664 126.783 507.349 150.442 517.035 190.871 87.760 147.617 159.299 0 6.471.548 3.332.074 74.791 1.139.128 1.353.854 79.513 2.969.329 8.948.689 15.420.237 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 116.144 0 0 0 0 0 116.144 116.144 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -277.446 0 0 0 0 277.446 0 0 128.151 159.234 775.096 542.664 126.783 507.349 150.442 517.035 190.871 87.760 147.617 159.299 0 6.471.548 3.170.772 74.791 1.139.128 1.353.854 79.513 3.246.775 9.064.833 15.536.381 45.797 55.982 177.807 360.664 79.300 192.538 117.452 303.725 256.411 260.707 209.785 115.838 1.200 3.012.883 1.364 9.377 5.065 15.757 1.244 -8.613 7.469 5.660 10.637 10.244 8.944 8.427 0 99.367 10.453 61.494 32.471 84.941 15.814 98.833 34.053 188.896 67.665 16.024 18.883 24.461 0 907.948 13.580 21.002 74.962 130.651 20.724 77.979 63.458 290.504 -1.099 1.367 14.844 17.337 136 1.028.400 71.194 147.855 290.305 592.013 117.082 360.737 222.432 788.785 333.614 288.342 252.456 166.063 1.336 5.048.598 199.345 307.089 1.065.401 1.134.677 243.865 868.086 372.874 1.305.820 524.485 376.102 400.073 325.362 1.336 11.520.146 Statistične informacije, št. 208/2006 6 Rapid Reports No 208/2006 METODOLOŠKA POJASNILA METHODOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS NAMEN PURPOSE V tej publikaciji objavljamo tabeli ponudbe in porabe za Slovenijo, ki smo ju izdelali na podlagi podatkov za leto 2003. In this publication we are publishing supply and use tables elaborated on the basis of data for 2003. Objavljene tabele so del sistema input-output tabel, ki je v Evropskem sistemu računov (ESR 1995) sestavni del sistema nacionalnih računov. Izhodišče so tabele ponudbe in porabe, ki so sestavljene na podlagi podatkov iz različnih statističnih virov. Iz njih se nato lahko izvede simetrična input-output tabela. The published tables are a part of the input-output system, which forms in the European System of Accounts (ESA 1995) an integral part of the system of national accounts. The starting point are supply and use tables, which are constructed on the basis of the data from different statistical sources. From them the symmetric input-output table can be derived. Po določilih ESR 1995 za države članice EU so te dolžne za vsako leto izdelati tabele ponudbe in porabe, za vsako peto leto pa simetrične input-output tabele. Tabele je treba izdelati v treh letih po preteku obdobja. The requirements in ESA 1995 for the EU Member States define compilation of yearly supply and use tables and every five years a symmetric input-output table. The deadline for transmission of the tables for an individual year is three years after the end of the period. PODATKOVNI VIRI DATA SOURCES Za izdelavo tabel uporabljamo podatke iz naših statističnih raziskovanj in iz administrativnih virov. Uporabljamo podatke iz statističnih raziskovanj s področja kmetijstva, industrije, gradbeništva, trgovine, gostinstva, prometa in zvez, raziskovalne dejavnosti, turizma, investicij, iz ankete o porabi v gospodinjstvih, iz statističnega spremljanja cen, iz statistike nacionalnih računov, ekonomskih računov za kmetijstvo, podatke o uvozu in izvozu blaga iz zunanjetrgovinske statistike, podatke o zaposlenih iz statističnih raziskovanj ter iz registra delovno aktivnega prebivalstva in podatke iz poslovnega registra. Za izdelavo tabel je vsakih nekaj let izpeljano raziskovanje o strukturi porabe materialov in storitev ter o strukturi prihodkov za vse dejavnosti slovenskega gospodarstva. Rezultate tega raziskovanja preračunamo na vsako vmesno leto ter jih dopolnimo s podatki iz rednih letnih statističnih virov. Tako podrobno raziskovanje se namreč ne izvaja vsako leto, temveč le vsakih nekaj let. Administrativni viri pa zajemajo podatke iz zaključnih računov in bilanc podjetij in drugih organizacij, podatke o vplačanih in obračunanih davkih, podatke iz napovedi za odmero dohodnine za samostojne podjetnike ter podatke iz bilanc javnega financiranja. Poleg tega uporabljamo še podatke iz plačilne bilance o uvozu in izvozu storitev. For the compilation of the tables, we use the data from statistical surveys carried out by the Statistical Office and from administrative sources. We use data from the statistical surveys of agriculture, manufacturing, construction, trade, hotels and restaurants, transport, research activity, tourism, investments, the Household Budget Survey, statistical surveys of prices, national accounts statistics, economics accounts for agriculture, data on imports and exports of goods from external trade statistics, data on employment from statistical surveys and the Register of Employment, and data from the Business Register. For the compilation of the tables, the survey on the structure of costs of materials and services and the structure of output is carried out every few years. The results are recalculated to the interim years and supplemented by data from regular yearly statistical sources. Administrative sources include data from accounting statements and balance sheets of enterprises and other organisations, data on taxes, data from tax statements for non-incorporated enterprises and data from the government financial statistics. Furthermore, we use data from the balance of payments on imports and exports of services. POJASNILA TABEL EXPLANATIONS OF TABLES Tabele ponudbe in porabe ter simetrične input-output tabele so matrike, ki podrobno opisujejo domač proizvodni proces in transakcije proizvodov domačega gospodarstva. Pomenijo podrobnejšo razdelitev računa proizvodov in storitev, računa proizvodnje ter računa oblikovanja dohodkov v sistemu nacionalnih računov. Prikazujejo strukturo proizvodnje, proizvodnih stroškov in dohodke, ustvarjene v proizvodnem procesu, tokove proizvodov in storitev, proizvedenih v okviru domačega gospodarstva, ter tokove proizvodov in storitev s tujino. Supply and use tables and symmetric input-output tables are matrices describing the domestic production process and transactions in products of the domestic economy in great detail. They create a breakdown of goods and services account, production account and generation of income account in the system of national accounts. They show the structure of production, costs of production and incomes generated in the process of production, flows of goods and services produced within the domestic economy and flows of goods and services with the rest of the world. Tabela ponudbe prikazuje ponudbo proizvodov po vrstah proizvodov in po vrstah proizvajalcev za domačo proizvodnjo, posebej pa prikazuje po vrstah proizvodov tudi uvoz. V stolpcih ima razvrščene posamezne domače proizvodne dejavnosti ter uvoz, v vrsticah pa posamezne skupine proizvodov in storitev. Podatki so prikazani v osnovnih cenah, nato pa sledijo dodatni stolpci za prehod na kupčeve cene. Iz stolpca levega dela tabele je razvidno, kolikšno vrednost posameznih proizvodov je proizvedla določena dejavnost ter kolikšna je skupna vrednost proizvodnje te dejavnosti. Stolpci v desnem delu tabele pa prikazujejo strukturo uvoza, marž in neto davkov po posameznih vrstah proizvodov in storitev. Na koncu je dodano povečanje uvoza za individualne nakupe, ki so jih opravili rezidenti v tujini, ter CIF/FOB prilagoditev uvoza. Končni agregati v tabeli ponudbe prikazujejo skupno vrednost domače proizvodnje, uvoza ter ponudbe v osnovnih in kupčevih cenah v celotnem gospodarstvu. A supply table shows the supply of goods and services by products and by type of producers for domestic production and distinguishing separately imports by products. In columns it has individual domestic production activities and imports, while in rows it has individual groups of goods and services. It is compiled at basic prices, followed by additional columns for the transition to purchasers' prices. From individual columns in the left part of the table it is evident what value of individual products is produced by particular industry and what is the total value of production of this industry. Columns in the right part of the table then show the structure of imports, margins and net taxes according to individual types of goods and services. In the end, the addition to imports for individual purchases of residents abroad and CIF/FOB adjustment of imports is added. Final aggregates in the supply table show total value of domestic output, imports and supply at basic and at purchasers' prices in the whole economy. Tabela porabe prikazuje porabo proizvodov po vrstah proizvodov in po vrstah porabe, torej kot vmesno potrošnjo (razdeljeno po dejavnostih), končno potrošnjo, bruto investicije in izvoz. Poleg tega ta tabela prikazuje elemente dodane vrednosti: sredstva za zaposlene, druge davke, zmanjšane za subvencije na proizvodnjo, potrošnjo stalnega kapitala in neto poslovni presežek. Enako kot tabela ponudbe ima v stolpcih razvrščene dejavnosti, v vrsticah pa posamezne A use table shows the use of goods and services by type of products and by type of use, i.e. as intermediate consumption (by industries), final consumption, gross capital formation and exports. Furthermore, the table shows the components of value added: compensation of employees, other taxes less subsidies on production, consumption of fixed capital and net operating surplus. As the supply table, it has individual activities in columns and individual groups of goods and Statistične informacije, št. 208/2006 Rapid Reports No 208/2006 7 skupine proizvodov in storitev. Tabela porabe je prikazana v cenah kupcev. Posamezni stolpec levega dela tabele prikazuje strukturo vmesne potrošnje določene dejavnosti po vrstah proizvodov ter strukturo dodane vrednosti dejavnosti. Stolpci v desnem delu tabele pa prikazujejo sestavo kategorij končne potrošnje po vrstah proizvodov in storitev. V tabeli sta dodani vrstici popravkov za nakupe rezidentov v tujini ter nakupe nerezidentov pri nas. Nakupi rezidentov v tujini so v znesku poslovnih nakupov vključeni v vmesni potrošnji, v znesku zasebnih nakupov pa povečujejo končno potrošnjo domačih gospodinjstev. Nakupi nerezidentov pri nas zmanjšujejo končno potrošnjo gospodinjstev in povečujejo izvoz. Končni agregati v tabeli porabe prikazujejo skupno vrednost proizvodnje, vmesne potrošnje, dodane vrednosti, elementov dodane vrednosti in kategorij končne potrošnje v celotnem gospodarstvu. services in rows. It is compiled at purchasers' prices. Individual columns in the left part of the table show the structure of intermediate consumption of particular industry by the types of products and the structure of value added of this industry. Columns in the right part of the table show the structure of categories of final use by types of goods and services. In the table the rows for adjustments for individual purchases of residents abroad and non-residents at home are added. Purchases of residents abroad are in the value of business purchases included in the intermediate consumption and in the value of private purchases they enlarge final consumption expenditure of households. Purchases of non-residents at home lower final consumption expenditures of households and enlarge exports. Final aggregates in the use table show total value of production, intermediate consumption, value added, elements of value added and categories of final use for the whole economy. Dejavnosti, ki so v izdelanih tabelah ponudbe in porabe prikazane v stolpcih, so definirane kot skupine podjetij, ki imajo enako glavno dejavnost. Tako so dejavnosti nekoliko bolj raznovrstne – imajo več stranskih dejavnosti, kot če bi uporabili v ESR priporočeni pristop "enot enovrstne dejavnosti" ("KAU" - "kind of activity unit"), ta pa je v praksi težje izvedljiv. Za ta pristop smo se odločili glede na statistične vire, ki so nam bili na voljo. Industries, shown in columns, are in the prepared supply and use tables defined as groups of enterprises with the same principal activity. In this way industries are to some extent more heterogeneous than if we used the "kind of activity units" (KAU) approach recommended by ESA. However, this approach is more difficult to perform. We have decided for this approach because of the deficiencies of available data sources. Med tabelama ponudbe in porabe obstajata dve vrsti enakosti: There are two identities between supply and use tables: enakost po dejavnostih: proizvodnja dejavnosti = poraba dejavnosti; tako so vsote posameznih stolpcev v obeh tabelah enake; identity by industry: output by industry = inputs by industry; thus the sums of individual columns are the same in both tables; enakost po proizvodih: celotna ponudba proizvoda = celotna poraba proizvoda; tako so vsote posameznih vrstic v obeh tabelah enake. identity by product: total supply by product = total use by product; thus the sums of individual rows are the same in both tables. V skladu z določili ESR 1995 je za dejavnosti uporabljena klasifikacija NACE Rev.1 (oz. slovenska različica SKD - Standardna klasifikacija dejavnosti), za proizvode pa CPA (oz. slovenska različica CPA - Klasifikacija proizvodov po dejavnosti). Ti dve klasifikaciji sta med seboj popolnoma usklajeni: na vseh ravneh agregacije prikazuje CPA glavne proizvode dejavnosti po NACE Rev. 1. Tabele objavljamo na ravni 30 dejavnosti oz. skupin proizvodov. Izdelane so bile na ravni 60 skupin dejavnosti oz. proizvodov, v skladu z Eurostatovimi zahtevami za države članice EU. Pri sestavljanju tabel je bila raven podrobnejša, kolikor so jo za posamezne dele dopuščali podatkovni viri. In line with ESA 1995 definitions, the classification used for industries is NACE Rev. 1 (Slovene version SKD - Standard Classification of Activities) and for products CPA (Slovene version CPA - Classification of Products by Activity). These two classifications are completely harmonised: at all levels of aggregation the CPA shows main products of activities according to NACE Rev. 1. We publish the tables at the level of 30 industries and groups of products. Originally, they were compiled for 60 groups of activities and products, as it is the requirement of Eurostat for EU Member States. By the compilation of tables the level of detail was greater as much as it was possible for individual parts due to available data sources. Koncepti in definicije so enaki kot v ostalem sistemu nacionalnih računov. Concepts and definitions are the same as in the rest of the system of national accounts. DEFINICIJE DEFINITIONS Proizvodnja je vrednost proizvodov in storitev, proizvedenih v okviru proizvodne enote, od začetka do konca leta. Vključuje proizvodnjo, namenjeno za prodajo na trgu, proizvodnjo za lastno končno potrošnjo ter drugo netržno proizvodnjo (države, neprofitnih institucij gospodinjstev - NPISG). Vrednotena je v osnovnih cenah. Output is value of goods and services produced within the production unit from the beginning to the end of the year. It includes production for the sale on the market, production for own final use and other non-market production (of government, non-profit institutions serving households – NPISH). It is valued at basic prices. Osnovna cena je vrednost, ki jo prejme proizvajalec od kupca za enoto proizvedenega proizvoda ali storitve, od katere se odštejejo vsi davki, prištejejo pa se ji vse subvencije na proizvode, ki se nanašajo na to enoto. Basic price is the amount receivable by the producer from the purchaser for a unit of a good or service produced as output minus any tax on product payable, and plus any subsidy on product receivable referring to that unit. Kupčeva cena je vrednost, ki jo dejansko plača kupec za enoto nabavljenega proizvoda ali storitve. Od osnovne cene se razlikuje (je večja) za vrednost trgovskih in transportnih marž ter vrednost neto davkov (davki minus subvencije) na proizvode. Purchasers’ price is the amount actually paid by the purchaser for a unit of a good or service. It differs (is higher) from the basic price for the value of trade and transport margins and net taxes (taxes less subsidies) on products. Davki na proizvodnjo in uvoz vsebujejo dve glavni kategoriji: davke na proizvode in druge davke na proizvodnjo. Davki na proizvode so davki, ki se plačujejo na enoto določenega proizvoda ali storitve in se obračunajo, ko je blago proizvedeno, prodano ali uvoženo (davek na dodano vrednost, trošarine, uvozne dajatve in drugi posebni davki na proizvode ter transakcije). Drugi davki na proizvodnjo so davki na proizvodnjo, ki so neodvisni od količine ali vrednosti proizvedenih ali prodanih proizvodov in storitev. Taxes on production and imports consist of two major categories: taxes on products and other taxes on production. Taxes on products are taxes which are paid per unit of particular good or service and are paid when goods are produced, sold or imported (sales taxes, excise duties, import duties and other special taxes on products and transactions). Other taxes on production cover taxes on production, payable irrespective of the quantity or value of production. Enako kot davki se tudi subvencije delijo na dve glavni kategoriji: subvencije na proizvode in druge subvencije na proizvodnjo. Subvencije na proizvode so subvencije, ki se plačujejo na enoto proizvoda ali storitve. Plačujejo se lahko ob In the same way as taxes also subsidies are divided into two major categories: subsidies on products and other subsidies on production. Subsidies on products are subsidies which are paid per unit of good or service. They can be paid when the Statistične informacije, št. 208/2006 8 Rapid Reports No 208/2006 proizvodnji, prodaji ali uvozu proizvoda ali storitve. Druge subvencije na proizvodnjo vključujejo ostale subvencije, ki jih podjetje lahko dobi od države zaradi vključevanja v proizvodnjo. Subvencije se obravnavajo kot negativni davki. good or service is produced, sold or imported. Other subsidies on production consist of other subsidies enterprises can get from the government as a consequence of engaging in production. Subsidies are considered as negative taxes. Trgovske marže so vrednost outputa trgovcev na debelo in drobno. So razlika med prodajno vrednostjo trgovskega blaga in njegovo nabavno oz. nadomestitveno vrednostjo. V tabeli porabe, kjer so tokovi prikazani v cenah kupcev, so trgovske marže vključene pri porabah posameznih vrst proizvodov. V tabelah, kjer so tokovi vrednoteni v osnovnih cenah, pa so trgovske marže iz posameznih tokov izločene in prikazane v vrstici trgovinskih storitev. Trade margins are the value of output of wholesale and retail traders. They are the difference between the price realised on a good purchased for resale and its purchasing or replacement value. In the use table, where the flows are shown at purchasers’ prices, trade margins are included by the uses of individual types of products. In the tables where the flows are shown at basic prices, trade margins are separated from these flows and shown in the rows for trade services. Transportne marže so vrednost prevoznih stroškov, ki jih kupec plača posebej in so vključeni v kupčevo ceno proizvodov, ne pa tudi v osnovno ceno proizvajalca ali v trgovske marže trgovca na debelo ali drobno. Enako kot trgovske marže so v tabeli porabe, kjer so tokovi prikazani v cenah kupcev, transportne marže vključene pri porabah posameznih vrst proizvodov. V tabelah, kjer so tokovi vrednoteni v osnovnih cenah, pa so transportne marže izločene iz posameznih tokov in prikazane v vrstici transportnih storitev. Transport margins are the value of transport costs paid separately by the purchaser and included in purchasers’ price, but not also in basic prices of manufacturer or in trade margins of wholesale or retail trader. In the same way as by trade margins, in the use table, where the flows are shown at purchasers' prices, transport margins are included by the uses of individual types of products. In the tables where the flows are shown at basic prices, transport margins are separated from individual flows and shown in the rows for transport services. Vmesna potrošnja je vrednost proizvodov in storitev porabljenih kot inputov v procesu proizvodnje znotraj proizvodne enote. Ne vsebuje potrošnje stalnega kapitala. Vrednotena je v cenah kupcev. Intermediate consumption is the value of goods and services used as inputs into the process of production within the production unit. It does not include the use of fixed capital. It is valued at purchasers’ prices. Dodana vrednost v osnovnih cenah je enaka proizvodnji v osnovnih cenah, zmanjšani za vmesno potrošnjo v cenah kupcev. Sestavljajo jo sredstva za zaposlene, drugi neto davki na proizvodnjo, potrošnja stalnega kapitala in neto poslovni presežek, ki je rezidualna kategorija. Value added at basic prices is equal to output at basic prices less intermediate consumption at purchasers’ prices. It is composed of compensation of employees, other net taxes on production, consumption of fixed capital and net operating surplus, which is the residual category. Končna potrošnja je vsota izdatkov za končno potrošnjo posameznih institucionalnih sektorjev, bruto investicij ter izvoza. Final use is the sum of final consumption expenditures of individual institutional sectors, gross capital formation and exports. Izdatke za končno potrošnjo posameznih institucionalnih sektorjev sestavljajo izdatki za končno potrošnjo gospodinjstev, neprofitnih institucij gospodinjstev (NPISG) in države. Final consumption expenditures of individual institutional sectors are composed of expenditures for final consumption of households, non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH) and government. Bruto investicije sestavljajo bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva, neto nabave vrednostnih predmetov in umetnin ter spremembe zalog (proizvodov, nedokončane proizvodnje, surovin in materialov, trgovskega blaga). Gross capital formation comprises gross fixed capital formation, net acquisitions of valuables and changes in inventories (of products, unfinished production, materials, trading goods). Ponudba je seštevek domače proizvodnje in uvoza. Supply is the sum of domestic output and imports. Poraba je seštevek vmesne in končne potrošnje. Use is the sum of intermediate consumption and final use. IZDELAVA TABEL COMPILATION OF THE TABLES Metodološke značilnosti tabel so enake kot pri predhodnih tabelah za leta 2000- 2002. Tabeli ponudbe in porabe izhajata iz razpoložljivih statističnih podatkov, zato sta njihova struktura in izbira statistične enote odvisni od razpoložljivosti posameznih statističnih podatkov. Enako kot za predhodna leta smo za statistično enoto v tabelah ponudbe in porabe izbrali podjetje, ker je bilo tako mogoče uskladiti podatke iz različnih statističnih virov. Methodological characteristics of the tables are the same as for previous tables for 2000-2002. Supply and use tables are compiled from available statistical sources, therefore their structure and the choice of the statistical unit depends on the availability of individual statistical sources. The same as for previous years we have chosen enterprise as the statistical unit in the elaborated supply and use tables, because in this way it was possible to adjust data from different statistical sources. Izhodišče za izdelavo tabele ponudbe so podatki o proizvodnji iz posameznih panožnih statističnih raziskovanj; ta zajemajo v glavnem enote pravnih oseb, le v manjši meri tudi enote gospodinjstev. Podatki so bili prilagojeni definicijam ESR, dopolnjeni za zajetje ter usklajeni s podatki o proizvodnji iz administrativnih virov. Podatke o tistih storitvenih dejavnostih, ki niso zajete v statistična raziskovanjih, smo pridobili iz administrativnih virov. Te podatke smo dopolnili s podatki o strukturi proizvodnje podjetij; te smo jih izračunali na podlagi posebnega statističnega raziskovanja, s katerim pridobimo podatke za izdelavo tabel; izvajamo ga vsakih nekaj let. Tako nam je uspelo izločiti tudi ostale stranske dejavnosti, predvsem storitvene, ki jih opravljajo podjetja. Podatki o proizvodnji enot gospodinjstev, ki jih ne zajemajo statistična raziskovanja, temeljijo na podatkih iz administrativnih virov. Pri tem smo upoštevali korekcije zajetja enot in transakcij, opravljene v okviru nacionalnih računov. V tabeli smo upoštevali podatke iz ekonomskih računov za kmetijstvo ter iz obračuna proizvodnje za finančni sektor, nepridobitne institucije in sektor države, izdelane v okviru nacionalnih računov. The starting point for the preparation of the supply table were data on output from individual branch statistical surveys, which cover mainly legal units and to a smaller extent households units. Data were adjusted to the definitions of ESA, completed for coverage and reconciled with the data on output from administrative sources. Data for service activities which are not covered with statistical surveys were acquired from administrative sources. These data were supplemented with the data about the structure of output of enterprises, which were calculated on the basis of a special survey which is carried out for the construction of tables every few years. In this way we were able to separate also other secondary activities, in particular services which are carried out by enterprises. Data on output of household units which are not covered with statistical surveys are based on administrative sources. By this we considered adjustments for coverage of units and transactions elaborated within the national accounts. In the table we considered data from economic accounts for agriculture and calculation of output for the financial sector, non-profit institutions and general government sector compiled in national accounts. Podatke o uvozu in izvozu proizvodov smo pridobili iz zunanjetrgovinske statistike, Data on imports and exports of goods were acquired from external trade statistic Statistične informacije, št. 208/2006 Rapid Reports No 208/2006 9 podatke o uvozu in izvozu storitev in o cif/fob prilagoditvi pa iz plačilne bilance Banke Slovenije. Izračun trgovskih marž po proizvodih temelji na podatkih iz zaključnih računov o prodaji in nabavi trgovskega blaga ter na podlagi podatkov iz trgovinske statistike o prometu po blagovnih skupinah in vrstah prodaje. Izračun transportnih marž temelji na podatkih iz raziskovanj transporta, dopolnjenih z drugimi viri, o opravljenih transportnih storitvah in o opravljenih prevozih po blagovnih skupinah. Podatki o davkih zajemajo uvozne dajatve, davek na dodano vrednost, trošarine in druge davke na proizvode. Podatki o uvoznih dajatvah po proizvodih izhajajo iz podatkov na osnovi carinskih deklaracij iz zunanjetrgovinske statistike. Izračun davka na dodano vrednost po proizvodih je rezultat izdelave tabele davkov; pri izračunu davka smo upoštevali predpisane davčne stopnje in obdavčljive nabave za posamezne vrste potrošenj (vmesne in končnih) in ga uskladili s podatki iz davčnih evidenc. Podatki o drugih davkih na proizvode so bili pridobljeni iz davčnih evidenc in se nanašajo na specifične vrste proizvodov. Podatki o subvencijah na proizvode so ocena nacionalnih računov na podlagi statistike javnih financ ter podatkov iz zaključnih računov podjetij. and data on imports and exports of services and on cif/fob adjustment from balance of payments of the Bank of Slovenia. The calculation of trade margins on products is based on the data from financial statements of enterprises on sales and acquisitions of goods for trade and on the basis of the data from trade statistics on turnover according to commodity groups and types of trade. The calculation of transport margins is based on the data from transport statistical surveys, supplemented with other sources about performed transport services and transportation according to product groups. Data on taxes comprise import duties, value added tax, excise duties and other taxes on products. Data on import duties according to products are acquired from data of customs declarations from external trade statistics. Calculation of value added tax according to product groups is the result of the elaboration of taxes’ table, where the tax is calculated taking into account the prescribed tax rates and taxable purchases (intermediate and final) and reconciled with the data from tax records. Data on other taxes on products are acquired from tax records and they relate to specific products. Data on subsidies on products are the estimation of national accounts on the basis of government financial statistics and data from financial accounts of enterprises. Glavni vir za izračun podrobne vmesne potrošnje po proizvodih v tabeli porabe so bili podatki iz posebnega statističnega raziskovanja, izpeljanega za leto 2000, osveženi na leto 2003. Osveženi izračun je bil narejen s podatki iz razpoložljivih rednih administrativnih in drugih virov za leto 2003; ti so pretežno agregatni. Podrobnega statističnega raziskovanja o strukturi stroškov v podjetjih namreč zaradi obsežnosti ne izpeljujemo vsako leto, temveč na nekaj let. Podlaga za zagotovitev polnega zajetja vmesne potrošnje ter izračun elementov dodane vrednosti so podatki iz administrativnih virov, prilagojeni konceptom nacionalnih računov. Podatki o končni potrošnji gospodinjstev izhajajo iz ankete o porabi v gospodinjstvih, iz trgovinske statistike ter dodatnih izračunov, pripravljenih v okviru nacionalnih računov. Glavni vir podatkov o investicijah je statistično raziskovanje o investicijah, dopolnjeno z dodatnimi izračuni v nacionalnih računih za samogradnjo ter z analizo pretoka blaga investicijske opreme. Osnova za podatke o izdatkih za končno potrošnjo države in nepridobitnih institucij so izračuni v okviru priprave BDP po proizvodni in izdatkovni metodi. Tabela porabe vključuje, enako kot že za leto 2002, razporeditev posredno merjenih storitev finančnega posredništva (PMSFP) po sektorjih in dejavnostih. The main data source for the calculation of detailed intermediate consumption by products in the use table was a special statistical survey carried out for 2000, updated to 2003. The updated calculation was prepared by available regular administrative and other sources for 2003, which are predominantly more aggregated. The detailed statistical survey on the structure of costs of enterprises is because of extensiveness not carried out every year but every few years. The basis for the assurance of full coverage of intermediate consumption and for the calculation of elements of value added are administrative sources, with the adjustments on the concepts of national accounts. Data on final consumption of households derive from the Household Budget Survey, trade statistics and additional calculations done within national accounts. The main source for capital formation is the statistical survey on fixed capital formation, supplemented with additional calculation in national accounts for own-account construction and commodity flow analysis for the equipment investment goods. Data on final consumption expenditures by government and non-profit institutions are calculated within the compilation of GDP by expenditure approach. The use table includes same as for previous year allocation of FISIM by sectors and activities. Sestavila / Prepared by: Janja Kalin Izdaja, založba in tisk Statistični urad Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, Vožarski pot 12 - Uporaba in objava podatkov dovoljena le z navedbo vira - Odgovarja generalna direktorica mag. Irena Križman - Urednica zbirke Statistične informacije Marina Urbas - Urednik podzbirke Karmen Hren - Slovensko besedilo jezikovno uredila Ivanka Zobec - Angleško besedilo jezikovno uredil Boris Panič - Naklada 105 izvodov - ISSN zbirke Statistične informacije 1408-192X - ISSN podzbirke Nacionalni računi 1580-1721 - Informacije daje Informacijsko središče, tel.: (01) 241 51 04 - El. pošta: info.stat@gov.si - http://www.stat.si. Edited, published and printed by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Vožarski pot 12 - These data can be used provided the source is acknowledged - Director-General Irena Križman - Rapid Reports editor Marina Urbas - Subject-matter editor Karmen Hren - Slovene language editor Ivanka Zobec - English language editor Boris Panič - Total print run 105 copies - ISSN of collection Rapid reports 1408-192X - ISSN of subcollection National Accounts 1580-1721 - Information is given by the Information Centre of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, tel.: +386 1 241 51 04 - E-mail: info.stat@gov.si - http://www.stat.si.