Better, Worse, Average - Statistical Portrait of Slovenia in the International Community 2015 Original title: Boljši, slabši, povprečni - Statistični pregled Slovenije v mednarodni skupnosti 2015 Collected and edited by Renata Rejec Infographics by Marta Šeme Translated by Boris Panič The publication is available at Information provided by the Information Centre: phone: +386 1 241 64 04 e-mail @StatSlovenia Issued, published and printed by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Litostrojska cesta 54 – © SURS – Use and publication of data is allowed provided the source is acknowledged – Printed in 230 copies - ISSN 2463-7874 Are we better, worse or average? Where is Slovenia better than others? Where is it worse? Where is it average? We are talking, of course, of statistical data and indicators that help us to get a more objective picture of the observed phenomena. They can be correctly judged only when compared in time and space. This publication offers just that: a comparison of Slovenia by individual areas with other European countries. The comparison is not limited to the European Union since Slovenia is economically, socially and politically also connected with other European countries. Topical, interesting and useful statistical data are presented in a modern way: with infographics and other graphical presentations accompanied by short comments. The publication is issued on the World Statistics Day – the 2015 slogan is Better Data. Better Lives – wanting to draw the public’s attention to the fact that statistics is the basis for information and decision-making and that our activity is important, beneficial and useful, and available to everyone. Browse, skim, read use. Genovefa Ružić Director-General CONTENTS ARE WE BETTER, WORSE OR AVERAGE?.................................................................................................................. 3 COUNTRY AND DEVELOPMENT TERRITORY AND CLIMATE ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 PEOPLE AND SOCIETY POPULATION ........................................................................................................................................................................ 10 EDUCATION .......................................................................................................................................................................... 14 LABOUR, UNEMPLOYMENT AND LABOUR COSTS .................................................................................................................. 18 QUALITY OF LIFE ................................................................................................................................................................... 22 ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY ............................................................................................................................................... 26 AGRICULTURE AND FISHERY ................................................................................................................................................. 30 ECONOMY AND FINANCE GDP AND NATIONAL ACCOUNTS .......................................................................................................................................... 34 PRICES AND INFLATION ........................................................................................................................................................ 38 FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 42 PRODUCTION AND SERVICES ENTERPRISES, CONSTRUCTION AND INDUSTRY .................................................................................................................... 46 TOURISM, TRANSPORT AND TRADE ...................................................................................................................................... 50 SOURCES FOR TITLE PAGES OF CHAPTERS .............................................................................................................. 55 HOW TO OBTAIN STATISTICAL DATA AND INFORMATION? .................................................................................. 56 Selected European countries EU-28 average Countries similar to Slovenia Lowest value Highest value Built-up area as a share of total area (%) 22nd place (of 27) Carbon monoxide (CO) emissions (1,000 tons) 2013 24th place (of 33) Sulphur oxides (SOx) emissions (1,000 tons) 2013 28th place (of 33) Nitrous oxides (NOx) emissions (1,000 tons) 2013 26th place (of 33) Total greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 equivalent (million tons)) 27th place (of 33) Sources: Eurostat (, 3. 7. 2015) EEA (, 30. 7. 2015) In 2013, Slovenia had the Land area protected for biodiversity1), selected European countries, 2013 highest share of land area protected for biodiversity. Slovenia was closely followed by Croatia. Denmark and the United Kingdom had the lowest share of land area protected for biodiversity, four times lower than Slovenia. 1) According to the Habitats Directive. Source: Eurostat (, 2. 6. 2015) Forest area as a share of total area, selected European countries, 2012 Slovenia is among the forest richest European countries. In 2012, the forest area in Slovenia was about as large as the combined area of Malta, Luxembourg and Cyprus. As regards forest area as a share of total area, Slovenia was fourth behind Estonia, Finland and Sweden. Source: Eurostat (, 2. 6. 2015) Source: Eurostat (, 3. 7. 2015) Selected European countries EU-28 average Countries similar to Slovenia Lowest value Highest value Annual population growth rate (‰) 2013 or the latest available year 22nd place (of 45) Life expectancy at birth for men (years) 2013 or the latest available year 23rd place (of 40) Life expectancy at birth for women (years) 2013 or the latest available year 17th place (of 40) Mean age of women at birth of first child (years) 2013 or the latest available year 17th place (of 37) Population with foreign citizenship (%) 2014 or the latest available year 23rd place (of 36) … not available, e estimated value, p provisional value Source: Eurostat (, 3. 7. and 1. 10. 2015) In 2014, Turkey had the most Age structure of the population, selected European countries, 2014 favourable age structure among European countries. Almost 25% of its total population was 0–14 years old. In the same year the share of young people in Slovenia was 15% and in Germany only 13%. Source: Eurostat (, 3. 7. 2015) Live births outside marriage, selected European countries, 2013 or the latest available year In 2013, 58% of children in Slovenia were born to unmarried mothers, which was about the same as in Estonia and Bulgaria. Only Iceland recorded a higher share, almost 70%. In all other European countries the share of children born to unmarried mothers was much lower; it was the lowest in Greece (7%) and in Turkey (less than 3%). Source: Eurostat (, 1. 10. 2015) Selected European countries EU-28 average Countries similar to Slovenia Lowest value Highest value Early leavers from education and training1) 32nd place (of 33) Population aged 25–64 with at least upper secondary education (%) 2014 10th place (of 33) Men aged 30–34 with tertiary education (%) 2014 18th place (of 28) Women aged 30–34 with tertiary education (%) 2014 7th place (of 28) School expectancy (years) 8th place (of 34) - no occurrence of event, b break in time series, u unreliable data 1) Population aged 18–24 with basic education or less not participating in any form of education (%). 2) No country ranked lower than Croatia. Source: Eurostat (, 4. 6. 2015 and 8. 6. 2015) As regards the share of upper Upper secondary school pupils learning at least two foreign languages, selected secondary school pupils learning European countries, 2012 or the latest available year foreign languages, Greece is last. In 2012, the share of upper secondary general education pupils learning at least two foreign languages was 28-times lower and the share of upper secondary vocational and prevocational education pupils more than 300-times lower than in Slovenia. Foreign students in Slovenia by country of origin and Slovene students abroad In the school year 2012/13 most by country of destination (exchange, Erasmus programme), selected European Slovene students went on student countries, 2012/2013 excgange to Spain, Germany, Portugal, Austria and France. In the same year most foreign students in Slovenia came from Spain, Poland, Turkey and the Czech Republic. Selected European countries EU-28 average Countries similar to Slovenia Lowest value Highest value Employment rate, 15–64 years (%) 2014 17th place (of 33) Unemployment rate, 15–74 years (%) 2014 15th place (of 33) Long-term unemployment (12 months or more) as percentage of the total unemployment, 15–74 years 2014 9th place (of 33) Average weekly number of hours usually worked by employed persons 2014 14th place (of 33) Average monthly labour costs per person in paid employment (EUR) 20th place (of 36) b break in time series Sources: SURS, Eurostat (, 6. 7., 7. 7. and 22. 9. 2015) In 2014, one in two employed persons in the Netherlands, one in nine employed persons in Slovenia and one in 37 employed persons in Bulgaria worked part time. Employment rate of persons aged 55–64 years, selected European countries, 2014 Slovenia was one of six European countries in which in 2014 the employment rate of persons aged 55–64 years was below 40%. The group included Turkey, Greece, Croatia, Malta and Macedonia. The highest share of employed persons in this age group was recorded in Iceland: 84%. Part-time employment as percentage of the total employment, selected European countries, 2014 b break in time series Source: Eurostat (, 6. 7. 2015) Selected European countries EU-28 average Countries similar to Slovenia Lowest value Highest value Severely materially deprived people (%) 2013 or the latest available year 19th place (of 33) Number of physicians per 100,000 population 2011 or the latest available year 35th place (of 41) Households with Internet access (%) 2014 or the latest available year 19th place (of 35) Regular Internet users1) (%) 2014 or the latest available year 23rd place (of 35) E-buyers2) (%) 2014 or the latest available year 19th place (of 35) 1) Share of persons aged 16–74 using the Internet at least once a week. 2) Share of persons aged 16–74 who have ordered or purchased goods or services over the Internet in the past 12 months. Source: Eurostat (, 10. 7. 2015) On average one in 345 infants died Infant deaths per 1,000 live births, selected European countries in Slovenia in 2013; in Cyprus one in 625, in Turkey one in 93. Between 2003 and 2013 infant mortality declined the most in Turkey and Romania. Source: Eurostat (, 10. 7. 2015) People living in overcrowded dwellings, selected European countries, 2013 In 2013, 16% of the population in Slovenia were living in overcrowded dwellings. In Serbia, Romania and Macedonia the rate was almost three times higher. The fewest people lived in overcrowded dwellings in Belgium, Cyprus, the Netherlands and Ireland (in each of these countries less than 3%). e estimated value, s estimate Eurostat Source: Eurostat (, 21. 7. 2015) Selected European countries EU-28 average Countries similar to Slovenia Lowest value Highest value Water supplied to household from the public water supply (m3/capita) 2013 or the latest available year EU-28 Turkey Bulgaria Slovenia Macedonia Malta Belgium Iceland … 34.9 35.8 38.2 40.9 44.1e 9.7 102.2 19th place (of 29) Recycled waste (% of total treatement) 2012 4th place (of 37) Hazardous waste (% of total municipal waste) 2012 24th place (of 36) Energy intensity1) (kgoe/1,000 EUR) 2013 or the latest available year 14th place (of 33) Final energy consumption per capita (toe/capita) 2013 9th place (of 28) … not available, e estimated value 1) Energy supply/GDP (constant prices, 2005=100) Source: Eurostat (, 23. 7. 2015) EU-28 Netherlands Denmark Slovenia Iceland Belgium Macedonia Italy 36.4 51.6 57.9 58.5 66.0 73.2 0.7 75.7 EU-28 Lithuania Spain Slovenia Austria Iceland Romania Estonia 4.0 2.4 2.6 2.9 3.1 3.1 0.3 41.6 EU-28 Finland Croatia Slovenia Turkey Hungary Ireland Serbia 141.6 205.9 219.5 225.8 233.0 256.6 82.4 652.9e EU-28 Ireland France Slovenia Denmark Germany Romania Luxembourg 2.18 2.33 2.33 2.33 2.53 2.65 1.09 7.63 In 2013, Norway was the only Energy dependency of countries, selected European countries, 2013 European country that produced more energy than it consumed. In the same year almost half of energy consumed in Slovenia was imported. The most energy dependent countries in Europe were Malta, Luxembourg and Cyprus. Source: Eurostat (, 21. 7. 2015) Electricity generated from renewable sources in gross electricity consumption, With a 33% share of electricity selected European countries, 2013 generated from renewable sources in gross electricity consumption Slovenia was 10th among 29 European countries in 2013. The highest shares of electricity from renewable sources were recorded in Norway and Austria, and the lowest in Malta and Luxembourg. Source: Eurostat (, 20. 8. 2015) Selected European countries EU-28 average Countries similar to Slovenia Lowest value Highest value Number of agricultural holdings (1,000) 2013 or the latest available year EU-28 Netherlands Sweden Slovenia Latvia Ireland Luxembourg Romania … 67.5 71.1 72.4 81.8 139.9 2.1 3,629.7 17th place (of 32) Female holders of total holders on family farms (%) 2013 or the latest available year EU-28 Bulgaria France Slovenia Hungary Cyprus Netherlands Lithuania … 22.5 24.4 24.7 26.4 26.6 6.0 47.7 13th place (of 32) Gross value added of agriculture as a share of gross domestic product (%) 2014 or the latest available year EU-28 Ireland France Slovenia Portugal Netherlands Luxembourg Macedonia 1.2e 1.1e 1.2e 1.2e 1.4e 1.5ep 0.2e 9.4 Marine fishing (1,000 kg) 2013 ali zadnje razpoložljivo leto 15th place (of 31) Aquaculture (1.000 kg) 2013 or the latest available year 35th place (of 38) … not available, e estimated value, p provisional value Source: Eurostat (, 21. 8. 2015) 26th place (of 30) EU-28 Bosna in Hercegovina Macedonia Slovenia Austria Montenegro Monaco Norway … 5 177 238 350 611 1 1,943,912 EU-28 Latvia Slovakia Slovenia Austria Lithuania Estonia Norway 1,318,087 644 1,085 1,234 2,167 3,813 420 1,247,855 In 2013, the share of crop output Agricultural output, selected European countries, 2013 in total agricultural output was the highest in Romania (75%), the share of animal output in Ireland (69%) and the share of agricultural services output in Italy (10%). In Slovenia crop output and animal output contributed almost the same share, while agricultural services output contributed less than 2%. Source: Eurostat (, 7. 7. 2015) Utilised agricultural area with organic farming, selected European countries, In 2012, Austria had the highest2012 share of utilised agricultural area with organic farming. Malta and Bulgaria had the lowest shares. In Slovenia around 7% of total utilised agricultural area was organically farmed, which is almost three times less than in Austria. e estimated value Source: Eurostat (, 7. 7. 2015) Selected European countries EU-28 average Countries similar to Slovenia Lowest value Highest value Annual GDP growth rate (%) 2014 EU-28 Lithuania Estonia Slovenia United Kingdom Poland Cyprus Luxembourg 1.4 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.0 3.4 - 2.3p 5.6 8th place (of 33) Gross value added in agricultural activities (%) 2014 EU-28 Netherlands Italy Slovenia Portugal Cyprus Luxembourg Macedonia 1.6 1.8p 2.2 2.2 2.3e 2.4 0.3 10.2e 18th place (of 32) Gross value added in non-agricultural activities (excl. services) (%) 2014 EU-28 Poland Slovakia Slovenia Romania Czech Republic Cyprus Norway 24.3 32.6e 33.0 33.1 34.4p 38.0 10.5 38.2p 4th place (of 32) Gross value added in services (%) 2014 EU-28 Slovakia Poland Slovenia Hungary Macedonia Czech Republic Luxembourg 74.1 63.2 64.1 64.7 64.8 65.0e 59.4 88.2 26th place (of 32) Labour productivity per person employed (change over the previous period) (%) EU-28 Romania Estonia Slovenia Ireland Luxembourg Croatia Latvia 0.4 1.9b 2.1 2.5 3.4 3.1 -3.0 3.8 4th place (of 31) p provisional value, e estimated value, b break in time series Source: Eurostat (, (23. 9. 2015) Households in Slovenia are Gross household saving rate, selected European countries among the most economical in Europe. In 2013 they saved almost 15% of their disposable income. This is less than in 2006, when they saved the most and were right behind households in Switzerland, which had the highest saving rate in the observed period. Source: Eurostat (, 11. 8. 2015) Household investment rate, selected European countries The highest share of disposable income was invested in 2013 by households in Finland and the lowest by households in Sweden. Since 2009, households in Slovenia have invested less and less. In 2013, they invested 5.5% of disposable income, which is only half of what they invested in 2008, when the rate was the highest. Source: Eurostat (, 14. 8. 2015) Selected European countries EU-28 average Countries similar to Slovenia Lowest value Highest value GDP per capita in purchasing power standards (volume index, EU-28=100) 2014 EU-28 Slovakia Portugal Slovenia Czech Republic Cyprus Bosnia and Herzegovina Luxembourg 100 76 78 83 84 85 28 263p 20th place (of 37) Average annual price growth according to the harmonised index of consumer prices (%) 2014 EU-28 Czech Republic Ireland Slovenia Belgium Estonia Bulgaria Norway 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 –1.6 1.9 14th place (of 31) Average annual growth of clothing and footwear prices according to the harmonised index of consumer prices (%) 2014 EU-28 Greece Portugal Slovenia Netherlands Austria Poland Switzerland 0.2 –3.1 –2.1 –1.4 –1.0 –0.9 –4.6 3.3 27th place (of 32) Average annual growth of crop output prices (%) 2014 EU-28 Ireland United Kingdom Slovenia Lithuania Romania Belgium Greece … –21.4 –16.1 –15.7 –15.0 –14.2 –30.6 –2.7 23rd place (of 26) Average annual growth of animal output prices (%) EU-28 Romania Greece Slovenia Cyprus Czech Republic Finland Czech Republic … 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.8 4.9 –12.0 4.9 2nd place (of 26) -no occurrence of event, … not available, p provisional value Source: Eurostat (, 6. 7. 2015 and 7. 7. 2015) In more than half of European countries, food prices declined in 2014; including in Slovenia. Food prices dropped the most in Croatia (by almost 3%). In Slovenia they were 0.1% lower. Food prices grew the most in Austria, the Czech Republic and Norway. Average annual growth of food prices according to the harmonised index of consumer prices, selected European countries, 2014 Average annual growth of dwelling prices, selected European countries, 2014 In 2014, dwelling prices dropped the most in Slovenia (by almost 7%). They also declined in neighbouring Croatia and Italy, while in Hungary and Austria they went up. The highest jump was recorded in Estonia (by almost 14%). Source: Eurostat (, 17. 8. 2015) Selected European countries EU-28 average Countries similar to Slovenia Lowest value Highest value Exports (billion EUR) EU-28 Bulgaria Lithuania Slovenia Greece Portugal Cyprus Germany 4,638.7 22.1 24.4 27.1 27.2 48.2 1.4 1,134.8 20th place (of 28) Imports (billion EUR) 2014 22nd place (of 28) Balance (billion EUR) 2014 10th place (of 28) Exports of goods and services (% of BDP) 2014 or the latest available year 11th place (of 34) Imports of goods and services (% of BDP) 2014 or the latest available year p provisional value, e estimated value Source: Eurostat (, 19. 8. 2015) 11th place (of 34) EU-28 Croatia Luxembourg Slovenia Lithuania Bulgaria Malta Germany 4,538.8 17.2 20.1 25.6 25.9 26.2 4.9 915.1 EU-28 Lithuania Sweden Slovenia Slovakia Hungary United Kingdom Germany 99.9 -1.5 1.3 1.5 3.3 4.4 -139.5 219.8 EU-28 Bulgaria Switzerland Slovenia Lithuania Netherlands United Kingdom Luxembourg 43.0 67.9p 72.1p 76.8 81.8 82.9p 28.3 199.6 EU-28 Macedonia Bulgaria Slovenia Netherlands Czech Republic Italy Luxembourg 40.2 61.9e 68.6p 68.7 71.5p 77.1 26.2 164.8 Slovenia mostly exports to European markets. In 2014, it exported to the EU-28 three quarters of its total exports. Among EU-28 Member States, Slovakia exported the most (84% of its total exports) while Greece and the United Kingdom exported the least (48% of total exports) to European markets. Imports of goods from the EU-28, selected European countries, 2014 In 2014, Slovenia mostly imported from European markets; 69% of its total imports came from the EU-28. Among EU-28 Member States, Estonia imported the most (82% of its total imports) and the Netherlands imported the least (46% of its total imports) from European markets. Exports of goods to the EU-28, selected European countries, 2014 Source: Eurostat (, 19. 8. 2015) p provisional value Source: Eurostat (, 25. 9. 2015) Selected European countries EU-28 average Countries similar to Slovenia Lowest value Highest value Construction, number of enterprises per 1,000 population 2013 EU-28 Malta Cyprus Slovenia Netherlands Italy Bosnia and Herzegovina Czech Republic 6.5 8.7 8.8 8.8 9.1 9.4 0.6 16.2 8th place (of 31) Industry, number of enterprises per 1,000 population 2013 EU-28 Portugal Italy Slovenia Slovakia Czech Republic Ireland Czech Republic 4.5 6.7 7.2 9.8 12.0 17.4 1.0 17.4 3rd place (of 30) Construction, average annual personnel costs per employee (EUR) 2013 EU-28 Greece Portugal Slovenia Cyprus Spain Macedonia Norway 25,600 15,400 16,100 16,700 19,300 32,800 4,400 66,000 15th place (of 30) Industry, average annual personnel costs per employee (EUR) 2013 EU-28 Czech Republic Portugal Slovenia Greece Spain Bulgaria Norway 42,900 20,100 28,100 29,200 31,300 48,100 8,700 96,000 16th place (of 28) Building permits, new dwellings planned, growth rate over the previous year (%) EU-28 Cyprus Greece Slovenia Finland France Latvia Luxembourg 5.0 -31.1 -18.8 -15.5 -12.5 -11.3 -43.2 60.5 4th place (of 32) Source: Eurostat (, 25. 9. 2015) Among the selected European countries, the highest share of micro enterprises was recorded in Greece (97%) and the lowest in Germany (82%). In Slovenia the share was 95%. The highest share of large enterprises was recorded in Luxembourg and Germany (0.5%). In Slovenia the share was 0.2%. Enterprises by the number of persons employed, selected European countries, 2013 or the latest available year Greece had the highest share of persons working in micro enterprises (59%). The share was the lowest in Luxembourg (18%). In Slovenia a third of persons employed worked in micro enterprises. The share of persons working in large enterprises was the highest in the United Kingdom and Germany; in Slovenia 27% of persons employed worked in large enterprises. Enterprises by size, selected European countries, 2013 or the latest available year Source: Eurostat (, 25. 9. 2015) Selected European countries EU-28 average Countries similar to Slovenia Lowest value Highest value Density of tourist bedplaces (bedplaces/km2) 2014 or the latest available year EU-28 Hungary Portugal Slovenia Spain France Latvia Malta … 4.7 5.3 5.3 6.9 8.1 0.6 132.5 17th place (of 31) Occupancy of bedplaces in hotels and similar establishments1) (%) 2014 or the latest available year EU-28 Germany Switzerland Slovenia Denmark Estonia Serbia Malta … 41.8 41.9 42.8 44.0 44.0 26.3 63.8 12th place (of 35) Passenger cars renewal rate2) (%) 2012 EU-28 Ireland Cyprus Slovenia Poland Malta Portugal Luxembourg … 4.0 4.3 4.7 4.8 5.2 2.6 14.3 23rd place (of 28) Persons killed in road accidents (per 100,000 population) 2013 or the latest available year EU-28 Estonia Portugal Slovenia Czech Republic Belgium Sweden Romania … 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.2 6.5 2.7 9.3 11th place (of 32) Retail trade turnover (2010 =100) EU-28 Netherlands Italy Slovenia Denmark Croatia Greece Luxembourg 99.94 92.78ps 93.09 95.47 95.48 96.44 72.23 181.36 26th place (of 33) … not available, p provisional value, s Eurostat estimate 1) Hotels, motels, boarding houses, inns, overnight accommodations. 2) Number of first registered new passenger cars per one registered passenger car. Sources: Eurostat (, 4. 8. 2015), European Commission (, 10. 8. 2015) In five European countries -Tourism trips, selected European countries, 2013 Luxembourg, Belgium, Malta, Switzerland and Slovenia - tourism trips of their populations abroad represented more than half of all tourism trips. People from Romania, Spain and Portugal travelled abroad the least; outbound trips represented less than 10% of all tourism trips. Source: Eurostat (, 3. 8. 2015) Transport expenditure as a share of total household consumption expenditure, Household transport expenditure selected European countries, 2013 or the latest available year represented 16% of total household consumption expenditure in Slovenia in 2013. Only households in Luxembourg spent more on transport. Transport expenditure was the lowest (5% of total household consumption expenditure) in Albania. Source: Eurostat (, 28. 9. 2015) SOURCES FOR TITLE PAGES OF CHAPTERS TERRITORY AND CLIMATE: Eurostat (, 2. 6. 2015) POPULATION: Eurostat (, 3. 7. 2015) EDUCATION: Eurostat (, 8. 6. 2015) LABOUR MARKET, UNEMPLOYMENT AND LABOUR COSTS: Eurostat (, 6. 7. 2015) QUALITY OF LIFE: Eurostat (, 10. 7. 2015) ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY: Eurostat (, 22. 7. 2015) AGRICULTURE AND FISHERY: Eurostat (, 20. 8. 2015) GDP AND NATIONAL ACCOUNTS: Eurostat (, 22. 9. 2015) PRICES AND INFLATION: Eurostat (, 18. 8. 2015) FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS: Eurostat (, 19. 8. and 25. 8. 2015) ENTERPRISES, CONSTRUCTION AND INDUSTRY: Eurostat (, 25. 9. 2015) TOURISM, TRANSPORT AND TRADE: Eurostat (, 5. 8. 2015) HOW TO OBTAIN STATISTICAL DATA AND INFORMATION? • on Statistical Office’s website • via mail, phone, fax and e-mail adress: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Litostrojska cesta 54, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia phone: +386 1 241 64 04 fax: +386 1 241 53 44 answering machine: +386 1 475 65 55 e-mail: • by ordering statistical publications adress: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Litostrojska cesta 54, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia phone: +386 1 241 52 85 fax: +386 1 241 53 44 e-mail: • by visiting the Information Centre office hours: Monday to Thursday from 9.00 to 15.30 Friday from 9.00 to 14.30