Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years of serving American- Slovenians Amerio OUT Naif)NITHV Ameriška Domovina SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Vol. 102, No. 46 USPS 024100 Serving over 200,000 American Slovenians AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 30, 2000 ISSN Number 0164-68X 6(K Josephine Ambrosic, Frances Nemanich enter St. Vitus Hall of Fame Left to right, Josephine Ambrosic, Bishop A. Edward Pevec, and Frances Nemanich -----------------------------------------------(Photo by TONY GRDINA) by DANIELLA AVSEC Sunday, October I 129, 2000, the St. Vitus Alumni held their 13th Ha]] 0f Fame Day honoring two well-known Ldies, Mrs. Josephine Am-rosic and Mrs. Frances ernanich. These two Fine adies were inducted into the t- Vitus Hall of Fame. Lie day began with 12 "°on Mass in St. Vitus uich celebrated by The °st Rev. a. Edward Pevec. e concelebrants were Rev. oseph P. Božnar and Rev. •ctor Cimperman. Mass ^as meaningful and nostal-8|c thanks to Bishop Pevec’s bomily and to the St. Vitus J,ra choir who sang the old s°ngs that were so familiar 0 those present. Dinner and the ceremony Jollowed in the St. Vitus aN which was beautifully Set bp. I he main table with 'S crystal and flowers and e rest of the tables with ar)ique centerpieces made by °sephine Perpar won the Pr'2e for elegance. The Vice resident and Program a'rperson, Josephine Per-Par, and her committee were j sP°nsible for the decorat-Regretfully, Josephine ^as not present to receive due recognition because •an accident resulting in ,nJUry to her leg. Mr. Joseph Baškovič did great job as Master of remonies. He is always v fe t0 helP us out, thank • And very importantly, a delicious dinner was prepared by the famed Julie Zalar. Mrs. Josephine Ambrosic was born in Cleveland 90 years ago. Her parents, Joseph and Frances Orazem, were active in St. Vitus Parish and the family lived on Carl Avenue for over 50 years. Josephine and her husband, Joseph, celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary on July 3, 1996. Joseph passed away on February 25tb this year. Her son Joseph and his wife Patricia reside in Beavercreek, Ohio. Their handsome son, Jason, is 22-years-old and presently attending college. Josephine’s other son John, a graduate of John Carroll University, died at the age of 29 on March 5, 1980. He was later inducted into the John Carroll Athletic Hall of Fame in October, 1993. Family members are; sister Marie Orazem, Frances Novak (deceased), Ann Zak (deceased) and brother Joseph (deceased at age 1). Josephine attended St. Vitus School. She worked for Richman Brothers for 20 years, and for several years helped her sisters Marie and Frances operate the Orazem Confectionery store in the Slovenian National Home on ‘ St. Clair Avenue. She is and has been involved and has been active for years in many parish functions, lodges and associations. Josie worked at the St. Vitus bingo fund-raisers on Friday nights and was chosen to be on the St. Vitus Finance Advisory Committee and the Endowment Trust, and more. She has received many awards. Frances Nemanich was born in Cleveland 89 years ago. She was the eldest daughter of the late George and Frances Kasunic, immigrants from Slovenia. Of this family of four boys and four girls, only Frances and widowed sisters Mary Leskovec and Rose Finan, and sister-in-law Irene Kasunic, remain. Frances graduated from St. Vitus School, Willson Junior High and East Tech High School. Joseph Nemanich came to Cleveland from Soudan, Minnesota. Joe and Frances met at St. Vitus where both were members of the gymnastics and dramatic group known as “Orels.” Married in 1932, they enjoyed 43 years together. At the time of Joe’s death, he was National President of K.S.K.J. fraternal lodge. Celebrating with her was son Joe and daughter-in-law Nancie, son Jim and grandson Jim, daughter Barbara and son-in-law Jack, with grandchildren Donald and Patricia and greatgrandchildren Anthony, Claire and Grace. Frances devoted 25 years working with Father Victor Tome on behalf of the canonization cause of Bishop Frederic Baraga. Her efforts were recognized by the awarding of plaques in Mar- quette, Michigan, and again in Cleveland. Remaining active into her Sq**1 year, she is also involved in many parish functions, lodges and different associations. She has been a devoted volunteer at the Slovene Home for the Aged, leading both the (Continued on page 5) A.H. Open on Saturdays During the Holiday Season you can phone-in your Christmas Greetings or Christmas Subscription Gifts on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. as well as from 9 to 4 during the week. No Christmas greetings ads will be accepted after Friday, Dec. 15. What Are Your Christmas Memories? What do you like about the Christmas season? What are your favorite memories? What are your traditions? Write them down and send them to: American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44104 or e-mail to ah@buckeyeweb.com Slovenian St. Nicholas According to the Roman Catholic calendar, St. Nicholas Day comes on December bth. Historically St. Nicholas was a Bishop in the City of Smyrna in Asia Minor in the Fourth Century. Legend tells how he helped three young maidens, whose poor father could not afford dowries, by throwing money through the window into the house during the night. He was especially good to the youngsters and known for his gifts to the children. Slovenians have a special admiration for good old St. Nicholas or “Sveti Miklavž” and so he became one of the most popular saints. He is traditionally pictured dressed as a Bishop. In one hand is a Bishop’s Cane, in the other Golden Apples. This symbolizes the book of all the names of children who have been good throughout the whole year, and eligible for gifts. On St. Nicholas Eve, children place containers such as straw baskets, plates, and even boots to hold the gifts he brings. But, before his arrival, Lucifer and his company of devils go from house to house rattling chains and making other horrible sounds scaring the children who were bad dur- ing the year. Parents told the children for days before St. Nicholas’ arrival to be good or else the devils would take them away. To equalize the effect of their medieval devilish appearance, there are always angels with St. Nicholas. They are his helpers and reassure the children that everything is all right. Meanwhile, the tradition of celebrating St. Nicholas Day is also popular with the Greater Cleveland Slovenian Community. The pupils of both the Slovenian parish schools - St. Vitus and St. Mary - usually present a short play with dancing and music in Slovenian preceding his arrival. And so, this centuries-old tradition, with its origin in medieval passion plays, is still alive in American, among children of the Slovenian community. -August B. Pust AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 30, 2000 2 Jim’s Journal By Jim Debevec The meeting of the American Home Read Warriors is now in session. They seem to be having a lot of trouble electing the President of the United States. Never fear, I can help them. The way they are doing it now doesn’t make any sense. If 45 percent of the people in Ohio vote for one candidate and 55 percent vote for another, that should be the vote — period. It does not make sense for someone to change all the votes of the 45 percent who cast a ballot for the loser in that state. It shouldn’t be the states who elect the President, but rather the people. Do away with the Electoral College which is neither a college nor a fair representation of the people in any state. Then you have the problem which occurred in Florida. If you take a hard look at all the states, you probably have the same situation of people voting for more than one candidate, or the cardboard ballots tearing apart or the chads falling off or not falling off, whatever. The situation where people vote for more than one candidate for President is usually the result of the voter not being able to read the instructions. “Vote for not more than ONE candidate,” may be just a bunch of chicken scratching to a lot of people. Slovenian)T"R" Us! Christmas vacation There will be no American Home newspaper (Ameriška Domovina) printed on the Thursday between Christmas and New Years. I have a solution. It is to place a PICTURE of each of the Presidential candidates on the ballot. And to eliminate the confusion Of where to place your 0, have it like it is on the Internet when you are shopping for something. Place your finger over the person’s picture and that will automatically register as your vote. Very simple. Regarding television. -Take the license away from any television network who projects a winner or loser before the polls close in California. Television is licensed by the government to the benefit the people, not to screw-up an election and make us the laughing stock of the world. And if all that fails, we can always revert back to where our laws essentially are patterned after - that is England. We could borrow one of their old programs of “Letterboxing,” as we described a few weeks ago. Here is the way the program could work. At Slovenska Pristava, for example, we get an old ammunition box and place a secret letter inside. Then we call upon Joe Cerar tohide it on the grounds. Then we invite tne two (or three) leading candidates to go search for it. The one who finds it has to open the box and read the contents (which will eliminate the possibility of hrm/her being illiterate), and sign his/her name on it (indicating his/her ability to sign their name, an important asset to have when signing Bills and bar chits.) The one who brings back the ammunition box with his/her signature on the letter) is declared President. Simple enough, but fully effective. * Comments to: Jim’s Journal, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103; Fax: (216) 361-4088; or e-mail: jim@buckeyeweb.com Why doesn’t the dog Scooby Doo like to travel on airplanes? Because he gets jet wag. EUCUD^t^ T¥=lA\/EI*mm+ Making your dreams come true for 45 years! Contact us today to turn dreams into reality. 261-1050 or travel@euclidtravel.com 22078 Lakeshore Blvd. www.euclidtravel.com www.cruisegiants.comwww.condocentre.com My First Polka Awards Show by RUDY FLIS For the first time I attended the “National Cleveland-style Polka Hall of Fame” Awards Show on Saturday, Nov. 25. This was number 13 and for the first lime it was held in the auditorium of Euclid High School. I enjoyed the show. It was well organized and those in charge and their volunteers should be proud. The music by Fred Ziwich and his pit crew kept everybody’s toes tapping. Cecilia Dolgan and Tracy Sumrada sang “Čakala Bom” - “I’ll Wait for You.” Those two ladies should sing together more often. I loved the Salute to Croatians. Beautiful melodious music and strong, rich voices accompanied by the Zagreb Junior Tamburit- zans. All afternoon the crowd was completely into this awards show. I had a front row seat in the balcony. Rev. George Balasko was seated next to me. You know he’s the Polka Priest. Like many, Fr. George came a long way to enjoy the Awards Show XIII and he did love it. As everyone enjoyed the toe-tapping melodies which lifted our spirits, it occurred to me, that Bishop Edward Pevec would celebrate a Polka Mass later that evening. At a Polka Mass who can be a stranger to the Lord? What has Fr. George Balasko done to us? Did he give the polka and waltz a little religion, or did the Polka Mass give us a little religion? At a Polka Mass I am suspended between my Lord and my heritage, and I love it. Thank you Fr. George Balasko. Official Florida Presidential Ballot Follow the arrow and Punch the appropriate dot. (G 2000 Miitc Cvltw*, TaUjrbmim.cmn RESULTS OF THE OFFICIAL PRESIDENTIAL BALLOT BUSH......... 14 GORE.......................... 3 Thanks to the 17 of you that voted. All the ballots received by the official deadline had the “X” correctly placed in the box. None of the X’s looked hinged or pregnant so none were rejected. One male voter forgot to place a stamp on the envelope, but even his ballot was accepted. Above results were sent to both candidates. If I get any feedback from either party, you will be notified. Yours truly, ^j[aRrL/0TLcAcirta.' Starting Over in America by ANTON ŽAKELJ translated and edited by JOHN ŽAKELJ (Continued from last week) Tuesday, Feb. 1, 1955 Matvež Hočevar drove Cilka and Tony to Dr. Ukmar. They still have sore throats. Wednesday, Feb. 2,1955 I worked on 12 of the heaviest pieces, which weigh 115 pounds each. A! lifted them with the towmotor. Thursday, Feb. 3, 1955 1 slept very poorly again. 1 woke at 3 a.m., dreaming that 1 was fighting a gigantic snake. The snake bit me and my c°usin. 1 was glad that t*le enemy won - maybe it weans 1 will finally be done ^>th this job. I couldn’t get hack to sleep. 1 ordered a radio for my ather in Slovenia and a bag 0 ^0llr for Cilka’s mother. Friday, Feb. 4,1955 Again I only slept a few Ofrs. All day 1 worked on 51 of the heaviest pieces. A! Ile|ped with the towmotor. I also got some help from ^lac, a new worker. Monday, Feb. 7,1955 Bill Risher argued all day ^'ith one of the new workers. Worked on the newer, ICavier pieces and produced a lot of “scrap.” Wednesday, Feb. 9, 1955 Mac worked 3 days and quit. Thursday, Feb. 10, 1955 Bill gave me a long sermon about the new, smaller pieces that I’m working on. Although I followed the “thread gauge” exactly, he said I cut the threads too deep. He had told us not to use the “taper gauge.” He yelled at me, saying that after three-and-a-half years, I know less than I did before I started, that his shop will go out of business because I ruined 300 pieces, etc. He had never talked with me that long before. 1 didn’t care if he fired me right there, so I didn’t remain silent. I told him that I was working exactly the way he and A1 had taught, me. That only made him angrier. He threatened to make big changes. He said Frank Lorber wasn’t any better. Inspector Mirko Boh came by and supported me, saying that 1 w'as using the right gauge. Everybody was upset, except for Anžič, who stayed calm: “Mr. Risher, I’m strong enough to work on those heavy pieces.” Bill didn’t take him up on his offer. At quitting time, everyone was still upset. The other workers said I should have left the tapping machine a long time ago. Nobody else would stay with the most difficult job for 4 years. In the evening, Prof. Ovsenik visited again to comfort me, but today I didn’t need any comforting. Today 1 stood up and spoke up for myself. It’s when 1 suffer quietly that the pain becomes unbearable. I’m thankful to inspector Boh for standing up for me. (To Be Continued) Christmas Party St. Joseph Lodge #169 K.SK.J is holding their Christmas Party on Sunday, Dec. 3 at 2 p.m. in St. Mary’s Auditorium in Col-linwood. We expect Santa Claus to make a visit for the children. There will be entertainment and refreshments. St. Mary’s Seniors Christmas Party St. Mary’s Seniors club Christmas Party will be held on Friday, Dec. Tickets for members only at $8.00, call John Spilar, Treas., 216-681-2119 for reservations. No meeting on Dec. 5. —J. Schultz happy holidays to add from Officers and Board Members FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOMES ROSTER President - Pat Ipavec Clarke Is' Vice President - Bob Hopkins 21"1 Vice President - Tony Mannion Financial Secretary - Lou Grzley Recording Secretary - Chris Hammond Corresponding Secretary - Celeste Frollo Executive Secretary - Charles F. Ipavec Auditors - Anna Mae Mannion, Bob Royer Edward Gabrosek Historians —Joseph Petrie Jr., and John Habat; — Emeritus - Ella Samanich Executive Secretary and Legal Counsel - Charles Ipavec The Perfect Gift A gift subscription to the American Home Newspaper is ] the perfect Christmas present that will last the entire year. | Your recipient will think of your thoughtfulness each time J the paper arrives. Besides that, you will be supporting the only independent ] Slovenian newspaper while insuring your wonderful Slove- \ nian heritage will be perpetuated. And we’ll send a card to the new subscriber telling of| your informative gift. Subscriptions are $30 a year. Mail to American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., | Cleveland, OH 44103; or call (216) 431-0628; fax: (216) | 361-4088 or e-mail: ah@buckeyeweb.com 3 Name.......... Address....... City, State, Zip: Your name Address........ City, State, Zip i 1 Happy Birthday Best Birthday Wishes to Gene Drobnič, who is celebrating her big day this month, — from her family and friends. Bake Sale St. Mary (Collinwood) Altar Society will hold a Bake Sale on Saturday morning, Dec. 9 in the school auditorium. Anton J. Ogrinc, D.D.S. Family Dentistry/Preventive Dentistry 20 Years Experience Now 2 Convenient Locations >/ MAYFIELD VILLAGE ^ CLEVELAND 6551 Wilson Mills Rd. Suite 103 5227 Fleet Ave. 1-440-473-1920 641-1760 I ! VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE in SREČNO NOVO LETO Happy holiday season Visit Sheliga Drug 6025 St. Clair Ave. 431-1035 Daily 9 am • 8 pm, Sundays 9 am • 4 pm JOSEPH SHELIGA i: :! AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 30, 2000 IŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 30, • Celebrating John Petrie s 90th Birthday o On Thursday, Nov. 30^ we celebrate the 90th birthday of our dad, John Petrie. Having dedicated his life to his faith and helping others, it seems only fitting that he was born in a house on St. Clair Avenue, near St. Vitus Church. John married Mary Novak in June of 1936. By 1954 they were the proud parents of six children, three boys and three girls: John (Major U.S. Army), deceased, (wife, Linda), Mary g (Cooky, Mrs. John Buchanan), Barbara (Mrs. Edward Kuzma), Tim (wife Mary), Veronica and Rudy (wife Toni). John worked long and hard to support his family. He worked two jobs after buying the East 185 Street barber shop. His brother-in-law opened and manned the barber shop while John worked security at night at Addressograph-Multigraph and, with a little sleep here and there, also worked at his barber shop. During the polio epidemic, John volunteered at City Hospital, cutting hair for those in iron lung machines. It was for these efforts that he was chosen “alias” Santa Claus, a pro- gram sponsored by the Cleveland Press. John continued his acts of kindness at Euclid General Hospital and the Slovene Home for the Aged. Slovenian priests in the Greater Cleveland area were also recipients of John’s barbering largess. When he wasn’t sleeping, at the plant or the barber shop, he could be found involved with St. Mary's parish, Holy Name Society, or the Catholic Order of Foresters. John was always selling raffle tickets, organizing fund-raisers, card parties, venison dinners, trips to Lemont, Illinois... you name it, he did it. Mary often said John could just turn his collar around and live at the rectory for all of the time he spent at St. Mary’s. Of course, he was no stranger to St. Vitus either. He was among the first group to raise funds for Blessed Anton Martin Slomšek. Recently, the Most Reverend Franc Kramberger. Bishop of Maribor, pre sented John with a medallion in appreciation for his many years of effort for the beatification process. John could not have done all of this by himself. His children always knew that he was a smart and talented man - he chose Mary for his wife. They celebrated their 64th vvedding anniversary last June. Mary was always in the background, she too, working day and night, taking care of the house, raising and educating six children, caring for everyone’s needs and performing the magic of stretching the dollar. Mary celebrated her birthday on the 27th of November. Happy Birthday, Mom. John and Mary moved into “Little Slovenia,” Gateway Manor in Euclid two years ago. Failing health and the need for more help than Mary could give, John moved into the Slovene Home for the Aged last May. It is here that a small party will celebrate his birthday, a life filled with self-sacrifice, of loving and caring and giving. He is a man who is rich with the love, admiration and respect of his wife and children. Happy 90^ Birthday John Petrie, husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, friend. We love you Mom and Dad. --Your Childrci Young Women’s Chamber Chorus of Slovenia Debuts in Cleveland Pox Ulrica, the Young Women’s Chamber Chorus of Slovenia, will make its American concert debut on Saturday, Dec. 2, at the Slovenian Society Home in Euclid, Ohio. Concert time is 7 p.m. For the past 10 years, the young women of Vox Ulrica have delighted audiences across Europe with their repertoire of art songs, folk melodies and spirituals. Their Cleveland concert -the first stop on their American tour - will feature selections covering centuries of St. Vitus Christmas Choir Concert Dates Friday, Dec. 29 6:30 p.m. St. Mary (Coll.) Monday, Jan. 1 3 p.m. St. Vitus Free Admission Donations Welcome choral music, from classical works by Jacobus Gallus and Bach to contemporary favorites by Eric Clapton and Edwin Hawkin. Much of the program is dedicated to art songs and folk arrangements from Slovenia by composers such as Adamic, Bucar and Marolt. Vox Ulrica, directed by founder Maria Slosar Lenarčič, is considered one of the finest women’s music ensembles in Slovenia. The award-winning chorus is made up of university and high school women from the Slovenian town of Ilirska Bistrica. The name of the chorus is derived from the Latin variation of their hometown. Many singers have relatives in the greater Cleveland area. A social will follow the concert. The evening is hosted by the Slovenian-American Primorski Klub. Tickets are $10. The Slovenian Society Home is located on Recher Avenue, just off East 200 Street in Euclid. For more information, call (216) 692-1069. Drive in - or Walk In BRONKOS Drive-in Beverage 510 East 200th St. DMH Corp. Euclid, Ohio 44119 531-8844 Imported and Domestic Beer and Wine Soft Drinks - Milk - Ice - Snacks Imported Slovenian Wines Radenska Mineral Water -=> We have all Ohio Lottery Games Open Mon. - Sat. 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sunday (No wine sold) 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Owner - David Heuer Advent and Christmas Concert Renowned trumpeter Franc Kompare from Mengeš, Slovenia will be featured in St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Church, Cleveland, in an Advent and Christmas concert on Friday, Dec. 15 at 7 p.m. Everyone is invited to experience the mystery or Christmas unfold through music, song and word. Suggested donation is $15.00. This concert tour is sponsored by the Slovenian Catholic j weekly, Družina, and monthly, Nasa Luč •- ^4UT' s- y w Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Your Name Street Address and Cits ['■/S? ■' Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Your Name Street Address and City Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Your Name U Street Address and C ity ■ 4s American Home Publishing Co. 6117 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, OH 44103 Dear Sirs: Enclosed is my check for________ American Home: Call (216) 431-0628 Fax: 361-4088 E-mail: ah@buckeyeweb.com for a $40.00 ad; $25.00 ad; $15.00 Christmas ad to appear in the American Home (Ameriška Domovina). My name______________________________—-— My address. City and State_ Growing Up in CoMnwood r- Our Slovenian Christmas by JOE GLINŠEK (Continued from last week) 1 had coveted an electric train for several years, but Santa disappointed me until I was 12. By this age, the thrill of watching a “Lionel train” going around in circles had lost its fascination. The cheap “tinny” wind-up trains I was given earlier had been more fun. How tight could I wind the spring? How fast could it go around a loop without derailing? Here were all the elements °f what would today be called an “interactive toy.” I masked my disappointment, but the train was the Main event” in the gift department that year, and there Was little else. That’s a happy (for some) ending to this story, though I must admit it was not my finest moment. By the following Christmas, the war had made 't impossible to buy an electric train, and I sold my Li-°nel in its original box to the lady across the street, for much more than it had cost Santa” the year before. Everyone was happy, We" almost. My parents must have been appalled, but they covered it well. I was ^ery pleased with the in-ated price; the woman across the street thought I '''as wonderful; and her little loved the train. Instead 0 the “thoughtful” (cheap) I would have bought for e rest of the family, they Perhaps the best Yule-tide decoration is each of Us being wreathed in smiles. found nicer gifts under our tree. What could be wrong with this “win-win” deal? Today 1 know the answer to that question and realize that my father was a very patient man. And, the Lionel was a future “collectible” gone forever - a fate 1 richly deserved. I still believe that Christmas Eve is a good time for exchanging gifts. This isn’t dogma, but it worked for our family and old habits die hard. Christmas morning was busy enough with early Mass and a big breakfast, neither of which would be appreciated by a child anxious to open his gifts. As 1 slept on Christmas Eve, I dreamt of Santa’s toys that ! had already opened and enjoyed, and looked forward to a busy day playing with them under the tree. Ah, yes, the Christmas tree. Although my father was our official decorator, it was my uncle Mike who bought the tree every year. Through my childhood and into my 20s he never once brought home a tree that could, even charitably, be called straight. You would think that Dad would have become exasperated enough to bring home a tree before he did - a good one. No, that was Mike’s contribution and we knew that he loved the spirit of the season and the attention that his selections set in motion, tilted as they were. Mom was always called “Maine” by her brother Mike. He would arrive The one who does not have Christmas in his heart will not find it under the tree. Sveti Miklavž Cookie Papers 5 inch high color lithographed papers Wears a cranberry red cloak, with green/gold trim FDA-approved inks and paper used % • Cookie Kit (36 papers, “a” rinP,ate cutter’ recipes/instructions.$10.50 PPE* Jw • 36 papers only..........6.50 PPE IS.- • % papers only.........1L50 PPE ^Shipping fees Already included. ^I^POther holiday designs also available. VISA, MC, AmEx, Check or M.O. accepted AAM'B Santa Papers by Hunter, Inc. I ^ P.O. Box 26016 Fairview Park, Ohio 44126 TcL 1-800-793-0788 | WL Fax: 1-440-895-9517 tl ^ Wholesale prices available for stores, vtm' schools, churches, and nonprofit organizations. proudly displaying his latest disaster and announce: “Look, Marne, ain’t this a good lookin’ tree?!” Rolling her eyes slowly back into her head, only her exasperated expression replied, but Mike never took offense. Dad’s first job of decorating was trying to make the bare tree look presentable by viewing it from every angle before doing anything drastic like pruning, which could make it worse. Most often, he could screw our “tree-stand” on the trunk, skewing the angle to give the appearance of an “almost straight” tree. Yes, you read that right. The tree-stand was a giant, round, threaded steel nut with holes in its sides and a heavily flanged base. The holes were for a “spanner” or a bar that would turn the nut. Judging by its size and weight, it could only fit some massive machinery like a locomotive or railroad car, and was probably “rescued” from the NYCRR by Grandpa back in the 1920s. Dad trimmed the trunk to clear the ceiling, and using a bar he turned and forced the screw into the wood. The heavy mass of steel easily supported the tree, and it would be many years before we bought a proper tree with stand with a water reservoir. Usually he could “adjust” it well enough to be placed at the living room window, where a Christmas tree is supposed to stand for all the world to see. But some years we had the tree in a corner of the living room, with only its best branch forward. The entire scenario became a funny family Christmas tradition. Thanks, Mike, wherever you are. Continued) Banana Bread Vi C. butter 1 C. sugar 2 eggs 1 tsp. vanilla 1 Vi C. flour (all purpose) 1 tsp. baking soda Vi tsp. salt 1 C. mashed bananas Vi C. chopped nuts (optional) Vi C. sour cream Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs and vanilla, then add dry ingredients. Mix well. Add mashed bananas, sour cream and nuts if desired. Bake in greased loaf pan at 350 degrees for 1 hour. --Genevieve Drobnič X" Parma, Ohio PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster Ambrosic, Nemanich (Continued from page 1) Slovenian rosary and singing the Slovenian hymns at the Saturday afternoon Mass. Thank you to Josephine Ambrosic for her donation of $1,000 to the St. Vitus' Alumni. Frances and son Joseph Nemanich donated $500 and Jim Nemanich also donated $500. The Class of 1935 gave a generous donation of $1,000. Outstanding, everyone. Thank you. All these monies go for scholarships to welldeserving students who go to Catholic High Schools. Purchases are also made for school equipment. So far, the Alumni has given 64 scholarships, 13 Lausche Foundation scholarships. Some of the major contributors were the Ray Novak family in honor of their mother Frances, $500; Frances Hrovat in memory of her husband, $500; Mrs. Antoinette McGrath $1,000. We have also purchased computers, a lamination machine and world maps for the school. Also $2,000 was donated for school needs and, just recently, $2,700 for new desks. We have 455 members. Dues are $5 a year. It was a great afternoon for honoring, eating delicious food and renewing old friendships. Thanks to all who worked so hard to put together this magnificent event. Need a gift idea? y sveTa noč III • S 1 . Y i I St. Vitus Church Choir has just released it's »000 recordiitfi oj Sveta Noč— a collation of traditional Slovenian Christmas carols featuring "Sveta Noč," "Polnočni Zvon ” and uk Marian sonjjs including ■ "fe Aiujel Cospodov." \ ■Js£/ IM AVAILABLE At: St. Virus Rector)’, St. Maty’s Rector), Polka Hall of Fame (291 E.222nd Street — Short Cultural Center), Pa tria Imports (794 E. 185th .Street) OK.CALL: Joanne Celestina 216.486.1973 John Srsen 440.944 5709 Tom Srsen 440.352.7455 Martina Jakomin 440.944.6997 or^ m a i l orpers To: St. Vitus Choir '/, Joanne Celestina . 2010 E.233rJ Street Euclid, OH 44117 Prices: CDs $15.00, Cassettes S10.00 - Make checks payable to St. Vitus Choir include S2.00 for shipping 8c handling. Design, Leo Koiir ( W SIK Iru AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 30, 2000 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 30, 2000 6 t Mlakar’s Walk Down Memory Lane ^ M by RAY MLAKAR Hey, Ray is back with some fresh jokes, real knee slappers. It seems that Willie and Wanda were both complaining about their church. They said their pews were too hard, the sermons too long and the organ was too loud. Little Wally was quietly sitting listening to all the complaints from his parents and finally piped up, “What do you expect for a dollar?” It seems that two friends were talking about the troubles they had when one said that his brother thinks he is a chicken. “Why don’t you tell him that he isn’t a chicken,” his friend asks. “I can’t. Our family needs the eggs.” Well, back to the memories. Every once in a while I will circle the old neighborhood around W. 130^ and Bennington. I can recall that back in the early forties they redid Settlement Road as it was known then. The road was narrow and the County decided to improve it. They dug it up and up came all the old thick bricks which were about to be discarded, when Billy Kozely asked that they be dumped behind the big barn that housed the wine presses. They had huge piles of the bricks behind the barn and Billy instructed Helen to have the bricks cleaned up so that when he came back from the war, he could use them to build up the back of the barn. In time Helen hired me and Frankie Ferraro to use chipping hammers to chip away the old concrete that was clinging to the brick. We had to wear safety goggles because the chips would fly any which way. We worked on that pile for more than a year. We chipped away all the old concrete that was on them, and then stacked the bricks neatly in the back yard. Unfortunately, Billy Kozely never made it back from the war and was killed on one of the far off islands. But many years later Helen’s husband Johnny hired some brick layers to tackle that brick pile and use it to wall up the back of the barn. Today it is still standing, well over 50 years since it was erected with the used bricks from West 130^ St. Every time I pass the barn, I recall how Frankie and I chipped away at those bricks and back then I thought I was at San Quentin, making small ones out of big ones. The pay was small and the blisters many, but now it feels good to look at that wall and say, “I had a part of building it.” I am sure if Billy Kozely was around today, he would say, “Fellas, you did a swell job.” That is one side of the barn that will not have to be painted, nor will it in any way deteriorate. Yep, Ray can say he worked the rock pile. Half of what I made went to Ma, and then the other half I shared with Thomas’ and Mlakar’s Candy Stores. Guess we all gained in different ways. Kozelys now had a strong thick brick wall on the back barn and Ray had his share of cavities, and dentist Melvin Kuhar, with all the fillings and drillings had to work hard to restore Ray’s cavities. Well, time I close and count my blessings which should not take long. For one thing I got a new set of pearlie whites, 30 new teeth which no candy can destroy. In closing, may the Good Lord bless and watch over all of our readers and keep them in good health and free of all cavities. Evening With Thanksgiving is here, snow is in the air and holiday decorations are making their first appearance. All of these are signs that the Christmas Holidays are upon us. There is certainly no better way to get into the Christmas spirit and prepare for this holy season than the Slovenian American Heritage Foundation’s Annual Feast of St. Nicholas - Evening with Bishop Pevec. The event will take place at The Center for Pastoral Leadership (Borromeo Seminary), 28700 Euclid Avenue in Wickliffe, Ohio on Friday, Dec. 1 at 7 p.m. The Glasbena Matica Chorus will lend their beautiful voices, providing music for the Liturgy, as well as a con- (Reprinted from the Dec. 13, 1974 American Home newspaper) by JUDGE AUGUST PRYATEL As Christmas descends upon us, we still find dissension among mankind, even though we can hear the angels sing: “Peace on Earth to men of good will.” Before peace may be a reality to us collectively, it Bishop Pevec cert of Christmas Carols following the Mass. A reception will immediately follow the Mass in the Rappe Center, which is directly adjacent to the chapel. The featured speaker during the social will be Rev. Frank Godec of Immaculate Conception Church in Cleveland. He will discuss the Jubilee Year pilgrimage he conducted to Rome and Slovenia with a group of Slovenian Americans. Those attending are kindly requested to bring appetizers or baked goods for the reception. Please drop them off in the Rappe Center prior to the Mass. Everyone is invited to attend what has become a most memorable evening. must be practiced by us individually. Are we at peace with our families, our neighbors? This Christmas all of us ought to make a special effort - yes - even concession, to bring the comfort of peace to our homes. The meaning of Christmas will be deeper, its friendship stronger, and its hope brighter because of what each of us has done personally to be worthy of it. Peace on Earth A.M.L.A. extends to our entire Slovenian American community best wishes for a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! / We also cordially invite all readers of the "Domovina", w ho are not members of our Fraternal Benefit Society, to enroll as members to help us magnify the pride we have in our ancestry. The greater our membership, the better we will perform in our perpetual quest to ensure that w hat was founded in 1910 by a Cleveland group of proud and far-sighted immigrants from Slovenia will remain a part of the United States of America forever. ■ If you happen to be an elderly person, when insurance rates are unattractive or unavailable, we will appreciate your inquiry for the enrollment of younger members of your family. While a Life Insurance certificate is the means for enrollment, our primary interest is in new enrollments to expand our membership base, and not necessarily high volumes of insurance. Certificates with face amounts as low as $1,000 are issued on our 3 Pay, 5 Pay and 20 Pay plans that provide a lifetime of permanent coverage with a limited number of annual payments. In order to take advantage of the most reasonable total cost of lifetime coverage, our Single Premium (one-time payment) plan is available in a minimum amount of $3,000. There is also a minimum issue of $5,000 for our Juvenile Term to Age 25 one-time payment plan, w hich is very inexpensive and makes an excellent supplement to a small permanent insurance plan for youngsters aged 15 and under. In addition to our very attractive and competitive rates, we are also pleased to be able to offer a $12.50 enrollment credit that is available to the premium payor w hich makes the first annual or one-time payment even more reasonable. . We hope that you w ill give us the opportunity to show you just how easy and reasonable it is to join with us in this endeavor to expand our membership base and maintain our excellent financial position for the preservation of our common bonds and ancestral pride. Please feel free to call our Home Office at (216) 531-1900, Ext. 11 or 21. If the line is busy or no one is available, give us your name, telephone number and a brief message. Your call will be returned at the earliest opportunity. Thank you for your consideration, A.M.L.A. Board of Directors atija Plečnik, Franci Zalar, Peter Domanko, Marko Tomc, and Erik Kobal of the Kres ancers represent the region of Koroška and show off their new pants and boots made ^thentically in Slovenija this summer. This Nat' 8r°Up f"ine y°ung Kres Dancers showed a sold-out audience at the Slovenian oft!0. ^ome last September the singing, dance, and traditional yells from the region —in Slovenia. CHRISTMAS IN AMERICA In America, Christmas is both a religious and a secular a^’ with significance for both young and old. As a now Christmas is a time for family and friends. It is me for giving thanks and opening presents. And it is a 1116 song and lights and joy. And many of the ways in which Americans celebrate nirne from the early settlers, who brought European Christ-as customs with them across the Atlantic, the P Ut 11 *lasn 1 always been such a festive occasion. For time Ur'tans New England, Christmas was indeed NOT a fro °r part'eS- In facf i1 was banned in Massachusetts lings Unt'* During that time, a fine of five shil- holida^8 aSSesse<^ against anyone who dared to observe the Christ] mas was first declared a legal holiday in America in Alabama. American Home on Web I Stremi5!1 Can e'ma^ notices, articles, information 3 to the American Home newspaper at ah @buc k eye web .com For Sale EUCLID - 3200 SF Bldg. Suitable for plumbing -machine shop or other. Also inch a 3 BR home with many upgrades. Zoned industrial - 1058 E. 222nd St., just off 1-90. Call Keith Rader Realty One 440-974f-7262 or 428-7027. Chardon Village 302 Claridon Rd., Remodeled 4 B.R. Single, 2 baths, fireplace - Master B.R. on 1st floor. Vacant. $169,000. Shown by appointment. Call Jack Strekal 440-350-9004 or 216-496-1324 or Ann Ibold 440-286-9054. * * * Lots for Sale $40s and up. Geauga County. Call for information - Jack Strekal, 440-350 9004 or 216-496-1324 I oi- Ann.Ibold *40-286-9''" '. < Slovenian Prime Minister Presents Cabinet to Parliament LJUBLJANA, Nov. 25 -Slovenia’s new Prime Minister, Janez Drnovšek, presented his new cabinet to parliament late on Thursday and said he hoped the center-left government would be in place by the end of next week. Among the top jobs, Dimitrij Rupel will become foreign minister for the third time, and former Labor Minister Tone Rop becomes finance minister. Igor Bavčar reclaims his old job of European Affairs Minister, as does former Minister of Economic Affairs Tea Petrin. LDS, strongest party after the Oct. 15 elections, leads a coalition of the former communist United List of Social Democrats, the conservative People’s Party and the Pensioners’ party Desus. The coalition commands a comfortable majority in the 90-seat parliament. European Union and NATO membership, as well as accelerated economic deregulation are the new government’s top priorities. Slovenia, which was the first former Yugoslav republic to break away from the federation in 1991 after a brief war, is on the fast track to EU membership and hopes to be ready to join by 2003. The Coming of St. Nicholas (Reprinted from the Dec. 13, 1974 American Home newspaper) by FRANK J. KRAINZ As a young tot, my fondest memory of the Christmas Holidays was the coming of St. Nicholas, known to many of us as Sveti Miklavž. Every December 6 th we children would wake up to find a plate filled with oranges and apples, with nickels or other coins inserted in the fruit, and the usual nuts. And I still remember the black stockings because as children we wore knickers or short trousers in those days. One year Miklavž also left a willow switch (stick) on my plate and I often wondered when he had the time to make it. But now, as an adult, the greatest meaning of Christmas is the celebration of the birth of the Christ Child, when the angels said to the shepherds, “Peace on earth and good will to all men.” Frank Krainz is a former Mayor of Highland Heights, Ohio and now resides at the Slovene Home for the Aged. MJBRRT CHRISTMAS, HAPPT NEW TEAR! FORTUNA FUNERAL HOME Joseph Fortuna, Director 5316 Fleet Ave., Phone 641-0046 Fax: 216 271-0608 Licensed Directors John J. Fortuna, James R. Trzaska Mary Ann Fortuna Trzaska Dr. and Mrs. M. Joseph Chrzanowski D.D.S., Inc Family Dentistry 782 E. 185 St. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 692-2010 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 30, 2000 IŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 30, 2000 8 Donations Thanks to the following for their generous donations to the Ameriška Domovina: Stana Oven, Monterey, Calif. -- $20.00. In Memory Thanks to Veronica Maurer of Wickliffe, Ohio who donated $30.00 in memory of parents John and Vera Benchina and husband Daniel Maurer, and son John Maurer. American Home - the newspaper the elite seek to read. Slovenian Cook Book “More Pots and Pans” Great Gifts for The Holidays!!! Authentic Slovenian Recipes featuring potica and heritage recipes from SWU members. 600 great recipes in easy format. Historical Information! Favorites of three generations. Place your order now: $18.00 per book (postpaid) Make checks payable to: Slovenian Women’s Union 431 N. Chicago Street Joliet, IL 60432 Please allow three weeks for delivery. In Memory Thanks to Jean Samsa of Cleveland who donated $15.00 in memory of her husband’s 15^ Anniversary - John H. Samsa Sr. Donation Big thanks to Valentin and Patricia Meršol of Chagrin Falls, Ohio who donated $175.00 to the Ameriška Domovina. Krofe Sale St. Vitus Altar Society Krofe and Noodle Sale will be held on Saturday, Dec. 9. it’s eook To Be SLOVENIAN! New Years Eve Dinner-Dance A New Year’s Eve Dinner-Dance sponsored by St. Mary (Collinwood) Parish Council will be held in the school hall, 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland, on Sunday, Dec. 31 beginning at 6:30 p.m. Veseli Godci will play for the event. Donation is $45.00 and includes breakfast. Reservations are limited. Call the rectory at 761-7740. Tables or individual reservations will be taken. “What means this glory round our feet,” The Magi mused, “more bright than morn!” And voices chanted clear and sweet, “Today the Prince of Peace is born.” -James R. Lowell. W. MAIER W I ! DOORS ! UNLIMITED [.Garage door cepair and re-1 [ placement. Entrance and [ [ storm doors. Door openers ] | aiid electrical repairs. | Call (Slovenian) Walter | j Majei; at 216 - 732-7100. [ [Emergency pager: 216-] [ 506-8224. Michael J. Mivsek and Associates Catalog Home Delivery & Services. Fine Line Retail Clothing. Cosmetics - Food -Home Care Products, etc. Natural Vitamin and Mineral Supplements. Call (216) 361-9909 7 a.m. -10 p.m. for Information ALBERT KLAVORA Albert Klavora, 84, passed away in Euclid Hospital on Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2000. Albert was born in Franklin, Kansas. He was a resident of Euclid, Ohio for 65 years. Mr. Klavora was a U.S. Navy Veteran of WWII. He was a member of SNPJ #158 Loyalites. Mr. Klavora owned and operated the Lake Blvd. Tavern on E. 140 St. He was the husband of Frances (nee Fink); the father of Albert F. (Susanna) and Brenda (Paul) Dale; grandfather of Kimberly Plein, Patricia Klavora, Thomas Dale, Michael Klavora and Wendy Zele; greatgrandfather of four; and brother of Frank Klavora, Rose Rink, and Josephine Coleman (all deceased). Friends called at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Thursday, Nov. 23 from 5-8 p.m., where services were held Friday at 9:30 a.m. and at St. Christine Church. Burial in All Souls Cemetery. LAVRISHA Construction & Repair B U1LDING IMPRO VEMENT SER VICES 6507 St. Clair Avenue - Cleveland, Ohio 44103 216/391-0035 ■ In Loving Memory The Sth Anniversary of the death of our be- loved Mother, Sister, Aunt, Great-Aunt, and Grandmother Josephine “Pep” Flaisman Died Dec. 1,1995 Though her smile is gone forever and her hand we cannot touch We will always haye happy memories of the one we loved so much' Missed by: Sons - Alan and Aldon Daughter Alana Wallin Sister - Sylvia Plymesser Son-in-Law - Robert Sister-in-Law - Glenna Daughters-in-Law -Caroline and Carla Grandchildren Catholic Cemeteries Association Announces INTEREST FREE PROGRAMS The Catholic Cemeteries Association is pleased to, announce "pre-need” burial programs with no interest. Payments can be as low as $30.00 per month. We are the exclusive supplier of BASILICA™ vaults and headstones. Proceeds from the sales of these products are used to maintain and beautify the cemetery. JJW'fT, For FREE information mail to:« Name__ Address, City__ State Zip. Phone SP 112-2000 Catholic Cemeteries Association P.O. Box 605310 10000 Miles Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44105 Or call 216-641-7575 Vesele Bolične in Srečno Novo Leto Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 1994 UJ: n “ I 12 DATS OF CHRISTMAS \^e are used to celebrating Christmas in America on just one day - the 25^ of December. But in other countries, the holiday lasts a little longer. Customs have varied over the years, but Christmas traditionally has been celebrated as a 12-day holiday. The holiday period begins at midnight Christmas morning and extends through the Feast of the Epiphany, January sixth. Actually, if you include the feast day, it would be a 13-day, 12-night holiday, with the Feast of the Epiphany long referred to as Twelfth Night. No matter how you count it, Twelfth Night is recognized as the time the Three Wise Men reached the baby Jesus and brought him gifts. Because of that, many people exchange their presents at the end of the Christmas period, rather than at the beginning. Others do so throughout the 12 days. And 'ts customary for some revelers to leave their Christmas [[decorations in place the entire holiday. ‘I heard the bells on Cnristmas Day Their old, familiar carols play, And wild and sweet the words repeat I P®ace on earth, good-jWl!l to men!” *---_^2_Henry W. Longfellow ; Coconut Triangles; i -T. . . mie: About 2 hours before serving or early in day. i ^ ’eld: 2 dozen triangles. i i ^ CUP butter or margarine (1 stick), softened All-purpose flour Light-brown sugar 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla extract | A teaspoon baking powder A teaspoon salt ’ 31/2-ounce can flaked coconut (1 1/3 cups) 1 3-ounce can pecan halves (1 cup), chopped Probably the reason we all go so haywire at Christmas time with the endless unrestrained and often silly buying of gifts is that we don’t quite know how to put our love into words. --Harlan Miller low !.- Preheat oven to 375°F. In small bowl, with mixer at sPeed, beat butter or margarine, 1 cup all-purpose Hour, n j2 cup brown sugar until well blended, occasionally ‘-'raping bowl with rubber spatula. Pat dough into 13” by 9” a ‘^8 pan. Bake 15 minutes. bak * ~ Nleanwhile, into large bowl, measure eggs, vanilla, t , |ln§ P^'der, salt, cup packed light-brown sugar, and 3 beaesP0011s all-purpose Hour. With mixer at medium speed, mgredients until well blended, occasionally scraping VV • Add coconut and chopped pecan halves. - Evenly spread coconut mixture over baked layer in 11 ake 20 to 25 minutes longer or until golden. Cool in I ^an 0n wire rack. WTten cold, cut into 24 triangle cookies. LJire ‘n tightly covered container. X ! Ginger Spice Cookies I added this to the Christmas cookie tray a few years | Makes approximately 3 dozen. | In8redients: 13A C + 2 T flour 1 t baking soda '■A t salt j 3/« C unsalted butter 1//2 G + 2 T sugar (divided) 3 T crystallized ginger ! T egg white 2 T dark corn syrup 'A t cinnamon 1 * ginger ! It ground cloves ! Directions: ! • ^eat butter, sugar, crystallized ginger until fluffy. Beat i ^88 white, corn syrup and spices. Add dry ingredients, i tj0 * 'nt0 1” balls, roll in reserved 2 T sugar, and flatten with | 0 °m of a glass. Place on greased cookie sheets and bake !at for 13 minutes. [ 2^. --Kim Ann Kaifcsh 1____________ My Fam ily Recipes Feed the Need: Partnership in Action Warm clothing. Dry boxed or canned food items. Paper products. These and other items are normally donated around Thanksgiving and Christmas by many generous Greater Clevelanders to meet basic needs in our community. But what happens after the holidays? People still need food, warm clothing, and basic hygiene products. Two local Catholic institutions and one local fraternal lodge have decided to group together and meet these ongoing needs after the holidays with a Food and Clothing Drive named “Feed the Need.” Parishioners from St. Vitus, students from St. Ignatius High School, and members of St. Anne Lodge #4 AMLA, are requesting support from local Greater Clevelanders to donate dry and canned goods along with basic winter clothing such as caps, gloves, and scarves and hygiene products such as toilet paper, soap bars, baby powder, etc. during the weekend of January 13 and 14. Also between now and Jan. 13 you can also drop off your donated items or donations at American Home Publishing, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 during regular business hours. On Saturday, Jan. 13 items may be dropped off in the vestibules of St. Vitus Church, 6019 Glass Ave, Cleveland before and after the 4 p.m. Mass. On Sunday, Jan. 14, items may be dropped off in the vestibule of St. Vitus Church before or after the 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Masses. They may also be taken to the church auditorium during the sit-down or take-out benefit dinner sponsored by St. Ignatius High School Marching Band from 11 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. After you drop off the items, on Sunday, stop in and enjoy a home-style dinner consisting of boneless breaded chicken (or pork roast), home-made soup, mashed potatoes, lettuce, home-style rice, pastry, bread roll with butter, and either coffee or milk. Cost is only $12 (adult) or $6 (child). The St. Ignatius High School Jazz Band will play for your listening entertainment. Home-made pastry goodies to buy and take home will also be available. The goal is to receive 500 pounds of donated food and dry products. Items will be given to the near east side and west side community neighborhoods through St. Vitus Food Bank and the West Side Catholic Center. Interested individuals, companies, corporations, or other fraternal organizations seeking additional information on Feed the Need may contact either Stane or Mark Kuhar (440) 585-1360. 6 The whole world is a | Christmas tree, And stars I its many candles be. Oh! [ Sing a carol joyfully, The j year’s great feast is here. The custom of hanging up mistletoe at Christmas dates back to the Druids, an ancient people of Britain. Listen to THE SLOVENIAN HOUR On 50,000 Watt WCPN Cleveland Public Radio Tpny Ovsenik 440-944-2538 Al Koporc, Jr. Piano Technician (216) 481-1104 432-1114 Ann’s Dressmaking and Alterations Tues.-Sat.: 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. (Same Day Serviče) Weddings, Special Occas 'ns 6027 Si. Clair Ave., Cleve. Youth is immortal. ‘Tis the elderly only who grow old! —Herman Melville i------------------------------------------------ Chocolate Nut Bars These are another of Mom’s Christmas cookies. The bars go a tong way. Ingredients: BOTTOM: 1 C butter 6 T powdered sugar 2 C flour 12 oz. chocolate chips Topping: 2 eggs % C sugar 6 T butter, melted butter 2 t vanilla 2 C chopped nuts Directions: Combine the 3 bottom ingredients and press into the bottom of a cookie sheet. Bake at 350° for 20 minutes but do not let it get browned). Immediately after taking the crust out of the oven, spread the chocolate chips over the crust and return to the oven for 3-5 minutes. Take out of the oven and spread the chips evenly over the crust. Mix the topping ingredients and spread over the top of the chocolate layer and return to the oven for 25-30 minutes at 350°. Cut the bars while warm. --Kim Ann Kaifesh , My Family Recipes Specialists in Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s HAIR SALON 5216 Wilson Mills Road 461-7989 / 461-0623 Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 30, 2000 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 30, 2000 Friday, Dec. 1 Evening with Bishop Pevec at Borromeo Seminary, 28700 Euclid Ave., Euclid Ave., beginning with Mass at 7 p.m. Sponsored by Slovenian American Heritage Foundation. Saturday, Dec. 2 Vox Ilirica Young Women’s Chorus of Slovenia makes American debut concert at Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, Ohio at 7 p.m. Donation $10.00. Sunday, Dec. 3 St. Nicholas visits St. Vitus Slovenian School children at 3 p.m. in St. Vitus Auditorium. A play about St. Nicholas will be performed in Slovenian. Admission is $6, age 18 and up. Everyone invited. Saturday, Dec. 9 St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Slovenian School presents “An Evening with St. Nicholas,” in the school hall. $5 donation, children free. Refreshments available. Parents may “meet” with the saint one hour before program in lower hall of old church. Friday, Dec. 15 Advent and Christmas Concert featuring trumpeter Franc Komparae from Menge*, Slovenia in St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Church, 15519 Holmes Ave., at 7 p.m. Suggested donation $15.00. Sunday, Dec. 31 New Year’s Eve Dinner-Dance in St. Mary (Collinwood) school hall, Cleveland beginning at 6:30 p.m. Featured music by Veseli Godci Orchestra. Donation $45 includes breakfast. For reservations call parish at 761-7740. Seating is limited. -2001— Sunday, Jan. 14 St. Ignatius High School Marching Band benefit dinner in St. Vitus Auditorium, Cleveland, from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Cost $12 adult; $6 per child. Sunday, March 18 Slovenian Language School of St. Vitus parish hosts annual Benefit Dinner from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. in St. Vitus auditorium. St. Vitus Slovenian School elects officers At the October 9 meeting of parents of children in the St. Vitus Slovenian Language School, the following new officers for 200/2001 were elected: President: Tony Lavrisha; Vice President: Joe Skrabec; Treasurer: Andrea Plassard; Corresponding Secretary: Ani Bratkovič; Recording Secretary: Mia Graf; Auditors: Sonja Kolarič and Dana Leonard. This year there are 75 children enrolled in the Slovenian Language School from 43 different families. The Principal of the Slovenian School is Mrs. Mary Petelin. Val Pawlowski says Thanks Polka Radio Hostess Val Pawlowski was nominated for the Polka Hall of Fame Support and Promotion Award. Val, in her seventh year of broadcasting, is heard every Saturday morning from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. on WKTX 830 AM radio, delivering plenty of polka music and a lot of excitement for her Northeastern Ohio and Western Pennsylvania audience. Val says, “This is the fourth time my dear listeners have placed my name in nomination for the PHF award. I truly appreciate everyone” support, after all, I believe our relationship together is a partnership between the audience, me, and program sponsors, who pay the cost of radio advertising, which enables me to keep on playing good polka music. - Thanks to everyone for their support. The nomination is a real honor, but, I believe, it truly belongs to the people. For beautiful Christmas decorations in a window with panes, hang a cluster of berries or a sprig of evergreen tied with a ribbon from the middle of each pane and wreath the whole window in long-needled evergreen. In 1998, for the first time in NFL history, three teams finished with 14 or more regular season wins: the Minnesota Vikings (15-1), the Denver Broncos (14-2) and the Atlanta Falcons (14-2). There was a time when a fool and his money were soon parted, but now it happens to everyone. —Adlai Stevenson ED MEJAC RDC Program Director WCSB 89.3 FM radio hours: Sunday 9-10 am Wednesday 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-953-1709 TEL/FAX WEB: www.wcsb.org LET US GIVE THANKS Let us give thanks for Everything T he charm of fall, the cheer of spring, the Unmatched splendor of the skies S ongbirds, brooks and butterflies Let us give thanks for all Good gifts I nspiring words and faith that lifts Various joys of every kind Enduring health and peace of mind Let us give thanks for all T hat cheers Home and family, fruitful years Abundant blessings on our land Neighbors, friends who lend a hand Knowledge, ventures to pursue S leep and rest when day is through God’s love to guide us on our way For all these things, on this glad day LET US GIVE THANKS Lucille Boesken 'jtšM ^°n^I Melodies from Beautiful Slovenia Slovenian Radio Family DID YOU KNOW- Slovenia... Joseph Zclle ****************** The first book in Slovenian was published in 1550. (Gutenberg in Germany invented movable type printing around 1453.) Trubar, a Lutheran priest in exile in Germany from Sloveniia, had his first little booklets published in Slovenian, printed in 1550. The print type was Gothic. Bishop Dr. Anton MahniS’s 150th birthday anniversary was observed in Štanjel. Born in 1850, he died in 1920. Bishop Metod Pirih of Koper formally dedicated Mahnicfs bust. It was the work of Evgin Guštin. Some 25 scientists and historians assembled in Rome in a symposium devoted to Bishop Gregory Rodman. The once exiled Bishop of Ljubljana, lies buried in the Franciscan cemetery of Lemont, IL. Dr. Joze Bernik of Chicago was one of the participants at the symposium. German consul >n Ljubljana, Laurids Holscher, presented 3 computer system to the Chemical Institute of Ljubljana. It was the gift of the Alexander von Humboldt Institute The unit was valued at $100,000. Matevž Ravnikar was born on September 20, 1776. Of a peasant family, he nevertheless was sent to school. Eventually he was ordained a priest He was the first bishop of Trst-Koper. He died November 20, 1845. AZMAN MEATS 654 East 185 St., Cleveland, OH 44119 1216) 481-0826 Featuring Azman's Homemade Slovenian Smoked Sausages, - Fresh Garlic Sausages, -Rice & Blood Sausages, Želodec, -Cottage Hams, and Potica WE SHIP ANYWHERE PLEASE CALL FOR YOUR ORDER NOW _________________________________ Dr. Zenon A. Klos E. 185"' Area ^ 531-7700 — Emergencies -Dental Insurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Repair COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E. 185 St. (between Shore Carpet & Fun Services) ^ Pepper and Salt THE WALL STREET JOURNAL The Vote Is at an END LOUIS CIMPERMAN Louis Cimperman, 86, of Brecksville, Ohio, a grocer who served the Slovenian community of Cleveland for 0ver 60 • years, died of com-plicatipns from heart and kidney disease at University Hospital on Tuesday, Nov. 28,2000. For over 50 years he was * e owner and operator of Cimperman Market at 1115 Norwood Road in the Slove-^lan neighborhood of Cleveland. In March, 1928, Limperman’s parents bought borsek Grocery at 6128 lass Avenue and named it 'm perm an Market, while Recruiting their four children, ouis (14 at the time), Jo-^ePh, Rose, and Dorothy, to ’elp run it seven days a Week, 15 hours a day. The Market was moved across the street in 1934 (to 's Norwood Road location), in ^ ^eat^ °F his father Cimperman became Marklt^ °perator- The horhood remained a neigh-institution for over Slovenian °f lhe s,. v.rds sjste^e^man worked with his while Su . 016,11 her of the c,;e?ian community of eVe anci for his entire life. vpd °Se £iur>ng all these active Wh'le Staying an man 0ver the years, Cimper- Ma an^ t^le Cimperman ofh 61 Weat*1ered a number fic ,ardsh!PS Part*cularly dif-b Ut ^or immigrant small a ^nesses operating without j nnancial safety net. For ta^ance, Cimperman sus-Dened ^he Market during the th^rfSS'0n years and during ages f Wl1 rationing shorter meat and goods. ^KST-NAGf" Memorials 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 A misfortune more specific to Cleveland was the East Ohio Gas catastrophe of 1944. Cimperman watched as much of the neighborhood was destroyed instantly as he stood behind the butcher counter. Liquid gas also seeped into the basement of the Market and exploded, causing considerable damage; but the Market was operational a few days later. Perhaps the most insidious hardship was the rise of large supermarkets in the suburbs. While many of the neighborhood grocery and meat markets disappeared, Cimperman continued making his freshly prepared meats until he was 80 years old. He faithfully adhered to his father’s formulas to smoke sausages, using fruit and nut wood for flavor. His blood and rice sausages, smoked meats, želodec (stomach sausage), bacon and ribs were sent all over the country. He is survived by his wife of 54 years, Mary; son Louis Jr. of Atlanta, GA; daughters Patricia Siraganian of Bethesda, MD. Barbara Freelemyer of Gaithersburg, MD, and Marilyn Cimperman of Brecksville, OH; 11 grandchildren; and his sister Rose Cimperman. Funeral services will be at 10 a.m., Friday December 1 at St. Vitus Church, 6019 Glass Avenue, Cleveland. Funeral arrangements are being made through Zaks, 6016 St. Clair Ave. Donations may be made to St. Vitus Village, a permanent housing facility for seniors erected on St. Vitus property, right around the corner from the site of Cimperman Market. JOSEPH PENKO Joseph Penko, 79 of Willoughby Hills, Ohio, passed away in Hillcrest Hospital on Thursday, Nov. 16. Joseph was born in Cepen, Slovenia. He came to Cleveland at age 14. He was a member of KSKJ St. Joseph Lodge #169, The Euclid Pensioners, Slovan men’s chorus, and Glasbena Matica chorus. He was president of that group for five years. Mr. Penko also sang in the chorus at St. Mary Church. For 65 years Mr. Penko maintained close ties with his ethnic heritage through a life-long involvement in Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL LOCATED AT 452 E- ^Street Phone 481-3118 owned and operated since 1908 Slovenian cultural and fraternal organizations. He was a US Army veteran of WWII where he served in Germany. When he returned from the war he went to work at Grdina Hardware in the Slovenian neighborhood on St, Clair Avenue in Cleveland. In 1949 he and his brother-in-law Edward March bought the business. They relocated in Willoughby, Ohio in 1960 and operated as Willo Hardware until 1984. Mr. Penko and his wife, Frances, were members of St. Mary Church, and Immaculate Conception Church. Joseph was the husband of Frances (nee Klun) his wife of 54 years; the father of Lawrence, Karen Lester, and Lauren Suk; grandfather of Elizabeth Suk; and brother of Marie Gombach. A Mass of Christian Burial was held at St. Mary Church on Tuesday, Nov. 21. Burial was in All Souls Cemetery. Donations in his memory to St. Mary Church, 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland 44110 would be appreciated by the family. LILLIAN GORYANCE Lillian Goryance, (nee Fajdiga), 75 of Richmond Heights, Ohio, passed away on Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2000 in Richmond Hts. Hospital. Lillian was born in Cleveland, but had resided in Euclid, Ohio for 42 years. She belonged to KSKJ St. Joseph Lodge #169, SNPJ Lodge #147 Slovenian Women’s Union #50, Holmes Avenue Pensioners, and St. Mary’s Seniors. Lillian was employed at Terex Corp. in Hudson as a Blueprint Clerk for 25 years. She retired in 1981. She is survived by children John Wendolowski (wife Darla), Cynthia Rudolph (husband Mitchell); granddaughter Laura Jean Wendolowski; sister Josephine Sovich; and many nieces and nephews. Deceased family members are her husbands John Wendolowski and Stanley Goryance. Family received friends at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home on Friday, Nov. 24 from 2-4 and 7-9. Mass of Christian Burial at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 25, 2000 at St. Mary Catholic Church, 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland, Rev. John Kumse officiating. Interment All Souls Cemetery, Chardon, Ohio. COLLEEN M. RIHTAR Colleen M. Rihtar (nee McMonagle), 42, a 3-year resident of Concord, Ohio, formerly of Mentor-on-the-Lake, passed away on Sunday, Nov. 19 at Cleveland Clinic. Colleen was born on January 27, 1958 in Cleveland. She is survived by her husband, Michael; children Joseph, Elizabeth, and Christine; brother John McMonagle; sisters Kathy Harris and Marianne Marti; and many nieces and nephews. Friends were received at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home on Tuesday, Nov. 21 from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial was at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2000 in St. Vitus Catholic Church, 6014 Glass Ave., Cleveland, Bishop A. Edward Pevec, celebrant. Interment: All Souls Cemetery, Chardon, Ohio. ROZALIJA BOH Rozalija Boh (nee Rus), 74, passed away in University Hospital Nov. IS^1. Rozalija was born in Podtabor, Slovenia. She came to Cleveland in 1950 and was a resident of Cleveland for 38 years. She was presently living in Madison, Ohio. She was employed as a seamstress for 20 years at the Richman Bros. Co. Rosalia was the wife of Joseph; the sister of Marija Stropnik (deceased), and Ivana Božic; aunt of many. Mass of Christian burial was held on Wednesday, Nov. 22 at St. Jerome Church at 9:30 a.m. Burial in All Souls Cemetery. Donations in her memory to St. Jerome Church. GEORGE POPRIK George Poprik, 72, passed away in Hospice House on Thursday, Nov. 16th. Mr. Poprik was a longtime Cleveland resident. He was retired from Bailey Meter where he was employed as a machinist. George was a U.S. Navy Veteran of WWII. He was a member of St. Vitus Catholic War Veterans Post #1655 and Collinwood Post #2926. Mr. Poprik was also a member of St. Clair Pensioners, and Catholic Order of Foresters Baraga Court #1317. Funeral services were held on Monday, Nov. 20 in St. Vitus Church. Burial was in Lake Park Cemetery, Youngstown, Ohio. George was the husband of Rose (deceased); the brother of Carol Tobin, Marie Getsey; and the fol-lowing deceased: Andrew, John, Steve, Louise Perein-chak. Zele Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. Donations to St. Vitus Village Fund in his memory would be appreciated. MARY LOKAR Services for Mary Lokar, 98, will be held Saturday, Dec. 2 at St. Mary Church (Holmes Ave.) at 9:30 a.m. “Marica” was borri in Italy. She came to Cleveland in 1928. She was best known for her wonderful cooking, as a caterer; she prepared many wonderful meals at Recher Hall. Marica was a member of SWU #10, PSWA #3, SNPJ #142, Euclid Pensioners, and Slovenian Society Home Women’s Auxiliary. Marica was the widow of Christ; the mother of Mary (Clarence) Doles; grandmother of Barbara (Mark) Terček, Sandra (Gary) Thor-nicroft, Marcia (Vincent) Screngi, and Richard (Victoria) Doles; greatgrandmother of 11; great-great grandmother of 3. Friends may call at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Friday, Dec. 1 from 2 to 8 p.m. Burial will be in St. Paul Cemetery. Donations to the Slovene Home for the Aged Foundation or St. Mary Church Endowment Fund in her memory would be appreciated by the family. MARGARET KAUS Margaret Kaus (nee Spik), 85, passed away on Monday, Nov. 27 at Gateway Healthcare in Euclid, Ohio. She was born on Feb. 10, 1915 in Pennsylvania. She was a resident of Willoughby for five years, formerly of Wickliffe. Margaret belonged to SNPJ Comrades #566 and Progressive Slovenian Women’s Circle #2. She is survived by children David A. (Barbara) Kaus, Judy A. (John) Wotowiec, and Kenneth (Laura) Kaus; nine grandchildren; two greatgrandchildren; and a sister Frances Tomsic. Her husband, Anton, and two brothers and two sisters are deceased. Friends may call at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills, Ohio on Thursday, Nov. 30 from 2-4 and 7-9. Funeral Friday, Dec. 1 at 10 a.m. at The Dan Cosic funeral Home. Interment: All Souls Cemetery, Chardon, Ohio. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 30,' 2000 t Family Owned and Operated Since 1908 — Licensed Funeral Directors: Richard J. Zele — Louis F. Zele, £ Sutton J. Girod — Louis E. Zele “Four Generations of THE ZELE FAMILY” Zele Funeral Homes, Inc. (Main Office) 452 East 152nd Street — 481-3118 CLEVELAND, OHIO In Time of Need — We Are Here to Help You. FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina i a AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, November 30, 2000 SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER - Vesti iz Slovenije - Ta teden parlamentarni odbori obravnavajo predlagane člane za slovensko vlado - Danes naj bi glasovali o celotni vladi Če bo vse šlo kot doslej, bo državni zbor danes glasoval o novi vladi dr. Janeza Drnovška. Dvoma ni, da bo vlada potrjena. Ta teden zasedajo pristojni parlamentarni odbori in zaslišujejo predlagane kandidate za posamezna ministrstva, le-ti pa predstavljajo svoja gledanja in načrte. Novi zunanji minister (že tretjič) Dimitrij Rupel je pred odborom DZ za zunanjo politiko (podprlo ga je 17 od 19 navzočih članov) dejal, da so aktualni zunanjepolitič-n' problemi Slovenije odnosi s Hrvaško (begunci, maloobmejni sporazum, meja), Jugoslavijo (nasledstvo) in Avstrijo. Povedal Je tudi, da načrtuje reorganizacijo svojega m*nistrstva: “Želim štiri državne sekretarje (za mednarodno-pravne zadeve in EU, sosednje države, bilaternalne odnose in za Slovence po svetu) in močan kabinet s pooblaščenci za aktualne probleme.” Poročilo v torkovem Delo fax-u: “Glavni zunanjepolitični cilj in pričakovanje Sloveni-je je članstvo v EU leta 2003 in Natovo vabilo leta 2002; zato bo najintenzivnejše diplomatsko delo bilateralno, z Brusljem, ^arizom, Stockholmom in Washingtonom, je Povedal kandidat za novega šefa diplomaci-ic- V odnosih s srednjo in JV Evropo po-stavlja na prvo mesto določitev meje s Hr-vaško, tudi zaradi članstva v EU. Glede ZRJ opozarja na previdnost zaradi protislo-Vn*h Koštuničevih izjav o slovenskem osa-rnosvajanju. Za odnose z Italijo pričakuje, da bodo še vnaprej harmonični, čeprav o-meni> da se utegnejo zaplesti.” Tudi Slovenija prisiljena ukrepati v zvezi s splošno evropsko zaskrbljenostjo zaradi tako imenovanih “norih krav” Današnji Delo fax poroča: “V Sloveniji bo najpozneje 9. decembra (po objavi v uradnem listu) začela veljati prepoved uporabe limfnega tkiva sesalcev v prehrani ljudi, povsem prepovedana pa bo v prihodnje tudi uporaba mesno-kostne moke za hranjenje živali. Tako je sklenila vlada, potem ko je na včerajšnji seji obravnavala informacijo kmetijskega ministrstva o stanju in ukrepih v zvezi z boleznijo norih krav (BSE) in trenutnih razmerah v govedoreji.” Poročilo nadaljuje: “Na podlagi ugotovljenega stanja trenutno še ni razlogov za izjemne ukrepe, glede na ocene in predvideno zmanjšanje porabe in izvoza govejega mesa pa je pričakovati, da bodo ti najbrž potrebni.” Podatki kažejo na primer, da se je nakup govejega mesa od kmetov zaradi manjše prodaje tega mesa zmanjšal za 30 do 40 odstotkov, ponekod celo za 50%. Sindikat kmetov Slovenije zahteva takojšnjo popolno prepoved uvoza govejega mesa in izdelkov. Slovensko-jugoslovanski odnosi V torek je prišel v Ljubljano iz Beograda Zoran Dindič, predsednik Demokratske stranke v ZRJ, sicer na čelu delegacije Demokratične opozicije Srbije (DOS). Srečal se je s predsednikom Milanom Kučanom, odhajajočim zunanjim ministrom Lojzetom Peterletom in prihajajočim Dimitrijem Ruplom. Beseda je tekla o obnovitvi odnosov in je Dindič izrazil upanje, da bosta državi sodelovali tako kakor nekoč. EMLJA SE UMIRJA - Fotografija je pogled na močno gmoto enega od zemeljskih Plazov, ki so v zadnjih dveh tednih prizadeli predvsem severnozahodni del Slovenije. V *adnjih dneh ni poročil o novih premikih zemlje, nevarnosti so pa še. Za obsežnejše “^Pravljanje posledic plazov bodo čakali do pomladi. Glede bodoče usode Loga pod angrtom (fotografija) je toliko znano, da bo treba umakniti tisti del vasi, ki je v do-•jSu Predelice in Koritnice, nekam drugam, na varnejše mesto. Premakniti bo treba tu- di del ceste čez Predel. Dolina Koritnice bo zaradi nevarnosti trganja mangrtskega pla- Zu še naprej strogo zaprto območje Iz Clevelanda in okolice Miklavževanje— Slovenska šola pri Sv. Vidu priredi miklavževanje to nedeljo, 3. decembra, pop. ob 3h, v farni dvorani. Starši se bodo lahko pogovorili s sv. Miklavžem od 8. zj. dalje v društveni sobi. Naprodaj bodo tudi domači krofi. Vsi vljudno vabljeni! Lilija ima sestanek— Dramatsko društvo Lilija ima redni mesečni sestanek v ponedeljek, 4. decembra, ob 7.30 zv., v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. Vsi člani lepo vabljeni! Skupna božičnica— Kulturna društva Korotan, Lilija, Kres in Fantje na vasi prirede skupno božičnico v nedeljo, 10. decembra, v zgornji dvorani Slovenskega doma na Holmes Avenue. Pričetek ob 5. popoldne. Vsi člani in prijatelji lepo vabljeni. Prav posebno pa so vabljene slovenske šole. Pridite na to tradicionalno božično prireditev, da se srečate s svojimi prijatelji in znanci. Na svidenje! Novi grobovi Mary “Marica” Lokar Umrla je 98 let stara Marica Lokar, rojena v Italiji, v Cleveland prišla leta 1928, vdova po Christu, mati Mary Doles, 4-krat stara mati, 11-krat prastara mati, 3-krat praprastara mati, zelo znana kot kuharica, predvsem pri SDD na Recherjevi ulici, članica SŽZ št. 10, PSA kr. št. 3, SNPJ št. 142, Kluba upokojencev v Euclidu in Ženskega odseka pri SDD na Recherjevi. Pogreb bo v soboto, 2. dec., v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda zj. ob 8.45, v cerkev Marije Vne-bovzete ob 9.30, od tam na pokopališče sv. Pavla na Chardon Rd. Ure kropljenja bodo jutri, v petek, od 2. do 8. zv. Darovi v pokojničin spomin ali Slovene Home for the Aged Foundation ali St. Mary Endowment Fund bodo s hvaležnostjo sprejeti. Margaret Kaus Dne 27. novembra je u-mrla 85 let stara Margaret Kaus, vdova po Antonu, (dalje na str. 20) Večer s škofom Pevcem— Jutri, v petek, 1. dec., bo večer s škofom A. Ed-wardom Pevcem, v Center za Pastoral Leadership na 28700 Euclid Ave. v Wick-liffu. Škof bo daroval sv. mašo ob 7h v kapelici, sledil bo koncert božičnih pesi in nato še sprejem. Javnost vabjena, vstopnine ni. Koncert— To soboto zv. ob 7h vas v SDD na Recherjevi vabi Primorski klub na koncert ženskega komornega zbora Vox Ilirica iz Ilirske Bistrice. Vstopnice ($10) dobite pri vhodu. Miklavževanje 9. dec.— Slovenska šola pri Mariji Vnebovzeti ima svoje miklavževanje v soboto, - 9. dec., ob 6. uri zv. Otroci se vneto dopisujejo ■ s sv. Miklavžem (str. 15). Popravek— V osmrtnici za Josepha Penko je bilo ime njegove hčerke Lauren Suk napačno napisana. Za pomoto se upravičujemo. Krofi, rezanci, pecivo— Oltarno društvo pri Sv. Vidu ima prodajo krofov in rezancev, Oltarno društvo pri M. Vnebovzeti pa prodajo krofov in peciva, v soboto, 9. dec., v šolski dvorani tako pri Sv. Vidu in M. Vnebovzeti, ob običajnem času. Novi grobovi Louis A. Cimperman Dne 28. novembra je u-mrl 86 let stari Louis A. Cimperman, mož Mary, roj. Semenak, oče Patricije Si-raganian, Louisa, Barbare Feelemyer in Marilyn, 11-krat stari oče, brat Rose Cimperman ter že pok. Josephine Godič in Dorothy Godič, več desetletij lasto-val in vodil nekdanjo Cim-permanovo mesnico in trgovino na Norwood Rd. Pogreb bo jutri, v petek, v oskrbi Zak zavoda, 6016 St. Clair Ave., zj. ob 9.15, v cerkev sv. Vida ob lOh, od tam na pokopališče Vernih duš. Ure kropljenja so danes od 3. pop. do 8. zv. Družina priporoča darove v pokojnikov spomin St. Vitus Village Fund. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $30 letno za ZDA; $35 za Kanado (v ZD valuti)' Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $40 letno (v ZD valuti) Za Slovenijo, z letalsko pošto, $160 letno SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $30 per year; Canada: $35 in U.S. currency Foreign: $40 per year U.S. or equivalent currency Slovenia: $160 per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly for $30 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 46 Thursday, November 30, 2000 RAFKO VALENČIČ Ljubljana Moč narave in moč solidarnosti Kaprun in Log pod Mangartom, imeni, ki sta zaznamovali letošnji november in bosta ostali v spominu mnogih ljudi kot kraj hude nesreče. Kaprun na Avstrijskem: človeški dejavnik, ki se je zanašal na dosežke lastnega znanja in tehnike; v ognju je zgorelo 155 žrtev. Log pod Mangartom: moč narave, ki je pokazala svojo nepredvidljivost in povsem spremenila ne samo podobo ene najlepših alpskih dolin, kar jih premore slovenska zemlja, marveč tudi duhovno podobo tam bivajočega človeka, ki kljub potresom, sedaj pa še plazovom, vztraja na domu prednikov. Ti dogodki nas silijo k razmišljanju, kaj bi bili dolžni storiti za preprečitev nesreč in kako se v prihodnje obvarovati pred njimi. V tem trenutku je prva in neodložljiva naloga vseh - solidarnost. Naj vedo znanci in prijatelji, med katere sem prihajal tri desetletja, in tudi neznanci, vendar vsak s svojim imenom ter lastno in družinsko usodo, da smo jim v trenutku preizkušnje blizu, da jim bomo pomagali. Naj vedo, da se jih spominjamo v molitvi, ki nas povezuje v eno družino in vzgaja za solidarnost; v molitvi, ki človeka uči, kako sprejemati preizkušnje in življenjske težave. Neštetokrat je človek prek trpljenja prišel do globljih spoznanj sebe, drugega in sveta. Solidarnost ima posebne zakonitosti. Ne sprašuje najprej po vzrokih, še manj se ukvarja s krivdo. Ko vidi potrebnega, mu pomaga duhovno in gmotno. Solidarnost ne preračunava, kaj lahko da od svojega obilja, da bi lajšala hudo stisko bližnjega, marveč deli z njim vse, kar ima. Solidarnost ni samo hrana, obleka in denar ter streha nad glavo, je tudi poslušanje in spremljanje drugega, ki sta ga prizadeli nesreča in stiska. Solidarnost ni v enkratni pomoči in prepričanju, da je s tem zadoščeno dolžnost. Prizadeti bodo brez dvoma še dolgo potrebovali pomoč posameznikov, ustanov in družbe. Solidarnost tudi v radovednosti, ki je pogosto spremljevalka našega zanimanja za drugega. Ko ji je zadoščeno, pozablja na stisko bližnjega. Pristno podobo solidarnosti je človeku pokazal Kristus, Božji Sin. Postal je človek, deležen vseh njegovih skrbi; z vsakim izmed nas trpi in upa, joka in se veseli. Tako je ravnal v času svojega življenja, tako je navzoč med nami tudi v teh trenutkih. Od njega se moremo učiti pristne solidarnosti. Solidarnost pa ima še druge razsežnosti, ki jih današnji človek pogosto pozablja. Gre za solidarnost s sedanjimi in prihodnjimi rodovi, z zemljo in vsem stvarstvom, ki ga je Bog zaupal človekovi skrbi. Vprašanje je, kdaj in katere na- Slovenska šola pri Sv. Vidu vabi... Miklavž prihaja CLEVELAND, O. - Zopet bomo praznovali god našega svetnika Miklavža. S svojo radodarnostjo se je ta dobri škof v svojem življenju tako priljubil, da še danes živi med nami. Vsako leto nas osebno obišče in tako že dolgo dobo let ob tem času pripravljamo čim lepši sprejem in prisrčno dobrodošlico. S svetoviškega odra že odmevajo čudovito lepe melodije “Miklavževe operete” - nekatere angelsko nežne, druge parkeljsko razposajene. Želimo, da bi tudi vi z nami preživeli lepo popoldne in se ob očarljivih prizorih podali v pravljični svet, ki nam na svojstven način govori o miru in srčni dobroti. Lepo vabljeni na Miklavževanje Slovenske šole pri Sv. Vidu, ki bo 3. decembra ob 3h popoldne v avditoriju. Če se želite osebno pogovoriti s sv. Miklavžem, se pred prireditvijo ustavite v družabni sobi. Učiteljski odbor in Odbor staršev Izpod zvona Marije Vnebovzete CLEVELAND, O. - Žalostno je zapel navček v torek, 14. novembra, ko je prišla novica, da je odšla v večnost Ivanka Kete. Žalostna novica za nas, ki smo z njo delale, saj je nastala praznina. Bila je predsednica našega Oltarnega društva po odhodu Adamičeve mame, popreje pa veliko let tajnica in zapisnikarica. Poznala je vse članice, se z njimi veselila, ko so bili uspehi in jokala, ko so one jokale. Z vso vdanostjo je prenašala svoje težave in trpljenje, posebno z desno nogo, ki ji je slabo služila zadnja leta. Težko je hodila, a bila je prva v cerkvi vsako jutro. Imela je lep sopran in vodila ljudsko petje v vsej potankosti, saj je znala še veliko starih pesmi. Tudi litanije in rožni venec je molila pred sv. mašo. Zdaj je utihnil njen glas tu v naši cerkvi. Kot sta že pred leti s pokojno Adamičevo mamo rade prepevale, tako upamo, da zdaj razveseljujeta nebe-ščane in pojeta hvalo Bogu, Jezusu in Mariji. Draga Ivanka, vse članice Ti želimo vso srečo v nebesih, saj si le za to živela, da prideš med nebe-ščane. Hvala Ti za vsa dobra dela. Bog Ti naj poplača, me pa se Te spominjamo v molitvi, kot tudi vseh pokojnih članic. Ta nedelja, 3. decembra, je zopet prva nedelja v mesecu, ko bo deseta sv. maša darovana za žive in pokojne članice. Ob pol dveh pa bodo molitve pred Najsvetejšim in tudi blagoslov. Iz cerkve se bomo podale v šolsko sobo za sestanke, da se pogovorimo o našem delu v prihodnosti. Po sestanku bomo obiskale naše bolne in onemogle farane po domovih in jim prinesle malo domačega priboljška, v spomin bližnjega sv. Miklavža, ter želele lepe božične praznike in vse dobro za Novo leto. Pridite k sv. maši, k molitvam in sodelujte pri obisku vseh trpečih. Lavriševa Belokranjski klub se zahvaljuje CLEVELAND, O. - Belokranjski klub se najlepše zahvaljuje za lepo uspeli vinski praznik, ki je bil 11. novembra. Dragi prijatelji ravne nesreče so posledica neodgovornega človekovega ravnanja. Nekaj je gotovo: s svojim ravnanjem je človek usodno posegel v naravo in njeno ravnovesje ter s tem ogrozil tudi lastno bivanje. Ozračje je zastrupljeno, ozonska luknja se širi. Klimatske spremembe resno opozarjajo človeštvo, da ravna neodgovorno. Mnoge naravne nesreče so posledica teh sprememb, najbrž tudi zadnja. Tudi vode umirajo, živalske in rastlinske vrste izginjajo, človeka ogroža vse več bolezni, ki so posledica neodgovornega ravnanja z naravo. Človek, krona stvarstva in gospodar narave, je postal njun sovražnik in uničevalec. Biti gospodar pomeni predvsem modro in odgovorno gospodariti z zaupanimi dobrinami. Morda bi bilo bolj primemo reči, da je človek “gospod narave”, in tako tudi ravnati. (dalje na sir. 16) in znanci, ponovno ste se odzvali našemu vabilu -prisrčna hvala! Zahvalimo se našim prijateljem iz Girarda, Ohio, ki nas vsako leto obiščejo in napolnijo avtobus, s spremstvom - tokrat Tonyja Klepca ml. in Slav-kota Strasar. Iskreno se zahvaljujemo orkestru Staneta Mejača, ki nas je zelo lepo zabaval s svojimi lepimi melodijami skozi cel večer. Prav tako cvetličarni Jimmyja Slapnika, ki nam je podarila lepo število nageljnov, ki so nam krasili mize. Dalje, uredništvu Ameriške Domovine za objavljanje dopisov in vabil. Iskrena hvala tudi Radijski družini in Tonyju Petkovšku, za lepa vabila na njihovih oddajah. Našim dobro poznanim kuharicam in fantom za baro gre posebna zahvala za izvrstno postrežbo. In, končno, zahvala vsem vam, ki ste na kakršen koli način pomagali, da je naše Martinovo praznovanje tako lepo uspelo. Na svidenje zopet drugo leto! Odbor -v BRALCI ~;>MERIŠKE DOMOVINE! PRIPOROČAJTE NAŠ UST! V LJUBEČ IN BLAG SPOMIN ob 5. obletnici, ko je bil poklican od nas naš skrbni mož in oče, stari ata, brat in stric Ivan (John) Cendol Umrl 1. decembra 1995 Pet let Te zemlja krije, v temnem grobu mimo spiš; srce Tvoje več ne bije, bolečin več ne trpiš. Piam pa žalost srca trga, rosijo solze nam oči; dom je prazen in otožen, odkar Te več med nami ni. Žalujoči: Žena Ana Hčerke: Roseann z družino Margaret z družino Sin John Jr. z družino Sestra Anica z družino (Golop) Sestra Vera Ivančič z družino v Kanadi Sestra Albina Cendol Brat Jože z družino Brat Frank z družino Cleveland, Ohio; Canada Sv. Miklavž nadaljuje svoje dopisovanje z učenci in učenkami Slovenske šole pri Mariji Vnebovzeti v Clevelandu na z darilom, katerega sem zate izbral. Ko boš nastopala kot največji angel, pa lepo poj, da boš mlajšim za vzgled. Sv. Miklavž Dr^> sv. Miklavž! ^ *slim; da S£ me ve_ spomnite. Nisem več mala Vikica, sem že sk * 3 80v°riti sloven- se° znam že boljše. Učim - tu<^‘ rada. Imam dosti Ja> če pa izpolniš samo "° bom vesela. Rada olSo!°' CD‘iE' bim. bi in SaJ veš, kakšno ra- Nasvidenje kmalu. Viki Benedejčič ♦ Draga Viki! da se te dobro Pomnim. Pridno hodiš v ^ovensko šolo vsako sobote Pa. od tako daleč. Res P° že znaš slovensko. Se-*J boš kbko še učila tvo-'n nečakinje. Kar J na b°di v Šoli. Saj je ja VL- tCh tvoja največ- da S- ^ ^0t naJstwca vem, Včasib ubogati ud,,,, oce,a ™ druSc Sn ’ ampak boš kmalu da so imeli prav. reni 3j težkega že ne mo-b0- Spravjtl v vrečo in za-geb katere mi morajo an- bil ZCm‘j°’ jj ' ze bili vsi ange- UDa mVaIidsko upokojeni. 01 Pa, da boš zadovolj- Dragi sv. Miklavž! Moje ime je Marija. Jaz sem deset let stara. Imam enega brata, mamo in ata. Jaz rada pomagam mami. Jaz sem zelo pridna, a tudi nagajiva včasih. V šoli sem pridna. Rada bi imela igrače, rokavice, kinderjajce, nove čevlje, hlače, punčko in novo obleko. Pripravila bom kekse zate. Kako si? Hvala lepa. Marija Grabnar ♦ Moja ljuba Marija! Hvala za pismo, posebno, da si se tako potrudila ga napisati. Tudi ti imaš lepo pisavo, tako kot tvoj brat. Brat je pisal, da rad pomaga očetu, ti pa mami. Gotovo boš postala dobra gospodinja in kuharica. Z veseljem bom poskusil kekse, sploh če mi jih boš ti spekla. Da si včasih nagajiva, je res, a vidim, da se trudiš, da bi bila dobra do vseh. Jaz sem kar zaposlen. Imam veliko priprav za obisk na zemljo. Predvečer mojega godu bom hodil po hišah, kjer vem, da me čakajo slovenski otroci, v soboto, 9. decembra, pridem pa k tvoji fari sv. Marije Vnebovzete. Te bom poiskal med angelci na odru. Marija, kar korajžno naprej stopi, ko te bom poklical k sebi. Sv. Miklavž P.S.: Pozabil sem se zahvaliti bratcu Danijelu za lepo risbo, katero mi je poslal. Narisal je hišo in smreke v snežni odeji. Ali je to mogoče njegova vremenska napoved za ta teden? Dragi sv. Miklavž! Jaz sem 5 let star. Iman eno sestrico, Andrejo. Kakt pa si ti? Upam, da je vst v redu. (dalje na str. 16) Prijatel’s Pharmacy | St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA j ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS SLAVA IN CAST DOKTORJO FRANCETU PREŠERNU (rodil se je 3. decembra leta 1800 v Vrbi na Gorenjskem), ob dvestoletnici njegovega rojstva, slovenskemu geniju, ki nas je izoblikoval v narod, največjemu slovenskemu pesniku, katerega misel je vzplula in se vrgla do nebes, pesniku Krsta pri Savici, Sonetnega Venca in Zdravljice! Maj njegov duh preveva Slovence in Slovenke doma in po svetu do konca dni! Slovenski ameriški svet Praznovanje v Sloveniji 200. obletnice rojstva pesnika Franceta Prešerna Ljubljana (Delo fax, 28. novembra) - Kot smo daljnovidno napovedovali, bo Slovenija kulturni “šok” doživela ravno v času Prešernovega rojstnega dne - v dnevih okoli 3. decembra, ki jih bo okronala osrednja proslava v Cankarjevem domu (z naslovom Pesnik je rojen), čeprav natančnih podatkov o tem, kaj se bo dogajalo po kotih in kotičkih Slovenije, najbrž (še) ne ve nihče. O proslavi so znani tri stvari: da je režiser Dušan Jovanovič, ki je skupaj z Borisom A. Novakom napisal tudi scenarij, da se bo prireditev začela ob dvajseti uri in da so vstopnice brezplačne za vsakogar! Na zaslone nacionalne televizije bo 8. decembra prišla nadaljevanka o Prešernu, ki se bo zvrstila v petih petkih, 1. decembra pa jo bo slavnostno uvedel še dokumentarec o snemanju. Tretjega decembra bodo na nogah tudi Žirovničani - s prireditvijo Vrnitev Prešerna. Ta se bo s kočijo odpravil po krajih kulturne dediščine, pot pa zaključil v Vrbi, kjer bodo slavnostno odkrili spomenik z menda preurejeno okolico. “Velika nedelja” pa bo praznična še v nečem: odprla se bodo vrata kulturnih ustanov, od knjižnic do muzejev, galerij in gledališč. Nekateri so pripravili posebne prireditve, drugi odprli za obiskovalce kar tako. Dan odprtih vrat pripravlja tudi Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica: obiskovalcem bodo omogočili vračilo knjig brez zamudnine, ogled zanimivega gradiva iz različnih zbirk, strokovna vodenja, razstavo Prešernovih pisem, prodajno razstavo grafičnih listov in še kaj. Programi ustanov ne bodo opevali samo Prešerna, ampak kulturo nasploh; tako bodo denimo v ljubljanski knjižnici Bežigrad v izvedbi Mavričnega gledališča uprizorili predstavo O Vi-linki in Vilenjaku, v Muzeju novejše zgodovine Celje bo na ogled razstava Živeti v Celju in Mamut v Hermanovem brlogu, Narodni muzej Slovenije pa bo odprl razstavo Prešeren - pevec, ne bogat al sloveč. Z njo bodo v tej ustanovi prikazali nekaj glavnih poti, “po katerih so prišli v muzej Prešernovi rokopisi in dokumenti o njegovem življenju”. Program sklada za ljubiteljske dejavnosti obsega številne kulturne miniatur-ke; lahko bi jih imenovali od Artič do Šentjurja, nekatere so posredno povezane s Prešernom, druge malo ali sploh ne. Sklad je najštevilnejše usmeril na teden, ki prihaja. Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti (SAZU) za danes in jutri (30. no- ^ tA* • ,r . ^ Vesele božične praznike :8 ■/’($ in srečno novo leto! liil: Vaše ime Vaš naslov &•:---------v ■A <$>.A Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto Vaše ime Vaš naslov T M■ > "Y" American Home Publ. Co., 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 Dear Sirs: Enclosed is my check for___________________for a (circle one) $40.00 ad; $25.00 ad; $15.00 Christmas ad to appear in the Ameriška Domovina. My name _____ My address I City and State p. dr. Vendelin Špendov Lemont, III. LEMONTSK1 ODMEVI S praznikom Kristusa Kralja smo zaključili cerkveno leto in se na Zahvalni dan Bogu zahvalili za vse, kar nam je v svoji milosti naklonil. S prvo adventno nedeljo - 3. decembra - pa že stopamo v novo “leto božjega usmiljenja, v novo leto odrešenjske skrivnosti”. Začenjamo znova. Za krščansko življenje je zelo pomembno, da začenjamo znova in se poglabljamo v Kristusove skrivnosti. Vsako leto naj bi bili bliže Kristusu zlasti . z obhajanjem sv. zakramentov. Poleg božiča v tem mc-secu pozdravljamo Marijo, brez madeža spočeto -Brezmadežna, zapovedan Praznik, 8. decembra. Ne moremo pa tudi prezreti sv. Miklavža, 6. decembra, ko otroci molijo k sv- Miklavžu v pričakovanju godu tega blagega svetnika. Naši sobratje: 29. decembra goduje pater David Srumpf. Rojstnega dneva ta mesec ni. Sobratje umrli v decembru: p. Gabriel Estok, 4. dec. 1964; p. Rihard Ro-gan’ 6. dec. 1994; p. To-maž Hoge, 7. dec. 1990; kr- Robert Hochevar, 7. dec. 1997. p. Hugo Bren, dec. 1953; br. Humil Saveli> 23. dec. 1963. Naj V BLAG spomin Mihael vrenko ^mrl 2. decembra 1993 edcm let je že minulo, °dkar Te več med nami ni, ltnamo pa Te vedno v spominu n nate mislimo vse dni. daj mu večni pokoj! a svidenje nad zvezdami, in počivaj sladko v Ameriški zemlji! Žalujoči; Tončka Vrenko, žena ichael in Andy, sinova Michelle, snaha Maria Perez in Danica Dale, hčeri ^ dward in Joe, zeta vnukov in vnukinj 'n ostali sorodniki Richmond Hts., 0„ 30. nov. 2000. jim Gospod da svoj večni pokoj in večno Luč! Letos je bilo veliko obnovljenega tako v cerkvi Marije Pomagaj kot na posestvu našega samostana, zlasti na gričku poletnih piknikov. Prejšnji mesec so pripravili cerkvena okna za zimo. Asfalt dohodne ceste in ceste okoli samostana sta bili že precej razpokani, zato so jo v oktobru polili s katranom (sealer). Hvaležni smo vsem, ki z delom ali z gotovino pomagajo pri obnovitvenih delih in vzdrževanju. Spominjamo se jih v skupnih in osebnih molitvah. V nedeljo, 5. novembra, na “Lemontskih vernih duš dan”, smo se ob dveh popoldne zbrali na našem pokopališču sv. Frančiška in se, kakor vsako leto, nekoliko pomenili o sobratih na božji njivi in zanje pomoli- li. Posebej smo se spomnili še škofa Gregorija Rožmana, ki počiva ob pokopališkem križu kot prvi med sobrati. Nato smo se med molitvijo rožnega venca podali v cerkev, kjer je p. Bernardin daroval sv. mašo za naše rajne sobrate, sorodnike in dobrotnike. Po maši je bila kratka komemoracija v spomin škofa Rožmana ob prih 41. obletnice njegove smrti in v spomin vseh, ki so izgubili življenje za Boga in domovino. Rev. Pavel Krajnik, STD, župnik slovenske fare Sv. Cirila in Metoda v Lorain, Ohio, je tudi letošnji zlato-mašnik. Na božični dan leta 1950 je v Rimu prejel zakrament mašniškega posvečenja, sedaj pa že od leta 1975 vestno skrbi za župnijo, ki mu je bila dodeljena. - Dr. Krajnik, le-montski frančiškani se pridružujemo čestitkam z željo, da bi Bog še vnaprej naklanjal zdravje in s svojim blagoslovom vodil in obogatil delo v župniji. “Slovenski dan” pod pokroviteljstvom Slovensko-ameriškega radio kluba, je bil letos v soboto, 14. oktobra. Petdeset let poteka, odkar je na božični dan leta 1950, rajni dr. Ludvik Leskovar s sodelavci pričel s tedenskimi slovenskimi oddajami na radijskih valovih. Sedanjemu predsedniku Radijskega kluba in vodji tedenskih oddaj, Stanetu Simravhu in njegovim sode lavcem, iskreno čestitamo z (dalle na -:tr. 'P'' UMETNIŠKA RAZSTAVA V SLOVENSKEM KULTURNEM CENTRU, LEMONT: Razstava je bila odprta 12. novembra, trajala bo do srede februarja 2001. Na fotografiji zgoraj so od 12 sodelujočih slovensko-ameriških umetnikov (z leve): Marko Puc, Liz Puc, Breda Modic, Jaka Praprotnik, Lillian Brulc, Marija Bonnefil in Jean Pierre Bonnefil. Praznovanje (nadaljevanje s str. 15) dilo, so na ministrstvu šele jeseni predlagali režiserja, ta je sestavil koncept in priprave so se lahko začele ... Pred vrhuncem Prešernovega leta, ki je po številkah povezan s 450-let-nico prve slovenske knjige, pa so se ustavile tudi številke finančnega vložka ministrstva. To je v leto kulture vložilo 200 milijonov tolarjev. www.prešeren.net Na internetu je v torek zaživela tudi tako rekoč uradna spletna stran Franceta Prešerna - www.prese-ren.net - ki jo financira kulturno ministrstvo. Založba Pasadena je s sodelavci ustvarila medmrežni projekt o Prešernu, v katerega so vključeni njegovi bibliografski podatki, opis njegovega življenja, dobe, v kateri je živel, podatki o krajih, kjer je bival, ne manjka niti ro-doslovno deblo, seveda ne tudi Poezije, pa kratek kviz, interpretacije pesmi, izjave sodobnikov in še in še. Zajeten projekt so izdelali po vzoru svetovnihi spletov, prav zaradi internetnega značaja pa po mnenju ustvarjalcev stran ne bo nikoli dokončana. Čakajo na pripombe, popravke, dodatke ... Ni odveč, če omenimo, da bo v tednu dočakala angleško in nemško različico, v založbi Pasadena pa pravijo, da imajo zdaj ustvarjeno tehnično infrastrukturo za predstavitve drugih pesnikov in pisateljev. Kar bi bilo odslej cenejše in enostavnejše delo. T\ ... I., Šestnajta umetniška razstava v SKC v Lemontu v 5. letih WHEATON, 111. - Odprtje skupinske razstave dvanajstih slovensko-ameriških umetnikov iz Chicaga in okolice je bilo 12. novembra, na dan obhajanja pete obletnice Slovenskega kulturnega centra v Lemontu. To je že šestnajsta umetni ška razstava v našem domu. Na ogled bo do srede februarja 2001. Ta skupinska razstava predstavlja zelo pestro sliko: stilistično, tematsko in tehnično. Vsi umetniki izražajo na svoj način svoje misli o zunanjih in notranjih doživetjih: Naj umetnost govori! Ta razgibanost še posebno poživi naš Slovenski kulturni dom oz. center, v katerem se radi sesta jamo. Po abecednem redu na razstavi sodelujejo sledeči: Jean Pierre Bonnefil in Maria Bonnefil, oba iz Matteson, 111.; Erika Marija Bajuk, Wheaton, 111.; Lillian Brulc, Joliet, 111.; John Culik, Joliet; Lucija Dragovan, Joliet; Lois Faganel Keller, Chicago; Breda Modic, Pell Lake, Wis.; Jaka Praprotnik, Worth, 111.; Liz Puc in Marko Puc, Westchester, 111.; in Boris Žižek, Countyside, 111. Vseh skupaj je razstavljenih 52 slik. Erika M. Bajuk Z AMERIŠKO DOMOVINO STE VEDNO NA TEKOČEM Progressive Slovene Women of America proudly offers the Fourth Edition of Treasured Slovenian and International Recipes Name.................................... Address................................. City/State/Zip........................... Number ordered____($15.00 + $3. S/H each book) (in U.S. Dollars) Make checks payable to “PSWA COOKBOOK” Mail to 15335 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland, OH 44110 BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. (216) 481-5277 | Between Chatdor Rd. & 6. 222 St. in P>«cl!d, Ohio P. dr. Vendelin Špendov______________________Lemont, III. Lemontski odmevi (nadaljevanje s sir. 17) željo, da bi Bog še vnaprej blagoslavljal to kulturno in versko dejavnost. Petdeset let obstoja obhaja tudi Slovensko kulturno društvo Triglav v Mil-vvaukeeju, ustanovljeno 17. novembra 1950 v cerkveni dvorani sv. Janeza Evangelista. Kmalu so si člani omislili Triglavski park za razvedrilo in za verske in kulturne prireditve, kar še zvesto nadaljujejo, zlasti, odkar so v odbor pritegnili mlajše moči. Petdeseto obletnico so slovesno obhajali v nedeljo, 20. avgusta 2000, s sv. mašo, ki jo je opravil duhovni vodja društva dr. Jože Gole. Maši je sledil program: Frank Mejač je podal zgodovino društva, sledile so recitacije in pevske točke, zaključili so s slavnostnim banketom in družabnim večerom. Čestitke odboru in članom Triglava; Bog naj še vnaprej bogato blagoslavlja delo živih, rajnim članom pa pri Bogu večni mir in pokoj. Slovenski frančiškani v tem letu (vsaj do začetka novembra) nismo izgubili nobenega sobrata. Bog nam je prizanesel. So pa naše sosede, Šolske sestre sv. Frančiška Kristusa Kralja na Mt. Assisi izgubile dve V LJUBEČ SPOMIN Ob 4. obletnici smrti ljubečega moža, očeta, starega očeta, sina, strica in brata OTTO C. SUŠEČ 5. decembra 1996 4 leta že te med nami ni, v dušah naših z nami pa še živiš. Z Božjo pomočjo vodi in pomagaj nam. Z Bogom in Marijo uživaj rajski mir. Tvoji žalujoči: Žena: Marija Sinovi: dr. Otto C. Sušeč ml. odv. Martin D. Sušeč dr. Tom M. Sušeč Snahi: Jayne, Christy Vnukinja: Mandy Sušeč Mama, bratje, sestre Sorodniki v Ameriki in Sloveniji sestri, ki ju je Bog poklical k sebi po večno plačilo: sr. M. Almo Kosar in s. M. Dorothy Jurkovich. Sr. M. Alma Kosar, OSF, je bila rojena 2. decembra 1909 v Boračevem v Prekmurju, v Sloveniji. Njeno krstno ime je bilo Veronika. Leta 1926 je prišla za očetom v Bethlehem, Pa, kjer so poučevale slovenske Šolske sestre. Želela je postati redovnica in je bila 15. avgusta 1928 sprejeta v noviciat. Po prvih zaobljubah je bilo sestrino delo v glavnem oskrbovanje samostanov. V konventu v Kansas City je dolga leta skrbela za hrano sester in otrok. • Leta 1993 je zbolela in prišla v sestrski bolniški oddelek v Lemont, kjer je mirno v Bogu zaspala 13. junija 2000. Sestra Alma je bila zvesta Kristusu po zgledu sv. Frančiška in sv. Klare. Naj počiva -v božjem objemu. Sr. M. Dorothy Jurkovich je bila rojena v Jolie-tu 27. januarja 1917 in krščena v cerkvi Marijinega rojstva (Nativity) na ime Mary Ann. V kongregacijo Šolskih sester sv. Frančiška Kristusa Kralja v Lemontu je bila sprejeta 15. avgusta 1932. Od leta 1933 je poučevala v farnih šolah, ki so jih vodile Šolske sestre iz Lemonta. Lepo število jih je bilo tedaj. Versko življenje učencev, je bila njena glavna skrb, za njo pa slovnica angleškega jezika, kar je več let poučevala tudi na Mt. Assisi Academy (High School za dekleta). Nekateri naši sobratje iz Slovenije, ki so bili tu v pomoč ob romanjih, so bili deležni njenega dobrega poznanja angleškega jezika. Prav zaradi posluha za lep angleški jezik so ji predstojniki odredili prevajanje raznih dokumentov in pisanje zgodovine začetkov ameriške province. Ko je v Kansas City zbolela, so jo poklicali v Lemont, kjer se je kljub bolezni, še vedno udejstvovala s poučevanjem, pisanjem in prevajanjem. Umrla je 21. septembra 2000 zaradi neozdravljivega raka. Naj zvesta Kristusova nevesta počiva v božjem objemu in njegovem miru. - Sestram naše iskreno sožalje in spomin pri molitvah. Za božične praznike želimo vsem vam, dragi rojaki, božjega blagoslova in miru svete noči. A VE MARIA december 2000 KOLEDAR DECEMBER 3. - SKD Triglav, Milwaukee priredi miklavževanje v dvorani pri fari sv. Janeza Evangelista. 10. - Kulturna društva Korotan, Fantje na vasi, Kres in Lilija s sodelovanjem slovenskih šol prirede božičnico v zgornji dvorani Slovenskega doma na Holmes Ave., s pričetkom ob 5h popoldne. 17. - Društvo S.P.B. ima božičnico, ob 2.30 pop., v šolski dvorani pri sv. Vidu. 29. - Zbor župnije Sv. Vida poda koncert božičnih pesmi v cerkvi Marije Vne-bovzete. Začetek ob 6.30 zv. JANUAR 1. - Zbor župnije Sv. Vida poda koncert božičnih pesmi v cerkvi sv. Vida s pričetkom ob 3h popoldne. 27. - Slovenska pristava priredi “Pristavsko noč” v SMD na St. Clairju. Igrajo Veseli godci. MAREC 18. - Slov. šola pri fari Sv. Vida postreže s kosilom s serviranjem od 11. dop. do 1. pop. V BLAG SPOMIN OB 31. OBLETNICI, . ODKAR JE V GOSPODU ZASPAL NAŠ LJUBLJENI SIN, BRAT IN STRIC MILAN ZRIM Svojo plemenito dušo je izdihnil 5. decembra 1969 Preteklo enaintrideset let je že, ko hladna zemlja krije Te. Zelo vsi smo Te ljubili, in prezgodaj izgubili. Oh, grenko je spoznanje to, da Te med nami več ne bo; čeprav v hladnem grobu spiš, v srcih naših še živiš. MARIJA -mati; ERNEST -oče dve sestri in brat, z družinami 6 nečakov, 1 nečakinja V starem kraju žalujejo za njim številni sorodniki. Cleveland, O., 30. novembra 2000. Msgr. FRANCI PETRIČ Ljubljana Znova izgnani “deseti bratje” Na naše uredništvo (tj. tednik Družina, op. ur. AD) smo v zadnjih tednih dobili več klicev in pisem, da marsikje naši rojaki niso mogli sodelovati pri volitvah, ker so prepozno dobili volilno gradivo. Čeprav je vodstvo republiške volilne komisije zatrjevalo, da bodo namenili posebno pozornost našim rojakom, ki bodo lahko uveljavili svojo volilno pravico, zgodba ni bila skoraj nič drugačna kot pri vseh demokratičnih volitvah doslej. Mnogi so dobili volilno gradivo šele po volitvah ali pa niso mogli pravočasno odposlati svojih glasovnic. Medtem ko lahko državljani nekaterih evropskih držav (npr. Italijani, Hrvati, Nemci), ki bivajo zunaj svojih držav, brez večjih težav uveljavljajo volilno pravico, imamo v demokratični Sloveniji s tem že kar kronične težave. Volilna zakonodaja ostaja ista, ravnanje volilne komisije pa tudi ni nič boljše. Zastavlja se vprašanje, ali je med strankami sploh volja, da bi prišlo do spremembe odnosa do rojakov na tujem. Če k temu dodamo še odločitev novoizvoljenih LDS-ZLSD oblastnikov, ki krojijo odslej slovenski parlament po svoji meri, da ukinejo parlamentarno komisijo za Slovence po svetu, potem nam je slika prihodnjega odnosa nove oblasti do rojakov jasna. Pravzaprav ni nič drugačna, kot je bila v najtemnejših časih polpreteklosti. Takrat, ko so naši rojaki iz političnih razlogov bežali v demokratični svet ali pa zaradi želje za boljšim kosom kruha na skrivaj - včasih pa tudi zaradi prisile - šli čez mejo, je domovina na te ljudi gledala mačehovsko. Tistim v zamejstvu je komunistična o-blast dodelila vlogo širjenja komunistične propagande in jih tako razcepila v dva politično nepomirljiva tabora ter sprožila izčrpavajoče medsebojne prepire v korist večinskega naroda. Onim v zdomstvu in izseljenstvu (v Združenih državah Amerike, Kanadi, Franciji, Nemčiji in drugod) pa namenila Slovensko izseljensko matico, podaljšano roko Udbe, da je nadzovorala njihovo delo in ustvarjala razdore med že tako šibkim občestvom v tujem svetu. V domovini so bili dobrošli le kot folklorna posebnost na izseljenskih piknikih. Tretjim, ki so bili politični begunci in tudi nosilci ideje o Svobodni Sloveniji, so prilepili vzdevek “narodni izdajalci” in se o njih ni smelo pisati, kaj šele vnašati njihovo literaturo. Tako vlogo so imeli naši rojaki iz sveta pri komunističnih oblasteh vse do demokratičnih sprememb. Ob iskanju podpore slovenski osamosvojitvi in prepoznavnosti na zemljevidih sveta pa se je pokazalo, kako pomembno je, da imamo ljudi na različnih, velikokrat zelo vplivnih mestih po svetu. Ko so naši rojaki organizirali velike protestne shode v Torontu, Clevelandu, Buenos Airesu, Sydneyju, Vancouvru in drugod smo lahko videli, kaj pomeni, ce imamo koga v pomembnihi središčih po svetu in v zamejstvu. Tudi njihova pomoč jeseni leta 1990 poplavljeni Sloveniji (Savinjski dolini) in leta 1991 napadeni domovini je bila izdatna... Takrat smo vsi skupaj, rojaki po svetu in dobromisleči v domovini upali, da se bo odnos do njih spremenil. Tudi obljub je bilo veliko. Pa se je le malo zgodilq. Kaj šele, da bi jim domovina po vzoru Italije ali Hrvaške dala državljanstvo, volilno pravico, pokojnine in celo poslanca v parlamentu za svoje ljudi po svetu! To se zdi nekaterim poslancem v našem parlamentu preveč! Prišli smo do paradoksa, da ima npr. italijanska manjšina v Sloveniji kar trojno volilno pravico: v Sloveniji za zastopnika italijanske manjšine, za slovenskega poslanca (ti dve omO' goča slovenska zakonodaja) in še za poslanca v Italijan' skem parlamentu (to jim omogoča italijanska zakonodaja)-Slovenci iz sveta pa po skorajda ustaljeni praksi zmede ne morejo izvoliti niti običajnega poslanca, kaj šele da hi imeli svojega poslanca kot zastopnika njihovih interesov v državnem zboru! Da sta bila nekoč Marjan Schiffrer in zdaj dr. Jože Bernik iz Chicaga izvoljena v slovenski parin' ment, je zgolj odločitev neke stranke, ne pa države. moremo se izogniti trditvi, da verjetno ti Slovenci niso na pravi strani. Če bi namreč njihovi glasovi prispevali k iz' volitvi sedanjih vladajočih strank, bi se te kaj hitro potrudile in jim brez administrativnih ovir, čez katere morajo sedaj, oskrbele vse pravice. To se je zgodilo v nekem drugem sorodnem primeru delitve državljanstev, ki ga Slovenci dobro poznamo... (dalje na sir. 19) Znova izgnani “deseti bratje” (nadaljevanje s str. 12) Resne obravnave, kakšno mesto hočemo dodeliti našim rojakom v zamejstvu, zdomstvu in izseljenstvu, do zdaj v slovenskem državnem zboru še ni bilo, in je, kot kaže, še dolgo ne bo. Še vedno ni jasno, ali jim (po zgledu Italije in Hrvaške) damo samodejno tudi državljanstvo in s tem povezane pravice. Ne omogočamo jim posebnih ugodnosti, če bi želeli vlagati in sploh gospodarsko sodelovati z domovino. Slika je z eno prvih odločitev novega parlamenta, ki je ukinila pristojno komisijo, kristalno jasna: za nas ostajajo še naprej “deseti bratje”, ki morajo iti po svetu in tam ostati. Brez pravic in brez doma! Slovenija se je odločila, da gre naprej brez Slovencev na Koroškem, Primorskem, v Porabju, v Evropski zvezi, Združenih dravah Amerike, Avstraliji, Argentini ... Bog se usmili take države, ki so še enkrat odpoveduje svojim sinovom in hčeram! DRUŽINA, 19. nov. 2000 Izšla knjiga argentinskega rojaka arh. Marjana Eiletza Moje domobranstvo in izgnanstvo Buenos Aires, Arg. (Svobodna Slovenija, 16. nov.) ^ založbi Mohorjeve je Prcd kratkim izšla nova ^Pga avtorja iz Argentine. Arh. Marijan Eiletz je na-pisal knjigo svojih spominov pod naslovom Moje domo-brantstvo in izgnanstvo. V njej 0pjsuje Svojo mladost, predvsem pa svoje domobranstvo in poglede nanj. y drugem delu pa svoje pregnanstvo v Argentini, svoje delovanje in tudi življenje skupnosti. y vsem svojem delu sku-hiti objektiven in prika-Zuie tako dobre kot slabe strani dogajanja. Pismo o predstavitvi Dragi prijatelji! Pišem poci močnim vti-0ln včerajšnje tiskovne Konference, ki jo je imel Panjan Eiletz ob izide “M^c Knjige - spominov -ofe domobranstvo in iz-žnanstvo” ki je izšla pri elJski Mohorjevi družbi. Zbralo se je zelo velike JUdl’ večinoma so to bili ^egovi sošolci in prijatelji, ekaj jih je prjgj0 cej0 j2 vstrije in iz italije_ žal, njimi ni bilo mlajše generacije in tudi zgodovinarjev nas je bilo le za seme (Žajdela...). V glavnem je bilo govora o nastajanju knjige in k besedi so se javili le posamezniki, ki so govorili bolj o načelnih stvareh. Bistvo diskusije je bilo v tem, da so vsi po vrsti ugotavljali, da bi tovrstnih spominov moralo iziti več. Tako prihaja do anomalije, da imamo na eni strani celo množico “partijskih spominov”, ki zagovarjajo eno “resnico”, na drugi strani (domobranski) pa zija velika praznina. In prav to stanje bi bilo treba preseči, pravzaprav je to že skrajni čas, saj številni posamezniki te generacije, ki je na svoji lastni koži doživela ta čas, obolevajo za različnimi boleznimi, svoje pa naredi tudi smrt, ki nezadržno kosi. To je samo še ena potrditev mojega prepričanja, da bi ljudje v tujini morali neprimerno bolj skrbeti za ohranjanje zgodovinskega spomina in predvsem pisati, pisati. Tisto, kar je zapisano, se da še vedno dopolniti z Misijonska Znamkarska Akcija (MZA) Catholic Mission Aid (CMA) Je javna, nepridobitna, dobrodelna misijonska organiza-c'ja- Ustanovil jo je Fr. Charles A. Wolbang, CM. Registrirana je v mestu Columbus, Ohio, ZDA. Za pomoč slovenskim misijonarjem zbira finančno Pomoč za njih delo med ubogimi v misijonskih deželah fer za vzdrževanje bogoslovcev za domači misijon. Hvaležni bomo za vsak dar, ki ga boste darovali v ta namen. Pomnite se misijonarjev in ubogih v svojih oporokah. a Vs>e prejete darove izdamo potrdilo za “Income tax”. Uradni naslov: MZA - CMA 17826 Brian Avc., Cleveland, OH 44119 Glavni odbor MZA-CMA, Cleveland ZDRAVNIK SVETUJE Alzheimerjeva bolezen Alois Alzheimer je bil nemški nevrolog. Prvi je opisal presenilno demenco, ki se pojavi med 50. in 60. letom življenja zaradi degeneracije in atrofije možganov neznanega izvora. Za to demenco so značilne 'motnje spomina, pomnjenja in reprodukcije. Poleg motenj spomina je moteno prepoznavanje, motena je orientacija v času in prostoru. Po odkritelju jo imenujemo Alzheimerjeva bolezen. Vedno več je starejših ljudi, narodi se starajo in s tem je Alzheimerjeve bolezni vedno več. Strokovnjaki menijo, da je kriva za 75% demence pri ljudeh, ki so starejši kot 65 let. Bolezen delimo na tri stadije. V prvem stadiju, ki traja dve do štiri leta, je bolnik vedno bolj pozabljiv, vse pomembnejše stvari si zapiše, da jih ne bi pozabil. Pozablja imena preprostih vsakdanjih stvari, številk več ne pozna, ne zna povedati recimo ime živali, ne ve, kateri dan v tednu je, ne loči datumov. Ker se tega zaveda, je zaskrbljen in depresiven. V drugem stadiju, ki ga imamo za zmernega in traja dve to štiri leta, pride do hudei izgube spomina. Bolnik ne prepozna sorodnikov in prijateljev. Morda se spomni preteklih dogodkov zlasti iz mladosti, ne ve pa, kdo ga je prejšnji dan obiskal. Izgublja se. Občutka za čas in kraj nima več. Ne zna se obleči. Slabo spi. Ni sposoben najti prave besede. Tudi računati ne zna več. Resen je tretji stadij, ki traja od enega do treh let. Ničesar se več ne spomni, tudi najožjih članov družine ne prepozna. Ne zna upoabljati besed. Bolniki so popolnoma dezorientirani. Imajo tudi privide. Padejo v psihozo in imajo paranoidne blodnje. Ne morejo zadržati ne vode ne blata. Zanemarjajo osebno higieno, blodijo okrog, izgubljajo se. Nekateri izgubijo vse občutke za družbene norme, drugi obležijo v postelji. Tam jih mučijo preležanine. Pogosto se jih usmili pljučnica, ki je potem tudi vzrok smrti. Diagnozo bolezni postavimo na podlagi simptomov, klinične slike in laboratorijskih preizkusov. Pomožne metode so EEF, računalniška tomografija in magnetoresonančno slikanje možganov. Vzrok za Alzheimerjevo bolezen ni znan, teorij je veliko. Pisal so celo o zastrupitvah s težkimi kovinami, na primer z aluminijem. Ne smemo spregledati dednega dejavnika. Ker ne poznamo vzroka bolezni, ne moremo predpisovati zdravil, razen tistih, ki izboljšujejo vedenje bolnika. Res pa je tudi, da se vsa svetovna farmacevtska elita trudi, da bi iznašla primerno zdravilo za to bolezen. Iznašli so zdravila, ki upočasnijo napredovanje bolezni. Mnoge svetovno znane osebnosti: politiki, filmske zvezde ter športniki imajo to bolezen ali pa so že umrli zaradi nje. Eden najbolj znanih politikov je Ronald Reagan, ki ne ve niti, da je bil predsednik Združenih držav Amerike. Filmska zvezda Rita Hayworth je umrla stara 68 let, skladatelja Aarona Coplanda je pokopalo v 90. letu. Za bolnika je najpomembnejša primerna nega. Socialno varstvo pa je pomembno tako za bolnika kakor tudi za njegove svojce. V zgodnejših stadijih bolezni, ko se bolnik še zaveda, svojega stanja, mu bo pomagala premagati an-ksioznost primerna prehrana, telesno razgibavanje in zaposlitev. Če se bolnik izgubi celo v znanem okolju, je primerno, da ima pločevinasto zapestnico, kjer je napisan njegov naslov, da ga mimoidoči lahko pripeljajo domov. Bolniki z Alzheimerjevo boleznijo so najbolje oskrbljeni doma. Svojcem lahko pomaga socialna služba s pomočjo dnevnega varstva, olajša breme družini, bolnikom pa omogoči, da žive doma čim dlje. Kadar bolezen močno napreduje in postanejo bolniki nepokretni, pa je treba poiskati pomoč v ustrezni zdravstveni ustanovi. Piše dr. Anton Prijatelj, spec. medicine dela Družina, 19. novembra 2000 drugimi viri (arhivski dokumenti, dnevno časopisje). In prav tega se (upam, da nisem preostra ali celo nesramna) vaša generacija premalo zaveda. Zanašate se drug na drugega - čas pa beži in že preveč je takih, ki so svoje spomine odnesli s seboj v grob. Z vsakim od njih odide kamenček iz mozaika, ki bi ga morali s skupnimi močmi sestaviti (mi v domovini in vi v tujini) - šele potem bomo lahko govorili, da imamo napisano našo, slovensko zgodovino. Knjigo, ki sem jo seveda takoj kupila, sem že zvečer začela brati in ker veliko ljudi, ki jih g. Eiletz opisuje, poznam, sem se tega lotila še z večjim veseljem. Ob tem se mi sami zastavlja vprašanje, kakšno gradivo so uspeli zbrati v “Zgodovinskem odseku” pri Taboru in Vestniku? Ali gre za takšno gradivo, ki bi bilo vredno objave v kakšni ediciji “Virov oz. dokumentov”; če bi šlo za tako gradivo, se da v Sloveniji dobiti tudi sredstva za natis takšnega dela. Morda bi s tem še lahko nekoliko “popravilo” to vrzel in potem se bodo lahko začele tudi resnejše, znanstvene raziskave. In kar nekaj ljudi na že o-menjeni tiskovni konferenci se je čudilo, kako to, da se naše zgodovinopisje s tem področjem ne ukvarja. - Kako pa naj se, če ni na voljo arhivskega gradi- va^ Predstavitev v Trstu V Peterlinovi dvorani Društva slovenskih izobražencev (DSI) v Trstu so 31. oktobra predstavili to Eiletzovo knjigo. V imenu založbe je govoril Janez Dular, ki je med drugim dejal, da če bi izšlo več knjig, kot je Ei-letzova, bi bila predstava o slovenski polpretekli zgodovini jasnejša in sprava bližja. Avtor predstavlja stališča protirevolucionarnega oz. domobranskega tabora, a jih ne vsiljuje in ima razumevanje tudi za nasprotno stran, je še dejal Dular. Spremno besedo h knjigi je napisal zgodovinar Boris Mlakar, svoj esej pa je prispeval tudi pisatelj Jože Snoj. Odlomek iz knjige je prebral Livij Valenčič. Kot je na predstavitvi dejal sam avtor, je to knjigo napisal, ker se je čutil dolžnega, da napiše spomine o vojni, da bodo otroci vedeli, kaj je on delal med vojno. Čutil pa je tudi dolžnost, da pove tudi o drugi, zamolčani resnici. Ves proces pisanja je trajal približno leto dni, prisilno obujanje spominov pa je bilo zelo moreče in težko, bil je to emotivni napor. Eiletz upa v pozitiven odmev, pripravljen pa je tudi na “batine”, kot se je sam izrazil, tako z ene kot tudi z druge strani, saj v knjigi med drugim opozarja tudi na stvari, ki so se dogajale na domobranski strani in mu niso bile prav pogodu. (dalje na sir. 20) Misionska srečanja in pomenki 1356. Za praznik Kristusa Kralja je pokojni g. Karel Wolbang vedno posvetil misijonarjem posebno pozornost, da jim je pisal spodbudno pismo. Začel je z razdelitvijo darov, ki so se zbrali skozi leto in tako smo razposlali darove, da šo jih misijonarji prejeli nekako za božič. Letos je pripravila tako pismo Anica Tushar, dolgoletna MZA sodelavka in predsednica celotne MZA. (Pismo bo objavljeno v naslednji številki AD.) Nadaljevanje z razdelitvijo za leto 2000: Za vzdrževanje afriških bogoslovcev je bilo razposlano: 1. - St. Mary’s National Seminary, Ggaba, Kampala, Uganda: $4500. 2. Salesians of Don Bosco, rektor Rev. Peter De, Ho-chiminh, Vietnam: $660. 3. St. Paul’s National Seminary, Kinyamasika, Uganda, rektor Fr. Kibira, $600 za vzdrževanje bogoslovcev, za sv. maše $500, skupaj $1100. 4. Vincentian Congregation, Padra, Rewa, Indija, $600. 5. Congregacione Della Mission, Santiago, Čile, $500. 6. Vincentian Fathers, New Jersey, $300. 7. Most Rev. Robert, Assam, Tezpur, Indija, za maše, $745. 8. Rev. Clemen Chimwala, Malavi, $100. 9. Rev. George Mullappallichira, Indija, $100. 10. Rev. Simon Obore, Misikhu, Kenija, $500. 11. Rev. Maurice Langiri, Kenija, $300. 12. Rev. Henry Mukasa, Luwerno, Uganda, $100. 13. Rev. George Bulewa, Malavi, Kenija, $300. 14. Rev. Bennet Benjamin, Sunyani, Gana, $300. 15. Fr. Geoffrey D. Stonick, Paida, Uganda, $100. 16. Rev. Conrad Otende, Kenija, $100. 17. Fr. Varghese Naickomparambil, Rewa, Indija, $300. 18. Rev. George Parambilthadathil, Satua, Indija, $200. 19. Rev. Rafko Ropret, Ruanda, $500. Za afriške misijone skupno: $11,305. Vzdrževanje bogoslovcev v Sloveniji: darovalci posamezni dobrotniki: Enoletni dar je $350, če še kdo želi dati osebno bogoslovcu. Za ljubljansko semenišče, ravnatelj g. Anton Slabe: $12.110; za bogoslovce iz koprske škofije: $3950; za mariborsko semenišče, rektor dr. Marjan Turnšek: $8055. Dar MZA škofu Metodu Pirihu $1000 in škofu dr. Francu Krambergerju $1000. Dar nadškofu dr. Francu Rodetu od NN dobrotnika $3.500 (vključno MZA dar). Drugi darovi: Vipavska gimnazija, $1355. Klasična gimnazija v Šentvidu, $1005. Sr. Karmeličanke v Sori, $2990. Sr. Petra Debevec, $1510. Sr. Karmeličanke, Mirna Peč, sr. Cirila Okorn, $760. Salezijanci: Rev. Štefan Balažič $1005, Rev. Stanislav Hočevar $2360. Lazaristi za bogoslovca, $300. Jezuitski ekonomat ter g. Ivan Sever, $1655. Rev. Rafko Kralj od rednega darovalca, $1005. Sr. Cecilija Prebil, $250. Radio Ognjišče (Prijatelji Radia Ognjišča), $3000. Tisočeri Bogplačaj vsem, ki se s svojo darežlivostjo in plemenitostjo in velikodušnostjo pomagali graditi božje Kraljestvo. Mnoge ste osrečili s tem, pa tudi sami sebe, kajti žetev je bila obilna, pri Bogu pa je zapisana vsaka vaša žrtev. Ustanovitelj Misijonske znamkarske akcije g. Karel Wolbang je posvetil vse nas pri MZA sodelujoče in naše delo za misijone Brezmadežni Materi božji, katerega praznik bomo praznovali 8. decembra. Prav je, da v teh vrsticah napišem posvetilo: Brezmadežna Devica Marija, mati našega Gospoda Jezusa Kristusa in mati Cerkve, neomajno zaupamo v tvojo materinsko pomoč, ki jo razodevaš po čudodelni svetinji. Kot ljubeči otroci te zaupno prosimo, da nam in vsem tistim, ki ti jih danes priporočamo, izprosiš milosti in dobrot, ki jih pričakujemo od tebe. Daj nam velikodušno srce, ki se v nežnem sočutju razdaja trpečim in zapuščenim; zvesto srce, ki ne pozabi na nobeno dobroto in se ne spominja nobene hudobije, krotko in ponižno srce, ki ljubi, ne da bi pričakovalo plačila, in se tiho umakne pred drugim srcem, pred srcem tvojega Sina. Oblikuj nam srce, ki bo gorelo za slavo Jezusa Kristusa; srce, ki ga je ranila njegova ljubezen in katerega rana se bo zacelila samo v nebesih. Amen. To posvetilo lahko uporabimo za devetdnevnice za pripravo na veliki Marijin praznik Čudodelne svetinje, praznik Brezmadežne. “O Marija Brezmadežna spočeta, prosi za nas, ki se k Tebi zatekamo.” Misijonar dr. Vladimir Kos se je oglasil 14. novembra s pismom dobrotnikom sledeče vsebine: “Iskren Boglonaj za tako velik misijonski dar ... A nič manj ne občudujem ljubezni do našega Gospoda, ki Vas in Vašega brata in Vašo sestro nagiba k tako požrtvovalnem delu v župnišču. Vam pa je naš Gospod dal ne le svojo ljubezen do Cerkve, ampak tudi zanimanje in moč za misijone. S tem Vašim tako velikodušnim darom bomo na naši misijonski postojanki spet lahko odplačali nekaj dolgov, ki smo si jih nakopali, odkar smo zgradili dom za tiste ostarele Japonce in Japonke, ki jih druge ustanove nočejo sprejeti, najbrž zato, ker ne predstavljajo finančne zmogljivosti. Japonska vlada nam je do določene mere pomagala pri gradnji, a ostalo je naša stvar, ker smo privatna katoliška misijonska ustanova. Poleg doma za ostarele imamo v neposredni oskrbi še zavetišče za najrevnejše otroke, od 2 in pol leta starosti do 16 ali 17 let. To oskrbo nudimo že 40 let, Bogu hvala! Tudi tu nam vlada pomaga do določene mere, ostalo je naša skrb in odgovornost. Na obzorju je še advent, uvod v sveti božični čas. Vam in Vašemu bratu in Vaši sestri želim iz srca dosti, dosti novih milosti - naš Bog je neizčrpljiv! - in priporočam naše misijonsko delo z otroki in ostarelimi Vaši iskreni molitvi. Boglonaj vnaprej! Vdani Vladimir Kos, misijonar.” Živimo v svetu, ki nosi toliko različnih in nasprotujočih si podob. Ali si lahko zakrivam oči pred trpljenjem, lakoto in zapostavljenostjo večine človeštva? Kako naj zaživi Kristusova vesela novica ubogim, ki ozdravlja bolne, osvobaja zatirane in prinaša Gospodovo usmiljene, če tudi jaz ne naredim tisto kar bi lahko? Storimo “nekaj lepega za Boga,” je rekla mati Terezija. Vsem hvaležne misijonske pozdrave ob koncu cerkvenega leta in že v nastopajočem Adventu. Sonja Ferjan 79 Lunness Rd., Toronto ON M8W 4M7 Canada Tel.: (416) 255-2519 Marjan Eiletz (nadaljevanje s str. 19) Avtor knjige Moje domobranstvo in izgnanstvo je na koncu izrazil svojo misel o narodni spravi. Le-ta, je dejal, mora temeljiti na podlagi resnice, pravice, priznanja krivice, odpuščanja in ljubezni. Slovenska država ima možnost, da na podlagi nekega zakona postavi spomenik in grobnico, kjer bi bilo simbolično pokopanih nekaj partizanov in nekaj domobrancev. Ur. AD: Članek ne .nosi podpisa avtorice. NOVI GROBOVI (nadaljevanje s str. 13) mati Davida, Judy Woto-wiec in Kennetha, 9-krat stara mati, 2-krat prastara mati, sestra Frances Tomšič, dva brata in dve sestri so že pok., članica PSA kr. št. 2 in SNPJ št. 566. Pogreb bo v oskrbi Cosiceve-ga zavoda na Chardon Rd. jutri, v petek, dop. ob 10., kjer bodo pogrebni obredi, s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Ure kropljenja bodo danes pop. od 2. do 4. in zv. od 7. do 9. Lillian Goryance Dne 21. novembra je v Richmond Hts. bolnišnici umrla 75 let stara Lillian Goryance z Richmond Hts., rojena Fajdiga v Clevelandu, vdova po Johnu Wen-dolowski in Stanleyju Goryance, mati Cynthije Rudolph in Johna Wendolow-ski, 1-krat stara mati, sestra Josephine Sovich, članica KSKJ št. 169, SNPJ št. 147, SŽZ št. 50 in Kluba upokojencev na Holmes Ave. Pogreb je bil 25. nov. v oskrbi Cosicevega zavoda na Chardon Rd. s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Vnebov-zete in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Frances V. Ferfilla Dne 21. novembra jc u-mrla 75 let stara Frances V. Ferfilla, rojena Kirn, vdova po Andrewju Ferfilla in Edwardu Plesivec, mati Edwarda Plesivec, 2-krat stara mati, sestra Alice Nehava, Mildred Kirn, Josepha ter že pok. Josephine King, Mary Knafelc, Tine Jagodnik, Johna in Rose Kirn. Pogreb je bil 25. novembra s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Pavla na Chardon Rd. s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Alexander Samochin Umrl je 84 let stari Alexander Samochin, mož Sarine, roj. Giovannini, oče Antonio-ta, Anne Marie Luzar, Diane Federici, Sandre Jaskicl in že pok. Marije Antoinette, 10-krat stari oče. Pogreb je bil 27. novembra v oskrbi Zak zavoda na 6016 St. Clair Ave. s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Josephine Turk Umrla je 96 let stara Josephine Turk s Harpers-fielda, rojena Vojsak, vdova po Josephu, sestra Ceil Kadunc, v-, pok. Molite Kresal, Fran Quigley te Rudolpha, teta. Pogreb je bil 25. novembra s pokopom na pokopališču Union-ville. Colleen M. Rihtar Dne 19. novembra je u' mrla 42 let stara Colleen M. Rihtar s Concorda, rojena McMonagle v Clevelandu, žena Michaela, mati Josepha, Elizabeth in Christine, sestra Johna, Kathy Harris in Marianne Marti-Pogreb je bil 22. novembra v oskrbi Cosicevega zavoda na Chardon Rd. s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida (maševal je škof A. Edward Pe' vec) in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Vincent E. Nosan Umrl je Vincent E. N°' san, mož Vere, roj. Jerse> oče Constance Torgerso^ in Richarda, 5-krat star* oče, brat Charlesa, J°se phine Jacobs ter že P0^' Antona Arko, Mary MeZ gec, Johna Nosan, Lotesa Nosan in Frances Šmite' Pogreb je bil 27. novembr3 s sv. mašo v cerkvi Im*113 culate Conception v loughbyju s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Anthony J. Zalar Umrl je 64 let stari ^ thony J. Zalar, mož FraI1 ces, roj. Bochnak, oče ^ thonyja in Roberta, 2-kr stari oče, brat Charlesa i11 Karen Moody, veteran rejske vojne. Pogreb bo nes v oskrbi Cosicevega za voda na Chardon Rd- s . mašo v cerkvi sv. MarlJ na Chardonu in pokop0111 na Vernih duš pokopali*011