The Oldest Slovene Daily in Ohio Best Advertising Mediunn Volume ENAKOPRAVNOST EQUALITY OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENE PROGRESSIVE BENEFIT SOCIETY Neodvisen dnevnik zastopajoč interese slovenskih delavcev v Ameriki xvni—-LETO xvm JE ISO Wtestvwash IHGTON CLEVELAND, OHIO, SATURDAY, (SOBOTA) AUGUST 17, 1935. ŠTEVILKA (NUMBER) 194 »If ZANIMIVE VESTI IZ ZIVUENJA NAŠIH LJUDI PO ŠIRNI AMERIKI Slikar Mr. H. Gregary Peru-j Wis., nedaleč od Sheboygana. šek se je ta teden mudil v Chi- Grabner, ki je bil že dalj časa ®^Sacija iz Detroita J^htevala, da vlada prei-, ® ^'soke cene čikaških malir . spora - Nimajo mesarji. 3^2- — Mrs. skih eng„ ' Voditeljica detroit- "^čelu "^Gsa, je danes v delegacije od]?o- %hte,aiq ^=b»igton, se bo ^Dke Cene' preišče vi- ^ čikag/ ^^čunajo za me- ^ga dele«. magnati. Potovala istočasno od- "^vniakiJ kjer bo %tevo d predložila ^ 20 pl ^ ^ ccne mesu zniža „ procentov. ^ "Gčiaei* + 500o žp« '/.^^teri je koraka-BioSldli. I^otem cagu, kjer je v četrtek zvečer v dvorani SNPJ razstavil slike, katere je ustvaril tekom počit-bo lniške ture po Wisconsinu in Minnesoti. Iz Chicaga se vrne v Cleveland, kjer bo nadalje vodil pouk v Jugoslovanski šoli moderne umetnosti, ki prihodnji mesec nastopi svoje peto leto. V Bronxvillu, N. Y., je umrl za poškodbami, ki jih je dobil ''''' katerem so stavke so nazna« "jeiti jutri s piketira- Jd S0 J ""J pu- gospodinje nimajo w z malimi mesar- «^velik-^ svoj boj % klavnicam in ve- JONSK?OTl PASI- ,, W avg. — ^ goy ^ zacije v tem me-aZf** ProM poskde > S,"™™™"' vpn- V°*'''»boi' '^®"' 'cer citve. / Odlofi^r' ^overner še ni Ah V H ^kati . ^ York t ""»i "M- If*** **" Tfork, jpo- Di ay). praznika Ob tej priliki m na-podrob- impi- ki bodo r .H vozwna iz Cle- """"■S 6«? g' f' August I)d*v Clair Jkve. '' :» SISIPZ: ()i; Vsi ^ iado 3l.\ SSPZ nv' ""GO pomaga-^Siista ^?^Pijadi v dneh PK&en; ' j'' septam- ki s Seje cju ^ gotovo 'Conors" Poalont, P3 S. N. Doma. J. p pošiljajo po-Hočevar ' ^^'®kar, Mrs. Mrs T^' Elizabeth S. 'St i;"?!' Pan fs ^jo k ^ai ■ P' CtAcaZiTttrrSi* in V.. v pozdrav-^s^k in družina. V Cleve- 20- j-^' Peter Ko-8t. Hvali % M, hkk> je včeraj Vranešič iz t. 5:. ia za o- Zireza *kv. %*4*4 dilGcer ol, 7:30 ae seja & ^ Zadruž- %*h *e Da l nih in priljubljenih jedeh to-rej pri jel ne sanje. Še določneje je I o u^oto \ it i za že jo, ki pow.roi'-a vedno sanje, da si jo gasimo, in sieer na zelo različne načine. Ker pa žeja navzlic tem prijetnim sanjam ne izgine, se potem poja\'i čest o o!»čnii'k razočaranja, ki se izraža n. pr. \ tem, da sanjamo o vsakršnih motnjah, ki nam pitje usliuijajo. , . ■ Balincarski klubi, pozor! Ikonac julija bila u Jugoslaviji, da istraži stanje političkih kaž- Iz stare domovine Nesreča iia Resljevi cesti 211etni brezposelni delavec Ladislav Skalar iz Galjevire je pomagal Na Resi je vi cesti pri ne- Z bencin- j Cleveland, O. Jutrovo. — Najbolj priljubljen šport med nami Primorskimi Slovenci in sploh Notranjča-ni je gotovo balincanje. In da je ta šport v resnici zanimiv, je dokazala ogromna množica ljudstva, ki je prisostvovala tekmi vseh clevelandskih balincarskih klubov na prostorih S. D. D. na 10814 Prince Ave. in 109 cesti in sicer v lanskem poletju. Od tistega časa je vse utihnilo in o kakih tekmah v letošnjem letu ni duha ne sluha. Kaj je temu vzrok mi ni znano, vendar se mi zdi za katerim grmom zajec tiči ki ga hočem pa prepoditi. Na rokah imam zapisnik lanske balincarske tekme vseh klubov, kjer stoji črno na belem in tudi vsi, prav vsi balincarski klubi dobro vedo, da je odnesel prvenstvo te tekme klub S. D. D. na Prince Ave. To so potrdile tudi odgovorne osebe, ki so tekmo nadzorovale in tudi zapisnik tako spričuje. Konec zapisnika se dobesedno glasi sledeče; Toraj tekme so končane in "championi" so člani kluba S. D. D. na Prince Ave. Priporočamo vam, da ne pozabite rojaka Joseph Permeta in kadar rabite obleko, si jo naročite pri njemu, ker on je daroval zmagovalcem vseh domov lepe obleke. Tozadevno smo se obrnili do g. Joseph Permeta, a on nam je odgovoril, da vsi balincarski klubi protestirajo da bi bili mi zmagovalci. Sedaj pa apeliramo na balincarske klube: St. Clair, Collinwood, Holmes Ave. in W. Park, da se v teku 14 dni izrazijo potom časopisov, ali nas pripoznate zmagovalcem ali ne. Na ta način bomo na jasnem in bomo tudi vedeli s kom imamo opraviti. Ako je zapisnik brez pomena, ki je bil odobren od odgovornih oseb, potem nam je neumljivo, zakaj se zapisniki sploh obdržujejo in hranijo. ■skim razžigalnikom je odstranjeval staro barvo. Pri delu se mu je razžigalnik vnel. Pri eksploziji je Skalarju popolnoma raztrgalo desno roko. Nevarnost je, da bodo morali fantu roko odrezati. njenika. U istražnoj komisiji bi-, . , . li 8u Ik-ligijsinci, irraiicuzi, AT.'k' straiiki pleskati. Križič. iz Kanade i S. Horžič iz Chicago, 111. Križič i Horžič su bili zatvoreni, o po odredbi popa Korošca, ministra unutranjih posala, sa ostalom komisijom deportirani iz Jugoslavije. Svaki Hrvatski, Srpski i Slovenski radnik i radnica, treba da dodje na ovu skupštinu, da čuje izla-ganje kako je dočekala i postu-pala Jugoslavenska vlada sa is-tražnom komisijom, medju ko-jom je bilo i S. Horžič, ko ji če govoriti na skupštini. Svi na skupštinu! Odbor. "veselo potegavščino , ^ ^ si takole: 'a' 'Kadar je zbrana do H' Politični klub Sa ovim Velik vlom Te dni je bilo vlomljeno v vilo uradnika Narodne banke na Hradeckega cesti 12. Neznani ba, svečano razglasi ^ vlomilci so odnesli zelo mnogo pet dolarjev onemu, k' dragocenosti v vrednosti 18,300 pod mizo in se dotika ^ Din.. Tatvino sta izvršila dva'pokrova mize toliko c < moška, ki sta bila oblečena v si- ^ kler ne boš trikrat KiocD vo obleko in sta imela lase po-' po mizi. ^ česane nazaj. Ljudje so vlomilca j "Žrtev za tako stavO ^ ^ sicer opazili, niso pa slutili, kak- j tro oglasila. Posebno ^ šen opravek sta imela v vili. | je, če se oglasi kakseo . jhar. Ko zleze pod mizO'^ Smrtna kosa <.g. pripravljen?' Jllj Cleveland, O. proglasom želimo 'Krivec Drago, star 24 let, trgov-, ^ po zvanično obavesti celu Srpskujski pomočnik iz Celja. V bolni-^abobni po javnost grada Clevelanda, da je To1,^v. 1 ' f odgovori: 'Da!' ustanovljen "Srpski republikanski klub", ki ima za svoj cilj, da pri Ločah.. u okružju političke uloge slo-bodnih gradjana Amerike po-digne i Srpski narod viši stepen. Mi članovi kluba izjavljajemo. ci je tudi umrl Strašek Jakob, 51 let star dninar iz Draže vasi' kor ob topovskem udari drugič še moČne]®'^ bilo drugič!' rečeš debeluharja pod mizo nič več. Zgovorno j 118 družbo, kakor da si abil- ' Nesreča z raožnarjem Na Teharjih je bilo pri podružnici sv. A'ne običajno vsako-aa SrbCb^a AmeSamH:'"'t"" ProSčenje. Ko so fantje po-^pod mizo čisto po» , gradjani uzmu što življcg """"''M«#« šča u državnim i društvenim od-nosima ove zemlje, jer ovi odnosi odredjuju samo slobodni gradjani. Državni odnosi ili poslovi — što se u kratko naziva politika možnar prehitro eksplodiral. En ' 'kdaj pa pride na vrs naboj je puhnil v 27-letnega'darec?' — 'Jutri Avg. Kožuha, delavca v železar- ^ odgovori mirno, nato Če boš toliko šasa fOl ni v Štorah in ga močno poško- j vi doval po obrazu, očesih in ro- mizo! ymi kah. Prepeljali so ga v celjsko "S tako potegavsci ^ ^ bolnišnico. Ker pa obstoja ne- dobiš stavo!" zaklju'^ ^ tal "u glavnem upravlja ju i ruko- varnost, da oslepi, so ga odtam' O tem seveda ni vode dve narodne največe par-' takoj z reševalnim avtomobilom' če tisti debeluhar P° , pj ti je. Od ovih d ve ju političkih ])artija ili stranaka, Srpski republikanski klub prihhvača se republikanske partije zato što danas po karakteru njenih političkih i ekonomskih ideala izgleda najsimpatičnija. Politički i odpeljali v ljubljansko bolnišnico. nia polževe krvi, ji^ bos I itov" jem mnenju tudi g , jI po butici, ako boš ca zlezel izpod mize! Z žveplom se je zadušil Na nenavaden način se je poslovil od življenja Anton Jam-'aomeščala mater, - ■ - • - --• • t#' Ne' hišo, ker nik iz Limbuša. Prišel je v Št. Ilj Toda že prihiti -v Slov. goricah, najel v gostilni | iščoč hčer. ji % ekonomski ideali ove narodne, . + „ tvTo i . , . , pobo ter se odpravil spat. Na-,.;,, »anodi stranke i koje ona strastveno ______________ _____u,, I ^ . 7. zastupa jesu t uiict jutra SO ga zaman bu-'čp zašhšiio Bvoki nezavisnost od dr- L:,: i. ____4. zasnsijo zv , , , 'Idili. Skozi zaklenjena vrata pa' znamenie da se zave. a sve slobode pobtiske na principinna slobodne trgovine i slobodne bezgranične proizvodnje bogastva, od čega svaki narod crpe zaista stvarnu mate-Kaj pa v bodoče? Ali bomo! riajnu korist. ,,pa]i spanj(. pravičnega ali sej Demokratska partija Ameri-bomo poskusih v letošnjem le-!kefraži da se ograniči proizvod-lu? Narodnih domov dolžnost'matenjalnog bogastva, i da je, da nekaj ukrenejo v tem ozi- L^žava što više stegne slobodnu t u in dajo v javnost. Ker se konkurenciju na domačem trži-smatramo "zmagovalce" alijgtu, tako da cene stoje visoko a champione bi b.lo umestno, daL,gja^^i(.g ^ ^j^^a i bi se vršila tekma na prostorih poijej^ca stoje nisko, od čega ekonomske Dostižuseitemeliel^^P"^^^''^"'°^^'''^"^P°^''^^^"l Sevedase\^ipo.?,gf \ ^ , ^ I Ko so vrata vdrh, SO'našh Jam-^ čaju umaknejo v nika mrtvega. Zadelal je dimnik ^apro. Ko pride v peči s papirjem ter prižgal v; ninom in svati pred ^ ]i(i S. D. D. na Prince Ave. Za tek mo je direktorij S. D. D. že pripravljen, zato apeliramo tudi na druge Narodne domove, da nekaj ukrenejo in primeren dan tekme izberejo. narodna plemena pada ju i tonu u još veču bedu, sirotinju i nemilost. Demokratska partija hoče, da se pokaže, kako štiti ' interese malog trgovca i pod-Ta naš sport ne sme zaspati, ali na račun ogrom- ker nam nudi vehko razvedrila!,,g večine gi-adske sirotnije, ko-in isto mero užitka je deležno! tudi občinstvo. Toraj držimo in! gojimo ga v bodoče še v veliko peči žveplo. V strupenem dimu se je potem zadušil.. ItaJ '"Ženin iz Amerike" (Dalje iz 1. str.) ka. Na vprašanje, -odgovori: Prišli sm^ da dobi jo ženin za sto. Ven pošljete Starešina poje: Kaj mislite, ta naJ i bi ur m postala bo zena Speharja, „ 1 ^ Svatje pojejo: katerega ne mara, katerega crtii ___ iz dna duše. Zakaj mora biti baš ona tako n.osrečna? Tisočkrat in tisočkrat se je že vpraša, zakaj ji Francelj niti enkrat ne piše. Ali je pozabil na obljubo, katero ji je dal? Tri leta je že v tujini in niti vrste ni še prejela od nje- Mlada, premlada Jo v zibko denitC' v pleničke povite - ta' ta: J večji meri. Upamo, da se bodo odzvali vai balincarski klubi brez izjeme in v mesecu septembru se že lahko poskusimo. Vsem balincarjem nejši pozdrav! najiskre- ja danas nema od nikuda stal-nog prihoda, da plača šilom po-dignute cene i namete. Srpski republikanski klub iz-razuje se za civilizaciju i napre-dak, izjavljuje svoj pristanek uz Republikansku partija, koja protureči ekonomskom i politič-^ kom programu Frank Valenčič . partije. Za S. D. D. na Prince Ave. | Srpski republikanski klub ob-Anlon Miklavcic, preds. I država svoje redove sednice _______'svaki petak u 7 sati u veče na # li f Javna skupstina 1338 E. 55th St. Kaiii Boy i H. predsednik. r>() KMETU I'()(J()KKLO. (Iceland, O. Jiivnu skupštinu sazivlje odbor za pomoč i slobodu politic-; kih utamničenika u Jugoslaviji,' V občini Mezelek je v hiši ne-sada u srijedu 21. Augusta u kega kmeta izbruhnil ogenj. Po-HrvaLskoni Domu, 6314 St. žar ae je tako naglo lazšlril, da Clair Ave. Poč eta k u 8 sati na je v najkrajšem času zajel nad \'ečer. N;i skuptin' če govoriti Tif) hiš in jih popolnoma vpepelil. ri. Horžič, jfdaii od članova is-,Izničena jo tudi vsa letošnja že- Mlada, premlada J® ^ Iz hiše pošljejo Starešina poje . .j Kaj mislite, ta naj Svatje pojejo: Stara, prestara P Je puklasta, šepaS sitna in muhasta Stara, prestara .1® Vrata se odpro j^^^p) nevesta, bleda in ža jg: stopi. Starešina |,1i Kaj mislite, ta naj Svatje odgovarjajo: Prava, ta prava j® Je lepa kot rožica ljubka in srčkasta. Prava, ta prava . Svatje zavriskajo, p , gode, oče s teto p(^ streže svate z vinoni' _________ _ „___________„ ____ uvrste, da gredo k P Da. drugega bo danes neve-.lantje zagrade pot 3t,a. Peljal jo bo pred altar, on, jo tolar od ženina. katerega ne ljubi. Postala bo že-'gajanja med fanti | na drugega bogatega mesarja Kaj potem ? Ali je ® ga. In vendar ne more verjeti, da bi bilo to mogoče, da bi pozabil vse obljube in prelomil vse prisege. Tako premišljuje Metka, sedeč na klopi pred hišo. U-tekla je iz hiše iz dirindaja, ki vlada s pripravami, še trenutek naj bo sama, še hipec naj nemoteno misli na njega, katerega ljubi. Solze ji polže po licih ter padajo na poročno krilo, ne sol-/:e veselja, ampak grenke solze žalosti in obupa. Nad vasjo se Demokratske uglasi pastir ter poje: Adijo pa zdrava ostani, podaj mi še enkrat roko, pa name nikdar ne pozabi, če ravno tvoj ženin drug bo! la A])rharja ? I'ridite pogledati . ; jyloCil"^ Spcharja, katerega no mara. Zopet zapoje pastir: Med solzami poje Metka: Ptičice pojo, rožico cveto In mojega veselja nič več ne ^ na piknik pridite, P®- »gjC' bo. deli predstavo na P*" „ g Teta J era prihiti ven. Tolaži tero vprizori "Caiik"'^ jo, pa tudi njo oblijejo solze, ko lovanjem "Zarje"- j jiopcklan na i"-1'tirrno. Nobene vstoP'j^p^e' tli b; ) t tražene komisiji^, koja je pod tev. Škoda je ik;xeduo velika. vidi ubogo Metku, kateri je na- avgusta, 1935. ENAKOPRAVNOST 8TRAJN 3 sefodk, it, ^0, 1.1» if Za sivo1>odo in l]u1>eicei& Marko Stojan Roman iz Balkana. želodec na potovanju % obeda je vodila raz-bdrJ ^ j® po Prvot- i» ^ •"'« tako um- kb razodevale so :od ^?8aj C iklii ■orica?" (inaoko ^ je Ivan začu« Veste vse to, gospo-govorite kakor mala , je zasvetilo v hvaležnosti. %o prav^^^u^' Belgradu tele! In tudi v«čkrat 1!* poleg gospodinj- - gg v roke P4ai :«g zelo, zelo ne- Ne livo "ležij; ; recite 'zklik] Izi nil Iv je povesila glavo, tega, % feklo ■'an gospodična!' skoraj ogorče- iet, Tak- ^li se mu je; , ^Aorstevi, apbh iboši" . reg; Toda res je, ne bi švabskih •dekleta ^^^ga srbs- pri Ntr 'Njegov, ji je streseni kozarcu. fli oži. ; gorko iskro "'kupi Navdušenjem je ^Wkwedo- te ■ Učaka "^ater in se-d" dan enkrat vsi ?^eter ^boder <^0 (jv, Li)AN, 1'OVKATKK 3. SEPT. ZJUTRAJ Obniito se za nadaljna pojasnila na: AUGUST KOLLANDER 6419 St. Clair Ave, Cleveland, Ohio HEnderson 4148 KOLL.VN'DER notiijc r obiskovalci v New York. To je povest treh vnukov slovenskega izseljenca v Ameriki. Cena lepo vezani knjigi obsegajoči 371 strani, je $2.50. NAROČILA SPREJEMA ENAKOPRAVNOST 6231 ST. CLAIR AVE. — --CLEVELAND, OHIO Volume IV. — Issue No. 33 ENGLISH SECTION Saturday, August!' Places to Go St. Clair Neighborhood Sees Improvement In Old And New Business Enterprises TONIGHT Picnic of Socialist Party, at Bohemian Gardens, 4314 Clark avenue. Picnic of the American Legion, Lake Shore Post 27?, at Pintar's farm. TOMORROW Picnic of Band Bled at Stusek's farm. Picnic and Play in the open air by Cankar Dramatic Club at Mocilni-kar's. Picnic of the 23rd Ward Republican Club at Pintar's farm. Beach Party of Vesna Club at Peer's Beach, near Vermilion. Meeting place, 5:30 p. m. in front of the Lorain Nat'l Home. Much improvement, already com-1 for men by Joseph Zeleznak, popular CRUCIBLES IN COM. Fl- Comrades Slug At 302 Clip in Compiling NALS; KOLLANDERS OUT streak of 7; No. 9 Latest Victim Tim Posenel's free jaunt to first and ^ a triple by Tony Leskovec in the ninth tviP in the Dieted or scwii to be. b noted In the. sporb figure and shoe rebuiMer of, tnxywght the Ciruclble (:lub a 2 St. Clair Slovene community. The | the neighborhood. The store is lo- ^ victory over the Twilight Ball-' ^ ^ Catcher Jasko's circuit smash with seven game winning streak, the Comrades will be accomplishing no fluke in Clair avenue and Socialist Picnic The Socialist Party of Cuyahoga; County, will hold its annual picnic and dance, tonight, at the Bohemian Gardens, 4317 Clark avenue, west. Robert D. Dullea, Socialist nominee for mayor, and Leo Krzycki, National Chairman, will be among the speakers on the program. There will also be dancing to music furnished by Frank Mates and his WJAY Radio Orchestra. Friends and sympathizers are urged to attend. Those who are planning to participate should take the W. 14th Clark car from the Public Square to 44th street—the rest will be easy!—Betty Bogatay. changes have been going on for the|cated at 6221 St. past year. I handles shoes of only one price, Two changes of sometime ago are' $3.65. the new addition to the auditorium; A new front with marquee, is now of the St. Clair National Home, being completed on the Norwood opened early this year, and the in- Theatre. When completed it will stallation of new plumbing in the showers of the St. Clair Bath House, at night. Other changes are: New balinca alleys at the Croatian The remodeling of the National j Home and in the rear of Jennie Ster- Ao-o,-.t= wpvp Piimin- Home store at Git. (Xair arid /LddkcMi! l^s restaurant also slve more light to consideration road which will soon be occupied by the avenue. mmmnnitv Leaeuo J(din IKocrUk icMi a c(Hni)kte lUie cdj TMie neiv store fromis of_tab Braaas a cl*e 4 men's suits, topcoats and overcoats. • tailoring company at 6115 St. Clan Announcement was made last week' avenue and the Beros Studio are im-of the opening of a new shoe store, provements of a few months back. rooms, Friday night in a playoff game for the top position in the league, at Gordon Park. A triple by Ed Kurent in the sixth accounted for the Twilight's lone run. Lefty Golobic listed a strikeout total of 12 and gave up make the neighborhood much brighter but five hits. A1 Plaisman led the winners with the willow with a double and a single. Third Croatian Day, Held Next Month, Will Be Indoor Affair At Slovene Home Bowlers' Picnic Tenth Annual Bowlers' Day will be held at Puritas Springs Park, Wednesday afternoon. Free tickets for the various concessions at the park may be obtained from Clalr-Doan Alleys, Joseph Pozelnik, Prop., 10322 St. Clair avenue. Definite plans for the third annual ] Immediately after the parade a stage Cleveland Croatian Day reveal that'program will begin in the National the affair will be staged September i Home. This will consist of Croatian 29 at the St. Clair Slovene National I folk songs and dances and a typical Home. I old country wedding. I Dancing will follow in both halls The day will- start with high mass evening. A modern band and in the morning at St. Nicholas Greek: tamburitza unit will furnish music. Catholic church, E. 36th and Superior; Admission to the dance will be 35 and at St. Paul's Roman Catholic | cents. For the stage program seats church, E. 40th and St. Clair. : will be 50 and 75 cents and one dol- A parade from St. Nicholas church ilar. Tickets are on sale at all Croa-to the auditorium will start at 1 p. tn. I tian lodges. to 3 decision to the Bee Bees in an elimination round game, at Gordon Park, Wednesday night. In the open- a close 4 to 3 victory over the Cleveland Workers, in an Inter-Lodge game, Wednesday night at Gordon Park. Going into the first half of the seventh inning the Comrades were behind 2 to 0 and their record of six straight triumphs and a clean slate were in danger of being marred. However, the Comrades ran true to their all season form of rallying in the late innings to score two in the seventh by virtue of two doubles and a pair of singles. The Comrades totaled 17 base hits off the slants of Iggy Jeraj who did some clever pitching in the pinches. Eddie Fabian the league's leading hit- On the Faif Louis Grdina defeated ^ 11 and 10, 36 holes, last win the class "B" J"'!' pionship of the Lake ShoK ing inning the Bee Bees hepped on.jgj. drove out four hits to fatten his pitcher Fumic for four hits and three; batting average. In amassing their runs to hold the lead until the sixth j when the Agents evened up the score. Boldin's single accompanied by a stolen base and a pair of passed balls accounted for the winning tally in the winner's half of the same inning. if they win the Inter-Lodge title as much as they are apparently headed in that direction. Ed Zaletal pitched his customary brand of good ball by giving up but six hits. The Russians and the St. Nicholas both hopelessly out of the I, L. race, have dropped out of the league and forfeited their remaining games. The Pioneers, Comrades, Orels and the Cleveland Workers will remain to battle it out. Schedule Wed., August 21 SDZ No. 9 vs Pioneers, Gordons 4 Friday, August 23 Pioneers vs Orels, Gordons 4 Comrades vs St.. Nicholas, Gordons 5 Dr. William Lausche shot. ond best score of the Lake Shore club champ'® fier at Lake Shore, Sun# Lausche is a former cl club. « * Stanley Kuznik, Aurora course, teamed Schedule Wed., August 21 Bee Bees vs. Silver Bars, Gordons 6, Elimination round. Sewing Class A Class in sewing is being conducted at the Slovene Home. Holmes avenue, every Thursday from 1 to 5 p. m. and from 7 to 9:30 p. m. Women interested in sewing and needlework are invited to attend. The course is free. fVith the Brides Inter-Lodge Team Batting INCLUDING WEDNESDAY GAME dorfer to shcot a 76 m »e teur tourney at the Monday. The pair for the 21 position on tn * * - 76 to Tony Zagar shot a stroke total to 219 f*" in the Press 72-hole tourney, at Highland,^ ^ ind the three rounds pla^®^ Team OOMRADES PIONEERS ORELS ____ RUSSIANS SDZ No. 9 3T. NICHOLAS 146 AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI W SO E PCT. 255 52 77 18 3 7 36 10 39 13 302 181 34 50 9 4 9 27 6 54 18 276 253 31 62 15 4 5 27 18 65 9 245 190 26 35 6 1 0 14 12 77 15 184 191 16 31 6 1 3 12 11 . 53 13 162 146 15 22 3 1 5 11 7 59 16 151 Mrs. J. Terbizan At U. Of Cincinnati Mrs. Josephine Terbizan, 14707 Hale avenue, is in Cincinnati where she is taking a twc-week course in the teaching of English at the University there. Eleven Cleveland English instructors are taking the special course. Mrs. Terbizan, well known for her interest in Social Hygiene, is teaching an English course at the Holme.s avenue Slovene Home. Her class at the Slovene Home will be closed during her absence, the next class being scheduled for August 26. Mrs. Ter-• bizan is the wife of Joseph Terbizan, active with the Cleveland SNPJ. Gay liVay . . . Mr. and Mrs.: gram for their open-air boxing show Lodi Mandel, 15702 September 4— Mr. and Mrs. August Waterloo road, are Princic, 1161 East 74 street, are par- the proud parents ents of a baby girl— Rudy Lisch is of a d,aughter,! sporting a neat curved pipe which , i makes him look like a Sherlock born this week— „ , , ,, .__ ! Holmes— it's a gift he says— the pipe |the mothers maid-1 not his looks, of course! en name was Anna j Elaborate souvenir books are now Verbanek, and the j being 'printed at the Enakopravnost fath^iT me son of Krist Mandel.: prmt shop for the SSPZ Olympics and Collinwood druggist— '"Smiling Nick" j the United Children's Chorus— the Malovic, announcer for the Croatian | neighborhood will be plenty busy in Commercial Radio Club, has become I the weeks to come, with some of the the father of a baby girl— At last 1 greatest undertakings scheduled for week's Press picnic at Euclid Beach,!the week-ends— there will be the there were several Collinwood lads SSPZ Olympics for three days over who won in the various events: Ed Labor Day with guests from many Lekson, 1209 East 173 street won sec- r.tates— and the Cleveland SNPJ ond in the sack race and second in Federation will celebrate the tenth the egg race; John Balish, 1250 East, anniversary of the English-conducted 175 .street and Steve Tumbry, 1231 i lodge movement on Labor Day- East 175 street, won second in the, September 4th the Orels will stage three-legged race; Joe Justin, 305 their outdoor boxing show— and Sep- East 156 street and Tony Travnik, tember 8 the United Children's Chor- 1230 East 173 street, were first and us will give a concert in Public Mu- ,iccond respectively in the Potato; sic hall— race— ! Ivan Cankar Club will open its Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grcgoric, their i dramatic season with a national play son and his wife, visited from Joliet, | "Legionaires" which will be directed 111., this week— Mr. and Mrs. Feliks by Mrs. Antoinette Simcic— the date These are marrying: Stanley Hribar, Lorain, Ohio, and Elizabeth Cza-bak, 1371 East 185 street; Prank Sra-kar, 573 East 140 street and Anna Baron, 15301 Hale avenue. Victor Jesen, 13209 Kii'ton avenue and Elsie Samich, 12221 Kirton avenue. Diamond PickwpiS A1 Milnar pitch-, 12- Reibe with three out of four led his 15th con-i led the procession— "Lefty" Golcbic's secutivc victory, triple and Adolph Jalen's home run jlast Monday to be- j were the highlights of the Royal Tav-come the first ern's 8 to 2 triumph over the Clark hiirler in the 40' Rest., in another class "C" rumpus-year history of the Golobic connected for three hits in Rniit-Viprn T.enffue. Ernie Mo!a crashed out two safeties /" LU V/iiw , , , _ , , , fea^- Milnar began bis streak on the Kline Fords lock a 5 to 4 de-June 6 when he defeated Kuoxville vision from the Poschke Barl^cues m . o rtirtcc ''T?' tncclo— vip.rnTV 1 ATT, 3 to 1, allowing but two hits— Since posted scores of 69, ? . final round will take i at Lost Nation. * $ o( Louis Schuster will * j entrants in the Rich# , plcyees' golf tourney. ^ at the Highland « * * cad® ived the day. The Country Club list of victories receive^ ^ l! p: with triumphs over -Willowick Caddies, " ^ few weeks. The Hi put to rout 18 to 4, , wicks submitted a class "B" tussle— The victory left them a half game away from th^ Ed, Legat and Art the winners on each marriage. Reports Prom W. C. Meet in New York By ANN ILC At the highly successful Woodmen Circle national convention held recently in New York City, Mrs. Albina Novak, well-known Cleveland Slovene, and one of the auditors of St. Clair Grove, 98, WC was a delegate. Two Cleveland members were elected to national office: Mrs. Mayme nippier, who had been national inner .sentinel, was elected national chaplain and Mrs. Marie Hecker, captain of the team of Forest City Grove, 33, was elected National Captain. She is The Cleveland convention goers, accompanied by Lena Kunish, a member of the Dauber Guards of Grove 56, made the trip to New York with another Ohio delegate, Mrs. Carrie Rauch of Bellevue. William Ruess, a national officer of the WOW and for-iiierly state manager attended the Woodmen of the World convention which was held at the same time and place. He was present at all the joint sessions and was at the speakers' table for the testimonial dinner given National President, Dora A. Talley of Omaha, Neb. Mrs, Novak states that one of the most interesting actions taken at the convention was the decision to en- Drenik, 5422 Hamilton avenue, were pre."!entcd with a baby girl last week— a .surprise birthday party was engi- is October 13— credit Marian Mihalje-vich for his well diversified radio programs every Friday from 6:30 to Photographs Orders for team pictures of the Comrades, Cleveland Workers and the Hollander Agents are stijl being taken at the Ejiakoi'^avnost offices aC ' 50 cents per. Those interested are invited to stop in or phone HEnderscn 5811 for an order. neered on Louis Jartz, popular So-: 7 over WJAY— Mrs. Antoinette Sim-cialist of the neighborhood, last Sat-1 cic sang yesterday, while Louis Belle urday. Many of his friends were | is also a regular soloist— well chosen present and enjoyed the weiner roast j tamburitza bands are also featured— — Dr. A. P. Vichick, dentist who for- \ committee arranging for the SSPZ merly had offices on Miles avnue,'Olympics includes: Louise Hočevar, in moved to 791 East 185 street— first 1 charge of lodging guests, Anthony prize in a singing contest held tiiis week at Sterling playground went to Anna Laznlk, 17725 Waterloo road and Rose Pertlck, 17819 Malvern road— Edna: Friends are asking it it's true Bolka, field events, Krist Stokel, ba-lina, Ann Opeka and Ann Turkovich, souvenir book, assisted by K, Stokel, Vapotich, John Bohinc. John Kikol and Agnes Lunder, Frank Kalister that you're planning to go to col-' swimming, Stanley Bencina, horse-lege next month? Why not call I shoes, John Kikol, indoor affairs and the English Editor, HEnderson 5811 Elizabeth Hostnik, publicity. Announcement is made of the engagement of Antoinette Jalovec, 1361 Giddings avenue to Edward Centa, ^^len he has beaten every team in the , , , . . » 1175 Addison road. Mr. Centa is|eight team loop at least once- The V-8s who took it on the chin 7 ------------to 3 from the National Slovaks— Eddie Zupančič, sandlot veteran keystone sacker with the Roseublums, drove in the tally that gave the national champions a 3 to 1 victory over the Fisher Foods— Eddie, who bats in the clean-up position, totaled two hits in four times at bat, in addition to accepting 7 chances with? out an error— Mickey Cesnovar hurled the Lyon Tailors to a 7 to 3 win over the Pats' Pennzoils in an exhi bltidn ga'me at Painesville, Sunday— Mickey limited the Painesville nine to six hits, struck out 10 and issued taut live Oases on balls— Tlie Mike's Barber Shoppes hardball squad, coached by Joe Pejack, sandlot veteran, is looking for games with class "B " or "C" opponents-Johnnie Urbancic la one cf the stars of the aggregation— For games, write 738 East 152 street— Other Sunday Scores— Clas.s "C" Crystal Bottling 15, St. Josephs 9 Cleveland Poultry 6, Haber Autos 3 Class "D" Arnold Tires 7, Inches Hardware 6 Class "E" Morris Shoes 14, St. Martins 5 Boston Chain Store 2, Pucels 1 Drenik Erin Brews 10, Klima Gas 8 Falcons 6, Lawrentians 5 president of the Spartans, SSPZ. No .Posest Al has come to defeat was on definite date has been set for the | Thursday, August 1 when he was knocked out of the box by the Atlanta club after being socked for six hits and seven runs in 2 and one third innings— However, the New Orleans club finished the game at the long end of a 19 to 15 score to keep Milnar's record intact— Milnar's record for the year includes 20 triumphs and 4 defeats— He stands a siu'e-fire chance of surpassing his 22 game mark of last season, which also established a Southern League record for southpaw hurlers— Milnar is the property of the Cleveland baseball club which picked him cff the sand-lots In 1932— Frank Doljack is batting at a 384 clip for the Milwaukee Brewers in the American Association— In 80 games he has slammed out 102 hits, batted in 44 runs and tallied 52 himself— Joe Dol jack of the Toledo Mudhcns has been doing outfield duty besides taking his turn in the pitching box— The Antoinette Studios climbed to a tie with the Amoco Gas outfit for first place in the sandlot "C" race by defeating the Mather Funeral Homes 11 to 2, Sunday for their eighth straight victory— Pitcher Bob Blaney held the opposition to five safe blows while his team mates gathered Cankar Off®'® Air Play At ---te An open air play ^ j, the picnic of the atic club which vg f* afternoon at Mociim jj! ing, games and other diversions at and set him right about it? Sophie. Gornik is recovering from an operation at St. Lulce's hospital— Joe Stern i;, home from Ohio State University and the State Legislature where he is a page— Tillie Klemen correct,^ a statement made in this column last week— she says that she Commodores are having an outing tomorrow— Chicago plans to send 70 SNPJ'ers to Cleveland for the Anniversary Celebration Labor Day— Mrs. Frank Zadeli, wife of the popular Loyalite is recovering from a recent illness— Mi', and Mrs. Frank Gregorlc are the proud parents of a thousand pardons for the error. Miss of St. Clair Grove. is sporting no engagement ring, and I baby girl l)orn this week at home, so far there is no lucky man yet— n I 19307 Arrowhead avenue— the motli- er's maiden name was Kompare— Klemen!— Genevieve Zulich, 18115 Neff road is home from the hospital— Mrs. Anna Lubi, 6618 Bliss avenue, was given the refrigerator at the St. Clair Nat'l Home picnic last Sunday— Orels arc planning a 40-page pro- Strugglers will be going to Canton next Sunday to attend the celebration of the SNPJ English-conducted lodge there— Steve Trebec and Frank Yoger won councilmanic nominations in the Dem primaries in Euclid— SNPJ Lodges To Form All-Star Squad An All-star SNPJ indoor squad, composed of players from all the English-speaking lodges in Greater Cleveland, will oppose the Chicago Pioneers when they meet in Cleveland for the Inter-city championship. La-courage the I society's local lodges to bor Day, Each lodge will contribute take an interest in the welfare of children who are brought to court as delinquents. This decision followed an address by a famed woman jurist. Judge Camille Kelley, who for fifteen years has presided over the juvenile court of Memphis, Tenn. Judge Kelley, who has tried more than 39,000 cases, believes that the case of every delinquent should be thoroughly investigated before trial. The convention established an educational lean fund In memory of the four star players or less for the formation of the squad. Selections must be mailed to Jclin Lokar, 1189 East 170 street not later than Saturday, August 24, Pintar's farm will be the scene tomorrow of the picnic of the 23rd Ward Republican Club. Dancing, races, refreshments and free novelties for children are planned. There late Mary E. Larocca, national presi- j will be free transportation from the I East 185 street-St. Clair car line. Republican Picnic Kollander Offers Bargain NY Tour Fresh from conducting tourists to Yugoslavia, August Kollander, steamship agent in the St. Clair Nat'l Home, is planning to conduct a tout-through New York City over Labor Day. He expects many young people to be attracted by this service, especially since the cost is exceptionally low. All expenses, including room at an elaborate hotel, will cost $27.70. The party will leave Cleveland Friday, August 30 and return Tuesday, September 3. Conducted tours thru Radio City, Empire State Bldg., Columbia University, and aU other points of interest are included. Reservation should be made with Kollander, 6419 St. Clair avenue, at an early date in order to secure the best accommodations. Returning Home H. Gregory Prusheck, Cleveland artist who spent the summer in Ely, Minn., is returning to Cleveland with his wife and daughter. On his way home he stopped in Milwaukee and Willard, Wisconsin, and is new staying for a few days in Chicago. In Ely he held an art exhibition and painted several new pictures. Thursday the artist held an exhibition of the paintings he made in Minnesota at the SNPJ Hall in Chicago. A reception was also arranged with the exhibition. Many of the new pictures depict the life of Slovens iron miners in Minnesota, When he returns to Cleveland he will start plans for his Yugoslav School of Modern Art. To Play With Toledo Rudy Virant, leading slabster of the Antoinette Studios in their eight game winning maratiion, is reported to have joined the flinging staff of the Toledo Mudhons in the American Association. His valuable services will be lost to tlie Buicovnik-Antoinette team for tlie balance of the season. Balinca Winners The Loyalites won two out of three games from the Comrades in the fiist of a series of balinca matches between SNPJ lodges, Tuesday, at the Slovene Home court on Holmes avenue. Members of the winning team were Frank Zadeli (capt.), Frank Cili-goy and Frank Yankovich. The Loyalites are scheduled to play the Commodores at an early date. P( k, M U( P( a mortgage on ^ However, just as the ^ celebrated, her from America with f pay off the mortgaS ly marries t lie fill fnr « cellent chance The play, "The pre J ^ ca" was written directors, John Ste . L'ect the play toiM°^^ ' deals with the ^ girl who is forced age with an ugly " ' her dancing during the Celebrities On Orel Boxing Show Spiegel, Ring Winner Joey Speigel of Pittsburgh, Pa. won a 15 rotiiid decision over Fiankie Hughes of Clinton, Ind. in the main go of 11 fight bill, at Miami Beach, Fla., Tuesday night. Speigel appeared in several boxing shows in Cleveland, last winter and has often served as an officiator in the St. Clair neighborhood's fight programs. Form Balinca League Slovene Workmen's Home, Waterloo road, has organized a ten-team "balinca" league from lodges affiliated with the Home. League play has already begun. Games are scheduled every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 7 p. in- Tlie Orel Club's boxing show which will take place on the night of September 4 on the old St. Vitus church grounds, will consist of entertainments in addition to the seven bouts, which will be headlined by Andy Ko-rencic and George Scharf of Pittsburgh. Fred Strnisiia, at the head of the arrangements committee, has obtained the talents of Popeye's Jug Band and the Five Foot Harmony Four. Ed Bang, sports editor of the Cleveland News, and Tom Manning, one of the leading sports broadcasters in the country, are expected to appear. Lou Skully, secretary of the Cleveland Amateur Boxing Association, is matchmaker for the card. He expects to have several Golden Gloves battlers on deck. Eddie Simins, who has been making the headlines for some time because of his splendid showing in recent bouts against. Baer, Loughran and Ettore, may officiate on some of the bouts. This will be the fourth boxing show promoted by tlie Orel club. In the past each ventiue was a distinct success and to all indications this one should turn out to be best. Ducats ranging from 40 cents to a $1.10 can be obtained' at the St. Clair Bath House. Vesna Beach Party LORAIN — The Vesna Club is sponsoring a beach party tomorrow evening at Peer's Beach, near Vermilion. Friends are invited to attend. who plan to attend are requested to meet at tlie Slovene Home by 5:30 p. m. The club will travel by automobiles, so It is requested that you bring your cars along. There will be plenty entertainment for all who attend. — Martha Kumse. SNPJ Plans English-Conducted Conclave A step forward in the English-con-ducted lodge movement was made this week by the Supreme Board of the Slovene National Benefit Society, at its semi-annual meeting in Chicago. The Board decided to call a conference of English-speaking lodges in Chicago in November. Every English-conducted lodge will be entitled to one delegate. Travelling expenses and one per diem will be paid each delegate by the SNPJ, ■ Measures of interest for English-conducted lodges will be discussed by the delegates. A preliminary informal meeting to alrange definite plans for the conference will be held in Cleveland on Labor Day when tlie Cleveland SNPJ Federation will hold its English-con-ducted lodge celcbraticn at Pintar's farm. Supreme President Cainker will come here for the meeting. Another measure of interest to the English-conducted .lodge members passed by the semi-annual meeting, was the arrangement of a literary contest for the Prosveta Englisli Section. A prize list of $100 was granted for this purpose. A similar contest, with $50 wortli of prizes, was approved for juvenile members In the "MladinslU List." Much Camp For Jubilee With a large n" ' ants competing, * _iqv. bilee Queen of the ^ fit Ass'n is gettinS ^ the campaign p C trip to Washington, j besides the honor tt an Ohio organiza^ tered in the race are ^J. to beat each other-Entrants so f®'-' Turf"' Rose Mirtel, Cai ^ Rojc, Anna Urbas. ijj Ivancic, Valeria y Regina Mark^.^^^"^:^ Win National Prize Theresa Svet, A"' .f, Iri . man, Pauline A Frances Pctrich, ^ .j, ^ Q; ine Zupančič, !); Macerol, ^ary Jji,. Racher, Anna Tra ner, Frances Cade jojH , scphine DebeljaK- g, ^ Angela Zupec, / Kozely, Tillie KK# ^ Dusa, ' Each candidate More entries are rOAYSTN All $27.^ Leave August a f d( AUGUST 6419 St. Cl»> A Yugoslav tamburitza orchestra from Brooklyn, N. Y. won third prize in the weekly amateur contest of the I Fred Allen's "Town Hall Tonight" I over the NBC network. ' Ji TUXEDO « FOR WEODlf' FORMAL _ ON SUNDAYS DURING AUG^ IDIEC®/ jfTtl' 6122 ST. CLAIR AVENU£ jy Will be Open by Appointment ^ Call ENdicott 0670