' g BISHOP BARAGA CENTENNIAL 1868 - 1968 ZARJA - DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER I JANUARY, 1968 VOLUME 40 ZARJA - THE DAWN % Published monthly — izhaja vsak mesec Annual subscription $3.00 — Naročnina $3.00 letno For social members $2.40 annually. Za družabne članice SŽZ $2.40 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 60608 Second-class postage paid at Chicago, Illinois ffidal Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America radno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. 60608 Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 5 v mesecu. VOL. XV — No. 1 JANUARY, 196» LETO XV — Sl. 1 SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, IU. Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State of Illinois MEMBER OF NATIONAL COU SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA V AMERIKI Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, lil. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. NCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN ROUND TRIP NEW YORK TO LJUBLJANA BY JET IS $339.00 — CHILDREN UNDER 12 PAY 169.50 AND CHILDREN UNDER 2 — 33.90 Leave May 27 Leave June 6 Leave June 10 Leave June 17 Leave July 1 Leave June 3 An August date is also being considered to add the above dates providing there are enough persons interested. For those who prefer leisurely ship travel, arrangements will be made for complete accomodations. The $339.00 fare represents a saving of almost $300.00 from the regular summer season jet fare. To get this low fare the group must number 50 or more adult passengers. Children count for half fare. If the group numbers less than 50 passengers the fare is $395.00 which is slightly higher. Children under 12 pay half fare and under 2 pay 10% of the fare. For further information write to the Home Office and address your mail to the secretary’s attention. Mrs. Novak has escorted groups on 12 trips to Slovenia and has gained unsurpassable experience, and is able to give the passengers the best service. Make your reservations now: Write to: Albina Novak 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 60608 Phone Office: Bl 7-2014 Residence: Bl 7-7999 HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM HOLLANDER WORLD TRAVEL, INC. Traveling with our tour to Ljubljana our passengers will: 1. Make trip from New York to Ljubljana by jet in 8 hours flying time. 2. Be met upon arrival to New York and escorted to the group. 3. Enjoy company of friends during the trip. 4. Be greeted at Ljubljana Brnik airport by a group of musicians and dancers in national costumes. 5. Most important of all: travel at the lowest applicable fare with a special discount for children. REMEMBER: IN 1968 LJUBLJANA IS AT YOUR DOOR STEP. For a pleasant trip and a flight direct to Ljubljana TRAVEL WITH HOLLANDER. For further information clip coupon and send it to: KOLLANDER WORLD TRAVEL, INC. 6419 St., Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44119 To accomodate the increasing number of passengers we are soon opening a modern bmnch office in the heart of Slovenian Euclid community at: 589 East 185th St., Cleveland, Ohio 44119 The following departures have been arranged for our members and their families: Return September 17 Return June 27 Return July 9 Return August 13 Return July 30 Return July 23 DATES TO REMEMBER . . . Jan. 21 — Card Party, Mr. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. June 15 — Trip to Canada from Cleveland, Ohio July 21 — Zveza Day in Lemont, 111., Br. 2, Chicago, 111. NEW ERA MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN Hriii” in a for the in tli«- Campaign Nt’w member New Year New Era 1 HAPPY BIRTHDAY Branch Presidents: IN JANUARY Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 2—Kay Yuratovec, Br. 73, Warrensville, Ilgts., O. 6—Irene Planinšek, Br. 103, Washington, D. C. 6—Frances Meglic, Br. 89, Oglesby, 111. 13 Mary Stephenson, Br. 27, N. Braddock, Pa. 15—Kay Merskey, Br. 25—Agnes Jancar, Br. 27—Mary Polajner, Br. 106, Meadowlands, Pa. 40, Lorain, Ohio 4, Oregon City, Oregon OUR SECRETARIES’ IWKTHDAYS IN JANUAKY Mary Krall, Br. 37, Greaney, Minn. Virginia Zevkovich, Br. 57, Niles, Ohio Gabrielle Lustig, Br. 22, Bradley, 111. Marian Dergantz, Br. S(>, Nasliwauk, Minn. Agnes Lesar, Br. 102, Willard, Wis. Mary Faidiga, Br. 78, Leadville, Colo. Mary Gerkman, Br. 4, Oregon City, Ore. NY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! £■ /<=?■ THE SLOVENIAN CHAPEL FINDS ENTHUSIASTIC SUPPORT CHICAGO COMMITTEE FOR SLOVENIAN CHAPEL Nearly $4,000 was contributed by Chicagoans in the first few weeks of the Slovenian Chapel Fund Drive. Seen here at their first meeting at St. Stephen Church Hall are: Forefront, left to right: Rev. Fortunat Zorman, O.F.M., Albina Novak, Rev. Vendlin Spendov, O.F.M., Josephine Železnikar, Rev. Odilo Hanjžek, O.F.M., Stephanie Banich, Edward Kucic, Sr., Ann Kompare; rear, left to right: Joseph Kobal, Anna Zorko, Paula Kobal, Frances Zibert, Alfred Fischinger, Vera Gregorich, Mary Tomazin, Metoda Fischinger, Louis Gregorich, Anna Starc, Slavka and Adolph Kranjc, Frank Banich, Sr., Lud and Corinne Leskovar; standing, Louis Arko, Tony Gaber. . .President of the Chicago Committee is Frank P. Kosmach, who has made a $1,000 contribution to the Fund! A $100 Club was initiated at the meeting that now has grown to 20 members. The Chicago committee is composed of leading businessmen and presidents of fraternal and cultural organizations of the area. Joining Kosmach in this group are the following: Vice-presidents, Anthony J. Darovic, president of Reliance Federal Savings and Loan Association; Ludwig A. Leskovar, president of Slovenian American Radio Club: Edward J. Kucic, Sr., Supreme Juror of American Slovenian Catholic Union; Frank Banich, president, St. Stephen Society #1, KSKJ; Louis Arko, president of Slovenian Students of America; Secretary is Mrs. Albina Novak, Supreme Secretary of Slovenian Women’s Union of America; Treasurer, Mrs. Josephine Železnikar, Supreme Treasurer of S.W.U. and Recording Secret M'y is Mrs. Frances Zibert, president °t Mother’s Society of St. Stephen Church. Publicity Committee is headed by Rev. Odilo Hajnšek of St. George Church, with Fred Orehek of Chicago’s American newspaper, Mrs. Gizella Hozian, president of St. Ann Society, KSKj and Mrs. Corinne Leskovar, Editor of Zarja-The Dawn. SKNI) YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THE SLOVENIAN CHAPEL FUND TO BR. 21 PRESENTS THEIR $100 CHECK! Officers of Br. 21, Cleveland, Ohio were the first to donate $100 from their branch to the Slovenian Chapel Fund. Shown here are Mmes. Theresa Ijach, Vice-president, Celia Brodnik, Organizer of Br. 21, Stella Dancull, Secretary, presenting the check to Frank Turek, Fund Secretary. Looking pleased in the background are Bogomil- Chokel ol’ Washington, D.C., John Susnik, Vice-Presi dent of the Chapel Fund Committee, Antonia Turek, and Miro Pregel, also ot Washington. Messrs. Chokel and Pregel visited the Cleveland committee meeting in November to explain in further details the plans for the Shrine. (See Mrs. Turek’s article lor names of S.W.U. Branches who have contributed to date.) Secretary, Frank A. Turek, 986 Bryn Mawr, Wiekliffe, O. 14092 ACTIVITIES President’s New Year Greetings My New Year greetings to our spiritual advisor, supreme officers, branch officers and members of our Slovenian Women’s Union. May the year of 1968 bring us peace and fulfilment of your fondest hopes and dreams and may Our Lord bestow upon you countless blessings all year through. This year there will be ten branches who will be celebrating their 40th anniversaries; they are branches 16—17—19—20—21—22!—23—24— 25 and 26. New Era Campaign is still in effect this year. Deadline is July 31st. So far we have not been doing too well but I surely do wish we all get on the ball an scout for new members. I bet that some of you say, “that president of Zveza!! That is all she writes — get new members!” Well, I am not the only one! All other organizations are doing the same, asking for new members. If each branch can get a few new ones, this way we all will be happy, your branch and Zveza. I do find that if you invite your friends to one of your meetings as guests and especially to a special occasion held by the branch, you will be surprised how many will join. This experience has paid off at my Br. 50. The problem in our S.W.U. is to get more (Juniors) and young members to join. All branches should get the young ones interested one way or another that they can take over when we will be unable to carry on this work. I have a very good idea and feel that if each branch would organize a Junior circle, this would interest the younger generation. These Juniors could hold their own meetings and elect a slate of officers. And, in this circle they could have handcrafts, and other interesting projects. Maybe a mother who is handy in this line could get a group for a Saturday afternoon and teach them. There are so many ways that we could start and get our youth interested. Let’s give it a try! Happy Birthday to all celebrating this month and speedy recovery to all ailing. • * • Tours of Shrines in Canada and New York. Clevelanders would like to take a trip to Canada and New York to visit various shrines. I have received a schedule which would take six days. Five sleeping nights and a visit to five shrines. Cost of this trip would be J116.25 including transportation, sight-seeing and motels. Leave: Saturday June 15th at 6 or 7 o’clock A.M. with arrival at Auriesville, N.Y. Here we would stay one night, enough time to visit the shrine of The Martyrs. Sunday we arrive at Ste. Ann Beaupre in Canada and stay here one night and day. Monday we arrive at Three Rivers, Canada and visit the shrine of Cap de la Madeleine, spending the night here. Tuesday arrive in Montreal where we shall take a tour of the city and also' spend much time at St. Joseph Oratory and spend the night! Wednesday we would have a pleasure trip around the Thousand Islands Lakes, take a boat trip down the river either afternoon or evening. Here we spend one night. Thursday, the last day of the trip, we visit Our Lady Fatima Shrine at Youngstown, N.Y. and also will see the Niagara Falls, and this same day we arrive back to Cleveland between 7 or 8 P.M. Next month I shall receive itinerary on this trip and anyone who is interested in going should contact me and I will be more than glad to mall you one. Or, call me for more information. Toni Turek 986 Bryn Mawr Ave. Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 216—944—3996 NEW ERA MEMBERSHIP DRIVE IS ON! WIN CASH PRIZES FOR YOUR WORK! GET APPLICATIONS FROM YOUR SECRETARY! No. 2, Chicago, III. As we reach the new year of 1968, which hardly seems possible, may we wish you all a very healthy and happy one with greater interest in our organization 'and greater success for Br. 2. We had a very successful conclusion of the year with the result that the new year looks bright. Our Penny Social of Nov. 9th turned out very well with over $170 being collected. This was then used for the gifts for our juniors at the Christmas party on the 17th. We wish to thank the following for their help at the Social for without their goodness and generosity, all this would not have been possible. They are: Prize donors: S. Osterman, Mrs. J. Z., M. Tivador, L. Troha, A. Mihelnik, A. Simec, A. Jerin, M. Poldan, A. Zorko, J. Pavlin, J. Zubek, A. Hoz-zian, M. Zalik, K. Zabcic, P. Jasbec, E. Zefran, A. Novak and C. Leskovar. Bakery goods were brought by A. Zorko, A. Zugich, M. Petek, P. Jasbec, A. Starc, E. Zefran, S. Bogolin, and G. Nusko. Cash donors were M. Zagar, R. Czelusnialc, L. Putzell, S. Melissa, E. Statkus, A. Vucko, L. Chemazar and A. Basko. Special thanks to the workers: A. Zorko, L. Troha, Mrs. J. Z., L. Putzell, E. Zefran, S. Petrovič and C. Leskovar. Again thanks to all — the officers appreciate the thoughtfulness of every member and your wholehearted co-operation in the past year. Blessings to you for a new year of peace and love. Corinne Leskovar No. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. With all our social events for the year over, we are hoping we can all settle down to the tasks that come with the Christmas and New Year festivities which is a busy time in all our households. I do hope we aren’t forgetting to take care of our lodge dues and elections for the coming year as well as all past unfinished business. There should be more interest from the younger crowd of Slovenian ladies as the mothers and grandmothers are tired of shouldering all the responsibilities and unless the younger ones come forth with ideas and help, the main objectives of our organization will be lost. We need the new approach to social activities so we can show our former hard-working members that their efforts haven’t been in vain, and that we do appreciate all that they have done to prove to our countrymen that the Slovenians are capable and on the alert and still do have something to hang on to and pass on to our Slovenian heritage. I would like to suggest that the Junior members make themselves heard from time to time and come forth with some suggestions as to what socials they would be interested in; then perhaps with the help of some of the young parents we could have a more active and enjoyable Junior group that would at the same time be experiencing new interests and friendships with people of their own heritage and inspire new leadership and future officers of our Slovenian Women’s Union. Some educational trips could be enjoyed as well. Let's hear from the Juniors! We would like to express our sincere sympathy to the Rasbornik and Haynik families, both of whom lost their mother and wives bringing our total to ten deaths for 1967. Do hope that Christine Bregant is well on the road to recovery as she was in the West Allis Memorial Hospital. Our Card Party on Nov. 19th was successful thanks to our loyal Mends ■and card players as well as the generosity of the prize donors and good baking of Mrs. Jane Perko who baked doughnuts and the good apple strudel baked by Mrs. Medved which helped satisfy our appetities as well as add to the branch treasury. Let’s show greater attendance at our meetings so we can get more voice and exchange of ideas into the socials as well as the business end of our Lodge, and remember, the meetings are now held at the Lily Club, on National Ave. between South 22nd and 23rd Streets on the third Thursday of every month except July and August. Mary Dezman, Sec., 5215 S. 22nd PI. No. 14, Euclid, Ohio. — Our December meeting was very well attended and was opened with prayers led by president, Theresa Skur. This was our three month birthday party, Christmas party and yearly meeting combined. We were pleased to select Margaret Tomazin as our mother of the year 1968. Margaret is one of our finest members and most kind and generous, being the mother of three lovely daughters and a grandmother. Congratulations Margaret and God bless you. The members attending this meeting donated a dollar each to the Mary Mavec school of opportunity for retarded children. God will reward you generously. Thanks to the hostesses, Mary Fakult, Rose Mickovic, Ann Troha and Mildred Sadar who served a delicious brunch and set a most delightful table. Thank you, ladies who donated all the goodies. It was a pleasure to have Mary Bostian, our State President, as a guest; she also donated a lovely gift as a door prize. Thank you to the following ladles who donated to our treasury, goodtime fund and sunshine club: Antonia Trebec, Rose Maurich, Jennie Stopar, Mary Stanicar, Mary Smerdel and Antoinette Zabukovec. We welcome two new adult members, Mary Yenc and WORKING TOWARD A FINE GOAL The combined branches meetting of Cleveland in December which I usually attend, also included a gala Christmas party. Election of officers was held and the same officers all accepted. Reports were asked from branch representatives by State President, Mary Bostian who conducts the meeting. Reports were very good and branches here in Cleveland area are kept very active as you all read in the Zarja. Plans were made for the year of 1968 and all branches will cooperate 100%. In May, the State Convention will be held in conjunction with Br. 15’s 40th anniversary and in October, the great bazaar will be held, and the 40th anniversary of Br. 25. These will be three grand events to look forward to. One report which impressed us all and also gave us all a hearty laugh was from Rose Zbasnik, member of Br. 73. She never fails to attend the meetings regardless of bad weather, although she has to change two buses and it takes her one hour to get there. (Faithful Rose!) This is what she reported: "We don’t eat anymore, if a member brings a strudel or any baked goods, it is sold to raise money for the chapel. No presents either, as all members decided instead of gift-exchanges, they are donating to the chapel. So you see, we don’t eat, and we get no presents, as everything goes for the chapel.” P.S. Rose, we noticed there is no loss in weight. Anyway it is for a good cause to sacrifice. The good Lord will repay you all. At this meeting Br. 14 donated $200.00, Combined Br. $100.00, Br. 41 $75.00 and Br. 32. $70.00. Cleveland branches were very generous In helping towards this goal. After the meeting we had a gift exchange and a delicious luncheon which was enjoyed by all. Present also was a guest, Frances Pole from Br. 41. * * * Slovenian Chapel Fund Donations toward the chapel fund have been coming in very well. We have tried to mail letters to every lodge, branches, clubs and also to individuals. If we have missed anyone it was due to the fact that we did not have their name or that of their organization. I am sure with all the publicity that we had given on this drive for the Slovenian Chapel the majority of Slovenian people have either read about it or heard. If you know of any club or lodge that we have missed, please notify us and we will be more than glad to mail you a letter on it as we still have a great goal to achieve. A total sum of $70,000 will have to be paid in the two years. At time of writing we still have two and one half weeks to raise the sum of $25,000. At presstime we have close to $15,000. Complete sum I shall have in next month’s issue and hope that we shall exceed our goal. To date Zveza Branches have donated the following: O #»••• O o »*••• #*••• o •••" o •••*. o o o •*••• o •••*. •••« #»••• o 4» •«••• Gtt •»••• Br. 2, Chicago, 111. $500.00 Br. 14, Euclid, Ohio 200.00 Br. 16, So. Chicago, 111. 50.00 Br. 25, Cleveland, Ohio 100.00 Br. 21, Cleveland, Ohio 100.00 Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio 70.00 Br. 41, Cleveland. Ohio 75.00 Br. 49, Noble, Ohio 25.00 Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio 300.00 Br. 73, Warrensvllle, Ohio 100.00 Br. 101, Bedford Heights, Ohio 100.00 Combined Branches 100.00 When will we hear from our other branches? Send in your donations for he Slovenian Chapel Fund — for the Slovenian Chapel in Washington’s Immaculate Conception Cathedral. Thank you. Antonia Turek MY DONATION FOR THE SLOVENIAN CHAPEL IS $-------------------------------------- Name:--------------------------------------- Address: ------------------------------------ City & State:----------------------------------- — Check enclosed □ Check will be mailed before Jan. 15, 1968 Please make checks payable to SLOVENIAN CHAPEL FUND. THANK YOU VERY MUCH! n "BOWLING'S A PLEASURE" SAY SWU SPORTS Alma Tercek and four juniors, the Dolenc girls, Christine, Anne, Jo Anne and Maria. We wish a speedy recovery to all our sick members. Officers for 1968 remain the same as 1967. President is Theresa Skur; vice-president, Mary Stražišar; treasurer, Mary Iskra, secretary, Vera Bajec; recording sec., Antonia Sustar; auditors, Prances Globokar, Rose Mickovic and Mary Fakult. Hope you all enjoyed your holidays and I wish all the very best of everything in 1968. Vera Bajec, Sec. No. 17, West Allis, Wis. — At the October meeting I was completely stunned. A surprise party was given in my honor for 25 years of service as Treasurer of our branch. I had no inkling that anything was being planned and it took me by complete surprise when I was presented with a corsage and purse by our Honorary President, Mrs. Josephine Schlosar. I could not believe it was happening to me. Even my close friends would not give me a clue as to what was going on. For once, I was at a loss for words and anyone who knows me — knows I love to talk. So, for once I was speechless. I would like to thank all those who took part in arranging this wonderful party. To the wonderful members who donated towards the purse, refreshments, workers, and etc. Also, I want to thank Mrs. Mary Petrich for the beautiful 25th Anniversary cake she baked for the occasion. I’ve always enjoyed working with the officers of Branch No. 17 thru the years and they were always cooperative and helpful and it is a pleasure to work along with them. Again, I wish to thank each and everyone who made this day possible, as this will be a memorable day for me always. Frances Piwoni, Treasurer No. 20, Joliet, III. Our condolences to the family of the late Amelia Plese of 1800 N. Hickory St. in Crest Hill. She died at the age of 86 years after a twenty year confinement in bed. Mrs. Plese was very well cared for by her family and daughter-in-law who gave loving care all these years. Mrs. Plese was our member over 35 years. She was bom in Slovenia and was preceded in death by her husband, Jacob and son, Frank. She is survived by two sons, John of Crest Hill and Jacob of S. Chicago. Also, there are three grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. She was buried from St. Mary Nativity church in the parish cemetery. The members of S.W.U. of Joliet came in a group to pray at her bier and escorted her on her last journey. Those attending the funeral were: Jos. Muster, Mary Lesnik, A. Trubich, Jos. Erjavec. Also, the Mikolič family lost their No. 2, Chicago, III., Bowling. It’s a pleasure to go bowling these days, leaving behind all the hectic preparations for the holidays to concentrate on the see-saw battle going on in the S.W.U. Chicago bowling league. As of Nov. 28, St. Paul Federal took over the lead with a record of 27 wins and 15 losses. Marquette Service Station, Zefran Funeral Home and Wagner’s Bakery were tied for second place with 25 wins and 17 losses. Close behind, with a record of 22-19, was Reliance Federal. It will take some tremendous bowling to dethrone the current individual and team handicap leaders. They are: high team game—Marquette, 1047; high team series—Zefran, 2925; high individual game—S. Gorka, 272; high invldiual series—G. Schiffler, 644. S. Gorka came up with a 608 handicap series, which included a 267 game, last month. M. Buikema bowled 80 pins over her 146 average, for a handicap score of 603. Other top handicap scores of the month were: J. Gervase, 601 series; A. Post, 232 game; A. Scambiatteria, 225; H. Fitzgerald, 221; M. Stuck, 218. November’s lucky turkey winners, who shot the most pins over average on a set of alleys, were R. Swartz, J. Meden, M. Persa, J. Gervase and B. Mladic. It was another good month for railroad pick-ups: M. Reinholz, 4-7-9, 3-10, 5-10; F. Smulski, 5-7, 5-10; L. Put-zell, 3-7, 6-7-10; A. Samo, 2-7, 5-7; A. Marrazzo, G. Niedzielko, 6-7-10; F. Zefran, A. Fingerhut, A. Hozzian, 5-7; A. Post, C. Gospo, 4-5-7; M. Zufan, P. Mladic, 5-6; S. Melissa, E. Kros-chel, 3-10; M. Taroli, 5-7-9; S. Williams, 3-6-8; W. Šinkovec, 2-7; M. Smyth, 4-7-10; B. Mladic, 5-10; A. Leben, 6-7. Barbara Zurek mother, Mrs. Mary Mikolič, age 72 years. She lived on Roosevelt Ave. She is survived by three daughters: Mildred Ellena, Theresa Bruns and Vicki Hodman, also ten grandchildren and one great grandchild. Her husband, Joseph, passed away ten years ago, daughter, Albina also. Both Mr. and Mrs. Miklic were members of the Amer. Slov. Home where they were active. Their daughter, Mildred Ellena is a member of our branch for many years and is a constant bowler with our league. May our deceased members rest in peace and may they be rewarded in heaven for all they suffered in this world. A long-standing member, Mrs. Mary Plankar moved to 524 Green St., So. Haven, Mich., 49090, where she is making her home from now on. She has been sick for some time and we hope that at her new home with her daughter, she will keep on im- No. 20, Bowling News, Joliet, III. Northwest Recreation Club is still holding the lead in this league. They have won 23 games out of 36. American Slovenian Home has moved up to 2nd place. They have 191/2 wins and 16% losses. Meriehka’s Restaurant is in third place with 18l/2 wins and 17% losses. Just % game behind and in 4th place is Dames Funeral Home, 18 wins and 18 losses. Bluth’s Sausage is fifth with 16% wins and 19% losses and in last place we have Shop’s DX Service Station with 12% wins and 23% losses. Shooting 500 or more for the month we have Vicki Bernikas 518, Gen Klainsek 519 and 520, Marje Waj-chert 526 and 265 and Dot Jaksetich 513. Picking up splits were Ann Stern-isha 4-5; Kay Sukle 3-10, Marje Waj-chert 5-7, Ann Kobe 3-6-8; Jo Mlakar 5-7, Lil Anderson 4-5-7, Virginia Guertin 5-10, Dorothy Horvat 5-6-10, Millie Bliski 5-6, Theresa Pavnica 3-10, Evelyn Gregory 5-10, Jo Sumic 4-5 and Betty Lakotich 6-7-10. Bernie Suski has a beautiful 203 game, Marje Wajchert has a 212 and a 214 and Dot Jaksetich, a 2105. Winners of the Thanksgiving Sweeper based on pins over average were Betty Dakotich, Bernice Suski, Gen Klainsek, Marilyn Nemanich, Ann Stemisha and a tie between Dot Jaksetich and Dot Horvat. Our Christmas party was held Dec. 3rd at the Avon Inn. A wonderful time was had by all. Thanks to Jo Mlakar and her great committee: Ag Verbiscer, Lil Anderson, Millie Briski and in charge of games was Marge Gasperich. Prize winners for the games were: Millie Ellena, Marilyn Nemanich, Theresa Papesh and Vicki Bernikas. Everyone received a door prize with the first three prizes going to Ev Gregory, Dot Jaksetich and Theresa Pavnica. A gift ex change was enjoyed by all. Special guests at the party were Theresa Papesh and Ann Papesh, our two bowlers who had to drop out be cause of illness. It was nice to see them again. We hope they can come back to bowl again next year. Theresa Pavnica, Reporter proving. She expects to read all our news in Zarja, altho she’ll be living away from us. We hope she will come back to visit as she is very well known here and was active in various societies and parish affairs So, Mrs. Planlcar, you will always have the red carpet out here in Joliet whenever you come to see us and weleome back to Joliet! Mrs. Jennie Bambich has recently returned from the St. Joseph Hospital and is confined at home. Also, Mrs. Ursula Skubic, aunt of our vice-president, Josephine Muster from Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS A third grader gives us the following suggestions for the New Year: 1. When you rise in the morning, remember wlio kept you from danger during the night. Remember who watched over you while you slept, and whose sun shines around you, and gives you the sweet light of day. 2. Let God have the thanks of your heart, for his kindness and his care; and pray for his protection during the wakeful hours of day. 3. Remember that God made all creatures to be happy, and will do nothing that may prevent their being so, without good reason for it. 4. When you are nt the table, do not eat in a greedy manner, like a pig. Eat quietly, and do not reach forth your hand for food, but ask someone to help you. 5. Do not become peevish and pout, because you do not get a part of everything. Be satisfied with what is given you. G. Avoid a pouting face, angry looks, and angry words. Do not slam the doors. Go quietly up and down stairs; and never make a loud noise around the house. Coal City, is on the sick list as are Mrs. Mary Vlasich of Cora St., and Katherine Butala who has lately been confined at St. Patrick Retirement Home and is presently a patient at St. Joseph Hospital. If you members find time while shopping in town do stop in end say hello to our sick members. We wish them all a speedy recovery. If there are any others on the sick list, kindly call my number, 723-85G3 and I will report to you at (he meeting and in Zarja. Our Treasurer, Jo Sumic, reports that Edith Ogrin, our Zveza bowler, recently married and her new name is Spokas. She resides at 1114 Tenth St., Waukegan, 111. 60G95. Congratulations! Our Herald News reporter for the Crest Hill area, Bernice Kostelec, had this interesting article from the files of “earlier days in the county” from 25 years ago, Nov. 8, 1942: “Celebration of the winning of a national drill team championship by the Slovenian Women’s Union Cadets of Joliet will be held this morning at St. Joseph’s church on No. Chicago St. After a parade led by the Joliet Township High School Band and an It o’clock Mass, a banquet will be held at the parish hall.” Our next meeting will be Jan. 21st. 1'lease attend and pay your dues. — Bunch will also be served and community singing will follow. A Happy New Year to all and your families. Josephine Erjavec No. 21, Cleveland, Ohio. Our loveable president, Anne Pelcic, is hospitalized at St. John’s hospital. Please remember to send her a cheery note or visit her to brighten the days. Let her know that we at Br. 2)1 are thinking of her. She surely is missed at the meetings. Anne, we pray God will give you comfort and a very fast recovery. 7. Be kind and gentle in your manners, not like the howling winter storm, but the bright summer morning. 8. Do always as your parents bid you. Obey them with a ready mind, and with a pleasant face. !). Never do anything that you would be afraid or ashamed that your parents should know. Remember if no one else sees you, God does, from whom you can not hide even the most secret thoughts. 10. At night before you go to sleep, think whether you have done anything that was wrong during the day and pray to God to forgive you. If anyone has done you wrong, forgive him in your heart. 11. If you have not learned something useful, or been in some way useful, during the past day, think that it. is a day lost, and be very sorry for it. 12. Trust in the Lord, and he will guide you in the way of good men. The path of the just is as the shining light that shines more and more unto the perfect day. 13. We must do all the good we can to all men, for this is well pleasing in the sight of God. He delights to see his children walk in love, and do good one to another. Maybe a little corny, but it tells the story of our life. Happy New Year! Best wishes for a speedy recovery also to Mary Mismas who underwent surgery. Belated congratulations are extended to Beatrice Železnik on her recent marriage to Raymond G. Brom. Best wishes for a life of complete happiness. The branch gives a big Thank You to Cecilia Brodnik for her donation of a handmade afghan. It’s very pretty and any one who receives it will be very lucky. We hope our members will take to this project in the same spirit it is given. Mary Stevens is the proud grandma for the second itme, a granddaughter, Deborah Maria, born Nov. 11th. Great-grandma for the fourth time is our wonderful member, Josephine Zupan. Congratulations to Grandma and Great-grandma. Please notify me of any change in address so that I can report it to the Zarja mailing list. My phone number is 884-8217. Happy birthdays to our members this month. And, a very happy New Year to all of you. Stella Dancull, Sec. Br. 33, Duluth, Minn. — Having completed two years as president of Br. 33, I look forward with anticipation to my 3rd tenu. Re-elected also were the same officers who have worked so diligently with me in the past. From our members I have learned the real meaning of cooperation. As we work together, we develop well-rounded personalities and the cause, the progress of our branch, is worthwhile. For entertainment at our February meeting we will deviate from the usual cards or games and try our hand at a "Penny Social”. Each member is asked to bring one prize to be used at that time. Also new for the coming year will be a special mass in May in honor of our deceased and living members at which time our Mother of the Year will also be honored. All members are urged to attend the mass in a body as we wish to occupy seats together at the front of the church. A word about the past Convention trip to Washington. So much has been said already about that wonderful trip. I wish to take this opportunity to thank the Supreme Officers and my own branch for their financial support. Five glorious days, jammed with everything interesting, will never be forgotten. Thanks to all those responsible for such a well organized plan. It was a tremendous task, well done! Hope your Christmas was blessed and joyous. My wish for a very Happy and Healthy New Year to everyone from Br. 33. Frances Blatnik, Pres. GALA CHRISTMAS PARTY IN DIJLUTII Our December meeting followed with a festive Christmas party, well attended by 97 members. President, Frances Blatnik, conducted a very orderly meeting, so the business proceeded rapidly. 9 adult members, 9 children and one social member were enrolled. The new members are: Shirley Olson, Mary Ann Berg, Carol Mrak, Patricia Mrak, Rose Masich, Maribeth Misiewicz, Jean Popovich, Fay Ellena and her four children, Donna Borich and her five children and Ann Mrak, social member. Congratulations, girls, we love to have you all with us. It was most gratifying to have 7 of our teen-age juniors attend our meeting. They were: Christine Burger, Debby Burger, Olivia Burger, Sandra Rukovina, Frances Blatnik, Nanette Collard, Kathleen Janchar. We also had a guest, Carmen Perez a foreign ex- 150 NEW MEMBERS ENROLLED IN “NEW ERA CAMPAIGN” ..Latest report shows 100 new members enrolled since our November report, making a total of 150 in the first three months of the Campaign! Hardest working branch is No. 33, Duluth with 29 members signed up in December! Complete report will follow in February issue. Albina Novak, Secretary -J change student from San Paulo, Brazil who resides with the Ed Burger family. Mrs. Burger and the four children are members of our branch. The future progress of our branch will depend on our younger generation, so I think it is wonderful to have them observe what our organization means to us all. Come again, girls! A contribution of $50 was made toward the Slovenian Chapel Fund by our branch. We are proud to help in this cause for the beautiful memorial at Washington, D. C. and urge our members and their families to make their own individual contributions. Mrs. Mary Rot, a long-time member, was chosen Mother of the Year. Since the insurance age group has been raised to CO years at the last Convention, our branch has agreed to take the social members in to the age of G3 years. The nominating committee presented a slate of officers at the Dec. meeting and everyone was so satisfied with the present board, they were asked to remain in office. They are: President, Frances Blatnik; Vice-president and Program Chairman, Dorothy Ryclilak; Secretary-treasurer, Liz Misiewicz; Auditors: Ijz Smolnikar, Sophie Tomich and Rose Kresky, Sergeant-at-arms, Stella Mattson; Funeral fund, Frances Danko; Reporter, Ann Podgoršek. Theresa Rukovina was appointed junior director. She is to appoint her committee. Plans are being made to divide the junior members into 2 or 3 age groups for various entertainments. Locally there isn’t anyone known to be sick in the hospital. Two of our long time members who resided here for many years, now reside out of town, and both are ill in the hospital. They are Mrs. Agnes Jerina, 324 W. 11th St., Traverse City, Mich. 49684 and Mrs. Margaret Zalar, c /o Arnold Bailey, 902G 24th Ave. Kenosha, Wis. It would be nice to remember them with a get well card. If there are others sick, a godspeed to recovery to you all! Following the meeting, Betty Pic-canatto and her committee took charge of the party. Various games were played. The beautiful table setting was done by our Frances Stares-Inich who does the work professionally at the Hotel Duluth. A very festive and special lunch was served in gorgeous colors. Many prizes were awarded. If you did not attend, you missed a wonderful time. Thank you, Betty, for your fine job. A Happy and Prosperous New Year to all! Ann Podgoršek No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. With the new year upon us, good resolutions are in order and in our opinion, they should be resolutions intended not only to help ourselves, but to help each other lead a happier and better life. What then, is a better resolution for a member than to resolve here and now, that she will become an ACTIVE member of the S. W. U. Every member is being asked to do their utmost in obtaining at least one new member. The loss from deaths and other causes makes it imperative that all of us work on our New Era Membership Campaign if we are to attain our quota. On Sunday, January 21st our first Card Party will be held at the Lily Club, 2220 W. National Ave. All members, their friends and our neighboring branches are cordially invited. A $1.00 prize donation or baked goods would be greatly appreciated. Please co-operate with our committee on a donation, as it has been a long time since you have been asked. Call yours truly if you have a donation, in this way we am still purchase what we need. If your dues were paid and your child is under 12 years of age, they were surprised with a gift for Christmas. I received several thank you cards from our juveniles thanking the branch; and it surely was very thoughtful of these young members. Sincere condolences to Mary Plahuta and other relatives on the loss of their dear aunt, “Teta” Helen Gracyk, who was our social member for many years and who left us at the age of 94 years. We shall all miss her and may she rest in peace. To all our sick members a speedy recovery. If you can arrange to visit these ailing members, plan to do so. I am sure they will be very happy that you spend some time with them. Our very first and most important resolution: I shall pay my dues and not be in arrears! Members, once again, circle the date, Sunday, Jan. 21, 1968 starting at 1:30 p.m. Spend the afternoon with your sister members and friends. Our next meeting is Feb. 11th. Let’s have some new faces attending. Rose Kraemer, Sec. No. 50, Cleveland, O. — Our November meeting proved to be very exciting. As a guest speaker, Rose Želodec spoke on the past National Convention. The ladies in the kitchen were conjuring some ideas on the Christmas party. (Incidentally, Max and Rose Želodec celebrated their 40th Wedding Anniversary this past month; and I’m sure the ladies from the branch send their heartiest congratulations.) Our President Frances Sietz would like to announce that our branch donated $300 towards the National Shrine to be built in Washington, D. C. Words cannot express the feelings that our branch has towards the building of the Shrine. Congratulations, ladies, for the donation ! New member Mary Perusek, was initiated into our branch this past month, and may her stay with us be a merry one. We have two couples that have joined in Holy Matrimony in December. On Dec. 2nd, Robert Roesch and Cheryl Decker, and on Dec. 9th, Rose Ellen Horvat, .and Robert Plescia. Nancy Beck, daughter of our treasurer Marie Beck, and a past recipient of our Scholarship Fund, is now doing post graduate at Western Reserve University. Gabriella Pulaski just returned home from a stay in the hospital, and I’m sure we all join in wishing her a speedy recovery. Fred Kramer, son of Zona Kramer, returned from Viet Nam, on Nov. 24th with a Bronze Star for his meritorious service. We were all very sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Zabukovec, mother of Stelle Rupe, and Frances Derov. Mrs. Zabukovec formerly owned a milk dairy on Edna Avenue. I would like to take the time to announce the newly elected officers of the Slovenian Chapel Fund: President, Joseph Nemanich, (Supreme Pres, of KS1CJ); Vice Pres., John Susnik (Supreme Pres, of A-merican Mutual Lile Ins. Co.); 2nd Vice Pres., Matt Roesman; Secretary, Frank Turek; Treasurer, Toni Turek, Supreme Pres, of SWU; Recording Sec’y, Rose Želodec; 1st Auditor, John Pestotnlk; 2nd Auditor, Anton Oblak; and 3rd Auditor Mary Jeraj. Keep up the good work, committee; and we are almost sure that the Shrine will be built. Your newsy reporter, Angie Lube COMBINED BRANCHES HOLD SUCCESSFUL CHRISTMAS MEETING Our December meeting for the Combined Branches was very successful with a good attendance. All our members gave good reports on the donations being made for the Shrine. Many had their Christmas parties to report and we held election of officers. No one declined. It was a happy situation to have all our officers stay together. We had a guest, Mrs. Prances Pole, and we all enjoyed her visit. We wish to extend get-well wishes to Ella Starin and Nettie Strukel. May God look after them. Our Glee Club has been named! It’s now THE DAWN CHORAL GROUP! We are like one big happy family. All the members seem to enjoy coming to the practices. On Dec. 4th, we met and held our Christmas party which ended with the singing of Christmas carols. It was a beautiful evening. Our director, Mr. Gorensek also enjoyed singing with us. Oh, he is is a wonderful person and musician. We are happy his wife will soon join us. Dec. 14th was the date of our bake sale to raise some money for our expenses and we hope to report success. Our youth bowlers are having fun while at the same time learning the fine sport. They are making many strikes and spares. Bless their hearts. How they try! My best wishes for the holidays and may God bless you all. Mary Bostian SEASON’S BEST RAINY LAKE LODGE O/V RAINY LAKE International Falls, Minnesota, 56649 ALLA AND PETER 1JRASCUGLI fi PROPRIETORS WISHING EVERYONE A HAPPY NEW YEAR SLOVENIAN SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 107 Latimer Ave. Strabane, Penna. 15363 No. 52, “Kitzville”, Hibbing, Minn. Dear Sisters, the end of the year has rolled around and with its ending, a new era is to begin. So, with New Year upon us we had to elect the Officers for the coming year. Elections were easy as the same ones will be seated and they are: sisters Josephine Oswald, President; Mary Musech, Vice President; Rose Chiodi, Secretary & Treasurer; Rose Trombly, Recording Secretary; yours truly, reporter; sisters, Margaret Kochevar, Angeline Russ, Ann Roberts auditors. Committees were: sisters Betty Strazishar, Margaret Andrican, and Carmella Bonazza. Sister Alberta Russo was elected Mother-of-the-Year. We are sure she is the one to uphold the honor. We have a lot who deserve the honor but as only one can be chosen, we think she is the one who will do her part. In the past she always has given a helping hand. She takes part in all activities and is eager to do her share. Congratulations sister Alberta Russo on being selected Mother-of-the-Year! We concluded the business session with a prayer by our president, Josephine Oswald. We then proceeded with our Christmas dinner which was put on in great style by our sister Rose Trombly. Candles decorated the tables with holly and mistletoe and the main course was: chicken, raviola, cole slaw, salad, bean salad, buns, peppers, pickles and potica. It was all delicious and tasty. Thank you sister Rose Trombly. The hall was all decked out in the old tradition of Christmas done by our sister Angeline Hrovat and the proprietor. Beverages were also donated by our loyal members. Our thanks also to them. Gifts were exchanged and a wonder l'ul time was had by all. But, our dearly beloved sister Elizabeth Spinelli was missed greatly. She was unable to be present for the occasion for she had to be with her daughter in Texas who gave birth to a baby girl. Congratulations, Grandma! We hope that everyone is doing fine and that you will be home soon. We then concluded a very delightful evening and hope to be seeing you all soon at our next meeting. Drive safely and may God bless yon all and keep you all in the best of health until we meet again. Yours truly, Gertrude Kochevar, Reporter our meetings. Several of our members prayed at her bier in a group. Our deepest sympathy to members, Mayme Sporich and Tillie Zaggar whose mother, 92 years of age, passed away at Ontonagon, Mich. Mayme stayed in Michigan for several months taking care of her. Our meetings will continue at the home of Betty Vadas on the third Tuesday each month. Those in arrears with dues — please pay up. Home from Vietnam is Edward Vack, son of our member, Ann. They surely enjoyed the holidays having him home. In my last article, it was stated that Margaret Zuga was married, but it is Marlene and she is now Mrs. Stanley Urban of Washington, D. C. Happy New Year to all! Joanne Ponikvar, Sec. No. 54, Warren, Ohio. Happy New Year to all in 196S! I hope this year will be filled with happiness, good times, good friends and good health. Back home in Arizona is our Frances Bonozich who vacationed here in Warren lor a month. She attended our meeting and a good time was had by all. We had a plastic ware demonstration and the profits will go to our branch which will help the treasury. Our sympathy and prayers go out to the family of our member, Angela Horvath, who passed away suddenly at the age of G7. She was a member for many years but rarely attended No. 55, Girard, Ohio. The November meeting was opened with a prayer led by president, Mi's. Barbara Umeck. It was offered for the sick and deceased members of the Union. This meeting was well attended. Plans were completed for a Christmas Party which included a covered dish dinner. Chairman was Kay Futey assisted by Mary Lukz, Vicki Penksa, Josephine Gorenc, Marian Cigolle, Mary Kristin, Sophie Cekuta and Agnes Nigut and also the officers. After a short business meeting, social hour was enjoyed, games were played with prizes going to Mrs. Katherine Ansek, Jennie Selak and Mary Melialco. O'Aam the Editah TO COMMEMORATE BISHOP BARAGA January 19, 18G8 was the date when the Apostle of the Chippewas and Ot-tawas was called to Heaven ... One hundred years this month. Zarja Is privileged to remember this anniversary with a few special pages in commemoration of the Bishop Baraga Centennial, observed the world over beginning this month. The canonization of the holy and sainted Bishop Baraga is In the long process of verification by the Holy See. As Slovenians, as Americans, and as Catholics, it behooves us all to be deeply interested in the progress of the Tribunal in the Cause of Bishop Baraga. As you read about Bishop Baraga, promise yourself to do all you can and to pray for his earliest sanctific-atian. The Editor wishes to thank the most dedicated Baraga biographist, historian and author, Joseph Gregor-ich, the Slovenian priest and untiring promoter of the Baraga Cause, Rev. Joseph Godina, and Rev. James Wolf of the office of the Baraga Association in Marquette, Michigan for their wholehearted help in supplying photographs and material for this issue. We are very grateful also to Rev. Odilo Hajnšek and Mr. Fred Orehek for their valuable written pieces on Baraga and the works inspired by his life. Both Fr. Odilo and Mr. Orehek are devoted to the Cause and most anxious to spread the word of Baraga throughout the U.S. They feel gratified as does the Editor that all who read this issue may come to know him better and realize what Baraga meant to the religious progress of the Church and the great A-merican history of his time. We are sorry to announce our sick list is rather long and ask God’s blessing on these members: Mary Gabrovšek, Mary Selak, both of whom spent time in the hospital and ill at home are: Anna Kren, Anna Leskovec and Amelia Robsel. To any other members ill and not reported, we shall include you in our prayers for a speedy recovery. At this time, we want to wish you and your loved ones a very Happy New Year — may you be blessed with health and happiness throughout the year of 1968. Mary Ann Mehalco No 65, Virginia, Minn. It has been sometime since we had a report from our branch. I wish that more of our members would attend the meetings and in that way we could start something of interest to report more often. We hold our meetings at our president’s home, sister Celia Simich, 805 8th St. No. at 2 p. m. She is a wonderful hostess. We meet every 3rd Wednesday of the month. Our weather has been very mild and not much snow yet. I hope it stays that way, I, for one, get very cold when it goes below zero! We attended the Minn. State Convention at Tower-Soudan. They did a marvelous job with the banquet and entertainment. Everything was planned so nicely that we all enjoyed ourselves very much. My hat’s off to you, wonderful ladies of Br.34! Since our last report, we have lost three members. They are, sisters Mary Miltich, Ann Buncich and Mary Krebs. Our deepest sympathy to the families and relatives and eternal rest to the deceased. We will miss them very much. A speedy recovery to our many sick members. This is the beginning of a new year. Let’s look at our dues books and bring them up to date. Come to the next meeting, or if you can’t come, send in your dues by mail. I would appreciate it. So, we’ll be seeing you at our meetings and wishes to all for health and happiness in the new year. Jennie Tavchar, Sec. No. 68, Fairport Harbor, O. Our November meeting was opened with a prayer led by president, Mrs. Jennie Mahorcic. It was decided to donate $25 from our branch for the Slovenian Chapel in Washington, D. C. Individual donations were given by members at the meeting which a-mounted to $2'8 00. Thanks to all! Plans were made for our annual Christmas Party for Dec. lGth. The Sunshine prize was won by Mrs. Frances Zuzek. Hostesses for the meeting were myself and my mother, Mrs. Mary Zalar. Games were enjoyed by the members. Hope to see you all at the next meeting. Betty Pirman, Reporter No. 72, Pullman, III. — Our yearly election meeting and Christmas meeting took place in November at the home of Mrs. Arko. A fair number of members were present. The same officers were re-elected to their positions. They are: Mrs. Klun, President; Mrs. Zagar, Treasurer: Mrs. Dresher, Secretary; Mrs. Sheehy, Auditor. Our next meeting will be held the first Sunday of May, 1968. This is a long way off, but, during that time I hope you will keep well and be ready to come to that meeting. In the meantime, I will be glad to accept payment of dues at my home or thru the mall. There are a few members who still owe some dues for 1967. Won’t you please see that these are paid up as soon as possible? Best wishes to all for a Very Happy New Year! Wilma Zagar No. 85, Depue, III. — Our November Tea Party was well attended. Eight of the 11 new members were attendance. Sister, Mary Zugich has another new member joining our branch. We should be very active if our membership is so well represented in our future meetings. Congratulations to the new members of our branch, hoping we continue to grow to form an active group! Get well wishes to our every faithful president, Sister Mary Stupar and to sister Theresa Grilc and continued good health to all members! Our sympathy is extended to sister Mary Suarez and family on the recent death of her husband, Vincent. May he rest in peace. Plans were made for our annual Christmas Pot Luck. We hoped to make it a memorable occasion as we celebrate our branch’s 30th anniversary. The December meeting was on the 17th. Wo will report on the outcome next month. Happy birthday to all who have November, December and January birthdays. The Season’s best to all! Frances Machek, Reporter No. 86, Nashwauk, Minn. The regular meeting was on Nov. 28th when we welcomed a new member to out ranks. Mrs. Anne Maurin joined as a beneficiary member. Welcome to our midst, Anne; we’re happy to have you. We decided to have a pot luck sapper for December on the day aft-ter Christmas. We shall tell you a-bout that and the elections in our next report. Our group voted to donate ten dollars to our church and a gift of five dollars to our parish priest, Father John Dolsina. Two guests joined us for a social hour which followed. Winning prizes in canasta was Rose Papatola and in bridge, Christine Meyer. We surely hope to see all of you at our meetings in the new year. Anne Mazar, Reporter No. 89, Oglesby, III. — The Christmas party opened with a chicken dinner at Fran’s Tap with our two members, Mrs. Frances Nemeth and her daughter, Mrs. Frances Kirbach doing the cooking. The chairman and her committee gave out six very nice prizes. The chairman, Mrs. Mary Dittle made the Christmas nut cups. The tables were nicely decorated. Instead of a gift exchange, all members present gave toward the silver offering. This was used to buy a Christmas gift for our shut-in members. The January meeting will be the installation of officers so wo are expecting a good attendance. Mary Kcrnz, reporter ON HIS CENTENNIAL BARAGA Apostle of the Canada. His only goal was to make God known and loved by all men. Totally devoted to his Indians, he learned to speak their languages with amazing fluency and went to them wherever they were No forest, no island in his vast territory was unknown to him. Shooting perilous river rapids in a fragile canoe, entering dreary swamps, and trudging the frozen wilderness, this sensitive and cultured priest went from village to village seeking the souls of this abandoned people. Bishop Baraga died on January 19, 18G8 after a life filled with exalted heroism and undiminished zeal for souls. Today the remains of the great missionary rest in the crypt of St. Peter’s Cathedral, Marquette, Michigan. Revered in his own d'ay, his reputation for sanctity has increased since his death. A canonical investigation is now being made into his life and labors to promote his beatification. Pray that the Cause of Bishop Baraga may find favor with God. GOOOQOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOO WE PRAY FOR HIS SAINTHOOD! What can we do to see our beloved Bishop Baraga called a saint by the Holy Catholic Church? In the 3 last decades much has been done already to gain 5 this goal. But, there is still a great need for the ,5 interest and prayers of every one. The following petition is a sample of what any individual' can write to the Bishop of Marquette in regard to this cause. 3 PETITION On this, the occasion of the Centennial of the death of Bishop Frederic Baraga, the first Bishop of Marquette - Sault St. Marie, we beg that the work of Tribunal in the Cause of Bishop Baraga be completed as soon as possible and that its recommendation be sent to our Holy Father for his approval and the Apostolic Process to begin. We pray for the proclamation of Bishop Baraga as one of heaven’s saints! '3 signed: ....... name address Address your petition letter to: Bishop Thomas M. Noa, D.D., 444 South 4th St., Marquette, Mich. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ( I ) I I I 1 I I I I 'I I I i I I 1 ) At the Franciscan Fathers’ Shrine in Lemont, Illinois, this statue of Bishop Baraga with his Indians and a replica of the Cathedral of St. Peter at Marquette, Michigan where his remains are interred, stands in commemoration of his missionary work. CHIPPEWA AND OTTAWA INDIANS BISHOP FREDERIC BARAGA, a great missionary figure in the history of the American Church, was born in Slovenia, now part of Yugoslavia, on June 39, 1797. Nine years a priest, he came to the United States in 1830 to devote his life to the Indians of the Upper Great Lakes. He is truly called the Apostle of the Lakelands. Baraga's labors began among the Ottawa in lower Michigan near Little Traverse Bay. Two years later lie moved to the pioneer site of Grand Rapids where he established another successful mission. The great missionary left there for La Pointe, an island village in Lake Superior, off the coast of northern Wisconsin, in 1835. There he began his monumental labors among the Chippewa tribes. His last major mission was founded in 1843 at L’Anse, on Upper Michigan’s Keweenaw Bay, where he remained until his appointment as bishop a decade later. Baraga wtas consecrated first bishop of Upper Michigan and its adjacent islands on Nov. 1, 1853. For 37 years Baraga moved about in a vast triangular territory of over 80,000 square miles including areas of Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota and s “SHEPHERD OF THE WILDERNESS” | by Bernard J. Lamlierl I (Reviewed by Fred Orehek) f Publication of an inspiring and impressive book j on Slovenia’s great missionary to America, Pretl- • erick Baraga, is important news to Slovenians ev- £ erywhere — especially since this latest biography / comes off the presses to mark the 100th anniversary j of his saintly death. Bishop Baraga died January 19, 1868, in Mar-£ quette, Michigan, at the age of 71. 3 Author Bernard J. Lambert’s exciting and fast- j reading new story on Bishop Baraga is one of the : latest books in English written on him since Joseph £ Gregorich of Chicago penned “The Apostle of the ^ Chippewas” in 1931. j It is interesting to note, Gregorich’s book ob- : served the 100th anniversary' of the start of Bishop I Baraga’s heroic missionary work among the Amer- ) ican Indians in 1831. \ Lambert’s “Shepherd of the Wilderness” is rec- s ommended reading for everyone interested in Baraga £ ... particularly all Slovenians, be they first, second, ) third or even fourth generation Americans, j Because he was born and educated in the area : where Bishop Baraga worked, Lambert brings ano- ! ther dimension to this modern Baraga story. / A native of L’Anse, Michigan, Lambert devoted 5 the past 18 years on research for his Baraga book. : Lambert’s lifelong proximity to actual sites where \ Baraga labored for more than 30 years creates a / deeper understanding and interpretation of the mis- 5 sionary’s struggles, frustrations and achievements. : The writer’s empathy for Baraga, the Indians and . his Great Lakes region, naturally is transmitted to ) the reader. f VAST RESEARCH WORK ON BARAGA \ Lambert also utilized the burgeoning historical [ archives on Baraga at the Bishop Baraga Associa- 5 tion in Marquette, Michigan. Microfilms of orig- j inal records, some hitherto unavailable, from Slo- • venia, Vienna, Rome, Washington and other sources, f were studied by Lambert for this new Baraga book. ) After 18 years of diligent research on Baraga, j Lambert concludes: • “Baraga was a man 100 years ahead of his time. £ He said Mass in Ojibway, the language of the peo- / pie. Protestant, Catholic and pagan received what- j ever aid he could offer, and he earned their re- ( spect.” 5 Lambert further illustrates Baraga’s century- i ahead-of-his-time ecumenism. I “When he was at LaPointe and the newborn 1 baby of one of the Protestant missionaries died, 5 Baraga marched in the funeral procession beside • the bereaved. j The Mission at L’Anse, photo taken about 1880 ŠKOF BARAGA KRATKO PlW.li > Bishop Baraga as he looked before his death, Jan. 19, 1888 Commenting on the St. Francis of Assisi-like qualities of Baraga who was born to a wealthy family in Mala Vas, Slovenia, and got a law degree at the University of Vienna, Lambert relates how the missionary gave everything to the poor Indians and became one of them. “With patched and worn clothing he visited each wilderness outpost. He ate little and worked hard, his body was tough like an Indian’s.” In fact, the last photographs of Baraga shortly before his death actually give him the appearance of a real Indian. MEETS POPE AND EMPEROR Lambert’s appraisal of Baraga continues: “At home in the forests, he was equally at home among the rulers of the world. In Italy, he had two private audiences with Pope Pius IX. In Austria he was dined by royalty and invited to attend the marriage of Emperor Francis Joseph.” A learned man, Baraga knew more than seven languages. He achieved remarkable success as the author of a best selling prayer-book, “Dušna Paša,” or “Pasture for the Soul,” before leaving for the Indian missions in 1830. This book is still in circulation among Slovenians everywhere in the world. Lambert recounts in detail how Baraga mastered the strange Indian languages of the region and created a “Grammar of the Ojibway Language,” and a “Dictionary of the Ojibway Language,” in addition to Indian prayer books and other works. Baraga’s endeavors to civilize and educate the Indians despite opposition from greedy exploiters also -earned him-the title of—The Father of Indian Literature.” One of the salient points of Baraga’s mission Lambert emphasizes in his book is the Slovenian missionary’s indomitable fight for the just rights of the Indians against the onslaught of the traders, land grabbers and Indian agents. MICHIGAN C0#$CRYATtOW 0eWBTH**T SHJEM mm QEPARTUI It is another example of how Baraga was a man ahead of his era . . . With unflinching integrity and courage he stood up for the civil and material rights of the Indians even in the face of death threats from unscrupulous traders. Baraga’s legal training served to win a number of important victories for the Indians. SNOWSHOE JOURNEYS Some of the most stirring passages in the book tell how Baraga walked hundreds of miles through dangerous snow covered areas on snowshoes to aid Indians. Miraculous escapes from death on prolonged journeys on canoe trips to stranded Indian missions highlight the vivid narrative and convey the undying missionary spirit of Baraga. Lambert also reports how Baraga patiently taught the Indians how to farm the lands and live in communities. In L’Anse, for example, he not only built a church and school for the Indians, but also a whole community of homes. Readers of “Shepherd of the Wilderness” cannot help but be stimuated into further interest for the Baraga cause. This book should generate a new stream of visitors to Baragaland for combined pilgrimages and vacations this Centennial year. Visiting and praying at the Marquette cathedral where Bishop Baraga is entombed is unforgettable. Actually seeing and touching some of Bishop Baraga’s original books and belongings at the Bishop Baraga Association headquarters in Marquette, Michigan, provided a never-to-be-forgotten experience for our family. A cross marks the beginning of the Cross River near Shroeder, Minn., named by Baraga after his brush with death on the great Lake Superior. Baraga Museum at Marquette Traveling through the Baraga mission land area of endless miles of evergreen vistas of national and state parks still unsmitten by air and water pollution helps one appreciate how vast a territory the Slovenian missionary covered, sans auto, more than 100 years ago in all types of weather. Kneeling in the still functioning church built by Baraga in the verdant wilderness surrounding Eagle Harbor, Michigan, is another wonderful family experience So is a tour through the newly-restored Fort Wilkens where Baraga worked. It is adjacent to a state operated trailer camp near remote Copper Harbor, Michigan, jutting into Lake Superior. Travelers will find several locations named for Baraga, including a town of Baraga, a Baraga County, school and street. The Baraga experiences are truly fascinating, adventurous reading. Let’s hope that some day soon some of these great Baraga achievements are portrayed on television. Any number of his experiences could make a documentary or special television show a-gainst the rugged, beautiful background of the upper Great Lakes regions. Lambert is one of the growing number of admirers of Baraga working in America and Europe for his beatification with aspirations that the current centennial year will accelerate the movement for eventual sainthood. He writes, “I have been amazed at the number of lvooks ordered. In two months more than 1,800 have been sold. There were 3,000 copies printed for the first edition.” (Copies of "Shepherd of the Wilderness,” 255 pages, $4.95, may be ordered by writing to the Bishop Baraga Association, Marquette, Michigan.) At presstime we have learned of another book on the great life of Bishop Baraga written by Dr. Franc Jaklic and hope to have a review of it in a forthcoming issue of Zarja. BARAGA STATE PARK ENTRANCE ? Signs and guideposts found along the highway In "Baragaland”, the region along the Keweenaw Bay of Michigan's Upper Penninsula. JANUARY, 1968 Rev. Joseph Godina: Ob stoletnici smrti Škofa Friderika Barage (Umrl v Marquett-u 19. januarja 1868) Dne 19. januarja 1968 bo minilo 100 let kar je umrl škof Friderik Bartaga. V tistih dneh pred sto leti je bila v Marquette-u taka zima, da so morali s pogrebom čakati. Niti okoliški duhovniki ne bi mogli priti na pogreb. Škof iz Milwaukee je pririnil samo do Green-Bayia. Naprej ni bilo mogoče. Čakali so do 31. januarja, toda vreme se ni zboljšalo in so ga pokopali samo z duhovniki iz Marquette-a in najbližje okolice. Udeležba prebivalstva mesta — katoličani in protestanti — je pa bila veličastna. Vsi obrati so bili zaprti. Baragova desna roka in spovednik Edward Jacker je v pridigi na dan pogreba rekel, da dokler bo v pokrajinah Velikih jezer, kjer je bilo glavno torišče Baragovega misijonskega dela, živel rod, ki bo sposoben ceniti veličino čiste duše, zatajevanje telesa, goreče navdušenje združeno z izrednimi sposobnostmi položeno v božjo službo za najbolj zapuščena bitja božjega stvarstva, toliko časa ne bo pozabljen škof Baraga. Zgodovinar Grand Rapidske škofije J. McGee pravi, da si tudi najbolj divja domišljija ne bi mogla zmisliti takih zgodb, kakršne je Baraga dejansko doživljal pri svojem misijonskem delu v snegu, na ledu, na vodi, v hostah na in okoli Velikih jezer. Edward Jacker pravi, da zadnje tedne svojega življenja Baraga ni mogel več vsak dan maševati; samo še ob nedeljah in praznikih. Čez dan je sedel na stolu. Glava se mu je povesila globoko na prsi. Ure so mu minevale v molitvi in premišljevanju. V duhu je brodil v vse kraje svojega življenja. Šel je v gradič Mala vas, kjer je bil 1797 rojen in preživel dve detinski leti v senci mogočne lipe, ki še danes stoji. Spet je stopil v dobrniško cerkev in v duhu poklenil pri krstnem kamnu, kjer je bil krščen. Sončna trebanjska graščina, ki jo je Baraga smatral za svoj dom, mu je prinesla toliko srečnih o-troških spominov pa tudi žalostnih. Tu mu je umrla mati, ki jo je tako neizmerno rad imel, ko je bil star 11 let. Štiri leta pozneje mu je umrl še skrbni oče. Spomin ga je postavil v belo Ljubljano k dobrim Dolinarjevim, kjer je stanoval, ko je hodil v ljubljanske šole. Potem univerza na cesarskem Dunaju (1816-21) in tisto srečavanje s svetniškim Klemenom Hofbauerjem, v velikem poslopju uršulinske šole v ozki ulici Johannes, kjer je Klemen ob večerih zbiral dunajske visokošolce. Tri leta je zahajal h Klemenovim sestankom. Klemen je 1820 umrl. Baraga je bil najbrže med nosilci krste (kakor misli p. Hugo Bren) pri pogrebu iz dunajske stolnice sv. Štefana. Edini Baraga ve, kako je bil Klemen tisti, ki je dal njemu nove smernice za življenje, da dž. vse za Kristusa ... V semenišče! Posvečen v mašnika v Ljubljani 21. sept. 1823, drugo jutro ob 5 zjutraj nova maša pri stranskem oltarju v isti stolnici. Poromal je spet k svojim ovčicam na kaplanskem mestu v Šmartnem pri Kranju in v Metliki, ki je zanje pisal "Dušno pašo” in “Zlata jabolka.” Ko je preromal Evropo, je zdrknilo skozi njegove koščene prste pedeset jagod, petdeset Zdravih Marij za dobre Marijine kronarice . .. Glava, ki se je za nekaj časa dvignila, je zpet zlezla na prsi . . . Sedaj je poromal k svojim dragim Indijancem začenši s Krivim drevesom, nato na Bobrov otok, nato k blagoslovitvi svoje prve cerkve v Manistique-u z hvaležnim vzdihom: Glej ljuba Mati Jezusova, da sem izpolnil obljubo, ki sem Ti jo dal v Metliki, da bom prvo misijonsko cerkev posvetil Tebi . . . Pomudil se je pri Veliki Reki, kjer so ga hoteli ubiti, potem pa šel v Detroit, od tam po Huronskem in Gorenjem jezeru v La Pointe. Kako je Vsemogočni blagoslavljal njegovo delo tudi tu! Spomnil se je svoje sestre Antonije, ki mu je prišla gospodinjit v La Pointe, dobrega in odkritosrčnega misijonarja Pirca, ki mu je poslal sadike za drevesa in povrtnino, da ne bi preveč stradal. V mislih je zahvaljeval Boga, ki mu je dal milost, da je krstil tisoče poganov in dal moči, da je prehodil na misijonskih potih tisoče milj s krpljami v ledeno mrzlo jezero. Spomnil se je duševnega trpljenja, ki so mu ga prizadevali nasprotniki katoliških misijonov, posebno ta-krat, ko je polagal temelje za indijansko mesto v L’Ansu. Molitev, ki jo je sestavil kot prošnjo za moč in oporo v bridkostih, je ponavljal v svojem srcu, saj se je zgrnilo sedaj nad njim toliko gorja in muka. (Pred nekaj tedni je s težavo in počasi narekoval svojemu dobremu pri jatelju Jackerju pismo misijonski družbi na Dunaj: “Pro sim vas kar najbolj nujno, ne zapustite me v moji stiski. Nikoli še nisem bil tako potreben denarne pomoči, kol sem sedaj. Bolezen, ki me muči že deset mesecov, in stari dolgovi, ki jih ne morem plačati... Še vedno moram voditi to škofijo, naslednika letos še ne bo . . Prosim vas torej prav nujno, da me to leto ne zapustite. Z veliko težavo se je s tresočo roko nerazločno podpisal.” Nekaj dobrih oseb v Marquette-u mu je izročilo lepo vsote denarja, da bi si oskrbel boljšo postrežbo, pa jim je kar povedal, da denarja zase ne rabi in da ga bo porabil za škofijske dolgove. "Zase nočem imeti bolje kot je imel moj Učenik.” Postopek za proglašen je za svetnika Slovensko ljudstvo, verniki marquette-ske škofije in vsi, ki poznajo Baragovo življenje, so prepričani, da je Baraga v nebeški slavi ali z drugo besedo, da je “svetnik”. Seveda pa tu ne rabimo besede svetnik tako kakor ko pravimo sveti Frančišek, sveti Metod, sveta Mala Terezika. sveta Bernardka ... K Baragi še ne smemo posvetiti cerkve ali oltarja, k njemu še ne smemo uradno v cerkvi imeti pobožnosti, niti ga uradno ne smemo imenovati svetnika. To bo dovoljeno šele takrat, kadar ga bo sv. oče po takozvanem kanonizacijskem postopku proglasil za svetnika. Ker smo pa prepričani, da je Baraga že svetnik v nebesih, je prav in primerno, da ga zasebno častimo, da se k njemu zatekamo v molitvah, s prošnjami za pomoč. Javno smemo tudi v cerkvi moliti in prositi Boga, da bi bil Baraga uradno proglašen za svetnika. V marquette-ski škofiji po škofovem navodilu vpletajo pri nedeljskih mašah v prošnje vernikov, ‘da bi bil naš ljubljeni ustanovitelj škofije škof Baraga kmalu dvignjen do časti oltarja, — prosimo Te, usliši nas.” Edini naslov, ki ga sedaj cerkev daje Baragi, je “služabnik božji Baraga.” Slovensko in ameriško ljudstvo, ki Barago poznajo, želijo in delajo za to, da bi bil Baraga tudi uradno proglašen za svetnika. Baraga s proglašenjem za svetnika ne bo nič više pomaknjen v nebesih. Ko prosimo in delamo za njegovo uradno svetništvo, ne prosimo zanj. On ne potrebuje naše pomoči. Mi potrebujemo njega. On je slovenskemu ljudstvu rojak, ameriškemu ljudstvu apostol. On nas pozna, on nas ljubi. Mi ne smemo svojega rojaka, dobrega prijatelja in gorečega apostola pozabiti. Če ga pozabimo, ga pozabimo v svojo škodo. Ako in kadar bo proglašen za svetnika, ga bo toliko več ljudi poznalo, ga toliko več prosilo. Posameznikom, družinam, deželam bo posredoval toliko več blagoslova, toliko več pomoči. Mi v solzni dolini tega življenja smo z onimi v nebeški slavi povezani. "Verujem v katoliško cerkev, verujem v občestvo svetnikov.” Za služabnika božjega škofa Friderika Barago je že v teku uradni postopek cerkve za proglašenje za blaženega in nato svetnika. Za tak postopek so že stoletja v veljavi podrobna in izredno stroga pravila. (N. pr. ako bi član kanonizacijske sodne komisije ali priča, ki je klican pri postopku na izpraševanje, s komurkoli izven komisije govoril, kaj so pri seji govorili, kaj je bil vprašan, kaj je odgovoril—ga zadene kazen izobčenja in samo sveti oče osebno lahko da odvezo.) V naslednjem pri našamo nekak skop pregled postopka, suhe naslove razvoja. Toda kljub skoposti in suhoti nam da vsaj neko temeljno idejo, po kaki lestvici mora hoditi služabnik (služabnica) božji, preden dobi na zemlji naslov svetnika. STOLNICA svetega Miklavža v slovenski prestolici kjer je škof Baraga bil posvečen v duhovnika, dne 21 sept. I823. LJUBLJANA, the Capital of Slovenia and in the foreground, the Cathedral of St. Nicholas where Baraga was ordained a priest Sept. 21, 1823.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Postopek se vrši na dveh krajih 1) najprej v škofiji, v kateri je kandidat za svetništvo umrl in nato 2) v Rimu. Za Barago se mora prvi del vršiti v Marquette-u ker je Baraga tam umrl in je tam pokopan. Ako bi se iz kakega velikega razloga z dovoljenjem Rima vršil prvi proces v drugi škofiji kakor kjer je služabnik božji umrl, bi se vseeno morali vsi spisi voditi pod imenom škofije kandidatove smrti. Če bi iz kakega vzroka ljubljanska škofija prevzela Baragov proces, bi se proces vseeno imenoval marquette-ski. Postopek v domači škofiji 1 — Vsak katoličan (škof, duhovnik, laik, moški, ženska, in tudi cerkveno potrjena organizacija) ima pravico poslati na škofa, v katerega škofiji je “služabnik božji” umrl, prošnjo, da se začne zanj postopek za proglašenje svetnikom. 2 — Ako škof sprevidi, da je prošnja utemeljena, imenuje “postulatorja”, ki ga pa mora obredna kongregacija v Rimu potrditi. Postulator je glavna gonilna sila postopka. On “žene in poriva” proces. Prvi postulator v Baragovem procesu je bil Msgr. J. Zryd, ki je sedaj v Rimu rektor ameriškega zavoda za duhovnike. Postulator v Marquette-u je Msgr. Edmund Szoka. Škof imenuje strokovnjake za zgodovinsko komisijo, ki pripravljajo niaterijal za sodno komisijo (tribunal). 3 Ko je zgodovinska komisija zbrala dovolj materi-jala, imenuje škof komisijo sodnikov, tribunal, sodišče, W bodo na posebnih sejah presojali materijal, ki jim ga pripravi in predloži postulator. Škof imenuje tudi branilca vere, ki je znan pod šaljivim imenom hudičev advokat. Njegova dolžnost je, da vestno išče in zasleduje ve, kar bi govorilo proti svetništvu kandidata. On prisostvuje sejam sodnikov, sme spraševati priče pri sejah, sme ugovarjati. Baragov slučaj je dospel do teh sej tribunala. Prva seja se je vršila 15. marca 1967. Vsi — spisi postopka se morajo napraviti v dvojniku. Ko je postopek v škofiji končan, se en izvod spnavi v zaboj, ki se mora skrbno zapečatiti, drugi dvojnik se Pošlje kongregaciji za obrede v Rimu. Zapečateni za boj, ki se hrani doma pri škofiji, se ne sme odpreti brez dovoljenja svete stolice. Postopek v Rimu 1 — Predpostavljamo, da se je v domači škofiji po stopek končal tako, da niso našli ovire za nadaljevanja procesa v Rimu. Spis se pošlje v Rim. Baragov “spis" iz Marquette-a bo eden izmed 2000 takih spisov svetniških kandidatov. Pri obredni kongregaciji je kanoniza-cijska komisija. Predsednik komisije določi zbor teoloških strokovnjakov da pregledajo« te spise. Sveti oče imenuje glavnega bianilca vere (hudičevega advokata) in novega postulatorja. Oba morata bivati v Rimu. Generalni branilec sme zahtevati dodatne preiskave, ako ugotovi, da se je kaj spregledalo. Ko je tudi to končano, sveti oče odloči, da se postopek nadaljuje. 2 — Branilec vere in postulator predložita zadevo v presojo kardinalom svete kongregacije obredov. Ako ti ne najdejo ničesar, kar bi oviralo nadaljni postopek, priporočijo sv. očetu, da. dovoli novo nadaljevanje. Eden izmed dveh zlatih kelihov, katere je Friderik Baraga dobil od cesarja Franca Jožefa, leta 1854. Kelih je na razstavi v Baragovem muzeju v Marquette. One of the two chalices Bishop Baraga received from Emperor Francis Joseph in 1854. It can be seen at the Baraga Museum at Marquette. •JANUARY, 1068 ~j~ ^rr'e/etuu4 Notranjščina prostorne župne cerkve v Metliki. Glavni oltar izpred obhajilne mize. Metlika — The parish church of St. Nicholas, where Baraga served before coming to America. Fasada župne cerkve sv. Martina, Stražišče. The facade of the parish church of St. Martin, Baraga’s first assignment as a priest. 3 — Po končanem razvoju kakor je omenjeno pod 1) in 2) in ko sv. oče dovoli nadaljevanje se začne tako-zvani “apostolski proces,” ki je pravzaprav ponovitev škofijskega procesa. Ako branilec vere in postulatom sodita, da je že pri škofiskem procesu dovolj dokazano svetništvo kandidata, lahko predlagata, da se apostolski proces preskoči. 4 — Ko pride postopek do tega razvoja, se odpre grob zadevne osebe, da ugotovijo, da je tam resnično truplo svetniškega kandidata. Pod kaznijo izobčenja, pridržano sv. očetu, ne sme nihče pri pregledu trupla nič vzeti in nič dodati k truplu. 5 — Vsi dosedanji izsledki se sedaj predložijo sv. očetu za takozvane štiri izjave: 1) da je rimski proces pravilno izveden, 2) da je kandidat imel res heroične (svetniške) čednosti, 3) da so čudeži (če so se do te dobe zgodili) res pristni in dokazani in 4) da je varno proglasiti slu žabnika božjega za blaženega. Sv. oče zda poseben odlok za slovesnost proglastive novega blaženca. G — Ako se po proglasitvi za blaženega zgodita še dva dokazana čudeža na priprošnjo blaženca kanonizira, da ga razglasi za svetnika. Zanimivo je, da se sv. oče ne udeleži slovesnosti raz-vesnosti razglasitve blaženim. Sv. mašo za to slovesnost ima v cerkvi sv. Petra kak kardinal ali škof. Po evangeliju preberejo samo to priliko nad oltarjem. Navadno sta na vsaki strani slike blaženca tudi sliki, ki vprizarjata oba dokazana čudeža. Popoldne tistega dne pride navadno sv. oče v baziliko se poklonit novemu blažencu. * * * Iz pregleda procesa za proglašenje blaženim in svetnikom je razvidno, da je postopek zvezan z mnogimi de-marnimi izdatki. Ljudi, ki delajo v komisijah, je treba plačati. Znastveno delo strokovnjakov v zgodovinski komisiji iskanje in zbiranje dokumentov, sestavljanje spisov pomeni tudi denarne izdatke. Številna Baragova pisma so raztresena po vsem svetu. Pisal jih je Leopoldin-ski misijonski družbi na Dunaju, na razne kraje v Sloveniji, v Rim, v Monakovo, v Lyon, v Pariz, v Detroit, v Washington. Zgodovinar Jožet' Gregorič je hodil v vse te kraje in je moral večinoma pisma prefotografirati ker so pisma že v arhivih. Kopiranje še danes ni končano. Baragova zveza že leta in se vedno plačuje za to delo tri stalne nastavljence, dva zgodovinarja in eno pisarniško moč. To delo je neobhodno potrebno in denar za to je treba nekje nabrati. Denar je nujno potreben, bistvena pri svetniškem procesu je pa duhovna, verska stran. Na to kaže že to, da ves proces gre samo za tem, da pokaže in dokaže, da je kandidat imel heroične (svetniške) čednosti. Za proglasitev za blaženega in svetnika sveti oče hoče imeti namig iz nebes. Potrebni so čudeži, ki so delo božje. Čudeži na priprošnjo svetniškega kandidata se bodo pa dogodili, ako bomo res zaupno prosili. Mnogo več ljudi in z veliko večjo vero bi se zatekalo k Baragi, če bi poznali njegovo življenje, njegovo delovanje, njegova pota, njegovo trpljenje, njegove umske sposobnosti, vse položeno v službo Boga in bližnjega. Poznanje Barage dobimo iz knjig. Sledeče knjige o Baragi je možno dobiti pri Baragovi zvezi (Bishop Baraga Association, 521 W. Fisher Str., Marquette, Mich. 49855) in v Slovenski pisarni v Baragovem domu v Clevelandu, 6384 St. Clair A ve., Cleveland, Ohio 44103). 1) SHEPHERD OF THE WILDERNESS, Bernard J. Lambert ($4.95). English. 2 FRIDERIK BARAGA, Franc Jaklič ($3.50) Slovensko. 3) Life and Services of BISHOP FREDERIC BARAGA, Rev. Edward Jacker ($1). English. 4) UNA SOLA COSA <5 necessaria, F. Bea ($5). Ita-ljansko. 5) BISHOP BARAGA PILGRIMAGE 1960, J. G. ($1). English. Gornje knijige se dobe pri Baragovi zvezi v Marquette-u, spodnje pa v Slovenski pisarni v Clevelandu. 1) BREN O BARAGI, I. zvezek, 310 strani, dr. Filip Žakelj. 2) BARAGO NA OLTAR! Premišljevanja o Baragi. Dodana devetdnevnica in molitve za Baragovo beatifikacijo. Spisal dr. dr. Filip Žakelj. Zelo dobra in znana angleška knjiga Baragi BY CROSS AND ANCHOR je pošla. Spisal jo je protestantski pisatelj J. K. Jamison (191G prvič izšla). Pred dvemi leti jo je dal ponatisniti občudovatelj Barage mason profesor R .W. Drier. Knjiga je bila v enem letu razprodana. Mala Vas — Baragova rojstna hiša. The birthplace of Frederic Baraga at Mala Vas, Slovenia. P. ODILO HAJNŠEK, O.F.M.: GLEJTE, KAKO UMIRA PRAVIČNI!! OH STOLETNICI BARAGOVE SMRTI Glejte, kako umira pravični, pa nihče ne čuti. Žrtev sveti možje so, pa mar ni nobenemu. Iz kroga je ljudi hudobnik odstranjen pravični. In večno bo živel v preslavnem spominu. Počitka našel je mesto mirno, na Sionu prebivališče svoje. In večno bo živel v preslavnem spominu. (Cerkveni responzorij Velike sobote) To je najlepši slavospev blažene smrti. In take smrti je umrl služabnik božji naš, slovenski junak, indijanski misijnonar in prvi škof v Sault Sainte Ma-rie-Marquette. Pokojni p. Hugo Bren OFM nam Baraga tako mojstersko popisuje in predstavlja: Kot duhovnik je bil Baraga živa podoba. Dobrega Pastirja. Za duše je živel in se je že v domovini zanje žrtvoval do samopozabe. — Na prižnici je bil slovenski Slomšek, mojster ljudskega pridigarja. V spovednici je bil slovenski Janez Vianey. — U-bogim je bil slovenski Vincencij Pavelski. Denar se ni mogel pogreti v Baragovem žepu. Otrokom je bil slovenski Don Boško. Otroci so bili posebno v tistih časih rožice, ki so potrebovale sonca, predvsem doma, kjer se še ni raztopil jožefinski led. — Bolnikom je bil Baraga slovenski Klemen Dvoršak. - Večer za večerom se je Banaga vračal s potov sv. Alfonza Ligvorskega od dolgega obiska Najsvetejšega v leseni misijonski kapelici. — Za Boga je imel naš Baraga srce otroka, za bližnjega srce angela, za sebe srce strogega sodnika. — Pač svetniški Baraga! Slovenci imamo trojni Baragov dar, ki nam ga je zapustil svetniški rojak, ko je bil še doma. Prvi spomin je DUŠNA PAŠA, ki je izšla v več izdajali. Celo stoletje so Slovenci iz nje obilno zajemali duhovno hrano. Pisatelj dr. Ivan Tavčar je najrajši molil iz te knjige. Drugi spomin je knjiga, ki ima naslov "OD POČEŠČENJA IN POSNEMANJA MATERE BOŽJE. Dolgih šestdeset let pred to knjigo ni med Slovenci izšla nobena knjiga o Mariji. Tretji spomin je prelepo Baragovo delo "OBISKO VANJE JEZUSA KRISTUSA V PRESVETEM REŠ-NJEM TELESU IN POZDRAVLJANJE MARIJE, PREČISTE DEVICE.” Tudi to delo, povzeto po sv. Alfonzu Ligvorskem, je bilo ponovno natisnjeno, saj je v desetih letih izšlo kar v petnajst tisoč izvodih in je močno pospeševalo Marijino češčenje in evharistično življenje med Slovenci. To so trije spomini, ki jih je zapustil Baraga, ko je bil še doma. Tri darove pa je poslal Baraga Slovencem tudi iz Amerike, zopet tri nabožne knjige. Najprej je leta 183G poslal v domovino svojim ljubim rojakom knjigo “Premišljevanja štirih po-slednih reči”. — Leta 1840 je poslal drugi dar Slovencem in sicer knjigo -“Zlata jabolka”. Ta knjiga je doživela v Ljubljani kar štiri izdaje. — Leta 1843 pa je obdaril svoje rojake "Z NEBEŠKIMI ROŽAMI”. To je obširna knjiga, ki je obsegala 4G2 strani in je bila tiskana v Ljubljani leta 1840 v tri tisoč izvodih. Za tiste čase je to velikansko število, ker takrat je med Slovenci znal še malokdo brati. Uvod v to knjigo je resnični biser Baragove nadnaiavne ljubezni do svojih slovenskih rojakov. V tem oziru je Baraga posnemal svojega iskrenega prijatelja Antona Martina Slomška. Zdaj sta oba oltarska kandidata. Poleg ogromnega misijonskega dela, ki ga je Baraga vršil med Indijanci, je bil on tudi slavni indijanski kulturni ustvarjalec. Bil je prvi, ki je pisal v otavskem in očipevskem jeziku ali narečju indijanske knjige: molitvenike, pesmi, katekizem, zgodbe sv. pisma, Jezusovo življenje in svoje pridige, pastirske liste. Ti Baragovi indijanski spisi so doživljali ponovne izdaje. Posebno velike vrednosti je očipevska indijanska Slovnica in Slovar. S tem je postal naš rojak Baraga javno priznan. “The Encyclopedia Americana” daje našemu rojaku Baragi sledeče priznanje: “BARAGA Frederic, Slovenian Roman Catholic prelate and Missionary, born in Carniola June 29, 1797, died in Marquette, Mich., Jan 19, 1868. He came to the United States in 1830 and spent the rest of his life among the Chippewa and Ottawa Indians in Michigan. His Chippewa Grammar (1851) and Chippewa Dictionary (1851-1853) are of philological importance and he was also the author of a work in Slovenian on the “History, Character, Manners and Habits of the North American Indians” (.1837) translated into French and German. (Volume III. page 227.) Predvsem pa je Baraga bil goreč misijonar. Na vseh misijonskih postajah so ga čakali isti križi: slabo stanovanje, da je imel včasih dežnik nad posteljo, strahovito je zmerzoval pozimi, skromna hrana, vremenske težave, ter neizmerno utrudljiva misijonska pota med indijanske spreobrnjence in pogane, pa tudi med versko silno zapuščene in zanemarjene priseljence. Take križe je mogel nositi samo božji mož, ki je živel iz vere, izredno častil Kraljico apostolov, pil božjo moč v presveti Evharistiji, ljubil Boga in cenil vrednost neumrljivih duš. Dolgih 23 let je neutrudno misijonaril med Indijanci in jih je lastnoročno krstil nad 25 tisoč. Leta 1853 je postal škof in kot tak je bil ustanovitelj sedanje škofije Marquette, Mich. Škofovske skrbi in druge britkosti so ga tako težile in morile, da se mu je včasih od notranjega trpljenja kar temnilo v duši. Škofovsko dostojanstvo je pač Znamenita cerkev Svetega Odrešenika v Eagle Harbor, Mich. To cerkev letno obiščejo tisoči romarjev, ker njena notranjščina je ohranjena, kakor je bila v Baragovem času, pred več kot sto leti. Church of the Holy Redeemer at Eagle Harbor, Michigan. This church is visited by thousands yearly as it contains original sacramentals used during Baraga’s time. Starinska cerkev v LaPointe je posebno važna zaradi Baragovih misijonov med Indijanci. Nahaja se blizu Bayfielda na Apostolskih otokih v Mi-čiganskem Gornjem polotoku. LaPointe, the old interior of the church. This locale is one of the most important of his Indian missions. It is near Bayfield on the Apostle Islands of Michigan’s Upper Penninsula. Below: This sketch often appears in Baraga’s diaries. sprejel, njegovo zasebno življenje pa se ni s tem skoraj nič spremenilo. Škofovske palače ni imel, marveč se je moral zadovoljiti s skromno leseno bajto poleg lesene stolnice. Tako je moral biti Baraga kurjač, mežnar, misijonar in škof v eni osebi. Kasneje mu je stregel zvesti služabnik Gaš-par Schulte. Letos 19. januarja 1968 poteče 100 (sto) let, kar je naš Baraga zatisnil v smrti svoje trudne oči. Kakoršno življenje, talca smrt. Svetniško je živel, svetniško je umrl. Baraga je moral biti jeklenega zdravja, da je zmogel skoraj štiri desetletja toliko misijonskega dela v tolikih nadlogah. Najprej so se mu začele tresti noge in roke. Od preutrujenosti mu je začelo slabeti srce. Poslednica tega je bila huda naduha. Javljalo se je poapnenje žil. Proti koncu leta 18G5 je Baraga začutil prvi lahen udarec kapi. Devetega oktobra 18G6 pa ga je dragem ameriškem cerkvenem zboru v Baltimoreu zadela kap. Silno bolan je želel čim-prej priti v Marquette, da bi kot dobri pastir umrl med svojimi verniki. Duhovnik Bourion je mislil, da bo škof izdihnil že med potjo. Čez nekaj tednov je sicer okreval, zopet poučeval otroke in obiskoval celo bolnike. Od tega napora je tako oslabel, da ni bil več za nobeno delo Slonel je v naslonjaču, molil in premišljeval. Za kratek čas se je zdravje nekoliko zboljšalo, pa zopet poslabšalo Ker sam ni mogel maševati, je hodil k maši vsako jutro, zlasti pa ni nikdar zamudil ob nedeljah in praznikih sv. maše. Ob nedeljah je bil navadno pri dveh mašah. Iz več pisem, ki jih je narekoval, vidimo, kako ga je stiskalo telesno in dušno trpljenje. Nazadnje so komaj še razumeli, kaj hoče povedati. Zdaj so pritisnili nanj še upniki. Od vseh strani so silili vanj, on pa ni imel niti zase. Kar so mu darovali dobrotniki, da bi mu lajšali ure, je vse dal za cerkvene potrebe. Vse življenje je bil siromak, siromak tudi v zadnji uri . . . V nedeljo po Novem letu 18G8 je bil spet pri dveh mašah. Ponoči ga je tako dušilo v prsih, da je komaj še dihal. Dva dni ni mogel ne govoriti, ne zavžiti hrane; le od časa do časa je izgovarjal Jezusovo in Marijino ime. Obraz je imel mrtvaško bled. Noč pred praznikom Svetih treh kraljev je pri popolni zavesti prejel svete zakramente za umirajoče. Potem se mu je sicer malo zdravje zboljša- lo, toda moči so spet začele pojemati. Šestnajstega januarja je spet prosil za sv. obhajilo. Tudi naslednji dan 17. jan. ga je prejel. V nedeljo 19. januarja mu je dobri duhovnik Edvard Jacker spet hotel prinesti sv. obhajilo, a škof Baraga je že ponoči ob 2. uri po polnoči mirno izdihnil svojo svetniško dušo. V zadnji uri je bil pri njem samo njegov zvesti sluga Gašpar Schulte, ki mu je za-stisnil oči. Da, “Glejte, kako umira pravični! Počitka našel je mesto mirno! Na Sionu je njegovo prebivališče. In večno bo živel v preslavnem spominu.” Baragovo življenje in Baragova smrt sta polna slovesa svetosti ! Toda končno sodbo o tem mora izreči nezmotljiva Sveta Cerkev. Mi, njegovi rojaki,, moramo samo moliti, da bi se to kmalu zgodilo. Svetnika si monamo izmoliti, izprositi. Zadeva Baragovega proglašenja za blaženega in za svetnika je zdaj na pravi poti, ki vodi do cilja. Postopek je uradno, cerkveno pravno upeljan. Mi lahko samo pomagamo z darovi za stroške proglašenja in povspešimo z molitvami za p r o g 1 a š e n j e. Ker premalo molimo v ta nemen, še svetnika nimamo. Le z molitvami lahko dokažemo, da hočemo imeti, svetnika. MOLITEV ZA BARAGOVO BEATIFIKACIJO: O Bog, ki si v škofu Frideriku Baragi dal našemu ljudstvu vnetega dušnega pastirja, poganom pa gorečega misijonarja, ponižno te prosimo, poveličaj ga, da bo prištet med blažene tvoje Cerkve, da bomo imeli v njem pri Tebi mogočnega pri-prošnjika in vzvišenega vzornika, ki ga bomo s pomočjo Tvoje milosti posnemali v gorečnosti in božji ljubezni. Usliši to našo prošnjo po zaslu-ženju našega Odrešenika Jezusa Kristusa, svojega Sina, ki s Teboj in Svetim Duhom živi in kraljuje na vekov veke. Amen. Oče naš . . Zdrava Marija . . . Čast hodi . S ACTIVITIES CONTINUED FROM PAGE it No. 95, So. Chicago, III. — The spreading radiance of Christmas that illuminated our town found particularly receptive members numbering 83 enjoying a festive dinner at the Jovial Club. The evening gathered added brightness from Anthony Dosen who played the accordian, and members singing Christmas songs, which all added up to a party within a party. For this we have our Chairlady, Rose Boerner and Co-Chairlady, Helen Go-lich to thank. They gave lavishly of their time and efforts. Their sincerity and integrity have earned them the respect and admiration of all of us. Cash donated toward our treasury are the following generous contributors: Fidelia Svalina ($5), Helen Stewart ($2). The following donated $2: Matilda Grepo, Marge Innis, Kata Jaltovich, and Manda Spehar. ($1) Fran Seabloom and Marge Simunic. Prizes were donated by the following: Peter Dosen from Mary Plesha, Julia Drzal from Andy’s Cleaners, Rose Boerner, Rose Marie Cacich, Helen Stewart, Emma Yergovich, Helen Golich, Evelyn Driscoll (all the table prizes and decorations and gift), yours truly (17 prizes and a gift), Matilda Martin, Mildred Poropat and Ann Kompare. Cookies were donated by Helen Price and Mary Sambol. Congratulations, lucky winners: Rose-Marie Cacich, Jacqueline Natzke, Agatha Mesin, Helen Spelich, Ann Hlacer, Mary Plesha, Julia Drzal, Manda Dosen, Mary Duich, Doris Cu-zella and yours truly. I thank each and everyone profoundly for your generous contributions! Thanks, again! We extend a very warm welcome to Helen Daly, CIO Calhoun Ave., Calumet City, Rose Marie Budesetich, 2712 E. 97th St., Anastasia Nelson, 0905 S. Exchange Ave., and Julie Hansen, 9917 S. Exchange Ave., newcomers to our group. Birthday greetings to the following in January: Sophie Barbich, Mary Brozovicli, Cvita Chorich, Amelia Cu-zella, Georgia Gaspar, M'anda Yergo-vich, Anna Jurkas, Neda Mihaljevich, Antonia Mrkobrada, Catherine Rosan-dich, Victoria Rukavina, Ann Sertich, Helen Spelich, Anna Zagar, Helen Zeffiro and Helen Marie Yuratovac. February Birthdays will be: Polo-nia Ashenbrenner, Mary Brozynslci, Ljuba Brunski, Rose Marie Cacich, Louise Dolan (Michigan), Ann Hlacer, Benedicto Mareno, Sylvia Mitchell, M'ary Provich, Anna Velcich, Agatha Mesin, Helen Zee. Get well wishes are extended to all of our shut-ins. In your charity please ’eniember all of our deceased and ail-*ng members in your prayers. In conclusion, try to attend one of our meetings. May God bless you all! Mildred James BARBARA VUCKOV It is with deepest regret that I an-nouce the death of one of our pioneer members, Barbara Vuclcov, 2713 E. 03rd. St. who was the beloved wife of John, loving mother of Rudy (Helen), Mary (Gene) Spencer, William (Dorthy), Samuel (Rose), Edward (Ann) and John Jr., (Maryann) Vučkov. She was grandmother of 12 and great-grandmother of 4. It was just about 3 years ago that Mr. & Mrs. John V. Vuckov observed their 50th. Wedding Anniversary, and now it becomes our distressing duty to take notice of her death. She was our charter member and it was through her able efforts in the formative years that our branch increased in membership. Yes, such are the things and people like Barbara Vuckov, who build our traditions and make our organization strong. The simplicity and sweetness of her character endeared her to us. In her passing I feel a personal loss too great to put into words. May her soul rest in everlasting peace, and may the Almighty grant solace and consolation to her beloved husband and the members of her grief-stricken family. Mildred James Despite the many demands on Jacob Golich’s time, 1 would like to thank him for the courtesys extended to me at the funeral, it was greatly appreciated. No. 100, Fontana, Calif. Mrs. Josephine S. Strnad, 78, of 17545 Morril Avenue, died last October in a local convalescent hospital. A native of Slovenia, she had resided in Fontana for ten years. She was a member of the KSKJ ixxlge and the Slovenian Women’s Union. Mrs. Strnad was also a member of St. Joseph’s Catholic church Her survivors include the widower, Frank; six sons, John Richter, Oregon; and John, Frank, Peter, William, and Albert Richter, all of Washington State; 6 grandchildren and 5 greatgrandchildren. Our sincere condolences to her family. A speedy recovery for Mrs. Z. A. Gorec and Mrs. Montag who had surgery recently. A ten dollar gilt was given to Father Vargas for the Slomšek Fund and another ten dollars was sent to Marie Prisland for the S.W.U. Scholarship Fund. The election of officers for 1908 is the same: President, Mary Jasina; Vice-president, Jean Kurilich; Secretary, Mary OmaitS; Recording Secretary, Faye Vidergar; Reporters, Christine Philips and Mary Morovic; Auditors, Mary Arnesan and Gertrude Rupert, Sick Commissioner, Rose Krajnich. Mrs. Maysak was elected to fulfill Mrs. Petrich duties as Ser geant-at-Arms. A very Happy Birthday to those ladies who celebrate their birthday during the months of November and December — Mary Morovic, Caroline Caliope, Jean Kurilich, Christine Philips, and Mary Kurilich. A special thanks to all of the ladies who worked at the rummage sale. It was a great success. The Christmas Dinner was held December 7th. There was no meeting that night A Happy New Year to all of the ladies and their families. Mary Morovic No. 101, Bedford Hgts., O. — The Holidays have once again come — and gone. Hope everyone enjoyed a safe and happy Christmas saeson. This year we did something different for our December meeting. Instead of our pot luck supper, we all enjoyed a delicious dinner at Teddi’s, followed with the instalation of our new officers, who are as follows: President, Betty Matjašič; Vice President, Barbara Orlosky; Recording Secretary, Ann Swaney; Treasurer, Elizabeth Mertel; Financial Secretary, Dorothy Kastelic; and Auditors Stella Hajek and Mary Bradac. We also had a $2 gift exchange at the dinner. Our lodge is again very proud of one of our members, Lucille Reed, who was re-elected for a second term as Mayor of our City. Congratulations, Mayor Reed! We are all very proud of you and wish you continued success in your job. Congratulations are in order in order to Ethel Rittwage who for the first time became a grandmother to a baby girl, Lea Marie. Also, congratulations to the baby’s aunt — Noreen. Congratulations to Barbara Orlosky and her husband, John on their 25th Wedding Anniversary. They were honored with a Surprise Party at Danny’s Lounge. It was given by their two lovely children, Bobbie Ann and Duke. A delicious family style dinner was served, followed by dancing. Congratulations to Eleanor Hawkins on the birth of her baby daughter, Lynne Marie. Eleanor and family are so proud of their little one and can’t wait till Lynne weights a “hefty” five pounds so they can bring her home. Your Reporter, Dorothy Matjašič No. 103, Washington, D. C. Elections were held during the November meeting and congratulations are extended to the officers for the coming 1968 year. They are: President, Irene M. Planinšek; Vice-president, Nika Kovačič; Secretary, Mary Mejac; Treasurer, lea Zebot; Recording Secretary, Tillie Ausich; hostess, Helen Špacapan; Program Committee, Helen Krotec, chairman also Ivanka Antolin, Hermine Prialand Dicke: and * * . • If you have made scalloped potatoes by adding flour, butter, salt alternately with layers of potatoes then pouring milk over all and had the liquid curdle then probably you would like to try this method. NEVER FAIL SCALLOPED POTATOES 1 quart potatoes, sliced thin 1 medium onion, sliced thin 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour 2 cups 2% or whole milk % teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon salt Arrange potatoes and onions in a buttered casserole. Cover and put in 350 degree oven. Make white sauce of remaining ingredients. Pour over heated potatoes. Bake at 325 degrees for thirty minutes with cover. Remove cover and bake thirty to forty-five minutes longer until tender and light brown. (The longer time gives the potatoes a nice brownish topping.) White Sauce: Melt butter over low heat in a heavy saucepan. Wooden spoon for stirring is a help. Blend in flour, seasonings. Cook over low heat, stirring until mixture is smooth and bubbly. Remove from heat. Stir in milk. Bring back to burner to boil, stirring constantly. Boil 1 minute. (Add 1 cup grated chedder cheese, if desired, for additional flavor.) Freda Michelitch; Special Projects Chairman, Becky Nagel; Auditors: Matilda Podborsek, Maria Mejac and Mara Chokel. The officers of 1967 thank the members for their past support and ask continuing loyalty and assistance for the officers serving in 1968. There was an especially large turn out of members for the November meeting. We are glad to see the growing enthusiasm in our branch by all the ladies. The same enthusiasm is apparent in planning and practicing for the Christmas Program under the capable supervision of Ivanka Anto-lin. We know that the future of the S.W.U. will be realized only if our youth is dedicated and will carry the torch which was lit by our honorary president and founder, Marie Prisland 40 years ago. The young people of SUNDAY SUPPER CASSEROLE 1 tablespoon butter 3 tablespoons finely chopped onion 1 can (10 % oz.) cream of mushroom soup 1 cup milk 1 cup finely cut Cheddar Cheese (about % pound) 1 cup uncooked elbow macaroni 1 cup creamed, small curd cottage cheese % pound dried beef cut in bite size pieces 2 hard cooked eggs, sliced Paprika Cook onion in melted butter until tender (do not brown). Cool. Add rest of ingredients, except eggs. Fold eggs into mixture. Turn into 1% qt. buttered baking dish. Store covered in refrigerator at least 3 to 4 hours or overnight. Sprinkle with paprika. Bake 1 hour, uncovered. wmmW ' ▼ ▼ T SCALLOPED CORN This is an excellent way to serve creamed style corn. 2 eggs slightly beaten Vi cup milk 1 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon salt Vi teaspoon pepper 1 tablespoon diced onion (if you like onion flavor then use % cup) 2 slices white bread, cut into cubes (cut off crusts, if desired) 2 cups creamed style com, can number 303. Blend the 21 cups of corn with the y2 cup milk. Add the remaining ingredients. Pour into 1% quart greased casserole. Top with rice crispies or corn flakes (crunch with hands) and dot with butter. Bake 350 degrees for 45 minutes. No. 103 must be commended for their genuine interest in the S.W.U. We trust that they will carry forth the torch — the goals and traditions established by the Union years ago. Our second anniversary dinner-dance, held on St. Martin’s feastday, was a huge success and an enjoyable time was had by all who attended. The menu consisted of beef noodle soup, roast pork, sausage, mashed potatoes, sauerkraut, fruit compote, coffee, potica and wine. Stane Šušteršič provided taped music for dancing that evening and to top off the activities, four prizes were given a-way. Member Kay Parsons, received the ham and her husband Dave, a turkey which he declined to accept on the basis that “one gift to a family is enough!” The turkey was then given to a visitor from New I was pleased to receive a letter from one of our members asking a-bout the “diabetic potica” which appeared in the November issue. (She wished to surprise her husband who is a borderline diabetic for the holidays. She wondered where she could get Sapphire Flour, since she does not live in the Cleveland or Milwaukee areas where it is distributed. When checking with the dietician at University Hospital in Madison I received the explanation that “regular flour is now normally used in diabetic cooking. Special flour is no longer necessary as it was years ago unless you or the doctor prefer it. This is true of gluten as well as sapphire flour.” (I used regular flour when making this potica and it was delicious.) In answering another question from this member about the use of 1 tablespoon regular sugar instead of sucaryl in the yeast mixture, the dietician replied. “Regular sugar is necessary for the development of the yeast.” MISPLACED LETTER When an Arlington, Virginia, woman received a circular through the mail addressed to “Redisent,” she sent it back to the company with a note that read: “No one lives here named Redisent — The people’s name is Oppucant.” ■—Harold Heifer LETTER PERFECT A friend, away from home on a long visit one summer, kept receiving from her husband and daughters such bright accounts of their doings that she began to wonder if she were missed at all. Then a letter from her ten-year old son removed all doubt. "Dear Mom,” he wrote, “this is the emptiest house I ever saw since you went away.” Happy, Happy New Year to all! Fondly, Hermine A A York, sculptor, Franc Gorse. Hope he enjoyed it for Thanksgiving. Nika Kovacic baked a delicious potica which AnmJia Jazbec took home. The final gift went to Mr. Gorse as a second surprise, and this elaborate prize was a Dodge road racing set, donated by Dave Parsons, owner of Parson’s Dodge in Anacostia. We thank Mrs. Kovacic and Mr. Parsons for their generous donations. Seeing that a happy time was had by all, perhaps we can gather again for the third anniversary celebration. Irene M. Planinšek FINANCIAL REPORT FOR AUGUST, 1967 FINANČNO POROČILO ZA MESEC AVGUST, 1967 Assessment Adults Juniors 81 14.55 29 $101.30 178 60 83 11.85 22 210.40 361 163 84 — 60 4 151.25 272 165 85 18.10 38 3 4.65 14 — 86 11.50 21 5 — 109 28 a 88 26.70 44 10 50.20 112 9 89 36.05 80 27 58.25 103 82 90 22.95 47 22 21.35 38 — 91 35.40 58 13 — 21 — 92 15.50 24 2 148.40 336 36 93 64 72.55 181 37 94 28.55 17 7 54.50 107 20 95 — 176 29 142.85 289 20 96 23.60 48 2 222.40 225 12 b 97 9.65 18 9 67.90 127 75 99 7.85 18 77.50 150 66 100 25.80 42 9 60.10 126 26 101 24.30 34 16 135.45 316 27 102 24 3 c — 118 47 a 103 18.55 28 10 19.20 19 — 104 7.55 19 111.90 231 53 105 25.50 22 — b 80.00 159 80 106 13.50 22 1 359.00 674 180 45.65 103 10 Totals: $4,089.10 8,403 2.350 57 o 44.10 82 9 Asses, pd a July; B July. Aug; c Jun; 11.15 27 5 d Apr; e July; f May; g Jan; h 18 c Aug. Sept.; i Sept. 48.40 99 31 Income: 63.60 108 96 Assesments $4,089.10 96.50 162 99 Rent for August 155.00 18.65 36 6 Interests 1,259.33 34.95 63 41 — 24 3 Total $5503,43 55.35 143 2 21.25 48 11 Disbursements — Stroški: 52.25 103 3 Br. 1, Sheboygan, Jos. Kotnik $100.00 97.20 226 32 Br. 2, Chicago, Mary C Vastalo 250.00 44.45 45 2 b Br. 2, Pueblo, Agnes Cuzak 100.00 81.60 143 74 Br. 10, Cleveland, Mary Kess 100.00 22.65 51 6 Br. 12, Milwaukee, J. Wolovselc 100.00 14.25 30 5 Br. 12, Milwaukee, M. Korpnick 100.00 56.10 112 29 Br. 13, San Francisco, A. Kuhar 100.00 26 a Br. 20, Joliet, Veronica Stimac 100.00 135.40 196 117 Br. 20, Joliet, Barbara Kobe 100.00 15.50 15 b Br. 21, Cleveland, A. Zakrajšek 100.00 30.80 54 15 Br. 40, Lorain, Mary LaVriha 100.00 40.60 73 57 Br. 41, Cleveland, Mary Dobida 100.00 32.95 66 10 Br. 45, Portland, Ann Bujan 100.00 45.60 .101 12 Br. 45, Portland, Mary Bozich 100.00 78.10 61 32 b Br. 45, Portland, Tomica Topich 100.00 18.05 34 2 Br. 47, Cleveland, Mary Rusjan 100.00 10 d Br. 55, Girard, Mary Rostan 100.00 30 e Br. 59, Burgettstown, M. Stacko 200.00 60.70 115 36 Br. 100, Fontana, J. Richter 100.00 47 2 Zarja—The Dawn—32 pages 2,027.60 53 22 a Salaries and administration 2,143.00 28.50 51 16 Washington-Hilton Convention 40.80 70 12 (final) expenses 500.00 38.05 58 17 Home Office monthly rental 75.00 . 14 3 f Printing, tel., sundries 157.05 57.90 116 27 22 3 Furnace service, fuel, misc. 190.07 60.30 112 80 Total expenses i'otr Aug. 7,242.72 35 3 g Ledger Bal. July, 1967 $514,413.05 53.35 53 32 h Income in August, 1967 5,503.43 — 25 15 a 17.80 31 21 $519,916.48 — 19 — i Disbursements in Aug. ’1967 7,242.72 Household Hints 1. When sprinkling laundry for ironing, fold instead of rolling garments for fewer wrinkles. 2. Make hamburger patties with wet hands to prevent meat from sticking on fingers. 3. Keep cake from sticking to flat surface by sprinkling powdered sugar on the cake pan. 4. Greasy frying and broiler pans will be easier to clean if one teaspoon of baking soda is added to the water in which pans are to soak. 5. Most cakes freeze well; few frostings do. Frostings containing egg whites are entirely unsuitable for freezing. They dry out and become crystalline. Whipped cream fillings are also unsuitable. For best results, top your to-be-frozen cake with an uncooked frosting made of confectioners’ sugar. The fat will keep it moist and creamy for 4 to G months. ^ dL ^ ^ ^ No. 105, Detroit, Mich. Before I get too involved with my Christmas Preparations, I wish to have this article off and away, hoping it will be Published in Zarja in January. Our November meeting was held at the home of Ann Lindich. We had a nice gathering of sixteen members. Alice Becker, whom I haven’t seen in months, was there, looking very well and slimming down. Mary Zimmerman also looked well. We had four birthdays in December, Mary Urbančič, Katherine Petrich, Ann Lindich and yours truly. Happy birthday to you all (and me) and may you all have many, many more of them! Fulvia Rosa was our lucky winner and the gift was two lovely terry towels donated by our gracious hostess. You know that Fulvia is lucky? We had a couple of Christmas parties at Fulvia’s home in the Past and so this time we decided to have it at Gail Simon’s house on Dec. 10th. Our Christmas parties are all so grand. We all enjoyed liquid refreshments things to discuss and money was donated for our treasury. The meeting was adjourned and somebody yelled: Lunch is ready! And then came the scramble! Oh, you should have seen that roasted roll turkey, hot biscuits, creamed cauliflower, beets, jello salad and apple jack, with or without raisins tor dessert. Thank you, Ann, very much. Everyone enjoyed it. Oh, yes, Ann Plazar usually attends our Meetings, but not this time as she lad surgery on her eyes for catar- acts. We all hoped and prayed that she would perhaps be well enough to attend our Christmas party. Ann Lindich’s husband was also operated for varicose veins and is coming along very nicely. Now, I wish you each a very Happy ew Year and may God bless you! Stephanie Hometz, Reporter January, i9gs Br. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 27 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 46 47 49 50 51 52 54 55 56 57 59 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 70 71 72 73 74 77 78 79 80 (Financial Report for September, 1967 is on page 24.) lodged bal. August 31, ’67 $512,672.76 Albina Novak, See’y. Marie Prisland: Vsem, ki te vrstice berejo, iskreno želim srečno in z zdravljeni blagoslovljeno Novo leto! * * * Ta mesec naša Zveza nastopa 42to leto svojega poslovanja. Koncem prvega meseca je štela 303 članice, v blagajni je imela $124.50. Zdaj imamo enajst tisoč članic, v blagajni pa nad pol milijona dolarjev. To je uspeh doprinosov naših zvestih in podjetnih članic. Do konca leta 1928 je bilo ustanovljenih enajst pod-družnic, od št. 1& do št. 2G. Ko bodo letos te podružnice slavile 40-letni jubilej se bodo živo spominjale svojih delavnih članic, ki so nasebično in z velikim narodnim ponosom leto za letom gradile podružnice in zanje skrbele kot za svoje družine. Mnogo teh delavk je še med nami. Bodimo jim hvaležne! Pred 40 leti, ali v drugem letu svojega obstoja, je Zveza izdala prvo publikacijo, knjigo AMERIŠKA SLOVENKA. To je za tiste čase bilo že drzno poduzetje. Prijatelj me je svaril: “Vse prenaglo greste naprej! To ne bo dobro za organizacijo!” V knjigi je navedena zgodovina takratnih 21 podružnic imajoč 9G3 članic. Leto pozneje je ZARJA zagledala luč sveta. To so bila živahna, rodovitna, skrbi in dela polna leta za nas vse! Polagale smo temelje naši organizaciji. Morda vas bo zanimalo kaj sem kot predsednica zapi sala ob Zvezini tri-letnici: “Koliko naše žene in dekleta za svoj narod storijo, ve le Bog sam. Neprenehno skrbijo in neumorno delajo 7/a napredek svojih društev, cerkva in šol. Koliko potov je treba napraviti! Koliko vrat odpreti! Večkrat je treba seči v žep, ker sklada za dobrodelne namene nimamo. Vse to naše žene in dekleta radevolje in brez pritožbe storijo, čeprav mnogokrat za svoje delo dobijo kritiko namesto priznanje. Zato vi, ki iščete narodne ideale, obrnite svoje oči v ŽENSKO ZVEZO, pa jih boste našli. Oni, ki obupujete nad narodnim življenjem slovenskih naseljencev v Ameriki, oglejte si naše podružnice, kjer je strnjen cvet slovenskih žena in deklet! Nasprotniki Zveze, kolikor vas je še. pomislite vendar, da ne delate prav, ko naši organizaciji nasprotujete. Ali ni ravno Zveza dvignila naše ženstvo v javno življenje? Ali nas ni ravno ona združila? Ali nas potom svojega mesečnika ne uči, kako naj postanemo boljše, zmožnejše, krepostnejše in koristnejše človeški družbi? Zakaj torej nasprotstvo, ki vas ponižuje, nam pa prav nič ne škodi!” BARAGOVA DEŽELA Gospa Nika B. Kovačič, članica pod. 103 v Washingtonu, je v ZARJI zelo zanimivo opisala potovanje po Baragovi deželi. Gospa je dobra opazovalka, ki vjaine vse posebnosti. Leta 1930 sem bila v teh krajih, ko smo v Calumetu, Eagle Harborju in Marquettu praznovali 100-letnico prihoda misijonarja Baraga v to deželo. Potovanje in spominske slavnosti je organiziral in vodil Rev. Bernard Ambrožič iz Lemonta, velik Baragov čestilec. Koncem meseca septembra letos sem zopet bila v teh krajih. Z možem sva obiskala vnukinjo Mary (Fischer) Turvey, ki z družino biva v mestu Ishpemingu, oddaljeno od Marquette 10 milj. Marquette ima škofijsko središče. V kripti katedrale počiva truplo škofa Baraga poleg dveh njegovih naslednikov, slovenskih škofov Mraka in Vertina. Občutek ponosa prešine vsako slovensko srce ob spominu treh slovenskih škofov in misijonarjev, ki so v teh krajih požtrvovalno delali med Indijanci in med Američani. Niso prinesli le katoliško vero v njih srca in duše, temveč tudi polagali temelje civilizaciji. Indijance so učili rokodelstva in obdelovanja zemlje. Naše članice bi naj svojim otrokom to povdarjale, ker večkrat slišimo' opazko, da mladina ničesar velikega o Slovencih ne ve. Poleg o-menjenih treh škofov imamo še dva duliovnika-Slovenca, ki sta dosegla škofovsko čast: Stariha v South Dakoti in Trobec v Minnesoti. Torej 5 slovenskih škofov v Ameriki! Škof Baraga bo dobil častno mesto v “SVETIŠČU MISIJONARJEV”, ki se gradi v Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. To leto bo poteklo 100 let od Baragove smrti. V Marquette se nahaja odbor, ki že več let zbira gradivo, išče dokaze in vse druge podrobnosti potrebne za proglasitev škofa Baraga blaženim. Našim članicam priporočam, naj se temu odboru vpišejo kot prispevateljice Naslov je: THE BISHOP BARAGA ASSOCIATION 521 Fischer Street Marquette, Michigan Ob priliki mojega obiska v Michiganu sem se podala v Calumet, oddaljen od Ishpeminga 120 milj. V Calumetu ima Zveza pionirsko podružnico št. 28, ustanovljeno 10, aprila 1929 po pokojni Mary Kocian, mamici sedajne predsednice Ann Heinneman. Ta podružnica je vršila važno vlogo v Baragovi proslavi leta 1930. Komaj nekaj nad eno leto stara, je štela že 94 članic. Polovica teh se je oblekla v narodno nošo. Tvorile so krasen oddelek veliki paradi, ki jo je Calumet za to slavnost priredil. Mesto je takrat bilo zelo razgibano. Rudokopi so o-bratovali. Slovenci so imeli več podpornih dramskih in pevskih društev; imeli so svoj časopis in nad vse krasno cerkev. Vse to je minulo . . . ltudokop je zaprt. Hiše, kjer so rudarji stanovali, so v razpadu. Celo cerkev, ki je bila s tolikimi žrtvami zgrajena, ni več slovenska. Tamošnja škofija je združila tri fare v eno ter jim dala slovensko cerkev v skupno bogoslužje. Notiajnost cerkve ima pa še vseeno narodnostne spomine. To pričajo krasna okna barvastega stekla z imeni slovenskih da-rovalcetv. Ker sem v Calumet dospela nepričakovano, nisem našla mnogo članic doma. Bila je namreč nedelja, ko se delajo obiski drugod. Z blagajničarko podružnice, gospo Štefanijo Ryan, sem imela prijeten pogovor ter naročila pozdrave za vse odbornice in članice. Bližnji mesti Hancock in Houghton — deli jih Portage zaliv — sta v času naših misijonarjev bili jako važni. V primeru z Calumetom, mesti kar lepo napredujeta. Leta 1930 sta bili majhni z lesenim, škripajočim mostom. Zdaj ju veže poseben nov most, ki je stal 11 milijonov dolarjev. Celoten most se visoko dvigne, da lahko pod njim plovejo ladje. Mesto Houghton je poznano po znamenitem kolegiju za študije rudnin (Michigan Technological University.) V Iloughtonu sem obiskala veličastno cerkev Sv. Ignacija, katero je leta 1902 postavil slovenski duhovnik-pisatelj Msgr. A. I. Rezek. Spisal je in leta 1906 v dveh knjigah objavil zgodovino misionarja in škofa Baraga ter njegovih naslednikov škofa Mraka in Vertina. Opisal je delovanje vseh duhovnikov nastanjenih na michiganskem polotoku. Med temi sem naštela 12 slovenskih imen: Pirc, Čebul, Lavtižar, Slcolla, Andolšek, Buh, Možina, Hodnik, Kraker, Žagar, Rezek, Pakiž. — Rev. Čebul je bil velik jezikoslovec. Govoril je angleško, nemško, francosko, več indijanskih narečij, 5 slovanskih jezikov ter latinsko in grško. — Odličen zgodovinski in narodni doprinos bi bil, če bi kdo izmed naših intelektualcev za slovensko-ameriško mladino, kratko opisal naravnost o-gromno delo teh duhovnikov-pionirjev. * * * “Ameriška svoboda cinca,” piše znana novinarka glede nove stanovanjske postave. “Kadar nam bo vlada pozidala hiše, oskrbela popravila na njih, kosila travo okrog hiše in kidala sneg po zimi, takrat — IN SAMO TAKRAT — ima vlada pravico uzakoniti postavo, komu smem prodati svojo hišo in komu jo dati v najem. Dokler pa moramo sami postavljati svoje domove, jih v redu držati, plačevati od njih zemljiške davke, pa nima nihče pravice ukazovati komu smem svoj dom prodati in komu ga dati v najem.” — Pametno povedano! p. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. NASE POSLANSTVO Po besedah vatikanskega koncila smo vsi poklicani širiti božje kraljestvo. Cerkev je ustanovljena zato, da v slavo Boga Očeta širi Kristusovo kraljestvo po vsej zemlji in s tem vse ljudi napravi deležne zveličavnega odrešenja, da bi se po njih vesoljni svet zares umeril h Kristusu. Apostolat imenujemo vse delovanje skrivnostnega telesa, naravnano v ta namen. Cerkev ga izvršuje Po vseh svojih udih, dasi na različne načine; krščanski poklic je namreč že po svoji naravi tudi poklic k apostolatu. Kakor v živem telesu noben ud ni popolnoma nedelaven, marveč je z življenjem telesa deležen tudi njegove dejavnosti, tako tudi v Kristusovem telesu, ki je Cerkev, prejema vse telo rast po delovanju, kakršno je primerno vsakemu poedinenni delu. Celo taka je v tem telesu povezava in skladje udov, da je treba reči o udu, ki ne prispeva po svojih močeh k rasti telesa, da ni Cerkvi ne sebi v prid. V Cerkvi je različnost služb, a enotnost poslanstva. Kristus je apostolom in njihovim nasledkom poveril službo, da v njegovem imenu in z njegovo oblastjo učijo, posvečujejo In vodijo. Laiki, deležni Kristusove duhovniške, preroške in kraljevske službe, pa spolnjujejo v Cerkvi in v svetu svoj delež pri poslanstvu vsega božjega ljudjstva. Apostolat resnično izvršujejo s tem, da se trudijo za oznanjevanje evangelija in za posvečevanje ljudi, ter s tem, da časni red prekvasijo in spopolnijo z duhom evangelija, tako, da njihovo delovanje v tej smeri očitno priča za Kristusa in je ljudem v zveličanje. Ker pa je za laisld stan značilno, da živijo sredi sveta in svetnih opravil, jih Bog kliče, da s krščansko gorečnostjo podobni kvasu apostolsko delujejo v svetu. l^aikl imajo dolžnost in pravico do apostolata že zaradi svojega združenja s Kristusom-Glavo. Gospod sam jih določa za apostolat, ker so vcepleni po krstu v Kristusovo skrivnostno telo in pri birmi okrepljeni z močjo sv. Duha. PosvSceni so v kraljevo duhovstvo in svet narod, da vse svoje delo darujejo kot duhovne daritve in po vsem svetu pričajo za Kristusa. Zakramenti, zlasti presveta evharistija pa podeljujejo in hranijo tisto ljubezen, ki je kakor duša vsega apostolata. Apostolat se izvaja v veri, upanju in ljubezni, ki jih sveti Duh vliva v srce vseh udov Cerkve. Zapoved ljubezni, ki je največja Gospodova zapoved pa sili vse kristjane, naj se trudijo za božjo slavo tako, da pride božje kraljestvo in večno življenje k vsem ljudem in da spoznajo edinega pravega Boga in katerega je poslal Jezusa Kristusa. Vsem krščanskim vernikom se torej nalaga častna obveznost, truditi se, da vsi ljudje po vsej zemlji spoznajo in sprejmejo božje oznanilo zveličanja. Če bomo s svojim zgledom in besedo v novem letu oznanjali Kristusa bo-mo izpolnili to poslanstvo, ki nam ga Jezus nalaga. Za novo leto napravimo sklep, da bomo poslanci Boga. Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. — Leto je šlo v zaton in tudi lepi božični prazniki so za nami. Dal Bog, da bi z novim letom imele dober začetek za uspeh naše podr. in Zveze. V mesecu novembru so se zopet Preselile v večnost naše dobre članice, med njimi moja osebna prijateljica, Angela Kral. Pokojna je mati 13 otrok, ki so vsi bili navzoči ob smrti ljubljene matere. Bog je nje-"o dušo poklical po večno plačilo, katerega si je gotovo zaslužila v življenju. V času njene bolezni sem jo mnogokrat obiskala v bolnici. Trpljenje je mirno prenašala, saj je bila tihe in mirne narave. Vsa njena skrb je bila za blagostanje njene družine in soproga. — Umrla je tudi Louise Drobnik, ki je podlegla srčnemu napadu. Vse naokrog je bila zelo poznana ter dobra do vseh. — Njuni trupli krije črna zemlja in v temnem grobu spita. Tam ni več skrbi in bolečin. Njun dom je prazen 1,1 otožen, saj pregovor pravi, da kjer ■1e žena in mati, je hiša napolnjena z vsem. — Naj jima bo lahka zemljica nad poslednjim domom. Vsem pre-°stalim naše iskreno sožalje. Sožalje naj sprejmejo tudi Cecile Adamic, taj. podr. št. 6G, v Canon J-'ity ob smrtni izgubi matere. Pokojna Mamie Kovač, je bila članica Podr. št. G3 v Denver, Colo. in je bila dolgoletna preds. podr. in prijazna do vseh. Dne 15. nov. sem bila poklicana po elefonu, da je v Denveru umrl prijatelj naše SŽZ, Mike Popovich. Ze-0 5e cenil našo Zvezo ter je rad Pi išel na vsako našo prireditev. On ni sramoval slovenskega jezika. jegovi govori so bili vedno popularni ln lepo sprejeti med nami. Naj nje-Sova soproga Marta in vsa družina sPi ejme naše osebne izraze sožalja. Bog ga je rešil dolge in mučne bolezni. Blag mu spomin. V bolnici se ponovno nahaja Mary Golob in mati naše mlade članice, Prances Zaletel. Priporočam jo v molitev, da ji Bog olajša mučno bolezen. V domu ostarelih (Manor Rest Home) se nahajajo naše bolehne in ostarele članice: Malie in John Yer-sin in Theresa Lesar, ki je tam že štiri leta, dalje so tam Mary Ogulin, Anna Prijatel, Frances Petkovšek, Josephine Smrajc ter ses. od Anne Pechek, Mrs. Prijatel. Vse bodo vesele pripaznih obiskov. Moja zahvala g. Frank Tekavec iz Santa Fe za poklon k mojim dopisom v Zarji. Ob sklepu želje za srečno, zdravo in veselo leto 19G8. Vas vse pozdravlja, Anna Pachak Št. 5, Indiapolis, Ind. — Najlepši pozdrav vsemu članstvu v Novem letu, posebno še veliko uspehov naši podružnici. Želim, da bi vse bolne članice hitro okrevale. Bolnih je precej, kakor je opisala tajnica Sophie Turk: Mrs. Hribernik, Mrs. Lovišček, Mrs. Deželan, Mrs. Stergar in moja dobra soseda in Mrs. Sumrak, mama naše zveste tajnice Sophie, katera že dolgo leži na bolniški postelji. Članice, prosim, obiščite ob priložnosti naše bolne članice, ker jih boste razveselili in jim dali novo upanje za bodočnost, da bodo kmalu med nami, ko bo zopet sijalo pomladansko sonce. Zapustila nas je naša dobra članica in žena Mrs. Mary Dreflak, ki je dne 10. oktobra 19G7 podlegla hudi bolezni. Zapustila je žalujočega soproga Franka, sinova Franka in Billa, hčerke Mary in Ogi ter več vnukov ter sestro in več sorodnikov v domovini. Rojena je bila v Stopičah pri Novem mestu v Sloveniji. Pokopana je bila na pokopališču Calvary po cerkvenih obredih pri Sveti Trojici. Dosegla je lepo starost 72 let. Podružnica št. 5 izreka globoko sožalje užaloščeni družini. Blage pokojne Mary pa se bomo spominjale v molitvah. Zahvalim se Mrs. A. Novak za kartico, katero sem prejela po moji vrnitvi iz rodne Slovenije. Ob priliki mojega obiska v domovini je bilo posnetih več slik, kakor boste videle v Zarji. Želim vsem članicam podružnice in vsemu članstvu Zveze, veselo in zdravo novo leto. Bolnim pa želim ljubega zdravja. Vas najlepše pozdravlja. Julka Zupančič Št. 14, Euclid, O. — Naša decem-berska seja je bila prav dobro obiskana. Obhajale smo tudi tri-mesečno godovanje in Miklavža z zamenjavo daril. Vse članice smo tudi darovale po en dolar za revne otroke, katerih se je nabralo ?40 in $5 je bilo danih iz blagajne. Ta večer smo tudi imele volitev odbora. Ves odbor je ostal po starem, sprememba je bila samo to, da se bo od sedaj naprej kupilo 5 belih nageljnov za vsako umrlo članico. Tudi za Slovensko spominsko kapela v Washingtonu, so sestre odobrile, da se daruje $200 iz blagajne. Tajnica Vera Bajec je tudi poročala o dobrem uspehu pri naši card party, ki je bil 24. oktobra, 1967. Mrs. Frances Fortuna in Mrs. Cimperman so se lepo zahvalile s karticami, da so dobile obisk po Frances Globokar v času bolezni. Bolane so zopet Mrs. Plut, Mrs. Cimperman in Mrs. Kušar. Bog jim kmalu ljubo zdravje. Za leto 19G8 smo izbralo za našo zalužno mater, Mrs. Margaret Tomažin. Naša podpredsednica Mrs. Skur je tudi predlagala, da bi bilo lepo, če bi vsaj enkrat na leto imele skupno sv. obhajilo s sv. mašo, kar so vse članice potrdile. Naše pevsko društvo je dne 4. decembra tudi dobilo svoje ime. Na božičnici je bilo sklenjeno, da se odslej imenu ZARJA CHORAL CLUB. V januarju bomo zopet pričele z rednimi vajami. Prispevke za Slovensko kapelico v Washingtonu, pobira, Frank Turek, 98G Bryn Mave Ave., Wicliffe, Ohio. Vabimo vse, da bi pridno prispevali. Zia door prize tega večera so prispevale, Mrs. Boštjan, Mrs. Kog, Mrs. Miha vic in v denarju so darovale: Antonija Zabukovec, Mrs. Trebek, Mrs. Mavric, Mrs. Stopar, Mrs. Stražišar, (Arrowhead) Mrs. Smrdel in Mrs. Stana Gril. Vsem skupaj Bog plačaj na vašem zdravju. Novoletni pozdrav vsem! Antonija Šuštar Št. 17, West Allis, Wis. Ko sem danes prejela našo priljubljeno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze, sem z veseljem opazila na naslovni strani sliko naše glavne tajnice, Albine Novak. Iskreno Ti čestitam k Tvojemu dolgoletnemu delu, štirideset let je res lepa doba dela za našo Zvezo. Ti res zalužiš to čast. Želim Ti še mnogo let opravljati Tvoje delo. Vem, da ni lahko, toda če je človek z delom zadovoljen, se vse uredi. Naša Zarja je vedno bolj priljubljena in lepša, da jo je veselje sprejeti. Rada čitam vsake vrste dopisov in sem kar vesela ko vidim slike iz vseh držav, najbolj pa me zanima država Minnesota, kjer sem preživela mlada leta. Prišla sem na Aurora, Minn., ko mi je bilo komaj šestnajst let. Prišla sem iz Slovenije k mojim sestram, iz kraja Lipsein pri Cerknici v malo mestece Aurora. Dostikrat premišljujem kako je bilo nekdaj in kako je sedaj. Sedaj imam nebesa, samo mladih let ne. Pa hvala Bogu, saj mi je dober na stara leta. Kdor je dolgo na svetu, ve kako je bilo pred petdesetimi leti. Želim, da bi naša Ženska Zveza tudi naprej tako lepo napredovala in vem, da ne bo nikoli propadla. Pozdravljam vse čitateljice naše Zarje. Josephine Stariha Št. 21, Cleveland, O. — Dne C. dec. smo imele letno sejo in Božičnico. Bil je lep večer. Tajnica je razdelila vsem knjižice, ki se bo delalo za v korist blagajne in kapelice, za katero se sedaj deluje. Sklenjeno je bilo, da vsaka članica vzame eno knjižico, ali pa več, tem bolje. Pri uradnicah je nekoliko spremembe. Začasno je predsedniški urad prevzela T. Lah, dokler se ne ozdravi dosedanja, Ančka Pelčič, ki se do dneva ko to pišem, že vedno nahaja v bolnici. Poročevalka za Zarjo bo od sedaj naprej Mrs. Kauc, tako da vsak malo deluje za Zvezo. Naša card party bo zadnji teden pred Postem. Lepa darila so že sedaj na rokah od naših članic. V naslednjih treh mesecih; jan., febr., in marca bodo seje v sredo po- poldan ob 1. uri ker ponoči že ni človek varen na cesto, saj se vedno čita kaj takega. Vsem bolnim članicam želimo zdravje, ostalim pa veselo Novo leto. Anna Jesenko Št. 25, Cleveland, O. — Leto 1967 je zatonilo v večnost in z njim je šlo v večnost vse kar smo dobrega storili, da nas dobra dela tam počakajo. Želim vsem članicam prav blagoslovljeno Novo leto in celi naši Slovenski Ženski Zvezi, da bi ne bila nobena bolana, še manj pa, da bi nas zapustila, ker pri naši podružnici jih smrt vse preveč pobira. Sedaj je v teku kampanja za nove članice in prosim vse sosestre, da bi v novem letu katero novo pripeljale. Zahvala vsem našim dobrim članicam, ki ste toliko dobrega napekle za naš bake sale. Bilo je mnogo os-kusnega peciva, da smo vse bile kar zadovoljne. Še enkrat “Bog plačaj” vsem skupaj in vsaki posamezni. Drage članice, vem, da ste že brale v naši Zarji, Ameriški Domovini, in glasilu Slovenske Katoliške Jednote, da zbiramo denar za Slovensko kapelo v eni največji cerkvi Marije Brezmadežne v Washingtonu, D. C. Prosim vas, drage sestre, da bi vsaka vsaj en dolar darovala za to plemenito in dobro stvar. Vaš dolar se bo najbolj obrestoval, saj boste Mariji darovale, ali posodile. Katena želi kaj darovati naj pri naši podr. daruje, potem bomo pa skupaj oddali našemu tajniku g. Turku. Ker je naša podružnica ena največjih pri naši organizaciji, glejmo, da se bomo tudi najbolj postavile z našim darom. Naj se vam ne smili dolar posoditi za Marijo-. Ko boste hodile plačevat za prihodnje leto, prosim, dodajte vsaj en dolar za kapelo. Katera pa želi več darovati, bomo po še bolj vesele. Za sedaj naj zadostuje,za drugič še kaj več, da vas bom pohvalila za vašo darežljivost. Vsem bolnim članicam želimo ljubega zdravja, da bi se kmalu pozdravile. Mrs. Frances Suhadolnik se že dalje časa zdravi v zavodu. Članice poglejte svoje plačilne knjižice, če je asesment poravnan, da ne bo kakšne neprilike, če se smrt primeri. Vabim vas na novo ali prvo sejo v jan., ko bodo podani računi in druga priporočila. V tem letu bomo pra-novale našo 40 letnico obstoja podružnice, ki je od početka vedno lepo napredovala. Na svidenje na seji 8. jan., 1968. Mary Otoničar št 64, Kansas City, Kans. Drage sočlanice naj mi oprostijo, da sem zaostala z dopisi. Zadnje poletje je preminul Mr. George Jurešič, soprog naše dobre članice Cvetke Jurešič. Pokojni je bil po rodu Hrvat in pokopan iz hrvatske cerkve sv. Janeza. V jeseni pa je po 12 tedenski bolezni umrl dobri faran sv. Družine in soprog naše dobre članice Uršule Kragel, Mr. Frank Kragel. V začetku leta 1967 sta v krogu njune družine slavila 60 letnico zakona. Za njim žaluje tudi hčer Anna, poročena Kli-movič; en sin in hči sta odšla pred njim v večnost. Po dolgi bolezni je tudi preminul Mr. Peter Šneler, dolgoletni župlan sv. Družine, ki zapušča soprogo, sina in hčer ter 7 vnukov in več pravnukov. — Vsem pokojnim naj bo o-hranjen bl'ag spomin sorodnikom naše sožalje. Dne 28. oktobra sva pa midva s soprogom obhajala 50 letnico zakonskega življenja s peto sv. mašo, katera je daroval domači g. župnik, H. N. Mejak, za kar mu najlepša hvala. Hvala organistinji Mrs. Mary Gergič za lepo orglanje in šolskim otrokom za lepo petje in čestitim sestram za okinčanje oltarjev in vse drugo. Hvala poročevalki v glasilu KSKJ za lep dopis. Najlepša hvala vsem, ki ste nas posetlli zvečer v Hrvatsko-Slo-venskem narodnem domu, nama čestitali in naju obdarovali in se veselili z nami. Dosti jih je bilo, ki niso mogli priti osebno in so nama čestitali in naju obdarovali. Najlepša hvala vsem. Res, nisva mislila, da imava toliko dobrih prijateljev. Kar je bilo še posebno zanimivo ob tej slavnosti, da so tudi naš tovariš, Mr. Anton Kostelec, brat mojega moža in tovarišica, moja sestra, Mrs. Frances McNeil, še oba živa in sta bila pri vsej slovesnosti z nami, da smo se skupno poveselili, kar se bolj redko zgodi, da so vsi štirje skupaj. Končno pa hvala našim enajstim otrokom in njihovim boljšim polovicam za vse kar so storili za nas. Dne 24. nov. pa so bili vsi strici in tete in več ožjih prijateljev povabljeni na izvrsten party, ki je bil pripravljen za Mr. Joseph A. Lasto-lich in njegovo izvoljenko Miss Carrol Laborde Whiteside, ki jo je pripeljal Iz Washingtona, D. C. Oba imata university degree in oba delata za Kansas City Star. Poroka je bila 30. dec. v katoliški katedrali sv. Matija v Washingtonu, kamor mislijo pohiteti tudi njegovi starši Mr. in Mrs. Anton Lastolich ter bratje in sestre. Mrs. Lastolich je naša dobra tajnica. Novemu paru želimo obilo sreče! Končno želim srečno in zdravo novo leto vsem glavnim uradnicam in članicam. Antonia Kostelec, pred.s. Št. 71, Strabane, Pa. Ko bomo prejele našo ljubljeno Zarjo v roke, bodo lepi Božični prazniki že za nami. Božični prazniki nas vedno spominjajo na domovino in na naša otroška leta, kako smo bili veseli vsakega malega darila. Tudi naši vnuki tukaj se veselijo tega lepega praznika v pričakovanju darila od starih mamic. Tako bi morale tudi naši Zvezi pokloniti darilo in jo razveseliti vsaj z eno novo članico. Tukaj smo doslej imeli precej toplo, samo 28. nov. nas Je presenetil prvi sneg. Poročati moram žalostno novico, da I:t:CT‘TH ~rv ~or*£¥ti£V* Leto 1968 nas pozdravlja! Hitro, vse prehitro mine čas, čeprav ima vsak dan še vedno 24 ur ter sedem dni v tednu in 52 tednov v letu, toda za mnoge je ta čas vse prekratek za izvršitev dela, ki je pred nami. Vzrok temu je gotovo, ker je vedno nekaj novega dodano k rednemu delu, ki nosi za nas tudi odgovornost, da pomagamo. Spominjam se poslanice v januarju 1967, ki je bila namenjena v glavnem za dosego uspehov pri članski kampanji in pri narodni konvenciji v Washingtonu. Upali smo na najboljše, ampak nekoliko v dvomu ali bo šlo vse gladko v zgodovino naše Zveze. Dela je bilo res za mnoge ogromno, toda vse se je izvršilo v najlepšem redu in lahko rečemo v splošno zadovoljnost! Sedaj lahko s ponosom gledamo na lepe uspehe. Dodali smo zelo zanimivo poglavje v Spominsko knjigo naše Zveze, ki bo tudi poznejšim voditeljem v ponos. Za nas je pa sedaj zadoščenje, da trud ni bil zaman, saj smo dosegli najlepše priznanje svoji organizaciji in več kot to se nismo stavili za cilj. V čast in ponos ostane naši Zvezi tudi izpolnitev obljube, ki je bila narejena na konvenciji, namreč, da se bo skušalo dobiti sodelovanje drugih organizaciji za zbiranje prispevkov za slovensko kapelo v veličastni katedrali Brezmadežnega Spočetja. Posrečilo se nam je idejo spraviti v realnost. Naše podružnice so lepo priskočile s stotaki in isto tudi druga društva, posebno od bratskih organizacij. Ob tem času še neverno, ako bomo dosegli kvoto do 1. januarja, toda gotovo pa bomo napeli vse sile, da se bo zbrala končna svota $70,000.00. V letu 1967 smo imele veliko število smrtnih slučajev in to napravi precejšno vrzel v naših vrstah. Vsaka članica bo gotovo pogrešana in število bo nazadovalo. Zato je zelo važno za vsako podružnico, da skuša pridobiti nove članice. Da ni mogoče dobiti nove članice ne drži, ker ni naselbine, da ne bi bilo oseb, ki še niso pri Zvezi. Da bi se prišle te osebe same priglasit, to skoraj ni mogoče pričakovati. Treba je stopiti do njih in jim povedati, kaj vse nudimo svojim članicam. Posebno ob času pogreba, kako žalostno je, če dotična ni spadala k podružnici. Članice se zberejo v cerkvi in kapelah k molitvi in tudi na dan pogreba se udeležijo v lepem številu kar je v veliko tolažbo žalujočim. Naš obrednik je zelo pomemben in priča našo sestrsko ljubezen do ostalih. Sestanki pri mnogih podružnicah so tudi zelo prijetni in je res lepo priti skupaj z znankami in se malo pogovoriti. Nekatere podružnice imajo seje v popoldanskem času da ni treba ob večerih na cesto. Pri nekaterih podružnicah imajo članice zabavo z ročnimi deli ali v gospodinjskih tečajih. Spadati k naši podružnici ne pomeni samo priti skupaj in plačati članarino, ampak tudi, da se malo razvedrimo. V Zvezo se sprejema novorojenčke, ki so prosti do enega leta starosti in od enega leta do 25 let starosti plačujejo samo .10 centov na mesec. V slučaju smrti se izplača sto dolarjev smrtnine. Za odrasle imamo dva razreda, Razred A se sprejemajo članice do 50 let starosti, ki plačajo .45 centov na mesec in prejemajo naš mesečnik Zarja brezplačno. V slučaju smrti se izplača sto dolarjev dedičem ali k pogrebnim stroškom. V razred B se plača 70 centov na mesec in do starosti 30 let je smrtnina $300.00. V razred B se sedaj sprejema članice do 60 let starosti. Dalje imamo “social members", ki plačajo samo 2'0 centov na mesec in prejemajo Zarjo brezplačno. Manj kot 20 centov ne plača nobena članica. Pred leti je zadostovalo 10 centov na mesec toda sedaj plača vsaka članica 2*0 centov na mesec. Članice, ki spadajo v Zvezo kot “Social members” (Družabne članice) se lahko udeležujejo mesečnih sej in njihova pomoč je dobrodošla. V odbore se volijo le članice razreda A in B. Kot “social members” lahko pristopijo tudi osebe nad 60 let starosti. Odbornicam, ki bodo vodile poslovanje podružnic, želim obilo lepega uspeha v letu 1968! Skušajte napravit seje zanimive in vam zagotavljam, da boste imele lepo udeležbo. Suhoparne seje ne bodo privabile navzočnosti, gotovo pa bodo članice prišle, ako bodo vedele, da bodo imele razvedrilo in lep užitek na sestanku! Leto 1968 je prestopno leto. Naj bo tudi za naše podružnice leto, ki bo prestopilo meje napredka v korist Zveze, podružnic in vseh članic. Albina Novak, glavna tajnica je moja prijateljica Ivanka Troha Grugen, dne 28. nov. preminila v starosti 67 let. Umrla je samo en teden po smrti moža Johna Gruden, ki je umrl 17. nov. letos. On je bil doma iz Šmihela, a ona iz Koritnic na Notranjskem v Sloveniji. Bila je naša dobra članica že 30 let. Pokojnika zapuščata žalujočega sina, dve hčeri in 7 vnukov. Naj v miru počivata. Družini naše globoko sožalje. Lepe čestitke gl. tajnici Mrs. Albini Novak za priznanje 40 let njenega vzornega dela za Zvezo. Bog Vam daj zdravje, da boste še mnogo let vodili našo S. Ž. Z. Frank Valenčič, soprog moje nečakinje je bil zadnje poletje na obisku v stari domovini Sloveniji. Tam je obiskal teto Antonijo Cvetnič in po vrnitvi ji je poslal papirje, da lahko Pride na obisk Amerike. Dne 7. nov. je prišla sem in ji kličemo “Dobrodošla teta!” Ani Strle, Frances Batista in Mary Chesnik ter vsem, ki so lahkega zdravja, želim hitro ozdravljenje. Vsem članicam pa zdravo in blagoslovljeno Novo leto, da bi nam prineslo mir. Vse članice vabim, da pridete na sejo dne 10. januarja, 1968. Mary Tomsic, preds. Št. 96, Universal, Pa. — Vam vsem želim srečno Novo leto, da bi bile zdrave in vesele, ta bolnim pa želim ljubega zdravja: Mrs. Jennie Roth, Mrs. Frances Oblock sr., Mrs. Richter sr., in Mrs. Johanna Pivik. Prav žal nam je, da niste mogle priti. Mrs. Agata Možina, 86 let stara, pa je še zmeraj tako črste in vesele in menda so to res najbojša zdravila? Na naši letni seji smo se kar dobro imele. Odbor ostane ves kar “po starem.” Seje bodo pa sedaj Pri v dvorani v Center, Pa. ob 2 Popoldne prve nedelje. Prva seja bo v marcu druga pa v juniju in Renton žene bodo imele na tej prvi seji licitacijo (auction sale). Prinesite kar želite, staro ali novo robo. Drugih iger ne bo. Med nami imamo veliko zmožnih članic, katere upamo, da bodo sodelovale. Po zadnji seji pa smo imele Mik-'^vža, ki nam je podaril tako lepa darila in jestvin je bilo kakor za oh-°et. Hvala vsem, ki ste pripravile tako svatbo. Letos mo se zbrale, da smo šle v Pittsburgh na državno konvencijo. Vse amo bile zelo vesele, da je bila uied nami glavna tajnica, Albina Novak, ki je pri vseh naših članicah zelo Priljubljena. Vse članice so bile vesele njenega obiska in bilo je ganljivo gledati na veselo srečanje s Prijateljicami, ker Albino poznajo vse osebno in komaj čakajo, da se z njo snidejo, zato so tudi prišle vse v tako lepem številu od vseh podružnic. ” imenu vseh članic iz Pennsylvanije, najlepša hvala, za Tvoj obisk, Albina! Sedaj pa ne pozabite na sejo 3. marca 1967. Na tej seji bomo imele več točk, med temi bo najvažnejša glede našega obiska Zvezinega dneva, ko bomo šle z busom v Johnstown, Pa. Končno bi še rada omenila, da bi me zelo veselila večja udeležba na sejah, saj imamo vselej zabavo in dober prigrizek. Za zaslužno mater leta smo izvo- lile, Mrs. Frances “Boryt" Velečič, ki je naša letošnja “Mother of the Year.’ Sedaj v naslednjih treh mesecih, se bomo držale bolj na gorkem in bomo čakale na gorko sonce, ki bo prišle v marcu, ali aprilu. Vse lepo pozdravi jam z željo, da se vidimo na seji. Pozdravljam tudi urednico in vse v glavnem uradu. Paula Kokal FINANCIAL REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER, 1967 FINANČNO POROČILO ZA MESEC SEPTEMBER, 1967 Br. Assessment Adults Juniors 1 $100.60 177 60 2> 209.70 361 102 3 150.65 269 165 4 4.65 14 — 5 94.80 109 28 a 6 50.55 112 9 7 57.45 102 81 8 21.35 51 — 9 144.60 30 2 b 10 149.35 337 36 12 73.05 181 37 13 55.20 108 20 14 142.85 289 2)0 15 112.35 226 12 16 67.90 127 75 17 77.00 150 66 19 59.55 126 25 20 136.95 316 27 21 60.30 117 47 22 19 — c 23 111.20 231 54 24 80.00 159 80 25 359.90 675 180 26 45.65 102' 10 27 — 57 3 28 44.80 83 9 29 11.15 27 5 30 24.30 18 — d 31 48.40 99 21 32 63.00 106 99 33 95.90 162 99 34 18.65 36 6 35 34.95 63 41 37 32.20 24 3 e 38 55.35 143 2' 39 21.25 48 11 40 51.80 102 3 41 93.85 228 33 42 — 45 2 43 92.10 144 74 45 22.90 51 6 46 14.26 30 5 47 56.90 112 21 49 28.00 26 9 a 50 130.70 195 121 51 7.50 15 — 52 30.35 54 15 54 40.60 73 57 55 32.55 55 6 56 45.60 101 12 57 40.45 68 32 59 — 34 2 G1 13.10 10 — f 62 31.50 30 — a 63 — 115 36 64 18.85 47 2' c 65 48.90 52 22 a 66 28.50 51 1G 67 40.80 70 12 a 68 — 58 17 70 27.40 14 3 g 71 57.90 116 22 72 22.40 VI 3 h 73 60.00 112 77 74 — 35 3 77 — 53 33 i 78 15.95 26 15 79 17.80 31 21 80 33.20 15 — j 81 15.05 29 — 83 11.60 2>2 — 84 22.20 63 3 85 17.85 38 3 86 11.50 20 5 88 21.30 45 10 89 36.05 80 27 90 22.95 47 22 91 35.10 58 10 92 15.50 24 2 93 197.50 63 — 94 — 17 7 95 217.00 176 28 96 23.60 51 2 97 9.65 18 3 99 7.85 18 — 100 25.35 41 9 101 25.20 41 17 102 27.35 25 3 103 18.55 28 6 104 7.55 19 — 105 — 22 — 106 13.50 22 1 Totals: $4,712.70 8,418 2,353 Asses. pd a Sept. Oct.; b Jan to Dec.; c Aug.; d Sept. Oct. Nov.; e July, Aug. Sept. Oct; f July, Aug Sept.; g Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.; h Aug. Sept.; i Sept.; j June, July, August, Sept.; k Mar. to Sept.; 1 Oct., Nov. Dec. Income: Assessments $4,712.70 Rent for September, 1967 155.00 Interests 2,211.36 Totals $7,079.00 Disbursements — Stroški: Br. 1, Sheboygan, Mary Strmec $150.00 Br. 3, Pueblo, Cecilia Steblaj 100.00 Br. 3, Pueblo, Frances Golob 100.00 Br. 3, Pueblo, Johanna Skul 100.00 Br. 7, Forest City, F. Pogorelc 100.00 Br. 10, Cleveland, J. Rovtar 100.00 Br. 14, Cleveland, Mary Gerl 100.00 Br. 25, Cleveland, Rose Skerl 100.00 Br. 26, Pittsburgh, Ver. Gaspar 100.00 Br. 32, Euclid, Mary J. Itupar 250.00 Br. 32, Euclid, Rose M. Hughes 100.00 Br. 61, Bmddock Cecilia Novosel 100.00 Br. 67, Bessemer, Katarina Bacic 100.00 Br. 81, Keewatin, Frances Vesel 100.00 Salaries and Administration 1,780.00 Zarja, The Dawn, 24 pp. 1,543.65 Home Office Rent 75.00 Convention Hall deposit 50.00 Printg, telephone, fuel, and Sundries 258.98 Total expense for Sept. $5,307.63 Hedger bal, Aug. 31, 1967 512,673.76 Income in September, 1967 7,079.06 519,752.82 Disbursements in Sept., 697 5,307.63 Ledger bal. Sept. 30, ’67 $514,445.19 HI, HOYS AND GIRLS! With a slight jerk of the second hand, timepieces throughout the world —wrist, pendant and pocket watches, tower, wall and radio clocks, chime, cuckcoo and grandfather clocks, e-lectric, selfwinding and winding—registered the beginning of 1968. A baby symbolizes a New Year and as a baby comes into the world a-crying, so a New Year begins amid the ringing of bells. God entrusts a new baby to parents for their special care. God grants us another year in which to do our best. With a new baby there are many new joys, hopes and dreams. So with a New Year all of us look forward to special blessings as health, Christian love and peace in hearts, homes and the world. One of God’s blessings is children, who make families complete and are to be enjoyed and treasured as jewels by loving, dedicated parents. For all families a perfect model is the Holy Family, whose Feast is celebrated the first Sunday of the year. What makes for a happy family? An important factor is that all members know how to “give and take.” Kindness, thoughtfulness, o-bedience, consideration and helpfulness are necessary qualities. Griping, complaining and telling what a rough life you live do not contribute to the idea of happiness. Forgetting oneself and thinking only of others does. Try following the Golden Rule. A happy family runs on rules. Every member must know what they cannot do. Another factor is that parents have mutual interests: home, children, romantic love and religion. And lastly, the father and mother share responsibility equally. Happiness is an important and contagious ingredient. From a Catholic Digest comes a quiz, whereby a family’s happiness can be rated. 1. Did father and mother make a joint decision the last time your family bought a car or other expensive equipment? 2. Do all family members usually give in cheerfully when the majority decides on a TV program? 2. Do the youngsters know generally, without asking which regular TV programs they may or may not watch, and which magazines they may read? 4. Does dad help occasionally with the family marketing and the care and disciplining of the children? 5. Do the youngsters do as much or more work around the house than the average youngster in your neighborhood ? 6. Do all family members attend church regularly? r——---------------------- —------------------------------------- J U N 1 O R’S P A Q E ——,— — --------------------------------------------------> 7. Is mother, dad, or both, a member of the local PTA or other similar community-welfare groups? S. Does d'ad spend at least half of his leisure time with the family? 9. Can you say that mother is not the undisputed boss in your family? 10. Are all in your family reasonably satisfied with your living conditions; or, if not, do all agree what should be done to change them? 11. When with outsiders, can you laugh off personality characteristics or bad habits of other members of your family? 12. On the whole, is your family as happy as the average family you know? If you answer Yes to all 12 questions, yours is the rarity: the almost Perfect family. Seven or more Yes’s mean that the household is fairly typical, and that you’re happy more often than not. Six or fewer Yes’s indicate that steps be taken to prevent further disrupt on of your home life. Regardless of your score, you can add to your family’s happiness by working to change every No answer to Yes. A blessing for your family: “May Christ be at home in your family, May He listen to what you say, May He sit down to eat at your table And kneel with you nightly to pray. May His peace and His kindness be with you And His presence in every room, For when Christ is at home in "a family Then a family is truly at home.” Your friends REGINA TIME TO LAUGH On ta very cold morning in January a snail started to climb a cherry tree, rwo days later a beetle stuck his bead out through a crack in the bark. He saw the snail and called out: Hey, Buddy, you’re wasting your time. There aren’t any cherries up there.” Without pausing, the snail replied: 1'here will be by the time I get there.” •B8j iz :a.iaq US ;3uniaiu 'jji :op -9X • 0 'd '. Toward 8. Glide on ice 9. Neuter pronoun 10. An evergreen tree 13. Another tree green in winter 15. Post card (abbr.) 16. To work at, to perform 18. Changing from solid to liquid 20. In this place 21. A hot drink Snow Man III, BOYS AND GIRLS! Hope that by now you are ‘‘on the ball” doing some sort of activity. I am waiting 1'or some boy or girl to drop me a line telling about your fun and activities. There will be more pen pal letters in the future. Watch lor them. The last pen pal got a big thrill reading her letter in Zarja and receiving answers. Our Cleveland Junior Bowlers are doing very well and having lots of fun. Soon you will see their picture on this page. Mary Bostian Down: 1. Head covering 2. The coldest season of the year 3. To obtain 4. A large snake 5. Strips of wood for gliding over snow 7. Frequently 9. Long, pointed piece of ice 11. A light stroke with the fingers 12. Farther up 14. To prepare for publication 17. A single unit 18. Myself 19. Georgia (abbr.) Puzzle rranees Gorše X 665 Woodwd Rd. Ridgewood 27,' tfr-Y. 11^7 BLESSINGS IN THE NEW YEAR TO ALL OUR FRIENDS We have a home to fit your needs! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Beal Estate and Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, 111. VI. 7-6679 ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors and Embalmer* CHICAGO 8, ILL. Virginia 7-6688 JOS. ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 AMPLE PARKING FACILITIES DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd. Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois full <3 Metropolitan Bank « SERVICE £ & bank S and Trust Company — mSii 2201 West Cermak Road Chicago, Illinois, 60608 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin For a treat your family with something delicious from S.W.U’s Famous Cookbook WOMAN S GLORY -THE KITCHEN Over 600 delicious recipes from the world over — favorites of everyone ANTONIA TUREK Order your copy now! Send $2.75 (postpaid) to: 986 Bryn Mawr Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 GEREND FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN H.BRDINRRS0NS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 62 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje Iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili sl boste denar in dobili stoprocento postrežbo Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel. KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel. HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Olilo 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio 5 NEIGHBORHOOD OFKICICS 813 East 185th St. 25000 Euclid Ave. 6235 St. Clair Ave. 6135 Wilson Mills 26000 Lake Shore Blvd. ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT