Jure Urbančič1, Constance Gléron2, Gregorio Benites3, Martin Škrlec4, Domen Vozel5 real-life time Consumption in image-guided endonasal endoscopic Procedures Dejanska poraba časa pri navigacijski kirurgiji nosu in obnosnih votlin aBstraCt KEY WORDS: navigation, FESS, image-guidance BACKGROUNDS. Endoscopic endonasal surgery has evolved from the work of Messerklinger, Draf and Wigand. Its unprecedented development has taken over vast depths of the nose, paranasal sinuses, and skull base. The use of preoperative CT and MRI images allows safer and faster access to complex structures. The study aims to provide adequate infor- mation regarding the usage times and the possible correlation between image-guidan- ce systems use and the duration of the surgery for specific procedures. METHODS. We analysed the intraoperative data regarding the use of image-guidance systems, identi- fied problems with its use and different influencing factors, and analysed the added value of its use from the surgeons perspective. RESULTS. We confirmed the relation between the complexity of the process and the prolongation of the surgery. Complex cases will demand an increased number of image-guidance systems position verifications, which will prolong the time of image-guidance systems handling during the procedure. To fur- ther explain the data, we propose three timelines representing the three typical surgi- cal scenarios. DISCUSSION. The time used for image guided systems and the absolute difference in operating times at various endoscopic endonasal procedures implies that the main reason for prolonged surgery is probably extensive surgical work and is not always directly related to image guided systems use itself. iZvleČek KLJUČNE BESEDE: navigacija, FESS, usmerjanje s pomočjo slikovnih preiskav IZHODIŠČA. Endoskopska kirurgija nosne votline se je razvila iz dela Messerklingerja, Drafa in Wiganda. Njen razvoj je povezan tudi z razvojem kirurške tehnologije, kot je 1 Asist. Jure Urbančič, dr. med, Katedra za otorinolaringologijo, Medicinska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, Zaloška cesta 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Univerza v Ljubljani, Vrazov trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana; Klinika za otorinolaringologijo in cervikofacialno kirurgijo, Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana, Zaloška cesta 2, 1000 Ljubljana; jure.urbancic@kclj.si 2 Constance Gléron, štud. med., Klinika za otorinolaringologijo in cervikofacialno kirurgijo, Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana, Zaloška cesta 2, 1000 Ljubljana; Université de Lausanne, Faculté de Biologie et de Médecine, Rue du Bugnon 21, 1005 Lausanne 3 Gregorio Benites, štud. med., Medicinska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, Vrazov trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana; Faculty of Medicine, National University of Trujillo, Roma Avenue 338, Trujillo 4 Martin Škrlec, dr. med., Klinika za otorinolaringologijo in cervikofacialno kirurgijo, Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana, Zaloška cesta 2, 1000 Ljubljana 5 Asist. dr. Domen Vozel, dr. med., Medicinska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, Vrazov trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana; Klinika za otorinolaringologijo in cervikofacialno kirurgijo, Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana, Zaloška cesta 2, 1000 Ljubljana 383Med Razgl. 2022; 61 Suppl 2: 383–397 ORL 2022_Mr10_2.qxd 2.9.2022 13:00 Page 383 allowed continuous intraoperative axial, coronal and sagittal views of the exact location of the instrument tip (11–13). Essentially two types of image-gui- dance systems (IGS) are available, electro- magnetic and optical. Both have proven benefits and drawbacks (14–16). Smaller and more compact systems with more straight- forward or advanced software solutions were gradually adapted to use in otorhino- laryngology or neurosurgery (17). IGS- -guided systems were first regarded as a tool with the potential to help increase postoperative results by reducing the sur- geon’s workload. A new term for a surgeon’s feeling of safety was introduced when it was suddenly realised that IGS is helpful but may not alter the operating strategy (18). The new mindset was nevertheless alrea- dy in place, and progress from open surgical procedures to endoscopic − morbidity spa- ring procedures was enormous (19, 20). Massive development was also made in improved endoscopes, new surgical instru- ments and visualisation (21). Specifically, the use of IGS may even shorten the sur- gery time in ESS. Nevertheless, it demands additional expertise and time to prepare to use the devices and instruments (22). Streamlined solutions involving IGS sho- 384 J. Urbančič, C. Gléron, G. Benites, M. Škrlec, D. Vozel real-life time Consumption in image-guided … uporaba prej narejenih posnetkov CT ali MRI za orientacijo v operativnem polju. Namen raziskave je prikaz vpliva obsega kirurškega postopka na navigacijo in njuna časovna ocena. METODE. Analizirali smo med posegi zbrane podatke in primerjali dolžino posega za upo- rabo navigacije. Poiskali smo morebitne težave pri nastavitvah in ustaljeni uporabi navi- gacije, napovedne dejavnike za podaljšano dolžino posega in ocenili dobrobit uporabe navigacije s stališča kirurga. REZULTATI. Potrdili smo povezavo zapletenosti posega z dol- žino posega. Daljši in zapletenejši poseg sicer zahteva večkratno uporabo navigacije, a je zapletenost posega vseeno boljši napovedni dejavnik za njegovo dolžino. Obenem pred- lagamo tudi tri časovnice, ki ponazarjajo potek uporabe navigacije med samim posegom. RAZPRAVA. Čas uporabe navigacije in razlike v absolutni dolžini posega pri različnih endo- skopskih operacijah v nosu nakazuje, da je razlog za dolžino posega pravzaprav količina čistega kirurškega dela in ne sama uporaba navigacijske tehnologije. BaCkgroUnDs Endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) has evolved from the work of pioneers like Messerklinger, Draf and Wigand and has become a criti- cal surgical strategy for a growing number of indications (1–3). In the 80s, the need for a radiologic definition of paranasal sinus anatomy arose, and CT was ideal for the pur- pose (4). Reports of severe intraoperative complications were not rare, even when experienced surgeons were equipped with detailed anatomical knowledge and three- -plane CT imaging (5, 6). Some authors were even advocating using a microscope instead of an endosco- pe for reasons of obscured view and lack of magnification in life-threatening emer- gencies (7). But endoscopic surgery was far from finished. New, bold ideas kept emer- ging, like the radical endoscopic removal of malignant disease (8). When anatomic landmarks were missing, and the orienta- tion in the labyrinth of the nose became increasingly difficult, a new computer- -aided surgery (CAS) model seemed a pro- mising though costly advancement (9). The basic concept was transferred from neurosurgery. Navigational systems with headframes were used to set the coordina- tes for stereotactic surgery (10). CT images ORL 2022_Mr10_2.qxd 2.9.2022 13:00 Page 384 wed the added benefit of lower time con- sumption and better ergonomics, and a need for additional training (23). The surgical equipment’s availability, reliability, and proper function have been given a pivotal role in reducing preventable errors and decreasing complications (24). Nevertheless, some authors may still be reluctant to identify the IGS as a critical component of the endoscopic technique for the most challenging procedures such as sinonasal malignancies (25, 26). Operating time has been identified as a potential risk factor in skull base surge- ry (27). The study’s main aim was to pro- vide adequate information regarding the usage times and the possible correlation between IGS use and the duration of the surgery for specific procedures. To our knowledge, there is a lack of data regarding the real-life impact of using the IGS in a broad spectrum of endoscopic endonasal procedures. Mainly, since the use of IGS also influences changes in the surgeon’s actions (28). We compared the effects through different endonasal endoscopic procedures, taking into consideration the effectiveness of the surgery and identifying specific problems regarding handling during set-up or operational use. MetHoDs The study was designed as a retrospective quality control study of surgical cases where IGS was routinely used for a nose and paranasal sinuses procedure in gene- ral anaesthesia performed in a single ter- tiary referral centre from 1st March 2013 to the 31st December 2016. Cases were stra- tified into subgroups of malignant disea- se, frontal disease, inverted papilloma (IP), chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP), group of guided biopsies, and abscess drainage and isolated sphenoid disease and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak repairs, including gliomas or meningo- celes. Type of treatment, the involvement of the skull base and time of surgery was extracted from the institutional database. A control group of patients with CRSwNP was randomly selected from the same data- base. According to hospital policy, all patients had priorly signed an informed consent to allow the recordings of their pro- cedures for educational, research, and qua- lity control use. The patient’s data was anonymised immediately after synchro- nising the documentation from the hospi- tal information system, while surgical appliances and surgeon’s notes were ano- nymised after the procedure. Perceived precision, orientation, surgical score and surgical confidence were also routinely measured (29). The data was re-evaluated using the timeline embedded in the recording of the endoscopic procedure. Recordings were done with the Karl Storz AIDA® video system (Karl Storz AG, Tuttlingen, Germany) in 720p25 quality, the Sony HD Recorder (Sony Europe Limited, Weybridge, United Kingdom) in 1080p25 quality or the Elgato Capture HD60 (Corsair Components Inc., Freemont, USA) attached to a personal computer in 1080p60 quality. Brainlab Kolibri optical navigation with Ent 2.1.1 software (Brainlab AG, Munich, Germany) and standard tip registration technique with four points (lateral orbital rims, gla- bella, and premaxillary area) was used. We had excluded cases with missing data (time profiles and questionnaires), patients where other surgical factors (mal- function of non-IGS related equipment, use of non-standard techniques or proce- dures, if a young surgeon was performing under surveillance) or when anesthesio- logical factors (procedure stopped for vital reasons) may have influenced the length of the procedure. The surgeon uploaded all the patient data, planned the registration points, applied the headband or navigational pole for the head clamp, prepared the instru- ments and concluded registration. 385Med Razgl. 2022; 61 Suppl 2: ORL 2022_Mr10_2.qxd 2.9.2022 13:00 Page 385 Preoperative planning was performed immediately after uploading the patient data. It consisted of defining different points or trajectories through the proposed surgi- cal path. Precision was checked with a navi- gational tooltip, first running over the external nose and second by touching the inferior and middle turbinate under endoscopic control. The result was successful when the precision was confirmed by touching anatomical points on the IGS and observing the real-time endoscopic picture. To acquire the correct type of data, navigation was always used to verify the position and not for continuously navigating the approach (navigated drill or similar instrument). The intraoperative performance of the IGS, the preoperative planning, registration, calibration of various IGS instruments pro- blems, systemic problems with the IGS, sur- gical orientation, precision and confidence regarding the use were collected via a sur- gical questionnaire. A well-defined scale is mandatory to show a significant percenta- ge of surgical strategy changes and their magnitude. The moment when a surgeon confirms a catastrophic situation would understandably present the most highly scaled strategy change (table 1). Data preparation was done using Microsoft Excel 2016 and Microsoft Office 386 J. Urbančič, C. Gléron, G. Benites, M. Škrlec, D. Vozel real-life time Consumption in image-guided … Timeline (Microsoft, Redmond, USA). All statistical analysis was performed using SPSS v. 20.0. (IBM, Armonk, USA). Since no patient data was used after the initial iden- tification of cases, no national ethics com- mittee opinion was needed according to the institutional ethics board opinion. statistics We calculated the mean time used for regi- stration, mean time of the procedure and mean time of intraoperative use. We com- pared the values regarding specific proce- dures and the involvement of the skull base using the Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal- -Wallis test, and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Statistical significance was assu- med at p<0.05. For non-normally distribu- ted data, weused the non-parametric test. The homogeneity of variance was tested with Levene’s test of equality. Groups were compared with a univariate analysis of variance, and the difference was determined by one-way ANOVA using the Bonferroni adjustment. We checked the linear rela- tionship of elapsed time (mean time to the end of registration vs mean duration of the procedure and mean time of intraoperati- ve use vs mean duration of the procedure). We created a linear regression model inc- luding selected variables. The probable cor- table 1. Definition of categories in the surgeons’ questionnaire. IGS – image-guidance systems, VAS – visual analogue scale. Registration, calibration and orientation issues 0. None 1. Minor, not an issue 2. Minor, but issue on time and performance 3. Major issue, with limited usage of device 4. IGS usage impossible Precision and orientation score 0. Unsatisfactory … 10 – Excellent (self-assessed VAS) Same procedure as without use of IGS 0. Not … 10 – Certainly, by all means (self-assessed VAS) Was the strategy changed during use of IGS VAS > 5 positive (self-assessed VAS) ORL 2022_Mr10_2.qxd 2.9.2022 13:00 Page 386 relation of the number and duration of intraoperative image-guidance use with the total surgical time was assessed. A mean number of calibration attempts, boot time, a mean number of intraoperative applica- tions, mean precision of the IGS as per- ceived by the surgeon, mean intraoperative orientation score and mean response, and whether the surgeon would perform the same surgery without IGS were calculated. Group means were compared by one-way ANOVA using the same criteria for homo- geneity of variance. Multiple comparisons using Bonferroni adjustment were made to identify statistically significant pairs. Scaled answers were reflected, log10 values were used in the ANOVA test. resUlts Out of 117 cases, 51 met the defined criteria for the study. All were operated by one expe- rienced surgeon. Detailed group characte- ristics are presented in table 2. Most of the procedures (74.5%) did not involve the skull base. In 82.4% of the cases, CT of the nose and paranasal sinuses was used as a source of navigational data. The extension of the procedures (CRSwNP with IGS and without IGS) was the same (p=0.056). Detailed times in stratified sub- groups are presented in table 3, pairwise comparison in table 4 and cumulative IGS usage data in table 5. The mean procedure time in malignant disease is statistically different from all other 387Med Razgl. 2022; 61 Suppl 2: table 2. Group characteristics. N  – number of patients, SD  – standard deviation, CRSwNP – chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps, CSF – cerebrospinal fluid, IGS – image-guidance systems. Patient’s data n (%) Sex Female 22 (43.2) Male 29 (56.9) Age (years) 51.1 (0.1–81.5, SD 19.2) Procedure Malignant disease 12 (23.5) Frontal disease 13 (25.5) Inverted papilloma 9 (17.6) CRSwNP 5 (9.8) Guided biopsies and abscess drainage 8 (15.7) CSF leak repairs (glioma, menigoceles) 4 (7.8) Skull base procedures Yes 13 (25.5) No 38 (74.5) Source of IGS data CT of the nose and paranasal sinuses 42 (82.4) CT and MR of the nose and paranasal sinuses 6 (11.8) Other (CT of the head, orbit) 3 (6.0) ORL 2022_Mr10_2.qxd 2.9.2022 13:00 Page 387 388 J. Urbančič, C. Gléron, G. Benites, M. Škrlec, D. Vozel real-life time Consumption in image-guided … ta bl e 3. Ti m e co ns um pt io n fo r r eg is tr at io n of t he im ag e- gu id ed s ys te m s (I G S) a nd p ro ce du re t im e fo r s ub gr ou ps . S D  – s ta nd ar d de vi at io n, C R Sw N P – ch ro ni c rh in os in us it is w it h na sa l p ol yp s, C SF  – c er eb ro sp in al f lu id . M ea n ti m e to t he M ea n ti m e of p ro ce du re p- va lu ea M ea n ti m e of t he in tr ao pe ra ti ve u se en d of re gi st ra ti on in m in ut es (s D ) in tr ao pe ra ti ve u se vs . t im e of p ro ce du re in m in ut es (s D ) m in ut es (s D ) p- va lu ea Co m pl et e gr ou p 15 .2 (6 .5 ) 16 1. 4 (1 42 .1 ) <0 .0 00 6. 7 (6 .9 ) <0 .0 00 p- va lu e 0. 00 3b <0 .0 00 c / <0 .0 00 b / Pr oc ed ur e M al ig na nt d is ea se 21 (7 .1 ) 30 7. 9 (1 82 .1 ) 0. 00 9 11 .8 (1 0. 5) <0 .0 00 Fr on ta l d is ea se 15 .9 (6 .4 ) 11 2. 2 (3 2. 6) 0. 1 8. 6 (3 .4 ) 0. 6 In ve rt ed p ap ill om a 12 .2 (3 .7 ) 14 2. 7 (2 8. 7) 0. 04 3. 1 (2 .6 ) 0. 00 8 CR Sw N P 8. 6 (0 .9 ) 43 (9 .7 ) 0. 5 3. 4 (1 .3 ) 0. 92 G ui de d bi op si es a nd a bs ce ss d ra in ag e 12 .2 (4 .2 ) 65 (3 6. 7) 0. 46 2. 2 (0 .9 ) 0. 1 CS F le ak re pa irs (g lio m a, m en ig oc el es ) 16 (6 .2 ) 16 5 (1 33 .6 ) 0. 7 3. 4 (1 .5 ) 0. 52 Sk ul l b as e (p -v al ue ) 0. 48 d <0 .0 00 d / 0. 04 d / N o 13 .1 (5 .2 ) 11 8. 7 (9 1. 3) <0 .0 00 5. 6 (4 .9 ) <0 .0 00 Ye s 20 .9 (7 .2 ) 28 6. 2 (1 89 .2 ) 0. 00 7 10 .2 (1 0. 1) 0. 00 1 a  lin ea r r eg re ss io n b K ru sk al -W al lis t es t c A N O V A (l og 10 o f M ea n ti m e of p ro ce du re ) d M an n- W hi tn ey U t es t ORL 2022_Mr10_2.qxd 2.9.2022 13:00 Page 388 389Med Razgl. 2022; 61 Suppl 2: ta bl e 4. Pa irw is e co m pa ris on s of t he lo ga rit hm o f m ea n du ra ti on o f su rg er y (u pp er ro w ) a nd m ea n ti m es o f us e of t he im ag e- gu id ed s ys te m s (I G S) (b ot to m ro w ) b y ty pe o f su rg er y us in g th e B on fe rr on i a dj us tm en t. A na ly si s of v ar ia nc e (A N O V A ) ( F( 5, 45 )= 17 .8 90 , p <0 .0 00 ); A N O V A (F (5 ,4 5) =1 8. 16 1, p <0 .0 00 ). CR Sw N P – ch ro ni c rh in os in us it is w it h na sa l p ol yp s, C SF  – c er eb ro sp in al f lu id , I P  – is ol at ed p ap ill om a. M al ig na nt d is ea se Cr sw n P Fr on ta l s in us & g lio m a & iP B io ps ie s & os te om a Cs F le ak ab sc es se s & is ol at ed sp he no id d is ea se G ui de d bi op si es a nd a bs ce ss d ra in ag e <0 .0 00 no n si g. 0. 00 2 0. 03 0. 00 1 / <0 .0 00 no n si g. <0 .0 00 no n si g. no n si g. / M al ig na nt d is ea se / <0 .0 00 0. 00 3 no n si g. 0. 04 <0 .0 00 / <0 .0 00 no n si g. <0 .0 00 <0 .0 00 <0 .0 00 CR Sw N P <0 .0 00 / <0 .0 00 0. 00 7 <0 .0 00 no n si g. <0 .0 00 / 0. 00 1 no n si g. no n si g. no n si g. Fr on ta l d is ea se 0. 00 3 <0 .0 00 / no n si g. no n si g. 0. 00 2 <0 .0 00 no n si g. / 0. 00 5 <0 .0 00 <0 .0 00 CS F le ak re pa irs (g lio m a, m en ig oc el es ) no n si g. 0. 00 7 no n si g. / no n si g. 0. 03 <0 .0 00 no n si g. 0. 00 5 / no n si g. no n si g. IP 0. 04 <0 .0 00 no n si g. no n si g. / 0. 00 1 <0 .0 00 no n si g. <0 .0 00 no n si g. / no n si g. ORL 2022_Mr10_2.qxd 2.9.2022 13:00 Page 389 procedures (p<0.001). The time taken for the registration of the IGS is linearly correlated to the duration of the surgery in malignant disease (r2=0.51, p=0.009) as well as IP (r2=0.50, p=0.04) (see also table 5). In regres- sion analysis, we have also found a linear cor- relation between the number of separate IGS uses in malignant diseases (r2=0.60, p=0.005) and the amount of total intraoperative IGS usage and total duration of the procedures (malignant diseases, r2=0.73, p<0.001 and IP, r2=0.73, p=0.03). Scaled answers for the pre- cision of the IGS, the intraoperative orienta- tion score, and the estimate of the probability of the same procedure without the IGS are presented in figures 1–3. The percentage of strategy changes is illustrated in figure 4. 390 J. Urbančič, C. Gléron, G. Benites, M. Škrlec, D. Vozel real-life time Consumption in image-guided … table 5. Cumulative data (N=51) about the usage of the image-guided systems (IGS). N – number of patients, SD – standard deviation, CRSwNP – chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps, CSF – cerebrospinal fluid. Cumulative data n (or otherwise indicated) Boot time (s) 128 (SD 8.9) Loading problems 0 (0.0%) Navigational planning No planning 24 (47.1%) Up to two points 13 (25.5%) Multiple points 10 (19.6%) Complex planning (points & trajectories) 4 (7.8%) Registration points Minor problems (not an issue of time and performance) 1 (2.0%) No problems 50 (98.0%) Number of registration attempts 1.14 (SD 0.5) Navigational precision estimate Green 8 (15.7%) Yellow 43 (84.3%) Red 0 (0.0%) Orientation issues during procedure None 47 (92.2%) Minor, not an issue of time and performance 1 (2.0%) Minor issue on time and performance 2 (3.9%) Major issue with limited usage of device 1 (2.0%) Number of intraoperative uses (mean for group − SD) 6.1 (SD 3.8) Malignant disease 10 (SD 4.2) Frontal disease 8.7 (SD 2.2) CSF leak repairs (glioma, menigoceles) 3.5 (SD 1.3) CRSwNP 3.4 (SD 1.3) Inverted papilloma 3.3 (SD 1.6) Guided biopsies and abscess drainage 3 (SD 0.9) ORL 2022_Mr10_2.qxd 2.9.2022 13:00 Page 390 391Med Razgl. 2022; 61 Suppl 2: 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 4 8 10 9 V A S Glioma, meningocele, CSF leak repair Malignant disease Inverted papilloma Biopsies & abscess & isolated sphenoid CRSwNP Isolated frontal disease & osteomas of the frontal sinus 9 25. 9 10. 9 10. 8 70. 8 60. 8 00. Figure 1. The mean precision of the image-guided systems (IGS) as perceived by the surgeon (visual ana- logue scale (VAS) of 0 to 10 with standard deviation (SD)). Malignant vs isolated frontal disease and osteo- mas of the frontal sinus p=0.01, inverted papilloma vs isolated frontal disease and osteomas of the frontal sinus p=0.02, analysis of variance (ANOVA) (F(5,45)=3.885, p=0.005). VAS – visual analogue scale, CSF – cerebrospinal fluid, CRSwNP – chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps. 9 7 5 3 1 0 2 6 4 8 10 V A S Glioma, meningocele, CSF leak repair Inverted papilloma CRSwNP Malignant disease Isolated frontal disease & osteomas of the frontal sinus Biopsies & abscess & isolated sphenoid 9 70. 9 10. 9 00. 8 80. 8 10. 8 00. Figure 2. The mean intraoperative orientation score as perceived by the surgeon (visual analogue scale (VAS) of 0 to 10 with standard deviation (SD)). Glioma, menigocele, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak repair vs. biop- sies and abscess and isolated sphenoid p=0.04, analysis of variance (ANOVA) (F(5.45)=3.487, p=0.01). VAS – visual analogue scale, CSF – cerebrospinal fluid, CRSwNP – chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps. ORL 2022_Mr10_2.qxd 2.9.2022 13:00 Page 391 392 J. Urbančič, C. Gléron, G. Benites, M. Škrlec, D. Vozel real-life time Consumption in image-guided … 9 7 5 3 1 0 2 6 4 8 10 V A S Glioma, meningocele, CSF leak repair Inverted papilloma CRSwNP Malignant disease Isolated frontal disease & osteomas of the frontal sinus Biopsies & abscess & isolated sphenoid 9 70. 9 60. 9 10. 8 70. 7 00. 6 50. Figure 3. Scaled answer whether the surgeon would perform same surgery without intraoperative IGS (visual analogue scale (VAS) 0 to 10 with standard deviation (SD); 0 – no, 10 – yes, certainly). Isolated frontal disea- se & osteomas of the frontal sinus vs. malignant disease p=0.02, isolated frontal disease & osteomas of the frontal sinus vs. CRSwNP p=0.001, isolated frontal disease & osteomas of the frontal sinus vs. glio- ma, meningocele, cerebrospinal (CSF) leak repair p=0.001, isolated frontal disease and osteomas of the frontal sinus vs. inverted papilloma p=0.002, analysis of variance (ANOVA) (F(5,45)=7.380, p<0.000). VAS – visual analogue scale, CSF – cerebrospinal fluid, CRSwNP – chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps. 5030100 20 40 Glioma, meningocele, CSF leak repair Inverted papilloma CRSwNP Malignant disease Isolated frontal disease & osteomas of the frontal sinus Biopsies & abscess & isolated sphenoid % of intraoperative strategy changes 0 0 12.5 25 33.3 38.5 Figure 4. The percentage of strategy changes with IGS use. CRSwNP – chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps, CSF – cerebrospinal fluid. ORL 2022_Mr10_2.qxd 2.9.2022 13:00 Page 392 DisCUssion The anatomic complexity that requires the surgeon to use all knowledge, spatial orien- tation, and surgical intuition to solve the problem emphasises the importance of the IGS. Even more so when surgeons deal with increasingly difficult procedures involving the frontal sinus, CSF leak repair, or onco- logic procedures (15). Observing the meantime of registration shows the understandable tendency to take longer to register when performing a more complicated procedure. In linear regression, for every minute of increase in registration time, the duration of surgery increases by 18.1 minutes in malignant disease and 5.3 minutes in patients with IP. But not all of the groups show a statistically significant difference in the pairwise comparison of mean values. Empowered with the analy- sis results, three different groups can be elu- ded, one with malignant pathology being the most time-consuming (duration of the procedure and IGS involvement), follo- wing the complex frontal sinus procedures, CSF leak repair, and IP. A correlation bet- ween the time of registration and the dura- tion of the surgery was found in malignant cases and inverted papilloma. It can be explained by the similarities in endoscopic approach, instrumentation, and surgical thinking (30, 31). Registration time and total IGS usage were quite distinctively lower for all other procedures, including those requiring com- parably long operating times (CSF leak repair, IP, frontal disease). Frontal sinus sur- gery is also the pathology where authors 393Med Razgl. 2022; 61 Suppl 2: Figure 5. Proposed timeline scenarios for inverted papilloma (IP), malignant disease and chronic rhino- sinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP). OP – operative, IGS – image-guided systems. ORL 2022_Mr10_2.qxd 2.9.2022 13:00 Page 393 394 J. Urbančič, C. Gléron, G. Benites, M. Škrlec, D. Vozel real-life time Consumption in image-guided … Figure 6. The relationship of parameters affecting the time of procedure for malignant disease. IGS – image guided systems. Figure 7. The relationship of parameters affecting the time of procedure for inverted papilloma. IGS – image- guided systems. ORL 2022_Mr10_2.qxd 2.9.2022 13:00 Page 394 were most inclined to trust the IGS during surgery. Reasonable conduct of the endo- scopic procedure requires a degree of fami- liarity with the anatomy and pathology of the patient. The surgeon usually does not blindly follow the advice of the IGS but uses the device as an additional confirmation of known or unknown (ad-hoc) anatomical landmarks or simply as a validation tool (32, 33). High rates of perceived precision and high orientation scores during the use of IGS are consistent with other published research data (9, 15, 17, 22, 32, 34). High dependence on IGS in virtually blinded pro- cedures without orientation points is also expected (15, 35, 36). Other authors have shown that the intraoperative time reduction in conven- tional functional endoscopic surgery (FESS) was about ten minutes per case (22). We haven’t found a significant difference when comparing the duration and the sheer extent of the surgery (CRSwNP). But in more difficult cases, we have found that the time consumption at registration, and the total duration of surgery is higher (table 3). We have shown that every single use of the IGS should prolong the surgery time in malignant cases by 32.5 minutes (mean number of uses 10). With every minute of IGS use, the intraoperative time increases by 14.93 minutes (malignant diseases, mean time of use of 11.8 minutes) or 7.6 minu- tes (inverted papilloma, mean time of use of 3.1 minutes). To explain the data further, we propo- se a timeline representing the three typical surgical scenarios (figure 5). The time bet- ween pins is defined as IGS use and pure- ly surgical work. The relationship between both may not be the same in all the proce- dures. The first scenario reflects the IGS usage in IP, the second in malignant disea- se, and the third in CRSwNP. The robustness of proposed scenarios also relies on identi- fying any aberrantly long usage of IGS. They were specially produced by factors not separately identified upfront. The need to correct the optical pathway for IGS or even for recalibration arises when accuracy falls below acceptable. The added real-time con- tributes to the IGS use and the surgeon’s response to the new information. Prolongation of the surgery may well be an attribute of a complicated surgical procedure, added difficult anatomy, and raw extension of the disease. 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