PROSVETA GLASILO SLOVENSKE NEROONE PODPORNE JEDNOTE Uredniâkt In upravniSkl prostori: 16S7 South Lawndale Ave. Office of Publication: 1687 South Lewndale Ava. Telephone, Rockwall 4S04 LETO—YEAR XL mtf ja ÜOO «Urah L Mît Acceptance Ésr ma U ing «t apodal >ata^fjggag_prgvjda4jor CHICAGO 23. ILL.. SREDA. 2t. MAJA (MAY 26). 1941 In aectlon 1101, Act cf Oct. I. ISIT, authoriaed oa June 4. ISIS Subecrlptloa St.00 Yearly ÔTEV.—NUMBER 104 truman predlagal raztegnitev socialne zaščite Naslovil je poslanico kongresu s pozivom za akcijo i ZVIŠANJE MESEČNIH PLAČIL Waahlngton. D. C« 25. maja.— Predsednik Truma n je pozval kongres, naj raztegne program socialne zaščite, da se olajša položaj starih in potrebnih ljudi v času inflacije in dviganja živ-Ijenskih stroškov. Priporočila uključuje posebna poslanica, katero je.paslovil kongersu. Tru-man je pOudaril v poslanici, da je hitra akcija potrebna. Predsednik je opozoril kongres, da je borba za obstanek onih, katerih edini dohodki so plačila iz sklada socialne zaščite, težka, ker cene stalno naraščajo. V poslanici je orisal pao-gram izboljšanja in raztegnitve socialne zaščite. Truman je med drugim predlagal: Zvišanje sedanje podpore $25 na mesec najmanj za 50 odstotkov. Davčni mesečni prispevki, ki znašajo sedaj en odstotek, naj se zvišajo na 1 Vi1'/* 1. januarja prihodnje leto namesto leto pozneje. Obdavčenje letnega zaslužka naj se zviša na $4,800. Sedanja omejitev je $3,000. Raztegnitev socialne zaščite na 20,000,000 delavcev. ,V tej kategoriji ao poljedelski delavci, hišni uslužbenci in samouposlenci, katerih ne krije zakon socialne zaščite. Raztegnitev sistema brezposel-nostnega zavarovanja na uslužbence malih firm. To so one, ki -uposjujejo manj ko osem delav cev. Sistem naj bi kril tudi federalne uslužbence in druge, ki sedaj niso zaščiteni. Brezposel-nostna podpora naj se zviša onim, ki imajo velike družine. Odškodninsko zavarovanje, ki naj bi ščitilo delavce, ki izgube zaslužek zaradi bolezni in poškodb. Federalna vlada naj bi nudila finančno podporo državam, ki bodo preskrbele tako pomoč. Ženske naj bi bile deležne starostne pokojnine, ko dosežejo starost 60 let, ne 65 let, kot sedaj. Zavarovani delavec ne more iti v pokoj, ko je star 65 let, ker njegova žena, ako je mlajša, ni deležna podpore. Tniman je naglasil v poslanici, da je sedaj pravi čas za raz- Ameriška akcija proti Angliji Kongreinik kritiziral varnostni »vet , t Washington. D. C.. 25. maja.— Zahteve, naj Amerika odreče Veliki Britaniji ekonomako pomoč na podlagi Marahallovega načrta, ker zalaga arabske dežele z orožjem in strelivom, so se slišale v kongresu. Kongres-nik Celler, demokrat iz New Yorka, je zahteval, naj gredo ameriške bojne ladje v akcijo proti Lebanonu, ker je vlada te arabske države zavrnila zahtevo, da mora izpustiti 41 ameriških državljanov, ki so bili zaseženi na ameriškem parniku Marine Carpu v Beirutu zadnjo sredo in odvedeni v vojaško taborišče, 4,Akc!ja Lebanona je žaljenje Amerike," je rekel Celler. "Naše bojne ladje naj odrinejo v Beirut in izsilijo izpustitev ame riških državljanov. To naj bo dokaz, da mi mislimo, kar govorimo. Ako se bo lebanonska vlada še upirala, naj govore topovi." ~ Kongresnik Javita, republikanec iz New Yorka, je predlagal ustavitev ameriške ekonomske pomoči Veliki Britaniji, ker zalaga arabske dežele z orožjem in strelivom. Njegov predlog je podprl kongresnik Sabath, demokrat iz Chicaga. Državni department je naznanil, da bo poslal novo zahtevo lebanonski vladi, naj izpusti a-meriške državljane. iz članske kampanje Društva v Pennsylvaniji pokazala največ živahnosti; do sdaj se ie odivalo 156 društev; članice nosijo zastavo! Opozicija proti vojaiki konskripciji Washington, D. C., 25. maja.— Upanje predsednika Trumana, da bo kongres sprejel načrt vojaške konskripcije na sedanjem zasedanju, je izginilo. Senatni odsek za vojaške zadeve je glasoval proti načrtu, kar pomeni, da ne bo prišel na dnevni red. Mnogo organizacij je vodilo opozicijo proti načrtu vojaške konskripcije. Načrt so podprli Truman, obrambni tajnik Forrestal in člani generalnega štabu. tegnitev in izboljšanje sistema socialne zaščite, ker sta uposle nost in zaslužek dosegla najvišjo točko. Delavce je treba zaščititi pred ekonomskim tveganjem. Dostavil je, da j* zakon socialne zaščite eksperiment v mnogih ozirih in premišljeno omejen v kritju podpor, zato ga je treba raztegniti in izboljšali. unija oblačilnih delavcev za svetovno delavsko federacijo * / Atlantic City, N. J.—(FP)— uničiti delavske unije. Organi-Frank Rosenblum, tajnik-blagaj-1 zirani delavci se morajo zave-nik unije Amalgamated Clothing dati tega dejstva in skupno na-Workers CIO, je opozoril dele- stopati proti resničnim sovražite oa 16 konvenciji te unije, nikom delavstvsJBj "da sedanja proti komunistična histerija predstavlja resno ne varnost za vse ameriško ljudstvo." Rosenblum je podal svoje svarilo v obrambo svojega stališča, da mora CIO ostati v Svetovni delavski federaciji. On je odgovoril Emilu Rieveju, predsedniku unije tekstilnih delavcev, ki je zahteval, naj CIO izstopi iz mednarodne delavske federacije. Delegacija je navdušeno pozdravila Roeenblumovo stališče. "Reakcija ni proti komunistom, ampak proti nam, proti organiziranim delavcem," je naglastl "Rooseveltovega novega deala niso uničili komunisti, temveč reakcionarji; komunisti niso porazili progresivne kongreanike, ampak so to storili reakcionar ji. Pravi sovražniki napredka in delavske solidarnosti so razni Rankinl, Thomas*. Dlesi, Tafti, Haitevi in Mundti ter Nizonl, Rosenblum, ki je podpredsednik Svetovne delavske federaci je, je rekel, da niso Rusi nikdar na sejah te federacije skušali vsiliti svojega mnenja o raznih vprašanjih. Vsi zaključki federacije so bazirali na glasovanju, fte nekaj dni in stopili bomo v tretji mesec naše članske kampanje. s katero obhajamo 35-letnico mladinskega öddelka in desetletnico mladinskih kreikov. Ta dvojni jubilej je velikega pomena za jednoto in vsa naša društva. Predstavlja dva valna kantona v življenju jednote. Z ustanovitvijo mladinskega oddelka pred 35 leti, ko je bilo na višku priseljevanje Slovencev v to Novo deželo, so naši pionirji storili izredno važen korak,« katerim ao vrata jednote odprli tudi naraščaju ter s tem poskrbeli ta dotok mlade krvi, brez katere je vsaka organizacija obsojena na pogin. Važen je bil tudi sklep clevelandake konvencije leta 1M7 za ustanovitev mladinskih krožkov, v katerih ie našemu naraščaju dana prilika, da se udejstvuje v jednoti, ši bistri um in pripravlja na svoje življenjske naloge. Dosedaj Je naša kampanja nekam mirno potekala. To ne pomeni, da je mrtva, ver 'ar pa še ni prišla v uk zalet kakor Je teleti. Iz prijavljenih novih Članov Je razvidno, da je bUo do konca zadnjega tedna aktivnih v tej kampanji blizu 160 temed 600 in več društev. Kakor poroča kampanjski direktor br. Michael Vrhovnlk. so do zadnjega petka prišla poročila od 156 druitov. ki so pridobil* enega ali več novih članov. Teh društev je 42 vič kakor ob koncu aprila, prvi mesec kampanje. Največ živahnosti kaželo naša pennsylvanaha društva, ki do zdaj prednjačljo v kampanji. Sicer je tam tudi hrbtenica SNPJ vsaj pa dobršen del in Je torej ta rekord nek«j'-naravnega, V prvem kampanjskem distriktu In na splošno predpjačl sestra Peli* BUdlck. direktorica mladinskega krotka angleško poslujočega društva Lucky Stani 71« v Imperialu, ki je do zdaj,ie pridobila 23 novih članov, od teh devet ta mesec. Do zdaj je ni Še nihče poee-kal. Vse priznanje sestri Sladick! V Southvlewu, Pa., pa je na delu sestra Patvtela Patnaekr. čla-niča društva 265, ki je ie pridobila devet novih članov. V All-quippl pa sta na delu sestri Frencee Zakrajšek, pemoina direktorica mladinskega krožka, in Anna Ranica, tajnica društva 721, ki «ta do zdaj pridobili 12 novih članov. Še ooem in društvena kvota bo dosežena. • V Johnstownu pa se je zopet podala v kampinjo Mary Vidmar, tajnica društva 3, ki 1e že Dridobila šest novih članov. Mary «pada v sprednjo vrsto najboljših agitatorjev In se Je ie večkrat odlikovala. Odkar ona tajnikuje Adrijl, je pridobili ie 175 novih članov! S takim rekordom se ponaša le malo članov sli članic. Mary, vse priznanje! Društvo 292 v Avelli, Pa„ je v tej kampanji nsnaslo že zs U novih članov, kar tudi nlao mačje solze! Ea to skrbi frank Zrlmm In Penili» Debelak ter Vere treske, i ' , V Bridgeport^ O., ki spada v drugi distrikt in kjer je bil dolga leta steber pokojni Joseph Snoy, katerega vsi pogrešamo, zlasti oa tamkajšnja naselbina, pa ie na delu sestra Mary Opartny. Ona je angltško poslujočimu društvu Cardinals 040 pridobila fte devet novih članov in je na prvem mestu v tem diatrlktu, V Clevelandu pa si Ji "poštrikal" Charlie Zakaly. tajnik društva-Nanoe 264, ki je pridobil pet novih članov. V metropoli se s enakim številom novih Članov zdaj ponašajo Štiri društva. Sedi) pa preskočimo v Indianapolis, Ind., kjer je na delu frank Mlvec Iz mlajše generacije, novi član narodnega atletlčnega odbora in tajnik društva 108. On ie za začetek pridobil pet članov v odrasli oddelek. Upamo, da bomo iz Indlanapollsa slišali še ka.i podobnih novic. V L'Anseu, Mich., je na delu Albin Toeien. tajnik društva 753 ki je sporočil zadnje dni, da so že dosegli svojo kvoto sedem novih članov. Bravol To društvo je na tretjem mestu častne liste, ka tero tvorijo društva, ki dosežejo svojo kvoto. Izredno dobro poročilo je prišlo tudi od sestre Mary Pehule tajnice društva 322 iz Chisholma, ki je prijavila osem nadaljnjih rekrutov—skupaj 17; še Šest in kvota tega društva bo izpolnjen« V tretjem distriktu zdaj to žensko društvu nosi zastavo. Kploh pi ste iz gornjega1 poročila lahko opazili, da v t«) kampanji sploh lanske nosijo seetavol Cc se moški spol bolic ne odreže, bodo ol koncu kampanje ženske noaile hlače! No, kai pravite tisti, ki s* ponašate z Adamovim rebrom? Se Je čas. da si moški "rešim« čast"! Ampak r)4 v Cllvelandu Vsem tem. kakor tudi vsem rU E, reka preoatallm globoko soiilji. Kh()ury rÄR|WnUnt ArMhMke Kako le s darili sa start kril | l^e, Je dejal, da Je določeni čas Prosveta ji zidnje čase pri- prekratek za posvetovanja med jela nekaj vprašanj od čltiti- predstavniki arabskih dežel, Jev, nij jim pojasnimo, koliko VarnosUii svet je informiral, da e resnice ni tim, kar so poro- se bodo Člani političnega odbora tali nekateri slovenski Usti, da Arabske lige sestali na konference v stari kraj ne sme več po- cl v Ammanu, glavnem mestu šlljatl darilnih paketov, odnoano, Transjordantje, danes In tax-da morajo prejemniki tam pla- previjali o resoluciji, čati vlaoko carino za poslano Ruski delegat Andrej A Uro-blago. Nam nI bilo do sdaj nI- miko je predlagal, naj se arab-česar definltlvno znano, dne 23. ^ d.ttle Izrečejo za ustavitev maja pa smo prejeli kratko ob- novrainostHakoJ. Khourvjeod-veatllo od Jugoslovanskega po goVurll, da so posvetovanja po- Rosenblum. "Reakcija rabi ko-1 so se ¿*»to nagibala na desno munistično strašilo kot sredstvo, da uniči delavske unije, je dostavil Rosenblum. ki je prijatelj komunistov, nato pa nadaljeval: "Resnično nevarnost predstavljajo Taft* in Hartlevi in Ran-kini, ne pa komunisti Zato je dolžnoat slehernega člana delavskih unij. da ce bori proti nakanam reakcije, ki skuša pod krinko boja proti komunistom ne na levo. kljub temu so ruski delegatje izpričali svoje sodelovanje. Delegacija na konvenciji unije oblačilnih delavcev je soglas no sprejela resolucijo, ki izraža sodelovanj s Svetovno delavsko federacijo, vzajemno mednarodno delavsko solidarnost In politiko mednarodnega razumevanja. Domače vesti Arabci dobili več časa za odločitev slaniitva v Washtngtonu, ki glssl: i "V zvezi s carino, ki se plačuje na poaamezne artikle blaga, katiro se pošilja v Jugoslavijo kot poklon (dsrilo) ln ksr ,naše lzseljenike v tej deželi mnogo zanima, vam pošiljamo sledeče pojasnilo. "Carina na blago, ki si pošilja v darilnih pikitlh, Ji morala biti spramenjena v cilju, da •• prepreči nedovoljene trgovina ln Špeknlaetla. Od carine ji Izključena nošena obleka, pirllo (srajce, spodnja obleka, posteljnini —rjuhe Itd ), obutev ln tlvešne pošiljke. Na kavo, čaj in kakao «• plača carina, ako Ji količini večja ko kilogram, na popir, a-ko je količina vačja ko 260 gramov (čitrt kile ali pol funta), na vanllo ln cimet, ako Ji količina večja ko 100 gramov. Pogrebno nI nobeno uvozno dovoljenje." Po gornjem bi sodili, da Je zdaj podvrženo uvozni carini vse novo blago za obleko, vklju-čivši novi čevlji, kakor tudi drugi novi predmeti, ki so v Jugo ilavljl podvrženi uvozni eartni. Prosta carine pa je še dalje no-4ena obleka in obutev, kakor tudi živežne pošiljke. Kava, čaj in drugo navedeno Je prosto carine, ako ne preaega omenjene količine. Obnova pogajanj med unijo in družbo Governer Sigler posegel v konflikt lewis pozvan pred federalno sodišče Denham vloiil pritožbo proti Lewisu in rudarski uniji ODBOR NAZNANIL ZASLIŠANJE Waahlngton. D. C., 25. maja,— Federalni sodnik T Alan Golds-borough je odredil, da mora John L. Lewis, predsednik rudarske unije UMWA, nastopiti pred njim ), junija ln pojaanltl razloge, sakaj ae noče pogajati i organizacijo operatorjev is Jui-. nih držav v svrho sklenitve pogodbe. Ooldsbomugh Je še dvakrat naložil težko kasen Lewlsu ln ru-dsraki uniji. Akcijo Je podvzel po pritožbi proti Lewiiu in uniji, katero je vložil Robert Denham, pravni svetovalec federalnega delavskega odbora, na podlagi obdoliltev Josepha E. Moo-dyja, predsedniki organizacije operatorjev Iz južnih držav. Moody je obdolžil Lewisa ln unijo nepoštene delavake iaktlke v smislu provizije Taft-Hartleye-vega pmtideiavakega zakona. Denham je nastopil pred sodnikom Uoldsboroughom in predlagal, nai izda začasno odredbo, ki naj bi prisilila Lewlss v ta- Poveljstvo židovske arm a de, ^^ r jlT^nik poroče, di so bile arabske sile £ ^ zaslišali. Juniji, pognane iz vaeh krajev v dolini ' - - ob reki Jordan, Ta dolina je na Užni strani Oiliiiiiketfii jezera n v bližini mili mid Pilistlno trebna. Jerusalem. Palentina. 2A. maja. —LJute bitke med Židi in Arabci se nadaljujejo. Topniške enote arabske legije bruhajo izstrelke na židovsko četrt v starem delu mesta. Člani italijanske vlade zapriseženi Komunisti in socialisti iiključeni Rim, 25. maja — Predsednik Luigi ICinaudl je zaprisegel člane nove vlade Italijanske republike. Tvori Jo koalicija protiko-munlstičnlh grup, ki je zmagala pri volitvah 16. aprila. Alcidf de U a s p e r l, vodja stranke krščanaklh demokratov, je predaednlk vlade. On Je bil predsednik tudi prejšnje vlade. Komunisti In levičarski socialisti niso dobili nobene pozicije v novi vladi, Ti ao postavili skupno liato kandidatov, ki so pri volitvah dobili 33 odstotkov vaeh oddanih glaaov. Taft-Hartleyev zakon določa kazni unim, ki ao sposnsni za krive nepoštene delavske tsktike. Uredniki rudarski uniji niso hoteli komentirstl akcije Denhs-ms in sodnlks. Lewis Ji zadnji teden dejal, ds Moody nlms pravice udeležitvi ritgovorov glede sklenitve nove pogodbe, ki nij bi nadomestila sadanjo, katiro veljavnost bo potikls 30. junljs, nakar so bila pogijinji pretrgana. Denhain je tud< obdolžil Lewisa in unlju dlktlranja, kdo naj repi exenttra operatorje pri pogajanjih Dejal je, da je to kršenje Taft-Hartleyevcga zakona. Delavski odbor je naznanil zaslišanje v Washingtonu H. junija. Takrat bo Denham predložil dokaze o obdolžitvah. .............a« ■ i ■ V vlado je prišel desničarski socialist Roberto Tiemelloni. To je koncesija desničarskim socialistom, ki so se postavili na stran piernierja De (iasperlja v volilni kampanji, Tiemelloni je minister bie/. portfelja. ia Rusija preprečila preiskavo preobrata V Cehoslovakiji LaW Succeaa. N V, 25. maja — Rusija Je preprečila preiskavo preobrata v Cehoslovakiji. v katerem so komunisti dobili vso oblast v februarju Ruaki delegat Andrej A Gromlko ce je po-služil previce vetiranja zadevne recolucije na seji varnostnega Brannan imenovan za poljedelskega tajnika Waahlngton, D. C., 29, meje.— Predsednik Truman Je imenoval Charlesa F Brannana za poljedelskega Ujniks. Nasledil bo Clintona P Andersons, kl je re-signircl Hrennan je bil doslej pomoži poljedelski tajnik lucijo je predložil čllejskl delegat Trdil je. ds je Rušita izd- I «veta Združenih narodw Reso- lila preobiet v Ceboelovekiji Dolrcll, Mlrb.. 25 majeUnl-združenih avtnlh delsvcev CIO ln Chrysler Motor Corp bosta obnovili pogalanja glede končanja stavke, ki Je bila «»klicana pred trinajstimi dnevi. V konflikt med nlima Je posegel governer Kim Sigler. Sigler je naznanil, da ae bodo riprezentanti unije in koipori-cije v si odo aeatall v njegovem uradu. To bo prvi aeatanck med njimi od 11. maja, ko «e je unl-|a odMila za oklic stavke V stavki je udeleženih okrog 75, 000 delavcev. Konflikt je nastal, ko je kor-poraetja ohi V napadu proti uniji ae je dru?be poalužile tudi radija. Drutba «e je sklicevala na Taf-lov zakon, češ, da ga Je unija kršila, Končno je delevskl od-IH»r latpisal volitve, med tem pa je družb« pozivala delevce, naj ae vrnejo na delo. Sličnih metod za zdrobitev atavk in uničenji unije ee poelu-žujejo tudi druge družbe, pred v»em klavnlške in svtne. PROSVETA THE ENLIGHTENMENT III LASTNIMA SLOVENSKE NAKODNE POOftOftNE JEDMOTE Mit« (tava» m tolo. $4J0 n pol lola. «LOO m ¿etri lotei _ Cook Co. 00.S0 u oo io teto. $4.7» m pol lata; m IaombuIto 111 JO SubacriptWn rateas for tbo United Stalo« (exeopt Chicago) and ' 00.00 por yoar, Chicago and Cook County MM por---- countries Sil JO »ar roa*. ■fiM^â^aV!uippûi UtomL^b^o tfrtice, porasti Aid.) se *mo)o poéiljatelju lp r slučaju, Oo Je priloOU rata* oa agraarainL—Manuscripts of communication* tidied articles will not bo returned. Other manuscript» as stasias, plays, pooms, ate. will he roturaod to sender only accompanied by saM-addressad and siampad anv*lope IVaalor aa m 4u ima stlk ■ llatonu PROSVETA 1M7 • IS So. Lawmdalo Ave^ Chicago 29, Illinois iVašc napredno ženstvo Progresivnim Slovenkam, organizaciji naših naprednih žena, že precej časa dolgujemo vzpodbudno besedo in skromne čestitke k njih lepemu organizacijskemu napredku in razmahu, ki ga kažejo zadnje mesece. Dasi smo pri Prosveti in sploh v glavnem uradu SNPJ od vsega začetka z zanimanjem sledili temu preporodu Progresivnih Slovenk, naj nam oproste njih članice, ki so v pretežni večini tudi članice naše jednote, ako nismo tega do zdaj odprto povedali. Z veseljem smo jim šli na roko pri urejevanju in objavljanju njih vesti in poročil v Prosveti, kar bomo delali tudi v bodoče. Držali smo se gesla, da dejanja glasneje govore kakor pa besede. Na mestu pa je seveda vedno tudi dobra beseda, katero so ai Progresivne Slovenke pošteno zaslužile, posebno še zadnje čaae, ko so pokazale živo voljo do življenja. To je potrdila tudi njih zadnja konvencija, ki se je vršila 15. in 10. maja v Cleve-landu. Organizacija Progresivnih Slovenk je bila rojena pred desetimi leti v naši slovenski metropoli.. Ne vemo ali je krivo naše napredno ienatvo ali smo krivi Adamovi sinovi, da ta organizacija ni dobila razmaha do zadnjega časa, marveč je ostala le lokalna ustanova, koncentrirana v Clevelandu s štirimi krožki in nekaj sto članicami. Najbrž* je krivda na obeh straneh: pri moških, ker jim nismo dali vzj^odbude, pri našem naprednem ženstvu pa, ker izven Cleve landa niso pokazale volje in zanimanja, da bi si zgradile svojo prosvetno in družabno organizacijo pod okriljem Progresivnih Slovenk. Polje so prepustile klerikalnim silam, ki so si zgradile dokaj močno žensko organizacijo. Do spontanega preporoda med našim naprednim ženstvom je prišlo šele zadnjo jesen. Kaj je nanje specifično učinkovalo, je lahko predmet ugibanja. Toda zdi se nam, da je v njih dozorela že dalj časa tleča želja po lastni napredni organizaciji, pod katere okriljem se bodo lahko shajale na sejah in prosvetno-družabnih sestankih kot svobodne Slovenke In ameriške državljanke obeh pokolenj, mati in hčere, brez da bi se treba komi\ klanjati ali se križati. Drugače si skoraj ne moremo tolmačiti dejstva, da je bilo zadnje mesece ustanovljenItt okrog ducata krožkov Progresivnih Slovenk v raznih naselbinah. In ustanovljeni so bili na lqstno iniciativo, povsem spontano, brez kakšne posebne kampanje. Naj bolj so bile tega vesele naše napredne Clevelandčanke, ki so toliko let samovale in želele, dasi bolj tiho, da bi se jim pridružile tudi napredne rojakinje po drugih naselbinah širom dežele. Tega je bila izredno vesela zlasti tajnica Progresivnih Slovenk Josephinc Zakrajšek, ki je v, zadnjih mesecih obiskala naselbine, kjer so se ustanovili novi krožki. N Ako smo pravilno informirani, imajo Progresivne Slovenke zda okrog 15 krožkov in blizu 2,000 članic. Za kratko dobo tega preporoda med našim naprednim ženstvom je to že lep napredek Toda pol le za nadaljnl razmah Progresivnih Slovenk je Še Široko kajti do zdaj Je vključenih V to organizacijo le dober ducat nasel-• bin. Ker naš^ napredno ženstvo ni omejeno le na te naselbine kakor tudi ne na starejše, to je v starem kraju rojene rojakinje je želeti, da zrastejo krožki Progresivnih Slovenk po vseh naselbinah širom dežele. Takih naselbin Je še dosti v Ameriki. V te krožke naj zlasti pritegnejo svoje hčere In snahe—tukaj rojena dekleta, med katerimi ie dosti talentiranih in inteligentnih moči s srednješolsko ali višješolsko izobrazbo, dosti dobrega organiza cijskega materiala. * Zelo razveseljivo je dejstvo, da imamo med nami lepo število razumnih in naprednih delavskih žena. Sicer se pe ponašajo a siednješolsko, Še manj pa z višješolskft izobrazbo—izjeme so le tedke med starejšo generacijo. Niih šola je bilo življenje, večinoma zelo trdo živhenje Kot zdrava kmečka dekleta, na splošno s hlabo osnovno šolsko izobrazbo so prišle v novo deželo, na tuja tla, kjer si je bilo treba ustanoviti novo eksistenco. Mnoge so prtšle z dežja pod kap. kajti v tej deželi jih je čakalo enako ali pa še bolj trdo življenje kakor je bilo v starem kraju na kmetih. Kot žene tovarniških delavcev ali rudarjev so šle mnoge, s svojimi možmi in otroki vred, skozi težke delavske boje. In brezpo aelnoat. Poleg družine mi se mnoge ukvarjale tudi s "purši" in garale kot črna živina po 15-18 ur na «lan »edem dni v tednu, letr za letom. Za čitanje Je bilo malo časa ali sploh nič. To vsaj dokler so bili otroci majhni in "purši",v hiši Večina statejših naseljenk-- mnogo jih je že v grobu—je šla I v tej deželi skozi življenje, ki ni bilo življenje, marveč samo velikansko garanje in skib za otroke /a moža radi dela ali da ga ne pobije In vendar so ne tudi mnoge i/med teh trplnk miselno In duševno dvignile tn postale razumne in zavedne žene, da so znale ločiti slabo od dobrega, pravico «»d krivice. Ia> od resnice. V marsikateri družini ji je do tega prtp«.m«>gcl razumeti mož, ki je Imel več časa /aftilanie napredno ali s«a'ialistično usmerjenih delavskih listov, brošur in knjig, Na drugi stinni tudi niso bili redki primeri k< je žena kljub vaej svoji zapoalenogtl prišla do lastne izobrazbe in *p<>tnavanja in poHnteligenci daleč nadkrilila svojega duševno bolj lenega in omrju ega moža. ki je raje segel po kvartu ali "galončku" ne samo po gla/ku kakor po dobrem čtivu Na drugi strani je sicer tudi ialimtna teatuea, da «o mnoge na-seJjenke s svojimi mortčki vre«I duševno ostale tam, kjer so bile v detinakih letih in fanatično vri ovale v tisto, kar ao jih pret davnimi leti učili njih starši ali pa prodajalci nebes p» smrti Toda o teh tukaj ne govorimo Naše napredno ženotvo se je visoko dvignilo zlasti v zadnjih 20* 25 letih, ko je začelo postajati velik faktor v našem javnem življenju, zlasti v podpornih društvih, pri narodnih domovih, pruavet nih in kulturnih ustanovah ali prizadevanjih. Tudi v politični Glasovi iz naših naselbin VABILO NA PROSLAVO V HERMINIEJU Harminle, Pa.—Javnosti je že znano, da sta se združili angl«-¿ko diuštvo in št. 87 SNPJ v Herminieju. Staro društvo se je odpovedalo imenu, angleško pa številki, tako sedaj naše društvo posluje v angleškem jeziku pod imenom Keystonians št. 87 SNPJ. Naši mladi člani imajo v svojih rokah tudi vsa odbor-niška mesta. Naša prva slavnost s koncertom se bo vršila 5. Junija v Sewick High School-avditoriju. Na programu bo tamburaški orkester univerze Duquesne s spremljanjem hrvaških in slovenskih pesmi. Začetek ob pol osmih zvečer* Kftncprt bo trajal dve uri, nato pa bo občinstvo povabljeno v naš Narodni dom, kjer bo ista godba igrala za ples. Seve, na razpolago bo tudi Q-krepčilo. Starejši člani pa bodo morda kakšno "Wingali". Bratje in sestrt\č več daleč pri našem društvu, ko bo imel sv. Peter dorfti posla s starimi herminiensMimi grešniki. Pri društvu je kikih 30 članov, ki so v starosti mffMQ. in 70. letom. Torej seddi m iß vedno čas, da uživamo ži^l/enje, saj ga ne bomo več dolg Naše društvo bo faktično praznovalo tri obletnice: 40-letnico starega društva 87, 30-letnico angleško poslujočega društva in 10-letnico mladinskega, krožka. Danes društvo šteje vseh članov okrog 450, kar je lepo število zp naselbino kot je Harminle, posebno če vzamemo v poštev, da se ie mnogo članov izselilo ob času stavk, ker niso mogli po Izgubljenih bitkah več dobiti la. Nekajkrat so poizkušali r tukajšnjimi Slovenci do kraja počistiti, a se jim ni posrečilo, to pa zato ne, - ker sftio trdno branili našo trdnjavo. Ako bodo mladi stopali po naših stopinjah, bodo marsikaj dosegli, v nasprotnem slučaju se j im pa nič dobrega ne obeta. V časopisih že čitamo, kaj vse jih čaka. SNPJ je vsa leta dobro orala ledino in stari Člani so se učili ubogati, zato so želi uspeh. Mladi člani pa so se v šolah nasitili krepkega individualizma in nekateri se iz nas norčujejo. Naše vprašanje je to: Ako je krepki individualizem na tako zdravih nogah, zakaj se sedaj vpeljava prisilna vojaška služba v tej deželi? Torej nekaj milijonov mlade-ničev bodo vtaknili v vojaško suknjo, delavci bodo pa morali za vse to plačevati, kajti oboroževanje in vzdrževanje velike armade je zelo drag špas. Ko pa tudi to ne bo dovolj nenasitnim profitarjem, potem pa — bum, bum, bum! Bratje in sestre, še ni prepoz no. Demonstrirajmo ob vsaki priliki, da snffo proti oboroževanju in pošiljajmo v tem smislu telegrame in resolucije v Washington. Povejmo našim politi-karjem, da *e ne strinjamo z njihovo politiko. V Prosveti in Enakopravnosti te bil priobčen lep članek v počasi materam. Ta članek je či-tala na slovenskem radijskem piogramu sestra Prašnikar iž Harwicks Na isti radio-oddaji le govoril o materah tudi George Wuchinich. mož ki je dosti skusil v zadnji vojni. On je služil štrica Suma kot kapetan pri pa-ialnih trupah «n bil na vseh frontah v Aziji in Evropi. Med drugim je delal, da ameriške matere In matere vsega sveta tele mir vse bolj kot cvetice na Materinski dan. S cveticami obsipavamo tudi vojake, ko korakajo na fronte, kajti slutimo, da se mnogi ne bodo nikdar več vrnili. Bratje in sestre, ali ste poslušali VVallacea po radiu? Oh je pozival, naj se oklenemo tretje stranke, ki ima namen vse reformirati v korist ljudstva in podpisati stoletni mir z vsemi narodi sveta. Denar, ki je sedaj namenjen za oboroževanje, na§ bi se raje porabil za izobrazbi za bolnice, katerih nam primanjkuje, dajje za p9dporo pohabljencem, stat os ti. o pokojnino itd. Na ta način bomo lahko zidali pravo krš&nsko ljubezen do svojih bližnjih, ne pa z / mečem, puško in atomsko bombo! Naj še omenim, da se bo vršil piknik westmorelandsk£ federacije SNPJ 18. julija v parku Beachwood, katerega že vsi poznate. Upamo, da se tudi to leto odzovete v velikem številu, kot druga leta. Kakšen bo program, m< ie n» znano. Veliko govornikov m^nda nje bo, kakor tudi ne na nož« 4p-letnici.' Na tej bo samo predsednice opisal pomen praznovanja. Naša mladina menda misli, da ni dobro ponavljati. Anion Zornlk. K ODHODU v. y LUDVIKA MEDVEŠKA Gorja mu, ki r posreči Mva sami £ Arečen ai, kdor srečo ršira sam* ■OIOOOOOOON^OOOOO^M NA ZNANJE ČLANICAM | čast Ludviku Medvešku, ki od-' kvota reput^ikanske stranke v KROŽKA 9 PS I potuje sredi junija v staro domo- okraju Wayne (detroitski okraj) ' Chicago, IIL-Članice krožka .vin0 Mož )e bil mno«° let de"! devetsto tisoč dolarjev ter se poŠt 0 Progresivnih Slovenk opo- lovna *ila na na4em društvenem hvalili, da je polovico že pre- minjam, naj se gotovo udeleže prihodnje seje 2. maja v Slovenskem aelavskemv centru, 2301 So. Lawndaje ave. Ta seja. bo izredno važna, kaj-Ai poselila naš bo Rehva Pearce. Ona je ena izmed voditeljic svetovne federacije demokratičnih žena, kaiere delujejo za svetpvttf mir. Lansko leto je prepotova la Evropo in Rusijo, zato bo i-mela povedati mnogo zanimivega- / Tudi one ženske in dekleta, ki se niso članice Progresivnih Slp-venk, so vljudno vabljene. Na tej seji bodo podale dele-gatinje poročila o konvenoiji Progresivnih Slovenk, katera se je vršila 10. maja v Clevelandu. Pridite vse! francee Vider. SPOMINSKI OBREDI -ČIKAŠjCE FEDERACIJE V PONDELJEK. 31. MAJA Chlcago, 111, — Kakor. drugp leta, tako se bodo vršili tudi letos spominski /obredi za pokojnimi člani SNPJ, ki so pokopali na pokopališču Woodlawn. Te spominske obrede* prirej^ čikaška federacija SNPJ že mnogo let. Letos se bodo vršili v / | pondeljek. 31. maja« začetek toč- Clereland, O^—Tako je zapisal so ob enajstih dopoldne. Imena naš goriški slavček Simon Gre- j pokojnih članov bo čital pod-gorčič, m res čemu bi mi bila predsednik federacije Frank Go-vsa sreča, če bi ne imela niko- renc, nakar bo predstavil gl. po-gar„ da bi jo delila z njim. možnega tajnika SNPJ Antonjs Naš prijatelj in druŠtvenik Trojarja, ki bo govoril v spomin Ludvik Medvešek se je odločil/pokojnikov v slovenščini, Oskar da jesen svojega življenja pre- Godina pa v angleščini, bije v naši prerojeni domovini,! Udeležite se teh obredov v v$-ob strani svoje zvest« žene In iiktm it#vilu jn « svojo navzoč- ostale družine. Našega Medveška bomo zelo pogrešali! Manjkalo ga bo na naših sejoh; ko se včasih duhovi razburijo, ne bo Medveška, da bi vstal in jekel: "No, fantje, stvar je taka . . ."—in duhovi so se kar lepd» pomirili. Pogrešali gp bqmo na ?ejeh cleveland-ske federacije SNPJ, saj mislim zamudil, niti ene. Veiino noatjo počastite spomin za umrlimi člani ln članicami SNPJ. Milan Medvešek, predsednik federacije. ZADNJI KLIC NA S AN levo PRIREDITEV Cleveland, O. — Tukaj navajam olecteč program, ki ga bodp podale elevelandske podružnice in kulturnem polju, zato je več koračene. je bil pripravljen pomagati prilSANSa v nedeljo, 30. maja, ob raznih priredbah in veselje je Štirih popoldne v SNQ. na St. bilo delati z njim. Bil je tudi prav dober zagovornik in podpornik našega mladinskega pevskega krožka SNPJ. Pri svojem dr^itvu je vedno i- mel dobro besedo za krožek in SANSa—govor. Clair ave.: 1) Otvoritev. 2) Josephine Milavec-Levstik --ameriška himna. 3) Fred Vider, predsednik društvo Naprej je bilo njegov najboljši podpiratelj. Okoli božiča, ali kadar so imeli naši mali koncert, je prav potiho prišel, se malo zasmejal in pošalil, če bi mu morebiti ne dala še. nekoliko vstopnic, ali če bi hotela , vzeti društveni prispevek za krožek. "Veste, sem vprašal in naši člani so dobri, pa so dali." Za sa4nJl koncert le prodal 85 vatopnlc. Ko sem se čudila, kdaj jih je toliko prodal, se je malo nasmejal in dejal: "Se da napraviti, veste, se da." Prav tiho je vedno prihajal pred nas z njegovimi opravki, ravno tako tiho se je vselil v naša srca, da smo ga. vzljubili ln spoštovali in zato ne bq nikdar sam. Spominjali se ga bomo, In se v mislih spraševali, če je že popravil hišo. ali dela v vrtu ali če morda ne prodaja trošnih listkov ali kakih vstopnic. Ravno tako ne bo sam v pon-deljek, 31. maja, ko se zberejo, njegovi številni prijatelji, da se Ae enkrat prav prijateljsko po govorimo ln ae mu posmejemo mi, da za ta njegov prijateljski sestanek ni prodal niti ene vstopnice. Želimo Vam srečno pot in bodite iskreno pospravljeni! Joaophtne Tratnik. zrelosti nič ne zaostajajo za moškim spolom. V resnici se zadnja leta v našem Javnem in društvenem življenju marsikje dogaja, da žensk« stopajo v ospredje. To vidimo zlasti pri naših angleško poslujočth društvih, ko so dekleta ali žene marsikje glavna gonilna sila In kažejo več smisla za skupnost, za organiaàcijo kakor pa moèki. Toda naše napredne članice stopajo v oapredje tudi pri naših starejših društvih in prevzemajo najbolj odgovorna mesta Marsikak«) društvo ima danm "tajnika v kiklji". ki v pridnosti vestnosti in hposobnoati nič ne zaostajajo za moškimi. Tako kažejo tudi naše članake kampanje K zaključku naj ponovno izrazimo željo, da bi ae naše napredno ženstvo širom dežele stoodstotno oklenilo organtateijo Progresivnih Slovenk in roko v roki sodelovalo 1 našo jednoto in sploh vsemi piogresivnimi gibanji delele. I* tako nam bo zasijala lepša bodočnost in lr tako bomo z drugimi progresivnimi elementi vred porazili črno reakcijo in vsem narodom zagotovili svetovni mir. 4) Pevski zbor Jadran. 5) Arthur Kahn iz New Yor-ka, član narodnega odbora za izvolitev Henryja Wallacea—govor v angleščini. 6) Pevaki zbor Slovan. 7) Solistka Florence Unetich. 8) Pevski zbor Zarja. 9) Častni predsednik SANSa Etbin Kristan—govor. 10) Solistka Josephine Mila-vec-Levstik. 11) Pevski zbor Slovan. Iz zgornjih točk se razvidi, da bo jirogram bogat in pester, zato se priredbe gotovo udeležite. Mr. M. Kahn je mlad in inteligenten mož. Pred vojno je po učeval v srednjih šolah, v vojni pa je služil pri tako zvani organizaciji OSS in je v JTranciji prvi organiziral razne begunce, ki so bili pregnani vsled vojne. Po vojni je postal urednik "Intelligence" za informacijski kontrolni urad v Nemčiji. Napisal je že več člankov za razne ameriške revije in časopise. Mr. Kahn je ravno pisal novo knjigo, ko je bil pozvan, da prevzame delo načelnika tujerod nih skupin v glavnem stanu "Wallace for President". Poleg angleščine govori tudi francoščino, nemščino in ruščino. Mr. Kahn bo prinesel med nas v Cleveland posebno poalenico od Henryja WaUa^ea. Šteje si v čast, da bo govoril n» naši nedeljski priredbi. Znan je kot izvrsten in dinamičen govornik kot prav, da se poslovimo od njega. Večerja v priznanje zasluženemu možu ¡>e bo pričela , ob petih popoidne 31. maja v spodnji dvorani SND na St. Clair aye. Torej bomo imeli tridnevni praznik v slovenskem Clevelandu. Pridite vsif t J. F. Durn, tajnik. POROČILO O KROŽKOVI PRIREDBI IN DRUGO Detroit. Mich.—Na Materinski dan, 9..maja, je priredil mladinski krožek 58 SNPJ na zapadoi itrani mesta kratko, toda pestro igro "Wildcat Willie". Igra je'Steno preživel ženo in par otrok Reakcija sedaj vidi, da se delovni sloj ne šali, pa ji gre precej za nol^e- Repem samo to: Ako bodo volivci vsaj do neke mere sledili zavoženi politiki, ki jo danes vodijo ZD, bodo prihodnjo jesen videli, kam imajo dati svoj glas, ali tistim pojiti-kašem, ki nas vodijo v inflacijo in neizbežno vojno, ali onim, ki bodo v resnici delali za blagostanje malega člov.eka. Kaj nam danes koristijo visoke plače, ki so večje kot so bile kdaj v zgodovini ZD, kp pa , kljub temu ne zaslužiš zadosti, da bi po- Apeliram na volivce, da premislijo, kam nas vodi ta današnja politika in oddajmo svoj glas pri prihodnjih .volitvah za boljšo bodočnost in mirno življenje vseh narodov. Albert Kira. bila bolj kratka, vendar pa podana precej mojstrsko, posebno če uj>oštevamo, da je bila to prva igra za igralce in za tiste, ki so jih učili. Priredba je povoljho izpadla tudi finančno, kajti udeležba je bila veliico večja kot smo jo pričakovali. Vodstvo krožka se p^ESl^A VESELICA na tem mestu zahvaljuje vsem y YUKONU posetnikom. S tem ste pokazali, da vam ni vseeno, kaj dela' na- Yur?11' 7" Dru*tv<> Novi ša mladina, pač pa želite, da'dom SNPJ bo priredilo pies-koraka z duhom časa naprej.*no veselico v soboto, 5 .junija, v Upam, da tega mladina ne po- Slovenskem domu, začetek ob jafcj. ...... * I pol devetih zvečer in do ene po Lepo se zahvaljujem tudi u- polnoči. pravi Slovenskega delavskega doma, ki nam je dala brezplačno zgornjo dvorano in spodnje j>ro-«tore. Nadalje hvala na$emu"br; Mathu Plnku, ki je zastonj igral in tako veliko pripomogel do dobrega uspeha. Se najlepše pa se moramo zahvaliti voditeljici krožka ses. Gertrude Taucher, ki je tako neumorno delala in učila mladino. Od rije je Še posebno lepo, ker se tako zanima zm našo mladino, dasi ni slovanskega pokoljenja. V znak priznanja ji je društvo 518 poklonilo lep šopek cvetic, prav tako krožek št.' 29 z vzhodne strani mesta. Sedaj pa moram protestirati proti nekaterim tako zvanim voditeljem SNPJ. Zato priredbo smo namreč {>ovabili našega gl. podpredsednika. Mislili smo, ker živi v Detroitu, bi bilo primerno, da bi prišel in spregovoril naši mladini nekaj besed v angleščini, kar bi bilo v veliko vzpodbudo mladini in moralno dobro vplivalo. Toda on je čakal z odgovorom do četrtka pred predstavo in tudi tedaj smo ga morali prositi za odgovor.' Povedal nam je, da je preveč zajx>slen z drugim delom in da ne bo mo^el priti na priredbo mladinskega krožka. Tu nastane vprašanje, katero delo je bolj važno zanj, ali tisto, za katero ga je izvolila konvencija SNPJ, ali ono drugo? Ali so njegove dolžnosti in delo za dobrobit SNPJ bolj postranska stvar? Naše mnenje je, ako kdo prevzame neko delo in se zaveže, da ga bo vestno izvrševal, potem pa ga radi drugega dela žanemarja, nastane vprašanje, katero delo hoče obdržati, ako ne more obeh izvrševati. Delo, ki je samo napol narejeno, ni nikako delo. Dne 13. maja smo imeli tukaj Wallacev shod, ki je bil precej dobro obiskan. Wallace je precej udrihal po senatorju Van-denbergu in njegovi politiki. Na shodu je bilo nabranih nekaj čez $30,000. Reakcija je bila drugi dan nekam poparjena in ni imela nikakega odgovora na Wallaceve trditve. Ko pa je enkrat prišla malo k sapi, je pa zakričala, da smo bili okradeni, da je zmanjkalo šest vrečič z gotovino. Ko pa sem pozneje vprašal nekoga, ki je bil eden vodilnih funcionarjev na shodu, kaj Je na stvari, pa mi je povedal. da ne morejo ugotoviti, kaj Za ples bo igral orkester "Va-gabond" iz Sharona, Pa. Ti godci igrajo vsako nedeljo na radio-postaji WPIC v Sharonu. Fantje izvrstno igrajo lepe polke in valčke za stare in mlade. Naše društvo vabi na veselico vse članstvo SNPJ od blizu in daleč, kakor tudi vse prijatelje. Pridite in se boste malo povese-lili ni pozabili na vsakdanje skrbi. Tudi petja bo dosti. Kdor pa ne bi hotel plesati, se bo lahko zabaval v spodnjih prostorih. Na razpolago bo dober prigrizek in ječmenovec. Torej člani, ne pozabite veselice na soboto, 5. junija. Frank Kovačtč st., tajnik. VESELICA V KORIST SLOVENftKEQ* R ADIO-PROGR AMA Burgettstown, Pa^—Tukajšnje društvo SNPJ bo priredilo 29. maja plesno veselico v korist slovenskega radijskega programa, ki se oddaja vsako nedeljo ob 12.05. Na veselico vljudno vabimo vse članstvo SNPJ, kakor tudi vse druge prijatelje in znance od blizu in daleč. Le pridite, se boste nekaj ur dobro zabavali. Dne 12. junija pa bo priredil veselico Slovenski dom. Za ples bo igrala izvrstna Dolinarjeva godba iz Libraryja. Posetite nas tudi na ta večer. Nato pa bomo imeli še eno veselico v Slovenskem domu, in sicer 10. julija. Za ples bo igrala Klemenčičeva godba iz Bridgevilla. Torej udeležite se teh veselic v Burgetts-townu. Frank Laurich. Prav tako sta dobra govornika K j« zgodilo s štirimi papirna Kristan in Vider Apeliramo na umi skodelicami, ali so se izgu-vse naše zavedne rojake, da po- j bile ali ie bila napravljena po aetijo to priredbo in napolnijo mota pri štetju. Ako ao se v avditorij SND do zadnjega ko- resnici izgubile ali pa bile ukra- tička To bo menda v tej se zoni zadnja priredba v naših domovih. de poeebej apeliramo na rojake is tunanjih naselbin, da nas poaetijo v teh dneh. ko ae bo vršilo zborovanje Sanaovih odborov- Drugi dan, na Decoration Day. pa se bo vršila odhodnka v po- VABILO NA PLESNO VESELICO Lioydell, Pa.—Tukaj smo imeli veselico 16. maja. Za ples je igral Stan Novak in njegov orkester iz Sharona. Posetniki so bili prav zadovoljni s to godbo. Ples bomo priredili zopet 30. maja, za katerega bo igral Joe Kovacic in njegov orkester iz Vukona. On je pri nas igral meseca januarja in njegova godba je vsem tako ugajala, da so jo hoteli imeti ponovno za ta ples. Dne 20 junija pa bomo zopet priredili veselico, o kateri bomo poročali pozneje. Torej na svidenje 30 maja! Matilda Erancic. PLESNA VESELICA V WILLARDU Willard Wla. — Društvo 198 SNPJ bo priredilo 30 maja velik ples. za katerega bo igral Mike Briški in njegov orkester Na razpolago bo dobra pijača „ in tedača. Vai dobrodošli! Ude-žalo. ker proletarei zbirajo de- veselice v velikem šte nar za progresivno stranko O v'Uu. Vabimo tudi članstvo vseh svoji kampanji pe so prinesli aosednjih društev . Torej se go čisto kratko naznanilo, skrito tovo vidimo 30 maja na plesu med oglasi na notranji strani li- društva 198 SNPJ! «U. v katerem poročajo, da je Martin Klrn. tajnik dene. ne bi vsota znašala več kot $10 do $15. Reakcija pa je naredila tisoče ii teh dolarjev. Časopisje se je posebno zgra SREDA, 26. MAJA 1*48 PROS VITA Federacije S. K P. m&eem ZAPISNIK FEDERACIJE ZA SEVERNI OHIO Mogadora. O.—Predsednik federacije Leo Bregar odpre sejo ob desetih dopodlne v klubovih prostorih v Kenmorju dne 2«. marca. Uradniki so vsi navzoči rzaen sestre Mary Šuštaršič. Zapisnik zadnje seje je sprejet z majhnim popravkom. >, Na seji so zastopniki sledečih društev: št. 48: Leo Bregar, Fr. Lawrenc, J. Slanovic; društvo 73: Fr. Markovich; društvo 170: Fr. Zakely; društvo 315: Pete Chufar, Fr. Guma, Mary Polis; društvo 456: Matija Pekla j; društvo 535: Fr. Anderluh; društvo 626:, Fr. W. Janiga, L. Korošec. Društva 178, 484 in 516 niso zastopana na tej seji. ...Tajnik in blagajnik poroča, da ima na rokah $84.15. Nadzornika br. M. Peklaj in J. Slanovic poročata, da sta knjige pregledala in jih našla v najlepšem redu. Poročilo sprejeto. ♦ Poročila društvenih zastopnikov: Za društvo 48 poroča br. A. Ocepek, da so pridobili enega člana v mladinski oddelek, enega pa s prestopnim Ustom; en član je v sanatoriju. Za društvo 170 poroča Fr. Zakely, da imajo dva člana na bolniški podpori. Za društvo 626 poroča br. F. W. Janiga, da sta dva člana pristopila s prestopnim listom. Br. Fr. Lawrenc predlaga, da se izvoli odbor za piknik. Br. Slanovic podpira predlog. Izvoljeni so sledeči: Leo Bregar, Fr. Markovich, Fr. Lawrenc, J. Slanovic. Fr. Markovich predlaga, da se vrši piknik pri Novaku. Anderluh podpira predlog. Federacij-ski odbor ima polno moč glede piknika. Br. Fr. W. Janiga poroča, da bo njih društvo imelo 21-letnico dn% 17-18. aprila v Barbertonu, O., dne 8. avgusta pa piknik. Br. P. Chufar poroča, da bodo imeli piknik 18. julija. Dalje predlaga, da federacija pristopi v örganizaeijo SANS za nedoločen čas. Br. Lawrenc podpira predlog. Sprejet je predlog, da federacija daruje $20 društvu 626 za 21-letnico. S tem je dnevni red zaključen in predsednik zaključi sejo ob 11.55 dopoldne. Prihodnja seja se bo vršila 27. junija v dvorani društva Domovine v Barbertonu. Začetek ob desetih dopoldne. Matija Pekla), zač. zapisnikar. enega člana, umrli pa štirje. Društvo 251: Pridobili dva nova člana in darovali $5 za ob^ rambo tiska. Društvo 268: Pridobili štiri nove člane in dali $10 za obrambo tiska. Društvo 69: Umrla dva člana; prispevali $10 za tisk. Društvo 161 nima posebnega plodila. Društvo 2Q5: Štirje člani so pustih društvo; darovali $10 za tisk; praznovali bodo 35-letnico s predvajanjem kino-slik iz Jugoslavije dne 25. maja. Društvena poročila so izčrpana in sprejeta na znanje. Br. Setnikar omeni glede fe-deracijskega piknika, ki smo ga nameravali prirediti 4. * julijfc. Pojasni, da so evelethski mestni odborniki zahtevali preveliko najemnino za plkniški prostor. Radi prevelikih stroškovje sklenjeno, da se to leto opusti piknik. Klune sugerira, da bi lahko posamezna društva priredila različne priredbe, na primer predvajanje filmov, plese in podobno in od preostanka naj bi po moinosti nekaj dala federaciji. O tem govorijo br. Kobi, Vodovnik, Ambr0zich, Pouhe in cjrugi. Na razpravo prMe. problem, kako bi zainteresirali našo mladino, da bi se ^prijela dela pri naših društvih in idej naše organizacije. Zastopniki izražajo mnenje, da je potrebno, da izvo-imo naše mlade člane v odbore, a pri tem je težava, ker ne zahajajo na seje. Federacija pripo: roča. da društva razpravljajo o tem problemu na sejah in po možnosti izvolijo mlade člane v odbor. Prihodnja federacijska seja se bo vršila 29. avguata v dvorani SNPJ v Evelethu, začetek ob eni popoldne. Glavna odbornika Kobi in sestra Ambrozich podata poročilo o zadnjem zborovanju glavnega odbora. Večina glavnih odbornikov je za tretjo stranko in Henrvja Wallacea. Br. Kunstelj pravi, naj da naša Vederacija vsaj $10 za obrartv bo našega tiska. Sprejet je predlog, db blagajnik pošlje $10 na pristojno mesto. Br. Setnikar pojasni, da dolgujemo Prosvetni matiei članarino za dve leti. Sklenjeno je, da se pošlje $12. Sledi razprava glede tožbe našega naprednega časopisja, v katero posežejo vsi zastopniki in ostro obsojajo nasprotnike, ki so naperili tožbo. Dalje federacija priporoča, da gredo v«a društva na delo za novo članstvo. Br. predsednik zaključi sejo ob štirih popoldne. Frank Klune, zapisnikar. VABILO NA FEDERACIJ SKO SEJO Vlrdan. IUa — Zastopnikom društev SNPJ v centra-taehi II-linoisu in društva 107 v St. Loui-sa, Mo., naznanjam, da se bo vršila federacijska seja drugo nedeljo v juniju, to je 13. junija, začetek ob desetih dopoldne pri br. Joeu Lapanjl v Auburnu. On ima pripraven prostor za majh ne piknike in' tudi za seje. Vabljena so vsa društva in po samezni člani, da se udeležijo te seje. Ako bo lepo vreme, bomo sei virali hiadno pivo in tudi prigrizka ne bo manjkalo. Torej udeležite se te seje in piknika! Prank Elerslch. taj.-blag. ne ob pravem času Torej se obeta nič kaj dobra letina. Ob tej priliki se želim lepo zahvaliti SNPJ za tako točno iz-plačitev smrtnine za mojim pokojnim soprojfc>ni Charlesom Corjakom. Našim cojakom, ki še niso člani SNPJ. toplo priporočam, da pristopijo k tej orga nizacijl, kajti'nihče ne ve, kdaj ga doleti nesreča. Sophie Cer)ak. VABILO NA SEJO PODRUŽNICE 1 SANSa IN DRUGO Detroit Mich. — Redna seja podružnice 1 SANSa se bo vršila prvo nedeljo v mesecu, to je 6. junija v Slovenskem narodnem domu na John R., začetek ob treh popoldne. Udeležite se je gotovo in v velikem številu! Na tem mestu zaeno opozarjam vse, ki ste vzeli listke za avtomobil, kateri bo oddan v nedeljo, 25. julij« v Welcome Par ku, da prodane vrnete dotične-mu, od katerega ste jih dobili. To je potrebno, da se ugotovi, koliko je prodanih in če jih bo treba še naročiti. Če kdo ieli te listke, naj se zglasi pri J. Soncu, ali pa naj piše v Slovenski narodni dom, 17149 John ft. Čas beži In kma lu bo tukaj 25. julij. Na ta dan bodo oddana tri lepa darila: av tomobil, električna ledenica In kombinacijskl radio. .Posežite po listkih. V načrtu imamo zgradnjo novega doma in dvorane, katero zelo potrebu jemo v naši naselbini. (Ostalo bo priobčeno v dnevniku.—Ured.) Katherine Kralns. grobov, upamo, da bo velika udeležbam Po koncertu pa te bomo vrteli, da se bo vse kresalo. Pridite zgodaj, da se bo koncert pričel ob testih. Za ples bo igral orkester is Clevelanda. , Zbor bo zapel lopo število krasnih slovenskih pešmi, In sicer v mešanem zboru, duetih, kvartetih itd. Zbor bo imel s to priredbo ogromne stroške, zato e naša dolžnost, da se koncerta daleč, udeležimo v, velikem številu. Društveni odbor bo dal dvorano brezplačno na razpolago. To je dokaz, da naše društvo podpira slovensko kulturno prizadevanje te mnogo let. Torej na veselo svidenje na koncertu pevskega zbora Triglava v nedeljo, 30. maja! « John Kokllch. Glasovi iz naselbin POROČILO O VESELICI DRUŠTVA 140 SNPJ Brooklyn. N. Y. — Veselica društva Bratska zveza Ao SNPJ, ki se je vršila 8. maja, je precej dobro uspela, bolje je kot Je kazalo od začetka. Prešteval sem navzoče člane in jih naštel samo—10! Sam pri selfi sem mislil, da bomo šli gotovo v "dog hoti^i", toda ob desetih zvečer je bila dvorana vsaj deloma napolnjena. «Navzočih je bilo okrog 80 oseb. Toda nikar ne mislite, da so bili to člani našega društva. To bi bilo kar preveč. Pozneje sem še enkrat štel in ugotovil, da je bilo samo 12 članov našega društva in štiri članice. Na veselico je prišel tudi br. "^J®-Anton Staudohar, ki je star že nad 80 let in stanuje v Jamaici, oočim člani v bližini niso mogli priti. Vsem članom in drugim rojakom, ki so se udeležili te prired-ve, se v imenu društva lepo zahvaljujem, posebno pa Johnu Bižalu in njegovi soprogi Fran-ces, ki sta prišla iz 35 milj oddaljenega Linden Hursta. Prav tako lepa hvala sestri Mary Makst. ki mi je pomagala pro- dajati knjižce. Prodala sva jih za $48, kar nas je rešilo, da nismo šli v luknjo. Dne 9. maja pa so praznovali slovenski tumburaši Materinski dan v Slovenskem doprm. Srečali smo se z mnogimi prijatelji. Vprašal sem jih, zakaj niso prišli na našo veselico, saj sem jim vendar poalal dopisnice. Povedali to mi, do jih niso prejeli, neki rojak, pristen Gorenjec, pa je dejal, da jo je najbrže žena vrgla stran, da je ni videl. Ostali pa so prikimali, da je uganka 99 odstotkov rešena. Kateri član bi rad vedel, koliko dobička smo napravili, na veselici, naj pride na prihodnjo Frank Kuskar. tajnik. PLESNA VESELICA DRUŠTVA 388 SNPJ Stan City. W. Va. — Društvo 388 SNPJ bo priredilo ples v nedeljo, 30. maja, v Da 11«.sovi dvorani v Pursglovu ob pol devetih zvečer. • Za ples bo igral Brullc in njegov orkester štirih godcev iz Umontowna, Pa. Na veselico vubimo vse naše prijatelje in znance od blizu in Roae Selak. DRUŠTVENA VEST Spanier. P«. —« Naznanjam članstvu društva 248 SNPJ, da se bo vršila redna seja 13, ju- nija. Udeležite se .je v velikem številu, ker bomo razpravljali o važnih stvareh. Mary Zemlock. tajnica. Prispevajte v obrambni sklad! Vsi darovi sa obrambo Enakopravnosti. Proavato ln Proletar-I ca naj se pošlllalo na naalovt John Pollock. 24465 Lakeland | Blvd.. Euclid 23. Ohio. Br. Pollock )e blagajnik obrambne. I ga sklada. ZAHVALA SNPJ ZA TOČNO IZPLAČITEV SMRTNINE Tire HliL Pa.—V naši premo-garski naselbini se še precej do bro dela in tudi zaslužek je pri ličen, vendar pa radi velike dra gtnje delavec z veliko družino komaj izhaja. Za farmerje pa je bolj slabo letos, ker dežuje skoraj vsak dan in radi tega ne morejo skoraj ničesar posaditi ZAPISNIK MINNESOTSKE FEDERACIJE Chlsholm. Mlnn.—Seja se je vršila 2. maja v Chisholmu. Br. Kobi odpre sejo ob eni popoldne. Zastopanih je 11 društev s 37 zastopniki in odborni ki. Zapisnik zadnje seje j** jet kot čitan Br. Kobi nima posebnega poro čila, o drugih stvareh bo poro čal pozneje. Ber. Beutz poroča, da je izpolnil vse, kar mu je bilo naročeno in dobil prostor za piknik, ki se ima vršiti 4. Julija v Ely Lake Parku Federacija bo imela veliko odgovornost s tem piknikom, ker je mestni odbor natančen glede prostora, za katerega zahteva tudi večjo vsoto Br Pirtz poroča, da je prejel od društva Št. 20 $2 in od it. 61 $2. Federacija pa Je imela od zadnje seje $26 15 izdatkov. Br. Setnikar poroča, da je prejel* od društva 69 $6. tajnik Pirtz pa mu je izročil $10, tako da je ostak» v blagajni $85 43 Br Klune pa poroča, da je napravil od zadnje seje vse. kar je bilo v njegovi moči in je tudi pridobil za društvo 110 šest novih članov. Nadzorni odsek nima za to sejo poročila Poročila odbornikov vzeta na znanje Poročila zastopnikov Društvo 314: Darovali so za obrambo našega tiska $5, tajnik pa je nabral med člani $17, skupaj $22 Diuštvo 110: Pridobili d« a člana v odrasli oddelek in šest v mla-dinskt. prispevali $10 za tisk. $7 pa nabrali med članstvom, torej skupaj $17. Društvo » Pri- j w,)f#r ,c*loo4Mk a vine unije CIO, a» vrač. Is bol dobili v tej kampanj H no- ^^ ^^ y ^^ ^ ^^ Um4m> o« aodl, 4* le Ml v,h članov: »/ bUK»in" pr»M» „.«tilor. k* ga le mlalll «niorltl. nall. PoHctla de .da vali $10 za tisk ln zbrali 1* »*«»- O POČASTITVI USTANOVITELJEV IN KONCERTU ZBORA TRIOLAVA Strabane. Pa. — Br. Godina upravnik Prosvete, je v glasilu z dne 12. maja precej obširno poročal o banketu, ki je bil pri rejen 2. maja v počast ustanovi teljem društva 138 SNPJ. V resnici je bilo videti ganljivo osem še živečih ustanovite Ijev, v starosti 60 in več let. Se deli so skupaj pri eni mizi na pročelju, med njimi pa br. Philip Godina, starosta gl. odbora SNPJ, V gumbnicah so imeli kraane rdeče šopke, in »o ponosno gledali na veliko udeležbo Vse priznanje in čast našim ustanoviteljem. S ponosom lahko gledate v preteklost, ko vidite, da vaše delo ni bilo zaman, ko vidite, koliko vaših sinov ln hčera nadaljuje vaše započeto delo, V imenu vseh ustanoviteljev se najlepše zahvaljujemo društvoma 138 in 589 SNPJ za lepo počastitev in krasne darov«, namreč lepe ure z vrezanimi imeni ustanoviteljev. Prav lepa ivala gl. odboru SNPJ za lepa enarnlce z znaki SNPJ, kakor tudi br. Godini, ki je bil med nami. N*jlepša hvala tudi odboru, ki je vse tako dobro uredil, gospodinjskemu odseku za trud in delo nu banketu. Lepa hvala tudi Roži Kocjan, ki je ta-ko lepo deklamirala pesem v počast ustanoviteljem. Istotako priznanje Berti Pavčlč In Betty Mi-dofar, ki sta lepi» peli In na» vse spravili v dobro razpoloženje. Komaj smo se malo umirili od zadnje priredb*, a se že prlprav-jamo za konc/rt pevskega zbora Triglav z zapadne strani Cle-vejanda. Koncert se bo vršil 30 maja, začetek ob šeatih zvečer dvorani društva 138 SNPJ Ker bo koncert na nedeljo, drugI dan pa bo praznik kinčanja JANITORS Steady work—52 weeks a year Sturting w»ge Men $54.60 MAINTENANCE FIXTURE CLEANERS WAXEHS MOPPERS Day Shift Pension Plan Hick Benefit Hospitalisation Free Insurance „ , Inquire 1130 to 4i30 Room 1222 129 S. Clark | RAD BI IZVEDEL KJE SE NAHAJA Matija Maslu. po domatV /okov it Trnova pi i II. Bistrici, Zanj bi rad Uvedel njegov prijatelj, »podaj pod pitani John Stefun« i«*, ker ieli nje gov brat Prane Maslu I? Trnov« pri 11. BiNtrici i* vedel i ako Je «ploh 4e šiv ali je te med mrtvimi. Prosim ga, «ko bo tMtal ta uNlu« on sam ali pa drugi rojaki ali njegovi sorodniki, da mi U> »poroto, sakar bom selo h va leten. 1 Mit te nu moj naslov: John Stefantll, I OSO High Avenue, Sheboygan, Wis. —(Adv.) WANTED GIRL OR WOMAN tp take car. of private home Couple and two grown girls in family. In busines» and gone most of the day. Private rooirt flood puy Call Spaulding SUftl) up to noort and after U o'clock P.M. NA NOVO SO SE NAROČILI NA PROSVETOi John Tarahinar Farlington. Kant. John Lamut Arminglon. Moni. Mary Lukek Cleveland. Ohio ■lava Vuga Cleveland. Ohio ^ Trank Boaijanclc Varona. Pa. Joaoph Boaljancic Varona, Pa. Anion Polajnar Jugoslavijo. Europa Času in razmeram primerno Donarno potUlkei — Radi novih doliaVb «n blagovne poilljke bodo v starem kraju v mnogih alutajih /elo dobrodošle denarne poiUjke,— Vse nafto «imamo pnftijatve »o garantirane. Pošiljatelj dobi od nss tudi tal prejemnika podpisano po trdilo. — Pristojbine sa polUJke do 180 «naftajo: navadna po*ta $128, »rnftia polta ll.ftO, radlogrum $4.2(1. Pri vi.Ajih r noski h se pristojbina povetvu «a 2&c sa vsakih nadaljnjih IftO. Potovanja« — Onim, ki Imajo vsa pravice v redu sa potovanje v stari kraj ali od tam sem, isdajamo karte va parnike ali eroplane, Polog toga vsak meneč odpluje eden ali v.6 tovornih parnlkov v Trst In Rako. Tako lahko s parnlkom potujata v omenjeni prlstanlttl. Znamko* — Onim, ki »o nas vprn-lall, »poročamo, du Imamo na rekah sedaj nakaj Jugosl. poltnlh inamk pd pet dinarjav. Druga aadavai Ako telite naleg.t Nodelovanja v drugih »adevah, vam bomo ustregli, kolikor ranmara do-putfujo. , LEO ZAKRAJtEK Oeneral Trava! Barvita. In.. 301 K. 7Snd BI, Naw York ti. N, Y. POMAGAJTE Mitičnem .. • Revmatič-, Neural gičnim nem SEZNAM PRIREDB DRUŠTEV k S. N. P. J. bolečinam i ■ |Dr. Peter's Lecivey Olej PRIREDITVI DRUtTIV CHICAÍKE FEDERACIJI S. N. P. J. DRUlTVO iT. • SNPJ priradi pik. nik v nada 1 (a, II, talija Pf*ra.ll MliSff wl$l4w§ rifáis® w viísfft rov maltama. NMrtSi. mlSMaaf« Nillrt» la. glavobol. a»t*aaja. otoaioali. kola la giaafc« ao o4goo»«ra)o ».»una) s oavMl a|am s DR PgTgR I LBCIVV OLRJ-BM Ta alMMlaolol Ualmaol gra Miro aa .al« pretok brvi AA ren|eg%l ^tio letinah Pr„lrt4 |U i kolo* Umu» BolatiM t« »la|»aoa a» aa< ■ rrwmwwvM i »», vi, *»U M »»vtaSlIu oatmalna »ailvo» DRUÉTVO BT, 4M SNPJ priredi Louten» ua»an»aii. P»a»iu» aami a»M. ■ piknik v nedelje IT, julija v fg. Sf1»* »e oapsa^a i. ilaM» * aarfalU. .„, »______rimätmum 1 Im w.II m »•«»»•• »«»BKS IL m .v» oolo» »»II« roai preaorve ugaon üvg. m won ^ M il#ll(#llta| rtrcng LK-nd CIVY Ol KJ U 4«n»a. »">«1 gwa«l*Um »•"« DRUŠTVO PIONEER 3T. lit BNP J slvoa» »aa.».l|»|y. all pa vas .«oar aa privadi «va) Lint PIKNIK v s^Bo-1 Sa,M il* lo a» to, dna 7. avgusta 1941 v PlUenj Parku. DRUftTVO ŠT. 1 SNPJ proslavi 41. lalnieo v nadaljo 10. oklabra v I BNPJ dvorani. rEDERACIJA SNPJ m ilkaikal akroAJa priradi BOSIČNO priredbo ■a ¿lana mladinskega oddalka druitav federacija v nadaljo. dna! 1«. decembra 1941 v BNPJ dvorani DRUŠTVO iT. 101 SNPJ priredi | plesno veselico na Silvostrov veter v aredo 31. decembra v BNPJ dvorani. DmAtva aa| praval—a i vafe priredbe »ajidku m MBlovi HANK ALEBH. 1124 M. Puiaaki Na Tel.i UPilill mi CMIOAPO IUL PRIREDITVE FEDERACIJI DRUŠTEV SNPJ ZAPAD NE PENNSYLVANIJE DRUlTVO iT. II SNPJ proalavi 40 letnico na Delavski prasnik dne| I. septembra v Blevenakem Domu v Moon Run. Pa. Drultvg na) pri|avl)o svoje prira 1 ve na naslovi JACOB AMBRO ZICN. R.D. No. I. MeKea. Rocks. Pa N ZASTOPNIKI LISTA PROSVETE u M Hb dr » k PITtl PAHRNKY è IONI CO. n»m mi «en •ssi WaahingloN bi«. CMmio» ii. III. •H gi»ol»y «I. Winnie». Man . Ona. Dr. John J, Zavertnik PHYSICIAN k BURGEON IT14 W. Hlh Btroot rana» Orawfot. MU ir mo amswsr call auitin am ornea Hou«« 1:10 lo 4 P. M .jo lo liM P. M. Kasepl WaiiaoMlaya, galurdars and Buntfay« Raaldancai Mil S. Rldgewsf Ava. KOLAR FLORAL GO. Slovene FlorieU CVETLIČARNA •lift W. draak I CIOERO M. ILL. OLYMPIC UN. Ml Del. to Chicago, Borwyn. Oak Park, Lyons. {Mj 118 D»uitvo » Pri4i>bili ni naila km Naročite novo knjigo o Jugoslaviji! THE SILENT PEOPLE SPEAK (Ttho ljudatvo govori) )• naalov nov« knjiga • Jugo slavili, ki |o )• naplaal posnani amarUkl ¿aanlkar la radllakl komentator Robort Si. John. Laaako loto ao )o mudil dovat moaocov v Jugoalavlji In pro u£oval rasmoro. Knjigo |o na Olaal v Bohinjski Bielrlct Za nimala bo vao A mori kance ki ftol« videti pravo allko o rat morah v Jugoelavt)! Itpod po raaa oaobo. ki I« l«oU priliko pognati oba JugoalavlJl-prod a prt lak o krollovlno In aodanlo novo lludaeo /opubllko Po sobno pa bo sanimala A mori kanco )ugoalovanakoga porok, la. NaroM ao lahko v uradu SANS a. 1424 WEST SSlh ST.. CHICAGO 23. ILLINOIS. (V Clovelandu tudi pri lalnlku podruioko 41. 91 v SNDI Saaaovt ¿lani dobil« prt naro ¿llu poaobon popuet (SS.ftOl. druga6o pa atano knilga 14 00 Pošiljanje velikih in malih paketov preko reke v Jugoslavijo A > NADAIJEVANJE /. POillJANJKM STANDARD PAKETOV St. 1, a, 3, 4A, AA, «A ln 7 vsak *aae v leaenem /«tniju m naslnvljemi na prejemnika, Po novih «Mtrodbah in regulacijah, ae sine sedaj poalsti največ do funlov moke na vsako oaetm s enim In letim parnlkom ln s drugimi stveiml ln ne samo moke Kumu en paket «Nt tuh paketov na eno in isto ime in s talim pamikom Pakat It. IA vaebujei aft funtov moke, 3A auiove. kave, 3A lila, ft maati, 3 ikutlje forned govedina, 2 tkali ji lun«* meaa-ln to alaiu $3* Uti Pakal 41. gA vaabu|ai aft fontov n oke, aft rt#«, 10 sladkorja, 10 kave m 40 Apagptov ~ln to atane 144(10 H leml vaotami je /a vaa vnapirplačan prevar do Krke In ra vuiovalmna poSiljkc prbl l/gubitvi n lug.. do piejemnika. DENAR BE MORA POBLATI t NAROČILOM. 111 Ako gornje ne odgovaipt *m vaa, t«>daj luhko poljubno natopile is na&tgu rrnika, ali pe ra poslati vm(o hrano, obleko, obuvula, atioje, oiodjf, Itd, BIOURNEJSE POŠILJANJE MANJŠIH PAKETOV C ) Pri na« luhko naročile mnogo različnih manjAth paketov (do 44 funinvi, kult n ao ra *el>r rupakovant v kaitonu, in ve^ takih kartonov v h»wnnn raboju, m iMtHSe ravarovanje (Vna )«• m>Ja od p«»Ste, paketi ao rajam^enl, Vpra4a|tc sa nadaljna podrobne|Sa pojaamla, ter se llato gotovih velikih In malih paketov. PARNIK1 ODPLUJEJO ZA REKO VBAKIH 14 DNI, A BLAOO ODPOŠLJEMO KAKOR HITRO MOOOČE. B 1BTIM PARNIKOM BHE POŠILJATELJ POBLATI NAJVEČ NA PET RAZNIH OS2B. Blago kupu).le od naa v New Yerku ia tabo poslana vala laal* nine, enake kol blega. hi ga nam sami poil)ele, ml akrbtmo sa tete In voapred plavamo voaarlno in saverovalnino hat aganll poitl)a> lelja. Na lam lem»l)u mi poakrbtmo sa davol|en)a iavoaa od vlada v Waahlnglonu. D. C. J» FABRIS & GO. THE MA.KU CO. 4M WEST 23RD STREET NEW YORK II. N. Y. V blag spomin četrte obletnice smrti majaga ljubaga »«proga In aéela KARL (CHARLIE) K0M0VCA h a 1er! )e preminul dn» 19 maja 1144. Ob. kak Uloslen ja moaec MAJ bi apomin» ml abw)a na nearoènl dan. ko hrula je uaoda tslvgala je od mene dragega ml moae. Tal» ka bila je Mitov In le4bo Mio ja slovo, dan na dan po Tvo)! amrti »e Im mi sili ja v oko. Cv»tj» Ti oa grob prina4am U» s njim gomilo TI kraeim. cv»i|» po nei mernl lool a »olsemi brspsy La mleel ene me letali, da se Teboj bom tudi je» eriSle. Breéne. dragi mo4 ln o.e. apevai mirno v Medni aemljU Žaiujoe« o»iell> Teroa>)a Koma... aapragai Charte« In Vieler, alnova »ar Julia in HiMa. vna-hlnji V Me»dowlond». Pa Slovemka Narodna Podporna Jed nota 2SS7-SS So. Lawndale Ato. Chicago 23, Illinois t GLAVNI ODBOR la vrtal predsednik VINCENT CA INK An. gl. f, 4, VIDER, gl. tajnik ......».________________— ANTÓN TBOJAR. gl pomota I tajnik ..... MIRKO O. KUHEL, gl. blagajn* ------------1 LAWRENCE GRAUISEK. Ujnik bol odd. MICHAEL VRHOVNIK. direkt mlad odd«) PHILIP OODINA. upravitelj Prosvet« -----j ANTON GARDEN, uradnik Proav«U---- MIT So. Lawndale Ava., Chicago M, Hl MA 7 Hu Law oda I« Ava.. Chicago », III. MA7 So Lawndale Ava.. Chicago ». III »07 So. Lawndale Ava., Chicago ». III 0M7 So. Lawndale Ava. Chicago ». III. 0M7 So. Lawndale Ava , Chicago ». Hl »67 So. Lawndale Ava., Chicago ». DI. »»7 So. Lawndale Ava.. Chicago ». IU 7t» Mlddtepotnte. Dearborn. Mich. «17 Woodland Ava.. Johnatown. Pa. Podpreds RAYMOND TRAVNIK, prvi podpredaedntk JOSEPH CULKAR. drugI podpredsednik DUlrlktal podpr«daedaild JOHN y. CBBITLAR, prvo ok rot)«------ JIM Shallcroaa St. Philadelphia M. Pa PRANK ORAD1SEK. drugo okrotja ---------------—............»o* m. Hermlnle, Pa. JOSEPH PIPOLT. Getrto ok rot)._______________—1»7 E Wlh St., Cleveland ». Ohio JOHN SPILLAR. peto okroftj« ........................30T0 Randall SI . SI Lout«i 10 Mo URSULA AMBROZICH, teato okrot)«......... ..........41» Pierce St.. Evalath. Minn JOHN PTTRITZ. aedmo okrotja....... ..... >4» Carmona Aw.. Lo* Angelas IS. CaMf. PRANK POLSAK. oaml okrotja....................... MS Ord SI. W.. Roundup OoapodaraM odaek MATH PETROVICH. predsednik VINCENT CAINKAR--------, P. A. VIDER .. .......J—...... MIRKO O. KUHEL. JACOB ZUPAN RUDOLPH LISCH DONALD J. LOTRICH. ANTON SHULAR. pr«da«dnlk PRANK VRATARICH ANDREW VIDR1CH JOHN KOBI. SR...'.......J CAMILUS ZARN1CK PRANK ZAITZ, predsednik MICHAEL R KUMER MATTHEW J TURK --------- LOUIS KAFERLE .—mmn«.. ANDREW ORUM -,-------- _ »1 E. l»Oth at., Cleveland 10, Ohio Ml So. Lawndale Ava.. Chicago ». III. 2»7 Ho. Lawndale A v«., Chicago ». 111. „ Mft7 So Lawndale Ava.. Chicago ». Ul. ______1400 S. Lombard Ave.. Berwyn. Ill ________ 700 E 080th St.. Euclid. Ohio 1017 So TrOmbulJ Ave., Chicago ». III. Sevata! odaek ______________________»._______Box |7, Arm«. Kante» 311 Tener St., Lu »erne. Pa .....................70t Kor« at Ava., John»town, P«. ........... sot So sand Ava W., Du luth 7. Minn ... ...............M04 W. 47th St.. Cleveland t. Oh» Madaoral odsek .......„...........»01 So Lawndale Ava., Chicago ». III. _________________________________ Boa S4. Untvaraal. Pa. 0S4S S. Lawndale Ava. thieago ». III _______________1*301 East Park Drlva. Cleveland. Ohio _____________________________171» Hnowden, Detroit tl. Mich 371 Louia# Kruegor ..x-------.... 614 Robert J. Jernejčič......... Nadalje to predložene in odobrene te sledeče proinje Protnie aa posojilo asesmenta Applications for Losa lor Aaaaoamant Dr uit. It. Lodge No. * 87 Joseph Türk za tast mesecev. 379 John Pitoel za test mpsecev. ProtnjB sa izredno podporo Applications lor Special Benefil Dr uit it. Lodge No. 6 Anton Äafar asesment za lest mesecev. 16 Prunk Rabsel asesment za leat rru-neoev. 27 Frank Rifel in John Kolar vsak po 130. 30 Mary Supancic 150. 43 John Petrich t30. 51 Frank Babič S25 54 Andrej Kravanja t35. 65 Frank Hof er in Angelo Eccli vsak po $30. 317 Anna Bele $30. 513 Mary Vogrin asesment za iest mesecev. 5)8 Theresa Kuretic $30. Seja zaključena ob treh popoldne. V, CAINKAR, gl. predaednik F A. VIDER, gl. tajnik Zapisniki sej gl. izvršnega odseka SNPJ Seja 14. aprila 1948 Predsednik odpre sejo glavnega izvrtnega odseka ob eni uri popoldne. Navzoči so bratje Cainkar, Vider, Trojar, Kuhel. Graditek, Vrhov-nik. Godina in Garden. , Predlotrn in sprejet je zapisnik iz vrtne seje z dne 31. marca t. 1. Nato glavni tajnik predloži sledeče zadeve: Druttvo it 85, ki posluje v našel* bini Repubiic. Pa., poroča, da se pri* pravlja na obhajanje 40-letnice svojega obstanka. Slavnost se ima vr-liti 24. in 25. juliia in želijo, da bi se glavni blagajnik udeležil kot go-vornik za jednoto, ter da bi se predvajale slika i« Jugoslavije.—Be vzame na znanje in sklenjeno je, da se protnji za gOVornika ugodi. Druttvo tt. 476, Salem. O,, poroča, da bo 20. junija obhajalo svojo 25 269 Joseph Smodič asesment sa test mesecev, 279 Anton Dolenc asesment za tri meseca. 341 Anton Volcic asesment za tri mesece. 386 Mihael Pfcifer $25 715 Frank Pintar $20. , Zaključek seje ob 3:30 pop. . Sa|a 2$. aprila 1*4$ Predsednik odpre sejo ob 1, pop. Haren gl. blagajnika so navzoči vsi člani gl. izvrinega odseka. Predložen in sprejet je zapisnik iz-vrlne seje z dne 14. aprila t. 1. Nato predaednik predloži pismo ud unije klavniikih delavcev, v katerem pojasnjujejo težak položaj stav-kurje v in se obračajo do jednote s proinjo za stavkovno podporo. Sledi razprava in naposled Je sklenje- letnlro 1er prosi, da bi ae glavni ** «• v ,"kupni ,*vl»2S predsednik udeležil kot slavnostni »klad Jtlavnilkih delavcev vsota $500. govornik, kar je odobreno. Od predsednika odbora za kegljar-sko tekmo, ki se vrti 23.-24.-25, aprila v Detroitu, Mu h , Je piamo, v katerem vpraiajo za subvencijo v rm-sku $1,140, ki j« namenjena sa .nagrade 134 kegljatklm skupinam, ki so se prijavile za tekmo. Na pojasnilo mladinskega ravnatelja, ki nače-luje atletskim aktivnostim, da Je že Gl. tajnik prečita pismo gl. odbor nika M. Pctrovicha. v kalerem po roča, da se Je na obveatilo iz gl. ura da udeležil slavnosti 20 letnice drui Iva It. 626 v Barbertonu kot govor nik za jednoto. Slavnost se je vrtita v nedeljo IS. aprila ter dobro uspela.—Se vzame na znanje in ra čun za slrolke odobri. Tajnik bolniikth podpor predloži odbor za atletiko o tem razpravljal sledeče proinje: In priporočil omenjeno vsoto, je. Pri druttvu It. 39, Chicago, lil., je sklenjeno, da se ista nakaže. ! umrl bi. John Zelene, za katerim Nadalje gl tajnik prečita pismo 1 ^ nekaj :neizplačane bolniike zavarovalnega komisarja države M«"iP<"'*. Druttvo priporoča, da at New York, v katerem lati opozarja na določbe novo sprejetega zakona v omenjeni državi, kai se vzame na znanje. f Tajnik bolnilkih podpoi poroča o zadevi umrlega člana Dominiku Blatnika od druilva it. 69, E.iiHh, Minn Hč«r. ki ga te imelu na akrbi, prosi, da se nje) izplača ostali del izplača rojakinji Mury Keržan, ki ga je imela za časa bolezni na skrbi.— Odobreno, Nadalje je odobrena ptoinja od istega drultva, da se za umrlim J. Zavasnikom izplača ostala bolniika podpora,/ijegovemu sinu, ki je imel očeta na skrbi. Druitvo it. 53, Cleveland, O., pri poroča, da se ra umrlim članom G SPREMEMBE PRI DRUŠTVIH meseca Aprila 1848 CHANGES IN MEMBERSHIP For I ha monih et April 1848 "Dr. it. Lodge No. 1 Odstopil: August A. Grom, c. 98321. * 2 Umrli: Angala Jerac, c. 9484, Lot ene Dziekan. c. 7990. 3 Črtani zopet sprejeti: Stella Bo-zieh, c. 117534, Anthony J. Sa-mec. c. 119965, Trbovtch Stanka. c. 10f756; Črtani; Amelia Kosjer, c. 91777, Pearl Pekich, c. 108521, George Poznich, c. 99236, Mary Tomasevich, c. 100155, Anna M. Varnish, c. 108353, Ignatia Velemirovich, c. 119978, Dušen Velichko, c. 94806. Umrl: Joseph Rovan, c. I 113011. 5 Umrli: August Komar, c. 27537, Frank Ziberna, c. 8688. 6 Umrl: Frank Drobne, c. 67336. Črtani: Steve' Kaczmar, c. 122132, M i k e Kapeluck, c. 122133, Wasyl C. Turko, c. 122135. 10 Črtang: Bertha Wiggington, c. 90501. 12 Črtan: Joseph D. Miklovik, c. .105984 Elizabeth Kavcnik, c. Arthur G. Zorman, c. Frunk M. Mramor, c. Kdwurd J. Chapul, c. njegove podpore. Ifar Je na podlag Bt Uncem izplava ostala bolniika posebnih pojasnil odobreno i pripora njegovi hčeri, kar je odo Nadalje Je odobreno, da se izplača bi eno. osUla bolniika podpora* za umrlim Ostala bolniika podpora za pokoj- Članom J Pintaijem od drultva tt. no Mary Delost-od drultva it. «0, 183, Hudson. Wyo., bt. J. Dolencu, Cen ton, III. ne Izplava njegovi hčeri, ki |e imel bolnega člana na skrbi. ^Za umrlim J Prcgradom od drul Mladinski revnutel) nato priporoča. da gl izvtini odsek začasno na stavi bt Lawtenca Cauollja za dis-triktnega člana odlnira za atletiko, katero mesto Je vsled odstopa br. II Mangcia bilo pred kratkim Oprat njeno — Pi 1 poročilo sr odobri. » Upiaviu-lj jednotinlh publikacij pottka, da |e »klad Prosvete zlezel na zelo nizko stopnjo In vtled tega prlpoiučk, da »e vsota 15,000 prenese iz sklada tiskarne, kar )e nu |Mallagl podtol>ne)iih pojasnil odohreno. Sledi taipiava o raznih operacijskih zadevah, ki jifi je vrhovni zdiavnik piegledal t«i jih priporoča iivrtnrnui Mor Vasil 40« Alplu h»e Cermel) 559 Joseph Zaubi 029 Katarina Bost)« oim Fiank Zotmati 71« lxiui» K«>kal 721 M «i v Htmonu h Vsota $25 0(1 35 0(1 25 00 35 00 Nadalje mi odobrene pioénje z.i p"fOjilo /a a>e»ment ta tfledno (tod poro kol sledi t Prošnja sa posoplo asosmenia Application tor Loan tor Assessment D> uit it 220 |y>dgt No Ignar Cotmun la til nteaeee l'r«Hit|» sa tsrsdno podporo Applltelion» toi Spetisl Senetll Dr uit »t laNig« No 24 Kmv V.«I. « k »2ph lk*istnai aMMtinl /a ttt mesci v •»a Honaid Hukavnt« 135 65 John Mr/an es«-«menl trn ti 1 nte sece M Frami» Hnrvat I mi 91 Filip hiag*l| iti Pt le» J* im ii vsak po t25 220 Msry Ttalntk in Catoltne Sttu kelj vsaka po 125 tva It. 200, llerminie (No. 2) se iz-plača bolniika podpora njegovemu sinu, /.a pokojnini članom J Miklirhem od drultva it 365. Kussallton, Pa . se i/plaču ostala bolniika podpora ses l.oj/i Matko, ki Je imela bolnega člana na skilti. Itavnalelj mladine porm^a, da tu je v Cl**vplandu ponovno uatanovil kroiek it 3, pod vodstvom sestre Margarete Maslar. članice drultva *t 1104. kai ae vzame na znanje Nadalje poroča o ki-gljarskl turneji 23 24 25 aprila v Detroitu. 1'delelba Je bila velika in pi ireditov ena najvei jlh te Vlste, ki je zaklju-j (tla z itobiim gmotnim ip moralnim ' u»|>ehom.— Se vzame na rniiif)e, | Nadulje na ktatko |N>ritča«'fV seji iMiiMita za atletiko in da je poleg 'diutitga bilo sklenjeno, da se keg< tl)i*i»ka turneja za leto 1949 vrli V jlll (lndiana|Millsu, Ind . tei da laid«t vse |Hrf]i«>bnoM|| glede tega prtnkaVne v Pi osve|l Se vratne na znanje Iti pomo>nt lamtk t><>1 <».'« o na-mriavant prlretlitvl SANHove podi ufnite 2 maja v Chlt agu tei pri-iMinaa, da )<*dnota dovoli vsoto tlO ra oglas na n)ih ptogramu. kar J«' i«lol»irnn. Nadalje pottM a. da lallair otgani-arije The Committee foi Ptotec-tu n of Foreign llotn pitan za finančno |MKlpoio za izvajanje svojih na-' g >3 maja »t I"» vrllla konfeien-(.1 tla tazpiavlja o tazmh sltiiajlh t/s •'(>•* ali . $23, John Fajdtga $76. Frank Reba $30 284 John Bubany ML Mary Mtlcetlch » 207 John Saje 014. John Saje 0M. Jacob , Leskovlch 030 Jacob Leskovich $55 50 M9 John Magdalenlc $10. William Koa-mach 0». Florence Magdalenlc 0M. Louia Carjak OM, Louis Cerjak 0M, Valentin Negro $», Agnes Zakaek 0» 2» John Zortch OM, Mary Brill 014». John Novljan $14, John Tomslc 004. Louts Shustsr $13». Louis Shustar$27, 304 Jennie Flagg $20, Nick Savage 0M. Philip Shoryat 0». William Jugo 0». , Martin Govednick 010». Cvltan Pr llch 0», Mike Kocevar 044. 3» Mirv Horvat 0M. Frank Balaban 0M. 312 Mar* Batlch OM. 314 Rudi Klasnja $20, Louis Grblch 0M. 316 Frank Babell $25. 316 Mary Jakse $M. Prank PlnUr $76. 31$ Josephine Klobcar 032. Frank Obonar $10. Joaeph Zabkar 007. 322 Mana Jenko $M. Ivans Bavac $50, Mary Pakts $17. Rose Elltch $14.50. Mary Mramor $14. Kate Petrak 016. Frances Koscak $». Anne Zlebnik $14. Lois Matctlph $28. Mary Brlskt $» 323 Katherine Sertich $17. Mary Vuku-slch $10». Janje Trtanj Ml. Mande Gerovac $28. Joaeph Meaich $30. 325 Martin Urbane *49 344 Joseph Robek 010. Marie Smrke 04 353 Mike G rogos 016. Barbara Grgas 029. Fabijan Kopjar $10. Gabriel Vlahlnja OM. Mate Jugovtch 014.». Oliver Thai-man 09. 3» Mildred Ttahman 016». 361 Helen Flack 049. Valentin Chiobai 023. M5 Mary Crooks M7. Joseph Mik llch 913. Joseph Miklich 010. 375 Marko Skof 013». 377 Stcffy Rack 02Q ». Angela Repovz 013, Frank Hren 014. 370 Charlea Paukovich 034 3» Harry Pddlesnik $28 50, 3M John Penko $32 3» Edward Satkovlch $26, Joaeph Stroka OM. 307 WUUam Slogar 017. John Kuretlc $22. Barbara Nagllch M0». 4M Mary Kondus 028 416 Elizabeth Vidovich 020 4M Peter Gaclch OM. Christina Krama rich M7 4M Katherine TurkalJ OM, Josephine VI- dic 0M. 432 Karl Krajnc 027. 4M John Mosehat 014. 4M John Zajevec »2. 4» Julia Berich $M. 469 Frsaces Cooper 014», James Feltsky $38. Dilta Marsan OM. Katherine Du nlak $23 . 462 John Ferlnac $23, John Ferlnac $23. 1 Boslca Ruzlc $27, Anna Klrln $M. John Kurettch $M 464 Trlvun Vujcic 019, Andrija Toncic $19. MS Elizabeth Zidan $42 Edward Obre-xa $10. Frank Bavdek OM. 043 Ulla Erofhevtch 0». 5» Ivana Roz**c H\___ .. , »0 Joaephtne Provok 0» Mary Znldersie $2« Mary Znlderalc M rjohn Tuahar m. 4ahn TusImu 010. Verne Krtnce 0M. Stanley Race 0M 676 Florence Yapunclch 0M Ml Mary Rollick 014». Anna Eckart M. Anna Wlckett $10. Catherine Troha M. Mary Bon $13». John Pire 0M. 504 Ursula G aspe rich 040. «04 Eleanor ^tupica 0». Eleanor Stupica $1». Martin Opalek M-610 Agnes Klobučar 0». Andrew Jarko- vtc $15». John Golob 0» 614 Mary Dolsak 0M 627 George Subie 040. « 6M John Rube Ich 0M 6M Katherine Pouhe 0M. Loula Skubtc $18». Mary Harten Ian 0M , 643 Mary Thedka $7. Matthew Kogovbt-k $28 Matthew Kogovaek 0M. Mary Savor 012. SM Anastasia Skrovec 037. «79 Matthew Stemberger SU, Mary Ealtz $14». Leo M arch i $70 7» Bridget Humphrtville 014, Louis Gusich 013. 711 Joaeph Mihajlovlch $10. 721 Mary Celap 032. Jean Pukanich $5, Steve Mazer 006. . 7M Luther Nace 016. 7M Mary Sprowls 0M. 7M Mary Bahnt $14 », Angeline MUarich $M. 741 Mike Kuclc 010. 749 Verne Allendorfer $27, Thereaa Sgantz ML 755 Mary Germadntk $11. SKUPAJ—TOTAL $13.4»» LAWRENCE GRADISEK. UJ. bol. odd ^ec'y S. B. Dept čemu trpeti Toled Glarobola Norednosli želodca Neprebavnosti Norvosnosti Vsdiganja plinov Izgube spanca ' in apefttia • • rf } : povzročenega od saprtja? Dr. Peter Fahraer r 10» • 1905 Nabavita si prelskuieno. prijazno pomoč s hoboko To prtjasno gladko odvajalno OetodOna-toalka sdravllo vata usadi vaOa h«« k pravemu delovanju 1« pomaga odatrSnltl sabasan« tvarine; pomaga odatranitt saprtja pline, da ftelodeu ttstt udobni poču-lak in gor ko to. Hoboko fcndeSna S»k-ilvnast prihaja od saamtvea» formul«. M vsebuje 1$ (ne U eno ali dve) naravnih seli», korenina in botanike—skrtmostns formula prirejena akoal 72-latno peHJodo. Da, sa pravilno, dokasano prijaano odporna« mlaerij« dobile Hoboko » danea v vaOI soseKlnl ali pa polljlls po POSEBNO pozna nstveno PONUDBO U oa. staklepica le ss $1.» poslana poli nina prosto do v «Sik vrst. ¿žPT/ Mary CsaUric $10.' 477 Francas Jakulin OM. John Bradač 020» Louis Pocknj John Zne- belj »2 489 Agnes Franko M4. 4M Thereaa Repulaky $16. John Kasher 030 ». John Kaaher »1. 517 Marie Beltz 014. Anton Kumor 020. Anton Kumor $M 518 Margaret Kopmeyer 0». Thomas Ku-ros k y OM. Zorka Troha $29. Mata Goreta 014, Frank Snyder 016 ». Josephine Paul $M, Anton Narich M. Ivan Tia-lar »0. \nton Steffier $M. Anton Steffler «28 Ciril Smarda $30 5M Ivanka Surina $1«, Mitro Kimko $12. Poil) lté ta "POSEBNE PONUDBE" kupon sada) ' □ Priloteno J« $1.» .. PoOlJtta I navadno poOtnlne prosto 11 ( $100 ateklenlco Hoboko. □ C. O. D. (Strolkl dodani). 1 I Ime I ml os. Naslov.. I PoStnl urad---------------------------- , DR. FITEK F AHMET â SONS CO. . Dept. Ml-MB j 2501 Washington Blvd.. Chicago 10. UL I^SM Stanley St.. Winnipeg, Man.. Can. | a dP 'j} P 4 * Žmf^ % St/-'- « «L >> t I k 1 "PROSVETA" 2657 S. LAWNDALE A VE. Chicago 23, 111..............1..............t,........19......... Vaša naročnina na "Prosveto" je potekla z dnem—-------- ......................................-.......................H................................................. V slučaju, da ]e od strani upravnlitTa kakšna pomota« naa takoj obvestite, da se ista popravil Z bratskim pozdravom * ZA UPRAVO "PROSVETE" CENE LISTU SOi Za Zdruft. driave tn Kanado SŠ.OO Za Chicago In okolico Je.......$100 1 tednik in... 2 tednika tn 3 tednika tn . 4 tednike In 5 tednikov in .................» 0.00 &.00 .................. 4.40 .................... 3.20 2.00 Za Evropo Je... 1 tednik in 2 tednika in .... 3 tednike in 4 tednike in 5 tednikov ta... ..........SI 1.00 1.30 7.10 S.00 4.70 3.50 Mlnneeotaks nartftfe garda rasbijs stavko klavnUkih delavcev e St. Psulu. • svojo bolno opremo dola pot akebom v tovarno skoti at a v karali« vrsto. Mod gardiatl tn alavkarJI Je priilo tudi do apopadov. Ispolnlto spodnji kupon, prtloftlte potrebno vsoto denar)s ali Money Order v pismu In si naročite Prosveto. list. kj Je va4a lastnina. PrlAtotl se sme le one ¿lana Is druftino. ki to dovolijo in Id Uve ali stanuje)o na enem In Istom naslovu. V nobenem slučaju ne vei kot S tednikov Pojasn^ot—Vselej kakor hitro kateri teh ¿lanov, ki oo priltetl, preneha biti član SNPJ. ali če se preseli proč od d rutine ln bo zatheval sam ovoj list tednik, bode moral tisti član ii dotične družine. ki je tako skupno natočena na dnevnik Prosveto, to takoj naznaniti upravniitvu lista, ln obenem doplačati dotično vsoto listu Pro«vcta. Ako trga ne store, teda| mora upravniitvo zniiati datum za to vsoto naročniku ali pa uataviti dnevnik. PHOfVrrA. SNPJ. 20S7 S. Lavrndals Ave^ Chicago 23. lUlnoio Priloteno poilljam naročnino aa liat Prosveto vsoto 0______________ 1) Ime ................... ............................ CL druitvo it._______ Naslov UMavt» tednik ln «a prtpiitte k moji naročnini od sledečih članov moja druitnoi I. _______________________________« 4. ____________________________ ft. __________________________... Mesto ____________________ Nov naročnik □ * Kadar ae preselite, vselej naznanite svoj start m novi naslovi čl. druilva tt. ČL druátva ftt ČL druétvs IL ČL drultva It. Drla va_________ □ KM Slovene NaT I Ben* fit Society in 45th Year of Fraternal Service-!904-1948 PROSVETA ENGLISH SECTION //•/p to Increaee Our Juvenile And Adult MemberMp WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1948 for Member* of SI National Benefit Society and American Stoimdm page rive First California SNPJ Day July 3-4 LOS ANGELES. Calif —Again we wi»h to remind all California and neighboring lodges of the First California SNPJ Day to be held in Los Angeles July 3 and 4 at 330 S. Ford Blvd., East Los Angeles. . Dance Saturday, July 3. Balina tournament Sunday, July 4, at 10 a. m. A trophy to be presented to the winning team. Program at 3 p. m. Dancing 8 to ? Kitchen committee will provide plenty of refreshments. Louis Simonsic orchestra. If you are planning to vacation in California, don't hesitate to get in touch with us; we will be glad to entertain you. I urge all Lodge 015 members to attend this affair 100% and cooperate with the committees. We will need the help of all members in order to make this a success. The attendance at our May 15 dance was rather poor as far as our lodge members were concerned. We want to thank the Fontana friend« and members of the loc|ge who made the long trip to help out for this benefit dance, the proceeds of which went to the Free Press Fund and thé Slavic Council. I urge all members to attend our June 20 meeting. The Juvenile Circle members have a program arranged for your entertainment. This is a very important meeting and all members should attend. We must get all our l^elp for the July 3-4 affair. Don't hesitate to volunteer your services. — MARY KOTCHNIK, Secy Lodge 476 Marks Birthday June 20 SALEM, Ohio.—SNPJ Lodge 470 will sponsor a picnic and dance on Sunday, June 20. This affair will tend to serve as the 25th anniversary celebration of our lodge. The picnic will be held at the Heltman Picnic Grounds, where we held our Federation picnic of the past season. We are also very proud to announce that we will have with us, as our honored guest and speaker for the day/ President Vincent Cainkar. The music will be furnished by Frank Koran, and we have learned that he may have several other musicians to help him and his son Jimmy Koran. We are inviting all our neighboring lodges to plan to visit us on this day, to help make our 25th anniversary celebration a true success. Dancing will start at 1:30 p. m. FRANK HRVATIN JR., Sec y. Veronian News 11 VERONA, Pa—Again remind those of you interested in following the Musical Stylists band; they will play for a dance Friday, May 28, at the Verona High School Gym, South and 1st St., Verona, dance beginning at 0 p. m. The place is large enough to accommodate a great many of you so keep this date in mind and plan to attend.- The regular dance at the Veronian Club will be Saturday, May 20. be-ginning at 10 p. m., featuring Frank Porovne and his Musical Stylists, bringing to you those snappy polkas, waltzes and fox-trots, for your dancing pleasures. The Veronians are pleased to see you members from the different lodges and look forward to playing hosts to you sgain this Saturday. Bring along your friend, for a nice crowd is always on hand and a jrflly time is had by all The Juvenile Directors advise that Juvenile "Kids Night'* will be discontinued after the first of the month during the summer months, but will resume afterwards in the fall They also wish to thank all members who helped make their dance a huge success. The juveniles and regular mem. bers of the club have not been attending the monthly meetings of the club. As stated previously, it Is the duty of esch snd every member to attend these meetings for the club and affairs pertaining to the club are as much your own problem as any other member's. So make an extra effort esch month to attend the meetings when they are scheduled Keep in mind the Western Penns SNPJ Dsy at South Park, Sunday. June 27 Now is a good time to make plana to attend this affair and also offer an hour or two of service to help conduct the affair, CORNELIA GORUN. 600 Liked ' Charity" McCarthy "What did you think cf the ventriloquist*' asked the husband after the vaudeville set 1 didn't think much of him." replied the wife "but the little felk.w on his knee wes awfully clever." highlights of the juvenile . anniversary campaign As the driye for new members progresses into the closing dsys of the second month of the JUVENILE ANNIVERSARY CAMPAIGN, we sre quick to observe from the lstestvstandings that our women contestants continue to predominate in all four of the campaign districts into which the Society has been divided. It is furthsr noted that up to and including last Friday 150 lodges, lets than twenty-five percent, have taken part in the campaign, each having added one or more new members to its respective ranks. This figure, incidentally, is 42 more than was listed at the close of the opening month of the campaign. The results up to this point have been mostly of a non-spectacular variety, although a number of excellent membership gains .were reported in April and the first weeks of May. It sssms that too many of us are not taking this csmpaign seriously enough. Too many of us are putting off till some other time whst ought to be attended to at once. And a great many of us are disregsrding the fad that this csmpaign is being conducted in honor of the 35th Anniversary of the Juvenile Department, a significant event in itself, and also the 10th Anniversary of the Juvenijg Circles, two very good reasons why intensive drives for new members should be organized and carried sut. as successfully as possible, in every locality where SNPJ lodges sre established. • Every ons of the more thsn six hundred lodges in the SNPJ has been assigned a reasonable quote of new members to enroll during the period of the Juvenile Anniversary Campaign. Theae quotas range from ss little as five to a maximum of thirty-five new members, depending on the adult membership of the lodges at the end of last year. For a majority of the lodges this means an average enrsllment of only one and a fraction' new members per month. Only a very small percentage of them hsve been requested to enroll an average of two or more new members esch month of the campaign. Each lodge has eight whole months. April 1 to November 30, in which to reach its quota. This should not be difficult to do. A majority of our lodges should easily succeed in attaining their assigned goals. . Pennsylvania Lodges hold the spotlight of the Juvenile Anniversary Campai^i in District No. 1 again this month. Here the most successful contestant is Sister Polly Slsdick. SecreUry and Circle Director of Lucky Star Lodge 710, Imperial. Pa., who now has a total of 23 new members to her credit, having added 0 more this month. She is still the leader in her district and the national contest, while the same honor, likewise, is held by the lodge. I At South view. Pa.. Sister Patricia Patnesky, member of Lodge 205, is rapidly making a name for herself in the current membership contest. She came through recently with a splendid gain of 7 new members which, together with her previous enrollments, add up to a total of nine. This places her second in the district contest for individual honors. Excelsiors. Lodge 721 of Aliquippa. Pa., are also obtaining excellent results in the campaign- So far this month 1 new members have been enrolled which gives the lodge a total of 12 altogether, only eight less than the quota designated for it. Although several campaign credit cards are missing, we are nevertheless able to report that Sisters Frances Zakrat-sak. co-director of the locsl Juvenile Circle snd Anna Ranlcs, lodge secretary, have been instrumental in securing new members in this strong SNPJ community. Mray Vidmar, Secretary of Adrija Lodge 3, Johnstown, Pa., a veteran of many SNPJ campaigns, is again active in this drlvs. To dste she hss enrolled 0 new members, five of whom were secured in the past two weeks. Sister Vidmar is one of our really outstanding campaigners, as records show that she alon* has accounted for a total of 175 pew members in campaigns held since she took over the secretaryship of the lodge back in 1042. Few members hsve equslled or surpsssed this superistive mark. iPlvs nsw members were slso added to the growing ranks df Lodge 202, Avelia, Pa., increasing the total for the campaign to eleven. Active in improving the standing of the lodge in the membership drive are Frank Zrimm, Pauline Oebelak and Vera Bresko. Nice going, Avelia SNPJ! The outstanding enrollment of new members in the Second Campaign ' District resulted from the surprisingly good work of Sister Mary Opstrny, ' an active member of Cardinal Lodge 040, Bridgeport, Ohio, who secured 0 new members snd in reselling this total also topped the quota of the lodge. She is the first contestant to achieve this goal In her district and second in the Society. Congratulations, Sister Opatrny, and keep U3 the good work you have started. Credit for ths second best gain in this district goes to Brother Frank Mivs«. member of the National Athletic Board and Secretary of Danlca Lodge 105, Indianapolis, Ind., who procured 5 new adult members as his opening contribution to the Juvenile Anniversary Campaign. We under-ctand that Brother Mivec is very enthusiastic sbout sports and cultural activities as a medium of inducing and encouraging young people to take a greater interest in lodge affMrs. No doubt the enrollment of new members in this campaign is the beginning of a reconstruction program in Indianapolis. All three local lodges, working together toward the same objective, should take advantage of the many opportunities presented. Top honors for the most prominent membership gain of the month In Cleveland, Ohio, go to Brother Charles Zaksly, Secretary of Nanos Lodge 204, whose efforts also netted a gain of five new members. It became the fourth Lodge in the metropolitan area of Cleveland to reach this total since the start of the campaign. Good news hss been received from Secretary Albin Testen of Lodge 753. L'Anse, Michigsn. this in the form ofjpro more applanations for new members. just enough to earn for it the honor of being the third lodge in the Society to attain its assigned quots—seven new members. Congratulations to L'Anse SNPJ! Now that you have succeeded la reaching your quota, set your sights a little higher. Aim for district and national honors. Good luck to you. Thsrs wss ons outstanding gsin in District No. 3 snd this wss mad«' by Sister Mary Pahuls. Secretary of Lodge 322, Chiaholm. Minn , who showed the way to all other contestants with her splendid gain .of 8 new member«. She now hss s total of 17, only six under the quota set for the lodge. It's quite probable that, even before the end of this month. Sister Pahule will succeed in reaching this goal. We certainly wish her every success, By virtue of a lower quots. Lodge 322 and its contestant have displaced Badger Lodge 584 and its SecreUry, Francs« Debelsk. for the lesdership in this dfcrtrtet. Leading all contestants in the Fourth Csmpsigh District is Sister Visions Sisesajs. Circle Director of lxrdge 308 Anaconda, Montana, who hss accumulated a total of seven new members in the first «even weeks of the campaign The Lodge with the highest number of new members In this district, however, ta Lodes 818. Los Angeles, Cslifornis. having s total of 11 at this writing The Montana lodge, becauae of its lower quota, la the official leader at this early stsge of the csmpaign Other compll—sntsry gains of three to four new members each were recorded to the credit of John Skoda. Lodge 101. Greensboro. Jsesb Paveie and Frances Petro. Lodge 138. Strsbane. Frsnces Skerbets. Ixidge 240, Bentieyville. Frescos Oblsck. Lodge 208. Drtdgevllle Ross Debevc. Lodge 301, Jan es City, sli of Pennsylvania and. alao. Aafsilos Stic. Lodge lift, Juliet. Iir., Louiae Zupon and Rudolph flora« Lodge 500 and Qssrt« snd Genevieve Jettnsfc snd Anas Feis. Lodge 804. Clevelsnd. Ohio Each and every one of the above campaigner«, a« well sa those who «»cured less than three new members, deeerve congratulations for the part they hate plsyed in building up s stronger SNPJ in ftiei NEWS AND COMMENTS ieir respective com- munities. Is closing let us remind ourselve« again that the SNPJ Is a fraternal benefit society owned and operated, direetlf and indirectly, by the mem bers Its growth and progress depends on the support of the members and lodges Without their cooperstion. no membership csmpaign or any other (onrerted activity can be successful We. who help to direct and manage the affairs of the Society, fully reelire this and. therefore, once mote appeal and urge all members snd lodges to participate actively and make a sipcere effort to fill your quotas before the termination of the Juvenile Anniversary Campaign Onward to a greater SNPJ! MICHAEL VRHOVNIK. Campaign Director Universal Comets UNIVERSAL, Pa—Dates to remember: May 10—Dance by Veronian Lodge 6H0 at the SNPJ Hall. Verona, featuring Frank Porovne and his Musical Stylists. June 5— Dance by Lodge Comets 715 at the Slovene Hall, Universal, featuring Frank Porovne and his Musical Stylists. June 8—Regular lodge meeting uf Lodge Comets 715 at the Slovene Hall, Universal, beginning at 8 pni. June 27—-Annual Pennsylvania SNPJ Day held by the E. S. and Slovene Speifking Federations of SNPJ Lodges of Western Pennsylvania at Lodge in South Park, Comets Dance For seversl weeks now Prosvcta has carried announcements of the Comets dance scheduled for Saturday, June 5.' We hope deeply that our members and friends have seen the announcements and have decided to spend that night with the ■members of the Comets lodge. Thq dance is an enthusiastic attempt to raise fund« to send our lodge member« to the National SNPJ Day. We recognise and appreciate that the National SNPJ Day is the- largest annual celebration in our Society. We recognise, too, that our Lodge should participate in this biggest celebration of our SNPJ. But our recognition is more than wishful thinking. In order for our members to go such and enormous distance we know that considerable expense is Involved. So thll dance is being held to underwrite a portion uf the expenses for those Comet members who do attend. Frank Porovne and hi« Musical Stylists have heen engaged to play for the dance. The orchestra is without question one of the best in this area; we believe he Is rated among the liest of Slovene orches-tias in tin* country, Our visitor« may thus be assured of the very best in music. A main feature of the dance will be a polka contest. It will be an attempt, as Brother Richter, lodge president, so appropriately staled, to determine the "king" and "queen" of polka dancing In Western Pennsylvania, Already this contest Is attracting considerable Interest, and we venture a guess that there will be a lot of excitement eliout this feature before the dance Is ended on June 5tn. You are Invited to come out and join ua that night, Plan to participate in the contest, or be one of the interested spectator«. There will lie lots of fun, and the Comets will do everything to make the evening an enjoyable one for you. Pemtsyli'dnis SNPJ Day Pennsylvania SNPJ Day is not a new venture to moat of our members and friends. Tills year's undertaking is scheduled for Sunday, June 27 at the "Lodge" in South Park. The committee has just about completed the program for that day, and we want you to know some-r rank Klemencle By J. F. Ftfolt CLEVELAND. Ohio. — Sometime in June or shortly thereafter, one of Cleveland's or for that matter one of SNPJV finest fraternalisU, will leave our fair city to go back to Jugoslavia. It has been my privilege and honor to associate with this worthy gentleman «ince \he time that lodge Comrades was organized back in 1027 During all this period he has been one of the staunchest supporters of the youth. While up in years, he is nevertheless very young in spirit. This msn hss been s strong «upporter of the SNPJ, a leader in cultural and progressive activities, a hard 'working member of his lodge for many years, a willing volunteer and tirelesa worker at any affair sponsored by the SNPJ Farm, the Cleveland Federation, Ivsn Cankar, Čitalnica, the Slovene National Home, SANC, etc. At meetings when the youth was bedeviled, he was always sure to rise in their defense. The man has somewhat been like a father to lodge Comrades, watching it grow, helping out in their early days and always paving the way for Cooperation when required. By now most of you know 1 am referring to none other than our good friend Bro. Ludvik Medvesek. That others feel the way we do Is evidenced by the response to the testimonial banquet that will be held in his honor on-the afternoon of May 31st at the Slovene National Home. Lodge Comrades at their meeting, voted that the entire executive board should be represented, also voted a substantial donation. We wish publicly to thank Bro. Medvesek for all he has done for us In the past and wish him many yeais of happineas and contentment in Jugoalavia when he rejoins part of his family. Comradsa' mssting A fair size crowd was on hand to take in Comrades' monthly meeting. Sick reports for Christipe Hočevar passed for payment; chknge of policy for A) Simoncic sent thru, likewise birth report for Sis. Frydyck. Bro. Sireel reported on the Federation meeting, also the meeting held regarding the «tatu« of the Slovane Museum. Bowling report was given by Sis. Ross, ln an effort to raise necessary funds for bowling outfits, the Eastern invitational and the National bowling tournaments, motion was made that a committee be appointed ts start the ball a-rolling for a drawing to be held the night of our dance in September. More detail« on this in future edition«. Five tickets for the next SANC affair were purchased. The 81 drawing was won by Jean Beljan. Tony Kushlan was not present to collect the 80 when his name was taken out of the grab bag, In the absence of Pres. Kerxe, Vice Pre« Pauline Spik presided. After the meeting the group stayed to view the movies arranged by Frank Roes. We appreciate his efforts. •HPJ Farm A letter waa read thing received from Sec y Gorjanc telling his Slovenes has l»e«n engaged us about their first picnic. Soon to play In the afternoon and eve. after Agnes Jeric walked in with a Ves. there will be dancing to bundle of subscription books Ev- »his wonderful orchestra from I to ery member present cooperated 8. and from H to 11 pm. Frank « or-wholeheartedly and the books dls-. «*»«»trs has the reputation in this appeared very rapidly, half the re- "r b*'ln« " challenge to Frankle turna being made before the meet-' Vankovlc from Cleveland Frank ing was over. The farm thia year has Frankle's style of music, and is depending on its two picnics and J w«' "hall permit our visitors at ths this drawing to reiee needed funds I Ha. SNPJ Day to lie the judges as for improvements already made If to which la the better Western Pennsylvanis's outstanding singing society will b«- present- lodge Moderns every member in Cleveland and vie inity would se<- to It that he or she gets rid of at least one book, a nice sum would lie leelized Join the "I did my share' farm flub, Lecture The Hesaon-Seton lecture held on Wednesday, May 12.1 under the sppnsoiship of the various' SHEBOYGAN, Wis.- The i*ow|. English speaking lodges wss veiv ing season is ended and the Golds successful A nice crowd was on'"<«n the championship of the locsl hsnd to heal the two speakers on SNPJ Bowling league on the last the subject of ' Inside Jugoslavia." day of the season, The Blue» who The Zarje Singers; Jennie Fatur, had led the league throughout the Frank Kukal accompanied by Ed season, finished second, the Whites win Poljsak. the Glasbefis duet, were third and the Reds finished Caroline Budan snd Fiank Hradaeh.1 fourth Ed It« »ruek hit the highest accompanied by Vera Siejko, and j single game of lh* yeson 24« as Lou Tieher. solcHat. provided fine J well es the highest thiea ««me total enter tainrrent. Shulen's orchestia 815 played after th* lecture The floral I A group of IjowJris fiom l.odg* decorations were provided by Jimmy Modem«, partic ipated in the Na Slapnik, of the Siapnlk Flower Shop tlonal SNPJ Howling tournament Vera Shiffrei the lady behind the in Detroit, and while they did not arrangements, deserves credit for a hag any pnrn, everyone reported job well dona I having a ¿rand time The affair sponsored by the fra M(|dwrni * sponsoring a terns! groups ws« the first of its In (he SUboygan open kind and may b* the forerunner oT , u,gyg u,.. MM The Mod ems have not had a soflhall team since the KNPJ Midwest Softball league was organized in the early thlities The Is und Vleuis We want to endorse the column In last week's issue of Prosveta from Latrobe, Pa., by Jane Fradel, on "The Socialist Party Convention." She has demonstrated her devotion to social democracy. She has indicated by her devotion that social democray will not come in the back door; that It will not collie by fratsr-nixing with groups and individuals who have never accepted it and who, In many cases, hold contempt for it; that It will corns when, and only whan, organised Labor is ready (or It. Labor will not be forced to accept scK'ial democracy, for force means tyranny. These comments are insdii with the deep conviction that the two old political parties hold no promise for American worker« and for a united world based on peace and prosperity for all. They are made with an equal conviction that the present third party, or Progressive Party, with Henry Wallace at the head, without the active eupport of the mass of organised worker« Is a farce. MICHAEL R KUMEH Cavaliers others in the future. BURGETTSTOWN, Pa.—Just a reminder to all member« of our regular meeting on ftunday, June 8, at I p m. These meetings have been fairly well attended of late but there IS «till room foi Impiovemcnt Jxiuls Modic Is on the sick list, Heie'« hoping you a speedy leeov-ery, l Member«, get out to our loynthly meetings and relate ytiur ideas for the benefit of our organixalion. The meeting date ii Sunday. June 5, ahd our dance date i« Saturday, June 12, Gel in the spring mood and attend both dates mentioned CAROLYN ZALAKAR. Bec'y. Keystonians Mark Birthdays June 5 HEKMINIE, Pa —To celebrate thi 35th anniversary of the establishment of the SNPJ Juvenile Department, the 10th anniversary of or-ganiaation or Juvenile Circles and the 40th anniversary of Lodge Keystonians 87, we ask each neighboring lodge, members and friends, In attend the Concert and Dance planned for Saturday, June 5, at the S e w i r k I e y Township High School Auditorium and Slovene Hall, |esper'lively We have engaged the Duqussne University TaiaburiUans to provid*« the entertainment h»i ymn iM.-ning and dancing pleasure. ' Unique In the world of musical entertainment, this Tainhurltxa ensemble is composed of twenty of the continent'« outstanding young artists. Each waa selected for a coveted place In the group on a basis of technical skill and general versatility. Audience« fiom roast to coast have seen and heard this unrivaled group. Your opportunity 1« now, you cannot af-foid to inlas them, The concert, which lastqtwo hours, 1« filler! with music, folk songs, dances and haunt« ing melody, || will take place si 7 30 p in. Saturday, June 5, at the Sewlckly Township High School Auditorium, Herminie. Advance sale of tickets c«ad only 75c Admission at door will lie 81, After the concert the Taiiiburit«-alls will furnish the music for a dance al the Slovene Hall Admission to the dance will Ire 75c per jierson Plan to attend both affair« if possible What better ciiterlaln« men! for an evening? We are pre« puling for a recoid-brea king attendance, Itefreshments, etc., will be available ut the Slovene Hall all evening The committee and uf ft • ceis of the Keyslonian l«odgc extend to you their mosl roidtsl welcome and assure you an evening'« ente i lainment lhat you will never foi get. Hememlarr the date, Saturday, June 5, al 7 30, To those who have procured tickets, please note the lime has la-etl changed , The concert will begin promptly at 7 30, Tickets aie for udmlsalon to concert only As mentioned In last week's article, the capacity of Ihe school is limited, play safe, write or call see'y Martin thana for youi ticket. To metnbeis of the Keyslonian Circle Juveniles who are participating in U>e Memorial Day parade, please coligiegale at Ihe Vetedans Home rally, Patents are uiged to send their children |*et'« have a laige gioup lepreaenling our Circle, JOSEPH BATÍS Attention, Members SNPJ Lodge No. 273 HMIMIN Wis SNPJ Uidge 273 would like la announce to all Its members that meetings will no JiMiger lie held on Holiday after-niMrtis Instead they will be each 4th Fnday of lite month al 8 p m. at the North Star Pavilion. Thia month being lit* 28th of May There will be lunch and card tablea for those who cair to play. Everyone is uiged to attend IMKNK DKMNOVHEK, Sec y, team and would like to schedule a of the decasrd memt»e«s and then game with an SNPJ team for their iritiodue eligible to participate in the national softball play offa or othei national event. Members must be atgned up this month (May), at the latest, to receive membership certificate« dated aa of June 1. 1941. , . We ulso wish to point out that lodges, who received financial aastataare for athletics laat year but rhow a Ions in total membership through cancellation since then, will receive le«« consideration If and when financial aid is requested this year. The surest way to avoid a CUT ia to build up your membership In the current Juvenile Anniversary Campaign and thus insure your lodge's thance« of qualifying for a full shaie donation Yes. build up the SNPJ net only with sport activities, hut also with new members. MICHAEL VRHOVNIK. Juvenile Director Lodge 749 News JOHIWTOWN, Pa—Thank« to Sister Bbie Culkar, Lodge 749 is heard from pretty regularly in the Prasveta, however for myself 1 must admit I have been very lax in writing a friendly article. I've been kept pretty busy. So many things to look alter in the spring of each year. Since I have been last heard from, SNPJ has started a new membership drive and I'm proud to say that Lodge 749 is doing splendidlyv especially the juvenile department. Me misers, if you know of someone whom you can enroll please contact me immediately. I will furnish the necessary applications. Remember last year we were aw aided a certificate of merit, let's see if we can get up into the cash gwards this yesr. Each new member you enroll means cash to you. Congratulation« and best wishes from all of us go out to Frank GIs-voch who was married May 22. Hope you and your bride have manv happy years together, Bro. Glavaeh. Also congratulations to Verne Al-lendorfer who gave birth to a son recently. Sis. Allendorfer didn't faro so well after giving birth to her little boy but we're happy to know that she is once again on the road to recovery. Her little son, John Andrew, is already a member of our juvenile dept. I visited Sis. Theresa Sgontz today and found her feeling much bettor than on ray last visit. Come out once more, Theresa, get some good old sunshine and don't forget to come to our meetings. Sis. Stella DePollo's mother tells me she too is recovering very well after her re-' cent illness. Glad to hear it, Stella. Considering the fact that laat month was the first time we hetd our monthly meeting on a new date, we had a fair attendance. Due to the changes being made at the Slovene Hall we were forced to relinquish our previous meeting date, each second Sunday in the month. The members agreed at the April meeting to hold our monthly meetings eseh second Friday evening of the month at 7:30 Remember the change, members, and attend. We'd all like to see a larger attendance at our meetings. Our "Kitty" is still active and you wouldn't want to mias out on it, would you? You must be present in order to be a winner. I, and many members who attended the Western Pa. Duckpin tournament in Pittsburgh will long remember the enjoyable doy wc spent there. I was especially glad to get acquainted with new faces Sphit-O-Grams ST. LOUIS. Mo.—Activities during the summer months are usually in a lull stage, which points that we have estra time on our hands which can be put forth into our current membership campaign. We Spirits are in campaign district 3 and thus far oui leader is the popular Badger Sec y Fi ances Debelak, with 15 juveniles and three adsR* to her credit. The Spirits oilier i s will mett to discuss the campaign as we must (no maybe) attain our assigned quota of new members. Cash awards sre g|ven for enrolling new members. Our May dance was another successful event added to our list of many. Thanks to our committee chairman, Joe Johnson, O. Markoff. Sis. Vertovsek, Frank Mahnich, likewise to our faithful workers and donators. All proceeds from the ticket sale on the beautiful doll donated by Mrs. Tessie Johnson (Joe's mother) were turned to our Juvenile Circle. The doll was won by Mrs. Aidich Sr, from Springfield, 111. who was . in attendance with friends, the Zaverls. *Her daughter-in-law Mary ia the Lincolnite Circle director. Also with as from Springfield were Cele Yortz, sister Ann Bamch and Sylvia Homez. Come back again, folks! Our Sec y Adella Markoff won the portable radio. All in all we had an enjoyable evening, altho to many of us the date "May 8" was something more than just the date of the Spirits dance. It was V-E Day—plus three year*. In three short years our bigwigs have talked nothing but World War III. So what was all the tooting and celebrating? Today reluctantly and with heavy hearts the American people mturt face the fact that their supposo-to-be peace woo by the sweat of their brows and the blood of their sons is slowly slipping from their grasp. Seems as if the United Nations^machinery is gradually rusting away and its basic principles abandoned. The Sane May Day dance was a grand success, due to the wonderful response from the coal miners in our Illinois towns. From Witt came Luka Podbregar, our champ booster Steve Matkovich and wife. No-komis, Jacob Janesh, his daughter Cecilia and son. Gillespie, Pete Mencek, wife and son, and Frank Bozich. Springfield, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Banich (C. Yartz' parents), Mr. and Mrs. John Dixer, Mary Ann Felber, Rudy Kerar (Lincolnite), Magdalen Krmelj, Lora Devries, and Johnny Philiipich. Ben Id, the Krall family. Belleville, Mr. and Sis. Francos Zimmerman. Sis. Julia Krall was runner-up. Sis. Ducoto donated an attractive Mother's Day cake. Quite an artistic job of decorating and delicious too. Sis. Ida Kaon and the waiter also donated %akes for the social. Cooemauffh Valley SNPJ Ball League JOHNSTOWN. Pa—At a special meeting held May 17. the following softball schedule and rules were adopted by these lodge representa -tivs: William Zabric, Triglav 82; John Bubo la and Matty Oreskovich, Adria 3; Joe Gomilar, John Gomilar njeatuig. All Circle #9 members are requested to attend the May 28 meeting to be held at 3900 S. Broadway. Bro. Ed Horvatin was selected from a groun of about 200 Navy bfficers stationed at the local Lamberts Field and sent-to Chicago to Study Navy personnel Our Circle will present a Father's I f - Larry Langerholc Trojans 749. Day program at their Regular June 28 Janw* J Trofino athletic director meotuls. All Circle «9 members are io» district I. called and presided at the meeting. AW games at the Conemaugh Volley SNPJ Softball League wiU be played on Sundays, the schedule starting on May 30 and ending Aug. 15. Starting time for games will be 4:30 p. m., d. s. t. with half-I hour grace. The outstich ball will The remains of Pfc. Martin Brincic'** and a11 Piayep8 "}ky gloves. Absolutely no spikes will be allowed. Adria's home-field is at Tenth ave. and Broad St., Cambria Crty. Triglav and Trojans will use Zolbe Park, Lorain Boro. At this time I wish to welcome back into the league, Adria. Lodge No. 3. I remember their swell sportsmanship from baek in 1940, when this league had a total of six teams; the former Flood City and Friendly City Lodges, now known as. the Trojans; South Fork, Bon Air, Triglav, and Adria. From what our scouts say, Adria is the team to beat this year, so stay on your toes, men. TJiat trip to the SNPJ Softball Tournament in Milwaukee is worth fighting for—an award not offered by any local league. That is just one of the many advantages of belonging to a national fraternal organization like the SNPJ. May I suggest that this schedule be clipped out by managers and players for future reference? Let's have a big turnout at^he opener— Trojans vs. Adria—Sunday, May 30, at 4:30 p. m. d. s. t., at the Tenth ave. and Broad st. Field in Cambria City. May 30—Trojans at Adria June 6—Trojans at Triglav 1 " 13—Adria at 1>iglav " 20—Adria at Trojans . " 27—Triglav at Adria July i—1Triglav ^t Adria " 11—Trojans "*at Adria " 18—Trojans at Triglov " 25—Adria at Triglav Aug. 1—Adria at Trojans " 8—Triglav at Trojans " 15—Triglav at Adria LARRY LANGERHOLC, 749. and to become teacquainted withers. Lawrence Starman Granite Integrity Broadcast Willard Lodge 196 Gives Dance Sunday WILLARD. Wis-Sunday. May M. there will be a big dance at Wit-laid sp<>n»oted arniot and Ju venile groups of I a idge IBS Admts sion 50« Music will tie fuiniahed Mr Mike Briski and his musicians, Ther« will he plenty of drmks arid eats for all Everybody welcome, ww ludir^ neighbm mg lodges MARTIN KIRN Scr y you are not twkuig it to heart; it Is tteconung a painful matter for the CHICAUO.-The tegular monthly secretary to be a fiaternal secretary meeting of U*dgr 831, will lie Fri- ■ Please go by the rules and by-laws, •lay. May 2« at 8 p. m at 2741 W | to pay your duea on time and don't Noith ave Please attend. Hi othei Paul, Sitlet has paaaed ewav on Xuiiilay morning. May 33 He *uit known by many Kanwoa members, lot he hails from Kan««* lie 1!« thr ixother of our Biolher' (>tto Sitter and lather of our juvenile Patsy Hitter. We extend our sympathy to his wife and family. The Intrgiity members have done their fraternal datiee by accompo* n> hik him to his final resting place Suk members; Stsler Mary Ter-sitwi oui treasurer, Sister Antonia B - dik Htftter Molly Zordani, and Suin Julia Hrtgles who underwent an r>|w at urn Pleaae pay them a We wiah them a «peedy re- Ih Visit eo% < r v Allied and Jean Kaltingei have •">n>e the ptood parents of a beby gt«l, Sandia Ann Brother Idiots Ko/tik u »pending his vacation in K«n»ek According to the grapevine i»t>"it he is btoahmg up on being a far met It h«*a ( apreaeed an often aU. it i»«)ing your dues on time and the old. The Sharon lodge made a splendid showing* In their bowling and they certainty treated Johnstown very nlam^ Thanks again for the lift on y6ur chartered bus. Hope you* can eWarter a bus once more and join Johnstowners in (tome of their good times. How about planning to attend our ball on June 2nd? We'd sure like to see a lot of out-of-towners there, when Frank! Yankovic plays for us at the spacious Westmont ballroom. I was pleased to receive a letter, the other day from Sis. Mildred Btrnick of the Detroit Wolverines. They are all showing a wonderful! spirit of fraternalism and cooperation by raising money to help in financing the bculding of the New Slovene Dom in Detroit. Members of Trojans 749 if you wish to know how you can help a sister lodge of SNPJ and perhaps you yourself be a winner, please contact me. Once again a reminder of our new meeting date, the second Friday evening of each month at 7:30 at the Slovene Hall in Lorain Boro. Now that the warmer weather is with us. turn out in laiger numbers. • Don't forget another important date—June 2nd. Dancing at the W««tmont Grove ballroom from 8 to 12. Music furnished by Frankle Yankovic and the Yanks of Cleveland Tickets are now on sale at Al Page's Electric Center and at the Moxham Radio Repair Shop on Village. also many Trojan members are distributing them for sale including yours truly Be seeing you at the Grove. DOROTHY GLAVACH. Secy Lloydefl Lodge No. 60 Holds Dance Sunday LLOYD ELL. Ps.—It seems that the Vagabonds from Sharon made another hit at our American Slovene Hall, so much that we en gaged them ttgain by popular de mend for a day In November Everyone present at the May 18 dance had a wonderful time. Thanks, folks, for pwiing We are holding another dance on May M ami at this dance we are having the well known Smiling Joe Kovacic from Yukon to play your June a We all congratulate you. j favorite polkas and waltres He al-Samuel Bohinee and wish you and *« I»*«*1 «'hen he played Miss CHsahrth FitigeraM of Charle '<»' January that he will be rot. Pa., much happineaa back by popular demand . . . . ! A cordial invitation is extended We wiah to correct an error that l(> frW, „„d nrfgh was poWLhed several weeks ago, h FRANK R WODN1CK Jr. City, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Vukovich and John Sedej. The latter three also attended the Splits dance. Thanks to all of you who have traveled such a great distance to sup-poft a goo< esuse. You will long be remembered. The? combination radio was won by Tony (Lisa<) Leach of West Frankfort, III. Hi is a brother of- our supreme board member, Bro. Rudy Lisch. (Rudy, your purchase whs not In vain as it's in the family anyway, but oh the distance.) The heating pad was won by Mrs. Permo from Witt, broiler by M. (Cepak)> Hoffman from St. Genieve, Mo„ and Reynolds pen by Mary Impost« (107). Thanks to all the lodges and Sane members for your cooperation. Sis. Theresa Speck donated the cakes and the writer applo strudel. Extra special thnnks goes to our good will ambassador (to Illinois), Bro. Ciril Medved, former sec'y of Lodge 107, who was responsible that we had such a large Illinois delegation* Bro. Medved. alone, turned in to the SANC $88 for hts sales It Is quite a record. We thsnkr him for sacrificing his time, wear and tear of hie car and gsaoline. Then we have some Slovenes who have more than these foundry workeia and coal miners, will ever have, but it was too much for them to purchase a 25c ticket. ^ PevaoBolai — From Cleveland. Tex as. we had Joe Po?i visiting friends here and in Staunton Telia us Ihst there sre only about four Slovene families out of 19 still residing in this Texas town. Bro. John Sedej and his folks irotored to Joliet. HI. recently. Glad to see Sis. Julia Krall up and around after a 8 week Illness due to an Injury on a bus. Refused to report on the sick list and topped it by donating $5 to the lodge for being unable to attend the Mav dance. What fraternalism? Thanks' Congrats to Cousin Victor Spraj-car on his recent marriage. Hope to see both of you attend the Spirits functions now that you will make St. Louts your home. Uncle Rudolph Sprajcar ahd son Val from Joliet were here for a few davs v anting relatives Our heartfelt sympathy to the Leopold family m Nay tor uptm the k** of thetr mother Correction: Last week's writer^-a kterni staled Mrs. Leo Jeremovk was my statei it should have been Leo JereMiovtc is my brother, Members, remember our June meeting will be held June It instead of June II due to the ConeOrdia Turners two day festival. Good to see the Vanderwarbei ■ al the laet meeting, but we lotaaed Sta. Mary Schmidt We bad a| mighty good May meeting attend p ance The juveniles under the di- a red ion of Director Tlllte Ducole I u preeented a nier Mother's Day peo-aram with 14 youngsters partldpet ing A bouquet was preeented to the oldest mother preeent which waa Jr. who was a member of Lodge 250 are being returned to this coun> try. Martin was killed in action in El Guthar, Tunisia, North Africa, on March 29, >943, when he'was 27 years old. He was the son of our wrt-known fraternalists, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Brincic of MadiBon. 111. Probably many St. Louisians who recently witnessed the Larry (Buster) Crabbe's 'Aqua Parade" at tha Arena, didn't.know that the featured performer was the famed Croatian Helen Crlenkovich. considered the greatest woman diver of all time, ^ne won her first riational diving title when she defeated Margie Gestring and turned pro in 1946. The Spirits who traveled to Detroit for the tourney were Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hervatin, Mr. land Mrs. Ed Jasper. Mr. Snd Mrs. Ed Har-vatin, Ida, Al and Bobby Kacin, John and Fay Losterni, Geo. and Odella Markoff, Sophie Vertovsek, John and Anne Spiller. We enjoyed every minute of our stay. Believe the Spirit cheer-leaders had the rival lodge bowlers spellbound, especially Strabane, Ask Joe Marvich and Cleveland's Joe Bradock. Meeting again our SNPJ fraternalists such as Fifolt, the John I&iks, Kum-ers, Samnnich. Lisch, Banich, Ann Opeka, Lotrich, Vrhovnik and many Others was worth the trip alone. Yours truly met in Detroit Cousins Steve and Tony Sprajcar for the first time in 24 years. Returning home we jpined the ABC bowling group on the train, and what entertainment we had till 3 a. nf. We never will forget the trip, especially our m$n bowlers who captured 1st place in Class B. Hope we can all attend the 194« tourney In Indianapolis. Spirit members on the sick list are Angela Boranich, Mary Petrovich Sr.; Stanley Schober and Anton Hervatin. Send them a card of cheer. ANNE SPILLER. Report of National Duckpin Tournament The 14th annual Nat'l SNPJ Duckpin Tournament held at Pittsburgh, Pa., on May 2, 1948, drew an enlry of 47 teams, 109 doubles and 169 singles. The number of team entries exceeded all other tournaments to set a new record. The amount of pri:*e money distributed among the wihners totdl $370.00. This also ia a record. The winners in the various events, respective scores and prizes are as follows: Man'a Taam levant Scora Prtsa Veronlana SSO. Verona Keyatonara 76S, Sharon M Stars (Mft. Ptltaburih M Star* MS. Pittsburgh Ixxlae s, Svsan "Reveltara «#!>. Ambrldflf lodenSSt. Moundavlllc. W Va • Revvuars 61», Ainbridi* •l.fKixc « Svaan 'UodRa 8, Sygan s. 'Kaystonera 7S5. Sharon , S3A5 «30 00 2321 SO SO 2300 2293 221 fi 1000 7 50 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 t*> Con«olation awards Man's Doubl»« P SabocM-P Mel In (715) . »61 91200 J t')cich-A Fabec («»» iras 4 00 J Paretic M. Parent (AM) (OS 400 Man • Stag lee R Koeele 'SM' 534 tío OS J Lautar 522 S.00 J Ulctrh ISSAi 5IS 400 M Prretlc * iSBoi SOS 200 T Tratar 500 2 SO A Mpolarlc'i iSWi SOU 200 Man's All Evern» J, Pera tic isao» . . .. 1543 II« Man's Nigh Steele Oa me J. Vidinar i«M> «M S sos J. PrrrllC t««0> 224 so« A Fabec ISS5» 220 4 00 Women ■ Taam Ceeel remata 7IS. Universal IS33 sao ta Lodge S. Sygan I7M 20110 Vgionian» sM Varona I7M IS 00 l.mtge 7. Clarissa * I7SA 7 M Comets 715. Untxeraal Í7IS 5U0 't.ucfcy Stan 7IS. Impeilal 500 •JolU In Sgg l.ibrar* SIM 'Cometa 715. Universal 5l» ' Kr > «tonei» 7M abaren 51« *Ke>«tonara YM Sharon • 500 I'l Omaelation award Wassel« O Kauere Yr tela-A Bfrtovic <11*1 t* rv»nne « Kaber iSSS. ytknvich r CeaWtlle «tl A UpaaSv isen YaSevlHt iTi NMievtr 'TIS» Yene ta ittSl Oi angla <41 Sehmuciw ill S Ml A Vanara <1ISi i mtelHr rtr Vana to dlSi Ua Dnnn« tOsai T»r.| SSI StISO «77 SOS SP« 4 ne »et '4M 7M 4M i 4S7 HO M am SM 40g 4M MS IM »1 2 aa Me „ isn t SM Oeme 1 SM IM SM IOS 4M irroM LARRY I ASSOL Tourney Chairman Reveliers Column AMBRIDGE, Pa.—It's been a long time since a Revelier column has appeared in the pages of the Pro-sveta, but its absence was due largely to the fact that our lodge activity had somewhat slackened dufin^ the time between the closing of the bowling season and the opening of the softball season. Incidentally, the mention of the closing of the bowling season brings to my mind the fact that the result of our Revelier Duckpin League was never announced in our column. The season ended with the first half champs, the Cavaliers, and the second half champs, the Strugglers rolling a three game match to determine the season's championship. At the close of the three games, when the pins were tallied, it was discovered that the match ended in a tie. therefore, another frame had to be rolled between the teams in order to decide the winner. The result of the additional frame gave the Cavaliers claim to the title '1948 Revelier Duckpin Champs.'' Congratulations! Congratulations too to Bih and Anne Knnfelc on the addition of a baby girl to the family and to Rudolph L. Rosenherger who is planning to wed in June—the lucky girl being Dot Moder of the Pittsburgh Morning Stars. The Revellers are now in the midst of planning a gcries of picnics to be held during the summer. All are requested to watch this column for the date* which are to be announced shortly. The popular- Slovene Rozmarin Singing Society of Am bridge, of which quite a few of our Reveliers are members, are holding their first concert since their reorganisation on Sunday. May 30. at the King Auditorium, Melrose Avenue. Am-bridge. The concert will begin at 5:80 p. in. No doubt many of you have heard this group perform. They were quite active in prewar years, however with the Call of most of their men to the armed forces during the war, the group waa forced to disband. As the rren returned from their duty interest in reorganizing grew until in October of 1947 the group reorganized and since that time have been working towards their goal—the concert which is to be held on May 30 I atr suie you will ail want to hear thia group again perform under the direction of their old in ftructor. Mr. Michael Halovach Both Slovene end American numbers will be rendered and. in addi tion aa guest performer they will have tenuis Stanisha. well-known accordionist Immediately following the eocnert a dance will be held with music to be furnished by Johnny Vadnal and his Victor R«c-ording orcheatra of Cleveland. Thr R^garin Singing Society invite all then SNPJ friends to be in attend «nee at their concert What do you all say—"Remember May JO"* MARGIE " MD6EBLANB NEWS MILWAUKEE. vWii. —Our con-gratulations to Frank Jcnko and Gerald ine Schoeneck who were mar-ried May 8. On May 15, John Pak-lar and Bernice Kokalj were united in matrimony. Johnny is the president of the Badger lodge. Again our sincere congrats and best wishes to both couples. Frances Debelak, our energetic sec'y, came thru in the Slovene Woman's Union receqt bowling tour-ney in Chicago with a 52« for second in the singles. The Badger girls' loofl went thru their final paces last week. The champs are the Ya-Ya-You-Got-It-Good Club. The team was sponsored by Joe and Marie (Lonkner) Busch. The team was composed of Ann Evancich, Evelyn Erickson, Pat Stram, Marge Hoffman, and Lill Hammei Mry 21—Yes sir, folks, this is the date of our regular monthly meeting. The regular routine of business will be taken care of and then we will have something different in the way of entertainment. It will be called "A Night in Slovenia." Po-tica and klobase there will be plenty and music you will love to listen to. Also some novel acts will be put on by the membership. So make it a date, you Badgers, and be sure to bring some other Badger along who has not been to a meeting lately. Place, Rebernisek's hall, S. 6th nad W. Bruce st. July 25—This is the date of the annual Badger picnic. It will be held at Sagadin's Grove, S. 38th and W. Burnham st. Don't forget, folks, that the membership drive is in full swing. Get that new member now and (fxplain the benefits derived from belonging to the SNPJ. Three Badgers are on the sick list. They are Agnes Martin, 6744 W. Monona ave., Matt Smole Sr., 1124 S. 58th St., and Ursula Gaspe-ric who is at the Highland Nursing Home. 3009 W. Highland ave. Visit the sick whenever possible. It is your fraternal duty at all time and will help the sick person get on the road to recovery. Another^important item that the members fverlook is that so many m6ve to a new address and fail to notify the sec'y. And then on top of that they wonder why they don't get the weekly edition of the Pro-sveta. So when moving, please notify the sec'y at once. A recent visitor to our city was Rudie Pugel of Detroit who's done right well by himself in bowling sleepers in and around the city. SALTY. 584 (Ed. note: Sorry; your airmail letter postmarked May 17, 1:30 pm, reached us after last week's paper went to press.) FLASHES SANS Meeting This Weekend CLEVELAND—The three Cleveland chapters of SANS. Nos. 30. 48, and 106, are hosts this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, May 29 and 30, to officers of feANS chapters in Slovene communities from many corners of our country. Committee meetings will be in session on Saturday and Sunday morning, and on Sunday afternoon, beginning at 4 o'clock, an interesting and varied program will climax the weekend's business and the work of the year. Etbin Kristan. honorary chairman of SANS and F. A. Vider, its national chairman, are to speak on SANS projects and current developments in the national and international scene. Mr. Kristan has been the guiding star of SANS since its inception, and his messages never fail to provide real inspiration and stimulating ideas. Mr. Vider, always a forceful and fervent speaker, will report on SANS progress and problems. Since one of SANS's projects this year is to work for the election of a liberal and understanding president. it is most fitting that a third speaker add his voice to those of Mr. Kristan and Mr Vider. It seems like a very long time since a candidate for public office has expressed hie awareness that one of our country's richiesl resources is the weave of minority and nationality groups into our notion's tapestry Roosevelt recognised that ncbness. and it influenced him deeply. It was not llp-servicc. but a guide for action with him It is regrettable that we had to wait so long for such a president, and more regrettable still, that this social intelligence was not inherited by his successor. ■ • • One man. however, fully appreciated Roosevelt's insight, and he has added some deeper awarenees of his own. in many respects he comes much closer tn the people s problems than FDR ever did— but then the problems have rrultl-plted and intesified almost daily Mnre F D R died As his envoy to the Slovene eom> munity in Cleveland and to SANS visitors. Henry A. Wallace sends a most distinguished speaker. Arthur D Km J in. Director of the Nationalities Division. National Walleee for President Committee, who with HO tie'rgales from 24 nationalities for* mulated a plan of action at the By Donald J. Lotrich CHICAGO—The Pioneers held a good meeting last Friday night with a reasonable attendance. We went through the formality of approving eleven medical reports, accepted 1 new member and 2 by Uansfer and discussed several subjects spiritedly. Josefoh Jereb, secretary of the Sunday Interluslge Bowling League, presented the Pioneer girls with a trophy for winning the women's division title. We selected John and Ida Simon and Mayme Cerkoney to represent us at the Educational Bureau conference in Milwakee on June 6. Bowling was the predominating activity in the past few months, so we heard all types of bowling reports, but we didn't have any scores from Detroit as yet. Several nominations of new members were made and the secretary passed out a number of applications for membership. • • • Josephine Mersol tells us that 24 Pioneer girls are already signed up for next year's league. Others wanting to bowl should notify us soon, so that a larger league can be arranged, if necessary. Among the men, Frank Kulhanek, Carmen Piz-zuto, John Cherway, Frank Carr, Frank Sodriik, Charles Rak, John Rak, John Hode, Frank Bregar, Edward Podbevsek and Sam Reven have been placed on the reservation list. If we can get all of the bowlers signed up in advance, we will be able to start the new season in September as we never have before. So, tet's go, boys, and sign up right away. Send your name in to the Pioneer secretary, to Frank Groser or Josephine Mersol.—To keep in trim for the next season, Mitzi Crernich is rolling in the summer league at the Cascade Alleys. • • • We have added Joseph Ambrose Sr./1816 S. 56th Ct., Cicero, Anne Beniger, Billings Memorial Host)., and Andrew Misko. 2427 S. Hamlin ave., to the sick list. The list includes Louis Kramer, Angela Kal-usha, Rosemary Zbasnik, Ann Taut, Frances Hunter, Clara Bakule, Fred Gricnik, Johanna Klancnik and Matt Videgar. We hope our members will get around to visit them —C ongressman Sabath reports that he had contacted Secretary of State Marshall on May 6. protesting against the executions of so many political prisoners in Greece. To quote a part of his letter will give some idea of his attitude about this matter. Here is just one sentence: "I feel it manifestly inhuman to so ruthlessly execute so many of these people, especially in view of the fact that they actually fought with us and against Nazism." We hope more of you will write letters to the Congressmen and the President against the treachery of those who now run Greece. • • • That brings us down to the Mundt bill which was passed by the House of Representatives last week. The Pioneers went on record to write their Senators and urge them to vote against this bill, because this bill will enable the Fascists in this country to put a straightjacket on democracy. Let's hope that more of you will write to your Senators and to the President. It is pitiful that our country has to fear the things this bill provides against. It has been said so often that good wages, security, freedom and a good living are the best bulwarks against cum-munism. The only way communism can thrive Is, if we deprive the people of all the good things to which they are entitled under a good democracy. We are glad that the SNPJ-executive committee saw fit to ••n-list the help of the lodges to combat the evil forces which want to turn this country over to the Fascists. There is a real danger that this will happen unless the people are aroused against it. • • • You hear so much about what the Russians are doing to their "satel-ites" and so little of the truth of what, is really happening, that it Is surprising to read in the Wall Street Journal a report' that Poland is emerging as East Europe's economic fortress More important the Czechs and Poles who are traditionally unfriendly are cooperating to build up the industry. The account, indeed shows moee than one would dare expect They are mining more coal and Industrializing theft countries and shipping thetr goods to their neighbors and to Russia Of course the Western Powers don't like this. That may be one more reason why America is hell bent on arming so fast and becoming so powerful with first convention of the new party at Chicago, in April, to meet problems of nationality groups One thing is teitain his message will not bring campaign promises of the tradition al election year variety, for very little of the hew party's campaign conforms to the established, aging practices of American politics Singers from Jadran, Slovan and : Zarja wdl make their own dialinc live, melodic contribution to the program with the music we all love Music will ring out in the amw-x tan, for dancing and singing afut the program Dinner and refresh ment« will he served and ih« camaraderie, as always, will give the evening s hotkey ending VTDA SHIfFRER I weapons of destruction. The bad thing about the industrialization of East Europe is that they are doing it without the help of America and her money. Of course, it is good for the home countries. They barter and exchange goods and thus avoid the transfer of currency. No, nit everything is the way we are told by our press and radio, in East Europe. They are picking themselves up by their boot straps and working furiously to ngbuild the devastation and torture of the lfet war. These countries will definitely pose a problem to Western Europe. Without any Marshall plan, they went to work and are sacrificing much to gain their independence from capitalism. f One hundred years of Associated Press i was triumjkiantly blazoned over the radio last Sunday. Editors picked out the 10 outstanding news accounts oijhe century. And whet were theyT Wars, bloodshed, destruction with attendant agony for the common people. What a shame and a pity that gobd people have to endure such terrible man made horrors. And you give thought to the blessings we could have if properly organized. Indeed, this is a Christian era of bad things, getting worse and more horrid all the time, What folly to £ray for peace and then tat the heads of the governments dash as to war. The dramatization of the ten biggest news stories last Sun-lay made every thinking man an itheist. Yankovic to Play for Trojan Dance JOHNSTOWN, Pa.—Time will allow qpe only this last final reminder to come to the Trojan dan^e, and polka and waltz to the musia of Frangie Yankovic and hia Yanks The date is the second of June and the place is the spacious and beautiful .Westmont Grove Ballroom. Dancing will start at 8 p. m. so that those who must use public transportation will have time to catch that last bus or streetcar, without noissirtg any of the dancing. Remember June 2, at 8 p. m. at the Westmont Grove. Last week we held our first meeting at the nfw time, namely, tho second Friday of the month. Since both the president and vice president were absent, Larry Langerholc presided and did a good job. It was decided at this meeting to enter a team in the Conemaugh Valley Softball IeagGo of SNPJ Lodges./ As far as I could gather, Larry Langerholc will again hold the reins, and even if they are not a winning team they sure are a group of good sports—that much they did prove last year—and I'm pure that they will always strive for the highest standards of sportsmanship. We have on the sick lilt Theresa Sgontz, Verne Allcndorfer and Stella De Polo. On behalf of the membership I wish you all a very speedy recovery. At this time I wish to extend to Bob Swartey and his wife, our deepest and very sincere sympathies on the recent death of their infant daughter. Bob Is an active member of lodge Trtglav. Two juvenile and three adult members were proposed at our May meeting. Keep up the good work, members, and surpass that goal of fifteen by a great margin All the Trojan members wish to join me in congratulating the Tri-flav bowling team in winning the Conemaugh Valley SNPJ tenpin league trophy. It sure is a beauty, and is on display in the Moxhan Slovene Hall. The bowling season wai a huge success both in the tenpin and duckpin leagues Even greater plans are in the making for the coming season, plans that will include room for many more of our lodge bowlers, so plsn to join us this coming fall. John and Ann Gelles, our members for many years, plan to open their new bowling slleys this August The alleys are In Geistown, and they will have twelve new lanes at our disposal. Congratulations. John and Ann. You have undertaken quite a big job and again the members join me in wishing you the greatest success in your new location. W<- are trying to work up enough Interest to have a mixed tenpin league consisting of bawlst* from the Trojan and Trlglav lodges. This arrangement had proved loads of fun in the Trojan inter lodge league, and should be even more so with t'. e keen competition now es istlng between these two branches. Work on this, lads and lassiei, and come next fall, we should have at least fifty bowlers representing the SNPJ at the chosen lanes Now may 1 remind the fans of Stan Kobel and his Airliners that his records are released and'on sale at the Page Electric Center and the Moxham Slovene Mall. You will afko have the opportunity to get these records and Yankovtc's popular ones at our June 2 dance Page will have a selection of the most popular records of these fwo fin* Slovene bands, of which we should all be very proud, either for you to order or take home Plan to attenl the dsne* Yankovic and his Yanki |o furnish the mt'sk All you pol ka lover» from Youngs town, Ohio Juvenile Circlet el the SNPJ Sygan Circle 36 Honors Mothers SYGAN. Pa.—On Sunday. May 9, members of Circle 36 - presented a eiylet, entitled, "Mother Has Her y," at the Slovene Hall at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Tbis was part of the Mother's Day program, which with individual speeches and acting was a huge success. After the program the visitors were served cake and coffee, and the mothers were presented with hundkerchie*- crocheted by then daughters. The girls danced until five to recprus played on the newly purchased combination radio phonograph We extend our appreciation to Mrs. Christine Banauty who offered her living room set for the stage setting. Thsnki alio go out to all otheri who helped make the program a success ELIZABETH BARUFALDI Assisl-nt Director. Circle Nq. Z Reportinf CLEVELAND.—Members of Cir-cle No. 2 honored their Moms on Mother's Day with a short program( and tea. Upon arrival each parent was present^} with a carnation. The program consisted of various vocal and instrumental numbers, and po^mi pertaining to Mother'i Day afyer which tea and cookies were served Delores Kaucic and Anne Lipoid served as hostesses pouring the taa for the guests and members. A few of the Civcle members alio attended a lecture held at the Slovene Home on St Clair on May 12. Two noted ipeakers from Chicago, Donald Heuon and his wife, Marie Betton presented a very fh-tereiting-talk entitled "Inside Jugo-tiavia". I'm sure all who attended found the talk vary educational and enlightening. • With the coming of nice weather the memberi decided to have their social meeting at May at Euclid ] Creek Reservation on Sunday. May ' 16. The day dawned sunny and very warm as we all started out for the park, First on the program was a ball game with the group divided Into two teami. As lunch time approached the boys built a fire and all of us roast ed wieners. How delicloui they aro when roasted over ah upen fire! After lunch the group hiked alonn one of the park's nature trails and climbed Bald Eagle, noted cliff at the park. When they came back to the picnic grounds they played badminton and a few, games, and as evening approached headed for home a tired bunch of boys and glrli looking forward to the next outdoor affair, ,v » NADA ZAGAR, Asst Dir. SNPJ Wolverine Lodge DETROIT—Many events of Importance have occurred during the pait month. The must notable uf these was the National SNPJ Rowling tournament held here In April. No reports on the dance were given at our meeting lait Friday night 10 things are still indefinite. Wolverine! are certain of their ihare of the trophies lince four events wive won by our Wolverine members. When reports are official the winners will be notified and congratulated. As you know the recipient of our Benefit Parly held at John R Hall last month was lggy Cherntv lggy has been quite sick for many, many monthi. He has been an SNPJ member for years and li verv well known amongst the Slovene» in Detroit. His friends congregated at the Club one Saturday and filled it to capacity, lggy vtgM overwhelmed with gratitude when tho committee visited him a few days later. He wanti me to send to you his deepest thanks and gratitude to all hia many friends for remembering him in his time of peed and for making such a fine gesture in his behalf. We Wolverines were happV to be of some help and all we ask is for you to get well loom Igav The Wolverines have entered a team in tho Class B Royal Oak Softball League. Their first game was played lest Thuiaday without any practice, against a CIO team. After 8 innings of play it ended in a 1-1 tie. Cy Repovsh did a superb job of pitching with 18 strikeout* and only allowing I hit. The Wolves got 7 hits Al Padar and AI Bcrnick are 4n charge of the team and are asking for more good player^. Uniforms will be furnished the boys by the lodge so if you are interested contact one of the two boys. The ichedule will be published as soon ae possible, and we want a cheering section to follow our team. All Wolverines having tickets for the ^rawing being held at Welcome Park on July tS are asked to dispose of them as soon as possible and turn In your stubs to Hcrchie Ma< roley or myself Proceeds from this drawing go towards building out-New SND in Detroit. Prises Include a new Chevrolet sedan, Phil-co refngei «tor, and a combination radio and phonograph Anyone de siring tickets for this drawing can write me at 15830 Tuller avf, Do-trait SI, Mich. The cooperation we Wolverines are getting from the outatate lodges is deeply gratifying. Carolyn Zalaker of Yukon, Pa„ Stanley Zupan of the Loyalties, , Peto Benedict and John Jane out in i California are tust a few of those helping us. Dorothy Glavach of tho ... o • . w Trojans in Johnstowh, Pa. sent ftn CHICAGO, III-Son.e of us have ,ddlUonai book< mTompanylng her been so busy the past few weeks, with .. nice friendly letter, weve had little time for any other h,vt, ,hown u, lhut amI Mu ikimMla aIIiaii I MUM lt«aulii.' , m- % . , the Fraternal spirit of the Slovene« Progressive Slovene Women News Family Helpmate By DOROTHY SODfflK I think we all have a liking f >r apple itrudel, and with the weather still a little chilly this hot pastry will hit the ipot. There are many different fillings that can be used for strudel besides apples. This is a matter of taste und experimenting of course. Here is my receipe for apple itrudel: cup lukewarm water, 1 egg, I tablespoon melted butter or shortening, 2VS cup lifted bread flour, 1 tap aalt, about 6 medium sized apples, Vfc cup raisins, cup brown sugar (or white), cinnamon, butter. Measure flour and reilft with sail Into a bowl. Make a well In the center of flour Combine, water, egg and melted butter and pour into wall gradually stirring, until the flour has beep thoroughly moist' ened and the dough is itiff Knead on a lightly floured board until dough ii shiny. Cover and let stand 15 minutes. For the filling peel and slice apples, add raiiins (if raisins are very dry rinse with boiling hot water), sugar and cinnamon, mixed together. Roll and stretch dough to paper thinness, Spread filling ever dough, dot with 2 iable»poons butter and roll like a jelly roll. Place in a long shallow pan spiead with butter and bake in moderate wen tor about one hour, until itrudel 1» browned and applei tender. For a different taste try a litUe almond flavoring In the tilling mixture In the sewing rooeni With this ■ew look, I've been' busy kiting down and facing the hems on all my dresses So mitny of the girli I know have ii*en complaining that when they lower hems and send the dresses to the cleaners, the old hem tine ii ttill very much In evidence. This is on drersset or skirts that mult be dry cleaned, the washable ones are no trouble at all. Before rending my dresaes 1» the degnets. I lowered all the hems, faced them, but did not them I ipread the hem "pen on • bead board placed on my ironing board and with a piece of clean wet toweling rubbed ruep on the old here line I rubbed hard bit not roughly and steadily to cover the extra work other than our regular chores. Wo did so want you to know what a nice meeting we Progressive Women held in May The attend ance was very good. Meeting was shortened because the children of Perfect Circle were there to present one of their good programs. Gloria Bohlnc and Frances Vider attended the State Progressive Party cupventiun and gave enthusiastic report«. Numination for new members were made: Agnes Gross,(Pauline Lusbi and Jöicphine Me#ec. Ann Sannomann, dneetor of Perfect Circle, brought her troupe of performers and they did a mighty fine job. Sylvia f"'!*1' and Ella Mae Selak acted as mistresses of ceremonies. Jb Anne Rak gave a nice recitation. Myra Beniger and Grace Ann G • r d a it c gave two beautiful piano duet iclcctioni, 'Tales From the Vienna Woodl", '¿¡TJ^I and another number. Judy Zasl-dil played two lovely lelectiom on the piano, Norman Sodnik and Bobby Novak gave very cute recitation! about Mom. J. Rihek played several selection! on the aoenrdinn. "Mother's Little Helpen," recited by Mildred Pokorncy, Marlene Po korney, Leila Gratchner, Evelyn Urea, Ellen Andres, and Doris Tro-jar,'all were very sweet verses and well done. Cute little Alice Oer-danc received extra applause in her long and dance. Milena Medveiek surprised us all in her little Slovene recitation. Marilyn Reven concluded the program with several accordion selections and was graciously received. The Progressive Women want to thank Ann Sannemann and the Perfect Ci^le for such a nice on tertaintng program. We appreciated your talents! Because the program was a tribute for Mother's Day- as a special feature—the committee decided to honor two mothers. Antoinette IJr-banz, our vice president, presented a little gift to our youngest mothei piesent. who was none other than Stephanie Rodman. Was she sui prised? Stephanie in turn piesent ed a lieautifuJ plant to our oldest n other present, who was none oth or than Agnes Plrc, It was a lovely presentation, Stephanie, beautifully done on such a sui prise notice. Both mothers were sp ihrllled al these nice surprises. Refieshments 'were served C'hll-dien were served flist so they could be on their way and then us grownups followed We had delicious homemade cakes made and donated by Mary Andres, KlixabeUi Kurer, Frances Margolle ind Frances Bas kovttr These ladles did the sriV' Ing too All lei all, it was art eve nlng well spent foi we had a ginnd time A rttmindttr for you Progjessivv Women that our nest neetlng is just aiound the coiner again Wednesday, June 2, at Slovene ImImii Cenler, at 8 p m We will have ie-ports by our delegates to the con ventlon held in Cleveland two weeks ago. and from reports they accomplished a lot in one day s session After the meeting we'll have Rhena Pearce lecture about her Uip thru Europe, including Jug<«slavla, and 1 understand she'll have pictures of beautiful Slovenia, alio those she Unfk of former Mwyoi La Ouardia when he was with t'NItA In Jugoslavia,. You should try Uj attend Being your friends to hear Ute lecture, Refreshments will con elude the meeting by our able com mittee C. U at meeting on June 2 FRANCES L RAK Her y is still strong and the only way to achieve a means li tn work together. Our (hanks to you ftgte people. Sympathies are extended from the Wolverines to the members of the (Jolcar family on the death of their mother. Mrs. Mary Qeloir, Oft May 16. Burial was in Addison, New York. Oddi and End«.~Vacatinn dayi are starting and we find Vllma Ocepek In Oklahoma with her family,—Lao and Bertha Bern tela took little Donny to Cleveland to Intro-duce him to hii new relatives. Helen Klucevsek and Irene Golcir traveled to Kalamaitoo to bowl in the Women's State Tournament — Al Bcrnick and George Purpich bought themselves a boat and promptly christened it "Lulu."— Congratulations to Rudy and Charlotte Benedict on their second haby you folks knop that Frank Yankovic spent Sunday afternoon entertaining the Veil at Dear- Lily Social Club, SNPJ Lodge 764 MILWAUKEE. Wis.—The bowl-ing tournament which was held in Madison on May !ft didn't put us in first plabe but oven though we had a wonderful time while visiting there. Soma of the group left early and 'visited (he Catutul. Wisconsin Dells (Fat Man's Misery and Stand Rock were the highlights there), University of Wisconsin, Lake Men-dota and other points of interest. It proved very educational and broadened our interests In our State of Wisconsin On May 16 tiie men s lodge gavo a card parly which waa a huge success. We all enjoyed being there. Last Saturday we had our bowling party at Kebernlsek's. The trophy was prafented to Mr. Er-meno, who \fras the backer of the winning team. A wonderful time waa had by all due to the fact that ItMN* wag plenty of (Mi drink urni mualc which was played by none other than our talented genluies, Eddie Vidmar and Tommy I^eiko-sek. The following day the club went un lite hike as planned to Whltnall Park, Alter rousting marshmellows, eaUng plenty, playing baseball and doing acrobullca, we survived to tell the tale of having a wonderful Umo, We all came home with our faces browned by the sun. An exuellent weekend was had by all members. ' Best wishes are extended to Lenny 'lioni nil lli< on iiiImms. The operation which Leonard Skihlnski had undergone Mav 17, was successful und he Is on hii way to a rapid recovery. BUTCH. 764 born Veterans Huapilal.—1This weekend will find John and Berchie Mu roley In Sygan, Pa,—I hope Louis«« Pink hai recovered from her illneas so she can take on from hero lineo she has done such a fine jub of ie-poitlng these past four weeks, MILDRED HERN1CK, 677,^ I w I IIIIT-H i ill'i" I" 1 in POSTAL REGULATIONS A SUOOESTlONi Pes ulallons prohibit publishing T In aay way I ralflas ae games al In newspspsrs Papers this lalormalloa ate refused sämliianis la the meÜa kindly eliminate iuah subjects columbia.records Slovenian and Croatian Selections 76c Each frankle Yankovic and Nig Yanks, with John Paeon 1231ft F Bye, Rye, Raby Give Me My Heart Hack 12.139 F Rendezvous Walts (Vatel) Htrabane Polka I23AI F Andy's Jolly Hop Rolling Rock Polka I23AB-F Just Recause (Vocal) A Night In May (Vocal) 12362 F Page Polka Accordion Man 1236ft F Jo Ann (Waltr) Flute o Phone Bktrtlch Bros, Tamhurltsa Orchealra mi r San Ljuhavi Ae to sam se gore dolje 1237 F Kupice pod gorama Mtarl Cilmar 1241 V Malka Nada In Na Marjance polka 1244 F Mandu'llpa niamie Lucia polka 1246 K Pontic kad dodje Jagoda polka 124V F (¿rije si da si moj golube No^na ruta AND MANY OTHKHS SEND FOlt OUR FREE CATALOGUE RECORDS MAILED TO ANY I'AHT OF THE UNITED STATES Send Mum y Older oi C O D. STIMAC HARDWARE II02I OAKLAND - DETROIT 3. MICH. (A Member of Young Amerieani ft«4i will have the opportunity to da nee «nt|r< h«m line oveilai>p«ng so theee to the musk of the Airliners. Mey \ would be no mai ks where I left etff M. at the Peter it Paul hall In Then J took a second piece of towel Youngs town Plan to attend 1 ing soaked R In rlean plain wale» ELSIE CL'LKAR 74V and rimed the soap off thoroughly With a dry towel I rubbed off es cei water und preased it dey with a warm (not hot) iron, Then I first finithed tacking up my hern Yes it s a little work but if the dreae is worth fixing its worn. ailded N^oth | Ainuxin petroleum i>mkjiret «ere 1 aquand« red on two of ihe n»o»t fan- ' tsalie lof'tidea of morit-rn times th* private aulomobtle and the' Gr* at Wsr whirl, began in 1014 Today United State« profiteer« an<1 military foim hsve invaded th« EssUrn Madiln rsnean Ha »in In an effort to Supplement their fa«t-dwindling reeetvea of |*tiol*um Here sre two basic economic forces persistently contradictory in their nature. As man multiplies the population, he decreases his means of subsistence. The third economic force upon which I wish to comment is the transformstion of s use economy into s commodity economy, with the immense growth of over-heaA which this change involves. The hunter, the herdsman snd the fsrmer craftsman feeds, clothes and shelters himself. His labor, for exsmple, on the lsnd, produces the goods and services which he, his family and his/ village require for «urvivel. Pastoral people« following their herds, snd fsrmers tilling the «oil, live» bslsnced, stable lives. Unless nsture fslls them, or unless they are' robbed by «oldier«, brigand« or tax collector«, their economic solvency can be maintained indefinitely. Not. so commodity economy, which is opersted for profit rsther thsn for use. A commodity economy 1« fundamentally unatsbls. It« booms snd busts sre the. inevitsble result of profit sccumulstion. As commodity economy hss replsced use economy, the world hss moVed from s rslstivsly «table or static economy into the modern period of economic uncertainty snd interna-tional highjacking. Yes, I know sbout the fsbulous wealth of ths economic overlord«, and the expansion of the comfort-able middle clssse«, and the gadgets made available to the workers who man the ma«« production nriachines. I al«o know that this wealth, comfort and convenience wss derived from s ruthless squandering of nstursl resources snd s ferolious exploitation of slum-dwelling industrial populations and colonial million«; snd was burned up in the wsr« wsged between groups of rivsl overlords. Anyone who wsnta s concrete exsmple of the economic instsbility of s competitive commodity economy «hould visit the We«t European center where modern commodity production hsd its rise snd esrly development, and which only forty brief yesr« ago wa« (to quote President Truman and the N AM.) "enjoying the highest itsndard of living on earth." s Urbanization Is a fourth fores making for ecunoinic instability. Populations moved from villsgss into cities. In the village they were people. In the city they became numbers. Use economy is fundamentally satisfying. The producer uses hi« product. Commodity economy is essentislly bsffling snd frus-trsting. Man, the rcssoner, the mots! agent, become« a little cog in a big machine. He ceaie« to be an individual and become« a unit of and in the mass. Urbsnites csnnot feed, clothe snd house themselves. They cannot even provide themselves with water, The slightest dislocation throw« thsm into turmoil and psnic. Furthermore, lite urbsn center Is economically psrssitic — «pending more than it produce« and supporting itself by taxing the countryside. v As western man has moved Into the gadget-<*juipped cave dwelling« of the present period, he has not only lobbed himself of the possibility of self spport and built up ovcrluad coats that far exceeded his utmost in productivity, but he has provided his "enemies" (thoae who occupy neighboring rsve dwell« ing») with an Ideal, concontrStcd target for the (error weapons planned in his urban unlvsrsitis« and niutiuf.itluted in hi« urban Is-horalories, and machine ahopa. Again West Kuro|ie provides th« horrible example Not only were its cities the home of modern scl-t n< e unci technology, but they housed the world's most famous educations! institutions It wss ft« m these West European cities that i* inber »quadtons, eqiuped with TNT recently flew across the frontiers to lay waste. In minutes ot hours, the work petfoimed by gt-nt rations of planners, builder« ami artists. Fifth .oie» plmed hy lug business units under ti-ipMtate control and direction. li t. tnationally, m the business Rejoice While Y ou Can By Samuel Grafton A cynicsl woodpecker live« two from the right in s row of Lombsr-dy poplars. Sometimes, by pretending to take s nap. I can Induce him to come down snd discuss public affairs. The other day he lighted on a twig near my hesd, "Wake up," he screamed. "These are the good old days. Get up snd enjoy them." "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well." hs ssid. "just suppose Congress adopts every msjor bill thst's now before, it." A shadow seemed to psss over the sun. "First, there's the drift" he ssid. "Just think ef thst. Pescetime com «cription in Americs." With this, the sbsurd bird of poultry did s burlesque forward march on hi« twig, shrieking 'Twit, two three four. Twit, two three four." "Well, |t will be tough on the youngster," I ssid. 'Tough on the younsters," he' cried. "It'll be s different country. And then you've slso got the Mundt bill moving right slong in Wssh-ington." •Thst won't effect yoo much.'» I ventured to point out. "It won't, hey? Why, for sll yo* know, there might be a Communist woodpecker higher up in this tree. In that case this tree could be formally listed as a Communist front, and it would have to register snd file annual reports. "Oh/ those good old dsysl" he «hrieked. "These sre them." "Listen, you infuristing fowl," I «sid "All I wsnt 1« to take a nap snd—" "And those 830,000,000,000 arm« budgets," he crisd. "Wait 'till you hsve compulsory militsry service, the Mundt Act In force, sll your money going for srms. You'll rs-membsr this ss the yesr of low tsxss, the yesr when Americs wss young " "Do we reslly hsve to mske all of these changes?" J asked. "So you want to keep thing« the way they are? A radlOal. hey?" yowled the tiny creature, doing s pinwhsel «pin. "Thst'» not radical—" I begsn, but he guffawed. "Sure it Is," he «aid, "Nowaday« a conservative is a fellow who wants to change everything, and s radical is one who wants to keep them the way they sre. Theae sre the good old days Hsvs fun, kid." He begsn to climb up the tree backward, with his hesd hsnging down, "What sre you doing thst fofr?" I dsmanded • "I'm practising," he said, "ao that when thsy turn the country upside down I won't notice it." Howling over hi« joke, he flew up snd was lost st once in the green. —(Sun-Time«) the upper crust situation since 1048). ln both esses ths havss pstronise the have-not«, subsidise them snd dictste to them, while the hsve-nots resent, distrust snd finally hate the have«. • Here are five world force« that seldom get into the heudlines, yet they are maker« snd «hske'ta of world policy and of history. Populstion Increase, resource depletion, the growth of a commodity (money) wealth lancer, brewster blast men who put over arab oil deal ft , "You better get up, dear. It's time for your afternoon nap.' —-Life indeed Is hard for Ike upper crust. Broke Promise to Uncle Sana After He ."Saved Them; Pile Up Profit* at Risk of War "The men who haye put over this oil desl ought to be in the peniten-tisry. These men, who hpve called upon Americsn boy« to go into foreign lsnds to protect their oil interests, sre trsitors to America. They ought to surrender their citizenship or have it taken awsy from them.' Those are strong words, .but Senator Lsnger (Rep., N. D.) hsd been listening to a «hocking report by Senator Owen Brewster, chairman of a committe which investigated strange deals between big American oil companies and the United States government. Parts of this story have been told previously in LABOR. Brewster now told it all, and in detail. Arab King Demanded Money Shortly before the wai, Brewster said, two oil corporations—Standard of California and the Texas Company—formed a subsidiary, the Dhahrsn, who came to the State Department." While there on Uncle Sam's payroll, he continued to draw his $27,500 a year "from the very oil company" which was obtaining these expensive favors. Another example was James T. Duce, now president of Aramco. He was "in the Oil Administration," under Harold L. Ickes, while Aramco was negotiating for the hand-outs from Uncle Sam. "In my judgment," Brewster declared, "that is an amazing picturc of corporate greed when our coun- Arabian - American Company, or f try was in its most bitter need. The "Aramco," to exploit vast oil-land oil corporations forgot their pro-concessions obtained from Ibn Saud, mise to Uncle Sam that, 'if you will world-wise ' ktl By ISRAEL EPSTEIN—Allied Labor Hews King of Saudi Arabis. In 1041, the Arab king demanded |fl million a yesr from Arsmco. Its hesds thought up a scheme to make Uncle Sam pay the * money. The scheme was presented to President Roosevelt. He turned it over to Harry Hopkins and Jesse Jones, chief of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation only save us in Arabia, you can have the oil at 40 cents a barrel, at a normal profit'." Big Profit$--No Taxes Brewster also told how Aramco formed two subsidiaries, one incorporated in Canada and one in the British Bahama Islands, and thus avoided paying any tsx to the Unit- Hepkins and Jones said there wa« States °r W other government, no legal way for the American gov ernment to pay the Arab king. But, 'they suggested, Uncle Sam could "lend-lease" the money to Britain, and the lattet could turn- it over to Ibn Saud. < Got |90 Million That was done. The Arab king It seems that the only thing more terrible than the Soviet veto is the Soviet yes. U.S. Ambassador Walter Bedell Smith said some formal^ _ _ _ _ |JB polite words ahput an "open door" to friendly discussion in Moscow snd got $00 mdlion of the Americsn wss immedistely psrslyzed by thst frightening sffirmstlve. The dollar people's money, much more ,than presi used to ssy Americs nseded J ~ ; " he Mked in the first plsce. fhtrgTL, rWripartici£atl°n Thi. cost Aramco nothing, but put in multilateral t res ties Russia the comf>Any -jn solid" with Ibn charge« the U. S. with refitting to ' , „ itm . .. . " . Saed, thus protecting its oil conces- íí! .i. lÁ 'Vit sions. In return for Uncle Sam's tw°ohiní * helP' the comPan* 0romú*d to V^^tdowe«T European« «ay no*? America" at 40 The London Daily Mirror write« a a 1 economy, urbanization and concentration, acting ceaselessly and agreement powerfully, undorly snd determine be attended tn, it said, before any atom bombs so long as Russia kept a veto. What super-weapon is nec-ssssry to deal with the hair-raising Molotov "Yes" to pesce? Wsshing-ton's answer, now going on for a week, is ", s thousand time« no!," an alien tune supposedly copyrighted by the Kremlin. The "No" recqrd is being plsyed with msny vsriations. See. of State George C. Marshall first declared that talks were,unthinkable outside the United Nations. But his own department's. long-standing excuse for the Msrsnall plan and Truman doctrine, which involve all UN members one wgy oi another, was that the world organization is too weak to handle such affairs. Beside«, the UN Charter, Xriifcle 33, specifically indorses face-to-face talks between two quarreling powers. It says: "Parties to any dispute which threaten« «trife or endanger« the peace of the world shsll first of all seek volution by negotiations " This is it. Msrshsll buicI .further thst the U. S. would nevt^r consent to nego-tiste without Britain, Frsnce snd other like-minded powers at the tsble. These «ame governments broke out In goose-pimples after the original notes were published because Washington sent its note without telling them. The Pans paper L'Epoque said flatly: "The U.S. ha« entered into negotiations without consulting us." Then Henry A. Wallace picked up the ball. He wrote Stalin asking if he would settle on six disputed points. Stalin replied they formed a good basin for seltlenrent. The State Dcpt said "No" more shrilly. It went Wallace one better by list-, ing 11 points on which the Russians were supposed to have blocked Those would have |o fx 1.1 ll> ri In th ef w t il \ «"tut their I not. |M| wealth concent i at um appears it« rruttional cartel« or trusta, r politHal field a small number «Ith* notion» build their mili« oiganiratlons, Mcqulre their t, a and dependencies «ml fight «ait of «-limimttmn (the |»e-uf I st Ii «etil m y imperialism) a point is leached at which "I ihr iivals h«a gained such mi« und political »upimisey it IS alt|i* to rule the hmm! (the the present ctnirse of world events. • • x I have written sll of this before and most of you have known it throughout your sdplt lives. I have t*t it down again I »ecu use in these days of inaecurity and ahxiety. with Truman, Mai shall and Forrcstal telling ?ou that you must lie strong (that Is, turn over to the nonproductive military s larger share lips were unbuttoned, Here are some of them. Arms reduction! Washington said UN talks are going on, so no useful purpose would be nwved by separ ate discussion Worries weru voiced by U S manufacturer«—whsi to do ultout the Orders and gravy involved in the present $14 billion U.S. rearmament program, expected to grow to $20 billion for 1040. that talks would be "a good sign." Italy's Foreign Minister Couht Sfor-za declares: "Only silence is dangerous. Conversation« never are." The Pari« right-wing Figaro «ays; "Molotov's gesture, while csusing deep emotion in the world, induces an atmosphsre of relaxation which compels the two psrtnsra, whether the, U. S. wishes it or Hot, to do something, thst is to tslk." Even the Osservstore Romano, or Then the United State« got into the war. The navy tried to buy some of Aramco'« oil. The "grateful" .company said "our price i« $1.05 a barrel, take it or leave it.' The navy took it. As a result, Brewster said, Uncle Sam was "overcharged" by more than $30 million. Sold Cheaper to France Meanwhile, Aramco was selling oil to the French government at 85 gan of the Pope in the Vatican, says cents a barrel, or 20 cents less than conversations "would eliminate mu- it cost Uncle Sam. The British na-tusl «uspicion.". It reminds the world vy, Brew«ter reported, got Arsmco thst "there csn bs no pesee between oli even cheeper thsn France, the nation« without Russia." In Ja- Thc British government refuse« to pan the Tokyo Msinichi called the disclose how much it paid for the talks "a ray of hope to the woflf" oil, or how much Of Uncle Sam's The world wants pesce and soot iend-lea«e money it sctusUy passed U.S.-Soviet talk« a« an opportunity. aiong to Ibn Saud, Brew.ter told Molotov's "Yes" evoked reactions Senate which prove the Ayes have it over He ssid that, to help put over the Noes wherever men live snd thegc deaig> the 0il companies put think. Only Franco Spain still says, »their own men into key agencies of over its radio, that it hopes nothing the American government, will come of it. Frsnco. or course, will lose out If anything doe«. Why ( On Two Payroll» should the U.S. be on s limb in such One example was Max Thorn-company? burg, "former head of Aramco in u To Secure These Rights • . at least you can vote-but can you? Br Leber Reports ind secui it y .— (To be continued) <»f ths nstlonsl Income), it is well | Republican writer Walter Lipp to review some of the fundamentals mann explained how Russia blocks of oil* position. The Truman-Mar. things, eternally. Even if disarmed. shsll-Forrestal line is as superficial he philosophized. Ruasia would stilt u any politicsl-militsry line could have her mm. "Soldiers can be be. If followed to the letter it withdrawn to the Soviet Union, would not dral with one of the five They can be . . tent back to farms basic economic forces which sre «nd fscjories Hut that is all. There steadily undermining our stability »n reality no sttch thing ss Ru«. sian disarmament There i« Russian I den obligation " \Would n't the U.S. still have men tt>0? Do the Ritasisn« have to cut off the right arms of all their male population to astisfy Llppmann. or would he even then ree dsnrers from the left wing? Or maybe Llppmann lust wants fewer Russians In the world, not peace, perish the thought? Carman poacs treaty! The U. S charges that ItusMs hss objected to all it« proposals. And vice versa. "If you don't like anything in Atncrica," we are often told, "you can vote to change It." HOWEVER— Are votf a resident of thc Diatiict ef Columbia? Or Guam—Or American Samoa* 'Or'an Indian in New Mexico or Arizona? THIN YOU CANNOT VOTE Were you born in Japan or Korea? Thsn y?u csnnot become a citizen. States. Some states have tried to got around the decision; if they can't they use threats of intimida tion to keep Negro voters away from thc polls. The Governor of South Carolina has ssid. "White «upremscy will be msintsined in our primsries; let the chip« fsll where they msy." Behind the disfranchisement of minority groups is the ever present You lose msny important economic mcnsce of violence snd of mob rule, privilege«—snd YOU CANNOT Raad "The Silent People Speak" THE SILENT PEOPLE SPEAK Is IkS Ill's si ths Islotl book about Jufeslavls writ tan by Sobsrt St. JolHS. The sutHor «pant Issl yssr nine months in lugoslsvU. study-tag the eeaditioas by cooisciias Iks rank snd Ills sf Iks poopls. rather than Ik» fsesmmsai offt< stela. The book should ba of is tarsal to sll Amorlesa« whs srs «tut eeakfusod sbout that country, and partkulsrly to thoao ot Ju«o alev descant. It «an bs ardors*! from 9ANC. 34t4 w,., ?«th ST. CHICAOO 13 ILLINOIS (In Cleveland contact th* Secretary of kranah SO st lbs Slov»** Ms. t) Mare bars of BANS the books st s apsis! ($J-»0>. otherwise sail, for $4 00 VOTE But don't loae hope. £lnce World War II, Chinese and Filipinos csn become citiiena. Maybe your turn i& next If you are a Negro in the deep South, your government ssys thst you csn vote. But YOU know wsll thst YOU CANT VOTE. Prrhaps you csn't afford S poll tsx thst eight Southern states levy. Then, white or colored, YOy CANT VOTE If you sre s Negro and csn l>sy the tsx. vou stlU<. can't vot* You ftu*y be luckv to get etf With a besting If you try. The vesult is that in the la«t Pi evidential elec ^^^ tieft, while states without such « we msy add. Jsffcaass psses Irsslyt tsx hsd s 7 out-of-10 turnout of Ws*.hin<;ton »ays tile USSR wen»«' eligible voters, only l-out-of-10 veto powsr over the drsft treaty I voted in poll-tax «late« So doe» Chins, ftaying the US will build Jspsn as a fcaae Withdraw.; in« troop« from China: The U. S says Its forces ate there with Chiang Ksi shek's enn*eaL St« what* Can't Chiang * fate his people without them* T'ktnf troop« out of Korea: The U S. says Russia has turned down its UN plan., It doe« not ssy Russlk hs« asked sUnultgfteoo* withdrawal of Sox 1st snd American J force« I International trsds The U. S In msny Sotfthern »tales you must pass s fske "hteiscy test" in order to vote The President's Committee tells us that "The trsditieft Is to ignore such tests with respect to while voters but to apply them to Ne I roes " In moat Southern «latss winners in a Democratic primary srs as good ss elected. Therefore "white primaries" hsve been ths rule Now they have been declared illegal hy the Supreme Court of the Unit»«! The Federal government must tske vigorous sction to enforce the Constitutions! right of svsry citizen to vote—to legislate against sbuaes thst exist. But the Federal govern ment must slso tske steps to put its own house in order. Posters around us call upon young men to enlist In the Armed Service. Yet to Negroes snd other rscisl minorities only the most menial of positions sre uauslly open For exsmple. they csn enlut only in the stewards branch of the Marine Corps Their chences of promotion are slim; in the Navy there is one white officer to every seven white enlisted men—but only one Negro officer to $.000 Negro enlistee« • However, s chsnge is in the sir. Labor and other liberal groups are joining the minorities in the bat tie for the upholding of Conatitutionsl rights Even courageous Southern liberals hsve joined the hsttle. The right to vote snd the right for equal ity in the service of the govemmdnk Is basic in s democracy. ' Vigorous federal action is required on $117 million profits. Incidentally, Brewster said. Aramco made that $117 million profit on an investmnet of only $1 million. Last year, a 40 per cents interest in Aramco was sold for $102 million, to two more Amtrican oil corporations—Standard of New Jersey snd Socony Vacuum. 'Two dsys later," Brewster recalled, "the Truman doctrine was announced concerning Greece and Turkey, indicating th«t we were moving into the Middle East in a big way." Defense Secretary Jame« Forrcstal announced recently that, despite the severe steel shortage in this country, Uncle Sam's militsry chiefs have recommended export of 55,000 tons of steel for an of pipe line across Arabia. v Brewster cited expert opinion that oil resource« in the Middle East could not be successfully defended, even at the cost of American boys' lives, in case of a war with Russia, which is next door to the Arabian field*. "Oil Myttery Man" Vast profits for American and British oil companies are at stake, however. These profit« are estimated as high as $100 billion, an almost unimaginable sum. A suggestion of their size was given the other day in the story of an "interview" with Calouste S. Gulbenkian, Armenian "oil my»tery man" now living in Portugal. Year« ago, the story ssid, Gulbenkian "wangled an oil concession in Iraq for British-Dutch-German interests," and in return was given a 5 per cent share of the concession. Thst opened the door to the Armenian for other oil deals in thc same area. Now Gulbenkian is said to have an $800 million fortune snd an "oil royalty income" of 1.2 million a year.—(Labor) i Soviets Boost Earnings, Provide Homes For Coal Miners MOSCOW—(ALN) — Average earnings of cosl miners, already among the highest in sny brsnch of Industry in the Soviet Union, have 1 been, further boosted by recent government sction, sccordin to P, Potapov, Russian writer on labor problems. The sversge basic wage for miners is now 2,750 rubles ($550 at thc official rate) per month. Earnings are further augmented by bonuses for length of service and exceeding piecework quotas. Men employed tn a given mine for over a year get an annual bonus equal to 10% of the year's wages. Those who work three to five yesrs get 15%, from five to 10. years 20%, and over 15 yesrs 30% annually. Vacstions are fully paid. Old-age pensions at half the annual wage are paid each year to men over 50 who have worked in the industry for 20 years or more. Homes are now being «old to miner« st very low rates by the government mine administration. Potspov visited miners st Yssnsya Polyana who bought such homes for $.000 rubles (equal to leas than four month's average wages) payable over 10 yesrs. No chsrge is msde for 1-scre garden sllotments attached to the home« The largest normal civilian user of copper m the electrical manufacturing industry, which absorbed over 24 per cent of the copper uaed In the United States tn I03S says a Twentieth Century Fund report. fy before the Department of Justice, he needs advance notice. You see. when he does testify, he will hav. to dispel the shadow of fear that'to move bis family away from his makes these sbuses possible Even home community. Only thus csn when s courageous Negro denied he protect them from the inevitable the right to vote, m witling to tn't- violence that will folio«.