Volume 80 Issue 2 March/April, 2008 The Dawn Official Publication Slovenian Women’s Union of America Uradno Glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze V Ameriki $ 3.99 U.S./S 4.99 International m? Pr Vesele velikonočne praznike! Happy Easter! CONTENTS IT’S IN EVERY SLOVENIAN 1 From the Editor 2 National President’s Message 4 Membership Campaign 6 Minutes from the Special National Board Meeting 8 Slovenia at the Helm of the European Union 10 SWUA Scholarship Program 13 Men in a SWUA World 14 Let’s Explore... Coming Soon... Zarja Garden Contest! Front Cover: Painting by Maksim Gaspari: Žegen nesejo (Carrying Food for Blessing) Zarja -The Dawn EDITOR: Debbie Pohar DIRECTOR OF DESIGN: Bonnie Pohar Prokup CONSULTING EDITOR: Corinne Leskovar EDITORIAL OFFICE: 16% Illinois St., LaSalle, IL 61301 TELEPHONE: 815.223.9596 FAX: 815.224.1074 WEB SITE: www.swua.org PUBLISHER: Slovenian Women's Union of America TELEPHONE: 815.727.1926 Vol. 80, No 2. March/April 2008 Published bimonthly Periodicals Postage paid at Joliet. IL and additional mailing offices. (ISSN 0044-1848) Postmaster: Send all changes of address to: SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA 431 N. Chicago St.. Joliet, IL 60432 Communications for the next issue of publication: Do you have something SWUA-related you would like to share with readers, like an event you want to let people know about or an idea for an article? We would love to hear from you! Please e-mail the editor at pohar4@aol.com. We reserve the right to edit any article submitted. It is preferable that you submit your idea for discussion prior to writing an article. Articles must be related to SWUA events or members. The deadline for articles is the 15 day of the month, 2 months preceding the issue. For example, articles for the May June issue must be received by March 15'\ Thank you. HERITAGE NEWS 16 Why Slovenia by Jacqueline Vidmar Stewart 17 Quest for Identity by Katharine Spehar 19 The Beauty of our Slovenian Heritage by Corinne Leskovar 20 Family Connected 22 The Path Taken - Dopoljena pot SPECIAL REPORTS 24 Slovenia: 1945 by Norm Setnicker 25 Branch Reports CULINARY 36 Entertaining... With a Touch of Slovenia “As a first-born American in my family, I have always been proud of my Slovenian roots. After researching my genealogy, it seemed natural that I volunteer at the Slovenian Heritage Museum to help promote my heritage. * Theresa (Mikolič) Burns Branch 20 - Joliet, IL From the Editor Easter has always been one of my favorite holidays. It is filled with Slovenian traditions. I remember going to church with my grandmother and our žegen basket. This tradition has never missed a year, being passed down to my Aunt Helen Swietek, Branch 24 and later on to my cousin Sharon Pohar Brady, Branch 24 who invites all 60 members of our family to her house for brunch and the great Easter egg hunt. Easter brings a feeling of being reborn, relaxed, strong and ready for spring to come. This also means that I can start to prepare my garden for the year. (Remember to take a picture of your garden at its best this year as we are going to have another garden contest.) - Debbie Pohar It has always been present as a part of our tradition, heritage and identity. Let it be preserved for the future generations of our family! Maybe Be Rain - Father Bernard Horzen Memoirs of a First Generation American of Slovenian Immigrant Parents. Father Bernard Horzen, a loved and respected teacher and monk for over half a century at St. Bede Academy in Peru, IL, is releasing his memoirs in a book titled “Maybe Be Rain”. Father Bernard, a first generation American of Slovenian immigrant parents, makes several connections to his Slovenian heritage in his book. From his schooling at St. Roch’s Slovenian parish in La Salle, IL, to accounts of his own travels to the “old country”, readers will be captured by Father’s humor, storytelling and memories. Not preachy in any way, Father’s life says more about the benefit of religious devotion than any sermon could. The book will be released the last week in March, just after Easter, and will be available by calling 815-663-6201, or by mailing a check/ money order to St. Thomas More Church, 302 Chestnut Street, Dalzell, IL 61320. The book is $15. Phone/mail orders should add $3 for shipping and handling. Father Bernard Horzen For a listing of book signings please jl our web www.swua.iM*. Letters to the Editor Dear Editor: I would like to thank Rea Rossi for her Short-Cut Walnut Potica recipe in Zarja. For the second time in my life I tried to make potica and it was wonderful!!!! My sons said it was just like “Nana’s”. It will be a tradition I can now carry on, thank you Rea!!! I have told everyone in our branch about it and they are all going to try it. Looking forward to the next Zarja and more recipes. - Barbara Chiodo, Branch 13 - San Francisco To the Editor: We very much enjoy reading Zarja The Dawn. Veronica is a member of Branch 43 in Milwaukee. Her mother, Frances Teshner, and grandmother, Frances Zager, had also been members of Branch 43. Her father came from Bucka, northeast of Novo Mesto. Her mother’s parents came from Senturska Gora and Lahovče. John’s father came from Sorica in the Julian Alps. After reading Genealogy by George in the May-June 2007 issue of Zarja, we contacted Mary Urban. After several e-mails sharing of our family histories, we found that we are related and, through her cousin in Slovenia, we both were able to trace our Zagar families history back three more generations in Senturska Gora, a small village on the south slope of the Kamniško Savinjske Alps. The Zagar cousins immigrated in 1909 to Ely, MN to work in the iron mines. They moved to Wilton, ND to work the coal mine. Eventually, the Peter Zagar family moved to Willard, WI and the Lawrence Zager family moved to Milwaukee, WI. In 2005, we spent two and a half weeks in Slovenia, seeing the country, meeting relatives, enjoying the hospitality of a beautiful people, staying at tourist farms with the natural home grown foods and drink. We put together a wall quilt, a schematic of the country with photographs of the various areas that we visited. - Veronica & John Sustar Quilt with Veronica in her traditional dress National President’s Spring is in the Air Spring is in the air - or for sure in this issue of Zarja. Also having the role of Director of Design for Zarja gives me the opportunity of working on each issue months before you even see it. I have to say this is a great issue! My hat goes off to each of you and especially to our branch reporters. Be sure to read the excitement in the branch reports. Take notice of what other branches are doing for their heritage. You will read about anniversary parties, Mother’s Day parties, cooking lessons, videos of travel to Slovenia, Pust celebrations, some neat Slovenian games to play at your meetings and of course all those who wrote about their Žegen traditions. Wow, I do believe we have come a long way! Congratulations to all the members in each branch, the officers who are making things happen and of course to the reporters who share the news in Zarja. I regret the recent resignation of our VP of Culture and Heritage George Plautz Jr., due to health reasons. We are going to miss George as he worked very hard his first six months. He focused his attention on the Home Office/ Museum, which also included the gift shop. In this short time he computerized the entire gift shop, which was a phenomenal task and formulated many plans on redesigning the building. The work he began will be carried on by the Board of Directors and Nancy Henkel who was recently appointed the Heritage Museum Director. We are hoping George gets better soon! Replacing George as VP of Culture and Heritage on the National Board will be Mary Lou Voelk. I am sure you will all join me in welcoming Mary Lou Voelk and Nancy Henkel to their new board positions. I am positive they will do a great job. We will have a complete biography on Mary Lou and Nancy in our next issue. We have lots of excitement going on at our Home Office/ Museum in Joliet. Some times good things come out of bad. This past August when floods hit much of the Message Midwest our building also suffered. We had some severe damage to the roof and pipes causing problems on our 1st and 2nd floors. Luckily for us, insurance has been covering the majority of it and the good news is that we are fixing the building up. As plans are further developed we will keep you informed. But in the meantime be assured that we are in the right direction. Notice in this issue the neat volunteer ad featuring Theresa Bums. This was created by Klemen Novak. Klemen is an aspiring actor with the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in NYC. You can visit his website for more information: http://www.klemennovak.com/. In closing I wish everyone a Happy Easter. I hope this issue of Zarja inspires many of you to include our Slovenian traditions for this coming Easter. Even the front cover alone is a treasure! Easter is one of my favorite holidays where my family gathers at the home of my cousin, Branch 24 member Sharon Pohar Brady for our annual tradition. 1 can still remember when Sharon and I were little girls searching for the Easter Bunny which we knew was bringing the eggs for our hunt. Till this day over 60 members in our family gather for the annual hunt which includes the golden egg filled with money and a feast with foods I’ve seen for 40 years like our home made sausage, horseradish, home made bread, ham, wine and of course all of this is blessed on Holy Saturday in a basket with a white cloth with all of our names embroidered on the top. I borrowed the basket and cloth for Jenka’s column - Entertaining with a Touch of Slovenia so you could see it. Bonnie Pohar Prokup National President, Zveza wprokup@aol.com Tasjcpar Bonnie Pohar Prokup National President Welcome to Our New Members! 001 Mary G Bartzen 001 Robert Bartzen 001 Ann L. Kovacic 001 Ruth E. Lallemont 001 Daniela Munnik 001 Judy Rahn 001 Edward Golob 001 Marjorie Wilhelm 002 Nancy D. Beese 002 Rhianna Rose Beese 002 Colin J. Drake 002 Julia Drake 002 Monica MacMillan 002 Hanna R Gornick 002 Eathan D Newbould Johnston 003 Christine D. Charron 003 John W. Sabo 005 Kris Vowels 013 Nancy Benedict 013 Lindsay Goergen 016 Victoria Krcmaric 020 Kathy Gunier 020 Hayden Harper 020 Pat Kraske 020 Cilia Sluga 020 Tammy Sullivan 020 Judy Tezak 020 Maria Yakos 020 Joyce Fremeau ■ financial solutions close •I' home 020 JoAnne Lantka 020 Will Leben 020 James McAsey 020 Mary Parsons 020 Betty Wiley 024 Janyee Eviston 024 Carol Koplenik 024 Lynda McKibben 030 Zuzanna Kobos 030 Kathy Morgan 030 Beverly J. Rosselle 030 Adelia Verakis 032 Theresa M. Wargo 033 Lottie Trudell 035 Jean Stark 035 John Stark 035 Lawrence Stark 035 Paul Stark 035 Louise J. Terrill 038 Klashna Palcher 038 Ray Palcher 039 Leopolda Schutte 039 Robert Sherek Sr. 093 Maria Schopper 100 Jean A Turnbull 103 Mary Jane Vidmar Williamson 108 Mark Oven 108 Father Peter Rozic 109 Patrick McNeal First Midwest Bank Joliet, Crest Hill, Lockport & New Lenox 800.322.3623 • firstmidwest.com Zarja The Dawn Donations “Keeping the Spirit Alive 55 $30.00 Donation Carol Ryba, 20 $10.00 Donation Delores Spelich, 24 In Memory of Maria M. Yakos Yvonne Louison, $30.00 Margaret Rendall, $25.00 Mary Malanche, $25.00 2008 NEW MEMBER CAMPAIGN Take the Lead SWUA Members - The Time is Right to Recruit By Bernadette Kovacic Fitzsimmons, Vice President of Marketing & Fundraising We, as SWUA members, are all spokespersons for our organization, responsible for recruiting new members within our own families and our communities. Although the country of Slovenia is small, Slovenian natives and people of Slovenian heritage are found throughout every state in our nation, many of whom will say “yes” to an invitation to join. In order to survive, each of us must realize it is our responsibility to take the initiative, and reach out to invite prospective members to join our organization. Below are four simple suggestions to start with to revitalize branches and also to begin forming new branches. Discuss at your next meeting what would work best to market your existing branch, or to form a new one, depending on your unique goals and geographic location. • Check with your local libraries, churches, schools and grocery store bulletins to post applications and meeting announcement details • Recycle 2007 past issues of Zarja and have them available in the resource section of your local public and school libraries • A personal invitation from a fellow Slovenian is hard to resist, so spread the word to prospective members by giving them an application along with an extra Zarja magazine, and invite them to an upcoming meeting • Be persistent and don’t give up after the first try! Slovenians are coming forward like never before, proud of their heritage and eager to learn about becoming part of SWUA. Slovenia is known throughout the world as an independent country, and this year as they lead the European Union through June, 2008, it has gained further recognition in the world news arena. The time is right to recruit! Even in my small home state of Maryland where the percentage of Slovenians is relatively low, a few small actions have produced a significant increase in interest and membership. Just think how successful states could be with high representations of Slovenians! 1 believe each member is capable of accomplishing small miracles if only they take a few simple steps. My personal experience this past November happened simply by taking the time to notice a “6lh Grade Cultural assignment, Where Do You Come From” school bulletin board that led me to discover another Slovenian family. Attention! Grandparents/Parents/Godparents/Aunts/Uncles ENROLL A YOUTH MEMBER CAMPAIGN Pass on the love of your Slovenian heritage and traditions just in time for Easter by enrolling a new youth member, 17 years or younger for FREE, no payment due until an invoice is sent in January, 2009. Free Slovenia t-shirts to the first 50 new applicants. All other new youth members also to receive a special Slovenian themed gift from the Slovenian Heritage Museum. Grandparents, parents, godparents, aunts, uncles, or any other member signing up a new youth member may designate who the gift is sent to. To download an application, go to www.swua.org, or call the home office at 815-727-1926. 2008 NEW MEMBER CAMPAIGN There is still time - The top three branches to get the most new members Dec 1 - April 1 will receive a gift bag from the Slovenian Heritage Museum Gift Shop. Surpass your expectations. Remember, BE PERSISTENT! Final results to be posted in May/ June issue of Zarja scotV GU«! J4THUANIA* “ DIAND ozn*A®u U***AUTO**3-DIGIT • T T rj| 7QQ SLOVENIAN CONSULATE GE i 1 04 /00 55 PUBLIC SQ STE 945 CLEVELAND OH 44113-1923 USA 920103987,2 liliililiiliiillinlliill,,,,!!!,!,,,,!,!,,!!,,!,,),!,!,,,!!,! Gostilna Lectar Owners: Lili in Jože Andrejas Linhartov trg 2 4240 Radovljica, Slovenia www.lectar.com History The restaurant is located in a 500-year-old building and has been open to the public since 1822. Originally there was a famous bakery where the most different kinds of sweets used to be produced. They were chiefly made from a dough whose main ingredient was honey. The cakes were baked in special shapes representing Saint Nicholas or a heart. Hence the name of today’s restaurant: Lectar, which in Slovene means gingerbread heart. The place offers a rich variety of local food and drink which you can enjoy in a very pleasant and appealing atmosphere. They also offer a great variety of vegetarian food. In the summer while having your meal in the shade of the old chestnut trees in the garden you can enjoy a splendid view of the surrounding mountains. The Country Inn where you are Served with Love