JEZIKI V STIKU/LINGUE IN CONTATTO/ LANGUAGES IN CONTACT Mednarodna konferenca JEZIK IN KULTURA Conferenza Internazionale LINGUA E CULTURA International Conference LANGUAGE AND CULTURE Zbornik povzetkov Libro degli abstracts Book of Abstracts JEZIKI V STIKU/LINGUE IN CONTATTO/ LANGUAGES IN CONTACT Mednarodna konferenca JEZIK IN KULTURA Conferenza Internazionale LINGUA E CULTURA International Conference LANGUAGE AND CULTURE Zbornik povzetkov Libro degli abstracts Book of Abstracts Založba Annales ZRS Koper Koper 2017 JEZIKI V STIKU/LINGUE IN CONTATTO/ LANGUAGES IN CONTACT Mednarodna konferenca JEZIK IN KULTURA Conferenza Internazionale LINGUA E CULTURA International Conference LANGUAGE AND CULTURE Zbornik povzetkov Libro degli abstracts Book of Abstracts Koper/Capodistria, 27.–28. oktober/ottobre/october 2017 Uredili/A cura di/Edited by: Vesna Mikolič Irina M. CAVAION JEZIKI V STIKU/LINGUE IN CONTATTO/LANGUAGES IN CONTACT Mednarodna konferenca JEZIK IN KULTURA / Conferenza Internazionale LINGUA E CULTURA / International Conference LANGUAGE AND CULTURE Zbornik povzetkov / Libro degli abstracts / Book of Abstracts Uredili/A cura di/Edited by: Vesna Mikolič, irina M. Cavaion Tehnična urednica/Redattore tecnico/Technical Editor: Alenka Obid Oblikovanje in prelom/Design e impaginazione/Design and Typesetting: Alenka Obid Izdajatelj/Editore/Publisher: Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče koper, Založba Annales ZRS koper/Science and Research Centre koper, Publishing House Annales ZRS koper, Slovenija/ Slovenia Za izdajatelja/Per l’Editore/Publisher represented by: Rado Pišot Sedež/Sede/Adress: Garibaldijeva 1, 6000 koper, Slovenia Elektronska publikacija – dostopna na naslovu: Pubblicazione elettronica digitale - raggiungibile sul sito: Electronic publication, available at: Publikacija je zaščitena © 2017 Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče koper, Založba Annales ZRS koper. / Questa pubblicazione è protetta da copyright © 2017 Centro di Ricerche Scientifiche Capodistria, Edizioni Annales ZRS koper. / This publication is copyrighted © 2017 Science and Research Centre koper, Publishing House Annales ZRS koper. Avtorji jamčijo za avtorstvo prispevkov ter prevzemajo vso odgovornost za objavljene pov-zetke prispevkov in njihove prevode. / Gli autori garantiscono l’originalità dei propri contributi e si assumono la totale responsabilità degli abstracts e della loro traduzione. / Authors guarantee the authorship of their papers and take full responsibility for published abstracts of contributions and their translations. konferenca poteka v okviru projekta »Razvoj in udejanjanje inovativnih učnih okolij in prožnih oblik učenja za dvig splošnih kompetenc, sklop 1.3 Večjezičnost«. la conferenza si svolge nell’ambito del progetto “Sviluppo e realizzazione di ambienti di apprendimento innovativi e di forme flessibili di apprendimento per il miglioramento delle competenze generali, sezione 1.3 Multilinguismo”. The conference is part of the project “Development and realization of innovative learning environments and flexible forms of learning for improving general skills, section 1.3 Multilingualism”. Kataložni zapis o publikaciji (CIP) pripravili v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici v Ljubljani COBISS.SI-ID=292450304 ISBN 978-961-6964-86-9 (pdf) VSEBiNA/iNDiCE/CONTENTS 15 o koNFERENCi 16 SUllA CoNFERENZA 17 ABoUT CoNFERENCE 19 PROGRAM »JEZIK IN KULTURA« KOPER 2017/PROGRAMMA »LINGUA E CULTURA« KOPER 2017/PROGRAM »LANGUAGE AND CULTURE« KOPER 2017 PlENARNA PREDAVANjA/SESSioNE PlENARiA/PlENARy SESSioN 35 Bruce Burgett, Glenn Hendler What Do keywords Do? 37 Gudrun Held Staging Cultural identity through language Markers. observations on Tourist Advertising 39 Monika Dannerer local language – local identity? Reflections on Authentic, ludic and lucrative language Use in Tourism 40 Ksenija Vidmar Horvat Touristic Patriotism: From Ethnicization to Marketization of Nation 41 Tamara Turza-Bogdan Multilingualism in the Mother Tongue Classroom – Between Theory and Practice 42 Lidija Cvikić What Mother-Tongue language Teachers Think about Multilingualism: an example from Croatia 44 Milan Košuta … ko se še v meni dva jaza zbudita. Ma cosa vuoi – così è la vita! o literarni dvojezičnosti slovenskih leposlovcev v italiji ...when a double me awakens. Ma cosa vuoi – così è la vita! literary bilingualism of Slovenian writers in italy 46 Renate Hansen-Kokoruš literature and culture: What can we learn through literature about the culture of a country? 47 Janet Enever Towards Plurilingualism: Can Bilingual Primary Programmes offer the First Steps? iZVlEčki/SiNTESi/ABSTRACTS 51 Vesna Polovina Slovenia and Slovenians in the urban linguistic landscape of Belgrade 52 Amra Memić Deconstruction of Tito‘s language - Divinity Semiotics of the ideology of Totalitarian Communism in the Former yugoslavia 53 Stevka Šmitran Civiltà balcanica e la cultura della memoria 54 Ana Vraneša, Petra Korać, Bernardina Petrović, Mirjana Pavlica Utjecaj engleskojezične paradigme na hrvatski genetički leksik The influence of the English language paradigm on the genetics vocabulary in Croatian 57 Lucija Čok Medkulturna komunikacija v prostoru brez mej. Računalniško podprta komunikacija in jeziki intercultural Communication in Boundless Space. Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) and languages 59 Črt Močivnik Računalniško opismenjevanje in jezikovno učenje Computer literacy and language learning 61 Matejka Grgič Terminology as a cultural project: the consequences of the double standard in a minority context Terminologija kot kulturni projekt: posledice dvojnega standarda v manjšinskem kontekstu 63 Maja Zadel jezik in kultura na obmejnem območju slovenske istre skozi perspektivo nacionalnega diskurza 64 Diana Stolac, Vesna Grahovac-Pražić Culture, Tourism and linguistic landscape 66 Elma Durmišević-Cernica Turistički plakat – pragmalingvistička i sociolingvistička analiza The Tourist Poster – a Pragmatic and Sociolinguistic Analysis 68 Hristina Nedialkova Tour Guides and intercultural Communication: key Messages in Two Different Tourist Destinations 69 Agnieszka Będkowska-Kopczyk Majolka bod pozdravljena (‚Majolka be healed‘). key words of Slovene wine culture and cross-cultural communication in tourism 70 Vesna Mikolič keywords of the Slovenian tourism and Slovenian culture – in selected cases ključne besede slovenskega turizma in slovenske kulture – ob izbranih primerih 72 Irina Makarova Tominec Medkulturnost pri učenju ruščine v turizmu na začetni ravni intercultural characteristics of the course »Russian for tourism«, beginners level 75 Maja Đukanović Slovenska kulturna dediščina pri pouku slovenščine kot tujega jezika Slovenian cultural heritage in the teaching of Slovene as a foreign language 77 Dunja Pavličević-Franić, Katarina Aladrović Slovaček, Lana Jager Comparative analysis of communicative competence in Croatian language learning as l2 in children of Croatian emigrants in Germany and Hungary 79 Ivana Čagalj, Anita Skelin Horvat, Aleksandra Ščukanec Hrvatski jezik u manjinskom obrazovanju: situacija u Slovačkoj u usporedbi s Austrijom The Croatian language and the Minority Education: Situation in Slovakia and Austria 81 Ana Cvetković, Dragana Vasilijević Bilingvalna nastava u gimnazijama na jugu Srbije Bilingual education at grammar schools at south of Serbia 82 83 Karmen Pižorn Translanguaging – a new paradigm shift? čezjezičnost – nova paradigma? 84 Ingrid Keller-Russell interaction and Reflexivity in language learning Processes in the Globalized School 86 Tadeja Rozman Spletni portal jezikovna Slovenija The web portal jezikovna Slovenija 88 Lucia Gaja Scuteri Uno sguardo all’arbitrato linguistico (1980–1990): spunti per la politica linguistica slovena A look to the linguistic arbitration board (1980–1990): sparks for the slovenian language policy 90 Katarina Aladrović Slovaček, Ivan Igić, Ana Trninić The role of creative didactic games in the process of language and culture learning 91 Filip Džankić, Krunoslav Mikulan, Vladimir Legac Comics and language Anxiety in Teaching English as a Foreign language 92 Irina M. Cavaion insegnare ed apprendere le lingue del vicino nelle aree multilingui di frontiera: significati, criticità, strategie, prospettive Teaching and learning Neighbouring languages in multilingual border areas: meanings, critical issues, strategies, perspectives 95 Barbara Baloh Vpliv zunanjih dejavnikov na učenje slovenščine kot j2/jT v predšolskem in zgodnjem šolskem obdobju The influence of external factors on learning Slovenian as a Sl/Fl at a pre-school and early primary school age 98 Tatjana Balažic Bulc Podoba Drugega v slovenskih osnovnošolskih učnih načrtih in učbenikih The image of the other in Slovenian elementary school curricula and textbooks 100 Anja Pirih, Mojca Žefran, Silva Bratož Vzgoja raznojezičnih otrok: večjezičnost in raznojezičnost z vidika staršev Raising plurilingual children: parents‘ attitudes towards multilingualism and plurilingualism 102 Tanja Pavlič obravnava družinske tematike pri pouku jezikov Covering the family theme in languages’ classes 104 Tilen Smajla Učitelji tujega jezika v slovenski javno osnovni šoli: vpogled v poučevanje tujega jezika po pristopu Clil v prvem vzgojno- izobraževalnem obdobju Slovenian primary school foreign language teachers: an insight into the teaching of a foreign language in the first cycle according to Clil 106 Milena Mileva Blažić Medkulturni pravljični motivi na slovenskih panjskih končnicah 108 Sanja Vulić Hrvatsko-slovenski jezični dodiri u pjesništvu Stipe Cvitana Croatian-Slovenian language in contact in Stipe Cvitan‘s poems 110 Ljiljana Banjanin, Persida Lazarević Di Giacomo, Svetlana Šeatović Un autore transnazionale Stibe Miličić Stibe Miličić, a transnational author 111 Jelica Rajković Mcewan and Murakami: between East and West 112 Sabina Zorčič linguistic identity through a Bourdieusian lens 113 Andrijana Kos-Lajtman, Ana Marija Klarić Stereotipi i predrasude o kajkavcima u kontekstu imagološkog pristupa novijoj hrvatskoj prozi Stereotypes and prejudices about kaj-dialect speakers via imagology approach to contemporary Croatian prose 115 Ana Toroš Modeli literarne reprezentacije Drugega in travmatične kolektivne memorije manjšinske skupnosti: primer slovenske tržaške književnosti 116 Mojca Schlamberger Brezar Problem prevajanja kulturnih izrazov iz francoske literature v slovenščino – nove strategije v času globalizacije? Problem of translation of culturally specific terms of French culture into Slovene – new approaches in the time of globalisation? 118 Sonia Vaupot Approche interculturelle et traduction des sites Web touristiques Medkulturni pristop in prevajanje turističnih spletnih strani intercultural Approach and Translation of Tourism Websites 121 Adriana Mezeg The transfer of French culture-bound vocabulary into Slovene 122 Monika Gawlak Transfer kulturowy w polskich przekładach prozy Vlada Žabota Cultural transfer in Polish translations of Vlado Žabot’s prose 124 Mirela Šušić jezik i kultura u Trilogiji o kurlanima Mirka Božića language and Culture in Triologija o kurlanima written by Mirko Božić 126 Stefan Basarić, Milanka Stankić Metamorfoze jezika – od svakodnevnog do svevremenskog le metamorfosi della lingua – da quella quotidiana a quella di tutti i tempi 128 Maslina Ljubičić Figli metaforici nel linguaggio dei proverbi Metaphorical children in the language of proverbs 130 Tina Laco „Homeland vs. Europe – reflections in contemporary literature“ 131 Ana Pejović kodovi čojstva u Đilasovim romanima Besudna zemlja i Crna Gora Codes of humanity in Djilas’s novels land without justice and Montenegro 133 Miluša Bakrač incidentnost Šćepanovićevih likova u romanima Sramno leto, iskupljenje i Usta puna zemlje incidence of Scepanovic‘s characters in the novels Shameful summer, Pursuit and Mouth full of earth 135 Jožica Jožef Beg Branje zgodovinskega romana kot izhodišče za razmišljanje o jeziku in kulturi pri pouku književnosti v srednji šoli Reading the Historical Novel as a starting point for thinking about language and culture in teaching literature in high school 137 Nataša Bauman jezikovno in kulturno vključevanje tujcev pri jezikovnem pouku v okviru srednješolskega izobraževanja 138 Diana Košir kultura in medkulturno v kanonskih delih slovenske literature DElAVNiCE/lABoRAToRi/WoRkSHoPS 143 Tilka Jamnik France Prešeren: Zdravljica 144 Vesna Mikolič obravnava Franceta Prešerna po modelu TilkA 145 Diana Košir Model TilkA za medkulturno poučevanje jezika in književnosti pri slovenščini 146 Stanka Emeršič Števila in barve – večjezičnost v osnovni šoli 147 Alenka Likar Večjezičnost in kultura pri jezikovnem učenju osnovnošolskih otrok 148 Urška Peršin Mazi Arabska slikanica 149 Nataša Bauman, Brigita Lovenjak Praktični primer vključevanja učenca migranta in njegove kulture v pouk slovenskega jezika in književnosti v osnovni šoli 150 Nataša Bauman, Brigita Lovenjak Praktični primer vključevanja učenca migranta in njegove kulture v pouk slovenskega jezika in književnosti v srednji šoli 151 Nastja Valentinčič Al Bukhari, Nives Čotar, Andreja Polanc, Nataša Kabaj Bavdaž Clil v akciji 152 Mojca Ficko, Lilijana FIjavž, Martina Vogrinec Formalno in neformalno učenje tujih jezikov na gimnaziji F. Miklošiča v ljutomeru 153 Nataša Šipek Medpredmetna obravnava Hemingwayevega romana komu zvoni 154 Veronika Vizjak Haiku kot sredstvo za spodbujanje kreativnega pisanja v tujih jezikih 155 Katarina Nagode Baudelaire: Tujec 156 Jasmina Miklič Umetnostna in neumetnostna besedila pri pouku slovenščine in nemščine na primeru lorelaj (Heinrich Heine) 157 Lara Stele Šalamon Slovensko-francoska obravnava Villonove balade o obešencih JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE O KONFERENCI Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče koper (Si), Univerza v ljubljani (Si), Univerza v Zagrebu (HR) in Univerza v Gradcu (AT) organizirajo dvodnevno mednarodno konferenco 27. in 28. oktobra 2017, ki se bo osredinila na raz- merje med jezikom in kulturo na področju kulturnih študij, turizma, jezikov- nega učenja in poučevanja in literature. jezik in kultura je osnovno raziskovalno področje sociolingvistike, a da- nes izgleda, da nobena jezikoslovna disciplina ne more več mimo te relacije. kompleksni odnos med jezikom in kulturo postaja v časih, ko so stiki med kulturami in jeziki zelo intenzivni in vplivajo pravzaprav na vse družbene sfere, predmet tudi številnih drugih humanističnih in družboslovnih ved, od kulturnih študij do ekonomije. Ne glede na to, ali razumemo kulturo v ožjem ali širšem pomenu besede, in ne glede na to, ali se ukvarjamo z zmožnostjo in rabo enega ali več jezikov, vedno pridemo do spoznanja, kako ključnega pomena so ta vprašanja za življenje skupnosti, lokalne, regionalne, nacional- ne, nadnacionalne, globalne. Prav v času, ko bodisi nekatere teorije zarote bodisi dejanske ekonomske težnje in razvoj komunikacijskih orodij kažejo na proces vse večjega poenotenje globalne družbe, so glasovi po večji moči in vplivu posameznih nacionalnih, religioznih, kulturnih skupnosti vse glasnej- ši. Najresnejši svetovni konflikti se rojevajo prav iz nasprotja med globaliza- cijo in nacionalizmi, ki se napajajo v religijah, rasah, tradicijah in vsemu, kar sodi v okvir kulture. kako se v teh razmerah obnašajo posamezne nacionalne skupnosti in kako nadnacionalne zveze, kakršna je Evropska unija? kako te nasprotujoče si težnje vplivajo na njihovo gospodarstvo, turizem, umetnost, izobraževanje in druga družbena področja? kako se v teh okoliščinah razvi- jajo večplastne identitete posameznika in skupnosti? kakšno vlogo imajo pri tem komunikacija, posamezni jeziki, kakšna naj bosta jezikovna politika in načrtovanje, kakšno naj bo jezikovno izobraževanje? Na takšna in podobna vprašanja bo konferenca »jeziki v stiku – jezik in kultura« poskusila odgovarjati v okviru štirih sekcij: 1. jezik in kultura v okviru kulturnih študij, 2. jezik in kultura v turizmu, 3. Večjezičnost in kultura pri jezikovnem učenju, 4. jezik in kultura v literaturi. 15 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE SULLA CONFERENZA il 27 e il 28 ottobre 2017 il Centro di Ricerche Scientifiche Capodistria (Si), l’Università di lubiana (Si), l’Università di Zagabria (HR) e l’Università di Graz (AT) organizzano una conferenza internazionale di due giorni. l’attenzione sarà rivolta principalmente alla relazione tra lingua e cultura attraverso quattro am- biti di studio: gli studi culturali, il turismo, l’apprendimento della lingua e gli stu-di letterari. la relazione tra la lingua e la cultura è un campo di ricerca fondamentale del- la sociolinguistica, ma oggi sembra che anche tutte le altre discipline linguistiche non possano ignorarla. Nei tempi odierni quando i contatti tra le culture e le lin- gue sono molto intensi e influenzano tutte le sfere sociali, la complessa relazione tra lingua e cultura sta diventando oggetto di studio anche di molte altre scienze umanistiche e sociali, dagli studi culturali fino all’economia. A prescindere dalla percezione della cultura nel senso stretto o lato e dal fatto di occuparsi dell’uso di una o più lingue, in ogni caso dobbiamo riconoscere l’importanza di questi elementi nella vita della comunità locale, regionale, nazionale, transnazionale e globale. Proprio nel periodo in cui alcune teorie cospirative, certe tendenze economiche e l’evoluzione degli strumenti di comunicazione evidenziano il pro- cesso di omogeneizzazione della società globale, singole comunità nazionali, re- ligiose e culturali esigono sempre più insistentemente di ottenere una maggiore forza e influenza. i conflitti mondiali più seri nascono proprio dal contrasto tra la globalizzazione e i nazionalismi, che sono alimentati dalle religioni, dalle divisio- ni razziali, dalle tradizioni e da tutto quello che rientra nell’ambito della cultura. Come si comportano in tali circostanze le singole comunità nazionali e come le unioni transnazionali, come ad esempio l’Unione europea? Come influiscono qu- este tendenze contrastanti sulla loro economia, il turismo, l’arte, l'istruzione e su altri settori sociali? Come si sviluppano in tale contesto le molteplici identità individuali e collettive? Nelle circostanze attuali qual è il ruolo della comunica- zione, delle singole lingue e come dovrebbero essere la politica, la pianificazione linguistica e l’insegnamento delle lingue? A tali e simili domande cercheremo di rispondere attraverso le quattro sezioni della conferenza “lingue in contatto – lingua e cultura”: 1. lingua e cultura nell'ambito degli studi culturali, 2. lingua e cultura nel turismo, 3. Cultura, plurilinguismo e apprendimento della lingua, 4. lingua e cultura nella letteratura. 16 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE ABOUT CONFERENCE in october, 27th-28th, 2017 the Science and Research Centre of koper (Si), University of ljubljana (Si), University of Zagreb (HR), and University of Graz (AT) will host the two-day international conference to focus on re- lationship between language and culture within four areas: cultural studies, tourism, language learning and literature. The relationship between language and culture is essential specifically to the research field of sociolonguistics, although nowadays it seems that also all the other branches in linguistics cannot ignore this fundamental relationship. Due to the intensification of contacts between cultures and languages and the- ir consequent influences on all the social spheres characteristics of current society, the complex relationship between language and culture becomes the subject matter of many other fields of research within humanistic and social studies, from cultural studies to economics. A certain perception of culture in a literal or broader sense or the use of one or more languages, are in any case important elements within the local, regional, transnational, global communi- ty life. just at time when some conspiracy theories, economical trends and the evolution of means of communication highlight the process of homogenization of global society, single national communities, with their religious and cultural elements, urgently demand to obtain more strength and capability to influen- ce the society. The worst world conflicts start right from the contrast between globalisation and nationalisms, these last elements, nationalisms, fomented by religions, racial divisions, traditions and other peculiarities linked to a spe- cific culture. How do behave single national communities and transnational communities as, for example, the European Union? How do such conflicting trends influence economy, tourism, art, education and other social spheres of local communities? How do identities, multiple and individual, develop within this context? What is the role of communication and of single languages under these circumstances? How should be politics, language planning, language te- aching and learning be designed? These questions, and others, are what the conference “language and Cul- ture” will try to answer through the following for sections: 1. language and Culture within Cultural Studies, 2. language, Culture and Tourism, 3. Culture, Plurilinguism and language learning, 4. language, Culture and literature. 17 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE ORGANIZATORJI/ORGANIZZATORI/ORGANIZERS Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Koper, Inštitut za jezikoslovne študije Univerza v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fakulteta Sveučilište v Zagrebu, Učiteljski fakultet u Zagrebu v sodelovanju z/ in collaborazione con/in collaboration with EMUNI – Evro-sredozemska univerza/Euro-Mediterranean University, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Institut für Slawistik Osnovno šolo Koper konferenca poteka v okviru projekta »Razvoj in udejanjanje inovativnih učnih okolij in prožnih oblik učenja za dvig splošnih kompetenc, sklop 1.3 Večjezičnost«. la conferenza si svolge nell‘ambito del progetto “Sviluppo e realizzazione di ambienti di apprendimento innovativi e di forme flessibili di apprendi- mento per il miglioramento delle competenze generali, sezione 1.3 Multilin- guismo”. The conference is part of the project „Development and realization of in- novative learning environments and flexible forms of learning for improving general skills, section 1.3 Multilingualism“. 18 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE PROGRAMSKI IN ORGANIZACIJSKI ODBOR/COMITATO SCIENTIFICO E ORGANIZZATIVO/CONFERENCE TEAM dr. Vesna Mikolič, vodja/presidentessa/Head dr. lucija čok dr. Maja Smotlak dr. irina Cavaion dr. karmen Pižorn dr. Milena Mileva Blažič dr. Agnieszka Będkowska-kopczyk dr. katarina Aladrović Slovaček dr. Dunja Pavličević-Franić 19 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE PROGRAM »JEZIK IN KULTURA« KOPER 2017 / PROGRAMMA »LINGUA E CULTURA« KOPER 2017 / PROGRAM »LANGUAGE AND CULTURE« KOPER 2017 Petek, 27. 10. 2017/ Venerdì, 27. 10. 2017/Friday, 27. 10. 2017 OŠ Koper 8.00–9.00 Registracija/Registrazione/Registration 9.00–9.30 Uvodni pozdrav/Saluto introduttivo/opening ceremony 9.30–10.30 Plenarna predavanja/Sessione plenaria/Plenary session Moderator/Moderatore/Chair: Vesna Mikolič Bruce Burgett (University of Washington Bothell), Glenn Hendler (Fordham University): What Do Keywords Do? 10.30–11.00 odmor/Pausa/Coffe break 11.00–14.00 KULTURNI ŠTUDIJI/STUDI CULTURALI/CULTURAL STUDIES Moderatorki/Moderatori/Chairs: Lucija Čok, Vesna Mikolič Vesna Polovina (University of Belgrade): Slovenia and Slovenians in the urban linguistic landscape of Belgrade Amra Memić (University of Bihać): Deconstruction of Tito's language - Divinity semiotics of the ideology of totalitarian communism in the former Yugoslavia Stevka Šmitran (University of Teramo): Civiltà balcanica e la cultura della memoria 21 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE Ana Vraneša (Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia), Petra Korać, Bernardina Petrović, Mirjana Pavlica (University of Zagreb): Utjecaj engleskojezične paradigme na hrvatski genetički leksik/Impact of the English language paradigm to the Croatian lexicon genetics Lucija Čok (Science and Research Centre koper): Medkulturna komunikacija v prostoru brez mej. Računalniško podprta komunikacija in jeziki/Intercultural communication in boundless space. Computer-mediated communication (CMC) and languages Črt Močivnik (Elementary School i. osnovna šola Celje): Računalniško opismenjevanje in jezikovno učenje/Computer literacy and language learning Matejka Grgič (Slovene Research institute of Trieste): Terminology as a cultural project: the consequences of the double standard in a minority context Maja Zadel (Science and Research Centre koper): Jezik in kultura na obmejnem območju slovenske Istre skozi perspektivo nacionalnega diskurza 14.00–15.00 kosilo/Pranzo/lunch 15.00–16.00 Plenarna predavanja/Sessione plenaria/Plenary session Moderatorka/Moderatore/Chair: Vesna Mikolič Gudrun Held (University of Salzburg): Staging Cultural Identity through Language Markers. Observations on Tourist Advertising Monika Dannerer (University of innsbruck): Local Language – Local Identity? Reflections on Authentic, Ludic and Lucrative Language Use in Tourism 22 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE 16.00–18.30 TURISTIČNI GOVOR/DISCORSO SUL TURISMO/TOURISM DISCOURSE Moderatorki/Moderatori/Chairs: Agnieszka Będkowska-Kopczyk, Vesna Mikolič Diana Stolac (University of Rijeka), Vesna Grahovac-Pražić (Sveučilište u Zadru): Culture, tourism and linguistic landscape Elma Durmišević-Cernica (University of Sarajevo): Turistički plakat – pragmalingvistička i sociolingvistička analiza/The tourist poster – a pragmatic and sociolinguistic analysis Hristina Nedialkova (University of Economics Varna): Tour guides and intercultural communication: key messages in two different tourist destinations Agnieszka Będkowska-Kopczyk (University of Graz): Majolka bod pozdravljena ('Majolka be healed'). Keywords of Slovenian wine culture and cross-cultural communication in tourism Vesna Mikolič (Science and Research Centre koper, University of Trieste): Ključne besede slovenskega turizma in slovenske kulture – ob izbranih primerih/Keywords of the Slovenian tourism and Slovenian culture – in selected cases Irina Makarova Tominec (University of Primorska): Medkulturnost pri učenju ruščine v turizmu na začetni ravni/Intercultural characteristics of the course »Russian for tourism«, beginners level 19.30 odhod z avtobusom v Piran/Trasferimento in autobus a Pirano/Bus transfer to Piran 20.00 Svečana otvoritev s pogostitvijo in plenarnim predavanjem/Cerimonia di apertura con buffet e sesione plenaria/Welcome reception and plenary session Ksenija Vidmar Horvat (University of ljubljana): Tourist Patriotism: From Ethnicization to Marketization of Nation 23 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE Sobota, 28. 10. 2017/ Sabato, 28.10.2017 / Saturday, 28. 10. 2017 OŠ Koper 8.00–9.00 Registracija/Registrazione/Registration 9.00–10.00 Plenarna predavanja/Sessione plenaria/Plenary session Moderatorka/Moderatore/Chair: Lucija Čok Tamara Turza-Bogdan (University of Zagreb): Multilingualism in the Mother Tongue Classroom – Between Theory and Practice Lidija Cvikić (University of Zagreb): What Mother-Tongue Language Teachers Think about Multilingualism: an example from Croatia 10.00–10.20 odmor/Pausa/Coffe break 10.20–13.00 LANGUAGE LEARNING/APPRENDIMENTO LINGUISTICO/JEZIKOVNO UČENJE 1. sekcija/1a sessione/1st session Moderatorki/Moderatori/Chairs: Karmen Pižorn, Lucija Čok l1, l2/j1, j2 Maja Đukanović (University of Belgrade): Slovenska kulturna dediščina pri pouku slovenščine kot tujega jezika/Slovenian cultural heritage in the teaching of Slovene as a foreign language Dunja Pavličević-Franič, Katarina Aladrović Slovaček, Lana Jager (University of Zagreb): Comparative analysis of communicative competence in Croatian language learning as L2 in children of Croatian emigrants in Germany and Hungary 24 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE Ivana Čagalj, Anita Skelin Horvat, Aleksandra Ščukanec (University of Zagreb): Hrvatski jezik u manjinskom obrazovanju: situacija u Slovačkoj u usporedbi s Austrijom/The Croatian language and the minority education: situation in Slovakia and Austria Ana Cvetković, Dragana Vasilijević (University of Belgrade ): Bilingvalna nastava u gimnazijama na jugu Srbije/Bilingual education at grammar schools at south of Serbia VEčjEZičNoST, RAZNojEZičNoST, jEZikoVNA PoliTikA/ MUlTiliNGUAliSMo, PlURiliNGUiSMo E PoliTiCHE liNGUiSTiCHE/ MUlTiliNGUAliSM, PlURiliNGUAliSM, lANGUAGE PoliCy Karmen Pižorn (University of ljubljana): Translanguaging – a new paradigm shift? / Čezjezičnost – nova paradigma? Ingrid Keller-Russell (University of Hamburg): Interaction and reflexivity in language learning processes in the globalized school Tadeja Rozman (University of ljubljana) : Spletni portal Jezikovna Slovenija/The web portal Jezikovna Slovenija Lucia Gaja Scuteri (University of Primorska): Uno sguardo all’arbitrato linguistico (1980–1990): spunti per la politica linguistica slovena/A look at the linguistic arbitration board (1980–1990): sparks for the slovenian language policy 2. sekcija/2a sessione/2nd session Moderatorki/Moderatori/Chairs: Irina Cavaion, Silva Bratož MoDEli iN METoDE ZA PoUčEVANjE jEZikoV/APPRoCCi E METoDi Di iNSEGNAMENTo liNGUiSTiCo/lANGUAGE TEACHiNG APPRoACHES AND METHoDS Katarina Aladrović Slovaček, Ivan Igić, Ana Trninić (University of Zagreb): The role of creative didactic games in the process of language and culture learning Filip Džankić, Krunoslav Mikulan, Vladimir Legac (University of Zagreb): Comics and language anxiety in teaching English as a foreign language 25 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE Irina M. Cavaion (Science and Research Centre koper): Insegnare ed apprendere le lingue del vicino nelle aree multilingui di frontiera: significati, criticità, strategie, prospettive/Teaching and learning neighbouring languages in multilingual border areas: meanings, critical issues, strategies, perspectives Barbara Baloh (University of Primorska): Vpliv zunanjih dejavnikov na učenje slovenščine kot J2/JT v predšolskem in zgodnjem šolskem obdobju/The influence of external factors on learning Slovenian as a sl/fl at a pre-school and early primary school age MEDiSCiPliNARNoST iN koNTEkST PRi UčENjU jEZikA/ iNTERDiSCiPliNARiETA’ E CoNTESTo NEll’APPRENDiMENTo liNGUiSTiCo/iNTERDiSCiPliNARiTy AND CoNTEXT iN lANGUAGE lEARNiNG Tatjana Balažic Bulc (University of ljubljana): Podoba Drugega v slovenskih osnovnošolskih učnih načrtih in učbenikih/The image of the Other in Slovenian elementary school curricula and textbooks Anja Pirih, Mojca Žefran, Silva Bratož (University of Primorska): Vzgoja raznojezičnih otrok: večjezičnost in raznojezičnost z vidika staršev/ Raising plurilingual children: parents' attitudes towards multilingualism and plurilingualism Tanja Pavlič (Elementary school/osnovna šola Elvire Vatovec Prade): Obravnava družinske tematike pri pouku jezikov/Covering the family theme in languages’ classes Tilen Smajla (Elementary School/Scuola elementare Pier Paolo Vergerio il Vecchio koper–Capodistria): Učitelji tujega jezika v slovenski javni osnovni šoli: vpogled v poučevanje tujega jezika po pristopu CLIL v prvem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju/Slovenian primary school foreign language teachers: an insight into the teaching of a foreign language in the first cycle according to CLI 26 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE 3. sekcija/3a sessione/3rd session Moderatorka/Moderatore/Chair: Tina Rožac DElAVNiCE/lABoRAToRi/ WoRkSHoPS – PRiMERi DoBRiH PRAkS UčiTEljEV jEZikA iN kNjiŽEVNoSTi/ESEMPi Di BUoNE PRATiCHE DEGli iNSEGNANTi Di liNGUA E lETTERATURA/BEST PRACTiCES oF lANGUAGE AND liTERATURE TEACHERS (SAMo V SloVENŠčiNi/Solo iN SloVENo/oNly iN SloVENiAN) Tilka Jamnik (Slovenska sekcija iBBy): France Prešeren: Zdravljica Vesna Mikolič (Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče koper; Univerza v Trstu): Obravnava Franceta Prešerna po modelu TILKA Diana Košir (Univerza na Primorskem; Srednja elektro in pomorska šola Piran): Model TILKA za medkulturno poučevanje jezika in književnosti pri slovenščini Stanka Emeršič (osnovna šola janka Padežnika Maribor): Števila in barve – večjezičnost v osnovni šoli Alenka Likar (osnovna šola koper): Večjezičnost in kultura pri jezikovnem učenju osnovnošolskih otrok Urška Peršin Mazi (osnovna šola 8 talcev logatec): Arabska slikanica Nataša Bauman, Brigita Lovenjak (Srednja ekonomska šola Maribor): Praktični primer vključevanja učenca migranta in njegove kulture v pouk slovenskega jezika in književnosti v osnovni šoli 13.00–14.30 kosilo in voden ogled kopra/Pranzo e visita guidata di Capodistria/lunch and koper tour 14.30–15.30 Plenary session / Sessione plenaria/Plenarna predavanja Moderatorka/Moderatore/Chair: Lucija Čok Miran Košuta (University of Trieste): … ko se še v meni dva jaza zbudita. Ma cosa vuoi – così è la vita! O literarni dvojezičnosti slovenskih leposlovcev v Italiji Renate Hansen-Kokoruš (University of Graz): Literature and culture: What can we learn through literature about the culture of a country? 27 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE 15.30–18.10 KNJIŽEVNOSTI/LETTERATURA/LITERATURE 1. sekcija/1a sessione/1st session Moderatorki/Moderatori/Chairs: Milena Mileva Blažič, Maja Smotlak TRANSkUlTURNoST V kNjiŽEVNoSTi/TRANSCUlTURAliTÀ E lETTERATURA/TRANSCUlTURAliTy iN liTERATURE Milena Mileva Blažić (University of ljubljana): Medkulturni pravljični motivi na slovenskih panjskih končnicah Sanja Vulić (University of Zagreb): Hrvatsko-slovenski jezični dodiri u pjesništvu Stipe Cvitana/Croatian-Slovenian language in contact in Stipe Cvitan's poems Ljiljana Banjanin (University of Torino), Persida Lazarević Di Giacomo (University “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara), Svetlana Šeatović (institute for literature and Art Belgrade): Un autore transnazionale Stibe Miličić/Stibe Miličić, a transnational author NoTioNS oF iDENTiTy, iMAGoloGy/ NoZioNi Di iDENTiTA', iMAGoloGiA / koNCEPTi iDENTiTETE, iMAGoloGijA Jelica Rajković (University of Belgrade): Mcewan and Murakami: between East and West Sabina Zorčič (institut for Ethnic Studies of ljubljana): linguistic identity through a Bourdieusian lens Andrijana Kos-Lajtman, Ana Marija Klarić (University of Zagreb): Stereotipi i predrasude o kajkavcima u kontekstu imagološkog pristupa novijoj hrvatskoj prozi/Stereotypes and prejudices about kaj-dialect speakers via imagology approach to contemporary Croatian prose Ana Toroš (University of Nova Gorica): Modeli literarne reprezentacije Drugega in travmatične kolektivne memorije manjšinske skupnosti: primer slovenske tržaške književnosti 28 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE 2. sekcija/2a sessione/2nd session Moderatorka/Moderatore/Chair: Silva Bratož PREVoDoSloVjE, MEDkUlTURNA kNjiŽEVNoST/STUDi Di TRADUZioNE, lETTERATURA iNTERCUlTURAlE/TRANSlATioN STUDiES, iNTERCUlTURAl liTERATURE Mojca Schlamberger Brezar (University of ljubljana): Problem prevajanja kulturnih izrazov iz francoske literature v slovenščino – nove strategije v času globalizacije?/Problem of translation of culturally specific terms of French culture into Slovene – new approaches in the time of globalisation? Sonia Vaupot (University of ljubljana): Approche interculturelle et traduction des sites Web touristiques/Medkulturni pristop in prevajanje turističnih spletnih strani/Intercultural approach and translation of tourism websites Adriana Mezeg (University of ljubljana): The transfer of French culture- bound vocabulary into Slovene Monika Gawlak (University of Silesia in katowice): Transfer kulturowy w polskich przekładach prozy Vlada Žabota/Cultural transfer in Polish translations of Vlado Žabot’s prose liTERARNi DiSkURZ/DiSCoRSo lETTERARio/liTERARy DiSCoURSE Mirela Šušić (University of Zadar): Jezik i kultura u Trilogiji o Kurlanima Mirka Božića/Language and Culture in Triologija o Kurlanima written by Mirko Božić Stefan Basarić (University of Novi Sad), Milanka Stankić (Udruženje ’’Mladi i igra” Subotica): Metamorfoze jezika – od svakodnevnog do svevremenskog/ Le metamorfosi della lingua – da quella quotidiana a quella di tutti i tempi Maslina Ljubičić (University of Zagreb): Figli metaforici nel linguaggio dei proverbi/Metaphorical children in the language of proverbs 29 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE 3. sekcija/3a sessione/3rd session Moderatorka/Moderatore/Chair: Anja Pirih kUlTURA V kNjiŽEVNoSTi/CUlTURA NEllA lETTERATURA/CUlTURE iN liTERATURE Tina Laco (University of Mostar): Homeland vs. Europe – reflections in contemporary literature Ana Pejović (University of Nikšić): Kodovi čojstva u Đilasovim romanima Besudna zemlja i Crna Gora/Codes of humanity in Djilas’s novels Land without justice and Montenegro Miluša Bakrač (University of Nikšić): Incidence of Scepanovic's characters in the novels Shameful summer, Pursuit and Mouth full of earth/ Incidentnost Šćepanovićevih likova u romanima Sramno leto, Iskupljenje i Usta puna zemlje liTERARNA DiDAkTikA/DiDATTiCA lETTERARiA/liTERATURE DiDACTiCS Jožica Jožef Beg (School Center of Novo mesto): Branje zgodovinskega romana kot izhodišče za razmišljanje o jeziku in kulturi pri pouku književnosti v srednji šoli/Reading the historical novel as a starting point for thinking about language and culture in teaching literature in high school Nataša Bauman (Secondary School Srednja ekonomska šola Maribor ): Jezikovno in kulturno vključevanje tujcev pri jezikovnem pouku v okviru srednješolskega izobraževanja) Diana Košir (University of Primorska and Secondary School Srednja elektro in pomorska šola Piran): Kultura in medkulturno v kanonskih delih slovenske literature 30 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE 4. sekcija/4a sessione/4th session Moderatorka/Moderatore/Chair: Mojca Žafran DElAVNiCE/lABoRAToRi/ WoRkSHoPS – PRiMERi DoBRiH PRAkS UčiTEljEV jEZikA iN kNjiŽEVNoSTi/ESEMPi Di BUoNE PRATiCHE DEGli iNSEGNANTi Di liNGUA E lETTERATURA/BEST PRACTiCES oF lANGUAGE AND liTERATURE TEACHERS (SAMo V SloVENŠčiNi/Solo iN SloVENo/oNly iN SloVENiAN) Nataša Bauman, Brigita Lovenjak (Srednja ekonomska šola Maribor): Praktični primer vključevanja učenca migranta in njegove kulture v pouk slovenskega jezika in književnosti v srednji šoli Nastja Valentinčič Al Bukhari, Nives Čotar, Andreja Polanc, Nataša Kabaj Bavdaž (Šolski center Nova Gorica, Srednja ekonomska in trgovska šola): CLIL v akciji Mojca Ficko, Lilijana Fijavž, Martina Vogrinec (Gimnazija Franca Miklošiča, ljutomer): Formalno in neformalno učenje tujih jezikov na gimnaziji Frana Miklošiča v Ljutomeru Nataša Šipek (Gimnazija jožeta Plečnika ljubljana): Medpredmetna obravnava Hemingwayevega romana Komu zvoni Veronika Vizjak (Gimnazija jožeta Plečnika ljubljana): Haiku kot sredstvo za spodbujanje kreativnega pisanja v tujih jezikih Katarina Nagode (Gimnazija jožeta Plečnika ljubljana): Baudelaire: Tujec Jasmina Miklič (Gimnazija jožeta Plečnika ljubljana): Umetnostna in neumetnostna besedila pri pouku slovenščine in nemščine na primeru Lorelaj (Heinrich Heine) Lara Stele Šalamon (Gimnazija jožeta Plečnika ljubljana): Slovensko- francoska obravnava Villonove Balade o obešencih 31 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE 18.30–19.00 Plenarno predavanje in zaključek konference/Sessione plenaria e cerimonia di chiusura/Plenary session and closing ceremony Janet Enever (University of Reading and Umeå University, Sweden): Towards Plurilingualism: Can Bilingual Primary Programmes Offer the First Steps? 32 PlENARNA PREDAVANjA/ SESSioNi PlENARiE/ PlENARy SESSioNS JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE WHAT DO KEyWORDS DO? Bruce BURGETT University of Washington Bothell Glenn HENDlER Fordham University Drawing on their experience publishing two editions of keywords for American Cultural Studies (published by New york University Press in 2007 and 2014), as well as developing an online supplement to the second edition, Burgett and Hendler will discuss what makes a keyword volume and a key- word essay different from other forms of writing about language and culture. As a hybrid print-digital publication, keywords aims not to codify the state of an ostensibly stable field called either American studies or cultural studies, but to catalyze interdisciplinary and global conversations about field forma- tion across the critical humanities and social sciences. in contrast to an en- cyclopedia entry, a literature review, or a dictionary definition, a keyword essay provides genealogies and futurologies of terms and concepts. The dis- tinctiveness of “thinking through keywords” is best exemplified in the forms of pedagogy and collaborative digital composition enabled and fostered by the keywords Collaboratory, a wiki-based writing space that has been used by thousands of undergraduate and graduate students. Burgett and Hendler will discuss the presumptions about writing, thinking, and reading that are upended when students compose collaborative online keyword essays in the Collaboratory, and explore the implications of these practices for the study of language and culture. Bruce Burgett is the Dean of the School of interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences at the University of Washington Bothell, and graduate faculty in the Department of English at the University of Washington Seattle. He serves on the board of the UW Graduate Certificate in Public Scholarship and is a core faculty member in the community-based Master of Arts in Cultural Studies at UW Bothell. He is the author of Sentimental Bodies: Sex, Gender, and Citizenship in the Early Republic, and co-editor of the first and second editions of keywords for American 35 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE Cultural Studies (with Glenn Hendler). He has taught, researched, and published widely in the fields of American studies, cultural studies, and queer studies. He serves or has served on the editorial and advisory boards of American Quarterly, American literary History, lateral: A journal of the Cultural Studies Association, and Public: A journal of imagining America. He is the former Chair of the National Advisory Board of imagining America: Artists and Scholars in Public life and Past President of the Cultural Studies Association. He recently served on the Board of Trustees of Humanities Washington, the humanities council for the state of Washington. Glenn Hendler is Professor of English and American Studies and Chair of the English department at Fordham University, where he has also directed the American Studies Program. He's the author of the book Public Sentiments: Structures of Feeling in 19th-Century American literature; co-editor of Sentimental Men: Masculinity and the Politics of Affect in American Culture; and co-editor of an edition of Walt Whitman's novel Franklin Evans; or, The inebriate. With Bruce Burgett, he edited keywords for American Cultural Studies. His current project is a book about David Bowie's 1974 album Diamond Dogs, which will be published in Bloomsbury Press's "33 1/3" series. 36 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE STAGING CULTURAL IDENTITy THROUGH LANGUAGE MARKERS. OBSERVATIONS ON TOURIST ADVERTISING Gudrun HElD University of Salzburg As one of the most influential branches of global economy, tourism is established and maintained by a continuously growing network of commu- nication. Spread all over the world and through all sorts of media, tourist communication is concerned with promoting whatever insignificant pla- ce, viz. territories, countries, regions, locations etc., as a desirable holiday destination. in order to be profitably ‘consumed’ according to the common ideologies of leisure, sight-seeing and mobility – adequately termed as the ‘tourist gaze’ by Urry 1990 – places have thus to be turned into competitive marketing products that sell their cultural identity in discourse. This goal is achieved through the establishment of a distinctive image that is discursive- ly proposed and upheld by a thoughtfully elaborated multimodal textuality, engaging visual and language simultaneously. As advertising, in all its mediatized forms, is the most successful means of not only representing the built image, but also expanding it cross-culturally, i will focus on this diversified genre and discuss the relationship between “language and culture” referring to a large collection of selected destination- -ads from the last 50 years. According to the assumption that tourist com- munication is all at once space communication, image communication and (inter)cultural communication, language use, together with other semiotic resources, aims at building a particular, but especially appealing corporate identity. By charging the physical, social and cultural qualities of a place with both, specific cognitive knowledge and emotional values, advertisers attem- pt to create a unique destination proposition which should not only capture different tourist targets, but also unconsciously influence their decision ma- king process: viz. the touristic choice (pre-trip), the ‘lived’ tourist experience (in-trip) and what is later kept in memory (post-trip). For this aim it is not sufficient to represent topographic surroundings and cultural conditions, but to draw effectively on what i call identity markers (or, with lugrin 2004, 37 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE icônes identitaires du lieu), i.e. a group of discursively conveyed emblema- tic characteristics (such as a genius loci, specific artefacts, costumes, habits, beliefs, and others, hence turned into symbols, clichés or even stereotyped devices) that are representative for the respective places and stand for what is since long supposed to be their particular culture. Among these, language plays a fundamental role in depicting the identity of places between local, regional, national or even global shaping. That is why destination ads intentionally exploit the structural properties of langua- ge, its stylistic varieties and pragmatic qualities within a specific text-design, mostly by creating a particular, but ‘auto-referential’ relation with the pictu- re which, in tourist promotion, is of primordial importance. Referring to selected examples and based on a Multimodal Discourse Analysis i will show how language items turn into special identity markers, and how this is textually triggered between signifiant (form) and signifié (meaning) so that the promoted place turns into an attractive, but authen- tic must-see sight. By comparing different periods of tourist advertising, it can further be demonstrated that language cues are equally responsible for the semiotic turn that tourism discourse has recently made reflecting the destination not anymore as a static locus amoenus, but rather as a dynamic space of embodied performances. Tourism ads thus do not only coin the to- urist gaze, but they literally enact it as a multisensory lived consumption of cultures. Quoted literature: lUGRiN, GillES (2004) : la construction des icônes identitaires des lieux touristiques: Chypre dans les publicités touristiques de langue française. in: Baider, F./ Burger, M./ Goutsos, D. (eds.), la communication touristique. Approches discursives de l‘identité et de l‘alterité. Paris, Harmattan, 235 – 257. URRy, joHN (1990): The Tourist Gaze. london –Thousand oaks – New Dehli, SAGE. Gudrun Held is Professor at the Department of Romance languages, University of Salzburg. Apart from teaching italian and French linguistics and history of Romance languages her research interests are on pragmatics, communication and interaction theory, media tex-tology, advertising language and tourist communication. More particularly, she has published a monograph on linguistic politeness in French and italian (“Verbale Höflichkeit”, Tübingen 1995); she has further edited a lot of collected papers and written many articles in international Journals. 38 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE LOCAL LANGUAGE – LOCAL IDENTITy? REFLECTIONS ON AUTHENTIC, LUDIC AND LUCRATIVE LANGUAGE USE IN TOURISM Monika DANNERER University of innsbruck Tourists are on the move searching for something that is different from “at home” – climate, landscape, leisure and sport possibilities, food, tradi- tions, languages and dialects – nature and culture in general. Many of these special features of the targeted place are (still) part of everyday life of the tourees, but they become commodities to the tourists, they are “advertised” and “sold”. it makes them even more precious when they are rare, unique, archaic or at least authentic. in my presentation Tyrol will serve as a lab for demonstrating different forms of language use for interacting with tourists. Based on a corpus of in- terviews with owners of hotels and private accommodations as well as ser- vice providers, i will deal with the question, how hosts see “their language” in contact with the languages of the tourists? How do they treat their usage of local dialect, standard language and foreign languages in relation to their local identity? Which role does dialect use play for signalling authenticity? Monika Dannerer is professor at the department of German language and literature at the University of innsbruck since 2014. She studied in Salzburg, Graz and Vienna and did her PhD at the University of Bielefeld/Germany. For many years she worked at the University of Salzburg in a pre-doc and post-doc position. Her fields of research are sociolinguistics, first and second language acquisition and language variation. She dealt with workplace communication, acquisition of narrative competences in late childhood as well as with languages and varieties at the university and in tourism. 39 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE TOURISTIC PATRIOTISM: FROM ETHNICIZATION TO MARKETIZATION OF NATION ksenija ViDMAR HoRVAT University of ljubljana This lecture will address the changes in collective imaginary of the nation in the post-millenium culture of marketization of identity. it will be argued that the neoliberal turn to the entrepreneurial self, and, concurrently, the en- trepreneurial state, has affected the ways the national collectives are being culturally reproduced. Modern cultural production of the nation, as argued by scholars of nationalism, was borne on projects of ethnic homogenization, achieved via school, media and other state apparati by means of language and hegemonic curricula on history and identity. The neoliberal nation has adopted modern legacies, but appropriated them to the needs of cultural in- dustries, including tourism and “nation branding”. “internationalization” of the language by English as lingua franca has been legitimized by the idea of the entrepreneurial state whereby promotional strategies aimed at attrac- ting foreign investments and visitors have been classified by state ideologies as “patriotic duty” and active entrepreneurial citizenship. The aim of the lec- ture is to look into theoretical, conceptual and cultural consequences of the turn as concerns the symbolic and real aspects of national belonging. Ksenija Vidmar Horvat is full professor of sociology of culture at the University of ljubljana. Her research interests include questions of cultural identity, gender, Europeanization and post-socialism. Her latest publications address gender and nationalism, cosmopolitan patriotism and post-colonial/post-socialist analysis of peripheries. 40 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE MULTILINGUALISM IN THE MOTHER TONGUE CLASSROOM – BETWEEN THEORy AND PRACTICE Tamara TURZA-BoGDAN University of Zagreb Due to the increase of migrations, there is a growing number of teachers who, apart from the language and the culture of national minorities, teach the students with insufficient knowledge of the mother tongue, which is both the language of their social environment and the education. Student's mul- tilingualism and multiculturalism are the contemporary educational reality that cannot be ignored nor neglected in the teaching of majority's mother tongue. The teacher needs to know the skills required for developing multi- lingualism of the student while, at the same time, developing its psychophy- sical and social characteristics in the multicultural classroom. The presentation will show the results of the research conducted in Cro- atia within the bilateral Croatian-Slovenian project linguistic and cultural identity of the students regarding the languages of education in Croatia and Slovenia. Collected results show the capacity of the lecturers regarding their geographical (multi) lingual environment and the experience in work with the multilingual students. The results show theoretical and practical knowledge of the lecturers on multilingualism as well as the relationship between these two sets of knowledge. Based on the collected results, discus- sion about the methodical competence of the lecturers is developed. Main principals and the activities that could help in developing the multilingua- lism and multiculturalism in the teaching of majority's mother tongue are offered. Tamara Turza-Bogdan, PhD works as an associate professor at the Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb, Department in čakovec. She worked at elementary and secondary schools. She is conducting research of kajkavian literature and dialect in teaching, influence of idioms in development of communicational competences of children, methodology of teaching standard language using idioms and Croatian as foreign language. 41 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE WHAT MOTHER-TONGUE LANGUAGE TEACHERS THINK ABOUT MULTILINGUALISM: AN ExAMPLE FROM CROATIA lidija CVikić University of Zagreb Studies on multilingualism in educational system predominantly deal with the questions of multilingualism and intercultural competence in a fo- reign language classroom (e.g. Petravic, 2016, Goebbel, Helmke 2011, Byram & Feng 2006), while the studies on development of multilingualism and in- tercultural competence in the majority language classroom are still seldom investigated topics. Thus, current global trends and mobility of people made multilingualism one of the central features of a modern educational system, even in countries that are predominantly monolingual, such as Croatia. The Republic of Croatia is perceived as a monolingual country with over 95% of its inhabitants being the native speakers of the Croatian language. However, that perception is rather deceptive for three reasons: 1) language diversity and the ratio of the speakers of majority and minority language at the local administrative level, i.e. in counties, municipalities and cities (see Cvikić 2014,2016, jelaska & Cvikić 2012), 2) the increasing number of Croa- tian l2 speakers integrated in Croatian educational system (jelaska & Cvikić 2012, Turza Bogdan & Ciglar 2013, Cvikić 2014, Cesi, Cvikić & Milovic, 2012) and 3) the fact that a foreign language is a mandatory course from the first grade of primary education. Therefore, the educational system in Croatia should be considered as a multilingual and multicultural environment (Cvi- kić 2014, Cvikić, Novak Milic, 2015). This paper deals with the topic of preparedness of mother-tongue teach- ers for teaching in a multilingual and intercultural classroom. on the basis on research conducted at the bilateral Croatian-Slovenian project Linguistic and Cultural Identity of the Students Regarding the Languages of Education this paper will focus on following questions: How well are Croatian language teachers prepared to work in multilingual settings? What are teachers' be- lieves and attitudes toward multiculturalism? What are the main factors that influence teachers’ attitudes and believes? 42 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE Lidija Cvikić, PhD is an associate professor at Faculty for Teacher Education, University of Zagreb. Her research interest focuses on the acquisition of Croatian as l1 and l2, especially vocabulary and morphology acquisition, l2 language teaching and e-learning of languages. 43 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE … ko se še v meni dva jaza zbudita. ma cosa vuoi – così è la vita! O LITERARNI DVOJEZIČNOSTI SLOVENSKIH LEPOSLOVCEV V ITALIJI Miran KOšUTA University of Trieste kje, pri kom, kdaj in v kolikšni meri vznika v sodobni slovenski književ- nosti v italiji pojav literarne dvojezičnosti? Gre zgolj za osebno umetniško izbiro jezikovno nadizobraženih in večkulturno kompetentnih piscev ali tudi za splošnejši literarni odsev socialno napredujoče narodnostne asimilacije Slovencev v italiji? kaj sproža in podžiga tovrstni literarni „code switching“: identitetni, kulturni, izobrazbeni, tržni vzgibi? So tudi ali pretežno v italijan- ščini pišoči slovenski pesniki in pisatelji iz Furlanije julijske krajine literarno povsem enakovredno dvojezični? Takšna in podobna vprašanja si bo zastavljal prispevek, ki naslovno izhaja iz citata pesnika Miroslava košute, da bi na besednem korpusu odbranih, v italijanščini pišočih slovenskih leposlovcev v italiji iz tržaške, goriške in vi- demske pokrajine detektiral čedalje pogostejšo literarno dvojezičnost med Slovenci v italiji. ...when a double me awakens. ma cosa vuoi – così è la vita! LITERARy BILINGUALISM OF SLOVENIAN WRITERS IN ITALy Where, by whom, when, and to what extent does the emergence of literary bilingualism arise in modern Slovene literature in italy? is it only a personal artistic choice of language-educated and multicultural competent writers, or a more general literary reflection due to the social phenomenon of the na- tional assimilation of Slovenes in italy? What triggers and fakes this kind of literary code switching: identity, cultural, educational, market motivation? is the literary bilingualism of Slovene poets and writers from Friuli Venezia Giulia writing both or mainly in the italian language of the same value? 44 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE Such and similar questions will be posed by the contribution (the title is based on a quotation from the poet Miroslav kosut), in order to detect and reveal at the word corpus of the selected literary pieces of Slovene writers from the Trieste, Gorizia and Udine provinces who write also in italian lan- guage, the increasing frequency of literary bilingualism among Slovenes in Italy. Miran Košuta, assistant professor of Slovene language and literature at the Faculty of literature and Philosophy at the University of Trieste and member of its Department for the Philosophy, languages and literatures, was born 6. 11. 1960 in Trieste (italy). in the years 1998-2001 was professor of Slovene language and literature at the Faculty of literature and Philosophy at the University of Rome “la Sapienza”. President of the Slavistic society of Slovenia in the years 2006-2008, currently is member of the Slovene Writers' Association and Slovene PEN Club. Selected publications: krpanova sol (ljubljana, Cankarjeva založba, 1996), Scritture parallele (Trieste, Edizioni lint, 1997), Slovenica (Reggio Emilia-Trieste, Dia-basis-Editoriale Stampa Triestina, 2005), E-mejli (Maribor, litera, 2008), Mikrofonije (Trst, Založništvo tržaškega tiska, 2010). Translations: Fulvio Tomizza, Frančiška (Celovec-ljubljana-Dunaj, Mohorjeva založba, 2002); Fulvio Tomizza, obiskovalka (Celovec-ljubljana-Dunaj, Mohorjeva založba, 2005). 45 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE LITERATURE AND CULTURE: WHAT CAN WE LEARN THROUGH LITERATURE ABOUT THE CULTURE OF A COUNTRy? Renate HANSEN-kokoRUŠ University of Graz Talking about the relationship of literature and culture in general, we can make three detections: 1. literature is, together with music, film, theatre etc., a part of culture which is understood in a very broad sense as civilization and the historical development of a political and geographic large formation as a nation. in a more closer way, culture is a specific combination of common issues of a society which are more or less visible, but realized and strength- ened through practices—symbols, heroes and rituals (Hofstede 2009: 8). 2. in this context one of the characteristics of literature is the fact, that she re- ceives their motives, figures and cultural images from the reality. 3. Being part of the culture, literature has also a formative power, creating, confirm- ing and changing values. Based primarily on the second aspect, the presentation will analyze the relationship between literature and societal values. Examples from differ- ent literary epochs as the early ivo Andrić, works of Slobodan Šnajder, isak Samokovlija and Nenad Veličković etc. will serve to examine this special relationship. Special attention will be given to questions of the handling with historical facts, life conditions, rituals and atmosphere, of presenting aspects of identity-generating (self image and the image of Europe) and the role of memory in the creating of literary fictions. Renate Hansen-Kokoruš is Professor of Slavic literatures and cultures at the Department of Slavic Studies at the University of Graz in Austria. She studies at the University of Mannheim, the University of Sarajevo, and the State University of Moscow, and completed her PhD and post-doctoral degrees in Slavic Studies at the University of Mannheim. She worked for the German department at the University of Sarajevo and the Slavic department in Mannheim. As a visiting professor, she has taught at universities as the Humboldt University in Berlin, the University of Waterloo in Canada, the University of Zadar in Coratia, the State University of Tomsk in Russia, the University of Frankfurt/M. in Germany as well as the Universities of innsbruck in Austria. She is currently Head of the Department of Slavic Studies in Graz and co-editor of the Anzeiger für Slavische Philologie. 46 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE TOWARDS PLURILINGUALISM: CAN BILINGUAL PRIMARy PROGRAMMES OFFER THE FIRST STEPS? Janet ENEVER University of Reading and Umeå University, Sweden This paper discusses the recent spread of bilingual practices in Europe- an primary schools, including the development of partial bilingual systems which have come to be known as Clil programmes (Content and language integrated learning) The paper adopts a socio-historical paradigm develo- ped by Cox (1981, 2010), facilitating a critical examination of both the verti- cal and horizontal dimensions of power evident in the context of a Europe- an capital city (Madrid), illustrating how dialectical possibilities for change have been accommodated, within the context of a changing world order. Significantly, a critical approach is valuable in revealing both the origins of power relations, and the processes of change that may have occurred. Drawing on interview data from policy makers, teacher educators and te- achers i discuss the implementation process since 2004, when the regional education authorities of Madrid initiated a rapid expansion of the program- me in a new phase of development that has now resulted in 46 per cent of all primary schools in the Madrid region establishing bilingual programmes. The paper critically examines the strengths and weaknesses of the current programme, correlating interview evidence with data from classroom obser- vations and exam results. The findings may have implications for contexts beyond Spain, where European institutions such as the EU Policy Unit, Eu- ropean Commission and the European Centre for Modern languages have strongly promoted the construct of Clil in secondary and primary schools as a mechanism for developing a plurilingual citizenry over the past twenty- -five years. Until june 2017 Janet Enever was Professor of language Teaching and learning at Umeå University, Sweden specialising in the fields of early foreign language learning, language globalisation and language policy. She holds a doctoral degree from Bristol University, Uk in Primary Foreign languages Policy and has worked at Universities in london, krakov, Budapest 47 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE and Umeå. She has advised on language policy, early language learning and teacher education for ministries in a number of Asian, latin American and European countries. She now con-venes the MA module in teaching English for young learners at Reading University, Uk and is the series editor for the Multilingual Matters research series ‘Early language learning in School Contexts’. 48 iZVlEčki/ SINTESI/ ABSTRACTS JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE 1 jEZik iN kUlTURA V okViRU kUlTURNiH ŠTUDij / liNGUA E CUlTURA NEll‘AMBiTo DEGli STUDi CUlTURAli / lANGUAGE AND CUlTURE WiTHiN CUlTURAl STUDiES SLOVENIA AND SLOVENIANS IN THE URBAN LINGUISTIC LANDSCAPE OF BELGRADE Vesna PoloViNA University of Belgrade A number of Belgrade streets are named after Slovenian writers, ar- tists, scientists or important geographical points (Miška kranjca, kajuhova, Prešernova, Tavčareva, Finžgarova, Franca Bevka, Frana levstika, Franca Prešerna, Cankareva, Antona Aškerca, Valentina Vodnika i otona Župančiča etc.). Some distinguished Slovenian personalities have also been part of the history of Belgrade architecture, medicine, arts, but though no urban place has been named after them, their legacy is visible in other ways (Plečnik, jen- ko, Matija Ambrožič). Most of these elements - toponyms of urban linguistic landscape were created from the end of the nineteenth century onwards, a few have been changed in the recent past, but most persist until today. in our paper, we will point out some linguistic and cultural aspects of the practice of urban geographical naming in Belgrade as well as attitudes towards names and naming of these and some other urban spots in the city. 51 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE DECONSTRUCTION OF TITO'S LANGUAGE - DIVINITy SEMIOTICS OF THE IDEOLOGy OF TOTALITARIAN COMMUNISM IN THE FORMER yUGOSLAVIA Amra MEMić University of Bihač The aesthetic perception built within societies that work on the basis of personality in the modern history of mankind has never been so deeply ro- oted and cut into consciousness, but also in the hearts of people as was the case with the cult of Tito's personality in the territory of the former yugosla- via. Perhaps this is the divinization of the character of the leader inherited in the genetic code of the South Slavs, which are still subject to the comple- te perception of mythical constructions of superheroes of their "glorious" past, starting from saints and epic heroes, often bound to nationalism and Complete exclusivity towards "The other" and represents a patterned and repetitive trigger for frequent fratricidal wars in the Balkans. Communism is often defined more precisely as a state atheism, but if we take into ac- count the semiotic of ideological power extended by the great leaders, we can freely determine it as the religion of the great leader's because it takes on the fundamentalist dogmatic system of solid monotheism, idolatry, and creating gods that walk the earth. Guided by this conclusion oft the commu- nist system as a specific humanity's creation that the target group had in the so- Wide national masses in the Southeastern Balkans region, most of the illiterate rural mass, it is obvious that the basic necessity of communist aesthetics is to be the utilitarian medium that will transmit and root the ulti- mate leftist socialist ideology. Pursuing their meanings from such a semiotic system, many "cult-eligible" words and sentences will become sacred and to summarize the dogma that determined the social system. Such semiotical di- vinization will also be a set of words and sentences that have been evaluated as ''Western and Capitalistic''. They are undermined and marked as undesi- rable and dangerous by the state system. 52 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE CIVILTà BALCANICA E LA CULTURA DELLA MEMORIA Stevka ŠMiTRAN Università di Teramo Alla luce dei nuovi confini geografici e spirituali, una delle domande più frequenti riguarda la tradizione popolare e la memoria linguistica degli Slavi del sud, quella mens in summo che nel XiX la dotta Europa seppe riconoscere e apprezzare. E’ possibile oggi, per i popoli presso i quali la storia si eredita e il futuro si spiega con il passato, instaurare un dialogo con la cultura europea di cui sono parte integrante. 53 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE UTJECAJ ENGLESKOJEZIČNE PARADIGME NA HRVATSKI GENETIČKI LEKSIK Ana VRANEŠA Ministarstvo kulture Republike Hrvatske Petra koRAć Sveučilište u Zagrebu Bernardina PETRoVić Sveučilište u Zagrebu Mirjana PAVliCA Sveučilište u Zagrebu komunikacija u prirodnim znanostima, posebice u zemljama čiji se jezici smatraju „malima“, ovisna je o nekritičkom preuzimanju naziva iz engleskog jezika. intenzitet takvog jezičnog procesa dodatno do izražaja dolazi zbog specifičnosti područja molekularne i stanične biologije, odnosno njihove sve snažnije zastupljenosti u informativnim medijima kao i zbog sve većeg utje- caja rezultata ovih znanosti na mnoge segmente svakodnevnog života. Usustavljivanje leksika ove specifične znanstvene grane na hrvatskom je- ziku bitan je korak u procesu razvoja znanstvene i stručne komunikacije te obrazovanja budućih naraštaja stručnjaka na materinskom jeziku. Metodo- logija oblikovanja hrvatskog genetičkog leksika izazov je ne samo zbog rje- šavanja složenih leksikoloških nedoumica i pronalaženja novih prijevodnih istovrijednica u odnosu na englesko nazivlje već i zbog nužnog revidiranja postojećih, katkad petrificiranih, terminoloških i terminografskih sintagmi čije sastavnice pripadaju njegovu temeljnom korpusu. U ovom će se izlaganju iz perspektive poteškoća, kao i načina njihova na- dilaženja, prilikom usustavljivanja hrvatskog genetičkog leksika raspravi- 54 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE ti centralne aporije s kojima se susreće jezikoslovlje, ali i prirodoslovlje, u procesu razvoja vlastitog jezika pod utjecajem društveno-kulturnih pravaca europske i svjetske znanstvene zajednice obilježenim predznakom kontinui- ranog afirmiranja mehanizama pojednojezičenja znanosti. Bit će dan i pose- ban osvrt na ekvivalentna leksička rješenja u slovenskom jeziku, čija termi- nološka strukturiranost u pogledu područja molekularne i stanične biologije te komplementarnih znanstvenih grana pruža jasne metodološke smjernice i konstruktivan model za ostale slavenske jezike. THE INFLUENCE OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE PARADIGM ON THE GENETICS VOCABULARy IN CROATIAN The communication in natural sciences, especially in countries whose languages are considered to be ‚small languages‘, is dependent on non-cri- tical acceptance of English terms. The intensity of such a linguistic process is all the more pronounced due to the specificities of the area of molecular and cell biology, and its increasing presence in the news media and the rising impact of the scientific results in these fields on many segments of everyday life. The systematisation of vocabulary of this specific scientific discipline in Croatian is an important step in the process of developing scientific and pro- fessional communication and education of future generations of experts in their mother tongue. The methodology of forming the Croatian vocabulary of genetics is a challenge not only due to complex lexicological dilemmas to be addressed and new translation equivalents to be identified, but also due to the need to review the existing, sometimes frozen terminological and termi- nographical syntagms whose components belong to its basic corpus. This presentation will focus on discussing, from the perspective of dif- ficulties and the ways to overcome them in an attempt to systematise the Croatian vocabulary in genetics, the central dilemmas for the linguistic but also natural sciences in the process of development of one‘s own language under the influence of social and cultural trends in the European and global scientific communities which are faced with a continuous monolingualisa- tion trends in science. A separate analysis will be made of equivalent lexical solutions in the Slovene language, whose terminological systematicity in the 55 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE area of molecular and cell biology and complementary scientific fields provi- des clear methodological guidance and a constructive model for other Slavic languages. 56 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE MEDKULTURNA KOMUNIKACIJA V PROSTORU BREZ MEJ. RAČUNALNIŠKO PODPRTA KOMUNIKACIJA IN JEZIKI lucija čok Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče koper Računalniške tehnologije, poimenovane tudi 'nove tehnologije' ali 'novi mediji', so v drugi polovici 20. stoletja s svojim razvojem in hitro rastjo pri- nesle bistvene družbene spremembe. Računalnik je oblikoval sporočanjsko okolje, v katerem sta igra in ustvarjalnost postali brezmejni, vendar obenem terjali določeno ceno. Da bi posameznik kot virtualni osebek zavaroval sebe, svojo ustvarjalnost in zasebnost, mora v sporočanjskem kontekstu z drugimi ponovno vzpostaviti meje. Te meje med posameznimi jeziki in kulturami – čeprav se ti prepletajo, stikajo – obstajajo, prav tako kot obstajajo meje med spominom in zgodovinsko izkušnjo ali med dejanskim dogajanjem in virtu- alnimi scenariji. Zmožnost posameznika, da se uveljavlja v resničnem svetu, se ne izkazuje v prostoru brez meja, temveč v sposobnosti določiti skrajno mejo, ki je ne sme prestopiti (kramsch, 2009). Preučevanje medkulturnih razsežnosti v virtualni komunikaciji ponuja raziskovalcem raznojezičnosti in medkulturne komunikacije nove laboratorije, kjer se življenje in znanost, virtualnost in resničnost prikažeta v vsej svoji sestavljenosti. INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION IN BOUNDLESS SPACE. COMPUTER-MEDIATED COMMUNICATION (CMC) AND LANGUAGES The second half of the 20th century witnessed a steep rise and develop- ment of electronic technologies, termed ‘new technologies’ or ‘new media’, which have brought about significant social change. The computer has ena- bled the creation of a communication space where creativity and play are boundless, but in turn do ask a certain price. in order to preserve himself, his creativity and subjectivity, the individual, even though a virtual subject must re-establish the boundaries in the context of communication with 57 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE others. These boundaries – between different languages, regardless of the fact that they are connected, and between cultures, although they are in con- tact – do exist, as do boundaries between memory and historical experience, and between actual events and virtual scenarios. The individual’s capability to engage in the real world is not developed in a boundless space, but in the ability to define the limit that can be exceeded (kramsch, 2009). The in- vestigation of intercultural dimensions in virtual communication opens up a whole new and different laboratory to researchers in multilingualism and intercultural communication, where science and life, virtuality and reality are unveiled in all their complexity. 58 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE RAČUNALNIŠKO OPISMENJEVANJE IN JEZIKOVNO UČENJE črt MočiVNik i. osnovna šola Celje informacijska doba ponuja številne možnosti, s katerimi učencem pribli- žamo vsebine, opredeljene v učnih načrtih, hkrati pa učence v sam proces vključujemo kot aktivne udeležence. Učitelji se zavedamo zgodnjega pomena računalniškega opismenjevanja, zato v okviru medpredmetnih povezav uva- jamo projektno učno delo, ki opremi učenca z znanjem, ki ga potrebuje pri vsakodnevnem delu z računalnikom oz. pri opravljanju šolskih obveznosti. Prispevek se osredotoča na učence višjih razredov. Že v 6. razredu učenci pri slovenščini in leto kasneje pri izbirnem predmetu urejanje besedil oblikujejo dokumente v urejevalniku besedil in pripravijo preprosto projekcijo. opre- mimo jih tudi z znanji, ki jim omogočajo pridobivanje koristnih informacij s spleta (v povezavi z besedilnimi vrstami). V 7., 8. in 9. razredu se učenci preizkušajo kot sooblikovalci svetovnega spleta. Poleg pripravljanja prispev- kov za šolsko spletno stran se v okviru izbirnih predmetov multimedija in vzgoja za medije aktivno vključujejo v urejanje šolskega spletnega časopisa. Sodobna programska orodja, ki so današnjim osnovnošolcem blizu, omogo- čajo različne pristope, ki privabljajo uporabnike spletnih strani k prebiranju šolskih novic in spremljanju dogajanja na šoli. Taka oblika sodobnega učnega okolja vpliva na aktivnost učencev, širi njihovo znanje in jim ozavešča pomen (so)odgovornosti za objavo prispevkov na svetovnem spletu. COMPUTER LITERACy AND LANGUAGE LEARNING The information era offers multiple opportunities to make learning con- tents, defined within curriculum more pupil friendly and simultaneously ac- tively integrate them into the process itself. We as teachers are aware of the meaning of early learning of computer literacy, therefore we initiate, within the curricular activities of cross curriculum joining, an educational project school work which gain credit with a pupil knowledge needed in everyday use of computers or schoolwork. The article focuses on pupils of higher clas- 59 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE ses. Already in the 6th class, pupils at Slovenian language and a year later at the optional subject of text processing, form word processed documents in the text software and prepare a plain projection. We also enable them to gain the knowledge in finding useful on line information (related to textual type). in the 7th, 8th and 9th class pupils try themselves out as co-designers of the World Wide Web. Besides creating articles for the school web side, pu- pils also, within the optional classes such as multimedia and the educational media awareness, take an active part in editing school paper online. Modern software tools, with which the pupils are well acquainted with, enable diffe- rent approaches, which bring on line users reading school news and staying up to speed with what happens in school. This kind of contemporary up to date learning environment affects pupils' activity, broadens their horizon and makes them aware of the meaning of (co)responsibility in publishing articles on line. 60 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE TERMINOLOGy AS A CULTURAL PROJECT: THE CONSEqUENCES OF THE DOUBLE STANDARD IN A MINORITy CONTExT Matejka GRGič Slovene Research institute of Trieste Terminology - the study of terms and their use within a specialized doma- in, the development of such terms and their interrelationships - may involve also the research of the contexts where such terms are generated and used. in spite of its general principles of standardization and consistency, in some contexts the use of highly codified terms may vary significantly, becoming in fact a “double/parallel standard” and re-building language models and iden- tity options that have been given for granted so far. The use of a “parallel terminology” is, as we will see later on, a language planning strategy and political statement. This phenomenon occurs in language enclaves, but it may take place also among speakers of a national minority group, such as the Slovenian minority in Italy. in this paper i will discuss the analyzed examples from a perspective that transcends the linguistics and reaches to other fields of humanities and social studies. The aim of this paper is to show how the terminological uses, practices and choices of a community reflect the perceptions of lan- guages and attitudes toward it, as well as the social dynamics and cultural paradigms. Terminology can become an element that represents grounds for establishing relations between majority and minority, belonging and exclu- ding, national and local. The paper highlights the Slovenian terminology on the bilingual (italian + Slovenian) public administration web pages in italy. A reflection about both the language phenomena and the discourses will provide a general overview of the current situation, the implicit language planning issues, and the rela- ted strategies. 61 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE TERMINOLOGIJA KOT KULTURNI PROJEKT: POSLEDICE DVOJNEGA STANDARDA V MANJŠINSKEM KONTEKSTU Terminologija, tj. raziskovanje terminov in njihove rabe na področju po- sameznih strok ter njihovega razvoja in soodvisnosti, mora vključevati tudi preučevanje konteksta oz. kontekstov, v katerih se ti termini pojavljajo in uporabljajo. kljub splošnim načelom normiranosti in doslednosti lahko na- mreč raba strokovne terminologije v nekaterih kontekstih bistveno odstopa od splošne, s čimer se vzpostavlja nek dvojni oz. vzporedni standard. Uvelja- vljanje takega dvojnega standarda nato preoblikuje sporazumevalne modele in spreminja identitetne opcije, ki so veljale za splošno sprejemljive. Rabo »vzporedne terminologije« lahko torej razumemo kot eno od ključnih izbir na področju jezikovnega načrtovanja in kot jasno usmeritev na področju je- zikovne politike, kot bomo videli v nadaljevanju. Pojav dvojnega/vzporednega (terminološkega) standarda je pogost pred- vsem v t. i. jezikovnih otokih (enklavah), zasledimo pa ga tudi v skupnostih govorcev drugih manjšin, na primer slovenske v italiji. V prispevku bom predstavila obravnavane primere, in sicer tako s stališča jezikoslovnih kot tudi drugih humanističnih in družboslovnih ved. Namen članka je pokazati, kako se v rabah, praksah in izbirah govorcev – tudi na rav- ni »standardizirane« terminologije – odražajo percepcije in reprezentacije jezika, poleg tega pa tudi družbene dinamike in kulturne paradigme. Termi- nološke izbire so namreč lahko tudi kazalnik odnosov med manjšino in ve- čino ter dinamik vključevanja in izključevanja oz. uveljavljanja nacionalnega ali lokalnega standarda. Referat prinaša analizo slovenske terminologije v italiji, in sicer s primeri z dvojezičnih (italijansko-slovenskih) spletnih strani javnih institucij in za- vodov. obravna jezikovnih pojavov in diskurza o jeziku ponuja splošno sliko trenutnega položaja skupnosti govorcev ter izzivov na področju jezikovnega načrtovanja in zadevnih strategij. 62 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE JEZIK IN KULTURA NA OBMEJNEM OBMOČJU SLOVENSKE ISTRE SKOZI PERSPEKTIVO NACIONALNEGA DISKURZA Maja ZADEl Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče koper jezik in kultura sta pravzaprav neločljivo povezana, vsaj če sledimo Stuar- tu Hallu, ki je v okviru kulturnih študij obravnaval dva sistema reprezentacij, in sicer skupne konceptualne zemljevide, ki predstavljajo skupne pomene in smiselno konstrukcijo družbenega sveta, in skupni jezik, ki omogoča obliko- vanje in izmenjavo pomenov. Pri tem velja, da so skupna kultura skupni kon- ceptualni zemljevidi, ki se oblikujejo v skupnem jeziku (Hall, 2004 [1996], 38). Toda ko govorimo o skupni kulturi, se v splošnem predpostavlja, da je ta skupna kultura pravzaprav nacionalna kultura in enako velja za skupni jezik, ki ga razumemo kot nacionalni jezik, čeprav tako v okviru lingvistike kakor sociologije in zgodovinopisja opozarjajo na njihovo družbeno skonstruira- nost: tako imenovana nacionalna kultura in nacionalni jezik sta se oblikovala v določenem zgodovinskem obdobju in ne predstavljata edinega možnega izida. Vsekakor se jeziki in konceptualni zemljevidi oblikujejo v praksi, v inte- rakciji med individui v različnih skupinah, torej v mrežah odnosov, ki jih ima- jo posamezniki (Milroy). obmejna območja niso nobena izjema, pri čemer pa na takih območjih prihaja do stikov med različnimi nacionalnimi kulturami in nacionalnimi jeziki že od nastanka nacionalnih držav. Predstavljeni bodo izsledki raziskave, ki je zajemala tako kvantitativni (te- lefonska raziskava) in kvalitativni del (intervjuji življenjskih zgodb) na temo italijanske medijske potrošnje, nacionalizma in transkulturnih identitet na območju slovenske istre. S posameznimi primeri pričevanj in odgovorov in- formantov v zvezi z nacionalno kulturo in jezikom, predvsem skozi prizmo nacionalne ideologije, bo osvetljen predhodni teoretski okvir. 63 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE 2 jEZik iN kUlTURA V TURiZMU/liNGUA E CUlTURA NEl TURiSMo/lANGUAGE, CUlTURE AND ToURiSM CULTURE, TOURISM AND LINGUISTIC LANDSCAPE Diana STOLAC University of Rijeka Vesna GRAHoVAC-PRAŽić University of Zadar The term linguistic landscape has become an established one in 21st century, referring to “the visibility and salience of languages on public and commercial signs” (landry and Bourhis, 1997: 23). Studies in this area of linguistics has been advanced by the work of Gorter (2006) and Shohamy and Gorter (2009). A comparison is also made between findings from this corpus and those from other urban spaces (cf. Shohamy – Eliezer – Barni, 2010; Edelman, 2010; Grbavac, 2013). There is a distinction between official or top-down signs that have been sanctioned by a state or local authority, and private, commercial or bottom-up signs that are created by private individuals or commercial organisations. in the introduction, we briefly discuss the official domain (inscriptions on state and other public institutions, and other official signs in the public domain), but the emphasize in the presentation is on commercial domain (advertisements displayed on the billboards and other business and private signs) and the diversity of languages in the collected material concerning the field of tourism. There are comments on the differences found in several Croatian cities (Rijeka, Zagreb, Split, Gospić) and small tourist places on the Adriatic coast as well as new small tourist places in inland (lika): monolingual inscriptions, bilingual inscriptions, order of language and placement of subtitles, full and/ or partial translation, etc. 64 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE We also look at tourist guides, tourist information, and other texts in to- urist agencies. We will talk about the following characteristics: bi- or multi-lingual texts that feature the use of English, italian and other foreign languages; non-stan- dard varieties of Croatian, including the use of dialectal and colloquial forms as signs of local culture. intertwining of languages shows Croatian culture as well as Croatian re- lation to tourism. 65 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE TURISTIČKI PLAKAT – PRAGMALINGVISTIČKA I SOCIOLINGVISTIČKA ANALIZA Elma DURMiŠEVić-CERNiCA Univerzitet u Sarajevu; Rad ima za cilj predstaviti plakate koji promoviraju/reklamiraju bosan- skohercegovački turizam, i to one plakate nastale u posljednjih 25 godina. Analizirat će se verbalni, ali i neverbalni kod. Naravno, tu najviše podrazu- mijevamo vizualni kod, ali i sve ostale, eksplicitno ili implicitno navedene. osnovna funkcija plakata u okviru reklamnog stila jeste da „uvjerava“ i „na- govara“, tako da smo izvršili i analizu jezičkih sredstva kojima se to „uvjera- vanje“ i „nagovaranje“ postiže. Sociolingvistički se naročito bavimo izborom jezika na plakatu: bosanski, engleski, njemački, turski, arapski. Dominantna funkcija na plakatu je i ludička funkcija koju prepoznajemo u maštovitom poigravanju jezikom; vidimo je u interferenciji dvaju jezika, u dvosmislenim igrama riječi i sl. Također, s obzirom na političku situaciju u Bosni i Hercego- vini koja podrazumijeva etničku podijeljenost, pa i netrepeljivost, sociolin- gvistička analiza pokazat će ima li toga i na turističkom plakatu. THE TOURIST POSTER – A PRAGMATIC AND SOCIOLINGUISTIC ANALySIS This paper aims at presenting tourist posters, created in the past 25 years, that promote BiH tourism. We will analyse verbal, as well as non-verbal code. of course, visual code is most present, but we will also analyse all other co- des, implicitly or explicitly stated. The primary function of the posters within the commercial style is to “ensure” and “talk people into something”, thus, we performed an analysis of linguistic means through which that “ensuring” and “talking into” is performed. Sociolinguistically speaking, we pay special attention to the selection of languages on the posters: Bosnian, English, Ger- man, Turkish, Arabic. The ludic function is dominant on the posters and it is recognised in a genuine word play; it can be observed in the interference of 66 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE two languages, linguistic ambiguities, etc. Also, keeping in mind the political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, characterised by an ethnic divide and intolerance, the sociolinguistic analysis will show if there are such elements present on the posters observed. 67 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE TOUR GUIDES AND INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION: KEy MESSAGES IN TWO DIFFERENT TOURIST DESTINATIONS Hristina NEDiAlkoVA University of Economics Varna The paper is examining the messages tourist guides convey to the Ger- man speaking organized cultural tourists. it is a comparison between the sets of key words and life philosophy not only between two destinations, but also in terms of two categories of tourist guides. As tour operators tend to deploy teams of less and more experienced tour guides, it is possible to observe different outcomes of different styles of verbal and non verbal com- munication. The report seeks to propose some conclusions in terms of the role of intercultural competence in professional tour and tourist guiding. The research represents from one side observations at the Southern italy Co- ast near Naples and on the other observations of groups at the Sea Coast of Varna, Bulgaria. Despite the geographical distance both destinations depend on messages conveyed in media and stereotypes and the role of the tour gu- ide is to explain very shortly a complex regional (and “southern”) society. Deep interviews with both types of tour guides explore their motivation in conveying their messages about the local culture. The observations from un- structured interviews with other participants in the tourist industry seek to explain if interculturally prepared tour and tourist guides are preferred by all stakeholders. 68 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE MAJOLKA BOD POZDRAVLJENA (‚MAJOLKA BE HEALED‘). KEy WORDS OF SLOVENE WINE CULTURE AND CROSS-CULTURAL COMMUNICATION IN TOURISM Agnieszka BęDkoWSkA-koPCZyk Agnieszka Będkowska-kopczyk University of Graz This paper draws on Anna Wierzbicka’s theory of key words which not only name culture-specific phenomena but are prominent (or salient) in a given culture and develop new connotations in various dimensions of social culture (e.g., wine culture, art, tourism) The analysis considers lexemes and expressions related to Slovene wine culture among which two sets of items are distinguished: words which refer to wine culture in general (e.g., vinska cesta ‘wine road’, vinska klet ‘wine cellar’) and words which refer to Slovene wine culture. The latter ones are not homogenous because they name spe- cific sorts of wine (žametovka), specific objects (majolka ‘wine jar’, klopotec ‘bird-scaring rattle’), specific places (e.g., Dežela Refoška ‘The land of Re- fošk’) and specific traditions (Martinovo ‘St. Martin‘s Day’). Some of these words define a culture-specific entity of a frontier region therefore they can be culturally prominent also in neighboring languages (e.g., Croatian Mar- tinje, Martinovanje, German (Austrian) klapotetz). This paper also discusses how Slovene wine culture is promoted in Slovenia’s tourism offer and bey- ond. it also reflects on how key words of Slovene wine culture can be used to foster a cross-cultural communication in tourism. 69 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE KEyWORDS OF THE SLOVENIAN TOURISM AND SLOVENIAN CULTURE – IN SELECTED CASES Vesna Mikolič Science and Research Centre koper; University of Trieste The paper concerns words that are of special importance in Slovenian culture. The candidates for the keywords of Slovenian culture have been identified through the interdisciplinary (historical, geographic, sociologic, linguistic) analysis of documents, linguistic and discourse analysis in the corpus of tourism texts TURk, interviews, focus groups, and public opinion polls. Selected words with the highest frequency in TURk have been compa- red with their counterparts in English an italian language since the contras- tive analysis of such words based on the notion of intercultural pragmatics facilitates identification of culture-specific items. With the help of semantic analysis it has been possible to prove their importance to particular seman- tic domains, while the discourse analysis has demonstrated which discursive strategies are used to express various cultural values, practices and beliefs. Through the identification of keywords and their definitions, we have been able to describe entire social areas organized around these keywords, inclu- ding tourism in which cultural keywords play an important role because of their cultural specificity. Using these methods it has been proved that the Slovenian word domač (Eng. home-made, native, indigenous, domestic) is one of those keywords of Slovenian culture which have an important impact on forming authentic tourism products and tourism destination. KLJUČNE BESEDE SLOVENSKEGA TURIZMA IN SLOVENSKE KULTURE – OB IZBRANIH PRIMERIH V referatu bomo predstavili nekatere besede, ki so posebnega pomena za slovensko kulturo. kandidatke za ključne besede slovenske kulture so bile identificirane s pomočjo opravljene interdisciplinarne (zgodovinske, geografske, sociološke, jezikoslovne) analize dokumentov, jezikoslovno in 70 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE diskurzivno analizo korpusa turističnih besedil TURk, intervjujev, fokusnih skupin in javnomnenjske raziskave. izbrane besede z največjo pogostostjo pojavljanja v korpusu TURk smo primerjali z njihovimi ustreznicami v angleškem in italijanskem jeziku, glede na to, da kontrastivna analiza na os- novi konceptov medkulturne pragmatike služi boljši opredelitvi kulturne specifike posameznih leksemov. S pomočjo semantične analize smo dokazali njihov pomen na posameznih semantičnih področjih, diskurzivna analiza pa je pokazala, na kakšen način in katere diskurzivne strategije izražajo kultur- ne vrednote, prakse in prepričanja. S pomočjo identificiranih ključnih besed in njihovega opisa smo lahko opisali tudi družbena področja, ki so organizi- rana okrog teh ključnih besed. Na osnovi opisanih metod se je tudi slovenska beseda domač izkazala za eno od tistih ključnih besed slovenske kulture, ki imajo velik pomen za oblikovanje turističnega proizvoda in turistične desti- nacije. 71 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE MEDKULTURNOST PRI UČENJU RUŠČINE V TURIZMU NA ZAČETNI RAVNI Irina MAkARoVA ToMiNEC Univerza na Primorskem V evropski didaktiki poučevanja tujih jezikov se je skladno z navodili Sveta Evrope že zdavnaj uveljavilo priporočilo po načrtnem in premišljenem vklju- čevanju medkulturnih vsebin v jezikovni pouk. Ne glede na obstoj obsežne literature je še vedno težko govoriti o nekem uporabnem medkulturnem mo- delu jezikovnega pouka, kakor tudi o uporabnem sistemu vrednotenja razvoja medkulturne zmožnosti, kot to na primer velja za določevanje ravni jezikovne kompetence. Slednje nekoliko otežuje realizacijo načela medkulturnosti pri je- zikovnem pouku posameznega jezika, kjer je to odvisno tako od razpoložljivih učnih gradiv, kot tudi od iznajdljivosti posameznega učitelja. Zaradi vedno večjega priliva rusko govorečih gostov, ki se v Sloveniji opaža v zadnjem desetletju, se ruski jezik v različnih turističnih podjetjih v Sloveniji poučuje že dalj časa, a ne sistematično. Turistična podjetja zato najamejo zasebne jezikovne šole, ki poučevanje ruščine izvajajo v obliki krajših komercialnih tečajev (15–40 ur). V slovenskem jeziku vse do danes ni nobenega objavljenega priročnika za učenje ruščine v turizmu. Sistema- tično učenje ruščine kot sporazumevalnega jezika v turizmu se je začelo na Fakulteti za turistične študije Univerze na Primorskem, ki v letu 2017/18 že četrtič razpisuje predmet »Ruski jezik v turizmu, nižja raven« (60 kU). kot izvajalci tega pouka poskušamo vzpostaviti model medkulturnega po- učevanja ruščine, ki naj bi upošteval priporočila Sveta Evrope ter obstoječe primere dobrih praks poučevanja drugih tujih jezikov v turizmu (angleščine, nemščine, italijanščine). Pri snovanju modela medkulturnega učenja ruščine v turizmu izhajamo iz tega, da mora biti vključevanje medkulturnih vsebin premišljeno in sistema- tično, da je pri tem nujno upoštevati tako rusko kot tudi slovensko kulturo (po načelu spoznavanja sebe čez spoznavanje »drugega«), da sorodnost slo- venščine in ruščine predstavlja pomembno specifiko pri snovanju učnih ak- tivnosti. Ugotavljamo, da ne glede na začetni nivo, možnost za medkulturno 72 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE obravnavo v primeru stika slovenske in ruske kulture ponuja več tematskih področij: pozdravljanje, oblike naslavljanja v različnih situacijah, različna struktura in raba osebnih imen, prazniki, čestitke in obdarovanje, prehran- jevalne navade, preference v preživljanju prostega časa, odnos do denarja/ napitnin, odnos do časa in pravil. Menimo, da je za razliko od obstoječih eno- jezičnih (večinoma ruskih) priročnikov za učenje ruščine, ki ponujajo ednin- ski pogled na stvarnost, prednost dvojezičnega učenja ravno v tem, da v večji meri vzpodbuja razvoj medkulturne zmožnosti. INTERCULTURAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE COURSE »RUSSIAN FOR TOURISM«, BEGINNERS LEVEL The foreign language teaching in Europe has been following for a long-ti- me the recommendations of European Commission about the multicultural approach. Non-standing the variety of specialized literature, one clear and valid model of intercultural language teaching, as well as assessment sys- tem of multicultural skills (comparable to the elaborated system of language competence levels) are still missing. This fact makes the practical realization of intercultural language teaching more difficult, since it depends on the ava- ilable didactic materials and resourcefulness of the individual teacher. Thanks to the increasing number of Russian tourists coming to Slovenia in the last decade, Slovenian tourist companies already organize Russian language courses, mostly conducted mostly by different private language schools in form of a brief commercial language course (15–40 hours). Till this moment there is no available published guide of Russian language in to- urism for Slovenian speakers. Russian language for tourism has the status of a high school subject in Faculty of Tourism Studies, University of Primorska, which in academic year 2017/2018 holds the course named Russian langu- age in tourism for beginners (60 contact hours), already for the 4-th time. As the course holder, we try to develop the intercultural model of teaching Russian language for tourism, taking into consideration the recommendations of the European Council and good practice of other foreign languages. intercultural didactic model seems to be based on the following prin- ciples: 1) intercultural content should be planned in systematically, dis- tributed throughout the whole course, 2) presentation of both cultures is 73 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE necessary (Slovene, as well as Russian), 3) Russian and Slovene, being the related languages, define a certain specific by study activities. The practical experience has shown, that even at the beginner level it is possible to discuss in intercultural terms more subject areas in tourism, such as: greetings, spe- cific forms of addressing people in different situations, specific structure, use and modifications of Russian personal names in different contexts, festival, congratulations and gift-mediation, free time preferences, tips habits, lack of punctuality and discipline, different attitude towards the rules. Taking into consideration the monocultural presentation of some one-language guides of Russian which often ignore the intercultural diversity, we see the bilingu- al teaching as a great advantage, stimulating intercultural awareness of the students to a greater extent. 74 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE 3 jEZik iN kUlTURA PRi jEZikoVNEM UčENjU / CUlTURA, PlURiliNGUiSMo E APPRENDiMENTo DEllA liNGUA / CUlTURE, PlURiliNGUiSM AND lANGUAGE lEARNiNG SLOVENSKA KULTURNA DEDIŠČINA PRI POUKU SLOVENŠČINE KOT TUJEGA JEZIKA Maja ĐUkANoVić Univerza v Beogradu V prispevku so obravnavana gradiva za učenje slovenščine kot tujega jezi- ka, in sicer učbeniki in priročniki, ki se uporabljajo pri pouku slovenščine na lektoratih, ter gradiva, ki se uporabljajo pri t. i. dopolnilnem pouku sloven- ščine za učence, ki imajo slovensko poreklo. Analizirano je, katere prvine so predstavljene kot del slovenske kulturne dediščine in po drugi strani, kaj je v gradivih tipično slovenskega, česar se avtorji ne zavedajo, kar pa uporabniki v tujini opažajo kot slovensko posebnost. V članku je predstavljena tudi pri- merjava stališč slovenskih institucij, ki se ukvarjajo s poukom slovenščine v tujini in promocijo kulturne dediščine, s stališči učečih se. Poseben poudarek je na predstavitvi stanja v nekdanjih jugoslovanskih republikah in možnostih nadaljnjega razvoja pouka slovenščine, tako na univerzitetni ravni kot med izseljenci. SLOVENIAN CULTURAL HERITAGE IN THE TEACHING OF SLOVENE AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE The article deals with materials for learning Slovene as a foreign langua- ge, namely textbooks and manuals that are used in lectures as materials for Slovenians abroad. The article analyses elements that are presented as part of Slovenian cultural heritage, as well as elements which authors do not pre- sent as typical for Slovene culture, but foreign users see them as something very specific for a Slovenian culture. The article also presents a comparison 75 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE of the views of Slovenian institutions that deal with Slovene lessons abro- ad and the promotion of cultural heritage from the students' point of view. Special emphasis is placed on the presentation of the situation in the former yugoslav republics and the possibilities of further development of Slovene teaching, both at the university level and Slovenians abroad. 76 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE COMPARATIVE ANALySIS OF COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE IN CROATIAN LANGUAGE LEARNING AS L2 IN CHILDREN OF CROATIAN EMIGRANTS IN GERMANy AND HUNGARy Dunja PAVličEVić-FRANić Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb, Croatia Katarina AlADRoVić SloVAčEk Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb, Croatia Lana jAGER Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb, Croatia Croatian language is spoken by about seven million people in the world, and as a result of the increasing economic migration over the last few years the number of speakers outside the homeland is increasing, hence learning and teaching of Croatian language outside Croatia is becoming increasingly important in Croatian education policy. This is why within the framework of several domestic (Development of Communicative Competencies in Ear- ly Acquisition of Croatian language, FTE, MZoS, 2006-2013; Methodology for Evaluation, observation and Assessment of Communicative Competen- cies of junior Croatian l2 Speakers, FTE, 2015-2017) and foreign projects (language and Cultural identity of Students with respect to Education lan- guages in Croatia and Slovenia, 2016-2018) research was conducted on the topic of acquiring skills of Croatian as a second language in children of Cro- atian emigrants in the Federal Republic of Germany (province Baden-Würt- temberg) and the Republic of Hungary (Pécs, Budapest, Baja and Santovo). Although the majority of respondents state Croatian language as their native language, the results of the research show that they still predominantly use German or Hungarian language, i.e. the language of the environment where they live. That is exactly why the aim of this paper is to analyse and compa- re the results of the Test of Communicative Competence (Pavličević-Franić, Aladrović Slovaček and Gazdić-Alerić, 2010) on the morphological, orthogra- 77 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE phic, lexical and textual level of students who are Croatian schools‘ students abroad (N = 200) in The Republic of Germany and the Republic of Hungary. Equally, the above results will be compared considering the length of Cro- atian language learning, self-assessment of students‘ knowledge and their satisfaction with Croatian schools abroad. it is expected that respondents will have the best knowledge at the lexical level and the worst at the textual level, and that deviations at the morphological level will be related to the interference of German or Hungarian language. it is also expected that self- -assessment of Croatian language and the length of language learning will be in a positive correlation with the results of the knowledge test. 78 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE HRVATSKI JEZIK U MANJINSKOM OBRAZOVANJU: SITUACIJA U SLOVAČKOJ U USPOREDBI S AUSTRIJOM ivana čAGAlj, Anita SkEliN HoRVAT, Aleksandra ŠčUkANEC Sveučilište u Zagrebu;; U radu se uspoređuje organizacija institucionaliziranoga podučavanja hr- vatskoga jezika, kao i stavovi ispitanika o praksama podučavanja hrvatskoga jezika u starim (autohtonim) hrvatskim zajednicama u Slovačkoj i Austriji. Dok je u Austriji osnovno podučavanje na (gradišćansko)hrvatskom jeziku uređeno ustavom i zakonom, a dvojezična nastava ima dugu tradiciju, u Slo- vačkoj je, kao svojevrsni kompromis za lingvistički heterogenu zajednicu u populacijskom opadanju, uz pomoć MZo-a RH u osnovnim školama orga- nizirano podučavanje samo standardnoga idioma „pradomovine“, odnosno novoštokavskoga književnog jezika, a ne lokalnih čakavskih varijeteta. iako u Gradišću više nema osnovnih škola s isključivo hrvatskim nastavnim je- zikom i unatoč novom školskom zakonu iz 1994. godine prema kojemu ro- ditelji mogu ispisati dijete iz programa dvojezične nastave, hrvatski je ipak znatno zastupljeniji nego u slovačkim školama. U Gradišću djeluje i više dvojezičnih srednjih škola u kojima je hrvatski jezik obavezan predmet. Za razliku od situacije u Austriji, hrvatski govori u Slovačkoj nisu standardizi- rani, pod snažnim su utjecajem genetsko-tipološki bliskoga slavenskog je- zika, uporabne domene sve su im uže, slijedom čega dolazi i do značajnoga pomicanja od njihove realne uporabe prema simboličkoj. U radu se stoga problematizira odnos hrvatskoga standarda i lokalnih varijeteta u institucio- naliziranom obrazovanju i njegove posljedice za sociolingvističku situaciju zajednice i njezin(e) jezični(e) i kulturni(e) identitet(e), pri čemu se otvara i pitanje (ne)mogućnosti organiziranoga podučavanja idioma bez eksplicitne norme. Fokus ovoga rada predstavlja analiza kvantitativnih (dobivenih pu- tem anketiranja) i kvalitativnih (dobivenih putem intervjuiranja) podataka prikupljenih u okviru projekta koji se bavi jezikom i identitetom hrvatske manjine u Slovačkoj, a koji se odnose na iskustva i stavove ispitanika o prob- lemima institucionalnoga učenja hrvatskoga jezika, odnosno analiza insaj- derske, emske perspektive. 79 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE THE CROATIAN LANGUAGE AND THE MINORITy EDUCATION: SITUATION IN SLOVAKIA AND AUSTRIA This paper presents a comparison of the practices of institutionalised te- aching of Croatian in autochthonous Croatian communities in Slovakia and Austria and discusses attitudes of informants towards these practices. As opposed to Austria, where the teaching in (Burgenland)-Croatian is regula- ted by the law, elementary schools in Slovakia do not offer teaching in local Chakavian varieties. There is only a possibility to learn the standard variety of the “old homeland” (Newstokavian dialect), which is, to some extent, a compromise in a linguistically heterogeneous community with considerable population decline. Although today in Burgenland elementary schools Cro- atian is not the only language of instruction and despite the new law intro- duced in 1994 according to which parents can withdraw their children from bilingual programs, Croatian is still used to much greater extent in Austrian than in Slovakian schools. in Burgenland there are also bilingual secondary schools with Croatian as a compulsory subject. in contrast to Austria, the Croatian varieties in Slovakia are not standardised; they are under strong influence of a genetically and typologically close Slavic language, the doma- ins of their usage are narrowing and it has come to a significant shift from actual to symbolic usage. This paper examines the interaction of the Croa- tian standard and local varieties in institutionalised education and how this affects the sociolinguistic situation of the community and their linguistic and cultural identity/identities. This also poses a question whether the or- ganised teaching of a language variety/varieties without an explicit norm is possible. This paper focuses on the analysis of quantitative and qualitative data obtained through questionnaires and interviews which were gathered in the course of a larger project on the language and identity of the Croatian minority in Slovakia. 80 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE BILINGVALNA NASTAVA U GIMNAZIJAMA NA JUGU SRBIJE Ana CVETkoVić, Dragana VASilijEVić Univerzitet u Beogradu; Bilingvalna nastava u Srbiji se primenjuje od 1. 9. 2005. i, za razliku od uobičajenih evropskih tendencija izbora engleskog kao vehikularnog jezika, učenici prvih bilingvalnih odeljenja formiranih u Beogradu pohađali su deo nastave na francuskom i italijanskom jeziku. Razvoj bilingvalne nastave nije bio centralizovan, tako da su u narednim godinama formirana bilingvalna odeljenja i u drugim gradovima, a posebno su brojna na jugu Srbije što se može razumeti kao težnja lokalnih gimnazija da budu konkurentne i privuku veći broj učenika, nudeći im mogućnost da steknu kvalitetno obrazovanje po savremenim programima i u svom gradu. izbor vehikularnih jezika bio je usklađen sa ponudom stranih jezika u osnovnoškolskom obrazovanju, zato što model bilingvalnog gimnazijskog obrazovanja u Srbiji podrazumeva obavezno predznanje jezika na nivou A2, ređe B1 ZERoj koji se proverava prijemnim ispitom, zbog toga se u ulozi ve- hikularnih jezika pojavljuju engleski, nemački, francuski, italijanski i ruski jezik. ključni faktor pri odabiru smera na kome će biti izvođena bilingval- na nastava i grupe predmeta, osim u slučaju Aleksinačke gimnazije, bila je raspoloživost nastavnog kadra. U radu se analiziraju modeli bilingvalne nastave koji se primenjuju u gu- mnazijama na jugu Srbije, u Aleksincu (srpsko-rusko odeljenje), Nišu (srp- sko-nemačko odeljenje, srpsko-francusko odeljenje, srpsko-englesko odel- jenje), Pirotu (srpsko-francusko odeljenje), opisuju se zajedničke tendencije u bilingvalnoj nastavi u ovoj regiji, definišu se njene opšte odlike. Posebna pažnja se posvećuje srpsko-nemačkom odeljenju u Prvoj niškoj gimnaziji i srpsko-ruskom odeljenju u Aleksinačkoj gimnaziji koja su bila predmet de- taljnijeg istraživanja. 81 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE BILINGUAL EDUCATION AT GRAMMAR SCHOOLS AT SOUTH OF SERBIA Bilingual education in Serbia has been in use since September 1st of 2005, and contrasting the customary European tendencies of choosing English as a vehicular language, the students of first bilingual classes, established in Belgrade, have attended part of their classes in French and italian. The development of bilingual education was not centralized, subsequen- tly, in other cities, the bilingual classes have been formed in the years fol- lowing, especially numerous in the south of Serbia, which may be interpreted as the local grammar schools’ tendency for competitiveness and attracting more students by means of offering the opportunity to gain quality educa- tion through modern programs available locally. The selection of vehicular languages has been prepared in line with the foreign languages taught at elementary education level, because the bilingu- al high school education model in Serbia entails compulsory pre-knowled- ge of the lingua franca of A2 and, occasionally, B1 CEFRl level, checked by means of the admission test, therefore, English, German, French, italian and Russian perform fitting for the role of vehicular languages. Excepting the case of Aleksinac Grammar School, the key factor in selecting the course of study and set of subjects with the bilingual teaching applied was the availa- bility of teaching staff. The paper analyses bilingual teaching models practiced in grammar schools at the south of Serbia, namely in Aleksinac (Serbian-Russian class), in Niš (Serbian-German class, Serbian-French class, Serbian-English class), in Pirot (Serbian-French class), describes common tendencies of bilingual education in this region, and defines its general characteristics. Special at- tention has been given to the Serbian-German class of the Niš First Grammar School, and the Serbian-Russian class of Aleksinac Grammar School, for tho- se have been the subjects to minutely research. 82 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE TRANSLANGUAGING – A NEW PARADIGM SHIFT? karmen PiŽoRN University of ljubljana Translanguaging is the deployment of a speaker’s full linguistic reper- toire without regard for watchful adherence to the socially and politically defined boundaries of named (and usually national and state) languages. Garica et al report that in schools, esp. in the USA, the translanguaging of bilinguals (and multi- and/or plurilinguals) tends to be severely restricted. in addition, schools confuse the assessment of general linguistic proficiency, which is best manifested in bilinguals (plurilinguals) while translanguaging, with the testing of proficiency in a named language, which insists on inhibi- ting translanguaging. More and more researchers agree that the concept of translanguaging is of special relevance to schools interested in the linguistic and intellectual growth of bilingual/plurilingual students as well as to mi- noritized communities involved in language maintenance and revitalization efforts. The talk will focus on whether and how translanguaging may be be- neficial to students and teachers in the Slovene educational context. ČEZJEZIČNOST – NOVA PARADIGMA? čezjezičnost pomeni, da lahko govorci uporabijo vse jezikovne vire, ne da bi se uklanjali družbenim in politično definiranim mejam “poimenskih” jezi- kov (običajno nacionalnih in državnih) jezikov. Garcia in drugi poročajo, da je v šolah, še posebej v ZDA, čezjezičnost dvo-/več- in raznojezičnih govorcev zelo omejena. Šole celo napačno ocenjujejo splošno jezikovno zmožnost, ki se pri dvo-/več- in raznojezičnih govorcih najbolje odraža ravno preko čezje- zičnosti, s testiranjem znanja določenega poimenskega jezika, ki temelji na zatiranju čezjezičnosti. Vse več raziskovalcev ugotavlja, da je koncept čezje- zičnosti še posebej ustrezen za tiste šole, ki želijo doseči jezikovni in intelek- tualni razvo dvo- in raznojezičnih učencev, kot tudi manjšinskih skupnosti, ki si prizadevajo ohraniti oziroma oživiti določene jezike. Predstavitev bo osredotočena na vprašanje, ali in kako lahko čezjezičnost koristi učencem in učiteljem v slovenskem izobraževalnem kontekstu. 83 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE INTERACTION AND REFLExIVITy IN LANGUAGE LEARNING PROCESSES IN THE GLOBALIZED SCHOOL ingrid kEllER-RUSSEll University of Hamburg This paper is related to my ongoing study titled “interaction and Reflexi- vity in language learning Processes in the Globalized School”, of 15-year- -old students in secondary education, which has the intention to research into language- and socially-related factors of communication. The aim of this study is to analyse the development of language performance through orate learning arrangements (in support of the acquisition of literate registers), with a focus on subjects’ reflexivity deliberation in plurilingual social situ- ations aspiring to formulate implications for language curriculum develop- ment on the level of practice concepts, theoretical concepts and the structu- ral linking to meta-theoretical models. The target area is the local ecology of students’ interactional processes in the conduct of talk in lessons, i.e. pat- terns of classroom discourse between teacher and student, students’ acti- vities in peer-to-peer relation and in group formation. on the basis of the immediate interaction in the actual classroom, in which students are able to construct their individual contexts and which, concurrently, give agen- cy to identification with and influence of social activity around them (see: Erickson, Frederick; 2004. Talk and Social Theory), questions of the commu- nicative acquisition of students’ informal and formal language repertoires will be discussed, mainly in the framework of comparative education and didactics, with reference to psychology and sociology, and sociolinguistics with respect to critical discourse analysis. The rationale for this study, on the one hand, can be related to the lingu- istic problem of the expansion of language in practice, the use of (plurilingu- al) language resources and the limiting means of nation-oriented language school curricula. on the other hand, with the prevailing historical European immigrant situation, intensifying with considerable migratory movements to Europe since the second decade of the 21st century, a gradual conversion of traditional student population to super-diverse school classes has taken 84 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE place, which is a social marker for European schools today. in this context research desiderata in both, (socio-)linguistics and migration studies, con- cern, firstly, the research into processes of remodeling existing language re- sources as a “booting system” for the implementation of new complex lan- guage structures and, secondly, of thought and language development in the context of plurilingual speech modeling (see: Maas, Utz; 2008. Sprache und Sprachen in der Migrationsgesellschaft). As this study is anchored in empi- rical research on actual moment-to-moment human interaction in real time, a theoretical constructivist paradigm is chosen to model its methodical ap- proach focusing on intersubjective constructions through speech activities. Thus, the meta-theoretical reflection considers conceptions which stress the relationship between language systems and interpersonal needs of speech. 85 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE SPLETNI PORTAL JEZIKOVNA SLOVENIJA Tadeja RoZMAN Univerza v ljubljani Spletni portal jezikovna Slovenija ( nastaja v okviru projekta Vzpostavitev in vzdrževanje spletnega portala jezikovna po- litika Republike Slovenije, ki ga financira Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Slovenije. Portal upravlja Filozofska fakulteta pod okriljem Univerze v ljubl- jani, soizvajalca projekta pa sta institut "jožef Stefan" in ZRC SAZU. Namen portala je čim širšo publiko opremiti z zanesljivimi ter kar se da razumljivimi informacijami o aktualni jezikovni politiki Slovenije. čeprav zveza jezikovna politika zveni abstraktno, v resnici pokriva teme, s katerimi se na tak ali drugačen način pogosto srečujemo v vsakdanjem življenju. Gre za vprašanja položaja, rabe in vloge jezika v javnosti in uradnih postopkih, jezika v procesu izobraževanja, opremljenosti govorcev z jezikovnimi priroč- niki, pripomočki in viri, vprašanja jezikovnih storitev, pravic in dolžnosti, od- nosa med različnimi jeziki v družbi in podobno. Tem vprašanjem je posvečen strateški dokument Resolucija o Nacionalnem programu za jezikovno politi- ko 2014–2018, kjer je opredeljeno, katere so trenutne državne jezikovnopo- litične naloge, kako naj bi jih v Republiki Sloveniji reševali in kdo je pristojen za rešitve. V širši javnosti te informacije niso prav dobro poznane in jezikov- ni uporabniki ter uporabnice pogosto ne vedo, kam in na koga naj se obrnejo v primeru vprašanj in težav, povezanih z omenjenimi temami. V prispevku bomo prikazali, kako so te teme obravnavane na portalu, ter predstavili svetovalnico, v kateri uredništvo odgovarja na jezikovnopolitična vprašanja, in videozgodbe, v katerih so na kratko prikazane različne ustano- ve in osebne jezikovne zgodbe posameznikov. Predstavitev bomo nagradili z razmislekom, kako je mogoče portal uporabljati pri poučevanju. 86 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE THE WEB PORTAL JEZIKOVNA SLOVENIJA The web portal jezikovna Slovenija ( is a result of the project Creation and maintenance of the Slovene language policy web portal funded by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia. The por- tal is run by the Faculty of Arts at the University of ljubljana and is being carried out together with the jožef Stefan institute and the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU). The main goal of the portal is to provide reliable and easy-to-understand information on current language policy in Slovenia. Although the term lan- guage policy might seem somewhat abstract, it actually focuses on everyday topics. This includes the use, role and status of a language in official procee- dings, education and in public overall. Furthermore, it deals with how well- -equipped the speakers of a language are with various language resources, manuals and tools. it also takes into consideration language rights, obliga- tions and services connected to them as well as the relationships between different languages in a society etc. The Resolution on the National Program- me for language Policy 2014–2018 is a strategic document that deals with these topics and defines the country’s current responsibilities regarding lan- guage policy. The document also envisions how to implement solutions for existing issues and who is responsible for carrying out these solutions. The general public is not very familiar with this type of information and often does not know who to turn to in case of questions and issues regarding the aforementioned topics. in this presentation, we will describe how these topics are presented on the portal, and present the 'Questions/Answers' section that includes an- swers to the questions users post to the site. We will also show videos con- taining presentations of Slovene language institutions or personal language stories, and consider the possibilities of using the portal to support teaching. 87 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE UNO SGUARDO ALL’ARBITRATO LINGUISTICO (1980–1990): SPUNTI PER LA POLITICA LINGUISTICA SLOVENA lucia Gaja SCUTERi Università del litorale Ai fini dell’elaborazione della nuova “Resolucija o nacionalnem programu za jezikovno politiko/Risoluzione sul programma nazionale per la politica linguistica”, nell’ambito del progetto “jezikovna politika Republike Slovenije in potrebe uporabnikov/la politica linguistica della Repubblica di Slovenia e le esigenze degli utenti” è in corso la disamina della documentazione per- tinente più rilevante e delle ricerche già svolte in proposito. Nell’imposta- zione di una politica linguistica che aspiri ad essere concretamente funzio- nale ed efficace, ritengo possa rivelarsi un valido strumento compositivo ed interpretativo, nonché indubbia fonte di dibattito, considerare in maniera più sistematica anche le iniziative pregresse. le eventuali (dis)continuità che potrebbero emergere da una puntuale trattazione dei temi predominan- ti affrontati, dei pregi e dei difetti delle passate (contingenti) esperienze di promozione della cultura linguistica nei vari ambiti dell’uso pubblico dello sloveno, potrebbero senz’altro rivelarsi un utile punto di riferimento nella pianificazione linguistica futura. Allo scopo di contribuire alla raccolta dei dati, relativi alle iniziative del passato più recente, il presente contributo si propone di ripercorrere i punti salienti affrontati dal jezikovno razsodišče/ Arbitrato linguistico negli anni ottanta rispetto al linguaggio televisivo. Se- gue la breve contestualizzazione delle più ampie circostanze che hanno por- tato all’istituzione dell’Arbitrato, una sintetica presentazione delle carenze più frequenti denunciate nelle trasmissioni televisive dai vari mandati del- l’Arbitrato tra il 1980 e il 1990, come risulta dalle fonti d’archivio conservate presso l’Archivio della Repubblica di Slovenia. 88 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE A LOOK TO THE LINGUISTIC ARBITRATION BOARD (1980– 1990): SPARKS FOR THE SLOVENIAN LANGUAGE POLICy Within the project “jezikovna politika Republike Slovenije in potrebe uporabnikov/language policy of the Republic of Slovenia and the needs of the users”, for the purpose of drafting the new “Resolucija o nacionalnem programu za jezikovno politiko/Resolution on the National Program for the language Policy”, the most relevant documents and already carried out re- searches are being reviewed. in setting up a language policy that aims to be concretely functional and effective, i believe that a more systematic exami- nation of the previous initiatives could prove to be a valuable compositio- nal and interpretative tool, as well as an indisputable source of debate. The potential (dis)continuities that an accurate dissertation on the merits and defects, on the predominant issues, faced within the past (contingent) expe- riences of promoting language culture in the various areas of the public use of Slovenian, could undoubtedly be an useful point of reference for future language planning. in order to contribute to the collection of data, related to the initiatives of the recent past, this article aims to retrace the highlights faced by the jezikovno razsodišče/linguistic Arbitration Board in the 80s in regard of TV-language. Follows the brief contextualization of the broader circumstances that led to the establishment of the Board, a synthetic presen- tation of the most frequent shortcomings reported in TV-broadcasts by the various mandates of the Board between 1980 and 1990, as results from the archival sources stored at the Archive of Republic of Slovenia. 89 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE THE ROLE OF CREATIVE DIDACTIC GAMES IN THE PROCESS OF LANGUAGE AND CULTURE LEARNING Katarina AlADRoVić SloVAčEk, ivan iGić, Ana TRNiNić University of Zagreb in the process of early language learning the emphasis is placed on the development of communicative competence, i.e. learning a language using concrete examples from student's everyday life. in the Croatian education system the process of early language learning includes two stages: first edu- cational stage includes students from the first to the second grade (lower primary school), while the second educational stage includes students in the fifth and sixth grade of primary school (higher primary school). Since children in this stage (to the age of 12) are in a concrete operational stage (Piaget, 1977) it is necessary for them to be taught a language on the basis of concrete examples and one of good strategies for that is definitely introduc- ing creative didactic games. Games are immanent or innate to children, and children learn faster and easier through play and in games, they remember more information, time passes faster and they feel comfortable. Every game can become a creative and didactic activity if we adjust its content and objec- tives. Also, if the content or media is language, it becomes a language game. Since the game is also determined by culture, through play children learn something about their own culture or different cultures which depends on the language they are taught. That is the reason why research in six different primary schools in The Republic of Croatia was conducted, and it researched the role of language games in Croatian language teaching and their influence on the success in mastering grammar and orthography. Also, we measured the attitudes of students (N = 300) and teachers (N = 100) about games as a teaching strategy, its use in Croatian language teaching (mother tongue), and the need for its implementation in teaching. As a result, students who learned through games had more success, and that students like learn through play, but teachers mostly don’t use language games in Croatian language teaching. it is such results that show that implementation of didactic creative language games in Croatian language teaching will increase student’s success and mo- tivation. 90 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE COMICS AND LANGUAGE ANxIETy IN TEACHING ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE Filip DŽANkić, krunoslav MIKULAN, Vladimir LEGAC University of Zagreb; Comics are an expressive literary and artistic mode that contains both text and pictures. They can be used in EFl teaching as a means to improve learning vocabulary and idioms, discover foreign culture, prepare pupils to read more complex literary works and to alleviate the debilitating effect lan- guage anxiety some pupils encounter while learning a foreign language. The paper presents the results of a research study into comics and Fl an- xiety conducted in two Zagreb primary schools. The questions used were ta- ken from the Foreign language Reading Anxiety Scale (Saito & Garza, 1999), and some questions were specifically created for this research study. The students were of ages 12-15 (N=135). The results show that the majority of students express only a low intensity level of anxiety (86%) followed by re- sults in the medium-intensity-range (14%). The results were also analyzed by means of an independent samples t-test in order to see the difference between students who love reading in English, who are satisfied with their proficiency in reading English, and those who experience reading anxiety in EFl, but the results were not statistically significant. Most surprisingly, although most students have a positive opinion abo- ut comics (58%), only a minority (28%) claims they read them often. The others are either unsure (14%) or read them rarely or never (58%). The po- sitive opinion might increase even more, if comics were actually introduced in classes, and if the classes were carefully prepared. The majority (57%) claim that comics did not help them learn English better or more easily. This is not surprising since the frequency of reading comics is low as well, and although 36% of students do read comics in English, they are in the minority. 91 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE INSEGNARE ED APPRENDERE LE LINGUE DEL VICINO NELLE AREE MULTILINGUI DI FRONTIERA: SIGNIFICATI, CRITICITà, STRATEGIE, PROSPETTIVE Irina M. CAVAION Centro di ricerche scientifiche Capodistria Nelle zone multilingui e multiculturali di confine come quella del nostro litorale italo-sloveno, l’apprendimento della lingua del paese vicino sembre- rebbe una ovvietà così come un valore indiscutibile. Con questo intervento si descriverà invece una situazione di pianificazione linguistica e di pratiche didattiche caratteristiche della zona sopranominata che dimostrano scelte molto diverse sui due versanti - quello italiano e quello sloveno - che sot- tolineano la mancanza di una politica linguistica transfrontaliera e il poco ascolto di significative raccomandazioni europee che invece richiamano all’importanza di tale apprendimento in queste aree. Neppure nel campo scientifico che più da vicino indaga problematiche legate ad aspetti didattici della lingua seconda - quale quello della linguistica applicata e/o acquisi- zionale - si trovano studi specificamente dedicati a questo contesto di ap- prendimento e insegnamento dove invece esistono complesse specificità di natura sociolinguistica, acquisizionale e didattica che, si ritiene, debbano es- sere portate urgentemente all’attenzione di suddetti studiosi a livello inter- nazionale, rappresentando le lingue di confine un caso molto frequente nel contesto frontaliero europeo. l’insegnamento della lingua del paese vicino si crede rappresenti un con- testo di apprendimento linguistico, culturale, interculturale, relazionale di enorme importanza e ricchezza perché legato a contatti con il territorio e le sue genti che parlano e personificano le lingue che si stanno per apprende- re. Questo insegnamento coinvolge e ricorda alle comunità di maggioranza e minoranza quanto una loro integrazione e coesione sia necessaria per svi- luppare politiche linguistiche capaci di assicurare efficaci interventi didattici sostenuti da una adeguata valorizzazione dell’eccezionalità di tale contesto. 92 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE l’intervento terminerà con la descrizione della proposta metodologica della cosiddetta Didattica del Contatto per l’insegnamento delle lingue di confine (Modello CoBlalT – Contatct Based language Teaching and lear- ning) indirizzata ad alunni adolescenti (11-15 anni) delle scuole di lingua di maggioranza che includono nel loro piano dell’offerta formativa l’insegna- mento della lingua del paese confinante. TEACHING AND LEARNING NEIGHBOURING LANGUAGES IN MULTILINGUAL BORDER AREAS: MEANINGS, CRITICAL ISSUES, STRATEGIES, PERSPECTIVES in multilingual and multicultural areas of the border as that of our coast- line between italy and Slovenia, learning the language of the neighbouring country it seems a truism as an indisputable value. This paper will instead describe a situation of language acquisition planning and didactic practices characteristic of the above-named area that show very different choices on the two sides - the italian and the Slovene - which underline the lack of a cross-border language policies and little listening to significant European recommendations which instead recall the importance of such learning in border areas. Even in the scientific fields that most closely investigate issues related to didactic aspects of the second language - such as applied linguistics and/or language acquisition research - there are not studies specifically devoted to this context of learning and teaching where, on the contrary, there are com- plex specific sociolinguistic and linguistic features that, it is believed, should be urgently brought to the attention of scholars at an international level, due to the fact that neighbouring languages represent a very common case in Europe and its frontiers. The teaching of the neighboring language is believed to be a context of lin- guistic, cultural, intercultural learning and relationship developing of enor- mous importance and richness because it is linked to the direct experience of territory and peoples who speak and embody that language. This kind of teaching involves and reminds the majority and minority communities how much their integration and cohesion are necessary to develop language 93 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE policies capable of ensuring effective teaching interventions supported by a proper appreciation of the exceptionality of this context. The intervention will end with a description of the methodological pro- posal of the so-called Contact Based language learning and Teaching (CoB- lalT) module addressed to teenagers (11-15 years) attending majority language schools settled on the borders that include in their offer plan the teaching of the neighboring language. 94 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE VPLIV ZUNANJIH DEJAVNIKOV NA UČENJE SLOVENŠČINE KOT J2/JT V PREDŠOLSKEM IN ZGODNJEM ŠOLSKEM OBDOBJU Barbara BAloH Univerza na Primorskem Predšolsko in zgodnje šolsko obdobje sta sociokulturno občutljivi obdobji otrokovega razvoja in učenja simbolnih sistemov, v ta kontekst pa sodi tudi učenje maternega, drugega in tujega jezika. Mlajši otroci usvajajo tuje oziro- ma druge jezike z lahkoto, vendar je pomembno poudariti, da zgodnje pouče- vanje tujega jezika v predšolskem obdobju zahteva posebej izdelane metode in pristope poučevanja. Pristopi morajo temeljiti na poznavanju otrokovega razvoja in učenja v zgodnjem otroštvu. Učenje v predšolskem in zgodnjem šolskem obdobju poteka preko igre, zato je bistveno, da se otroci ob učenju nikakor ne počutijo obremenjene, ravno obratno, otroci usvajajo in utrjujejo jezik preko jezikovnih iger, v spro- ščenem in spodbudnem okolju. Nova jezikovna izkušnja je tako prežeta s po- zitivnimi občutki in emocijami. četudi je med igro lažje vzpostaviti dober komunikacijski odnos, pa T. Taeschner (2002) meni, da igra sama po sebi ni tisti element, ki v posamezniku spodbudi proces usvajanja jezika. če posa- meznik nima možnosti interakcije v jeziku, ki se ga uči, in za to ni pogojev (odnosnosnih, prostorskih, časovnih, stičnih), se jezika ne bo naučil. Na otrokov govorni razvoj vplivajo številni dejavniki, med katerimi raz- lični avtorji (Titone, 1996; Papalia, Wendkos olds in Duskin Feldman, 2003; Marjanovič Umek, Fekonja in kranjc, 2006, Baloh, 2013) najpogosteje izpo- stavljajo kakovost otrokovega družinskega okolja, sociodemografske značil- nosti družine ter kakovost vzgojno izobraževalne institucije. V prispevku se bomo posvetili predvsem vplivom spodbudnega učnega okolja na učenje j2/ jT in skušali prikazati metode ter pristope poučevanja, ki so se nam pokazali kot pozitivna spodbuda za pridobivanje sporazumevalne zmožnosti v j2/jT. Z učinkovitimi didaktičnimi pristopi, individualizacijo in diferenciacijo, ki sta obvezni del poučevanja na vseh stopnjah, je potrebno ustvariti spodbud- no učno okolje, v katerem so otroci motivirani, aktivni in lahko razvijajo svo- 95 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE ja močna področja, pri šibkih pa odpravljajo pomanjkljivosti. V sodobnem in spodbudnem učnem okolju vzgojitelj/učitelj otrokom omogoči predvsem dobro počutje, pozitivne dražljaje, ker tako učno okolje zagotavlja otroku občutek varnosti ter ga spodbuja k aktivnostim, učenju in delu. Taka okolja spodbujajo samoregulacijo učenja, izkoriščanje učnih priložnosti, divergent- no mišljenje in samorefleksijo. THE INFLUENCE OF ExTERNAL FACTORS ON LEARNING SLOVENIAN AS A SL/FL AT A PRE-SCHOOL AND EARLy PRIMARy SCHOOL AGE Pre-school and early primary school stages are socio-culturally sensitive stages of a child's development and learning of symbol systems. This inclu- des the learning of a mother tongue and a second/foreign language. youn- ger children learn foreign, i.e. second languages, with ease but it needs to be stressed that early teaching of a foreign language at a pre-school age requi- res specially designed teaching methods and approaches. These approaches must be based on a thorough knowledge of the child's development and lear- ning in early childhood. At a pre-school and early primary school stage, children learn through playing. it is therefore crucial that they never perceive learning as a bur- den, quite the opposite; children must acquire and consolidate the language through language games, in a relaxed and stimulated environment. in this way, the new language experience will also be filled with positive sensations and emotions. Even though playing enables an easier consolidation of good communication, T. Taeschner (2002) believes that the playing in itself does not represent the element that stimulates the process of learning a language. if an individual does not have the possibility to interact in a language he or she is learning, and if certain conditions are not met (concerning the rela- tions, space, time and contacts), he or she will not learn the language. The early speech of a child is influenced by many factors, the most rele- vant being, according to various authors (Titone, 1996; Papalia, Wendkos olds in Duskin Feldman, 2003; Marjanovič Umek, Fekonja in kranjc, 2006, Baloh 2013), the quality of the child's family environment, socio-demo- graphic characteristics of the family and the quality of the educational in- 96 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE stitution. in this paper we will foremost deal with the supportive learning environment effects and we will try to show those teaching methods and approaches that have proven to be a positive incentive for acquiring commu- nication competences for Sl/Fl. With efficient didactical approaches, individualisation and differentia- tion, these being mandatory components of teaching at all levels, it is ne- cessary to create a favourable learning environment in which children are motivated, active and can easily develop their strong areas, eliminating the shortcomings in their weak areas. in a modern and stimulating learning en- vironment, the teacher/educator ensures above all a child's wellbeing and positive stimuli, thus enabling the child to feel safe and stimulated to carry out activities, to learn and to work. Such an environment encourages self- -discipline in learning, making the most of learning opportunities, divergent opinion and self-reflection. 97 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE PODOBA DRUGEGA V SLOVENSKIH OSNOVNOŠOLSKIH UČNIH NAČRTIH IN UČBENIKIH Tatjana BAlAŽiC BUlC Univerza v ljubljani Slovenska izobraževalna jezikovna politika sledi načelom izobraževalne jezikovne politike Evropske unije, ki je začetno idejo o multikulturnosti in večjezičnosti okolja nadgradila v idejo o večjezičnosti posameznika. Z znan- jem jezikov se namreč poleg jezikovne ozaveščenosti krepita tudi medkul- turni dialog in strpnost med pripadniki različnih jezikovnih skupnosti. V ta namen se pouku slovenščine v osnovni šoli že v zgodnji fazi pridružuje tuji jezik, najpogosteje angleščina in ponekod nemščina, različni jezikovnopoli- tični dokumenti pa poudarjajo tudi pomen vključevanja jezikov, ki so prisot- ni v ožjem ali širšem učnem okolju, tudi če niso del kurikula. Pri tem je vse bolj prisotna ideja o načrtnem in sistematičnem medpredmetnem povezo- vanju, kjer razvijanje sporazumevalne zmožnosti ni omejeno le na pouk slo- venščine, drugih maternih in tujih jezikov, temveč se vključuje tudi v druge predmete. Glede na to, da je ena od komponent jezikovnega poučevanja kul- turna in medkulturna ozaveščenost, se zastavlja vprašanje, koliko je ozaveš- čanje medkulturnega dialoga prisotno pri poučevanju nejezikovnih predme- tov. V prispevku poskušamo odgovoriti na vprašanje, kako so medkulturne vsebine vključene v pouk posameznega predmeta tako na ravni učnih ciljev, zastavljenih v učnih načrtih, kot na ravni učbeniškega gradiva. V središču ra- ziskovalne pozornosti je podoba Drugega v osnovnošolskih učnih načrtih in učbenikih, pri čemer se poskuša z metodo analize diskurza ugotoviti, kako (če sploh) so prikazani manjšinski in sosedni jeziki ter posledično govorci teh jezikovnih skupnosti, predvsem v prvi triadi osnovne šole, ki je temelj za nadaljnje razvijanje medkulturnih kompetenc. kot je zapisano v Beli knjigi, je vzgajanje za medsebojno strpnost eden splošnih ciljev vzgoje in izobraže- vanja v Sloveniji, zato se zdi nujno, da se pri medpredmetnem povezovanju tudi ta cilj udejanja načrtno in sistematično. 98 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE THE IMAGE OF THE OTHER IN SLOVENIAN ELEMENTARy SCHOOL CURRICULA AND TExTBOOKS Slovenian educational language policy follows the educational langua- ge policy of the European Union, where the initial idea of multiculturalism and multilingualism was upgraded to the idea of plurilingualism. language knowledge, therefore, strengthens language awareness, intercultural dialo- gues and tolerance among members of different language communities. To achieve these goals, besides the Slovenian language, the curriculum enables foreign language learning already at the early stages of elementary school, mostly English and in some cases German, while various language policy do- cuments also emphasize the importance of including languages that coexist in a narrower or wider learning environment, even if they are not part of the curriculum. At the same time, the idea of planned and systematic cross-cur- ricular integration is increasingly present, where the development of com- municative competence is not limited to learning of Slovene, other mother tongues and foreign languages, but also involves other subjects. Given that one of the components of language teaching is cultural and intercultural awa- reness, the question is to what extent the awareness of intercultural dialogue is present in the teaching process of non-linguistic subjects. in the paper, we will try to answer the question of how intercultural content is included in the teaching process of a certain subject, both at the level of learning outco- mes written in the curricula as well as at the level of textbooks. The research focuses on the image of the other in elementary school curricula and text- books. Using the method of discourse analysis, we try to determine whether and how the minority and neighbouring languages and, consequently, the speakers of these language communities are represented, especially in the first triad of elementary school, which is the basis for further development of intercultural competences. As it is written in the White Book, education for tolerance is one of the general goals of education in Slovenia, and it is therefore important to pursue this objective in a planned and systematic way in cross-curricular integration. 99 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE VZGOJA RAZNOJEZIČNIH OTROK: VEČJEZIČNOST IN RAZNOJEZIČNOST Z VIDIKA STARŠEV Anja PiRiH, Mojca ŽEFRAN, Silva BRAToŽ Univerza na Primorskem;; V večjezičnem in večkulturnem evropskem prostoru je znanje jezikov ključnega pomena za razvoj tako posameznika kot tudi strpne evropske družbe. Pri oblikovanju politike jezikovnega izobraževanja je zato Svet Evro- pe kot enega temeljnih ciljev navedel spodbujanje posameznikove večjezič- nosti in raznojezičnosti. Tako se v različnih evropskih državah, tudi Sloveniji, formalno učenje tujih jezikov pomika v vedno zgodnejše starostno obdobje, neformalno se mnogi tujega jezika pričnejo učiti že v predšolskem obdobju. S tem prihaja v ospredje vloga staršev, saj imajo pri tujejezičnem učenju ot- rok ključno vlogo prav njihova stališča in sodelovanje. Pričujoči prispevek se tako osredotoča na stališča in prepričanja staršev predšolskih otrok in otrok v prvem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju osnovne šole do raznojezičnos- ti in večjezičnosti ter jezikovno okolje, v katerem njihovi otroci odraščajo. izvedena neeksperimentalna kvantitativna raziskava sloni na vprašalniku, s katerim smo ugotavljali stališča do učenja tujega jezika, stališča do različnih jezikov, do vloge starša pri učenju tujih jezikov in motivaciji za učenje tujih jezikov, o povezavi kulture in jezika, pa tudi prepričanja o učenju tujih je- zikov pri izbrani populaciji ter njeno jezikovno okolje. Rezultati raziskave kažejo na kompleksno sliko stališč in prepričanj preučevane populacije. RAISING PLURILINGUAL CHILDREN: PARENTS' ATTITUDES TOWARDS MULTILINGUALISM AND PLURILINGUALISM in a multilingual and multicultural European context, the knowledge of languages is crucial for the development of an individual as well as a tole- rant European society. Therefore, in developing the language education po- licy, the Council of Europe recognised the promotion of plurilingualism and multilingualism as one of Europe's key goals and priorities. Consequently, 100 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE many European countries, including Slovenia, introduced foreign language learning early in the primary school curriculum, with numerous children starting their informal foreign language learning as early as kindergarten. A crucial role in their learning is played by their parents, especially their attitudes and involvement in foreign language learning. The present paper focuses on attitudes and beliefs of parents of preschool children and children attending the first three grades of primary school (age 6 - 8) towards plu- rilingualism and multilingualism and the linguistic environment their chil- dren grow up in. The conducted nonexperimental quantitative research was based on a questionnaire for identifying parents' attitudes towards foreign language learning, different languages, the role of parents in foreign langu- age learning, motivation for foreign language learning and the connection of culture and language, as well as parents’ beliefs toward foreign language learning and their linguistic environment. The results suggest a rather com- plex picture of attitudes and beliefs as expressed by the population surveyed. 101 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE OBRAVNAVA DRUŽINSKE TEMATIKE PRI POUKU JEZIKOV Tanja PAVlič osnovna šola Elvire Vatovec Prade ko govorimo o družinski tematiki, se tako v družbi ko v šolskem prosto- ru srečujemo z različno interpretacijo pojava spreminjanja in pluralizacije družinskega življenja v družbi. Družino je vse težje opredeliti. opredelitve odražajo različne družbene, politične, gospodarske razmere in kulturne nor- me časa. Poleg raznolikih oblik, načinov družinskega življenja, življenjskih stilov in potekov se med drugim srečujemo tudi z begunci iz vojnih žarišč in ekonomskimi migranti, ki masovno zapuščajo domove in prihajajo v Evro- po. Nekateri potujejo skupaj z družino, drugi pa ločeno. Prihaja do ponovne združitve družine ali pa tudi ne. otroci iz drugih držav se vključujejo tudi v slovenske šole. Družina je tema, ki se običajno obravnava tudi pri poučevanju jezika, po- gosto pri poučevanju tujega jezika vse od najnižjih razredov do zaključne- ga razreda. Glede na načelo postopnosti se najpogosteje najprej obravnava družina, v kateri otrok živi, v nadaljevanju pa se tematika širi v spoznavanje širše družbe. Šolo obiskujejo učenci, ki izhajajo iz raznovrstnih družin (tako po strukturi, etnični, verski in drugi pripadnosti). Tako učenci kot učiteljice in učitelji se na omenjeno tematiko različno odzivajo glede na lastne izkušnje in subjektivna pojmovanja o raznovrstnosti družin. Predstavili bomo del rezultatov kvalitativne raziskave, v katero je bilo zajetih 50 osnovnošolskih učiteljic in učiteljev iz obalno-kraške regije. S po- močjo intervjujev smo želeli izvedeti, kakšne pristope poučevanja in učenja pri obravnavi družinske tematike uporabljajo učiteljice in učitelji. Z meto- do diskurzivne analize smo analizirali tudi učne načrte za osnovno šolo pri predmetih: slovenščina, angleščina, italijanščina, madžarščina ter analizirali učbenike v različnih triadah, ki so jih učiteljice in učitelji najpogosteje nava- jali v intervjujih. V prispevku želimo opozoriti tudi na uporabo ustreznega jezikovnega izrazja o družini in njenih članih, saj so nekateri izrazi v praksi dobili nega- tivno konotacijo in bi se jim morali izogniti ali iskati nove rešitve. 102 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE COVERING THE FAMILy THEME IN LANGUAGES’ CLASSES When we talk about the family theme, we come across various interpreta- tions, in the society and in the school field as well, of the notion of changing and pluralisation of the family life in the society. it is more and more difficult to define a family. Definitions are reflecting different social, political, econo- mic conditions and the cultural norms of the time. Apart from various forms, ways of family life, lifestyles and life courses, among others, we also come across refugees from war epicentres and mass economic migrants who leave their homes and arrive in Europe. Some travel together with a family, others do it separately. The uniting of the family again occurs or not. Children from other countries enrol in Slovenian schools, too. The family is a theme usually covered also in language teaching, often in language teaching way back from the lowest grades to the final grade. Con- sidering the principle of gradualism, first the family in which a child lives is most often covered, after that the theme becomes broader by their getting to know the wider society. Pupils who attend schools originate from various families (in terms of their structure, ethnic, religious and other origins). Pu- pils, female and male teachers as well respond differently to the mentioned theme depending on their own experiences and subjective concepts of the variety of families. We will present part of the results of a qualitative research that included 50 elementary female and male teachers from the littoral-karstic region. By the help of interviews, we wanted to find out what teaching and learning approaches in covering the family theme female and male teachers use. By discourse analysis method, we analysed the elementary curricula of the fol- lowing subjects: Slovenian, English, italian, Hungarian, and we analysed the textbooks in different triads that female and male teachers mentioned most often in the interviews. in the paper, we also want to call your attention to the usage of appro- priate linguistic terms for the family and its members, as some of the terms acquired negative connotation in practice, and we would have to avoid them or find new solutions. 103 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE UČITELJI TUJEGA JEZIKA V SLOVENSKI JAVNO OSNOVNI ŠOLI: VPOGLED V POUČEVANJE TUJEGA JEZIKA PO PRISTOPU CLIL V PRVEM VZGOJNO-IZOBRAŽEVALNEM OBDOBJU Tilen SMAJLA osnovna šola Pier Paolo Vergerio il Vecchio koper/Capodistria tilen; Prispevek predstavlja rezultate raziskave stališč učiteljev tujega jezika v slovenskih osnovnih šolah do uporabe pristopa Clil pri pouku prvega tujega jezika (Tj 1) v drugem razredu. Udeleženci so izpolnili anonimen vprašalnik v spletnem okolju. Z nekaterimi smo izpeljali še polstrukturirani intervju. Postavili smo si tri raziskovalna vprašanja: se stališča učiteljev Tj 1 do pri- stopa Clil razlikujejo po starosti, se stališča učiteljev Tj 1 do pristopa Clil razlikujejo po spolu in ali se stališča učiteljev Tj 1 do pristopa Clil razliku- jejo glede na termin vzorčenja. Uporabili smo tako kvantitativno kot kvalita- tivno metodo pedagoškega raziskovanja. Podatke smo analizirali z metodo crosstabulations, intervjuje pa smo analizirali z besedilno analizo. Rezultati so pokazali, da starost vpliva na izbiro učnega pristopa, mlajši udeleženci so raje posegli po pristopu Clil kot starejši udeleženci. Moški udeleženci so hitreje opustili uporabo Clil-a kot ženski udeleženci. Rezultati pa ne kažejo razlik v stališčih do uporabe Clil-a glede na termin vzorčenja. SLOVENIAN PRIMARy SCHOOL FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHERS: AN INSIGHT INTO THE TEACHING OF A FOREIGN LANGUAGE IN THE FIRST CyCLE ACCORDING TO CLIL The research paper presents the results of a survey into the attitudes of Slovenian primary school foreign language teachers toward the teaching of the first foreign language (Fl 1) in the second grade according to Clil. The participants were kindly requested to complete an anonymous on-line questionnaire. The following research questions were put forward. one: Fl 1 teachers’ attitude towards Clil differs significantly regarding their age. Two: Fl 1 teachers’ attitude towards Clil differs significantly regarding the- 104 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE ir gender. Three: Fl 1 teachers’ attitude towards Clil differs significantly regarding the period of sampling. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods were used in the research. Data were analysed using cross tabula- tions and text analysis was used for interviews. Results show younger parti- cipants were more in favour of using Clil; further, male participants tended to quit using Clil sooner than the female participants; finally, the period of sampling does not particularly influence the usage of Clil. 105 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE 4 jEZik iN kUlTURA V liTERATURi / liNGUA E CUlTURA NEllA lETTERATURA / lANGUAGE, CUlTURE AND liTERATURE MEDKULTURNI PRAVLJIČNI MOTIVI NA SLOVENSKIH PANJSKIH KONČNICAH Milena Mileva BlAŽić Univerza v ljubljani Slovenska kulturna dediščina je pomembna za nacionalno identiteto v mednarodnem prostoru. Med pomembne motive, ki so del slovenske in evropske literarne kulture so: ajda, Aleksandrinke, Argonavti, Barbara Celj- ska, človeška ribica, Hallerstein, idrijska čipka, kras, Martin krpan, panjske končnice, rezijanske pravljice, situlska umetnost idr. motivi. Panjske končni- ce so vrsta ljudske umetnosti, značilna za slovensko kulturo od 18. stoletja do danes. V Slovenskem etnografskem muzeju hranijo okrog 1000 panjskih končnic. Na njih so večkulturni motivi, motivni drobci in slepi motivi (luthi, 2012): motiv živali (kamela, slon, tiger, severni medved ipd.), različne kul- ture (Albanec, Arabca v boju na levoma, Arhimedova smrt, Martin luter (in katarina), Napoleon, Sveta Aliansa, Turek s pipo idr.). Na osnovi motivov se panjske končnice delijo na verske in pravljične motive. Med slednjimi jih je deset vpetih v mednarodni tipni indeks pravljic (Uther, 2011) in imajo svojo ATU številko. To so motivi: boj z ogromno žabo, boj z zmajem, godba pred peklom, hudič in fanta pridejo k tericam, hudičevska kozlovska vprega, kmet opehari hudiča, zgodba v šestih slikah, kmetje tepejo hudiča, kralj Matjaž, Pegam in lambergar in zmaj. Tudi motiv živali v človeških vlogah kot satirič- ni motiv je pogost na panjskih končnicah. Tipni indeks slovenskih živalskih pravljic je napisala M. kropej Telban, ki je v Tipnem indeksu slovenskih ljud- skih pravljic (2015) obravnavala pravljični motiv živali pokopavajo lovca / The Animals Bury the Hunter in mu dodelila poseben pravljični tip s tipno številko (*ATU 191*). Za pravljični tip/motiv je pomembno, da se pojavlja tudi v sodobni slovenski mladinski književnosti, npr.: j. Ribičič: Zverine po- 106 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE kopljejo lovca, 1940, Z. Makarovič: Živali pokopavajo lovca, 1984; katalenca s studenca, 1992, A. Rozman Roza: lovska, 2010 idr. Motivi, ki so relevantni, repetitivni in memorabilni (Zipes, 2012), bodo ostali v kulturnem spominu in se bodo pojavljali od panjskih končnic do sodobne slovenske mladinske književnosti. 107 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE HRVATSKO-SLOVENSKI JEZIČNI DODIRI U PJESNIŠTVU STIPE CVITANA Sanja VUlić Sveučilište u Zagrebu Stipe Cvitan je rođen 1928. u Tribunju kraj Šibenika u Hrvatskoj, a već četiri desetljeća živi u Sloveniji, najprije u Piranu, a zatim u luciji kraj Por- toroža. Premda od mladosti piše pjesme, za njihovo objavljivanje odlučio se vrlo kasno, pa je svoju prvu pjesničku zbirku, naslovljenu Maslina u ledini, objavio godine 2007., gotovo kao osamdesetogodišnjak. Već tom svojom prvom pjesničkom zbirkom odredio se kao dijalektni pjesnik jer je njegov pjesnički idiom temeljen na njegovu rodnom tribunjskom govoru. Tribunjski je govor temeljno čakavski, ali pod štokavskim utjecajem. Međutim, budući da je Cvitan polovicu života proveo u Sloveniji, njegov je hrvatski dijalekt- ni pjesnički izraz protkan i brojnim slovenizmima, koji će biti temom ovoga izlaganja. osim u prvoj, zastupljeni su i u njegove tri kasnije pjesničke zbirke: Ne odi nider (2010.), Babin pas. Pjesme (2012.) te Poleti, kalebe (2014.). Upravo slovenizmi, i to na svim jezičnim razinama, čine prepoznatljivim Cvitanov pjesnički jezik jer je to unikatna pojava pjesničkoga idioma temeljena na tri- bunjskom mjesnom govoru, koji je spontano prošaran utjecajima slovensko- ga jezika. istodobno, Cvitanove su pjesme djelomice i tematski vezane uz nje- govu novu domovinu Sloveniju, uz slovenske pejzaže i kulturne spomenike, pa će i ta tematika biti prezentirana u izlaganju. CROATIAN-SLOVENIAN LANGUAGE IN CONTACT IN STIPE CVITAN'S POEMS Stipe Cvitan was born in 1928 in Tribunj near Šibenik in Croatia. For more than four decades he’s living in Slovenija, first in Piran and then in lucija near Portorož. Although he writes poems since his youth, he decided to pub- lish them much later in life. His first book of poems titled Maslina u ledini (An olive on a wasteland) was published in 2007 when the author was nearly 108 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE eighty years old. With his first book of poems he marked himself as a poet writing on a dialect. His poetic idiom is based on his birth town of Tribunj’s local idiom. The local idiom of Tribunj is mainly čakavian, but is influenced by Štokavian dialect. As Cvitan lived most of his adult life in Slovenija, his Croatian dialectal poetry is filled with Slovenian words and phrases. Those Slovenian influences are the main focus of this presentation (paper). Besides the first book of poems the mentioned influence is present in all three later published books of poems Ne odi nider (Don’t go nowhere, 2010.), Babin pas. Pjesme (Rainbow. Poems, 2012.) te Poleti, kalebe (Fly, seagull, 2014.). loans from Slovenian languages, at all language levels, is what makes Cvitan’s poetic language recognizable as it is the unique phenomenon of poetic idiom based on the local idiom of Tribunj with spontaneous Slovenian language influences. At the same time, Cvitan’s poems are partially thematically re- lated to his new Slovenian homeland. in them you can find descriptions of Slovenian landscapes and cultural monuments, which will be presented in this presentation (paper). 109 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE UN AUTORE TRANSNAZIONALE STIBE MILIČIć ljiljana BANJANIN Università degli Studi di Torino Persida lAZAREVić Di GiACoMo Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara Svetlana ŠEAToVić istituto di letteratura e Arte di Belgrado Nel presente lavoro sarà analizzata la produzione letteraria del poeta-pit- tore di Hvar, josip Sibe Miličić (1886-1945), presente nel panorama letterario croato e serbo della prima metà del Novecento. Figura centrale delle avan- guardie del Regno di jugoslavia, ebbe modo di conoscere l’Espressionismo a Vienna ed il Futurismo a Roma. la prima parte del lavoro sarà dedicata allo studio della poetica di Miličić e alle ragioni storiche del suo passaggio dallo jekavo all’ekavo; nella seconda parte, invece, verrà analizzato lo stile della narrativa di Miličić, che riflette la sensazione apocalittica tra le due guerre. STIBE MILIČIć, A TRANSNATIONAL AUTHOR This paper deals with the literary production of both Croatian and Ser- bian poet-painter of Hvar, josip Sibe Miličić (1886-1945) in the first half of the twentieth century. He was the central figure of the avant-garde of the kingdom of yugoslavia and had the opportunity to know modernist move- ments as Expressionism in Vienna and Futurism in Rome. The first part of the paper will concern the study of Miličić’s poetics and the historical re- asons for his passage from jekavian to ekavian variant; in the second part, however, the style of Miličić’s narrative that reflects the apocalyptic feeling between the two wars will be analyzed. 110 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE MCEWAN AND MURAKAMI: BETWEEN EAST AND WEST Jelica RAjkoVić University of Belgrade ian McEwan and Haruki Murakami are among the most important names of contemporary literature on the international level. They drew attention with the features of their style and have created a significant army of fans all around the world. This paper, specifically, will deal with the culture factor in the shaping of the style they use in their writing and topics that are of their interest. McEwan uses culture as a symbol important for plot formation or as satire. He is famous for his love for music, classical music primarily, which represents an important element of almost each of his novels, whereas the typical for Murakami’s novels is the presentation of contemporary japan, the fight between tradition and globalization on the individual but also on wider, social level. The most common presentation of globalization in his novels is through rock’n’roll music from the US or Uk. it is not rare for Murakami to use the involvement of surreal and transfer of the characters into imagi- nary spaces of dreams followed by western popular songs. The aim of this paper is, via comparative analysis of representative novels of these authors, applying the methods and techniques of poststructuralism and deconstruc- tional approach to reach the conclusion on culture as postmodernist factor of shaping characters and plot in the contemporary novel. The biographical method will be applied in order to give a specific insight into similarities and differences in this respect, taking into consideration the geographical distan- ce of these two writers and their cultural backgrounds. 111 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE LINGUISTIC IDENTITy THROUGH A BOURDIEUSIAN LENS Sabina ZoRčič institute for Ethnic Studies ljubljana The purpose of this presentation is to discuss identity using the concepts that make up the practice theory of renowned French sociologist Pierre Bo- urdieu. in his writings, Bourdieu almost never uses the term identity. This is understandable: if an individual were to have asked Bourdieu “Who am i?”, he or she would probably have received a response built around con- cepts such as habitus, capital and field. Regarding language, the well known concepts of his theory are linguistic habitus and linguistic capital, which is the sub-class of cultural capital, but do they suffice to answer the question of linguistic identity and language choice in bilingual areas in its entirety? looking at the results of the preliminary study of communication practices among bilingual youth in Carinthia, Austria attempts to clarify this question will be made. Bourdieu was often criticized for his sociological determinism, and many researchers who would go on to pursue identity studies and to a greater or lesser extent work within Bourdieu‘s conceptual framework would indeed add new features to his concepts or otherwise extend his conceptual fra- mework. Noting the sheer num-ber of attempts in this direction, it would seem that the need exists. While some researchers have expanded Bourdieu- ’s classic array of capitals to include, for example, emotional capital and iden- tity capital, others have focused more on the concept of habitus and on sub- jectivity, intersubjectivity, reflexivity (hybridizing habitus) and psychosocial understandings of habitus. identity studies is one of the fastest-growing fields in the social sciences. Giving the current academic milieu, it is not surprising that interdisciplina- rity is practically written in its genome. The presentation argues that the concept of habitus is highly applicable within identity studies, but that the psychological aspect of identity should perhaps also be used to achieve a more holistic understanding of habitus. in fact, Bourdieu himself wrote abo- ut this in his last works, Pascalian Meditations and Weight of the World. Has the time come to expand the horizons of Bourdieusian thought? 112 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE STEREOTIPI I PREDRASUDE O KAJKAVCIMA U KONTEKSTU IMAGOLOŠKOG PRISTUPA NOVIJOJ HRVATSKOJ PROZI Andrijana koS-lAjTMAN, Ana Marija klARić Sveučilište u Zagrebu U radu se detektiraju dominantni društveni stereotipi i predrasude veza- ni uz govornike kajkavskoga narječja hrvatskoga jezika s obzirom na različite aspekte čovjeka i njegova života – intelektualni, emotivni, socijalni, kulturni, ekonomski, religijski, politički, rodni, moralni, seksualni, jezični, i druge. Po- tvrđeni društveni stereotipi i predrasude ispituju se imagološkim pristupom nekima od najznačajnijih djela novije kajkavske proze – počevši od kajkav- skih tekstova Antuna Gustava Matoša i Miroslava krleže, preko proza Slavka kolara, Zvonimira Majdaka, Mladena kerstnera, Pere Budaka, Stjepana Dra- ganića i Hrvoja Hitreca, do najmlađe generacije kajkavskih autora poput Mi- roslava Gakića, Denisa Peričića i kristiana Novaka. Analizom likova kajkava- ca te načina njihova prikazivanja i funkcioniranja u konkretnom književnom tekstu, utvrđuje se status određenog stereotipa u okviru književnog diskur- sa, tj. pokazuje se koliko književnost posreduje u formiranju i/ili učvršćivan- ju društvenih stereotipa, odnosno, s druge strane, u kojoj se mjeri pojedini stereotipi njome ruše i/ili prevladavaju. Analitički pristup reprezentativnim tekstovima novije hrvatske prozne književnosti s obzirom na imagološki as- pekt ujedno ima za cilj doći do uvida o statusu pojedinog stereotipa vezanog uz regionalnu i dijalektalnu pripadnost u kronološkoj perspektivi. Točni- je, nastoji se pokazati mijenja li se u hrvatskoj književnosti tretman domi- nantnih stereotipa uvjetovanih regionalnom i dijalektalnom komponentom u razdoblju od početka 20. stoljeća do danas, i u kojem smjeru. 113 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE STEREOTyPES AND PREJUDICES ABOUT KAJ-DIALECT SPEAKERS VIA IMAGOLOGy APPROACH TO CONTEMPORARy CROATIAN PROSE The paper detects an describes the dominant social stereotypes and pre- judices related to speakers of Croatian language kaj-dialect, with respect to various aspects of man and his life - intellectual, emotional, social, cultural, economic, religious, political, gender, moral, sexual, linguistic, and others. The confirmed social stereotypes and prejudices are tested through ima- gology approach to some of the most important works of contemporary pro- se (from the beginning of the 20th century to the present days) in kaj-dialect - starting from authors Antun Gustav Matoš and Miroslav krleža, continuing in the prose of others like Slavko kolar, Zvonimir Majdak, Mladen kerstner, Pero Budak, Stjepan Draganić and Hrvoje Hitrec, on to the youngest genera- tion of authors in kaj dialect, like Miroslav Gakić, Denis Peričić and kristian Novak. The analysis of kaj-speaking fictional characters, how they appear and function in a specific literary text, determines the status of certain stereoty- pes within the literary discourse, i.e. shows on one hand how the literature mediates in the formation and/or strengthening of social stereotypes; on the other hand, the extent to which certain stereotypes it destroys and/ or pre- vails. The analytical approach to case study texts of contemporary Croatian pro- se with regard to imagology aspect also aims to approach information about the status of a certain stereotype related to a region and a dialect in chrono- logical perspective. Specifically, it tries to show the changes in the Croatian literature, in terms of treatment of the dominant stereotypes conditioned by their respective regional and dialectal component, from early 20th century to the present day, and in what direction these changes go. 114 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE MODELI LITERARNE REPREZENTACIJE DRUGEGA IN TRAVMATIČNE KOLEKTIVNE MEMORIJE MANJŠINSKE SKUPNOSTI: PRIMER SLOVENSKE TRŽAŠKE KNJIŽEVNOSTI Ana ToRoŠ Univerza v Novi Gorici Pričujoči prispevek metodološko izhaja iz (regionalne) literarne imagologije in spominskih študij ter se usmerja na preučevanje tržaške literature v slovenskem jeziku. Pri tem izhaja iz hipoteze, da je imela slovenska tržaška literatura kot man- jšinska literatura od konca 19. stoletja naprej funkcijo utrjevanja identitete dane skupnosti ter da se je v teku 20. stoletja oblikovala na podlagi travmatične kolektivne memorije (izkušnja fašizma), ki se je manifestirala v literarnem diskurzu. Ravno literatura je namreč pogosto prostor za manifestiranje trav- matične izgube in ohranjanje kolektivne memorije ter obenem prostor za utrjevanje identitete skupnosti brez politične suverenosti. obenem prispevek izhaja iz hipoteze, da so se v procesu literarizacije kolektivne memorije obli- kovale strategije literarnega prikazovanja Drugega v regiji (večinoma v obli- ki negativnih stereotipov). Pri tem se opira na kritično diskurzivno analizo in predpostavlja, da se je slovenski tržaški literarni diskurz razvijal na podlagi literarnih "modelov reprezentacije" kolektivne memorije (in Drugega), ki so se oblikovali znotraj slovenskega tržaškega literarnega sistema, in jih skuša analizirati s pomočjo teorije pripovedi. Pri tem ugotavlja, da ima slovenski tržaški literarni diskurz, ki izhaja iz modela reprezentacije (travmatične) ko- lektivne memorije, vnaprej predvidljivo zgodbo in elemente fabule (dogodki, akterji, čas). Slovenska tržaška literatura od prve polovice 20. stoletja naprej poudarja večstoletno prisotnost slovenstva na Tržaškem, vzpon slovenstva in razcvet slovenskega gospodarstva in kulture na Tržaškem pred prvo sve- tovno vojno ter travmatične dogodke v času fašizma (nasilna italijanizacija slovenskega prebivalstva, požig Narodnega doma, Bazovica). Smotrnost to- vrstnega raziskovanja je v razumevanju literarizacije spominskih praks, prek katerih lažje uvidimo literarne heterostereotipe ter s tem prispevamo k bolj premišljenemu procesu branja (večji bralni kompetenci). 115 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE PROBLEM PREVAJANJA KULTURNIH IZRAZOV IZ FRANCOSKE LITERATURE V SLOVENŠČINO – NOVE STRATEGIJE V ČASU GLOBALIZACIJE? Mojca SCHlAMBERGER BREZAR Univerza v ljubljani Prevodoslovje se od nekdaj ukvarja z izvorno in s ciljno orientiranimi pre- vodi, od Venutija naprej pa tudi s prevajalskimi strategijami podomačevanja in potujevanja kulturnih komponent, ki se v velikih in malih jezikih močno razlikujejo: pri malih jezikih, kjer prevajanje nemalokdaj predstavlja oboga- titev ciljnega jezika s tujo kulturo, je potujevanje močneje prisotno kot pri velikih. Vseeno pa tudi v slovenščini srečamo več podomačevalnih strategij, predvsem ko gre za starejše prevode ali prevode starejših prevajalcev. Ta norma se spreminja glede na čas prevoda, kar je tudi pogojeno z veljavnimi pravopisi, ki od leta 1950 naprej glede podomačevanja posredujejo različna pravila. Tako istočasno v jeziku srečamo variante prevodov, kot na primer Kavarna Mir na Opernem trgu v funkciji podomačenega prevoda za Café de la Paix, Place de l'Opéra, kot tudi Champs Elysées kot rezultat potujitvene strategije za običajno slovensko ustreznico Elizejske poljane. V času globalizacije, kjer se pretok kulturnospecifičnih vsebin dnevno povečuje, je prevzemanja oziroma potujitvenega prevajanja še več, tudi za- radi večje ozaveščenosti glede kulturnih komponent v jeziku. Postavljamo hipotezo, da so v zadnjih dvajsetih letih pristopi potujevanja pri prevodih iz francoske kulture še izrazitejši kot dotlej. Analizo bomo izvedli na osnovi vzporednega korpusa literarnih besedil FraSlok (Mezeg, 2011), ki obravnava francoske originale in slovenske prevode zadnjih 25 let, korpus bomo dopol- nili z analizami nekaterih prevodov iz francoščine v 50., 60., 70. in 80. letih preteklega stoletja ter ga primerjali z analizo besedil v korpusu izvirnih be- sedil Gigafida. Za popolnejšo analizo bomo izsledkom dodali anketo o spre- jemljivosti podomačenih oziroma potujenih kulturno specifičnih besed pri štirih različnih starostnih skupinah uporabnikov. 116 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE PROBLEM OF TRANSLATION OF CULTURALLy SPECIFIC TERMS OF FRENCH CULTURE INTO SLOVENE – NEW APPROACHES IN THE TIME OF GLOBALISATION? Translation studies are being marked by sourcerers and ciblists and their attitude towards the translation orientation. Since Venuti, translation stu- dies of smaller and bigger languages are preoccupied with questions about domestication and foreignization. Their issues are not equivalent in small or big languages. Within small languages as Slovene, translation can be a source of language enrichment with culturally specific terms from source culture and thus foreignization is more frequent than within big languages. Anyway, also domestication strategies can be met within the translation of literary texts, especially with older translations and with older translators. The norm is changing according to the time of translation, as influenced by orthographic rules and manuals (since 1950, different rules are given in the domain of spelling culturally specific names and terms. So we can meet si- multaneously the translation equivalent of Kavarna Mir na Opernem trgu in function of a domesticating translation for Café de la Paix, Place de l'Opéra, as well as Champs Elysées as a result of foreignization for a Slovene equivalent Elizejske poljane. in the time of globalisation where the flux of culturally specific terms is growing daily, the foreignizating translation is one of the rules. it is also pos- sible because of growing awareness of people regarding culturally specific terms and cultural components within a language. We are putting forward a hypothesis that in the last 20 years within French translations the process of foreignization will be more accentuated than before. We will analyse the material from the parallel corpus of literary texts and their translations Fra- Slok (Mezeg, 2011), treating French novels and their Slovene translations from the last 25 years. The corpus will be completed by some translations from 50', 60', 70' and 80' from the last century and compared to the analy- sis of authentic Slovene texts gathered in the monolingual corpus Gigafida. A survey about the acceptability of domesticated or foreignizated culturally specific terms, within four different age groups, will be added to complete the analysis. 117 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE APPROCHE INTERCULTURELLE ET TRADUCTION DES SITES WEB TOURISTIQUES Sonia VAUPoT Univerza v ljubljani la forte montée d’internet dans la communication du XXie siècle se ma- nifeste entre autres dans le domaine du tourisme. les villes touristiques améliorent leur communication, notamment en utilisant leur principal outil : leur site web. les sites Web sont devenus un lieu de rencontre entre profes- sionnels et touristes. ils sont un atout essentiel, car ils représentent souvent le premier contact qui décide de la suite donnée à la démarche. la dimension interculturelle est non seulement spécifique au domaine, mais elle est aus- si essentielle. Notre article analyse dans quelle mesure les sites de quelqu- es métropoles et villes tiennent compte de cette dimension interculturelle. Nous supposons que les stratégies sont diverses. Certains se contentent de quelques traductions qui sont souvent des copies conformes à l’original. À l’inverse, d’autres ont une démarche d’adaptation à la culture du visiteur. Notre approche s’inscrit donc dans une approche communicationnelle du tourisme. Nous tiendrons compte de la prise en compte des spécificités lin- guistiques et culturelles. les milieux touristiques professionnels connais- sent bien les particularités de chaque groupe culturel. Est-ce que les sites web tiennent compte de ces différences ? Peuvent-ils se présenter de façon unique pour tous alors que les attentes de chaque groupe sont différentes? la culture est au centre de la communication touristique et elle pose la qu- estion centrale de cette recherche : comment est gérée l’interculturalité sur les sites ? l’objectif de cette étude n’est pas d’avoir une vision globale, mais de réaliser une première approche d‘un point de vue linguistique et culturel. 118 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE MEDKULTURNI PRISTOP IN PREVAJANJE TURISTIČNIH SPLETNIH STRANI Močna rast interneta v komunikaciji 21. stoletja se kaže med drugim tudi na področju turizma. Turistična mesta izboljšujejo svojo komunikaci- jo, zlasti z uporabo njihovega glavnega orodja: lastne spletne strani. Spletne strani so postale neke vrste zbirališče za srečanja med strokovnjaki in tu- risti. So bistvenega pomena, ker pogosto predstavljajo prvi stik, ki odločilno vpliva na nadaljnji pristop. Medkulturna razsežnost ni samo specifična za področje, ampak je tudi bistvena. V našem članku bomo analizirali, v kolikš- ni meri spletne strani nekaterih metropol in mest upoštevajo medkulturno razsežnost. Predvidevamo, da so strategije raznolike. Nekateri so zadovolj- ni s prevodi, ki so pogosto v popolnem skladu z izvirnikom. Nasprotno pa imajo drugi proaktiven pristop in raje prilagodijo spletno besedilo kulturi obiskovalca. Naš pristop je torej del celovitega komunikacijskega pristopa v turizmu. Upoštevali bomo jezikovne in kulturne posebnosti. Strokovnjaki s področja turizma poznajo posebnosti vsake kulturne skupine. Ali spletne strani upoštevajo te razlike? Ali se lahko predstavljajo na edinstven način za vse, medtem ko so pričakovanja vsake skupine drugačna? kultura je v sre- dišču turistične komunikacije in opredeljuje osrednje vprašanje te raziskave: kako se medkulturnost upravlja na nekaterih spletnih straneh? Cilj te študije ni opredeliti globalne vizije, ampak zastaviti ta pristop z jezikovnega in kul- turnega vidika. INTERCULTURAL APPROACH AND TRANSLATION OF TOURISM WEBSITES The strong growth of the internet in the communication of the twenty- -first century is also manifested in the field of tourism. Tourist cities improve their communication, in particular by using their main tool: their website. Websites have become a meeting place for experts and tourists. They are an essential asset because they often represent the first contact decisive for the follow-up to the research. The intercultural dimension is not only specific to the field, but is also essential. our article will analyse the extent to which the sites of some metropolises and cities take account of this intercultural dimension. We assume that the strategies are diverse. Some are satisfied 119 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE with several translations which are often copies conforming to the original. Conversely, others take a proactive approach and prefer the process of adap- tation to the culture of the visitor. our approach is part of the communica- tion approach to tourism. We will take into account the linguistic and cultu- ral specificities. The experts from the fields of tourism are familiar with the particularities of each cultural group. Do the websites take these differences into account? Can they present themselves in a unique way for all while the expectations of each group are different? Culture is at the centre of tourism communication and it raises the central question of this research: how inter- culturality has been handled on the sites? The objective of this study is not to have a global vision, but to achieve a first approach from a linguistic and cultural point of view. 120 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE THE TRANSFER OF FRENCH CULTURE-BOUND VOCABULARy INTO SLOVENE Adriana MEZEG University of ljubljana in intercultural and interlingual communication, knowing the source and the target culture is just as important as knowing the source and the tar- get language if the communicative act is to be successful. in translation, it is even more crucial because cultural notions have to be, in one or another way, somehow rendered in the target language. The present study proposes to explore how French cultural notions and culture-specific vocabulary are transferred into Slovene. Using a corpus-based approach and methodology, we will extract culturally-marked lexis from an electronic corpus of appro- ximately one million words, consisting of twelve contemporary French no- vels and their Slovene translations. The source lexis will be semantically and pragmatically categorised whereas the analysis of translations will reveal the different possible strategies and procedures in translating culture-bound vocabulary. in this regard, we will particularly be interested in the relation between domesticating and foreignising strategies, i.e. whether the different translators decided to preserve the foreign culture lexis in the translated no- vels or they preferred bringing them closer to the target reader and culture. This study will thus show whether there are any significant differences in the strategies and procedures used by the different translators. last but not least, where possible, the translations from the novels will be compared to those provided by the Grad French-Slovenian dictionary so as to see how culture-specific words are treated in the biggest available dictionary for this language pair. 121 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE TRANSFER KULTUROWy W POLSKICH PRZEKłADACH PROZy VLADA ŽABOTA Monika GAwLAK Uniwersytet Śląski w katowicach W Polsce ukazały się dwie powieści Vlada Žabota – Sukub w tłumaczeniu Ewy Ziewiec oraz Wilcze noce ( Volčje noči) w tłumaczeniu Marleny Grudy, a także zbiór opowiadań Mora bukowa ( Bukovska mati) również przetłumac-zony przez Marlenę Grudę. Artykuł będzie dotyczył transferu wybranych elementów kulturowych czy regionalnych i strategii translatorskich w pol- skich przekładach utworów Žabota. Tłumacz jako drugi autor projektuje nieco inny typ czytelnika modelowego, uwzględniając nowe uwarunkowa- nia społeczne, kulturowe i mentalne adresata w kulturze docelowej, czego wyrazem są jego decyzje i między innymi przesunięcia w zakresie transferu kulturowego. Tłumacz utworów Žabota napotyka między innymi na bariery kulturowe w postaci wyrażeń dialektalnych czy specyficznych elementów regionalnych nieobecnych i nieznanych w kulturze sekundarnej. istotną rolę w tym kontekście odgrywają również same tytuły, a także przedmowy czy przypisy zamieszczone w przełożonych książkach. Dlatego osobne miejsce w artykule poświęcone będzie roli paratekstów w transferze kulturowym, jak również samym wydawnictwom, w których ukazały się wspomniane przekłady (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego i instytut Mikołowski im. Rafała Wojaczka). CULTURAL TRANSFER IN POLISH TRANSLATIONS OF VLADO ŽABOT’S PROSE in Poland, two novels by Vlado Žabot were published – Sukub translated by Ewa Ziewiec and Wilcze noce ( Volčje noči) translated by Marlena Gruda, as well as a volume of short stories Mora bukowa ( Bukovska mati) also translated by Marlena Gruda. The article will cover the transfer of selected cultural or regional elements, and translation strategies in Polish 122 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE translations of Žabot's works. Translator, as the second author, designs a slightly different type of model reader, taking into account new social, cul- tural and mental determinants of the target culture. This is reflected in his decisions and, inter alia, shifts in cultural transfer. The translator of Žabot’s works encounters cultural barriers in the form of dialectical expressions or specific regional elements absent and unknown in the target culture. Also titles and prefaces or footnotes published in translated books play important role in this context. on this account, a separate part of this article will be de- voted to the role of paratexts in cultural transfer, as well as to the publishing houses in which these translations were published. 123 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE JEZIK I KULTURA U trilogiji o Kurlanima MIRKA BOŽIćA Mirela ŠUŠić Sveučilište u Zadru U svom proznom djelu posve moderne strukture Trilogiji o Kurlanima koja obuhvaća romane: Kurlani, gornji i donji (1952.), Neisplakani (1955.) i Tijela i duhovi (1981.), koje je prvenstveno ostvareno osebujnim narodnim štokavskim jezikom zavičajnog kraja začinjenog osobitim piščevim novotvo- renicama, Mirko Božić izvornošću i ekspresivnošću izraza životopisno osli- kava duše likova dižući ih na razinu univerzalnih silnica koje grade opću sliku svijeta i čovjeka, pri čemu je odnos jezika i kulture nerazlučiv i dvosmjeran. Pisac određenim jezičnim izričajem stvara i izražava određenu kulturu, a ta određena kultura osmišljava i konstruira upravo takav jezični izričaj. Živim jezikom, izvornog daha kroz različite jezične ostvaraje i to: ruralni jezik seljaka kurlana donjih i gornjih i urbani jezik sinjskih građana, pisac u ovom proznom djelu donosi, ali i stvara jezik iz kojeg poniru likovi toliko estetski uspjeli da u sebi ogledaju opću vrijednost, a jezik književnog djela postaje oblikovna snaga dviju različitih kultura svijeta književnog djela – ru- ralne i urbane. Svrha je ovog rada prikazati odnos jezika i kulture u ovom kolosalnom Božićevom djelu odnosno rasvijetliti ulogu jezika u stvaranju, oblikovanju i izražavanju kulture i ulogu kulture u konstituiranju jezika. između ostalog, istaknut će se karakterizacijska snaga Božićeva jezika očitovana u prikazu karakternih osobina likova kakvi su npr. leksičko-tvorbeni elementi. Božić svojim likovima udahnjuje životnu originalnost upravo pomoću leksika, po- vezujući ih u zajedničkom skupu riječi jednog jezika – ruralnog kurlanskog jezika, odnosno – urbanog sinjskog jezika i na taj način te uz pomoć prem- ještanja prostora romana, kontrastira njihovu kulturu, strukturni sklop i funkcionalni značaj. 124 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE LANGUAGE AND CULTURE IN triologija o Kurlanima WRITTEN By MIRKO BOŽIć in his prose works of a completely modern structure Trilogiji o Kurlanima, which includes novels: Kurlani, gornji i donji (1952.), Neisplakani (1955.) and Tijela i duhovi (1981.), which was primarily realized by the peculiar folk stokavian language of the native region spiced with a peculiar Writers of new- borns, Mirko Božić with the originality and expressiveness of the expression resembles the soul of the characters by elevating them to the level of univer- sal silversmiths that make the general picture of the world and man, in which the relationship between language and culture is indivisible and bidirectio- nal. The author with certain linguistic expression creates and expresses a certain culture, and that particular culture conceives and constructs exactly such linguistic expression. living in the language, the original breath through the various language cultures: the rural language of kurlani donji i gornji and the urban languages of the citizens of Sinj, the writer in this prose piece brings, but also creates a language from which the characters are so aesthetically successful that they reflect the general value, and the language of the literary work becomes the formative force of two different cultures of the world of literary work - rural and urban. The purpose of this paper is to present the relationship between language and culture in this colossal of Božić’s work, to highlight the role of language in creating, shaping and expressing culture and the role of culture in the con- stitution of language. Among other things, the characterization of Božić’s is manifested in character characterization of characters such as lexical-creati- ve elements. Božić with their characters inspires the originality of life by me- ans of a lexical language, linking them to a common set of words of a single language - the rural language of kuralni, or - the urban language of Sinj, and thus, with the help of the displacement of the space of the novel, contrasts their culture, structure and functional significance. 125 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE METAMORFOZE JEZIKA – OD SVAKODNEVNOG DO SVEVREMENSKOG Stefan BASARić apsolvent Filozofskog fakulteta Novi Sad Milanka STANkić Udruženje ’’Mladi i igra” Subotica U ovom radu biće govora o značenjima reči koje svakodnevno koristimo. korelacija jezika i njegove etimologije u kontekstu književnosti predstaval- jaju matrice prema kojima tražimo metajezički i simbolički sloj poruka. Biće govora o svojstvima reči kada se koriste u procesu stvaranju poetskog dela, kao i o kulturnim uticajima na književne tekstove; sadržaji književnih dela prožeti su sadržajima iz kulturnog nasleđa samog autora, simbola, tradicije i baštine iz kulturno-istorijsko-književne sfere. jezik kao osnovno i jedino sredstvo verbalne komunikacije među ljudima biće analiziran u svojstvu os- novne građe za književno delo. Fokus te analiza u radu biće na delima slove- načkih pesnika: Antona Aškerca, Edvarda kocbeka, Srečka kosovela, Tomaša Šalamuna i Vena Taufera. Poezija ovih savremenih pesnika prožeta je dubo- kim slojevima jezičkih aocijativnih nizova, simbola i metafora koje duguju svoja značenja bogatoj slovenačkoj kulturnoj tradiciji kao i jezičkim aluzi- jama. Taj višeslojni diskurs potiče mnogostruke pristupe književnom delu. Neverbalni načini komunikacije u delima gorenavedenih pesnika dodiruje sferu psiholingvistike i taj pristup biće predmet istraživanja, njihovo ekspe- rimentisanje u poeziji i poezijom, drugačijim načininima korišćenja jezika kao i uticaji na književnu publiku i njihovu recepciju takve književnosti. 126 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE LE METAMORFOSI DELLA LINGUA – DA qUELLA qUOTIDIANA A QUELLA DI TUTTI I TEMPI in quest’opera discuteremo sul significato delle parole in uso quotidiano. la correlazione della lingua e della sua etimologia nel contesto della lettera- tura rappresentano le matrici secondo quali cerchiamo uno strato simbolico e metalinguistico dei messaggi. Parleremo della qualità di parole quando si usano nel processo della creazione di un’opera poetica, ed anche di influenze culturali sui testi letterali; il contenuto delle opere letterarie sono permeate dei contenuti del patrimonio culturale dello stesso autore, dei simboli, tradi- zione e del patrimonio dalla sfera culturale-storica-letteraria. la lingua come elementare ed unico mezzo della comunicazione verbale tra gli uomini sarà analizzata nella qualità della struttura elementare di un’opera letteraria. il focus di questa ana-lisi in lavoro sarà sulle opere dei poeti sloveni: Anton As- kerc, Edvard kocbek, Srečko kosovel, Tomas Salamun e Ven Taufer. la poesia di questi poeti contemporanei è permeata di profondi strati di file linguis- tiche associative, di simboli e di metafore che devono i propri significati sia alla ricca tradizione slovena che alle allusioni linguistiche. Questo discorso multistrato spinge multipli approcci all’opera letteraria. i modi non verbali della comunicazione dei sopracitati poeti toccano la sfera di psicolinguistica e questo approccio sarà oggetto della ricerca, la loro sperimentazione nella e con la poesia, con altri modi di uso della lingua, ed anche le influenze sul pubblico lettera-rio e sulla loro percezione di tale letteratura. 127 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE FIGLI METAFORICI NEL LINGUAGGIO DEI PROVERBI Maslina ljUBičić Università di Zagreb Nei proverbi, molte esperienze e concetti astratti sono spesso espressi tramite l’immaginario stereotipato delle relazioni di famiglia. Tra i rapporti familiari, quello tra la madre e i figli indubbiamente è il più essenziale, comu- nemente noto e rappresenta un’esperienza condivisa da tutti gli esseri uma- ni. l’immagine della madre quale genitrice, protettrice e stimolo per lo svi- luppo dei figli è largamente sfruttata come dominio di partenza nella nostra concettualizzazione del rapporto tra causa ed effetto. Vi si aggiunge anche l‘immagine del padre quale genitore maschile. oltre ai lessemi ‚padre‘, ‚mad- re‘ o ‚genitore‘, la metafora concettuale dei genitori si realizza linguistica- mente anche tramite i verbi ‚nascere‘, ‚partorire‘, ‚dare vita‘, ecc. Nella stessa metafora, denominata da Turner (1987) CAUSATioN iS PRoGENERATioN, i figli metaforici designano i risultati delle qualità e dei concetti astratti. lo scopo di questo contributo è di analizzare i proverbi con la menzionata me- tafora, nei quali appaiono i lessemi ‘figlio’ e ‘figlia’ (cf. lat. Veritas temporis filia, ital. la tentazione è figlia dell‘ozio, fr. Cruauté est fille de couardise, ingl. Proverbs are the children of experience, cro. Pravda je dijete vremena). la ricerca dei corpora in varie lingue dimostra che i proverbi analizzati fanno parte dell’eredità comune europea. METAPHORICAL CHILDREN IN THE LANGUAGE OF PROVERBS in proverbs many experiences and abstract concepts are frequently ex- pressed through stereotypical imagery of kinship relations. Among these, the mother-and-children relation is undoubtedly the most essential and commonly known, since it represents an experience shared by all human be- ings. The image of the mother as a parent, guardian and a stimulus for the development of her children is widely exploited as a source domain in our conceptualization of the relationship between cause and effect. The father’s image as a male parent must also be added. in addition to the lexemes ‚father‘, 128 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE ‚mother‘ or ‚parent‘, the conceptual metaphor of parents is realized linguisti- cally also with verbs ‚to be born‘, ‚to give birth‘, ‘to generate’, etc. in the same CAUSATioN iS PRoGENERATioN metaphor (Turner 1987), metaphorical children refer to the results of abstract qualities and concepts. The aim of this paper is to analyze the proverbs with the aforementioned metaphor, in which the lexemes ‚son‘ and ‚daughter‘ are used (cf. lat. Veritas temporis fi- lia, ital. la tentazione è figlia dell‘ozio, fr. Cruauté est fille de couardise, ingl. Proverbs are the children of experience, cro. Pravda je dijete vremena). The research of corpora in various languages shows that the analyzed proverbs are part of the common European heritage. 129 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE „HOMELAND VS. EUROPE – REFLECTIONS IN CONTEMPORARy LITERATURE“ Tina LACO University of Mostar The paper questions different ways in which contemporary literature re- flects different authors' relations towards his/her surroundings and cultu- re. Using examples of different established Bosnian-Herzegovinian/regional authors, through poetry (M. Delalic), prose (B. Serjanovic, B.Miluša krivoka- pic), drama (D. komadina), the aim of the paper is to project and summarize different ways in which contemporary literature, through different genres and literary processes, reflects relations of an individual/author towards himself/herself and how he/she perceives his/her own culture. in some ca- ses, authors living in exile express themselves through „ironic nostalgia“; in other cases, authors express their dificulties with confronting problems associated with their position inside their own culture; some of them are very opened about their cravings to escape and find their „promise land“. Howe- ver, what connects all these authors is very specific and complex dichotomy, typical for ex-yugoslav countries: „homeland“ vs. „Europe“. Consequently, all of these works have very emphasized autobiographical dimension, and they strongly reflect inevitable reality of Bosnia and Herzegovina (as well as other ex-yugoslav countries), where one of the main problems is massive emigra- tion and where political, existential and cultural conditions force people to find their peace in some of the developed European countries. 130 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE KODOVI ČOJSTVA U ĐILASOVIM ROMANIMA Besudna zemlja I Crna gora Ana PEjoVić Filološki fakultet Nikšić U ovom radu će biti riječi o specifičnostima crnogorske kulture i tradicije, o narušavanju čojstva i junaštva, o gustim mrežama zabrana i ograničenja, o incidentnim likovima koji prelaze semantičku granicu humanusa postajući romaneskni antijunaci čije moralne vrijednosti narušavaju opštu sliku čoj- stva, hrabrosti, tradicije i simbola. Rad će se dalje baviti različitim transpo- novanjem kodova čojstva koji u oba romana anticipiraju izvjesnu semiotiku kulture koja je osim na mikro planu teksta, prisutna i na njegovom makro planu kao ikonički znak koji služi boljem razumijevanju kompleksnog odno- sa čovjek – društvo, bitak – bivstvovanje, egzistencijalna, zemaljska drama – beskonačni kosmički poredak. Akcenatska paradigma ovog rada biće usmjerena na antitetične moralne osobine pojedinih Crnogoraca, i šire – cijeloga kolektiva, tj. društva koje je ogrezlo u krvi i stalnim ratovima izgubilo osnovne moralne odlike kojima "čovek postaje čovjek". Pokazaćemo kako autor ruši mitsku sliku Crnogoraca prikazujući drugu stranu njihove ličnosti, kako se zatvara motivacioni krug u koji su smješteni predstavnici jedne patrijarhalne zajednice koju su viševje- kovne legende glorifikovale kroz sveprisutnost čojstva, junaštva, dostojan- stva, odvažnosti, istinoljublja, poštenja i hrabrog umiranja. Posebna pažnja biće usmjerena na transponovanje motiva svireposti, kao vida ljudske izopa- čenosti, divirgentnog ponašanja koje se u psihološkim analizama tretira kao oblik mentalnog oboljenja i koje direktno utiče na modelovanje, kako pojedi- načnih likova, tako i cijelog kolektiva, bilo da se govori o Crnogorcima ili nj- ima suprostavljenim narodima, Turcima i Austrijancima. Putem dvostrukog gradacijskog uvođenja ovog motiva (pojedinac – kolektiv), objasnićemo kako paralelizam prikazanog svijeta romana dobija negativan semantički odraz koji u klimaksnim i antiklimaksnim nizovima organizuje apsurd. 131 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE CODES OF HUMANITy IN DJILAS’S NOVELS land without justiCe AND montenegro This paper deals with specificities of Montenegrin culture and tradition, violations of humanity and bravery, dense interweavement of prohibitions and restrictions, characters who cross semantic boundaries of humanus in becoming romantic antiheroes whose moral values violate general view of humanity, courageousness, traditions and symbols. Furthermore , this paper will focus on various transposition of humanity codes which in both novels anticipate in certain semiotics of culture inherented both in micro and mac- rostructure of a text as an iconic sign that is used for better comprehension of a complex relations between man and society, being-beingness, existential and earthly drama- cosmic order. Accentual paradigm of this paper will be aimed at antithetical moral qu- alities of certain Montenegrins and furthermore whole collective i.e. society wallowing in blood and constant wars losing their basic moral values whe- rein “man becomes a man“ . in this paper it will be shown that the author destroys the myth of Montenegrins describing the other side of their perso- nality enclosing the motivational circle inhabited by the representatives of a certain patriarchal community that were glorified by the ancient legends through its omnipresence of humanity, heroism, dignity, courageousness, ve- racity , honesty and brave dying. Specific attention will be pointed out toward transposition of ferocity motif as an aspect of human perversion, divergent behaviour treated in psychological analyses as a type of mental illness that directly affects on modeling individual characters as well as whole collective whether it is about Montenegrins or their opponents Turks and Austrians. According to binary gradation that introduces this motif (individual-collec- tive) it will be shown how parallelism of the presented world in novels gains negative semantic reflection which in climax and anticlimax lines organises the absurdity. 132 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE INCIDENTNOST ŠćEPANOVIćEVIH LIKOVA U ROMANIMA sramno leto, isKupljenje i usta puna zemlje Miluša BAkRAč Filološki fakultet Nikšić Analiza će biti bazirana na pluralizmu književno-teorijskih metoda, od- nosno na kombinaciji fenomenološke, semiotičke i naratološke metodologije s posebnim akcentom na stavove, u prvom redu semiotičara, jurija lotmana. Hronotopi Šćepanovićevih tekstova vezani su za sociokulturni ambijent uglavnom ruralnog crnogorskog prostora za koji je tradicionalno neraskidi- vo vezan kult čojstva i junaštva, a koji je, posredstvom djela Marka Miljanova (dakle iz drugostepenog modelativnog sistema) ušao u crnogorsku kulturu i etiku. kao odlika Šćepanovićevog modernizma izdvaja se, između ostalog, i razgrađivanje tog kulta. U radu će se govoriti o narušavanju kulta o čojstvu i junaštvu i tradicio- nalnih patrijarhalnih normi u crnogorskoj kulturi dejstvom dinamičnih likova. Poseban akcenat će biti na incidentnosti ženskih likova, a skrenuće se pažnja i na dinamičnost lika sveštenika koji ruši granice religioznog prelazeći u nedozvoljeno ateističko polje za čiji uzrok treba prepoznati sociokulturni ambijent nakon drugog svjetskog rata koji je bio utemeljen na komunističkoj ideologiji i njenom negiranju vjerskog. osim navedenog u analizi će biti obuhvaćen i osvrt na motive čojstva i junaštva u djelu Marka Miljanova. INCIDENCE OF SCEPANOVIC'S CHARACTERS IN THE NOVELS shameful summer, pursuit and mouth full of earth The analysis will be based on the pluralism of literary-theoretical methods, that is, on the combination of phenomenological, semiotic and narratological methodology with special emphasis on attitudes, primarily the ones of the semiotician, yuri lotman. 133 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE Chronotypes of Scepanovic's texts are related to the socio-cultural atmo- sphere of the mainly rural Montenegrin territory, for which the cult of huma- nity and bravery is traditionally bound, and which was, through the work of Marko Miljanov (therefore, from the collateral modelative system), entered in the Montenegrin culture and ethics. Among other things, the degradation of that cult also stands out as the feature of Scepanovic's modernism. The paper will discuss the distortion of the cult of humanity and bravery and traditional patriarchal norms in Montenegrin culture by the action of dynamic characters. Special emphasis will be on the incidence of female characters, and atten- tion will also be drawn to the dynamics of the character of priest who breaks the boundaries of the religious passing into a prohibited atheist field, and the socio-cultural atmosphere after the Second World War, which was based on the communist ideology and its negation of the religious should be recogni- zed as the cause of that. in addition to the above, the analysis will also include a review of the mo- tives of humanity and bravery in the work of Marko Miljanov. 134 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE BRANJE ZGODOVINSKEGA ROMANA KOT IZHODIŠČE ZA RAZMIŠLJANJE O JEZIKU IN KULTURI PRI POUKU KNJIŽEVNOSTI V SREDNJI ŠOLI jožica joŽEF BEG Šolski center Novo mesto Prispevek je namenjen razmisleku o oblikah in strategijah dela, s katerimi ob splošno sporazumevalni in literarnobralni zmožnosti razvijamo tudi dru- ge, zlasti kulturne, medkulturne in socialne zmožnosti, ki jih že tradicionalno povezujemo s poukom književnosti. Pri tem je treba upoštevati, da v srednji šoli pri mladostnikih upade interes za branje, kar je verjetno pogojeno tudi s prehodom od mladinske literature k literaturi za odrasle, ki zahteva od bralca večjo angažiranost. če želimo razvijati literarnobralne zmožnosti, se v srednji šoli ni primerno odreči kanonskim besedilom svetovne in nacional- ne književnosti, temveč jih je treba dijakom predstaviti kot poseben bralni izziv in priložnost za osebnostni razvoj. Približamo jim jih s primernimi ob- likami in strategijami dela, na primer z znotrajpredmetno, medpredmetno in nadpredmetno aktualizacijo. Nekatere od njih bomo ponazorili ob zgo- dovinskem romanu ivana Tavčarja Visoška kronika, ki smo ga izbrali zaradi njegovih medkulturnih motivov, sporočila, pripovedne tehnike, jezikovnih in slogovnih posebnosti, pa tudi zaradi njegove pomembnosti v slovenskem li- terarnem sistemu. READING THE HISTORICAL NOVEL AS A STARTING POINT FOR THINKING ABOUT LANGUAGE AND CULTURE IN TEACHING LITERATURE IN HIGH SCHOOL The paper is intendent to reflect on different skills and strategies, which help develop general communicative and literary competence as well as some other competences, in particular cultural expression and interper- sonal and civic competence, which go hand in hand with literature classes. one cannot avoid the fact that the interest for reading literature with young 135 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE people in secondary education diminishes, which is possibly the result of switching from adolescent literature in primary schools to adult literature in secondary, which demands more engagement on the part of the reader. As one of the main objectives in literature classes is to develop literary compe- tence, a teacher’s task is therefore to encourage the students to read canoni- zed national and world literatures and enable them to find new opportuni- ties and challenges for their personal growth. To achieve this, teachers need to attract students ‘attention with different strategies and methods, such as intra-curricular, cross-curricular activities, and some other activities helping build students’ value system. Some of them we will illustrate with historical novel Visoška kronika by ivan Tavčar. We selected the text because of its in- terculturalism, strong message, narrative technique, linguistic and stylistic characteristics as well as its importance for the Slovene literature. 136 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE JEZIKOVNO IN KULTURNO VKLJUČEVANJE TUJCEV PRI JEZIKOVNEM POUKU V OKVIRU SREDNJEŠOLSKEGA IZOBRAŽEVANJA Nataša BAUMAN Srednja ekonomska šola Maribor Sem profesorica slovenščine in nemščine in poučujem na Srednji eko- nomski šoli Maribor, kjer se z dijaki migranti in takšnimi, ki imajo migrant- sko ozadje, srečujemo že vrsto let. V toku let smo se na šoli lotili že raznovrs- tnih projektov, se učili novih pristopov in načinov dela, s katerimi dijakom migrantom skušamo omogočiti čim lažje vključevanje v naš šolski sistem. Seveda so vsi ti postopki večplastni in prisotni oz. trajajo vsa štiri leta ali več njihovega izobraževanja na naši šoli. Prva, osnovna in tako za migrante kot učitelje tudi najtežja je jezikovna bariera. k nam se vpisujejo dijaki s povsem različnim jezikovnim predznanjem – takšni, ki slovenščino zelo dobro ob- vladajo (bodisi so se že rodili v Sloveniji ali so obiskovali slovensko osnovno šolo v celoti), takšni, ki so se v Slovenijo preselili pred nekaj leti in imajo že nekaj razredov slovenske osnovne šole, njihovo znanje slovenščine pa je dokaj dobro, ali potrebno le nekaj »lepotnih« popravkov in takšni, ki so se v Slovenijo preselili pred kratkim in slovenščine ne znajo. Seveda pomembno vlogo igra tudi njihovo poreklo – na primer migranti iz Bosne in Hercegovi- ne ali Srbije se hitreje vključijo in jezikovno hitreje napredujejo, kot njihovi sovrstniki iz Albanije. Najtežje pa je v primerih, ko dijak migrant poleg slo- venščine ne zna tudi nobenega drugega tujega jezika, s pomočjo katerega, bi se lahko sporazumeval v novem okolju; tako težko naveže stike s sošolci in profesorji (in obratno), hkrati pa je v praksi tako, da se ti dijaki držijo svoje nacionalne skupine, ki jim v glavnem zadošča za »preživetje« v novem okolju, kar pa močno zavira usvajanje jezika in vključevanje v socialno sredi- no, v kateri bivajo. V prispevku bom predstavila, kako se učitelji sistematično lotevamo reše- vanja jezikovne problematike in skušamo priseljene dijake motivirati in jim pomagati pri učenju slovenščine, pa tudi drugih tujih jezikov (torej angleš- čine in nemščine), na kakšne ovire naletimo pri tem in kako jih je mogoče reševati. 137 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE KULTURA IN MEDKULTURNO V KANONSKIH DELIH SLOVENSKE LITERATURE Diana koŠiR Univerza na Primorskem; Srednja elektro in pomorska šola Piran Položaj slovenskega jezika, literature in kulture je bil od nekdaj povezan z močnimi migracijskimi tokovi, ki so posledično pomenili srečanje različnih kultur. Postopen, soodvisen razvoj jezika in književne umetnosti pojasnju- je neprestana vpetost v kulturni in zgodovinski kontekst določene dobe. Duhovni okvir služi kot podlaga, na kateri so lahko nastala literarna dela, tako tista najglasnejša, ki jih danes prepoznavamo kot kanonska, kot tišja, obrobna literatura manjšin, izseljencev, priseljencev, pa dolgo časa neslišana ženska pisava itd. Vsa ta nastanejo v jeziku in iz jezika, zato so del kulturne dediščine in nenazadnje vedno odsev svoje dobe. Slovenski šolski sistem pri izboru besedil za obravnavo pri pouku sloven- ščine upošteva načeli kanoniziranosti in reprezentativnosti. Literarni kanon sicer zajame avtorje in dela, ki jim je na podlagi velikega odziva v različnih javnostih pripadel status »izbranosti« in »nadzgodovinskosti«, šola kot in- stitucija pa kanon ohranja v »kulturnem spominu«, s tem ko na podlagi to- vrstnih besedil predstavlja literarno zgodovino in spodbuja mlade bralce k razvoju recepcijske in kritične sporazumevalne zmožnosti. (juvan 2006) jezikovni in književni pouk lahko poleg omenjenih spodbuja tudi v uč- nem načrtu omenjeno medkulturno sporazumevalno zmožnost. Model TIL- kA ( Teaching Interculturality through Language and Literature for Conflicts Avoidance, Mikolič 2016) predlaga štiri korake učne enote s strategijami za medkulturno poučevanje jezika in književnosti, s poudarkom na etničnem ozaveščanju in usvajanju načel nenasilne komunikacije. Simultana obravna- va jezika in literature s poudarkom na kulturi oz. kulturah v stiku pri učencih spodbuja kritično kulturno zavest (oz. zavedanje o prvi in drugih kulturah) na kognitivni, emocionalni in aktivnostni ravni, ki se bo izoblikovala isto- časno z jezikovno sporazumevalno in bralno zmožnostjo. Po učnem načrtu predlagana dela zamejskih, izseljenskih ali avtorjev priseljencev ponujajo jasna izhodišča za medkulturno obravnavo, medtem ko je obravnava kanona 138 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE nemara večji izziv. Predstavljena struktura modela Tilka bo zato prenesena v prakso na primeru obravnave kanonskega dela. Literatura: juvan, Marko. 2006. Literarna veda v rekonstrukciji: uvod v sodobni študij literature. ljubljana: lUD Literatura. Mikolič, Vesna. 2016. Ethnic identity and intercultural awareness in modern language teaching: Tilka model for ethnic conflicts avoidance. New york: Nova Science Publishers. 139 DElAVNiCE/ lABoRAToRi/ WoRkSHoPS JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE FRANCE PREŠEREN: ZDRAVLJICA Tilka JAMNIK Slovenska sekcija iBBy France Prešeren: Zdravljica, ilustr. Damijan Stepančič. Sedmo kitico pes- mi, ki je besedilo slovenske himne, lahko beremo v različnih jezikih. Učenci opazujejo ilustracije in poročajo (vaška situla, jakopičev Sejalec itd.); samo- stojno iščejo več informacoj o znamenitih osebnostih, ki jih zanimajo; po- ročajo; spoznavajo, da so znameniti Slovenci z različnih področij tudi že v preteklosti delovali v mednarodnem prostoru, večjezično in medkulturno; tudi njimje bilo blizu »Žive naj vsi narodi ...«, kar je še vedno aktualno v so- dobnem času. 143 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE OBRAVNAVA FRANCETA PREŠERNA PO MODELU TILKA Vesna Mikolič inštitut za jezikoslovne študije ZRS koper, katedra za slovenski jezik in književnost Univerze v Trstu Najprej bo na kratko predstavljen model TilkA (Teaching interculturality through language and literature for Conflicts Avoidance), ki vključuje med- kulturno poučevanje jezika in književnosti ter nenasilne komunikacije. Nato bomo v okviru delavnice predstavili predlog učne enote na temo Franceta Prešerna, oblikovane po modelu TilkA. Tovrstna obravnava dela velikega slovenskega pesnika prinaša povezovanje vsebin iz jezika, stilistike in knji- ževnosti ter medkulturne primerjave, prav tako pa je lahko dobra motivacija za branje in razumevanje Prešernove poezije. 1. 144 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE MODEL TILKA ZA MEDKULTURNO POUČEVANJE JEZIKA IN KNJIŽEVNOSTI PRI SLOVENŠČINI Diana koŠiR Univerza na Primorskem; Srednja elektro in pomorska šola Piran Položaj slovenskega jezika, literature in kulture je bil od nekdaj povezan z močnimi migracijskimi tokovi, ki so posledično pomenili srečanje različnih kultur. Zaradi vse večjega trenda priseljevanja se spreminja tudi etnična ses- tava oddelkov v osnovnih in srednjih šolah. Učenje slovenščine za dijake tako ne pomeni nujno učenje maternega jezika, pač pa lahko prvega ali celo dru- gega tujega jezika. Učni načrt za slovenščino v srednji šoli poleg ostalih ciljev omenja tudi razvijanje medkulturne sporazumevalne zmožnosti. o slednji bo govora na delavnici. Predstavljen bo model TilkA ( Teaching Interculturality through Language and Literature for Conflicts Avoidance, Mikolič 2016), ki je model za medkulturno poučevanje jezika in književnosti s poudarkom na etničnem ozaveščanju in usvajanju načel nenasilne komunikacije. Tilka predlaga štiri korake učne enote, o katerih se bomo pogovarjali, hkrati pa spodbuja po- vezano obravnavo vsebin iz jezika in književnosti. S tem ko vzporedno ob- ravnavamo literaturo, kulturo in jezik, ko primerjamo lastno kulturo in je- zik z drugimi ter na podlagi (ne)umetnostnih besedil prepoznavamo izraze kulture, se poleg novega znanja razvija medkulturna zavest. Predstavljena struktura modela Tilka bo nato prenesena v prakso na primeru obravnave izbranega literarnega dela. izdelali bomo učno pripravo, ki jo lahko uporabi učitelj pri pouku slovenščine v gimnaziji. Literatura: Mikolič, Vesna. 2016. Ethnic identity and intercultural awareness in modern language teaching: Tilka model for ethnic conflicts avoidance. New york: Nova Science Publishers. 145 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE ŠTEVILA IN BARVE – VEČJEZIČNOST V OSNOVNI ŠOLI Stanka EMERŠič osnovna šola janka Padežnika Maribor V delavnici bom predstavila primere dobre prakse, kako pri urah tujega jezika vključiti večjezičnost. Pri predstavitvi bom poudarila učenje števil (do 10) in osnovnih barv v različnih jezikih – nemščina, angleščina, španščina, francoščina, italijanščina. Predstavitev bo vključevala igre, tudi gibalne igre (braingym), igre z muholovko, besednimi in slikovnimi karticami. Delavnica je namenjena za 15 do 20 udeležencev. 146 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE VEČJEZIČNOST IN KULTURA PRI JEZIKOVNEM UČENJU OSNOVNOŠOLSKIH OTROK Alenka likAR osnovna šola koper Predstavitev bo osvetlila delo z učenci, ki prihajajo iz različnih držav v kombinaciji s slovensko govorečimi otroki, in predstavila, kako učitelji stre- mimo k uporabnosti znanja, s poudarkom na vseživljenjskem učenju. 147 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE ARABSKA SLIKANICA Urška PERŠiN MAZi osnovna šola 8 talcev logatec Naša šola je doslej vrata odprla tudi dvema srednješolskima arabskima beguncema. ker pa je bil pouk v slovenščini, ki jima je bila povsem tuja, zelo dolgočasen, smo z njima delali tudi veliko individualno. Rezultat takega so- delovanja je slovensko-arabska slikanica To sem jaz. 148 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE PRAKTIČNI PRIMER VKLJUČEVANJA UČENCA MIGRANTA IN NJEGOVE KULTURE V POUK SLOVENSKEGA JEZIKA IN KNJIŽEVNOSTI V OSNOVNI ŠOLI Nataša BAUMAN, Brigita LOVENJAK Srednja ekonomska šola Maribor Delavnica bo predstavila učno enoto Pravljice, ki zajema predlog vklju- čevanja srbskega književnika Vuka Stefanovića karadžića v osnovnošolsko slovenščino v okviru ljudskega izročila. CILJI: • integracija srbskega učenca, • spoznavanje tuje kulture, jezika, književnika in njegovega dela, • vzpostavljanje odnosa do tuje kulture in literature ter do učenca, ki iz tega okolja izhaja, • razumevanje tuje kulture, • razvijanje empatije, • spodbuda tujemu učencu za nadaljnje delo, • »naše učence« naučiti spoštovanja in sprejemanja tujega jezika in kul- ture, • vzbuditi radovednost, • spodbuda (učencu migrantu) za učenje jezika države, v kateri se šola, • spodbuda k raziskovanju povezanosti naših in tujih književnikov v preteklosti in kulturno-jezikovnih razmerij. 149 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE PRAKTIČNI PRIMER VKLJUČEVANJA UČENCA MIGRANTA IN NJEGOVE KULTURE V POUK SLOVENSKEGA JEZIKA IN KNJIŽEVNOSTI V SREDNJI ŠOLI Nataša BAUMAN, Brigita LOVENJAK Srednja ekonomska šola Maribor Delavnica bo predstavila učno enoto ljudsko slovstvo, ki zajema predlog vključevanja srbskega književnika Vuka Stefanovića karadžića v osnovnošol- sko slovenščino v okviru ljudskega izročila. CILJI: • integracija srbskega učenca, • spoznavanje tuje kulture, jezika, književnika in njegovega dela, • vzpostavljanje odnosa do tuje kulture in literature ter do učenca, ki iz tega okolja izhaja, • razumevanje tuje kulture, • razvijanje empatije, • spodbuda tujemu učencu za nadaljnje delo, • »naše učence« naučiti spoštovanja in sprejemanja tujega jezika in kul- ture, • vzbuditi radovednost, • spodbuda (učencu migrantu) za učenje jezika države, v kateri se šola, • spodbuda k raziskovanju povezanosti naših in tujih književnikov v preteklosti in kulturno-jezikovnih razmerij. 150 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE CLIL V AKCIJI Nastja VAlENTiNčič Al BUkHARi, Nives čoTAR, Andreja PolANC, Nataša kABAj BAVDAŽ Šolski center Nova Gorica, Srednja ekonomska in trgovska šola;;; Na šoli že sedmo leto izvajamo timsko poučevanje strokovnih predmetov in tujih jezikov (ANG, iTA) na srednjem strokovnem in srednjem poklicnem izobraževanju. V sodelovalno načrtovanje in timsko izvajanje pouka vnaša- mo aktualnost ekonomskih vsebin v svetu, kar spodbuja zanimanje in aktiv- nost dijakov pri pouku. Z letošnjim šolskim letom širimo tak način poućevan- ja na višjo šolo. 151 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE FORMALNO IN NEFORMALNO UČENJE TUJIH JEZIKOV NA GIMNAZIJI F. MIKLOŠIČA V LJUTOMERU Mojca FICKO, lilijana FijAVŽ, Martina VoGRiNEC Gimnazija Franca Miklošiča, ljutomer Predstavitev dejavnosti, slikovno in video gradivo. 1. del: formalno učenje 2. del: projektni tedni, delavnice 3. del: izbirne vsebine 152 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE MEDPREDMETNA OBRAVNAVA HEMINGWAyEVEGA ROMANA KOMU ZVONI Nataša ŠiPEk Gimnazija jožeta Plečnika ljubljana V 4. letniku sem pri dveh šolskih urah timsko poučevala z Davidom Here- derom Zorzom, lektorjem za španščino. Šlo je za medpredmetno obravnavo Hemingwayevega romana komu zvoni, in sicer za povezavo slovenščine z zgodovino (D. Heredero Zorzo je namreč profesor zgodovine in je dijakom razložil špansko državljansko vojno) in povezavo slovenščine s španščino (ker se dijaki učijo španščino, so odlomke iz romana prevajali iz španščine v slovenščino, kar so nato primerjali z Gradišnikovim prevodom v slovenščino in z originalom v angleščini). 153 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE HAIKU KOT SREDSTVO ZA SPODBUJANJE KREATIVNEGA PISANJA V TUJIH JEZIKIH Veronika VIZJAK Gimnazija jožeta Plečnika ljubljana Namen prispevka je predstaviti model medpredmetne učne enote, temel- ječe na interaktivnem timskem poučevanju, pri kateri so sodelujoči dijaki spoznavali značilnosti haikuja z uporabo slovenščine, angleščine in španšči- ne ter pisali haikuje v omenjenih treh jezikih. Učno enoto so izvedli profe- sorica slovenščine, profesorica angleščine in profesorica španščine ter tuji učitelj za španščino. 154 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE BAUDELAIRE: TUJEC Katarina NAGoDE Gimnazija jožeta Plečnika ljubljana Pri slovenščini sem izvedla že nekaj povezav s tujimi jeziki: Don kihot (slo–špan. j.) – tudi v razredih, v katerih se dijaki ne učijo špansko; lorca – Vitezova pesem (slo–šp. j.), izredno pa je uspela povezava s francoščino, ko sva s kolegico v razredu obravnavali Baudelairovega Tujca. obravnava: kot uvodno motivacijo sva najprej prikazali slike, dijaki so is- kali besede v francoščini, v slovenščini smo se pogovarjali o razpoloženju, ki ga slike ustvarjajo (in je tipično za Baudelairovo poezijo), nato sva prebrali v slovenščini in francoščini pesem Harmonija večera. Dijaki so bili opozorjeni, naj prisluhnejo razliki v zvočnosti. Nato sva v slovenščini predstavili avtorjev življenjepis, dijaki pa so v francoščini izpolnjevali podatke na delovnem listu, nato smo obravnavali pesem Tujec, ključne besede so dijaki prevajali v fran- coščino. Ugotavljali so razlike med izvirnikom in prevodom, pogovarjali smo se tudi o frazemih, povezanih z oblaki. Za domačo nalogo so dobili slovenski osnutek Baudelairovega življenjepisa, ki so ga morali napisati v francoščini, pri čemer so utrjevali preteklik. 155 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE UMETNOSTNA IN NEUMETNOSTNA BESEDILA PRI POUKU SLOVENŠČINE IN NEMŠČINE NA PRIMERU LORELAJ (HEINRICH HEINE) jasmina Miklič Gimnazija jožeta Plečnika ljubljana literarno delo lahko služi kot osnova za spoznavanje značilnosti nekate- rih drugih zvrsti jezika. Na primeru dobre prakse boste spoznali, kako upo- rabiti literaturo za prehod k neumetnostnim besedilom. 156 JEZIK IN KULTURA / LINGUA E CULTURA / LANGUAGE AND CULTURE SLOVENSKO-FRANCOSKA OBRAVNAVA VILLONOVE BALADE O OBEŠENCIH Lara STELE šALAMON Gimnazija jožeta Plečnika ljubljana Prispevek predstavlja medpredmetno obravnavo Villonove Balade o obe- šencih. Profesorja slovenskega in francoskega jezika komplementarno tim- sko poučujeta dijake; ti ob spoznavanju pesnikovega življenja in interpreta- ciji pesmi v slovenščini usvojijo tudi osnovno francosko besedišče, povezano s srednjim vekom, in tvorijo enostavčne povedi v tem tujem jeziku. 157 Založba Annales ZRS Koper Document Outline _Hlk495817268 _Hlk495896517 _Hlk495261846 _Hlk495261924 _Hlk495261969 _Hlk495262012 _Hlk495262046 _Hlk495262464 _Hlk495262527 _Hlk495262870 _Hlk495262892 _Hlk495262915 _Hlk495262701 _Hlk495262721 _Hlk495262760 _Hlk495264058 _Hlk495264077 _Hlk495264098 _Hlk495264418 _Hlk495264442 _Hlk495264461 _Hlk495264478 _Hlk495264508 _Hlk495264217 _Hlk495264137 _Hlk495264160 _Hlk495264182 _Hlk495264541 _Hlk495264558 _Hlk495264583 _Hlk495264256 _Hlk495264277 _Hlk495264293 _Hlk495264002 _Hlk495264024 _Hlk495264614 _Hlk495264346 _Hlk495264373 _Hlk495264713 _Hlk495264679 _Hlk495208859 _Hlk496019207 _Hlk496020092 _Hlk495289404 _Hlk496020134 _Hlk495289703 _GoBack