A SURVEV OF MOST IMPORTANT AND OUTSTANDING METHODS FOR SOFTVVARE ENGINEERING INFORMATICA 2/88 UDK 681.3.006 Jdzsef Gyorkos Ivan Rozman Tatjana VVelzer University of Maribor With the presentation of most important method3 of software- engineering we want to contribute to the better knowledge, application and development tools that demand a systematic procedure for the software design. We have tnentioned basic methods of requirements engineering and structured design which were already developed in the seventies. It was not earlier than in the eighties when complex tools for computer aided design of software were formed from these methods. In their easence, these methods may be devided into those which solve the problems by analysing the data flow and those which solve the problem by decomposing the data structure. The most important factor to estimate the suitability of application of a method is the level of covering the phases in the software life-cycle. The behavlour in real-time environment and the possibility to create consistent entiti-relationship models for more complex information systems are iraportant in dependence upon the system. Z objavo pregleda pomembnejših metod programskega inženirstva želimo prispevati k boljšemu poznavanju, uporabi in razvoju orodij, ki narekujejo sistematičen priatop k snovanju programske oprerae. Nanizali smo temeljne metode inženirstva zahtev in strukturnega snovanja, ki so nastale že v sedemdesetih letih. Sele v osemdesetih letih so se iz njih izoblikovala kompleksna orodja za računalniško podprto snovanje programske opreme. V osnovi se metode delijo na tiste, ki k reševanju sistema pristopajo z analizo toka podatkov in tiste, ki to izvajajo z razgrajevanjem strukture podatkov. Najpomembnejša postavka pri ocenjevanju primernosti uporabe neke metode je stopnja pokrltosti faz življenjskega cikla programske opreme. V odvisnosti od sistema pa je pomembno tudi obnašanje v 'real-time' okolju i.n možnost kreiranja čvrstih entitetno-relacijskih modelov za kompleksnejše informacljske slsteme. 0. Introduction A multitude of actions leading to a oonsistent, realiable and well documented software is called Software engineering. In the attempt to normalize the "multitude of actions", several methods have been developed from the sixties onwards. Regarding their applicability and above all their "usabloness", certain methods did not reach their climax earlter than in the eighties"and most often as a base for automatic tools for sqftware design. Lefs see a brief survey of methods of software engineering /Kell87/ i) the sixties may be called also the period of crisis in the softvare development because it was recognized that it is Impossible to create effectivo programs without a sistematic procedure. In this period the philosophy of Structured programminfi was formed ( important author? : Bohm, Jacopini, Dijkstra ). ii) iiti the seventies the previoualy mentioned reoognition caused that various technologies were developed ( structured anallsys, design ) and term software life-cycle was introduced. In this period, new methods lived only in scientific circles, therefore this period is called "the period of searching for panacea" ( important authors : Constantine, Myers, Yourdon, Ross, DeMarco, Sarson ). iii) in the eighties, the methods of the seventles experionce a revival. With the integration of some methods a series of effective and commercially successfull automatic tools for softvare development appeared. In the introduction let us consider the term " software life-cycle". The software life-cycle covers six basic stepa /Porc83/: - Requirements Analisys - Functional Specification - Design - Implementation - Validation - Maintenance 25 1. Eequirements Engineering as a Part of Software Engineering When we are solving problems by means of software we make a photo-copy of the real world in a logically clipped form. This form must substitute the reality in certain characteristics that are required. Therefore in the complex process of software engineering the requirements specification is of essential importance. As a rule, in thls process are envolved the developer of the project and the customer. The process of requirements engineering, that is the cooperation mentioned, can be gathered into four principal points /Press87/ : i) recognition of the problem ii} davelopment and synthasis iii) specifications iv) survey evaluation The coordination between the developer of the project and the customer is made by the analyst ( who is often called the system analyst ), the system engineer, the programmer/analyst and the like. He must distinguish himself by his adaptability, ability to abstraction, communication,• knowledge ot the environment ( hardware, software ) in which the project will be realized. Picture la shows the process to accord and define the requirements, ( see /Ross65/ ). This prbcess, called the reader/author cycle, is a part of the method which will be considered in detail later ( SADT - Structured Analysis and Design Technique ). DIAGRAMS A REASEK : - clarifies terminology - checks completeness - checks consistency - assures accurancy - corrects syntax CONNECTIONS, COMMENTS EEADERS, USERS, MANAGE REACTIONS Picture la "Reader/author" cycle of SADT Method Besides SADT method several other methods for softnare analysis and implementation of specifications are developed. This is the requirement engineering. Each method posesses a specific procedure and ' therefore also a different notation. The methods pass the above mentioned four points and must meet the followlng three demands: a) Understable preeentation of ' informational and functional domain in order to analyse the requirements of the problem. Information flow shows the way of data transformation when the data pass through the system. As the result of studying the informatlon flow the data structure for the processed system is obtained. The funcbional requirements /Roma85/ describe the dependence of the components upon each other and upon their envlronment. The whole system, the program or the element of hardware can appear as a component. A conceptional model is the result of fulfilment of functional requirements. Its level of understability should be adapted to the environment for which is determined. Nori—functional. requirements cause a problem because they can exert an essential influence on the complexity of design. Many difficulties cannot be known in the early phases o£ design ( it is difficult to determine e.g. the influence of the required level of software reliability). The software reliabllity Is closely connected with the powerful testing tool. It is difficult to foresee the influence of the "human factor" and the respondence of the finished product to the errors. It is impossible to formalize the process of maintenence completely. b) Division of the problem into understandable and surveyable partdtions. The division of the problem into easier and more understand.able parts is carried out by a vertycal hierarchical decomposition or with a functional decomposition in the horizontal hierarchy. c) Logical and physical presentation of the system. The task of the requirements engineering is to clarify what should be realized and not how it should be done. Logical presentation of the problem forms the base for software system design. The analyst will not include the phisycal presentation until the logical presentation is faultless. It is necessary to define e.g. exceptions in the hardware configuration, system for database management or specificity of the applied operating system. In the process of analysing the user's requirements a documerrt is formed which is often called specificatans . A standard is exlsting for this kind of document ( The Hational Bureau of Standards,, IF.EE Standard No. 830-19 84 ), but the automated methods of software engineering do not follow it entirelly. It can be concluded that the task of the requirements engineering is to introduce a ayatemat.ic and inform notation of the information and functional analysis to solve a software system. According to the software life-cycle, mentioned in tha introduction the first two points are met by the requirements engineering. The development trends in the eighties support the development and applicatton of computer aided integrated tools for software engineering : CASE Computer Aided Software Engineering. They are overbuilt aind the most effective among them meet the development all phases of the software life- cycle. In the following chapters, some tools vrill be treated In detail. 2. Methods of Software Engineering 2.1. Basic Division of Methods The basic division is taken from /Press87/. The selected division implies to the phase of system analysis, thus it is undependent from the design method. The latter is chosen according to the obtained functional decomposition : i) ii) data flon oriented methods data structure oriented methods In literature the third group is called iiutomated methods . It is true that in this group the methods were made as automated ones and the philosophy of SADT method ( author D.T. Ross ) served as the starting-point to design methods from the first two points. Nowadays many methods from the first two mentioned groups are automated in the form of CASE tools. SADT method will be described in detail in a separate, third chapter. Our description of raethods is limited ( following our opinion ) to most effective and 26 most popular ones. The criterton of effectiveness ia how many phases of a software life-cycle are covered by the raethod. 2.2. Data Flow Oriented Methods All methods of this class have in common that they perfonn tho structural analysis by means of data fl<>N charts. So they give preference to the data transfer through the systero over the information structure on which the systera is based. The syntax of data flow charts is taken froro /Gane79/ bubble chart and mainly from /DeMa79/. Tom DeMarco deacribes very accurately . the processing of analysed system untll the functional decomposition is reached. The continuation of processing by means of otruatural dasign is taken from /Your79/. On the base of llterature cited automated tools from "the field of software engineering are conatructed. The stress is laid on the system analysis by means of data flow charts. Nowadays the following products are awallabile on the market : - ANALYST/DESIGNER TOOLKIT; produot of the firm Yourdon Press, New York - HP Teamwork SA/SD/RT; product of the firra Hewlett Packard - TEK CASE; product of the firm Tektronix - CASE; product of the firm Mlcrotool, Berlin SASD ( Structured Analysls Structured Design ) is the common name for the methods described. It is typical for SASD that it covers all phases of life cycle in the software development ( "life-cycle modell" /Kell87/). SASD offers a good survey over the project and enables a team vrork. An effective functional decomposition from the top-down is the reason for it. Aa in the of this method a series of understandable tools and those being near to the man is used ( a detailed description is given in the foliowing chapters ) the method permits immediate correction of the existing faults. Automated tools always offer an up—to-date version to all members working on the project what is of special importance when individual members of groups do not work in the same place. 2.2.1. System Analysls of SASD Data Flow Charts The data flow charts can be used on overy level of system abstraction. They consist of four basic building blocks ( see Picture ) from vrhich the fundamental system model ls constructed first. Then it is decomposed into several more detailed and understandable charta. The basic model is called level 01 of the data flow charts ( further called DFC ). External entity repreaents the source or destinatton of system data. The aystem data can be the elements of hardware, interactlve intervention of the usere or connectoin with other 3oftware systems. Process -. this sign is used when data are transformed in such a way that new data are obtained or the existing ones are converted. Data -floi* : serves to oonnect other basic elementa of DFC. The arrow shows the direction of the flow. Each flow should posaess its ovn uniform name. Data storage ; the symbol means a file or an interface where the data are stored or from where the data are obtained. Picture Basic elements of DFC In order to follow the information flow beat when analysis is carried out it ia advisable to name the processes at the end. Data flows ( information flows ) that condition the necessary process form the base and not vice versa. Unfortunately, automated tools require to name tho processes immediately. Tho picture shows the decomposition Into the depth of an lmaginary problem by maans of DFC. DFD3 > Picture Decomposition into the depth by means of DFC Data Dictionary Each arrow in the data flow chart means one or more data elements of a piece of information. The data element /DEMA79/ cannot be decomposed into its components. Therefore it forms a basic element of the data flow. In the data dictionaryevery data flow should be decomposed into elements. To do this a special notation is needed: symbol meaning * * equals logical and logical or n iterations of bracket contens optional data comments In the deslgn of information aystems that are aided by poverful data bases the data dictionary and data store /Gane79/ are needed to model the relational shema tn a normal form ( Codd's normal forms ) /Show87/. The fact that the relation shema of the data base of the system designed can be formed by the atructured analysis / Gane79/ e3sentially contributes that this method can be used. Here we find a linking point with methods that are concentrated on the data structure. E.g. the automated tool TEK CASE alone forms the data dictionary to such an extent that the necessity to describe the undefined data flows is shown. In the data dictionary the syntax of the record is controlled automatically. 27 Functional Decomposition With the data flow chart and the data dictionary it is satisfied to the information domain of the problem analysis. The transformations ( processes ) in the product are described as a functional domain. For this purpose structured natural language, most often " Structured English ", is used. Such clipped language is called Program Design Language PDL. s Let's show the fonnulation of the functional decomposition by means the data flow chart /Press87/ - Picture Selected DFD bubble Apply structured English Functional _ description Information about processing Picture The Process of Functional Decomposition The dictionary of the language uaed for the descriptlon of processes should contain english words in the imperative form, expressions from the data diotionary and reserved words for the description of hidden logic ( for this purpose the usage of decision tables Is recommended ). The sintax of the language used for the description of the processes permits simple sentences such as : PUT, GET, REQUEST, etc. and obligatory includes activity based constructions for the description of sequence, choice and repetitions ( IF, CASE,\ REPEAT, WHILE, etc. ). 2.2.2. System Deslgn SASD System design of the SASD method is taken frotn tha source /Your79/. The transition from the data flow to the first phase of structured design, which is called structured charts, can be made in two ways. The first and most often used way is the transform analysis The second way, called the transaction analysisis because of its exaggerated formalization less often used. The nucleous of Transform analysisis that the data flow charts are devided into the afferente part, central or transformation part and efferent part. The baslc three components of the structured design are described. In the chapter the example of the transition from the data flow charts into the structured chart is described by means of transform analysis. The design by means of operation analysis is more effective from the transform analysis only in those cases. when the centre of the transformation cannot be uniformly identified. This is the case in split data flow charts ( e.g. several output flows ). The process that splits the input flow is ; 'called transaction centre. Around this centre a / suitable structured chart is organized. Lefs see the basic tree phases of s^ructured design : a) Structured Charts The data flow chart shows a network of processes that needn't be connected in the final program in the same w;ay. The model ot the system in the form of software modules is ensured by structured charts. The term 'module' dendes procedures or functions in the target prograraming language., Thus, the structured chart directly shows the hierarchical structure of software. More about the syntax of structured charts can be found in the literature mentioned /Your79/. The most important characteristics are described by the words : rectangles are used to denote modules. External modules, e.g. libraries are denoted by double vertical lines. arrotis connect modules into various hierarchical leves. - arrows tiith cirdets denote communication interfaces betvreen modules; the direction of the arrows shows the direction of the control paths and data items. special symbols give information on the procedurality of the system; these are iterations, conditional choices between modules, common blocks. b) Data Dictionary The data dictionary used in. the structured design is the same than that used in the structured analysis. Here it is completed with new data obtained from the structured chart. c) Description of Modules The task of the description of modules is to explain the activity based characteristics of the modules. A pseudocode is obtained which is the direct input into the program implemented in the selected program language. A simple example to create and follow the knowledge base is given. The picture 2.2.2.a shows the data flow chart of the problem that was devided into three basic parts, according to the trarisformatioft analy3is. central. part e-f-ferent. part error. report Picture 2.2.2.a Division of the data flow chart into three parts Each part in the data flow chart has a corresponding functional part in the tree of structured chart. The root of the tree is a new functional component which connects parts ( picture 2.2.2.b' ). The central part of the division of data flow chart can also play this role. The starting hierarchical structure of the problem is obtained. As the processes are not described acurately by the individual functional components a further f actoriz'ing within individual divisions in the data flow charts is needed. This is done by top-down design. 28 tabulation of knowledge e^amined^^r^^e^amined^ T string ^^"^ strtng 1 read and verify string f know_^<; table tabulation of knowledge s^ know_ "^V.table reports Picture 2.2.2.b Structured Chart 2.2.3. Implemeirtation and Testing in SASD Implementation of the system is based on the top-down procedure and adding ( incrementation ) of new modules. Incremental procedure demands that each module should be developed and tested separately and then in combination with other modules. In such procedure the member of possible faults is decreased and the testing costs of the system are lowered. The optimization of the implemented system should be done as late as possible and only in cases when performance tests not, uncet the requirements. In this case the optimization should be concentrated on selected modules because it exerts a bad influence on important characteristics such as performance, applicability, reliability and slmple maintenance of a well designed system. In the field of testing and evaluation of software reliability the tendency is to automate the tools with uniform criteria. Additional information on practical access to this problem is found in literature /Rozm87/. 2.2.4. Application Maintenance and Owerbuilding in SASD If SASD is formed through all phases iivto a conoluded form, an exhaustive reference-book is given. The documentation on original design is given by data flow charts and structured charts, the definition and organization of data is given by data dictionary; an accurate description of processes and module structure is given, too. Eventual corrections in testing modules should be stored as a certificate on sultability of the system and as an aid to overbuilding. The maintenance of the system is slmple. The influence of hardware changes or the modified requirements of the user can be thorougly studied in the documentation through all development phases of the system. 2.3. Data Structure Oriented Methods As we learn frotn the title of this chapter these methods lay a greater stress on the construction of regular data structure than to the course of data structure. Two methods are mentioned that specifically solve the problem.. They have four common points: i) each method demands that the key information object, that is the entity or the process should be beginning; ii) the second common point of these methods is that their starting-point is a hierarchical structure of information; iii) the data structure should be described by basic procedural constructs - these are the sequence, decision and repetitton; and the operators determined at the iv) these methods contain effective tools to convert the problem from the hierarohical data structure into the suitable softvare structure. 2.3.1. Warnier - Orr Method From the theory of Warnier-Orr charts the DSSD method ( Data Structured System Development ) was developed. Warnier - Orr charts implement a hierarchical analysis of information domain. The global picture presented as multitude is decomposed. It is further decomposed into a series of submultitudes. Everithing is interconnected by basic procedual constructs. Braces are used to devide hierarchical levels. A quick and effective explanation of the raeaning of the actions which are possible by Warnier-Orr notation is shovrn in picture 2.3.l.a /Higg79/. WHY ? implementation of the task WHAT ? beginning of the task end of the task WHEN ? Picture 2.3.1.a HOW ? Directions charts in Warnier-Orr We can see that the reading of "the events from top of the chart complex downwards gives a sequence of temporal course of events. In the left direction the explanation of events is 'globalized'. To the right, there is a micro- level of described system. The first step in the system analysis is to ae-firtG the e.xit of the process . Then the logical data structure and later the corresponding physical structure are defined. In thls phase the enttty-relationship model can be formulated. The design of physical model follows from bottom-up but we should not think that Warnier-Orr method is based on botton-up design because the whole logical composition was performed from top down. Practical experiences of design with this method are described in literature /Gyor86/ and /Rese86/. 2.3.2. The Jackson System Development Method The JSD ( Jackson System Development ) method /Jack83/ ensures a methodical way to design complex problems. The expected design reault is an objective and repeatable system which is independent from the oreativity of the designer. The designing process can be adjusted and is heavily influenced by the user. The bssic idea of this method is that it is possible to deslgn for the user an interesting part of the real world by means entities and actions. The entities are baslc elements that can be recognized by the user. Actions are implemented over the entities described and can be changed from one state to the other ( the term 'states' means various phases tn the life cycle of entities ). With the definition of entities and action3 and with the formulation of structural shema the design phase of a model is concluded. In the following phase a suitable distribution and definition of individual functions is made. The functions are included into the existing model at a definite moment and under definite circumstances which ensure a correct operation of the functional model. 29 JSD has a very rigid delimination between design and implementation. The application of the existing hardware and progratn languages by means of which the designed system will be realized in a classical way or by JSP ( Jackson System Programming ) will be not included earlier that in the last phase, that is in the phase of implementation. JSP is also a data-oriented method. It Is meant for program design and it is based on the structure of input and output data. The basic ideas of program design by means of JSP are transfered into the design of greater problems and systems. This means that JSD forms an extension of JSP. Everithing what is used in program design according to JSP can be used in system design according to JSD. The common points and differences between t.he two methods are shovm in the following table ( Picture 2.3.2.a). action JSP JSD description of the problem terms of sequ- terms of sequ- ence processes ence processes the raodel structured a multitude of consists of charts unlinked proces- ses for the desc- ription of temporal behaviour of entities description of the problem is concluded by implement.of adding and impl. uniform proc. ot processes structure which fortn the problem described implementation problem can be described immediatelly description of the problera is converted into suitable form Picture 2.3.2.a Comparision between JSD and JSP The JSD method is meant to design system in which special attention should be paid to temporal condition. JSD is used to design a wide spectrum of applications based on 'on- line' or 'batch' manner. These applications are taken from the real world and temporal extension ia of supreme importance. From the literature /Came86/ it is seen that this method is most often used in Great Britain vhere many sy3tems realised by means of JSD are in operation. The method is widely used in Western Europe and less often in North America. 3. Structured Analysls and Design Technique ,( SADT ) This method was developed in the seventies, in the ftrm SofTech, Inc. when they searched for an effective tool to describe the software architecture of large systems. Douglas T. Ross /Ross77a/ and /Ross77b/ was the first who wrote on SADT. The latter source deals with the applicability of this method for extremely activity based and data-strong systeras. SADT is cited as a reference for methods such as Yourdon, Jackson, Warnier-Orr, Petri nets, The multitude of PDL-s (Program Definition Language ), pseudo languages and for typical data- oriented tools Codasyl, Entity Relation Attribute and otliera. SADT is very effective in the early and late phases of software life-cycle. The detailed design mekes a bottle neck. SADT can overcome it with the inclusion of poverful languages for the definition of process ( PDL ). The most effective tool of the SADT method is treated in detail. These are 'box-and-arrow' charts which describe activity based and data aspect of the analiaed system. These charts are called graphic language of the structured analisys ( in SADT, of course ). 3.1. Graphic Language of Structured Analysis SADT The basic guideline in the structured analysis is underst.3bi.lity and simplicitv. Therefore this method uses the decomposition from top down to the raost simple basic elements. The graphic - language is based on the structured analysis boxes ( further called SAB ). In the picture 3.1.a the extensiveness of such basic element is shown. The features of individual SAB are described with ICOM ( input, control, output, mechanism ) codes. Each SAB has its own number. On every level SAB can be decomposed into hierarchical lower components ( the relationship parent - child; like in data flow charts ). The decomposition cannot be done on the lowest level ( atomic level ) because shown system must be entirely understandable. WHAT ' INPUT WHY CONTROL ' INTERFACES t BOX IS FORM OR OUTPUT CHANNEL FOR SHARING MECHANISM HOW = DATA { D { DUAL OPPOSITES } TRANSFORM = ACTIVITY Picture 3.1.a The extensiveness of SAB The model is called a collection of interconnected charts. the model /Ross85/ defines: M is the model of A if M can be used to answer the questions that are put about A. The quality of the model is determined by the extent of questions and suitability of answers". Models consist of a raultitude of SAB by which the decomposition of system is made. Two kinds of konnections, shovrn in the picture 3.1.b are known : support connections ( support arrow ) which are actually global nests in both models and call connections ( call arrow ) which can be imagined as a call ot subprograms, in the terminology of program languages. The model syntax permits also that the recursion is shown. The graphic form of requirements definition can be formaliaed by RML ( requirements modelling language ). 3.2. Applicability of SADT Besides having influenced the development of very effective methods the SADT idea is sucoe3sfully used in the development of projects dealing with various fields ( formulation of requirements in various fields of multinational societies, design of complex business systems, development of telecomunication systems and unfortunately many complex military prograras ). It cannot be said on which field is SADT most successful. With 30 MORE GENERAL DIASRAM - WHOLE BOX » PART ARROU = INTERFACE ICOM CODES OETAIL OF BOTH V/A32 ANO X/A33 Picture 3.1.b Decomposition and multiple model combined activity/data models and thorough hierarchical decomposition the method covers a yide sphere of requirements. The author of the method, D.T. Ross, aknowledges that the design and automation of design of detailed .analysed system present is bottle-neck. A very accurate requirements definition and excellent documentation made the method popular to design large systems. 4. Conclusion In this paper an informative presentation of some methods that proved themselves in the development of software systems is given. In spite of the fact that the methods like PSL/PSA ( Problem Statement Language/ Problem Statement Analyser ), TAGS ( Technology for the Automated Generation of Systems), IORL language ( Input/Output Requirements Language ) and SREM ( Software Requirements Engineering Methodology ) are not treated we should be avrare that these automated methods are widely used in the USA. Autoaated methods - each automated method is based on certain formallsra. The requirements for automated methods miist be very strict because possible errors in early development phases are in exponential increase in the folloning phases. It is said that those methods are good that with incorrectly presented requirements gtve no final results and the designer can not be mislead. In such cases the procedures withln method should glve results and this effect should be increased by automation. The creativity of the deslgner and his ideas still represent the dominant tool. The method should only orient him correctly, warn against the faults and formulate his ideas. Trends t>f CASE tools development Besides the fact that the tool should be based on a proved formal design method which, supports the development of a program in all its phases, other requirement.s should be taken into account as well. These are dependent on the environment in which tool will be used. In general, we can speak about three imortant trends in the development of CASE tools. First we speak about the suitability of tools for the real-time 3ystem development. Methods deriven from data flow charts often include the real tlme extension. For the present state of the development of CASE tools it Is tipical that too little attention is paid to the requirements of mathemeatical modelling and simulation. The necessity for immediate and detailed knowledge of hardware makes trouble the real-time systems are interrupt or event drlven. The second trend is to develop such tools that can model the data base by means of which the system is aided symultaneously with the development of the system. The development trend of CASE tools aided by the art if icial intel1igence is gaining in importance. Expert systems can be used to control syirtactical and mainly semantical errors of automated tools. In order to fulfill the communication betueen the designer and the tool as much as possible object - oriented methods are developed. They enable a natural connection between the designed model and the reality described by the model /Borg85/. An interesting problem arises when we try to design unstructured AI software systems by conventional methods of software engineering. Ideas to solve this problem are found in literature /Part86/. The author narns us that for the present it is imposaible to offer an accurate and formalized method to design AI software systems. LITERATDRE : /Borg85/ A.Borgida.S.J.Greenspan, J.Mylopoulos, "Knowledge Representation as the Basts for Requirements Specification", IEEE Computer, aprll 1985 /Came86/ J.R. Cameron, "An Overview of JSD", IEEE Software Engineering, 1986/2 /DeMa79/ T. DeMarco, "Structured Analysis and System Spectfication", Prentice Hall, N.J., 1978 /Gane79/ C.Gane, T.Sarson, " Structured System Analisys ", Prentice-Hall, Inc, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1979 /Gyor86/ J.Gyorkos,T.Dogsa,I.Rozman," VJarnier- Orr Diagram Application Experiences", 8th International Symposium Computer At The University, Cavtat, 1986 /Higg79/ D. A. Higgins, " Program De3ign and Construction",Prentice-Hall,Inc., New Jersey, 1979 /Jack83/ M.A. Jackson, "System Developraent", Prentice Hall International, 1983 /Kell87/ G.Kellner ( CERN Geneva ), Papers from " CASE Seminar Tektronix", Wien, 1987 /Part86/ D.Partridge, " Arifical Intelligence Applications in the future of software engineering", Patridge/Ellis Horvood Ltd., Chichester, 1986 /Porc83/ M.Porcella, P.Freeman,"Ada Methodology Questionnaire Summary", ACM Software Engineering Notes Vol 8 No 1 Jan 1983 /Pres87/ Roger S.Pressman,"Software Engineerlng ", McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1987 /Rese85/ I.Rozman and others: Research report on Informatyon systems and Artificial Intelligence, C2-052*2/796-85, Faculty of Technical Sciences Maribor, 1986 /Roma85/ G.C. Roman, " A Taxonomy of Current Issues in Requirements Engineering " , IEEE Computer, April 1985 /Ross77a/D.T. Ross, "Structured Analysis: A Language for Communicating Ideas",IEEE Trans.Software Eng.,Vol SE-3, Jan 1977 /Ross85/ D.T.Ross,"Applications and Extensions of SADT ", IEEE Computer, Aprll 1985 /Rozm87/ I.Rozman, T.Dogsa,"Empirical software Reliability Models", The 2nd Beijing International Symposium On Computerized Information Retrieval, Beijing China, 12/1987 /Shov87/ P. Shoval, M.Even-Chaime, "Data base shema design: An experimental compa- rision between normalization and information Analisys", DATA BASE, vol. 18, 1987