Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished^ L SI803 aw ‘BStfHO AA3HG S-80£c *ldy ”3Ay aay-niM si si? cnsdsisns swyis *aa Home p«, Ameriška Domovina SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Serving in Ohio and nationwide over 150,000 American Slovenians ' No. 33 Vol.93 (USPS 024100) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 15, 1991 ISSN Number: 0164-680X 50C Anna Zallnick, 56 year subscriber Anna Zallnick celebrated her 93rd birthday on July 26 in the company of her family at Sterle’s Slovenian Country House restaurant on E. 55th Street in Cleveland. She has a - remarkable distinction of being a subscriber to the Ameriška Domovina for 56 years! First row, (from left), Mary Zallnick, wife of Frank, Anna Zallnick, mother of Zallnick boys, and Betty Zallnick,.wife of Joe. Back row, (from left), Frank Zallnick, Joe Zallnick, Helene Zallnick, wife of Tony, and Tony Zallnick. (Photo by JVD) Everyone invited toTonys party By Joey Tomsick Mark your calendars for Wednesday night, August 21st, and get ready for a big birthday salute to radio DJ and polka promoter Tony Petkovšek. The big event is being sponsored by the American Slovenian Polka Foundation and will begin at 6 P m. at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue. Entertainment will be provided by Joey Tomsick, Jeff Pecon, the Lipa Park Button Box Club, Fairport Ensemble, Mike Wojtila, Cleveland Lake Erie Button Box Club, Eddie Bodick, the Hall of Fame All-Stars, “Zeke and Charlie,” Plus many surprises. In 1987 Tony helped initiate the move for a “polka ■Puseum” when he called a Meeting of polka music promoters and supporters. Since then, and following the incorporation of the organization, he has served as chairman of the 15-trustee board. Tony suggested that the Bolka Foundation sponsor this 50th birthday event to totally benefit the Foundation 'vhich established and main-ains the National Cleveland ^tyle Polka Hall of Fame. All Proceeds from the $5.00 ad-•ssion/donation will go to e American Slovenian Polka houndation. Tony is arranging to have , "ne Tomsick, the “cake uy” of Euclid bake a cake '8 enough to take care of the ,Jndreds of friends expected tan birthday bash. Inciden-*y» the birthday salute will e Place at the same location where the Cleveland Slovenian Radio Club sponsored Thanksgiving events for 20 years (1961-1981), and in the St. Clair neighborhood where he was born and raised. This November, Tony’s three decades of full time radio promotions will be celebrated at the exclusive Stouffer’s Tower City Plaza Hotel in downtown Cleveland during Thanksgiving weekend. The holiday event in itself is the longest running annual polka festival anywhere and draws participants from 25 states and Blood Needed Well-known lawyer Tony Lavrisha is in critical need of blood donations. If you could give the gift of blood, the gift of life, please call the Cleveland Clinic at 444-1009 or 444-6542. Tony had a very serious operation on Wed., Aug. 14. Please keep him and his family in your prayers. Your kindness is very much appreciated. Krofe Sale A krofe sale sponsored by St. Mary (Collinwood) Altar Society will be held in the school cafeteria on Saturday, Aug. 17 beginning at 10:30 a.m. Parish Picnic St. Mary Parish in Collinwood is sponsoring a picnic on Sum day, Aug. 18 at Slovenska Pristava beginning with a 12 noon Mass. Chicken and roast beef dinners ($7.50 for adults, $3.50 kids) will follow the Mass. Canada each year. Some of Tony’s most memorable moments have been on “Polka Music Tours” with Kollander World Travel. Having taken polka bands and fans to nearly every continent in the world, he continues today to organize, promote, and direct these Kollander tours where he is also a business partner. Prime Minister at Baraga Days The Washington committee hosting the Bishop Baraga weekend on August 31 and September 1 announces that Slovenia’s Prime Minister, Lojze Peterle, will be in Washington that weekend to participate in the Baraga festivities. Pilgrims from around the world will be in Washington to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Slovenian chapel dedicated to Marija of Brezje in the lower level of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Also there will be a gathering of the Bishop Baraga faithful who are requesting the Vatican to recognize Slovenian Bishop Baraga as a saint in the Catholic Church. Bishop Baraga worked in the Upper Great Lakes area of the United States. The host for the event will be James Cardinal Hickey of Washington. The original estimate of attendees was 500, but now the number of persons who will be at the annual Baraga banquet is 850. Iz Clevelanda in okolice KRES vabi— Slovenska folklorna skupina Kres vabi na večerjo in ples, ki bo to soboto na Slovenski pristavi. Večerja bo servirana od 6.30 do 8.30 zvečer, nato bo ples, za katerega bo igral Trio Staneta Mejača. Za nakaznice za večerjo in več informacije, pokličite Veroniko Stropnik na tel. 946-3875. Žegnanjski piknik— To nedeljo ste zopet vabljeni na Slovensko pristavo in sicer na vsakoletni piknik župnije Marije Vnebovzete v Collin-woodu. Sv. maša bo darovana ob 12. uri, sledilo bo kosilo, nato bo za ples in razvedrilo igral Alpski sekstet. Pridite! Žalostna vest— Z Aurore, Minnesota, smo prejeli žalostno vest, da je včeraj avto do smrti povozil Jožefo Krulc, ko je bila namenjena na drugo stran ceste. Pogreb bo v ponedeljek, 19. avgusta, na' domačem pokopališču. Na obisku iz Slovenije— Iz Medvod sta prišla na o-bisk ga. Anica in g. Janez Benet. Udeležila se bosta poročnega slavja njunega nečaka Mirana Veglja iz Seven Hills, O. Poroka bo 31. avg. v cerkvi St. Columbkille. Mladi ženin je sin Franka in Mimice Vegel in zaposlen kot CPA pri Agency Rent-a-Car v Solonu, mlada nevesta je hčerka g. in ge. James Kunkel iz Brookparka, O., zaposlena pa kot »sales coordinator« pri Sherwin Williams. Bodočemu zakonskemu paru iskreno čestitajo vsi sorodniki in prijatelji, ge. Anici in g. Janezu pa dobrodošli med nami! V Rožmanov sklad— Pomoč za vzdrževanje študentov v Mohorjevih domovih so darovali: $200 NN., župnija sv. Vida; $35 ga. Mimi Erjavec, Amherst, O., v spomin moža Jožeta; $20 g. in ga. Marjan Kosem, v spomin na umrlo Veroniko Maje. Lepo se za darove zahvaljuje poverjenik Mohorjeve J. Prosen. Poročila sta se— Preteklo soboto sta se v cerkvi sv. Marije Magdalene v Willowicku poročila Steven Arko in Serena Pappalardo. Ženin je sin ge. Joe Arko in vnuk ge. Alojzije Jamnik, nevesta pa hčerka g. in ge. Josepha Pappalardo. Novoporo-čencema čestitamo in jima želimo vse najboljše na skupni življenjski poti. Družinski dan piknik— To nedeljo ste vabljeni na Slovenski vrt letovišče ADZ, Leroy, O., na letni Družinski dan piknik. Vstopnine ni, igral bo med 3. in 7. zv. Joey Tomsick orkester. Srečanje z misijonarjem— Misijonska Znamkarska Akcija vabi na srečanje z g. Rafkom Robertsom, katero bo v četrtek, 22. avgusta, v šolski dvorani pri Mariji Vne-bovzeti. Pričelo se bo ob 7h zvečer. G. Roberts bo govoril o delu in življenju na Filipinih in o novem poslanstvu, ki bo na Češkoslovaškem. Prijatelji misijonov prav iskreno vabljeni! Pristavski dan— V nedeljo, 25. avgusta, prireja Slovenska pristava Pristavski dan in sicer za 30-letni-co obstoja. Podrobnosti o tej prireditvi boste našli v dopisu na str. 8. Demonstracija za Slovenijo— V angleškem delu na str. 6 poročamo o demonstraciji v podporo svobodnih sindikatov po svetu, ki jo pripravlja za 31. avgusta v Washingtonu AFL-CIO. Več o tem prihodnji teden, če pa želite do takrat več informacije, lahko pokličete dr. Vladimirja J. Rusa. V spomin prof. J. Severja— Neimenovana oseba je poklonila $100 v tiskovni sklad našega lista, to s sledečo mislijo: »V spomin velikega Slovenca profesorja Janeza Sever, neimenovani prispevek $100 za tiskovni sklad slavnega časopisa Ameriška Domovina. Naj Bog nagradi njegovo poštenost in plemenitost.« Gotovo so slednje besede namenjene prof. Severju, o katerem pa lahko v današnji številki na str. 8 berete lep članek izpod peresa prof. Vinka Lipovca. Za prispevek v naš sklad pa se iskreno zahvalimo. V tiskovni sklad— James Rugle, Mentor, O., je daroval $75 v podporo Ameriški Domovini. Za lepo podporo se g. Ruglu lepo zahvalimo. Novi grobovi Stella Mahnich Umrla je Stella Mahnich, rojena Ban, vdova po Josephu Rojec in po Franku, mati Ha-rolda Rojek (Colo.), 3-krat stara mati, sestra Rose Ban, članica SŽZ št. 47 ter Kluba upokojencev v Euclidu. Pogreb je bil 14. avgusta iz pogrebnega zavoda Grdina-Co-sic-Faulhaber na Lake Shore Blvd. v cerkev sv. Roberta in od tam na Kalvarijo. Ivan Kresic Umrl je 73 let stari Ivan Kresic, mož Anne Vitez, oče Ivana (pok.), brat Joso-ta, Ankice Kresic in kate Bajt. Pogreb je bil 14. avgusta iz Zak zavoda (dalje na str. 11) 2 Yugoslav secret meeting reported o> Joseph Bernik of Chicago 2 sent in a fax regarding a news ^ conference in Slovenia on r- Aug. 8 in which it was H reported a secret meeting was 3 held between Chief of ^ Yugoslav A rmy Headquarters, < Colonel-General Blagoje ^ Adtič and his high ranking of-2 fleers on August 5. Highlights > of that secret meeting are ^ printed below. O • The decision of the Q presidency of Yugoslavia on < the withdrawal of the YA (Yugoslav Army) was a tac- gj tical move... with the aim of ^ gaining time so that the YA < avoids losses in its own lines. • The YA must delay its withdrawal of units from Slovenia as long as possible; it must place various additional conditions and thus allow further interference into the internal affairs of Slovenia, at the same time, it must constantly threaten with armed retaliation. • The consolidation of conditions in Slovenia must be made impossible, with the use of false accusations, threats, diversions, and assassinations. — Some abandoned buildings must be mined and prepared for demolition with the assistance of remote activation at a specified time... • Business contacts with Slovenian companies have to be stopped. • All property of the YA has to be gradually withdrawn from the RS (Republic of Slovenia), also all equipment in and on the building must be removed, with the goal of preventing the TD (Territorial Defense) of Slovenia taking over and working in these buildings. • After the withdrawal of the units, property and families of military personnel, instigate a reason for retaliative measures with the engagement of the YA air force, which will attack the infrastructure and economy of Slovenia. — The Krško Nuclear Power Plant has to be disabled by attacking the nuclear waste deposit and external facilities. • All has to be done in cooperation with the Serbian coalition so that the will and decisiveness of the leadership and nation of Slovenia for disassociation from Yugoslavia weakens. All disposable means" and metTio"ds must be used for this purpose, - above all in the economic, monetary, external political and military fields. • In cases the YA has difficulties in withdrawing from Slovenia or if the return of confiscated equipment is being delayed, then warning air attacks against selected targets must be expected or the withdrawal of units from Slovenia must be stopped and retained in Slovenia in complete battle preparedness in the regions of the cities of Maribor, Ljubljana, Postojna and Novo Mesto • With the combination of various measures with all members of the Serbian coalition, Slovenia has to be economically exhausted to the maximum and, in this way, forced to renounce its disassociation. — Here we have to manipulate with greater and greater social dissatisfaction of the inhabitants. This dissatisfaction must be directed against the authorities. • Exaggerate the territorial aspirations of the neighboring states for parts of the territory of the R. of Slovenia and the R. of Croatia as much as possible. Slovenia fears it may run out of banknotes by Meriel Beattie LJUBLJANA, Reuter — The republic of Slovenia fears it will run out of banknotes and is preparing to introduce temporary currency to keep its fragile economy afloat, the Slovene central bank governor said. Governor France Arhar said the Yugoslav National Bank cut off Slovenia and Croatia from money supply, refinancing facilities and access to foreign currency reserves on June 27, two days after they declared independence from the federation. “This regulation is in force and we have not got unlimited dinars (Yugoslav currency) in our treasury,” Arhar said. The cut-off has dealt a blow to Slovenia which had expected to stay in the Yugoslav monetary system until it could launch its own currency next year. “If this regulation from Belgrade remains, we will have difficulties and we must put our own coupons into circulation,” said Arhar. He said although Slovenia’s dinar had not yet reached a critical level, the bank was worried that inflation or travelers buying dinars in Slovenia would eat away at the number of notes in circulation. Old notes would also have to be replaced. “This is a problem because we do not have a printing house in Slovenia — the only one is in Belgrade — and it is impossible to print dinar banknotes in Slovenia or abroad.” He said it was difficult to name a date for the introduction of the coupons but added that it might take place this week. The coupons, already printed in the same size and denomination as the dinar, name Republic of Slovenia as issuer. “This is a bridge from one system to another but it is not real money,” Arhar said. Another problem facing Slovenia is its lack of foreign currency reserves. In the past, central banks in Yugoslavia’s six republics did not have their own foreign reserves but could apply for access to those in the Yugoslav central bank. “At the moment in Slovenia we have only the foreign currency reserves of our commercial banks,” Arhar said. Arhar said despite problems caused by the federal sanctions, the Slovene central bank was trying to function as though it was part of the federal monetary system. Arhar said the Slovene government had already sent four unsuccessful appeals to Belgrade to lift monetary sanctions. WORD SEARCH FVVL JUBL JANAHERQLAGA QR VOAMROAXUBBGBDXLJP SOEGSCORZCPOP P THXHDS QEBEAVICVRMILIPATFGR EUPIDCJCCRDEVARWTWBG VVGAWOIQYSNUJOZQKWGO YTTYJAMTNAINEVOLSRRV B K F J V H X F 0 E C E C R P B L Y A X TXZLVAZUGPHHVALGIRTT KYWXUHLFOYPCXPFCQYKY Word Search Answers A couple of weeks ago John Mercina submitted a word search puzzle in which he stated there were words hidden which are familiar to Slovenians. He said there were six words but anyone finding four was an expert. Congratulations to Tony Grdina of Cleveland’s west side for submitting four correct words. Mr. Mercina has furnished all six words found in his word search. They are Slovenia, potica, freedom, Ljubljana, lipa, and Triglav. We will print it again and see if you can find the words. It’s really a good puzzle. Thanks Mr. Mercina, it was a lot of fun and the word “freedom” was well hidden and difficult to find, just as it is in real life Slovenia. Very appropriate. If you still can’t find the words, we’ll send you a copy of where the words are located. Happy 87th A very happy 87th birthday to Sam Reiger Sr. who is in Madison Health Care Center in Madison, Ohio. Best wishes from son Danny and granddaughter Carmella and other relatives and friends in the St. Vitus area. On Aug. 18th Mr. A1 Gaudino will celebrate his birthday. Best wishes from granddaughter Carmella Rose Reiger and other relatives and friends. Married Steven Arko and Serena Pap-palardo were united in holy matrimony on Aug. 10 at St. Mary Magdaline church in Willowick, O. Steven is the son of Mrs. Joe Arko and grandson of Alojzija Jamnik. Serena is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pappalardo. Congratulations and best wishes for a happy life together. Phone: 531-5240 Helen’s Beauty Salon 566 E. 200 St., Euclid, OH 44119 PLEASING YOU - PLEASES US! LENKA MISMAS lastnica ZAK-ZAKRAJSEK Funeral Home 6016 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-3112 or 361-3113 Zachary A. Zak, licensed funeral director Vladimir M. Rus Attorney ■ Odvetnik 6411 St. Clair (Slovenian National Home) 100% FREE Freedom CHECKING • No ATM Fees • No Monthly Fees •Initial Supply of Checks FREE • Unlimited Check Writing •No Minimum Balance Required • Cleveland 920 E. 185th St.......486-4100 • Cleveland Hts. 1865 Coventry Rd..371-2000 • tuclid 1515 E. 260th St..........731-8865 • Mayfield Hts. 1351 SOM Center Rd.473-2121 • Pepper Pike 3637 Under Rd........831 -8800 • Richmond Hts. 27lOOChardon Rd....944-5500 • Shaker Hts. 20200 Van Aken Blvd.752-4141 • South Euclid 14483 Cedar Rd.....291 -2800 • Willoughby Hills 2765 SOM Center Rd. 944-3400 METROPOLITAN Your Friendly Neighborhood Bank Metropolitan Savings Bank of Cleveland • Member FDIC Memo from Madeline... by Madeline D. Debevec What Carmen and Lloyd McBrayer thought was going to be their annual little family reunion and picture taking day turned out to be a huge surprise 45th wedding anniversary party. Hosted by their children Con-n*e and Bob Schreiber, An-»ette and Jim Tinter, Robert and Pat McBrayer, Janel McBrayer, Kimberle and Paul Gold, at the Timers Home in Medina. The near 100 guests included Wends and relatives from Greater Cleveland and eight surrounding suburbs, also Concord, Chesterland, Eastlake, Columbus, Fair-field, Medina and Mentor, and out of state from Maryland, New Jersey, North Caroline, New York, Penn-sylvania, Tennessee, and West Virginia. The party was held in the lodge adjacent to the home. Everyone enjoyed the setting °f spacious grounds nestled amid acres of wooded area, °ne lake for fishing and one Wr swimming, to the south a '''all of pine trees. Their apple °rchard, hidden by more trees, '''as used as a parking lot to uicle the many cars, so there "as no evidence of anyone ^her than family being there. *t was truly a breathtaking surmise for both of them. It was wonderful for the people gathered together, seeing uistant relatives with visiting ®Ud talking over old times and e'ng brought up to date of uc most recent happenings. The food was delicious and Pwutiful and many guests r°ught their favorite goodies to share. * * * Sister Edwardine Baznik has any achievements to her rredit. Among them, she Jcently received the “Nurse the Year” award from the arlc-Carroll District Nurses Th^iation- Ah • year slie was appointed ^ uiinistrator of St. Joseph ^spice, a 100 bed nursing home owned by the Diocese of Youngstown in Louisville, Ohio. The nursing facility is administered by the Sisters of St. Joseph of St. Mark. Sister remarked, one of her most delightful memories was delivering the “Ameriška Domovina” in the Euclid area during her school years at St. Christine. Congratulations, Sister, we and especially all your former A.D. customers, are very proud of your remarkable achievements. Kirt and Milena Starlein of Cleveland, proudly announce the birth of a daughter, Amanda Kathren. She was born on April 27 at Lake East Hospital in Painesville, Ohio at 4:59 a.m., weighed 7 lbs., 8 ozs and was 21” long. Maternal grandparents are Gregor and Frances Vasle of Euclid, Ohio. Paternal grandparents are Richard and L June Sajovec of Solon, Ohio. * ♦ * ENGAGEMENT Hanks-Merriman Announcement is made of the engagement of Sharon Ann Hanks, daughter of Jacqueline Hanks, 2904 Camelot Court, Willoughby Hills, Ohio, to Matthew E. Mer-riman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tim Merriman of Westlake, Ohio. The bride-to-be is a graduate of Notre Dame Academy in Chardon and attended Notre Dame College of Ohio in South Euclid. She is a customer merchant services representative for Commerce Exchange Bank in Beachwood. Her fiance is a graduate of North Olmsted High School and attended Cleveland State University. He is a food broker for Unique Marketers in Maple Heights. The wedding is Jan. 4, 1992 in St. Vitus Catholic Church in Cleveland. * * • Festival St. Jude parish, 590 Poplar Street, Elyria, Ohio will be celebrating their seventh annual festival and chicken Bar-B-Que dinner. The festivities will begin at 12 noon and last until 11 p.m. with food and activities for all. The Cleveland phone number for any questions is 777-9909. They have just completed a new church and Rev. Frank Kosem, pastor, will be happy Grdina—Cosic—F aulhaber Funeral Homes 17010 Lake Shrtte Blvd. 531-6300 28890 Chardon Road Willoughby Hills 944-8400 A TRUSTED TRADITION FOR 85 YEARS to show you around. The chicken dinners are $6. * * * Sedays Mark Golden Anniversary Anton and Olga (Zupančič) Seday of Cleveland celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on June 22 with a Mass of Thanksgiving at St. Mary’s Church in Collinwood. The couple was married on June 21, 1941 at the church. Mr. Seday is still employed as a maintenance man for Quality Inns. Mrs. Seday is a homemaker. The couple have two children: Anton of Twinsburg, and Janet Burke of Columbus. They also have five grandchildren. * * * WEDDINGS Dolinar-Warm Lisa Marie Warm and Gregory L. Dolinar were married June 1 at St. Vitus Church. The couple now resides in Willoughby Hills. The bride, daughter of Sarah and Reeves Warm of Burton, formerly of Lyndhurst, graduated from Charles F. Brush High School in 1983. She received a bachelor of arts degree in communication from Bowling Green State University. She is development coordinator for the American Heart Association. The groom, son of Milan and Paula Dolinar of Cleveland, graduated •from St. Ignatius in 1982. He received a bachelor of science in economics from John Carroll University. He is the owner of Milan Door Service. * * * Pavsek-Sweitzer Deborah A. Sweitzer married Thomas J. Pavšek April 20 at St. John Vianney Catholic Church in Mentor. The Rev. Robert Kline officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine J. Sweitzer, 7151 Adkins Road, Mentor. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Pavšek, 463 E. 328th St., Willowick. A reception at Patrician Party Center in Eastlake honored the couple before a wedding trip to St. Lucia in the West Indies and Orlando, Fla. They live in Mentor. The bride is a 1981 graduate of Mentor High School and a 1985 graduate of Cleveland State University. She is an investigator for the federal government in Cleveland. Her husband is a 1977 graduate of North High School in Eastlake and a 1982 graduate of Cleveland State. He is an electrical engineering manager for Frantz Medical in Mentor. * * * Blatnik-Pohl Michelle A. Pohl married Michael A. Blatnik on July 14, at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Painesville. The Rev. Robert G. Hanzo officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pohl, 4628 Wood Road, Madison. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Terry Frischkorn, 6435 Tulipway, Concord Township, and the late Malcolm Blatnik. A reception at the Brown Derby in Willoughby honored the couple before a wedding trip to Cancun, Mexico. They live in Madison. The bride is a graduate of Riverside High School in Painesville Township and Lakeland Community College in Kirtland. She is an insurance agent for Makee Insurance in Painesville. Her husband is a graduate of Riverside High and Northwestern Automotive Business College in Lima. He is a process operator for Fasson in Mentor. * * * Mlakar-Kozusko Marilyn M. Kozusko married Bruce J. Mlakar May 25 at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Struthers. The Rev. Stephen Karas, the Rev. Michael Ronik and the Rev. Thomas Spisak, cousin of the bride, officiated. A reception at Mr. Anthony’s in Boardman honored the couple before a wedding trip to the Hawaiian Islands. They live in Hudson. The bride is a graduate of Youngstown State University and is a records management supervisor in the computer center department at Youngstown State. Her husband is a graduate of Cleveland State University and is a regional systems engineer at Amdahl Corp. in Independence. * * * Yaksics celebrate 40 years Stanley and Victoria Yaksic of Eastlake celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on July 21st with a family dinner. They were married on this date in 1941 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Cleveland. Yaksic is retired from TRW Inc. in Euclid and his wife is retired from Dairy Mart. Their family includes sons Stanley Jr. of Mentor and Matthew of Marion; and daughters, Mary Ann Gamiere of Mentor and Vicky Yaksic of Eastlake. There are three granddaughters. * * * Don’t forget AMLA Family Day on Sunday, Aug. 18th at the AMLA Recreation Center in Leroy Township from 1 to 7 p.m. No admission charge. Joey Tomsick Orchestra from 3 to 7 p.m. Bake Sale. The kitchen and bar will be open throughout the day and evening. * * * St. Mary’s (Collinwood) parish picnic on Sunday, Aug. B DENTAL PLATES ^Jly^MADE IN OUR OWN LABORATORY FOR OVER 20 YEARS BROKEN PLATES REPAIRED LOOSE PLATES RELINED MISSING TEETH REPLACED NEW PLATES MADE ALL UNION, INSURANCE PLANS & ADC HONORED SENIOR DISCOUNTS MOST REPAIRS WHILE YOU WAIT DR. J.C. SCHNEIDER D.D.S. CORNER OF W 68 R LORAIN 961-4833 ON FIRST FLOOR RIHIND SARRIR SHOP 6420 LORAIN AV 18 at Slovenska Pristava. Mass 3 at noon followed by chicken and roast beef dinners. Bake sale. Music by the Alpine Sextet. Plenty of food and refreshments. Sizable donation Editor: Enclosed is a check for $100. Continue my subscription for one year and use the rest to keep the press rolling. As a native born Slovenian, I appreciate your editorials on behalf of an independent Slovenia. James Rugle Mentor, Ohio In Memory In memory of a great Slovenian, Professor Janez Sever, a donor sent in a check in the amount of $100.00. The person wishes to remain anonymous and says, “The $100 is for the excellent newspaper, American Home. May God award Janez Sever’s honesty and generosity.” 777-064* Mi ' jJWALDCFSj] Nursery 23460 Lorain Rd. rNorth Olmsted, O.] 777-0644 SPECIAL ROSES in bloom - potted] Juy two get thirc FREE \Hybird Patented in Earth $7.99 & up STATUARY 50% off on statuary fountains, urns, etc. ^concrete tables,] benches, etc. • Bird Baths * Madonna Mushrooms RAPID GRO Plant Food rib. Gat f mil, I WEED-B-GON | lawnWeadOkr-------- ________,V%u i and aR-anj aRiBtala^w. SCAUOP EDGING * (Gray or Red) 24-in 4 ■i.aa [Open Daily & Sunday fo; your Gardening Convenience Oytr Dj •) & K ), WALDO'S 23460 lorp.M Rcl 777“0644 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 15, 1991 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 15, 1991 Slovenia faces tough struggle for survival says Peterle The republic of Slovenia, divorced from Yugoslavia but not recognized abroad as an independent state, faces a tough struggle for survival, Prime Minister Lojze Peterle said. Although clashes between the Federal Army and Slovenia which followed the republic’s declaration of independence on June 25 have been stilled, the Western republic of 1.9 million is in limbo as tensions continue in neighboring Croatia. “The position of Slovenia is much like that of a prisoner inside Yugoslavia,” 43-year-old Peterle told Reuters news service. “In a way we are being punished because of the situation across Yugoslavia. We have difficulty in obtaining credits and cooperation with Western banks and institutions,” he said. A major threat to Slovenia’s economy is the reluctance of foreign banks to grant shortterm credits until its international status is clear. Peterle said Slovenia would need at least 300 million dollars to keep afloat the next few months. “At this very moment we are having talks with a number of states and regions... and there are fairly good prospects for a few short term credit lines to be opened to us,” he said, but declined to name Slovenia’s negotiating partners. Although Slovenia is willing to take responsibility for a billion dollar slice of Yugoslavia’s 15 billion dollar foreign debt it says it is owned 2.7 billion dollars for damage and lost revenues during a week of fighting between the Federal Army and Slovenian forces after its independence declaration. A further blow was dealt by the authorities of Serbia and Bosnia, which Peterle said had confiscated Slovene-owned businesses and property worth several hundred million dollars. Trade with these two republics is at a standstill. Within Slovenia, industrial production and sales have slumped and the country’s metal processing industry, which provided 15.4 percent of Slovenia’s gross internal product in 1989, is expected to be worst hit. The republic’s 1.9 million people, who before independence were warned of a 20 percent drop in standard of living, should now expect a drop of 30 percent, Peterle added. Peterle, Slovenia’s First democratically elected prime minister, said one of the problems facing Slovenia’s credibility abroad was a tendency to associate it with the ethnic violence that has ravaged Croatia in the past month. —Robin St.Lawrence marks 90; Bishop seeks peace in Slovenia On Sunday, August 11, St. Lawrence parish in Newburgh (south Cleveland) observed its 90th anniversary with a Mass and banquet. The 11 a.m. Mass was celebrated on the feast of St. Lawrence with Cleveland Bishop Anthony M. Pilla the principal celebrant. The cocelebrants were pastor Rev. Anthony Rebel, Assistant pastor Rev. Jenne, and Rev. Victor Tome and Rev. Victor Cimperman. Prior to the mass there was a concert in the church at 10:30 a.m. by the beautifully blended voices of the choir. After Mass, there was a banquet in the Slovenian Home on E. 80th St. During his sermon. Bishop Pilla recalled the history of the Slovenians in the Newburgh area and their role in building St. Lawrence parish. He also mentioned each priest who SAVE 50 ° ON FILM DEVELOPING WHILE YOU SHOP! One-Hour Service • In The Mall Each picture is the best it can be or we reprint it free...now! Offer applies to regular one-hour prices. No limit on number of rolls discounted with this coupon. 4x6 color prints (print length varies with film size). Offer applies to first set of prints only. C41 in lab process. Cannot be combined with other film developing offers. Coupon good through September 14, 1991. CPI photo finisti **t ..,. .°.n.e. Pt1?!?........... One-Hour Services: film developing • enlargements reprints • double prints Also Available: wallet photos • film instant color passport photos video transfer • copies from prints cameras and accessories E-6 slide processing Euclid Square Mall center court Severance Town Center between Center Court & Galaxy Food Court EUCLID, OHIO BEVERAGE 635 E. 200 St. — 486-0595 We have various beverages and among them a large selection of fine Slovenian wines and beers. T||e Family Briggs SLOVENE RETIREMENT HOME A Home for Comfortable, Carefree Retirement 8320 Cypress Avenue (714) 823-3944 Fontana, California 92335 Zele Funeral Home Memorial Chapel 452 E. 152 St. Phone 481-3118 Addison Road Chapel 6502 SLjClair Ave. Phone 361-0583 Family owned and operated since 1908 served as pastor at St. Lawrence parish, most of them were Slovenian. Bishop Pilla ended his talk with “I want you to know that I too share in your concern about the present political conditions in Yugoslavia. The Slovenian people, whether in America or in Slovenia, are known for their devotion to God, their strong family ties and for honorable patriotism. These virtues are part of the Slovenian personality. “As you know, on July 1, more than 1,500 Slovenians and Croatians came to our St. John Cathedral in Cleveland to pray for peace and independence of Slovenia and Croatia. I also want you to know that the National Conference of Catholic Bishops has asked the President, Mr. Bush, and the United States government to pursue vigorously a peaceful solution to the struggle in Yugoslavia and that the United States Catholic Bishops sent letters to the Bishops in Yugoslavia assuring them of our concern and our prayers for peace and justice. May God hear and answer our prayers.” Rev. Anthony Rebol spoke at the end of the Mass and thank- g VISIT US! GVU&A ROSA •Pizza / /•Restaurant Our dining roorrt is open to serve you Monday thru Thursday 11 a.m. until 11 p.m. Friday & Saturday from 11 a.m. until 1 a.m. We are open on Sunday from 1 p.m -11 p.m. We serve imported beers including Slovenian Union Pivo. (Located at Andolsek Plaza) 853 E. 185 St. - Cleveland You can order Take-Outs 486-5545 Besides English, Slovenian is spoken! perfect celebration. Georgia recognizes Slovenia The republic of Georgia recognized Slovenia and offered to establish diplomatic ties. The action by the rebelious Soviet republic drew a quick rebuff from the Kremlin. Your Life Insurance Just Became Too Expensive Low, Fixed Rates for Term Life Insurance Guaranteed for Five Years The Catholic Order of Foresters guarantees these low premiums will remain level for five (5) years. And at the end ot the second year (2nd), dividends* can reduce your cost even more. ‘Based on our current dividend scale and interest rate and not guaranteed. $100,000 FACE AMOUNT male female Issue __Age Non- Non- smoker Smoker smoker Smoker persons for coming and thank- 25 $ 124 $ 154 $ 98 $ 124 ed the many volunteers who 30 $ 130 $ 165 $ 110 $ 145 give of their time and talents 35 $ 157 $224 $ 137 $ 188 for the parish. 40 $ 240 $377 $201 $ 239 For addtoonal information, dip and return the coupon betow. Amount of ruurancr Catholic Order of Foresters Mail t0' Elmer T. Rossman 151 E. 196th St., Euclid, Ohio 44119 (216) 486-2041 Catholic Order of Foresters-an A+ °ateo trarernal Danem society serving Catholics for over 100 years. .~V~V;W \\ IH E LIN TRAVEL BUREAU “For All Your Travel Needs" Cleveland, Ohio 44103 4118 St. Clair Ave. ADRIA AIRWAYS, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia With regular flights starting Sept. 1 Frankfurt to Ljubljana! none (216) 431-5710 and London - Catwick to Ljubljana and London - Heathrow to Ljubljana Frank in Christina Mihelin — owners death notices Newsletter from London, England IVAN KRESIC Ivan Kresic, 73, husband of Anna Vietz, father of Ivan (dec.), Maria, brother of Joso, Ankica Kresic and Kata Bajt. Family received friends at Zak Funeral Home, 6016 St. Clair. Mass at St. Vitus at 9:30 a-m. on Wednesday, Aug. 14. Interment in All Souls Cemetery. NICHOLAS ŠPEHAR Nicholas “Nick” Špehar, 80, a long time resident of the Col-linwood area died Tuesday, August 6 in Meridia Euclid Hospital. He was a 50 year member of the SNPJ lodge No. 604. He was retired from Sifco In-ustries where he worked as a Tool & Die Maker for 25 years. He was the husband of the late Angela (nee Lenasi), the lather of Karen, Rich (dec.), and Pudge (dec.); grandfather three, father-in-law of "larilyn Špehar and brother of Barbara Kortine, Mary Sloane (CA), Catherine Vinkovich (dec.), and Frances Corrigan (dec.). Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 1'2 St. was in charge of ar-tangements. Services were "eld Friday, Aug. 9. Burial in AH Souls Cemetery. STELLA MAHNICH Stella Mahnich (nee Ban), 'v'fe of Joseph Rojec (dec.) ®nd Frank (dec.); mother of Harold Rojek of Colorado; 8randmother of three; sister of Jose Ban; aunt of Lillian Csters, Ruth Tischler, and Hanley Gerk. She was a member of the ^Uclid Pensioners Club, Slovenian Women’s Union No. 47 (a 50-year member) Friends were received at (frdina-Cosic Faulhaber huneral Home, 17010 Lake Niore Blvd. Services were Wednesday, Aug. 14 at St. lj>bert’s Church. Interment 'Calvary Cemetery. The Slovenians in London, England, although small in number, are very vocal in their support of an independent Slovenia. They hhve published a newsletter outlining their activities on behalf of Slovenia and it is a means of communications between Slovenian individuals, groups and businesses in the United Kingdom. Printed below are a few excerpts from the publication called "Slovenija.” We thank Keith C. Miles for forwarding a copy of the magazine to Edmund Turk, chairman of the United Americans for Slovenia. The Slovenes are a nation of individuals, probably due to the topography of Slovenia. Isolated Alpine valleys and small scattered villages created a nation in which every individual drives toward self-sufficiency, while the decisions involving the community were taken by the village elders gathering around the ancient lime tree in the centre of the village. Slovenes survived through the history as a rural nation, the Slovene aristocracy having been removed before the start of the 2nd millenium. Noticeable Slovenian contributions to modern civiliza- Siovenian climber honored s Yugoslavia’s troubles with N°venia are not deterring the u8oslav postal administra-m°n from issuing stamps com-^Dorating Slovenians. , ^ 7.50 dinar stamp released ne 24 honors Slovenian £°untain climber Tomo tK en‘ *s sh°wn ascending south face of Lhotse. This j °untain, also known as El, of the world’s tallent at 7>973 feet. ^nton M. Lavrisha Attorney-at-law (Odvetnik) ^oiripiete Legal Services nc°me Tax-Notary Public 18975 Villaview Road at Neff 692-1172 US should take lead role in Yugo Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole (R-KS) yesterday issued the following statement regarding the New York Times editorial regarding the continuing political situation in Yugoslavia. “The editorial board of the New York Times today called for the United States to take the lead in forging an international coalition, under the auspices of the United Nations, to confront the aggression of Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic. “I fully agree with that assessment. Two weeks ago I sent a letter, together with thirteen of my colleagues, to the President urging that the United States abandon its back-seat role and take a leadership role. In that letter, we recommended that a special envoy be sent to Yugoslavia to meet with the leaders of Croatia, Serbia, the members of the Yugoslav presidency and EC mediators. “...And, as the President successfully demonstrated during the war in the Gulf, he is skilled at creating coalitions during times of crisis. “Clearly now is the time for the United Sites to lead, not to follow. Without direct U.S. involvement, the European community’s efforts are likely to continue to fall short.” brickman & SONS FUNERAL HOME ^1900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 Between Chardon & E. 222nd St. - Euclid, Ohio tion include the invention of the modern bee-keeping, an indigenous farming building type the “kozolec” and the Slovenes are credited as one of the originators of skiing. In everyday life Slovenians do not demonstrate blatant patriotism and they easily integrate into whatever environment they happen to find themselves. It is only in times of crisis that Slovenes step together. It is interesting to observe that Slovenians do not rally behind strong leaders but after lengthy discussions take group decisions and then take individual initiatives accordingly. This organizational structure has shown itself very clearly through the Slovene grass-root movement in Britain during the recent Yugoslav army occupation of Slovenia. The focal point of the grass-root movement was the Slovenian crisis Centre together with the Slovenian Newsletter and the Vigil in front of the Yugoslav Embassy which culminated in the demonstration in the Trafalgar Square on 7th July 1991... Serbian, Croatian Chess Masters Brawl During Tournament The San Francisco Chronicle, Saturday, July 13 — The civilized warfare of chess gave way to the real thing this week when grandmasters from the rival Yugoslav republics of Serbia and Croatia came to blows during an Italian tournament, police said yesterday. The fight between Croatian Nenad Sulava and Velibor Zirkovic of Serbia broke out Wednesday at their hotel ba>\ '•> Slovene Open The 34th annual Old Time Slovene Open will be held at Springhills Golf Club, 6571 S. Cleve-Mass Rd. in Barberton, Ohio on Saturday, August 24. Button box music and a sing-along will follow golf. Dancing in the evening - open to the public - from 8:30 p.m. with music by the Frankie Spetich Sr. Orchestra at Sacred Heart School, 1281 Shannon Ave., Barberton, O., 1 block east off Cleve-Mass Rd. Golf packages available. Call Greg Leksan (216) 825-9196 or Mickey Bailey (216) 745-6635. Frangos hears from White House Cleveland Councilman Gus Frangos (Ward 13) received the following reply from the White House, Washington, D.C. Dear Mr. Frangos: On behalf of the President, thank you for your recent letter concerning the situation in Slovenia and Croatia. I appreciate your taking the time to write the Administration on this matter. The President feels strongly that Yugoslavia’s disputes would be best resolved within a framework of cooperation amongst the republics. The Administration supports peaceful dialogue which would bring about peaceful change and objects to the use of violence, by any group within Yugoslavia, as a means of fostering change. We urge all parties involved to work toward new constitutional arrangements, in which The Mother of All Garage Sales by John Mercina Billed as the biggest flea market in the U.S., Ship-shewana, Indiana takes the cake. This weekly flea market has over 1,200 individual stands. It even has a wholesale stand at which you can restock goodies for your own stand. Unbelievable! But it gave me an idea. Why not have an annual “Slovenian Flea Market” at one of the “Neutral” Slovenian picnic grounds or homes. Have it on a Saturday and charge $1 for parking, $10 for the sales space and donate the proceeds to the Slovenian Home for the Aged or another worthy Slovenian cause. With proper free advertising and low cost newspaper ads, this could become the “Mother of all garage sales.” One of a kind treasures are probably hiding in some Slovenian family’s attic. Clear uwucii aiiaiiKcuiems, in wmcn lauiny s amc. i^iear the aspirations of the peoples out and seH the junk (I mean of Yugoslavia can be realized. treasure). At the same time, respect for the integrity of borders among the republics, and the protection of human rights within those republics, must also be considered. I have taken the liberty of Make some money for yourself and some for the good of others. Prove wrong those who claim Slovenians rarely part with anything. Aside to Stan the Shoe Man -here is your chance to get back * laiYtii me uucriy or vucuiee i.u gCl C?aCK sharing your letter with the ap- into the fun of selling. Just an propriate officials at the State idea for next summer or fall. Department for their further review and information. Please be assured that they will give your thoughts the utmost consideration. With the President’s best wishes and my own, Sincerely, Debra Anderson Deputy Assistant to the president and Director of Intergovernmental Affairs Art Show, Picnic Lodge 6 Picnic AMLA Lodge 6 “Slovenski Dom” will be celebrating its 80th anniversary with a picnic at the AMLA recreation grounds in Leroy, Ohio on Sunday, September 15. The event begins at 12 noon with dinners, music by Fedor-chak, an art exhibit, entertainment, balina tournament and much more. CARST-NAGY Memorials 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 “Serving the Slovenian Community.’ SNPJ Lodge 147 Vodnikov Venec celebrates its 80th anniversary in conjunction with its 11th annual Art and Craft Show and Picnic at the SNPJ Farm on Heath Road on Sunday, Aug. 25th. Roast beef and sausage dinners will be served from 1 to 3 for $6 which includes dessert and beverage. The Don Wo-jtila Orchestra will play from 3:30 to 7:30. Gate admission is $2.50 for adults unless you are a “Friend of the Farm.” Throughout the afternoon many of the local artists will be demonstrating their artistic talents. There will be a raffle for gifts of original paintings Kres Benefit at Pristava Slovenian folk dancing group Kres is having a dinner and dance at Slovenska Pristava recreation center in Harpers field, Ohio on Saturday, August 17. The steak and pork dinners will be served from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Following dinner, the Stan Mejac Trio will provide music. For advance tickets call Veronika Stropnik at 946-3875. Likes paper Enclosed you will find a . E •, FOUIUUgS ------ ■T'-'U *VUI 11IJU a oy fcmka Zulic, Justine Skok c.heck for our yearly subscrip-and Jack Subel plus a bandana Hon for the American Home, quilt by Jan Lewis, a handmade afghan by Angela Žabjek, original pottery by Jack Rotar and a framed photo print by Mark Rnfar plus $10.00 for publishing expense. My husband and I enjoy reading the paper very much. Wouldn’t be without it. Marv and Tnhn y’J my Parents and Brother F ather Mother Brother Anton Može Helen Može Louis Može July 23, 1955 36th Aug. 15, 1982 9th Jan. 19, 1943 48th Fondly Missed by Son and Brother Anton Moze Jr. and Wife, Kay Cleveland, OH, August 15, 1991 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 15, 1991 (AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 15, 1991 Slovenska Folklorna Skupina KRES Steak Dinner/Dance Slovenska Pristava — August 17, 1991 DINNER 6:30 - 8:30 DANCING: STAN MEJAČ TRIO $11 Steak Dinner — $9 Stuffed Pork Dinner Coming Events... Saturday, August 17 Slovenian folklore group Kres will be having a dinner and dance at Slovenska Pristava. The steak and pork dinners will be served 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Stan Mejac Trio provides music. For tickets call 946-3875. Saturday, August 17 Slovenian American National Art Guild Art and Craft Display under the big tent at Chalet Debonne Winery, Madison, Ohio. Sunday, Aug. 18 Family Day sponsored by American Mutual Life Association at the AMLA recreation center in Leroy Township. Food, music, games. Everyone invited. Sunday, August 18 St. Mary (Collinwood) picnic at Slovenska Pristava in Harpersfield, Ohio. Following noon Mass chicken and roast beef dinners served from 1 -2:30 p.m. Alpine Sextet plays for dancing. Wednesday, Aug. 21 Cleveland Polka Foundation benefit birthday party for DJ Tony Petkovšek, 6 p.m. at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair with musical entertainment. Donation $5. Sunday, Aug. 25 Collinwood Slovenian Home Annual Homecoming. Labor Day Weekend Bishop Baraga Days, Washington, D.C. Sunday, Sept. 15 AMLA Lodge 6 “Slovenski Dom” picnic 80th anniversary picnic at AMLA recreation center in Leroy, Ohio beginning at 12 noon. Music by Fedorchak. Food and refreshments, balina tournament, and more... Everyone invited to come and enjoy the day. Sunday, Sept. 29 St. Anne Lodge No. 150 KSKJ Annual Celebration Mass at 11 a.m. at St. Lawrence Church. Dinner at 1 p.m. at Sterle’s on E. 55th Street, Cleveland. Saturday, Oct. 5 14th annual concert of Fantje na Vasi at the St. Clair Slovenian National Home in Cleveland. Dance featuring the Alpine Sextet and social will follow. Saturday, Oct. 12 Glasbena Matica Concert, Dinner, Dance with Sumrada Orchestra at Slovenian National Home, St. Clair. Support Independent Slovenia At Washington Labor Day Rally Stan Saj novic writes Mulroney On Saturday, August 31, the AFL-CIO will sponsor a “Labor Solidarity Rally” in Washington, D.C. Several hundred thousand persons are expected to attend, according to Dr. Vladimir J. Rus of Cleveland, who is working together with the Alliance of Slovenian Americans to ensure substantial Slovene participation in the rally with the aim of demonstrating for the recognition of independent Slovenia. A no-charge overnight bus ride will be provided by the AFL-CIO, with the departure from Cleveland on Friday, August 30, at 11 p.m., arrival in Washington by 9 a.m. the following morning. From 9 a.m. to noon there will be entertainment, celebrity introductions, and picnics. Starting at noon the participants will march along Constitution Avenue to the U.S. Capitol, where they will hear a variety of speakers. The rally will conclude by 5 p.m. and the departure by bus back to Cleveland will be at 6:30 p.m. It is expected the buses will get back to Cleveland by around 3:30 a.m. on the morning of Sunday, September 1. Further details about this rally will be announced later. Individuals and groups who might be interested in taking part can contact Dr. Rus at 216/987-4907 (work) or 216/ 646-1953 (home). The rally, by the way, is nationwide, so in your area you can get more details by calling the toll-free AFL-CIO Solidarity Day office at 1-800-LABOR91. As readers of American Home know, the 1991 Baraga Days will be celebrated in Washington on August 31 and September 1, so there will be a large number of committed Slovene Americans in Washington during the rally. It is also expected that barring unforeseen complications in Slovenia, Prime Minister Lojze Peterle will be in Washington for the Baraga Days and for meetings with U.S. and other officials. Especially if the AFL-CIO Al Koporc, Jr. Piano Technician (216) 481-4391 STERLE-SANKOVIC Funeral Home (Formerly Sankovic-Johnson) 15314 Macauley Avenue (Corner of E. 152 & Lake Shore Blvd.) Joseph J. Sterle - Director (216) 531-3600 p.n——J rally will permit a specific commitment in favor of recognition of Slovenia as an independent nation, it would be helpful if as many Slovenes participated as possible, perhaps Mr. Peterle as well, depending on his schedule. The AFL-CIO has many millions of members and carries a lot of clout on Capitol Hill. If some of that clout can be used to support Slovenia both in terms of helping secure U.S. recognition of its independence and, as well, of U.S. economic assistance, participation in the rally will be most useful. Dr. Rudolph M. Susel 49 at St. Ann meet All the Ann’s got together again for their annual St. Ann’s feast day. The luncheon was held at All Seasons Restaurant and Lounge in Wickliffe. Forty-nine Anns attended this year. Ann Terček said God willing they will be together again next year. In Memory Mr. Anton Kos of Rancho Rio, New Mexico donated $15.00 to the Ameriška Domovina in memory of his wife, Ann Kos who passed away May 14, 1991 in New Mexico. She was buried from St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church there. The interment was in Vista Verde Memorial Park. Donation Thanks to the Jesenko children of Cleveland, Ohio who donated $20.00 to the Ameriška Domovina. Mr. Stanko Sajnovic of Orillia, Canada wrote the following letter to the Prime Minister of Canada, the Right Honorable Brian Mulroney in Ottawa: Dear Mr. Mulroney: I am writing you to encourage you to urgently recognize the Republic of Slovenia as a Sovereign Nation for several reasons. First, approximately two years ago - in April, 1989 - I wrote to the Honorable Doug Lewis - our Member of Parliament - who in turn passed my letter on to then External Affairs Minister Rt. Hon. Joe Clark - copy enclosed - urging him to recognize Slovenia as a democratic Republic in the event that Slovenia would declare independence from Yugoslavia. In the Minister’s aid’s reply -copy enclosed - he stated that Canada would favour a closer integration of Yugoslavia into the H.E.C. and other trade and development organizations. Since one of the primary requirements to join these organizations is a free and democratic society; Slovenia and Croatia have become free and democratic societies - but the rest of Yugoslavia still remains communist dominated causing Slovenia to succeed -allowing Slovenia to enter Western trade and development organizations. The second reason is Slovenia’s abilty to be economically viable as a Sovereign Nation. Slovenia has for 45 years under communist rule supported the rest of Yugoslavia. Without the burden of Yugoslavia, Slovenia would become a strong and long-term con- tributor to the global economic picture. The third reason is Slovenia’s long battle against oppression. For over 1,000 years the culture and people of Slovenia have been oppressed by several different and brutal regimes forcing Slovenians to hide their culture. For the first time Slovenia and Slovenians will be able to control their own destiny with their Declaration of Independence. The fourth reason is the Yugoslav constitution allows for Republics to succeed if so decided in a referendum by the people of that Republic. Free elections were held in Slovenia during 1990 and a democratic government was elected with a mandate to seek democracy either with a democratic Yugoslavia in which all Republics and the central government adopt a democratic government -which did not happen because Serbia stayed with the communist ideology - or Slovenia would succeed and become a democratic Sovereign Nation -which it is trying to do with its Declaration of Independence. In closing, Slovenians are a kind, compassionate, hard working and persevering people who are striving for their independence. Please help them achieve this important goal and milestone in their history by recognizing Slovenia as a Sovereign Nation. Respectfully yours, Stan Sajnovic Orillia, Ontario “Wit ought to be a glorious treat like caviar. Never spread it about like marmalade.” —Noel Coward 3-wsT (216) 692-2099 Slovenian flags, patches Frangies Fashions, Inc. is making Slovenian Flags which are now available. We will also have for sale iron-on patches. One patch will be of the Slovenian flag, the other of a crest of the Republic of Slovenia. The flags are made in three sizes: large (2 yards by 1 yard); medium (1 yard by 18 inches); and small (18 inches by 9 inches) Prices are, large $25; med $15, and small $5 From the sale of each flag, Frangies Fashions will donate a portion of the sale to United Americans for Slovenia. ($5 for large, $2.50 for med, and $1.25 for small) The patches are $5.00 each. Frangies Fashions, Inc., 475 E. 200 St. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 — Phone (216) 692-2099 I,, a i.—awmDByjj FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina h X 1 a AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, August 15, 1991 SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER 7 Vesti iz Slovenije Lojze Peterle namerava obiskati Washington ob koncu meseca — Poleg Baragovih dni želi srečanja na državni in ekonomski ravni Predsednik slovenske vlade Lojze Peterle ima namen obiskati Washington, D.C. ob koncu tega meseca, pod pogojem seveda, da mu bodo tak obisk dopuščale takratne razmere v Sloveniji. Peterle naj bi se udeležil Baragovih dni (na str. 9 je članek ob 20-letni-ci posvetitve Slovenske kapele v Narodnem svetišču) in izkoristil priložnost tudi za srečanja z ameriškimi državniki ter predstavniki ameriških in mednarodnih finančnih ustanov, v kolikor bo to mogoče, upoštevajoč da bo šlo v ZDA za Delavski dan praznik. V Peterletovi delegaciji bodo menda Dušan Šešok, podpredsednik vlade in sicer zadolžen za gospodarska vprašanja (torej naslednik bivšega podpredsednika Jožeta Mencingerja, ki je bil odstopil pred meseci) ter nekateri finančni in drugi strokovnjaki. Hrvaška pričakuje splošno vojaško ofenzivo v naslednjih dneh s strani uporniških srbskih skupin na svojem ozemlju ter JLA Radio poročilo danes zjutraj iz Zagreba je govorilo o pričakovanju hrvaških oblasti, da pripravljajo srbske oborožene formacije, ki operirajo na ozemlju Hrvaške, v koordiniranem sodelovanju z jugoslovansko armado, splošno ofenzivo zoper republiko Hrvaško. Poročilo pravi, da te trditve ni mogoče preveriti, ne gre pa pozabiti, da je poveljnik nekaterih srbskih enot dejal pred nedavnim, da Hrvaška uporablja trenutno premirje za okrepljanje svojih vojaških in policijskih enot z namenom, da prične ofenzivo zoper kraje v državi, ki jih imajo pod kontrolo Srbi. Vodilni hrvaški politiki še vedno ponavljajo, da ne bodo pod nobenim pogojem pristali na izgubo peda hrvaškega ozemlja in da bodo slej ali prej napravili konec srbskemu uporu. Take in podobne izjave s srbske strani prepričujejo tako domače kot zunanje opazovalce razmer v Jugoslaviji, da mirne rešitve za krizo med Srbijo in Hrvaško ne bo in da gre torej predvsem za to, kdaj se bo vojna začela, kako dolga in kruta bo, in kako obsežna oziroma katere druge kraje bivše Jugoslavije bo zajela, da o možnih zunanjih inter-vencijah se niti ne govori. Katastrofalne gospodarske posledice za Slovenijo in Hrvaško ter tudi ostale dele bivše Jugoslavije zaradi nerešene politične krize se naglo še poglabljajo Današnji New York Times objavlja do-Pis svojega novinarja Chuck Sudetica, v katerem Sudetic citira konkretne primere o tem, kako katastrofalne so gospodarske poledice trenutnega stanja na ozemlju nekda-hje Jugoslavije. Prevladuje v gospodarskih °dnosih podjetij »zakon džungla«, pravi no-v>nar. V nedavnih spopadih na Hrvaškem na Primer, je bil ustavljen za nekaj dni ves med-harodni potniški železniški promet med Slovenijo ter Hrvaško na eni in Srbijo na drugi strani. To je prisililo preusmeritev Mednarodnih vlakov preko Madžarske. Ve-ftna tovornjakov, ki vozijo blago na medna-r°dnih linijah, sploh ne uporablja jugoslovanskih cest. Od Srbije kontroliran Jugoslovanski aer so imeli dovolj semestrov Stu' dija, pa še niso položili vseh iz' pitov. V Veržeju je Janez Sever ostal več let. Ko so prosvet' ne oblasti zahtevale od »zaČ3' snih« učnih moči, da polo^e potrebne izpite, je odšel Janez Sever v Beograd in tam konČ^1 študij slavistike. Gimnazija v »Škofovih z#' vodih« je tedaj potreboval2 slavista za poučevanje srboht' vaščine in Janez Sever je °1 kot nalašč za to mesto. Tak° je prišel poučevat na gimnaZj jo, kjer je nekdaj sam študij Jeseni leta 1940 sva se z Ja°e zom Severjem znašla na 1 • a žavni realni gimnaziji v LjoP Ijani. V Evropi je divjala voj02'j vsi smo v strahu čakali, k0 bo zajela Jugoslavijo. , ski puč 27. marca 1941 je Hitlerju povod za napad ^ Jugoslavijo 6. aprila 194L dobrih dveh tednih je (dalje na str. 10) bil2 11 k OB DVAJSETLETNICI Slovenske kapele v Washingtonu Washington, d.c. - Na Praznik Marijinega Vnebovze-tja pred dvajsetimi leti je mariborski škof dr. Maksimilijan Držečnik ob asistenci koprskega škofa dr. Janeza Jenka in Jolietskega škofa Blanchetta Posvetil Slovensko kapelo v Narodnem svetišču Brezmade-froga Spočetja v ameriški pre-stolnici. S tem so bila kronana ^čletna prizadevanja ameri-•oh Slovencev, da si v glav-nem mestu Združenih držav Postavijo trajni verskp-kultur-™ spomenik kot zunanji izraz ^estobe slovenskim krščan-izročilom. S Slovensko kapelo so se ovenci uvrstili med druge na-r0(k> ki imajo svoje kapele v J največji katoliški cerkvi v |nneriki, osmi največji na sve-u> in kateri je sedanji papež Pavel II. nedavno pode-1 naslov bazilike. Kot je le-ta grajena in vzdrževana z daro-v* ameriških katoličanov, tako Je tudi Slovenska kapela darilo ^riških Slovencev, kot je Pisano v spominski knjigi: fTa kapela, posvečena Ma-Pji P omagaj z Brezij, zaščitni-. ovencev, iz pobožnosti in , rtlosti Američanov sloven- skega porekla kot pomnik tio , .anajst stoletij slovenskega v "anstva, in v počastitev ki so ta stoletja ohranjali ^ vzdrževali častitljiva krščan-a 'Zročila Slovencev, poseb-veliki slovenski škof Anton ffiftin Slomšek in njegov so-^ nik Frederik Baraga, ki je ®nesel slovensko dedišlcno ^ ^eriško zemljo, kjer je apostol Indijancev pod-^ Velikih jezer, prvi škof v ^,estih Sault Sainte Marie in ^uette v Michiganu ter bil o soustanovitelji katoliške ^ve v Združenih državah.« ve 0 ie washingtonskim Slo-|(V Ceih z naklonjenostjo cer-iovjnega v°dstva uspelo zago- edini še razpoložljivi v Narodnem svetišču ^7*° dni kasneje Sloven-_enska zveza na svojem !> 10r°vanju S* Ho v Washingtonu Hi^,a reso*uc*j°. da bo na- Hj0 ' Podprla zamisel za grad-l°Val *°Vens*(e kapele in sode-Sred Pr' naDiranju potrebnih ev za njeno uresničenje, vit*a dana osnova za ustano-1^ javnega odbora v Cleve-U -ieseni 1967 in krajevnih C- v Washingtonu, New u *u Chicagu. § . Začetki gradnje ko ^ lst° leto se je začela širo-h, Jovana nabiralna akci-siove* j® Podprlo Društvo bltj tnsbih duhovnikov v Ame-Številna društva in or-rojai. ciie- Ker so se slovenski btyj/ °dzvali v tako velikem % ' Je bila 19. januarja Jove’na stoto obletnico Bara-podpisana pogod-P0 Pravo cerkve. % in skrbni izbiri raznih zami-Ht Ce^utkov je glavni arhi-Ve sprejel predlog po-^ bi or,] tričlanskega odbora, Podobe Marije Po-v6 0„ kaPeli bili izraženi še S ,°^n‘ misli: začetek in r-Čanstva pri Sloven- cih in doprinos slovenskega krščanstva ameriškemu. Podobo Marije Pomagaj — darilo slovenskih škofov — je po originalni Layerjevi na Brezjah naslikal akademski slikar Leon Koporc, za ostalo umetniško opremo pa je bil po odobrenih osnutkih izbran akademskih kipar France Gorše, ki je tedaj imel svoj atelje v New Yorku. Prvo zamisel je Gorše izoblikoval v dveh reliefih: škof Modest krščuje kneza Gorazda in škof Slomšek širi krščansko omiko med slovenskim narodom. Drugo pa: škof Baraga misijonar! med Indijanci Velikih jezer ter Mati-Domovina-Bog z delavsko družino slovenskih naseljencev. Tako imata mesto v kapeli oba slovenska škofa: Slomšek je deloval v Sloveniji, Baraga v Ameriki, za katera verni Slovenci molijo, da bi dosegla čast oltarja. Slovesnosti ob posvetitvi Kapela je bila dokončana julija 1971 in 15. avgusta je bila posvečena. Na tridnevne slovesnosti je prišlo okoli tri tisoč slovenskih rojakov iz Združenih držav in Kanade; posebno pozornost je vzbudila skupina 170 rojakov iz Slovenije, ki je pod vodstvom dr. Ivana Merlaka pripotovala s posebnim letalom. Bila je prisrčno sprejeta, saj je za tiste čase pokazala mnogo poguma. Z njo sta prišla mariborski škof dr. Držečnik in koprski škof dr. Jenko, kot že omenjeno. Pri slovesnem bogoslužju so se jima pridružili še ameriški škofje iz Marquetta, Chicaga, Jolieta in Washingtona. Iz Rima je rektor Slovenika msgr. Maksimilijan Jezernik prebral osebno podpisano posvetilo in blagoslov papeža Pavla VI. Potek obredov je vodil msgr. Alojz Baznik iz Clevelanda, somaševalo pa je 40 slovenskih duhovnikov. K temu, za ameriške Slovence in za slovensko krščansko kulturo tako pomembnemu dogodku, so poslali čestitke mnogi ugledni predstavniki ameriškega javnega in verskega življenja, med njimi celo tedanji predsednik Združenih držav Richard M. Nixon. Akademija in banket Dan pred slovesno posvetitvijo sta bila v enem največjih washingtonskih hotelov slavnostna akademija in banket. Na dveurnem kulturnem sporedu pod naslovom Krščansko izročilo Slovencev so med drugimi sodelovali: iz Clevelanda pevska zbora Korotan in Dawn-Zarja, oba pod vodstvom ing. Frančka Gorenška, ki je za to priliko uglasbil na besedilo Marjana Jakopiča pesem Marija Pomagaj, pozdravljena; delo škofa Antona Martina Slomška so predstavili otroci clevelandske slovenske šole, katerim se je pridružil Slomškov naslednik škof Držečnik; odlomek iz Prešernovega Krsta pri Savici so uprizorili slovenski igralci iz To- Ravno na ta dan, pred dvajsetimi leti, je bila posvečena Slovenska kapela. Slika zgoraj kaže nekatere od udeležencev, zbrane pred Narodnim svetiščem v Washingtonu. Marsikdo med našimi bralci bo gotovo spoznal sebe na posnetku. Na letošnjih Baragovih dnevih v ameriški prestolnici pričakujejo tudi predsednika slovenske vlade Lojzeta Peterleta. V srednji sliki mariborski škof dr. Maksimilijan Držečnik ob posvetitvi podobe Marije Pomagaj z Brezij. Na spodnji sliki vidimo sedaj že pokojnega sen. Franka J. Lauscheta, ko govori skupini upokojencev Slovenske pristave, ki so bili prišli na obisk Washingtona. Zadaj od sen. Lauscheta je podoba Marije Pomagaj, na njegovi levi je pa g. Wadas, ki daruje vsak mesec slovensko sv. mašo v kapelici za washingtonske rojake. ronta pod vodstvom Vilka Če-kute, Cankarjevo Večerno molitev pa sta recitirala Izabela in Vladimir Kralj iz Milwau-keeja. Predvajan je bil še film Brezje, ki so ga prinesli seboj gostje iz Slovenije in iz Baragovih spisov je p. Bertrand Kotnik iz New Yorka prebral odlomek v jeziku Indijancev plemena Chippewa. Po akademiji je bil v sosednji dvorani banket za okoli 1400 gostov. Med številnimi častnimi gosti je bil senator Frank J. Lausche, ki je svoj nagovor v slovenščini zaključil takole: »Ta kapela Brezjanske Matere božje bo spominjala ljudi vsepovsod — in to po pravici — na pomembnost slovenskega naroda, na njegove kulturne doprinose vsemu svetu in na dvanajst stoletij dosledne krščanske zgodovine.« V istem hotelu je bila še slovenska slikarska razstava, na Katoliški univerzi je Erik Kovačič pripravil razstavo slovenske knjige, v muzeju Ameriške zgodovine pa Bogomir Čokelj slovensko etnografsko razstavo kot začetek stalne muzejske zbirke. Obiski Še preden je bila zgrajena Slovenska kapela so Narodno svetišče obiskali: leta 1967 ljubljanski nadškof dr. Jožef Pogačnik, leto za njim mariborski škof dr. Držečnik, leta 1969 pa škof dr. Stanislav Lenič, ki je med sveto mašo izročil podobo Marije Pomagaj za bodočo kapelo. Za peto obletnico kapele je prišel na obisk koprski škof dr. Janez Jenko, deseto obletnico 1981 pa so washingtonski Slovenci proslavili z obiskom ljubljanskega nadškofa in metropolita dr. Alojzija Šuštarja. Mariborski pomožni škof dr. Jožef Smej je prvič maševal v Slovenski kapeli leta 1984, letos pa bo glavni mašnik pri slovenski maši za dvajseto o-bletnico, ki bo združena z Baragovim dnevom naslednji dan, 1. septembra, ko bo bogoslužje vodil washingtonski nadškof kardinal James Hickey. V dvajsetih letih od posvetitve je v Slovenski kapeli maševalo zelo mnogo duhovnikov od vsepovsod. Obiskalo jo je še mnogo domačih in tujih obiskovalcev, saj Washington slovi za eno najlepših ameriških mest in že Svetišče samo obišče vsako leto nad milijon ljudi. Od Slovencev so prišle večje ali manjše skupine, bodisi kot romarji ali izletniki: iz Clevelanda pevski zbor Korotan, Baragov dom, Slovenska pristava, fara sv. Lovrenca in folklorna skupina Kres; iz bližnjih zveznih držav slovenska fara iz Steeltona in Bridgepor-ta ter tamkajšnji zbor Zvon. Iz Kanade so kapelo obiskali Slovenci iz Toronta in Hamiltona. Dalje, še skupina Slovencev iz Gorice, iz Koroške pa zbor Gallus ter kasneje še skupina maturantov Slovenske gimnazije. Za washingtonsko slovensko družino pomeni kapela duhovno središče in skupni dom, kjer se vsako prvo nedeljo v mesecu zbirajo k slovenskemu bogoslužju, za katerega je prva leta skrbel dr. Franc Blatnik, ki je vsakokrat pripotoval iz New Jerseya. Med študijem na Katoliški univerzi je to nalogo nekaj let opravljal (dalje na str. 10) Pokojni prof. Janez Sever (nadaljevanje s str. 8) Jugoslavija pokorjena in zasedena, Slovenija razdeljena med Nemčijo, Italijo, in Madžarsko. Za našo domovino se je začel križev pot. Hitlerjev napad na Sovjetsko zvezo je ustvaril v Sloveniji razmere, ki jih je izrabila Komunistična partija in začela svoj »osvobodilni boj«. Prof. Janez Sever, mož trdnega značaja, veren katoličan, politično razgledan, je bil med tistimi, ki so kmalu spoznali komunistične cilje in iskali poti, da bi jih preprečili. Profesorski zbor na 1. realni gimnaziji, kjer je bil tedaj ravnatelj zaveden katoliški mož dr. Karel Capuder, je štel okoli 80 članov različnih nazorov in pogledov na svet. Med njimi so bili znani javni in kulturni delavci: France Vodnik, dr. Rudolf Kolarič (brat pok. dr. Jakoba Kolariča), dr. Anton Debeljak, Juš Kozak, Silvo Breskvar, France Grafenauer, dr. Srečko Baraga in drugi. Postopno je prišlo v profesorskem zboru do ločitve duhov, četudi so ostali odnosi med nami kolegialni kot dotlej. Janez Sever je bil skupaj z ravnateljem dr. Capudrom in kakim ducatom drugih trdno na pro-tiofarski strani, med tem ko je večina profesorskega zbora svoje resnične simpatije preje skrivala, kot kazala. Po zmagi komunistične revolucije v Sloveniji se je prof. Janez Sever s tisoči drugih umaknil na Koroško, ki jo je spoznal do dobra že v svojih gimnazijskih letih v dobi cesarske Avstrije. Že tedaj je vzljubil ta del slovenske domovine in ostal tej ljubezni zvest do konca svojih dni. Po naselitvi v Clevelandu je bil Janez Sever med najbolj zvestimi podporniki Mohorjeve družbe, v kateri je videl najtrdnejšo oporo slovenstva na Koroškem. S pokojnim Odi-lom Hajnškom, pok. Karlom Mauserjem in se z vrsto drugih prijateljev Koroške, je pomagal k uspehu nabirke za nov tiskarski stroj, ki gaje Mohorjeva v prvih povojnih letih tako nujno potrebovala za svoje delo. Skupaj z njimi je nabiral nove ude Mohorjeve, da bi mogla ta zaživeti in rasti. Ko smo se pri slovenskem dnevniku Ameriški Domovini odločili, da bomo v listu raztegnili kritje dogajanj po vsem slovenskem svetu in izseljenstvu tudi izven ZDA ter Kanade, se je prof. Sever obvezal, da bo redno kril življenje in delo Slovenske Koroške. Pokojni kipar prof. France Gorše je izdelal lične glave za nove kolone, med njimi tudi eno »Iz Slovenske Koroške«. Ta kolona je izhajala redno vsak teden od leta 1951 pa vse tja so srede sedemdesetih let, torej kar eno četrtino stoletja. Janez Sever je bil pri tem delu vztrajen in vesten, nanj sem se lahko zanesel. Precej več težav smo imeli pri zagotavljanju rednih poročil iz Trsta, Gorice in Slovenske Benečije. Kadarkoli je prišlo slovenstvo na Koroškem v stisko, je bil Janez Sever poleg Karla Mauserja prvi, ki je prišel v uredništvo lista s sporočilom in z vprašanjem: »Kako lahko pomagamo?« Kar precej spomenic ameriških Slovencev je bilo na ta način sproženih, sestavljenih in poslanih v Belo hišo, v Državno tajništvo, pa tudi na poslaništvo ZDA na Dunaju v podporo Slovencev na Koroškem. Kot nekdanji vzgojitelj se je Janez Sever vključil tudi v splošno kulturno delo med Slovenci v Clevelandu. Posebej se je zanimal za mladino. Dolga leta je sodeloval pri Slovenski sobotni šoli fare sv. Vida, pisal za mladinsko društvo Kres, za Slovensko telovadno zvezo, Slovenski oder, pa tudi za pevska zbora »Korotan« in »Slavčki«. Vseskozi je bil zvest in dejaven član fare sv. Vida. Slovenska skupnost v Clevelandu pokojnega Janeza Severja zelo pogreša, pogrešala ga bo tudi Slovenska Koroška, saj je z njim izgubila med ameriškimi Slovenci po smrti Karla Mauserja enega svojih zadnjih velikih prijateljev in podpornikov v ZDA. Ohranimo blagega pokojnika v lepem in trajnem spominu! Zbogom prijatelj Janez! Vinko Lipovec Slovenska kapela (nadaljevanje s str. 9) dr. Stanko Ceglar, po njegovem odhodu v Hamilton pa spet dr. Blatnik do svoje smrti leta 1977. Od tedaj naprej seje slovenski družini pridružil ameriški duhovnik poljskega rodu Rev. Raymond Wadas, ki se je priučil slovenščine, da lahko bere slovensko mašo. V spomin in priznanje' Marsikateri pionirji Slovenske kapele pa niso dočakali njene dvajsetletnice, ker so že odšli po zasluženo plačilo v večnost. Med njimi so: Albina Novak iz Chicaga, glavna tajnica Slovenske ženske zveze; njena prizadevanja so privedla do ustanovitve glavnega odbora v Clevelandu, katerega člani so bili: predsednik Joseph Ne-manich, večkratni predsednik Slovenske katoliške jednote (KSKJ), prvi podpredsednik John Sušnik, dolgoletni predsednik Ameriške Dobrodelne Zveze (takrat Slovenske Dobrodelne Zveze), blagajničarka Antonia Turek, večletna predsednica Slovenske ženske zveze, ter njen mož, Frank, tajnik odbora, in odbornica Rose Želodec. Še živeči člani glavnega odbora so: drugi podpredsednik dr. Mate Roesmann, dr. Uroš Roesmann, Jože Zelle, Anton Oblak, John Pestotnik, Mary Jeraj; od krajevnih pododborov pa še vedno delovna Corinne Leskovar iz Chicaga. Od članov odbora za posvetitev se ob dvajsetletnici hvaležno spominjamo pokojnega Rudija Večerina iz New Yor-ka, ki je s svojimi talenti pripomogel k izidu obsežne Spo- minske knjige, bogato ilustrirane informativne knjižice za nabiralno akcijo, ki je izšla v dveh nakladah, in priložnostne spominske znamke. Prvo pobudo je sprožil in največ zaslug, da je bila zamisel Slovenske kapele po večletnem zavzetem in vztrajnem prizadevanju tudi uresničena, gre dr. Cirilu Žebotu, ki je po posvetitvi bil še dvanajst let lektor pri slovenskih mašah. Ob dvajsetletnici se posebej hvaležno spominjamo vseh številnih znanih in neznanih darovalcev in dobrotnikov širom po Ameriki, ki so skupno pripomogli, da ameriško Narodno svetišče bogati Slovenska kapela. BOGU V ZAHVALO SLOVENSTVU V PONOS SLOVENSKEMU KRŠČANSTVU V SPOMENIK PREDNIKOM V ČAST SODOBNIKOM V VZPODBUDO BODOČIM RODOVOM V VZGLED S.S. Delajmo vsi za priznanje Republike Slovenije! PrijateVs Pharmacy St. Clair Ave. & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO. — AID FOR AGED PRESCRIPTIONS Piknik dobro uspel WICKLIFFE, O. - V nedeljo, 4. avgusta, se je vršil piknik kluba Upokojencev Slovenske pristave, ki je bil kar dobro obiskan. Dopoldne je kazalo bolj slabo vreme, še dež se je kar malo silil. Vendar kot se je bližalo 1. pop., se je že tudi sonce pokazalo in je ostalo z nami do noči. Piknik se je pričel s sv. mašo, ki jo je daroval č.g. Jože Božnar. Takoj po maši in po že nastali tradiciji našega piknika, podamo priznanje osebi, ki je izbrana na našem sestanku. To leto smo počastili kar dva člana in sicer dolgoletnega predsednika Slovenske pristave in predsednika Slovenskega ameriškega sveta dr. Mateja Roesmanna in njegovo soporo Pepco, ki mu vedno pomaga, kjerkoli le more, in ki skrbi v kuhinji, da je vse pripravljeno. Naj jim Bog poplača za vso njihovo neutrudljivo skrb in delo. Prav posebej se moramo zahvaliti tudi našemu članu Jožetu Korenu, ki je vodil v kuhinji in s pomočjo naših odličnih prijateljev pripravil tako odlično kosilo. Posebna zahvala tudi vsem, ki so prinesli tako veliko peciva, in vsem drugim, ki ste kjerkoli delali in pomagali. Tudi vsem našim gostom, ki so prišli na piknik in pokazali, da nas' podpirajo, gre naša iskrena hvala. Prav tako naša prisrčna hvala Ameriški domovini in dr. Milanu Pavlovčiču, ki stas svojimi oglasi po časopisu in radiu zvesto seznanila občins-stvo glede našega piknika. Brez njih pomoči tudi ne bi imeli tako lepega uspeha. Že tu pa vas opozarjamo na našo naslednjo prireditev: »Koline«, ki bo v nedeljo, U-oktobra, na Slovenski pristavi. Podrobnejša poročila bodo pravočasno objavljena v tem listu in po radio oddajah. P.I. MALI OGLASI POTUJETE V RIM? Nekoč hotel Bled, danes hotel Emona! Obveščamo vas, da smo odprli v Rimu hotel Emona. Za rojake poseben popust. Naslov hotela: 00185 - ROMAi Via Statila 23, Tel: 06-7027911 ali 06-7027827, telefax: 06-7028787. Dobrodošli! Lastnik hotela Emona, Vinko Levstik Ameriška Domovina je Vaš list! NAZNANILO in ZAHVALA V globoki žalosti, toda vdani v voljo Stvarnika, naznanjamo vsem sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem, da je dne 18. junija 1991 v Gospodu za vedno zaspala naša nadvse ljubljena mama« stara mama, prastara mama in tašča 1901 ■ 1991 MARY J. HOČEVAR roj. NOVAK Naša ljubljena mama je bila rojena 20. maja 1901 v St. Clairski naselbini v Clevelandu. Ko je bila stara dve leti, so jo njeni starši vzeli v Žužemberk, Slovenijo. Leta 1920, v starosti 19 let, se je vrnila v Ameriko. Srečala je Charlesa G. Hočevarja, poročila sta se 1. maja 1922 v cerkvi sv. Lovrenca. Bila je članica sledečih organizacij: Društvo sv. Jožefa št. 145 KSKJ; društvo Dom št. 25 ADZ; Oltarno društvo pri Sv. Lovrencu; Podružnica št. 42 SŽZ; in Klub upokojencev za pod* ročje Newburgh-Maple Heights, Ohio. Pogreb je bil 20. junija 1991 iz pogrebnega zvoda Joseph Fortuna v cerkev sv. Lovrenca id nato na Kalvarije pokopališče. Našo globoko zahvalo naj prejme č.g. Walter H. Jenne, za nje' govo darovano pogrebno sv. mašo in za lep poslovilni govor v cerkvi, ter č.g. Anthony Rebol« za njegove molitve v pogrebnem zavodu. Najlepša hvala pevcem in pevkam fare sv. Lovrenca za lepo petje, in članstvu SŽZ št. 42 ter nevburškim upokojencem za njih molitve. Naj dobri Bog stotero povrne vsem, ki ste darovali za sv. maše, poklonili tako krasno cvetje in vence, za darovani mašni plašč, in za darove v dobrodelne namene v njenem imenu. Enako se globoko zahvaljujemo vsem, ki ste prišli pokojno kropit, molili za njeno dušo, nam izrekal* sožalje, se udeležili pogrebne sv. maše, dali svoja vozila na razpolago, in spremili našo drag0 mamo prav do groba. Iskrena hvala osebju pogrebnega zavoda Fortuna za vso postrežbo in skrbno vodenje pogreb' nega sprevoda. Prisrčno se zahvaljujemo Slovenskemu domu za ostarele in njegovemu osebja« ki so tako marljivo skrbeli za zdravje in udobnost naše ljubljene mame. Razposlali smo zahvalne kartice vsem, ki so se nas in naše ljubljene posebno spomnili, id 20 katere smo imeli naslove. Ako kdo take kartice ni prejel, naj nam oprosti in naj s to javno zab' valo sprejme našo globoko hvaležnost. Še enkrat najlepša hvala vsem iz dna naših src! Draga mama, stara mama, prastara mama, tašča! Zelo ialujemo za Vami in se Vas vsak posebej spominjamo v molitvah. Trdno smo uverjeni, da zdaj če učivate pri Bogu plačilo za vS(l Vaša dobra dela in irtve, ki ste jih doprinašale v svojem čivljenju za vse, kar ste bile uverje*16' da je dobro. Pri Bogu se nas spominjajte s prošnjo, da tudi mi pridemo za Vami v nebeški faj Zelo žalujoči ostali: CHARLES, FRANK in RAYMOND, sinovje FRANCES, IRENE in MARGARET, snahe vnuki in vnukinje, pravnuki in pravnukinje ter ostalo sorodstvo. Valley View, Ohio, 15. avgusta 1991. ! ] I 1 1 I 1 I ! s s I t i t u i] S' S' I 5 \ I n s b fl S; ( St \ Hi 8< tl ia la sa Si b; i>< Ne smemo odnehati, dokler Slovenija ne bo priznana CLEVELAND, O. - Kjerkoli se v teh dneh Slovenci srečuje-m°. pride pogovor prej ali slej na Slovenijo, na razmere tam 'n na to, kdaj bo priznana nova, neodvisna republika Slovenija. Velika večina nas je Prepričana, da se bo to zgodilo. nihče pa ne upa napoveda-kdaj naj bi to bilo. Nekateri 50 zaradi zastoja, do katerega Je Pr’šlo pri reševanju jugoslo-van$ke krize, že začeli dvomiti o tem, da bi Slovenija mogla v liŽnji bodočnosti doseči med-narodno priznanje. Ne smemo in ne moremo ^nehati, vedno znova mora-1,10 klicati v Belo hišo, vedno ^ova tja pisati in pošiljati sP°menice z utemeljitvami za s ovensko državno neodvis-jjost. pri tem moramo Belo prepričati, da je priznanje ^odvisne republike Slovenije Ucll v interesu ZDA. Slovenci Sni0 pridni, varčni in bistri, *s®° prebrisane glave«, kot je eial pesnik Valentin Vodnik. svobodni lastni državi si k®0 znali življenje urediti a*t0. da bo Slovenija postop-ujela svoje zahodne in se-erne sosede v vseh pogledih in 113 vseh ravneh. Sama zado-^°ljna in popolnoma svobo-a bo mogla uspešnejše potovati med stoletja sprtimi • Prepirajočimi se sosedi na %u. hiša odgovarja na pozi-. ^ priznanje neodvisnosti slo. ’’enij e še vedno isto: Jugo- 'Vanski narodi naj sami od-o svoji bodočnosti po-v 1,1 dialoga in soglasja »med 'rt' ljudstvi Jugoslavije in De Potom sile ali enostranskih 'tanj«. ^kšen nesmisel! Slovenci in Hrvati so skušali t'ti državo Srbov, Hrvatov ^vencev potom dialoga in Sv ta2uma vse od konca prve l^ovne vojne v novembru [,j Princ regent Aleksander V ^ral niti govoriti o sklepih 15v Zagrebu novembra n ’ oi se menil za dogovor Srb, r^U *z ^eta r116^ vlado *n Jugoslovanskim od-n' bil voljan sprejeti Srb rat*Vne ureditve Kraljevine ty. V’ Hrvatov in Slovencev, st4y °Vdansko ustavo je eno-^Vtl ° razŠiril staro srbsko dr-, 0 uPravo na »prizedinje-^il?errilja<<. S tem je onemo-sP°razum, mirno sožitje i