UDK: 903(520) COPYRIGHT ©: KAWASHIMA TAKAMUNE Increase of Food Consumption in the Late and Final Jomon Period KAWASHIMA Takamune (J IIM^)* Abstract The existence of hereditary ranked society within Jomon culture has been one of the main topics in Jomon studies. In this paper, I will focus on food processing and the consumption of food within Jomon settlements. Ethnographical examples imply that a large amount of food was consumed during feasting in complex societies. The archeological evidence indicates increased food consumption during the Late and Final Jomon periods, but these are not usually explained in terms of feasting. The development of technology for food preparation should have been related to food consumption. As it is thought that the size and frequency of feasting is related to the degree of social structure, I will try to examine the social complexity of Jomon society in relation to feasting. Keywords: Jomon, feasting, ritual, hunter-gatherers, social complexity Ttfc. ftAPS^'^ft'if'^iffl^tt^ 5 ^ Kawashima Takamune, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tennoudai 1-1-1, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki, 305-8571, Japan. E-mail: k_takamune@hotmail.com ftfftTftftfcS¿#¿bftSo ftt^fttft b^ttSo ^-7-K: fix is, m, ftfti»« 1 fiCfct PMftbft, ^ü^to^lSiKtté^ft^tbS (Sassaman 2004, mm 2001) o (ft^—z^ 1995, Binford 2001) , (mm 2007) o ¿ftb^, ts ¿bftbftt^So «IS^ftfgftKf^ft« Lft ft b^s^éftftftft^ft t^So fftttéftftíglS^ftfttftV^««, t^S (W 1999, ^ffl 1990) o (^ffl 2003 • 2005, ^^ 2005) , ^fEM^ • • BAW (W 2002) o to^tttlffl^b ft ftft^ft ^¿¿ftS (^ffl 2005) o ftlftiJftMft^Mft^CS Lfcftot, K^^ft M^ftlÜIft tSiIftfcS (Hayden 1995 •2001a) o ft, 2008) o 2 itLTi^ib^T^S (^ffi 1996, fe** 2007, Sfi 2004) . oTVS. < LT^S^, ffiA^^m-^ b^fct^i^^S (fe** 2007a, Sfi 2004, M 2007) . ^Wfttt, ioTlofcf¿^TV fco /Ri® , (fe** 2007a:57) , iittSilti^b^Si? tftofctViS. ffiA^ tftSo tt ^S^, ffiA^^m • iWt^Hft^ili^iii^TVSr t TVS. « • ^¿^TVfcrtf t ll#tttftV£'6 5 o m C^i^SW^tiffltS t m•ba, tatab •^^^^^^ ffliLtfc^, (^ffi 1996, ^^ * 2007a) 0 2007b) y ©t^xa^ü ¡9 MI • BAW©« 5 1994) o K^y© 3-5 Tl^S (^ffl 1975:145) o bftttA^^T^i^^^gffe 5 (Si 2004, 2007b) o^9, mwwa^w * 2007b:230) o fcfe, ^itWt^itS^Süttit bb^fc¿ ti t¿ 9 fe^So tfa, ^MM^a^WA^bmWW^MtS/Ra®« (SX017) 1997) o Ml^lP® ¿tS rUj ilttlff^ 17m, 20m tfeSo ibnSo ffl±tit SX017 figtt^S©t*fU 1998) o #t®ti±ll t t ©g^tfefc S C5 (M1 ®) o rn»SX048 ^^^¿ts^rn Hitfc^, SX048 ©M^© SX077 ^^¿^¿ntv^So u ibn, 3m ©rEffltt^nt^So 5.2m tiSo nt^So SX048 ^t^bnt^Srt^b, ^^^^^^¿nt^S^itttfci, SX077 ft^tStfibnSo SX048 »^W 14.5m, 4.6m ©ffi^^tSo l^ttiot 2 o© i^nfc^itt^feSo fcfct, oTVSo SX048 tfSftgtS C5 % 1 0 tffirni C5 E 1998% 24 0£9) SX048 «ffiUJftft SX070 • 071 • 072 SX048 SX048 ttfti^DfimftfeSo SX071 -072 ft-Mitt5ft, ^IHM^ ftTOftfeft MilftftbBAr^ftftMtSt^ftbftft^So SX070 MtSt^ftbftS C8 |xftft SX075 (M 2 0) o ^^ftft SX075 ftfig Ln MUMffift SX074 • 056 • 053 ft, ^UJft SX041 • 054 ft#ftt5o SX053 ft/ 5.5m «ffi^ft, • ftM • f£gLftfe9, 0.5m «^«Wft^^tft^ftftft SX054 ft^®/ 3m «ffiSft fe 9 , ^ftftft bftft^o b t £ SX056 • 074 ftft|£Wtilftffi±Lft^5o ¿'^bfetrt^^bftri SX041 1.3m Eft« «ftMftSift^ftWft^ftftftbftft^fto MUJftfigtS SX075 t« ^ftftftMt^Wft^ftbftft^So M 3.2m, m® 3.5m «^ftftBAr^T^ftftf^tftSrtftftBAr^ftb^ft^mi« ^rt^ftft^So pgts SX075 l^Sftft, SX075 SX075 2m ft, 0.7m ftfeSo Mftftgftoftt^ftSo txtb ft ft M 2 m ^»^ttW C8 IX 1998M 162 m£9) SX041 ©i5tiwt t, SX048 ©i5 ts^^li^to ilt#fctSo SX048 »T^t SX077 i^nfct^^bn, SX041»SX075 t-®sst5©t, rnb©ira ^©^H tiofctfc 65o 3 tt©ttK- t ttttttmi tS^, M»tMtS*Mml©#< bn, ^»it^b, ^■ fi^tfi^tfcri^nt^fcttbibnt^S (^ffi 1996, fe** 2007a) o rnb©*tllt»^©i5iffi®^fcri^nfc© 5 ^o < ¥ (S^ 2004, M 2007) , ffi^itfl • I it# tt»i^©t, bA©T^ftt^ffl© tW^©Attnii\ tAti^b, iit^IMl^b bfi^i bnSo ffiA^t bA^0 bAt»ii *»»i& ttt^fct»%ibnf, *M»i»*^tffl^bntwc©tfe6 5o tAt, 3f9A©i5tSi^ (1-3 0) tT^ftt^tti^t tntA #tf^iftiffltSfcfct^fi^ttiftS^i©bA Ai9©^lA^It¿nStfffl¿nSo ffiA^^m-IWt^ t An«¿At < tt tt&bA, t^t ^tt