DRUŠTVENE VESTI IN DRUGE AKTIVNOSTI SOCIETY NEWS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, ACTIVITIES Vsebina Poročilo o delu v letu 2017..........................................................................................................................................................................................................S51 Koledar važnejših znanstvenih srečanj s področja kemije, kemijske tehnologije in kemijskega inženirstva....................................................................................................................................S55 Navodila za avtorje....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................S62 Contents Report for 2017................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................S51 Scientific meetings - chemistry, chemical technology and chemical engineering..................S55 Instructions for authors....................................................................................................................................................................................................................S62 POROČILO PREDSEDNIKA SLOVENSKEGA KEMIJSKEGA DRUŠTVA O DELU DRUŠTVA V LETU 2017 V letu 2017 je bilo društvo aktivno na številnih področjih. Izvajali smo redne letne aktivnosti, pri katerih je bil glavni poudarek na rednem izdajanju društvene revije Acta Chimica Slovenica ter organizaciji največjega letnega dogodka društva, konference »Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2017«. Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2017 so bili organizirani v Portorožu, v Kongresnem centru Grand hotela Bernardin, od 20-22. septembra 2017. Programskemu in organizacijskemu odboru je predsedoval takratni predsednik društva, prof. dr. Venčeslav Kaučič, skupaj s člani odbora v zasedbi prof. dr. Marija Bešter Rogač, prof. dr. Zorka Novak Pintarič, prof. dr. Darja Lisjak, prof. dr. Marjan Veber in prof. dr. Janez Plavec. Na posvetovanju je bilo predstavljenih več kot 100 prispevkov v obliki predavanj in posterjev. Delo je potekalo plenarno in v dveh vzporednih sekcijah. Udeleženci konference so bili zelo zadovoljni s kakovostjo znanstvenih in strokovnih prispevkov ter spremljevalnim programom srečanja. Na konferenci je sodelovalo 16 sponzorjev. Objavili smo Zbornik povzetkov in referatov konference, ki je dostopen na USB ključu ter na voljo v številnih strokovnih knjižnicah po Sloveniji. Plenarni predavatelji so bili: prof. dr. Barbara Malič (Institut »Jožef Stefan«), prof. dr. Jurij Lah (Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, Univerza v Ljubljani), prof. dr. Andràs Perczel (Eôtvôs Lorand University, Institute of Chemistry, Madžarska) in prof. dr. Ferenc Friedler (Pazmany Péter Catholic University Budapest, Madžarska). Poleg štirih plenarnih predavanj so udeleženci poslušali sedem "keynote" vabljenih predavanj, ki so jih izvedli prof. dr. Iztok Turel (Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, Univerza v Ljubljani), prof. dr. Darja Lisjak (Institut »Jožef Stefan«), doc. dr. Boštjan Genorio (Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, Univerza v Ljubljani), prof. dr. Zdenko Časar (Lek d.d.), prof. dr. Gregor Mali (Kemijski inštitut), prof. dr. Slobodan Gadžuric (Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad, Srbija) in doc. dr. Matjaž Finšgar (Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, Univerza v Mariboru). V sklopu konference smo 21. septembra 2017 izvedli redni občni zbor društva, na katerem smo izvolili novo vodstvo za mandatno obdobje september 2017 - september 2021. Predsedevanje društva je prevzel dr. Albin Pintar, podpredsedstvo prof. dr. Marjan Veber, prof. dr. Zdravko Kravanja in prof. dr. Matjaž Valant. Vlogo tajnikov so člani društva zaupali prof. dr. Mariji Bešter Rogač in dr. Maticu Lozinšku, vlogo blagajnika pa dr. Samu An-drenšku. Izvolili smo tudi nove člane glavnega odbora, nadzornega odbora in častnega razsodišča. V letniku Acta Chimica Slovenica 2017 (vol. 64) so izšle štiri številke s skupno 105 originalnimi znanstvenimi članki, 2 preglednima člankoma in 9 kratkimi prispevki na skupno 1055 straneh z dvokolonskim tiskom. V slovenskem delu revije so bila na 129 straneh kot društvene vesti objavljena sekcijska poročila, seznami diplomskih, magistrskih in doktorskih del s področja kemije v letu 2017 in en slovenski strokovni članek o kemijskem laboratoriju celjske kraljice. Tretja številka je bila posvečena konferenci mladih znanstvenikov z naslovom »Cutting Edge«, četrta pa akademiku profesor Mihi Tišlerju ob njegovi 90. letnici. V uredništvo je prispelo preko 1200 prispevkov, vendar jih zaradi neustrezne tehnične priprave in dokumentacije zavrnemo več kot 80 % brez recenzije. Slaba polovica recenziranih člankov je pozitivno ocenjenih. Objavljeni članki pokrivajo aktualna področja organske, anorganske, fizikalne in analizne kemije, kemije materialov, kemijskega, biokemijskega in okoljskega inženirstva ter splošne, uporabne in biomedicinske kemije. Pisani so v angleškem jeziku s slovenskim povzetkom. Faktor vpliva (Impact Factor) ACSi za leto 2016 znaša IF = 0,984 in se je kljub prizadevnemu delu urednikov nekoliko znižal (IF = 1,167 za 2015). Na internetni strani http://acta.chem-soc.si objavljamo elektronsko verzijo revije Acta Chimica Slovenica, kar povečuje branost ter mednarodno odmevnost revije. Članki, objavljeni v ACSi, so povzeti tudi v Chemical Abstracts Plus, Current Contents (Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences), Science Citation Index Expanded in Scopus. V pričetku leta 2017 smo uvedli uporabo licence Creative Commons, ki ureja avtorske pravice objavljenih člankov. Januarja 2018 je nova odgovorna urednica ACSi postala prof. dr. Ksenija Kogej, z odhodom prejšnjega odgovornega urednika prof. dr. Aleksandra Pavka pa sta se v uredniškem odboru zamenjala tudi dva področna urednika (namesto M. Bešter-Rogač in A. Pavko sedaj K. Kogej in A. Podgornik). S prvo številko v letu 2018 bo ACSi izhajala le še v elektronski obliki, zato uredniški odbor pripravlja spremembe v elektronskem obveščanju bralcev o izhajanju revije. Tako načrtujemo nadgradnjo spletne strani in tudi novo vrsto člankov - vabljene tematske članke, ki bodo pisani na vabilo UO. Pričakujemo, da bo ta kategorija člankov prispevala k večji branosti in odmevnosti revije. Tako kot v prejšnjih letih bodo tudi v 2018 izšle 4 številke ACSi. Četrta številka bo posvečena prof. dr. Ivanu Kregarju. Društvo je bilo tudi v letu 2017 uspešno pri prijavili na Javni razpis za sofinanciranje izdajanja domačih znanstvenih periodičnih publikacij v letu 2017 in 2018. Dobili smo odobrena sredstva v višini 36.284,08 EUR za obe leti, kar je letno 18.142,04 EUR. V primerjavi s preteklim razpisom (2015 in 2016) je to 21.565,04 EUR manj. V letu 2017 smo prejeli sredstva v treh obrokih. Zahvaljujem se tudi vsem inštitucijam, ki so v letu 2017 finančno podprle izdajanje revije. Te so Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo Univerze v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za Kemijsko in kemijsko tehnologijo Univerze v Mariboru, Kemijski inštitut, Inštitut »Jožef Stefan« in Fakulteta za farmacijo Univerze v Ljubljani. Sponzorji revije so bili z objavo oglasa Krka d.d., Novo mesto, Donau Lab d.o.o. Ljubljana in Helios Domžale, d.o.o. V letu 2017 smo nadaljevali z aktivnostmi za pridobivanje novih članov. Medse smo jih privabili 26, od tega 6 študentov. Za ta namen smo konec leta 2017 pričeli s prenovo grafične podobe društva ter s pomočjo grafične oblikovalke izdelali plakate, ki nagovarjajo nove člane k vpisu. Plakate smo že razobesili po številnih inštitucijah, s to aktivnostjo bomo nadaljevali tudi v letu 2018. Za nove člane smo uvedli simbolno darilo (reprezentančne kemične svinčnike) ob njihovem vpisu v društvo. Člane smo o aktivnostih v letu 2017 še pogosteje obveščali preko elektronske pošte in preko spletne strani društva, proti koncu leta 2017 pa smo za namene promocije in obveščanja vzpostavili tudi Facebook in Twitter profil društva, ki sta hitro in dobro zaživela. Člani Slovenskega kemijskega društva so bili dejavni tudi na področju mednarodnega sodelovanja. Predvsem je potrebno omeniti članstvo društva v mednarodnih združenjih IUPAC, ECTN, IUCr, EURACHEM, Eu-CheMS, EFCE, EPF in ECA. Poleg članstva v teh organizacijah, so se izvajale tudi nekatere druge pomembne mednarodne aktivnosti: Predsednik društva Venčeslav Kaučič in tajnik društva Marjan Veber sta se udeležila generalne skupščine ECTN na Malti od 1-4 aprila 2017. Na tem srečanju je bil Marjan Veber izvoljen za glavnega zakladnika tega evropskega združenja. Prof. dr. Zdravko Kravanja se je udeležil generalne skupščine EFCE v Barceloni, 1. oktobra 2017. Generalna skupščina poteka v sklopu »10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, WCCE10«, ki se ga udeležujejo tudi člani društva. Predsednik Slovenskega kemijskega društva, prof. dr. Venčeslav Kaučič se je udeležil generalne skupščine EuCheMS v Rimu, Italija, od 26-27. septembra 2017. Na generalni skupščini so podpisali dokument »Research and Education Without Borders After Brexit: A Position Paper« in obravnavali druge pomembne teme na evropski ravni. Potekale so tudi priprave na 7. kongres EuCheMS, ki bo leta 2018 v Liverpoolu, UK, od 26-30. avgusta. Slovensko kemijsko društvo skrbi za promocijo konference preko spletne strani, družabnih omrežij in z deljenjem letakov. Predsednica sekcije EURACHEM Slovenija, Dr. Ni-neta Hrastelj in drugi člani društva, so aktivno sodelovali pri organizaciji delavnice »9th Proficiency testing in analytical chemistry, microbiology and laboratory medicine 0 Current Practice and Future Directions«, ki je bila od 9-12. oktobra 2017 v Portorožu. Kristalografska sekcija je pod vodstvom prof. dr. Antona Medena in drugih aktivnih članov organizirala 25. Slovensko-hrvaško kristalografsko srečanje, ki je potekalo od 14-18. junija 2017 na FKKT, UL. Prof. dr. Venčeslav Kaučič se je v Rimu udeležil Generalne skupščine EuCheMS, ki je potekala 26. in 27. septembra 2017. Od 7-14. julija 2017 se je prof. dr. Venčeslav Kaučič, takrat še v vlogi predsednika Slovenskega kemijskega društva in titularnega člana ChemRAWN odbora IUPAC, udeležil sestanka Generalne skupščine in Izvršilnega odbora IUPAC, ki sta potekala v Sao Paulo, Brazilija. Poleg naštetih dveh dogodkov je v času IUPAC GA potekal še sestanek predsednikov kemijskih društev - World Chemistry Leadership Meeting in dvodnevni sestanek ChemRAWN odbora. Predsednik Sekcije za polimere dr. David Pahovnik, se je od 2-7. julija 2017 udeležil generalne skupščine Evropske polimerne federacije, ki je potekala v Lyonu, Francija. Sekcija za polimere je septembra 2017 za člane sekcije organizirala tudi predavanje prof. Devona A. Ship-pa iz Clarkson univerze, Potsdam, NY, ZDA. Člani IUPAC Affiliate Membership Program so v letu 2017 prejeli šest številk revije Chemistry International, imeli možnost ugodnejših kotizacij pri udeležbi na konferencah IUPAC ter pri nakupu literature (nomenklature itd.). Člani društva so bili aktivni pri pripravah na organizacijo dveh mednarodnih konferenc, ki bosta potekali leta 2018 in 2019 in kjer pričakujemo številčno mednarodno udeležbo. To sta konferenci ECIS 2018 (32nd Conference of The European Colloid and Interface Society: 2-7. september 2018, Ljubljana) in konferenca EAAOP-6 (6th European Conference on Environmental Applications of Advances Oxidation Processes: 26-30. junij 2019, Portorož). Društvo se je v letu 2017 uspešno prijavilo na Javni razpis ARRS za sofinanciranje delovanja v mednarodnih znanstvenih združenjih v letu 2017, kjer smo bili uspešni pri vseh oddanih vlogah. 15. junija 2017 je društvo v sodelovanju s Kemijskim inštitutom slavnostno odkrilo doprsni kip prof. Maksa Samca. Dogodek je potekal v okviru tedna Kemijskega inštituta. Častni gost in slavnostni govorec prireditve je bil predsednik Državnega zbora Republike Slovenije dr. Milan Brglez. Nekaj besed o delu in življenju akademika Maksa Samca je, kot predstavnik Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti ter Slovenskega kemijskega društva, povedal tudi akad. prof. dr. Branko Stanovnik. Doprsni kip je delo akademskega kiparja Marjana Keršiča Belača, za idejno zasnovo podstavka in njegovo izvedbo pa je poskrbel akademski kipar Jiri Kočica. Ljubljana, 15. marec 2018 dr. Albin Pintar predsednik društva Mariborska podružnica Mariborska podružnica se je v letu 2017 usmerila v izpolnitev ciljev, ki si jih je zastavila v preteklem letu. Člani mariborske podružnice smo se udeležili že tradicionalne konference ,Slovenski Kemijski Dnevi, ki so potekali na v Portorožu. Predsedovali smo posameznim sekcijam in sodelovali kot predavatelji. Skrb Mariborske podružnice je tudi stalno izobraževanje članov. V ta namen smo organizirali strokovna predavanja in razne seminarje, na katerih so predavali priznani tuji in domači strokovnjaki. Predavanja so pokrivala pomembna področja teoretične in uporabne kemije, kemijske in procesne tehnike ter kemijskega izobraževanja. V mesecu Maju smo gostili tujega predavatelja dr. Lam Hon Loong iz Univerze Nottingham, Tehnična fakulteta Malezija. Njegovo področje je v okviru procesne tehnike. Prav tako smo v mesecu Maju gostili direktorja podjetja Sanofarm d.o.o. Simona Šutalo, ki se je predstavil s predavanjem iz področja Fitoterapija in njen pomen. V nadaljevanju je predstavil način dela v majhnem in interdisciplinarnem kolektivu. Predavanje je bilo še posebej dobrodošlo za absolvente druge stopnje, ki na nek način zaključujejo ali pa vsaj delno zaključujejo izobraževanje in se začno postavljati na lastne noge. Aktivno smo sodelovali tudi pri mednarodnih poletnih šolah. V mesecu juliju na naši fakulteti potekala 22. mednarodna poletna šola na temo visokotlačnih tehnologij: »ESS-HPT« The Eurpean Summer school in High Pressure Technology, ki jo je organiziral naš Laboratorij za Separacijske procese in produktno tehniko v sodelovanju s Tehnološko fakulteto v Grazu. dr. Regina Fuchs-Godec Poročilo Sekcije za kristalografijo za leto 2017 Sekcija za kristalografijo pri Slovenskem kemijskem društvu je v letu 2017 skupaj s hrvaškim kristalografskim društvom iz Zagreba organizirala 25. (jubilejno) zaporedno srečanje slovenskih in hrvaških kristalografov. Srečanje je potekalo v Sloveniji v Ljubljani v prostorih nove stavbe Fakultete za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo. Kot vsako leto je bila tudi tokrat udeležba mednarodna, zato je bil uradni jezik srečanja angleščina. S sredstvi donatorjev in sponzorjev ter veliko prostovoljnega dela članov sekcije smo uspeli organizirati srečanje tako, da smo obdržali tradicijo, da za udeležence ni bilo kotizacije. Podobno kot na prejšnjih konferencah, so se tudi tokrat povabilu za sodelovanje odzvali ugledni, mednarodno uveljavljeni plenarni predavatelji. To so bili Elena Bol-dyreva (Novosibrisk, Rusija), »High-pressure studies of organic and coordination compounds«; Jeremy Karl Coc-kroft (London, Združeno kraljestvo), »Powder Diffraction: an Essential Complementary Tool for those Skilled in the Art but one with Pitfalls for the Unwary«; Marjan Ma-rinšek (Ljubljana, Slovenija), »Microstructure evolution in cermet anodes for solid oxide fuel cells«; Krešimir Molča-nov (Zagreb, Hrvaška), »Stacking of planar conjugated rings - beyond aromatics«; Dietmar Stalke, (Gottingen, Germany) »More than 100 years of Lewis' diagrams - still valid in the light of charge density?«. Novost na srečanjih je bila dobro obiskana delavnica za uporabo programa Olex2 (prav tako brezplačna za udeležence), ki jo je vodil Horst Puschmann (Durham, Združeno kraljestvo), Konferenca je bila po obisku in po kakovosti prispevkov uspešna. Udeleženci so v 66 prispevkih v obliki predavanj osvetlili številna področja kristalografije. Srečanje je bil tako v strokovnem delu kot na družabnih dogodkih (vodena ekskurzija po Ljubljani z vožnjo po Ljubljanici in večerjo na Ljubljanskem gradu) spet priložnost za izmenjavo spoznanj, navezavo stikov in intenzivno učenje mlajših kolegov. Zaradi omejenih sredstev v raziskovalnih programih ni projektih, smo se slovenski kristalografi v letu 2017 lahko le v omejenem številu (en udeleženec) udeležiti svetovnega kongresa IUCr v Hyderabadu v Indiji. Aktivno poteka delo za pripravo 26. Slovensko- hrvaškega kristalografskega srečanja, ki bo junija 2018 v Po-reču. S hrvaškimi kolegi pa bomo sodelovali tudi pri kandidaturi za organizacijo Evropske konference o praškovni difrakciji. prof. dr. Anton Meden KOLEDAR VAŽNEJŠIH ZNANSTVENIH SREČANJ S PODROČJA KEMIJE IN KEMIJSKE TEHNOLOGIJE SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS -CHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 2018 July 2018_ 1 - 5 Information: 1 - 6 Information: 2 - 6 Information: 3 - 8 Information: 8 - 11 Information: 8 - 12 Information: 8 - 13 Information: 8 - 13 Information: 9 - 13 Information: 10 - 14 Information: 12 - 15 Information: WORLD POLYMER CONGRESS MACRO18 Cairns Queensland, Australia http://www.macro18.org 24th IUPAC INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHYSICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (ICPOC 24) Faro, Portugal http://icpoc24.ualg.pt/ XVI INTERNATIONAL IUPAC CONFERENCE ON HIGH TEMPERATURE MATERIALS CHEMISTRY (HTMC-XVI) Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation http://htmc16.ru/ 5th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON CHEMISTRY FOR CULTURAL HERITAGE (CHEMCH 2018) Bucharest, Romania http://www.chemch2018.ro 8th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS Budapest, Hungary https://www.elsevier.com/icefa-conference PREPA12 - SYMPOSIUM »SCIENTIFIC BASES FOR THE PREPARATION OF HETEROGENEOUS CATALYSTS« Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium https://www.ldorganisation.com/v2/produits.php?langue=english&cle_menus=1238916539 27th IUPAC INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PHOTOCHEMISTRY Dublin, Ireland https://iupac.org/event/27th-iupac-international-symposium-photochemistry/ 22nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHOSPHORUS CHEMISTRY Budapest, Hungary http://www.icpc22.mke.org.hu/ EUROMEMBRANE 2018 Valencia, Spain http://euromembrane2018.org/ 25th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CHEMISTRY EDUCATION ICCE 2018) Sydney, Australia http://www.icce2018.org/ 7th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON SUSTAINABILITY SCIENCE & ENGINEERING Ohaio, USA http://icosse.org/2018 15 - 20 THE 18th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SOLUBILITY PHENOMENA AND RELATED EQUILIBRIUM PROCESSES (ISSP) Tours, France Information: http://isspl8.org/ 15 - 20 28th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY Florence, Italy Information: http://www.icomc20l8.com/ 16 - 17 SUPPORTING FAIR EXCHANGE OF CHEMICAL DATA THROUGH STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT Amsterdam, Netherlands Information: www.go-fair.org 23 - 25 WORLD CONGRESS & EXPO ON CHEMICAL ENGINEERING & CATALYSIS Osaka, Japan Information: https://scientificfederation.com/catalysis-20l8/ 30 - Aug 4 43rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COORDINATION CHEMISTRY Sendai, Japan Information: http://iccc20l8.jp August 2018 _ 12 - 17 18th INTERNATIONAL BIOTECHNOLOGY SYMPOSIUM Montréal, Canada Information: http://ibs20l8montreal.org/ 25 - 29 23rd INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF CHEMICAL AND PROCESS ENGINEERING CHISA 2018 Prague, Czech Republic Information: http://20l8.chisa.cz/ 25 - 29 21st CONFERENCE ON PROCESS INTEGRATION, MODELLING AND OPTIMISATION FOR ENERGY SAVING AND POLLUTION REDUCTION PRES 2018 Prague, Czech Republic Information: http://20l8.chisa.cz/ 26 - 30 ECC7 - 7th EuCheMS CHEMISTRY CONGRESS Liverpool, UK Information: https://www.euchems20l8.org/ 26 - 30 35th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOLUTION CHEMISTRY (ICSC) Szeged, Hungary Information: http://www.mke.org.hu/ICSC20l8 26 - 31 22nd INTERNATIONAL MASS SPECTROMETRY CONFERENCE (IMSC) 2018 Florence, Italy Information: http://www.imsc20l8.it/ 30 - 31 ICOSSE 2018 : 20th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON OPERATING SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Bangkok, Thailand Information: https://www.waset.org/conference/20l8/08/bangkok/ICOSSE 30 - Sep 3 INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL "SUPRAMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY IN MEDICINE AND IN TECHNOLOGY: ADVANCES AND CHALLENGES" Varna, Bulgaria Information: http://supramedchem.orgchm.bas.bg September 2018 2 - 6 Information: SMARTER 6 meeting Ljubljana, Slovenia https://smarter6.ki.si/ 2 - 6 Information: 2 - 6 Information: 2 - 7 Information: 2 - 7 Information: 3 - 7 Information: 4 - 7 Information: 4 - 7 Information: 5 - 7 Information: 5 - 7 Information: 5 - 8 Information: 9 - 12 Information: 9 - 12 Information: 9 - 12 Information: 9 - 13 Information: 9 - 14 Information: EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH IN CHEMICAL EDUCATION (ECRICE) Warsaw, Poland http://www.ecrice2018.pl/ EFMC-ISMC 2018 - XXV EFMC INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY Ljubljana, Slovenia www.efmc-ismc.org 69th ANNUAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF ELECTROCHEMISTRY Bologna, Italy http://annual69.ise-online.org/ 32nd CONFERENCE OF EUROPEAN COLLOID AND INTERFACE SOCIETY (ECIS) Ljubljana, Slovenia http://ecis2018.fkkt.uni-lj.si/index.html 25th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGH RESOLUTION MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY - BILBAO 2018 Bilbao, Spain http://www.chem.uni-wuppertal.de/conference/ 12th CONFERENCE ON POLYMER-SOLVENT COMPLEXES AND INTERCALATES (POLYSOLVAT-12) Grenoble, France https://iupac.org/event/12th-conference-polymer-solvent-complexes-intercalates-polysolvat-12/ N-LIGANDS2018 - 7th EuCheMS CONFERENCE ON NITROGEN-LIGANDS Lisbon, Portugal http://www.n-ligands2018.com/ ADVANCED INORGANIC MATERIALS GREEN AND UNCONVENTIONAL SYNTHESIS APPROACHES AND FUNCTIONAL ASSESSMENT (AIM 2018) Padova, Italy http://www.chimica.unipd.it/silvia.gross/workshop/home.html TBMCE 2018 - THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TECHNOLOGIES AND BUSINESS MODELS FOR CIRCULAR ECONOMY Portorož, Slovenia https://tbmce.um.si 15th EURASIA CONFERENCE ON CHEMICAL SCIENCES Rome, Italy http://www.eurasia2018.org 24th CONFERENCE ON ISOPRENOIDS Bialystok, Poland https://isoprenoids-24.uwb.edu.pl/ 12th EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES Lisbon, Portugal http://esbes2018.org/ 16th EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON MIXING Toulouse, France http://inpact.inp-toulouse.fr/MIXING16/ EUROPEAN CORROSION CONGRESS Prague, Czech Republic http://www.eurocorr2018.org/ 8th IUPAC INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GREEN CHEMISTRY Bangkok, Thailand http://www.greeniupac2018.com 10 - 14 Information: 13 - 15 Information: 16 - 19 Information: 16 - 21 Information: 16 - 21 Information: 17 - 18 Information: 18 - 21 Information: 19 - 21 Information: 19 - 21 Information: 19 - 22 Information: 24 - 27 Information: 30 - Okt. 3 Information: 30 - Okt. 4 Information: 9th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR CONVEYING AND HANDLING OF PARTICULATE SOLIDS London, UK http://www.constableandsmith.com/events/chops-2018/ 2nd EDITION OF GLOBAL CONFERENCE ON CATALYSIS, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (CAT-2018) Rome, Italy https://catalysis-conferences.magnusgroup.org/ DISTILLATION & ABSORPTION CONFERENCE 2018 Florence, Italy http://www.aidic.it/da2018/ 22nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ORGANIC SYNTHESIS (22-ICOS) Florence, Italy http://www.22-icos-florence.it 13th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY Pardubice, Czech Republic http://www.ssc-conference.com/2018/ 4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Vancouver, Canada https://chemicalengineering.conferenceseries.com/ 11th INTERNATIONAL DRYING SYMPOSIUM Valencia, Spain http://www.ids2018.webs.upv.es/ SLOVENIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING 2018 Portorož, Slovenia http://chem-soc.si/scs-annual-meeting-2018 17th RUŽIČKA DAYS »TODAY SCIENCE - TOMORROW INDUSTRY« Vukovar, Croatia http://www.ptfos.unios.hr/ruzicka/2014/ 25th CONGRESS OF THE SOCIETY OF CHEMISTS AND TECHNOLOGISTS OF MACEDONIA Ohrid, Macedonia http://www.sctm.mk/congress/index.php/SCTM/25Congress XII ITALIAN FOOD CHEMISTRY CONGRESS (CHIMALI 2018) Camerino, Italy http://chimali2018.unicam.it/ 5th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON GREEN CHEMISTRY, SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND CIRCULAR ECONOMY Skiathos island, Greece http://greenchem5.civil.auth.gr/ 13th CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF ENERGY, WATER AND ENVIRONMENT SYSTEMS - SDEWES CONFERENCE Palermo, Italy http://www.palermo2018.sdewes.org October 2018 4 - 5 2nd SYMPOSIUM ON ORGANIC AND INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, SOUTHERN AFRICA Gaborone, Botswana Information: https://www.chalmers.se/en/conference/Organic_Inorganic_Chemistry 4 - 5 INTERNATIONAL SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION CONFERENCE Manchester, UK Information: http://www.icheme.org/ispcc 7 - 12 Information: 10 - 12 Information: 14 - 17 Information: 14 - 18 Information: 16 - 19 Information: 18 - 19 Information: 19 - 21 Information: 21 - 24 Information: 24 - 25 Information: 28 - 31 Information: 27th EUCHEMS CONFERENCE ON MOLTEN SALTS AND IONIC LIQUIDS (EUCHEMSIL2018) Lisboa, Portugal http://www.euchemsil2018.org/ EAST-WEST CHEMISTRY CONFERENCE 2018 (EWCC2018) Lviv, Ukraine http://ewcc2018.org/ 4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOINSPIRED AND BIOBASED CHEMISTRY & MATERIALS Nice, France http://www.unice.fr/nice-conference/ 14th IUPAC INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PESTICIDE CHEMISTRY Rio de Janeiro, Brazil https://iupac.org/event/14th-iupac-international-congress-of-pesticide-chemistry/ IBERO AMERICAN CHEMISTRY CONGRESS Lima, Peru http://sqperu.org.pe/congreso-2018/ INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ENERGETIC MATERIALS Istanbul, Turkey http://iwem2018.istanbul.edu.tr 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF CHEMISTS AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERS OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina http://www.pmf.unsa.ba/hemija/kongres/index.php/en 15th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MICROREACTION TECHNOLOGY Karlsruhe, Germany http://dechema.de/en/IMRET2018.html IES2018 - 25th SEMINAR AND SYMPOSIUM ON INFORMATION AND EXPERT SYSTEMS IN THE PROCESS INDUSTRIES Belgrade, Serbia http://bg.ac.rs/en/members/faculties/FTM.php XXIX INTERAMERICAN CONGRESS OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING INCORPORATING THE 68th CANADIAN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING CONFERENCE Toronto, Canada http://www.csche2018.ca/ Nnvpmbpr 2018 4 - 7 2018 - SUSTAINABLE INDUSTRIAL PROCESSING SUMMIT Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Information: https://www.flogen.org/sips2018/ 4 - 8 EMERGING POLYMER TECHNOLOGIES SUMMIT Hanoi, Vietnam Information: http://emts 18. org/index.html 5 - 7 MicrobiotaMi 2018 Milano, Italy Information: https://microbiotami.com/ 5 - 9 XXIII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CHEMICAL REACTORS Ghent, Belgium Information: http://conf.nsc.ru/CR_23/en/ 7 - 9 14th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON POLYSACCHARIDES-GLYCOSCIENCE (14th ICPG) Praha, Czech Republic Information: http://www.polysaccharides.csch.cz/index.html 25 - 29 30th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON THE CHEMISTRY OF NATURAL PRODUCTS AND THE 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON BIODIVERSITY Athens, Greece Information: http://www.iscnp30-icobl0.org/ 2019 January 2019 29 Information: IYPT2019 OPENING CEREMONY Paris, France http://www.iypt20l9.org/ February 2019 12 Information: EMPOWERING WOMEN IN CHEMISTRY: A GLOBAL NETWORKING EVENT Online https://iupac.org/100/global-breakfast/ March 2019 31 - Apr. 4 Information: AIChE SPRING MEETING 2019 AND 15th GLOBAL CONGRESS ON PROCESS SAFETY New Orleans, USA https://www.aiche.org/conferences/aiche-spring-meeting-and-global-congress-on-process-safety/2019 May 2019 19 - 24 Information: 14th IUPAC INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF CROP PROTECTION CHEMISTRY Ghent, Belgium https://www.iupac2019.be June 2019 _ 2 - 6 Information: 16 - 19 Information: 16 - 20 Information: 14th international symposium on macrocyclic and supramolecular CHEMISTRY Lecce, Italy https://ismsc2019.eu/ LOSS PREVENTION 2019 Delft, The Netherlands http://lossprevention2019.org/ 17th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CHEMISTRY AND THE ENVIRONMENT - ICCE2019 Thessaloniki, Greece http://www.euchems.eu/ events/17th-international-conference-chemistry-environment-icce2019/ 16 - 20 12th IWA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WATER RECLAMATION AND REUSE Berlin, Germany Information: http://efce.info/IWA+Conference+2019.html 26 - 28 THERMODYNAMICS 2019 Huelva, Spain Information: http://efce.info/Thermodynamics+2019.html 26 - 30 6th EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENTAL APPLICATIONS OF ADVANCED OXIDATION PROCESSES (EAAOP-6) Portorož, Slovenia Information: http://eaaop6.ki.si/ July 2019 _ 1 - 3 Information: 5 - 12 Information: 21 - 26 Information: 30 - Aug. 1 Information: CONGRESS ON NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING Guimaräes, Portugal www.cmn2019.pt IUPAC 2019 PARIS FRANCE Paris, France https://www.iupac2019.org/ THE 18th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON NOVEL AROMATIC COMPOUNDS (ISNA-18) Sapporo City, Japan https://iupac.org/event/18th-international-symposium-novel-aromatic-compounds-isna-18/ 8th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR NETWORK FOR INTER-ASIAN CHEMISTRY EDUCATORS (NICE) Taipei, Taiwan https://iupac.org/event/8th-international-conference-network-inter-asian-chemistry-educators/ September 2019 15 - 19 Information: 25 - 27 Information: 11th EUROPEAN CONGRESS OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING - ECCE11 & 4th EUROPEAN CONGRESS OF APPLIED BIOTECHNOLOGY - ECAB5 Florence, Italy http://efce.info/ECCE12_ECAB5-p-112545.html SLOVENIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING 2019 Maribor, Slovenia http://chem-soc.si/slovenski-kemijski-dnevi-2019 Acta Chimica Slovenica Author Guidelines Submissions Submission to ACSi is made with the implicit understanding that neither the manuscript nor the essence of its content has been published in whole or in part and that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere. All the listed authors should have agreed on the content and the corresponding (submitting) author is responsible for having ensured that this agreement has been reached. The acceptance of an article is based entirely on its scientific merit, as judged by peer review. There are no page charges for publishing articles in ACSi. The authors are asked to read the Author Guidelines carefully to gain an overview and assess if their manuscript is suitable for ACSi. Additional information • Citing spectral and analytical data • Depositing X-ray data Submission material Typical submission consists of: • full manuscript (PDF file, with title, authors, abstract, keywords, figures and tables embedded, and references) • supplementary files - Full manuscript (original Word file) - Statement of novelty (Word file) - List of suggested reviewers (Word file) - ZIP file containing graphics (figures, illustrations, images, photographs) - Graphical abstract (single graphics file) - Proposed cover picture (optional, single graphics file) - Appendices (optional, Word files, graphics files) Incomplete or not properly prepared submissions will be rejected. Submission process Before submission, authors should go through the checklist at the bottom of the page and prepare for submission. Submission process consists of 5 steps. Step 1: Starting the submission • Choose one of the journal sections. • Confirm all the requirements of the checklist. • Additional plain text comments for the editor can be provided in the re I evant text field. Step 2: Upload submission • Up I oad full manuscript in the form of a Word file (with titl e, authors, abstract, keywords, figures and tables embedded, and references). Step 3: Enter metadata • First name, last name, contact email and af I iation for all authors, in re I evant order, must be provided. Corresponding author has to be se I ected. Full postal address and phone number of the corresponding author has to be provided. • Title and abstract must be provided in plain text. • Keywords must be provided (max. 6, separated by semicolons). • Data about contributors and supporting agencies may be entered. • References in plain text must be provided in the rel evant text filed. Step 4: Upload supplementary files • Original Word file (original of the PDF uploaded in the step 2) • Statement of novelty in a Word file must be uploaded • All graphics have to be up I oaded in a single ZIP file. Graphics should be named Figure 1.jpg, Figure 2.eps, etc. • Graphical abstract image must be uploaded separately • Proposed cover picture (optional) should be up-l oaded separatel y. • Any additional appendices (optional) to the paper may be uploaded. Appendices may be published as a supplementary material to the paper, if accepted. • For each uploaded file the author is asked for additional metadata which may be provided. Depending of the type of the file please provide the relevant title (Statement of novelty, List of suggested reviewers, Figures, Graphical abstract, Proposed cover picture, Appendix). Step 5: Confirmation • Final confirmation is required. Article Types Feature Articles are contributions that are written on editor's invitation. They should be clear and concise summaries of the most recent activity of the author and his/her research group written with the broad scope of ACSi in mind. They are intended to be general overviews of the authors' subfield of research but should be written in a way that engages and informs scientists in other areas. They should contain the following (see also general directions for article structure in ACSi below): (1) an introduction that acquaints readers with the authors' research field and outlines the important questions to which answers are being sought; (2) interesting, new, and recent contributions of the author(s) to the field; and (3) a summary that presents possible future directions. Manuscripts normally should not exceed 40 pages of one column format (letter size 12, 33 lines per page). Generally, experts in a field who have made important contribution to a specific topic in recent years will be invited by an editor to contribute such an Invited Feature Article. Individuals may, however, send a proposal (one-page maximum) for an Invited Feature Article to the Editorin-Chief for consideration. Scientific articles should report significant and innovative achievements in chemistry and related sciences and should exhibit a high level of originality. They should have the following structure: 1. Tit I e (max. 150 characters), 2. Authors and af I iations, 3. Abstract (max. 1000 characters), 4. Keywords (max. 6), 5. Introduction, 6. Experimental, 7. Results and Discussion, 8. ConcI usions, 9. Acknowledgements, 10.References. The sections should be arranged in the sequence generally accepted for publications in the respective fields and should be successively numbered. Short communications generally follow the same order of sections as Scientific articles, but should be short (max. 2500 words) and report a significant aspect of research work meriting separate publication. Editors may decide that a Scientific paper is categorized as a Short Communication if its length is short. Technical articles report applications of an already described innovation. Typically, technical articles are not based on new experiments. Preparation of Submissions Text of the submitted articles must be prepared with Microsoft Word. Normal style set to single column, 1.5 line spacing, and 12 pt Times New Roman font is recommended. Line numbering (continuous, for the whole document) must be enabled to simplify the reviewing process. For any other format, please consult the editor. Articles should be written in English. Correct spelling and grammar are the sole responsibility of the author(s). Papers should be written in a concise and succinct manner. The authors shall respect the ISO 80000 standard [1], and IUPAC Green Book [2] rules on the names and symbols of quantities and units. The Système International d'Unités (SI) must be used for all dimensional quantities. Graphics (figures, graphs, illustrations, digital images, photographs) should be inserted in the text where appropriate. The captions should be self-explanatory. Lettering should be readable (suggested 8 point Arial font) with equal size in all figures. Use common programs such as MS Excel or similar to prepare figures (graphs) and ChemDraw to prepare structures in their final size. Width of graphs in the manuscript should be 8 cm. Only in special cases (in case of numerous data, visibility issues) graphs can be 17 cm wide. All graphs in the manuscript should be inserted in relevant places and aligned left. The same graphs should be provided separately as images of appropriate resolution (see below) and submitted together in a ZIP file (Graphics ZIP). Please do not submit figures as a Word file. In graphs, only the graph area determined by both axes should be in the frame, while a frame around the whole graph should be omitted. The graph area should be white. The legend should be inside the graph area. The style of all graphs should be the same. Figures and illustrations should be of sufficient quality for the printed version, i.e. 300 dpi minimum. Digital images and photographs should be of high quality (minimum 250 dpi resolution). On submission, figures should be of good enough resolution to be assessed by the referees, ideally as JPEGs. High-resolution figures (in JPEG, TIFF, or EPS format) might be required if the paper is accepted for publication. Tables should be prepared in the Word file of the paper as usual Word tables. The captions should appear above the table and should be self-explanatory. References should be numbered and ordered sequentially as they appear in the text, likewise methods, tables, figure captions. When cited in the text, reference numbers should be superscripted, following punctuation marks. It is the sole responsibility of authors to cite articles that have been submitted to a journal or were in print at the time of submission to ACSi. Formatting of references to published work should follow the journal style; please also consult a recent issue: 1. J. W. Smith, A. G. White, Acta Chim. Slov. 2008, 55, 1055-1059. 2. M. F. Kemmere, T. F. Keurentjes, in: S. P. Nunes, K. V. Peinemann (Ed.): Membrane Technology in the Chemical Industry, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 2008, pp. 229-255. 3. J. Levec, Arrangement and process for oxidizing an aqueous medium, US Patent Number 5,928,521, date of patent July 27, 1999. 4. L. A. Bursill, J. M. Thomas, in: R. Sersale, C. Coll e I a, R. Aiell o (Eds.), Recent Progress Report and Discussions: 5th International Zeo I ite Conference, Naples, Italy, 1980, Gianini, Naples, 1981, pp. 25-30. 5. J. Szegezdi, F. Csizmadia, Prediction of dissociation constant using microconstants, http://www. che-maxon.com/conf/Prediction_of_dissociation _con-stant_using_microco nstants.pdf, (assessed: March 31, 2008) Titles of journals should be abbreviated according to Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index (CASSI). Special Notes • Complete characterization, including crystal structure, should be given when the synthesis of new compounds in crystal form is reported. • Numerical data should be reported with the number of significant digits corresponding to the magnitude of experimental uncertainty. • The SI system of units and IUPAC recommendations for nomenclature, symbols and abbreviations should be followed closely. Additionally, the authors should follow the general guidelines when citing spectral and analytical data, and depositing crystallographic data. • Characters should be correctly represented throughout the manuscript: for example, 1 (one) and l (ell), 0 (zero) and O (oh), x (ex), D7 (times sign), B0 (degree sign). Use Symbol font for all Greek letters and mathematical symbols. • The rules and recommendations of the IUBMB and the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) should be used for abbreviation of chemical names, nomenclature of chemical compounds, enzyme nomenclature, isotopic compounds, optically active isomers, and spectroscopic data. • A conflict of interest occurs when an individual (author, reviewer, editor) or its organization is involved in multiple interests, one of which could possibly corrupt the motivation for an act in the other. Financial relationships are the most easily identifiable conflicts of interest, while conflicts can occur also as personal relationships, academic competition, etc. The Editors will make effort to ensure that conflicts of interest will not compromise the evaluation process; potential editors and reviewers will be asked to exempt themselves from review process when such conflict of interest exists. When the manuscript is submitted for publication, the authors are expected to disclose any relationships that might pose potential conflict of interest with respect to results reported in that manuscript. In the Acknowledgement section the source of funding support should be mentioned. The statement of disclosure must be provided as Comments to Editor during the submission process. • Published statement of Informed Consent. Research described in papers submitted to ACSi must adhere to the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki (http://www.wma.net/e/policy/ b3.htm). These studies must be approved by an appropriate institutional review board or committee, and informed consent must be obtained from subjects. The Methods section of the paper must include: 1) a statement of protocol approval from an institutional review board or committee and 2), a statement that informed consent was obtained from the human subjects or their representatives. • Published Statement of Human and Animal Rights.When reporting experiments on human subjects, authors should indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional and national) and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2008. If doubt exists whether the research was conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration, the authors must explain the rationale for their approach and demonstrate that the institutional review body explicitly approved the doubtful aspects of the study. When reporting experiments on animals, authors should indicate whether the institutional and national guide for the care and use of laboratory animals was followed. • To avoid conflict of interest between authors and referees we expect that not more than one referee is from the same country as the corresponding au-thor(s), however, not from the same institution. • Contributions authored by Slovenian scientists are evaluated by non-Slovenian referees. • Papers describing microwave-assisted reactions performed in domestic microwave ovens are not considered for publication in Acta Chimica Slovenica. • Manuscripts that are not prepared and submitted in accord with the instructions for authors are not considered for publication. Appendices Authors are encouraged to make use of supporting information for publication, which is supplementary material (appendices) that is submitted at the same time as the manuscript. It is made available on the Journal's web site and is linked to the article in the Journal's Web edition. The use of supporting information is particularly appropriate for presenting additional graphs, spectra, tables and discussion and is more likely to be of interest to specialists than to general readers. When preparing supporting information, authors should keep in mind that the supporting information files will not be edited by the editorial staff. In addition, the files should be not too large (upper limit 10 MB) and should be provided in common widely known file formats to be accessible to readers without difficulty. All files of supplementary materials are loaded separately during the submission process as supplementary files. Proposed Cover Picture and Graphical Abstract Image Graphical content: an ideally full-colour illustration of resolution 300 dpi from the manuscript must be proposed with the submission. Graphical abstract pictures are printed in size 6.5 x 4 cm (hence minimal resolution of 770 x 470 pixels). Cover picture is printed in size 11 x 9.5 cm (hence minimal resolution of 1300 x 1130 pixels) Authors are encouraged to submit illustrations as candidates for the journal Cover Picture*. The illustration must be related to the subject matter of the paper. Usually both proposed cover picture and graphical abstract are the same, but authors may provide different pictures as well. * The authors will be asked to contribute to the costs of the cover picture production. Statement of novelty Statement of novelty is provided in a Word file and submitted as a supplementary file in step 4 of submission process. Authors should in no more than 100 words emphasize the scientific novelty of the presented research. Do not repeat for this purpose the content of your abstract. List of suggested reviewers List of suggested reviewers is a Word file submitted as a supplementary file in step 4 of submission process. Authors should propose the names, full affiliation (department, institution, city and country) and e-mail addresses of three potential referees. Field of expertise and at least two references relevant to the scientific field of the submitted manuscript must be provided for each of the suggested reviewers. The referees should be knowledgeable about the subject but have no close connection with any of the authors. In addition, referees should be from institutions other than (and preferably countries other than) those of any of the authors. How to Submit Users registered in the role of author can start submission by choosing USER HOME link on the top of the page, then choosing the role of the Author and follow the relevant link for starting the submission process. Prior to submission we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the ACSi style by browsing the journal, particularly if you have not submitted to the ACSi before or recently. Correspondence All correspondence with the ACSi editor regarding the paper goes through this web site and emails. Emails are sent and recorded in the web site database. In the correspondence with the editorial office please provide ID number of your manuscript. All emails you receive from the system contain relevant links. Please do not answer the emails directly but use the embedded links in the emails for carrying out relevant actions. Alternatively, you can carry out all the actions and correspondence through the online system by logging in and selecting relevant options. Proofs Proofs will be dispatched via e-mail and corrections should be returned to the editor by e-mail as quickly as possible, normally within 48 hours of receipt. Typing errors should be corrected; other changes of contents will be treated as new submissions. Submission Preparation Checklist As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines. 1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it under consideration for publication in any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor). 2. All the listed authors have agreed on the content and the corresponding (submitting) author is responsible for having ensured that this agreement has been reached. 3. The submission files are in the correct format: manuscript is created in MS Word but will be submitted in PDF (for reviewers) as well as in original MS Word format (as a supplementary file for technical editing); diagrams and graphs are created in Excel and saved in one of the file formats: TIFF, EPS or JPG; illustrations are also saved in one of these formats. The preferred position of graphic files in a document is to embed them close to the place where they are mentioned in the text (See Author guidelines for details). 4. The manuscript has been examined for spelling and grammar (spell checked). 5. The title (maximum 150 characters) briefly explains the contents of the manuscript. 6. Full names (first and last) of all authors together with the affiliation address are provided. Name of author(s) denoted as the corresponding author(s), together with their e-mail address, full postal address and telephone/fax numbers are given. 7. The abstract states the objective and conc I usions of the research concisely in no mo re than 150 words. 8. Keywords (minimum three, maximum six) are provided. 9. Statement of novelty (maximum 100 words) clearly explaining new findings reported in the manuscript should be prepared as a separate Word file. 10. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author guidelines. 11. Text in normal style is set to single column, 1.5 line spacing, and 12 pt. Times New Roman font is recommended. All tables, figures and illustrations have appropriate captions and are placed within the text at the appropriate points. 12. Mathematical and chemical equations are provided in separate lines and numbered (Arabic numbers) consecutively in parenthesis at the end of the line. All equation numbers are (if necessary) appropriately included in the text. Corresponding numbers are checked. 13. Tables, Figures, illustrations, are prepared in correct format and resolution (see Author guidelines). 14. The lettering used in the figures and graphs do not vary greatly in size. The recommended lettering size is 8 point Arial. 15. Separate files for each figure and illustration are prepared. The names (numbers) of the separate files are the same as they appear in the text. All the figure files are packed for uploading in a single ZIP file. 16. Authors have read special notes and have accordingly prepared their manuscript (if necessary). 17. References in the text and in the References are correctly cited. (see Author guidelines). All references mentioned in the Reference list are cited in the text, and vice versa. 18. Permission has been obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources (including the Web). 19. The names, full affiliation (department, institution, city and country), e-mail addresses and references of three potential referees from institutions other than (and preferably countries other than) those of any of the authors are prepared in the word file. At least two relevant references (important papers with high impact factor, head positions of departments, labs, research groups, etc.) for each suggested reviewer must be provided. 20. Full-colour illustration or graph from the manuscript is proposed for graphical abstract. 21. Appendices (if appropriate) as supplementary material are prepared and will be submitted at the same time as the manuscript. Privacy Statement The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made availab I e for any other purpose or to any other party. ISSN: 1580-3155 Koristni naslovi Slovensko kemijsko druStva stovwifan chwnicaf society Slovensko kemijsko društvo www.chem-soc.si e-mail: chem.soc@ki.si Wessex Institute of Technology www.wessex .ac.uk SETAC www.setac.org European Water Association http://www.ewa-online.eu/ European Science Foundation www. esf .org o EFCE European Federation of Chemical Engineering https://efce.info/ International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry https://iupac.org/ „h * Novice europske zveze kemijskih društev (EuCheMS) naj'dete na: EuCheMS: Brussels News Updates http://www.euchems.eu/newsletters/ Planetarni centrifugalni mikser ARM-310CE [Tj (M Brezkontaktno mešanje in disperzija Tudi za zelo viskozne materiale v Širok spekter uporabe Atraktivna cena Donau Lab d.o.o., Ljubljana Tbilisijska 85 SI-1000 Ljubljana www.donaulab.si office-si@donaulab.com * j* .ST.ü, SLOVENSKI KEMIJSKI DNEVI 2018 PLENARNI PREDAVATELJI 19. - 21. SEPTEMBER KONGRESNI CENTER GRAND HOTEL BERNARDIN PORTORO Ž o Slovensko kemijsko društvo SJovenion Chem/coi Society prof. dr. Markus Antonietti Max-Planck inštitut, Potsdam, Nemčija U prof. dr. Zdravko Kravanja Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, Univerza v Mariboru prof. dr. Paolo Fornasiero Univerza v Trstu, Italija prof. dr. Janez Plavec Kemijski inštitut, Ljubljana REG I ST RAC IJ E: http://www.chem-soc.si/slovenski-kemijski-dnevi-2018 BODITE NEUSTAVLJIVI MAGNEZIJ Krka 300 I Mg+B? Granulat za pripravo napitka vsebuje magnezijev citrat in vitamin B2 t Magnezij in vitamin B2 prispevata k zmanjševanju utrujenosti in izčrpanosti ter normalnemu delovanju živčnega sistema. Magnezij prispeva tudi k delovanju mišic. MAGNEZIJ Krka 300 granulat za napitek "«NEajbvciTiUTMrr,^,^ «mit lil ju Mg www.magnezijkrka.si '^krkk^P @ Okus po pomaranči in limeti. @ Brez konzervansov. ® Brez umetnih barvil, arom in sladil. ® Ena vrečka na dan. 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