Mic 2017 Management International Conference Managing the Global Economy Abstracts of the Joint International Conference Organized by • University of Primorska, Faculty of Management, Slovenia • Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow School of Economics, Russian Federation • Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Faculty of Economics and Tourism ‘Dr. Mijo Mirkovic,’ Croatia • Association for the Study of East European Economies and Cultures, USA • Society for the Study of Emerging Markets, USA Monastier di Treviso, Italy • 24–27 May 2017 MIC 2017: Managing the Global Economy Abstracts of the Joint International Conference Organized by University of Primorska, Faculty of Management, Slovenia Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow School of Economics, Russian Federation Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Faculty of Economics and Tourism, Croatia Association for the Study of East European Economies and Cultures, USA Society for the Study of Emerging Markets, USA Monastier di Treviso, Italy | 24–27 May 2017 Edited by Suzana Laporšek Suzana Sedmak Doris Gomezelj Omerzel Design and Layout Alen Ježovnik Published by University of Primorska Press Titov trg 4, 6000 Koper, Slovenia Editor in Chief Jonatan Vinkler Managing Editor Alen Ježovnik www.hippocampus.si Koper, Slovenia | May 2017 Management International Conference ISSN 1854-4312 © University of Primorska Press http://www.hippocampus.si/ISBN/978-961-7023-12-1.pdf Published under the terms of the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 License Kataložni zapis o publikaciji (CIP) pripravili v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici v Ljubljani COBISS.SI-ID=290237696 ISBN 978-961-7023-12-1 (pdf) Contents Conference Organizers · 4 Welcome Address by the Organizers · 5 Conference Aims and Subject Areas · 6 Programme Boards · 7 Conference Programme · 9 Keynote Speech: Digital Ecosystems and the New Value Creation Logic · 10 Keynote Speech: The New Management Paradigm · 11 Workshop: Challenges of Digital Era for Its User · 12 Doctoral Students’ Workshop · 13 Roundtable with Editors and Editors’ Panel · 14 Sessions Management 1 – Human Resources · 15 Economics 1 – Economic Growth and Development I · 16 Finance 1 – Financial Analysis and Reporting · 18 Digital Economy 1 – Challenges · 19 Energy · 20 Management 2 – Leadership and Organizational Culture · 21 Management 3 – Marketing and Consumer Behaviour I · 22 Economics 2 – Agriculture and Food Industry · 23 Finance 2 – Financial Markets and Institutions I · 24 Digital Economy 2 – Data Economy · 25 Poster Session I · 26 Management 4 – Entrepreneurship · 28 Management 5 – Education Management · 29 Economics 3 – Public Economics · 30 Tourism · 31 Management 6 – Management and Education · 32 Management 7 – Marketing and Consumer Behaviour II · 33 Economics 4 – Labour Economics · 34 Finance 3 – Taxation and Corruption · 35 Digital Economy 3 – Education in the Digital Era · 36 Poster Session II · 37 Management 8 – CSR and Organization · 39 Economics 5 – Economic Growth and Development II · 40 Economics 6 – International Economics and Trade · 41 Finance 4 – Monetary Policy and Financial Stability · 42 Management 9 – Networks and Cooperation · 43 Management 10 – Business Models and Processes · 44 Economics 7 – Social Welfare · 45 Finance 5 – Financial Markets and Institutions II · 46 Index · 47 3 Conference Organizers The conference is organized by five partner institutions: University of Primorska, Faculty of Management (Slovenia) is a higher education institution for education and research in the fields of social sciences and business management. The Faculty offers undergraduate study programmes in management, postgraduate programmes in management, economics and finance, and law, inter-dsciplinary postgraduate programmes in sustainable development and political science, and doctoral programme in management. Beside the study programs leading to a degree the Faculty also offers modules for groups or in-company training from the field of social sciences and business management with interdisciplinary links to economic, business, legal, organizational and behavioural sciences and international Summer Schools. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow School of Economics (Russian Federation) was founded on April 29, 2004. The mission of Moscow School of Economics is to train highly-qualified specialists who possess profound knowledge of the Russian economy, who are well-acquainted with the ideas and achievements of contemporary schools of economics, who work effectively in highly competitive environments including federal and regional governmental bodies, finance and business companies, the sphere of research and higher education. Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Faculty of Economics and Tourism ‘Dr. Mijo Mirkovi´ c’ (Croatia) is 55 years old institution within which all levels of higher education are being carried out: from undergraduate and graduate studies to postgraduate specialist and doctoral programs of study. Scientific activities of Faculty includes research in the field of social sciences and organization of international conferences as well as publishing of international scientific journals. Association for the Study of East European Economies and Cultures (USA) publishes Eastern Europen Economics, which focuses on original research on the newly emerging economies of Central and Eastern Europe, with coverage of the ongoing processes of transition to market economics in different countries, their integration into the broader European and global economies, and the ramifications of the 2008– 9 financial crisis. Society for the Study of Emerging Markets (USA) was founded to promote research and publication about emerging market economies and to provide a way for academics, policy makers, and members of the business community to exchange views and share information and research about emerging markets. The Society sponsors the journal Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (EMFT), which is recognized world-wide for the quality and timeliness of the research on emerging markets that it publishes. The Society also cooperates with its regional affiliates and allied organizations in other countries to promote its objectives, and holds international meetings and conferences that are devoted to issues relevant to emerging markets, many organized in cooperation with leading universities and research institutions as well as with regional partners. 4 Welcome Address by the Organizers We have great pleasure and honour in welcoming you to Monastier di Treviso, Italy, to participate in the Management International Conference (MIC) 2017. The traditional MIC Conference is organized as a Joint International Conference. The participating institutions are University of Primorska, Faculty of Management, (Slovenia), Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow School of Economics (Russian Federation), Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Faculty of Economics and Tourism ‘Dr. Mijo Mirković’ (Croatia), Association for the Study of East European Economies and Cultures (USA) and Society for the Study of Emerging Markets (USA). We would like to extend a sincere appreciation to all the participants and presenters for their contri-butions and participation. This year we received 240 submissions and selected the best 167 papers from authors from 33 countries, and the total number of participants will reach 200 (together with panel discussions and workshops). All abstracts of papers are included in the Book of Abstracts. Authors are invited to submit full papers to the MIC 2017 Conference Proceedings or to the MIC Special Issues, organized by the MIC supporting journals. The list of the MIC supporting journals is published at the conference’s website. Our deepest gratitude goes to Keynote Speakers, Dr. Margherita Pagani (EMLYON Business School, Markets and Innovation Department, France) and Dr. Jennifer Chirico (Hawaii Pacific University, USA). Our warm welcomes go also to the editors of the supporting journals, participating at the Editors’ Panel, workshop organiz-ers and to students participating at the Doctoral Students’ Workshop. Last but not least, we extend our sincere thanks to everybody who participated in the programme boards and organization of the MIC 2017. We wish each of you a very successful conference. Dr. Suzana Laporšek Conference Chair 5 Conference Aims and Subject Areas We are living through a period of significant changes. The global economic forces and changes in the political environment, accompanied with the rise of emerging markets, are reshaping the geopolitics. The global financial crisis, on the other hand, has exposed several weaknesses of the global financial system and severely dete-riorated macroeconomic conditions, which will affect future economic and social performance in every country. Moreover, the world’s advanced economies are facing strong demographic changes, lead by lengthening lifespans and declining fertility, having a strong effect on future labor markets, health care and other aspects of life. At the same time we are facing a rapid development of digital technologies, which will be a key determinant of future economic growth. All these challenges (and the list is not complete) open a question on how to manage future global economy. The aim of the conference is to address various aspects of managing the global economy, with special focus on economic, financial, tourism and energy issues, and to offer researchers and professionals the opportunity to discuss other issues of global developments. The special theme of the conference is digital economy, which is developing rapidly with impacts across all sectors. The digital economy is an important driver of innovation and technology development, competitiveness and inclusive growth and presents an enormous potential for economic growth, businesses and entrepreneurs, individuals and societies as a whole. The digital era will bring important changes in the modes of production and patterns of consumption, it will change our understaning of the world and have an important impact on the way we live. In order to exploit the potentials of the digital economy it is neccessary to address its risks, challenges and oportunities. The MIC 2017 conference will be carried out in five tracks, covering different aspect of global changes: • Challenges in the Digital Economy • Management Track • Economics Track • Finance Track • Tourism Track • Energy Track 6 Programme Boards Conference Chair Dr. Suzana Laporšek, University of Primorska, Slovenia Programme and Workshop Chair Dr. Štefan Bojnec, University of Primorska, Slovenia Programme Track Chairs Dr. Doris Gomezelj Omerzel, University of Primorska, Slovenia (Management Track) Dr. Josef Brada, Association for the Study of East European Economies and Cultures, USA (Economics Track) Dr. Ali Kutan, Society for the Study of Emerging Markets, USA (Finance Track) Dr. Dean Fantazzini, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian Federation (Energy Track) Dr. Iva Slivar Tiganj, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia (Tourism Track) Scientific Committee Dr. Mehmet Balcilar, Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus Dr. Cene Bavec, University of Primorska, Slovenia Dr. Sumon Bhaumik, Sheffield University, United Kingdom Dr. Janusz Brzeszczyński, Northumbria University, United Kingdom Dr. Hani Chaarani, Beirut Arab University, Lebanon Dr. Eddy Siong-Choy Chong, Finance Accreditation Agency, Malaysia Dr. Ksenija Černe, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia Dr. Udo Dierk, MEL-Institute, Paderborn, Germany Dr. Sel Dibooglu, University of Missouri, USA Dr. Balázs Égert, OECD, France DDr. Imre Fert˝ o, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary Dr. Mikhail Golovnin, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian Federation Dr. Rune Ellemose Gulev, Kiel University of Applied Sciences, Germany Dr. Roman Horváth, Charles University, the Czech Republic Dr. Anna Jakubczak, University of Science and Technology, Poland Dr. Evžen Kočenda, Charles University, the Czech Republic Ms. Eva Kras, International Society for Ecological Economics, Canada Dr. Pekka Kess, University of Oulu, Finland Dr. Danijela Križman Pavlović, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia Dr. Masaaki Kuboniwa, IPU New Zealand Tertiary Institute, New Zealand, and Hitotsubashi University, Japan Dr. Raúl León, University of Zaragoza, Spain Dr. Gulnur Muradoglu, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom Dr. Lucjan Orlowski, Sacred Heart University, USA Dr. Kongkiti Phusavat, Kasetsart University, Thailand Dr. Victor Polterovich, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian Federation Dr. Mitja Ruzzier, University of Primorska, Slovenia Dr. Cezar Scarlat, University ‘Politehnica’ of Bucharest, Romania Dr. Yao Y. Shieh, University of California Irvine Medical Center, USA Dr. Marcello Signorelli, University of Perugia, Italy Dr. Dean Sinković, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia 7 Dr. Marinko Škare, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia Dr. Josu Takala, University of Vaasa, Finland Dr. Goran Vukšić, Institute of Public Finance, Croatia Dr. Art Whatley, Hawaii Pacific University, USA Dr. Robert Zenzerović, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia Organizing Committee MSc. Suzana Sedmak, University of Primorska, Slovenia Tin Pofuk, University of Primorska, Slovenia Staša Ferjančič, University of Primorska, Slovenia Ksenija Štrancar, University of Primorska, Slovenia Rian Bizjak, University of Primorska, Slovenia Editorial Office Alen Ježovnik, University of Primorska Press, Slovenia 8 Conference Programme Wednesday, 24 May 2017 18.00–20.00 Registration Thursday, 25 May 2017 08.30–17.30 Registration 08.30–23.00 Exhibition of Journals 09.30–10.00 Conference Opening (Rossini) 10.00–11.00 Keynote Speech: Digital Ecosystems and the New Value Creation Logic (Rossini) – Dr. Margherita Pagani, EMLYON Business School, Markets and Innovation Department, France 11.00–11.30 Photo Session and Coffee Break 11.30–13.30 Concurrent Sessions: Management 1, Economics 1, Finance 1, Digital Economy 1, Energy 13.30–14.30 Lunch 14.30–16.00 Concurrent Sessions: Management 2-3, Economics 2, Finance 2, Digital Economy 2 16.00–17.00 Poster Session I (with Coffee Break) 17.00–18.30 Concurrent Sessions: Management 4–5, Economics 3, Tourism Workshop: Challenges of Digital Era for Its Users 20.00–23.00 Conference Dinner Friday, 26 May 2017 08.30–15.00 Registration 08.30–18.00 Exhibition of Journals 09.00–10.30 Concurrent Sessions: Management 6–7, Economics 4, Finance 3, Digital Economy 3 10.30–11.30 Poster Session II (with Coffee Break) 11.30–12.30 Keynote Speech: The New Management Paradigm: Impact Value and Resiliency (Rossini) – Dr. Jennifer Chirico, Hawaii Pacific Uni- versity, USA 12.30–14.00 Concurrent Sessions: Management 8, Economics 5–6, Finance 4, Doctoral Students’ Workshop (Part 1) 14.00–15.00 Lunch 15.00–16.30 Concurrent Sessions: Management 9–10, Economics 7, Finance 5, Doctoral Students’ Workshop (Part 2) 16.30–17.30 Roundtable with Editors and Editors’ Panel (Rossini) 17.30–18.00 Conference Closing and Invitation to MIC 2018 (Rossini) 18.00–19.00 Farewell Reception Saturday, 27 May 2017 10.00 Trip (the cost of trip is not included in the conference fee) 9 Digital Ecosystems and the New Value Creation Logic Thursday • 25 May 2017 • 10.00–11.00 • Rossini Keynote Speaker Dr. Margherita Pagani, EMLYON Business School, Markets and Innovation Department, France In the last few decades the emergence of digital technologies has hugely influenced the management discipline: • On the consumer side the progressive penetration in the market of new technologies (web, mobile, social media, connected objects) have impacted the customer behavior influencing the use and experiences lived with the technologies and con-sequently the level of engagement with the brands. • On the business side, companies have moved away from hierarchical integrated supply chains in favor of fragmented networks of strategic partnership with external entities. This pattern, already visible in many industries is being repeated in digitally enabled networks where digital technologies are fundamentally reshaping traditional business processes as modular, distributed, cross-functional, and global processes enable work to be carried out across boundaries of time, distance, and function. The multichannel digital revolution coupled with the development of Industrial Internet, interactivity, virtualization, peer-to-peer networks, cloud computing, Internet of services, and other IT developments is changing the rules of the game in many industries through disruptions of business models. The result is the emergence of a much more complex and dynamic ecosystem for growth and innovation. The profits and competitive advantages of participation in a given value network reside dynami-cally within the chains, accumulating at the positions of greatest value and/or power (control points). The enterprises that hold these positions have a great deal of control over how the network operates and how the benefits are redistributed. Goal of the keynote speech is to provide some reflections on the emergence of the digital ecosystem and the disruption of the business model. 10 The New Management Paradigm: Impact Value and Resiliency Friday • 26 May 2017 • 11.30–12.30 • Rossini Keynote Speaker Dr. Jennifer Chirico, Hawaii Pacific University, USA Business as usual is undergoing a global paradigm shift. The new model reflects an integrative management approach toward ‘living’ companies. Turbulent political dynamics and digital transformation bring into question the convergence of diverging world views. Stagnation in the old paradigm, focusing solely on economic payoff, falls short of market demand. While companies may succeed in the short-term, their demise is inevitable in the long-term. Recent research illustrates that organizations with missions and goals to provide positive social, environmental, and economic impacts are the ones prospering in international business. Sustainability models that understand and view organizations from a holistic, integrated, interrelated system are being applied to business management strategies to create greater resiliency and long-term success. These organizations, often referred to as ‘benefit’ companies, are at the forefront of the new management paradigm. Creating a strong sustainability model, and transforming business through positive community impacts, is being embraced by the market and society as the new, most resilient and prosperous path forward. 11 Challenges of Digital Era for Its Users Thursday • 25 May 2017 • 17.00–18.30 • Dalia Workshop Chair Dr. Benjamin Lesjak, University of Primorska, Slovenia The workshop is aimed to discuss major challenges regarding personal data protection, privacy and information security especially from the user perspective. Participants of the workshop will be actively involved in filling certain on-line quizzes and gain the minimum knowledge regarding how to more safely and responsibly use internet, smart phones and other information communication technology at their everyday work and personal life. 12 Doctoral Students’ Workshop Friday • 26 May 2017 • 12.30–16.30 • Dalia Workshop Chairs Dr. Štefan Bojnec, University of Primorska, Slovenia Matija Vodopivec, University of Primorska, Slovenia Doctoral Students’ Workshop provides an opportunity for doctoral students, young researchers and postdocs to gain new knowledge and skills on academic writing for publishing scientific papers in international journals. The workshop topics are: 12.30–14.00 How to Publish in Top Business and Economics Journals? Message-Driven Writing: A Technique for Bringing Order to the Creative Process (Part 1) Dr. Štefan Bojnec, University of Primorska, Slovenia Matija Vodopivec, University of Primorska, Slovenia 15.00–16.30 Message-Driven Writing: A Technique for Bringing Order to the Creative Process (Part 2) Matija Vodopivec, University of Primorska, Slovenia The Doctoral Students’ Workshop will cover the following topics: • How to publish in economic and business journals • Planning the content: how to formulate the main message, constructing thematic and extended outlines, and the content of individual sections • Drafting and editing: writing the first draft, revising, editing, and tips on writing paragraphs • Publishing: what editors seek, selecting journals, and the process of revising. 13 Contemporary Challenges of Quality Evaluation and Quality Assurance of Scientific Papers Friday • 26 May 2017 • 16.30–17.30 • Rossini Roundtable Chair Dr. Katarina Krapež, University of Primorska, Slovenia Editors’ Panel Chair Dr. Ali Kutan, Southern Illinois University, USA Roundtable will consist of two parts. Introductory part will summarize the results of a recent International survey among 258 editors of the scientific journals from 42 countries with the regard to understanding quality criteria in academic publishing. In subsequent debate, editors will be invited to share best practices and experiences. The following international journals are going to be presented: • Borsa Istanbul Review, Editor Dr. Ali Kutan • Economic Research/Ekonomska istraživanja, Editor Dr. Marinko Škare • Economic Systems, Editor Dr. Ali Kutan • Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends and Forecast, Editor Dr. Lyubov Babich • Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Editor Dr. Ali Kutan • International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics, Guest Editor Dr. Dean Fantazzini • International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning, Advisory Editor Dr. Nada Trunk Širca • International Journal of Value Chain Management, Editor Dr. Valerij Dermol • Journal of the New Economic Association, Guest Editor Dr. Mikhail Golovnin • Management and Production Engineering Review, Guest Editor Dr. Josu Takala • Management, Editor Dr. Štefan Bojnec • Managing Global Transitions, Editor Dr. Suzana Laporšek • Review of Innovation and Competitiveness, Editors Dr. Marinko Škare and Dr. Danijela Križman Pavlović • International Journal of Synergy and Research, Editor Dr. Nada Trunk Širca • International Journal of Law and Digital Society, Editor Dr. Nada Trunk Širca • ToKnowPress: International Academic Publisher, Editor Dr. Nada Trunk Širca 14 Management 1 – Human Resources Thursday • 25 May 2017 • 11.30–13.30 • Bellini Session Chair: Anna Wzi˛ atek-Sta´ sko Kaizen as an Approach of Improving at Workplace Nikola Zidova, Marketa Adamova, and Ruzena Krninska, University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic Keywords: Kaizen, improvement, manufacturing process, innovation, wooden cosmetic pencils, philosophy of company, employees, quality Abstract Soft Skills Importance in NGOs’ Positions Ola Hajjaj, University of Palermo, Italy Keywords: NGO, Soft Skills, Jobs Abstract Ownership Type of Organisation to Determine Motivation of Management Personnel: Analysis Based on Results of Author’s Empirical Research Anna Wziątek-Staśko, University of Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland Keywords: motivation, manager, leadership, enterprise, sector Abstract Stress in the Workplace as an Integral Part of Working Life? Marketa Adamova, Nikola Zidova, and Ruzena Krninska, University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic Keywords: work-related stress, stress factor, employees, work performance, satisfaction of employees, contact with customers, stress management Abstract Successful Leadership and Motivation Leads to Employee Satisfaction Mirela Kljajić-Dervić, University of Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina Šemsudin Dervić, European University of Brčko District, Bosnia and Herzegovina Keywords: leadership, motivation, management, human resources management, employee satisfaction Abstract Redesigning the Motivation Process for Civil Servants: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives Ana-Maria Bercu and Mihaela Onofrei, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania Keywords: motivation, performance, process, civil servants Abstract 15 Economics 1 – Economic Growth and Development I Thursday • 25 May 2017 • 11.30–13.30 • Verdi Session Chair: Goran Popovi´ c Operational Performance of Affordable Housing Projects in China-City of Wuhan Liu Sishi and Liu Jieming, Wuhan University of Technology, China Josu Takala, Sara Tilabi, and Anne-Mari Vatunen, University of Vaasa, Finland Teppo Forss, TVT Asunnot Oy, Turku, Finland Hosein Daneshpour and Shah Rukh Shakeel, University of Vaasa, Finland Keywords: affordable housing (AH), sustainable society, sense and respond (S&R), critical factor index (CFI), customer satisfaction Abstract The Issues on Increasing the Efficiency of Public Expenditure in the Republic of Armenia Karen Sargsyan, National Academy of Sciences, Armenia Keywords: public expenditure, economic growth, government Abstract Development of Western Balkans and EU Investment Goran Popović, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Ognjen Erić, Krajinapetrol J.S.C, Bosnia and Herzegovina Keywords: EU Investment, Western Balkan, economic development, panel analysis, VAR model Abstract Analysis of the Link Between Tax Policy and Competitiveness in the Economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina Tatjana Klincov Vujaković and Sanja Jakovljević, The University of Business Studies, Bosnia and Herzegovina Dragana Kalabić, Erste Group Bank AG, Austria Keywords: direct taxes, indirect taxes, competitiveness, macro-economic policy Abstract Trade Openness and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from Transition Economies Sabina Silajdžić and Eldin Mehić, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Keywords: trade openness, economic growth, transition countries Abstract 16 From Transaction Cost Containment to Relationship Commitment: An Integrative Perspective of Buyer-Supplier Relationship Governance Khuram Shahzad, University of Vaasa, Finland Keywords: transaction cost, relationship commitment, transaction cost economics, social exchange theory, governance mechanisms, buyer-supplier relationship Abstract The Relationship Between Social Capital and Entrepreneurial Intensity: An Approach to Economic Growth Deepti Prakash, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, India Kavita Chauhan, Centre for Management Studies, India Keywords: entrepreneurial intensity, proactiveness, innovativeness, risk taking, social capital Abstract On the Impossibility of Sustainable Growth in a Manufacturing Based Economy Sang Won Yoon, Southern Connecticut State University, USA Chang-Ho Yoon, Korea University, Korea Keywords: sustainable growth, general equilibrium, dirty capital, closed economy Abstract 17 Finance 1 – Financial Analysis and Reporting Thursday • 25 May 2017 • 11.30–13.30 • Vivaldi Session Chair: Tatjana Horvat Ownership Structure and Corporate Performance of Slovenian Joint Stock Companies Suzana Laporšek and Primož Dolenc, University of Primorska, Slovenia Andraž Grum, IFIN Institute of Finance, Slovenia Darko Tipurić, University of Zagreb, Croatia Igor Stubelj, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: ownership structure, corporate performance, join stock companies, Slovenia Abstract Time-Frequency Analysis of CAPM – Application to the CAC 40 Roman Mestre and Michel Terraza, University of Montpellier, France Keywords: CAPM, market line, robustness, wavelets, MODWT, frequentials betas, rolling regressions Abstract Understanding Determinants of XBRL Standard Adoption in Montenegro Tanja Laković, Ivana Ivanović, and Biljana Rondović, University of Montenegro, Montenegro Keywords: financial reporting, standardisation, XBRL, TOE, INT, Montenegro Abstract The Implications of ‘Directive on Disclosure of Non-Financial and Diversity Information’ on Croatian Companies Reporting System Adriana Galant, Ksenija Černe, and Tea Hasić, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia Keywords: Directive 2014/95/EU, non-financial reporting, corporate social responsibility Abstract Relationship Between Working Capital Management and Profitability: A Study on BIST Retail Trade Firms Ayse Banu Basar, Anadolu University, Turkey Keywords: financial analysis, profitability, working capital Abstract The Impact of Internal Auditing on Financial Planning in Public Educational Institutions Tatjana Horvat, University of Primorska, Slovenia Bernardka Žvorc, Primary School Šmarje pri Jelšah, Slovenia Keywords: auditing, financial plan, educational institution Abstract 18 Digital Economy 1 – Challenges Thursday • 25 May 2017 • 11.30–13.30 • Rossini Session Chair: Hana Horak Everything You Wanted to Know about Internet Risks But Were Too Afraid to Ask Maja Vreča, Arnes, Slovenia Keywords: internet, safety, security, scams, viruses, password, new media literacy Abstract Data Protection in Digital Economy: Reality or Utopia? Hana Horak, University of Zagreb, Croatia Keywords: digital economy, data protection, regulatory framework, regulation on data protection Abstract Digital Economic and Social Evolution of Tunisia Nahla Chaaben and Faysal Mansouri, Sousse University, Tunisia Keywords: I-DESI, Tunisia, digital economy, economic growth Abstract Digital Transformation Approach for Improving Public Services Using Cloud Computing Technology Shuleski Darko, Radu Ioan, Anton Cristian Ioan, and Crina Veronica Cristea, Bucharest University for Economic Studies, Romania Keywords: IT&C, change management, cloud computing, strategic management Abstract Evaluating the Factors Affecting the Decision of Adoption Cloud Computing Technology: The Case of Jordanian Business Organizations Thabit Atobishi, University of Kaposvár, Hungary Szilárd Podruzsik, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary Keywords: cloud computing, information technology, information and communication technology Abstract The Usage of IT&C Tools in the Public Administration Decision Processes Shuleski Darko, Birsan Alexandru, Liviu-Catalin Pricop, and Crina Veronica Cristea, Bucharest University for Economic Studies, Romania Keywords: business intelligence, cloud computing, virtual intelligent network, improving public services Abstract 19 Energy Thursday • 25 May 2017 • 11.30–13.30 • Dalia Session Chair: Alfonso Aranda-Usón Bi-Criteria Models for Energy Markets Traian Ionut Luca and Ciprian-Marcel Pop, Babe¸ s-Bolyai University, Romania Keywords: energy market, bi-criteria problem, energy consumption/production optimization Abstract Autonomous Vehicles and the Future of Private Vehicle Ownership Tin Pofuk, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: autonomous vehicles, mobility on demand, transportation Abstract Financial and Legal Compliance Challenges of the Nuclear Power Plant Development in the European Union András Herczeg, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary Máté Tóth, István Széchenyi University and Faludi Wolf Theiss, Attorney-at-Law, Hungary Keywords: energy union, nuclear energy, power plant licensing Abstract The Progressive Adoption of the Circular Economy in Business and the Energy Management Implications Sabina Scarpellini, Pilar Portillo-Tarragona, Alfonso Aranda-Usón, Fernando Llena-Maraculla, and Sanya Detweiler, University of Zaragoza, Spain Keywords: circular economy, organizational changes, energy management Abstract 20 Management 2 – Leadership and Organizational Culture Thursday • 25 May 2017 • 14.30–16.00 • Bellini Session Chair: Maria Jakubik Rethinking Leadership and Its Practices in the Digital Era Maria Jakubik and Ivan Berazhny, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Finland Keywords: digitalization, new leadership paradigm, creative economy, leadership practices, digileader competencies Abstract Team Spirit is the Primary Factor for the Existence of Leadership R˘ azvan Liviu Nistor and Daniel Malutan, Babe¸ s-Bolyai University, Romania Keywords: management, team spirit, transformational leadership, transactional leadership, multiplier leader, diminisher leader, business Abstract The ‘People, Process, and Goal’ Model Vs. the ‘Sand Cone’ Model of Transformational Leadership: Differences and Similarities Thanh Ha-Vikström, University of Vaasa, Finland Keywords: leadership behavior, people-focused, process-focused, goal-focused, transformational leadership Abstract Comparison of Organizational Values of the World’s Largest Companies With Organizational Values of Large Croatian Companies: A Balanced Approach Ivan Malbašić and Nikolina Dreven, University of Zagreb, Croatia Keywords: organizational values, models of balanced values, cross-national comparison, Fortune 100 companies, Croatian companies Abstract From Software Productisation to Portability While Managing Industrial and Technical Assistance Projects Carmen Laura Zarzu and Cezar Scarlat, University ‘Politehnica’ of Bucharest, Romania Keywords: project management, productisation, industrial and technical assistance international projects, project portability, multicultural teams, TOME radar Abstract 21 Management 3 – Marketing and Consumer Behaviour I Thursday • 25 May 2017 • 14.30–16.00 • Vivaldi Session Chair: Danijel Bratina Lagged Effects of On-line Promotions and Advertising Danijel Bratina and Armand Faganel, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: persistence modelling, time series analysis, advertising effects, sales response modelling Abstract Petrol Station’s Convenience Store Patronage in Malaysia: The Influence of Store Image and Corporate Image on Customer Satisfaction Norizan Mat Saad, Al Yamamah University, Saudi Arabia Ahmad Zulhaimi Bin Abdul Wahid, Universiti Sains, Malaysia Keywords: store image, corporate image, customer satisfaction, marketing Abstract The Role of Retail in the Old City Centre Revitalization: Case Study Armand Faganel, University of Primorska, Slovenia Beti Reisman, Mestna občina Koper, Slovenia Danijel Bratina, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: city revitalization, historic centre, inhabitants, retail regeneration, city marketing Abstract The Evaluation of the Image of Poland as a National Brand Perceived by Young Foreigners Marzena Lemanowicz, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland Keywords: country image, national branding, national brand, promotion, Poland Abstract The Role of Nostalgia in Consumer Decision Making in Slovenia Špela Prešeren and Mateja Kos Koklič, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Keywords: nostalgia, marketing strategy, nostalgic products, consumer purchase decision Abstract Marketing Challenges in the Digital Economy for Romanian Higher Education Organizations Hajnalka Barna, Partium Christian University, Romania Keywords: educational marketing, socially responsible marketing in higher education, holistic marketing in higher education, online marketing in higher education Abstract 22 Economics 2 – Agriculture and Food Industry Thursday • 25 May 2017 • 14.30–16.00 • Verdi Session Chair: Imre Fert˝ o Dairy Sector Trade Dynamics: A Network Perspective Zoltán Bakucs, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary Imre Fert˝ o, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and University of Kaposvár, Hungary Jan Fałkowski, Warsaw University, Poland Keywords: intra-EU trade, dairy sector, network analysis, duration of trade Abstract Drivers of Farm Income Risk in Slovenia Štefan Bojnec, University of Primorska, Slovenia Imre Fert˝ o, Corvinus University of Budapest and University of Kaposvár, Hungary Keywords: income risk, governmental support, financial immobility, farm size, Slovenia Abstract Assessment of Ecosystem Services in Agriculture Krisztina Misko, Research Institute of Agricultural Economics, Hungary József Fogarasi, Research Institute of Agricultural Economics, Hungary, and Partium Christian University, Romania Keywords: ecosystem services, assessment, agriculture, natural resources, sustainability Abstract Estimation of the First Results of Import Substitution in the Regions of Russia on the Example of Food-Processing Industry Eleonora Rzgo and Lidia Lavrova, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia Keywords: import substitution, food industry, regional policy Abstract The Effects of Business and Financial Risks on the Production Performance of Agri-Food Enterprises József Fogarasi, Ibolya Lámfalusi, Csaba Domán, and Ivett Illés, Research Institute of Agricultural Economics, Hungary Keywords: production performance, efficiency, business risk, financial risk, agri-food economy Abstract 23 Finance 2 – Financial Markets and Institutions I Thursday • 25 May 2017 • 14.30–16.00 • Dalia Session Chair: Federica Pasquariello The Information Content of Earnings Announcements in the European Insurance Market: An Event Study Analysis Alberto Dreassi, Massimiliano Kaucic, and Giorgio Valentinuz, University of Trieste, Italy Keywords: post-earnings-announcement drift, stock prices, volume trading, insurance market, event study Abstract Reverse Splits in International Stock Markets: Reconciling the Evidence on Long-Term Returns Adam Zaremba and Szymon Okoń, Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland Roman Asyngier, Maria Skłodowska-Curie University in Lublin, Poland Keywords: reverse split, share consolidation, long-run returns, international markets, long-term event study, equity anomalies, stock market integration, penny stocks, micro-caps Abstract Fees and Operating Costs – Practices of European Pension Funds Dražen Novaković and Dina Liović, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia Keywords: pension funds, fees, operating costs, Croatia Abstract Investors’ Perception on Indian Derivatives Market Divya Gakhar, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, India Keywords: derivatives, perception, investors, derivatives awareness level Abstract Portfolio Turnover and Fund Investors’ Performance Diego Víctor de Mingo-López and Juan Carlos Matallín-Sáez, Universitat Jaume I, Spain Keywords: mutual fund, turnover, fund investor, performance Abstract Italian Bankruptcy Code Moving Towards a Reform Era Federica Pasquariello, University of Verona, Italy Keywords: bankrupt, crisis, consumer Abstract 24 Digital Economy 2 – Data Economy Thursday • 25 May 2017 • 14.30–16.00 • Rossini Session Chair: Markus Häyhtiö Relation between Data Mining and Business Fields in the Four Dimensional CRM Model Iva Šalov, Aleksandra Krajnović, and Ante Panjkota, University of Zadar, Croatia Keywords: CRM, data mining, business fields, customer privacy Abstract Applying TAM to Study Online Shopping Adoption among Youth in the Republic of Macedonia Kalina Trenevska Blagoeva and Marina Mijoska, University Ss. Cyril and Methodius-Skopje, Republic of Macedonia Keywords: TAM, online shopping adoption, Republic of Macedonia Abstract Using Purchase Data to Identify Most Valuable Customers in Hotel Paul Järvinen, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Finland Keywords: CRM, customer profitability, RFM model, database marketing, analysis Abstract Challenges of IT – Infrastructure Protection in Supply Chains Markus Häyhtiö, National Defence University, Finland Keywords: IT-infrastructure, supply chains, capability management, risks, cyber Abstract 25 Poster Session I Thursday • 25 May 2017 • 16.00–17.00 • Conference Lobby Management Through Fuzzy Matching Expressed by the Implementation of Algorithmic Processes Florian Gyula Laszlo, Partium Christian University, Romania Keywords: management, fuzzy logics, algorithmic process Abstract Social Influences on Public Monuments Management Incased in Urban Squares Andrada Florian, West University of Timisoara, Romania Keywords: art management strategy, public square management, market study Abstract Supply Management – Romanian Example – Case Study: S.C. SAO Team S.R.L. Erica Olga Brad, Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania Keywords: management strategy, supply management, management program Abstract Comparing Maximizing and Satisficing Decision Making Styles: The Impact on Managerial Performance Brandon William Soltwisch, University of Northern Colorado, USA Keywords: maximizing, satisficing, decision making Abstract Prediction Capability Analysis for a Particular Type of Mimetic Models of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems Mihai Pascadi, University ‘Politehnica’ of Bucharest, Romania Keywords: systems management, modelling techniques, nonlinear systems Abstract 26 Managing IT Projects: Evaluating the Leadership Approach in Virtual Project Environments Hassan Amar and Markus Haag, University of Bedfordshire, United Kingdom Keywords: leadership, virtual projects, transformational or transactional, strategies Abstract Exchange Rate Regimes and Economic Growth in Developing Countries: An Empirical Study Using Panel Data from 1980 to 2013 Zeyneb Guellil, Abou Bekr Belkaid, Algeria Fatima Zohra Marouf, UMons, Belgium Mohammed Benbouziane, Abou Bekr Belkaid, Algeria Keywords: exchange rate regime, economic growth, classifications of exchange rate regimes, panel data Abstract Research Quality of Supreme (Public) Management of Slovenia and the Possibility of Application of Its Experiences in Serbia Milan Radosavljević, Aleksandar An¯ delković, and Života Radosavljević, University Union Nikola Tesla, Serbia Keywords: supreme management, the supreme public management of Slovenia, the supreme public Abstract The Impact of Macro-Decisions in Generating the Multiplying Effects in the Urban Systems with Tourism Functionality Radu-Daniel Pintilii, Daniel Peptenatu, Ana-Maria Ciobotaru, Andreea Karina Gruia, and Vlad-Gabriel Severin, University of Bucharest, Romania Keywords: cultural tourism, capital of culture, functional complexity, macro-decision Abstract Complementarity of the SPA Function in the Development of Territorial Systems Cristian-Constantin Draghici, Ion Andronache, Alexandra Grecu, Razvan Mihail Papuc, and Marian Marin, University of Bucharest, Romania Keywords: SPA tourism, functional complexity, natural resources Abstract Role of Weak Networks in New Technology Adoption and Open Innovation in SMEs Dilip Pednekar, BITS Pilani, India Keywords: network, innovation, weak signals, SME Abstract 27 Management 4 – Entrepreneurship Thursday • 25 May 2017 • 17.00–18.30 • Bellini Session Chair: Katia Giusepponi ICT Mentoring Needs of Entrepreneurs and SME’s Hanna Kropsu-Vehkaperä and Pekka Kess, University of Oulu, Finland Keywords: digitalization, knowledge management, external knowledge, SME, entrepreneurship, mentoring, coaching, ICT Abstract Subsidies, Innovation and Enterprise Financial Performance Sabina Žampa and Štefan Bojnec, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: subsidies, innovation, research and development, financial performance, small and medium enterprise Abstract Survival of Family Oriented Micro and Small Firms: A Study of Retail Stores Ravindra Hewa Kuruppuge and Ales Gregar, Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Czech Republic Keywords: firm survival, family business, micro and small firms, retail store, Sri Lanka Abstract Government Sponsored Venture Capital: Blessing or Curse? Erika Jáki and Endre Mihály Molnár, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary Keywords: venture capital, state involvement, EU funds Abstract High-Value Startups in the World: Entrepreneurial Profiles, Success Factors, Global Tendencies Katia Giusepponi and Virginia Tosi, University of Macerata, Italy Keywords: startup, business models, success factors Abstract Perceived Barriers to Entrepreneurship Among Students: The Case of Slovenia Jana Hojnik, Doris Gomezelj Omerzel, and Tina Bratkovič Kregar, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: barriers to entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship, perception of entrepreneurship, Slovenia, students Abstract 28 Management 5 – Education Management Thursday • 25 May 2017 • 17.00–18.30 • Vivaldi Session Chair: Anita Trnavˇ cevi´ c Students’ Perception on Innovative Teaching Methods Reijo Honkonen, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, Finland Keywords: creativity, innovation, innovation pedagogy Abstract Factors Associated with the Quality of School Management Practices: An Empirical Analysis for Colombia Neili C. Bermudez Plaza and Arturo Harker Roa, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia Keywords: school management, management practices, education, management quality, Colombia Abstract Formation of School Students’ Human Capital in the Case of Economic Online School of ISEDT RAS Research-Education Centre Lyubov’ Vasil’evna Babich, Aleksandra Anatol’evna Shabunova, and Galina Vadimovna Belekhova, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia Keywords: human capital, knowledge economy, distance learning Abstract Business Education in the Marketplace: Study Programs as Unifying Force? Anita Trnavčević, Roberto Biloslavo, and Armand Faganel, University of Primorska, Slovenia Bernard McKenna, University of Queensland, Australia Keywords: management education, higher education, competition, diversification Abstract 29 Economics 3 – Public Economics Thursday • 25 May 2017 • 17.00–18.30 • Verdi Session Chair: Juha-Matti Lehtonen Studying ‘Patronized Goods’ in Cultural Sector: Symptoms and Consequences of Baumol’s Cost Diseases Nikita Burakov and Olga Slavinskaya, Institute of Economics RAS, Russia Keywords: Baumol’s ‘cost disease’ productivity, wages, cost, income deficit Abstract Fuzzy Judgment Aggregation Model for Neutral and Abstentious Judgments Ayesha Syed, Lahore School of Economics, Pakistan Keywords: judgment aggregation, fuzzy, incomplete sets Abstract New Approaches to Performance of Public Investment Projects Razvan Catalin Dobrea and Cristina Dima, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Marius Pacurari, Intesa Sanpaolo Bank, Romania Keywords: management, sustainable growth, public investments Abstract A Defence Logistics Public-Private Partnership in the Light of Contract Theory Juha-Matti Lehtonen, National Defence University, Finland Ilkka Mäkipirtti, Finnish Defence Forces, Finland Keywords: public-private partnership, performance based logistics, contract theory Abstract 30 Tourism Thursday • 25 May 2017 • 17.00–18.30 • Rossini Session Chair: Renata Krukowska Medical Tourism in Poland: Challenges and Opportunities Ewa Skowronek, Andrzej Tucki, and Aldona Robak, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Poland Keywords: medical tourism, patient, interviews, Poland Abstract Barriers and Legal Restrictions for Local Government Units Managing the Development of Tourism Renata Krukowska, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Poland Iwona Ewa Haponiuk, Lublin Municipal Office, Poland Keywords: local government management, tourism, legal restrictions Abstract The Role of Self-Identity and Motivation in Cultural and Experiential Consumption Atanu Nath, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway Keywords: literary tourism, cultural consumption, experiential tourism, museology, motivation Abstract A Conceptual Framework of Festival Visitors’ Behavioral Intentions Parmita Saha, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway Keywords: festival tourism, behavioral intentions, experience quality, satisfaction Abstract MICE – The Valorization Vector of Local Communities’ Resources Case Study – Romania Manuela Liliana Mure¸ san and Puiu Nistoreanu, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Keywords: MICE, business tourism, economic development, valorization of communities’ resources, regional tourism Abstract Promoting a Site Included in Heritage Unesco: The Company Town in Crespi d’Adda (Lombardy, Italy) Massimo Mamoli, University Venice ‘Cà Foscari,’ Italy Keywords: company town, cultural, economic growth, real estate group, tourism Abstract 31 Management 6 – Management and Education Friday • 26 May 2017 • 9.00–10.30 • Bellini Session Chair: Dušan Lesjak Higher Education and Labour Market Dušan Lesjak, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: higher education, labour market, enrolment, unemployment Abstract Integrating Social Innovations into Management Education Dilek Cetindamar, Sabanci University, Turkey Hayri Kozanoglu, Kemerburgaz University, Turkey Keywords: management, education, social innovation, new technologies, society Abstract Co-Production Between the Provider and the Recipient as a Method of Increasing the Performance in Educational Services Maria Barabas, West University of Timisoara, Romania Keywords: coproduction, cooperation, performance Abstract Financial Literacy – Financial Education for Empowered Consumers Aleš Trunk, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Nada Trunk Širca, University of Primorska and International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Valerij Dermol, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Keywords: financial education, financial literacy, financially competent consumers Abstract 32 Management 7 – Marketing and Consumer Behaviour II Friday • 26 May 2017 • 9.00–10.30 • Vivaldi Session Chair: Anna Jasiulewicz Assessment of Customer Satisfaction with Public Health Services Ivana Škarica, Teaching Institute of Public Health of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, Croatia Keywords: customer satisfaction, quality systems, ISO/IEC 17025, ISO 9001, public health Abstract Digital Marketing Activities of Discount Stores in Poland Anna Jasiulewicz, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland Zygmunt Waśkowski, Poznan University of Economics and Business, Poland Keywords: digital marketing, discount store, mobile marketing, marketing strategies Abstract Role of Self-Congruity and Other Associative Variables on Consumer Purchase Decision Umesh Raut, Tamás Gyulavári, and Erzsébet Malota, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary Keywords: culture, personality, self-congruity, regression analysis Abstract Opportunistic Consumer Behaviour in the Context of Digital Piracy Ciprian-Marcel Pop, Andreea-Ioana Romon¸ti-Maniu, and Monica-Maria Zaharie, Babe¸ s-Bolyai University, Romania Keywords: theory of planned behaviour, digital piracy, opportunistic behaviour Abstract Customer Perception on Made in Italy: A Survey Among Young People Patrizia Silvestrelli, University of Macerata, Italy Keywords: customer perception, Made in Italy, Italian products, supply chain control Abstract 33 Economics 4 – Labour Economics Friday • 26 May 2017 • 9.00–10.30 • Verdi Session Chair: Klemen Širok Ambiguous ICT Effects on Burnout and Job Satisfaction: What Role Does Work-Family Balance Play? Katharina Ninaus, Ralf Terlutter, and Sandra Diehl, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Austria Keywords: ICT, Job Demands-Resources model, burnout, job satisfaction, work-family balance Abstract Gender Inequality in Unemployment by Age in Spain, Switzerland and the European Union Marina Fad’oš and Mária Bohdalová, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia Keywords: gender unemployment, panel unit root tests, structural breaks Abstract Population Ageing – Pensions Sustainability Through Investing in Life-Long Learning Aleš Trunk, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Anica Novak, NGO Association for Education and Sustainable Development, Slovenia Nada Trunk Širca, University of Primorska and International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Keywords: ageing, life expectancy, pensions, education Abstract New Autonomous Workers in Slovenia – Challenges Related to Monitoring and Policy Measures Related to Growth of New Forms of Flexible Employment Klemen Širok, Suzana Sedmak, Elizabeta Zirnstein, and Suzana Laporšek, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: labour market, autonomous workers, I-Pros, precarious work Abstract Job-Position Flows, Employment Protection Legislation and Productivity: Evidence from Slovenia Matija Vodopivec and Suzana Laporšek, University of Primorska, Slovenia Milan Vodopivec, University of Primorska, Slovenia, and Institute of Labor Economics, Germany Keywords: worker flows, job-position flows, employment protection legislation, productivity, Slovenia Abstract 34 Finance 3 – Taxation and Corruption Friday • 26 May 2017 • 9.00–10.30 • Dalia Session Chair: Chun-Chieh Chu Economic Transformation and Corruption in Post-Communist Romania Zoltan Zakota, Partium Christian University, Romania Keywords: corruption, underground economy, fiscal fraud, money laundering, Romania Abstract Tax Management Hierarchy – Planning, Avoidance, Evasion and Fraud Darina Saxunova and Rita Szarkova, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia Keywords: tax planning, tax evasions, tax fraud, tax avoidance, informal economy Abstract Study of the Value Added Tax Deficit in Romania Erzsébet Szász, Edit Veres, József Fogarasi, and Erzsébet Lengyel, Partium Chrisitan University, Romania Keywords: value added tax, tax fraud, tax deficit, fiscal finance, Romania Abstract Tax Management Hierarchy – Tax Fraud and a Fraudster Darina Saxunova, Rozalia Sulikova, and Rita Szarkova, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia Keywords: fraudster, tax evasions, tax fraud, tax paradise Abstract Dark Friendliness in Austria and Slovenia Birgit Burböck, Anita Macek, and Mladen Vuckovic, FH Joanneum – University of Applied Sciences, Austria Sonja Lipar and Štefan Bojnec, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: perception of corruption, global corruption barometer of transparency international, Austria, Slovenia Abstract Balanced Performance on Global Taxation Strategy and Operation Strategy of MNEs: More is Better? Case Study of the Main Taiwanese Multinational Enterprises Ming-Hone Tsai and Chun-Chieh Chu, National Central University, Taiwan Keywords: multinational enterprises, cross border business operations, operating strategy, global tax efficiency Abstract 35 Digital Economy 3 – Education in the Digital Era Friday • 26 May 2017 • 9.00–10.30 • Rossini Session Chair: Viktorija Florjanˇ ciˇ c Textbooks vs. Flipboard Igor Rižnar, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: business English, Flipboard, higher education, pseudo-teaching, textbooks Abstract The Usefulness of MOOCs’ Assessment Technique in a Traditional Course Taught Online Viktorija Florjančič, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: open education, online learning, peer-to-peer review, higher education Abstract ICT in Finnish University Education – Quality Systems Perspective Hanna Kropsu-Vehkaperä and Pekka Kess, University of Oulu, Finland Keywords: ICT, strategy, university, higher education, eLearning, Virtual university, quality, quality audit, qualitative research, NVIVO, Finland Abstract Preference Analysis in Tourist Destination Selection: The Case of Chinese Travellers Uroš Godnov, University of Primorska, Slovenia Tjaša Redek, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Keywords: China, tourism, destination management, user generated content, text-mining Abstract 36 Poster Session II Friday • 26 May 2017 • 10.30–11.30 • Conference Lobby Does the Students’ Perception of Business Environment Matter for Their Entrepreneurial Intention Doris Gomezelj Omerzel, Tina Bratkovič Kregar, and Jana Hojnik, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial environment, entrepreneurial intention, structural equation modeling Abstract Personal Characteristics as Determinants of Students’ Entrepreneurial Intention Tina Bratkovič Kregar, Jana Hojnik, and Doris Gomezelj Omerzel, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial intention, personal characteristics, students Abstract Evolution of the Market for Commercial Health Insurance in Poland Renata Pajewska-Kwaśny, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland Keywords: health insurance, out of pocket, private sector, heath care Abstract Research on Influence of Socio-Demographic Characteristics on Perceived Relationship Quality in Retail Sandra Jelčić, University of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina Keywords: relationship quality, socio-demographic characteristics, retail, hypermarkets Abstract Development Trends in Motor Insurance: Selected Issues on the Example of the Adequacy of the Premiums Ilona Tomaszewska, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland Keywords: premium, motor insurance, technical loss, premium adequacy Abstract Complex Effects of Investments in Sea Ports and Their Impact on the Economy of the Republic of Croatia Alen Jugović, Gorana Stumpf, and Tanja Poletan Jugović, University of Rijeka, Croatia Keywords: multiplier effects, port of Rijeka, Croatian economy Abstract 37 How Tracking of Electronic Money Might Improve Monetary Policy Dirk-Hinnerk Fischer, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia Keywords: crisis intervention, monetary innovation, monetary outflow, money supply, financial crisis Abstract Knowledge as Human Capital in Correlation With the Demographic Factors Alexandru Birsan and Malina-Ionela Burlacu, Bucharest University of Economics, Romania Keywords: tacit knowledge, knowledge specialist, income distribution Abstract The Macroeconomic Determinants of Credit Risk: The Algerian Banking System Fatima Zohra Marouf, UMons, Belgium Zeyneb Guellil, Abou Bakr Belkaid, Algeria Keywords: macroeconomic determinant, credit risk, Algerian banking system, abstract Abstract Tourist Behaviour: An Overview of Models to Date Emil Juvan, Doris Gomezelj Omerzel, and Maja Uran Maravić, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: tourism, tourist behavior, motivation Abstract Value From the Waste – Innovative Business Model at a Hungarian Alu Can Recycling Company Ede Lázár, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Romania Keywords: new business models, innovation, environmental management Abstract 38 Management 8 – CSR and Organization Friday • 26 May 2017 • 12.30–14.00 • Bellini Session Chair: Danila Djoki´ c Convergence of Corporate Governance Principles – Slovenia and European Union Danila Djokić, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: corporate governance, convergence, code Abstract Compliance with Alternative Corporate Governance Policies: Effects on Governance Quality and Earnings Manipulation Ujkan Bajra, University Haxhi Zeka, Kosovo Skender Ahmeti and Rrustem Asllanaj, University of Prishtina, Kosovo Keywords: corporate governance quality, regulatory policies, financial reporting, earnings manipulation, Sarbanes Oxley Act, 8th Company Law Directive Abstract Ownership Structure and Innovative Enterprise Matjaž Nahtigal, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: ownership structure, innovative enterprise, long-term sustainable development Abstract The Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Talent Management in Vietnamese SMEs Phan Van Thanh, University of Kaposvár, Hungary Szilárd Podruzsik, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary Keywords: corporate social responsibility, CSR, talent management, Vietnamese SMEs Abstract Post-Merger Returns in Frontier Markets, or: How We Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Acquirers Adam Zaremba, Adam Szyszka, and Michał Płotnicki, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland Przemysław Grobelny, Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland Keywords: mergers and acquisitions, long-run returns, long-term underperformance, frontier equity markets, corporate behavioral finance, anomalies, asset pricing, the cross section of returns Abstract The Effect of Perceived Environmental Uncertainty on the Use and Perceived Usefulness of Strategic Management Accounting: Some Empirical Evidence Antonio Costantini and Filippo Zanin, University of Udine, Italy Keywords: large firms, perceived environmental uncertainty, strategic management accounting Abstract 39 Economics 5 – Economic Growth and Development II Friday • 26 May 2017 • 12.30–14.00 • Verdi Session Chair: Alexander Zaytsev Impact of EU Investment Programs on the Ukrainian Market Andrei-Viorel T˘ atar and Ioan Chiril˘ a, Babe¸ s-Bolyai University, Romania Keywords: SME’s, sustainable growth, Ukraine, Eastern partnership, entrepreneurship Abstract Industrial Convergence in Emerging Economies Akira Kohsaka, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan Jun-ichi Shinkai, Sapporo Gakuin University, Japan Keywords: emerging economies, Asia, Europe, industrial convergence, productivity growth, productivity gap, structural transformation, intra-industry productivity growth, inter-industry factor reallocation Abstract New Evidence of Economic Integration in Eurasia Region Irina Gabriela Radulescu, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Romania Keywords: regionalism, Eurasia, organization Abstract Surveys Expectations as a Precursor of Economic Development? Marek Luboš, Richard Hindls, and Stanislava Hronová, University of Economics in Prague, Czech Republic Keywords: business cycle surveys, statistics without numbers, forecasting Abstract Analysis of Volatilities Spillover in Emerging Markets Mária Bohdalová and Michal Greguš, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia Keywords: quantile regression, volatilities spillovers, EWMA, GARCH model Abstract Productivity Comparisons and Identification of Perspective Sources for Technology Borrowing on Country and Region Industrial Levels Alexander Zaytsev, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia Keywords: regional economic diagnostics, technology borrowing, labor productivity, Solow residuals, multifactor productivity, cereal yield model, technological level ranking Abstract 40 Economics 6 – International Economics and Trade Friday • 26 May 2017 • 12.30–14.00 • Vivaldi Session Chair: Tjaša Redek The Impact of FDI on Economy Sanja Jakovljević and Tatjana Klincov Vujaković, The University of Business Studies, Bosnia and Hercegovina Dragana Kalabić, Erste Group Bank AG, Austria Keywords: FDI, economic growth, economy, foreign trade Abstract Intangible Capital Investment, Technological Restructuring and Corporate Presence in Global Value Chains: The Case Economic Competencies in Slovenian Firms Tjaša Redek, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Uroš Godnov, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: intangible capital, human capital, economic competencies, trade, GVV Abstract Trade Collapses and Trade Slowdowns: Evidence from Some Central and Eastern European Countries Marco Giansoldati and Tullio Gregori, University of Trieste, Italy Keywords: global trade slowdown, world trade collapse, import elasticity, CEECs Abstract Impact of Business Networks on Internationalization of Slovene Enterprises Aleš Cantarutti, Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, Slovenia Andrej Bertoncelj, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: business networks, relationships in business networks, business networks and internationalization, Slovenia Abstract Unit Root Testing in Macroeconomic Time Series: Empirical Evidence from Slovenia and Serbia Nemanja Lojanica, University of Kragujevac, Serbia Sergej Gričar, School of Business and Management in Novo mesto, Slovenia Štefan Bojnec, University of Primorska, Slovenia Saša Obradović, University of Kragujevac, Serbia Keywords: macroeconomic variables, unit root testing, Slovenia, Serbia Abstract A Comparative Study of the Supply Chain Key Factors Differentiated by Nearshore Manufacturing Shahriare Mahmood, Hanna Kropsu-Vehkaperä, and Pekka Kess, University of Oulu, Finland Keywords: supply chain management, nearshore manufacturing, analytic hierarchy process, fashion supply chain Abstract 41 Finance 4 – Monetary Policy and Financial Stability Friday • 26 May 2017 • 12.30–14.00 • Rossini Session Chair: Mikhail Golovnin Are Taxes or Expenditures More Powerful Stabilization Instruments in a Small Euro Area Economy? A Case Study for Slovenia Klaus Weyerstrass and Reinhard Neck, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Austria Keywords: macroeconomics, stabilization policy, fiscal policy, tax policy, public expenditures, Slovenia, public debt Abstract Toxic Liquidity: Is it Here to Stay? Carlos Jorge Lenczewski Martins, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland Keywords: algorithmic trading, high-frequency trading, HFT, liquidity Abstract Monetary Policy Reaction on Crisis Shocks in Central and Eastern European Economies and Russia During 2008–2016 Years Mikhail Golovnin, Russian Academy of Sciences and Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia Keywords: finance, monetary policy, CEE countries, Russia, external shocks Abstract Quantitative Easing as the ECB’s Monetary Policy Lubos Fleischmann, University of Economics, Czech Republic Keywords: quantitative easing, monetary policy, ECB, eurozone, liquidity Abstract European Central Bank (ECB) and the Federal Reserve System (FED) Economic Performance, Goals and Objectives Pellegrino Manfra, City University New York, USA Keywords: European Central Bank, Federal Reserve System, economic performance, unemployment rate Abstract Financial Resources and the Circular Economy in Business Pilar Portillo-Tarragona, José M. Moneva, and Sabina Scarpellini, University of Zaragoza, Spain Keywords: circular economy, corporate finance, financial resources Abstract 42 Management 9 – Networks and Cooperation Friday • 26 May 2017 • 15.00–16.30 • Bellini Session Chair: Kerstin Bremser Sharing Economy and Tourism: Lights and Shadows Kerstin Bremser, Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences, Germany María del Mar Alonso-Almeida, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain Keywords: sharing economy, tourism, carsharing Abstract Strategy of Coopetition: Value-Creating Networks of Partnership Relations Zygmunt Waśkowski, Poznan University of Economics and Business, Poland Keywords: coopetition, partnership relations, networks, sport organizations Abstract Cooperative Purchasing: Finnish Security Organisations Case Ilkka Ikonen and Juha-Matti Lehtonen, National Defence University, Finland Keywords: security, cooperation, purchasing, management Abstract An Institutional Approach to Decision Making in Multi-Stakeholder Cooperatives: The Role of Legitimacy Asma El Aarroumi and Badia Oulhadj, University Hassan the 1st, Morocco Paola Giuri, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Italy Keywords: multi-stakeholder cooperatives, governance, decision making, institutional theory, legitimacy Abstract 43 Management 10 – Business Models and Processes Friday • 26 May 2017 • 15.00–16.30 • Vivaldi Session Chair: Aleksander Janeš Business Model Concept: An Integrative Framework Proposal Marko Perić, Vanja Vitezić, and Jelena Ðurkin, University of Rijeka, Croatia Keywords: business model, value proposition, value creation, value capture, value network Abstract Opportunities of Lean Thinking in the Improvement of Competitiveness Within the Hungarian SME Sector László Koloszár, University of Sopron, Hungary Keywords: lean, SME, Hungarian SME sector Abstract Process Maturity in the Slovenian Power Supply Industry Aleksander Janeš, University of Primorska, Slovenia Rajko Novak, MRR LLC, Slovenia Keywords: business process orientation (BPO), process maturity, business process management (BPM), power supply Abstract Business Models in the Sharing Economy: A Study on Entrepreneurship (of Platform Owners) and Micro-Entrepreneurship (of Prosumers) Vicky Franssen, Nicky Malfliet, Karijn Bonne, Christel De Maeyer, and Marilyn Michels, Artevelde University College, Belgium Keywords: sharing economy, digital platform, micro-entrepreneurship, revenue models, business models Abstract 44 Economics 7 – Social Welfare Friday • 26 May 2017 • 15.00–16.30 • Verdi Session Chair: Maja Meško Measuring Efficiency of Secondary Healthcare Providers Patricia Blatnik, Štefan Bojnec, and Arjana Brezigar Masten, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: technical efficiency, allocative efficiency, cost efficiency, DEA, SFA Abstract Relative Prosperity in Slovenia: A Study Maja Meško, University of Primorska, Slovenia Franci Cirkvenčič, Government of the Republic of Slovenia, Slovenia Tine Bertoncel, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands Keywords: Allardt’s model, relative prospective, crisis, canonical correlation analysis, Slovenia Abstract Making Work Pay in Slovenia Suzana Laporšek, Milan Vodopivec, and Matija Vodopivec, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: making work pay, unemployment trap, inactivity trap, poverty trap, tax wedge, labour market, Slovenia Abstract Reform of Student Loan System: Recent Evidence from Slovakia Mária Barteková and L’udomír Šlahor, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovak Republic Keywords: student loan system, Hungarian student loans, student loan debt, Slovak higher education Abstract The Principle of Solidarity as an Instrument of Governmental Policy to Solve Inequality: The Case of the Czech Republic Mikuláš Pichanič and Anna Staňková, University of Economics, Czech Republic Keywords: globalization, solidarity, inequality, income, gig economy, categories of workers, crony capitalism, automated systems Abstract 45 Finance 5 – Financial Markets and Institutions II Friday • 26 May 2017 • 15.00–16.30 • Rossini Session Chair: Darina Saxunová Ethical Strategy Focus and SRI Mutual Fund Performance Diego Victor de Mingo-López, Juan Carlos Matallín-Sáez, Amparo Soler-Domínguez, and Emili Tortosa-Ausina, Universitat Jaume I, Spain Keywords: environmental, ESG, mutual fund, performance, persistence, SRI Abstract Enhancing the Bank Recovery Process Cinzia Baldan, University of Padova, Italy Enrico Fioravante Geretto, University of Udine, Italy Francesco Zen, University of Padova, Italy Keywords: bank recovery, bank resolution, distance to default, loss absorption buffer, potential extreme losses Abstract Pricing Contingent Convertible Bonds – An Empirical Approach Saša Popović and Ana Mugoša, University of Montenegro, Montenegro Keywords: contingent convertible bonds, CoCo, trigger event, loss absorption Abstract The Relation Between the Oil Market Volatility and the Stock Market Volatility Peter Molnár, University of Stavanger, Norway Milan Bašta, University of Economics, Czech Republic Keywords: implied volatility, VIX, OVX, oil, wavelets Abstract Sovereign Debt and Credit Rating Behaviour Before and After Brexit Darina Saxunová, Lenka Chorvatovičová, and Rita Szarkova, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia Keywords: credit ratings, sovereign ratings, government bonds, price volatility Abstract The Asymmetry of Information and Credit Risk: The Algerian Public Banks Fatima Zohra Marouf, UMons, Belgium Zeyneb Guellil, Abou Bakr Belkaid, Algeria Keywords: information asymmetry, resolution mechanisms, credit risk, Algeria Abstract Differential Effect on the Determinants of the NPLs According to the Economic Cycle Salvador Climent-Serrano, Elisabeth Bustos-Contell, and Gregorio Labatut-Serer, University of Valencia, Spain Keywords: loan default, banks, unemployment, leverage, housing prices Abstract 46 Index Adamova, Marketa, 15 Brezigar Masten, Arjana, 45 Ahmeti, Skender, 39 Brzeszczyński, Janusz, 7 Alexandru, Birsan, 19 Burakov, Nikita, 30 Amar, Hassan, 27 Burböck, Birgit, 35 Anatol’evna Shabunova, Aleksandra, Burlacu, Malina-Ionela, 38 29 Bustos-Contell, Elisabeth, 46 An¯ delković, Aleksandar, 27 Cantarutti, Aleš, 41 Andronache, Ion, 27 Černe, Ksenija, 7, 18 Aranda-Usón, Alfonso, 20 Cetindamar, Dilek, 32 Asllanaj, Rrustem, 39 Chaaben, Nahla, 19 Asyngier, Roman, 24 Chaarani, Hani, 7 Atobishi, Thabit, 19 Chauhan, Kavita, 17 Babich, Lyubov, 14 Chirico, Jennifer, 11 Bajra, Ujkan, 39 Chiril˘ a, Ioan, 40 Bakucs, Zoltán, 23 Chong, Eddy Siong-Choy, 7 Balcilar, Mehmet, 7 Chorvatovičová, Lenka, 46 Baldan, Cinzia, 46 Chu, Chun-Chieh, 35 Banu Basar, Ayse, 18 Ciobotaru, Ana-Maria, 27 Barabas, Maria, 32 Cirkvenčič, Franci, 45 Barna, Hajnalka, 22 Climent-Serrano, Salvador, 46 Barteková, Mária, 45 Costantini, Antonio, 39 Bašta, Milan, 46 Cristea, Crina Veronica, 19 Bavec, Cene, 7 Daneshpour, Hosein, 16 Belkaid, Abou Bakr, 46 Darko, Shuleski, 19 Benbouziane, Mohammed, 27 De Maeyer, Christel, 44 Berazhny, Ivan, 21 de Mingo-López, Diego Víctor, 24, 46 Bercu, Ana-Maria, 15 del Mar Alonso-Almeida, María, 43 Bermudez Plaza, Neili C., 29 Dermol, Valerij, 14, 32 Bertoncel, Tine, 45 Detweiler, Sanya, 20 Bertoncelj, Andrej, 41 Dibooglu, Sel, 7 Bhaumik, Sumon, 7 Diehl, Sandra, 34 Biloslavo, Roberto, 29 Dierk, Udo, 7 Bin Abdul Wahid, Ahmad Zulhaimi, 22 Dima, Cristina, 30 Birsan, Alexandru, 38 Djokić, Danila, 39 Bizjak, Rian, 8 Dobrea, Razvan Catalin, 30 Blatnik, Patricia, 45 Dolenc, Primož, 18 Bohdalová, Mária, 34, 40 Domán, Csaba, 23 Bojnec, Štefan, 7, 13, 14, 23, 28, 35, Draghici, Cristian-Constantin, 27 41, 45 Dreassi, Alberto, 24 Bonne, Karijn, 44 Dreven, Nikolina, 21 Brad, Erica Olga, 26 Ðurkin, Jelena, 44 Brada, Josef, 7 Égert, Balázs, 7 Bratina, Danijel, 22 El Aarroumi, Asma, 43 Bratkovič Kregar, Tina, 28, 37 Erić, Ognjen, 16 Bremser, Kerstin, 43 Fad’oš, Marina, 34 47 Faganel, Armand, 22, 29 Hronova, Stanislava, 40 Fałkowski, Jan, 23 Ikonen, Ilkka, 43 Fantazzini, Dean, 7, 14 Illés, Ivett, 23 Ferjančič, Staša, 8 Ioan, Anton Cristian, 19 Fert˝ o, Imre, 7, 23 Ioan, Radu, 19 Fioravante Geretto, Enrico, 46 Ivanović, Ivana, 18 Fischer, Dirk-Hinnerk, 38 Jáki, Erika, 28 Fleischmann, Lubos, 42 Jakovljević, Sanja, 16, 41 Florian, Andrada, 26 Jakubczak, Anna, 7 Florjančič, Viktorija, 36 Jakubik, Maria, 21 Fogarasi, József, 23, 35 Janeš, Aleksander, 44 Forss, Teppo, 16 Järvinen, Paul, 25 Franssen, Vicky, 44 Jasiulewicz, Anna, 33 Gakhar, Divya, 24 Jelčić, Sandra, 37 Galant, Adriana, 18 Ježovnik, Alen, 8 Giansoldati, Marco, 41 Jieming, Liu, 16 Giuri, Paola, 43 Jugović, Alen, 37 Giusepponi, Katia, 28 Juvan, Emil, 38 Godnov, Uroš, 36, 41 Kalabić, Dragana, 16, 41 Golovnin, Mikhail, 7, 14, 42 Kaucic, Massimiliano, 24 Gomezelj Omerzel, Doris, 7, 28, 37, Kess, Pekka, 7, 28, 36, 41 38 Klincov Vujaković, Tatjana, 16, 41 Grecu, Alexandra, 27 Kljajić-Dervić, Mirela, 15 Gregar, Ales, 28 Kočenda, Evžen, 7 Gregori, Tullio, 41 Kohsaka, Akira, 40 Greguš, Michal, 40 Koloszár, László, 44 Gričar, Sergej, 41 Kos Koklič, Mateja, 22 Grobelny, Przemysław, 39 Kozanoglu, Hayri, 32 Gruia, Andreea Karina, 27 Krajnović, Aleksandra, 25 Grum, Andraž, 18 Krapež, Katarina, 14 Guellil, Zeyneb, 27, 38, 46 Kras, Eva, 7 Gulev, Rune Ellemose, 7 Križman Pavlović, Danijela, 7, 14 Gyula Laszlo, Florian, 26 Krninska, Ruzena, 15 Gyulavári, Tamás, 33 Kropsu-Vehkaperä, Hanna, 28, 36, 41 Ha-Vikström, Thanh, 21 Krukowska, Renata, 31 Haag, Markus, 27 Kuboniwa, Masaaki, 7 Hajjaj, Ola, 15 Kuruppuge, Ravindra Hewa, 28 Haponiuk, Iwona Ewa, 31 Kutan, Ali, 7, 14 Harker Roa, Arturo, 29 Labatut-Serer, Gregorio, 46 Hasić, Tea, 18 Laković, Tanja, 18 Häyhtiö, Markus, 25 Lámfalusi, Ibolya, 23 Herczeg, András, 20 Laporšek, Suzana, 5, 7, 14, 18, 34, Hindls, Richard, 40 45 Hojnik, Jana, 28, 37 Lavrova, Lidia, 23 Honkonen, Reijo, 29 Lázár, Ede, 38 Horak, Hana, 19 Lehtonen, Juha-Matti, 30, 43 Horváth, Roman, 7 Lemanowicz, Marzena, 22 Horvat, Tatjana, 18 Lenczewski Martins, Carlos Jorge, 42 48 Lengyel, Erzsébet, 35 Orlowski, Lucjan, 7 León, Raúl, 7 Oulhadj, Badia, 43 Lesjak, Benjamin, 12 Pacurari, Marius, 30 Lesjak, Dušan, 32 Pagani, Margherita, 10 Liović, Dina, 24 Pajewska-Kwaśny, Renata, 37 Lipar, Sonja, 35 Panjkota, Ante, 25 Llena-Maraculla, Fernando, 20 Papuc, Razvan Mihail, 27 Lojanica, Nemanja, 41 Pascadi, Mihai, 26 Luboš, Marek, 40 Pasquariello, Federica, 24 Luca, Traian Ionut, 20 Pednekar, Dilip, 27 Macek, Anita, 35 Peptenatu, Daniel, 27 Mahmood, Shahriare, 41 Perić, Marko, 44 Mäkipirtti, Ilkka, 30 Phusavat, Kongkiti, 7 Malbašić, Ivan, 21 Pichanič, Mikuláš, 45 Malfliet, Nicky, 44 Pintilii, Radu-Daniel, 27 Malota, Erzsébet, 33 Płotnicki, Michał, 39 Malutan, Daniel, 21 Podruzsik, Szilárd, 19, 39 Mamoli, Massimo, 31 Pofuk, Tin, 8, 20 Manfra, Pellegrino, 42 Poletan Jugović, Tanja, 37 Mansouri, Faysal, 19 Polterovich, Victor, 7 Marin, Marian, 27 Pop, Ciprian-Marcel, 20, 33 Mat Saad, Norizan, 22 Popović, Goran, 16 Matallín-Sáez, Juan Carlos, 24, 46 Popović, Saša, 46 McKenna, Bernard, 29 Portillo-Tarragona, Pilar, 20, 42 Mehić, Eldin, 16 Prakash, Deepti, 17 Meško, Maja, 45 Prešeren, Špela, 22 Mestre, Roman, 18 Pricop, Liviu-Catalin, 19 Michels, Marilyn, 44 Radosavljević, Života, 27 Mihály Molnár, Endre, 28 Radosavljević, Milan, 27 Mijoska, Marina, 25 Radulescu, Irina Gabriela, 40 Misko, Krisztina, 23 Raut, Umesh, 33 Molnár, Peter, 46 Redek, Tjaša, 36, 41 Moneva, José M., 42 Reisman, Beti, 22 Mugoša, Ana, 46 Rižnar, Igor, 36 Muradoglu, Gulnur, 7 Robak, Aldona, 31 Mure¸ san, Manuela Liliana, 31 Romon¸ti-Maniu, Andreea-Ioana, 33 Nahtigal, Matjaž, 39 Rondović, Biljana, 18 Nath, Atanu, 31 Ruzzier, Mitja, 7 Neck, Reinhard, 42 Rzgo, Eleonora, 23 Ninaus, Katharina, 34 Saha, Parmita, 31 Nistoreanu, Puiu, 31 Šalov, Iva, 25 Nistorm R˘ azvan Liviu, 21 Sargsyan, Karen, 16 Novak, Anica, 34 Saxunová, Darina, 46 Novak, Rajko, 44 Saxunova, Darina, 35 Novaković, Dražen, 24 Scarlat, Cezar, 7, 21 Obradović, Saša, 41 Scarpellini, Sabina, 20, 42 Okoń, Szymon, 24 Sedmak, Suzana, 8, 34 Onofrei, Mihaela, 15 Severin, Vlad-Gabriel, 27 49 Shahzad, Khuram, 17 Veres, Edit, 35 Shakeel, Shah Rukh, 16 Vitezić, Vanja, 44 Shieh, Yao Y., 7 Vodopivec, Matija, 13, 34, 45 Shinkai, Jun-ichi, 40 Vodopivec, Milan, 34, 45 Signorelli, Marcello, 7 Vreča, Maja, 19 Silajdžić, Sabina, 16 Vuckovic, Mladen, 35 Silvestrelli, Patrizia, 33 Vukšić, Goran, 8 Sinković, Dean, 7 Waśkowski, Zygmunt, 33, 43 Širok, Klemen, 34 Weyerstrass, Klaus, 42 Sishi, Liu, 16 Whatley, Art, 8 Škare, Marinko, 8, 14 William Soltwisch, Brandon, 26 Škarica, Ivana, 33 Won Yoon, Sang, 17 Skowronek, Ewa, 31 Wziątek-Staśko, Anna, 15 Šlahor, L’udomír, 45 Yoon, Chang-Ho, 17 Slavinskaya, Olga, 30 Zaharie, Monica-Maria, 33 Slivar Tiganj, Iva, 7 Zakota, Zoltan, 35 Soler-Domínguez, Amparo, 46 Žampa, Sabina, 28 Staňková, Anna, 45 Zanin, Filippo, 39 Štrancar, Ksenija, 8 Zaremba, Adam, 24, 39 Stubelj, Igor, 18 Zarzu, Carmen Laura, 21 Stumpf, Gorana, 37 Zaytsev, Alexander, 40 Sulikova, Rozalia, 35 Zen, Francesco, 46 Syed, Ayesha, 30 Zenzerović, Robert, 8 Szarkova, Rita, 35, 46 Zidova, Nikola, 15 Szász, Erzsébet, 35 Zirnstein, Elizabeta, 34 Szyszka, Adam, 39 Zohra Marouf, Fatima, 27, 38, 46 Takala, Josu, 8, 14, 16 Žvorc, Bernardka, 18 T˘ atar, Andrei-Viorel, 40 Terlutter, Ralf, 34 Terraza, Michel, 18 Tilabi, Sara, 16 Tipurić, Darko, 18 Tomaszewska, Ilona, 37 Tortosa-Ausina, Emili, 46 Tosi, Virginia, 28 Tóth, Máté, 20 Trenevska Blagoeva, Kalina, 25 Trnavčević, Anita, 29 Trunk Širca, Nada, 14, 32, 34 Trunk, Aleš, 32, 34 Tsai, Ming-Hone, 35 Tucki, Andrzej, 31 Uran Maravić, Maja, 38 Vadimovna Belekhova, Galina, 29 Valentinuz, Giorgio, 24 Van Thanh, Phan, 39 Vasil’evna Babich, Lyubov’, 29 Vatunen, Anne-Mari, 16 50 51 Management International Conference ISSN 1854-4312 | www.mic.fm-kp.si University of Primorska Press www.hippocampus.si Document Outline MIC 2017 Contents Conference Organizers Welcome Address by the Organizers Conference Aims and Subject Areas Programme Boards Conference Programme Keynote Speech: Digital Ecosystems and the New Value Creation Logic Keynote Speech: The New Management Paradigm Workshop: Challenges of Digital Era for Its User Doctoral Students' Workshop Roundtable with Editors and Editors' Panel Sessions Management 1 – Human Resources Economics 1 – Economic Growth and Development I Finance 1 – Financial Analysis and Reporting Digital Economy 1 – Challenges Energy Management 2 – Leadership and Organizational Culture Management 3 – Marketing and Consumer Behaviour I Economics 2 – Agriculture and Food Industry Finance 2 – Financial Markets and Institutions I Digital Economy 2 – Data Economy Poster Session I Management 4 – Entrepreneurship Management 5 – Education Management Economics 3 – Public Economics Tourism Management 6 – Management and Education Management 7 – Marketing and Consumer Behaviour II Economics 4 – Labour Economics Finance 3 – Taxation and Corruption Digital Economy 3 – Education in the Digital Era Poster Session II Management 8 – CSR and Organization Economics 5 – Economic Growth and Development II Economics 6 – International Economics and Trade Finance 4 – Monetary Policy and Financial Stability Management 9 – Networks and Cooperation Management 10 – Business Models and Processes Economics 7 – Social Welfare Finance 5 – Financial Markets and Institutions II Index