ir SIA Ili Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 17/51 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 26. 4. 2015 4. VELIKONOČNA NEDELJA 4th SUNDAY OF EASTER Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Tel.: 905-561-5971 Fax: 905-561-5109 E-mail Gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail Hallrental@ Dobri pastir da svoje življenje Z velikonočnimi nedeljami nam želi Cerkev pomagati pri utrjevanju naše vstajenjske vere in naše žive potrebe po Kristusu. On je temelj vsega, on je pot k odrešenju in poveličanju, on je, kot nas bo sam prepričeval v evangeliju, naš in vsega človeštva dobri Pastir. Znanje, ki ga imamo morda še iz osnovnošolskih let o Kristusu, mora vedno znova in močneje prehajati v občutje, v doživetje, v življenjsko resničnost. Človek, ki opazuje zgodovino Cerkve, mora videti nedoumljivo moč te čudne ustanove. Saj je čisto človeška, polna slabosti poleg veliko prizadeva -nja. A vendar vsebuje nekaj, kar presega njene vidne moči ali slabosti. Tudi Peter in Janez, ki sta ozdravila hromega, sta bila navadna človeka. Odkod jima nenavadna moč? V evangeliju bomo slišali, da dober pastir živi za ovce in jih brani pred vsem hudim. Če je treba, tvega celo svoje življenje. In sam ga je za vse nas dal. Če pomislimo na pastirje ali vladarje ljudstev, se lahko sprašujemo, kateri so v zgodovini sebe žrtvovali za ljudi? Kristus je ves - človek za druge, ne pa najemnik, za katerega pravi, da zbeži, »ko vidi, da prihaja volk«. A Jezus ni samo varuh ovc, ampak je njihov osebni prijatelj. »Jaz,« pravi, «poznam svoje in moje poznajo mene, kakor mene pozna Oče in jaz poznam Očeta.« Verovati pomeni imeti najgloblji, osebni, ljubeči odnos do Boga, do Kristusa. Prvi pa ima tak odnos do človeka Bog. Jezusova primerjava odnosa med Očetom in njim z našim odnosom do njega potrjuje Janezovo trditev v drugem berilu, da bomo Bogu podobni. Vsa razsežnost in neizmerljivost Kristusove ljubezni do vsakega človeka diha iz njegovih besed: »Še druge ovce imam, ki niso iz tega hleva, tudi tiste moram pripeljati.« Kristjan ima široko srce in ne izključuje nikogar. Živimo v veliki dobi ekumenizma ali gibanja za edinost vseh, ki verujejo v Boga, vseh, ki poznajo vogelni kamen, Kristusa, tega dobrega pastirja. In kako bi mogli biti razdeljeni? Jezus prerokuje: »Poslušale bodo moj glas in bo ena čreda, en pastir.« - Večja je ljubezen, bolj je svobodna! CWL - Our Lady of Good Counsel Mass On Wednesday, April 22, at 7pm the Catholic Women's League held their annual Our Lady of Good Counsel Mass. This year we initiated 7 new members. They are Nicole Brest, Tanya Brake, Marija Stern, Milena Volcansek, Jessica Novak, Amanda Skimming, Marija(Majda) Lukezic. These new members are whole heartedly welcomed. We look forward to attendance and participation at our monthly meetings. With these new members, our present membership and the hope of future new members our league has the promise and potential to continue to thrive and carry on the efforts of our sisters before us. We were also very pleased to announce and award Cecilija Lehner her 25 years of membership award pin and Joyce Tompa her 10 year membership award pin. Congratulations and thank you to you both for your commitment to our league. Our mass was blessed with the beautiful voices of our English choir. Thank you for your presence and constant support. Immediately following mass we welcomed everyone to share in a little light refreshment of our membership's generous offerings of baking and chi. Under the direction of Fr.Drago, our executive and with the support of our membership these special Catholic Women's League masses are meaningful and a pleasure to attend. Thank you to everyone for your efforts to organize this beautiful mass and to those who attended. Report written by Sidonia Poppa St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Parish -Občni Zbor - April 12th, 2015 - 3:00p.m. Draft minutes. Council members present: Father Drago Gačnik, Milan Ferletič, Tony Horvat, Jenny Antolin, Sonya Podrebarac, Karl Ferko, Heidy Novak, Pamela Gosgnach. 46 parishioners in attendance - including council members. Welcome: The meeting opened at 3:00p.m. Milan welcomed everyone and reminded those present of the contributions made to the success of the parish by former priests and parishioners. A moment of silence was observed in their honour. Father Drago led the opening prayer. Acceptance of the proposed agenda: Proposed by Karl Ferko, seconded by Heidy Novak. All in favour. Approval of minutes of Feb. 16th, 2014 Občni Zbor: Proposed by Jožica Vegelj, seconded by Heidy Novak. All in favour. Committee Reports: Liturgični Odsek: Sonya Podrebarac outlined the composition and purpose of the committee, noted the success of the 50th anniversary event and made reference to the many spiritual celebrations held throughout the year. Parish statistics for the year included: Christenings - 21, First Holy Communion recipients - 11, Confirmandi - 6, Weddings - 2, Deaths - 14. New initiatives included: Celebrating only one Sunday Mass at 10:00a.m for special celebrations and events and organizing gift bearers for Sunday Masses. Slomškovo Oltarno Društvo: 48 members. Jožica Vegelj presented the report on behalf of the president, Mrs. Francka Cestnik. She outlined the 50- year history of the group and noted that the age of members had necessitated some changes in how they carried out their work. She was pleased to say that members of the Catholic Women's League had volunteered to assist with the church- cleaning schedule. She also reported on the annual Mass, held in May, to honour 25 deceased members. Katoliška Ženska Zveza: Heidy Novak reported on the many activities undertaken by members of the CWL: organizing the annual bazaar, Our Lady of Good Council Mass, presentations to First Communion and Confirmation candidates, the annual summer social, the child sponsorship programme, the Mass of Remembrance for deceased members, the annual Christmas food drive, the Christmas social event and the new cooking class initiative. Financial information included: an $8,500 donation from bazaar profit to St. Gregory's, a $1,185.24 donation to the church from the proceeds of votive candle collections and a donation of $348 paid to Chalice for the child sponsorship programme. She concluded the report by thanking Father Drago for his support and encouragement of the CWL Catholic Girl's Club: Heidy Novak reported on the activities of the club, noting that during 2014 there were some challenges in organizing regular meetings. The annual spaghetti dinner was well attended and raised $1,500 for Operation Smile. The girls were also responsible for organizing the Children's Centre at the CWL bazaar. Heidy concluded by thanking all parishioners for supporting the Catholic Girl's Club fund raising activities, Kulturno društvo: Slovenska šola: 36 students registered. Sandy Allen outlined the goals of the school, currently staffed by Mateja Mihelčič, Lorie Mramor and Sandy Allen with Kristina Kure Hočevar teaching catechism and preparing the children to receive First Communion and Confirmation. Father Drago is responsible for teaching singing and for celebrating Mass with the students on the last Saturday of each month. 4 students graduated in 2014 - Joel Antolin, Adriana Erzar, Amalia Lukežič and Maya Marinčič. Students from the school participated in traditional annual events. Sandy also noted that the school staff participated in a workshop given by professors from Slovenia and are currently working to update the curriculum. She concluded by thanking the parents for bringing their children to Slovenian School and for fostering a love of their Slovenian heritage. Pevski zbori: Frank Novak spoke about the involvement of the four parish choirs: the mixed choir, Majolka, the women's choir and the English choir. He noted that their singing enhances the experience of the Mass on special occasions. Plesni skupini: David Antolin stated that the Soča group remained inactive in 2014. There are currently 16 active members of Venec. Their main focus in 2014 was the preparation of new costumes representative of regions in Western Gorenjska. Through strong ties to Slovenian cultural associations, the dance group was able to create meticulous reproductions. David Antolin and Sylvia Ferenčak (a former member of the group) worked together on this project. The group performed at Slovenian Day festivities, St. Gregory's 50th anniversary and at one of Hamilton's retirement homes. They also prepared "Butare" for Palm Sunday Mass. David Antolin was interviewed for a feature article published in the magazine "Glasilo". In conclusion, David encouraged all group members to stay committed to their goal of preserving traditional Slovenian dance. Summer Day Camp: Heidy Novak reported that 46 children participated in the camp. The daily programme included a short religious celebration followed by crafts and sporting activities. Special events such as the "bouncy castle" and the cotton candy machine were highlights for the children. Many volunteers helped to make the week a great success. Leader volunteers were: Joel Antolin, Adriana Erzar, Steven Horvat, Julia Labricciosa, Amalia Lukežič, Maya Marinčič, Amanda Novak, Jessica Novak, Nicholas Scarcelli and Leah Škerl. Junior volunteer were: Adam Antolin, Christopher Dunn, Jason Horvat, Sofia Labricciosa, Isabelle Marinčič, and Vanessa Scarcelli. The camp concluded with the annual parent- camper soccer game, attended by 92 campers and family members. Heidy thanked Father Drago for his involvement and the parishioners for their support. She also noted financial contributions from, the parish council, the Catholic Women's League, the St. Joseph's Society and the Slovenian Credit Union. St. Joseph's Society: 120 paid members. Report prepared by Jerry Ponikvar and read by Pamela Gosgnach. Jerry noted that the Board of Directors met regularly with Active Management to discuss issues related to Villa Slovenia. Several members of the Slovenian community have taken up residence in the villa as units become available. The report outlined weekly and annual social events arranged for members including, bingo, the bocce league, social evenings, excursions taken to Cleveland Polkafest and Breslau Oktoberfest as well as Christmas parties arranged for Villa residents and members of the society. Jerry reported that financial contributions were made to: visiting priests from Slovenia, St. Gregory's Summer Day Camp, Canadian -Slovenian Scholarship Foundation and the Venerable Bishop Baraga Foundation. Masses were requested for 5 deceased members: Frank Pelcar, Jože Bregar, Anton Šverko, Janez Selšek and Veronika Obal. Canadian Slovenian Scholarship Foundation: Karl Ferko Karl reported that the foundation had initiated some changes due to a decrease in funds raised through the Golf Tournament and the Scholarship Banquet and an increase in the number of applicants. The new plan includes the following criteria. The amount of money awarded as scholarships, will be equal to the sum raised at the two annual events. In 2015 that amount will be $6,000. Applicants will need to demonstrate a strong volunteer commitment to St. Gregory's parish. The award ceremony will change from a Saturday evening dinner dance format to a Sunday lunch to be held at St. Gregory's on a designated Sunday in October (Oct. 25th in 2015). All organization for the lunch will be handled by the CSSF. In conclusion, Karl reminded those in attendance about the upcoming golf tournament in May. Gospodarsko poročilo: Mirko Zorko Mirko provided a detailed report of all regular monthly, quarterly and annual maintenance tasks. He noted that much of the work done throughout the year was to update electrical systems/features. Repairs to furniture and kitchen equipment were also completed. A major project in 2014 was the renovation of space in the rectory basement to house the Canadian Slovenian Historical Society library collection. In conclusion, Mirko thanked Father Drago and Tony Franc for their invaluable assistance. Finančno poročilo: Prepared by Theresa Farbotko and read by Karl Ferko. Karl provided complete details of all income and expenses for both church and hall. Total amount of funds raised at parish events and included in income statement- $28,520.51 Total income for church - 2014 Total expenses for church - 2014 Net income 2014 Bank balance 31/12/2014 $263,909.61 $143,037.32 $120,872.29 $180,844.64 Balance of loan 31/12/2014 Building fund 31/12/2014 Special collections 2014 $144,296.62 $58,894.01 $4,427.00 Total income for hall 2014 Total expenses for hall 2014 Net income 2014 Bank balance/SCU $109,151.54 $78,376.83 $30,774.71 $51,750.15 $14,047.32-S.C.U Župnijski Pastorini Svet: Milan Ferletič / Father Drago Gačnik Milan spoke about the desperate need for new parish council members. Father Drago mentioned the need to pay attention to the financial report as it gives us an idea of our strengths and weaknesses as a parish and provides some direction for the future. He pointed to the improvement in hall rental income and thanked Nancy for her work. He explained two sources of revenue growth for 2014: a onetime rebate of HST charges from the hall renovation project ($38,056.31) and a reduction in Cathedraticum payments due to the removal of hall rental income and CWL donations from the income amount reported to the diocese. He outlined ongoing renovation expenses due to the age of the buildings and explained that these would fluctuate from year to year. Father Drago stated that in 2015, the parish would discharge approximately half of the amount owed on the building loan. Payment would come from the building fund and from the sale of a strip of land along Centennial Parkway, needed by the City of Hamilton for road upgrade work. He made reference to the improved net income and a reduction in waste disposal costs following contract renegotiations. He also commended Gizela Hauzar and Sonja Langenfus for their work in the rectory. He referred to items listed in the Liturgical Committee report and outlined his responsibilities to Slovenians in neighbouring communities, where Masses are scheduled at regular intervals. Kratka pavza -10 minutes Open discussion regarding the reports: Sonya invited discussion about the reports. Questions were raised about the poor profit from Silvestrovanje. Tony Horvat explained the financial details of the event. One suggestion made was to change the event to a dance, with the bar open but no meal served. Frank Novak emphasized the need to establish a different format for the Občni Zbor meeting to attract a younger audience willing to volunteer. The possibility of a Saturday meeting was suggested. New Business: Volunteers: Heidy Novak. Heidy spoke about the ongoing and urgent need to attract volunteers to assist with parish functions and activities. A sign up chart was provided that listed several of the volunteer opportunities available. Heidy also noted the need to attract younger parishioners to serve on the parish council. Suggestions made: ♦ To change the Občni zbor meeting to a Saturday at the same time as Slovenian School. ♦ To provide coffee after Mass every second Sunday to get different generations together. ♦ To personally contact parishioners by phone. ♦ To talk to family members about the need for volunteers/parish council members. Nomination of new council members: Heidy asked for nominations stating that two or three new members were needed. Nominee: Elka Peršin Nominated by: Sonya Podrebarac Seconded by: Tarezija Sarjaš Elka Peršin Accepted nomination Pastor's Address: Father spoke about the importance of volunteers and having as many people as possible participate in the life of the church. He thanked everyone for all they had done and hoped that parishioners would continue to work together for the benefit of St. Gregory's. Meeting Adjournment: Father Drago concluded the meeting with a prayer. Refreshments and light snack provided. Minutes submitted by Pamela Gosgnach Župnijski občni zbor: Zgoraj imate zapisnik občnega zbora. Tudi tisti, se ga niste udeležili si boste lahko prebrali o čem smo se pogovarjali, pogledate si lahko tudi številke za cerkev in dvorano. Letos bomo odplačali del dolga pri škofiji, zamenjati moramo hlajenje za zgornjo dvorano in še kaj se bo nabralo, posebej tisto redno vzdrževanje in manjša popravila in obnova poslopij. Hvala vsem, ki podpirate župnijo tako finančno kot tuidi s prostovoljnim delom. Kot lahko vidite iz poročila smo dobili samo eno novo članico za Župnijski pastoralni svet. Če bi še kdo bil pripravljen priskočiti na pomoč in se pridružiti članom občnega zbora, je iskreno dobrodošel. Samo s skupnimi močni bomo lahko ohranjali našo župnijo živo in razgibano. Hvala vsem, ki ste se župnijskega zbora udeležili. Hvala članom župnijskega sveta, ki so pripravljeni še naprej ostati dejavni. MATERINSKI DAN 2015 Slovenska šola pri sv. Gregoriju prireja kosilo in bogat kulturni program za Materinski dan v nedeljo 10. maja. Sv. maša je samo ob 10:00 dopoldne, kosilo ob 12:00. Po kosilu sledi kulturni program. Že sedaj Vas prosimo, da si to nedeljo rezervirate za nas. Istočasno vas prosimo tudi, da si čimprej rezervirate vstopnice, Sandy Allen (905-977-8464) ali MOTHER'S DAY 2015 The Slovenian School at St. Gregory The Great cordially invites everyone to celebrate its annual Mother's Day with them on Sunday, May 10th. Mass will be only at 10:00 a.m.. An excellent lunch will be cooked and served at 12:00 noon followed by a rich cultural program. Please plan to spend part of this day with us. For reservations, please call Sandy Allen (905-977-8464) or email Sandy Allen ( as soon as possible. gostovanje ota pestnerja V soboto, 18. aprila 2015 je pri društvu Bled - Planica 13, gostoval slovenski pevec Oto Pestner. Okrog sedmih zvečer smo začeli z večerjo, ki jo je pripravila Elizabeth Gimpelj s pomočniki. Po večerji pa se je začel mizikalični večer. Najprej so Steve Cafuta, Milan Vinčec in Vida Godina zaigrali nekaj pesmi, potem pa je imel svoje koncert Oto Pestner. V prvem delu je zapel nekaj pesmi iz svojega bogatega repertoarja, v drugem delu pa je zapel še nekaj narodnih ob spremljavi Steva in Milana, obiskovlci pa so se z veseljem podali na plesišče in zaplesali, da je bila na plesišču kar gneča. Response: The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. First Reading Acts 4:8-12 It is in the name of Jesus Christ that we can be saved. Second Reading 1 John 3:1-2 The Father has lavished his love upon us, by letting us be called God's children. Gospel John 10:11-18 Jesus describes himself as the good shepherd who lays down his life for his sheep. 'The good shepherd is one who lays down his life for his sheep." Illustration Can we ever fully understand the ins and outs of another person's job? We may think we know how simple the job in question is. However, there may be many aspects of any job that are known only to the person who does it. For example, many people (especially those outside the Church) think that priests have an easy life, only working one day a week, apart, maybe, from at Christmas and Easter. One priest responded to this accusation by saying, "You're right, we do have an easy life. Isn't it amazing that more people are not clamouring to become priests?" That is a line that makes people stop and think. It is fair to say that many people don't understand the lives of priests, or religious Sisters or Brothers. It is also fair to say that priests, Sisters and Brothers cannot fully explain their lives to others as, fundamentally, God directs their lives. A strange thing to say, but true nonetheless. It is God who makes the first move, and those who choose ordination or religious life follow. Those who are married may find it hard to explain why they married their spouse out of all the people in the world - it's a difficult, if not impossible thing to do. So we are all in the same boat really; trying fully to explain things doesn't always help. Gospel Teaching Laying down his life for the sheep is the manner in which the Lord shows how much he loves us. Trying to explain this is a difficult thing to do but worth it, if we are to know the love of the Lord. To be the good shepherd is not in any way a simple or foolish thing. To be the good shepherd demands a lot of discipline and an awful lot of patience and perseverance. The discipline is required when one has to keep guard of the flock, making sure no predator enters the fold, and ensuring none of the flock strays. The patience comes into play when the good shepherd has to watch patiently when the sheep are slow to follow instructions, no matter how simple they may be. The perseverance is in recognising that the sheep need care and attention, day in and day out. The good shepherd cannot throw in the towel when the job gets boring. Another thing about the good shepherd, which many people forget or just don't think about, is the fact that sheep smell. We may like to imagine a sheepfold containing a lovely group of immaculately white woolly creatures, all staying close to the shepherd. It is a nice image but far from the truth. Pope Francis told us that the clergy should "take on the smell of the sheep". The lot of the good shepherd is perhaps not as glamorous as it first appears, but nonetheless it is a noble vocation, one that the sheep rely on. The Lord is truly our good shepherd. Can we really appreciate what the Lord does for us? If we can begin to understand how a shepherd has a deep care for the sheep, and the trouble that goes with the job, we can begin to appreciate the Lord's deep love for us, even when we go astray. Application We are the Lord's beloved flock. We can sit with that image and enjoy knowing that the Lord is keeping a protective watch over us. However, the Church is asking something more from us today. Today is the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. The Church is asking us to pray especially for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Let us pray for the people who have given their lives to follow this vocation: the priests, the deacons, the religious men and women. Our prayer for them can simply be a prayer of thanksgiving, thanking God for their dedication and service. Let us pray also for those people who are exploring the idea of priesthood or religious life. Let our prayer for them be that they may have the courage to hear the voice of God, quietly but definitely calling, and then to follow it. Let us pray, too, for ourselves as a parish community. Let our prayer be that we will always be ready to hear the quiet voice of the Lord, the good shepherd, and follow him. Praying for vocations is a good and holy thing to do. Word Day of Prayer for Vocations On the forth Sunday of Easter, Christians are invited to reflect on the meaning of God's call and to pray for vocations. Christ the Good shepherd countinues to lead his people through his Bishops, Priest, and Deacons, and calls many to follow him in this way. Priestly, diaconal, and religious vocations should be constant concern in the hearts of God's people throughout the year. Obvestila - Announcements pevski zbor - vaje Nalednje vaje za mešani pevski zbor bodo v četrtek 30. aprila po večerni maši. Pripravili se bomo za materinski dan, ki bo v nedeljo 10 maja. Takrat bo zopet sveta maša samo ob 10:00h dopoldne. dogodki v bližnji prihodnosti ♦ 26. april: Spomladanski banket: maša bo samo ob 10:00 a.m.: Mašo vodi hamiltonski škof v pokoju Anthony F. Tonnos. ♦ 2. maj-sobota: članice SOD se bodo zbrale pri sv. maši ob 5:30 popoldne in nato še na kratkem družabnem srečanju. ♦ 3. maj: Sava - maša ob 1:00 p.m., London-St. John the Divine- maša ob 4:00 p.m. ♦ 10. maj: Materinski dan - Mother's Day -maša ob 10:00 a.m., 12:00 kosilo v dvorani - nato nastop otrok Slovenske šole ♦ 31. maj-nedelja: Prvo sveto obhajilo -sveta maša bo samo ob 10:00 a.m. ♦ 7. junij-nedelja: Procesija sv. Rešnjega Telesa in Krvi - 10:00 a.m.; ob 1:30 p.m. -Katedrala: maša za obletnice porok; ob 2:00 p.m. - London-Triglav, maša in procesija sv. Rešnjega Telesa in Krvi. ♦ 21. junij: Bled-Planica 13 - Father's Day -maša ob 12:30 p.m. ♦ 27. junij - sobota: SLOVENSKI DAN v Slovenskem parku - maša s procesijo ob 10:00 a.m., 12:00 kosilo, 2:00 p.m. Kulturni program - Otroške igre - Zabavni večer baragovi dnevi 2015 Letošnji Baragovi dnevi bodo v Clevelandu in sicer za »long weekend« v septembru, t.j. V soboto 5. in v nedeljo 6. septembra. Tudi naša župnija organizira avtobus za to romanje in če bi želeli iti z nami, se prijavite Tereziji Sarjaš. Za začetek je dovolj, da vemo, če bomo imeli dovolj interesentov. Odhod bo v soboto zjutraj, ker je samo dobre štiri ure vožnje in nekaj časa računamo za prehod meje. Svete maše bodo v slovenskih cerkvah sv. Vida (v soboto zvečer -v angleščini) in pri Mariji vnebovzeti (v nedeljo popoldne v slovenščini). Trenutno gledamo za primeren hotel in tudi razmišljamo, če bodo organizirali kakšno prireditev na kateri od pristav, da bi se morda zaustavili še tam v ponedeljek, sicer bomo prišli domov v nedeljo zvečer. marmora bus pilgrimage_ MARMORA BUS PILGRIMAGE (day of prayer) is taking place on Saturday May 2, 2015. Holy Mass at 8:00AM at St. Gregory the Great. For more information see the flyer at the entrance to the church or to reserve your seat on the bus, please call Angela on telephone: 905-662-5264. konzularne ure v maju Slovensko Veleposlaništvo iz Ottawe obvešča, da bodo konzularne ure v Toronto v maju v soboto 2. maja, 2105 od 10.00 do 16.00 ure, v prostorih konzulata, 747 Brown's Line, Etobicoke. Naslednje konzularne ure bodo predvidoma v začetku junija. prvi petek Slomškovo oltarno društvo Mesec maj bomo začeli s prvim petkom. Čez dan bom obiskal bolnike, zvečer ob šestih bo prilika za sveto spoved, molitev pred Najsvetejšim in sveto mašo. večna luč_ V mesecu maju bo večna luč svetila v čast Materi Božji po namenu Francke Cestnik in družine. šmarnice_ Z mesecem majem začenjamo tudi letos šmarnično pobožnost. Maše bodo, tudi ob torkih, zvečer ob 7:00h. Pri maši bomo prebirali šmarnično branje. pokojni_ Po Po dolgi bolezni je, 19. aprila 2015, v domu starejših občanov v Metliki v Sloveniji, umrla Majzelj Jožefa, rojena Kralj, stara 90. let. Pokojna Jožefa je mati Franca Majzelja in stara mama Denisa Majzelja, ki živi v Sloveniji in stara mama MaryAnn Cafuta (Steve), prababica Nathanu in Natalie Cafuta živečima v Kanadi, ter mati Janeza Majzelja, in stara mama Jurija in Ane Majzelj, ki živita v Sloveniji. Iskreno sožalje družini Franca in Marice Majzelj v Kanadi in družini Janeza in Irene Majzelj ter vsem sorodnikom in prijateljem v Kanadi USA in Sloveniji. Pokojno so pokopali 21. aprila v župniji sv. Nikolaja v Metliki na pokopališču pri sv. Roku, tukaj, pri sv. Gregoriju Velikem, pa smo zanjo darovali sveto mašo 22. aprila zvečer. Naj pokojna Jožefa uživa večni mir in pokoj. V soboto, 2. maja 2015, ste vabljene k večerni maši članice Slomškovega oltarnega društva. Ker nimamo več rednih mesečnih srečanj, pa ste povabljene, da se zberemo vsaj enkrat letno k sveti maši. Ob koncu maše bomo zapeli tudi litanije Matere Božje z odpevi in tako začeli mesec maj. Nato se bomo zbrali še na družabnem srečanju. Parish Council News At the specially convened parish council meeting, held on April 21st, a new executive was chosen. Heidy Novak accepted the position of president; Sonya Podrebarac will act as vice president, with Tony Horvat fulfilling the role of treasurer. Pamela Gosgnach will continue as recording secretary. Milan Ferletič will maintain his association with the council in an informal role. This year, Elka Peršin has joined the council and we look forward to benefitting from her expertise. As in past years, each of the parish organizations and societies should select a member willing to attend council meetings on a regular basis to ensure that all groups are well informed and work together for the benefit of the church. When these names are confirmed, they will be announced in the Vestnik. As a group, the council is looking forward to maintaining the traditions of the past while making them relevant to the younger generation who are the future of St. Gregory's. /Pamela Gosgnach/ svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - slovenska / in lii Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti/baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke/ marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v don bosco bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest -please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. Od 26. 4. 2015 Do 3. 5. 2015 svete maše - masses 4th Sunday of Easter 4. Velkonočna 26. April Dominik in Gregor za žive in rajne župljane f Pavlin Franc, obl. ff Leopold in Veronika Gimpelj f Jeroslava Klun SPRING BANQUET 10:00 a.m. 12:00 Alenka Košir z družino Jože Gimpelj z družino Amalija Štadler z družino ŽUPNIJSKA DVORANA Ponedeljek Monday 27. April Hozana, devica , Maksimilijan in Max Sagadin f Tone Seljak f Matilda Špilak Marija Lajner 7:00 p.m. Julija Sagadin z družino Manja Erzetič Matilda Prša Igranc Kolenko z družino Torek - Tuesday 28. April Peter Chanel, duh. muč. ff Jože in Marija Kaplan 8:00 a.m. družina Sreda - Wednesday 29. April Katarina, devica ff Anka in Bida Marica 8:00 a.m. sorodniki Četrtek - Thursday 30. April Jožef Cottolengo, ust. ff Mihaela in Megan Mes f Marija Marič f Marija Grebenc ff Jože in Marija Zelko 7:00 p.m. Družina Mes Družina Mes Lojze Grebenc Hči Bernarda Milosavljevič Prvi Petek First Friday 1. Maj Jožef, delavec f Ana Kričaj ff Za duše v vicah f Alojz Mes, obl f Alojz Mes, obl. f Verona in Jožef 7:00 p.m. Hčerka Tone in Marija Bukvič Amalija Štadler z družino Družina Mes Hči Veronika Čurič Sobota Saturday 2. Maj Atanazij Veliki, šk.uč. Po namenu ff Frank in Sidonija Drvarič ff Pokojni iz družine Babič f Siodonija Drvarič f Andrej Pahulje f Sidonija Drvarič 8:00 a.m. Romarji za Marmoro 5:30 p.m. Ignac in Marija Korošec z dr. Gašpar Monika z družino Kathy in Martin Simončič Toni Ferko Toni Ferko z družino 5th Sunday of Easter 5. Velkonočna 3. Maj Filip in Jakob, apostola za žive in rajne župljane f Frank Gimpelj f Albin Žagar ff Jože in Ana Šutej /Sava-Breslav/ ff Pokojni člani društva Triglav 9:30 a.m. Brat Jože z družino 11:00 a.m. Anna Čepuran 1:00 p.m. Hči Anica Kobetič 4:00 p m. St. John the Divin Church