{j)lž£)om r ’FRi$k/i Domovi ima *2> Jv h A: > Špirit • lAfi^ n mm m m j MA m— ho JAG€ ONLY National and International Circulation CLEVELAND OHIO, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1964 SLOVCNIAN MORNING N€WSPAP€R Bolniško zavarovanje nastopi drugi leden Novi grobovi Kerala povzroča zopel PeiPinS inlrigira Frances (Faye) Opalek Po dolgi bolezni je umrla v težave indijski vladi zopet Svojo frnjevo pol charity bolnici Frances (Faye) . . .. Opalek, roj. Andolek. stara 54 Zdruz'ena opozicija je iz^la- Predstavniški dom bo Sena- Osrlinii proH Moskvi BERLIN, Nem. — V političnih krogih so podčrtali dejstvo, da kitajski časopisi zmeraj bolj VOJAŠKA ODLOČITEV V J. VIETNAMU NEDOSEGLJIVA? J -1 — — J . A. ^ 1 1 ± , O La Cl X ct t-Z X '—^ j-- ----J —-- ^ p- *• ta» » » * tv J XX XX A | I —1 ™ i .■ i ■ ■ ■, ■ let, stanujoča na 15857 Forest sovala nezaupnico v I a d i dopovedujejo vzholno-nemškim p0 štirih dneh proučevanja položaja v Južnem Hill« RKrri _______ T. Kongresne stranke. kr.rrmnistnm ria uh .micn rr^,J Jc* puiu^aja v južnem ŠTEV. LJCII — VOL. LXII Iz Clevelanda in okolice jfcusiavniNni umu uu oeua- ------ tov predlog: odobril, spre- Hll!s B vd- ZaPušča soproga domenil ali — zavrnil. Vlada seDha' hcpn Pair^ se prizadeva za njegovo o-dobritev. WASHINGTON, D. C. — V predstavniškem domu vlada ta teden dolgčas. Skoraj vsi kongresniki so na agitaciji, samo izjeme so se pokazale na Kapitelu. Zato predstavniški dom ni mogel ta teden začeti z obravnavanjem zakonskega načrta o bolniškem zavarovanju. Voditelji predstavniškega doma so se sporazumeli, da bodo pridni ves prihodnji teden. V ponedeljek bo predsednik predstavniškega doma McCormack postavil na dnevni red predlog, naj senatni načrt za bolniško zavarovanje pride na skupno kongresno konferenco. Republikanci bodo glasovali proti in zmagali, kajti predlog za skupno kongresno konferenco bi moral biti sprejet soglasno. Zato bo predsednik predstavniškega doma predlagal, naj predstavniški dom naprosi znani odbor za pravila, ki ga vodi kongresnik Smith, nasprotnik bolniškega zavarovanja, naj odbor sestavi in predloži resolucijo, ki naj pooblasti predstavniški dom, da lahko z navadno večino sklene, da gre zakon o bolniškem zavarovanju na skupno kongresno konferenco. Kongresnik Smith je baje obljubil, da bo njegov odbor tako resolucijo odobril že v torek. Ker je v sredo judovski praznik, jo bo predstavniški dom mogel obravnavati šele v četrtek. To bo tudi kritični dan za usodo bolniškega zavarovanja. Predstavniški dom namreč lahko besedilo resolucije spremeni ali pa še kaj doda. Zagovorniki bolniškega zavarovanja se najbolj bojijo, da bo predstavniški dom “naročil” tistim kongresnikom, ki so člani skupne kongresne konference, naj glasujejo proti zakonu. To bi seveda pomenilo pokop bolniškega zavarovanja vsaj za letošnje leto. Da se ognejo tej nevarnosti, bodo zagovorniki zavarovanja med kongresniki stavili predlog, naj skupna kongresna konferenca sprejme senatni osnutek zakona. Morda bodo pa kar predlagali, naj predstavniški dom kar naravnost sprejme senatno besedilo. V tem slučaju bi seveda delo na skupni kongresni konferenci odpadlo. Lahko se torej pripeti, da bomo koncem prihodnjega tedna vedeli za usodo zakona. Med tem pa poročajo iz Bele hiše, da je Johnson za zavarovanje in da bo zavarovanje zagovarjal tudi podpredsedniški kandidat Humphrey. komunistom, da jih misli Hroščev “prodati” bonnski vladi, ko Vietnamu in vojne tamkajšnje vlade proti rdeči gverili prihaja iz vladnih krogov vest, da na vojaško odločitev v doglednem času ni računati. To kaže na možnost razgovorov. sepha, hčeri Patricio in Sandro,1 NEW DELHI, Ind. — Država brate in sestre Stevena, Mary Kerala je edina v Indiji kjer bo namreč obiskal dr. Erharda. Hrovat. Louisa, Stanleyja, Jano So se komunisti dokopali 1 1957'Kltajci °P0*arjajo - svoje tova-j Berkopec in Eleanoro. Oče Ste- do oblasti. Pri volitvah sicer ni-!riše v Vzhodni Nemčiji, naj ne phen in mati Mary (roj. Hlad) so dobili večine, teda sporazu-1?,023^0’ kako 1 1938 anšle-, w a . iv,r-rrm, m n , ^ m . Andolek sta umrla pred več le- me]i So se s socijalisti glede ko- sk] minitrski predsednik Cham- w Abril INL) 1 (JIN, D.C. — Poslanik M. Taylor se je ti. Rojena je bila v Clevelandu, alicijske vlade. Tako so komu-:berlain “Prodal” Cehe diktator-! zadn je Štiri dni razgovarjal z vodniki zvezne vlade, pred- Bila je članica Društva Danica nisti g o s p o d ar i 1 i ne ravno^U HitleL)u- Namigujejo, da je rednikom ZDA, pa tudi Z vodniki glavnih kongresnih odst. 11 SDZ in Woodman Circle vzgledno med 1 1957 in 1959. Pod]ag° za lako kupčijo ustva-j >n Hm obrazložil položaj v Južnem Vietnamu. Po No. 98. Pofjrph Kn Tj r_i.. — ril že zet Nikite Hruščeva Ale- sodbi M. Taylorja se vojaški položaj vladnih čet ni bistve- ksej Adžubej, ko je bil v Bonnu1 n0 spremenil v zadnjih tednih, ko je Južni Vietnam pre- na cbisku. j življal politično krizo, vendar pri sedanjem stanju ni mo- V Peipingu ne pomislijo, daj80Če računati, da bi bilo možno v doglednem času doseči se take “kupčije” veseli na mi-'V0iašl<0 odločitev v boju proti rdeči gverili. Te vesti naj bi lijone Nemcev v Vzhodni Nem-1 bi,e P° sodbi nekaterih opazovalcev položaja priprava na čiji, ki smrtno sovražijo vse, kar rnPvre^)Hna pogajanja, če bi Severni Vietnam in komuni- je komunističnega. j stična Kitajska bila voljna ustaviti podpiranje rdeče gve- Kako se pri tem počuti Ul- rile v Južnem Vietnamu. _ I LJ 4xxVx xtxxxt4-xx I-t t * XX X VX XN . . Predsednica ameriške KP umrla v Moskvi MOSKVA, ZSSR. — Znana voditeljica ameriških komuni-tov Mrs. E. G. Flynn je tudi postala smrtna žrtev svojega potovanja v Moskvo. Tam jo je namreč zadela kap. Ker je bila v Kremlju dobro zapisana, so ji moskovski komunisti pripravili pogreb, kot ga še ni dočakal noben ameriški državljan. Pepel pokojne komunistke so v dolgem sprevodu prenesli na Rdeči trg, ga tam postavili pred Leninov spomenik in primerno počastili z dolgimi govori. Med tistimi, ki so aktivno sodelovali pri pogrebu, je bila tudi žena Nikite Hruščeva. Udeležila se je častne straže, menda prvič v svojem življenju. Pepel bodo z letalom prepeljali v Ameriko in pokopali v Chicagu. vzgledno _____ .. _____ No. 98. Pogreb bo v ponedeljek Odpcr proti njim, posebno od ob 9.15 dop. iz Jos. Žele in Si- katoliške strani, je bil tako ve-novi pogreb, zavoda na 458 E. Jik, da je rodil nemire, ki jih je 152 St. v cerkev St. Louisa na centralna vlada v New Delhi-Taylor Rd. ob desetih, nato na ju končala s tem, da je sama Kalvarijo. Na mrtvaški oder bo prevzela državno upravo. Kato-položena jutri zvečer ob sed- Rčani so bili radi tega tako raz- jezeni na komunistično vlado, ker jim je brez razloga pobrala vse zasebne šole, ni jih pa mogla nadomestiti z javnimi. Kongresna stranka je imela le pičlo večino L. 1950 so bile volitve. Na njih je zmagala s pičlo večino Nehrujeva kongresna stranka in prevzela vlado v Kerali. Ni pa vladala, kot je treba. V njeno upravo se je vrinila korupcija, v vladni stranki sami pa je bilo zmeraj manj sloge. To so letos spretno izrabili komunisti, ki so v Kerali druga najmočnejša stranka. Na njihovo pobudo so se združile vse opozicijske stranke: socijalistična, muslimanska, komunistična in še 15 odpadnikov od kongresne stranke in izglasovale sedanji vladi nezaupnico. Vlada je naravno morala odstopiti. Da bi na njenem mestu mogla opozicijska koalicija sestaviti vlado, s tem ne računajo niti optimisti. Zato bo centralna vlada najbr-že morala prevzeti začasno vodstvo javne uprave v Kerali, v zgodnji spomladi pa razpisati volitve. McNamara ne mara nobene “raketne vrzeli’ WASHINGTON, D.C. — O-brambni tajnik McNamara je odločen, da ne bo dopustil med sedanjo volivno kampanjo no- Zadnje vesti bricht? Morda je v zadregi. Za-' Po teh vesteh voina v Juž-to je sprejel povabilo iz Beo- nem Vietnamu zel° draSa za Se'i grada, naj obišče Tita, da se bo-jvarm Vietnam rdeco Klta;i*, WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senat sta posvetovala o zamotanem1 ?ko' o«™™ !«*»*• » je zavrnil s «3:30 predlog za noložaju. Ko je namreč prišel njuna omejena sredstva. Prav' m • j *1 . i 4* X\ O 1 rxi i »r«4-» * r* »»i 1 xx vxxxxTxxxxx rr xx lito od sestanka z romunskim tovarišem Gheorghiu-Dejem, so začeli v Beogradu govoriti, da sta se oba komunista dogovorila, da se ne bosta udeležila ruske akcije za izobčenje kitajskih komunistov. Tako je ostal to naj bi ustvarilo pogoje za uspeh razgovorov. V vladnih krogih ZDA poudarjajo, da so te pripravljene sprejeti politično rešitev vojne v Južnem Vietnamu, če so rdeči res pripravljeni končati s svojimi napadi na --------JV. I na Balkanu edinole bolgarski Juzni Vietnam, poudarjajo pa komunist Živkov zvest Hrušče-'Prav tako tudi> da bodo Zdru-vu in njegovi okolici. Zato gajzene države podpirale vlado v je tudi Brežnjev tako pohvalil, Sajgonu tudi še dalje in, če tre-ko je govoril na slavnosti v So-! ba< še v večji meri, dokler ne bo fiji v čast 20-letnici bolgarske-! neo:♦>:>:«c: saEsswe :mm BESEDA IZ NARODA toporočencev Joa Zadnika je'okolice, naj se udeleže predava- odpre v naselbini cerkev in res skrbela za plesno in drugo za- nja g. župnika Vinka Kobala iz bavno glasbo. Slavja se je ude-j Ročinja v našem Primorju, ka-ležilo dkoli 250 sorodnikov in'tero bo imel o tem delu naše prijateljev zlatoporočencev. [prelepe, a tako slabo poznane Sedem od osmih Zadnikovih Slovenije prihodnji torek, 15. otrok z družinami je bilo navzočih. Rudolf je odvetnik v Cincinnatiju, Valentin je geolog Standard Oil v Tulsi, Artur mehanik v Tampi. Vsi so prišli za to slovesnost v Cleveland. Tony Zadnik, Alice Skerbec in Mary Javurek žive s svojimi družinami v Clevelandu. Joe Zadnik ima farmo na Stafford t. m., ob pol 8. zvečer v novi šolski dvorani pri Sv. Vidu. Pokazal nam bo tudi vrsto krasnih barvnih slik. Vstopnine ni! Na svidenje! J. S. Triglav Cleveland, O. — Počitnice so Ed. Edini sin, ki ni bil navzoč>ri kMiu in ^ pevce in pev- je Albert. Ta je že 22 let v obo- ke ^ “ 14. sep- v ■ z * tembra začno pevske vaje. Vsi roženih silah ZDA in je trenut- • n . /.v v... ste vabljeni, da bo pevski zbor n0T7V ®r^clJ1- v bodoče vsaj tako živahno , , , v deloval, kot je v preteklosti, la slovesna zahvalna sv. masa v ’ ^ , . TT , -vr u Vaša dolžnost je, da pridobite v cerkvi sv. Helene v Newbury J ’ ... * , , v • i x • x zboru nove pevske moči. Nas za zlatoiporocenca, pri kateri sta1 . . , .. L L i r'»£XTrr\T7/~\H i o A QiiHoln c o i o ta obnovila svojo zakonsko obljubo. Otroci, vnuki, vnukinje' in prijatelji so bili pri sv. maši., Anton Zadnik in Angela Va-j tovic sta bila rojena leta 1893, pevovodja A. Šubelj se je srečno vrnil z obiska v starem kra-ju. j. Mrs. Mary Rožanc, naša pevka je hudo zbolela pred par tedni. Želimo ji, da po prestani je na Božič leta 1906 Father Pakiž v stari cerkvi Marije Vnebo-vzete zapel prvo božično sv. mašo. Veliko sta prispevala na u-stanovitvi Slov. zadružne zveze in Slov. doma na Holmes Ave. v zgodovini teh ustanov in snovanju kulturnih društev jima je ohranjen lep spomin. Njen mož je umrl leta 1944. Mrs. Vinšek ima še sina Martina in hčere Mary Rus in Ano. Zraven tega precejšnje število vnukov in vnukinj in pravnukov in pravnukinj. Mrs. Vinšek in njenega moža se dobro spominjajo in cenijo njuno delo mnogi mlajši staro-naseljenci, ki so skupaj z njima delovali na razmahu kalinvud-ske naselbine na vseh poljih. Mrs. Vinšek k njenemu rojstnemu dnevu čestitamp in želi* mo še mnogo let zdravja in zadovoljstva! AD v okolici Trsta, od koder sta se .... . , . . preselila v Ameriko leta 1912|o!,eraaI‘ kmalu ozdravl m se in se v Clevelandu dve leti na- to poročila. Leta 1938 so se Zadnikov! preselili na farmo ob Stafford Road v Auburnu. Anton Zadnik je delal nad 40 let v jeklarni, predno je stopil v J _ _ , , . , . rM ! v . , .o,zdravja. John rad prepeva, kot pokoj. Zlatoporocenca imata 13' , .. . . . .. . . , . . , . . , . ivsi v Culkarjevi družini. Ce bo vnukov in vnukinj ter 4 pra-1 vmesmi. mm c«- Fara sv. Kristine vabi na slovenski misijon Euclid, O. — Povabljeni ste, da se udeležite svetega misijona, ki bo v naši cerkvi sv. Kristine od 13. -19. septembra. Ta misijon je namenjen za vse, ki govore slovensko. Vodili ga bodo frančiškani iz Lemonta. NAMEN SVETEGA MISIJONA JE, da si zopet živo vtisnemo v srce, da je treba rešiti dušo za vsako ceno, da imamo le eno dušo in če to izgubimo, je vse izgubljeno. Ob svetem misijonu bo zopet veliko prilike, da opravimo dobro sveto spoved; morda da popravimo to ali ono, kar nam že dolgo' vznemirja vest- To bo zopet čas, da si damo resni odgovor, zakaj smo na svetu. To bo zopet čas, da dobimo svoj dušni mir. SPORED SV. MISIJONA: Začetek bo v nedeljo zvečer ob 7.30 p.m. Vsako jutro ;bo; misijonska sveta mašf 7.50 a.m. s kratkim govorom. Sklep sv. misijona bo v soboto zvečer ob 7.30 p.m. Prilika za sveto spoved bo vsako jutro med svetimi mašami ob 6.30 a.m. in 7.00 a.m. in zvečer po misijonskem govoru. TRDNI SKLEP ZA CAS SV. MISIJONA: 1. Vsak dan bom šel k sveti maši; 2. Udeležil se bom vseh misijonskih govorov; 3. Ob času svetega misijona bom opravil dobro sveto spoved in prejel sveto obhajilo. 4. S seboj bom pripeljal vsaj enega; posebno si bom prizadeval, da se udeležijo misijona oni, ki so daleč od cerkve. , (Ob času svetega misijona bo prilika, da si nabavite razne molitvenike, rožne vence, itd.) | JOSEPH F. CELESNIK, f TXlI !!. I'! 1 : . župnik vnuke. Zime preživita sedaj večinoma v Tampi v Floridi, poleti pa se vrneta v Auburn. Zlatoporočenca se zahvaljujeta vsem, ki so se njunega slavja udeležili in jima čestitali, vsem, ki so to slavje pripravili, ga vodili in sodelovali pri pripravah, pevcem, godbenikom, sorodnikom in vsem, ki so kakorkoli prispevali k res krasnemu uspehu slavnosti. Vsem iskren Bog plačaj! AD Konvencija SAVE je uspela vrne med nas. John A. Culkar se poroči 12. septembra z gdč. Marcelo Kay Smith v Lorainu. Poroka bo v cerkvi sv. Janeza v Lorainu. Mlademu paru želimo sreče in (šel kam daleč, da ga ne bo več j med nas, ga bomo vsi zelo pogrešali. Sestra Marian nastopi zopet šolo izven mesta. Želimo ji veliko uspeha. Anna Jesenko Obnovitev škofije v Kopru važna za slovenski narod Cleveland, O. — To, kar se je zgodilo prejšnji mesec, ko je bil imenovan msgr. dr. Janez Jenko za škofa v Kopru v našem slovenskem Primorju, nikakor ni samo krajevnega pomena, marveč je obenem tudi velike zgodovinske važnosti za ves slovenski narod. Slovenci srno namreč dobili s tem svojega tretjega škofa na svojem ožjem domačem narodnostnem ozem- Orsištvo Najsv. Imena pri Dariji Vnebovzeti Cleveland, O. — Prihodnjo nedeljo, 13. septembra, bo imelo Društvo Naj sv. Imena skupno sv. obhajilo pri osmi sv. maši. Zbirali se bomo, kakor navadno, ob 7.45 v dvorani pod cerkvijo, odkoder odidemo skupno v cerkev. Po maši bo zajtrk ter kratka seja v Šolski dvorani, kjer bodo nastopili novi društveni uradniki, ki so bili od društva izvoljeni v maju. Možje in fantje, minula je doba naših počitnic, ki smo si jih prilično privoščili in ki smo jih bili tudi potrebni. Dobro se zavedajoč, da Bog nima počitnic in tudi ne plačuje vsako soboto, so bila naša skupna obhajila v juliju in avgustu v sorazmerno zelo hvalevrednem številu, posebno so pokazali svo lju. Značilno in obenem zelo razveseljivo pri tempa je, da se^0 solidarnost o priliki liturgič-pomena tega dejstva ne zaveda ne procesije ob sklepu 40-urne samo peščica, recimo naše izo- pobožnosti, odzvali so se v pre- jo je njihov duhovni vodja |p. Vendelin iz Chicaga. Popol j dne je vsa skupina, potem ko si Ije ogledala še razstavo napred Cleveland, O. — Slovenski ka in nekaj drugih zanimivosti katoliški visokošolci so imeli v v Clevelandu, prišla na Sloven-dneh 5. do 7. septembra v Cle-'sko pristavo. Tam je odmevala velandu svojo letno konvencijo. | naša pesem iz mladih grl kar Ves dan v soboto, dne 5. septem- tja v večerne ure. Pripravljalni odbor za konvencijo se iskreno zahvaljuje bra, so zborovali v dvorani pri Sv. Vidu. Bilo je veselje in v zadoščenje opazovati nad 80!vsem, ki so delali in pripomogli, mladih slovenskih izobražen-[ da je uspela. Posebno zahvalo cev, ki so prišli od blizu in da- izreka Ameriški Domovini, Rt. leč, da se sestanejo, spoznajo, okrepe svojo skupnost in nare-de okvirni program za delo v tekočem letu. Posebno močne skupine so prišle iz Toronta, Kanada, iz New Yorka, Chicaga in Minnesote. Po govorih in Rev. Msgru. Louisu Bazniku, Rev. Jožefu Godini, odboru Slovenske pristave in vsem, ki so pomagali pri pripravah. Med visokošolci so se najbolj trudili Mihaela Ošaben, Milena Ose-nar in Zdenka Novak, Božidar predavanjih so imeli svoj letni Pust, Tone Mravlje in Metod občni zbor in izvolili novi odbor, ki mu predseduje Stane Osenar. Zabavni večer v soboto, dne 5. septembra, je bil tudi kar lepo obiskan, dasi bi človek pričakoval, da bo slovenska naselbina v Clevelandu izkazala številnim mladim gostom še več pozornosti, kot jo je. Vendar je bila dvorana pri pogrnjenih mizah kar lepo zasedena in večer se je razvil v prav živahno družabnost. Skupina “Kres” je nastopila odlično z nekaj plesi po Ilc. Odbor se jim najtopleje zahvali in prosi slovensko javnost, da bi prizadevanja visokošolcev tudi v bodoče z vso dobrohotnostjo podpirala. P. AD Zlafa poroka slovenskega para v Auburnu v Gh:u AUBURN, O. — Mr. in Mrs. Anton Zadnik s Stafford Rd. v Auburnu sta praznovala 29. av- braženstvo, marveč vse plasti našega naroda doma kot tudi izven Slovenije. Koper je zelo zelo stara škofija v naši Cerkvi. Samostojna škofija je postal namreč že leta 524, se pravi, že dobrih sto let pred našo slovensko naselitvijo v svoji sedanji domovini. Prvi koprski škof je bil sv. Nazarij, ki je bil pozneje razglašen za varuha koprskega mesta, škofija v Kopru je bila potemtakem ustanovljena točno pred 1440 leti. Njena samostojnost pa je . aa ■■ m i. bila ukinjena 10. jan. 1810, ko je 9Z tUrfi m3riJ6 VllSSOVZfilfi umrl škof Bonifacio da Ponte, j Cleveland, O. — V nedeljo, Prvo razdobje obstajanja kopr-j|3 septembra, bo obhajala svoj ske škofije je trajalo tako 1286 g5 rojstni dan Mrs. Mary Vinšek, 776 London Rd. Mrs. Vinšek, roj. Pajk, po domače Špaje Minka, je bila rojena 13. septembra 1879 v vasi Štefan, fara senetljivem številu ter s prižganimi svečami korakali svečano v procesiji, neposredno za sv. Rešnjim Telesom. 40-urna pobožnost se je pričela preteklo nedeljo pri osmi sv. maši; vodil jo je č. g. pater .Atanazij Lovrenčič, O.F.M., ter imel slovenske in angleške govore; pobožnost se je zaključila na Mali Šmaren z zahvalno pesmijo. Ernest Terpin Rojstni dan pijonirke L. 1828 je papež Leon 12. koprsko škofijo združil s tržaško. S to je potem ostala zdru- žena vse do 1. septembra 1.1.,1 Trebnje na Dolenjskem, odko-ko jo je prevzel novoimenovani der je prišla v Cleveland 28. škof dr. Janez Jenko, sicer ne februarja 1905. Tu se je po dol-še kot samostojno škofijo, mar- gib letih zopet srečala z Marti-več do nadaljnjega kot admini-|ncm Vinšekom iz iste vasi, ki straturo. Tržaško-koprska ško-'je prišel v Ameriko že leta fijska povezanost je trajala 136 1899. Že čez par mesecev, 15. let. Imaja 1905, ju je v cerkvi sv. Vi- S 1. septembrom letošnjega1 da poročil Father Hribar. Že le-leta, se pravi, z naj novejšim j ta 1906 sta se iz senklerske na-razdobjem koprske škofije pa se selbine preselila v kalinvudsko začenja važno, zelo važno obdobje za njo samo kot tudi, kot rečeno, za ves naš narod. Obenem ko za danes priobču- in sta tam ostala do danes. Takoj sta se oba vključila v ŽENSKA KOŠARICA Dobro obešeno perilo je že na pol polikano KAKO OBEŠAMO PERILO? — To ni nepotrebno vprašanje. Od tega, kako perilo obesimo, je precej odvisna oblika opranega perila. Dobro obešeno perilo je že tudi na pol zlikano. Predvsem moramo kos za kosom dobro stepsti, preden ga o-besimo. Pri tem moramo kos prijeti tako, da tečejo nitke vzporedno ali pravokotno, tako jih lahko pravilno nategnemo. Če držimo tkanino tako, da tečejo nitke diagonalno, se tudi v tej smeri razvleče, kar nam dela velike preglavice pri likanju. Tudi obesimo perilo tako, da tečejo niti vzporedno ali navpično glede na vrv; pri tem pa moramo paziti še na obliko posameznih kosov. Rjuhe obešamo dobro nategnjene, preganjene čez pol. Blazine pripnemo na enem koncu tako, da vise po dolgem in da prepiha veter tudi njih notranjost, robčke drugega na drugega, ako hočemo varčevati s prostorom. Moške srajce pripnemo za rob ob stranskih šivih tako, da visi oplečni del z ovratnikom proti zemlji; če je vrv prenizka, prepognemo še rokave in jih pripnemo na vrv. Brisače obesimo tako, da vise navzdol po dolžini. Moške spodnje hlače obesimo za rob na pasu, prav tako obesimo za rob na pasu ženske hlače iz blaga. Prav posebno pa moramo paziti pri obešanju pletenega perila (trikoja). Najbolje je, če ga obesimo čez dve vzporedno napeti vrvi, da se preveč ne raztegne. Pripeti ga moramo tam, kjer je blago okrepljeno, to je pri šivu. Obešanje ženskih kom-binež za spodnji sob, četudi za šiv, ima za posledico, da se nam raztegnejo in popolnoma izgu- . be svojo obliko, ki je tudi z likanjem ne moremo več popraviti. Isto se nam zgodi, če jih obesimo za naramnice. Prav tako je s spalnimi srajcami iz trikoja. Zato položimo, če le moremo, večje kose takega perila na dve ali še celo na tri vzporedne vrvi. Perilo opazujmo, kdaj se toliko posuši, da je primerno za likanje. Ako ujamemo pravi trenutek, si prihranimo veliko časa in truda. Ni nam namreč treba perila pozneje vlažiti in tudi če ga vlažimo, malokdaj dosežemo tako enakomerno vlago. Ko perilo pobiramo, ni vseeno, kako ga zmečemo v košaro. Najmanj bomo imele opravka z njim, če ga sproti lepo zlagamo in sicer tako, kot bo zloženo, ko bo zlikano. S tem skrajšamo likanje za lep čas. Če na primer robčke pazljivo preganemo čez pol, jih lahko pozneje kar likamo, prav tako na pol preganjene prtiče, brisače in druge ravne kose. Dobro stre-pano in pravilno zganjeno perilo prav hitro zlikamo. Do likanja naj bo perilo shra- tej naselbini v cerkveno in kulturno delo, kasneje pa tudi vrnjeno na čistem in zračnem pro-jcm zgornje podatke iz zgodovi- gospodarske ustanove. Z veliko štoru, da ne zadahne, Navlaže- gusta 50-letnico svoje poroke narodnih motivih. V nedeljo so|po stari slovenski navadi v Slo-jne stare koprske škofije, zelo vnemo sta oba, skupaj z mnogo|no perilo moramo zlikati čim-študentje bili pri skupni sv. venskem domu v Clevelandu, prisrčno vabim vse rojake in ro-drugih svojih sorojakov, začela prej, sicer nam rado splesni in vim vodstvom demokratska politika manj udarna na pro- maši v cerkvi sv. Vida. Daroval Godba pod vodstvom sina zla- jakinje iz vsega Clevelanda in delati na tem, da se postavi in dobi tudi neprijeten duh. Nase južne države so zmeraj bolj za dvostrankarski sistem PRINCETON, N.J. — Kot je znano, imamo v 13 južnih državah organizacije demokratske stranke, ki imajo političen monopol. Kjer se pojavljajo republikanske organizacije, ne pridejo do oblasti. Vendar s tem še ni rečeno, da bo zmeraj tako ostalo. Opazovanja zadnjih 30 let trdijo, da je vedno več rojakov v južnih državah za dvostrankarski sistem. L. 1939 je bilo na jugu samo 57% prebivalstva za dvostrankarski sistem, 1. 1951 pa že 607o, 1. 1961 le 63%, letos pa že 68%. To je treba deloma pripisati republikanskim naporom, da organizirajo na jugu svoje strankarske postojanke. Zato je bilo lani na jugu že 32.5% volivcev v republikanskih vrstah, 1. 1939 pa komaj 20.4%. Vsi računajo, da bodo letos republikanski glasovi močno narastli, ker bo šlo mednje veliko belih demokratskih južnjakov, ki sovražijo zakon o civilnih pravicah. De Gaulle bo potoval PARIZ, Fr. — Predsednik francoske republike gen. Charles De Gaulle pojde ta mesec na obisk v države Južne Amerike, kjer bi rad povečal in utrdil francoski vpliv. Trdijo, da bo prihodnjo spomlad obiskal tudi skandinavske dežele, kjer je bil letošnje poletje predsednik vlade Sovjetske zveze Nikita Hruščev. Ženske dobijo delo Delo dobi Iščemo mlajšo žensko z a pomoč v trgovini, 3 dni na teden, mora biti prikupne zunanjosti in govoriti slovensko. Oglasite se osebno od 10. dop. do opoldne pri Černe Jewelry, 6412 St. Clair Ave. (177) Frizerka Iščemo frizerko za ob sobotah. Kličite 361-5226. (1T6) MALI OGLASI Redek kup $22,900 5 let stara lesena in zidana hiša, ranch tipa, v zelo dobrem stanju na lepo zasajenem prostoru, velike sobe spodaj, po-ploščene, družinska soba in sprejemna soba, jedilna soba, 3 spalnice, poploščena kopalnica, blizu E. 185 St., in Freeway, 10 minut od cerkve Marije Vnebovzete na Holmes Ave. POWERS REALTORS RE 1-9400 (176) V najem Tri neopremljene sobe in kopalnica na 1048 E. 71 St., zgoraj, spredaj, blizu St. Clair Ave. Kličite 361-0989. (177) Hiša naprodaj Zidana hiša, 3 velike spalnice, 2 ognjišči, zaprta veranda, blizu E. 185 St. Kličite lastnika od'4. do 8. zvečer KE 1-9649. X (Th.Fr.) Hiša naprodaj 6 sob, ognjišče, plinska gor-kota, ekstra stranišče spodaj, vse v dobrem stanju. BARAGA REALTY 731-7020 (184) GRAJZL BROS. WATCH Co 15701 Waterloo Rd. — 531 -2465 URE • DIAMANTI • ZLATNINA: Se priporočamo za popravila Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. MI 1-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči CENE NIZKE! PO VASI ŽELJI! Hiša naprodaj Blizu Waterloo in E. 161 St. dvodružinska hiša, 5-4, dvojna garaža, lep lot. Prodaja lastnik. Kličite IV 1-8153 po 4. uri pop. (178) V najem Štiri čiste sobe se odda v najem poceni spodaj starejšima zakoncema, v okolici E. 67 St. in St. Clair Ave. Kličite EN 1-9435. (176) Stanovanje v najem Oddajamo v najem čedno stanovanje 3 sobe, kuhinja in kopalnica. Vprašajte pri 1197 East 61 Street ali telefonično UT 1-9947. (9,11 sept) Hiša naprodaj Blizu Marije Vnebovzete cerkve je naprodaj hiša, 5 sob in kopalnica, lep vrt. Lastnik mora prodati. $10,500. Kličite LI 1-4832. (177) Naberite sadje Naberite sami jabolka za $2.50 bušel, prinesite svojo posodo. — Odprto od 1. pop. do teme vsak dan in ves dan ob sobotah in nedeljah. Sedaj trgamo “mackintosh” jabolka in češplje. BARBER’S FRUIT FARM, U.S. Rt. 6, 1 miljo vzhodno od Rt. 306 (11, 18 sept) Hiša naprodaj Na 15008 Sylvia Ave., 21/6 družinska lesena hiša, 4 garaže. Posestvo z a dohodek; dobro za pripravnega moža. Lahko kupite za $9,000, da se uredi zapuščina. Kličite Ken Deyo na RE 1-1100. (180) ZAKRAJŠEK FUNERAL HOME 00. *018 St. Clair Ave. Tel.: ENdicott 1-3113 CVETLICE ZA POROKE, POGREBE IN VSE DRUGE PRILIKE • Brezplačna dostava po vsem mestu • Brzojavna dostava po vsem svetu FTD STARC FLORAL Inc. 6131 St. Clair Ave. Telefon podnevi: 431-6474 Dom: 1164 Norwood Rd. Telefon ponoči EX 1-5078 Smo tako blizu vas kot vaš telefon! Išče sobe Penzionist išče 2 sobi in kuhinjo, neopremljene, v St. Clairski naselbini Kličite 361-4270. —(177) V najem štirisobno stanovanje s kopalnico, vse prenovljeno, plinski furnez, na 1156 E. 63 St. Tel.: 881-8999. —(178) Sobe se odda Tri sobe se odda zgoraj in garažo na 5803 Bonna Ave. ZA DOBRO PLUMBINGO IN GRETJE POKLIČITE A. J. Budnick <£ Co. PLUMBING and BEATING 6631 St. Clair Ave. Business Phone: UT 1-4498 Residence: PO 1-0641 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■»■■■■■■H V SLOVENSKI GOSTILNI SILVER BAR INN 5925 ST. CLAIR AVE. je ples vsako soboto zvečer od 10:30 dalje. Igra domača slovenska godba. Pridite in poveselite se ob veselih zvokih, ob dobri kapljici, okusnem prigrizku in prijazni postrežbi. Na veselo svidenje še to soboto! JEANNE in TONY KRISTAVNIK, lastnika TONY KRiSTAVNIK Fainting & Decorating • Sedaj je čas, da nas pokličete za barvanje vaših hiš. • • Hitra postrežba! Nizke cene! — Pokličite še danes • • HE 1-0965 1171 E. 61 ST. • Schaefer je tisto pivo, ki ga vzamete, kadar mislite na več kot eno. RUDY KRISTAVNIK COMPANY 5908 Bonna Ave., Cleveland, O. 44103 Gradbena dela • Mizarstvo • Popravila hiš • Prenovitve stanovanj ■» Proračuni brezplačni • Vsa dela zavarovana. Kličite nas zvečer po 5. uri HE 1-1108 ali podnevi IIE 1-0965. NAŠA 75-LETNIGA ST. PAUL. fp FEDERAL SAVINGS 0700 Wart North Avanua • Chicago 39, M. • N Atlonal i-5009 FRANK P. KOSMAČU, predsednik PREMOŽENJE NAD $190.000,000 ' ' Okenca za postrežbo zunaj Tri velike parcele za prosto parkanjc VARNOSTNI PREDALI - - - - HRANITE PO POŠTI Dobite jo v vali goatil-n: ir v reatavraciji “ (Ylcwif3 SLIVOVITZ —— —— — "■mn ii m iin "SC* Tii Naprodaj v vseh Ohio State DELUXE STORES 16.16 qt. Slovensko gradbeno podjetje IMG-BUILDERS-CONTRACTORS 29312 White Road, Wickliffe, O. Vsa gradbena dela — Nove hiše — Popravila in obnove Proračun brezplačen — Odplačila po dogovoru j • I. j» Tel.: WI 3-3688 i; IV 1-2700 ;; J ► J I i; G JOE MALOVRH, JAKOB MEJAČ in VIKTOR TOMINEC !; RADENSKA VODA mineralna 65c liter. ČAJ: Planinski — Odvajalni — Tavžentrože — Kamilice. Vsakovrstne knjige in muzikalije TIVOLI IMPORTS 6407 St. Clair Ave. HE 1-529« SLOVENSKA BRIVNICA (BARBERSHOP) 783 East 185 St. JOHN PETRIČ — lastnik se priporoča. GRDINOVA POGREBNA ZAVODA 17002 Lake Shore Blvd. 1053 East 62nd Street KEnmore 1-6300 HEnderson 1-2088 Grdina trgovina s pohištvom — 15301 Waterloo Road KEnmore 1-1235 GRDINA — Funeral Directors — Furniture Dealers Kadar ste res žejni, tekne prvo hladno pivo —vsako hladno pivo —naravnost čudovito. Toda kasneje, pri drugem in tretjem kozarcu, začne večina piv izgubljati okus. Izgleda kot bi postala nekako prazna. Toda Schaefer je drugačno. Užitek Schaefer piva po eni aii^dvehi čašah nikoli ne izgine. Še celo tedaj, ko je vaša žeja prešla, ima Schaefer prijeten in krepilen okus. To je kakovost, ki loči Schaefer od drugih finih piv. Ljudje pra- vijo, da jim daje to krepilno mrzlo, bleščeče zlato Schaefer pivo isti polni užitek čašo za čašo. Oni so dejansko deležni užitka prvega piva pri vsakem pivu. Cernu torej vi ne poskusite Schaefer piva? Prihodnjič, ko kupujete, vzemite en šeststeklenični zavoj ali morda dva. Ugotovite sami, zakaj imenujejo Schaeferja pivo, ki ga vzamete, kadar mislite na več kot eno. Schaefer Breweries, New York and Albany, N. V., Baltimora, kM. Gostilna naprodaj D-2 in D-3 licence, v Collin-woodski naselbini, na istem prostoru 30 iet. Proda se zaradi starosti. Kličite po 7. uri zvečer GL 1-7909. (180) USTANOVLJENO 1908 Zavarovalnino vseh vrst vam točno preskrbi HAFFNER INSURANCE AGENCY 815 Superior Ave. 771-2929 rVaroritr na dnevnik 'Ameriška Domovina 1880 1964 JSaznantlo in jZahnJala V globoki žalosti naznanjamo, da je po daljšem bolehanju in potem, ko je prejel svete zakramente za umirajoče, dne 22. julija 1964 umrl naš ljubljeni oče, stari oče in tast JOHN POLŽ Pokojni je bil rojen v Leskovcu pri Krškem, Slovenija, Jugoslavija, dne 4. oktobra 1880. Tam žalujejo za njim nečaki, njihove družine in drugi sorodniki. V Ameriko je prišel leta 1914. Pokopali smo ga dne 25. julija 1964. Iz Zakrajškovega pogrebnega zavoda smo ga v pogrebnem sprevodu prepeljali v župno cerkev sv. Vida, od tam pa na pokopališče Kalvarija. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis Baznik je opravil svete cerkvene obrede v pogrebnem zavodu in ob grobu ter daroval za pokojnega slovesno pogrebno sv. mašo. Iskreno se mu zahvalimo za vso naklonjenost. Posebno pa smo hvaležni njemu, Rev. Joštu Martelancu in Rev. Ray-mondu Hobartu za obiske med boleznijo. Prisrčna hvala društvu Najsv. Imena pri Sv. Vidu in društvu Maccabees-Carniola Tent No. 1288 za vso počastitev pokojnega sočlana. Posebno smo hvaležni za skupne molitve sv. rožnega venca ob krsti in tistim, ki so kot zastopniki društva nosili krsto. Iskrena hvala tudi za ganljive poslovilne besede, ki jih je govoril zastopnik društva. Naj prejmejo našo najtoplejšo zahvalo dobri sosedje na 63. cesti in Orton Court, ki so darovali v sklad za venec in sv. maše, posebno lepa hvala gospodu Tom Krajiču, ki je zbiral. Hvaležni smo Zakrajškovemu pogrebnemu zavodu, ki je ljubeznivo oskrbel pogrebne priprave, zlasti naj prejmeta zahvalo Mr. Zino Zak in Mr. Fortuna, ki sta odlično vodila pogrebni sprevod. Razposlali smo spominske podobioe v zahvalo vsem, kolikor smo smo imeli naslove. Če bi kdo pomotoma naše posebne zahvale ne bil dobil, lepo prosimo oproščenja. Sprejmite to našo skupno, javno zahvalo, ki jo izrekamo prav vsem, ki so pokojnemu očetu med boleznijo storili kakršnokoli ljubeznivost in dobroto, nam pomagali v težkih in žalostnih urah, vsem, ki so pokojnega počastili, zanj molili in pripomogli, da so bile pogrebne slovesnosti tako ganljivo lepe. Naj prejmejo našo prisrčno zahvalo vsi, ki so darovali za sv. maše in druge dobre namene in vsi, ki so poklonili cvetje in vence. Lepa hvala vsem, ki so dali na razpolago avtomobile za pogrebni sprevod. Iz srca hvaležni smo vsem, ki so prišli kropit, bili pri sv. maši ali spremljali očeta na pokopališče do groba. Za vse pismene in osebne izraze sožalja se ponovno najlepše zahvaljujemo. Predragemu očetu naj Stvarnik in Gospodar življenja nebesih. V hvaležni ljubezni molimo zanj. in smrti podeli večno srečo v Ti, o Jezus naš premili, zlij na dušo Rešnjo Kri; Žalujoči: sin JOHN in snaha JOSEPHINE snaha ŠTEFANIJA Cleveland, Ohio, 11. septembra 1964. milostno se ga usmili, raj nebeški mu odpri. vnuki: JOHN Ml., RUDY in ROBERT vnukinji: BARBARA in JUDY H. Bordeaux • L. Brus: RODBINA Roquevillardov ROMAN “Ljuba moja!” je zašepetala mati in jo poljubila. “Ah!” je vzkliknil gospod Roquevillard, stoječ ob ženi 5n hčeri, ki sta se držali objeti, “ljudje bodo vedno obsojali, ne da bi razumeli.” Toda že je Marjeta spričo skupne nesreče pozabila na svojo osebno bolečino. Vstala je in pristopila k očetu ter ga gledala naravnost v oči: CHICAGO, ILL. HELP WANTED AUTOMATIC PUNCH PRESS OPERATORS OPENINGS ON 1ST, 2ND AND 3RD SHIFTS Excellent starting rates for experienced and reliable operators WILL TRAIN INEXPERIENCED MEN. FREE INSURANCE SHIFT PREMIUM AND OTHER BENEFITS Phone, write or visit personnel Dept interviewing daily 8:30 AM to 5 PM Saturday until noon, TEMPEL STEEL COMPANY MAGNETIC STEEL LAMINATIONS FOR THE ELECTRONIC AND INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIES 5431 N. Damen AR 1-8828 (177) “Vi, ki vam zaupam, povejte mi, da to ni res, kajne da ne?” “Ni res!” je potrdila bolnica. “Upam,” je dejal družinski poglavar. '“Toda videz je proti njemu in v nevarnosti je, da ga obsodijo.” “Obsodijo?” “Da, obsodijo,” je ponovil odvetnik, “in z njim vse nas, ki nosimo isto ime, izhajamo iz iste preteklosti in gremo v isto bodočnost.” Zazdelo se je, da skuša s kretnjo varovati obe jokajoči ženski in groziti ubežniku: “En trenutek slabosti zadošča, da zlomi napor mnogih trdnih rodov. Ah, da bi tam doli na svojem begu zmeril velike posledice svojega izdajstva: raztrgano zaroko svoje sestre, prizadeto bodočnost svojega brata, omajano vero svoje matere, razdrto našo skupno srečo, naše omadeževano ime, nalšo zamazano čast. CHICAGO, ILL. MALE HELP AGENTS Pay Day — Every Day. Sell KNAPP SHOES. Full or part time. Big Commissions. We Train You. Tel.: 247-3100. (178) *----------------------------- MACHINISTS JOURNEYMAN — $3.42 per Hour to start. All Shifts Available. Premium extra — 8 paid holidays, family hospitalization and surgical plan, sick benefits, life insurance. These benefits at no cost to you. Cafeteria on. premises. 'Good working conditions. Call Mr. Mannon, Fillmore 4-7883, or come to employment office: AMERICAN CAN CO. I 13th Ave. & St. Charles Road Maywood, Illinois (179) MACHINISTS Capable of setting of jobs from prints. Operating Standard machine shop equipment. Must have own tools. Must be able to work any Shift. NACHMAN PORP. 4560 W. ARMITAGE. (176) INVESTMENT PROPERTIES BY OWNER IMMEDIATE SALE LAKE ZURICH — 3 Bedrm. Brick ranch style yr. round home. Vi acre improved lot. Beach and recreation area privileges. $13,500. 3 Bedrm. Brick ranch style home with garage $14,000. Vi Acre improved lot, 3 Bedrm. brick ranch style yr. home. Beach area privileges with gar. $14,500. Property wonderful for families. Phone AVenue 6-4869. (179) To je njegovo delo! In to se imenuje ljubezen! Kaj bi bilo bolje, če ne bi ukradel vsote denarja? Nas, nas vse je okradel. In kaj nam še ostane?” “Vi,” je vzkliknila Marjeta, “vi ga boste rešili.” “Bog,” je dejala gospa Roquevillard, ki jo je v nesreči prevzela neka čudovita jasnost. “Imejte zaupanje! Za-služenje celega rodu ni nikoli zgubljeno. In to zasluženje bo pokrilo grešnikovo krivdo.” VI. Na vernih duš dan. Izmed vseh lombardskih jezer je najmanj obiskano Ort-sko jezero. Izgublja se v slovesu Majeurskega jezera kot čoln v brazdi, ki jo zareže adja. Ko se pelješ z vlakom mimo njega, se zadovoljiš s tem, da ga malomarno ogleduješ, ne da bi se ti zljubilo ustaviti se. Na obzorju opaziš jasne obrise z gozdovi poraslih gora, ki oklepajo jezero, med njimi pa se v ozkih dolinah kot čreda v travi na pol skrivajo bele vasi. V naglici ujameš sliko z drevjem poraslega griča, ki se na rtiču dviga nad vodo, ali sliko po obrežju raztresenega mesteca ali CHICAGO, ILL. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BY OWNER — Must Sacrifice SNACK SHOP. Family Style Cooking, Terrific Carry-Out Business. Bargain at $500. Cal)' me.at Tel.: 476-8960. (177 & Sept. 18) otoka, ki je čez in čez pozidan, in, ko brziš z vlakom dalje, se ti zazdi, da se ti je nežno nasmehnila ta lepa pokrajina, ki nosi v sebi vse čare lombardske narave, v kateri se mešata raskavost in milina. Orla Novaresse še ni urejena za sprejem gostov. Od tod njena srečna zapuščenost. Edini hotel se dviga na pobočju Mont-Sacreja — Orto krasi hribček, na katerem kaže dvajset med drevjem raztresenih kapel življenje in čudeže svetega Frančiška Asiškega — hotel Belvedere, ki le v majhnem številu sprejema goste od spomladi do zime. Vzdolž obale pa v zelenju neprenehoma odkrivaš podeželske vile, kamor hodi uživat počitek in mir plemstvo iz vse pokrajine. Njihovi dobro oskrbovani vrtovi razširjajo vonj cvetlic, ki ga z užitkom vdihavaš namesto pokvarjenega hotelskega zraka, ki zastruplja bivanje v Pallanzi in Ba-venu. Ko sta gospa Frasne in Mav-ricij Roquevillard zbežala iz velikih mest, kjer sta preživela zimo, sta se meseca maja nastanila v hotelu Belvedere. Ker sta bila utrujena od nenehnih sprememb in ker so jima prijale skromne cene, sta ostala tam do konca oktobra. Za poletjem je skoraj neopaženo prišla izredno lepa jesen in, če se ne bi dnevi skrajšali, če ne bi bilo v zraku nekega ilada in če ne bi jesensko zla-;o narahlo pobarvalo listja, bi ;i sonce navdihnilo neomejeno zaupanje. V prekipevajočem zanosu je nekoč zahtevala od njega prisego, da bosta živelo eno leto brez preteklosti in prihodnosti, da bosta kapljico za kapljico vsrkavala ljubezen in pozabila na ves ostali svet. To leto se je odtekalo kot žuboreč potoček. On je držal besedo in ni hotel nič vedeti o tem, kar je bil pustil za seboj. Toda ko ga je nekega dne iz neprevidnosti vprašala, na kateri strani obzorja leži Cham-bery, je tako hitro pokazal smer, da je takoj uganila, kam zahajajo njegove misli, kadar molči. t#’ če sta mu njena utrujenost in lenoba undili kako uro samote, je takoj usmeril korake proti stolpu Buccione. Odkril BY OWNER — $5,000 Down Rogers Park. 7 Apts., Corner Brick, $9,840 Income. No Renting Problems, 3-5^’s, 3-4’s, l-2Mi. 2 car garage, alum. Storms and Screens. Modern baths & kitchens. Selling price for Immediate Sale. Phone: BR 4-0170; if no answer Call: 226-4322. — 7136 N. Wolcott. (178) HOUSEHOLD HELP COOK — HOUSEKEEPER Light Housework in Rectory. Live in. Permanent. Good Salary. St. Alexander’s Catholic Church, 300 S. Cornell, Villa Park. TE 3-7730. (177) MALE HELP ENGINEERS OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE FOR THE FOLLOWING MEN TO BECOME ASSOCIATED WITH RAPIDLY GROWING AIR DISTRIBUTION AND VENTILATION EQUIPMENT FIRM WITH WORLDWIDE BUSINESS. APLICATI0N ENGINEERS INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS PRODUCT ENGINEERS DESIGN ENGINEERS ’ POSITIONS OFFER MANY COMPANY PAID BENEFITS. SALARY RANGE OPEN ON ALL POSITIONS. Why not send your detailed resume in complete confidence to Mr. JOHN ANDERSON, Personnel Manager CARNES CORP. VERONA, WISCONSIN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY OWNER — Immediate Sale — Best Offer. 7 Room House, 3 Bedrooms, 2 car garage, fenced yard. Close to schools. Gas heat. 257 E. Hayes Dr., North Lake, 111. 562-7456. (177) BY OWNER — EDISON PARK. 5 yrs. old. 7% Rm. Luxury Home, central air-cond., face Brk., compl. Indscpd., 3 Bedrm., 2 baths, pan’ld den, mod. kit., din. rm., laundry rm., patio, crptg., drapes. — Only $25,000. — SP 4-0204. (177) LA GRANGE BY OWNER Y"Bedrm. Ranch; IVz baths, frplc., Ige. fam. rm., lovely yard. 1700 sq. ft. of liv. area plus bsmt. and att. gar. All this for $23,000. Open house Sunday, or shown by Appt. Call 352-3175. (176) Inc. Prop. Store 1st fl. rtd., 2nd fl. 5 rm. 2 bdrm., enc. ht. pch., cab. tile kit. & bath. Full bsmt., 2 car gar., no repair nec. Slovak nbrhd. 2051 W. Cermak 2 fl. (176) MOUNT PROSPECT — 6 Rms., 3 Bedrms., IVz baths, 2 car gar., full bsmt., storms, screens. Beau, land-scpd. lot. Close to everything. — Owner. — CL 9-0685. (178) ARLINGTON HEIGHTS — On Pvt Lake Briarwood. 92’ beach front Lge ash-paneled fam. rm. w/frpl, 3 bdrms., 2 cer. tile baths, all the extras. Swimming, fishing, sailing, or ice skating. $43,900. Call for appt By Owner: 437-5797. (178) FURS — FOR SALE (176) HELP WANTED—FEMALE WAITRESSES We need you now. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS. Uniforms furnished free. Loop locations available. 185 North Wabash — Room 609 Phone 726-3185 CLOSING ESTATE Luxury FURS. Like New. Black Diamond Mink Coat, Cerulian Mink Stole, Mink Jacket. Shown by Appointment Only. EA 7-9720 eve’s or HU 6-3000 Ext. 70, days. (177) ga je na sprehodih z Edito. Visoki oglati stolp, ki nima nič posebnega na sebi, je zadnji ostanek starega utrjenega gradu, štiri na pol porušene stene so porasle s plezalkami. Stolp se dviga na skrajnem koncu Ortskega jezera, na griču, poraslem s kostanji, in gospoduje nad pokrajino, ki se razprostira od juga proti severu, od Novare, ljubkega mesteca na koncu ravnine, pa do Monte Rose, čigar oddaljeni vrh se razgleduje nad drugimi gorskimi slemeni in čigar ledeniki se bleščijo v soncu. (Dalje prihodnjič) Na splošno znani FOTOGRAF iz slovenskih krogov je ponovno odprl svoj fotografski atelje in izdeluje z najmodernejšimi aparati POROČNE SLIKE in PORTRETE v naravnih barvah ali pa v črno-belem po ZNIŽANIH CENAH za omejen čas! H AUK STUDIOS 15615 St. Clair Ave. PO 1-4000 ui;t:.»nnstsmKn:nnnmtntnnnttmmnmfflttmnfflimttm««»w»nmmnn«m V BLAG SPOMIN OB ČETRTI OBLETNICI ODKAR NAS JE ZA VEDNO ZAPUSTIL NAŠ PRELJUBLJENI IN NIKDAR POZABLJENI SOPROG IN OČE Charles Benevol ki je umrl 11. septembra 1960. Prešla so naglo v večnost štiri leta, odkar si Ti zapustil nas in svet, ali nismo na Te pozabili: spomine svetle vedno v nas budiš, v ljubečih srcih vedno nam živiš! V raju pa prosi zdaj Boga, da raj nebeški vsem nam da. Tam bomo zopet združeni veselje večno uživali! žalujoči: MARIA — soproga JEANE HROVAT in. MARIA MARCH — hčeri EUGENE in JOHN — zeta EUGENE MARCH — vnuk MARLENE MARCH in JUNE HROVAT — vnukinji Cleveland, O., 11. sept. 1964. UNFURNISHED APTS FOR RENT NOW VACANT — 4 and 5 room heated apartments. Clean. Reasonable rentals. Close to Our Lady of Angels Parish, shpg., excel, transp. Call: 235-6155 — Menle Realty Co., 3636% W. Chicago Av. (176) STORE FOR RENT Southwest corner, 20 x 60; heated. Use of basement if desired. Will redecorate or remodel for right tenant. Division and Parkside. Come in and discuss the possibilities now. 5643 W. Division. 287-8740 days or evenings. (176) V BLAG SPOMIN PRVE OBLETNICE SMRTI NAŠE PRELJUBE SOPROGE, MAME IN STARE MAME Mary Smrtnik ki je preminula 13. sept. 1963. Kako smo srčno Vas ljubili, bili največji ste zaklad-Prezgodaj smo Vas izgubili, bilo je konec lepih nad. Žalujoči ostali: soprog JOHN in OTROCI. Cleveland, O., 11. sept. 1964. 4-DAY Introductory ! \ iti. ' Ulj r' f y '■ i e** ? SPECIAL CARL0ADI SALE on MAYTAG ill 1 :....... ■ L'W . Savings on all MAYTAGS during this Event ^ m IT* '64 G k Ulit AH New Dependable Pushbutton Washer 2-SPEED ★ Ima: 2 brzine -fc Nove nerjaveče tečaje na pokrovu ★ Emajliran porcelanski pokrov ★ Napravo za odstranitev šar-pije ★ Maytag agitacijsko delovanje it Kapaciteto perila za veliko družino it S cinkom obloženo zaščito proti rji. it Takorekoč nepokvarljivo črpalko it Zaščitni pokrov, ki ustavi delovanje v nekaj sekundah. MAYTAG Halo-of-Hent DRYER dries even delicate lingerie • Je popolnoma avtomatičen • Ima zanesljive kontrole • Hitro suši pri varni in nizki temperaturi « S cinkom obloženi kabinet ne rjavi • Zaščitna vrata ustavijo delovanje, čim se odpro • Ima filter zž)i šarpijo • Je zelo ekonomičen. BRODNICK BROS. Furniture and Appliances f"-x~ f ,, n. •*, ? >'< lili 16013-15 WATERLOO ROAD IV 1-6072 IV 1-6073 Odprto v pondeljek, četrtek in petek od 9 do 9 V torek in soboto od 9 do 6. — Zaprto cel dan ▼ sredo. • Poslušajte naš oglas na radio postaji WXEN-FM, ki ga oglaša Tony Petkovšek Jr. vsak dan od 1 - 2 pop. /liiiiRi$k/i Domoviiv/i /*■ e ig ■€/% m— no iwi e 'A4CRICAM IN SPIRIT POACION IN CaMOUAM O NAV SLOVENIAN MORNING NfiWSPAP« Teen Brides Need Adequate Breakfast! A well-balanced, ■wciglil-retliitlion cereal and milk breakfast of orange juice, breakfast cereal, nonfat milk, enriched bread and butler takes about 15 minutes to prepare. If you are a teen-age bride, no doubt you are striving to serve your husband an adequate breakfast. But .are you aware of your own needs? Nutritionists at the United States Department of Agriculture have reported that young married girls often say they have no time to eat or they are dieting. Both excuses are really poor ones. If time is limited in the morning, start breakfast the night before. Set the table. Do as much preparation of the menu as you can. Store perishables in refrigerator overnight. In 15 minutes, you can have breakfast ready in the morning. If you are trying to lose weight, here’s evidence that breakfast skipping is no answer. Scientific research at the State University of Iowa has demonstrated that the omission of breakfast is no advantage in a weight-reduction regimen provided the total number of calories for the day remains the same. In fact, it is a disadvantage in that those who omit breakfast not only accentuate their hunger but also suffer a significant loss of efficiency in the late morning hours. Instead try this moderate weight-reduction breakfast of 400 calories planned around a basic cereal and milk breakfast pattern-such a breakfast provides one-fourth of the daily caloric requirement and protein allowance, with no less than 15 grams of protein: % cup orange juice; cereal, 1 ounce, dry Weight; 1 cup nonfat milk for cereal and beverage; 1 teaspoon sugar; 2 slices enriched bread with 1 teaspoon butter. There is no better time than this September, Better Breakfast Month, to establish sensible breakfast habits for yourself and husband. .. . /tHEKšŠS4/& DOHOVSNA CONDENSED NEWS FROM OUR HOME FRONT ★ A visitor from Yugoslavia is determined it was a bear, rarely Miss Darinka Klun, who came to found here, and not a bull. V. E. visit her uncle, Joseph Start:' of Newhart of the society theorized Convention And Dance Of Slovenian Men’s Ass. The Slovenian Men’s Association, Br. No. 8 of Euclid, Ohio “INVITES” all of its friends and former patrons to a Convention Dance, which will be held on the 19th of September 1964 at the Yugoslav Center at 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio (Upper Hall). The Convention will start 9:00 o’clock in the morning, and last throughout the day. In the evening Branch No. 8 is sponsoring a “Get Together Dance” for old and new friends. As the last dance was held in 1957, a Hearty Welcome is extended to ALL, as we intend to get back into the fold with our ANNUAL Dances. So the committee engaged EDDIE HABAT and his orchestra to furnish the music, which will start promptly at 8:30 in the evening and last until 12:30. So, come early and enjoy yourself, with your former friends. The Organization is celebrating its 25th year of recreational functions. Don’t miss a good time and attend. Admission tickets are procurable from lodge members for $1. The committee sincerely asks your cooperation. The Committee. For Women Who Like To Cook Red Cross has a prize-winning recipe for women who like to cook. But this recipe involves more than flour, eggs and shortening. It involves time, enjoyment and service.! human bodies, the Yankees were SHORTS od Fairbanks, Alaska, to Play Host to ’67 Global Series Wichita, Kan. — Fairbanks, Alaska, has been assigned the fourth Global World Series sponsored by the National Baseball Congress in 1967, in connection with the observance of the 49th state’s Centennial as a U. S. possession. The event will take place there for six days starting July 15, according to Ray Dumont, long-time head of the nonprofessional organization. Key Factor in the selection of Fairbanks is the intense baseball interest in Alaska during the past two years because of the showing of the Fairbanks Goldpamters in the United States NBC program. The Goldpanners have finished second and third in the past National Tournaments here under the management of H. A. (Red) Boucher. Even Reds Upset by Sale — Nikita’s Henchmen, That Is New York, N. Y. — Even the Russians are unhappy over the sale of the Yankees to the Columbia Road-casting System. The Russian government newspaper Izvestia commented: “The sensational sale of the New York Yankees is another proof that some sports are being turned into an appendix of commercial television. “In the best tradition of trade in (ITIZEHSHIP DAY 35th Anniversary of SWD No. 32 The Slovenian Women’s Union No. 32 will celebrate its 35th anniversary on Sunday, September 20th with a Mass at St. Christine’s Church at 12 o’clock noon followed by a Dinner at 2:00 p.m. at the American Yugoslav Center, 20713 Recher Ave. Deadline for ordering the tickets for the dinner is September 14th. You can get the admission tickets from the president, Theresa Potokar, 19850 Renwood Ave., or from the secretary L. Vehovec, 20631 Nauman Ave. ------o------ New Map Skewing Park Facilities The Board of Park Commissioners of the Cleveland Metropolitan Park District is pleased to announce that it now has available, free of charge, a new map showing the facilities of the Park District. This map illustrates both the entire Park System and each of its ten Reservations. Locations of shelter houses, cook houses, picnic areas, The President of the United States has proclaimed September 17, 1964 as “Citizenship Day” and the period beginning September 17, ending September 23, 1964, as “Constitution Week.” “Citizenship Day” was designated by a joint resolution of Congress in commemoration of the signing of the Constitution on September 17, 1787. This day is set aside to recognize those citizens who have come of voting age and those who have been naturalized during the past year. The Immigration and Naturalization Service is encouraging all religious, civic, educational, service and veterans organizations to observe this day in an appropriate manner. Further information concerning ‘‘Citizenship Day” may be had by calling the Immigration and Naturalization Service at CHerry 1-7900, Extension 7404 or 7405. si. vuas now name] Holv Name Society «y »y News Meeting Sunday, tSteptember 13, is the date of our monthly Communion. Members are requested to attend the 8 o’clock Mass and receive Communion corporately. After the Mass a brief breakfast meeting will be held in the Church Hall. The monthly Communion will be offered up for our deceased members, and for the success of the play fields, park drives, bridle and j coming unity drive. If you know of foot paths are indicated on each of a friend or neighbor who has not 1164 Norwood Rd. All necessary details for the trip were arranged by Hollander travel agency. Welcome! that the bear had wandered from the Blue Ridge mountains by following water routes. -A- Mansfield, England. — Ivan if Mr. Anton Schubel, who is on Ball, 49, took an overdose of tablets his way home from Yugoslavia,1 and cut his throat with a piece of sends greetings from the ship C.1 glass but died of natural causes, a Colombo. I coroner ruled. The coroner said Ball ★ Mrs. Mary Rožanc of 10314 San-'failed to kill himself, but the mo- dusky Ave., is in Lake County) tions produced by his attempted Memorial Hospital. We wish her a suicide were enough to cause his Quick recovery! I fcitsl heort cittsck. ■* Josn Zakrajšek of 6617 Schae- ★ Milwaukee, Wis. — The Uni-fer Ave., underwent a major opera-! versity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee has tior, last week. We wish him a reported a record summer session speedy recovery! I enrollment of 4,169, up from 3,673 ★ Los Angeles, Calif. — The sign last year. atop the Hyatt House, a hotel-re-'★ Miami, Florida. — The United staurant, said: “June is dairy month. States boycott of Castro Cuba’s su- Take a cow to lunch.” So Ray Hansen and his daughter, Ann, did. R. Hansen is president of the Daify Valley chamber of commerce. Betty Lou, the bovine, consumed some hay in the restaurant. Afterward she dressed for the occasion, — in a gar is sweetening Florida’s production. State Agriculture Commissioner Doyle Conner told Miami businessmen that 150,000 acres of Florida land are in sugar cane now compared to 60,000 two years ago. 1 ic Stanton, Mo. — You all have Beginning Thursday, October 8, Red Cross Canteen Service will offer a class for women who are interested in becoming part of the corps of Canteen workers. This course trains women to cook for quantities, serve for numbers, and learn techniques for cooking under emergency conditions. The Red Cross Canteen worker is a valuable asset to her community as a volunteer. Many volunteers who have a specialty recipe of their own like to try it out at the Red Cross. New recipes and special dishes are always needed. Workers may find themselves working in the kitchen of the mobile Canteen unit, in the Canteen in the Blood Donor Center, or ir, the Chapter Canteen. They may serve other Red Cross volunteers, blood donors, or disaster victims and firemen. If you are interested in helping others, if you like to cook, and if you have some time to spare, call today and enroll in the Red Cross Canteen worker’s class. The classes will be held from 9:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on October 8, 15, and 22, at Red Cross Chapter Headquarters, 1227 Prospect Ave. For further information call the Chapter, 781-1800; in the Heights area, 752-4060; in the West Shore area, 221-1090; in the Parma area, 886-2502; and in Geauga County, 285-4911. the individual Reservation maps. Reaching various parts of the Park District will now be easier because all State, U.S., and Interstate Routes are included and clearly marked. This new map is available for the first time and may be obtained from the Park District Offices at 2048 Standard Building, Cleveland, Ohio 44113. flowered straw bonnet. The sign1 heard of baby-sitters, but now for atop the Hyatt House that after- j the first time there are cave-sitters, noon said: “Guess what? A cow'So parents can tour Meramec cav-came to lunch. And had a Mootini.” erns here without worrying about ★ Lansing, Mich. — The Michigan their little children, the manage- highway department has under con-] ment provides girls who will sit sideration a plan for painting the with the kids. The cave, located on state’s bridges maroon, foliage green,'U. S. highway 66, started the cave-beige, rose, cinnamon, and light sitting service because so many green. The reason: simply to make motorists stopped at the cave and the bridges more attractive. | insisted on carrying their children ★ Chicago, 111. — Lincoln Park with them. It made the parents and zoo officials are about ready to hang fellow tourists uncomfortable. There a big “Do Not Disturb” sign on the is no charge for the cave-sitting cage housing their stork. The bird service. It is “on the cave” says dineeds a long rest, said Dr. Lester rector Lester B. Dill. E. Fisher, zoo director, since he’s if Pensacola, Fla. — When a house been busy delivering some hefty caught fire, a neighbor woman joinloads recently. First was a baby ed the housewife in a bucket bri-buffalo born. June 12. The follow- gade to quell the flames. The house- not even told about the deal.” Kroll Dons Borrowed Duds — Too Big for Met’s Livery New York, N. Y. — When Gary Kroll, acquired from the Phillies in the Frank Thomas deal, reported to the Mets, he couldn’t find a uniform big enough to fit. The 23-year-old pitcher, a 6-6, 232-pound husky, had to settle for the size 46 shirts Thomas had left. However, a full set of size 48s were quickly ordered for Gary. Piersall Becomes Proud Pop Of Ninth Child, Se venth Girl Boston, Mass. — Jim and Mary Piersal now can field their own baseball team — that is, if they want to use seven girls. The Angels’ outfielder became the father of his ninth child — and seventh daughter — when his wife gave birth to an eight-pound girl at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in nearby Brighton, Mass., August 12. Piersall’s wife has had the honor of naming the girls; Jim the boys. Here’s the roster rundown: Eileen 13; Doreen 12; Claire il; James Jr., 10; Maura-Ann 8; Kathleen 6; Ann 4; Christopher 3 and the newborn girl, Patricia. This is one department in which Piersall leads the major leagues. Iglchart Had Lucky Number Scorecard — Oops Correction Baltimore, Md. — Pennant pressure isn’t too heavy these days for the Orioles to pull a joke even on Declaring that there are ample' Board Chairman Joseph Iglehart. evidences of an unprecedented in-1 Despite his position of eminence, terest and participation in political' Iglehart, like every bleacherite, has affairs this year by young people,'hoped for 11 years that he would Secretary of State Ted W. Brown | some day hold the lucky number calls attention to those who will be scorecard. Registration ing day he left three cubs in the lion house. He recently delivered a baby muntjac, a small Asian deer. In recent days the old bird showed up with four fallow deer, all single births. if Erie, Pa. — The false teeth fitted perfectly; and James L. Tor-rey was charged with auto theft. Erie police gave this account: Mrs wife was spattered with water and a tight broke out. The neighbor was hospitalized for face injuries. The house burned down. ★ Paris, Ky. — “We are tourists in Paris,” the two Parisians said. And they proceeded to take lots of pictures. The two were representatives of Gaumont Actualities of Paris, France, and they were 21 on or before the November 3rd election that they are eligible to vote on November 3. This is predicated, of course, on their registration if they reside in a registration area. Dwelling on the Ohio registration requirement, 'Secretary of State T. The Oriole front office, aware that Iglehart has been looking for a winner, sneaked a peak at his scorecard and relayed the number to the public address announcer. “The lucky number is 59197," Roger Grieswold announced. Just as the elated Iglehart wheel- A Double Main Event At The Arena After working on the bout for over a month, Matchmaker Larry Atkins today announced that he has signed Billy Joiner of Cincinnati, Ohio ard Amos Johnson, Medina, Ohio for a 10-rounder on the Arena fistic show tonight, Sept, li, at the Arena. The bout has. been sanctioned by the Ohio Boxing Commission as for the heavy weight championship of Ohio. A belt, emblematic of that honor, will be awarded to the winner. Friday’s card is headed by the Dick Tiger — Don Fullmer 10-canto rationally televised scrap. Joiner, undefeated in his 10 professional starts, won over Johnson in a split decision at Akron, Ohio last year. He defeated Lew Bailey, Cody Jones and Oren Johnson in pleasing performances at the Arena this year, kayoing Oren Johnson. Johnson, winner of 13 out of 15 efforts, easily whipped Cody Jones on the May 25 Arena program. Cassius Clay, World’s heavyweight champ, has traded punches with both Joiner and Johnson. Billy floored Clay for an 8-count in the Pan American games but lost the decision. Johnson, in the same tournament, decisioned Clay. Both Tiger and Fullmer will undergo physical exams Sunday at noon at the Teamsters gym, 14th & Carnegie, and will box in the afternoon. Cecil Shorts, local welter, and Doug McLeod of Grand Rapids, Mich., clash in a 6-rounder on Friday’s card. The other sixer pits Cleveland’s Earl Johnson against Ho-neyboy Whitney of Washington. D. C. A trio of 4-rounders completes the attractive bill. Tickets for the show, priced at $2, $4, $6 and $8, are on sale at the Arena ard at Atkins’ office in .he Manger Hotel. been to a Holy Name Communion, and meeting lately, remind him of the meeting this Sunday, and urge him to attend. Rosary Prayer Group A new registration will be held for our Rosary block plan. All members who are now listed and any members who wish to be listed for the first time, will be given the opportunity to do so at our meeting this Sunday. Retreat Reservations are still being accepted for the retreat at the Diocesan Retreat House September 18-20. Please contact Mr. M. Kolar, UT 1-6587 or Mr. J. Avsec, Jr., HE 1-5436. Annual Dinner Plans are being made for our Annual Roast Beef Dinner, October 25. Please keep the date in mind, and make sure you plan to attend. More details will follow. Oafholie War Veterans St. Vitus Pest 1635 FOR GOD FOR COUNTRY FOR HOME come see the play in the evening. Donation is 75c. Tickets can be purchased' at the door or by calling either 361-4757 or EX 1-9761. See you at the play. Publicity Committee --------o.... -.- National Youth Conference 6n Atom Nominatiors now are open for potential delegates to the 1964 National Youth Conference on the Atom. So reads an invitation from Ralph M. Besse, president of The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, sent September 9 to principals of more than 100 high schools in the compar.y’s service area —1 (jUya-hoga, Lake, Geauga, and Ashtabula Counties and Avon and Avon Lake in Lorain County. The principals are invited to name two of their outstanding 11th or 12th grade science students for consideration as student delegates to the three-day conference. The nomination deadline is Wednesday, October 7. From these nominees will come the 20 students who will be The Illuminating Company's guests — and will represent Cleveland-Northeast Ohio — at the Youth Confe-rer.ee, to be held November 5-7 in Chicago. Four science teachers from area high schools also will be selected as delegates and will accompany the students. All expenses for the students and teachers will be paid by the Illuminating Company. A panel of judges — science faculty members from the six major Greater Cleveland colleges and universities — will select the final student delegates from the pool of nomirees. Selection criteria include scholastic achievement, interest and ability in science, evidence of intent to follow a career in science or ! teaching of science, leadership, and school citizenship. Names of The Illuminating Company’s student and teacher delegates will be announced about the middle of October. £,UVV. v. ~ ------7 -------— 7 ---- -----U Erma Baxter of Erie reported her] filming a sequence for television car stolen. Police found the car about Paris. U.S.A. They photo several blocks away. Mrs. Baxter thanked police and got into the auto. She spotted a set of false teeth on the floor and told officers the teeth didn’t belong to her. Later, police were booking Torrey, a 33-year-old resident of Erie, on a drunk charge. He mumbled his words. Police told him to speak clearly. He said: “I can’t. I don’t have my false teeth.” Police pulled out the teeth. They fitted just right. The auto theft charge followed. if Montgomery, Ala. — Bill English, 60, told authorities he saw an W. Brown noted today that both ed ir, his seat and started to brag these young people, as well as other to his neighbors, Griswold followed citizens living in registration pre-!with this squelch: , »r« i a ct • i cincts, who have not heretofore re-1 “Correction. The lucky number Night OOIltGSl gistered, should do so during the in-' is 59348.” •* tervering weeks prior to the SeptJ After 11 years, Iglehart is still 23 deadline when there is a rush, looking for his first winner. This may be accomplished by going --------o---------- to their county Board of Elections office. ( Many of these new voters, Seere- graphed Stoner Creek here to compare it with the Seine, and said they would like to visit “La A & P” supermarket. They left for Paris, Tenn., and planned to continue on to Paris, Texas. if Canton, O. — Somehow, Lovers street .doen’t sound as romantic as Lovers lane, commissioners of Stark county have decided. So they have voted to go against previously determined policy, which says each “lane” in the county is to be redesignated “street” and 45 North Canton area residents who had animal as big as a bull fall out of] been living discontentedly on Lovers £ pecan tree. The humane society j street since the name change are tary of State Brown said, registered prior to the 1964 May Primaries and voted on May 5 but some who appeared to cast their first vote were disappointed because they had not] registered before the Primary registration deadline. He implored all voters who are required to register to do so — and to do it at an early date, thus becoming a qualified elector in this 1964 Presidential election year. S.W.U. Trip To Pa. The S.W.U. combined branches are leaving for Pennsylvania Sunday, Sept. 13, at 9:00 A.M. — Meet at 65th and St. Clair in front of the Slovenian National Home. The bus will be there about 8:30 A.M. ready for loading. The Committee CvtCCK BAGOhAGS happy one again to have a Lovers lane address. On an overseas flight via New York, you will avoid considerable Inconvenience at Kennedy International Airport by checkins yovr baggage straight through from Cleveland Hopkins Airport to your first overseas destination. Courtesy Alitalia Airlines ________ , The National Youth Conference St. Vitus Post 1655 CWV regu ar n Atom, an unusual science-monthly meeting luesday, Sept. o, e(jucation meeting now in its sixth 8:30 PM, Post Clubroom. One- a consecutive year, is sponsored by hour before the meeting mem eis more than 60 of America’s investor-are meeting at the Clubroom to go ^ ownocj electric utility companies, into St. Vincent Charity Hospita o i cju(jjng illuminating Company, donate blood for Frank Godic. 1 ra]™ ! Purpose of the conference is to is an oficer of Post 16.and ® | provide an authoritative, inspiring has used up quite a lot ot blooo | pjcture 0f peaceful uses of during his illness. He is still in e ] atomic energyj and to stimulate the hospital and this is Post 1 5b way stucjy 0f science as a career, of helping him and his family tt- u ■ * r »u « n through their hour of need. The High points of the conference will Post wishes him a speedy and per- ^ ™lts t0 Arg°nne Natlonalf l^ , boratory near Chicago, one of the maSaturday!0VseepVt. 12 is Post 1655 At0™ic ^rgy Commission's prin-, _^ x, cipal research centers, and to Chi- 15th Anniversary Dinner & Dance.' * , . , ■ o t. , . __™ to icagos noted Museum ot Science & Members will be contacted on re- “ turns if you haven’t been called, n lT*s , , , call commander Turk or the Post stuf,nJs and Clubroom and give an estimate of i wl11 hear talks by, and participate tickets sold. It’s very important,1 ^ discussions with, some of the nation s leading figures in atomic Cleveland, O. — More than 2,000 fans took pictures on Camera Night, which was held in Cleveland Stadium on August 20, when, camera bugs were allowed on the track to take shots of their favorite Indians. Five prizes await the winners of the Camera Night contest. The winners will be announced Monday, Sept. 14. Deadline for the contest is today, Sept. 11 and contestants must have their best snapshot in the mail by midnight. Prizes include two camera gadget bags, compliments of Kodak Stores, Inc. and three large supplies of General Electric flashbulbs. The contest will be judged by a group of professional sports photographers. All entries become the property of the Cleveland Indians. Entries should be mailed to: PICTURES, Cleveland Indians, Cleveland 14, Ohio. mem ers, o ..e y 1 research, mathematics, biology, phy- sics, chemistry and aerospace research. More than 650 top science students and teachers from all over the country are expected to attend this year’s Youth Conference. --------o-------- should make every effort possible to be at this 15th anniversary celebration. CWV and notably Post 1655 is a worthy organization that has done a lot of good in the past 15 years which can be attested for by Parmadale Orphanage, Brecksville Hosp., Broadview Hospital, P. I. C. Post 1655 is certainly deserving of everyone’s support in celebrating their 15 years as a post in the CWV organization,. The Had Haliers 0SAF Seeks Men Far Aerospace Force Area Air Force Recruiter has announced that the USAF is in. great need of men to fill positions in the In last week’s article on the play New Aerospace Forces. The Air Typists’ Cafe “How is the new girl?” “Not at ail ibad — but frightfully nervous — as soon as she sits down to her machine she starts work.” we just mentioned what the play was about and the time and place. But this week we will give you an idea of who’s in the play. The play is directed by Mr. Stanley Frank, who is doing a great job with the actors and actresses. The players are, ladies first, Carm Vitale, Margie Frank, JoAnne Arhar, Kathy Wallace, Linda Telban and Clare Urbis. The boys are Mike Rihtar, Joe Roessman, Frank Blatnik and Johnny Krivacic. They are all talented young people who I am sure will provide you with some wholesome entertainment. — Don't forget, the play is on Sept. 27th, at 8:00 o’clock at St. Vitus. It is a Sunday evening so you can still someplace in the afternoon and I H24. Force has created the Aerospace Force to plan, develop, and carry out its operations in aircraft, missiles, and spacecraft. Sgt. Rodes and Sgt. Bethea, area recruiters, whose office is located at 9802 Euclid Ave., explained that emphasis on the New Aerospace Force has a great many openings in the fields of Atomic Weapons, Guided Missiles Systems, and many other Electronic fields. A special Air Force Testing period has been set for Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1:30 o’clock. The Air Force Entrance Examination will be given without obligation. Young men interested are urged to contact Sgt. Rodes or Bethea at 795- rtAMCB r. MWON • (wrnifflui. Diitrkt. Oh« «M nora omn »onDtnc wajmiktoo m. • c /^ONGRESS RECONVENES. This v> week the Congress reconvened following the recess for the Democratic Convention. The big question on Capitol Hill is “When can we go home?" At this point, the leaders are loath to hazard a guess as to how long the post-convention session will last. • ••*•• LABOR DAY, 1964 By the time this reaches you, one of our most important holidays— Labor Day—will have passed. But I would like to take this occasion to pay tribute to the working men and women of America—the creators of so much of our Nation’s strength, freedom and leadership. When Peter J. McGuire, founder of the Carpenters' Union and cofounder of the AFL, first proposed a day to honor American working men and women in 1882, he could hardly have conceived that his suggestion would develop into one of bur great national holidays. On September 7th, the Americans will again observe Labor Day, honoring — in Mr. McGuire’s words of more than 80 years ago—“those who from rude nature have delved and carved all the grandeur that we know.” The first Monday of September was chosen as Labor Day. also at the suggestion of Peter McGuire, “so that it would come at the most pleasant season of the year, nearly midway between the Fourth of July and Thanksgiving, and would fill a wide gap in the chronology of legal holidays.” The significance of Labor Day was summed up some 50 years ago by Samuel Gompers, founder and long-time President of the American Federation of Labor, when he said. “All other holidays are in a more or less degree connected with conflicts and battles of man’s prow- ess over man, of glories achieved by one nation over another. Labor Dav is devoted to no man, living or dead to no sect, race or nation. Labor Day, in short, is devoted to the achievements of the American working man and woman. It is a tribute to the contributions they have made to the strength, prosperity, and well being of our country.” “ *" •••••• LAST REGISTRATION DAY September 23. 1964, is the last day Ohioans can register to vote in this fall’s important election. The Cuyahoga County Board of Elections, 623 St. Clair, N.E., Cleveland (telephone PRospect 1-4250) is open weekdays, 8:15 A.M. to 4:15 P.M. and to noon on Saturdays. On Monday, September 14th, from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. and 4 P.M. to 9 P.M. you may register at special registration booths which will be open in each precinct of the cities and suburban communities. Please check your newspapers for the location of the booth in your area. Remember that in order to vote you must be registered. If you are not registered, please get busy and register! FEDERAL CIVIL SERVICE JOBS A new series of examinations for College Seniors and graduates to fill jobs with Federal Agencies has been announced by the Civil Service Commission. Starting salaries will range from $5,000 to $7,200 a year. Examinations will be conducted from October through April. The deadline on applications for the first examination is September 17. Informations and application forms can be obtained from College placement offices, many Post Offices, or the U. S. Civil Service Commission, Washington, D. C. 20415. Ask for: Civil Service Announcement No. 333. DEATH NOTICES Gabren.ya, Louis J. — Husband of May (nee Henderson, brother of Angela Martinčič, Elizabeth Lach, Father Edward O. F. M., Matilda Korb, Victor, Charles, Adeline Gornik, Vincent. Residence at 1277 Hayden Ave. Kraich, Thomas — Husband of Mary (nee Locnikar), stepfather of Victor Tomich, Mary Tomich, Bertha Baluch, Emil Tomich, John Novak, Betty Parker, William Novak, Pauline Arnspanger, Victor Novak. Residence at 1109 E. 63 St. Potochnik, Mary — Mother of Frank, Gabriel, Joseph, Alice Fink, sister of Frances Klein. Residence at 976 E. 69 Place. Putz, Frances (nee Krasivec), mother of Rudolph Jerse, Frances Lo-kenberg, Antoinette Figarelli, stepmother of Anr. Byrun, sister of Antoinette Estanek. Residence at 1214 Norwood Rd. RED CROSS CANTEEN WORK Mrs. Angeline Zupanič, 5052 Greenhurst Rd., Maple Hts., fills a tea pot as part of her duties as a Red Cross Canteen aide at a recent bloodmobile. She serves coffee, tea, milk and cookies to blood donors as they relax after having donated. Mrs. Zupanič whose husband is retired and whose children are married says she likes this type of volunteer work because it takes her out of the house and allows her to meet people. To Mrs. Angeline Zupanič, 5052 a few minutes in the rice, but don’t Greenhurst Rd., Maple Hts., work-1 cook any more unless you are using ing in the Red Cross Canteen is more than just volunteer work, it is a window to a new experience. Previously the multi - talented housewife had worked in a school cafeteria for nine years, so that when she began preparing meals for the approximately sixty volunteers and staff at Red Cross Headquarters, 1227 Prospect Ave., her culinary talent made the job seem easy. She has been working at the Chapter since spring and enjoys her work so much she doesn’t mind taking the bus downtown one day a week. Both Mrs. Zupanič and her husband were born in Yugoslavia. She came over with her family in 1920 when quite young. Her husband’s I family did the same. Both became citizens with their families. NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA V globoki žalosti naznanjamo, da je dne 12. avgusta v Gospodu preminula naša ljubljena mama in stara mati Mary Coprich, rojena BREGANTIČ Pokojna je bila rojena 14. avgusta 1884 v vasi Vipolže pri Gorici, Slovenija, Jugoslavija. V Sloveniji žaluje za njo sestra Matilda Bregantič. V Ameriko je prišla leta 1913. Pokopali smo jo dne 14. avgusta 1964. Iz pogreb, zavoda Grdina in Sinovi na Lake Shore Blvd. smo jo prepeljali v cerkev Marije Vnebovzete, od tam pa na pokopališče Kalvarija. Našo toplo zahvalo naj prejmejo gospodje duhovniki. Rev. Matija Jager je opravil svete obrede v pogrebnem zavodu ter vodil skupno molitev sv. rožnega venca ob krsti. Rev. Anthony* Rebol je daroval slovesno pogrebno sv. mašo in opravil molitve1 ob grobu. Rev. Bruening pri Sv. Mariji Magdaleni, Wiilowick, O. je prišel med boleznijo na dom in pokropit pokojno v pogrebnem zavodu. Rt. Rev. Msgr. O’Donnell in Rev. Kinkopf od cerkve šv. Filomene sta pokojno obiskovala v bolnišnici in Rev. Kinkopf ji je podelil svete zakramente za umirajoče in vsa tolažila svete vere za zadnjo uro. Vsem se najiskreneje zahvaljujemo. Društva Slovenski Dom št. 6 SDZ, podružnica S.Ž.Z. št. 41, Oltarno društvo pri Mariji Vnebovzeti so počastila pokojno članico s skupno molitvijo sv. rožnega venca ob krsti in z ganljivo poslovitvijo, ki sta jo govorili zastopnici, cerkveni pevski zbor Ilirija pa ji je zapel v srce segajoče žalostinke. Posebej so skupno molile za pokojno ob krsti še članice oltarnega društva župnije sv. Marije Magdalene. Vsem prisrčna hvala. Našim dobrim sosedom na 329 cesti se najlepše zahvalimo za vse kar so darovali v sklad za venec in sv. maše, ki so ga zbrali. Toplo zahvalo naj prejme Grdinov pogrebni zavod, ki nam je ljubeznivo in skrbno uredil pogrebne priprave in odlično vodil pogrebni sprevod. Naj dobri Bog povrne vsem, ki so darovali za sv. maše, za cvetje in vence in za druge dobre namene, kakor tudi vsem, ki so dali na razpolago avtomobile za pogrebni sprevod. Lepa hvala vsem, ki ste prišli kropit, bili pri sv. maši ali spremljali mamo do groba. S spominskimi podobicami smo se zahvalili vsem, kolikor smo imeli naslove. Če bi kdo pomotoma naše zahvale ne bil dobil, lepo prosimo vse, da nam oprostite in sprejmete tole našo skupno zahvalo, želimo jo izreči prav vsem, ki so nam v bolezni storili kako dobroto ali ji ob slovesu kakorkoli izkazali svoje spoštovanje in ljubezen, vsem, ki so nam pomagali in vsem, ki so prispevali, da so bile pogrebne slovesnosti tako ganljivo lepe. Naša preljuba, nepozabna mama naj počiva v božjem miru in večna luč naj ji sveti. Do konca naših dni se je bomo spominjali v hvaležnosti in ljubezni. Žalujoči: hčere: ALMA, por. ZORMAN; MARY, por. FENDE; JOSEPHINE, por. KALAC; zetje: JOSEPH, JOHN in MIRKO; vnukinji: PEGGY LOU FENDE in LORI FENDE. Wiilowick, Ohio, 11. septembra 1964, The Zupanic’s have two boys, one of whom is married, and one grandchild. Mrs. Zupanič has had a lifelong interest ir. cooking. This spring she canned cherries, rasberries, tomatoes, and pears from her garden. Rissotto (Rizot) is a Slovenian dish she says she learned in her family. You can use chicken instead of the pork as the recipe calls for. 2 lbs. pork, cubed 2 med. onions, finely chopped few sprigs parsley, piece celery 5 tbs. lard % green pepper, two carrots 1 cup peas, canned or fresh 2 tomatoes, or tomato paste 1 cup washed rice 1 tbs. salt dash pepper 2 cups soup stock or hot water. Slowly brown, chopped onion in fresh peas which need ten more minutes of cooking. Rissotto will taste best if cooked slowly. For those ladies interested in Canteen work, a new class for Canteen workers is held each fall. The class meets from 9:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on October 15, 22, and 29 at the Red Cross Chapter Headquarters, 1227 Prospect Ave. From the Indian Tepee course are O. Earl Lowe, Executive DD Hodge School, Vice President and John N. Carr, Occupational Manager, The Greater Cleveland Safety Council. Created and. conducted in Chicago for many years by the National Safety Council, the Safety Training Institute attracts students of safety from the fifty states of the Union and from foreign countries. The Council’s Metals Section is driving to bring the course to all of the Nation’s major industrial centers. The Cleveland course will be conducted at the Cleveland Engineering and Scientific Center on the conference plan and will be Cleveland, O. — The Cleveland limited to twenty participants. The Indians have announced the recall! instructors are members of the Me-of 12 players from their, minor tals Section of National Safety! league affiliations and seven of Council and The American Society' them will join the parent team as Safety Engineers who are experts soon as their minor league schedules' m their fields. are completed. The list of players who will report immediately after their seasons have ended include infielders George Banks and Tony Martinez,' will be open Monday, September 14, outfielders A1 Luplow and Tommie| 1964 from 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. Agee, pitchers Jerry Walker and and from 4:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. Voter Registration Time Voting booths in the 23rd Ward Tom Kelley and catcher Jerry Bur-lison. If you wish to vote in the coming November elections and have either Lefthanded pitcher Tommy John moved or have not voted within the also has been recalled, but it has last two years, this is your chance not yet beer determined if he will to register in your own neighbor- .................. ______ ______| join the Indians this season. Other, hood. The presidential election, is sheet containing 25 blocks of the 1075 East 74th Street EE St. Clair Recreation. Center, 6250 St. Clair Avenue FF St. Andrew’s School, 5133 Superior Avenue GG Case School, 1535 East 40th Street HH Lithuanian Hall, 6835 Superior Avenue II Barbershop, 6906 Superior Avenue EDWARD J. KOVACIC MARY JO ZAMLEN i (23rd Ward Leaders) New 5-ceist Christmas Stamp Postmaster Nelson E. Sundermeier said today that four different 5-cent postage stamps printed in bright holiday colors on the same sheet, could be expected for Christmas. Postmaster General John. A. Gro-nouski unveiled the design for the four, to be printed in traditional red and green against a white background, at the convention in New York of the National Association of Postmasters of the United States. The four regular size stamps portray holly, mistletoe, poinsettia and pine cone, respectively. They will be sold in sheets of 100, each players who have been recalled but before us. Exercise your voting pri-who will not join the Tribe include vileges. outfielder Hector Gardenas (Portland and pitchers Floyd Weaver (Portland), George Culver (Portland) and Denny Lortcher (Burlington). Of the seven players who will report to Cleveland, four of them — Luplow, Banks, Martinez and Agee — all play at Portland, which currently is leading the Pacific Coast League. Walker, the righthanded pitcher who began the year with the Indians, has been pitching for Jacksonville and Kelley, also a righthander, and Burlison, are at Charleston of the Eastern League. Banks, who was obtained in a trade with the Minnesota Twins, has stroked 15 home runs in less Ary Slovene woman who would with portland. l.ke to try out then favorite re- n infielder wag whh cipes or who want to learn some!';.,__________•yl_.r__ u_ _____ new American recipes, are urged to enroll in this class. For more information call 781-1800, Red Cross Volunteer Recruitment. “il’s Academic”... This is an exciting new weekly television program sponsored by the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. and featuring high school students from throughput Cleveland-North east Ohio. The half-hour quiz program will premiere at ■ .00 p.m., Saturday, September 26 on WEWS, Channel 5. It will appear at this time every week until the end of March, and may be continued in the fall of 1965. “It’s Academic” emphasizes competitive knowledge and quick thing-ing. It will give senior high school students an opportunity to win public recognition for themselves and their schools for intellectual prowess in much the same manner as they might win athletic honors. The participating students and schools will come from the Illuminating Company’s service area — Cuyahoga, Lake, Geauga, and Ashtabula Counties and Avon and Avon lard and add cubed pork, for about 15 minutes. Add chopped parsley,1 Lake ir. Lorain County, celery, green peppers, carrots, and Superintendents and principals tomatoes and simmer for 15 morei from public, private, and diocesan minutes. To this add rice and stir I schools throughout this area prelightly, then add soup stock, salt viewed “it’s Academic” today (Aug. and pepper, cover and simmer slow- 24th) at a special showing at the ly for 20 more minutes, until rice Q cooked. — DO NOT STIR RICE WHILE COOKING. — Add more soup or water if necessary, for there should always be moisture over the top of rice. Add canned peas before serving, cover so peas will steam for ■ FOR AMERICA'S FUTURE AND YOUR OWN...JOIN THE U.S.AIH FORCE Now more than ever before the Air Force needs forward thinking young men to fill important jobs. Serve your country and at the same time start out on a rewarding career in a vital specialty of the Aerospace Age. ILS.AIrForce Recruiting Service 9802 Euclid Ave. Phone 795-1124 Atlanta before he was traded into the Cleveland system. Martinez, the shortstop who was with the Indians in the early part of last seasons, has been one of the most improved players on the Portland squad. He leads the league (as of Sept. 3) in doubles with 34 and is hitting .281. Martinez has been one of the most solid infielderš in the Pacific Coast League this year. Agee, the fleet centerfielder, was with the Tribe late last season, and was an exciting player who proved he can play major league defensive ball. The former Grambling College ace also is proving to be an offensive player as he has been hitting around .280 and is second in most homers by a Portland player, with 20. He is third in stolen bases with a total of 30. Luplow, another outfielder who! .p was with the Indians before being sent to the PCL, has hit 12 homers y and driven in 42 runs while batting over the .270 mark. I y Kelly, a righthander, also started ■ the campaign with the Tribe and ^ was sent to Charleston where he has been among the league’s strikeout artists. The 21-year old pitcher has notched 136 strikeouts in 136 innings and has an earned run average of 3.04. Burlison is the husky, young catcher who was impressive in spring training and who has knock- B WEWS studios. They were guests of Ralph M.' ec^ *n runs for the Eastern League Besse, Illuminating Company presi-| Indians. dent, who said “This program, em-i Walker has been pitching for phasizing the importance of scho- Jacksonville where he is one of the lastic excellence, has broad audience International League's most effec-appeal, but will be of special in- tive control pitchers. He has walked terest to educators, students, and parents.” On “It’s Academic” students will compete against each other — and against the clock — in coming up with the right answers to questions on a broad range of knowledge. Questions will cover such topics as mathematics, English, American literature, social studies, current news and happenings of the day. ■ Three teams of students from "Fundamentals of Industrial Safe-three different high schools will ty” will be the theme of a five-day only 25 men in 114 innings and has an 8-7 record. Vern Fuller, an infielder, who had been on the disabled list, also has been placed on the active roster. He sufferred a broken shoulder in spring training. --------o-------- Industrial Safely participate each week on the half-hour question-and-ansrwer program. Periodically throughout the series will be playoff matches between institute in Cleveland the week of September 14. The course, designed for the industrial executive who has the winning teams, with a grand finali major responsibility for safety ad- match scheduled for the March 27 program. The winning team each week will receive a 54-volume set of the “Encyclopedia Britannica” for its school library, while the two runner-up teams’ schools each will receive 10-volume sets of the “Gateway to the Great Books,” published by Britannica. Participating schools for the premiere and later “It’s Academic” shows will be selected during two weeks of auditions beginning Monday, September 14. ARSENIC SOURCE New York. — One-third the world supply of commercial arsenic comes from the U. S. ministration, was announced today by James W. Tysse, Manager of Safety of Republic Steel Corporation and Chairman of the Metals Section of National Safety Council. Mr. Tysse, who will serve as Institute Director, said, “In these times of rapid change in industrial technology, these institutes are essential to keep human and material costs down.” Co-sponsors and participants of the institute with the National Safety Council Metals Section are the Northern Ohio Chapter of the American Society of Safety Engineers and the Greater Cleveland Safety Council. Coordinators of the Cleveland If you do not have transportation to the voting booths, please call EX 1-3333 or HE 1-1713 and we will arrange transportation for you. Following is a list of the voting locations according to precincts which will be open on September 14th: A Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Avenue Good Shepherd Church, 7301 St. Clair Avenue Good Shepherd Church, 7301 St. Clair Avenue Barbershop, 1497 East 55th Street St. Vitus School, 6104 Glass Avenue St. Clair Recreation Center, 6250 St. Clair Avenue East Madison School, 1130 Addison Road East Madison School, 1130 Addison Road Mordus Upholstery, 7018 St. Clair Avenue Hodge School, 1075 Blast 74th Street Masonic Temple, 1624 East 55th Street Masonic Temple, 1624 East 55th Street St. Francis School, 7210 Myron Avenue St. Francis School, 7210 Myron Avenue St. Francis School, 7210 Myron Avenue Masonic Temple, 1624 East 55th Street East Madison School, 1130 Addison Road Hodge School, 1075 East 74th Street East Madison School, 1130 Addison Road St. Clair Recreation Center, 6250 St. Clair Avenue St. Vitus School, 6104 Glass Avenue Stanard School, 5360 Stanard Avenue St. Andrew’s School, 5133 Superior Avenue X Immaculate Conception School, 4129 Superior Avenue Y Immaculate Conception. School, 4129 Superior Avenue Z Case School, 1535 East 40th Street AA St. Andrew’s School, 5133 Superior Avenue BB Masonic Temple, 1624 East 55th Street CC Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Avenue four different stamps. Although the Department has issued a single Christmas stamp during the past two Christmas seasons, this will be the first four-in-one issue in United States Postal History. A New York City artist, Thomas F. Naegele, produced the design. Mr. Naegele, television art director for a New York advertising agency, has designed about 100 different cards published by the American Artists’ Group over the past 15 years. Noting that the 1962 and 1963 Christmas stamps kept Bureau of Engraving & Printing Giori presses in Washington working around the clock. Mr. Gronouski promised that “ample and early” supplies of the new issue will be distributed to all of the more than. 34,000 post offices. The first-day sale date has not yet been set. Last year the Department printed nearly 2 billion. This year’s initial printing order is for 1.4 billion, and total printing is expected to run above last year’s mark to meet later requirements. The 5c postage provides first-class mail privileges for Christmas cards, Mr. Gronouski observed. This means they may be forwarded or returned if ur,deliverable and they receive the normal first-class priority in handling and delivery. The stamp will be good, of course, for all mailing purposes for which postage stamps are used. The Christmas stamp was modeled by Robert J. Jones. Matthew D. Fenton engraved the vignette of the poinsettia stamp. The mistletoe and holly vignettes were by Arthur W. Dintaman and the pine core by Richard M. Bower. All lettering and numerals were by Howard F. Sharpless. ‘DRY CLEANING THAT g SATISFIES” ALSO DYEING - PRESSING REPAIRING . Acme Dry Cleaning & Dyeing Go. 672 E. 152 St. GL 1-5374 rammmmummtmmmramramqmn MM FURNACE (ALL FRANK BRICELJ No^more unhealthy, hot anil cold blast* Itefulaire heating system." 3-stnBe hr» ... gives only the heut you need, cuts fuel W hills, (let the beat in comfort, health and •wnouiy. t ret) "Home Comfort Survey.’*/ PERFECT SHEET METAL & FURNACE CO. AUTHORIZED INSTALLATION SERVICE IV 6-1210 OWNER 671 E. 200th ST. EUCLID 19, OHIO YOUR FEELING ABOUT YOUR CAR Pride of possession is a factor, but your plan of financing can add to your pleasure. That’s where we come in! One of our 75 offices is near you! rKOKSAL DIPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION BRANCH No. 8 S. M. A. I The CONVENTION DANCE | ■ ! j Saturday, Sept. 19, 1964 : Music by EDDIE HABAT ■ INVITES EVERYONE TO S II ■ CT % ^ | ^ V I * I ^ | ^ | J | ^ * i 5 — REFRESHMENTS SERVED ■ • ■ ■ 8:30 to 12:30