1 Emotion analysis in socially unacceptable discourse Jasmin FRANZA Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana Bojan EVKOSKI Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School; Jožef Stefan Institute Darja FIŠER Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana; Jožef Stefan Institute; Institute of Contemporary History Texts often express the writer’s emotional state, and it was shown that emo- tion information has potential for hate speech detection and analysis. In this work, we present a methodology for quantitative analysis of emotion in text. We define a simple, yet effective metric for an overall emotional charge of text based on the NRC Emotion Lexicon and Plutchik’s eight basic emotions. Using this methodology, we investigate the emotional charge of content with socially unacceptable discourse (SUD), as a distinct and potentially harmful type of text which is spreading on social media. We experiment with the proposed method on a corpus of Facebook comments, resulting in four datasets in two languages, namely English and Slovene, and two discussion topics, LGBT+ rights, and the European Migrants crisis. We reveal that SUD content is sig- nificantly more emotional than non-SUD comments. Moreover, we show dif- ferences in the expression of emotions depending on the language, topic, and target of the comments. Finally, to underpin the findings of the quantitative Franza, J., Evkoski, B., Fišer, D.: Emotion analysis in socially unacceptable discourse. Slovenščina 2.0, 10(1): 1–22. 1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek / Original Scientific Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.4312/slo2.0.2022.1.1-22 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ 2 Slovenščina 2.0, 2022 (1) | Razprave investigation of emotions, we perform a qualitative analysis of the corpus, ex- ploring in more detail the most frequent emotional words of each emotion, for all four datasets. The qualitative analysis shows that the source of emotions in SUD texts heavily depends on the topic of discussion, with substantial over- laps between languages. Keywords: emotions, socially unacceptable discourse (SUD), hate speech, so- cial media, corpora 1 Introduction Emotions are a key component of human behaviour and communication. Most often, we use language to manifest, transmit and explain emotions. Meanwhile, the continuously increasing popularity of social media pro- duces unprecedented amounts of user-generated content from people all around the world and in all languages. Oftentimes, this content (posts, comments, descriptions etc.) includes words that reveal the scope of emotions the author tries to unveil while evoking specific emotions from the reader as well. The social media era has also introduced very open outbursts of socially unacceptable discourse (SUD), such as hate, dis- criminatory, offensive or threatening speech. This has given rise to the necessity of analysing SUD communication practices in order to better understand and effectively tackle them. Here we dive into the field of Emotion Recognition (ER), which aims to recognize and categorize ver- balized emotions in texts. By doing so, we hope to understand what out- lines SUD content through the viewpoint of emotions. In this paper, we introduce a novel, yet simple method to analyse emotions in text by utilizing the NRC Emotion Lexicon (Mohammad and Turney, 2010). A metric which we name Emotional Charge (EC), calcu- lates the overall emotion intensity of a comment. We utilize our approach on social media content by answering how emotions depend regarding the language, topic and most importantly, its SUD contribution. For that purpose, we focus on emotions expressed in socially unac- ceptable Facebook comments in Slovene and English on the topics of the European migrant crisis (hereinafter referred to as Migrants) and LGBT+ rights (hereinafter referred to as LGBT+) from the FRENK data- 3 Emotion analysis in socially unacceptable discourse set (Ljubešić et al., 2021), as it is a uniquely carefully annotated multi- lingual dataset on SUD content which covers two topics. We perform a quantitative analysis for both languages and topics, taking into account the degree of emotional charge in each comment and the represen- tation of individual categories of emotions by using the NRC emotion lexicon, which organizes words into one of the eight basic emotions by Plutchik (1980). To complement the quantitative approach, a qualita- tive analysis of the emotional words in SUD comments is added, ena- bling a more thorough understanding of the emotional charge findings. The two main research questions covered in this paper are: • Does SUD content differ from non-SUD content in the expression of emotions? • Does the emotional footprint of SUD comments differ depending on the topic and target they address? The paper is organised as follows. Section 2 gives an overview of the background and related work; Section 3 focuses on the descrip- tion of the dataset used and describes the methods for calculating the emotional charge of comments. Subsequently, Section 4 presents the analysis on the emotional landscape of SUD, both from a statistical point of view and from a qualitative angle giving a deeper look at the emotional lexicon connected to SUD. Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper with a discussion and ideas for future work. 2 Background and related work In the past decade, there has been an increase in research in the field of automatic detection of emotions in user-generated content (Alm et al., 2005; Al-Saqqa et al., 2018). However, although SUD has been intensively analysed in various disciplines and methodological frame- works, approaches to SUD via emotion analysis has so far received little attention (Gitari et al., 2015; Martins et al., 2018). This article presents an approach to comprehensively analyse SUD with the help of emotion lexica, as Markov et al. (2021) showed that emotion-based features provide useful cues for its automatic detection. In this section, we pre- sent the theoretical underpinnings for the analytical part of our study. 4 Slovenščina 2.0, 2022 (1) | Razprave 2.1 Emotions In psychology, there is no general unanimity on the definition of emo- tions and their number. Research mostly focuses on two approaches to the representation of emotions, namely the category model and the di- mensional model (Scherer, 2005). In the category model, emotions are presented as sets of different basic emotional states (e.g., joy, anger) where basic emotions are understood as those that appear in very early childhood development and their expression and recognition are cultur- ally independent. In the dimensional approach, emotions are presented in the space where each emotion occupies its place in an emotion dimen- sion (e.g., value dimension: positive-negative axis, strength axis: high- low; Russell, 1980). The categorical approach is more widespread in computational linguistics than the dimensional one (Aman and Szpako- wicz, 2007; Ghazi, 2016) because it is more intuitive and easier to apply, especially in computational models, which is why we adopt it in the study presented in this paper. We use the categorization into 8 basic emotions according to Plutchik (1980), namely joy, sadness, anger, fear, trust, disgust, surprise and anticipation, as they represent the basic and proto- typical emotions, with the combination of which we can build more com- plex ones, e.g., love, awe, contempt. This model is also called Plutchik’s wheel of emotions, as each fundamental emotion also has its opposite emotion (e.g., joy - sadness, fear – anger; Plutchik, 2001; see Figure 1). Their organisation is based on the physiological purpose of each. Martins et al. (2018) show that the most critical emotions to iden- tify hate speech are the negative ones – anger, disgust, fear and sad- ness as they occur in 2/3 of hate speech texts, while they claim surprise can be interpreted as a neutral emotion in hate speech. On the other hand, anticipation, joy and trust can be classified in the positive emo- tions group. 2.2 Emotion Recognition from Text Emotion recognition from text can be divided into two groups: the ear- lier approaches, based on lexical datasets (Mohammad and Turney, 2010), and the latter ones, based on annotated training corpora (Aman and Szpakowicz, 2007; Canales et al., 2019). In the corpus approach, 5 Emotion analysis in socially unacceptable discourse machine learning methods based on pre-annotated texts are employed to develop models for annotating new texts, while the lexical approach for identifying emotions in texts uses an external set of vocabulary with emotion tags. Due to the greater universality and adaptability to dif- ferent domains and genres, we follow the latter paradigm. Addition- ally, previous research confirms the adequacy of the lexical approach. Mohammad and Yang (2011) have successfully used the NRC Emotion Lexicon to identify predominant emotions in love letters, hate emails, and suicide records. They were mainly interested in the difference between the linguistic expression of emotions in men and women. A similar approach with the help of the sentiwordnet lexical database, which contains strings of synonyms with assigned sentiment tags, was successfully used by Denecke (2008) on machine-translated texts to predict sentiment. Figure 1: PLUTCHIK’S WHEEL OF EMOTIONS. It shows 8 basic emotions: joy, trust, fear, surprise, sadness, anticipation, anger, and disgust. ANGER ANTICIPATION JOY TRUST FEAR SURPRISE SADNESS ANGER 6 Slovenščina 2.0, 2022 (1) | Razprave 2.3 Socially Unacceptable Discourse (SUD) Hate speech is a widespread phenomenon that attracts many re- searchers from diverse areas. However, the term is usually used in a very narrow, legally defined sense in the literature, which is why we adopt the term Socially Unacceptable Discourse (SUD), comprising all forms of hateful, discriminatory, offensive, violent or threatening speech (Fišer et al., 2017). A significant part of contemporary SUD research takes place within critical discourse analysis in combination with corpus linguistics (cf. Brindle, 2016; Knoblock, 2017), intending to identify and analyse SUD and its evolution. Assimakopoulos et al. (2017) present several European research projects on SUD, in which the analysis of online content is predominant. They point out that EU legislation alone is not enough to solve the spread of online hate and improve its understanding, as SUD can manifest itself in many subtle ways, such as stereotyping and categorization, patriotism, metaphori- cal expression, sarcasm, allusions etc., which makes comprehensive linguistic approaches extremely important for better awareness of the issue. A deeper understanding of SUD would mean principally better prevention and identification. In Slovenia, the most valuable resource of SUD data is the manually annotated FRENK corpus of Facebook comments (Ljubešić et al., 2019; Ljubešić et al., 2021; see Section 3). Vehovar et al. (2020) show that about half of all the comments appearing in the FRENK dataset were identified as SUD: the share is significantly higher for the topic of Mi- grants (58%) than for the topic of LGBT+ (48%). The dataset was also analysed from the linguistic point of view, revealing SUD has a different lexical footprint (Franza and Fišer, 2019) and showing SUD comments are less standard than non-SUD comments with also a lower frequency of emoticons/emojis and punctuation (Pahor de Maiti et al., 2019). 3 Dataset and methodology In this section, we describe in detail how the FRENK dataset, which is also used in this paper, was constructed and how it was processed for the purposes of this analysis. Next, we present the NRC Emotion Lexi- con and the emotion labels it contains. Based on these, the emotional 7 Emotion analysis in socially unacceptable discourse charge of each comment in the FRENK dataset is calculated, which is presented in the final subsection. 3.1 FRENK Corpus The FRENK corpus (Ljubešič et al., 2019; Ljubešić et al., 2021)1 was collected from Facebook pages of three mainstream news media out- lets for each examined language, including Slovene and English. It cov- ers two topics, the EU Migrants crisis and the LGBT+ rights, and was enriched with manual annotations of the comments (Ljubešič et al., 2019). The Slovene part of the corpus contains 30 posts with 6545 comments for Migrants, and 93 posts with 4571 comments for LGBT+. The English part of the corpus consists of 16 posts with 5855 com- ments for Migrants, and 14 posts with 5906 comments for LGBT+. Ad- ditionally, comments were annotated for the type of SUD they produce (acceptable, background-violence, background-offence, other-threat, other-offence and unacceptable), as well as a categorization of the people being the target of the comment (Migrants, members of the LGBT+ community, persons related to Migrants or LGBT+, journalists or media, fellow commenter, other). The dataset is linguistically processed with the CLASSLA pipeline for Slovene (Ljubešić, 2019, 2020) and Stanza for English (Peng Qi et al., 2020) on the levels of tokenization and sentence splitting, PoS-tag- ging and lemmatization. Therefore, we were able to annotate the lem- matized English and Slovene datasets with the NRC Emotion Lexicon for the corresponding language, which resulted in a bilingual and com- parable emotion-labelled dataset of SUD Facebook comments that we analyse in the remainder of this paper. 3.2 Emotion Annotation To identify emotions, we used the NRC Emotion Lexicon. The lexicon contains all words from Roget’s Thesaurus that appear more than 120,000 times in Google’s n-gram corpus, resulting in 14,200 entries. 1 The FRENK corpus, besides its Slovene and English parts, was created also for Croatian, French and Dutch, http://nl.ijs.si/frenk/english. The Dutch version was created within the Li- LaH project: https://lilah.eu. 8 Slovenščina 2.0, 2022 (1) | Razprave Each word in the lexicon has a label for its polarity (positive, nega- tive) and for Plutchik’s 8 basic emotions (anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise, trust). It was annotated manually using the crowdsourcing platform Amazon Mechanical Turk. The lexicon was originally created for English, and was later also automatically translated into 105 languages, including Slovene, with the help of Google Trans- late (2017). We have performed manual post-editing of the machine- translated lexicon (Daelemans et al., 2020). Examples of the translated lexicon along with the emotion labels can be found in Table 1. Table 1: Examples of emotion annotation in the NRC Emotion Lexicon English abandoned happiness wise ghost refugee Slovene translation opuščen, zapuščen, prekinjen, zavržen sreča, veselje moder duh, prikazen begunec Anger Yes No No No No AnticipAtion No Yes No No No Disgust No No No No No FeAr Yes No No Yes No Joy No Yes No No No sADness Yes No No No Yes surprise No No No No No trust No Yes No No No Note. For each English entry, there is a manually post-edited machine translation in Slo- vene and annotations for each of the 8 basic emotions. 3.3 Lexicon Limitations The lexical approach is an efficient method to tackle emotion recogni- tion from text (cf. 2.2). It is essential to work with datasets that are carefully prepared and verified to have reliable results. Our approach in this paper tests this method and achieves interesting outcomes. Nonetheless, it is important to also state the limitations of this specific emotion lexicon, the NRC emotion lexicon (Mohammad and Turney, 2010). We identified two main issues, namely the presence of biases and questionable emotion labelling. 9 Emotion analysis in socially unacceptable discourse Our work focuses on SUD, and it is important to point out that the lexicon has non-neutral annotations for the two topics we are deal- ing with, which can be linked to the lack of control and documentation about who the annotators were in the first place as the lexicon is the re- sult of crowdsourcing. For example, immigrant is annotated with fear, fugitive with fear, anger, disgust, sadness and trust, lesbian with dis- gust and sadness. It is possible to note that there are some prejudices in these labels and it could be problematic as our work aims to fight against biases. Moreover, some labels appear to be ambiguous. For ex- ample, nurture is annotated with anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy and trust, which suggests contradictory emotions together and does not give an insightful perspective of the word. There have been many attempts to create an emotion lexicon, but the NRC emotion lexicon attracted the most attention due to its avail- ability, size, and its choice of Plutchik’s expressive eight-class emotion model (Zad et al., 2021). This is also the reason why we decided to use it, but we will take into account the potentially problematic labels in our interpretation of the results and we will complement the analysis with a qualitative study to check for potentially problematic consequences of using the lexicon. There have been also several attempts to improve the NRC emotion lexicon (cf. Zad et al., 2021), which should be further explored in the future. 3.4 Lexicon Coverage Table 2 shows statistics regarding the NRC lexicon coverage of our data- set, for each of the subsets. Lexicon coverage has been calculated as the percentage of unique emotionally eligible words found in the lexicon, which means not all of them are labelled with emotion tags. The English language subsets contain around 5000 to 9000 unique words, with the NRC lexicon coverage of 20%. Meanwhile, the Slovene subsets, although of similar size, contain more unique words, with around 6000 to 12,000, depending on the dataset. Expectedly, since the Slovene NRC lexicon is the result of the machine-translated English lexicon and has a generally higher number of unique words, the NRC lexicon coverage of the Slovene dataset is a bit lower (around 16%), with small differences depending on the subset. Manual examinations have shown that there is a small 10 Slovenščina 2.0, 2022 (1) | Razprave number of false positives and a higher number of false negatives, imply- ing that the lexicon should be further improved. A random (subjective) sample evaluation of 100 English and 100 Slovene comments on the performance of the lexicon revealed the following: • English NRC lexicon: Precision – 0.96; Recall – 0.65 • Slovene NRC lexicon: Precision – 0.91; Recall – 0.64 The low recall for both English and Slovene shows that the lexicon fails to recognize a large portion of the emotional words present in the comments, which is expected as we focus on a very specific kind of dis- course on social media with specific characteristics on a very narrow topic. It is possible to find an explanation for the low recall also in the false negative emotionally eligible words (emotional, but not covered by the lexicon), as for example shootings, frightened. Moreover, SUD com- ments exhibit a peculiar tendency towards nonstandard features (Pahor de Maiti et al., 2019), which compromises emotional words recognition, for example strelat instead of streljati (eng. to shoot). Additionally, the evaluation indicates a lower precision of the Slovene lexicon, which could be possibly explained because of more false positives (not emotional, but included in the lexicon), which are mainly due to polysemy and non- canonically spelled words. For example, the Slovene lexicon contains the adjective sam (eng. alone), but in the comments it is used as an adverb (meaning just), which should not be an emotional word. Table 2: Statistics regarding the NRC Lexicon coverage of our dataset, divided per topic, language and SUD/non-SUD comments Language Topic SUD/ non-SUD Comments Unique words Emotionally eligible words (nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs) Lexicon coverage English Migrants Non-SUD 2964 8401 5291 1046 (20%) English Migrants SUD 2867 9323 6818 1323 (19%) English LGBT Non-SUD 1777 8514 5374 1124 (21%) English LGBT SUD 4080 5622 4297 977 (23%) Slovene Migrants Non-SUD 2646 8401 5889 863 (15%) Slovene Migrants SUD 3795 12486 10020 1325 (13%) Slovene LGBT Non-SUD 1855 6199 4745 878 (19%) Slovene LGBT SUD 2606 10108 8392 1329 (16%) 11 Emotion analysis in socially unacceptable discourse 3.5 Calculating Emotional Charge The final stage is to use the lemmatized comments and the lexicon to calculate a metric that defines the overall emotion intensity. We intro- duce this metric in order to be able to compare comments not just on the level of a specific emotion, but also have a universal comparison which includes all, answering the questions posed in the Introduction. We define Emotional Charge (EC) as follows: let W be the list of all nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs in one comment (as the emo- tionally eligible word functions). Then, let WE be the list of all words in W which are labelled as emotional by the emotion lexicon. We define emotional charge EC of a comment as follows: To put it simply, Emotional Charge (EC) calculates the portion of emotional words labelled by the lexicon in the total number of emo- tionally eligible words. Note that W and WE are defined as lists and not as sets, thus an emotional word being present twice in a comment is also counted twice in the total score. Using the emotional charge of each comment, we were able to get a sampling distribution of emotional charge for the desired group of comments (e.g., SUD vs. non-SUD, Slovene vs. English, Migrants vs. LGBT+). Figure 2 shows an example of the procedure for calculating the emotional charge. Taking into account only word types that can contain emotion (nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs) as well as using the emotional charge formula that normalizes comment length makes the emotion- al charge scores more robust. Yet, this way of calculating emotional charge introduces many “non-emotional” and “highly” emotional short comments, where the emotional charge is 0 or 1 respectively, based on only a few words. Thus, we made a pragmatic decision of excluding comments with less than three words from the rest of our analysis. EC = --------- |WE| |W| 12 Slovenščina 2.0, 2022 (1) | Razprave Figure 2: Example of an emotionally annotated sentence. All nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are emotionally eligible words. Only some of them are contained in the NRC Emotion Lexicon. The ones in the Lexicon are counted in the emotional charge of the sentence. 4 Results In this section, we present our research findings using the emotional charge of SUD comments for both Slovene and English language. 4.1 Emotional Charge Analysis SUD is more emotional than non-SUD content. Here, we check whether emotion annotation is informative for differentiating between SUD and non- SUD comments by comparing their emotional charge. Once we calculated the distribution of emotional charge for each of the groups, we applied the Kolmogorov-Smirnov two-sample test (Pratt and Gibbons, 1981), which showed a statistical difference between SUD and non-SUD across all four combinations of language and topic (Migrants English p=3×10-7; d=0.18, LGBT+ English p=3×10-8; d=0.23, Migrants Slovene p=1×10-10; d=0.18 and LGBT+ Slovene p=3×10-4; d=0.12). The effect size d according to Co- hen’s formula (Cohen, 1988) is considered small to medium (depending on the combination). Figure 3 shows the distribution mean and deviation of all four combinations. Thus, we conclude that a specific analysis on SUD content could indeed be informative as the data showed that these com- ments are significantly more emotionally charged than non-SUD. 13 Emotion analysis in socially unacceptable discourse Figure 3: Comparison of emotional charge between languages and topics of SUD com- ments and non-SUD comments. The figure shows distributions (rectangles) and variance (lines), SUD comments are significantly more emotionally charged than non-SUD ones. Topics differ in emotional charge – LGBT+ evokes more emotions than the Migrants topic. After confirming a higher emotional charge in SUD comments, we analysed whether one topic attracts more emotional charge than the other. Figure 4 shows, side-by-side, the distributions of the sets we compare (LGBT+ vs. Migrants). The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test suggests that there is a statistical difference in the emotional charge between Migrants and LGBT+, as both in English (p=3×10-9) and Slo- vene (p=2×10-11) comments, the LGBT+ topic carries a higher emotional charge. According to Cohen’s coefficient, in English, the effect size is me- dium (d=0.209) while in Slovene it is small (d=0.183). Figure 4: Difference of SUD Emotional charge between the LGBT+ and migrant topics in English and Slovene. The figure shows distributions (rectangles) and variance (lines), re- sulting in LGBT+ comments being more emotionally charged. 14 Slovenščina 2.0, 2022 (1) | Razprave Comments are more emotional when targeted at Migrants/LGBT+. One of the metadata information of the FRENK dataset is the target of the comment, or in other words, who the comment is directed at. We compared “the commenter” and “the target – migrant/LGBT+ person” which are the two most frequent targets in the FRENK dataset (see Sec- tion 3.1). The comments targeted at migrants/LGBT+ persons are explic- itly aimed at migrants or members of the LGBT+ community, while the others are targeted at another commenter in the discussion thread. As shown in Figure 5, for both topics and languages, comments targeted at migrants or LGBT+ are generally more emotional than comments tar- geted at interlocutors (fellow-commenters in the discussion thread). Figure 5: Comparison of emotional charge for different targets of the SUD comment, namely Commenter or Target (LGBT+ persons/migrants), between Slovene and English. The figure shows distributions (rectangles) and variance (lines). Different topics provoke different emotions. In order to extract the data for a specific emotion, we calculated how much a specific emotion contributes to the total emotional charge. Then, by having the emo- tional charge distribution of each particular emotion, we were able to compare their manifestation for the two different topics: Migrants and LGBT+. On average, we observed that in English comments users man- ifest more disgust and joy for the topic of LGBT+, and more sadness, fear and surprise for Migrants (Figure 6). In Slovene, users manifest significantly more anticipation and joy for LGBT+, while for the topic of Migrants, they manifest more anger and fear (Figure 6). It is interest- ing to observe that in both languages the LGBT+ topic invokes more 15 Emotion analysis in socially unacceptable discourse joy, while the Migrants topic invokes more fear. It is also quite evident that emotions are not homogenous for all four subset combinations, with trust and fear being the most dominant emotions with more than 15% of the total emotional spectrum, while surprise is the least pre- sent, taking less than 5% of the emotional spectrum. Figure 6: Distribution of emotions in English and Slovene SUD comments for the topics of LGBT+ and Migrants. The figure shows averages (bars) and their confidence intervals (95%) for each emotion present in the NRC Lexicon. 4.2 Emotional Words Analysis In order to better understand the above quantitative analysis and have a closer look at the investigated data, we performed a qualitative anal- ysis of the emotional words in the corpus. Table 3 shows the three most frequent emotional words for each language, topic and emotion with the purpose of understanding which words are most commonly connected to which emotions. Some dif- ferences and similarities among topics and languages are observed. For the LGBT+ topic, the English commenters seem to be more reli- gion-oriented, frequently using words such as God, disgusting and sin. 16 Slovenščina 2.0, 2022 (1) | Razprave Meanwhile, the Slovene take the discussion to a more family-orient- ed field, using words such as mother, child and nurture. This could be due to the referendum in Slovenia for legalising same-sex marriage that took place in the same period as the data was harvested and has heavily influenced the discussions under Facebook posts by the Slo- vene media on this topic at the time, where people against framed their arguments around the notion of the traditional family unit, expressing concern with children’s rights and same-sex couples’ adoptions. In- teresting enough, the roles are reversed for the Migrants topic, as now it is the Slovene commenters who are more concerned with religion, using words such as religion and God, possibly showing fear of a differ- ent religion. On the other hand, the English commenters seem to feel more physically threatened by the migrants, using words such as fight, kill and idiot. This could be due to the unprecedented migrant wave through the Balkan route that took place in the same period as the data was harvested and has heavily influenced the discussions under Face- book posts by the Slovene media on this topic at the time as Slovenia has never before experienced anywhere near this rate of the migrant influx, while the topic has been present in the UK political and public debates for many decades. Individual emotions across languages exhibit mostly similar con- cepts, yet there are some differences. For example, for the Migrants topic, both English and Slovene commenters use similar words to ex- press emotions, in particular, both groups express disgust with the word terrorist and show fear with immigrant/fugitive. On the other hand, English commenters express anger for the LGBT+ topic in differ- ent terms than the Slovene ones. The English commenters use words such as disgusting, hate and sin, taking the attitude that being LGBT+ is sinful and repulsive, whereas the Slovene ones show hostility towards the target and, once again, concern regarding children with expres- sions such as violence, nurture and against. Expectedly, in both languages, word usage varies depending on the topic. For example, English commenters express sadness with the word problem for both the Migrants and the LGBT+ topic, suggesting they perceive both topics as an issue. Yet, Slovene commenters show disgust differently for the two topics, exposing what bothers them most 17 Emotion analysis in socially unacceptable discourse for each. As expected, for the Migrants topic words such as fugitive, ter- rorist and back occur frequently, while for the LGBT+ topic gay, garbage and nurture are recurring. Table 3: Top three most frequent emotional words in SUD comments for each emotion, di- vided per language and topic (Slovene words have their translation after the dash) ENG Migrants ENG LGBT+ SLO Migrants SLO LGBT+ anger fight (4.45%) hate (3.12%) money (2.96%) disgusting (4.22%) hate (3.95%) sin (2.98%) begunec – fugitive (11.84%) proti – versus (3.73%) terorist – terrorist (2.73%) proti – against (5.29%) nasilje – violence (2.82%) vzgajati – nurture (2.79%) anticip. child (7.7%) good (4.71%) time (4.57%) God (15.78%), marriage (6.56%) sex (6.25%) otrok – child (7.16%) vera – religion (6.08%) svet – world (4.60%) otrok – child (25.28%) zakon – marriage (6.06%) svet – world (3.14%) disgust hate (4.32%) idiot (3.92%), terrorist (3.27%) disgusting (4.45%) sick (4.23%) hate (4.16%) begunec – fugitive (14.31%) nazaj – back (7.20%) terorist – terrorist (3.30%) peder – gay (5.11%) smeti – garbage (3.52%) vzgajati – nurture (3.31%) fear problem (4.80%), immigrant (4.56%) war (3.99%) God (12.24%) disgusting (2.99%) hate (2.80%) begunec – fugitive (9.75%) vojna – war (4.07%) bog – God (3.00%) nasilje – violence (2.64%) vzgajati – nurture (2.61%) bog – God (2.30%) joy child (8.72%) good (5.34%) money (3.82%) God (15.15%) love (8.85%) marriage (6.30%) otrok – child (9.01%) vera – religion (7.65%) bog – God (4.50%) otrok – child (28.10%) zakon – marriage (7.00%) mama – mother (3.17%) sadness problem (6.60%) kill (4.63%) leave (4.20%) sick (4.36%) hate (4.29%) problem (3.23%) sam – alone (11.57%) begunec – fugitive (10.76%) brez – without (3.47%) sam – alone (7.73%) peder – gay (3.88%) mama – mother (3.30%) surprise good (8.68%) leave (8.67%) money (6.37%) good (9.6%) Trump (6.72%) marry (6.23%) dober – good (8.38%) terorist – terrorist (6.51%) lep – beautiful (5.76%) dober – good (6.59%) dobro – cool (4.73%) lep – beautiful (4.65%) trust good (3.16%) show (3.13%) religion (3.11%) God (12.14%) marriage (5.05%) sex (4.81%) begunec – fugitive (8.20%) vera – religion (4.27%) svet – council (3.23%) zakon – marriage (5.60%) pravica – right (4.29%) svet – world (2.90%) Note. Percentages show the absolute frequency of the word with respect to all the words of the specific emotion. E.g., the word fight covers 4.45% of all anger words for the ENG Migrants dataset. 5 Conclusions In this paper, we have presented a quantitative analysis of emotions in SUD comments in order to obtain an insight into the emotional foot- print of this type of discourse. Applying the NRC Emotion Lexicon, we developed a novel metric named Emotional Charge of the comments to analyse SUD. We implemented this simple, yet effective methodol- ogy on the most relevant SUD multilingual dataset which also contains 18 Slovenščina 2.0, 2022 (1) | Razprave Slovene data, namely the FRENK dataset, which comprises Facebook comments to posts related to the LGBT+ and the Migrants topic. We showed that SUD comments are more emotional than non-SUD. We also presented how emotions differ depending on the topic. For exam- ple, according to the emotion lexicon, the LGBT+ topic invokes more joy, while the Migrants topic invokes more fear. When comparing the emotional charge of SUD comments depending on its target, we ob- served that comments are more emotional when a user targets the group (LGBT+ or Migrants) compared to a fellow commenter they are having an argument with. Furthermore, we also performed a qualitative analysis of the emotional words, which showed some trends in their usage depending on the topic and language. Slovene commenters to LGBT+ posts are very much concerned with children’s wellbeing, while the English ones tend to manifest their opposition and disgust. For the Migrants topic, there is a common tendency in both languages of ex- pressing the same emotion with similar words (e.g., disgust – terrorist; fear – fugitive/immigrant). An original contribution of this study is its demonstration of the methodological potential of the lexical approach for identifying emo- tions in SUD, which has not been used in the Slovene context yet. The research presented in this paper complements international literature in this domain with the use of richly annotated corpora, emotion lexica and quantitative measures, while also adding a qualitative analysis. The metric of measuring emotional intensity we have proposed in this paper has proved to be useful and insightful in our research, yet its simplicity could potentially oversimplify the highly complex problem of expressing emotions on social media which transcends linguistic ex- pression and is not only highly context-dependent but is also very cul- turally nuanced, a common shortcoming of lexicon-based approaches. 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Z navedeno metodologijo smo raziskali čustveno zaznamovanost besedil, označenih kot družbeno nespre- jemljivi diskurz (DND), ki predstavlja izrazito in potencialno škodljivo vrsto besedila ter se dandanes hitro širi na družbenih omrežjih. Metodo čustvene zaznamovanosti smo aplicirali na korpus komentarjev s Facebooka. Primer- javo in analizo smo izvajali na štirih zbirkah podatkov v dveh jezikih, in sicer v angleščini in slovenščini, ter na dveh temah, pravice LGBT+ skupnosti in evrop- ska migrantska kriza. Ugotovili smo, da je vsebina DND komentarjev bistveno bolj čustvena od tistih, ki ne vsebujejo DND. Poleg tega smo pokazali razlike v izražanju čustev glede na jezik, temo in tarčo komentarjev. Izsledke kvantita- tivne metodologije analize čustev smo podprli s kvalitativno analizo korpusa, kjer smo preučili najpogostejše čustveno zaznamovane besede, povezane z vsakim čustvom v vseh štirih zbirkah podatkov. Ugotovili smo, da se čustveno zaznamovane besede v DND bistveno razlikujejo glede na temo, medtem ko obstaja med jeziki precejšnje prekrivanje. Ključne besede: čustva, družbeno nesprejemljivi diskurz (DND), sovražni go- vor, družbena omrežja, korpusi